83_FR_41206 83 FR 41046 - Rural Development Cooperative Agreement Program

83 FR 41046 - Rural Development Cooperative Agreement Program

Rural Business-Cooperative Service
Rural Housing Service
Rural Utilities Service

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 160 (August 17, 2018)

Page Range41046-41056
FR Document2018-17765

The Assistant to the Secretary for Rural Development (Agency) is seeking applications to support regional economic development planning efforts in rural communities under the Rural Economic Development Innovation (REDI) initiative. This funding opportunity will be administered by the Rural Development Innovation Center, in partnership with the Rural Business-Cooperative Service. The Agency is announcing up to $750,000 in competitive cooperative agreement funds in fiscal year (FY) 2018. Rural Development Agency may select one, multiple, or no award recipients. The Agency reserves the right to withhold the awarding of any funds if no application receives a score of at least 60 points. This Notice lists the information needed to submit an application for these funds. This Notice announces that the Agency is accepting FY 2018 applications to support REDI.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 160 (Friday, August 17, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 160 (Friday, August 17, 2018)]
[Pages 41046-41056]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-17765]



Rural Business-Cooperative Service

Rural Housing Service

Rural Utilities Service

Rural Development Cooperative Agreement Program

AGENCY: Rural Development USDA.

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: The Assistant to the Secretary for Rural Development (Agency) 
is seeking applications to support regional economic development 
planning efforts in rural communities under the Rural Economic 
Development Innovation (REDI) initiative. This funding opportunity will 
be administered by the Rural Development Innovation Center, in 
partnership with the Rural Business-Cooperative Service. The Agency is 
announcing up to $750,000 in competitive cooperative agreement funds in 
fiscal year (FY) 2018. Rural Development Agency may select one, 
multiple, or no award recipients. The Agency reserves the right to 
withhold the awarding of any funds if no application receives a score 
of at least 60 points.
    This Notice lists the information needed to submit an application 
for these funds. This Notice announces that the Agency is accepting FY 
2018 applications to support REDI.

DATES: The deadline for receipt of a complete application is midnight 
Eastern Standard Time on Wednesday, September 5, via www.grants.gov. 
The Agency will not consider any application received after the 
deadline. After an applicant submits an application via grants.gov, all 
applicants must email [email protected] to confirm 
application and receipt of the application package. Applicants who have 
been selected for funding will receive a letter of official 
notification and will be awarded a cooperative agreement authorized 
under 7 U.S.C. 2204b(b)(4). Pending funding availability, all awards 
will be made no later than September 30, 2018.

[[Page 41047]]

Applicants should plan their projects based on a start date of 
September 30, 2018 and must be completed within 24 months.

ADDRESSES: The deadline for receipt of an application is midnight 
Eastern Standard Time on Wednesday, September 5, 2018. Applications may 
be submitted electronically through the Grants.gov system or through 
email to [email protected]. Note that there are registration 
requirements for submitting applications using the Grants.gov system. 
We recommend that you review the instructions for registering as soon 
as possible, but at least two weeks before you plan to submit your 
application. The requirements can be viewed at: http://grants.gov/applicants/organization_registration.jsp. Your application will be 
rejected by Grants.gov if you miss the deadline and the Agency will not 
consider any application received after the deadline.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:  Question about this announcement can 
be directed to Christine Sorensen, Regional Coordinator, via 202-568-
9832 or [email protected].



    The Agency encourages applications that will support 
recommendations made in the Rural Prosperity Task Force report to help 
improve life in rural America (www.usda.gov/ruralprosperity). 
Applicants are encouraged to consider projects that provide measurable 
results in helping rural communities build robust and sustainable 
economies through strategic investments in infrastructure, 
partnerships, and innovation. Key strategies include:
     Achieving e-Connectivity for Rural America.
     Developing the Rural Economy.
     Harnessing Technological Innovation.
     Supporting a Rural Workforce.
     Improving Quality of Life.

Paperwork Reduction Act

    It is anticipated that the anticipated number of respondents 
affected by this information collection is less than 10 entities and 
therefore, this Notice contains no reporting or recordkeeping 
provisions requiring Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approval 
under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35).


    Federal Agency Name: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Rural 
    Funding Opportunity Title: Rural Development Cooperative Agreement 
    Announcement Type: Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA).
    Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Number: 10.890.
    Application Due Date: All required application documents must be 
submitted by midnight Eastern Standard Time on Wednesday, September 5 
electronically via www.grants.gov. Applicants submitting proposals must 
also confirm receipt and email [email protected] to confirm 
application and receipt of the application package. Applicants who have 
been selected for funding will receive a letter of official 
notification. Pending funding availability, all awards will be made no 
later than September 30, 2018. Applicants should plan their projects 
based on a start date of September 30, 2018 and must be completed 
within 24 months.
    For More Information: Questions about this announcement can be 
directed to Christine Sorensen, Regional Coordinator, via 202-568-9832 
or [email protected].

A. Program Description

    USDA Rural Development (RD) is authorized to administer cooperative 
agreement awards in accordance with 7 U.S.C. 2204b(b)(4). Rural 
Economic Development Innovation (REDI) aims to strengthen the capacity 
of rural communities (50,000 people or less in the United States plus 
Tribes and territories) in implementing strategic community and 
economic development plans as referenced in Section 379H of the 
Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act (7 U.S.C. 2008v). The goal 
of this funding announcement is to solicit applications to provide 
cooperative agreement funding to eligible applicants to enable them to 
provide technical assistance and training and actionable planning of 
implementation of strategic community and economic development plans. 
Supporting regional economic development plans help rural communities 
overcome multi-jurisdictional challenges and better leverage Federal, 
state, local or private funding.
    For purposes of this proposal, a quality regional economic plan 
will include but not be limited to the following:
     Evidence-based understanding of community assets, 
challenges and opportunities.
     Goals are focused, logical, targeted and timely with tasks 
identified and with a responsible party assigned.
     The plan was created through broad community 
participation, public input and buy-in.
     The format must be persuasive in a non-technical manner.
     The plan makes clear how each of its strategies is 
intended to help produce, either directly or indirectly, improvements 
in the local and regional economy.
     Regional economic development plans developed through REDI 
assistance should identify possible projects to be funded through RD 
programs and/or other Federal, state, local or private sector 
    This funding opportunity expands rural communities' ability to 
access planning resources to convene, identify needs, create actionable 
economic development plans, and implement project priorities to improve 
quality of life in rural communities. Quality of life is a measure of 
human well-being that can be identified though economic and social 
indicators. Modern utilities, affordable housing, efficient 
transportation and reliable employment are economic indicators that 
must be integrated with social indicators like access to medical 
services, public safety, education and community resilience to empower 
rural communities to thrive. Economic development plans developed 
through this funding opportunity should focus on one or more of these 
economic and/or social indicators.
    Applicants are encouraged to consider regional planning projects 
that provide measurable results in helping rural communities built 
robust and sustainable economies through strategic investments in 
infrastructure, partnerships, and innovation. Such projects should also 
support rural communities' ability to qualify for priority funding 
under Section 379H of the Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act 
[7 U.S.C. 2008v].
    This approach to comprehensive rural community development is 
unique in its attempt to improve rural communities in a way that is (1) 
rooted in emphasizing partnerships and collaboration among multiple 
public agencies and community partners and (2) focused on combining 
state resources to make wide-ranging quality-of-life impacts as opposed 
to separate, piecemeal, incremental improvements.

[[Page 41048]]

B. Federal Award Information

    1. Estimated Funding: Interested applicants shall only propose 
applications with scope of work/budget that does not exceed $750,000 in 
Federal funding.
    2. Start Date and Performance Period: Projects may be up to 2 years 
in duration. Applicants should plan their projects based on a project 
start date of September 30, 2018 and a project end date of no later 
than September 30, 2020.
    3. Type of Federal Award: Cooperative Agreement. Rural Development 
will be substantially involved in the work performed under each 
approved cooperative agreement. Substantial involvement may include but 
is not limited to collaboration, participation, oversight, and control 
of the following:
    i. Authority to suspend work if specification or work statements 
are not met;
    ii. Review and approval of one stage of work before another may 
    iii. Review and approval of substantive provisions of proposed sub-
grants or contracts;
    iv. Prior review and approval of key personnel; and
    v. Agency collaboration and coordination with respect to 
deliverables and execution of the work plan. At a minimum, applicants 
should anticipate Agency participation in the selection of communities 
to receive regional planning assistance; the convening of community 
members, partners, and stakeholders; the delivery of training on RD 
programs and/or economic development principles; and the review/
approval of regional economic development plans for purposes of 
priority funding under Section 379H of the Consolidated Farm and Rural 
Development Act (7 U.S.C. 2008v).
    4. Number of Awards: The Agency anticipates that it may select one, 
multiple, or no award recipients from this notice of funding 
availability. The Agency reserves the right to withhold the awarding of 
any funds if no application receives a minimum score of at least 60 
    5. Eligibility of renewal or Supplemental Project Applications: 
Applications for renewal or supplementation of any existing Federal 
awards are not eligible for this new Federal award. An application for 
renewal means a proposal submitted to continue an existing agreement by 
adding components to an existing agreement in order to meet the 
objectives of this solicitation.

C. Eligibility Information

    Applicants must meet all of the following eligibility requirements 
by the application deadline. Applications which fail to meet any of 
these requirements by the application deadline will be deemed 
ineligible and will not be evaluated further and will not receive a 
Federal award.
    1. Applicant Eligibility: Federally-recognized Tribes, institutions 
of higher education, nonprofit organizations, or private organizations 
with a demonstrated national structure and/or capacity to deliver and 
support multiple rural planning activities across the nation are 
eligible applicants. Entities are not eligible if they have been 
debarred or suspended or otherwise excluded from or ineligible for 
participation in Federal assistance programs under Executive Order 
12549, ``Debarment and Suspension.'' In addition, an applicant will be 
considered ineligible for a cooperative agreement due to an outstanding 
judgment obtained by the U.S. in a Federal Court (other than U.S. Tax 
Court), is delinquent on the payment of Federal income taxes, or is 
delinquent on Federal debt.
    2. Eligible Project Purposes: The Project purpose must be to 
strengthen the capacity of rural communities (50,000 people or less in 
the United States plus Tribes and territories) in developing and 
implementing regional plans for economic development as referenced in 
Section 379H of the Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act. 
Eligible project purposes must include the two facets of technical 
    i. Planning Technical Assistance: The proposed project should 
provide planning technical assistance to rural communities by assisting 
in the development of regional economic development plans. Proposals 
should include descriptions on how technical assistance will result in 
actionable steps to support implementation of these plans. The proposed 
project should also provide technical assistance to expand rural 
communities' ability to access funding and planning resources to 
convene community members.
    ii. Implementation Technical Assistance: The proposed project 
should provide technical assistance toward implementation of the 
project priorities emerging from the regional economic development 
plans. The technical assistance should include strategies for enhancing 
communities' efforts at leveraging Federal, state, local, and/or 
private funding to build resilient communities and improve quality of 
life. The applicant will demonstrate how their proposal will utilize 
partnerships outside of RD. The applicant will identify such 
partnerships and will demonstrate how they will provide access to such 
partnerships to support implementation of projects identified through 
development of regional economic development plans. The proposed 
project should also describe how it will support implementation of 
multi-jurisdictional and/or multi-sector regional economic development 
plans, as described in Section 379H of the Consolidated Farm and Rural 
Development Act.
    3. Cost Sharing or Matching Requirements: There is a dollar or in-
kind matching requirement that is at least equal to the amount of the 
cooperative agreement award. If this matching fund requirement is not 
met, the application will be deemed ineligible. Matching requirements 
are cash, confirmed funding commitments and/or third party in-kind 
contributions as defined in 2 CFR 200.96. that are at least equal to 
the cooperative agreement amount and committed for a period of not less 
than the cooperative agreement performance period. Applicants must 
recruit one or more private and/or public partner(s) to match one-for-
one (in cash and/or in-kind contributions) the applicant's proposed 
funding request. Cost sharing/matching must be committed at the time of 
application submission. Applications must include written verification 
of commitments of cost sharing or matching support (including both cash 
and in-kind contributions) from third parties. Cost sharing or matching 
funds must meet the criteria stated at 2 CFR 200.306 and be valued in 
accordance with 2 CFR 200.306(d).
    Additional details about cost sharing or matching funds/
contributions is located at 2 CFR 200.306. Applicant matching funds 
must be included in the budget narrative. For matching funds offered by 
project partners, a separate commitment letter is required for each 
cash and/or in-kind match contribution. Commitment letters must be 
signed by the authorized organizational representative of the 
contributing organization and the applicant organization, which must 
include: (i) The name, address, and telephone number of the 
contributor; (ii) the name of the applicant organization; (iii) the 
title of the project for which the contribution is made, (iv) the 
dollar amount of the contribution; and (v) a statement that the 
contributor commits to furnish the contribution during the cooperative 
agreement period.

[[Page 41049]]

    Applications without signed written commitments are deemed 
incomplete and will be ineligible. The value of applicant contributions 
to the project is established according to Federal cost principles. 
Applicants should refer to 2 CFR 200.306 for additional guidance on 
matching funds, in-kind contributions, and allowable costs.
    4. Substantial Involvement: Proposed project must include a 
component that allows for active participation by the Agency in the 
majority of tasks. Examples of substantial involvement include but are 
not limited to the following: Joint-selection of communities to receive 
regional planning assistance; joint-convening of community members, 
partners, and stakeholders; joint-delivery of training on RD programs 
and/or economic development principles; and joint-review/approval of 
regional economic development plans for purposes of priority funding 
under Section 6025 Strategic Economic and Community Development. It is 
the intent of this project to engage Agency and state RD staff in the 
development of regional economic development plans and it is the 
responsibility of the applicant to identify tasks where RD staff can 
provide substantial involvement in the project. If you do not identify 
those tasks, your application is not eligible for funding.
    5. Use of Funds: Use of project funds (including Federal and 
matching) must be consistent with the project purpose to strengthen the 
capacity of rural communities in developing and implementing regional 
plans for economic development. A non-exclusive list of eligible fund 
uses include: Costs incurred for the services of personnel actually 
engaged in the project, including share of employee benefits, travel 
and per diem expenses, costs of expendable supplies, and travel and per 
diem expenses associated with travel to USDA Headquarters in 
Washington, DC to coordinate and collaborate on project tasks. Use of 
funds must be allowable in adherence with 2 CFR part 200.
    If you include funds in your budget that are unallowable, RD will 
consider the application for funding only if the unallowable costs 
total 10 percent or less of the total project budget, including Federal 
and matching funds. However, if the application is successful, those 
unallowable costs must be removed from the budget before RD will make 
an award. If RD cannot determine the percentage of unallowable costs or 
the amount of those costs exceeds 10 percent of the total project 
budget, the application will not be considered for funding.
    6. Rural Area: The project must directly benefit a rural area. All 
ultimate beneficiaries and/or subrecipients must be located in rural 
areas, and any activities or tasks must occur in rural areas. The term 
`rural area' means the Rural Business Service's Rural Area definition 
as out lined in Section 343(a)(13)(A)(i) of the Consolidated Farm and 
Rural Development Act which states: Any area other than: (1) A city or 
town that has a population of greater than 50,000 inhabitants; and (2) 
any urbanized area contiguous and adjacent to such a city or town.
    7. Number of Applications: You cannot submit more than one 
application for this Notice.

D. Application and Submission Information

    1. Address to Request Application Page. All necessary forms can be 
found within the Grants.gov ``Application Package.''
    2. Content and Form of Application Submission. There is no pre-
application process for this announcement. All checklist, application, 
and standard forms necessary for submission are included in the 
Grants.gov application package. Applications that are incomplete or 
fail to comply with the required content and formatting requirements 
will not be considered for funding.
    i. Content and Format: Each page must be on numbered, letter-sized 
(8\1/2\ x 11) paper utilizing a white background that has 1'' margins; 
and the text of the application must be typed, single spaced, black, 
and in a font no smaller than 12 point.
    ii. Executive Summary (1-page maximum): On a single page, provide 
the applicant entity name, duration of project in months, amount of 
Federal funding requested, amount of non-Federal cost-share/match 
funding committed, and project title. Identify geographic locations, 
and describe in non-technical language the issue or problem rural 
communities have in accessing economic development planning resources, 
the objectives to address this issue, the innovative approach to be 
employed (including the role of participating partners), how impact 
will be quantified, and the predicted benefits or deliverables of the 
    iii. Standard Application Form: Standard Form 424, ``Application 
for Federal Assistance'' is included as part of the application package 
posted on Grants.gov. Instructions for completing the form are also 
    iv. Applicant Qualifications (1-2 pages): Summary of the 
qualifications of the applicant organization is required. Interested 
applicant must have the organizational capacity, experience, and 
knowledge of rural planning needs and must meet the following minimum 
    a. Demonstrate national structure and/or capacity to support 
multiple rural planning activities across the nation;
    b. Demonstrate knowledge and prior experience in regional planning, 
particularly related to rural issues;
    c. Demonstrate capacity to assist rural communities to develop 
regional plans such as access to data for needs assessment and planners 
and other technical capacity on staff; and
    d. Demonstrate knowledge and prior experience of leveraging other 
community-driven plans or projects such as Comprehensive Economic 
Development Strategies (CEDS) or other Federally-recognized regional 
economic development plans.
    v. Key Personnel Qualifications (1-2 pages): Summary of the 
qualifications of each key person, including the project director, is 
required. Resumes or CVs will not be accepted. The summary should 
include relevant education, years of relevant experience, a description 
of skills relevant to the person's work on the proposed project, and 
the person's key accomplishments. If you expect to contract out a 
portion of the proposed work, but have not hired the contractor, you 
must include a summary of the qualifications you will require from the 
    vi. Project Proposal (15-page maximum): The project proposal must 
include a proposed Work Plan, along with the following information in 
    a. Project Background.
    b. Project Objectives.
    c. Project Approach/Methods.
    d. Theory of Change.
    e. Geographic Locations or Project Areas.
    f. Project Management (Applicants are required to include a Work 
Plan Chart that lists each major Task by Key Personnel involved, Time 
Period of the task, Substantial Involvement of Rural Development staff, 
Deliverables, and Budget associated with each task).
    g. Performance Metrics.
    h. Graphics, References, Citations (Do not count against the 15-
page maximum).
    A Work Plan Chart template is available for applicants as part of 
this funding opportunity on grants.gov.
    vii. Budget Information (10-page maximum): The budget portion of 
the application consists of two parts as described below:

[[Page 41050]]

    a. Standard Form (SF) 424A, ``Budget Information'': Non-
Construction Programs. The SF-424A is included as part of the 
application package posted on Grants.gov.
    b. Detailed Budget Narrative: Provide a detailed narrative in 
support of the budget for the project, broken down by task. Discuss how 
the budget specifically supports the proposed activities. Justify the 
project cost effectiveness and include justification for personnel and 
consultant salaries with a description of duties. Statement(s) of work 
for any subcontractors and consultants must be included as part of the 
application. The budget narrative should include both the Federal funds 
requested and the applicant's matching funds. The format of the budget 
narrative can be in a chart, spreadsheet, table, etc. It should be 
readable on letter-size, printable pages. The information needs to be 
presented in such a way that the reviewers can readily understand what 
expenses are incurred to support the project.
    viii. Certifications: All proposals must include the following 
signed certification forms, which are available at Grants.gov:
    a. AD-3030, ``Representations Regarding Felony Conviction and Tax 
Delinquent Status for Corporate Applicants.'' The AD-3030 must be 
submitted if entity is a corporate non-profit or for-profit corporation 
as indicated in the applicants SAM registration.
    b. AD-3030, ``Representations Regarding Felony Conviction and Tax 
Delinquent Status for Corporate Applicants.'' The AD-3030 must be 
submitted if entity is a corporate non-profit or for-profit corporation 
as indicated in the applicants SAM registration.
    c. SF-424B, ``Assurances for Non-Construction Programs.'' The SF-
242B must be completed by all applicants.
    d. SF-424B, ``Assurances for Non-Construction Programs.'' The SF-
242B must be completed by all applicants.
    ix. Verification of Matching Funds. You must provide verification 
of all matching funds that will be contributed to the project. You must 
include a letter signed by the donating organization's authorized 
representative on the organization's letterhead that identifies the 
amount of matching funds, the time period during which matching funds 
will be available, and the source of the funds (e.g., cash on hand, 
etc.). See Section Eligibility Information (C 3) for more information.
    x. Risk Review: The Agency may request additional documentation 
from selected applicants in order to evaluate the financial, 
management, and performance risk posed by awardees as required by 2 CFR 
200.205. Based on this risk review, the Agency may apply special 
conditions that correspond to the degree of risk assessed.
    xi. National Environmental Policy Act: This Notice has been 
reviewed in accordance with 7 CFR part 1970, ``Environmental Policies 
and Procedures.'' We have determined that an Environmental Impact 
Statement is not required because the issuance of regulations and 
instructions, as well as amendments to them, describing administrative 
and financial procedures for processing, approving, and implementing 
the Agency's financial programs is categorically excluded in the 
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) regulation found at 7 CFR 
1970.53(f). We have determined that this Notice does not constitute a 
major Federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human 
    xii. Civil Rights Compliance Requirements: All awards made under 
this Notice are subject to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as 
required by 7 CFR part 15, subpart A and Section 504 of the 
Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
    3. Unique entity identifier and System for Award Management (SAM). 
DUNS and SAM Numbers: Each applicant (unless the applicant is an 
individual excepted from those requirements under 2 CFR 25.110(b) or 
(c), or has an exception approved by the Federal awarding agency under 
2 CFR 25.110(d)) is required to: (i) Be registered in SAM before 
submitting its application; (ii) provide a valid unique entity 
identifier (Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number) in its 
application; and (iii) continue to maintain an active SAM registration 
with current information at all times during which it has an active 
Federal award or an application or plan under consideration by a 
Federal awarding agency. The Agency may not make a Federal award to an 
applicant until the applicant has complied with all applicable unique 
entity identifier and SAM requirements and, if an applicant has not 
fully complied with the requirements by the time Agency is ready to 
make a Federal award, Agency may determine that the applicant is not 
qualified to receive a Federal award and use that determination as a 
basis for making a Federal award to another applicant. Applicants must 
obtain a DUNS and register in SAM prior to registering with Grants.gov. 
Applicants are strongly encouraged to apply early for their DUNS number 
and SAM registration.
    i. Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) Number: A DUNS number is 
a unique, nine-digit sequence recognized as the universal standard for 
identifying and keeping track of over 70 million businesses worldwide. 
Applicants must obtain a DUNS number. Information on how to obtain a 
DUNS number can be found at http://fedgov.dnb.com/webform or by calling 
1-866-705-5711. Please note that the registration may take up to 14 
business days to complete.
    ii. System for Award Management (SAM) Registration: SAM is the 
official Federal system that consolidated the capabilities of Central 
Contractor Registry, Federal Agency Registration, Online 
Representations and Certifications Application, and Excluded Parties 
List System. To register, go to: https://www.sam.gov/portal/public/SAM/. Please allow a minimum of 5 days to complete the SAM 
    4. Submission Dates and Times. Midnight Eastern Standard Time on 
September 5, 2018. You must submit your application using Grants.gov by 
the deadline date and time. Note that there are registration 
requirements for submitting applications using the Grants.gov system. 
We recommend that you review the instructions for registering as soon 
as possible, but at least two weeks before you plan to submit your 
application. The requirements can be viewed at: http://grants.gov/applicants/organization_registration.jsp. Your application will be 
rejected by Grants.gov if you miss the deadline. We will not accept it 
in a different format, and we will not consider it for funding.
    i. Acknowledgement of receipt: Grants.gov provides receipt of 
application submissions. The Agency acknowledges receipt of proposals 
received by the submission deadline via email. An applicant who does 
not receive such an email acknowledgement within 5 business days of the 
submission deadline, but believes the proposal was submitted within the 
submission deadline, must contact the Agency at 202-568-9832 or 
[email protected] within 10 business days of the 
submission deadline. Failure to do so may result in the proposal not 
being considered.
    ii. Withdrawal: Proposals may be withdrawn by written notice at any 
time before award execution. Written notice of withdrawal must be 
signed by the applicant or an authorized representative.
    All required application documents must be submitted by midnight 
Eastern Standard Time on Wednesday,

[[Page 41051]]

September 5 via www.grants.gov AND by emailing 
[email protected].
    Submitting an application through www.grants.gov requires 
completing a variety of tasks and steps. There are also several 
preliminary registration steps before the applicant can submit the 
application. To register in the Grants.gov system, go to 
www.grants.gov, click on ``Applicants'', then click on ``Get 
Registered.'' If you have completed a prior Grants.gov application, you 
may already have completed the registration process.
    Please allow sufficient time to register in Grants.gov, and for 
possible system delays. Below are instructions for accessing the forms 
necessary to complete an application in Grants.gov:
    i. Go to www.grants.gov. Information about submitting an 
application using Grants.gov is located on the Grants.gov website, 
along with supplementary materials.
    ii. Select the ``Applicant'' tab.
    iii. Select the ``Apply for Grants'' heading.
    iv. Click on ``Get Application Package.'' Follow all steps.
    v. Provide the ``Funding Opportunity Number'' or return to the 
``Search Grants'' section.
    vi. All necessary forms are included within the Grants.gov 
``Application Package.''
    Applications not received through Grants.gov by the submission due 
date and time are not accepted for consideration. The emailed 
application must be assembled into one pdf file document in the order 
specified in section IV, part A. All applications must contain all of 
the elements of a complete package and meet the requirements described 
in this announcement. Grants.gov provides instructions for submitting 
the required application items through the portal. Application receipt 
date and time will be determined by the respective system-generated 
documentation of receipt date and time (Grants.gov provides date and 
time stamps for all proposals submitted through the portal).
    The Agency is not responsible for any technical malfunctions or 
website problems related to Grants.gov or emailed submissions. If you 
encounter issues with Grants.gov, please contact the Grants.gov help 
desk at (800) 518-4726 or grants.gov">[email protected]grants.gov. The applicant assumes the 
risk of any delays in application submission through Grants.gov.
    5. Intergovernmental Review. Intergovernmental Review: Executive 
Order (E.O.) 12372, Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs, 
applies to this program. This E.O. requires that Federal agencies 
provide opportunities for consultation on proposed assistance with 
State and local governments. Many States have established a Single 
Point of Contact (SPOC) to facilitate this consultation. A list of 
States that maintain an SPOC may be obtained at: http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/grants_spoc. If your State has an SPOC, you must 
submit your application directly for review. Any comments obtained 
through the SPOC must be provided to us for consideration as part of 
your application. If your State has not established an SPOC, we will 
submit your application to the appropriate agency or agencies at our 
discretion. Applications from Federally-recognized Indian Tribes are 
not subject to Intergovernmental Review.
    6. Funding Restrictions.
    i. Pre-award Costs. Pre-award costs are not authorized.
    ii. Use of Funds. Award funds may be used to pay up to 50 percent 
of the project costs.
    iii. Period of Performance. The maximum Period of Performance is 2 
years. Applicants should anticipate a Period of Performance beginning 
September 30, 2018 and ending no later September 30, 2020.
    iv. Indirect Cost Rate. The indirect cost rate is limited to 10 
percent of direct charges for all nonprofit institutions, including 
institutions of higher education. All other organizations must use the 
rate identified in their Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Approval 
(NICRA). If you do not have a NICRA, you may elect to charge only 
direct costs to the award. If you have never had a NICRA, you may also 
choose to use a de minimis rate of 10 percent of modified total direct 
costs in accordance with 2 CFR 200.414(f). Your indirect cost rate must 
be included on Form SF-424A.
    v. Program Income. If you expect to earn Program Income during the 
Period of Performance, you must identify the amount and how you expect 
to use it (e.g. Matching Funds) in your application. If your 
application is funded, unexpected Program Income or Program Income 
earned in excess of the amount you identify in your application will be 
deducted from the Federal share of the project in accordance with 2 CFR 
    vi. Prohibited Costs. In addition to costs identified as 
unallowable by 2 CFR part 200, the following costs are prohibited for 
this program. Neither award funds nor matching funds can be used to pay 
for the following types of expenses.
    a. Duplicating services currently provided;
    b. Funding a revolving loan fund;
    c. Construction (in any form);
    d. Salaries for positions involved in construction, renovations, 
rehabilitation, and any oversight of these types of activities;
    e. Intermediary preparation of strategic plans for recipients;
    f. Funding prostitution, gambling, or any illegal activities;
    g. Grants to individuals;
    h. Funding a grant where there may be a conflict of interest, or an 
appearance of a conflict of interest, involving any action by the 
    i. Providing assistance to only one individual, organization, or 
    j. Paying obligations incurred before the beginning date without 
prior Agency approval or after the ending date of the cooperative 
    k. Purchasing real estate;
    l. Improvement or renovation of the recipient's office space or for 
the repair or maintenance of privately owned vehicles;
    m. Any purpose prohibited in 2 CFR part 200 or 400;
    n. Using cooperative agreement assistance or matching funds for 
Individual Development Accounts;
    o. Purchasing vehicles.

V. Application Review Information

    Applications will first be reviewed to determine if they meet the 
eligibility requirements and comply with the funding restrictions in 
this Notice. If we determine that your application is ineligible, we 
will discontinue processing it, which means that we will not evaluate 
it further or provide any scoring information. We will notify you in 
writing regarding the reason(s) for ineligibility, and we will provide 
a description of your options if you believe that our determination is 
incorrect. Note that in the event that our determination is reversed, 
either due to the discovery of an Agency error or through a formal 
appeal, funding is restricted to available fiscal year 2018 funds.
    If your application is determined to be eligible, we will further 
evaluate it based on the following criteria. All applications will be 
competitively ranked and the minimum score requirements for a 
cooperative agreement award under this Notice is 60 points.
    1. Evaluation Criteria: We will only use the information that you 
provide in your application to evaluate your proposed project. We will 
not review references to websites or publications, so we encourage you 
to fully address each criterion.

[[Page 41052]]

    i. Soundness of Approach (0-20 points). The applicant can receive 
up to 20 points for soundness of approach. The maximum 20 points for 
this criterion will be based on the following:
    a. The objectives must be clearly stated in the proposal and the 
applicant must define how this proposal will be implemented. The 
applicant must demonstrate how the proposal will strengthen the 
capacity of rural communities in developing and implementing regional 
plans for economic development. The applicant must demonstrate how the 
proposed technical assistance includes both the planning and 
implementation components referenced in Section C. The applicant must 
also demonstrate how the proposed technical assistance will expand 
rural communities' ability to access funding and planning resources to 
convene community members. The applicant must also demonstrate how the 
proposal will support implementation of regional economic development 
plans and should include descriptions on how proposed technical 
assistance will result in actionable steps to support implementation of 
these plans. (10 points)
    b. The applicant clearly outlines their ability to provide the 
proposed technical assistance based on clearly stated and well-
documented prior accomplishments. (5 points)
    c. The proposal clearly outlines how it will implement activities 
to support alignment with one or more of the five key strategies 
(achieving e-connectivity, developing the rural economy, harnessing 
technological innovation, supporting a rural workforce, and improving 
quality of life in Rural America) the Agriculture and Rural Prosperity 
Task Force Report. (5 points)
    ii. Partnerships (0-25 points). The applicant can receive up to 25 
points for quality of the applicant's existing partnerships and 
proposed new partnerships for this effort. The applicant must recruit 
one or more private and/or public partners to meet match requirements 
and maximize leveraging of regional economic development plans 
developed through this project. The maximum 25 points for this 
criterion will be based on the following:
    a. The applicant demonstrates how their proposal will focus on the 
quantity and quality of partnerships, including the ability to leverage 
new partners that have previously had limited engagement with RD 
projects or priorities to leverage resources, enhance technical 
assistance, and/or increase reach to underserved areas. The proposal 
must demonstrate that partners with shared missions and goals will be 
engaged to amplify reach in rural areas. (10 points)
    b. The applicant demonstrates how their proposal will support the 
quantity and quality of match commitments to support this project, and 
percentage of match in cash form versus in-kind contributions. (5 
    c. The applicant will demonstrate how their proposal will support 
the ability of applicant to leverage other community-driven plans or 
projects such as Comprehensive Economic Development Strategies (CEDS) 
or other Federally-recognized regional economic development plans. (5 
    d. The applicant will demonstrate how their proposal will utilize 
partnerships outside of RD. The applicant will identify such 
partnerships and will demonstrate how they will provide access to such 
partnerships to support implementation of projects identified through 
development of regional economic development plans. (10 points)
    iii. Innovation (0-10 points). The applicant can receive up to 10 
points for innovative methods and practices to support development of 
regional economic development plans. The maximum 10 points for this 
criterion will be based on the following:
    a. The applicant's proposal should demonstrate the ability of the 
applicant to propose methods and practices to utilize unique and 
innovative planning methods that are currently not being implemented at 
scale. (5 points)
    b. The applicant's proposal should demonstrate the ability of the 
applicant to demonstrate that the proposed innovative methods and 
practices have been field-tested and ready to scale. (5 points) We are 
looking for unique and innovative ideas that are not currently being 
implemented at scale, so projects that propose innovative solutions 
that haven't been readily deployed before will receive higher points.
    iv. Organizational Capacity & Qualifications (0-15 points). The 
applicant can receive up to 15 points based on organizational capacity 
and qualifications. The maximum 15 points for this criterion will be 
based on the following:
    a. The applicant's proposal should demonstrate that the applicant 
has knowledge and prior experience in regional planning, particularly 
related to rural issues. The applicant should specify years of 
experience, types of communities served, and outcomes achieved. (10 
    b. The applicant's proposal should demonstrate that the applicant 
has identified appropriate key personnel, both in terms of number of 
personnel and qualifications of personnel, to carry out the approach 
identified. Capacity of personnel to access data for needs assessments 
and access to planners and other technical experts will be evaluated. 
(5 points)
    v. Work Plan (0-15 points). The applicant can receive up to 15 
points based on the quality of the proposed work plan and approach. The 
maximum 15 points for this criterion will be based on the following:
    a. Applicants should use the approved work plan template to include 
the following information: Description of objective, background 
approach, timeframe for key tasks along with substantial involvement, 
budget and deliverables that are necessary to implement project to 
support regional economic development planning in rural communities. 
Reasonableness and appropriateness of key tasks will be evaluated based 
on proposed project approach. (5 points)
    b. The applicant's proposal should include a description of the 
types and general locations of rural communities to be served through 
this project, including the ability to support multiple rural planning 
activities across the nation and the reasonableness of effectively 
serving these communities based on key personnel, established 
timeframes, and budget. (5 points)
    c. The applicant's proposal should include a description and 
appropriateness of the tasks to incorporate active participation from 
RD staff. (5 points)
    vi. Performance Outcomes (0-15 points). The applicant can receive 
up to 15 points based on the quality of the proposed performance 
measures to evaluate progress and impacts of proposed project. The 
maximum 15 points for this criterion will be based on the following:
    a. The applicant's proposal should include a description for how 
the results of the technical assistance will be measured, including the 
benchmarks to be used to measure effectiveness. Benchmarks should be 
specific and quantifiable. (10 points)
    b. The applicant's proposal should include a description of 
benchmarks and outcomes achieved during previously deployed planning 
efforts. (5 points)
    2. Review and Selection Process: All eligible applications will be 
evaluated based on the process described below.
    i. Review Process. All eligible applications will be evaluated by 
an Application Review Panel using the criteria described in Section E.1 
of this Notice. Panel members will be

[[Page 41053]]

appointed by the Agency and they will be qualified to evaluate the 
applications, based on the type of work proposed by the applicant.
    ii. Selection Process. Applications will be ranked in descending 
order, according to the scores awarded by the Panel. Applications will 
be funded in rank order, until all available funds have been expended. 
Applications at or near the funding line may be funded in part, if the 
Agency believes an appropriate benefit can result from partial funding 
and if the applicant agrees to the amount of partial funding. In the 
event the Agency considers partial funding to be appropriate, we will 
contact the applicant and negotiate the final work plan and budget 
prior to approving an award.
    iii. Anticipated Announcement and Award Dates. All awards must be 
obligated by September 30, 2018.

VI. Award Administration Information

    1. Federal Award Notices:
    i. Successful applicants. Successful applicants will be notified in 
writing by the Agency with a Letter of Conditions (LOC). The LOC is a 
notice of selection and does not indicate that an award has been 
approved, nor is it an authorization to begin performance on the award. 
While there may be special conditions that apply on a case-by-case 
basis, the following conditions are standard for all successful 
    a. Complete Form RD 1942-46, ``Letter of Intent to Meet 
    b. Complete Form RD 1940-1, ``Request for Obligation of Funds.''
    c. Complete FMMI Vendor Code Request Form.
    d. Provide a copy of your organization's Negotiated Indirect Cost 
Rate Agreement.
    e. Certify that all work completed for the award will benefit a 
rural area.
    f. Certify that you will comply with the Federal Funding 
Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 and report information 
about subawards and executive compensation.
    g. Certify that the U.S. has not obtained an outstanding judgement 
against your organization in a Federal Court (other than in the United 
States Tax Court).
    h. Execute Form SF-424B, ``Assurances--Non-Construction Programs.''
    i. Execute Form SF-LLL, ``Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying,'' if 
applicable or certify that your organization does not lobby.
    j. Execute Form AD-1047, ``Certification Regarding Debarment, 
Suspension, and Other Responsibility Matters-Primary Covered 
    k. Obtain a certification on Form AD-1048, ``Certification 
Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion-
Lower Tier Covered Transactions,'' from anyone you do business with as 
a result of this award.
    l. Execute Form AD-1049, ``Certification Regarding a Drug-Free 
Workplace Requirements (Grants).''
    m. Execute Form AD-3031, ``Assurance Regarding Felony Conviction or 
Tax Delinquent Status for Corporate Applicants.''
    n. Execute Form RD 400-4, ``Assurance Agreement.''
    Once the conditions described in the LOC have been met, the award 
will be approved through the execution of Form RD 4280-2 in conjunction 
with the RDCA Program Attachment. If an applicant is unable to meet the 
conditions of the award within 90 calendar days, the award will be 
    ii. Unsuccessful applicants. Unsuccessful applicants will be 
notified in writing no later than October 31, 2018.
    2. Administrative and National Policy Requirements. The terms of 
the award are available at: http://forms.sc.egov.usda.gov/efcommon/eFileServices/eForms/RD4280-2.PDF.
    3. Reporting Requirements. The following reporting requirements 
apply to awards made through this program.
    i. Performance Reports: Form SF-PPR, ``Performance Progress 
Report,'' must be submitted quarterly based on the following time 
periods: January 1-March 31, April 1-June 30, July 1-September 30, and 
October 1-December 31. Quarterly reports are due within 30 calendar 
days of the end of the reporting period. A final report is due within 
90 calendar days of the completion of the project or the end of the 
period of performance, whichever comes first. Both quarterly and final 
performance reports must be submitted electronically to 202-568-9832 or 
[email protected].
    ii. Financial Report: Form SF-425, ``Federal Financial Report'' 
must be submitted quarterly based on the following time periods: 
January 1-March 31, April 1-June 30, July 1-September 30, October 1-
December 31. Quarterly reports are due within 30 calendar days of the 
end of the reporting period. A final report is due within 90 calendar 
days of the completion of the project or the end of the period of 
performance, whichever is comes first. Both quarterly and final reports 
must be submitted electronically to [email protected].
    iii. Report Suitable for Public Distribution: A report suitable for 
public distribution that describes the accomplishments of the project 
is due within 90 calendar days of the completion of the project. There 
is no format prescribed for this report, but it is expected that it 
will be 1-2 pages in length and describe the project in such a way that 
a member of the public not familiar with the project would gain an 
understanding of the impact of the project.

VII. Federal Awarding Agency Contact

    If you have questions, you may contact Christine Sorensen at 202-
568-9832 or [email protected].

VIII. Notice to Applicants

    The Federal Government is not obligated to make any Federal award 
as a result of this announcement. Only authorized Federal officials can 
bind the Federal Government to the expenditure of funds.

IX. Nondiscrimination Statement

    In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of 
Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its 
Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or 
administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on 
race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including 
gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital 
status, family/parental status, income derived from a public assistance 
program. Political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil 
rights activity, in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA 
(not all bases apply to all programs). Remedies and complaint filing 
deadlines vary by program or incident.
    Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of 
communication for program information (e.g., Braille, large print, 
audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.) should contact the responsible 
Agency or USDA's TARTET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or 
contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. 
Additionally, program information may be made available in languages 
other than English.
    To file a program discrimination complaint, complete the USDA 
Program Discrimination Complaint Form, AD-3027, found online at: http://www.ascr.usda.gov/complaint_filing_cust.html, and at any USDA office 
or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of 

[[Page 41054]]

information requested in the form. To request a copy of a complaint 
form, call, (866) 632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to 
USDA by:
    1. Mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Assistant 
Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 
    2. Fax: (202) 690-7442; or
    3. Email at: [email protected].
    USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.

    Dated: August 10, 2018.
Anne Hazlett,
Assistant to the Secretary, USDA Rural Development.

[[Page 41055]]


[[Page 41056]]


[FR Doc. 2018-17765 Filed 8-16-18; 8:45 am]

                                              41046                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 160 / Friday, August 17, 2018 / Notices

                                              Management Plan (GMP) (Amendment                        Blue Butterfly was listed as a                        Administrative Review
                                              five of the Forest Plan):                               endangered species in 2015 and the                      The Lee Canyon Project and the
                                                 SMNRA-wide Standards and                             designated critical habitat for the                   Forest Plan amendment will be subject
                                              Guidelines: (GMP Standard 0.31) New                     butterfly includes portions of the Lee                to objection under 36 CFR part 218.
                                              roads, administrative facilities, and                   Canyon Ski Area, Constraint #2 from the
                                              developed recreation sites other than                                                                           Dated: May 7, 2018.
                                                                                                      standard cannot be met. The Proposed
                                              low-impact facilities (trails, trailhead                                                                      Chris French,
                                                                                                      Action and other action alternatives also
                                              parking, signs, restrooms, etc.) will be                include the addition of a 500 vehicle                 Associate Deputy Chief, National Forest
                                              outside a 100-yard buffer zone around                                                                         System.
                                                                                                      parking lot at the ski area to
                                              known Clokey’s eggvetch and rough                                                                             [FR Doc. 2018–17730 Filed 8–16–18; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                      accommodate increased visitor use
                                              angelica populations or potential                       without the development of additional                 BILLING CODE 3411–15–P
                                              habitat, and outside biodiversity                       parking in lower Lee Canyon or shuttle
                                              hotspots (defined as areas of particular                services. The project-specifc Forest Plan
                                              diversity or sensitivity).                                                                                    DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE
                                                                                                      Amendment would exempt the project
                                                 The need for this Forest Plan                        from the requirements under Constraint
                                              amendment is that in the Lee Canyon                                                                           Rural Business-Cooperative Service
                                                                                                      #2 and Constraint #3.
                                              Proposed Action new service roads, and
                                                                                                         The substantive requirements of the                Rural Housing Service
                                              ski area facilities would occur within
                                              the 100-yard buffer zone established                    2012 Planning Rule (36 CFR part 219)
                                                                                                      likely to be directly related and,                    Rural Utilities Service
                                              around known Clokey’s eggvetch and
                                              rough angelica populations or potential                 therefore, applicable to the Forest Plan
                                                                                                                                                            Rural Development Cooperative
                                              habitat. These areas have been                          amendment for the Lee Canyon Project                  Agreement Program
                                              thoroughly inventoried for these species                are in 36 CFR 219.9(b) regarding
                                              and none were found within the project                  threatened and endangered species and                 AGENCY:   Rural Development USDA.
                                              foot print. This project-specific Forest                36 CFR 219.10(a)(1), (3), and (7)                     ACTION:   Notice.
                                              Plan amendment will allow                               regarding integrated resource
                                              development within the 100-yard buffer                  management for multiple use. The scope                SUMMARY:   The Assistant to the Secretary
                                              zones for these two-species established                 and scale to which these substantive                  for Rural Development (Agency) is
                                                                                                      requirements would apply are the scope                seeking applications to support regional
                                              in the Standard GMP 0.31 (p. 18) to
                                                                                                                                                            economic development planning efforts
                                              allow for construction of service roads                 and scale of the Lee Canyon Project. The
                                                                                                                                                            in rural communities under the Rural
                                              and ski area facilities.                                amendment would not apply to any
                                                 Under the Proposed Action and other                                                                        Economic Development Innovation
                                                                                                      other projects or activities.
                                              action alternatives, Standard GMP 0.31                                                                        (REDI) initiative. This funding
                                              would be amended to allow new service                   Responsible Official                                  opportunity will be administered by the
                                              roads and developed recreation sites to                                                                       Rural Development Innovation Center,
                                                                                                        The Responsible Official for the Lee                in partnership with the Rural Business-
                                              be placed within the 100-yard buffer                    Canyon Project and the Forest Plan                    Cooperative Service. The Agency is
                                              zone around known Clokey’s eggvetch
                                                                                                      amendment is William A. Dunkelberger,                 announcing up to $750,000 in
                                              and rough angelica populations or
                                                                                                      Forest Supervisor, Humboldt-Toiyabe                   competitive cooperative agreement
                                              potential habitat, and within
                                                                                                      National Forest Supervisor’s Office,                  funds in fiscal year (FY) 2018. Rural
                                              biodiversity hotspots in the Lee Canyon
                                                                                                      1200 Franklin Way, Sparks, Nevada                     Development Agency may select one,
                                              Special Use Permit Boundary.
                                                 Management Area 11: (11.57) Allow                    89431, phone (775) 355–5310.                          multiple, or no award recipients. The
                                              limited expansion of ski area in Lee                                                                          Agency reserves the right to withhold
                                                                                                      Decision To Be Made                                   the awarding of any funds if no
                                              Canyon and enhancement of skiing
                                                                                                         In consideration of the stated purpose             application receives a score of at least
                                              opportunities and facilities within the
                                                                                                      and need and the analysis of                          60 points.
                                              scope of an approved master
                                                                                                                                                               This Notice lists the information
                                              development plan and under the                          environmental effects documented in
                                                                                                                                                            needed to submit an application for
                                              following constraints:                                  this EIS, the Responsible Official will               these funds. This Notice announces that
                                                 1. Expansion occurs within the                       review the proposed action and                        the Agency is accepting FY 2018
                                              existing sub-basin.                                     alternatives in order to make the
                                                 2. Does not impact any threatened,                                                                         applications to support REDI.
                                                                                                      following decisions:
                                              endangered, or sensitive species or                                                                           DATES: The deadline for receipt of a
                                                                                                         • Whether to authorize the proposed                complete application is midnight
                                              species of concern or its habitat.
                                                 3. Expansion is commensurate with                    action or an alternative, including the               Eastern Standard Time on Wednesday,
                                              development of additional parking in                    required no-action alternative, all or in             September 5, via www.grants.gov. The
                                              the lower Lee Canyon area and shuttle                   part;                                                 Agency will not consider any
                                              services.                                                  • What design criteria and mitigation              application received after the deadline.
                                                 4. Expansion incorporates defensible                 measures to require as a condition of the             After an applicant submits an
                                              space design and fire safe facilities.                  authorization;                                        application via grants.gov, all applicants
                                                 5. Where consistent with other                                                                             must email RD.Innovation@
                                                                                                         • What evaluation methods and                      osec.usda.gov to confirm application
                                              standards and guidelines.
                                                 The need for this Forest Plan                        documentation to require for monitoring               and receipt of the application package.
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1

                                              amendment is that the Proposed Action                   project implementation and mitigation                 Applicants who have been selected for
                                              and other action alternatives include                   effectiveness; and                                    funding will receive a letter of official
                                              development of ski runs, mountain                          • Whether to amend the Forest Plan                 notification and will be awarded a
                                              coasters, zip lines, mountain bike trails,              to exempt the project from Standard                   cooperative agreement authorized under
                                              parking areas, and access roads within                  GMP 0.31 and from Constraints #2 and                  7 U.S.C. 2204b(b)(4). Pending funding
                                              the Lee Canyon Ski Area permitted                       #3 of Standard GMP Management Area                    availability, all awards will be made no
                                              boundary. As the Mount Charleston                       11.57.                                                later than September 30, 2018.

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:17 Aug 16, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00005   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\17AUN1.SGM   17AUN1

                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 160 / Friday, August 17, 2018 / Notices                                           41047

                                              Applicants should plan their projects                   Overview                                                 • Evidence-based understanding of
                                              based on a start date of September 30,                                                                        community assets, challenges and
                                                                                                        Federal Agency Name: U.S.
                                              2018 and must be completed within 24                                                                          opportunities.
                                                                                                      Department of Agriculture, Rural
                                              months.                                                                                                          • Goals are focused, logical, targeted
                                              ADDRESSES:   The deadline for receipt of                  Funding Opportunity Title: Rural                    and timely with tasks identified and
                                              an application is midnight Eastern                      Development Cooperative Agreement                     with a responsible party assigned.
                                              Standard Time on Wednesday,                             Program.                                                 • The plan was created through broad
                                              September 5, 2018. Applications may be                    Announcement Type: Notice of                        community participation, public input
                                              submitted electronically through the                    Funding Availability (NOFA).                          and buy-in.
                                              Grants.gov system or through email to                     Catalog of Federal Domestic                            • The format must be persuasive in a
                                              RD.Innovation@osec.usda.gov. Note that                  Assistance (CFDA) Number: 10.890.                     non-technical manner.
                                              there are registration requirements for
                                              submitting applications using the
                                                                                                        Application Due Date: All required                     • The plan makes clear how each of
                                                                                                      application documents must be                         its strategies is intended to help
                                              Grants.gov system. We recommend that
                                                                                                      submitted by midnight Eastern Standard                produce, either directly or indirectly,
                                              you review the instructions for
                                                                                                      Time on Wednesday, September 5                        improvements in the local and regional
                                              registering as soon as possible, but at
                                                                                                      electronically via www.grants.gov.                    economy.
                                              least two weeks before you plan to
                                                                                                      Applicants submitting proposals must                     • Regional economic development
                                              submit your application. The
                                                                                                      also confirm receipt and email                        plans developed through REDI
                                              requirements can be viewed at: http://
                                                                                                      RD.Innovation@osec.usda.gov to                        assistance should identify possible
                                                                                                      confirm application and receipt of the                projects to be funded through RD
                                              registration.jsp. Your application will be
                                                                                                      application package. Applicants who                   programs and/or other Federal, state,
                                              rejected by Grants.gov if you miss the
                                                                                                      have been selected for funding will                   local or private sector resources.
                                              deadline and the Agency will not
                                                                                                      receive a letter of official notification.
                                              consider any application received after                                                                          This funding opportunity expands
                                                                                                      Pending funding availability, all awards
                                              the deadline.                                                                                                 rural communities’ ability to access
                                                                                                      will be made no later than September
                                              FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                        30, 2018. Applicants should plan their                planning resources to convene, identify
                                              Question about this announcement can                    projects based on a start date of                     needs, create actionable economic
                                              be directed to Christine Sorensen,                      September 30, 2018 and must be                        development plans, and implement
                                              Regional Coordinator, via 202–568–9832                  completed within 24 months.                           project priorities to improve quality of
                                              or Christine.Sorensen@wdc.usda.gov.                       For More Information: Questions                     life in rural communities. Quality of life
                                                                                                      about this announcement can be                        is a measure of human well-being that
                                              SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                                                                                    can be identified though economic and
                                                                                                      directed to Christine Sorensen, Regional
                                              Preface                                                 Coordinator, via 202–568–9832 or                      social indicators. Modern utilities,
                                                                                                      Christine.Sorensen@wdc.usda.gov.                      affordable housing, efficient
                                                 The Agency encourages applications                                                                         transportation and reliable employment
                                              that will support recommendations                       A. Program Description                                are economic indicators that must be
                                              made in the Rural Prosperity Task Force                                                                       integrated with social indicators like
                                                                                                         USDA Rural Development (RD) is
                                              report to help improve life in rural                                                                          access to medical services, public safety,
                                                                                                      authorized to administer cooperative
                                              America (www.usda.gov/                                                                                        education and community resilience to
                                                                                                      agreement awards in accordance with 7
                                              ruralprosperity). Applicants are                                                                              empower rural communities to thrive.
                                                                                                      U.S.C. 2204b(b)(4). Rural Economic
                                              encouraged to consider projects that                                                                          Economic development plans developed
                                                                                                      Development Innovation (REDI) aims to
                                              provide measurable results in helping                                                                         through this funding opportunity
                                                                                                      strengthen the capacity of rural
                                              rural communities build robust and                                                                            should focus on one or more of these
                                                                                                      communities (50,000 people or less in
                                              sustainable economies through strategic                                                                       economic and/or social indicators.
                                                                                                      the United States plus Tribes and
                                              investments in infrastructure,                                                                                   Applicants are encouraged to consider
                                                                                                      territories) in implementing strategic
                                              partnerships, and innovation. Key                                                                             regional planning projects that provide
                                                                                                      community and economic development
                                              strategies include:                                                                                           measurable results in helping rural
                                                                                                      plans as referenced in Section 379H of
                                                 • Achieving e-Connectivity for Rural                 the Consolidated Farm and Rural                       communities built robust and
                                              America.                                                Development Act (7 U.S.C. 2008v). The                 sustainable economies through strategic
                                                 • Developing the Rural Economy.                      goal of this funding announcement is to               investments in infrastructure,
                                                                                                      solicit applications to provide                       partnerships, and innovation. Such
                                                 • Harnessing Technological
                                                                                                      cooperative agreement funding to                      projects should also support rural
                                                                                                      eligible applicants to enable them to                 communities’ ability to qualify for
                                                 • Supporting a Rural Workforce.                      provide technical assistance and                      priority funding under Section 379H of
                                                 • Improving Quality of Life.                         training and actionable planning of                   the Consolidated Farm and Rural
                                                                                                      implementation of strategic community                 Development Act [7 U.S.C. 2008v].
                                              Paperwork Reduction Act
                                                                                                      and economic development plans.                          This approach to comprehensive rural
                                                It is anticipated that the anticipated                Supporting regional economic                          community development is unique in
                                              number of respondents affected by this                  development plans help rural                          its attempt to improve rural
                                              information collection is less than 10                  communities overcome multi-                           communities in a way that is (1) rooted
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1

                                              entities and therefore, this Notice                     jurisdictional challenges and better                  in emphasizing partnerships and
                                              contains no reporting or recordkeeping                  leverage Federal, state, local or private             collaboration among multiple public
                                              provisions requiring Office of                          funding.                                              agencies and community partners and
                                              Management and Budget (OMB)                                For purposes of this proposal, a                   (2) focused on combining state resources
                                              approval under the Paperwork                            quality regional economic plan will                   to make wide-ranging quality-of-life
                                              Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C.                        include but not be limited to the                     impacts as opposed to separate,
                                              Chapter 35).                                            following:                                            piecemeal, incremental improvements.

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                                              41048                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 160 / Friday, August 17, 2018 / Notices

                                              B. Federal Award Information                            C. Eligibility Information                 life. The applicant will demonstrate
                                                 1. Estimated Funding: Interested                        Applicants must meet all of the         how their proposal will utilize
                                              applicants shall only propose                           following eligibility requirements by the partnerships outside of RD. The
                                              applications with scope of work/budget                  application deadline. Applications         applicant will identify such
                                              that does not exceed $750,000 in                        which fail to meet any of these            partnerships and will demonstrate how
                                              Federal funding.                                        requirements by the application            they will provide access to such
                                                 2. Start Date and Performance Period:                deadline will be deemed ineligible and     partnerships to support implementation
                                              Projects may be up to 2 years in                        will not be evaluated further and will     of projects identified through
                                                                                                      not receive a Federal award.               development of regional economic
                                              duration. Applicants should plan their
                                                                                                         1. Applicant Eligibility: Federally-    development plans. The proposed
                                              projects based on a project start date of
                                              September 30, 2018 and a project end                    recognized Tribes, institutions of higher project should also describe how it will
                                                                                                      education, nonprofit organizations, or     support implementation of multi-
                                              date of no later than September 30,
                                                                                                      private organizations with a               jurisdictional and/or multi-sector
                                                                                                                                                 regional economic development plans,
                                                 3. Type of Federal Award:                            demonstrated national structure and/or
                                                                                                                                                 as described in Section 379H of the
                                              Cooperative Agreement. Rural                            capacity to deliver and support multiple
                                                                                                                                                 Consolidated Farm and Rural
                                              Development will be substantially                       rural planning activities across the
                                                                                                                                                 Development Act.
                                              involved in the work performed under                    nation are eligible applicants. Entities      3. Cost Sharing or Matching
                                              each approved cooperative agreement.                    are not eligible if they have been         Requirements: There is a dollar or in-
                                              Substantial involvement may include                     debarred or suspended or otherwise         kind matching requirement that is at
                                              but is not limited to collaboration,                    excluded from or ineligible for            least equal to the amount of the
                                              participation, oversight, and control of                participation in Federal assistance        cooperative agreement award. If this
                                              the following:                                          programs under Executive Order 12549, matching fund requirement is not met,
                                                 i. Authority to suspend work if                      ‘‘Debarment and Suspension.’’ In           the application will be deemed
                                              specification or work statements are not                addition, an applicant will be             ineligible. Matching requirements are
                                              met;                                                    considered ineligible for a cooperative    cash, confirmed funding commitments
                                                 ii. Review and approval of one stage                 agreement due to an outstanding            and/or third party in-kind contributions
                                              of work before another may begin;                       judgment obtained by the U.S. in a         as defined in 2 CFR 200.96. that are at
                                                 iii. Review and approval of                          Federal Court (other than U.S. Tax         least equal to the cooperative agreement
                                              substantive provisions of proposed sub-                 Court), is delinquent on the payment of    amount and committed for a period of
                                              grants or contracts;                                    Federal income taxes, or is delinquent     not less than the cooperative agreement
                                                 iv. Prior review and approval of key                 on Federal debt.                           performance period. Applicants must
                                              personnel; and                                             2. Eligible Project Purposes: The       recruit one or more private and/or
                                                 v. Agency collaboration and                          Project purpose must be to strengthen      public partner(s) to match one-for-one
                                              coordination with respect to                            the capacity of rural communities          (in cash and/or in-kind contributions)
                                              deliverables and execution of the work                  (50,000 people or less in the United       the applicant’s proposed funding
                                              plan. At a minimum, applicants should                   States plus Tribes and territories) in     request. Cost sharing/matching must be
                                              anticipate Agency participation in the                  developing and implementing regional       committed at the time of application
                                              selection of communities to receive                     plans for economic development as          submission. Applications must include
                                              regional planning assistance; the                       referenced in Section 379H of the          written verification of commitments of
                                              convening of community members,                         Consolidated Farm and Rural                cost sharing or matching support
                                              partners, and stakeholders; the delivery                Development Act. Eligible project          (including both cash and in-kind
                                              of training on RD programs and/or                       purposes must include the two facets of contributions) from third parties. Cost
                                              economic development principles; and                    technical assistance:                      sharing or matching funds must meet
                                              the review/approval of regional                            i. Planning Technical Assistance: The the criteria stated at 2 CFR 200.306 and
                                              economic development plans for                          proposed project should provide            be valued in accordance with 2 CFR
                                              purposes of priority funding under                      planning technical assistance to rural     200.306(d).
                                              Section 379H of the Consolidated Farm                   communities by assisting in the               Additional details about cost sharing
                                              and Rural Development Act (7 U.S.C.                     development of regional economic           or matching funds/contributions is
                                              2008v).                                                 development plans. Proposals should        located at 2 CFR 200.306. Applicant
                                                 4. Number of Awards: The Agency                      include descriptions on how technical      matching funds must be included in the
                                              anticipates that it may select one,                     assistance will result in actionable steps budget narrative. For matching funds
                                              multiple, or no award recipients from                   to support implementation of these         offered by project partners, a separate
                                              this notice of funding availability. The                plans. The proposed project should also commitment letter is required for each
                                              Agency reserves the right to withhold                   provide technical assistance to expand     cash and/or in-kind match contribution.
                                              the awarding of any funds if no                         rural communities’ ability to access       Commitment letters must be signed by
                                              application receives a minimum score of                 funding and planning resources to          the authorized organizational
                                              at least 60 points.                                     convene community members.                 representative of the contributing
                                                 5. Eligibility of renewal or                            ii. Implementation Technical            organization and the applicant
                                              Supplemental Project Applications:                      Assistance: The proposed project should organization, which must include: (i)
                                              Applications for renewal or                             provide technical assistance toward        The name, address, and telephone
                                              supplementation of any existing Federal                 implementation of the project priorities   number of the contributor; (ii) the name
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1

                                              awards are not eligible for this new                    emerging from the regional economic        of the applicant organization; (iii) the
                                              Federal award. An application for                       development plans. The technical           title of the project for which the
                                              renewal means a proposal submitted to                   assistance should include strategies for   contribution is made, (iv) the dollar
                                              continue an existing agreement by                       enhancing communities’ efforts at          amount of the contribution; and (v) a
                                              adding components to an existing                        leveraging Federal, state, local, and/or   statement that the contributor commits
                                              agreement in order to meet the                          private funding to build resilient         to furnish the contribution during the
                                              objectives of this solicitation.                        communities and improve quality of         cooperative agreement period.

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                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 160 / Friday, August 17, 2018 / Notices                                           41049

                                                 Applications without signed written                  total project budget, the application will               iv. Applicant Qualifications (1–2
                                              commitments are deemed incomplete                       not be considered for funding.                        pages): Summary of the qualifications of
                                              and will be ineligible. The value of                      6. Rural Area: The project must                     the applicant organization is required.
                                              applicant contributions to the project is               directly benefit a rural area. All ultimate           Interested applicant must have the
                                              established according to Federal cost                   beneficiaries and/or subrecipients must               organizational capacity, experience, and
                                              principles. Applicants should refer to 2                be located in rural areas, and any                    knowledge of rural planning needs and
                                              CFR 200.306 for additional guidance on                  activities or tasks must occur in rural               must meet the following minimum
                                              matching funds, in-kind contributions,                  areas. The term ‘rural area’ means the                requirements:
                                              and allowable costs.                                    Rural Business Service’s Rural Area                      a. Demonstrate national structure
                                                 4. Substantial Involvement: Proposed                 definition as out lined in Section                    and/or capacity to support multiple
                                              project must include a component that                   343(a)(13)(A)(i) of the Consolidated                  rural planning activities across the
                                              allows for active participation by the                  Farm and Rural Development Act which                  nation;
                                              Agency in the majority of tasks.                        states: Any area other than: (1) A city or               b. Demonstrate knowledge and prior
                                              Examples of substantial involvement                     town that has a population of greater                 experience in regional planning,
                                              include but are not limited to the                      than 50,000 inhabitants; and (2) any                  particularly related to rural issues;
                                              following: Joint-selection of                           urbanized area contiguous and adjacent                   c. Demonstrate capacity to assist rural
                                              communities to receive regional                         to such a city or town.                               communities to develop regional plans
                                                                                                        7. Number of Applications: You                      such as access to data for needs
                                              planning assistance; joint-convening of
                                                                                                      cannot submit more than one                           assessment and planners and other
                                              community members, partners, and
                                                                                                      application for this Notice.                          technical capacity on staff; and
                                              stakeholders; joint-delivery of training                                                                         d. Demonstrate knowledge and prior
                                              on RD programs and/or economic                          D. Application and Submission                         experience of leveraging other
                                              development principles; and joint-                      Information                                           community-driven plans or projects
                                              review/approval of regional economic                      1. Address to Request Application                   such as Comprehensive Economic
                                              development plans for purposes of                       Page. All necessary forms can be found                Development Strategies (CEDS) or other
                                              priority funding under Section 6025                     within the Grants.gov ‘‘Application                   Federally-recognized regional economic
                                              Strategic Economic and Community                        Package.’’                                            development plans.
                                              Development. It is the intent of this                     2. Content and Form of Application                     v. Key Personnel Qualifications (1–2
                                              project to engage Agency and state RD                   Submission. There is no pre-application               pages): Summary of the qualifications of
                                              staff in the development of regional                    process for this announcement. All                    each key person, including the project
                                              economic development plans and it is                    checklist, application, and standard                  director, is required. Resumes or CVs
                                              the responsibility of the applicant to                  forms necessary for submission are                    will not be accepted. The summary
                                              identify tasks where RD staff can                       included in the Grants.gov application                should include relevant education,
                                              provide substantial involvement in the                  package. Applications that are                        years of relevant experience, a
                                              project. If you do not identify those                   incomplete or fail to comply with the                 description of skills relevant to the
                                              tasks, your application is not eligible for             required content and formatting                       person’s work on the proposed project,
                                              funding.                                                requirements will not be considered for               and the person’s key accomplishments.
                                                 5. Use of Funds: Use of project funds                funding.                                              If you expect to contract out a portion
                                              (including Federal and matching) must                     i. Content and Format: Each page                    of the proposed work, but have not
                                              be consistent with the project purpose                  must be on numbered, letter-sized (81⁄2               hired the contractor, you must include
                                              to strengthen the capacity of rural                     x 11) paper utilizing a white background              a summary of the qualifications you will
                                              communities in developing and                           that has 1″ margins; and the text of the              require from the contractor.
                                              implementing regional plans for                         application must be typed, single                        vi. Project Proposal (15-page
                                              economic development. A non-                            spaced, black, and in a font no smaller               maximum): The project proposal must
                                              exclusive list of eligible fund uses                    than 12 point.                                        include a proposed Work Plan, along
                                              include: Costs incurred for the services                  ii. Executive Summary (1-page                       with the following information in order:
                                              of personnel actually engaged in the                    maximum): On a single page, provide                      a. Project Background.
                                              project, including share of employee                    the applicant entity name, duration of                   b. Project Objectives.
                                              benefits, travel and per diem expenses,                 project in months, amount of Federal                     c. Project Approach/Methods.
                                              costs of expendable supplies, and travel                                                                         d. Theory of Change.
                                                                                                      funding requested, amount of non-                        e. Geographic Locations or Project
                                              and per diem expenses associated with                   Federal cost-share/match funding
                                              travel to USDA Headquarters in                                                                                Areas.
                                                                                                      committed, and project title. Identify                   f. Project Management (Applicants are
                                              Washington, DC to coordinate and                        geographic locations, and describe in                 required to include a Work Plan Chart
                                              collaborate on project tasks. Use of                    non-technical language the issue or                   that lists each major Task by Key
                                              funds must be allowable in adherence                    problem rural communities have in                     Personnel involved, Time Period of the
                                              with 2 CFR part 200.                                    accessing economic development                        task, Substantial Involvement of Rural
                                                 If you include funds in your budget                  planning resources, the objectives to                 Development staff, Deliverables, and
                                              that are unallowable, RD will consider                  address this issue, the innovative                    Budget associated with each task).
                                              the application for funding only if the                 approach to be employed (including the                   g. Performance Metrics.
                                              unallowable costs total 10 percent or                   role of participating partners), how                     h. Graphics, References, Citations (Do
                                              less of the total project budget,                       impact will be quantified, and the                    not count against the 15-page
                                              including Federal and matching funds.                   predicted benefits or deliverables of the             maximum).
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                                              However, if the application is                          project.                                                 A Work Plan Chart template is
                                              successful, those unallowable costs                       iii. Standard Application Form:                     available for applicants as part of this
                                              must be removed from the budget before                  Standard Form 424, ‘‘Application for                  funding opportunity on grants.gov.
                                              RD will make an award. If RD cannot                     Federal Assistance’’ is included as part                 vii. Budget Information (10-page
                                              determine the percentage of                             of the application package posted on                  maximum): The budget portion of the
                                              unallowable costs or the amount of                      Grants.gov. Instructions for completing               application consists of two parts as
                                              those costs exceeds 10 percent of the                   the form are also included.                           described below:

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                                              41050                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 160 / Friday, August 17, 2018 / Notices

                                                 a. Standard Form (SF) 424A, ‘‘Budget                 the financial, management, and                          i. Data Universal Numbering System
                                              Information’’: Non-Construction                         performance risk posed by awardees as                 (DUNS) Number: A DUNS number is a
                                              Programs. The SF–424A is included as                    required by 2 CFR 200.205. Based on                   unique, nine-digit sequence recognized
                                              part of the application package posted                  this risk review, the Agency may apply                as the universal standard for identifying
                                              on Grants.gov.                                          special conditions that correspond to                 and keeping track of over 70 million
                                                 b. Detailed Budget Narrative: Provide                the degree of risk assessed.                          businesses worldwide. Applicants must
                                              a detailed narrative in support of the                     xi. National Environmental Policy                  obtain a DUNS number. Information on
                                              budget for the project, broken down by                  Act: This Notice has been reviewed in                 how to obtain a DUNS number can be
                                              task. Discuss how the budget                            accordance with 7 CFR part 1970,                      found at http://fedgov.dnb.com/
                                              specifically supports the proposed                      ‘‘Environmental Policies and                          webform or by calling 1–866–705–5711.
                                              activities. Justify the project cost                    Procedures.’’ We have determined that                 Please note that the registration may
                                              effectiveness and include justification                 an Environmental Impact Statement is                  take up to 14 business days to complete.
                                              for personnel and consultant salaries                   not required because the issuance of                    ii. System for Award Management
                                              with a description of duties.                           regulations and instructions, as well as              (SAM) Registration: SAM is the official
                                              Statement(s) of work for any                            amendments to them, describing                        Federal system that consolidated the
                                              subcontractors and consultants must be                  administrative and financial procedures               capabilities of Central Contractor
                                              included as part of the application. The                for processing, approving, and                        Registry, Federal Agency Registration,
                                              budget narrative should include both                    implementing the Agency’s financial                   Online Representations and
                                              the Federal funds requested and the                     programs is categorically excluded in                 Certifications Application, and
                                              applicant’s matching funds. The format                  the National Environmental Policy Act                 Excluded Parties List System. To
                                              of the budget narrative can be in a chart,              (NEPA) regulation found at 7 CFR                      register, go to: https://www.sam.gov/
                                              spreadsheet, table, etc. It should be                   1970.53(f). We have determined that                   portal/public/SAM/. Please allow a
                                              readable on letter-size, printable pages.               this Notice does not constitute a major               minimum of 5 days to complete the
                                              The information needs to be presented                   Federal action significantly affecting the            SAM registration.
                                              in such a way that the reviewers can                                                                            4. Submission Dates and Times.
                                                                                                      quality of the human environment.
                                              readily understand what expenses are                                                                          Midnight Eastern Standard Time on
                                                                                                         xii. Civil Rights Compliance
                                              incurred to support the project.                                                                              September 5, 2018. You must submit
                                                                                                      Requirements: All awards made under                   your application using Grants.gov by the
                                                 viii. Certifications: All proposals must
                                                                                                      this Notice are subject to Title VI of the            deadline date and time. Note that there
                                              include the following signed
                                                                                                      Civil Rights Act of 1964 as required by               are registration requirements for
                                              certification forms, which are available
                                                                                                      7 CFR part 15, subpart A and Section                  submitting applications using the
                                              at Grants.gov:
                                                                                                      504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.                Grants.gov system. We recommend that
                                                 a. AD–3030, ‘‘Representations
                                              Regarding Felony Conviction and Tax                        3. Unique entity identifier and System             you review the instructions for
                                              Delinquent Status for Corporate                         for Award Management (SAM). DUNS                      registering as soon as possible, but at
                                              Applicants.’’ The AD–3030 must be                       and SAM Numbers: Each applicant                       least two weeks before you plan to
                                              submitted if entity is a corporate non-                 (unless the applicant is an individual                submit your application. The
                                              profit or for-profit corporation as                     excepted from those requirements under                requirements can be viewed at: http://
                                              indicated in the applicants SAM                         2 CFR 25.110(b) or (c), or has an                     grants.gov/applicants/organization_
                                              registration.                                           exception approved by the Federal                     registration.jsp. Your application will be
                                                 b. AD–3030, ‘‘Representations                        awarding agency under 2 CFR                           rejected by Grants.gov if you miss the
                                              Regarding Felony Conviction and Tax                     25.110(d)) is required to: (i) Be                     deadline. We will not accept it in a
                                              Delinquent Status for Corporate                         registered in SAM before submitting its               different format, and we will not
                                              Applicants.’’ The AD–3030 must be                       application; (ii) provide a valid unique              consider it for funding.
                                              submitted if entity is a corporate non-                 entity identifier (Data Universal                       i. Acknowledgement of receipt:
                                              profit or for-profit corporation as                     Numbering System (DUNS) number) in                    Grants.gov provides receipt of
                                              indicated in the applicants SAM                         its application; and (iii) continue to                application submissions. The Agency
                                              registration.                                           maintain an active SAM registration                   acknowledges receipt of proposals
                                                 c. SF–424B, ‘‘Assurances for Non-                    with current information at all times                 received by the submission deadline via
                                              Construction Programs.’’ The SF–242B                    during which it has an active Federal                 email. An applicant who does not
                                              must be completed by all applicants.                    award or an application or plan under                 receive such an email acknowledgement
                                                 d. SF–424B, ‘‘Assurances for Non-                    consideration by a Federal awarding                   within 5 business days of the
                                              Construction Programs.’’ The SF–242B                    agency. The Agency may not make a                     submission deadline, but believes the
                                              must be completed by all applicants.                    Federal award to an applicant until the               proposal was submitted within the
                                                 ix. Verification of Matching Funds.                  applicant has complied with all                       submission deadline, must contact the
                                              You must provide verification of all                    applicable unique entity identifier and               Agency at 202–568–9832 or
                                              matching funds that will be contributed                 SAM requirements and, if an applicant                 Christine.Sorensen@wdc.usda.gov
                                              to the project. You must include a letter               has not fully complied with the                       within 10 business days of the
                                              signed by the donating organization’s                   requirements by the time Agency is                    submission deadline. Failure to do so
                                              authorized representative on the                        ready to make a Federal award, Agency                 may result in the proposal not being
                                              organization’s letterhead that identifies               may determine that the applicant is not               considered.
                                              the amount of matching funds, the time                  qualified to receive a Federal award and                ii. Withdrawal: Proposals may be
                                              period during which matching funds                      use that determination as a basis for                 withdrawn by written notice at any time
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1

                                              will be available, and the source of the                making a Federal award to another                     before award execution. Written notice
                                              funds (e.g., cash on hand, etc.). See                   applicant. Applicants must obtain a                   of withdrawal must be signed by the
                                              Section Eligibility Information (C 3) for               DUNS and register in SAM prior to                     applicant or an authorized
                                              more information.                                       registering with Grants.gov. Applicants               representative.
                                                 x. Risk Review: The Agency may                       are strongly encouraged to apply early                  All required application documents
                                              request additional documentation from                   for their DUNS number and SAM                         must be submitted by midnight Eastern
                                              selected applicants in order to evaluate                registration.                                         Standard Time on Wednesday,

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                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 160 / Friday, August 17, 2018 / Notices                                           41051

                                              September 5 via www.grants.gov AND                      this program. This E.O. requires that                    a. Duplicating services currently
                                              by emailing RD.Innovation@                              Federal agencies provide opportunities                provided;
                                              osec.usda.gov.                                          for consultation on proposed assistance                  b. Funding a revolving loan fund;
                                                 Submitting an application through                    with State and local governments. Many                   c. Construction (in any form);
                                              www.grants.gov requires completing a                    States have established a Single Point of                d. Salaries for positions involved in
                                              variety of tasks and steps. There are also              Contact (SPOC) to facilitate this                     construction, renovations,
                                              several preliminary registration steps                  consultation. A list of States that                   rehabilitation, and any oversight of
                                              before the applicant can submit the                     maintain an SPOC may be obtained at:                  these types of activities;
                                              application. To register in the                         http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/                           e. Intermediary preparation of
                                              Grants.gov system, go to                                grants_spoc. If your State has an SPOC,               strategic plans for recipients;
                                              www.grants.gov, click on ‘‘Applicants’’,                                                                         f. Funding prostitution, gambling, or
                                                                                                      you must submit your application
                                              then click on ‘‘Get Registered.’’ If you                                                                      any illegal activities;
                                                                                                      directly for review. Any comments
                                                                                                                                                               g. Grants to individuals;
                                              have completed a prior Grants.gov                       obtained through the SPOC must be                        h. Funding a grant where there may
                                              application, you may already have                       provided to us for consideration as part              be a conflict of interest, or an
                                              completed the registration process.                     of your application. If your State has not            appearance of a conflict of interest,
                                                 Please allow sufficient time to register             established an SPOC, we will submit                   involving any action by the Agency;
                                              in Grants.gov, and for possible system                  your application to the appropriate                      i. Providing assistance to only one
                                              delays. Below are instructions for                      agency or agencies at our discretion.                 individual, organization, or business;
                                              accessing the forms necessary to                        Applications from Federally-recognized                   j. Paying obligations incurred before
                                              complete an application in Grants.gov:                  Indian Tribes are not subject to                      the beginning date without prior Agency
                                                 i. Go to www.grants.gov. Information                 Intergovernmental Review.                             approval or after the ending date of the
                                              about submitting an application using                      6. Funding Restrictions.                           cooperative agreement;
                                              Grants.gov is located on the Grants.gov                    i. Pre-award Costs. Pre-award costs                   k. Purchasing real estate;
                                              website, along with supplementary                       are not authorized.                                      l. Improvement or renovation of the
                                              materials.                                                 ii. Use of Funds. Award funds may be               recipient’s office space or for the repair
                                                 ii. Select the ‘‘Applicant’’ tab.                    used to pay up to 50 percent of the                   or maintenance of privately owned
                                                 iii. Select the ‘‘Apply for Grants’’                                                                       vehicles;
                                                                                                      project costs.
                                              heading.                                                                                                         m. Any purpose prohibited in 2 CFR
                                                 iv. Click on ‘‘Get Application                          iii. Period of Performance. The
                                                                                                      maximum Period of Performance is 2                    part 200 or 400;
                                              Package.’’ Follow all steps.                                                                                     n. Using cooperative agreement
                                                 v. Provide the ‘‘Funding Opportunity                 years. Applicants should anticipate a
                                                                                                      Period of Performance beginning                       assistance or matching funds for
                                              Number’’ or return to the ‘‘Search                                                                            Individual Development Accounts;
                                              Grants’’ section.                                       September 30, 2018 and ending no later
                                                                                                      September 30, 2020.                                      o. Purchasing vehicles.
                                                 vi. All necessary forms are included
                                              within the Grants.gov ‘‘Application                        iv. Indirect Cost Rate. The indirect               V. Application Review Information
                                              Package.’’                                              cost rate is limited to 10 percent of                    Applications will first be reviewed to
                                                 Applications not received through                    direct charges for all nonprofit                      determine if they meet the eligibility
                                              Grants.gov by the submission due date                   institutions, including institutions of               requirements and comply with the
                                              and time are not accepted for                           higher education. All other                           funding restrictions in this Notice. If we
                                              consideration. The emailed application                  organizations must use the rate                       determine that your application is
                                              must be assembled into one pdf file                     identified in their Negotiated Indirect               ineligible, we will discontinue
                                              document in the order specified in                      Cost Rate Approval (NICRA). If you do                 processing it, which means that we will
                                              section IV, part A. All applications must               not have a NICRA, you may elect to                    not evaluate it further or provide any
                                              contain all of the elements of a complete               charge only direct costs to the award. If             scoring information. We will notify you
                                              package and meet the requirements                       you have never had a NICRA, you may                   in writing regarding the reason(s) for
                                              described in this announcement.                         also choose to use a de minimis rate of               ineligibility, and we will provide a
                                              Grants.gov provides instructions for                    10 percent of modified total direct costs             description of your options if you
                                              submitting the required application                     in accordance with 2 CFR 200.414(f).                  believe that our determination is
                                              items through the portal. Application                   Your indirect cost rate must be included              incorrect. Note that in the event that our
                                              receipt date and time will be                           on Form SF–424A.                                      determination is reversed, either due to
                                              determined by the respective system-                       v. Program Income. If you expect to                the discovery of an Agency error or
                                              generated documentation of receipt date                 earn Program Income during the Period                 through a formal appeal, funding is
                                              and time (Grants.gov provides date and                  of Performance, you must identify the                 restricted to available fiscal year 2018
                                              time stamps for all proposals submitted                 amount and how you expect to use it                   funds.
                                              through the portal).                                    (e.g. Matching Funds) in your                            If your application is determined to be
                                                 The Agency is not responsible for any                application. If your application is                   eligible, we will further evaluate it
                                              technical malfunctions or website                       funded, unexpected Program Income or                  based on the following criteria. All
                                              problems related to Grants.gov or                       Program Income earned in excess of the                applications will be competitively
                                              emailed submissions. If you encounter                   amount you identify in your application               ranked and the minimum score
                                              issues with Grants.gov, please contact                  will be deducted from the Federal share               requirements for a cooperative
                                              the Grants.gov help desk at (800) 518–                  of the project in accordance with 2 CFR               agreement award under this Notice is 60
                                              4726 or support@grants.gov. The                         200.307(e)(1).                                        points.
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                                              applicant assumes the risk of any delays                   vi. Prohibited Costs. In addition to                  1. Evaluation Criteria: We will only
                                              in application submission through                       costs identified as unallowable by 2 CFR              use the information that you provide in
                                              Grants.gov.                                             part 200, the following costs are                     your application to evaluate your
                                                 5. Intergovernmental Review.                         prohibited for this program. Neither                  proposed project. We will not review
                                              Intergovernmental Review: Executive                     award funds nor matching funds can be                 references to websites or publications,
                                              Order (E.O.) 12372, Intergovernmental                   used to pay for the following types of                so we encourage you to fully address
                                              Review of Federal Programs, applies to                  expenses.                                             each criterion.

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                                              41052                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 160 / Friday, August 17, 2018 / Notices

                                                 i. Soundness of Approach (0–20                       that partners with shared missions and                both in terms of number of personnel
                                              points). The applicant can receive up to                goals will be engaged to amplify reach                and qualifications of personnel, to carry
                                              20 points for soundness of approach.                    in rural areas. (10 points)                           out the approach identified. Capacity of
                                              The maximum 20 points for this                            b. The applicant demonstrates how                   personnel to access data for needs
                                              criterion will be based on the following:               their proposal will support the quantity              assessments and access to planners and
                                                 a. The objectives must be clearly                    and quality of match commitments to                   other technical experts will be
                                              stated in the proposal and the applicant                support this project, and percentage of               evaluated. (5 points)
                                              must define how this proposal will be                   match in cash form versus in-kind                        v. Work Plan (0–15 points). The
                                              implemented. The applicant must                         contributions. (5 points)                             applicant can receive up to 15 points
                                              demonstrate how the proposal will                         c. The applicant will demonstrate                   based on the quality of the proposed
                                              strengthen the capacity of rural                        how their proposal will support the                   work plan and approach. The maximum
                                              communities in developing and                           ability of applicant to leverage other                15 points for this criterion will be based
                                              implementing regional plans for                         community-driven plans or projects                    on the following:
                                              economic development. The applicant                     such as Comprehensive Economic                           a. Applicants should use the
                                              must demonstrate how the proposed                       Development Strategies (CEDS) or other                approved work plan template to include
                                              technical assistance includes both the                  Federally-recognized regional economic                the following information: Description
                                              planning and implementation                             development plans. (5 points)                         of objective, background approach,
                                              components referenced in Section C.                       d. The applicant will demonstrate                   timeframe for key tasks along with
                                              The applicant must also demonstrate                     how their proposal will utilize                       substantial involvement, budget and
                                              how the proposed technical assistance                   partnerships outside of RD. The                       deliverables that are necessary to
                                              will expand rural communities’ ability                  applicant will identify such                          implement project to support regional
                                              to access funding and planning                          partnerships and will demonstrate how                 economic development planning in
                                              resources to convene community                          they will provide access to such                      rural communities. Reasonableness and
                                              members. The applicant must also                        partnerships to support implementation                appropriateness of key tasks will be
                                              demonstrate how the proposal will                       of projects identified through                        evaluated based on proposed project
                                              support implementation of regional                      development of regional economic                      approach. (5 points)
                                              economic development plans and                          development plans. (10 points)                           b. The applicant’s proposal should
                                              should include descriptions on how                        iii. Innovation (0–10 points). The                  include a description of the types and
                                              proposed technical assistance will result               applicant can receive up to 10 points for             general locations of rural communities
                                              in actionable steps to support                          innovative methods and practices to                   to be served through this project,
                                              implementation of these plans. (10                      support development of regional                       including the ability to support multiple
                                              points)                                                 economic development plans. The                       rural planning activities across the
                                                 b. The applicant clearly outlines their              maximum 10 points for this criterion                  nation and the reasonableness of
                                              ability to provide the proposed                         will be based on the following:                       effectively serving these communities
                                              technical assistance based on clearly                     a. The applicant’s proposal should                  based on key personnel, established
                                              stated and well-documented prior                        demonstrate the ability of the applicant              timeframes, and budget. (5 points)
                                              accomplishments. (5 points)                             to propose methods and practices to                      c. The applicant’s proposal should
                                                 c. The proposal clearly outlines how                 utilize unique and innovative planning                include a description and
                                              it will implement activities to support                 methods that are currently not being                  appropriateness of the tasks to
                                              alignment with one or more of the five                  implemented at scale. (5 points)                      incorporate active participation from RD
                                              key strategies (achieving e-connectivity,                 b. The applicant’s proposal should                  staff. (5 points)
                                              developing the rural economy,                           demonstrate the ability of the applicant                 vi. Performance Outcomes (0–15
                                              harnessing technological innovation,                    to demonstrate that the proposed                      points). The applicant can receive up to
                                              supporting a rural workforce, and                       innovative methods and practices have                 15 points based on the quality of the
                                              improving quality of life in Rural                      been field-tested and ready to scale. (5              proposed performance measures to
                                              America) the Agriculture and Rural                      points) We are looking for unique and                 evaluate progress and impacts of
                                              Prosperity Task Force Report. (5 points)                innovative ideas that are not currently               proposed project. The maximum 15
                                                 ii. Partnerships (0–25 points). The                  being implemented at scale, so projects               points for this criterion will be based on
                                              applicant can receive up to 25 points for               that propose innovative solutions that                the following:
                                              quality of the applicant’s existing                     haven’t been readily deployed before                     a. The applicant’s proposal should
                                              partnerships and proposed new                           will receive higher points.                           include a description for how the results
                                              partnerships for this effort. The                         iv. Organizational Capacity &                       of the technical assistance will be
                                              applicant must recruit one or more                      Qualifications (0–15 points). The                     measured, including the benchmarks to
                                              private and/or public partners to meet                  applicant can receive up to 15 points                 be used to measure effectiveness.
                                              match requirements and maximize                         based on organizational capacity and                  Benchmarks should be specific and
                                              leveraging of regional economic                         qualifications. The maximum 15 points                 quantifiable. (10 points)
                                              development plans developed through                     for this criterion will be based on the                  b. The applicant’s proposal should
                                              this project. The maximum 25 points for                 following:                                            include a description of benchmarks
                                              this criterion will be based on the                       a. The applicant’s proposal should                  and outcomes achieved during
                                              following:                                              demonstrate that the applicant has                    previously deployed planning efforts. (5
                                                 a. The applicant demonstrates how                    knowledge and prior experience in                     points)
                                              their proposal will focus on the quantity               regional planning, particularly related to               2. Review and Selection Process: All
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1

                                              and quality of partnerships, including                  rural issues. The applicant should                    eligible applications will be evaluated
                                              the ability to leverage new partners that               specify years of experience, types of                 based on the process described below.
                                              have previously had limited engagement                  communities served, and outcomes                         i. Review Process. All eligible
                                              with RD projects or priorities to leverage              achieved. (10 points)                                 applications will be evaluated by an
                                              resources, enhance technical assistance,                  b. The applicant’s proposal should                  Application Review Panel using the
                                              and/or increase reach to underserved                    demonstrate that the applicant has                    criteria described in Section E.1 of this
                                              areas. The proposal must demonstrate                    identified appropriate key personnel,                 Notice. Panel members will be

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                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 160 / Friday, August 17, 2018 / Notices                                             41053

                                              appointed by the Agency and they will                      k. Obtain a certification on Form AD–                 iii. Report Suitable for Public
                                              be qualified to evaluate the applications,              1048, ‘‘Certification Regarding                       Distribution: A report suitable for public
                                              based on the type of work proposed by                   Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility                  distribution that describes the
                                              the applicant.                                          and Voluntary Exclusion-Lower Tier                    accomplishments of the project is due
                                                ii. Selection Process. Applications                   Covered Transactions,’’ from anyone                   within 90 calendar days of the
                                              will be ranked in descending order,                     you do business with as a result of this              completion of the project. There is no
                                              according to the scores awarded by the                  award.                                                format prescribed for this report, but it
                                              Panel. Applications will be funded in                      l. Execute Form AD–1049,                           is expected that it will be 1–2 pages in
                                              rank order, until all available funds                   ‘‘Certification Regarding a Drug-Free                 length and describe the project in such
                                              have been expended. Applications at or                  Workplace Requirements (Grants).’’                    a way that a member of the public not
                                              near the funding line may be funded in                     m. Execute Form AD–3031,                           familiar with the project would gain an
                                              part, if the Agency believes an                         ‘‘Assurance Regarding Felony                          understanding of the impact of the
                                              appropriate benefit can result from                     Conviction or Tax Delinquent Status for               project.
                                              partial funding and if the applicant                    Corporate Applicants.’’                               VII. Federal Awarding Agency Contact
                                              agrees to the amount of partial funding.                   n. Execute Form RD 400–4,
                                              In the event the Agency considers                       ‘‘Assurance Agreement.’’                                If you have questions, you may
                                              partial funding to be appropriate, we                      Once the conditions described in the               contact Christine Sorensen at 202–568–
                                              will contact the applicant and negotiate                LOC have been met, the award will be                  9832 or Christine.Sorensen@
                                              the final work plan and budget prior to                 approved through the execution of Form                wdc.usda.gov.
                                              approving an award.                                     RD 4280–2 in conjunction with the                     VIII. Notice to Applicants
                                                iii. Anticipated Announcement and                     RDCA Program Attachment. If an
                                              Award Dates. All awards must be                                                                                  The Federal Government is not
                                                                                                      applicant is unable to meet the
                                              obligated by September 30, 2018.                                                                              obligated to make any Federal award as
                                                                                                      conditions of the award within 90
                                                                                                                                                            a result of this announcement. Only
                                              VI. Award Administration Information                    calendar days, the award will be
                                                                                                                                                            authorized Federal officials can bind the
                                                 1. Federal Award Notices:                                                                                  Federal Government to the expenditure
                                                                                                         ii. Unsuccessful applicants.                       of funds.
                                                 i. Successful applicants. Successful                 Unsuccessful applicants will be notified
                                              applicants will be notified in writing by               in writing no later than October 31,                  IX. Nondiscrimination Statement
                                              the Agency with a Letter of Conditions                  2018.
                                              (LOC). The LOC is a notice of selection                                                                          In accordance with Federal civil
                                                                                                         2. Administrative and National Policy              rights law and U.S. Department of
                                              and does not indicate that an award has                 Requirements. The terms of the award
                                              been approved, nor is it an                                                                                   Agriculture (USDA) civil rights
                                                                                                      are available at: http://                             regulations and policies, the USDA, its
                                              authorization to begin performance on                   forms.sc.egov.usda.gov/efcommon/
                                              the award. While there may be special                                                                         Agencies, offices, and employees, and
                                                                                                      eFileServices/eForms/RD4280-2.PDF.                    institutions participating in or
                                              conditions that apply on a case-by-case
                                                                                                         3. Reporting Requirements. The                     administering USDA programs are
                                              basis, the following conditions are
                                                                                                      following reporting requirements apply                prohibited from discriminating based on
                                              standard for all successful applicants.
                                                                                                      to awards made through this program.                  race, color, national origin, religion, sex,
                                                 a. Complete Form RD 1942–46,
                                                                                                         i. Performance Reports: Form SF–                   gender identity (including gender
                                              ‘‘Letter of Intent to Meet Conditions.’’
                                                 b. Complete Form RD 1940–1,                          PPR, ‘‘Performance Progress Report,’’                 expression), sexual orientation,
                                              ‘‘Request for Obligation of Funds.’’                    must be submitted quarterly based on                  disability, age, marital status, family/
                                                 c. Complete FMMI Vendor Code                         the following time periods: January 1–                parental status, income derived from a
                                              Request Form.                                           March 31, April 1–June 30, July 1–                    public assistance program. Political
                                                 d. Provide a copy of your                            September 30, and October 1–December                  beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior
                                              organization’s Negotiated Indirect Cost                 31. Quarterly reports are due within 30               civil rights activity, in any program or
                                              Rate Agreement.                                         calendar days of the end of the reporting             activity conducted or funded by USDA
                                                 e. Certify that all work completed for               period. A final report is due within 90               (not all bases apply to all programs).
                                              the award will benefit a rural area.                    calendar days of the completion of the                Remedies and complaint filing
                                                 f. Certify that you will comply with                 project or the end of the period of                   deadlines vary by program or incident.
                                              the Federal Funding Accountability and                  performance, whichever comes first.                      Persons with disabilities who require
                                              Transparency Act of 2006 and report                     Both quarterly and final performance                  alternative means of communication for
                                              information about subawards and                         reports must be submitted electronically              program information (e.g., Braille, large
                                              executive compensation.                                 to 202–568–9832 or                                    print, audiotape, American Sign
                                                 g. Certify that the U.S. has not                     Christine.Sorensen@wdc.usda.gov.                      Language, etc.) should contact the
                                              obtained an outstanding judgement                          ii. Financial Report: Form SF–425,                 responsible Agency or USDA’s TARTET
                                              against your organization in a Federal                  ‘‘Federal Financial Report’’ must be                  Center at (202) 720–2600 (voice and
                                              Court (other than in the United States                  submitted quarterly based on the                      TTY) or contact USDA through the
                                              Tax Court).                                             following time periods: January 1–                    Federal Relay Service at (800) 877–8339.
                                                 h. Execute Form SF–424B,                             March 31, April 1–June 30, July 1–                    Additionally, program information may
                                              ‘‘Assurances—Non-Construction                           September 30, October 1–December 31.                  be made available in languages other
                                              Programs.’’                                             Quarterly reports are due within 30                   than English.
                                                 i. Execute Form SF–LLL, ‘‘Disclosure                 calendar days of the end of the reporting                To file a program discrimination
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1

                                              Form to Report Lobbying,’’ if applicable                period. A final report is due within 90               complaint, complete the USDA Program
                                              or certify that your organization does                  calendar days of the completion of the                Discrimination Complaint Form, AD–
                                              not lobby.                                              project or the end of the period of                   3027, found online at: http://
                                                 j. Execute Form AD–1047,                             performance, whichever is comes first.                www.ascr.usda.gov/complaint_filing_
                                              ‘‘Certification Regarding Debarment,                    Both quarterly and final reports must be              cust.html, and at any USDA office or
                                              Suspension, and Other Responsibility                    submitted electronically to                           write a letter addressed to USDA and
                                              Matters-Primary Covered Transactions.’’                 Christine.Sorensen@wdc.usda.gov.                      provide in the letter all of the

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                                              41054                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 160 / Friday, August 17, 2018 / Notices

                                              information requested in the form. To                   Independence Avenue SW, Washington,                     Dated: August 10, 2018.
                                              request a copy of a complaint form, call,               DC 20250–9410;                                        Anne Hazlett,
                                              (866) 632–9992. Submit your completed                     2. Fax: (202) 690–7442; or                          Assistant to the Secretary, USDA Rural
                                              form or letter to USDA by:                                                                                    Development.
                                                1. Mail: U.S. Department of                             3. Email at: program.intake@usda.gov.
                                                                                                                                                            BILLING CODE 3410–15–P
                                              Agriculture, Office of the Assistant                      USDA is an equal opportunity
                                              Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400                        provider, employer, and lender.
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                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 160 / Friday, August 17, 2018 / Notices                           41055

                                                                             RURAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT INNOVATION (REDI)

                                                                                                  FY18 COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT

                                                                                                 APPLICATION PACKAGE CHECKLIST

                                                           D Application Forms (in Grants.gov application package).

                                                           D Executive Summary (1-page maximum).

                                                           D Applicant Qualifications (1-2 pages).

                                                           D Key Personnel Qualifications (1-2 pages).

                                                           D Project Proposal (15-page maximum).

                                                                      D Project Background.

                                                                      D Project Objectives.

                                                                      D Project Methods.

                                                                      D Geographic Location or Project Areas.

                                                                      D Project Management (Applicants are required to include a Work Plan Chart that

                                                                            lists each major Task by Key Personnel involved, Time Period of the task,

                                                                            Substantial Involvement of Rural Development staff, Deliverables, and Budget

                                                                            associated with each task).

                                                                      D Performance Measures.

                                                                      D Graphics, References, Citations (Do not count against the 15-page maximum)

                                                           D Letters of Support (i.e. match requirement, additional resource commitment from

                                                                partners, etc.).
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1

                                                           D Budget Information (10-page maximum).

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                                              41056                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 160 / Friday, August 17, 2018 / Notices

                                              [FR Doc. 2018–17765 Filed 8–16–18; 8:45 am]               • Postal Mail/Commercial Delivery:                  www.rd.usda.gov/files/3555-
                                              BILLING CODE 3410–15–C                                  Please send your comments addressed                   1chapter07.pdf) as the current Fannie
                                                                                                      to Kate Jensen, Finance and Loan                      Mae posted yield for 90-day delivery
                                                                                                      Analyst, Single Family Housing                        (Actual/Actual), plus one percent for 30-
                                              DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE                               Guaranteed Loan Program, USDA Rural                   year fixed rate conventional loans,
                                                                                                      Development, 1400 Independence                        rounded up to the nearest one quarter of
                                              Rural Housing Service                                   Avenue, STOP 0784, Room 2250,                         one percent. The Agency is considering
                                                                                                      Washington, DC 20250–1522.                            whether to modify the maximum
                                              Establishment of Maximum Interest
                                                                                                      FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kate                 interest rate and would like stakeholder
                                                                                                      Jensen, Finance and Loan Analyst, at                  feedback on the issue.
                                              AGENCY:  Rural Housing Service, USDA.                   kate.jensen@wdc.usda.gov or (503) 894–                   The following questions and
                                                                                                      2382.                                                 discussion items are posed to guide
                                              ACTION: Request for information.
                                                                                                      SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                            stakeholder comments. Where possible,
                                              SUMMARY:    The Rural Housing Service                                                                         RHS requests that comments include
                                                                                                      Background                                            specific suggestions regarding ways to
                                              (RHS or Agency) seeks public comments
                                              on updating the provisions of the Single                   RHS delivers programs authorized by                improve existing programs and delivery
                                              Family Housing Guaranteed Loan                          the Housing Act of 1949, as amended                   mechanisms and eliminate or minimize
                                              Program (SFHGLP), specifically                          (42 U.S.C. 1472 et seq.) (Housing Act).               the duplication of RHS’s regulation and
                                              regarding the maximum interest rate, its                The preamble to the Housing Act                       policies with work performed by other
                                              impact on loan making to potential                      declares that every American deserves a               entities, including federal, state, and
                                              SFHGLP borrowers, and possible                          ‘‘decent home and a suitable living                   local agencies. RHS welcomes pertinent
                                              changes to the interest rate cap. RHS is                environment.’’ RHS guarantees a variety               comments that are beyond the scope of
                                              soliciting input regarding the maximum                  of housing loans for home purchases,                  these questions.
                                              interest rate to help the Agency                        repair, and rental housing development                   1. Should the Agency continue with
                                              determine whether the interest rate cap                 in rural areas. The SFHGLP provides                   the requirement that the maximum
                                              should be modified in order to support                  low- and moderate-income borrowers                    allowable interest rate shall not exceed
                                              the agency’s mission to offer applicants,               access to mortgage credit by                          the current Federal National Mortgage
                                              who are unable to secure the credit                     guaranteeing loans issued by agency-                  Association posted yield for 90-day
                                              necessary for such housing from other                   approved private sector lenders. Loans                delivery (Actual/Actual) plus one
                                              sources under conventional credit                       may finance the full construction and                 percent for 30-year fixed rate
                                              terms, an opportunity to acquire new or                 acquisition cost of a property up to 100              conventional loans, rounded up to the
                                              existing housing for use as a primary                   percent of the appraised value.                       nearest one quarter of one percent?
                                              residence; finance the repair and                       Mortgages have 30-year terms and fixed                   2. Should the Agency consider
                                              rehabilitation costs associated with the                rates negotiated with the lender that                 indexing the maximum allowable
                                              purchase of the home; and refinance an                  cannot exceed an interest rate cap that               interest rate to a source other than the
                                              existing Section 502 loan to lower the                  is determined by the Agency. Financing                Federal National Mortgage Association?
                                              interest rate.                                          may also be used to refinance existing                   3. Should a higher maximum
                                                These opportunities are provided to                   USDA guaranteed or direct loans. The                  allowable interest rate cap be
                                              applicants under terms and conditions                   program maintains its neutral or slightly             established? If so, what maximum rate
                                              which the applicant can reasonably be                   negative subsidy status through                       is recommended, and why?
                                              expected to fulfill.                                    guarantee and annual loan fees.                          4. Does the current maximum interest
                                                                                                                                                            rate create any barriers to loan making
                                              DATES: Written Comments: Interested                     Request for Comment                                   in eligible rural areas? If so, how and
                                              parties must submit written comments                      Stakeholder input is vital to ensure                under what circumstances?
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1

                                              on or before October 16, 2018.                          that the maximum interest rate                           5. What effect would increasing or
                                              ADDRESSES: Submit comments in either                    continues to support the agency’s                     eliminating the maximum interest rate
                                              paper or electronic format by the                       mission and not overly burden SFHGLP                  have for loan originators and borrowers
                                              following methods:                                      lenders and their customers. Currently,               in underserved populations and rural
                                                • Federal eRulemaking Portal at                       the maximum allowable interest rate is                communities?
                                              http://www.regulations.gov. Follow                      defined in Section 7.3.B of the program                  6. If the maximum allowable interest

                                              instructions for submitting comments.                   handbook (available at https://                       rate cap were to be increased or

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Document Created: 2018-08-17 03:26:05
Document Modified: 2018-08-17 03:26:05
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
DatesThe deadline for receipt of a complete application is midnight Eastern Standard Time on Wednesday, September 5, via www.grants.gov. The Agency will not consider any application received after the deadline. After an applicant submits an application via grants.gov, all applicants must email [email protected] to confirm application and receipt of the application package. Applicants who have been selected for funding will receive a letter of official notification and will be awarded a cooperative agreement authorized under 7 U.S.C. 2204b(b)(4). Pending funding availability, all awards will be made no later than September 30, 2018. Applicants should plan their projects based on a start date of September 30, 2018 and must be completed within 24 months.
ContactQuestion about this announcement can be directed to Christine Sorensen, Regional Coordinator, via 202-568- 9832 or [email protected]
FR Citation83 FR 41046 

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