83_FR_4082 83 FR 4063 - Draft NTP Technical Reports on Cell Phone Radiofrequency Radiation; Availability of Documents; Request for Comments; Notice of Peer-Review Meeting

83 FR 4063 - Draft NTP Technical Reports on Cell Phone Radiofrequency Radiation; Availability of Documents; Request for Comments; Notice of Peer-Review Meeting

National Institutes of Health

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 19 (January 29, 2018)

Page Range4063-4064
FR Document2018-01523

The National Toxicology Program (NTP) announces a meeting to peer review two Draft NTP Technical Reports on Cell Phone Radiofrequency Radiation. These reports present the results of NTP studies conducted to evaluate the impact of cell phone radiofrequency radiation exposure in mice and rats. NTP studied two system modulations: Global System for Mobile Communications and Code Division Multiple Access. The peer-review meeting will be held at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) in Research Triangle Park, NC and is open to the public. Registration is requested for attendance at the meeting either in-person or by webcast and to present oral comments. Information about the meeting and registration is available at https://ntp.niehs.nih.gov/go/36051.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 19 (Monday, January 29, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 19 (Monday, January 29, 2018)]
[Pages 4063-4064]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-01523]



National Institutes of Health

Draft NTP Technical Reports on Cell Phone Radiofrequency 
Radiation; Availability of Documents; Request for Comments; Notice of 
Peer-Review Meeting

AGENCY: National Institutes of Health, HHS.

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: The National Toxicology Program (NTP) announces a meeting to 
peer review two Draft NTP Technical Reports on Cell Phone 
Radiofrequency Radiation. These reports present the results of NTP 
studies conducted to evaluate the impact of cell phone radiofrequency 
radiation exposure in mice and rats. NTP studied two system 
modulations: Global System for Mobile Communications and Code Division 
Multiple Access. The peer-review meeting will be held at the National 
Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) in Research Triangle 
Park, NC and is open to the public. Registration is requested for 
attendance at the meeting either in-person or by webcast and to present 
oral comments. Information about the meeting and registration is 
available at https://ntp.niehs.nih.gov/go/36051.

DATES: Meeting: Tentatively scheduled for March 26, 2018, 8:30 a.m. to 
adjournment on March 28, 2018, at approximately 5:00 p.m. Eastern 
Daylight Time (EDT). The preliminary agenda of topics is available at 
https://ntp.niehs.nih.gov/go/36051 and will be updated one week before 
the meeting.
    Document Availability: The two draft NTP technical reports should 
be available by February 2, 2018, at https://ntp.niehs.nih.gov/go/36051.
    Written Public Comment Submissions: Deadline is March 12, 2018.
    Registration for Oral Comments: Deadline is March 12, 2018.
    Registration to Attend Meeting In-person or to View Webcast: 
Deadline is March 28, 2018.

ADDRESSES: Meeting Location: Rodbell Auditorium, Rall Building, NIEHS, 
111 T.W. Alexander Drive, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709.
    Meeting web page: The two draft NTP technical reports, preliminary 
agenda, registration, and other meeting materials will be available at 
    Webcast: The URL for viewing the peer-review meeting webcast will 
be provided to registrants.

Parkway, Suite 200, Durham, NC, USA 27713. Phone: (919) 293-1660, Fax: 
(919) 293-1645, Email: NTP-Meetings@icf.com.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Background: Personal (cellular) 
telecommunications is a rapidly evolving technology that uses 
radiofrequency energy or radiation for mobile communication. According 
to a 2016 survey, 95 percent of American adults now use cell phones. 
Given such broad use, adverse health effects shown

[[Page 4064]]

to be associated with cell phone use could be a widespread public 
health concern. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) nominated 
cell phone radiofrequency radiation for NTP study because (a) 
widespread human exposure is possible, (b) current exposure guidelines 
are based largely on protection from acute injury due to thermal 
effects, (c) little is known about the potential health effects of 
long-term exposure to radiofrequency radiation, and (d) currently 
available human studies have found limited evidence of an increased 
risk of cancer from cell phone use.
    NTP studied in rats and mice the effects of exposure to cell phone 
radiofrequency radiation from two system modulations: Global System for 
Mobile Communications and Code Division Multiple Access. NTP released 
the ``Report of Partial Findings from the National Toxicology Program 
Carcinogenesis Studies of Cell Phone Radiofrequency Radiation in Hsd: 
Sprague Dawley SD Rats (Whole Body Exposure)'' in May 2016 (https://doi.org/10.1101/055699). The partial findings will be included in the 
draft NTP technical report for rats. The two draft NTP technical 
reports present results for all NTP studies on rats and mice on the 
toxicity and carcinogenicity of cell phone-emitted radiofrequency 
    Meeting Attendance Registration: The meeting is open to the public 
with time set aside for oral public comment; in-person attendance at 
the NIEHS is limited by the space available (~100 attendees). 
Registratration for in-person attendance is on a first-come, first-
served basis, and registrants will be assigned a number in their 
confirmation email. After the first 100 registrants, persons will be 
placed on a wait list and notified should an opening become available. 
Registration to attend the meeting in-person or view the webcast is by 
March 28, 2018, at https://ntp.niehs.nih.gov/go/36051. The URL for the 
webcast will be provided in the email confirming registration. Visitor 
and security information for those attending in person is available at 
https://www.niehs.nih.gov/about/visiting/index.cfm. Individuals with 
disabilities who need accommodation to view the webcast should contact 
Canden Byrd by phone: (919) 293-1660 or email: NTP-Meetings@icf.com. 
TTY users should contact the Federal TTY Relay Service at (800) 877-
8339. Requests should be made at least five business days in advance of 
the event.
    Public Comment Registration: NTP invites written and oral public 
comments on the draft NTP technical reports. Guidelines for public 
comments are available at https://ntp.niehs.nih.gov/ntp/about_ntp/guidelines_public_comments_508.pdf.
    The deadline for submission of written comments is March 12, 2018. 
Written public comments should be submitted through the meeting 
website. Persons submitting written comments should include name, 
affiliation, mailing address, phone, email, and sponsoring organization 
(if any). Written comments received in response to this notice will be 
posted on the NTP website, and the submitter will be identified by 
name, affiliation, and sponsoring organization (if any). Comments that 
address scientific or technical issues will be forwarded to the peer-
review panel and NTP staff prior to the meeting.
    Registration to provide oral comments is on or before March 12, 
2018, at https://ntp.niehs.nih.gov/go/36051. Registratration is on a 
first-come, first-served basis, and registrants will be assigned a 
number in their confirmation email. Oral comments may be presented in 
person at NIEHS or by teleconference line. The access number for the 
teleconference line will be provided to registrants by email prior to 
the meeting. Each organization is allowed one time slot per comment 
period. The agenda allows for two public comment periods: The first 
comment period on the exposure system (12 commenters, up to 5 minutes 
per speaker), and the second comment period on the NTP findings in rats 
and mice (24 commenters, up to 5 minutes per speaker). After the 
maximum number of speakers per comment period is exceeded, individuals 
registered to provide oral comment will be placed on a wait list and 
notified should an opening become available. Commenters will be 
notified after March 12, 2018, the deadline to register for oral public 
comments, about the actual time allotted per speaker.
    If possible, oral public commenters should send a copy of their 
slides and/or statement or talking points to Canden Byrd by email: NTP-Meetings@icf.com by March 12, 2018.
    Meeting Materials: The two draft NTP technical reports and 
preliminary agenda will be available on the NTP website at https://ntp.niehs.nih.gov/go/36051. The draft NTP technical reports should be 
available by February 2, 2018. Additional information will be posted 
when available or may be requested in hardcopy, contact Canden Byrd by 
phone: (919) 293-1660 or email: NTP-Meetings@icf.com. The preliminary 
meeting agenda is available on the meeting web page and will be updated 
one week before the meeting. Individuals are encouraged to access the 
meeting web page to stay abreast of the most current information 
regarding the meeting.
    Following the meeting, a report of the peer review will be prepared 
and made available on the NTP website.
    Background Information on NTP Peer-Review Panels: NTP panels are 
technical, scientific advisory bodies established on an ``as needed'' 
basis to provide independent scientific peer review and advise NTP on 
agents of public health concern, new/revised toxicological test 
methods, or other issues. These panels help ensure transparent, 
unbiased, and scientifically rigorous input to the program for its use 
in making credible decisions about human hazard, setting research and 
testing priorities, and providing information to regulatory agencies 
about alternative methods for toxicity screening. NTP welcomes 
nominations of scientific experts for upcoming panels. Scientists 
interested in serving on an NTP panel should provide their current 
curriculum vitae to Canden Byrd by email: NTP-Meetings@icf.com. The 
authority for NTP panels is provided by 42 U.S.C. 217a; section 222 of 
the Public Health Service Act, as amended. The panel is governed by the 
Federal Advisory Committee Act, as amended (5 U.S.C. Appendix 2), which 
sets forth standards for the formation and use of advisory committees.

    Dated: January 16, 2018.
Brian R. Berridge,
Associate Director, National Toxicology Program.
[FR Doc. 2018-01523 Filed 1-26-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                                        Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 19 / Monday, January 29, 2018 / Notices                                                                            4063

                                                to address one or more of the following                                     Criteria (RDoC) Initiative, 0925–NEW,                           ways of classifying disorders based on
                                                points: (1) Whether the proposed                                            National Institute of Mental Health                             dimensions of observable behaviors and
                                                collection of information is necessary                                      (NIMH), National Institutes of Health                           brain functions.’’ The aim of RDoC is to
                                                for the proper performance of the                                           (NIH).                                                          guide research that begins with
                                                function of the agency, including                                              Need and Use of Information                                  disruptions in neurobiological and
                                                whether the information will have                                           Collection: This NEW COLLECTION                                 behavioral mechanisms, and then works
                                                practical utility; (2) The accuracy of the                                  request serves as notice that the                               across systems to clarify connections
                                                agency’s estimate of the burden of the                                      National Institute of Mental Health                             among such disruptions and clinical
                                                proposed collection of information,                                         (NIMH) is seeking OMB approval of a
                                                                                                                                                                                            symptoms. The information collected as
                                                including the validity of the                                               generic plan to conduct information
                                                                                                                                                                                            part of this generic clearance will allow
                                                methodology and assumptions used; (3)                                       collections to interface with the
                                                                                                                            scientific community and promote the                            NIMH to determine success of the RDoC
                                                Ways to enhance the quality, utility, and
                                                clarity of the information to be                                            RDoC Initiative. As the lead Federal                            Initiative, develop future directions and
                                                collected; and (4) Ways to minimize the                                     agency for research on mental illnesses,                        endeavors, and to help guide
                                                burden of the collection of information                                     NIMH’s mission is to transform the                              programmatic priorities for RDoC and
                                                on those who are to respond, including                                      understanding and treatment of mental                           the agency.
                                                the use of appropriate automated,                                           illnesses through basic and clinical                              OMB approval is requested for 3
                                                electronic, mechanical, or other                                            research, paving the way for prevention,                        years. There are no costs to respondents’
                                                technological collection techniques or                                      recovery, and cure. To this end, NIMH                           other than their time. The total
                                                other forms of information technology.                                      launched the RDoC Initiative in 2009 to                         estimated annualized burden hours are
                                                  Proposed Collection Title: Generic                                        implement Strategy 1.4 of the 2008                              490.
                                                Clearance for the Research Domain                                           NIMH Strategic Plan: ‘‘Develop new

                                                                                                                          ESTIMATED ANNUALIZED BURDEN HOURS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Average                  Total
                                                                                                                                                                                           Number of
                                                                                                                                                                          Number of                              burden                 annual
                                                                                              Instrument type                                                                            responses per
                                                                                                                                                                         respondents                          per response              burden
                                                                                                                                                                                           respondent          (in hours)                hours

                                                Workshops .......................................................................................................                   50                 1                       8                 400
                                                Interviews .........................................................................................................                10                 1                   30/60                   5
                                                Surveys ............................................................................................................               100                 1                   30/60                  50
                                                Focus Groups ..................................................................................................                     10                 1                       1                  10
                                                Evaluation Forms .............................................................................................                     100                 1                   15/60                  25

                                                      Total ..........................................................................................................             270               270     ........................            490

                                                  Dated: January 16, 2018.                                                  Communications and Code Division                                   Registration to Attend Meeting In-
                                                Melba Rojas,                                                                Multiple Access. The peer-review                                person or to View Webcast: Deadline is
                                                Project Clearance Liaison, NIMH, NIH.                                       meeting will be held at the National                            March 28, 2018.
                                                [FR Doc. 2018–01525 Filed 1–26–18; 8:45 am]                                 Institute of Environmental Health                               ADDRESSES: Meeting Location: Rodbell
                                                BILLING CODE 4140–01–P                                                      Sciences (NIEHS) in Research Triangle                           Auditorium, Rall Building, NIEHS, 111
                                                                                                                            Park, NC and is open to the public.                             T.W. Alexander Drive, Research
                                                                                                                            Registration is requested for attendance                        Triangle Park, NC 27709.
                                                DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND                                                    at the meeting either in-person or by                              Meeting web page: The two draft NTP
                                                HUMAN SERVICES                                                              webcast and to present oral comments.                           technical reports, preliminary agenda,
                                                                                                                            Information about the meeting and                               registration, and other meeting materials
                                                National Institutes of Health                                               registration is available at https://                           will be available at https://
                                                Draft NTP Technical Reports on Cell                                         ntp.niehs.nih.gov/go/36051.                                     ntp.niehs.nih.gov/go/36051.
                                                Phone Radiofrequency Radiation;                                             DATES: Meeting: Tentatively scheduled                              Webcast: The URL for viewing the
                                                Availability of Documents; Request for                                      for March 26, 2018, 8:30 a.m. to                                peer-review meeting webcast will be
                                                Comments; Notice of Peer-Review                                             adjournment on March 28, 2018, at                               provided to registrants.
                                                Meeting                                                                     approximately 5:00 p.m. Eastern                                 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                                                                                            Daylight Time (EDT). The preliminary                            Canden Byrd, ICF, 2635 Meridian
                                                AGENCY:        National Institutes of Health,
                                                                                                                            agenda of topics is available at https://                       Parkway, Suite 200, Durham, NC, USA
                                                                                                                            ntp.niehs.nih.gov/go/36051 and will be                          27713. Phone: (919) 293–1660, Fax:
                                                ACTION:      Notice.                                                                                                                        (919) 293–1645, Email: NTP-Meetings@
                                                                                                                            updated one week before the meeting.
                                                SUMMARY:   The National Toxicology                                                                                                          icf.com.
                                                                                                                              Document Availability: The two draft
                                                Program (NTP) announces a meeting to                                        NTP technical reports should be                                 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                peer review two Draft NTP Technical                                                                                                         Background: Personal (cellular)
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                                            available by February 2, 2018, at https://
                                                Reports on Cell Phone Radiofrequency                                        ntp.niehs.nih.gov/go/36051.                                     telecommunications is a rapidly
                                                Radiation. These reports present the                                                                                                        evolving technology that uses
                                                results of NTP studies conducted to                                           Written Public Comment                                        radiofrequency energy or radiation for
                                                evaluate the impact of cell phone                                           Submissions: Deadline is March 12,                              mobile communication. According to a
                                                radiofrequency radiation exposure in                                        2018.                                                           2016 survey, 95 percent of American
                                                mice and rats. NTP studied two system                                         Registration for Oral Comments:                               adults now use cell phones. Given such
                                                modulations: Global System for Mobile                                       Deadline is March 12, 2018.                                     broad use, adverse health effects shown

                                           VerDate Sep<11>2014         19:42 Jan 26, 2018         Jkt 244001       PO 00000       Frm 00041        Fmt 4703       Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\29JAN1.SGM   29JAN1

                                                4064                          Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 19 / Monday, January 29, 2018 / Notices

                                                to be associated with cell phone use                    reports. Guidelines for public comments                Individuals are encouraged to access the
                                                could be a widespread public health                     are available at https://                              meeting web page to stay abreast of the
                                                concern. The U.S. Food and Drug                         ntp.niehs.nih.gov/ntp/about_ntp/                       most current information regarding the
                                                Administration (FDA) nominated cell                     guidelines_public_comments_508.pdf.                    meeting.
                                                phone radiofrequency radiation for NTP                     The deadline for submission of                         Following the meeting, a report of the
                                                study because (a) widespread human                      written comments is March 12, 2018.                    peer review will be prepared and made
                                                exposure is possible, (b) current                       Written public comments should be                      available on the NTP website.
                                                exposure guidelines are based largely on                submitted through the meeting website.                    Background Information on NTP Peer-
                                                protection from acute injury due to                     Persons submitting written comments                    Review Panels: NTP panels are
                                                thermal effects, (c) little is known about              should include name, affiliation,                      technical, scientific advisory bodies
                                                the potential health effects of long-term               mailing address, phone, email, and                     established on an ‘‘as needed’’ basis to
                                                exposure to radiofrequency radiation,                   sponsoring organization (if any). Written              provide independent scientific peer
                                                and (d) currently available human                       comments received in response to this                  review and advise NTP on agents of
                                                studies have found limited evidence of                  notice will be posted on the NTP                       public health concern, new/revised
                                                an increased risk of cancer from cell                   website, and the submitter will be                     toxicological test methods, or other
                                                phone use.                                              identified by name, affiliation, and                   issues. These panels help ensure
                                                   NTP studied in rats and mice the                     sponsoring organization (if any).                      transparent, unbiased, and scientifically
                                                effects of exposure to cell phone                       Comments that address scientific or                    rigorous input to the program for its use
                                                radiofrequency radiation from two                       technical issues will be forwarded to the              in making credible decisions about
                                                system modulations: Global System for                   peer-review panel and NTP staff prior to               human hazard, setting research and
                                                Mobile Communications and Code                          the meeting.                                           testing priorities, and providing
                                                Division Multiple Access. NTP released                     Registration to provide oral comments               information to regulatory agencies about
                                                the ‘‘Report of Partial Findings from the               is on or before March 12, 2018, at                     alternative methods for toxicity
                                                National Toxicology Program                             https://ntp.niehs.nih.gov/go/36051.                    screening. NTP welcomes nominations
                                                Carcinogenesis Studies of Cell Phone                    Registratration is on a first-come, first-             of scientific experts for upcoming
                                                Radiofrequency Radiation in Hsd:                        served basis, and registrants will be                  panels. Scientists interested in serving
                                                Sprague Dawley SD Rats (Whole Body                      assigned a number in their confirmation                on an NTP panel should provide their
                                                Exposure)’’ in May 2016 (https://                       email. Oral comments may be presented                  current curriculum vitae to Canden
                                                doi.org/10.1101/055699). The partial                    in person at NIEHS or by teleconference                Byrd by email: NTP-Meetings@icf.com.
                                                findings will be included in the draft                  line. The access number for the                        The authority for NTP panels is
                                                NTP technical report for rats. The two                  teleconference line will be provided to                provided by 42 U.S.C. 217a; section 222
                                                draft NTP technical reports present                     registrants by email prior to the meeting.             of the Public Health Service Act, as
                                                results for all NTP studies on rats and                 Each organization is allowed one time                  amended. The panel is governed by the
                                                mice on the toxicity and carcinogenicity                slot per comment period. The agenda                    Federal Advisory Committee Act, as
                                                of cell phone-emitted radiofrequency                    allows for two public comment periods:                 amended (5 U.S.C. Appendix 2), which
                                                radiation.                                              The first comment period on the
                                                                                                                                                               sets forth standards for the formation
                                                   Meeting Attendance Registration: The                 exposure system (12 commenters, up to
                                                                                                                                                               and use of advisory committees.
                                                meeting is open to the public with time                 5 minutes per speaker), and the second
                                                set aside for oral public comment; in-                  comment period on the NTP findings in                    Dated: January 16, 2018.
                                                person attendance at the NIEHS is                       rats and mice (24 commenters, up to 5                  Brian R. Berridge,
                                                limited by the space available (∼100                    minutes per speaker). After the                        Associate Director, National Toxicology
                                                attendees). Registratration for in-person               maximum number of speakers per                         Program.
                                                attendance is on a first-come, first-                   comment period is exceeded,                            [FR Doc. 2018–01523 Filed 1–26–18; 8:45 am]
                                                served basis, and registrants will be                   individuals registered to provide oral                 BILLING CODE 4140–01–P
                                                assigned a number in their confirmation                 comment will be placed on a wait list
                                                email. After the first 100 registrants,                 and notified should an opening become
                                                persons will be placed on a wait list and               available. Commenters will be notified                 DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND
                                                notified should an opening become                       after March 12, 2018, the deadline to                  SECURITY
                                                available. Registration to attend the                   register for oral public comments, about
                                                meeting in-person or view the webcast                   the actual time allotted per speaker.                  Coast Guard
                                                is by March 28, 2018, at https://                          If possible, oral public commenters
                                                                                                        should send a copy of their slides and/                [Docket No. USCG–2018–0004]
                                                ntp.niehs.nih.gov/go/36051. The URL
                                                for the webcast will be provided in the                 or statement or talking points to Canden               Area Maritime Security Advisory
                                                email confirming registration. Visitor                  Byrd by email: NTP-Meetings@icf.com                    Committee (AMSC), Eastern Great
                                                and security information for those                      by March 12, 2018.                                     Lakes and Regional Sub-Committee
                                                attending in person is available at                        Meeting Materials: The two draft NTP
                                                https://www.niehs.nih.gov/about/                        technical reports and preliminary
                                                visiting/index.cfm. Individuals with                    agenda will be available on the NTP                    AGENCY:    Coast Guard, DHS.
                                                disabilities who need accommodation to                  website at https://ntp.niehs.nih.gov/go/               ACTION:   Solicitation for membership.
                                                view the webcast should contact                         36051. The draft NTP technical reports
                                                Canden Byrd by phone: (919) 293–1660                    should be available by February 2, 2018.               SUMMARY:  This notice requests
                                                                                                        Additional information will be posted                  individuals interested in serving on the
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                or email: NTP-Meetings@icf.com. TTY
                                                users should contact the Federal TTY                    when available or may be requested in                  Area Maritime Security Committee
                                                Relay Service at (800) 877–8339.                        hardcopy, contact Canden Byrd by                       (AMSC), Eastern Great Lakes, and the
                                                Requests should be made at least five                   phone: (919) 293–1660 or email: NTP-                   four regional sub-committees: Northeast
                                                business days in advance of the event.                  Meetings@icf.com. The preliminary                      Ohio Region, Northwestern
                                                   Public Comment Registration: NTP                     meeting agenda is available on the                     Pennsylvania Region, Western New
                                                invites written and oral public                         meeting web page and will be updated                   York Region, and Eastern New York
                                                comments on the draft NTP technical                     one week before the meeting.                           Region submit their applications for

                                           VerDate Sep<11>2014   18:19 Jan 26, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00042   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\29JAN1.SGM   29JAN1

Document Created: 2018-01-27 00:57:26
Document Modified: 2018-01-27 00:57:26
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
DatesMeeting: Tentatively scheduled for March 26, 2018, 8:30 a.m. to adjournment on March 28, 2018, at approximately 5:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT). The preliminary agenda of topics is available at https://ntp.niehs.nih.gov/go/36051 and will be updated one week before the meeting.
ContactCanden Byrd, ICF, 2635 Meridian Parkway, Suite 200, Durham, NC, USA 27713. Phone: (919) 293-1660, Fax: (919) 293-1645, Email: [email protected]
FR Citation83 FR 4063 

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