83_FR_42422 83 FR 42260 - Certain Pneumatic Off-the-Road Tires From India: Rescission of Countervailing Duty Administrative Review; 2016-2017

83 FR 42260 - Certain Pneumatic Off-the-Road Tires From India: Rescission of Countervailing Duty Administrative Review; 2016-2017

International Trade Administration

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 162 (August 21, 2018)

Page Range42260-42261
FR Document2018-17786

The Department of Commerce (Commerce) is rescinding the administrative review of the countervailing duty (CVD) order on certain pneumatic off-the-road tires (OTR tires) from India for the period June 20, 2016, through December 31, 2017.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 162 (Tuesday, August 21, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 162 (Tuesday, August 21, 2018)]
[Pages 42260-42261]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-17786]



International Trade Administration


Certain Pneumatic Off-the-Road Tires From India: Rescission of 
Countervailing Duty Administrative Review; 2016-2017

AGENCY: Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration, 
Department of Commerce.

SUMMARY: The Department of Commerce (Commerce) is rescinding the 
administrative review of the countervailing duty (CVD) order on certain 
pneumatic off-the-road tires (OTR tires) from India for the period June 
20, 2016, through December 31, 2017.

DATES: Applicable August 21, 2018.

Office VII, Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade 
Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue 
NW, Washington, DC 20230; telephone: (202) 482-3586.



    On March 5, 2018, Commerce published a notice of opportunity to 
request an administrative review of the CVD order on OTR tires from 
India for the period of review (POR) June 20, 2016, through December 
31, 2017.\1\ Commerce received timely-filed requests to conduct an 
administrative review of the CVD order from ATC Tires Private Limited 
(ATC) and Balkrishna Industries Limited (Balkrishna).\2\ Based on these 
requests, and in accordance with section 751(A) of the Tariff Act of 
1930, as amended (the Act), on May 2, 2018, Commerce initiated an 
administrative review of the CVD order on OTR tires from India.\3\ On 
May 24, 2018, and June 12, 2018, Balkrishna and ATC, respectively, each 
timely withdrew its request for an administrative review.\4\ No other 
party requested an administrative review.

    \1\ See Antidumping or Countervailing Duty Order, Finding, or 
Suspended Investigation; Opportunity To Request Administrative 
Review, 83 FR 9284 (March 5, 2018).
    \2\ See Letter from ATC, ``Certain New Pneumatic Off-the-Road 
Tires from India: ATC Tires Private Limited's Request for 
Administrative Review,'' dated March 30, 2018, and Letter from 
Balkrishna, ``Certain New Pneumatic Off-the-Road Tires from India; 
Request for Administrative Review of Balkrishna Industries 
Limited,'' dated April 2, 2018.
    \3\ See Initiation of Antidumping and Countervailing Duty 
Administrative Reviews, 83 FR 19215 (May 2, 2018).
    \4\ See Letter from Balkrishna, ``Certain New Pneumatic Off-the-
Road Tires from India; Withdrawal of Request for Review for 
Balkrishna Industries Limited,'' dated May 24, 2018, and Letter from 
ATC, ``Certain New Pneumatic Off-the-Road Tires from India: ATC 
Tires Private Limited's Withdrawal of Request for Administrative 
Review,'' dated June 12, 2018.

Rescission of Review

    Pursuant to 19 CFR 351.213(d)(1), Commerce will rescind an 
administrative review, in whole or in part, if the party, or parties, 
that requested the review withdraw(s) its request(s) for review within 
90 days of the date of publication of the notice of initiation of the 
requested review. In this case, both Balkrishna and ATC each timely 
withdrew its request for review within the 90-day deadline, and no 
other party requested an administrative review of the CVD order. 
Therefore, in accordance with 19 CFR 351.213(d)(1), Commerce is 
rescinding this administrative review in its entirety.


    Commerce will instruct U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to 
assess countervailing duties on all appropriate entries. Because 
Commerce is rescinding this administrative review in its entirety, 
entries of OTR tires from India during the period June 20, 2016, 
through December 31, 2017, shall be assessed countervailing duties at 
rates equal to the cash deposit of estimated countervailing duties 
required at the time of entry, or withdrawal from warehouse, for 
consumption, in

[[Page 42261]]

accordance with 19 CFR 351.212(c)(1)(i). Commerce intends to issue 
appropriate assessment instructions to CBP 15 days after the 
publication of this notice in the Federal Register.

Notification Regarding Administrative Protective Order

    This notice serves as a final reminder to parties subject to 
administrative protective order (APO) of their responsibility 
concerning the return or destruction of proprietary information 
disclosed under APO in accordance with 19 CFR 351.305(a)(3). Timely 
written notification of the return or destruction of APO materials or 
conversion to judicial protective order is hereby requested. Failure to 
comply with the regulations and terms of an APO is a violation which is 
subject to sanction.
    This notice is issued and published in accordance with sections 
751(a)(1) and 777(i)(1) of the Act, and 19 CFR 351.213(d)(4).

    Dated: August 13, 2018.
James Maeder,
Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary for Antidumping and Countervailing 
Duty Operations performing the duties of Deputy Assistant Secretary for 
Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Operations.
[FR Doc. 2018-17786 Filed 8-20-18; 8:45 am]

                                                42260                        Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 162 / Tuesday, August 21, 2018 / Notices

                                                Enforcement and Compliance,                             the Act, is postponing the deadline for               2016, through December 31, 2017.1
                                                International Trade Administration,                     the preliminary determinations by 50                  Commerce received timely-filed
                                                U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401                       days (i.e., 190 days after the date on                requests to conduct an administrative
                                                Constitution Avenue NW, Washington,                     which these investigations were                       review of the CVD order from ATC Tires
                                                DC 20230.                                               initiated). As a result, Commerce will                Private Limited (ATC) and Balkrishna
                                                SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                              issue its preliminary determinations no               Industries Limited (Balkrishna).2 Based
                                                                                                        later than October 24, 2018. In                       on these requests, and in accordance
                                                Background                                              accordance with section 735(a)(1) of the              with section 751(A) of the Tariff Act of
                                                  On April 17, 2018, the Department of                  Act and 19 CFR 351.210(b)(1), the                     1930, as amended (the Act), on May 2,
                                                Commerce (Commerce) initiated less-                     deadline for the final determinations of              2018, Commerce initiated an
                                                than-fair-value (LTFV) investigations of                these investigations will continue to be              administrative review of the CVD order
                                                imports of glycine from India, Japan,                   75 days after the date of the preliminary             on OTR tires from India.3 On May 24,
                                                and Thailand.1 Currently, the                           determinations, unless postponed at a                 2018, and June 12, 2018, Balkrishna and
                                                preliminary determinations are due no                   later date.                                           ATC, respectively, each timely
                                                later than September 4, 2018.                              This notice is issued and published                withdrew its request for an
                                                                                                        pursuant to section 733(c)(2) of the Act              administrative review.4 No other party
                                                Postponement of Preliminary                                                                                   requested an administrative review.
                                                Determinations                                          and 19 CFR 351.205(f)(1).
                                                                                                          Dated: August 14, 2018.                             Rescission of Review
                                                   Section 733(b)(1)(A) of the Tariff Act
                                                of 1930, as amended (the Act), requires                 Gary Taverman,                                          Pursuant to 19 CFR 351.213(d)(1),
                                                Commerce to issue the preliminary                       Deputy Assistant Secretary for Antidumping            Commerce will rescind an
                                                determination in an LTFV investigation                  and Countervailing Duty Operations,                   administrative review, in whole or in
                                                                                                        performing the non-exclusive functions and            part, if the party, or parties, that
                                                within 140 days after the date on which                 duties of the Assistant Secretary for
                                                Commerce initiated the investigation.                                                                         requested the review withdraw(s) its
                                                                                                        Enforcement and Compliance.
                                                However, section 733(c)(1)(A) of the Act                                                                      request(s) for review within 90 days of
                                                                                                        [FR Doc. 2018–17909 Filed 8–20–18; 8:45 am]           the date of publication of the notice of
                                                permits Commerce to postpone the
                                                preliminary determination until no later
                                                                                                        BILLING CODE 3510–DS–P                                initiation of the requested review. In
                                                than 190 days after the date on which                                                                         this case, both Balkrishna and ATC each
                                                Commerce initiated the investigation if:                                                                      timely withdrew its request for review
                                                                                                        DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE                                within the 90-day deadline, and no
                                                (A) The petitioner makes a timely
                                                request for a postponement; or (B)                                                                            other party requested an administrative
                                                                                                        International Trade Administration
                                                Commerce concludes that the parties                                                                           review of the CVD order. Therefore, in
                                                concerned are cooperating, that the                                                                           accordance with 19 CFR 351.213(d)(1),
                                                                                                        [C–533–870]                                           Commerce is rescinding this
                                                investigation is extraordinarily
                                                complicated, and that additional time is                                                                      administrative review in its entirety.
                                                                                                        Certain Pneumatic Off-the-Road Tires
                                                necessary to make a preliminary                         From India: Rescission of                             Assessment
                                                determination. Under 19 CFR                             Countervailing Duty Administrative                       Commerce will instruct U.S. Customs
                                                351.205(e), the petitioner must submit a                Review; 2016–2017                                     and Border Protection (CBP) to assess
                                                request for postponement 25 days or                                                                           countervailing duties on all appropriate
                                                more before the scheduled date of the                   AGENCY:  Enforcement and Compliance,
                                                                                                                                                              entries. Because Commerce is
                                                preliminary determination and must                      International Trade Administration,
                                                                                                                                                              rescinding this administrative review in
                                                state the reasons for the request.                      Department of Commerce.
                                                                                                                                                              its entirety, entries of OTR tires from
                                                Commerce will grant the request unless                  SUMMARY: The Department of Commerce                   India during the period June 20, 2016,
                                                it finds compelling reasons to deny the                 (Commerce) is rescinding the                          through December 31, 2017, shall be
                                                request.                                                administrative review of the                          assessed countervailing duties at rates
                                                   On June 28, 2018, the petitioners 2                  countervailing duty (CVD) order on                    equal to the cash deposit of estimated
                                                submitted a timely request that                         certain pneumatic off-the-road tires                  countervailing duties required at the
                                                Commerce postpone the preliminary                       (OTR tires) from India for the period                 time of entry, or withdrawal from
                                                determinations in these LTFV                            June 20, 2016, through December 31,                   warehouse, for consumption, in
                                                investigations.3 The petitioners stated                 2017.
                                                that they request postponement to                                                                                1 See Antidumping or Countervailing Duty Order,
                                                provide adequate time for Commerce to                   DATES: Applicable August 21, 2018.                    Finding, or Suspended Investigation; Opportunity
                                                issue supplemental questionnaires,                      FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                      To Request Administrative Review, 83 FR 9284
                                                receive responses, and consider rebuttal                Gene H. Calvert, AD/CVD Operations,                   (March 5, 2018).
                                                                                                                                                                 2 See Letter from ATC, ‘‘Certain New Pneumatic
                                                comments.4                                              Office VII, Enforcement and                           Off-the-Road Tires from India: ATC Tires Private
                                                   For the reasons stated above and                     Compliance, International Trade                       Limited’s Request for Administrative Review,’’
                                                because there are no compelling reasons                 Administration, U.S. Department of                    dated March 30, 2018, and Letter from Balkrishna,
                                                to deny the request, Commerce, in                       Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue                    ‘‘Certain New Pneumatic Off-the-Road Tires from
                                                                                                                                                              India; Request for Administrative Review of
                                                accordance with section 733(c)(1)(A) of                 NW, Washington, DC 20230; telephone:                  Balkrishna Industries Limited,’’ dated April 2, 2018.
                                                                                                        (202) 482–3586.                                          3 See Initiation of Antidumping and
                                                   1 See Glycine from India, Japan, and Thailand:
                                                                                                        SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                            Countervailing Duty Administrative Reviews, 83 FR
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                Initiation of Less-Than-Fair-Value Investigations, 83                                                         19215 (May 2, 2018).
                                                FR 17995 (April 25, 2018) (Initiation Notice).          Background                                               4 See Letter from Balkrishna, ‘‘Certain New
                                                   2 The petitioners are GEO Specialty Chemicals,
                                                                                                                                                              Pneumatic Off-the-Road Tires from India;
                                                Inc. and Chattem Chemicals, Inc.                          On March 5, 2018, Commerce                          Withdrawal of Request for Review for Balkrishna
                                                   3 See Letter from the petitioners titled ‘‘Glycine
                                                                                                        published a notice of opportunity to                  Industries Limited,’’ dated May 24, 2018, and Letter
                                                from India, Japan and Thailand: Request to Extend       request an administrative review of the               from ATC, ‘‘Certain New Pneumatic Off-the-Road
                                                Deadline for Preliminary Determinations,’’ dated                                                              Tires from India: ATC Tires Private Limited’s
                                                June 28, 2018.                                          CVD order on OTR tires from India for                 Withdrawal of Request for Administrative Review,’’
                                                   4 Id.                                                the period of review (POR) June 20,                   dated June 12, 2018.

                                           VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:31 Aug 20, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00009   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\21AUN1.SGM   21AUN1

                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 162 / Tuesday, August 21, 2018 / Notices                                                 42261

                                                accordance with 19 CFR                                  Commemoration Program Office, 241                     about its mission and topics pertaining
                                                351.212(c)(1)(i). Commerce intends to                   18th Street South, Suite 101, Arlington,              to this public meeting. Written
                                                issue appropriate assessment                            VA 22202. Website: http://www.vietnam                 comments should be received by the
                                                instructions to CBP 15 days after the                   war50th.com. The most up-to-date                      DFO by September 13, 2018. Written
                                                publication of this notice in the Federal               changes to the meeting agenda can be                  comments should be submitted via
                                                Register.                                               found on the website.                                 email to the address for the DFO given
                                                                                                        SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This                       in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION
                                                Notification Regarding Administrative
                                                                                                        meeting is being held under the                       CONTACT section in either Adobe
                                                Protective Order
                                                                                                        provisions of the Federal Advisory                    Acrobat or Microsoft Word format.
                                                  This notice serves as a final reminder                Committee Act (FACA) of 1972 (5                       Please note that since the Committee
                                                to parties subject to administrative                    U.S.C., Appendix, as amended), the                    operates under the provisions of the
                                                protective order (APO) of their                         Government in the Sunshine Act of                     Federal Advisory Committee Act, as
                                                responsibility concerning the return or                 1976 (5 U.S.C. 552b, as amended), and                 amended, all submitted comments and
                                                destruction of proprietary information                  41 CFR 102–3.140 and 102–3.150.                       public presentations will be treated as
                                                disclosed under APO in accordance                          Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552b and 41 CFR               public documents and will be made
                                                with 19 CFR 351.305(a)(3). Timely                       102–3.140 through 102–3.165, and the                  available for public inspection,
                                                written notification of the return or                   availability of space, this meeting is                including, but not limited to, being
                                                destruction of APO materials or                         open to the public. All members of the                posted on the Committee’s website.
                                                conversion to judicial protective order is              public who wish to attend the public                    Dated: August 16, 2018.
                                                hereby requested. Failure to comply                     meeting must contact Mrs. Marcia                      Shelly E. Finke,
                                                with the regulations and terms of an                    Moore or Mr. Mark Franklin at the
                                                APO is a violation which is subject to                                                                        Alternate OSD Federal Register, Liaison
                                                                                                        number listed in the FOR FURTHER                      Officer, Department of Defense.
                                                sanction.                                               INFORMATION CONTACT section by
                                                  This notice is issued and published in                                                                      [FR Doc. 2018–17963 Filed 8–20–18; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                        September 13, 2018.
                                                accordance with sections 751(a)(1) and                                                                        BILLING CODE 5001–06–P
                                                                                                           Purpose of the Meeting: The
                                                777(i)(1) of the Act, and 19 CFR
                                                                                                        Department of Defense is publishing
                                                                                                        this notice to announce the following                 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE
                                                  Dated: August 13, 2018.                               Federal advisory committee meeting of
                                                James Maeder,                                           the Vietnam War Commemoration                         Office of the Secretary
                                                Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary for                Advisory Committee. This meeting is                   [Docket ID: DOD–2018–OS–0004]
                                                Antidumping and Countervailing Duty                     open to the public. The Committee is
                                                Operations performing the duties of Deputy              asked to provide advice on the concept                Submission for OMB Review;
                                                Assistant Secretary for Antidumping and                 and design of the types of
                                                Countervailing Duty Operations.
                                                                                                                                                              Comment Request
                                                                                                        commemoration events the Vietnam
                                                [FR Doc. 2018–17786 Filed 8–20–18; 8:45 am]             War Commemoration Office (VWC)                        AGENCY:  Office of the Under Secretary of
                                                BILLING CODE 3510–DS–P                                  should consider supporting or                         Defense for Personnel and Readiness,
                                                                                                        coordinating during the close-out phase               DoD.
                                                                                                        from 2023 through 2025. The objective                 ACTION: 30-Day information collection
                                                DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE                                   of this task is to set the conditions for             notice.
                                                                                                        the closing of the Commemoration on                   SUMMARY:    The Department of Defense
                                                Office of the Secretary                                 Veterans Day 2025 at Arlington                        has submitted to OMB for clearance the
                                                Vietnam War Commemoration                               Cemetery by the President of the United               following proposal for collection of
                                                Advisory Committee; Notice of Federal                   States or his/her representative.                     information under the provisions of the
                                                Advisory Committee Meeting                                 Agenda: The Committee will convene                 Paperwork Reduction Act.
                                                                                                        at 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. on September
                                                AGENCY: Chief Management Officer,                                                                             DATES: Consideration will be given to all
                                                                                                        20, 2018 and will discuss the
                                                Vietnam War Commemoration Advisory                                                                            comments received by September 20,
                                                                                                        Committee’s advice on the concept and
                                                Committee, Department of Defense.                                                                             2018.
                                                                                                        design of the types of commemoration
                                                ACTION: Notice of federal advisory                      events the Vietnam War                                ADDRESSES: Comments and
                                                committee meeting.                                      Commemoration Office (VWC) should                     recommendations on the proposed
                                                                                                        consider supporting or coordinating                   information collection should be
                                                SUMMARY:  The Department of Defense                     during the close-out phase from 2023                  emailed to Ms. Jasmeet Seehra, DoD
                                                (DoD) is publishing this notice to                      through 2025.                                         Desk Officer, at oira_submission@
                                                announce that the following Federal                        Meeting Accessibility: Special                     omb.eop.gov. Please identify the
                                                Advisory Committee meeting of the                       Accommodations: Individuals requiring                 proposed information collection by DoD
                                                Vietnam War Commemoration Advisory                      special accommodations to access the                  Desk Officer, Docket ID number, and
                                                Committee will take place.                              public meeting should contact Mrs.                    title of the information collection.
                                                DATES: Open to the public Thursday,                     Marcia Moore or Mr. Mark Franklin at                  FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Fred
                                                September 20th, 2018 from 1:00 p.m. to                  the number listed in the FOR FURTHER                  Licari, 571–372–0493, or whs.mc-
                                                4:00 p.m.                                               INFORMATION CONTACT section by                        alex.esd.mbx.dd-dod-information-
                                                ADDRESSES: The address of the open                      September 13, 2018 so that appropriate                collections@mail.mil.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                meeting is 241 18th Street South, Room                  arrangements can be made.                             SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                101, Arlington VA 22202.                                   Written Statements: Pursuant to 41                    Title; Associated Form; and OMB
                                                FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mrs.                   CFR 102–3.105(j) and 102–3.140, and                   Number: Record of Military Processing
                                                Marcia L. Moore, 703–571–2005 (Voice),                  section 10(a)(3) of the Federal Advisory              for the Armed Forces of the United
                                                703–692–4691 (Facsimile),                               Committee Act of 1972, the public or                  States; DD Form 1966, USMEPCOM
                                                marcia.l.moore12.civ@mail.mil (Email).                  interested organizations may submit                   Form 680–3A–E; OMB Control Number
                                                Mailing address is DOD Vietnam War                      written comments to the Committee                     0704–0173.

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Document Created: 2018-08-21 00:07:41
Document Modified: 2018-08-21 00:07:41
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
DatesApplicable August 21, 2018.
ContactGene H. Calvert, AD/CVD Operations, Office VII, Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20230; telephone: (202) 482-3586.
FR Citation83 FR 42260 

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