83_FR_42996 83 FR 42831 - Performance-Based Payments and Progress Payments (DFARS Case 2017-D019)

83 FR 42831 - Performance-Based Payments and Progress Payments (DFARS Case 2017-D019)

Defense Acquisition Regulations System

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 165 (August 24, 2018)

Page Range42831-42850
FR Document2018-18238

DoD is proposing to implement a section of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017, which addresses the preference for performance-based payments, and to streamline the performance-based payment process. DoD is also proposing to amend the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) to revise progress payments and performance-based payments policies for DoD contracts in order to increase its business effectiveness and efficiency as well as to provide an opportunity for both small and other than small entities to qualify for increased customary progress payment rates and maximum performance-based payment rates based on whether the offeror/contractor has met certain performance criteria. DOD believes the proposed rule will eliminate the unintended consequences of not updating its contract financing policies (which, in turn will save hundreds of millions of dollars for the taxpayers), will improve contractor performance, and will distinguish and meaningfully recognize high performing companies and divisions of companies, as the case may be. This rule proposes to relieve the administrative burden on contractors by deleting the current regulations relating to performance-based payments at DFARS subpart 232.10 and the associated clauses at DFARS 252.232-7012, Performance-Based Payments--Whole Contract Basis, and 252.232-7013, Performance-Based Payments-- Deliverable Item Basis. This rule also removes the requirement to negotiate consideration due the Government for providing the contractor with the improved cash flow when utilizing performance-based payments. In addition to the request for written comments on this proposed rule, DoD will hold a public meeting to hear the views of interested parties.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 165 (Friday, August 24, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 165 (Friday, August 24, 2018)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 42831-42850]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-18238]



Defense Acquisition Regulations System

48 CFR Parts 232, 242, and 252

[Docket DARS-2018-0042]
RIN 0750-AJ28

Performance-Based Payments and Progress Payments (DFARS Case 

AGENCY: Defense Acquisition Regulations System, Department of Defense 

ACTION: Proposed rule; notice of meeting.


SUMMARY: DoD is proposing to implement a section of the National 
Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017, which addresses the 
preference for performance-based payments, and to streamline the 
performance-based payment process. DoD is also proposing to amend the 
Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) to revise 
progress payments and performance-based payments policies for DoD 
contracts in order to increase its business effectiveness and 
efficiency as well as to provide an opportunity for both small and 
other than small entities to qualify for increased customary progress 
payment rates and maximum performance-based payment rates based on 
whether the offeror/contractor has met certain performance criteria.
    DOD believes the proposed rule will eliminate the unintended 
consequences of not updating its contract financing policies (which, in 
turn will save hundreds of millions of dollars for the taxpayers), will 
improve contractor performance, and will distinguish and meaningfully 
recognize high performing companies and divisions of companies, as the 
case may be.
    This rule proposes to relieve the administrative burden on 
contractors by deleting the current regulations relating to 
performance-based payments at DFARS subpart 232.10 and the associated 
clauses at DFARS 252.232-7012, Performance-Based Payments--Whole 
Contract Basis, and 252.232-7013, Performance-Based Payments--
Deliverable Item Basis. This rule also removes the requirement to 
negotiate consideration due the Government for providing the contractor 
with the improved cash flow when utilizing performance-based payments.
    In addition to the request for written comments on this proposed 
rule, DoD will hold a public meeting to hear the views of interested 

[[Page 42832]]

DATES: Comment Date: Comments on the proposed rule should be submitted 
in writing to the address shown below on or before October 23, 2018, to 
be considered in the formation of a final rule.
    Public Meeting Date: The public meeting will be held on September 
14, 2018, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. EST. Registration to attend this 
meeting must be received by September 6, 2018. Further information for 
the public meeting may be found under the heading SUPPLEMENTARY 

ADDRESSES: Public Meeting: The public meeting will be held at the Mark 
Center Auditorium, 4800 Mark Center Drive, Alexandria, VA 22350-3603. 
The Mark Center Auditorium is located on level B-1 of the building.
    Submission of Comments: Submit comments identified by DFARS Case 
2017-D019, using any of the following methods:
    [cir] Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://www.regulations.gov. 
Search for ``DFARS Case 2017-D019.'' Select ``Comment Now'' and follow 
the instructions provided to submit a comment. Please include ``DFARS 
Case 2017-D019'' on any attached documents.
    [cir] Email: [email protected]. Include DFARS Case 2017-D019 in 
the subject line of the message.
    [cir] Fax: 571-372-6094.
    [cir] Mail: Defense Acquisition Regulations System, Attn: Ms. Amy 
G. Williams, OUSD (A&S) DPC/DARS, Room 3B941, 3060 Defense Pentagon, 
Washington, DC 20301-3060.
    Comments received generally will be posted without change to http://www.regulations.gov, including any personal information provided. To 
confirm receipt of your comment(s), please check www.regulations.gov, 
approximately two to three days after submission to verify posting 
(except allow 30 days for posting of comments submitted by mail).



I. Public Meeting

    DoD is hosting a public meeting to obtain views of experts and 
interested parties in Government and the private sector regarding 
revising policies and procedures with regard to customary progress 
payment rates and maximum performance-based payment rates for DoD 
    Registration: Individuals wishing to attend the public meeting must 
register by September 6, 2018, to ensure adequate room accommodations 
and to facilitate security screening and entry to the Mark Center. 
Individuals desiring to attend the meeting must register at this 
website,  https://www.acq.osd.mil/dpap/dars/performance-based_payments_and_progress_payments.html, by providing the following 
    (1) Company or organization name.
    (2) Full name, valid email address, and telephone number of each 
person planning to attend, and whether the individual is a U.S. 
citizen. For each person, the Pentagon Force Protection Agency will 
send additional instructions to the email address provided at the time 
of registration in order for the individual to be approved for entry to 
the Mark Center.
    (3) Name, title, organizational affiliation of presenter, if 
desiring to make a presentation, limited to a 5-minute presentation per 
company or organization. This limitation may be subject to adjustment, 
depending on the number of entities requesting to present, in order to 
ensure adequate time for discussion.
    Once registered, attendees will be prompted by the Pentagon Force 
Protection Agency on building entry requirements.
    One valid government-issued photo identification card (i.e., 
driver's license or passport) will be required in order to enter the 
    Attendees are encouraged to arrive at least 45 minutes early to 
accommodate security procedures. Public parking is not available at the 
Mark Center.
    Presentations: If you wish to make a presentation, please submit an 
electronic copy of your presentation to [email protected] no later 
than September 10, 2018. When submitting presentations, provide 
presenter's name, organization affiliation, telephone number, and email 
address on the cover page. Please submit presentations only and cite 
``Public Meeting, DFARS Case 2017-D019'' in all correspondence related 
to the public meeting. There will be no transcription at the meeting. 
The submitted presentations will be the only record of the public 
    Special accommodations: The public meeting is physically accessible 
to people with disabilities. Requests for reasonable accommodations, 
sign language interpretation or other auxiliary aids should be directed 
to Daniel Weinstein at 571-372-6105, at least 10 working days prior to 
the meeting date.
    The TTY number for further information is: 1-800-877-8339. When the 
operator answers the call, let them know the agency is the Department 
of Defense; the point of contact is Daniel Weinstein at 571-372-6105.
    Correspondence and Comments: Please cite ``Public Meeting, DFARS 
Case 2017-D019'' in all correspondence related to this public meeting. 
The submitted presentations will be the only record of the public 
meeting. To have a presentation considered as a public comment for the 
formation of the final rule, the presentation, or pertinent excerpts, 
must be submitted separately as a written comment as instructed in the 
paragraph titled ``Submission of Comments'' in ADDRESSES.

II. Background

A. Purpose

    The fundamental purpose of the rule change is to increase the 
effectiveness and efficiency of the Department of Defense in five 
domains while recognizing that its cash flow policy was outdated and 
costly to the tax payers. The five domains are:
     On Time or Accelerated Contract Deliveries;
     Contractor Quality;
     Contractor Business Systems;
     Increasing Contract Opportunities for Small Business and 
for the Blind and Severely Disabled; and
     Receipt of Timely Quality Proposals.
    The present progress payment rate was established in an economic 
environment when interest rates were significantly higher than the 
historic lows that have been experienced over the past several years. 
As a result of the aforementioned, and because DoD desires to take an 
enterprise-wide view of contractor performance and to recognize and 
distinguish performance among the companies with which it deals, DoD is 
proposing to modify the customary progress payment rate for large 
businesses. DoD recognizes that small businesses do not have the 
borrowing power that large businesses have and, therefore, is not 
proposing a change to the basic customary progress payment for small 
business, which is 90 percent. In modifying the customary rate for 
large business, DoD is proposing to allow large and small business to 
achieve progress payment rates greater than the customary rates.
    The goal would be that a significant majority of the large and 
small businesses would eventually meet the desired level of enterprise-
wide performance.
    In the case of large business, for progress payments, a two-step 
    1. Modify the customary progress payment rate to 50 percent 
(effectively updating the premises of the Defense

[[Page 42833]]

Financial and Investment Review (DFAIR) study to address today's 
business and market environment).
    2. Establish opportunities for recognizing contractor behaviors 
that align themselves with the performance objectives established in 
the five business domains that are important to the DoD such that large 
business contractors could potentially increase the rate determined in 
Step 1 and receive progress payments that can be as high as 95 percent 
of contract cost. The increased customary progress payment rate will be 
established for each company or company division as the case may be.

B. Brief History

    The most comprehensive review of Government financing was the DFAIR 
study. One key recommendation from the DFAIR study was that ``interest 
cost should remain an unallowable cost and progress payment rates 
should be reset in the future based on changes in interest rates.'' 
Between the DFAIR study in 1985 and 2001, the customary progress 
payment rate for other than small business was changed five times and 
was usually a somewhat delayed reaction to changes in interest rates in 
prior years. In 2001, the customary rate was increased from 75 percent 
to 80 percent and has remained unchanged ever since.
    In the rule making process it is customary to analyze the impact of 
the proposed rule versus the status quo and that traditional analysis 
is included in the regulatory cost analysis (see section V. of this 
preamble). However, DoD has been providing financing in excess of that 
warranted based on the historically low interest rates in effect since 
2008. By modifying the customary progress payment rate to 50 percent, 
it will result in savings hundreds of millions of dollars to the 
taxpayers by eliminating an unintended consequence of the past practice 
associated with providing contract financing in excess of what was 
necessary. In the future, contractors will have the opportunity to earn 
increased contract financing benefit through improved performance.

III. Discussion and Analysis

    DoD is proposing to amend DFARS parts 232, 242, and 252 to revise 
how contract financing, in the form of progress payments and 
performance-based payments, is calculated and determined for DoD 

A. Current FAR and DFARS

    1. Progress payments. Currently, FAR 52.232-16, Progress Payments, 
sets a customary progress payment rate of 80 percent, except the rate 
is 85 percent for a small business, unless it is a letter contract. 
There is a statutory cap of 80 percent for letter contracts. DFARS 
252.232-7004, DoD Progress Payment Rates, currently increases the FAR 
customary progress payment rate for small businesses to 90 percent 
(except for letter contracts).
    2. Performance-based payments. FAR 52.232-28, Invitation to Propose 
Performance-Based Payments, sets a maximum performance-based rate of 90 
percent of the contract price if on a whole contract basis, or 90 
percent of the delivery item price if on a delivery item basis. DFARS 
232.1004 provides procedures for analysis of proposed performance-based 
payments using the performance-based payments analysis tool, and also 
requires that the contractor provide consideration to the Government, 
if the performance-based payments payment schedule will be more 
favorable to the contractor than customary progress payments. DFARS 
232.1005-70 prescribes the use of the provision at DFARS 252.232-7012, 
Performance-Based Payments--Whole Contract Basis, or the provision at 
DFARS 252.232-7013, Performance-Based Payments--Deliverable Item Basis.

B. Proposed Changes

    1. Progress payments (DFARS 232.501-1(a) and 52.232-7004). DoD 
proposes a customary progress payment rate of 50 percent for other than 
small businesses and retains the 90 percent rate for small businesses, 
but provides criteria by which contractors can achieve a customary 
progress payment rate of up to 95 percent. However, if a contractor or 
any of its principals has within the preceding Government fiscal year 
been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against the 
contractor or any of its principals for commission of fraud or a 
criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or 
performing a public (Federal, State, or local) contract or subcontract; 
violation of Federal or State antitrust statutes relating to the 
submission of offers; or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, 
bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false 
statements, tax evasion, violating Federal criminal tax laws, or 
receiving stolen property, then the contractor will not be eligible for 
any incentives and the customary progress payment rate will be 25 
percent for that contractor.
    On December 1 of each year, a contractor, or higher-level owner of 
a contractor, may submit a representation as to which criteria it meets 
and request a higher customary progress payment rate. Based on the 
representation received, the Director of Defense Pricing and 
Contracting will determine the appropriate customary progress payment 
rate for the following calendar year, and that data will be entered 
into the Contract Business Analysis Repository (CBAR) by December 31.
    If a contractor fails to submit by the December 1 deadline, then 
the rate for that contractor in CBAR will be 50 percent if the offeror 
is other than a small business and 90 percent if the offeror is a small 
business, unless the rate is 25 percent as provided in DFARS 232.501-
1(a)(ii). If the offeror subsequently submits a representation after 
the December 1 deadline, any increase in rates will not be effective in 
CBAR until 30 days after submission.
    The rate may be adjusted at any time during the year if it is 
subsequently determined that the representation provided by a 
contractor was not accurate.
    2. Performance-based payments (DFARS 232.1004(b)(2) and 252.232-
70YY). For maximum performance-based payments, DoD proposes rates and 
procedures comparable to those for determining the customary progress 
payment rate. The same representation will be used to determine both 
the customary progress payment rate and the maximum performance-based 
payment rate.
    DoD proposes to amend DFARS 232.1004 to remove the procedures for 
analysis of proposed performance-based payments using the performance-
based payments analysis tool, and also removes the requirement that the 
contractor provide consideration to the Government, if the performance-
based payments payment schedule will be more favorable to the 
contractor than customary progress payments. The current solicitation 
provisions at DFARS 252.232-7012 and 252.232-7013 are no longer 
required and will be removed, thus reducing burden on contractors.
    3. Corrective action requests (DFARS 242.302(a)). One of the 
criteria to qualify for higher customary progress payments or maximum 
performance-based payments is that the offeror/contractor does not have 
any open level III or level IV corrective action requests. Because the 
DFARS does not currently address corrective action requests, a 
paragraph has been added at DFARS 242.302(a) to explain the different 
levels of corrective action requests.
    4. Withholding of payments (DFARS 242.7000 and 252.242-7005). DFARS 
242.7000, Contractor business system deficiencies, and 252.242-7005, 
Contractor Business Systems, provide

[[Page 42834]]

for withholding of payments (including progress and performance-based 
payments) when there are significant deficiencies in a required 
business system. However, the contracting officer will not withhold 
progress or performance-based payments from a contract that includes 
the clause 252.232-7004 or the provision 252.232-70YY, unless the 
contractor is receiving progress payments or performance-based payments 
under the contract at a rate specified in CBAR that includes the 10 
percent incentive based on having acceptable business systems without 
significant deficiencies.
    5. Preference for performance-based payments. This rule also 
proposes to implement section 831 of the National Defense Authorization 
Act for Fiscal Year 2017, which modifies 10 U.S.C. 2307(b) to address 
preference for performance-based payments.

IV. Applicability to Contracts at or Below the Simplified Acquisition 
Threshold (SAT) and for Commercial Items, Including Commercially 
Available Off-the-Shelf (COTS) Items

    This rule proposes to amend the clause at DFARS 252.232-7004, DoD 
Progress Payment Rates, and adds a new provision at DFARS 252.232-70YY, 
DoD Maximum Performance-Based Payment Rates. DFARS 252.232-7004 is used 
with FAR clause 52.232-16, Progress Payments, and DFARS 252.232-70YY is 
used with FAR provision 52.232-28, Invitation to Propose Performance-
Based Payments. The FAR provision and clause are not prescribed for use 
in contracts for the acquisition of commercial items or for 
acquisitions at or below the SAT. The DFARS provision and clause, 
therefore, will not be applied to commercial items or to contact 
actions at or below the simplified acquisition threshold.

V. Expected Costs and Benefits

    This rule proposes to amend the DFARS to implement changes to the 
progress payment and performance-based payment policies for DoD 
contracts by amending the section on customary progress payment rates 
at DFARS 232.501-1; adding new procedures for performance-based 
payments at 232.1003; amending the clause at 252.232-7004, DoD 
Customary Progress Payment Rates, and adding a new provision at 
252.232-70YY, DoD Maximum Performance-Based Payment Rates. This rule 
also proposes to delete the clauses at DFARS 252.232-7012, Performance-
Based Payments--Whole Contract Basis, and 252.232-7013, Performance-
Based Payments--Deliverable Item Basis.
    This rule will impact all offerors/contractors (large or small) 
seeking DoD contracts that offer progress payments or performance-based 
payments. Although there are added costs associated with submission of 
an annual representation, the contractors/offerors that can meet the 
criteria will qualify for substantial savings on interest payments, due 
to increased Government financing.
    The expected benefits are that the modified approach to the 
establishment of a performance-based cash flow environment will enable 
DoD to take an enterprise-wide view of contractor performance and to 
recognize and distinguish performance among the companies with which it 
deals. The goal would be that a significant majority of the large and 
small businesses would eventually meet the desired level of enterprise-
wide performance. As a result of the improved industrial performance, 
DOD's efficiency and effectiveness will be improved thereby increasing 
the lethality of its fighting force and positively reforming DOD's 
business practices.
    A. Summary of Expected Costs to the Public. DoD has performed a 
regulatory cost analysis on this rule. The following is a summary of 
the estimated net public costs in millions, calculated in 2016 dollars 
in perpetuity at a 7-percent discount rate.

Annualized at 7 percent: $5.5 million
Present Value at 7 percent: $78.8 million

    B. Summary of Expected Transfers. The following is a summary of the 
expected transfer of interest costs/savings from the Government to the 
public, due to an expected net increase in progress payment and 
performance-based payment rates paid by the Government.
    1. Reduced Interest Payments by Contractors:

Annualized at 7 percent: $60.2 million
Present Value at 7 percent: $859.6 million
    2. Increased Interest Payments by Government:

Annualized at 7 percent: $30.2 million
Present Value at 7 percent: $431.8 million

    To access the complete Regulatory Cost Analysis, go to the Federal 
eRulemaking Portal at www.regulations.gov, search for ``DFARS Case 
2017-D019'', click ``Open Docket'', and view ``Supporting Documents''.

VI. Executive Orders 12866 and 13563

    Executive Orders (E.O.s) 12866 and 13563 direct agencies to assess 
all costs and benefits of available regulatory alternatives and, if 
regulation is necessary, to select regulatory approaches that maximize 
net benefits (including potential economic, environmental, public 
health and safety effects, distributive impacts, and equity). E.O. 
13563 emphasizes the importance of quantifying both costs and benefits, 
of reducing costs, of harmonizing rules, and of promoting flexibility. 
This is an economically significant regulatory action and, therefore, 
was subject to review under section 6(b) of E.O. 12866, Regulatory 
Planning and Review, dated September 30, 1993. This rule is a major 
rule under 5 U.S.C. 804.

VII. Executive Order 13771

    This proposed rule is subject to E.O. 13771, Reducing Regulation 
and Controlling Regulatory Costs, because this rule is a significant 
regulatory action under E.O. 12866. If finalized as proposed, this rule 
would be an E.O. 13771 regulatory action. The E.O. 13771 status will be 
informed by public comment, so please share any data and/or analysis 
that would relate to the rule's potential to be considered a 
deregulatory action. Details on the expected costs and benefits can be 
found in section V of this preamble.

VIII. Regulatory Flexibility Act

    DoD expects that this proposed rule may have a significant economic 
impact on a substantial number of small entities within the meaning of 
the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601 et seq. Therefore, an 
initial regulatory flexibility analysis has been prepared and is 
summarized as follows:
    This rule revises progress payments and performance-based payments 
policies for DoD contracts, basing the payment rate on whether the 
offeror/contractor has met certain performance criteria. This rule also 
implements section 831 of the National Defense Authorization Act for 
Fiscal Year (FY) 2017, which modifies 10 U.S.C. 2301(b) to address 
preference for performance-based payments.
    The objective of this rule is to increase the effectiveness and 
efficiency of DoD in five domains: on time or accelerated contract 
deliveries, contractor quality, contractor business systems, increasing 
contract opportunities for small businesses and for the blind and 
severely disables, and receipt of timely quality proposals. The 
statutory basis is 41 U.S.C. 1303 and 10 U.S.C. 2301(b).
    This rule will apply to small entities that receive either progress 
payments or performance-based payments for

[[Page 42835]]

noncommercial fixed-price contracts. There were 1,938 unique small 
entities receiving progress payments or performance-based payments in 
FY 2017.
    The rule provides an opportunity to submit a representation as to 
whether a small entity meets certain performance criteria, in order to 
obtain higher progress payments or performance-based payments. DoD 
estimates that the professional skill set necessary to prepare the 
representation annually will approximate 25 percent at the journeyman 
level, 60 percent at the senior level, and 15 percent at the executive/
attorney level. DoD estimates an average of 13 hours per response from 
small entities. The rule also removes a burden of approximately one 
hour per entity, associated with paragraph (b) of DFARS subpart 32.10 
and the associated clauses at DFARS 252.232-7012 and 252.232-7013, 
which this rule proposes to delete.
    The rule does not duplicate, overlap, or conflict with any other 
Federal rules.
    DoD did not identify any significant alternatives that would meet 
the objectives of the rule. However, the rule provides certain 
advantages for small entities as the basic customary progress payment 
rate for small entities remains at 90 percent, with possible increase 
up to 95 percent. So, small entities can continue to get the same rate, 
even if they do not submit a representation or meet the criteria. Small 
entities are only asked to represent with regard to three criteria: 
timely delivery or performance, contractor quality, and contractor 
business systems.
    DoD invites comments from small business concerns and other 
interested parties on the expected impact of this rule on small 
    DoD will also consider comments from small entities concerning the 
existing regulations in subparts affected by this rule in accordance 
with 5 U.S.C. 610. Interested parties must submit such comments 
separately and should cite 5 U.S.C. 610 (DFARS Case 2017-D019), in 

IX. Paperwork Reduction Act

    The rule contains information collection requirements that require 
the approval of the Office of Management and Budget under the Paperwork 
Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. chapter 35). Accordingly, DoD has submitted a 
request for approval of a revised information collection requirement 
0704-0359, Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) 
Part 232, Contract Financing, and associated clauses at DFARS 252.232, 
to the Office of Management and Budget.

A. Public Reporting Burden

    1. Public reporting burden for the collection of information 
proposed by this DFARS case 2017-D019 is estimated to average 28.8 
hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, 
searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data 
needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.
    The annual reporting burden estimated as follows:
    Respondents: 3,200.
    Responses per respondent: 1.
    Total annual responses: 3,200.
    Preparation hours per response: 28.8 hours.
    Total response Burden Hours: 92,027 hours.
    2. In addition, this information collection includes a pre-existing 
burden related to DFARS clause 252.232-7007 (800 hours, 1 response per 
respondent, 800 responses, 1 hour per response, for a total of 8,000 
hours). Therefore, the total burden for 0704-0359, rounded, is as 
    Respondents: 4,000.
    Responses per respondent: 1.
    Total annual responses: 4,000.
    Preparation hours per response: 24 hours.
    Total response Burden Hours: 93,000 hours.

B. Request for Comments Regarding Paperwork Burden

    Written comments and recommendations on the proposed information 
collection, including suggestions for reducing this burden, should be 
sent to Ms. Jasmeet Seehra at the Office of Management and Budget, Desk 
Officer for DoD, Room 10236, New Executive Office Building, Washington, 
DC 20503, or email [email protected], with a copy to the 
Defense Acquisition Regulations System, Attn: Ms. Amy G. Williams, OUSD 
(A&S) DPC/DARS, Room 3B941, 3060 Defense Pentagon, Washington, DC 
20301-3060. Comments can be received from 30 to 60 days after the date 
of this notice, but comments to OMB will be most useful if received by 
OMB within 30 days after the date of this notice.
    Public comments are particularly invited on: whether this 
collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of 
functions of the DFARS, and will have practical utility; whether our 
estimate of the public burden of this collection of information is 
accurate, and based on valid assumptions and methodology; ways to 
enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be 
collected; and ways in which we can minimize the burden of the 
collection of information on those who are to respond, through the use 
of appropriate technological collection techniques or other forms of 
information technology.
    To request more information on this proposed information collection 
or to obtain a copy of the proposal and associated collection 
instruments, please write to the Defense Acquisition Regulations 
System, Attn: Ms. Amy G. Williams, OUSD (A&S) DPC/DARS, Room 3B941, 
3060 Defense Pentagon, Washington, DC 20301-3060, or email 
[email protected]. Include DFARS Case 2017-D019 in the subject line of 
the message.
    This rule also affects the information collection requirements at 
DFARS subpart 232.10 (and associated clauses at DFARS 252.232-7012 and 
252.232-7013, currently approved under OMB Control Number 0704-0359. 
This rule proposes to remove these requirements.

List of Subjects in 48 CFR Parts 232, 242, and 252

    Government procurement.

Jennifer Lee Hawes,
Regulatory Control Officer, Defense Acquisition Regulations System.

    Therefore, 48 CFR parts 232, 242, and 252 are proposed to be 
amended as follows:

1. The authority citation for parts 232, 242, and 252 continues to read 
as follows:

    Authority:  41 U.S.C. 1303 and 48 CFR chapter 1.


2. Revise section 232.501-1 to read as follows:

232.501-1  Customary progress payment rates.

    (a) Except for undefinitized contract actions as provided at FAR 
32.501-1(d), in lieu of the customary progress payment rates specified 
at FAR 32.501-1(a), the customary progress payment rates for DoD 
solicitations issued on or after January 1, 2019, and resultant 
contracts, including contracts that contain foreign military sales 
(FMS) requirements, are 50 percent for other than small businesses and 
90 percent for small businesses, unless a different rate is specified 
for the contractor in the Contract Business Analysis Repository (CBAR) 
at [details TBD].
    (i) Contractors can qualify for an increased customary progress 
payment rate of up to 95 percent, based on the following criteria:
    (A) Other than small businesses:

[[Page 42836]]

 Additional  percentage                      Criteria
10.....................  Met the contract delivery dates for contract
                          end items and contract data requirements lists
                          or performance milestone schedule, as the case
                          may be, at least 95 percent of the time during
                          the preceding Government fiscal year (October
                          1 through September 30).
10.....................  Does not have open level III or IV corrective
                          action requests. See 242.302(a).
10.....................  All applicable contractor business systems are
                          acceptable, without significant deficiencies.
7.5....................  At least 95 percent of the time during the
                          preceding Government fiscal year, when
                          responding to solicitations that required
                          submission of certified cost or pricing data,
                          met the due date in the request for proposal
                          and complied with the Proposal Adequacy
                          Checklist (252.215-7009).
5......................  Has met its small business subcontracting goals
                          during the preceding Government fiscal year.
2.5....................  Has provided subcontracting opportunities for
                          AbilityOne [details TBD].

    (B) Small businesses:

 Additional  percentage                      Criteria
2......................  Met the contract delivery dates for contract
                          end items and contract data requirements lists
                          or performance milestone schedule, as the case
                          may be, at least 95 percent of the time during
                          the preceding Government fiscal year (October
                          1 through September 30).
2......................  Does not have open level III or IV corrective
                          action requests. See 242.302(a).
1......................  All applicable contractor business systems are
                          acceptable, without significant deficiencies.

    (ii) However, if a contractor or any of its principals has within 
the preceding Government fiscal year been convicted of or had a civil 
judgment rendered against the contractor or any of its principals for 
commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, 
attempting to obtain, or performing a public (Federal, State, or local) 
contract or subcontract; violation of Federal or State antitrust 
statutes relating to the submission of offers; or commission of 
embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of 
records, making false statements, tax evasion, violating Federal 
criminal tax laws, or receiving stolen property, the contractor will 
not be eligible for any of the above incentives and the customary 
progress payment rate will be 25 percent for that contractor.
    (iii)(A) On or before December 1 of each year, except as provided 
in paragraph (a)(ii) of this section, a contractor, or a higher-level 
owner of a contractor, may submit to [email address TBD] a 
representation as to which criteria specified in paragraph (a)(i) of 
this section the contractor meets, and request a higher customary 
progress payment rate on that basis.
    (1) If a representation is made on behalf of multiple business 
segments, the representation must address the criteria in paragraph 
(a)(i) of this section for each business segment for which higher 
customary progress payment rates are requested.
    (2) If the size status of a contractor varies dependent upon the 
North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code of the 
acquisition, the contractor may submit a representation and request for 
higher customary progress payment rates that addresses the rates for 
both a small business and an other than small business.
    (3) A separate representation is not required to also request a 
higher maximum performance-based payment rate (see 232.1001(b)(2)).
    (B) The representation is required to be executed by a person 
authorized to sign for the entity submitting the representation and 
must at a minimum include--
    (1) The unique entity identifier and Commercial and Government 
Entity (CAGE) code(s) of the contractor;
    (2) Size status of the contractor (small, other than small, or 
varies dependent upon the NAICS code of the acquisition); and
    (3) Identification of the criteria for which the contractor is 
requesting increase in the customary progress payment rate for the 
following calendar year. It is not necessary to submit supporting data 
with the representation, but the contractor is required to provide such 
data upon request.
    (iv) Based on the representation received, the Director, Defense 
Pricing and Contracting, will determine the appropriate customary 
progress payment rate(s) for the following calendar year. DoD will 
enter the customary progress payment rate(s) into CBAR by December 31.
    (v) If a contractor fails to submit by the December 1 deadline, 
then the rate for that contractor in CBAR will be 50 percent if the 
contractor is other than a small business and 90 percent if the 
contractor is a small business, unless the rate is 25 percent as 
provided in (a)(ii) of this section. If the contractor subsequently 
submits a representation after the December 1 deadline, any increase in 
rates will not be effective in CBAR until 30 days after submission.
    (vi) The rate(s) may be adjusted at any time during the year if the 
Director, Defense Pricing and Contracting, subsequently determines that 
the representation provided by a contractor was not accurate.
3. Add new section 232.502-4 heading to read as follows:

232.502-4  Contract clauses.

4. Amend section 232.502-4-70 by revising paragraph (b) to read as 

232.502-4-70  Additional clauses.

* * * * *
    (b) Use the clause at 252.232-7004, DoD Customary Progress Payment 
Rates, in solicitations and contracts that include FAR 52.232-16. Do 
not use Alternate I of FAR 52.232-16.
5. Amend section 232.503-6 by revising paragraph (b) to read as 

232.503-6  Suspension or reduction of payments.

    (b) Contractor noncompliance.
    (i) If the Director, Defense Pricing and Contracting, subsequently 
determines that the representation in accordance with 232.501-1(a) is 
inaccurate, the progress payment rate in CBAR will be adjusted.
    (ii) See also 242.7502(c).
* * * * *
6. Amend section 232.1001 by revising paragraph (a) to read as follows:

[[Page 42837]]

232.1001  Policy.

    (a) In accordance with 10 U.S.C. 2307(b)(2), performance-based 
payments shall not be conditioned upon costs incurred in contract 
performance, but on the achievement of performance outcomes.
* * * * *
7. Amend section 232.1004 by--
a. Revising paragraph (b); and
b. Adding a new paragraph (S-70).
    The revision and addition read as follows:

232.1004  Procedures.

    (b) Establishing performance-based finance payment amounts.
    (2) In lieu of the 90 percent maximum rate specified in the FAR for 
performance-based payments, the maximum rates for DoD performance-based 
payments in solicitations issued on or after January 1, 2019, are 50 
percent for other than small businesses and 90 percent for small 
businesses, unless a different rate is specified for the offeror in the 
Contract Business Analysis Repository [details TBD].
    (A) Offerors can qualify for an increased maximum performance-based 
payment rate of up to 95 percent, based on the following criteria:
    (1) Other than small businesses:

 Additional  percentage                      Criteria
10.....................  Met the contract delivery dates for contract
                          end items and contract data requirements lists
                          or performance milestone schedule, as the case
                          may be, at least 95 percent of the time during
                          the preceding Government fiscal year (October
                          1 through September 30).
10.....................  Does not have open level III or IV corrective
                          action requests. See 242.302(a).
10.....................  All applicable contractor business systems are
                          acceptable, without significant deficiencies.
7.5....................  At least 95 percent of the time during the
                          preceding Government fiscal year, when
                          responding to solicitations that required
                          submission of certified cost or pricing data,
                          met the due date in the request for proposal
                          and complied with the Proposal Adequacy
                          Checklist (252.215-7009).
5......................  Has met its small business subcontracting goals
                          during the preceding Government fiscal year.
2.5....................  Has provided subcontracting opportunities for
                          the blind and severely disabled [details TBD].

    (2) Small businesses:

 Additional  percentage                      Criteria
2......................  Met the contract delivery dates for contract
                          end items and contract data requirements lists
                          or performance milestone schedule, as the case
                          may be, at least 95 percent of the time during
                          the preceding Government fiscal year (October
                          1 through September 30).
2......................  Does not have open level III or IV corrective
                          action requests. See 242.302(a).
1......................  All applicable contractor business systems are
                          acceptable, without significant deficiencies.

    (B) However, if an offeror or any of its principals has within the 
preceding Government fiscal year been convicted of or had a civil 
judgment rendered against the offeror or any of its principals for 
commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, 
attempting to obtain, or performing a public (Federal, State, or local) 
contract or subcontract; violation of Federal or State antitrust 
statutes relating to the submission of offers; or commission of 
embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of 
records, making false statements, tax evasion, violating Federal 
criminal tax laws, or receiving stolen property, the offeror will not 
be eligible for any of the above incentives and the maximum 
performance-based payment rate will be 25 percent for that offeror.
    (C)(1) On December 1 of each year, except as provided in paragraph 
(b)(2)(B) of this section, an offeror, or a higher-level owner of an 
offeror, may submit to [email address TBD] a representation as to which 
criteria specified in paragraph (b)(2)(A) of this section the offeror 
meets, and request a higher customary progress payment rate on that 
    (i) If a representation is made on behalf of multiple business 
segments, the representation must address the criteria in paragraph 
(b)(2)(A) of this section for each business segment for which higher 
customary progress payment rates are requested.
    (ii) If the size status of an offeror varies dependent upon the 
North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code of the 
acquisition, the offeror may submit a representation and request for a 
higher customary progress payment rate that addresses the rates for 
both a small business and an other than small business.
    (iii) A separate representation is not required to also request a 
higher maximum performance-based payment rate (see 232.501-1(a)).
    (2) The representation is required to be executed by a person 
authorized to sign for the entity submitting the representation and 
must at a minimum include--
    (i) The unique entity identifier and Commercial and Government 
Entity (CAGE) code(s) of the offeror;
    (ii) Size status of the offeror (small, other than small, or varies 
dependent upon the NAICS code of the acquisition); and
    (iii) Identification of the criteria for which the offeror is 
requesting increase in the customary progress payment rate for the 
following calendar year. It is not necessary to submit supporting data 
with the representation, but the offeror is required to provide such 
data upon request.
    (D) Based on the representation received, the Director, Defense 
Pricing and Contracting, will determine the appropriate maximum 
performance-based payment rate(s) for the following calendar year. DoD 
will enter the maximum performance-based payment rate(s) into CBAR by 
December 31.
    (E) If an offeror fails to submit by the December 1 deadline, then 
the rate for that offeror in CBAR will be 50 percent if the offeror is 
other than a small business and 90 percent if the offeror is a small 
business, unless the rate is 25 percent as provided in (b)(2)(B) of 
this section. If the offeror subsequently submits a representation 
after the December 1 deadline, any increase in

[[Page 42838]]

rates will not be effective in CBAR until 30 days after submission.
    (F) The rate(s) may be adjusted at any time during the year if the 
Director, Defense Pricing and Contracting, subsequently determines that 
the representation provided by an offeror was not accurate.
* * * * *
    (S-70) Eligibility for performance-based payments. Nontraditional 
defense contractors and other private sector companies shall be 
eligible for performance-based payments, consistent with best 
commercial practices. In accordance with 10 U.S.C. 2307(b), a 
contractor's accounting system shall be in compliance with Generally 
Accepted Accounting Principles in order to receive performance-based 
payments. 10 U.S.C. 2307 does not grant the Defense Contract Audit 
Agency the authority to audit compliance with Generally Accepted 
Accounting Principles.
8. Revise section 232.1005-70 to read as follows:

232.1005-70  Solicitation provision.

    Use the provision 252.232-70YY, DoD Maximum Performance-Based 
Payment Rates, in solicitations that include FAR 52.232-28, Invitation 
to Propose Performance-Based Payments.


9. Amend section 242.302 by adding paragraph (a) text to read as 

242.302  Contract administration functions.

    (a) Government personnel performing contract administration duties 
outlined in FAR 42.302(a) and this paragraph issue a corrective action 
request when contractual noncompliance is independently identified. The 
Defense Contract Management Agency had identified four levels of 
corrective action requests.
    (i) Level I is issued for noncompliances that are minor in nature, 
are promptly corrected by the contractor, and present no need for root 
cause determination or further preventive action.
    (ii) Level II is issued for noncompliances that are not promptly 
correctable and warrant root cause analysis and preventive action, or 
need action by the contractor to determine if other product/services 
are affected.
    (iii) Level III is issued to the contractor's management 
responsible for the company or business segment to call attention to a 
serious noncompliance, a significant deficiency pursuant to 252.242-
7005(b), a failure to respond to a lower level corrective action 
request, or to remedy recurring noncompliance.
    (iv) Level IV is issued to the contractor's segment or corporate 
management and when the contractual noncompliance(s) is of a serious 
nature or when a Level III corrective action request has been 
    (v) For additional information on corrective action requests, see 
PGI 242.302(a).
* * * * *
10. Amend section 242.7000 by revising the first sentence in paragraph 
(b)(1) to read as follows:

242.7000  Contractor business system deficiencies.

    (b) * * *
    (1) In accordance with agency procedures, identify one or more 
covered contracts containing the clause at 252.242-7005, Contractor 
Business Systems, from which payments will be withheld, except that, if 
a contract includes the clause 252.232-7004, DoD Customary Progress 
Payments, or the provision 252.232-70YY, DoD Maximum Performance-Based 
Payments, the contracting officer shall not withhold progress payments 
or performance based payments from that contract unless the contractor 
is receiving progress payments or performance-based payments under the 
contract at a rate specified in Contract Business Analysis Repository 
that includes the 10 percent incentive based on having acceptable 
business systems without significant deficiencies (see 232.501-1(a)). * 
* *
* * * * *


11. Revise section 252.232-7004 to read as follows:

252.232-7004  DoD Customary Progress Payment Rates.

    As prescribed in 232.502-4-70(b), use the following clause:

DoD Customary Progress Payment Rates (Date)

    (a) The Progress Payments clause of this contract is modified to 
change each mention of the progress payment rate and liquidation 
rate in paragraphs (a)(1), (a)(6), and (b) to 50 percent if the 
Contractor is other than a small business and 90 percent if the 
Contractor is a small business, unless a different rate is specified 
for the Contractor in the Contract Business Analysis Repository 
(CBAR) at [details TBD]. The limitations on undefinitized contract 
actions in paragraph (k) of the Progress Payments clause remain at a 
maximum of 80 percent for both the progress payment rate and the 
liquidation rate, notwithstanding any higher rate specified in CBAR.
    (b) If the Contractor has a satisfactory record of performance, 
the Contractor can qualify for an increased customary progress 
payment rate of up to 95 percent, based on the following criteria:
    (1) If the Contractor is other than a small business:

 Additional  percentage                      Criteria
10.....................  Met the contract delivery dates for contract
                          end items and contract data requirements lists
                          or performance milestone schedule, as the case
                          may be, at least 95 percent of the time during
                          the preceding Government fiscal year (October
                          1 through September 30).
10.....................  Does not have open level III or IV corrective
                          action requests. See DFARS 242.302(a).
10.....................  All applicable contractor business systems are
                          acceptable, without significant deficiencies.
7.5....................  At least 95 percent of the time during the
                          preceding Government fiscal year, when
                          responding to solicitations that required
                          submission of certified cost or pricing data,
                          met the due date in the request for proposal
                          and complied with the Proposal Adequacy
                          Checklist (252.215-7009).
5......................  Has met its small business subcontracting goals
                          during the preceding Government fiscal year.
2.5....................  Has provided subcontracting opportunities for
                          AbilityOne [details TBD].

[[Page 42839]]

    (2) If the Contractor is a small business:

 Additional  percentage                      Criteria
2......................  Met the contract delivery dates for contract
                          end items and contract data requirements lists
                          or performance milestone schedule, as the case
                          may be, at least 95 percent of the time during
                          the preceding Government fiscal year (October
                          1 through September 30).
2......................  Does not have open level III or IV corrective
                          action requests. See DFARS 242.302(a).
1......................  All applicable contractor business systems are
                          acceptable, without significant deficiencies.

    (c) However, if the Contractor or any of its principals has 
within the preceding Government fiscal year been convicted of or had 
a civil judgment rendered against the Contractor or any of its 
principals for commission of fraud or a criminal offense in 
connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a 
public (Federal, State, or local) contract or subcontract; violation 
of Federal or State antitrust statutes relating to the submission of 
offers; or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, 
falsification or destruction of records, making false statements, 
tax evasion, violating Federal criminal tax laws, or receiving 
stolen property, the Contractor will not be eligible for any of the 
above incentives and the customary progress payment rate will be 25 
    (d)(1) On December 1 of each year, except as provided in 
paragraph (c) of this clause, the Contractor, or a higher-level 
owner of the Contractor, may submit to [email address TBD] a 
representation as to which criteria specified in paragraph (b) of 
this clause the Contractor meets, and request a higher customary 
progress payment rate on that basis.
    (i) If a representation is made on behalf of multiple business 
segments, the representation shall address the criteria in paragraph 
(b) of this clause for each business segment for which higher 
customary progress payment rates are requested. Business segments 
that meet the same criteria may be grouped together.
    (ii) If the size status of the Contractor varies dependent upon 
the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code of 
the acquisition, the Contractor may submit a representation and 
request for a higher customary progress payment rate that addresses 
the rates for both a small business and an other than small 
    (iii) A separate representation is not required to also request 
a higher maximum performance-based payment rate (see DFARS 
    (2) The representation shall be executed by a person authorized 
to sign for the entity submitting the representation and shall at a 
minimum include--
    (i) The unique entity identifier and Commercial and Government 
Entity (CAGE) code(s) of the Contractor;
    (ii) The size status of the Contractor (small, other than small, 
or varies dependent upon the NAICS code of the acquisition); and
    (iii) Identification of the criteria for which the Contractor is 
requesting increase in the customary progress payment rate for the 
following calendar year. It is not necessary to submit supporting 
data with the representation, but the Contractor is required to 
provide such data upon request.
    (3) The template in paragraph (h) of this clause may be used for 
the submission of the request and representation.
    (e) Based on the representation received, the Director, Defense 
Pricing and Contracting, will determine the appropriate customary 
progress payment rate(s) for the following calendar year. DoD will 
enter the customary progress payment rate(s) into CBAR by December 
    (f) If the Contractor fails to submit by the December 1 
deadline, then the rate for the Contractor in CBAR will be 50 
percent if the Contractor is other than a small business and 90 
percent if the Contractor is a small business, except as provided in 
paragraph (c) of this clause. If the Contractor subsequently submits 
a representation after the December 1 deadline, any increase in 
rates will not be effective in CBAR until 30 days after submission.
    (g) The rate(s) may be adjusted at any time during the year if 
the Director, Defense Pricing and Contracting, subsequently 
determines that the representation provided by a contractor was not 
    (h) Template.

[[Page 42840]]


[[Page 42841]]


[[Page 42842]]


[[Page 42843]]


[[Page 42844]]


(End of clause)

252.232-7012  [Removed and Reserved]

12. Remove and reserve section 252.232-7012.

252.232-7013  [Removed and Reserved]

13. Remove and reserve section 252.232-7013.
14. Add new section 252.232-70YY to read as follows:

252.232-70YY  DoD Maximum Performance-Based Payment Rates.

    As prescribed in 232.1005-70, use the following provision:

DoD Maximum Performance-Based Payment Rates (Date)

    (a) The Invitation to Propose Performance-Based Payments 
provision in this solicitation is modified to change the maximum 
performance-based payment rate in paragraph (c)(2)(iii) of that 
provision to 50 percent if the Offeror is other than small business 
and 90 percent if the Offeror is a small business, unless a 
different rate is specified for the Offeror in the Contract Business 
Analysis Repository (CBAR) at [details TBD].
    (b) If the Offeror has a satisfactory record of performance, the 
Offeror can qualify for an increased maximum performance-based 
payment rate of up to 95 percent, based on the following criteria:
    (1) If the Offeror is other than small business:

 Additional  percentage                      Criteria
10.....................  Met the contract delivery dates for contract
                          end items and contract data requirements lists
                          or performance milestone schedule, as the case
                          may be, at least 95 percent of the time during
                          the preceding Government fiscal year (October
                          1 through September 30).
10.....................  Does not have open level III or IV corrective
                          action requests. See DFARS 242.302(a).
10.....................  All applicable contractor business systems are
                          acceptable, without significant deficiencies.
7.5....................  At least 95 percent of the time during the
                          preceding Government fiscal year, when
                          responding to solicitations that required
                          submission of certified cost or pricing data,
                          met the due date in the request for proposal
                          and complied with the Proposal Adequacy
                          Checklist (252.215-7009).
5......................  Has met its small business subcontracting goals
                          during the preceding Government fiscal year.
2.5....................  Has provided subcontracting opportunities for
                          AbilityOne [details TBD].

    (2) If the Offeror is a small business:

 Additional  percentage                      Criteria
2......................  Met the contract delivery dates for contract
                          end items and contract data requirements lists
                          or performance milestone schedule, as the case
                          may be, at least 95 percent of the time during
                          the preceding Government fiscal year (October
                          1 through September 30).
2......................  Does not have open level III or IV corrective
                          action requests. See DFARS 242.302(a).
1......................  All applicable contractor business systems are
                          acceptable, without significant deficiencies.

    (c) However, if the Offeror or any of its principals has within 
the preceding Government fiscal year been convicted of or had a 
civil judgment rendered against the Offeror or any of its principals 
for commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with 
obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (Federal, 
State, or local) contract or subcontract; violation of Federal or 
State antitrust statutes relating to the submission of offers; or 
commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification 
or destruction of records, making false statements, tax evasion, 
violating Federal criminal tax laws, or receiving stolen property, 
the Offeror will not be eligible for any of the above incentives and 
the maximum performance-based payment rate will be 25 percent.
    (d)(1) On December 1 of each year, except as provided in 
paragraph (c) of this provision, the Offeror, or a higher-level 
owner of the Offeror, may submit to [email address TBD] a 
representation as to which criteria specified in paragraph (b) of 
this provision it meets, and request a higher maximum performance-
based payment rate on the basis of the applicable criteria.
    (i) If a representation is made on behalf of multiple business 
segments, the representation shall address the criteria in paragraph 
(b) of this provision for each business segment for which higher 
customary progress payment rates are requested. Business segments 
that meet the same criteria may be grouped together.
    (ii) If the size status of the Offeror varies dependent upon the 
North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code of the 
acquisition, the Offeror may submit a representation and request for 
a higher customary progress payment rate that addresses the rates 
for both a small business and an other than small business.
    (iii) A separate representation is not required to also request 
a higher customary progress payment rate (see DFARS 232.501-1(a)).
    (2) The representation shall be executed by a person authorized 
to sign for the entity submitting the representation and shall at a 
minimum include--
    (i) The unique entity identifier and Commercial and Government 
Entity (CAGE) code(s) of the Offeror;
    (ii) The size status of the Offeror (small, other than small, or 
varies dependent upon the NAICS code of the acquisition); and

[[Page 42845]]

    (iii) Identification of the criteria for which the Offeror is 
requesting increased maximum performance-based payment rate for the 
following calendar year. It is not necessary to submit supporting 
data with the representation, but the Offeror shall provide such 
data upon request.
    (3) The template in paragraph (h) of this clause may be used for 
the submission of this request and representation.
    (e) Based on the representation received, the Director, Defense 
Pricing and Contracting, will determine the appropriate maximum 
performance-based payment rate(s) for the following calendar year. 
DoD will enter the maximum performance-based payment rate(s) into 
CBAR by December 31.
    (f) If the Offeror fails to submit by the December 1 deadline, 
then the rate for the Offeror in CBAR will be 50 percent if the 
Offeror is other than a small business and 90 percent if the Offeror 
is a small business, except as provided in paragraph (c) of this 
provision. If the Offeror subsequently submits a representation 
after the December 1 deadline, any increase in rates will not be 
effective in CBAR until 30 days after submission.
    (g) The rate(s) may be adjusted at any time during the year if 
the Director, Defense Pricing and Contracting, subsequently 
determines that the representation provided by the Offeror was not 
    (h) Template.

[[Page 42846]]


[[Page 42847]]


[[Page 42848]]


[[Page 42849]]


[[Page 42850]]


(End of provision)

15. Amend section 252.242-7005 by--
a. Removing the clause date of ``(FEB 2012)'' and adding ``(DATE)'' in 
its place;
b. In paragraph (d)(2) removing ``withhold payments'' and adding 
``withhold payments, except as provided in paragraph (e) of this 
clause'' in its place;
c. Redesignating paragraphs (e) and (f) as paragraphs (f) and (g); and
d. Adding a new paragraph (e) to read as follows:

Sec.  252.242-7005  Contractor Business Systems.

* * * * *
    (e) The requirements in paragraphs (f) and (g) of this clause 
regarding withholding of amounts due from progress payments and 
performance-based payments do not apply unless the Contractor is 
receiving progress payments or performance-based payments under this 
contract at a rate specified in CBAR that includes the 10 percent 
incentive based on having acceptable business systems without 
significant deficiencies.
* * * * *
[FR Doc. 2018-18238 Filed 8-23-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                           Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 165 / Friday, August 24, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                           42831

                                                  existing regulations in subparts affected                ■ b. In paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) by                DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE
                                                  by this rule in accordance with 5 U.S.C.                 removing ‘‘United States and Canada’’
                                                  610. Interested parties must submit such                 and adding ‘‘United States, Australia,                 Defense Acquisition Regulations
                                                  comments separately and should cite 5                    Canada, or the United Kingdom’’ in its                 System
                                                  U.S.C. 610 (DFARS Case 2017–D011), in                    place wherever it appears.
                                                  correspondence.                                                                                                 48 CFR Parts 232, 242, and 252
                                                                                                           225.7005–1        [Amended]
                                                  VII. Paperwork Reduction Act                                                                                    [Docket DARS–2018–0042]
                                                                                                           ■ 6. Amend section 225.7005–1, in the
                                                    The rule does not contain any                          introductory text and paragraph (b), by                RIN 0750–AJ28
                                                  information collection requirements that                 removing ‘‘United States or Canada’’
                                                  require the approval of the Office of                                                                           Performance-Based Payments and
                                                                                                           and adding ‘‘United States, Australia,                 Progress Payments (DFARS Case
                                                  Management and Budget under the                          Canada, or the United Kingdom’’ in its
                                                  Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C.                                                                              2017–D019)
                                                                                                           place in both places.
                                                  chapter 35).                                                                                                    AGENCY:  Defense Acquisition
                                                                                                           225.7006–1        [Amended]                            Regulations System, Department of
                                                  List of Subjects in 48 CFR Parts 225 and
                                                  252                                                      ■ 7. Amend section 225.7006–1 by                       Defense (DoD).
                                                                                                           removing ‘‘United States or Canada’’                   ACTION: Proposed rule; notice of
                                                      Government procurement.                              and adding ‘‘United States, Australia,                 meeting.
                                                  Jennifer Lee Hawes,                                      Canada, or the United Kingdom’’ in its
                                                                                                           place.                                                 SUMMARY:   DoD is proposing to
                                                  Regulatory Control Officer, Defense                                                                             implement a section of the National
                                                  Acquisition Regulations System.                          ■ 8. Revise section 225.7006–3 to read                 Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal
                                                    Therefore, 48 CFR parts 225 and 252                    as follows:                                            Year 2017, which addresses the
                                                  are proposed to be amended as follows:                   225.7006–3        Waiver.                              preference for performance-based
                                                  ■ 1. The authority citation for 48 CFR                                                                          payments, and to streamline the
                                                                                                             The waiver criteria at 225.7008(a)                   performance-based payment process.
                                                  parts 225 and 252 continues to read as                   apply to this restriction.
                                                  follows:                                                                                                        DoD is also proposing to amend the
                                                                                                           225.7006–4        [Amended]                            Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation
                                                    Authority: 41 U.S.C. 1303 and 48 CFR                                                                          Supplement (DFARS) to revise progress
                                                  chapter 1.                                               ■ 9. Amend section 225.7006–4 by:                      payments and performance-based
                                                  PART 225—FOREIGN ACQUISITION                             ■ a. In paragraph (a)(2), removing ‘‘A                 payments policies for DoD contracts in
                                                                                                           waiver has been granted, other than the                order to increase its business
                                                  ■ 2. Amend section 225.7002–2 by                         waiver for the United Kingdom, which                   effectiveness and efficiency as well as to
                                                  revising paragraph (a) to read as follows:               has been incorporated into the                         provide an opportunity for both small
                                                                                                           provision’’ and adding ‘‘A waiver has                  and other than small entities to qualify
                                                  225.7002–2       Exceptions.                                                                                    for increased customary progress
                                                                                                           been granted’’ in its place; and
                                                  *     *     *     *     *                                                                                       payment rates and maximum
                                                                                                           ■ b. In paragraph (b)(2), removing ‘‘A
                                                    (a) Acquisitions at or below the                                                                              performance-based payment rates based
                                                                                                           waiver has been granted, other than the
                                                  simplified acquisition threshold, except                                                                        on whether the offeror/contractor has
                                                                                                           waiver for the United Kingdom, which
                                                  for athletic footwear purchased by DoD                                                                          met certain performance criteria.
                                                                                                           has been incorporated into the clause’’
                                                  for use by members of the Army, Navy,                                                                              DOD believes the proposed rule will
                                                                                                           and adding ‘‘A waiver has been                         eliminate the unintended consequences
                                                  Air Force, or Marine Corps upon their
                                                                                                           granted’’ in its place.                                of not updating its contract financing
                                                  initial entry into the Armed Forces
                                                  (section 817 of the National Defense                     PART 252—SOLICITATION                                  policies (which, in turn will save
                                                  Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017                   PROVISIONS AND CONTRACT                                hundreds of millions of dollars for the
                                                  (Pub. L. 114–328)).                                      CLAUSES                                                taxpayers), will improve contractor
                                                  *     *     *     *     *                                                                                       performance, and will distinguish and
                                                                                                           252.225–7037        [Amended]                          meaningfully recognize high performing
                                                  225.7002–3       [Amended]                                                                                      companies and divisions of companies,
                                                                                                           ■  10. Amend section 252.225–7037 by:
                                                  ■  3. Amend section 225.7002–3, in                                                                              as the case may be.
                                                  paragraph (a) by removing ‘‘commercial                   ■  a. Removing the provision date of                      This rule proposes to relieve the
                                                  items, that exceed the simplified                        ‘‘(JUN 2012)’’ and adding ‘‘(DATE)’’ in                administrative burden on contractors by
                                                  acquisition threshold’’ and adding                       its place; and                                         deleting the current regulations relating
                                                  ‘‘commercial items’’ in its place.                       ■ b. In paragraphs (a) and (b), removing               to performance-based payments at
                                                                                                           ‘‘outlying areas, Canada,’’ and adding                 DFARS subpart 232.10 and the
                                                  225.7004–1       [Amended]                               ‘‘outlying areas, Australia, Canada,’’ in              associated clauses at DFARS 252.232–
                                                  ■ 4. Amend section 225.7004–1 by                         its place in both places.                              7012, Performance-Based Payments—
                                                  removing ‘‘United States or Canada’’                                                                            Whole Contract Basis, and 252.232–
                                                  and adding ‘‘United States, Australia,                   252.225–7038        [Amended]                          7013, Performance-Based Payments—
                                                  Canada, or the United Kingdom’’ in its                   ■  11. Amend section 252.225–7038 by:                  Deliverable Item Basis. This rule also
                                                  place.                                                                                                          removes the requirement to negotiate
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                                                                           ■ a. Removing the provision date of
                                                                                                           ‘‘(JUN 2005)’’ and adding ‘‘(DATE)’’ in                consideration due the Government for
                                                  225.7004–3       [Amended]                                                                                      providing the contractor with the
                                                                                                           its place; and
                                                  ■  5. Amend section 225.7004–3 by:                                                                              improved cash flow when utilizing
                                                     a. In paragraph (a) by removing                       ■ b. Removing ‘‘outlying areas,
                                                  ■                                                                                                               performance-based payments.
                                                  ‘‘United States or Canada’’ and adding                   Canada,’’ and adding ‘‘outlying areas,                    In addition to the request for written
                                                  ‘‘United States, Australia, Canada, or the               Australia, Canada,’’ in its place.                     comments on this proposed rule, DoD
                                                  United Kingdom’’ in its place wherever                   [FR Doc. 2018–18245 Filed 8–23–18; 8:45 am]            will hold a public meeting to hear the
                                                  it appears.                                              BILLING CODE 6820–ep–P                                 views of interested parties.

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                                                  42832                   Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 165 / Friday, August 24, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                  DATES:  Comment Date: Comments on                       adequate room accommodations and to                   Defense; the point of contact is Daniel
                                                  the proposed rule should be submitted                   facilitate security screening and entry to            Weinstein at 571–372–6105.
                                                  in writing to the address shown below                   the Mark Center. Individuals desiring to                Correspondence and Comments:
                                                  on or before October 23, 2018, to be                    attend the meeting must register at this              Please cite ‘‘Public Meeting, DFARS
                                                  considered in the formation of a final                  website, https://www.acq.osd.mil/                     Case 2017–D019’’ in all correspondence
                                                  rule.                                                   dpap/dars/performance-based_                          related to this public meeting. The
                                                     Public Meeting Date: The public                      payments_and_progress_                                submitted presentations will be the only
                                                  meeting will be held on September 14,                   payments.html, by providing the                       record of the public meeting. To have a
                                                  2018, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. EST.                       following information:                                presentation considered as a public
                                                  Registration to attend this meeting must                   (1) Company or organization name.                  comment for the formation of the final
                                                  be received by September 6, 2018.                          (2) Full name, valid email address,                rule, the presentation, or pertinent
                                                  Further information for the public                      and telephone number of each person                   excerpts, must be submitted separately
                                                  meeting may be found under the                          planning to attend, and whether the                   as a written comment as instructed in
                                                  heading SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION.                      individual is a U.S. citizen. For each                the paragraph titled ‘‘Submission of
                                                  ADDRESSES: Public Meeting: The public
                                                                                                          person, the Pentagon Force Protection                 Comments’’ in ADDRESSES.
                                                  meeting will be held at the Mark Center                 Agency will send additional
                                                                                                          instructions to the email address                     II. Background
                                                  Auditorium, 4800 Mark Center Drive,
                                                  Alexandria, VA 22350–3603. The Mark                     provided at the time of registration in               A. Purpose
                                                  Center Auditorium is located on level                   order for the individual to be approved
                                                                                                          for entry to the Mark Center.                           The fundamental purpose of the rule
                                                  B–1 of the building.                                                                                          change is to increase the effectiveness
                                                     Submission of Comments: Submit                          (3) Name, title, organizational
                                                                                                          affiliation of presenter, if desiring to              and efficiency of the Department of
                                                  comments identified by DFARS Case                                                                             Defense in five domains while
                                                  2017–D019, using any of the following                   make a presentation, limited to a 5-
                                                                                                          minute presentation per company or                    recognizing that its cash flow policy was
                                                  methods:                                                                                                      outdated and costly to the tax payers.
                                                     Æ Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://                organization. This limitation may be
                                                                                                          subject to adjustment, depending on the               The five domains are:
                                                  www.regulations.gov. Search for                                                                                 • On Time or Accelerated Contract
                                                  ‘‘DFARS Case 2017–D019.’’ Select                        number of entities requesting to present,
                                                                                                          in order to ensure adequate time for                  Deliveries;
                                                  ‘‘Comment Now’’ and follow the                                                                                  • Contractor Quality;
                                                  instructions provided to submit a
                                                                                                             Once registered, attendees will be                   • Contractor Business Systems;
                                                  comment. Please include ‘‘DFARS Case
                                                                                                          prompted by the Pentagon Force                          • Increasing Contract Opportunities
                                                  2017–D019’’ on any attached                                                                                   for Small Business and for the Blind and
                                                                                                          Protection Agency on building entry
                                                  documents.                                                                                                    Severely Disabled; and
                                                     Æ Email: osd.dfars@mail.mil. Include
                                                                                                             One valid government-issued photo                    • Receipt of Timely Quality
                                                  DFARS Case 2017–D019 in the subject                                                                           Proposals.
                                                                                                          identification card (i.e., driver’s license
                                                  line of the message.                                                                                            The present progress payment rate
                                                                                                          or passport) will be required in order to
                                                     Æ Fax: 571–372–6094.                                                                                       was established in an economic
                                                                                                          enter the building.
                                                     Æ Mail: Defense Acquisition                             Attendees are encouraged to arrive at              environment when interest rates were
                                                  Regulations System, Attn: Ms. Amy G.                    least 45 minutes early to accommodate                 significantly higher than the historic
                                                  Williams, OUSD (A&S) DPC/DARS,                          security procedures. Public parking is                lows that have been experienced over
                                                  Room 3B941, 3060 Defense Pentagon,                      not available at the Mark Center.                     the past several years. As a result of the
                                                  Washington, DC 20301–3060.                                 Presentations: If you wish to make a               aforementioned, and because DoD
                                                     Comments received generally will be                  presentation, please submit an                        desires to take an enterprise-wide view
                                                  posted without change to http://                        electronic copy of your presentation to               of contractor performance and to
                                                  www.regulations.gov, including any                      osd.dfars@mail.mil no later than                      recognize and distinguish performance
                                                  personal information provided. To                       September 10, 2018. When submitting                   among the companies with which it
                                                  confirm receipt of your comment(s),                     presentations, provide presenter’s name,              deals, DoD is proposing to modify the
                                                  please check www.regulations.gov,                       organization affiliation, telephone                   customary progress payment rate for
                                                  approximately two to three days after                   number, and email address on the cover                large businesses. DoD recognizes that
                                                  submission to verify posting (except                    page. Please submit presentations only                small businesses do not have the
                                                  allow 30 days for posting of comments                   and cite ‘‘Public Meeting, DFARS Case                 borrowing power that large businesses
                                                  submitted by mail).                                     2017–D019’’ in all correspondence                     have and, therefore, is not proposing a
                                                  FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ms.                    related to the public meeting. There will             change to the basic customary progress
                                                  Amy Williams, DPC/DARS, at 571–372–                     be no transcription at the meeting. The               payment for small business, which is 90
                                                  6106.                                                   submitted presentations will be the only              percent. In modifying the customary
                                                  SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                              record of the public meeting.                         rate for large business, DoD is proposing
                                                                                                             Special accommodations: The public                 to allow large and small business to
                                                  I. Public Meeting                                       meeting is physically accessible to                   achieve progress payment rates greater
                                                     DoD is hosting a public meeting to                   people with disabilities. Requests for                than the customary rates.
                                                  obtain views of experts and interested                  reasonable accommodations, sign                         The goal would be that a significant
                                                  parties in Government and the private                   language interpretation or other                      majority of the large and small
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                  sector regarding revising policies and                  auxiliary aids should be directed to                  businesses would eventually meet the
                                                  procedures with regard to customary                     Daniel Weinstein at 571–372–6105, at                  desired level of enterprise-wide
                                                  progress payment rates and maximum                      least 10 working days prior to the                    performance.
                                                  performance-based payment rates for                     meeting date.                                           In the case of large business, for
                                                  DoD contracts.                                             The TTY number for further                         progress payments, a two-step process:
                                                     Registration: Individuals wishing to                 information is: 1–800–877–8339. When                    1. Modify the customary progress
                                                  attend the public meeting must register                 the operator answers the call, let them               payment rate to 50 percent (effectively
                                                  by September 6, 2018, to ensure                         know the agency is the Department of                  updating the premises of the Defense

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                                                                          Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 165 / Friday, August 24, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                           42833

                                                  Financial and Investment Review                         percent, except the rate is 85 percent for            a higher customary progress payment
                                                  (DFAIR) study to address today’s                        a small business, unless it is a letter               rate. Based on the representation
                                                  business and market environment).                       contract. There is a statutory cap of 80              received, the Director of Defense Pricing
                                                     2. Establish opportunities for                       percent for letter contracts. DFARS                   and Contracting will determine the
                                                  recognizing contractor behaviors that                   252.232–7004, DoD Progress Payment                    appropriate customary progress
                                                  align themselves with the performance                   Rates, currently increases the FAR                    payment rate for the following calendar
                                                  objectives established in the five                      customary progress payment rate for                   year, and that data will be entered into
                                                  business domains that are important to                  small businesses to 90 percent (except                the Contract Business Analysis
                                                  the DoD such that large business                        for letter contracts).                                Repository (CBAR) by December 31.
                                                  contractors could potentially increase                     2. Performance-based payments. FAR                    If a contractor fails to submit by the
                                                  the rate determined in Step 1 and                       52.232–28, Invitation to Propose                      December 1 deadline, then the rate for
                                                  receive progress payments that can be as                Performance-Based Payments, sets a                    that contractor in CBAR will be 50
                                                  high as 95 percent of contract cost. The                maximum performance-based rate of 90                  percent if the offeror is other than a
                                                  increased customary progress payment                    percent of the contract price if on a                 small business and 90 percent if the
                                                  rate will be established for each                       whole contract basis, or 90 percent of                offeror is a small business, unless the
                                                  company or company division as the                      the delivery item price if on a delivery              rate is 25 percent as provided in DFARS
                                                  case may be.                                            item basis. DFARS 232.1004 provides                   232.501–1(a)(ii). If the offeror
                                                                                                          procedures for analysis of proposed                   subsequently submits a representation
                                                  B. Brief History                                        performance-based payments using the                  after the December 1 deadline, any
                                                    The most comprehensive review of                      performance-based payments analysis                   increase in rates will not be effective in
                                                  Government financing was the DFAIR                      tool, and also requires that the                      CBAR until 30 days after submission.
                                                  study. One key recommendation from                      contractor provide consideration to the                  The rate may be adjusted at any time
                                                  the DFAIR study was that ‘‘interest cost                Government, if the performance-based                  during the year if it is subsequently
                                                  should remain an unallowable cost and                   payments payment schedule will be                     determined that the representation
                                                  progress payment rates should be reset                  more favorable to the contractor than                 provided by a contractor was not
                                                  in the future based on changes in                       customary progress payments. DFARS                    accurate.
                                                  interest rates.’’ Between the DFAIR                     232.1005–70 prescribes the use of the                    2. Performance-based payments
                                                  study in 1985 and 2001, the customary                   provision at DFARS 252.232–7012,                      (DFARS 232.1004(b)(2) and 252.232–
                                                  progress payment rate for other than                    Performance-Based Payments—Whole                      70YY). For maximum performance-
                                                  small business was changed five times                   Contract Basis, or the provision at                   based payments, DoD proposes rates
                                                  and was usually a somewhat delayed                      DFARS 252.232–7013, Performance-                      and procedures comparable to those for
                                                  reaction to changes in interest rates in                Based Payments—Deliverable Item                       determining the customary progress
                                                  prior years. In 2001, the customary rate                Basis.                                                payment rate. The same representation
                                                  was increased from 75 percent to 80                                                                           will be used to determine both the
                                                                                                          B. Proposed Changes                                   customary progress payment rate and
                                                  percent and has remained unchanged
                                                  ever since.                                                1. Progress payments (DFARS                        the maximum performance-based
                                                    In the rule making process it is                      232.501–1(a) and 52.232–7004). DoD                    payment rate.
                                                  customary to analyze the impact of the                  proposes a customary progress payment                    DoD proposes to amend DFARS
                                                  proposed rule versus the status quo and                 rate of 50 percent for other than small               232.1004 to remove the procedures for
                                                  that traditional analysis is included in                businesses and retains the 90 percent                 analysis of proposed performance-based
                                                  the regulatory cost analysis (see section               rate for small businesses, but provides               payments using the performance-based
                                                  V. of this preamble). However, DoD has                  criteria by which contractors can                     payments analysis tool, and also
                                                  been providing financing in excess of                   achieve a customary progress payment                  removes the requirement that the
                                                  that warranted based on the historically                rate of up to 95 percent. However, if a               contractor provide consideration to the
                                                  low interest rates in effect since 2008.                contractor or any of its principals has               Government, if the performance-based
                                                  By modifying the customary progress                     within the preceding Government fiscal                payments payment schedule will be
                                                  payment rate to 50 percent, it will result              year been convicted of or had a civil                 more favorable to the contractor than
                                                  in savings hundreds of millions of                      judgment rendered against the                         customary progress payments. The
                                                  dollars to the taxpayers by eliminating                 contractor or any of its principals for               current solicitation provisions at DFARS
                                                  an unintended consequence of the past                   commission of fraud or a criminal                     252.232–7012 and 252.232–7013 are no
                                                  practice associated with providing                      offense in connection with obtaining,                 longer required and will be removed,
                                                  contract financing in excess of what was                attempting to obtain, or performing a                 thus reducing burden on contractors.
                                                  necessary. In the future, contractors will              public (Federal, State, or local) contract               3. Corrective action requests (DFARS
                                                  have the opportunity to earn increased                  or subcontract; violation of Federal or               242.302(a)). One of the criteria to
                                                  contract financing benefit through                      State antitrust statutes relating to the              qualify for higher customary progress
                                                  improved performance.                                   submission of offers; or commission of                payments or maximum performance-
                                                                                                          embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery,                based payments is that the offeror/
                                                  III. Discussion and Analysis                            falsification or destruction of records,              contractor does not have any open level
                                                     DoD is proposing to amend DFARS                      making false statements, tax evasion,                 III or level IV corrective action requests.
                                                  parts 232, 242, and 252 to revise how                   violating Federal criminal tax laws, or               Because the DFARS does not currently
                                                                                                          receiving stolen property, then the                   address corrective action requests, a
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                  contract financing, in the form of
                                                  progress payments and performance-                      contractor will not be eligible for any               paragraph has been added at DFARS
                                                  based payments, is calculated and                       incentives and the customary progress                 242.302(a) to explain the different levels
                                                  determined for DoD contracts.                           payment rate will be 25 percent for that              of corrective action requests.
                                                                                                          contractor.                                              4. Withholding of payments (DFARS
                                                  A. Current FAR and DFARS                                   On December 1 of each year, a                      242.7000 and 252.242–7005). DFARS
                                                    1. Progress payments. Currently, FAR                  contractor, or higher-level owner of a                242.7000, Contractor business system
                                                  52.232–16, Progress Payments, sets a                    contractor, may submit a representation               deficiencies, and 252.242–7005,
                                                  customary progress payment rate of 80                   as to which criteria it meets and request             Contractor Business Systems, provide

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                                                  42834                   Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 165 / Friday, August 24, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                  for withholding of payments (including                     This rule will impact all offerors/                and benefits of available regulatory
                                                  progress and performance-based                          contractors (large or small) seeking DoD              alternatives and, if regulation is
                                                  payments) when there are significant                    contracts that offer progress payments or             necessary, to select regulatory
                                                  deficiencies in a required business                     performance-based payments. Although                  approaches that maximize net benefits
                                                  system. However, the contracting officer                there are added costs associated with                 (including potential economic,
                                                  will not withhold progress or                           submission of an annual representation,               environmental, public health and safety
                                                  performance-based payments from a                       the contractors/offerors that can meet                effects, distributive impacts, and
                                                  contract that includes the clause                       the criteria will qualify for substantial             equity). E.O. 13563 emphasizes the
                                                  252.232–7004 or the provision 252.232–                  savings on interest payments, due to                  importance of quantifying both costs
                                                  70YY, unless the contractor is receiving                increased Government financing.                       and benefits, of reducing costs, of
                                                  progress payments or performance-                          The expected benefits are that the                 harmonizing rules, and of promoting
                                                  based payments under the contract at a                  modified approach to the establishment                flexibility. This is an economically
                                                  rate specified in CBAR that includes the                of a performance-based cash flow                      significant regulatory action and,
                                                  10 percent incentive based on having                    environment will enable DoD to take an                therefore, was subject to review under
                                                  acceptable business systems without                     enterprise-wide view of contractor                    section 6(b) of E.O. 12866, Regulatory
                                                  significant deficiencies.                               performance and to recognize and                      Planning and Review, dated September
                                                    5. Preference for performance-based                   distinguish performance among the                     30, 1993. This rule is a major rule under
                                                  payments. This rule also proposes to                    companies with which it deals. The goal               5 U.S.C. 804.
                                                  implement section 831 of the National                   would be that a significant majority of
                                                  Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal                                                                          VII. Executive Order 13771
                                                                                                          the large and small businesses would
                                                  Year 2017, which modifies 10 U.S.C.                     eventually meet the desired level of                    This proposed rule is subject to E.O.
                                                  2307(b) to address preference for                       enterprise-wide performance. As a                     13771, Reducing Regulation and
                                                  performance-based payments.                             result of the improved industrial                     Controlling Regulatory Costs, because
                                                                                                          performance, DOD’s efficiency and                     this rule is a significant regulatory
                                                  IV. Applicability to Contracts at or                                                                          action under E.O. 12866. If finalized as
                                                  Below the Simplified Acquisition                        effectiveness will be improved thereby
                                                                                                          increasing the lethality of its fighting              proposed, this rule would be an E.O.
                                                  Threshold (SAT) and for Commercial
                                                                                                          force and positively reforming DOD’s                  13771 regulatory action. The E.O. 13771
                                                  Items, Including Commercially
                                                                                                          business practices.                                   status will be informed by public
                                                  Available Off-the-Shelf (COTS) Items
                                                                                                             A. Summary of Expected Costs to the                comment, so please share any data and/
                                                     This rule proposes to amend the                                                                            or analysis that would relate to the
                                                                                                          Public. DoD has performed a regulatory
                                                  clause at DFARS 252.232–7004, DoD                                                                             rule’s potential to be considered a
                                                                                                          cost analysis on this rule. The following
                                                  Progress Payment Rates, and adds a new                                                                        deregulatory action. Details on the
                                                                                                          is a summary of the estimated net public
                                                  provision at DFARS 252.232–70YY,                                                                              expected costs and benefits can be
                                                                                                          costs in millions, calculated in 2016
                                                  DoD Maximum Performance-Based                                                                                 found in section V of this preamble.
                                                  Payment Rates. DFARS 252.232–7004 is                    dollars in perpetuity at a 7-percent
                                                  used with FAR clause 52.232–16,                         discount rate.                                        VIII. Regulatory Flexibility Act
                                                  Progress Payments, and DFARS                            Annualized at 7 percent: $5.5 million                    DoD expects that this proposed rule
                                                  252.232–70YY is used with FAR                           Present Value at 7 percent: $78.8                     may have a significant economic impact
                                                  provision 52.232–28, Invitation to                         million                                            on a substantial number of small entities
                                                  Propose Performance-Based Payments.                       B. Summary of Expected Transfers.                   within the meaning of the Regulatory
                                                  The FAR provision and clause are not                    The following is a summary of the                     Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.
                                                  prescribed for use in contracts for the                 expected transfer of interest costs/                  Therefore, an initial regulatory
                                                  acquisition of commercial items or for                  savings from the Government to the                    flexibility analysis has been prepared
                                                  acquisitions at or below the SAT. The                   public, due to an expected net increase               and is summarized as follows:
                                                  DFARS provision and clause, therefore,                  in progress payment and performance-                     This rule revises progress payments
                                                  will not be applied to commercial items                 based payment rates paid by the                       and performance-based payments
                                                  or to contact actions at or below the                   Government.                                           policies for DoD contracts, basing the
                                                  simplified acquisition threshold.                         1. Reduced Interest Payments by                     payment rate on whether the offeror/
                                                                                                          Contractors:                                          contractor has met certain performance
                                                  V. Expected Costs and Benefits
                                                                                                          Annualized at 7 percent: $60.2 million                criteria. This rule also implements
                                                    This rule proposes to amend the                                                                             section 831 of the National Defense
                                                                                                          Present Value at 7 percent: $859.6
                                                  DFARS to implement changes to the                                                                             Authorization Act for Fiscal Year (FY)
                                                  progress payment and performance-                                                                             2017, which modifies 10 U.S.C. 2301(b)
                                                                                                            2. Increased Interest Payments by
                                                  based payment policies for DoD                                                                                to address preference for performance-
                                                  contracts by amending the section on                                                                          based payments.
                                                  customary progress payment rates at                     Annualized at 7 percent: $30.2 million                   The objective of this rule is to
                                                  DFARS 232.501–1; adding new                             Present Value at 7 percent: $431.8                    increase the effectiveness and efficiency
                                                  procedures for performance-based                          million                                             of DoD in five domains: on time or
                                                  payments at 232.1003; amending the                         To access the complete Regulatory                  accelerated contract deliveries,
                                                  clause at 252.232–7004, DoD Customary                   Cost Analysis, go to the Federal                      contractor quality, contractor business
                                                  Progress Payment Rates, and adding a                    eRulemaking Portal at                                 systems, increasing contract
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                  new provision at 252.232–70YY, DoD                      www.regulations.gov, search for                       opportunities for small businesses and
                                                  Maximum Performance-Based Payment                       ‘‘DFARS Case 2017–D019’’, click ‘‘Open                for the blind and severely disables, and
                                                  Rates. This rule also proposes to delete                Docket’’, and view ‘‘Supporting                       receipt of timely quality proposals. The
                                                  the clauses at DFARS 252.232–7012,                      Documents’’.                                          statutory basis is 41 U.S.C. 1303 and 10
                                                  Performance-Based Payments—Whole                                                                              U.S.C. 2301(b).
                                                  Contract Basis, and 252.232–7013,                       VI. Executive Orders 12866 and 13563                     This rule will apply to small entities
                                                  Performance-Based Payments—                               Executive Orders (E.O.s) 12866 and                  that receive either progress payments or
                                                  Deliverable Item Basis.                                 13563 direct agencies to assess all costs             performance-based payments for

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                                                                          Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 165 / Friday, August 24, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                              42835

                                                  noncommercial fixed-price contracts.                    A. Public Reporting Burden                            which we can minimize the burden of
                                                  There were 1,938 unique small entities                    1. Public reporting burden for the                  the collection of information on those
                                                  receiving progress payments or                          collection of information proposed by                 who are to respond, through the use of
                                                  performance-based payments in FY                        this DFARS case 2017–D019 is                          appropriate technological collection
                                                  2017.                                                   estimated to average 28.8 hours per                   techniques or other forms of information
                                                     The rule provides an opportunity to                                                                        technology.
                                                                                                          response, including the time for
                                                  submit a representation as to whether a                                                                          To request more information on this
                                                                                                          reviewing instructions, searching
                                                  small entity meets certain performance                                                                        proposed information collection or to
                                                                                                          existing data sources, gathering and
                                                  criteria, in order to obtain higher                                                                           obtain a copy of the proposal and
                                                                                                          maintaining the data needed, and
                                                  progress payments or performance-                                                                             associated collection instruments,
                                                  based payments. DoD estimates that the                  completing and reviewing the collection
                                                                                                          of information.                                       please write to the Defense Acquisition
                                                  professional skill set necessary to                                                                           Regulations System, Attn: Ms. Amy G.
                                                  prepare the representation annually will                  The annual reporting burden
                                                                                                          estimated as follows:                                 Williams, OUSD (A&S) DPC/DARS,
                                                  approximate 25 percent at the                                                                                 Room 3B941, 3060 Defense Pentagon,
                                                  journeyman level, 60 percent at the                       Respondents: 3,200.
                                                                                                            Responses per respondent: 1.                        Washington, DC 20301–3060, or email
                                                  senior level, and 15 percent at the                                                                           osd.dfars@mail.mil. Include DFARS
                                                  executive/attorney level. DoD estimates                   Total annual responses: 3,200.
                                                                                                            Preparation hours per response: 28.8                Case 2017–D019 in the subject line of
                                                  an average of 13 hours per response                                                                           the message.
                                                  from small entities. The rule also                      hours.
                                                                                                            Total response Burden Hours: 92,027                    This rule also affects the information
                                                  removes a burden of approximately one                                                                         collection requirements at DFARS
                                                  hour per entity, associated with                        hours.
                                                                                                            2. In addition, this information                    subpart 232.10 (and associated clauses
                                                  paragraph (b) of DFARS subpart 32.10                                                                          at DFARS 252.232–7012 and 252.232–
                                                  and the associated clauses at DFARS                     collection includes a pre-existing
                                                                                                          burden related to DFARS clause                        7013, currently approved under OMB
                                                  252.232–7012 and 252.232–7013, which                                                                          Control Number 0704–0359. This rule
                                                  this rule proposes to delete.                           252.232–7007 (800 hours, 1 response
                                                                                                          per respondent, 800 responses, 1 hour                 proposes to remove these requirements.
                                                     The rule does not duplicate, overlap,
                                                  or conflict with any other Federal rules.               per response, for a total of 8,000 hours).            List of Subjects in 48 CFR Parts 232,
                                                     DoD did not identify any significant                 Therefore, the total burden for 0704–                 242, and 252
                                                  alternatives that would meet the                        0359, rounded, is as follows:
                                                                                                                                                                    Government procurement.
                                                  objectives of the rule. However, the rule                 Respondents: 4,000.
                                                  provides certain advantages for small                     Responses per respondent: 1.                        Jennifer Lee Hawes,
                                                  entities as the basic customary progress                  Total annual responses: 4,000.                      Regulatory Control Officer, Defense
                                                  payment rate for small entities remains                   Preparation hours per response: 24                  Acquisition Regulations System.
                                                  at 90 percent, with possible increase up                hours.
                                                                                                                                                                  Therefore, 48 CFR parts 232, 242, and
                                                  to 95 percent. So, small entities can                     Total response Burden Hours: 93,000
                                                                                                                                                                252 are proposed to be amended as
                                                  continue to get the same rate, even if                  hours.
                                                  they do not submit a representation or                  B. Request for Comments Regarding                     ■ 1. The authority citation for parts 232,
                                                  meet the criteria. Small entities are only              Paperwork Burden                                      242, and 252 continues to read as
                                                  asked to represent with regard to three                                                                       follows:
                                                  criteria: timely delivery or performance,                  Written comments and
                                                  contractor quality, and contractor                      recommendations on the proposed                         Authority: 41 U.S.C. 1303 and 48 CFR
                                                  business systems.                                       information collection, including                     chapter 1.
                                                     DoD invites comments from small                      suggestions for reducing this burden,
                                                                                                          should be sent to Ms. Jasmeet Seehra at               PART 232—CONTRACT FINANCING
                                                  business concerns and other interested
                                                  parties on the expected impact of this                  the Office of Management and Budget,                  ■ 2. Revise section 232.501–1 to read as
                                                  rule on small entities.                                 Desk Officer for DoD, Room 10236, New                 follows:
                                                     DoD will also consider comments                      Executive Office Building, Washington,
                                                  from small entities concerning the                      DC 20503, or email Jasmeet_K._Seehra@                 232.501–1    Customary progress payment
                                                  existing regulations in subparts affected               omb.eop.gov, with a copy to the Defense               rates.
                                                  by this rule in accordance with 5 U.S.C.                Acquisition Regulations System, Attn:                    (a) Except for undefinitized contract
                                                  610. Interested parties must submit such                Ms. Amy G. Williams, OUSD (A&S)                       actions as provided at FAR 32.501–1(d),
                                                  comments separately and should cite 5                   DPC/DARS, Room 3B941, 3060 Defense                    in lieu of the customary progress
                                                  U.S.C. 610 (DFARS Case 2017–D019), in                   Pentagon, Washington, DC 20301–3060.                  payment rates specified at FAR 32.501–
                                                  correspondence.                                         Comments can be received from 30 to 60                1(a), the customary progress payment
                                                                                                          days after the date of this notice, but               rates for DoD solicitations issued on or
                                                  IX. Paperwork Reduction Act                             comments to OMB will be most useful                   after January 1, 2019, and resultant
                                                    The rule contains information                         if received by OMB within 30 days after               contracts, including contracts that
                                                  collection requirements that require the                the date of this notice.                              contain foreign military sales (FMS)
                                                  approval of the Office of Management                       Public comments are particularly                   requirements, are 50 percent for other
                                                  and Budget under the Paperwork                          invited on: whether this collection of                than small businesses and 90 percent for
                                                  Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. chapter 35).                   information is necessary for the proper               small businesses, unless a different rate
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                  Accordingly, DoD has submitted a                        performance of functions of the DFARS,                is specified for the contractor in the
                                                  request for approval of a revised                       and will have practical utility; whether              Contract Business Analysis Repository
                                                  information collection requirement                      our estimate of the public burden of this             (CBAR) at [details TBD].
                                                  0704–0359, Defense Federal Acquisition                  collection of information is accurate,                   (i) Contractors can qualify for an
                                                  Regulation Supplement (DFARS) Part                      and based on valid assumptions and                    increased customary progress payment
                                                  232, Contract Financing, and associated                 methodology; ways to enhance the                      rate of up to 95 percent, based on the
                                                  clauses at DFARS 252.232, to the Office                 quality, utility, and clarity of the                  following criteria:
                                                  of Management and Budget.                               information to be collected; and ways in                 (A) Other than small businesses:

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                                                  42836                           Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 165 / Friday, August 24, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                     Additional                                                                                   Criteria

                                                  10 ..................     Met the contract delivery dates for contract end items and contract data requirements lists or performance milestone schedule,
                                                                              as the case may be, at least 95 percent of the time during the preceding Government fiscal year (October 1 through Sep-
                                                                              tember 30).
                                                  10 ..................     Does not have open level III or IV corrective action requests. See 242.302(a).
                                                  10 ..................     All applicable contractor business systems are acceptable, without significant deficiencies.
                                                  7.5 .................     At least 95 percent of the time during the preceding Government fiscal year, when responding to solicitations that required sub-
                                                                              mission of certified cost or pricing data, met the due date in the request for proposal and complied with the Proposal Ade-
                                                                              quacy Checklist (252.215–7009).
                                                  5 ....................    Has met its small business subcontracting goals during the preceding Government fiscal year.
                                                  2.5 .................     Has provided subcontracting opportunities for AbilityOne [details TBD].

                                                     (B) Small businesses:

                                                     Additional                                                                                   Criteria

                                                  2 ....................    Met the contract delivery dates for contract end items and contract data requirements lists or performance milestone schedule,
                                                                              as the case may be, at least 95 percent of the time during the preceding Government fiscal year (October 1 through Sep-
                                                                              tember 30).
                                                  2 ....................    Does not have open level III or IV corrective action requests. See 242.302(a).
                                                  1 ....................    All applicable contractor business systems are acceptable, without significant deficiencies.

                                                     (ii) However, if a contractor or any of                      the contractor may submit a                           contractor is a small business, unless
                                                  its principals has within the preceding                         representation and request for higher                 the rate is 25 percent as provided in
                                                  Government fiscal year been convicted                           customary progress payment rates that                 (a)(ii) of this section. If the contractor
                                                  of or had a civil judgment rendered                             addresses the rates for both a small                  subsequently submits a representation
                                                  against the contractor or any of its                            business and an other than small                      after the December 1 deadline, any
                                                  principals for commission of fraud or a                         business.                                             increase in rates will not be effective in
                                                  criminal offense in connection with                               (3) A separate representation is not                CBAR until 30 days after submission.
                                                  obtaining, attempting to obtain, or                             required to also request a higher                        (vi) The rate(s) may be adjusted at any
                                                  performing a public (Federal, State, or                         maximum performance-based payment                     time during the year if the Director,
                                                  local) contract or subcontract; violation                       rate (see 232.1001(b)(2)).                            Defense Pricing and Contracting,
                                                  of Federal or State antitrust statutes                            (B) The representation is required to               subsequently determines that the
                                                  relating to the submission of offers; or                        be executed by a person authorized to                 representation provided by a contractor
                                                  commission of embezzlement, theft,                              sign for the entity submitting the                    was not accurate.
                                                  forgery, bribery, falsification or                              representation and must at a minimum                  ■ 3. Add new section 232.502–4
                                                  destruction of records, making false                            include—                                              heading to read as follows:
                                                  statements, tax evasion, violating                                (1) The unique entity identifier and
                                                  Federal criminal tax laws, or receiving                         Commercial and Government Entity                      232.502–4    Contract clauses.
                                                  stolen property, the contractor will not                        (CAGE) code(s) of the contractor;                     ■ 4. Amend section 232.502–4–70 by
                                                  be eligible for any of the above                                  (2) Size status of the contractor (small,           revising paragraph (b) to read as follows:
                                                  incentives and the customary progress                           other than small, or varies dependent
                                                                                                                  upon the NAICS code of the                            232.502–4–70      Additional clauses.
                                                  payment rate will be 25 percent for that
                                                  contractor.                                                     acquisition); and                                     *     *      *    *    *
                                                     (iii)(A) On or before December 1 of                            (3) Identification of the criteria for                (b) Use the clause at 252.232–7004,
                                                  each year, except as provided in                                which the contractor is requesting                    DoD Customary Progress Payment Rates,
                                                  paragraph (a)(ii) of this section, a                            increase in the customary progress                    in solicitations and contracts that
                                                  contractor, or a higher-level owner of a                        payment rate for the following calendar               include FAR 52.232–16. Do not use
                                                  contractor, may submit to [email                                year. It is not necessary to submit                   Alternate I of FAR 52.232–16.
                                                  address TBD] a representation as to                             supporting data with the representation,              ■ 5. Amend section 232.503–6 by
                                                  which criteria specified in paragraph                           but the contractor is required to provide             revising paragraph (b) to read as follows:
                                                  (a)(i) of this section the contractor                           such data upon request.
                                                                                                                                                                        232.503–6 Suspension or reduction of
                                                  meets, and request a higher customary                             (iv) Based on the representation
                                                  progress payment rate on that basis.                            received, the Director, Defense Pricing
                                                     (1) If a representation is made on                           and Contracting, will determine the                     (b) Contractor noncompliance.
                                                  behalf of multiple business segments,                           appropriate customary progress                          (i) If the Director, Defense Pricing and
                                                  the representation must address the                             payment rate(s) for the following                     Contracting, subsequently determines
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                  criteria in paragraph (a)(i) of this section                    calendar year. DoD will enter the                     that the representation in accordance
                                                  for each business segment for which                             customary progress payment rate(s) into               with 232.501–1(a) is inaccurate, the
                                                  higher customary progress payment                               CBAR by December 31.                                  progress payment rate in CBAR will be
                                                  rates are requested.                                              (v) If a contractor fails to submit by              adjusted.
                                                     (2) If the size status of a contractor                       the December 1 deadline, then the rate                  (ii) See also 242.7502(c).
                                                  varies dependent upon the North                                 for that contractor in CBAR will be 50                *      *     *     *    *
                                                  American Industry Classification                                percent if the contractor is other than a             ■ 6. Amend section 232.1001 by
                                                  System (NAICS) code of the acquisition,                         small business and 90 percent if the                  revising paragraph (a) to read as follows:

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                                                  232.1001         Policy.                                          The revision and addition read as                   on or after January 1, 2019, are 50
                                                    (a) In accordance with 10 U.S.C.                              follows:                                              percent for other than small businesses
                                                  2307(b)(2), performance-based payments                                                                                and 90 percent for small businesses,
                                                                                                                  232.1004    Procedures.                               unless a different rate is specified for
                                                  shall not be conditioned upon costs
                                                  incurred in contract performance, but                              (b) Establishing performance-based                 the offeror in the Contract Business
                                                  on the achievement of performance                               finance payment amounts.                              Analysis Repository [details TBD].
                                                  outcomes.                                                          (2) In lieu of the 90 percent maximum                (A) Offerors can qualify for an
                                                  *     *     *    *    *                                         rate specified in the FAR for                         increased maximum performance-based
                                                  ■ 7. Amend section 232.1004 by—                                 performance-based payments, the                       payment rate of up to 95 percent, based
                                                  ■ a. Revising paragraph (b); and                                maximum rates for DoD performance-                    on the following criteria:
                                                  ■ b. Adding a new paragraph (S–70).                             based payments in solicitations issued                  (1) Other than small businesses:

                                                     Additional                                                                                   Criteria

                                                  10 ..................     Met the contract delivery dates for contract end items and contract data requirements lists or performance milestone schedule,
                                                                              as the case may be, at least 95 percent of the time during the preceding Government fiscal year (October 1 through Sep-
                                                                              tember 30).
                                                  10 ..................     Does not have open level III or IV corrective action requests. See 242.302(a).
                                                  10 ..................     All applicable contractor business systems are acceptable, without significant deficiencies.
                                                  7.5 .................     At least 95 percent of the time during the preceding Government fiscal year, when responding to solicitations that required sub-
                                                                              mission of certified cost or pricing data, met the due date in the request for proposal and complied with the Proposal Ade-
                                                                              quacy Checklist (252.215–7009).
                                                  5 ....................    Has met its small business subcontracting goals during the preceding Government fiscal year.
                                                  2.5 .................     Has provided subcontracting opportunities for the blind and severely disabled [details TBD].

                                                     (2) Small businesses:

                                                     Additional                                                                                   Criteria

                                                  2 ....................    Met the contract delivery dates for contract end items and contract data requirements lists or performance milestone schedule,
                                                                              as the case may be, at least 95 percent of the time during the preceding Government fiscal year (October 1 through Sep-
                                                                              tember 30).
                                                  2 ....................    Does not have open level III or IV corrective action requests. See 242.302(a).
                                                  1 ....................    All applicable contractor business systems are acceptable, without significant deficiencies.

                                                     (B) However, if an offeror or any of its                     higher customary progress payment rate                   (ii) Size status of the offeror (small,
                                                  principals has within the preceding                             on that basis.                                        other than small, or varies dependent
                                                  Government fiscal year been convicted                             (i) If a representation is made on                  upon the NAICS code of the
                                                  of or had a civil judgment rendered                             behalf of multiple business segments,                 acquisition); and
                                                  against the offeror or any of its                               the representation must address the                      (iii) Identification of the criteria for
                                                  principals for commission of fraud or a                         criteria in paragraph (b)(2)(A) of this               which the offeror is requesting increase
                                                  criminal offense in connection with                             section for each business segment for                 in the customary progress payment rate
                                                  obtaining, attempting to obtain, or                             which higher customary progress                       for the following calendar year. It is not
                                                  performing a public (Federal, State, or                         payment rates are requested.                          necessary to submit supporting data
                                                  local) contract or subcontract; violation                         (ii) If the size status of an offeror               with the representation, but the offeror
                                                  of Federal or State antitrust statutes                          varies dependent upon the North                       is required to provide such data upon
                                                  relating to the submission of offers; or                        American Industry Classification                      request.
                                                  commission of embezzlement, theft,                              System (NAICS) code of the acquisition,                  (D) Based on the representation
                                                  forgery, bribery, falsification or                              the offeror may submit a representation               received, the Director, Defense Pricing
                                                  destruction of records, making false                            and request for a higher customary                    and Contracting, will determine the
                                                  statements, tax evasion, violating                              progress payment rate that addresses the              appropriate maximum performance-
                                                  Federal criminal tax laws, or receiving                         rates for both a small business and an                based payment rate(s) for the following
                                                  stolen property, the offeror will not be                        other than small business.                            calendar year. DoD will enter the
                                                  eligible for any of the above incentives                          (iii) A separate representation is not              maximum performance-based payment
                                                  and the maximum performance-based                               required to also request a higher                     rate(s) into CBAR by December 31.
                                                  payment rate will be 25 percent for that                        maximum performance-based payment                        (E) If an offeror fails to submit by the
                                                  offeror.                                                        rate (see 232.501–1(a)).                              December 1 deadline, then the rate for
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                     (C)(1) On December 1 of each year,                             (2) The representation is required to               that offeror in CBAR will be 50 percent
                                                  except as provided in paragraph                                 be executed by a person authorized to                 if the offeror is other than a small
                                                  (b)(2)(B) of this section, an offeror, or a                     sign for the entity submitting the                    business and 90 percent if the offeror is
                                                  higher-level owner of an offeror, may                           representation and must at a minimum                  a small business, unless the rate is 25
                                                  submit to [email address TBD] a                                 include—                                              percent as provided in (b)(2)(B) of this
                                                  representation as to which criteria                               (i) The unique entity identifier and                section. If the offeror subsequently
                                                  specified in paragraph (b)(2)(A) of this                        Commercial and Government Entity                      submits a representation after the
                                                  section the offeror meets, and request a                        (CAGE) code(s) of the offeror;                        December 1 deadline, any increase in

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                                                  42838                           Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 165 / Friday, August 24, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                  rates will not be effective in CBAR until                       identified four levels of corrective                  Payments, the contracting officer shall
                                                  30 days after submission.                                       action requests.                                      not withhold progress payments or
                                                    (F) The rate(s) may be adjusted at any                           (i) Level I is issued for                          performance based payments from that
                                                  time during the year if the Director,                           noncompliances that are minor in                      contract unless the contractor is
                                                  Defense Pricing and Contracting,                                nature, are promptly corrected by the                 receiving progress payments or
                                                  subsequently determines that the                                contractor, and present no need for root              performance-based payments under the
                                                  representation provided by an offeror                           cause determination or further                        contract at a rate specified in Contract
                                                  was not accurate.                                               preventive action.                                    Business Analysis Repository that
                                                  *     *     *     *     *                                          (ii) Level II is issued for                        includes the 10 percent incentive based
                                                                                                                  noncompliances that are not promptly                  on having acceptable business systems
                                                    (S–70) Eligibility for performance-
                                                                                                                  correctable and warrant root cause                    without significant deficiencies (see
                                                  based payments. Nontraditional defense
                                                                                                                  analysis and preventive action, or need               232.501–1(a)). * * *
                                                  contractors and other private sector
                                                                                                                  action by the contractor to determine if              *     *     *     *     *
                                                  companies shall be eligible for
                                                                                                                  other product/services are affected.
                                                  performance-based payments, consistent
                                                                                                                     (iii) Level III is issued to the                   PART 252—SOLICITATION
                                                  with best commercial practices. In
                                                                                                                  contractor’s management responsible for               PROVISIONS AND CONTRACT
                                                  accordance with 10 U.S.C. 2307(b), a
                                                                                                                  the company or business segment to call               CLAUSES
                                                  contractor’s accounting system shall be
                                                                                                                  attention to a serious noncompliance, a
                                                  in compliance with Generally Accepted
                                                                                                                  significant deficiency pursuant to                    ■ 11. Revise section 252.232–7004 to
                                                  Accounting Principles in order to
                                                                                                                  252.242–7005(b), a failure to respond to              read as follows:
                                                  receive performance-based payments. 10
                                                                                                                  a lower level corrective action request,
                                                  U.S.C. 2307 does not grant the Defense                                                                                252.232–7004 DoD Customary Progress
                                                                                                                  or to remedy recurring noncompliance.
                                                  Contract Audit Agency the authority to                             (iv) Level IV is issued to the                     Payment Rates.
                                                  audit compliance with Generally                                 contractor’s segment or corporate                       As prescribed in 232.502–4–70(b), use
                                                  Accepted Accounting Principles.                                 management and when the contractual                   the following clause:
                                                  ■ 8. Revise section 232.1005–70 to read                         noncompliance(s) is of a serious nature
                                                  as follows:                                                     or when a Level III corrective action                 DoD Customary Progress Payment
                                                                                                                  request has been ineffective.                         Rates (Date)
                                                  232.1005–70              Solicitation provision.
                                                                                                                     (v) For additional information on                     (a) The Progress Payments clause of this
                                                    Use the provision 252.232–70YY, DoD                           corrective action requests, see PGI                   contract is modified to change each mention
                                                  Maximum Performance-Based Payment                               242.302(a).                                           of the progress payment rate and liquidation
                                                  Rates, in solicitations that include FAR                                                                              rate in paragraphs (a)(1), (a)(6), and (b) to 50
                                                  52.232–28, Invitation to Propose                                *       *    *       *     *
                                                                                                                                                                        percent if the Contractor is other than a small
                                                                                                                  ■ 10. Amend section 242.7000 by
                                                  Performance-Based Payments.                                                                                           business and 90 percent if the Contractor is
                                                                                                                  revising the first sentence in paragraph              a small business, unless a different rate is
                                                  PART 242—CONTRACT                                               (b)(1) to read as follows:                            specified for the Contractor in the Contract
                                                  ADMINISTRATION AND AUDIT                                                                                              Business Analysis Repository (CBAR) at
                                                                                                                  242.7000 Contractor business system                   [details TBD]. The limitations on
                                                  SERVICES                                                        deficiencies.                                         undefinitized contract actions in paragraph
                                                  ■ 9. Amend section 242.302 by adding                               (b) * * *                                          (k) of the Progress Payments clause remain at
                                                  paragraph (a) text to read as follows:                             (1) In accordance with agency                      a maximum of 80 percent for both the
                                                                                                                  procedures, identify one or more                      progress payment rate and the liquidation
                                                  242.302        Contract administration functions.               covered contracts containing the clause               rate, notwithstanding any higher rate
                                                     (a) Government personnel performing                          at 252.242–7005, Contractor Business                  specified in CBAR.
                                                  contract administration duties outlined                         Systems, from which payments will be                     (b) If the Contractor has a satisfactory
                                                                                                                                                                        record of performance, the Contractor can
                                                  in FAR 42.302(a) and this paragraph                             withheld, except that, if a contract                  qualify for an increased customary progress
                                                  issue a corrective action request when                          includes the clause 252.232–7004, DoD                 payment rate of up to 95 percent, based on
                                                  contractual noncompliance is                                    Customary Progress Payments, or the                   the following criteria:
                                                  independently identified. The Defense                           provision 252.232–70YY, DoD                              (1) If the Contractor is other than a small
                                                  Contract Management Agency had                                  Maximum Performance-Based                             business:

                                                       Additional                                                                                 Criteria

                                                  10 ..................     Met the contract delivery dates for contract end items and contract data requirements lists or performance milestone schedule,
                                                                              as the case may be, at least 95 percent of the time during the preceding Government fiscal year (October 1 through Sep-
                                                                              tember 30).
                                                  10 ..................     Does not have open level III or IV corrective action requests. See DFARS 242.302(a).
                                                  10 ..................     All applicable contractor business systems are acceptable, without significant deficiencies.
                                                  7.5 .................     At least 95 percent of the time during the preceding Government fiscal year, when responding to solicitations that required sub-
                                                                              mission of certified cost or pricing data, met the due date in the request for proposal and complied with the Proposal Ade-
                                                                              quacy Checklist (252.215–7009).
                                                  5 ....................    Has met its small business subcontracting goals during the preceding Government fiscal year.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                  2.5 .................     Has provided subcontracting opportunities for AbilityOne [details TBD].

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                                                     (2) If the Contractor is a small business:

                                                     Additional                                                                                   Criteria

                                                  2 ....................    Met the contract delivery dates for contract end items and contract data requirements lists or performance milestone schedule,
                                                                              as the case may be, at least 95 percent of the time during the preceding Government fiscal year (October 1 through Sep-
                                                                              tember 30).
                                                  2 ....................    Does not have open level III or IV corrective action requests. See DFARS 242.302(a).
                                                  1 ....................    All applicable contractor business systems are acceptable, without significant deficiencies.

                                                     (c) However, if the Contractor or any of its                 paragraph (b) of this clause for each business        submit supporting data with the
                                                  principals has within the preceding                             segment for which higher customary progress           representation, but the Contractor is required
                                                  Government fiscal year been convicted of or                     payment rates are requested. Business                 to provide such data upon request.
                                                  had a civil judgment rendered against the                       segments that meet the same criteria may be              (3) The template in paragraph (h) of this
                                                  Contractor or any of its principals for                         grouped together.                                     clause may be used for the submission of the
                                                  commission of fraud or a criminal offense in                       (ii) If the size status of the Contractor varies   request and representation.
                                                  connection with obtaining, attempting to                        dependent upon the North American                        (e) Based on the representation received,
                                                  obtain, or performing a public (Federal, State,                 Industry Classification System (NAICS) code           the Director, Defense Pricing and
                                                  or local) contract or subcontract; violation of                 of the acquisition, the Contractor may submit         Contracting, will determine the appropriate
                                                  Federal or State antitrust statutes relating to                 a representation and request for a higher             customary progress payment rate(s) for the
                                                  the submission of offers; or commission of                      customary progress payment rate that                  following calendar year. DoD will enter the
                                                  embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery,                          addresses the rates for both a small business         customary progress payment rate(s) into
                                                  falsification or destruction of records, making                 and an other than small business.                     CBAR by December 31.
                                                  false statements, tax evasion, violating                           (iii) A separate representation is not                (f) If the Contractor fails to submit by the
                                                  Federal criminal tax laws, or receiving stolen                  required to also request a higher maximum             December 1 deadline, then the rate for the
                                                  property, the Contractor will not be eligible                   performance-based payment rate (see DFARS             Contractor in CBAR will be 50 percent if the
                                                  for any of the above incentives and the                         232.1004(b)(2)).                                      Contractor is other than a small business and
                                                  customary progress payment rate will be 25                         (2) The representation shall be executed by        90 percent if the Contractor is a small
                                                  percent.                                                        a person authorized to sign for the entity            business, except as provided in paragraph (c)
                                                     (d)(1) On December 1 of each year, except                    submitting the representation and shall at a          of this clause. If the Contractor subsequently
                                                  as provided in paragraph (c) of this clause,                    minimum include—                                      submits a representation after the December
                                                  the Contractor, or a higher-level owner of the                     (i) The unique entity identifier and               1 deadline, any increase in rates will not be
                                                  Contractor, may submit to [email address                        Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE)               effective in CBAR until 30 days after
                                                  TBD] a representation as to which criteria                      code(s) of the Contractor;                            submission.
                                                  specified in paragraph (b) of this clause the                      (ii) The size status of the Contractor (small,        (g) The rate(s) may be adjusted at any time
                                                  Contractor meets, and request a higher                          other than small, or varies dependent upon            during the year if the Director, Defense
                                                  customary progress payment rate on that                         the NAICS code of the acquisition); and               Pricing and Contracting, subsequently
                                                  basis.                                                             (iii) Identification of the criteria for which     determines that the representation provided
                                                     (i) If a representation is made on behalf of                 the Contractor is requesting increase in the          by a contractor was not accurate.
                                                  multiple business segments, the                                 customary progress payment rate for the                  (h) Template.
                                                  representation shall address the criteria in                    following calendar year. It is not necessary to       BILLING CODE 5001–06–P
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42840              Federal Register/Vol. 83, No. 165 /Friday, August 24, 2018 /Proposed Rules

                                          Company Letterhead

        I,          [print name and title]              ,   request customary progress

        payment/maximum performance based payment rate(s)                          as follows:

        1.a.       Name and address of company:

             b.     Unique Entity Identifier

             c._    Commercial and Government Entity                (CAGE)    Code(s) .

             d.     Size status.        Fill out Table A if other than small

        business.        Fill out Table B if a small business.                     If size

        status varies dependent upon NAICS code,                     fill out both tables.

             Table A — Other than small business:

               Enter "Yes" if         50 percent       Criteria

               meet the              plus

               criteria,     "No"     additional

               if do not             percentage


                                      10 percent       |Met the dates in the delivery or

                                                       performance schedule in the

                                                        contract at least 95 percent of

                                                        the time during the preceding

                                                       Government fiscal year            (October

                                                        1 through September 30) .

                                      10 percent       Does not have open level III or

                                                                          Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 165 / Friday, August 24, 2018 / Proposed Rules                           42841

                                                                                                                                       IV corrective action requests.

                                                                                                                                       See DFARS 242.302(a).

                                                                                                         10 percent                All applicable contractor

                                                                                                                                       business systems are acceptable,

                                                                                                                                       without significant


                                                                                                         7.5 percent               At least 95 percent of the time

                                                                                                                                       during the preceding Government

                                                                                                                                       fiscal year, when responding to

                                                                                                                                       solicitations that required

                                                                                                                                       submission of certified cost or

                                                                                                                                       pricing data, met the due date

                                                                                                                                       in the request for proposal and

                                                                                                                                       complied with the Proposal

                                                                                                                                   Adequacy Checklist (252.215-

                                                                                                                                       7009) .

                                                                                                         5 percent                     Has met its small business

                                                                                                                                       subcontracting goals during the

                                                                                                                                       preceding Government fiscal


                                                                                                        2.5 percent                    Has provided subcontracting

                                                                                                                                       opportunities for AbilityOne
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                                                                                                       [details TBD] .

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                                                  42842                   Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 165 / Friday, August 24, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                            Total customary progress payment/maximum performance-based

                                                            payment rate requested as an other than small business:

                                                                   Table B - Small business:

                                                                    Enter "Yes" if                       90 percent                    Criteria

                                                                    meet the                             plus

                                                                    criteria, "No"                       additional

                                                                     if do not                           percentage


                                                                                                         2 percent                     Met the contract delivery dates

                                                                                                                                       for contract end items and

                                                                                                                                       contract data requirements

                                                                                                                                       lists or performance milestone

                                                                                                                                       schedule, as the case may be,

                                                                                                                                       at least 95 percent of the time

                                                                                                                                       during the preceding Government

                                                                                                                                       fiscal year (October 1 through

                                                                                                                                       September 30).

                                                                                                         2 percent                     Does not have open level III or

                                                                                                                                       IV corrective action requests.

                                                                                                                                       See DFARS 242.302(a).

                                                                                                         1 percent                     All applicable contractor
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                                                                                                       business systems are

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                                                                          Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 165 / Friday, August 24, 2018 / Proposed Rules                          42843

                                                                                                                                       acceptable, without significant


                                                            Total customary progress payment/maximum performance-based

                                                            payment rate requested as a small business:

                                                            2.       Repeat above information for any additional companies for

                                                            which increased customary progress payment/maximum performance-

                                                            based payment rates are requested.                                                Business segments that meet

                                                            the same criteria may be grouped together.

                                                            The above identified entity (entities) and any of the

                                                            principals thereof have not                                       within the preceding Government

                                                            fiscal year been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered

                                                            against any entity or any of its principals for commission of

                                                            fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining,

                                                            attempting to obtain, or performing a public (Federal, State,

                                                            or local) contract or subcontract; violation of Federal or

                                                            State antitrust statutes relating to the submission of offers;

                                                            or commission of embezzlement, theft,                                                   forgery, bribery,

                                                            falsification or destruction of records, making false

                                                            statements, tax evasion, violating Federal criminal tax laws,

                                                            or receiving stolen property.

                                                            I represent, to the best of my knowledge and belief, that all
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                            of the above information is accurate.

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                                                  42844                           Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 165 / Friday, August 24, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                  (End of clause)                                                 252.232–70YY DoD Maximum                              percent if the Offeror is other than small
                                                                                                                  Performance-Based Payment Rates.                      business and 90 percent if the Offeror is a
                                                  252.232–7012              [Removed and Reserved]                                                                      small business, unless a different rate is
                                                                                                                    As prescribed in 232.1005–70, use the               specified for the Offeror in the Contract
                                                  ■ 12. Remove and reserve section                                following provision:                                  Business Analysis Repository (CBAR) at
                                                  252.232–7012.                                                                                                         [details TBD].
                                                                                                                  DoD Maximum Performance-Based
                                                                                                                                                                          (b) If the Offeror has a satisfactory record
                                                  252.232–7013              [Removed and Reserved]                Payment Rates (Date)
                                                                                                                                                                        of performance, the Offeror can qualify for an
                                                  ■ 13. Remove and reserve section                                   (a) The Invitation to Propose Performance-         increased maximum performance-based
                                                  252.232–7013.                                                   Based Payments provision in this solicitation         payment rate of up to 95 percent, based on
                                                                                                                  is modified to change the maximum                     the following criteria:
                                                  ■ 14. Add new section 252.232–70YY to                           performance-based payment rate in                       (1) If the Offeror is other than small
                                                  read as follows:                                                paragraph (c)(2)(iii) of that provision to 50         business:

                                                       Additional                                                                                 Criteria

                                                  10 ..................     Met the contract delivery dates for contract end items and contract data requirements lists or performance milestone schedule,
                                                                              as the case may be, at least 95 percent of the time during the preceding Government fiscal year (October 1 through Sep-
                                                                              tember 30).
                                                  10 ..................     Does not have open level III or IV corrective action requests. See DFARS 242.302(a).
                                                  10 ..................     All applicable contractor business systems are acceptable, without significant deficiencies.
                                                  7.5 .................     At least 95 percent of the time during the preceding Government fiscal year, when responding to solicitations that required sub-
                                                                              mission of certified cost or pricing data, met the due date in the request for proposal and complied with the Proposal Ade-
                                                                              quacy Checklist (252.215–7009).
                                                  5 ....................    Has met its small business subcontracting goals during the preceding Government fiscal year.
                                                  2.5 .................     Has provided subcontracting opportunities for AbilityOne [details TBD].

                                                      (2) If the Offeror is a small business:

                                                       Additional                                                                                 Criteria

                                                  2 ....................    Met the contract delivery dates for contract end items and contract data requirements lists or performance milestone schedule,
                                                                              as the case may be, at least 95 percent of the time during the preceding Government fiscal year (October 1 through Sep-
                                                                              tember 30).
                                                  2 ....................    Does not have open level III or IV corrective action requests. See DFARS 242.302(a).
                                                  1 ....................    All applicable contractor business systems are acceptable, without significant deficiencies.

                                                     (c) However, if the Offeror or any of its                      (d)(1) On December 1 of each year, except           of the acquisition, the Offeror may submit a
                                                  principals has within the preceding                             as provided in paragraph (c) of this                  representation and request for a higher
                                                  Government fiscal year been convicted of or                     provision, the Offeror, or a higher-level             customary progress payment rate that
                                                  had a civil judgment rendered against the                       owner of the Offeror, may submit to [email            addresses the rates for both a small business
                                                  Offeror or any of its principals for                            address TBD] a representation as to which             and an other than small business.
                                                  commission of fraud or a criminal offense in                    criteria specified in paragraph (b) of this             (iii) A separate representation is not
                                                  connection with obtaining, attempting to                        provision it meets, and request a higher              required to also request a higher customary
                                                  obtain, or performing a public (Federal, State,                 maximum performance-based payment rate                progress payment rate (see DFARS 232.501–
                                                                                                                  on the basis of the applicable criteria.
                                                  or local) contract or subcontract; violation of                                                                       1(a)).
                                                                                                                    (i) If a representation is made on behalf of
                                                  Federal or State antitrust statutes relating to                                                                         (2) The representation shall be executed by
                                                                                                                  multiple business segments, the
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                  the submission of offers; or commission of                      representation shall address the criteria in          a person authorized to sign for the entity
                                                  embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery,                          paragraph (b) of this provision for each              submitting the representation and shall at a
                                                  falsification or destruction of records, making                 business segment for which higher customary           minimum include—
                                                  false statements, tax evasion, violating                        progress payment rates are requested.                   (i) The unique entity identifier and
                                                  Federal criminal tax laws, or receiving stolen                  Business segments that meet the same criteria         Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE)
                                                  property, the Offeror will not be eligible for                  may be grouped together.                              code(s) of the Offeror;
                                                  any of the above incentives and the                               (ii) If the size status of the Offeror varies         (ii) The size status of the Offeror (small,
                                                  maximum performance-based payment rate                          dependent upon the North American                     other than small, or varies dependent upon

                                                  will be 25 percent.                                             Industry Classification System (NAICS) code           the NAICS code of the acquisition); and

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                                                                          Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 165 / Friday, August 24, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                              42845

                                                    (iii) Identification of the criteria for which        Contracting, will determine the appropriate           submits a representation after the December
                                                  the Offeror is requesting increased maximum             maximum performance-based payment                     1 deadline, any increase in rates will not be
                                                  performance-based payment rate for the                  rate(s) for the following calendar year. DoD          effective in CBAR until 30 days after
                                                  following calendar year. It is not necessary to         will enter the maximum performance-based              submission.
                                                  submit supporting data with the                         payment rate(s) into CBAR by December 31.                (g) The rate(s) may be adjusted at any time
                                                  representation, but the Offeror shall provide             (f) If the Offeror fails to submit by the           during the year if the Director, Defense
                                                  such data upon request.                                 December 1 deadline, then the rate for the
                                                                                                                                                                Pricing and Contracting, subsequently
                                                    (3) The template in paragraph (h) of this             Offeror in CBAR will be 50 percent if the
                                                  clause may be used for the submission of this           Offeror is other than a small business and 90         determines that the representation provided
                                                  request and representation.                             percent if the Offeror is a small business,           by the Offeror was not accurate.
                                                    (e) Based on the representation received,             except as provided in paragraph (c) of this              (h) Template.
                                                  the Director, Defense Pricing and                       provision. If the Offeror subsequently                BILLING CODE 5001–06–P
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS

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42846              Federal Register/Vol. 83, No. 165 /Friday, August 24, 2018 /Proposed Rules

                                          Company Letterhead

        I,         [print name and title]              ,    request customary progress

        payment/maximum performance based payment rate(s)                           as follows:

        1.a.       Name and address of company:

             b.     Unique Entity Identifier:

             c._    Commercial and Government Entity                   (CAGEK)   code(s) :

             d.     Size status.        Fill out Table A if other than a small

        business.        Fill out Table B if a small business.                      If size

        status varies dependent upon NAICS code,                       fill out both tables.

             Table A — Other than small business:

               Enter "Yes" if         50 percent           Criteria

               meet the              plus

               criteria,     "No"     additional

               if do not             percentage


                                      10 percent       |Met the contract delivery dates

                                                           for contract end items and

                                                           contract data requirements lists

                                                           or performance milestone

                                                           schedule,    as the case may be,       at

                                                           least 95 percent of the time

                                                           during the preceding Government

                                                                          Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 165 / Friday, August 24, 2018 / Proposed Rules                           42847

                                                                                                                                       fiscal year (October 1 through

                                                                                                                                       September 30).

                                                                                                         10 percent                    Does not have open level III or

                                                                                                                                       IV corrective action requests.

                                                                                                                                       See DFARS 242.302(a).

                                                                                                         10 percent                All applicable contractor

                                                                                                                                       business systems are acceptable,

                                                                                                                                       without significant


                                                                                                         7.5 percent               At least 95 percent of the time

                                                                                                                                       during the preceding Government

                                                                                                                                       fiscal year, when responding to

                                                                                                                                       solicitations that required

                                                                                                                                       submission of certified cost or

                                                                                                                                       pricing data, met the due date

                                                                                                                                       in the request for proposal and

                                                                                                                                       complied with the Proposal

                                                                                                                                   Adequacy Checklist (252.215-

                                                                                                                                       7009) .

                                                                                                         5 percent                     Has met its small business

                                                                                                                                       subcontracting goals during the

                                                                                                                                       preceding Government fiscal
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS


                                             VerDate Sep<11>2014   19:08 Aug 23, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00043   Fmt 4702    Sfmt 4725   E:\FR\FM\24AUP1.SGM   24AUP1

                                                  42848                   Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 165 / Friday, August 24, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                                                                        2.5 percent                    Has provided subcontracting

                                                                                                                                       opportunities for AbilityOne

                                                                                                                                       [details TBD] .

                                                            Total customary progress payment/maximum performance-based

                                                            payment rate requested as an other than small business:                                                               ---
                                                                   Table B - Small business:

                                                                    Enter "Yes" if                        90 percent                   Criteria

                                                                    meet the                              plus

                                                                    criteria, "No"                        additional

                                                                     if do not meet.                      percentage

                                                                                                          2 percent                    Met the contract delivery dates

                                                                                                                                       for contract end items and

                                                                                                                                       contract data requirements

                                                                                                                                       lists or performance milestone

                                                                                                                                       schedule, as the case may be,

                                                                                                                                       at least 95 percent of the time

                                                                                                                                       during the preceding Government

                                                                                                                                       fiscal year (October 1 through

                                                                                                                                       September 30).

                                                                                                          2 percent                    Does not have open level III or

                                                                                                                                       IV corrective action requests.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                                                                                                       See DFARS 242.302(a).

                                             VerDate Sep<11>2014   19:08 Aug 23, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00044   Fmt 4702   Sfmt 4725   E:\FR\FM\24AUP1.SGM   24AUP1

                                                                          Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 165 / Friday, August 24, 2018 / Proposed Rules                          42849

                                                                                                          1 percent                    All applicable contractor

                                                                                                                                       business systems are

                                                                                                                                       acceptable, without significant


                                                            Total customary progress payment/maximum performance-based

                                                            payment rate requested as a small business:                                                        -------
                                                            2.       Repeat above information for any additional companies for

                                                            which increased customary progress payment/maximum performance-

                                                            based payment rates are requested.                                                Business segments that meet

                                                            the same criteria may be grouped together.

                                                            The above identified entity(entities) and any of the principals

                                                            thereof have not within the preceding Government fiscal year

                                                            been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against any

                                                            entity or any of its principals for commission of fraud or a

                                                            criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to

                                                            obtain, or performing a public (Federal, State, or local)

                                                            contract or subcontract; violation of Federal or State

                                                            antitrust statutes relating to the submission of offers; or

                                                            commission of embezzlement, theft,                                              forgery, bribery,

                                                            falsification or destruction of records, making false

                                                            statements, tax evasion, violating Federal criminal tax laws,
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                            or receiving stolen property.

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                                                  42850                    Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 165 / Friday, August 24, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                  (End of provision)                                      Regulation Supplement to implement a                  solicitation is issued using two-phase
                                                  ■ 15. Amend section 252.242–7005 by—                    section of the National Defense                       design-build selection procedures for an
                                                  ■ a. Removing the clause date of ‘‘(FEB                 Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018                indefinite-delivery, indefinite-quantity
                                                  2012)’’ and adding ‘‘(DATE)’’ in its                    that allows for more than five offerors               (IDIQ) contract that exceeds $4 million.
                                                  place;                                                  on solicitations issued using two-phase                 Prior to the amendments made by
                                                  ■ b. In paragraph (d)(2) removing                       design-build selection procedures for
                                                                                                                                                                section 823, 10 U.S.C. 2305a required
                                                  ‘‘withhold payments’’ and adding                        indefinite-delivery, indefinite-quantity
                                                                                                                                                                the head of the contracting activity to
                                                  ‘‘withhold payments, except as                          contracts that exceed $4 million.
                                                  provided in paragraph (e) of this clause’’                                                                    approve the contracting officer’s
                                                                                                          DATES: Comments on the proposed rule
                                                  in its place;                                                                                                 justification that it is in the best interest
                                                                                                          should be submitted in writing to the
                                                  ■ c. Redesignating paragraphs (e) and (f)                                                                     of the Government to exceed the
                                                                                                          address shown below on or before
                                                  as paragraphs (f) and (g); and                                                                                maximum number of five offerors that
                                                                                                          October 23, 2018, to be considered in
                                                  ■ d. Adding a new paragraph (e) to read                 the formation of a final rule.                        may be selected to submit phase-two
                                                  as follows:                                                                                                   proposals, if certain conditions apply.
                                                                                                          ADDRESSES: Submit comments
                                                                                                                                                                Section 823 eliminates the requirement
                                                  § 252.242–7005      Contractor Business                 identified by DFARS Case 2018–D011,
                                                                                                          using any of the following methods:                   for such a justification when the
                                                                                                             Æ Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://              solicitation is for an IDIQ contract that
                                                  *     *     *     *     *                                                                                     exceeds $4 million.
                                                    (e) The requirements in paragraphs (f)                www.regulations.gov. Search for
                                                  and (g) of this clause regarding                        ‘‘DFARS Case 2018–D011’’. Select                      II. Discussion and Analysis
                                                  withholding of amounts due from                         ‘‘Submit a Comment Now’’ and follow
                                                  progress payments and performance-                      the instructions provided to submit a                    The two-phase design-build selection
                                                  based payments do not apply unless the                  comment. Please include ‘‘DFARS Case                  procedures authorized by 10 U.S.C.
                                                  Contractor is receiving progress                        2018–D011’’ on any attached document.                 2305a are implemented at Federal
                                                  payments or performance-based                              Æ Email: osd.dfars@mail.mil. Include               Acquisition Regulation (FAR) subpart
                                                  payments under this contract at a rate                  DFARS Case 2018–D011 in the subject                   36.3. The statutory requirement for a
                                                  specified in CBAR that includes the 10                  line of the message.                                  contracting officer to justify exceeding
                                                  percent incentive based on having                          Æ Fax: 571–372–6094.                               the maximum number of five offerors is
                                                  acceptable business systems without                        Æ Mail: Defense Acquisition
                                                                                                                                                                implemented at FAR 36.303–1(a)(4).
                                                  significant deficiencies.                               Regulations System, Attn: Ms. Heather
                                                                                                                                                                This rule proposes to implement section
                                                                                                          Kitchens, OUSD(A&S)DPC/DARS, Room
                                                  *     *     *     *     *                               3B941, 3060 Defense Pentagon,                         823 by adding a new DFARS section
                                                  [FR Doc. 2018–18238 Filed 8–23–18; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                          Washington, DC 20301–3060.                            236.303–1(a)(4), to be used in lieu of the
                                                  BILLING CODE 5001–06–C
                                                                                                             Comments received generally will be                procedures at FAR 36.303–1(a)(4). The
                                                                                                          posted without change to http://                      new DFARS section implements 10
                                                                                                          www.regulations.gov, including any                    U.S.C. 2305a, as amended by section
                                                  DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE                                                                                         823, by providing—
                                                                                                          personal information provided. To
                                                  Defense Acquisition Regulations                         confirm receipt of your comment(s),                      • The new authority to exceed the
                                                  System                                                  please check www.regulations.gov,                     five offeror maximum when the
                                                                                                          approximately two to three days after                 solicitation is for an IDIQ contract that
                                                  48 CFR Part 236                                         submission to verify posting (except                  exceeds $4 million;
                                                                                                          allow 30 days for posting of comments
                                                  [Docket DARS–2018–0039]                                 submitted by mail).                                      • The authority to exceed the five
                                                                                                                                                                offeror maximum when the contracting
                                                  RIN 0750–AJ75                                           FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ms.
                                                                                                                                                                officer’s decision is approved by the
                                                                                                          Heather Kitchens, telephone 571–372–
                                                  Defense Federal Acquisition                             6104.                                                 head of the contracting activity when
                                                  Regulation Supplement: Exemption                                                                              the solicitation is for a contract that
                                                                                                          SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                            exceeds $4 million; and
                                                  From Design-Build Selection
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                  Procedures (DFARS Case 2018–D011)                       I. Background                                            • A statement that the number of
                                                  AGENCY:  Defense Acquisition                               This rule proposes to revise the                   offerors is at the contracting officer’s
                                                  Regulations System, Department of                       DFARS to implement section 823 of the                 discretion when the solicitation is for a
                                                  Defense (DoD).                                          National Defense Authorization Act for                contract that does not exceed $4
                                                  ACTION: Proposed rule.                                  Fiscal Year 2018 (Pub. L. 115–91).                    million.
                                                                                                          Section 823 amends 10 U.S.C. 2305a to
                                                  SUMMARY:  DoD is proposing to amend                     allow for more than the maximum

                                                  the Defense Federal Acquisition                         number of five offerors when a

                                             VerDate Sep<11>2014   19:08 Aug 23, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00046   Fmt 4702   Sfmt 4702   E:\FR\FM\24AUP1.SGM   24AUP1

Document Created: 2018-08-24 04:15:18
Document Modified: 2018-08-24 04:15:18
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionProposed Rules
ActionProposed rule; notice of meeting.
DatesComment Date: Comments on the proposed rule should be submitted
ContactMs. Amy Williams, DPC/DARS, at 571- 372-6106.
FR Citation83 FR 42831 
RIN Number0750-AJ28
CFR Citation48 CFR 232
48 CFR 242
48 CFR 252

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