83_FR_40237 83 FR 40081 - Royalty Policy Committee; Public Meeting

83 FR 40081 - Royalty Policy Committee; Public Meeting

Office of the Secretary

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 156 (August 13, 2018)

Page Range40081-40082
FR Document2018-17346

This notice announces the fourth meeting of the Royalty Policy Committee (Committee). This meeting is open to the public.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 156 (Monday, August 13, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 156 (Monday, August 13, 2018)]
[Pages 40081-40082]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-17346]



Office of the Secretary

[Docket No. ONRR-2012-0003, DS63600000 DR2000000.PMN000 189D0102R2]

Royalty Policy Committee; Public Meeting

AGENCY: Office of Natural Resources Revenue, Interior.

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: This notice announces the fourth meeting of the Royalty Policy 
Committee (Committee). This meeting is open to the public.

DATES: The Committee meeting will be held on Thursday, September 13, 
2018, in Lakewood, CO, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Mountain Time.

ADDRESSES: The Committee meeting will be held at the Denver Federal 
Center Building 85, located at Sixth Avenue and Kipling Street, Denver, 
CO 80225. Members of the public may attend in person (Photo ID required 
at visitors' gate) or view documents and presentations under discussion 
via WebEx at https://onrr.webex.com/onrr/j.php?MTID=m8b07b197593ce80917ef1715ae9f262a and listen to the 
proceedings at telephone number 1-888-469-0854 or International Toll 
number 517-319-9462 (passcode: 9724702).

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Chris Mentasti, Office of Natural 
Resources Revenue at (202) 513-0614 or email to [email protected].

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The U.S. Department of the Interior 
established the Committee on April 21, 2017, under the authority of the 
Secretary of the Interior and regulated by the Federal Advisory 
Committee Act. The purpose of the Committee is to ensure that the 
public receives the full value of resources produced from Federal 
lands. The duties of the Committee are solely advisory in nature. More 
information about the Committee, including its charter, is available at 
    Meeting Agenda: At the September meeting, the Committee will 

[[Page 40082]]

reports and recommendations from the three subcommittees, and may vote 
to make recommendations to the Secretary of the Interior. The final 
agenda and meeting materials will be posted on the Committee website at 
www.doi.gov/rpc. All Committee meetings are open to the public.
    Whenever possible, we encourage those participating by telephone to 
gather in conference rooms in order to share teleconference lines. 
Please plan to dial into the meeting and/or log into WebEx at least 10-
15 minutes prior to the scheduled start time in order to avoid possible 
technical difficulties. We will accommodate individuals with special 
needs whenever possible. If you require special assistance (such as an 
interpreter for the hearing impaired), please notify Interior staff in 
advance of the meeting at 202-513-0614 or [email protected].
    We will post the minutes from these proceedings on the Committee 
website at www.doi.gov/rpc, and they will also be available for public 
inspection and copying at our office at the Stewart Lee Udall 
Department of the Interior Building in Washington, DC, by contacting 
Interior staff via email to [email protected] or via telephone at 202-
    Public Comments: Members of the public may choose to make a public 
comment during the designated time for public comments. Members of the 
public may also choose to submit written comments by mailing them to 
the Office of Natural Resources Revenue, Attention: RPC, 1849 C Street 
NW, MS 5134, Washington, DC 20240. You also can email your written 
comments to [email protected]. You must submit written comments by close 
of business Friday, September 7, 2018, to have them distributed to the 
Committee for review prior to the meeting.
    Public Disclosure of Comments: Comments that you submit in response 
to this notice are a matter of public record. Before including your 
address, phone number, email address, or other personal identifying 
information in your comment, you should be aware that your entire 
comment--including your personal identifying information--may be made 
publicly available at any time. While you may ask us in your comment to 
withhold your personal identifying information from public review, we 
cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so.

    Authority:  5 U.S.C. Appendix 2.

Vincent DeVito,
Counselor to the Secretary for Energy Policy.
[FR Doc. 2018-17346 Filed 8-10-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 156 / Monday, August 13, 2018 / Notices                                                  40081

                                                Public Availability of Comments                         the consultation, in combination with                 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:    Ms.
                                                  Before including your address, phone                  the above findings, in our analysis of                Adrienne Bartlewitz, Acting ACWI
                                                number, email address, or other                         whether or not to issue the ITP. If the               Executive Secretary, U.S. Geological
                                                personal identifying information in your                requirements are met we will issue ITP                Survey, 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, MS
                                                comments, you should be aware that                      number TE84046C–0 to the applicant.                   436, Reston, VA 20192. Telephone: 703–
                                                your entire comment—including your                      Authority                                             648–4304; Fax: 703–648–5002.
                                                personal identifying information—may                                                                            Dated: June 29, 2018.
                                                                                                          We provide this notice under Section
                                                be made publicly available at any time.                                                                       Ryan Zinke,
                                                                                                        10 of the ESA (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.)
                                                While you can ask us in your comment                                                                          Secretary of the Interior.
                                                                                                        and NEPA regulations (40 CFR 1506.6).
                                                to withhold your personal identifying                                                                         [FR Doc. 2018–17331 Filed 8–10–18; 8:45 am]
                                                information from public review, we                      Roxanna Hinzman,                                      BILLING CODE 4338–11–P
                                                cannot guarantee that we will be able to                Field Supervisor, South Florida Ecological
                                                do so.                                                  Services Office.
                                                                                                        [FR Doc. 2018–17325 Filed 8–10–18; 8:45 am]           DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR
                                                Applicant’s Proposed Project
                                                                                                        BILLING CODE 4333–15–P
                                                  We received an application for an ITP,                                                                      Office of the Secretary
                                                along with a proposed HCP. The
                                                applicant requests a 2-year permit under                                                                      [Docket No. ONRR–2012–0003, DS63600000
                                                                                                        DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR                            DR2000000.PMN000 189D0102R2]
                                                section 10(a)(1)(B) of the ESA (16 U.S.C.
                                                1531 et seq.). If we issue the permit, the              Geological Survey                                     Royalty Policy Committee; Public
                                                applicant anticipates taking 1.41 acres                 [GX18DK00GUF0200]                                     Meeting
                                                of scrub-jay breeding, feeding, and
                                                sheltering habitat for construction of six              Notice of Renewal of the Advisory                     AGENCY: Office of Natural Resources
                                                single-family residences and associated                 Committee on Water Information                        Revenue, Interior.
                                                infrastructure in North Port, Sarasota                                                                        ACTION: Notice.
                                                County, Florida.                                        AGENCY: United States Geological
                                                  The applicant proposes to mitigate for                Survey.                                               SUMMARY:    This notice announces the
                                                the loss of 1.41 acres of occupied scrub-               ACTION: Notice of renewal of the                      fourth meeting of the Royalty Policy
                                                jay habitat through the purchase of 2.82                Advisory Committee on Water                           Committee (Committee). This meeting is
                                                credits from a Service-approved                         Information Charter.                                  open to the public.
                                                conservation bank within 30 days of                                                                           DATES: The Committee meeting will be
                                                permit issuance.                                           Following consultation with the                    held on Thursday, September 13, 2018,
                                                                                                        General Services Administration, notice               in Lakewood, CO, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00
                                                Our Preliminary Determination                           is hereby given that the Secretary of the             p.m. Mountain Time.
                                                   The Service has made a preliminary                   Interior is renewing the Advisory                     ADDRESSES: The Committee meeting
                                                determination that the applicant’s                      Committee on Water Information                        will be held at the Denver Federal
                                                project, including the proposed                         (ACWI).                                               Center Building 85, located at Sixth
                                                mitigation and minimization measures,                      The ACWI has been established under
                                                                                                                                                              Avenue and Kipling Street, Denver, CO
                                                will individually and cumulatively have                 the authority of the Office of
                                                                                                                                                              80225. Members of the public may
                                                a minor or negligible effect on the                     Management and Budget and Budget
                                                                                                                                                              attend in person (Photo ID required at
                                                species covered in the HCP. Therefore,                  Memorandum No. M–92–01 and the
                                                                                                                                                              visitors’ gate) or view documents and
                                                issuance of the ITP is a ‘‘low-effect’’                 Federal Advisory Committee Act. The
                                                                                                                                                              presentations under discussion via
                                                action and qualifies as a categorical                   purpose of this Presidential Committee
                                                                                                                                                              WebEx at https://onrr.webex.com/onrr/
                                                exclusion under the National                            is to represent the interests of water-
                                                Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), as                     information users and professionals in
                                                                                                                                                              ef1715ae9f262a and listen to the
                                                provided by 43 CFR 46.205 and 46.210.                   advising the Federal Government on
                                                                                                                                                              proceedings at telephone number 1–
                                                A low-effect HCP is one involving; (1)                  Federal water-information programs and
                                                                                                                                                              888–469–0854 or International Toll
                                                minor or negligible effects on federally                their effectiveness in meeting the
                                                                                                                                                              number 517–319–9462 (passcode:
                                                listed, proposed, and candidate species                 Nation’s water-information needs.
                                                and their habitats; (2) minor or                        Member organizations help to foster
                                                negligible effects on other                             communications between the Federal                    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr.
                                                environmental values or resources; and                  and non-Federal sectors on sharing                    Chris Mentasti, Office of Natural
                                                (3) impacts when, considered together                   water information.                                    Resources Revenue at (202) 513–0614 or
                                                with the impacts of other past, present,                   Membership represents a wide range                 email to rpc@ios.doi.gov.
                                                and reasonably foreseeable similarly                    of water resources interests and                      SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The U.S.
                                                situated projects, would not result over                functions. Representation on the ACWI                 Department of the Interior established
                                                time in cumulative effects to                           includes all levels of government,                    the Committee on April 21, 2017, under
                                                environmental values or resources that                  academia, private industry, and                       the authority of the Secretary of the
                                                would be considered significant.                        professional and technical societies.                 Interior and regulated by the Federal
                                                                                                        Member organizations designate their                  Advisory Committee Act. The purpose
                                                Next Steps                                              representatives and alternates.                       of the Committee is to ensure that the
                                                  We will evaluate the HCP and
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                        Membership is limited to a maximum of                 public receives the full value of
                                                comments we receive to determine                        35 organizations.                                     resources produced from Federal lands.
                                                whether the ITP application meets the                      The Committee will function solely as              The duties of the Committee are solely
                                                requirements of section 10(a)(1)(B) of                  an advisory body, and in compliance                   advisory in nature. More information
                                                the ESA. We will also conduct an intra-                 with the provisions of the Federal                    about the Committee, including its
                                                Service consultation to evaluate take of                Advisory Committee Act. The Charter                   charter, is available at www.doi.gov/rpc.
                                                the scrub-jay in accordance with section                will be filed under the Act, 15 days from                Meeting Agenda: At the September
                                                7 of the ESA. We will use the results of                the date of publication of this notice.               meeting, the Committee will receive

                                           VerDate Sep<11>2014   20:42 Aug 10, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00101   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\13AUN1.SGM   13AUN1

                                                40082                        Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 156 / Monday, August 13, 2018 / Notices

                                                reports and recommendations from the                    DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR                            meeting minutes will be available upon
                                                three subcommittees, and may vote to                                                                          request from the Superintendent for
                                                make recommendations to the Secretary                   National Park Service                                 public inspection approximately six
                                                of the Interior. The final agenda and                                                                         weeks after the meeting.
                                                meeting materials will be posted on the                                                                          The Denali National Park SRC will
                                                                                                        ANIA–WRST–GAAR–26083; PPAKAKROR4;
                                                Committee website at www.doi.gov/rpc.                   PPMPRLE1Y.LS0000]                                     meet from 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. or
                                                All Committee meetings are open to the                                                                        until business is completed on Tuesday,
                                                public.                                                 National Park Service Alaska Region                   August 28, 2018, and on Wednesday,
                                                   Whenever possible, we encourage                      Subsistence Resource Commission                       August 29, 2018. Teleconference
                                                those participating by telephone to                     Program Notice of Public Meetings                     participants must call the NPS office at
                                                gather in conference rooms in order to                                                                        (907) 644–3604, prior to the meeting to
                                                share teleconference lines. Please plan                 AGENCY:   National Park Service, Interior.            receive teleconference passcode
                                                to dial into the meeting and/or log into                ACTION:   Meeting notice.                             information. For more detailed
                                                WebEx at least 10–15 minutes prior to                                                                         information regarding these meetings, or
                                                the scheduled start time in order to                    SUMMARY:   The National Park Service                  if you are interested in applying for SRC
                                                avoid possible technical difficulties. We               (NPS) is hereby giving notice that the                membership, contact Designated Federal
                                                will accommodate individuals with                       Denali National Park Subsistence                      Official Don Striker, Superintendent, at
                                                special needs whenever possible. If you                 Resource Commission (SRC), the Lake                   (907) 683–9581, or via email at don_
                                                require special assistance (such as an                  Clark National Park SRC, the Cape                     striker@nps.gov or Amy Craver,
                                                interpreter for the hearing impaired),                  Krusenstern National Monument SRC,                    Subsistence Coordinator, at (907) 644–
                                                please notify Interior staff in advance of              the Kobuk Valley National Park SRC,                   3604 or via email at amy_craver@
                                                the meeting at 202–513–0614 or rpc@                     the Aniakchak National Monument                       nps.gov or Clarence Summers, Federal
                                                ios.doi.gov.                                            SRC, the Wrangell-St. Elias National                  Advisory Committee Group Federal
                                                   We will post the minutes from these                  Park SRC, and the Gates of the Arctic                 Officer, at (907) 644–3603, or via email
                                                proceedings on the Committee website                    National Park SRC will meet as                        at clarence_summers@nps.gov.
                                                at www.doi.gov/rpc, and they will also                  indicated below.                                         The Lake Clark National Park SRC
                                                be available for public inspection and                  DATES: See SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION                  will meet via teleconference from 1:00
                                                copying at our office at the Stewart Lee                for dates information for each                        p.m. to 3:00 p.m. or until business is
                                                Udall Department of the Interior                        commission’s meetings.                                completed on Wednesday, September 5,
                                                Building in Washington, DC, by                          ADDRESSES: The Denali National Park
                                                                                                                                                              2018. Teleconference participants must
                                                contacting Interior staff via email to                  SRC will meet at the Nenana Tribal                    call the NPS office at (907) 644–3648 on
                                                rpc@ios.doi.gov or via telephone at 202–                                                                      or before Friday, August 31, 2018, to
                                                                                                        Council Office, 802 J Street, Nenana, AK
                                                513–0614.                                                                                                     receive teleconference passcode
                                                                                                        99706. The Lake Clark National Park
                                                   Public Comments: Members of the                                                                            information. The Lake Clark National
                                                public may choose to make a public                      SRC will meet at the Nondalton
                                                                                                                                                              Park SRC will also meet from 1:00 p.m.
                                                comment during the designated time for                  Community Hall, Main Street,
                                                                                                                                                              to 5:00 p.m. or until business is
                                                public comments. Members of the                         Nondalton, AK 99653. The Cape
                                                                                                                                                              completed on Wednesday, October 3,
                                                public may also choose to submit                        Krusenstern National Monument SRC
                                                                                                                                                              2018. For more detailed information
                                                written comments by mailing them to                     and the Kobuk Valley National Park
                                                                                                                                                              regarding this meeting or if you are
                                                the Office of Natural Resources                         SRC will meet in the conference room
                                                                                                                                                              interested in applying for SRC
                                                Revenue, Attention: RPC, 1849 C Street                  at the Northwest Arctic Heritage Center,
                                                                                                                                                              membership, contact Designated Federal
                                                NW, MS 5134, Washington, DC 20240.                      171 3rd Avenue, Kotzebue, AK 99752.                   Official Susanne Green, Superintendent,
                                                You also can email your written                         The Wrangell-St. Elias National Park                  at (907) 644–3627, or via email at
                                                comments to rpc@ios.doi.gov. You must                   SRC will meet at the NPS office in the                susanne_green@nps.gov or Liza Rupp,
                                                submit written comments by close of                     Copper Center Visitor Center Complex,                 Subsistence Manager, at (907) 644–3648,
                                                business Friday, September 7, 2018, to                  Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and                  or via email at elizabeth_rupp@nps.gov
                                                have them distributed to the Committee                  Preserve, Mile 106.8 Richardson                       or Clarence Summers, Federal Advisory
                                                for review prior to the meeting.                        Highway, Copper Center, AK 99573.                     Committee Group Federal Officer, at
                                                   Public Disclosure of Comments:                       The Aniakchak National Monument                       (907) 644–3603, or via email at
                                                Comments that you submit in response                    SRC will meet at Ray’s Place Restaurant,              clarence_summers@nps.gov.
                                                to this notice are a matter of public                   2200 James Street, Port Heiden, AK                       The Cape Krusenstern National
                                                record. Before including your address,                  99549. The Gates of the Arctic National               Monument SRC will meet from 1:00
                                                phone number, email address, or other                   Park SRC will meet in the Board Room                  p.m. to 5:00 p.m. or until business is
                                                personal identifying information in your                at the Sophie Station Hotel Board Room,               completed on Tuesday, October 9, 2018,
                                                comment, you should be aware that                       1717 University Avenue South,                         and from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on
                                                your entire comment—including your                      Fairbanks, AK 99709.                                  Wednesday, October 10, 2018. For more
                                                personal identifying information—may                    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The NPS                    detailed information regarding this
                                                be made publicly available at any time.                 is holding the meetings pursuant to the               meeting or if you are interested in
                                                While you may ask us in your comment                    Federal Advisory Committee Act (5                     applying for SRC membership, contact
                                                to withhold your personal identifying                   U.S.C. Appendix 1–16). The NPS SRC                    Designated Federal Official Maija Lukin,
                                                information from public review, we                      program is authorized under section 808               Superintendent, at (907) 442–8301, or
                                                cannot guarantee that we will be able to                of the Alaska National Interest Lands                 via email at maija_lukin@nps.gov or
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                do so.                                                  Conservation Act (16 U.S.C. 3118), title              Hannah Atkinson, Cultural Resource
                                                   Authority: 5 U.S.C. Appendix 2.                      VIII.                                                 Specialist, at (907) 442–8342, or via
                                                                                                           SRC meetings are open to the public                email at hannah_atkinson@nps.gov or
                                                Vincent DeVito,                                         and will have time allocated for public               Clarence Summers, Federal Advisory
                                                Counselor to the Secretary for Energy Policy.           testimony. The public is welcome to                   Committee Group Federal Officer, at
                                                [FR Doc. 2018–17346 Filed 8–10–18; 8:45 am]             present written or oral comments to the               (907) 644–3603, or via email at
                                                BILLING CODE 4335–30–P                                  SRC. SRC meetings will be recorded and                clarence_summers@nps.gov.

                                           VerDate Sep<11>2014   20:42 Aug 10, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00102   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\13AUN1.SGM   13AUN1

Document Created: 2018-08-11 00:27:06
Document Modified: 2018-08-11 00:27:06
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
DatesThe Committee meeting will be held on Thursday, September 13, 2018, in Lakewood, CO, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Mountain Time.
ContactMr. Chris Mentasti, Office of Natural Resources Revenue at (202) 513-0614 or email to [email protected]
FR Citation83 FR 40081 

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