83_FR_43030 83 FR 42865 - Meetings

83 FR 42865 - Meetings


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 165 (August 24, 2018)

Page Range42865-42866
FR Document2018-18299

The Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board (Access Board) plans to hold its regular committee and Board meetings in Washington, DC, Thursday through Friday, September 6-7, 2018 at the times and location listed below.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 165 (Friday, August 24, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 165 (Friday, August 24, 2018)]
[Pages 42865-42866]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-18299]




AGENCY: Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board.

ACTION: Notice of meetings.


SUMMARY: The Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board 
(Access Board) plans to hold its regular committee and Board meetings 
in Washington, DC, Thursday through Friday, September 6-7, 2018 at the 
times and location listed below.

DATES: The schedule of events is as follows:

Thursday, September 6, 2018
    9:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Information Meeting on Assembly Areas
Friday, September 7, 2018
    9:00 a.m.-9:30 a.m. Budget Committee
    9:30 a.m.-10:00 a.m. Planning and Evaluation Committee
    10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. Technical Programs Committee
    11:00 a.m.-Noon National Council on

[[Page 42866]]

Disability Briefing; Closed to public
    1:30 p.m.-3:30 p.m. Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the 
Architectural Barriers Act

ADDRESSES: Meetings will be held at the Access Board Conference Room, 
1331 F Street NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20004.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For further information regarding the 
meetings, please contact David Capozzi, Executive Director, (202) 272-
0010 (voice); (202) 272-0054 (TTY).

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In lieu of its regularly scheduled Board 
meeting, the Access Board plans to hold a special event celebrating 50 
years of the Architectural Barriers Act (ABA). Guest presentations 
include Judith E. Heumann from the Ford Foundation and federal agencies 
that issue accessibility standards under the ABA. Registration for this 
event is not required and members of the public are invited to join the 
celebration and a reception that follows. This event will be live 
streamed with captioning. More information about the ABA Anniversary 
can be found at: https://www.access-board.gov/news/1935-access-board-to-celebrate-50-years-of-the-architectural-barriers-act.
    All meetings are accessible to persons with disabilities. An 
assistive listening system, Communication Access Realtime Translation 
(CART), and sign language interpreters will be available at the ABA 
anniversary event and committee meetings.
    Persons attending Board meetings are requested to refrain from 
using perfume, cologne, and other fragrances for the comfort of other 
participants (see www.access-board.gov/the-board/policies/fragrance-free-environment for more information).
    You may view the Friday, September 7, 2018 ABA event through a live 
webcast from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. at: www.access-board.gov/webcast.

David M. Capozzi,
Executive Director.
[FR Doc. 2018-18299 Filed 8-23-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 165 / Friday, August 24, 2018 / Notices                                                 42865

                                               wetland. Section 343 of the Federal                     considerably for each of the                          were relocated and rearranged to
                                               Agriculture Improvement and Reform                      conservation practice standards                       improve document flow. The minimum
                                               Act of 1996 requires NRCS to make                       addressed in this notice. To fully                    velocity has been raised to 0.8 feet-per-
                                               available for public review and                         understand the proposed changes,                      second for areas without sedimentation
                                               comment all proposed revisions to                       individuals are encouraged to compare                 problems. Provisions have been
                                               conservation practice standards used to                 these changes with each standard’s                    included for the use of square junction
                                               carry out HEL and wetland provisions of                 current version, which can be found at                boxes.
                                               the law.                                                http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/                     Waste Facility Closure (Code 360)—
                                               DATES: These revisions shall be                         nrcs/detailfull/national/technical/cp/                The formatting and writing style were
                                               applicable as of August 24, 2018.                       ncps/?cid=nrcs143_026849. To aid in                   updated to improve clarity. Criteria was
                                                 Comment Date: Submit comments on                      this comparison, following are                        added to dry-waste storages to render
                                               or before September 24, 2018. Final                     highlights of some of the proposed                    the site unsuitable for stacking or
                                               versions of these new or revised                        revisions to each standard:                           treating waste. Language was added to
                                               conservation practice standards will be                   Combustion System Improvement                       the standard to make it clear that the
                                               adopted after the close of the 30-day                   (Code 372)—Revised language of the                    standard is not used for the
                                               period and after consideration of all                   general criteria and criteria applicable to           rehabilitation or expansion of existing
                                               comments.                                               the air quality and energy purposes to                facilities.
                                                                                                       address some confusion encountered in                    Wildlife Habitat Planting (Code
                                               ADDRESSES: Comments should be
                                                                                                       the implementation of the practice.                   420)—This is a new conservation
                                               submitted, identified by Docket Number
                                                                                                         Dust Control on Unpaved Roads and                   practice standard developed to better
                                               NRCS–2018–0005, using any of the
                                                                                                       Surfaces (Code 373)—Relatively minor                  address the technical complexities of
                                               following methods:
                                                                                                       changes have been made to the 2010
                                                 • Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://                                                                       establishing wildlife habitat, including
                                                                                                       version. Two purposes were added to                   pollinator and monarch butterfly habitat
                                               www.regulations.gov. Follow the
                                                                                                       more adequately describe the reasons                  plantings. Wildlife Habitat Planting
                                               instructions for submitting comments.
                                                  • Mail or hand-delivery: Public                      for using this practice: ‘‘improve                    (420) will be planned and applied when
                                               Comments Processing, Attention:                         visibility by reducing emissions of                   establishing herbaceous vegetation for
                                               Regulatory and Agency Policy Team,                      particulate matter;’’ and ‘‘improve plant             wildlife. Planting trees for wildlife will
                                               Strategic Planning and Accountability,                  health and vigor by reducing emissions                be planned and applied using Tree and
                                               Natural Resources Conservation Service,                 of particulate matter.’’                              Shrub Establishment (612).
                                                                                                         Integrated Pest management (Code
                                               5601 Sunnyside Avenue, Building 1–                                                                              Signed this 25th day of June 2018, in
                                                                                                       595)—The standard definition and
                                               1112D, Beltsville, Maryland 20705.                                                                            Washington, DC.
                                                  NRCS will post all comments on                       purposes have been updated to reflect
                                                                                                       current agency policy and science. The                Leonard Jordan,
                                               http://www.regulations.gov. In general,
                                                                                                       standard has been edited to clarify                   Acting Chief, Natural Resources Conservation
                                               personal information provided with                                                                            Service.
                                               comments will be posted. If your                        criteria, and support farmers and
                                               comment includes your address, phone                    ranchers wanting to address resource                  [FR Doc. 2018–18296 Filed 8–23–18; 8:45 am]

                                               number, email, or other personal                        concerns and implement an integrated                  BILLING CODE 3410–16–P

                                               identifying information (PII), your                     pest management system where land-
                                               comments, including PII, may be                         grant-university guidelines are
                                               available to the public. You may ask in                 available.                                            ARCHITECTURAL AND
                                                                                                         Nutrient Management (Code 590)—                     TRANSPORTATION BARRIERS
                                               your comment that your PII be withheld
                                                                                                       The revision has no significant                       COMPLIANCE BOARD
                                               from public view, but this cannot be
                                                                                                       definition technical changes. Instead, it
                                                                                                       has a focus on improving the usability                Meetings
                                               FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr.                    of 590 at the operational level of the
                                               Bill Reck, National Environmental                       agency (i.e. the State and field). The                AGENCY: Architectural and
                                               Engineer, Conservation Engineering                      formatting and writing style were                     Transportation Barriers Compliance
                                               Division, U.S. Department of                            updated to meet current agency                        Board.
                                               Agriculture, Natural Resources                          requirements. Bullet point statements                 ACTION: Notice of meetings.
                                               Conservation Service, 1400                              were used to specify single concepts
                                               Independence Avenue Southwest,                                                                                SUMMARY:   The Architectural and
                                                                                                       and replace paragraphs containing
                                               South Building, Room 6136,                                                                                    Transportation Barriers Compliance
                                                                                                       multiple concepts.
                                               Washington, DC 20250.                                     Pesticide Mitigation (Code 594)—A                   Board (Access Board) plans to hold its
                                                 Electronic copies of the proposed                     new standard to support farmers and                   regular committee and Board meetings
                                               revised standards are available through                 ranchers wanting to address resource                  in Washington, DC, Thursday through
                                               http://www.regulations.gov by accessing                 concerns created by the use of                        Friday, September 6–7, 2018 at the
                                               Docket No. NRCS–2018–0005.                              pesticides in areas where they do not                 times and location listed below.
                                               Alternatively, copies can be                            have land-grant university integrated                 DATES: The schedule of events is as
                                               downloaded or printed from http://                      pest management guidelines for one or                 follows:
                                               go.usa.gov/TXye. Requests for paper                     more of their crops or cropping systems.              Thursday, September 6, 2018
                                               versions or inquiries may be directed to:               Proposed Standard 594 offers resource                   9:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Information
                                               Mr. Emil Horvath, National Practice                     protection using site-specific techniques                  Meeting on Assembly Areas
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               Standards Review Coordinator, Natural                   designed to mitigate the impacts of                   Friday, September 7, 2018
                                               Resources Conservation Service, Central                 chemical pest suppression on natural                    9:00 a.m.–9:30 a.m. Budget Committee
                                               National Technology Support Center,                     resources.                                              9:30 a.m.–10:00 a.m. Planning and
                                               501 West Felix Street, Fort Worth, Texas                  Subsurface Drain (Code 606)—The                          Evaluation Committee
                                               76115.                                                  formatting and writing style were                       10:00 a.m.–11:00 a.m. Technical
                                               SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The                          updated to meet current agency                             Programs Committee
                                               amount of the proposed changes varies                   requirements. Sections of the standard                  11:00 a.m.–Noon National Council on

                                          VerDate Sep<11>2014   19:17 Aug 23, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00007   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\24AUN1.SGM   24AUN1

                                               42866                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 165 / Friday, August 24, 2018 / Notices

                                                    Disability Briefing; Closed to public              SUMMARY:  The Commission on Civil                     I. Abstract
                                                  1:30 p.m.–3:30 p.m. Celebration of the               Rights published a document August 14,                   The U.S. Census Bureau, with support
                                                    50th Anniversary of the                            2018, announcing an upcoming                          from the National Science Foundation
                                                    Architectural Barriers Act                         Maryland Advisory Committee. The                      (NSF), plans to conduct the Business
                                               ADDRESSES: Meetings will be held at the                 document contained incorrect address                  Research and Development Survey
                                               Access Board Conference Room, 1331 F                    to the meeting.                                       (BRDS) for the 2018–2020 survey years.
                                               Street NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC                    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                      The BRDS covers all domestic, non-
                                               20004.                                                  Barbara de La Viez, DFO, at bdelaviez@                farm, for-profit businesses with at least
                                               FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For                    usccr.gov or 202–376–7533.                            10 paid employees. The BRDS provides
                                               further information regarding the                       CORRECTION:   In the Federal Register of              the only comprehensive data on
                                               meetings, please contact David Capozzi,                 August 14, 2018, in FR Doc. 2018–                     Research and Development (R&D) costs
                                               Executive Director, (202) 272–0010                      17401, on pages 40223–40224 in the                    and detailed expenses by type and
                                               (voice); (202) 272–0054 (TTY).                          first and second columns, delete the                  industry.
                                               SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In lieu of                   ‘‘Address’’ and replace it with Murphy                   The Census Bureau has conducted an
                                               its regularly scheduled Board meeting,                  Fine Arts Center, Recital Hall, 2201                  R&D survey since 1957, collecting
                                               the Access Board plans to hold a special                Argonne Dr., Baltimore, MD 21251.                     primarily financial information on the
                                               event celebrating 50 years of the                                                                             systematic work companies undertake
                                                                                                         Dated: August 20, 2018.                             to discover new knowledge or use
                                               Architectural Barriers Act (ABA). Guest
                                                                                                       David Mussatt,                                        existing knowledge to develop new or
                                               presentations include Judith E.
                                               Heumann from the Ford Foundation                        Supervisory Chief, Regional Programs Unit.            improved goods and services.
                                               and federal agencies that issue                         [FR Doc. 2018–18285 Filed 8–23–18; 8:45 am]              Beginning in 2018, the BRDS will
                                               accessibility standards under the ABA.                  BILLING CODE P                                        collect new data about R&D on artificial
                                               Registration for this event is not                                                                            intelligence and geographic detail of
                                               required and members of the public are                                                                        companies’ R&D workforce. There is
                                               invited to join the celebration and a                                                                         increasing interest among domestic
                                               reception that follows. This event will                 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE                                policy-makers and in the international
                                               be live streamed with captioning. More                                                                        community, as well as among U.S.
                                                                                                       Census Bureau                                         researchers in academia, government
                                               information about the ABA Anniversary
                                               can be found at: https://www.access-                                                                          and industry, for more data on artificial
                                                                                                       Proposed Information Collection;                      intelligence. Domestic and foreign
                                               board.gov/news/1935-access-board-to-                    Comment Request; 2018–2020
                                               celebrate-50-years-of-the-architectural-                                                                      geographic information for R&D
                                                                                                       Business Research and Development                     workforce will address Bureau of
                                               barriers-act.                                           Surveys
                                                  All meetings are accessible to persons                                                                     Economic Analysis (BEA) requests on
                                               with disabilities. An assistive listening               AGENCY: U.S. Census Bureau,                           inputs for enhanced estimation and
                                               system, Communication Access                            Commerce.                                             evaluation of gross domestic product by
                                               Realtime Translation (CART), and sign                                                                         state, foreign direct investment in the
                                                                                                       ACTION: Notice.                                       U.S., and U.S. direct investment abroad.
                                               language interpreters will be available at
                                               the ABA anniversary event and                                                                                    The 2018–2020 BRDS will continue to
                                                                                                       SUMMARY:    The Department of
                                               committee meetings.                                                                                           collect the following types of
                                                                                                       Commerce, as part of its continuing
                                                  Persons attending Board meetings are                                                                       information:
                                                                                                       effort to reduce paperwork and
                                               requested to refrain from using perfume,                                                                         • R&D expense based on accepted
                                                                                                       respondent burden, invites the general
                                               cologne, and other fragrances for the                                                                         accounting standards.
                                                                                                       public and other Federal agencies to                     • Worldwide R&D of domestic
                                               comfort of other participants (see                      comment on proposed and/or
                                               www.access-board.gov/the-board/                                                                               companies.
                                                                                                       continuing information collections, as                   • Business segment detail.
                                               policies/fragrance-free-environment for                 required by the Paperwork Reduction
                                               more information).                                                                                               • R&D-related capital expenditures.
                                                                                                       Act of 1995.                                             • Detailed data about the R&D
                                                  You may view the Friday, September
                                                                                                       DATES: To ensure consideration, written               workforce.
                                               7, 2018 ABA event through a live
                                               webcast from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. at:                 or on-line comments must be submitted                    • R&D strategy and data on the
                                               www.access-board.gov/webcast.                           on or before October 23, 2018.                        potential impact of R&D on the market.
                                                                                                       ADDRESSES: Direct all written comments                   • R&D directed to application areas of
                                               David M. Capozzi,                                                                                             particular national interest.
                                                                                                       to Jennifer Jessup, Departmental
                                               Executive Director.                                     Paperwork Clearance Officer,                             • Data measuring intellectual
                                               [FR Doc. 2018–18299 Filed 8–23–18; 8:45 am]             Department of Commerce, Room 6616,                    property protection activities and
                                               BILLING CODE 8150–01–P                                  14th and Constitution Avenue NW,                      technology transfer.
                                                                                                       Washington, DC 20230 (or via the                         Domestic and foreign researchers in
                                                                                                       internet at docpra@doc.gov).                          academia, business, and government
                                                                                                                                                             analyze and cite data from the BRDS.
                                               COMMISSION ON CIVIL RIGHTS                              FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                      Among the federal government users are
                                                                                                       Requests for additional information or                the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)
                                               Notice of Public Meeting of the                         copies of the information collection                  and the White House’s Office of Science
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               Maryland Advisory Committee;                            instrument(s) and instructions should                 and Technology Policy (OSTP). BEA
                                               Correction                                              be directed to Michael Flaherty, U.S.                 includes R&D in the system of national
                                                                                                       Census Bureau, HQ–6H149, 4600 Silver                  accounts that measures the economic
                                               AGENCY:  U.S. Commission on Civil                       Hill Rd., Suitland, MD 20746, (301)
                                               Rights.                                                                                                       well-being of the country. BRDS data are
                                                                                                       763–7699 (or via the internet at                      key inputs into these accounts, which
                                               ACTION: Correction: Announcement of                     michael.j.flaherty@census.gov).                       feed into the calculation of the U.S.
                                                                                                       SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                            Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The

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Document Created: 2018-08-24 04:14:13
Document Modified: 2018-08-24 04:14:13
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice of meetings.
DatesThe schedule of events is as follows:
ContactFor further information regarding the meetings, please contact David Capozzi, Executive Director, (202) 272- 0010 (voice); (202) 272-0054 (TTY).
FR Citation83 FR 42865 

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