83_FR_43779 83 FR 43613 - LPTV, TV Translator, and FM Broadcast Station Reimbursement, Expanding the Economic and Innovation Opportunities of Spectrum Through Incentive Auctions

83 FR 43613 - LPTV, TV Translator, and FM Broadcast Station Reimbursement, Expanding the Economic and Innovation Opportunities of Spectrum Through Incentive Auctions


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 166 (August 27, 2018)

Page Range43613-43633
FR Document2018-17844

In this document, the Commission proposes rules to implement Congress's recent directive that we reimburse certain Low Power Television (LPTV), television translator (TV translator), and FM broadcast stations for costs incurred as a result of the Commission's broadcast television spectrum incentive auction. When Congress authorized the Commission to conduct the incentive auction, it required the Commission to reimburse certain costs incurred by full power and Class A television licensees and multichannel video program distributors (MVPDs). On March 23, 2018, Congress adopted the Reimbursement Expansion Act (REA), which, among other things, expands the list of entities eligible to be reimbursed for auction-related expenses to include LPTV, TV translator, and FM broadcast stations, and to provide additional funds to the Reimbursement Fund to be used for this purpose. The REA requires the Commission to complete a rulemaking to adopt a reimbursement process for LPTV, TV translator, and FM stations within a year from the adoption date of the Act. This NPRM commences the proceeding to implement this directive and enable the Commission to meet this statutory deadline.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 166 (Monday, August 27, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 166 (Monday, August 27, 2018)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 43613-43633]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-17844]



47 CFR Part 73

[MB Docket No. 18-214, GN Docket No. 12-268; FCC 18-113]

LPTV, TV Translator, and FM Broadcast Station Reimbursement, 
Expanding the Economic and Innovation Opportunities of Spectrum Through 
Incentive Auctions

AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission.

ACTION: Proposed rule.


SUMMARY: In this document, the Commission proposes rules to implement 
Congress's recent directive that we reimburse certain Low Power 
Television (LPTV), television translator (TV translator), and FM 
broadcast stations for costs incurred as a result of the Commission's 
broadcast television spectrum incentive auction. When Congress 
authorized the Commission to conduct the incentive auction, it required 
the Commission to reimburse certain costs incurred by full power and 
Class A television licensees and multichannel video program 
distributors (MVPDs). On March 23, 2018, Congress adopted the 
Reimbursement Expansion Act (REA), which, among other things, expands 
the list of entities eligible to be reimbursed for auction-related 
expenses to include LPTV, TV translator, and FM broadcast stations, and 
to provide additional funds to the Reimbursement Fund to be used for 
this purpose. The REA requires the Commission to complete a rulemaking 
to adopt a reimbursement process for LPTV, TV translator, and FM 
stations within a year from the adoption date of the Act. This NPRM 
commences the proceeding to implement this directive and enable the 
Commission to meet this statutory deadline.

DATES: Comments may be filed on or before September 26, 2018; and reply 
comments may be filed on or before October 26, 2018.

ADDRESSES: Interested parties may submit comments and reply comments, 
identified by MB Docket No. 18-214 and GN Docket No. 12-268, by any of 
the following methods:
     Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://www.regulations.gov. 
Follow the instructions for submitting comments.
     Federal Communications Commission's website: http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/ecfs2/. Follow the instructions for submitting 
     Mail: Filings can be sent by hand or messenger delivery, 
by commercial overnight courier, or by first-class or overnight U.S. 
Postal Service mail. All filings must be addressed to the Commission's 
Secretary, Office of the Secretary, Federal Communications Commission.
     People with Disabilities: Contact the FCC to request 
reasonable accommodations (accessible format documents, sign language 
interpreters, CART, etc.) by email: FCC504@fcc.gov or phone: (202) 418-
0530 or TTY: (202) 418-0432. For detailed instructions for submitting 
comments and additional information on the rulemaking process, see the 
supplementary information section of this document.

Bureau, Policy Division, Kim.Matthews@fcc.gov, (202) 418-2154.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This is a summary of the Commission's Notice 
of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM), FCC 18-113, adopted August 2, 2018 and 
released August 3, 2018. The full text of this document is available 
for public inspection and copying during regular business hours in the 
FCC Reference Center, Federal Communications Commission, 445 12th 
Street SW, Room CY-A257, Washington, DC 20554. The complete text may be 
purchased from the Commission's copy contractor, 445 12th Street SW, 
Room CY-B402, Washington, DC 20554. This document will also be 
available via ECFS at http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/ecfs/. Documents will be 
available electronically in ASCII, Microsoft Word, and/or Adobe 
Acrobat. Alternative formats are available for people with disabilities 
(Braille, large print, electronic files, audio format) by sending an 
email to fcc504@fcc.gov or calling the Commission's Consumer and 
Governmental Affairs Bureau at (202) 418-0530 (voice), (202) 418-0432 
    The NPRM may result in new or revised information collection 
requirements. If the Commission adopts any new or revised information 
collection requirements, the Commission will publish a notice in the 
Federal Register inviting the public to comment on such requirements, 
as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. In addition, 
pursuant to the Small Business Paperwork Relief Act of 2002, the 
Commission will seek specific comment on how it might ``further reduce 
the information collection burden for small business concerns with 
fewer than 25 employees.''


I. Introduction

    1. In the NPRM, we propose rules to implement Congress's recent 

[[Page 43614]]

that we reimburse certain LPTV, TV translator, and FM broadcast 
stations for costs incurred as a result of the Commission's broadcast 
television spectrum incentive auction. When Congress authorized the 
Commission to conduct the incentive auction as part of the 2012 
Spectrum Act, it required the Commission to reimburse certain costs 
incurred by full power and Class A television licensees that were 
reassigned to new channels as a result of the auction, as well as 
certain costs incurred by multichannel video program distributors 
(MVPDs) to continue to carry such stations. (47 U.S.C. 1452) On March 
23, 2018, Congress adopted the Reimbursement Expansion Act (REA), which 
amends Section 6403 of the Spectrum Act to expand the list of entities 
eligible to be reimbursed for auction-related expenses to include LPTV, 
TV translator, and FM broadcast stations, and to provide additional 
funds to the Reimbursement Fund to be used for this purpose. (47 U.S.C. 
1452(j) through (n)) The REA also increases the funds available to 
reimburse full power and Class A stations and MVPDs, and provides funds 
to the Commission for consumer education.
    2. In this NPRM, we propose a mechanism for reimbursing the newly 
eligible entities that is substantially similar to the process we 
currently use to reimburse full power and Class A licensees and MVPDs 
as established in the Incentive Auction R&O. See Expanding the Economic 
and Innovation Opportunities of Spectrum Through Incentive Auctions, 
Report and Order, 79 FR 48442 (Aug. 15, 2014) (Incentive Auction R&O). 
Among the key proposals are the following:
     We tentatively conclude that LPTV and TV translator 
stations (collectively referred to herein as LPTV/translator stations) 
are eligible for reimbursement if (1) they filed an application during 
the Commission's Special Displacement Window and obtained a 
construction permit, and (2) were licensed and transmitting for at 
least 9 of the 12 months prior to April 13, 2017, as required by the 
     We also tentatively conclude that we will reimburse LPTV/
translator stations for their reasonable costs to construct the 
facilities authorized by the grant of the station's Special 
Displacement Window application, but will require stations to reuse 
existing equipment and take other measures to mitigate costs where 
     With respect to FM broadcast stations, we tentatively 
conclude that both full power FM stations and FM translators that were 
licensed and transmitting on April 13, 2017, using the facilities 
impacted by the repacked television station are eligible for 
reimbursement under the REA. We propose that this will include FM 
stations that incur costs because they must permanently relocate, 
temporarily or permanently modify their facilities, or purchase or 
modify auxiliary facilities to provide service to at least 80 percent 
of their primary station's coverage area or population during a period 
of time when construction work is occurring on a collocated repacked 
television station's facilities.
     We propose to reimburse up to 100 percent of the costs 
eligible for reimbursement for FM stations that must relocate 
permanently, or temporarily or permanently modify facilities. We seek 
comment on a graduated, prioritized system to reimburse FM stations for 
the cost to purchase or modify auxiliary equipment to avoid going 
silent as a result of the repacking process.
     We propose to require LPTV/translator and FM stations 
seeking reimbursement to file with the Commission one or more forms 
certifying that they meet the eligibility criteria established in this 
proceeding for reimbursement, providing information regarding their 
current broadcasting equipment, and providing an estimate of their 
costs eligible for reimbursement. We invite comment on ways to 
streamline the submission of this information for these entities.
     We propose that after the submission of information, the 
Media Bureau will provide eligible entities with an allocation of 
funds, to be available for draw down as the entities incur expenses. We 
propose that the Media Bureau will make an initial allocation toward 
eligible expenses, followed by subsequent allocation(s) as needed, to 
the extent funds remain for LPTV/translator stations and FM stations in 
the Reimbursement Fund, and we seek comment on how to determine the 
amount of these allocations.
     We propose to use revised versions of the financial forms 
currently being used by full power, Class A, and MVPD entities for 
purposes of reimbursing eligible LPTV/translator and FM stations, and 
we propose to use the same procedures to provide reimbursement payments 
to these newly eligible entities.
     We discuss the measures we propose to take to protect the 
Reimbursement Fund against waste, fraud, and abuse.
    3. The Commission adopted a companion Order together with the NPRM. 
That Order is the subject of a separate Federal Register summary.

II. Background

A. Reimbursement Expansion Act

    4. On March 23, 2018, Congress adopted the REA, directing the 
Commission to ``reimburse costs reasonably incurred'' by a TV 
translator or LPTV station in order to ``relocate'' to another channel 
or ``otherwise modify'' its facility as a result of the reorganization 
of broadcast television spectrum. In addition, the REA directs the 
Commission to ``reimburse costs reasonably incurred'' by an FM station 
``for facilities necessary for such station to reasonably minimize 
disruption of service'' as a result of the reorganization of broadcast 
television spectrum. The REA also provides funding for the Commission 
to make payments for the purpose of consumer education relating to the 
reorganization of broadcast television spectrum.
    5. The REA appropriates a total of $1 billion in additional funds 
for the Reimbursement Fund, $600 million in fiscal year 2018 and $400 
million in fiscal year 2019. Of the $600 million appropriated in fiscal 
year 2018, the Act authorizes the Commission to use ``not more than'' 
$350 million to make reimbursements to full power and Class A stations 
and MVPDs pursuant to the Spectrum Act, ``not more than'' $150 million 
to reimburse TV translator and LPTV stations, ``not more than'' $50 
million to reimburse FM broadcast stations, and $50 million to make 
``payments solely for the purposes of consumer education relating to 
the reorganization of broadcast television spectrum'' pursuant to the 
Spectrum Act. We seek comment below on two different interpretations of 
the statutory provisions that relate to the availability of the $400 
million appropriated in fiscal year 2019 and, specifically, on whether 
these funds are available to reimburse newly eligible LPTV, TV 
translator, and FM broadcast stations, in addition to full power, Class 
A, and MVPD entities.
    6. The REA establishes a number of conditions on the availability 
and use of the $1 billion it appropriates to the Reimbursement Fund. 
First, it provides that these funds are available only if the 
Commission makes a certification ``to the Secretary of the Treasury 
that the funds available prior to the date of enactment'' of the REA 
``in the TV Broadcaster Relocation Fund are likely to be insufficient 
to reimburse reasonably incurred costs'' of full power and Class A 
stations and MVPDs pursuant to the Spectrum Act. Second,

[[Page 43615]]

it provides that the funds may be used by the Commission to make 
payments after April 13, 2020, only if, ``before making any such 
payments after such date, the Commission submits to Congress a 
certification that such payments are necessary to reimburse'' costs 
reasonably incurred by entities eligible for reimbursement pursuant to 
the Spectrum Act and the REA. Third, the REA requires that the 
Commission use the funds it appropriates to make all reimbursements to 
full power and Class A stations, MVPDs, LPTV/translators, and FM 
stations by July 3, 2023, at the latest. The Commission may, however, 
establish an earlier date by which its reimbursement program will end 
if it certifies to the Secretary of the Treasury that all 
reimbursements to full power, Class A, and MVPDs, as specified by the 
Spectrum Act, and all reimbursements to LPTV/translators and FM 
stations, as specified by the REA, have been made.
    7. Section 511(k)(3) of the REA states that duplicative payments to 
``a low power television station that has been accorded primary status 
as a Class A television licensee under [47 CFR 73.6001(a)]'' from the 
Reimbursement Fund are prohibited. Specifically, such licensee may not 
receive reimbursement under Section 511(k)(1) of the REA, which 
provides for reimbursement of eligible displaced LPTV/translator 
stations, if such station has received reimbursement under Section 
6403(b)(4)(A)(i) of the Spectrum Act (including the additional funding 
made available for reimbursing full power, Class A, and MVPDs in 
Section 511(j)(2)(A)(i) of the REA). Similarly, Section 511(k)(3)(B) 
specifies that if such station receives reimbursement under Section 
511(k)(1) of the REA, it may not receive reimbursement under Section 
6403(b)(4)(A)(i) of the Spectrum Act. Section 511(k)(3)(A) also 
provides that if a low power television station that has been accorded 
primary status as a Class A television licensee receives reimbursement 
``from any other source, such station may not receive reimbursement 
under paragraph 1'' of Section 511(k), which permits reimbursement of 
costs reasonably incurred by eligible LPTV/translator stations that 
filed in the Special Displacement Window. Section 511(l)(1)(C) states 
that ``[i]f an FM broadcast station has received a payment for interim 
facilities from the licensee of a television broadcast station that was 
reimbursed for such payment'' under the Spectrum Act, ``or from any 
other source,'' such FM broadcast station may not receive reimbursement 
under the REA.
    8. Finally, the REA requires the Commission to complete a 
rulemaking to implement a reimbursement process for LPTV, TV 
translator, and FM stations ``[n]ot later than 1 year'' after the 
adoption of the Act, or by March 23, 2019. It also directs that the 
rulemaking include ``the development of lists of reasonable eligible 
costs to be reimbursed by the Commission'' and ``procedures for the 
submission and review of cost estimates and other materials related to 
those costs consistent with the regulations developed by the 
Commission'' in establishing the reimbursement process for full power, 
Class A, and MVPD entities.

B. Incentive Auction and Transition Period

    9. Congress authorized the Commission to conduct the incentive 
auction to help meet the Nation's growing spectrum needs. In the 
``reverse auction'' phase of the incentive auction, television 
broadcasters had the opportunity to voluntarily relinquish some or all 
of their broadcast television spectrum usage rights in exchange for a 
share of the proceeds from a ``forward auction'' of new, flexible-use 
licenses suitable for mobile broadband use. In the Incentive Auction 
R&O, the Commission adopted its proposal to limit reverse auction 
participation to licensees of commercial and noncommercial educational 
(NCE) full power and Class A stations.
    10. Stations that remained on the air after the auction were 
reorganized during the ``repacking'' process to occupy a smaller 
portion of the television spectrum, and some were assigned new channels 
to clear spectrum for use by wireless providers. The Commission 
specified that full power and Class A facilities that already were 
operating pursuant to a license (or a pending application for a license 
to cover a construction permit) on February 22, 2012, would be 
protected in the repacking process, as Congress required. The 
Commission also exercised its discretion to protect certain, additional 
full power and Class A stations. The Commission declined to protect 
other categories of facilities, including LPTV/translator stations, on 
the basis that such facilities are secondary in nature and protecting 
them would have unduly restrained the agency's flexibility in the 
repacking process and undermined its ability to meet the goals of the 
incentive auction.
    11. On April 13, 2017, after the conclusion of auction bidding, the 
Incentive Auction Task Force and the Media and Wireless 
Telecommunications Bureaus released the Closing and Channel 
Reassignment PN, which announced the completion of the auction, the 
auction results, and the broadcast television channel reassignments. 
The release of the Closing and Channel Reassignment PN also commenced 
the 39-month post-auction transition period (transition period) during 
which all reassigned stations must transition to their post-auction 
channel assignments. Reassigned stations had three months, or until 
July 12, 2017, to file construction permit applications for any minor 
changes to their facilities needed to operate on their new channels. 
Following the three-month application filing deadline, stations have up 
to 36 months, or until July 13, 2020, to transition to their new 
    12. To ensure an orderly, managed transition process, the 
Commission established a phased construction schedule for the 
transition period and grouped all full power and Class A television 
stations transitioning to new channels into one of 10 transition 
phases. The Closing and Channel Reassignment PN announced the specific 
transition phase, phase completion date, and testing period applicable 
to each transitioning station.

C. LPTV and TV Translator Stations and FM Broadcasters

    13. LPTV and TV Translators. LPTV/translator stations are secondary 
to full power television stations, which may be authorized and operated 
``without regard to existing or proposed low power TV or TV translator 
stations.'' LPTV/translator stations were not eligible to participate 
in the incentive auction and were not eligible for reimbursement 
pursuant to the Spectrum Act. In addition, while the Spectrum Act 
required the Commission to make ``all reasonable efforts'' to preserve 
the coverage area and population served of eligible full power and 
Class A television stations in the incentive auction repacking process, 
as noted above, LPTV/translator stations were not protected. 
Accordingly, the Incentive Auction R&O noted the potential for a 
significant number of LPTV/translator stations to be displaced as a 
result of the auction or repacking process which would require them 
either to find a new channel from the smaller number of channels that 
remain in the reorganized broadcast television bands or to discontinue 
operations altogether.
    14. The Commission has taken a number of steps to mitigate the 
impact of the auction and repacking process on LPTV/translator 
stations. The Media

[[Page 43616]]

Bureau opened a special filing window on April 10, 2018 to offer 
operating LPTV/translator stations that are displaced an opportunity to 
select a new channel. That displacement window closed on June 1, 2018. 
In total, the Commission received 2,159 applications during the window 
which are currently under consideration. Applicants will have the 
opportunity to resolve any mutual exclusivity through settlement or 
engineering amendments filed prior to the close of a Settlement Window 
to be announced by the Media Bureau. Should applications remain 
mutually exclusive after the Settlement Window, a schedule will be set 
for them to be resolved subject to the Commission's competitive bidding 
    15. Some LPTV/translator stations have already been displaced. 
Pursuant to our rules, LPTV/translator stations that were on channels 
38 through 51 must terminate operations if they receive notice of 
likely interference to a new 600 MHz Band licensee that intends to 
commence operations or conduct first field application (FFA) testing on 
their licensed 600 MHz spectrum. The Commission has granted a number of 
600 MHz licenses, which authorized the licensees to construct 
facilities on their new spectrum. T-Mobile USA (T-Mobile), one of the 
recipients of those licenses, provided notices to certain LPTV and TV 
translator stations that it would commence operations or conduct FFA 
testing on some of its licensed spectrum before the opening of the 
Special Displacement Window. The Commission therefore provided tools to 
these ``early displaced'' LPTV/translator stations to ensure that they 
would be able to continue to broadcast. One of these tools was for a 
displaced station to submit a displacement application prior to the 
opening of the Special Displacement Window with a request for waiver of 
the current displacement freeze, and file for Special Temporary 
Authority to temporarily operate the facility proposed in the 
displacement application. The Tools PN further explained that 
applications filed with a request for waiver of the displacement freeze 
would be treated as if filed on the last day of the Special 
Displacement Window and processed in accordance with the rules for that 
window. Approximately 340 displacement applications were filed prior to 
the Special Displacement Window pursuant to the Tools PN. Independent 
of the Tools PN, T-Mobile created a Supplemental Reimbursement Plan 
whereby it committed to pay the reasonable costs associated for such 
stations to move from a temporary channel to a permanent channel if the 
station's displacement application for the temporary channel was not 
granted and the station therefore needs to move twice. In addition, T-
Mobile and PBS announced in June 2017 that T-Mobile had committed to 
cover the costs for PBS translator stations to relocate their 
frequencies following the incentive auction.
    16. FM Broadcasters. FM broadcasters were not eligible to 
participate in the auction, were not subject to the repacking process, 
and were not eligible for reimbursement pursuant to the Spectrum Act. 
While FM spectrum was not subject to reorganization in the repacking 
process, FM stations may be affected by the reorganization of broadcast 
television spectrum if, for example, an FM station shares a tower with 
a repacked TV station. Changes to the facilities of the TV station 
could affect the FM station if, for example, the FM station antenna 
must be moved, either temporarily or permanently, to accommodate the TV 
station's change or if an FM station needs to power down, or cease 
operating temporarily, to permit a repacked TV broadcaster to modify 
its facilities. In total, we estimate this could include fewer than 500 
full-service stations.

D. Full Power, Class A, and MVPD Reimbursement Process

    17. As we initiate the proceeding to reimburse additional entities 
affected by the reorganization of broadcast television spectrum, we 
find the current eligibility criteria, process, and procedures 
associated with the Reimbursement Fund instructive. We summarize 
pertinent details below.
    18. The Spectrum Act requires the Commission to reimburse full 
power and Class A broadcast television licensees for costs ``reasonably 
incurred'' in relocating to their new channels assigned in the 
repacking process, and to reimburse MVPDs for costs ``reasonably 
incurred'' in order to continue to carry the signals of stations 
relocating to new channels as a result of the repacking process or a 
winning reverse auction bid. Congress specified that these 
reimbursements be made from the Reimbursement Fund, and that the 
Commission make all reimbursements within three years after completion 
of the forward auction (Reimbursement Period). In the Incentive Auction 
R&O, the Commission concluded that, with respect to broadcast 
licensees, the Spectrum Act's reimbursement mandate applies only to 
full power and Class A television licensees that are involuntarily 
reassigned to new channels in the repacking process.
    19. In the Incentive Auction R&O, the Commission established the 
reimbursement process that is currently in place. Following the release 
of the Closing and Channel Reassignment PN, entities seeking 
reimbursement provided information regarding their existing 
broadcasting equipment and their plan to accomplish the channel 
transition, including an estimate of their eligible costs, by filing 
FCC Form 2100, Schedule 399 (the Reimbursement Form), in the Media 
Bureau's Licensing and Management System (LMS). Estimated costs could 
be provided by the entity or by using predetermined cost estimates 
based on the Catalog of Potential Expenses and Eligible Costs (Catalog 
of Reimbursement Expenses, or Catalog) developed by the Media Bureau. 
The Catalog sets forth categories of expenses that are most likely to 
be commonly incurred by broadcasters and MVPDs as a result of the 
repacking process, together with ranges of prices for the potential 
expenses. The Media Bureau, with assistance from a contractor with 
extensive experience in television broadcast engineering and Federal 
funds management (Fund Administrator), reviews the cost estimates.
    20. The Commission's goal is to ensure that reimbursement funds are 
allocated fairly and consistently across all eligible entities and, at 
the same time, to have sufficient flexibility to make reasoned 
allocation decisions that maximize the funds available for 
reimbursement. To this end, reimbursement funds are being allocated in 
tranches, with the allocation amounts calculated based in part on the 
total amount of repacking expenses reported on the estimated cost forms 
as well as the amount of money available in the Reimbursement Fund. On 
October 16, 2017, an initial allocation of approximately $1 billion was 
made, which represented approximately 52 percent of the then-current 
verified cost estimates for commercial stations and MVPDs, and 62 
percent for NCE broadcasters. A further allocation of approximately 
$742 million was made on April 16, 2018, providing all repacked full 
power and Class A stations and MVPDs access to approximately 92.5 
percent of their then-current verified cost estimates. The Commission 
will continue to monitor closely the draw-down of the Reimbursement 
Fund to determine if additional allocations are warranted.
    21. The allocation is available for draw down and reimbursement 
from the U.S. Treasury as the entities incur

[[Page 43617]]

expenses eligible for reimbursement and submit invoices that are 
approved for payment. Entities draw down against their individual 
allocations using the Reimbursement Form to report incurred expenses 
and upload invoices or receipts into LMS. To facilitate the 
disbursement of reimbursement payments, entities were also required to 
submit payment instructions to the Commission by (i) submitting a 
signed and notarized FCC Form 1876, along with a bank account 
verification letter or redacted bank statement that confirms ownership 
of the bank account, for each Facility ID/File Number receiving a 
reimbursement payment; and (ii) entering bank account information for 
the reimbursement payment recipient in the CORES Incentive Auction 
Financial Module.
    22. Prior to the end of the three-year Reimbursement Period, 
entities must provide information regarding their actual and remaining 
estimated costs and will be issued a final allocation, if appropriate, 
to cover the remainder of their eligible costs. If any allocated funds 
remain in excess of the entity's actual costs determined to be eligible 
for reimbursement, those funds will revert back to the Reimbursement 
Fund. In addition, if an overpayment is discovered, even after the end 
of the Reimbursement Period, entities will be required to return the 
excess to the Commission.

III. Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

A. Amounts Available for Reimbursement

    23. As an initial matter, we seek comment on how to interpret the 
statute with respect to amounts available to reimburse eligible 
entities pursuant to the REA using funds appropriated for fiscal year 
2019. Section 511(j)(1) of the REA appropriates funds ``to the TV 
Broadcaster Relocation Fund established by [47 U.S.C. 1452(d)]''--
specifically, $600 million for fiscal year 2018 and $400 million for 
fiscal year 2019. Section 511(j)(2) of the REA discusses the 
``availability of funds'' and provides that, if the Commission makes 
the required certification, ``amounts made available to the TV 
Broadcaster Relocation Fund by [Section 511(j)(1)] shall be available 
to the Commission to make'' certain specified payments. In particular, 
Section 511(j)(2)(A) states that funds appropriated in Section 
511(j)(1) shall be available to the Commission to make payments 
required by the Spectrum Act and the REA, including ``not more than'' 
$350 million to reimburse full power and Class A stations and MVPDs 
from fiscal year 2018 funds, ``not more than'' $150 million to 
reimburse LPTV and TV translator stations from fiscal year 2018 funds, 
and ``not more than'' $50 million to reimburse FM broadcast stations 
from fiscal year 2018 funds. It also states that funds appropriated in 
Section 511(j)(1) shall be available to the Commission to make payments 
``solely for the purposes of consumer education relating to the 
reorganization of broadcast television spectrum,'' including $50 
million from the funds available for fiscal year 2018. While Section 
511(j)(2)(A) clearly delineates the availability of funds for fiscal 
year 2018, it does not do so with respect to fiscal year 2019 funding.
    24. We therefore seek comment on whether the $400 million 
appropriated to the Reimbursement Fund for fiscal year 2019 is only 
available to reimburse eligible full power and Class A stations and 
MVPDs for costs reasonably incurred in the repacking process or whether 
the REA also permits this money to be used to reimburse LPTV, TV 
translators, and FM broadcast stations, as well as to fund the 
Commission's consumer education efforts.
    25. If the Commission were to interpret the statute to find that it 
is authorized to reimburse eligible LPTV, TV translator, and FM 
broadcast stations and to fund consumer education efforts from the 
fiscal year 2019 funds, in addition to reimbursing full power, Class A, 
and MVPD entities, we seek comment on whether and how the Commission 
should prioritize this funding. While we have received estimates of the 
costs that full power and Class A stations anticipate as a result of 
their channel reassignments, we have no estimates to date of the costs 
that will be incurred by LPTV, TV translator, and FM stations. 
Moreover, as we have indicated, we anticipate that the estimates for 
full power and Class A stations will increase as their construction 
process continues. It is therefore possible that there will be 
significant demand on the Reimbursement Fund from all categories of 
eligible entities such that the total amount available may not be 
sufficient to cover all their eligible expenses. If so, should the 
Commission prioritize the payments to full power and Class A stations 
over those of FM stations and LPTV/translator stations? We also seek 
comment on whether the Commission should prioritize the payment of full 
power and Class A stations over any aggregate costs exceeding the 
limits described in Section 511(j)(2) of $50 million for FM stations 
and $150 million for LPTV/translator stations. In other words, should 
the Commission consider reimbursement of costs above those aggregate 
amounts for FM and LPTV/translator stations only after full power and 
Class A expenses are fully satisfied? We seek comment on these issues.

B. LPTV and TV Translator Stations--Eligibility and Expenses

    26. As discussed above, the REA authorized the Commission to 
reimburse ``costs reasonably incurred by a television translator or low 
power television station on or after January 1, 2017, in order for such 
station to relocate its television service from one channel to another 
channel or otherwise modify its facility as a result of the 
reorganization of broadcast television spectrum'' under Section 6403(b) 
of the Spectrum Act. In this section, we seek comment on issues related 
to eligibility and expenses under the REA provisions for reimbursement 
of displaced LPTV and TV translator stations.
1. Stations Eligible for Reimbursement
a. LPTV/Translator Stations
    27. The REA provides that costs reasonably incurred by certain 
``television translator station[s] or low power television station[s]'' 
to relocate channels or modify facilities as a result of the 
reorganization of broadcast television spectrum are eligible for 
reimbursement. The REA specifies that these two types of stations are 
to be defined pursuant to the definition included in 47 CFR 74.701. We 
interpret this provision to mean that LPTV and TV translator stations, 
as defined by Sec.  74.701 of our rules, may be eligible for 
reimbursement under the Reimbursement Fund if they meet the additional 
eligibility criteria discussed below, and we seek comment on this 
(i) Special Displacement Window Eligibility Criteria
    28. The REA provides that ``[o]nly stations that are eligible to 
file and do file an application in the Commission's Special 
Displacement Window are eligible to seek reimbursement.'' The Media 
Bureau has provided that, to be eligible to file in the Special 
Displacement Window, a station had to be an LPTV/translator station 
that was ``operating'' on April 13, 2017--the date of the release of 
the Closing and Channel Reassignment PN. Furthermore, for this purpose, 
a station is ``operating'' if it had licensed its authorized 
construction permit facilities or had an application for a license to 
cover on file with the Commission on that date. The station must also 
be ``displaced . . . as a result of the

[[Page 43618]]

broadcast television spectrum incentive auction.'' Therefore, we 
tentatively conclude that, to be eligible for reimbursement, a station 
must be an LPTV/translator station that was eligible to file and did 
file an application during the Special Displacement Window. As noted 
above, the Commission received 2,159 applications during the window 
which, subject to the other eligibility requirements, represents the 
largest possible universe of LPTV/translator stations that could be 
eligible for reimbursement.
    29. While the threshold eligibility criteria set forth in the REA 
require only that a station was ``eligible to file and [did] file an 
application'' in the Special Displacement Window, we tentatively 
conclude that, to be eligible for reimbursement, a station's 
displacement application filed during the Special Displacement Window 
(or prior to the window with grant of a waiver, or subsequently amended 
prior to the close of the Settlement Window) must be granted. Although 
this requirement is not mandated by the REA, we believe that this 
additional criterion is essential to ensure the integrity of the 
reimbursement program and is consistent with Section 511(k)(1), which 
requires reimbursement of only costs reasonably incurred to ``relocate 
. . . television service from one channel to another channel . . . or 
otherwise modify [a] facility.'' We believe that eligibility must be 
limited to stations with valid displacement construction permits 
obtained through the procedural mechanisms associated with the Special 
Displacement Window that will permit them to construct the displacement 
facilities for which they receive reimbursement. Otherwise, providing 
reimbursement to eligible stations whose applications are not granted 
will result in reimbursement for expenses related to facilities that 
will not be constructed to ``relocate . . . television service from one 
channel to another channel . . . or otherwise modify [a] facility.'' We 
seek comment on this tentative conclusion.
    30. An LPTV/translator station that filed in the Special 
Displacement Window whose application is dismissed may subsequently 
file a displacement application when the Media Bureau lifts the freeze 
on the filing of such applications. We tentatively conclude that such 
stations will be eligible for reimbursement under the REA if their 
later-filed displacement application is subsequently granted. Although 
they would receive their construction permit through a displacement 
application that was not filed during the Special Displacement Window, 
these stations would meet the threshold eligibility criteria under the 
REA because such stations were ``eligible to file and [did] file an 
application'' in the Special Displacement Window. In addition, such 
stations are affected by the reorganization of broadcast television 
spectrum in the same way as other displaced LPTV/translator stations. 
We seek comment on whether and how such stations could be included in 
the reimbursement process considering that they will not be able to 
meet the same filing deadlines applicable to other eligible LPTV/
translator stations that have applications granted in the Special 
Displacement Window and, depending on the demand on the Reimbursement 
Fund, this difference could result in a lack of reimbursement 
resources. Would allowing such stations to be eligible for 
reimbursement be appropriate given the finite resources of the 
Reimbursement Fund? Should such stations be eligible for reimbursement 
only to the extent funds remain available for LPTV/translator stations 
in the Reimbursement Fund?
(ii) ``Licensed and Transmitting'' Eligibility Criteria
    31. The REA provides that only stations that were ``licensed and 
transmitting for at least 9 of the 12 months prior to April 13, 2017,'' 
are eligible to receive reimbursement under the REA. The statute also 
specifies that ``the operation of analog and digital companion 
facilities may be combined'' for purposes of the ``licensed and 
transmitting'' requirement. We propose that, consistent with the 
eligibility requirement for participation in the Special Displacement 
Window, stations that were licensed or that filed a license to cover 
application prior to April 13, 2017, be considered ``licensed'' for 
purposes of REA reimbursement eligibility.
    32. Because neither Commission rules nor the REA specifies a 
definition of ``transmitting,'' we propose a definition that relies on 
the Commission's minimum operating schedule rule for commercial full 
power television broadcast stations. That rule provides that commercial 
full power television stations must ``operate'' not less than 2 hours 
in each day of the week and not less than a total of 28 hours per 
calendar week. Therefore, we propose that, in order to be considered 
``transmitting,'' stations seeking reimbursement under the REA must 
have been operating not less than 2 hours in each day of the week and 
not less than a total of 28 hours per calendar week for 9 of the 12 
months prior to April 13, 2017. We believe that, given the finite 
nature of the Reimbursement Fund, it is necessary to give reasonable 
meaning to the eligibility criteria set forth in the REA. By defining 
``transmitting'' in the same way as we do for full power stations, we 
intend to prioritize reimbursement for LPTV/translator stations that 
provided more robust service to the public over those that were on the 
air for only a brief period each day. Because a translator station is 
required to retransmit the signal of a television station, we would 
expect that most, if not all, translators would meet this requirement. 
We believe that this requirement reflects the legislative mandate that 
only ``transmitting'' stations be eligible to receive reimbursement. We 
seek comment on this proposal.
    33. We propose that stations be required to certify compliance with 
the minimum operating requirement we adopt as part of the reimbursement 
process. LPTV/translator stations may be required to provide evidence 
to support this certification, such as documentation of the programming 
aired by the station during the period of time in question, electric 
power bills, or other evidence showing that the station was 
transmitting during this time period. The Commission previously 
determined that, with respect to the incentive auction reimbursement 
program, ``audits, data validations, and site visits are essential 
tools in preventing waste, fraud, and abuse, and that use of these 
measures will maximize the amount of money available for 
reimbursement.'' With respect to reimbursing low-power broadcast 
stations, we contemplate that a third party firm on behalf of, or in 
conjunction with, the Media Bureau may conduct audits, data 
validations, site visits or other verifications to substantiate the 
supporting evidence and representations of entities that certify that 
they meet the eligibility criteria adopted in this proceeding to the 
extent necessary. We propose to direct such entities to make available 
any relevant documentation upon request from the Commission or its 
contractor. We emphasize that a false certification may result in 
disqualification and other sanctions provided for in the Communications 
Act and the Commission's rules. We seek comment on these proposals.
b. Other Eligible Stations
    34. Early Displaced Stations. We propose that LPTV and TV 
translator stations that were displaced early, were eligible to file in 
the Special Displacement Window, and filed a displacement application 
prior to the

[[Page 43619]]

Special Displacement Window will be eligible for reimbursement under 
the REA. As described above, some LPTV/translator stations were 
displaced prior to the Special Displacement Window as a result of T-
Mobile's decision to commence wireless operations in the 600 MHz band. 
As noted above, approximately 340 such stations filed a request for 
waiver of the displacement freeze and a request for an STA, and the 
Media Bureau has treated these filings as if filed on the last day of 
the Special Displacement Window. Such applications will be processed in 
accordance with the rules for that window. Because these stations meet 
the definition of LPTV/translator stations eligible for reimbursement 
under the REA, and their displacement applications were considered as 
filed during the Special Displacement Window, we propose that these 
stations will be eligible for reimbursement if they meet all of the 
other eligibility requirements. We seek comment on this proposal.
    35. Replacement Translators. In the Incentive Auction R&O, the 
Commission concluded that digital low power TV translator stations 
authorized pursuant to Sec.  74.787(a)(5) of the Commission's rules 
(analog-to-digital replacement translators, or DRTs) that were 
displaced by the incentive auction and repacking process are eligible 
to file displacement applications during the Special Displacement 
Window. Because DRTs are potentially displaced as a result of the 
reorganization of broadcast television spectrum, were eligible to file 
in the Special Displacement Window, and are considered ``TV 
translators'' and licensed under the same Part 74 rules as other TV 
translator stations, we propose that displaced DRTs also are eligible 
for reimbursement pursuant to the REA, as long as they meet the other 
eligibility requirements. We seek comment on this proposal.
    36. In the LPTV DTV Third R&O, the Commission established a new 
digital-to-digital replacement translator (DTDRT) service to allow 
eligible full power television stations to recover lost digital service 
area that could result from the repacking process. The Commission 
concluded that full power stations may begin to file for DTDRTs 
beginning with the opening of the Special Displacement Window on April 
10, 2018, and ending one year after completion of the incentive auction 
transition period. Although they were eligible to file in the Special 
Displacement Window, and DTDRTs are similar to DRTs in that they are 
considered ``TV translators'' and licensed under the same Part 74 rules 
as other TV translator stations, we tentatively conclude that new 
DTDRTs are not eligible for reimbursement under the REA because they 
would not have been ``licensed and transmitting'' for 9 of the past 12 
months prior to April 13, 2017, as required by the statute. In 
addition, even if they were otherwise eligible under the statutory 
criteria, DTDRTs are newly established facilities and thus are not 
``relocat[ing] . . . from one channel to another channel'' or 
``modify[ing]'' their facilities as required by the statute. We seek 
comment on this tentative conclusion.
    37. Class A Television Licensees. As noted above, Section 511(k)(3) 
of the REA prohibits duplicative payments from the Reimbursement Fund 
to ``a low power television station that has been accorded primary 
status as a Class A television licensee under [47 CFR 73.6001(a)].'' 
Specifically, Section 511(k)(3)(A) provides that such licensee may not 
receive reimbursement under Section 511(k)(1) of the REA if such 
station has received reimbursement under Section 6403(b)(4)(A)(i) of 
the Spectrum Act (including the additional funding made available for 
reimbursing full power, Class A, and MVPDs in Section 511(j)(2)(A)(i) 
of the REA). We interpret this language to underscore that Class A 
stations reimbursed from funds for Class A stations under the Spectrum 
Act or the REA are not eligible for reimbursement from funds dedicated 
to LPTV/translator reimbursement under the REA. Such Class A stations 
were not eligible to file an application during the Special 
Displacement Window and thus do not qualify for reimbursement for LPTV/
translator stations under the REA. Similarly, Section 511(k)(3)(B) 
specifies that a low power television station that has been accorded 
primary status as a Class A television licensee that receives 
reimbursement under Section 511(k)(1) of the REA may not receive 
reimbursement under Section 6403(b)(4)(A)(i) of the Spectrum Act. We 
interpret this language to underscore that such stations that filed in 
the Special Displacement Window are not eligible for reimbursement 
under Section 6403(b)(4)(A)(i) because they are not full power or Class 
A stations involuntarily reassigned to a new channel in the repacking 
process. We seek comment on our interpretations.
2. Expenses Eligible for Reimbursement
a. Costs Reasonably Incurred
    38. The REA provides that the Commission shall ``reimburse costs 
reasonably incurred by a television translator station or low power 
television station on or after January 1, 2017, in order for such 
station to relocate its television service from one channel to another 
channel or otherwise modify its facility as a result of the 
reorganization of broadcast television spectrum'' under the Spectrum 
Act. As discussed above, on April 13, 2017, we released the Closing and 
Channel Reassignment PN, which announced the completion of the auction, 
the auction results, the broadcast television channel reassignments 
made through repacking, and the 600 MHz Band plan reflecting the 
reallocations of broadcast television spectrum for flexible use and the 
frequencies that will serve as part of the 600 MHz Band guard bands. We 
interpret the REA to provide for reimbursement of reasonably incurred 
relocation costs for LPTV/translator stations that were displaced ``as 
a result of the reorganization of broadcast television spectrum'' under 
the Spectrum Act, which includes displacement resulting from full power 
and Class A channel reassignments made in the Closing and Channel 
Reassignment PN and from the reallocation of broadcast television 
spectrum for flexible use by a 600 MHz Band wireless licensee or for 
use as 600 MHz Band guard bands.
    39. While the Commission's reorganization of television spectrum 
under Section 1452(b) of the Spectrum Act was completed with the 
issuance of the Closing and Channel Reassignment PN, the Commission 
also afforded reassigned stations the opportunity to file applications 
for alternate channels or expanded facilities during two filing windows 
that ended on September 15 and November 2, 2017. We anticipate that 
some LPTV/translator stations that filed applications during the 
Special Displacement Window may have been displaced by grant of an 
application filed during one of the alternate channel/expanded 
facilities filing windows, rather than the channel reassignments 
specified in the Closing and Channel Reassignment PN. While 
applications filed during the two filing windows by reassigned full 
power and Class A stations to modify their repacked facilities were not 
required under Section 1452(b) of the Spectrum Act, they may have 
resulted in displacement of LPTV/translator stations making those 
stations eligible to file applications in the Special Displacement 
Window. Accordingly, we seek comment on whether the REA's requirement 
that we reimburse costs reasonably incurred ``as a result of the 
reorganization of broadcast television spectrum'' extends to include 

[[Page 43620]]

incurred by LPTV/translator stations that were displaced solely due to 
modifications made by full power and Class A facilities as a result of 
receiving authorizations through these two filing windows.
    40. We tentatively conclude that the equipment and other costs 
necessary for an eligible LPTV/translator station to construct the 
facilities authorized by grant of the station's Special Displacement 
Window application shall be considered costs ``reasonably incurred,'' 
and seek comment on this tentative conclusion. This approach is similar 
to the reimbursement program used for full power and Class A stations 
with the following distinction. In implementing the Spectrum Act's 
reimbursement provisions for full power and Class A stations reassigned 
to new channels, the Commission concluded that the Act required that it 
reimburse costs ``that are reasonable to provide facilities comparable 
to those that a broadcaster . . . had prior to the auction that are 
reasonably replaced or modified following the auction, as a result of 
the repacking process, in order to allow the broadcaster to operate on 
a new channel . . . .'' This included reimbursement ``for modification 
or replacement of facilities on the post-auction channel consistent 
with the technical parameters identified in the Channel Reassignment 
PN.'' The Spectrum Act required that the Commission make ``all 
reasonable efforts'' in the repacking process to preserve coverage area 
and population served of full power and Class A stations. Thus, the 
post-auction channel reassignments specified in the Closing and Channel 
Reassignment PN were made at stations' existing locations and largely 
replicated stations' pre-auction facilities.
    41. We do not believe that a similar ``comparable'' facilities 
reimbursement standard can, as a technical matter, be applied to 
displaced LPTV/translator stations. Displaced LPTV/translator stations, 
unlike full power and Class A stations, may need to move their 
transmitter and antenna locations in addition to changing channels. In 
order to continue to provide service to viewers from the new site, 
stations may need to increase their effective radiated power and 
height, which may require the purchase of transmitters, transmission 
lines, and other equipment that is not ``comparable'' to their existing 
equipment. Therefore, we tentatively conclude that the equipment and 
other costs necessary for an eligible LPTV/translator station to 
construct the facilities authorized by grant of the station's Special 
Displacement Window application shall be considered ``reasonably 
incurred,'' consistent with other reimbursement procedures and 
processes we propose herein (such as requiring broadcasters to reuse 
equipment and take other steps to mitigate costs where possible). We 
propose to permit LPTV/translators to be reimbursed for both ``hard'' 
expenses, such as new equipment and tower rigging, and ``soft'' 
expenses, such as legal and engineering services, but, as discussed 
below, propose to direct the Media Bureau to prioritize, if necessary, 
the payment of certain hard costs necessary to operate the stations 
over soft costs to assure that such costs are recoverable to the extent 
possible under a limited fund. We seek comment on these tentative 
conclusions and on any alternative reimbursement approaches for 
eligible LPTV/translator stations. For example, should we permit as 
costs ``reasonably incurred'' those costs necessary to provide 
replacement facilities of comparable coverage? When reimbursing low-
power broadcasters for equipment, to what extent could the Commission 
reimburse the costs for full service mask filters that could promote 
spectrum efficiency, even if the station technically could operate at 
its new location with a stringent or simple mask? Should such equipment 
be considered a ``reasonably incurred'' expense that is related to the 
repack because it would promote greater use of the television band or 
should it be considered an upgrade that is not eligible for 
    42. The REA limits reimbursement for LPTV/translators to ``costs . 
. . incurred . . . on or after January 1, 2017.'' We propose to 
interpret this provision to require that an LPTV/translator station 
have either expended funds or ordered equipment or services for a cost 
otherwise eligible for reimbursement on or after that date in order to 
be eligible for reimbursement pursuant to the REA. We invite comment on 
this proposal.
b. Equipment Upgrades and Reuse of Existing Equipment
    43. In implementing the Spectrum Act's reimbursement provisions, 
the Commission concluded that it would not reimburse stations for new, 
optional features in equipment that are not already present in the 
equipment being replaced, and we propose to apply this same approach to 
eligible LPTV/translator stations. In addition, the Commission required 
full power and Class A stations seeking reimbursement to reuse their 
own equipment to the extent possible, rather than acquiring new 
equipment to be paid for from the Reimbursement Fund, and to ``provide 
a justification when submitting their estimated cost form as to why it 
is reasonable under the circumstances to purchase new equipment rather 
than modify their . . . current equipment. . . .'' We propose to adopt 
a similar requirement that displaced LPTV/translator stations reuse 
their own equipment to the extent possible, and that displaced LPTV/
translator stations seeking reimbursement provide a justification why 
it is reasonable to purchase new equipment rather than reuse existing 
equipment. We seek comment on these proposals.
c. Interim Facilities
    44. We propose to exclude ``interim facilities'' from the type of 
expenses eligible for reimbursement under the REA. In the Incentive 
Auction R&O, the Commission concluded that stations that are assigned a 
new channel in the incentive auction repacking process may need to use 
interim facilities to avoid prolonged periods off the air during the 
transition, and, thus, the Commission decided to reimburse full power 
and Class A stations for such facilities under the Spectrum Act 
reimbursement provisions. Because of their lower operating power and 
the fact that the engineering work that is involved in changing 
channels is more limited than for full power television stations, we 
believe it is unlikely that LPTV/translator stations will construct 
interim facilities as part of the displacement process. Furthermore, 
LPTV/translators are actually displaced at a time determined either by 
the receipt of a notice from a wireless carrier that the wireless 
carrier intends to commence operations in the new 600 MHz wireless band 
or the phase completion date for a full power or Class A station 
pursuant to the transition schedule. Because LPTV/translators will have 
less time to construct interim facilities as a practical matter due to 
the timing of their actual displacement, interim facilities are 
unlikely to be utilized by such stations. We believe this proposal will 
also maximize the limited reimbursement funds available for all 
eligible LPTV/translator stations and seek comment on this analysis.
d. Lost Revenues
    45. The REA, like the 2012 Spectrum Act, prohibits reimbursement of 
LPTV/translator stations for ``lost revenues.'' In the Incentive 
Auction R&O, the Commission defined ``lost revenues'' to include 
``revenues that a station . . . loses as a direct or ancillary result 
of the reverse auction or the repacking process.'' We propose to adopt 
a similar definition of ``lost revenues'' for

[[Page 43621]]

purposes of reimbursing LPTV/translator stations: ``revenues that a 
station loses as a direct or ancillary result of the reorganization of 
broadcast television spectrum, including the repacking process and the 
reallocation of UHF spectrum in conjunction with the incentive 
auction.'' Under this definition and consistent with the Commission's 
approach in connection with reimbursing full power and Class A 
stations, we would not reimburse a station's loss of advertising 
revenues while it is off the air during its displacement, or for 
refunds a station is required to make for payments for airtime as a 
result of being off the air in order to implement a channel change. We 
seek comment on our proposal and on whether there are other additional 
categories of costs that LPTV/translator stations may incur that would 
constitute ``lost revenues'' not eligible for reimbursement under the 
e. Costs To Resolve Mutually Exclusive Applications
    46. The REA provides that ``[t]he Commission may not make 
reimbursement . . . for costs incurred to resolve mutually exclusive 
applications, including costs incurred in any auction of available 
channels.'' Applications filed during the Special Displacement Window 
that remain mutually exclusive will be resolved through competitive 
bidding. We interpret the prohibition against reimbursing for ``costs 
incurred in any auction'' to mean that the Commission may not reimburse 
LPTV/translator station auction bidders under the REA for the costs 
related to filing an auction application associated with a competitive 
bidding process, participating in such an auction, and winning bid 
payments. We seek comment on this interpretation. We also tentatively 
conclude that costs associated with the Settlement Window to resolve 
mutual exclusivity will not be reimbursed under the REA. Thus, we 
propose not to reimburse stations for costs in resolving mutual 
exclusivity, including engineering studies and preparing application 
amendments, or the payment of other stations' expenses as part of a 
settlement. However, we propose to reimburse for costs reasonably 
incurred in constructing the facilities resulting from settlement and 
coordination between mutually exclusive applicants. We seek comment on 
these proposals.
f. Stations With Other Sources of Funding
    47. We seek comment on whether stations that receive or have 
received reimbursement of certain expenses from sources of funding 
other than the Reimbursement Fund should receive reimbursement for 
those expenses from the Reimbursement Fund. As an initial matter, we 
note that Section 511(k)(3)(A) specifies that Class A stations that 
receive reimbursement from ``any other source'' may not receive 
reimbursement under the REA. While the REA does not set forth the same 
requirement for LPTV stations generally, we seek comment on whether a 
similar prohibition should extend to LPTV stations because a cost that 
is reimbursed by another source of funding is not a ``cost . . . 
incurred'' by the station under Section 511(k)(1). For example, we seek 
comment on whether displaced LPTV/translator stations that have 
received reimbursement from T-Mobile for a particular expense should 
receive reimbursement for that expense pursuant to Section 511(k)(1). 
As mentioned above, T-Mobile, which holds a number of 600 MHz licenses, 
began deploying its spectrum in 2017, thereby displacing a number of 
LPTV/translator stations before the Special Displacement Window opened 
on April 10, 2018. With respect to these displaced stations that began 
operating a displacement facility pursuant to an STA, T-Mobile has 
established a Supplemental Reimbursement Program, to be administered by 
T-Mobile. According to T-Mobile, it will reimburse eligible licensees 
``for the costs that they reasonably incur to comply with the permanent 
channel assignments that they may receive under the Special 
Displacement Window to the extent those channel assignments differ from 
the channel assignment these licensees may build following displacement 
from the 600 MHz band due to T-Mobile's rapid broadband deployment.'' 
Similarly, T-Mobile has reportedly awarded a grant to PBS to ``provide 
funding to enable public television translators . . . to move to new 
displacement channels regardless of the reason for displacement.'' We 
seek comment on how to address the interplay between the expanded 
Reimbursement Fund and such pre-REA funding for LPTV relocation.
    48. We also seek comment on whether a displaced LPTV/translator 
station that has received a state governmental grant to construct its 
displacement facility should be eligible for reimbursement under the 
REA. Similarly, we seek comment on whether the licensee of a displaced 
station that has solicited and received donations to construct its 
displacement facility should be eligible for reimbursement from the 
    49. Finally, we seek comment on whether displaced LPTV/translator 
stations should be required to indicate on their reimbursement 
submissions whether they have received or expect to receive 
reimbursement from another source as part of the reimbursement process. 
If so, should they provide documentation of the amount that they have 
received or expect to receive and the associated eligible expenses 
covered by that alternate reimbursement? We seek comment on whether 
stations that are eligible to receive reimbursement from other sources 
for certain expenses (e.g., insurance) should be required to pursue 
those alternative sources before requesting reimbursement for those 
expenses pursuant to the REA, and on the type of documentation such 
stations should be required to provide.

C. FM Broadcast Stations--Eligibility and Expenses

    50. As mentioned above, in the REA, Congress allocated funds for 
the purpose of reimbursing costs ``reasonably incurred by an FM 
broadcast station for facilities necessary for such station to 
reasonably minimize disruption of service as a result of the 
reorganization of broadcast television spectrum.'' In this section, we 
seek comment on issues related to eligibility and expenses under the 
REA provisions for reimbursement of FM stations.
1. Stations Eligible for Reimbursement
a. FM Broadcast Stations and FM Translator Stations
    51. Congress defined ``FM broadcast stations'' in the REA by 
referencing Sec. Sec.  73.310 and 74.1201 of the Commission's rules. 
Section 73.310 defines an FM broadcast station as ``[a] station 
employing frequency modulation in the FM broadcast band and licensed 
primarily for the transmission of radiotelephone emissions intended to 
be received by the general public.'' Additionally, Sec.  74.1201 
defines an FM translator as ``[a] station in the broadcasting service 
operated for the purpose of retransmitting the signals of an AM or FM 
radio broadcast station or another FM broadcast translator station 
without significantly altering any characteristics of the incoming 
signal other than its frequency and amplitude, in order to provide 
radio broadcast service to the general public.'' Given these 
references, we tentatively conclude that ``FM broadcast station'' as 
used in the REA includes full-service FM stations and FM translator 
stations. We seek comment on this tentative conclusion. Further, 
although low-power FM (LPFM) stations were not specifically referenced 
in the REA, we note that

[[Page 43622]]

such stations meet the criteria for ``FM broadcast station'' set forth 
in Sec.  73.310 of the rules and they are licensed under Part 73 of the 
rules like full-service FM stations. We therefore seek comment on 
whether LPFM stations should also be considered ``FM broadcast 
stations'' for reimbursement purposes.
b. Licensed and Transmitting at Time of Repack
    52. We tentatively conclude that to be eligible for reimbursement 
under the REA, an FM station must have been licensed and transmitting 
on April 13, 2017, and using facilities impacted by a repacked 
television station. We also tentatively conclude that only those costs 
associated with the impact at that location will be considered 
eligible. The REA seeks to reimburse costs ``reasonably incurred'' by 
FM stations to ``reasonably minimize disruption of service'' as a 
result of the reorganization of broadcast television spectrum, but 
provides no other additional specificity as to the eligibility of FM 
stations for reimbursement. We believe it is both necessary and 
appropriate to impose some reasonable standards on the eligibility of 
FM stations to be reimbursed from the Reimbursement Fund. We 
tentatively conclude that we should place the same limitation on FM 
stations that is applied to LPTV/translator stations. That is, we first 
propose a cut-off date of April 13, 2017, by which the FM station had 
to be licensed and transmitting. We choose this date because it is the 
date on which reverse auction winners and the television stations 
subject to the repack were identified in the Closing and Channel 
Reassignment PN. Thus, we tentatively conclude that any FM station that 
began operating on a facility or at a location impacted by a repacked 
television station after that date voluntarily assumed the risk of any 
potential disruption of service to the FM station. We tentatively 
conclude that any costs incurred by FM stations that undertook such a 
risk are not ``reasonably incurred'' under the statutory standard and 
thus are not eligible for reimbursement pursuant to the REA. We propose 
that FM stations will be required to certify that they were licensed 
and transmitting at the facility implicated by the reorganization of 
broadcast television spectrum on April 13, 2017, and seek comment on 
this proposal. The REA requires reimbursement ``to reasonably minimize 
disruption of service as a result of the reorganization of broadcast 
television spectrum under [47 U.S.C. 1452(b)].'' As an initial matter, 
we tentatively conclude that an FM station can experience a service 
disruption ``as a result of the reorganization of broadcast television 
spectrum under [47 U.S.C. 1452(b)]'' either because a full power or 
Class A television station has been reassigned to a new channel in the 
Closing and Channel Reassignment PN or because a full power or Class A 
television station relinquished spectrum usage rights in the reverse 
auction. In either case, the full power or Class A television station 
may need to modify its facilities (e.g., dismantling equipment in the 
case of a license relinquishment station) that may impact the FM 
station. We read the statutory language to require a causal link 
between the facilities being reimbursed and the activities associated 
with the repacked full power or Class A television station, and 
likewise interpret this provision to mean that only the FM broadcast 
facilities directly impacted by the repacked television station are 
eligible for reimbursement. We believe our interpretation of this REA 
language is consistent with Congress's provision of limited funds for 
FM facility reimbursement. We invite comment on this interpretation of 
the REA. We also seek comment on whether the REA's requirement that we 
reimburse costs incurred by FM stations to ``reasonably minimize 
disruption of service as a result of the reorganization of broadcast 
television spectrum under [47 U.S.C. 1452(b)]'' extends to include 
costs that were incurred by FM stations solely due to modifications 
made by full power and Class A facilities as a result of receiving 
authorizations through the two alternate channel/expanded facilities 
filing windows.
c. Categories of Eligible FM Stations
    53. In addition, we believe it is both necessary and appropriate to 
impose eligibility requirements for FM stations that define the way an 
FM station could ``reasonably incur'' costs as the result of a 
``disruption of service'' caused by ``the reorganization of broadcast 
television spectrum'' as required by the REA. We believe a large 
majority of FM stations will not incur any costs or encounter any 
disruption of service as a result of the reorganization of broadcast 
television spectrum. However, in limited circumstances, as defined 
herein, some FM stations may be affected because they are collocated 
with, or adjacent, or in close proximity to, a repacked television 
station such that construction work on the repacked television 
station's facility necessarily results in a disruption of service to 
the FM station and requires the FM station to incur costs. Accordingly, 
we tentatively conclude that only stations that are collocated with, or 
adjacent, or in close proximity to, a repacked television station are 
eligible for reimbursement and that the FM station will be required to 
certify to that fact and identify the television station. We seek 
comment on these conclusions. We believe that only stations in the 
following categories will encounter any disruption of service as a 
result of the reorganization of broadcast television spectrum such that 
they would be eligible for reimbursement under the REA:
     Category (1)--Stations Forced to Relocate Permanently. We 
propose that this eligibility category include FM stations required 
either to vacate their towers, and which therefore incur costs for 
alternative facilities at a different site, or to relocate their 
antennas to a different level of their current towers. Either change 
would modify the station's transmissions and would thus require prior 
Commission approval. We anticipate that there will be a very small 
number of FM stations if any in this eligibility category.
     Category (2)--Stations Forced to Temporarily Dismantle 
Equipment or Make Other Changes Not Requiring Commission Approval. We 
propose that this eligibility category include FM stations required 
temporarily to dismount or disassemble equipment, most likely antennas, 
in order to accommodate work on a television antenna or a tower. We 
propose that this category also include FM stations required to 
physically move their transmitter to accommodate new television 
transmission equipment. While such an equipment move may not be 
temporary, it is not the kind of facility modification that would 
change the station's transmissions, and thus would not require 
Commission approval. We propose this category also include other types 
of necessary equipment modifications that do not require Commission 
approval. We anticipate there will be a very small number of FM 
stations in this eligibility category.
     Category (3)--Stations Forced to Temporarily Reduce Power 
or Cease Transmission on Their Primary Facility to Accommodate Antenna 
or Tower Modifications. We propose that this eligibility category would 
include those FM stations that are required to reduce power or go off 
the air to protect workers making modifications to television 
facilities on a tower from RF exposure. The length of time during which 
a station would have to reduce power or cease transmissions could range 
from hours to weeks or even months. Such stations could incur costs

[[Page 43623]]

to build or modify auxiliary facilities to permit FM broadcast service 
to continue during this period. Category (3) would include stations 
with no existing auxiliary facilities and stations that are unable to 
access auxiliary transmission facilities. Category (3) would also 
include stations that have existing auxiliary facilities, but whose 
facilities do not provide substantial (80+ percent) coverage of the 
primary station's coverage area or population. FM stations in other 
eligibility categories could also qualify as Category (3) stations if 
they otherwise meet the reimbursement requirements. We anticipate that 
this category of stations will be the most numerous of eligible FM 
stations but is still likely to include only a limited number of FM 
    54. We believe that reimbursing FM stations for the types of 
service disruptions described in these categories is consistent with 
our statutory mandate to reimburse FM stations for ``costs . . . for 
facilities necessary for such station to reasonably minimize disruption 
of service as a result of the reorganization of broadcast television 
spectrum,'' and we seek comment on our interpretation. We invite 
comment on the scope of our categories above and ask commenters 
specifically to explain whether there are additional categories of 
service disruption that should be reimbursed. We tentatively conclude 
that FM stations would be required to certify which eligibility 
category they satisfy, and we seek comment on that conclusion.
    55. Section 511(l)(1)(C) specifies that an FM broadcast station 
that has received payment for ``interim facilities'' from either a 
station that was reimbursed under the Spectrum Act or ``from any other 
source'' may not receive ``any reimbursements'' under the REA. Thus, as 
required by the statutory language, we propose that if an FM broadcast 
station has received such payment for ``interim facilities,'' it is 
ineligible for any reimbursement under the REA. We tentatively conclude 
that FM stations would be required to certify whether they have 
received payment for such interim facilities.
2. Expenses Eligible for Reimbursement
    56. The REA states that the Commission shall provide reimbursement 
for ``costs reasonably incurred by an FM broadcast station for 
facilities necessary for such station to reasonably minimize disruption 
of service as a result of the reorganization of broadcast television 
spectrum.'' We note that the statute does not require reimbursement of 
costs to ensure there is no disruption of service at all. We 
tentatively conclude that some level of disruption of service to 
eligible FM stations is reasonable, and we do not propose to reimburse 
costs incurred to avoid reasonable disruptions. We also believe that 
the public interest requires that we seek to maximize the limited funds 
available for all facilities to address the most significant service 
disruptions to ensure that the most needed facilities are fully funded. 
We seek comment below on how to define what costs are ``reasonably 
incurred'' and on how to interpret the phrase ``to reasonably minimize 
disruption of service'' as contemplated by the REA, and we propose an 
approach for prioritization of reimbursement to stations with a greater 
level of service disruption to preserve limited funds.
a. Costs Reasonably Incurred
    57. As described below, we propose that eligible costs for Category 
(1) and Category (2) stations are similar to eligible costs for full 
power and Class A stations in the repack and therefore should be 
reimbursed in a similar manner. We propose, however, that the cost for 
Category (3) stations should be subject to a graduated priority system 
and reimbursable only when the disruption of service is significant 
enough to make it reasonable for a station to incur costs to minimize 
the disruption, and then on a scale that balances the level of the 
service disruption with the need to maximize the finite funds and 
ensure the most significantly impacted facilities are fully funded. We 
seek comment on these proposals as detailed below.
(i) Replacing or Restoring Facilities--Category (1) and (2) Stations
    58. The existing reimbursement program for full power and Class A 
stations seeks to reimburse costs reasonably incurred for stations to 
move their facilities to a new channel that was assigned as a result of 
the incentive auction repacking process using reasonable efforts to 
preserve each station's coverage area and population served. We believe 
it is in the public interest to develop a similar standard for the 
reimbursement of costs associated with Category (1) stations because 
the nature of the displacement of the FM station and the types of costs 
incurred are similar. We seek comment on these conclusions. We believe 
the goal for Category (1) stations should be to rebuild their facility 
to reasonably replicate the station's coverage area and population 
served, similar to the standard applicable to full power and Class A 
stations. Further, we believe that Category (1) stations should be 
eligible for reimbursement for costs similar to full power and Class A 
stations to move and reconstruct the current facilities at a new site 
or tower location, including costs of equipment, professional services 
such as engineering, and tower and construction work. We believe that 
such stations are likely to experience the most significant disruption 
of service of all FM stations because they will be required to entirely 
or partially dismantle and reconstruct their facilities. As a result, 
if sufficient funds allocated to reimburse FM stations exist in the 
Reimbursement Fund, we believe that Category (1) stations should be 
reimbursed for up to 100 percent of eligible costs similar to the 
reimbursements provided to impacted full power and Class A stations. As 
noted above, we believe only a very small number of stations are likely 
to be included in this category and therefore we do not believe the 
reimbursement of these stations is likely to be a primary resource 
demand on the Reimbursement Fund. We seek comment on these conclusions.
    59. Examples of reimbursable equipment costs that we believe could 
be reasonably incurred include transmitters, antennas, coaxial cable or 
wave guides, and associated equipment needed to reasonably replicate 
the service being lost. We propose that existing equipment should be 
reused as appropriate. To the extent that existing equipment cannot be 
reused, we propose that new equipment may be reimbursable if needed to 
reasonably replicate service and coverage area. We propose that the 
costs of engineering to determine what technical facilities are needed 
to replace existing service at a new site should be considered 
reimbursable expenses, as well as transportation costs of physically 
moving equipment to a new site or new location on a tower and any 
engineering costs associated with the move. We seek comment on these 
    60. We believe it is also in the public interest to develop a 
similar standard for eligible expenses for reimbursement of Category 
(2) stations because the types of costs incurred are also similar. We 
seek comment on these conclusions. We believe the goal for Category (2) 
stations should be to restore the station's existing facility. For 
example, Category (2) stations could reasonably incur costs that are 
related to their need to temporarily dismantle equipment or modify 
their physical facilities. Examples of reimbursable costs could include 
costs of equipment, professional services such as engineering, and 
tower and construction work, similar to the

[[Page 43624]]

costs incurred by full power and Class A stations. Additionally, 
similar to Category (1), the service disruptions associated with these 
costs are likely to be significant in magnitude, but the number of 
stations incurring such costs is likely to be very small and not the 
most significant drain on the Reimbursement Fund. Therefore, we propose 
that, if sufficient funds allocated to reimburse FM stations exist in 
the Reimbursement Fund, Category (2) stations should be reimbursed for 
up to 100 percent of eligible costs similar to full power and Class A 
stations. We seek comment on this proposal.
(ii) Interim Facilities--Category (3) Stations
    61. In the full power and Class A reimbursement program, the costs 
of interim facilities are reimbursed in the same manner as other costs 
incurred for a station to change channels. With respect to the types of 
costs that would qualify for reimbursement as interim facilities, we 
seek to apply the same approach to FM stations. We propose that 
Category (3) stations be reimbursed for the cost of constructing new 
auxiliary facilities or upgrading existing auxiliary facilities. This 
would permit FM stations to continue broadcasting while their primary 
facilities are off the air due to the need to protect tower personnel 
working on modifications related to the reorganization of broadcast 
television spectrum. Reimbursable costs could include costs of 
equipment, professional services such as engineering, and tower and 
construction work.
    62. As described in more detail below, we tentatively conclude that 
reimbursement of interim facility costs should be linked to the level 
of service disruption avoided by resorting to interim facilities, and 
therefore propose to reimburse on a graduated priority system 
reflecting a percentage of total costs for these interim facilities. We 
further tentatively conclude that it is not unreasonable for there to 
be some temporary disruption of service to permit construction work or 
maintenance on a collocated, adjacent, or nearby station. FM stations 
regularly power down or remain silent for temporary periods to 
accommodate tower or antenna work and transmitter maintenance, and we 
conclude from this fact that such actions are ordinary and reasonable 
occurrences. We therefore believe that it is appropriate to reimburse 
costs for interim facilities only if they are needed to avoid service 
interruptions that would otherwise exceed ordinary construction or 
maintenance requirements. Furthermore, operating from interim 
facilities does not require service that is identical to the station's 
primary service. We believe this different approach is justified by the 
different standard enunciated in the REA, requiring us to consider what 
expenses ``reasonably minimize'' disruption of service rather than the 
Spectrum Act's mandate to reimburse expenses resulting from a channel 
change. Furthermore, we anticipate that the majority of reimbursement 
requests from FM stations will be in Category (3), and that they will 
account for the majority of the demand by FM stations for resources 
from the Reimbursement Fund. Thus, we tentatively conclude that a 
graduated scale is in the public interest because it properly reflects 
the level of service disruption, which could vary from hours to weeks 
or even months, and therefore balances our need to preserve finite 
funds for the most significant instances of service disruption. Under 
this proposal, reimbursement percentages in excess of those proposed 
below might be available if, after making all the payments for interim 
facilities and other eligible expenses, there is sufficient money to 
pay a higher reimbursement percentage to FM stations in the 
Reimbursement Fund. We seek comment on these proposals herein.
    63. We believe that the amount of broadcaster reimbursement for 
interim facilities should be linked to the amount of time the FM 
station is off the air due to the reorganization of broadcast 
television spectrum. These time periods will likely range from hours 
to, in extreme and hopefully rare cases, months. Additionally, we 
believe that the times of day during which stations are off the air 
should also play a part in our calculus. Some stations may be subject 
to limited service disruptions, for instance, if tower work or work on 
co-tenant antennas is limited to nighttime hours which would minimize 
broadcast time lost during peak listening hours. Such stations will not 
be as adversely affected as those required to reduce power or go off-
air for extended periods of time. As to the latter group of affected 
stations, we find that the reimbursement for interim facilities should 
be greater the longer they are required to be off the air. The longer 
the lost airtime, the more service disruption and, thus, the greater 
justification for reimbursement for the construction of permanent 
auxiliary facilities.
    64. Further, we note that transmissions from interim facilities 
would not exactly replicate the areas or populations covered from the 
licensed transmitter site. Thus, we propose that 80 percent of an FM 
station's coverage area or covered population should be replicated by 
the interim facility in order to constitute reasonably minimal 
disruption of service. In another context, when a rule requires 
provision of a certain strength signal to an entire community, the 
Commission has held that when a station provides that signal strength 
to 80 percent or more of either the area or the population of the 
community, such a signal may be considered to be in substantial 
compliance with the rule. We believe this 80 percent standard is an 
acceptable yardstick for measuring interim FM service, especially given 
that near-exact replication of a station's coverage area from an 
alternative site, in many if not most cases, may not be achieved 
without significant expense. Accordingly, we propose that FM signal 
coverage of either 80 percent of the area or 80 percent of the 
population covered by an FM station at its licensed site be considered 
to be substantial interim coverage and, thus, tentatively conclude it 
would meet the REA standard of reasonably minimizing disruption of 
service. We invite comment on this proposal, including comment on the 
costs of requiring a greater or lesser level of interim service.
    65. We seek comment on the need to develop a prioritization scheme 
for reimbursement of FM broadcast stations under either statutory 
interpretation of the amounts available to reimburse such stations. We 
seek comment on the following graduated priority system of 
reimbursement for interim facilities constructed to minimize service 
disruptions to FM broadcast stations forced to go off-air due to the 
reorganization of broadcast television spectrum. We note that 
additional percentages for reimbursement might be available if, after 
making all the payments for interim facilities and other eligible 
expenses, there is sufficient money to pay a higher reimbursement 
percentage to FM stations in the Reimbursement Fund. If adopted, we 
propose to direct the Media Bureau to determine whether and what higher 
percentage of funds should be paid to Category (3) stations.
     Stations Off-Air for Less Than 24 Hours, or Off-Air Only 
During Hours from 10:00 p.m.-6:00 a.m. Local Time or Less Than Five 
Non-Peak Broadcast Hours Per Day: No reimbursement. We propose that 
such periods off-air be considered a de minimis disruption of service.
     Stations Off-Air for 24 Hours to 10 Days: May be 
reimbursed up to 50 percent of eligible costs reasonably

[[Page 43625]]

incurred to construct new auxiliary facilities, to upgrade existing 
auxiliary facilities to cover 80 percent of the covered area and/or 
population of the existing facility, or to build interim facilities for 
eligible secondary services.
     Stations Off-Air for 11 Days to 30 Days: May be reimbursed 
up to 75 percent of eligible costs reasonably incurred to construct new 
auxiliary facilities, to upgrade existing auxiliary facilities to cover 
80 percent of the covered area and/or population of the existing 
facility, or to build interim facilities for eligible secondary 
     Stations Off-Air for More than 30 Days: May be reimbursed 
up to 100 percent of eligible costs reasonably incurred to construct 
new auxiliary facilities, to upgrade existing auxiliary facilities to 
cover 80 percent of the covered area and/or population of the existing 
facility, or to build interim facilities for eligible secondary 
    66. We seek comment on these issues and on whether reimbursing FM 
stations on a graduated scale is in the public interest. In particular, 
we seek comment on whether failing to pro-rate the amount of 
reimbursement for interim facilities might reduce reimbursement for all 
affected FM stations, given the total amount of money available to FM 
stations for reimbursements. We also request comment on the time off-
air benchmarks set forth in paragraph 65, and whether they should be 
adjusted up or down. In particular, we seek comment on whether time 
off-air during nighttime and early morning hours should be considered 
de minimis and, if not, what level of reimbursement for auxiliary 
facilities should be allowed for such stations to provide interim 
nighttime service. If commenters disagree with the proposed 
reimbursement scheme, what alternative proposals do they recommend to 
ensure we allocate the limited funds fairly and equitably across all FM 
    67. We acknowledge that the graduated scale could be subject to 
manipulation where the construction project is prolonged in order to 
reach a number of days that correlates to a higher reimbursement 
percentage. We believe that this concern is mitigated by the fact that 
the FM station will ordinarily not be in control of the repacked 
television station's construction project, and that a repacked 
television station is unlikely to prolong for the benefit of the FM 
station the time period that it employs vendors and service providers 
to perform construction. Nevertheless, in order to minimize the 
potential for gaming the system, we seek comment on whether to pay 
reimbursement for interim stations only after the period of time has 
expired and the number of days can be and is certified by the station. 
We also seek comment on whether to require certification by the FM 
station concerning the number of days the station could not broadcast 
from its primary facility due to construction work of a repacked 
television station. As noted herein, we intend to conduct audits, data 
validations, and site visits, as appropriate, to prevent waste, fraud, 
and abuse. As part of that process, we could require a repacked 
television station to provide, upon request, a statement or other 
information regarding the dates that work was being done that impacted 
the FM station. We seek comment on these issues and on additional ways 
we can minimize this potential problem.
    68. To the extent that a Category (3) station is required to lease 
tower space for a new auxiliary facility, we propose to allow 
reimbursement only for those lease payments covering the period of time 
during which the primary station is off the air due to the 
reorganization of broadcast television spectrum. In other words, we 
will not reimburse for tower lease payments except during the period 
when the repacked television station's construction work is actively 
preventing the FM station from broadcasting from its primary facility 
and not for any period of time thereafter. We request comment on this 
b. Channel Change Equipment
    69. We expect that no FM broadcast station will be forced to change 
its frequency as a result of the reorganization of broadcast television 
spectrum and, thus, we tentatively conclude that expenses for retuning 
or replacing antennas or transmitters to accommodate channel changes 
will not be eligible for reimbursement. We seek comment on this 
c. Equipment Upgrades and Reuse of Existing Equipment
    70. As noted above, full power and Class A stations can be 
reimbursed only for comparable facilities, while we propose that LPTV/
translators may in certain cases require modified facilities due to the 
fact that LPTV/translators may need to change locations and not just 
channels. Similarly, we tentatively conclude that the full power and 
Class A comparable facilities reimbursement standard cannot be applied 
in the same manner to FM stations in Categories (1) and (2) because the 
goal is to reasonably replicate the service type and area from a 
different location (Category (1)) or restore service using alternate 
equipment (Category (2)). In some cases, this can be accomplished using 
existing equipment or its equivalent, but in other cases this will 
require modified or differently configured equipment. For instance, a 
move of an FM station's antenna to a lower spot on the same tower 
could, in order to replicate the station's existing signal contours, 
require replacement equipment with an increase in ERP, either by using 
a transmitter with higher power output or an antenna with higher gain. 
In the (we expect rare) cases in which a station is forced to move to 
another tower, reasonably replicating current service might involve 
both of those options and/or design and construction of an antenna with 
a directional pattern, in order to avoid prohibited interference to 
other FM stations.
    71. To the extent that a Category (1) station would propose to 
construct a new tower, we propose to reimburse tower construction 
expenses only upon a showing that no space is available on other local 
towers that would enable it to reasonably replicate current service. 
Even if it were able to make such a showing, we seek comment on whether 
and how we should discount any reimbursement for tower construction 
costs, given that such ``vertical real estate'' carries with it the 
potential for revenue generation for the FM station, perhaps in 
substantial amounts. We seek comment on this proposal.
    72. Similar to our tentative conclusion above concerning LPTV/
translators, we also propose that we will follow the Commission's 
determination in the existing reimbursement program and not reimburse 
stations for new, optional features in equipment that are not already 
present in the equipment being replaced. For example, we would not 
reimburse an analog-only FM station to add hybrid digital capability. A 
station that contemplates a rule-compliant modification to a higher 
station class or to an expanded service area as part of a required move 
may do so, but we propose to limit reimbursement only to costs needed 
to return the station to its original service area. We seek comment on 
these proposals. While the REA contains a provision precluding 
duplicative payments relating only to ``interim facilities,'' we 
tentatively conclude that FM broadcast stations that receive or have 
received reimbursement of expenses from sources of funding other than 
the Reimbursement Fund, such as co-located television stations and/or 
tower owners providing reimbursement under contractual provisions, will 
not receive reimbursement for those expenses from

[[Page 43626]]

the Reimbursement Fund. We tentatively conclude that a cost that is 
reimbursed by another source of funding is not a ``cost . . . 
incurred'' by the FM broadcast station under Section 511(l)(1)(A). We 
seek comment on this tentative conclusion.
    73. In addition, the Commission required full power and Class A 
stations seeking reimbursement to reuse their own equipment to the 
extent possible, rather than acquiring new equipment to be paid for 
from the Reimbursement Fund, and to ``provide a justification when 
submitting their estimated cost form as to why it is reasonable under 
the circumstances to purchase new equipment rather than modify their . 
. . current equipment . . .'' We propose to adopt a similar requirement 
that FM stations reuse their own equipment, to the extent possible. As 
noted above, we expect that FM stations will not be required to change 
frequencies, so there should be no issues regarding channel-related 
equipment modifications. Thus, we believe it is reasonable to require 
FM stations seeking reimbursement to provide a justification why it is 
reasonable to purchase new equipment rather than reuse existing 
equipment. We seek comment on this proposal.
d. Lost Revenues
    74. The REA, like the 2012 Spectrum Act, prohibits reimbursement of 
FM broadcast stations for ``lost revenues.'' In the Incentive Auction 
R&O, the Commission defined ``lost revenues'' to include ``revenues 
that a station . . . loses as a direct or ancillary result of the 
reverse auction or the repacking process.'' We propose to adopt a 
similar definition of ``lost revenues'' for purposes of reimbursing FM 
broadcast stations: ``revenues that a station loses as a direct or 
ancillary result of the reorganization of broadcast television 
spectrum, including the reverse auction and the repacking process.'' 
Under this definition, we would not reimburse a station's loss of 
advertising revenues while it is off the air implementing either 
replacement or interim facilities, or for refunds a station is required 
to make for payments for airtime as a result of being off the air in 
order to implement such a facility change. We seek comment on our 
proposal and whether there are other additional categories of costs 
that FM stations may incur that would constitute ``lost revenues'' not 
eligible for reimbursement under the REA.

D. Reimbursement Process

    75. Our goal is to develop a reimbursement process for the newly 
eligible entities that is as simple and straightforward as possible to 
minimize both the costs associated with reimbursement as well as the 
burdens on affected parties and the Commission. At the same time, we 
are committed to a process that is fair and equitable to all eligible 
entities and that maximizes the funds available for reimbursement by 
avoiding waste, fraud, and abuse.
    76. As discussed below, we propose to reimburse eligible LPTV, TV 
translator, and FM broadcast stations using a procedure that is 
substantially similar to what is currently being used by the Commission 
to provide reimbursements to full power and Class A stations and MVPDs. 
We believe that using a process and resources that have proven 
effective is a reasonable approach as it should result in a smooth and 
expeditious reimbursement process for LPTV/translator and FM stations. 
At the same time, we propose to make certain adjustments and 
simplifications to this process as we describe below. We invite comment 
generally on whether and how the process might be further streamlined 
in light of the fact that the money available to reimburse LPTV/
translator and FM stations is less than that allocated to full power, 
Class A, and MVPD entities, individual entity expenses may also be 
expected to be smaller, and many of the stations seeking reimbursement 
may already have incurred the costs associated with the transition.
1. Eligibility Certification
    77. We propose to require LPTV/translator and FM stations that 
believe they meet the eligibility requirements and intend to request 
reimbursement for eligible expenses, to file a form (Eligibility 
Certification) indicating that they intend to request reimbursement 
funds. We seek comment on this proposal. We propose that entities be 
required to certify on the Eligibility Certification that they meet the 
eligibility criteria adopted in this proceeding and provide 
documentation or other evidence to support their certification. For 
example, LPTV/translator stations may be required to provide evidence 
to support their certification that they meet the minimum operating 
requirement adopted in this proceeding to be eligible for reimbursement 
under the REA. Such evidence could include evidence of the programming 
aired by the station during the period of time in question, as well as 
electric power bills, and we seek comment on other types of evidence 
that might be used to demonstrate that a station was transmitting 
during the relevant time period. Similarly, FM stations could be 
required to identify the repacked TV station that caused it to be 
eligible for reimbursement and to provide evidence to support its 
certification that it was off the air for a sufficient period of time 
to be eligible for reimbursement for interim facilities, and the period 
of time it was, or expects to be, silent. As stated previously, the 
Commission previously determined that, with respect to the incentive 
auction reimbursement program, ``audits, data validations, and site 
visits are essential tools in preventing waste, fraud, and abuse, and 
that use of these measures will maximize the amount of money available 
for reimbursement.'' With respect to reimbursing low-power broadcast 
stations, we contemplate that a third party firm on behalf of, or in 
conjunction with, the Media Bureau may conduct audits, data 
validations, site visits or other verifications to substantiate the 
supporting evidence and representations of entities that certify that 
they meet the eligibility criteria adopted in this proceeding to the 
extent necessary. We propose to direct such entities to make available 
any relevant documentation upon request from the Commission or its 
contractor. We emphasize that a false certification may result in 
disqualification and other sanctions provided for in the Communications 
Act and the Commission's rules. We invite comment on this approach and 
on possible other kinds of evidence and/or documentation the Media 
Bureau should require LPTV/translator and FM stations to submit to 
support their Eligibility Certifications.
2. Estimated Expenses
    78. We also propose to require LPTV/translator and FM stations to 
list on a revised Reimbursement Form their existing broadcasting 
equipment and the types of costs they expect to incur. In the full 
power and Class A program, the Media Bureau developed a list of the 
types of costs stations were most likely to incur together with a range 
of prices applicable to such expenses. This cost catalog is embedded in 
the Reimbursement Form used by full power and Class A stations. We 
intend to develop a revised cost catalog to help LPTV/translator and FM 
stations provide estimated costs. Alternatively, these stations, like 
full power and Class A stations, may choose instead to provide their 
own estimates or actual costs. As noted above, in the Incentive Auction 
R&O, the Commission required full power and Class A broadcasters and 
MVPDs eligible for reimbursement to file a form providing estimates of 
their channel relocation costs. We propose to adopt a consistent 
approach for entities

[[Page 43627]]

newly eligible for reimbursement. Specifically, similar to the current 
process used by full power and Class A stations and MVPDs using the 
Reimbursement Form, we propose that eligible LPTV/translator and FM 
stations submit a revised version of our existing Reimbursement Form 
that will contain a new cost catalog. The new cost catalog will offer 
ranges of prices for the potential expenses that can be used to 
generate total estimated costs. For example, LPTV/translator stations 
may be required to indicate whether they will need to purchase new 
equipment in order to operate on their new channel, or whether they can 
reuse some of their existing equipment. FM stations may be required to 
indicate whether they will need to move to a different tower or a 
different location on the same tower, and whether they will have to go 
silent or power down temporarily to move or to permit work on their 
existing tower as a result of changes being made to a repacked full 
power or Class A station.
    79. We note that some LPTV/translator and FM stations will already 
have incurred costs eligible for reimbursement by the time we adopt 
rules in this proceeding and begin accepting Eligibility Certifications 
and Reimbursement Forms. We propose to permit entities to indicate 
their actual costs instead of providing estimates on the Reimbursement 
Form for costs already incurred in their initial filings with the 
Commission. We seek comment on this proposal.
    80. We tentatively conclude that the Reimbursement Form for use by 
newly eligible entities should be simpler and easier to use than the 
forms used by full power and Class A stations and MVPDs. We seek 
comment on how we can modify the Form to make it simpler to use. We 
propose to consider methods by which the revised cost catalog could 
more readily determine a reasonable estimate for newly eligible 
stations than the current form used by full power and Class A stations. 
Are there other ways that a reasonable estimate of expenses can be more 
readily derived than under the current process? We tentatively conclude 
that an approach that would eliminate altogether the requirement to 
submit estimated expenses would not provide the Commission with 
information concerning the potential total demand on the Reimbursement 
Fund and other information necessary for the Media Bureau and Fund 
Administrator to make reasoned allocation decisions and determine 
whether reimbursement claims are reasonable, as required by the REA. To 
the extent, however, that parties disagree with our tentative 
conclusion, we seek comment on how a reimbursement process without the 
submission of estimates would work? Without estimates, how would the 
Media Bureau determine allocations that assure a fair and equitable 
distribution of the finite Reimbursement Fund? Supporters of a 
reimbursement process without estimated expenses should also address 
how such an approach is consistent with Section 511(m)(2) of the REA. 
We seek comment on our tentative conclusions.
3. Reimbursement Allocations
    81. We propose that, once the Media Bureau completes its review of 
the Eligibility Certifications and Reimbursement Forms, it will issue 
an initial allocation from the Reimbursement Fund to each eligible 
LPTV/translator and FM station, which will be available to the entity 
to draw down as expenses are incurred. In the context of the existing 
reimbursement process for full power and Class A stations, the Media 
Bureau exercised discretion to determine the appropriate allocation 
amount based on the circumstances and information available from 
submitted Reimbursement Forms. Consistent with this approach, as noted 
in the Order below, we direct the Media Bureau to make allocation 
decisions for stations eligible for reimbursement under the REA. The 
amount of the initial allocation, as well as the total amount allocated 
to each entity, will depend in part on the number of LPTV/translator 
stations and the number of FM stations that file an Eligibility 
Certification and the amount available for reimbursement for each type 
of entity. For example, the Media Bureau may give entities an 
allocation that is a percentage of their total costs eligible for 
reimbursement, similar to the approach we took for full power and Class 
A stations and MVPDs. Alternatively, it could allocate the same fixed 
amount to entities that must take similar steps as a result of, or are 
similarly affected by, the reorganization of broadcast television 
spectrum (i.e., a fixed amount to all FM stations that must be off the 
air for 11-30 days, and a different fixed amount to all FM stations 
that must be off the air for 24 hours to 10 days). We invite comment on 
each of these approaches.
    82. Subsequent Allocations. We propose that, after the initial 
allocation of reimbursement funds to eligible LPTV/translator and FM 
stations, the Media Bureau may issue one or more subsequent 
allocation(s). The timing and amount of these subsequent allocation(s) 
will depend in part on the funds remaining in the LPTV/translator and 
FM portions of the Reimbursement Fund, the eligible expenses entities 
have incurred, and the Commission's goal in terms of the percentage or 
total dollar amount of eligible costs we expect to be able to cover for 
each entity based on the steps they must take as a result of the 
reorganization of broadcast television spectrum. We seek comment 
generally on this proposed reimbursement process.
    83. Prioritization of Certain Costs. To the extent that the total 
amount of reimbursement funds available to LPTV/translators or FM 
stations may not be not sufficient to cover all eligible expenses at 
the end of the program, it may be necessary to establish a 
prioritization scheme for reimbursing eligible expenses. We propose to 
direct the Media Bureau to perform this prioritization, if necessary. 
In order to assist the Media Bureau, we seek comment on whether we 
should prioritize the payment of certain costs, such as certain 
equipment and engineering expenses, over other types of expenses, such 
as project management fees, for LPTV/translator and FM stations. For 
instance, project management fees have proven difficult for the Media 
Bureau and Fund Administrator to validate in the context of the ongoing 
reimbursement effort for full power and Class A stations and MVPDs. 
Given that the amount available for reimbursement for LPTV/translator 
and FM stations may not be sufficient to cover all eligible expenses 
incurred by these entities, we believe it may make sense to prioritize, 
at least initially, certain expenses to maximize the possibility that 
these costs are covered for all eligible entities. The Media Bureau 
could, for example, limit the initial allocation provided to LPTV/
translator stations to an amount necessary to cover the costs related 
to any necessary transmitter, transmission line, and antenna equipment, 
as well as engineering expenses necessary to locate a new channel. Any 
funds remaining in the LPTV/translator portion of the Reimbursement 
Fund after these expenses are covered could be distributed in a 
subsequent allocation. We seek comment generally on this approach. If 
we were to prioritize certain equipment and engineering costs, which 
such costs should be prioritized for LPTV/translator stations and which 
should be prioritized for FM stations?
4. Requests for Reimbursement
    84. Once the Commission has issued an initial allocation to each 
eligible LPTV/translator and FM station, we

[[Page 43628]]

propose to allow these entities to submit claim(s), together with any 
required supporting invoices and other cost documentation, for 
reimbursement for any eligible costs they have incurred, using a method 
consistent with the existing process. We propose that the Media Bureau, 
together with the Fund Administrator, will review each reimbursement 
claim and, if approved, authorize a draw down from the entity's 
individual allocation. We propose to allow entities to submit multiple 
reimbursement requests as they incur expenses throughout the 
reimbursement period. As noted above, we also propose to allow entities 
that have already incurred costs at the time they make their initial 
filings with the Commission to submit actual costs instead of 
estimates. We seek comment on these proposals.

E. Financial Forms and Procedures

    85. We propose to use revised versions of the financial forms 
currently being used by full power, Class A, and MVPD entities for 
purposes of reimbursing eligible LPTV/translator and FM stations. We 
also propose to use the same procedures to provide reimbursement 
payments to these newly eligible entities. These procedures were set 
forth in the Financial Procedures PN. We seek comment generally on this 
approach. Are there any procedures that we should alter for purposes of 
reimbursing these newly eligible entities?
    86. Specifically, we propose to require LPTV, TV translators, and 
FM stations to submit their Eligibility Certification, cost estimates, 
and subsequent requests for reimbursement for expenses they have 
incurred, together with any required supporting documentation, using 
the Reimbursement Form (FCC Form 2100, Schedule 399), which we plan to 
revise for this purpose. As required for full power and Class A 
stations and MVPDs, we propose that LPTV/translator and FM stations 
submit the Reimbursement Form electronically via the Commission's LMS 
database. We propose to require LPTV/translator and FM stations to use 
a procedure and form similar to our existing FCC Form 1876 and file 
electronically in the CORES Incentive Auction Financial Module. 
Entities will be able to track reimbursement payments using the Auction 
Payments component of the CORES Incentive Auction Financial Module.
    87. As discussed in the Order below, we direct the Media Bureau 
together with the Office of Managing Director to revise these 
reimbursement forms and procedures as necessary for use by LPTV/
translator and FM stations.

F. Measures To Prevent Waste, Fraud, and Abuse

    88. As with full power, Class A, and MVPD entities, we intend to 
establish strong measures to protect against waste, fraud, and abuse 
with respect to disbursements from the Reimbursement Fund for newly 
eligible entities. The Media Bureau, with assistance from the Fund 
Administrator, will review the information entities provide in their 
Eligibility Certification and may require additional information to 
validate whether the entity is, in fact, eligible for reimbursement 
pursuant to the criteria established in this proceeding. We propose to 
require entities to document their actual expenses, including by 
providing all relevant invoices and receipts, and to retain other 
relevant records substantiating their certifications and reimbursement 
claims. Similar to the existing requirement for full power, Class A, 
and MVPD entities, we also propose to require LPTV/translator and FM 
stations seeking reimbursement to retain all relevant documents 
pertaining to construction or other reimbursable changes or expenses 
for a period ending not less than 10 years after the date on which it 
receives final payment from the Reimbursement Fund. We invite comment 
on these proposals.
    89. We anticipate that the Reimbursement Form we develop for use by 
LPTV/translator and FM stations will contain certifications similar to 
those on the Reimbursement Form used by full power, Class A, and MVPD 
entities. Thus, an LPTV/translator or FM station seeking reimbursement 
will be required to certify, inter alia, that it believes in good faith 
that it will reasonably incur all of the estimated costs that it claims 
as eligible for reimbursement on the estimated cost form, it will use 
all money received from the Reimbursement Fund only for expenses it 
believes in good faith are eligible for reimbursement, and it will 
comply with all policies and procedures related to reimbursement. In 
addition, we intend to conduct audits, data validations, and site 
visits, as appropriate, to prevent waste, fraud, and abuse and to 
maximize the amount of money available for reimbursement. To ensure 
transparency with respect to the Reimbursement Fund, we plan to make 
eligibility and actual cost information available to the public as well 
as information regarding Reimbursement Fund disbursements. If we 
discover evidence of intentional fraud, we intend to refer the matter 
to the Commission's Office of Inspector General or to law enforcement 
for criminal investigation, as appropriate. We invite comment on these 
proposals. Are there other steps we should take to avoid potential 
fraud and ensure that appropriate safeguards are applied to the 
Reimbursement Fund?

IV. Order

    90. The companion Order, which was adopted together with the NPRM, 
appears separately in the Federal Register.

V. Procedural Matters

A. Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis

    91. As required by the Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980, as 
amended (RFA), the Federal Communications Commission (Commission) has 
prepared this present Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis (IRFA) 
concerning the possible significant economic impact on small entities 
by the policies and rules proposed in the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking 
(NPRM). Written public comments are requested on this IRFA. Comments 
must be identified as responses to the IRFA and must be filed by the 
deadlines for comments provided on the first page of the NPRM. The 
Commission will send a copy of the NPRM, including this IRFA, to the 
Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the Small Business Administration (SBA). 
In addition, the NPRM and IRFA (or summaries thereof) will be published 
in the Federal Register.

B. Need for, and Objectives of, the Proposed Rules

    92. The NPRM proposes rules to implement Congress's recent 
directive that the Commission reimburse certain Low Power Television 
(LPTV), television translator (TV translator), and FM broadcast 
stations for costs incurred as a result of the Commission's broadcast 
television spectrum incentive auction. When Congress authorized the 
Commission to conduct the incentive auction as part of the 2012 
Spectrum Act, it required the Commission to reimburse certain costs 
incurred by full power and Class A television licensees that were 
reassigned to new channels as a result of the auction, as well as 
certain costs incurred by multichannel video program distributors 
(MVPDs) to continue to carry such stations. On March 23, 2018, Congress 
adopted the Reimbursement Expansion Act (REA), which amends Section 
6403 of the Spectrum Act to expand the list of entities eligible to be 
reimbursed for auction-related expenses to include LPTV, TV translator, 
and FM broadcast

[[Page 43629]]

stations, and to provide additional funds to the Reimbursement Fund to 
be used for this purpose. The REA also increases the funds available to 
reimburse full power and Class A stations and MVPDs, and provides funds 
to the Commission for consumer education.
    93. The NPRM proposes a mechanism for reimbursing the newly 
eligible entities that is substantially similar to the process 
currently used by the Commission to reimburse full power and Class A 
licensees and MVPDs as established in the Incentive Auction R&O. The 
     Tentatively concludes that LPTV and TV translator stations 
(collectively referred to as LPTV/translator stations) are eligible for 
reimbursement if (1) they filed an application during the Commission's 
Special Displacement Window and obtained a construction permit, and (2) 
were licensed and transmitting for at least 9 of the 12 months prior to 
April 13, 2017, as required by the REA.
     Tentatively concludes that the Commission will reimburse 
LPTV/translator stations for their reasonable costs to construct the 
facilities authorized by the grant of the station's Special 
Displacement Window application, but will require stations to reuse 
existing equipment and take other measures to mitigate costs where 
     Tentatively concludes that both full power FM stations and 
FM translators that were licensed and transmitting on April 13, 2017, 
using the facilities impacted by the repacked television station are 
eligible for reimbursement under the REA. The NPRM proposes that this 
will include FM stations that incur costs because they must permanently 
relocate, temporarily or permanently modify their facilities, or 
purchase or modify auxiliary facilities to provide service to at least 
80 percent of their primary station's coverage area or population 
during a period of time when construction work is occurring on a 
collocated repacked television station's facilities.
     Proposes to reimburse up to 100 percent of the costs 
eligible for reimbursement for FM stations that must relocate 
permanently, or temporarily or permanently modify facilities, and seeks 
comment on a graduated, prioritized system to reimburse FM stations for 
the cost to purchase or modify auxiliary equipment to avoid going 
silent as a result of the repacking process.
     Proposes to require LPTV/translator and FM stations 
seeking reimbursement to file with the Commission one or more forms 
certifying that they meet the eligibility criteria established in this 
proceeding for reimbursement, providing information regarding their 
current broadcasting equipment, and providing an estimate of their 
costs eligible for reimbursement. The NPRM invites comment on ways to 
streamline the submission of this information for these entities.
     Proposes that after the submission of information, the 
Media Bureau will provide eligible entities with an allocation of 
funds, to be available for draw down as the entities incur expenses. 
The NPRM proposes that the Media Bureau will make an initial allocation 
toward eligible expenses, followed by subsequent allocation(s) as 
needed, to the extent funds remain for LPTV/translator stations and FM 
stations in the Reimbursement Fund, and seeks comment on how to 
determine the amount of these allocations.
     Proposes to use revised versions of the financial forms 
currently being used by full power, Class A, and MVPD entities for 
purposes of reimbursing eligible LPTV/translator and FM stations, and 
proposes to use the same procedures to provide reimbursement payments 
to these newly eligible entities.
     Discusses the measures the Commission proposes to take to 
protect the Reimbursement Fund against waste, fraud, and abuse.

C. Legal Basis

    94. The proposed action is authorized pursuant to sections 1, 4, 
303, and 336(f) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, Section 
6403 of the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012, and 
Section 511, Division E, Title V of the Consolidated Appropriations 
Act, 2018, Public Law 115-141 (2018), 47 U.S.C. 151, 154, 303, 336(f), 

D. Description and Estimate of the Number of Small Entities To Which 
the Proposed Rules Will Apply

    95. The RFA directs agencies to provide a description of, and where 
feasible, an estimate of the number of small entities that may be 
affected by the proposed rules, if adopted. The RFA generally defines 
the term ``small entity'' as having the same meaning as the terms 
``small business,'' ``small organization,'' and ``small governmental 
jurisdiction.'' In addition, the term ``small business'' has the same 
meaning as the term ``small business concern'' under the Small Business 
Act. A small business concern is one which: (1) Is independently owned 
and operated; (2) is not dominant in its field of operation; and (3) 
satisfies any additional criteria established by the SBA. Below, we 
provide a description of such small entities, as well as an estimate of 
the number of such small entities, where feasible.
    96. Radio and Television Broadcasting and Wireless Communications 
Equipment Manufacturing. This industry comprises establishments 
primarily engaged in manufacturing radio and television broadcast and 
wireless communications equipment. Examples of products made by these 
establishments are: Transmitting and receiving antennas, cable 
television equipment, GPS equipment, pagers, cellular phones, mobile 
communications equipment, and radio and television studio and 
broadcasting equipment. The Small Business Administration has 
established a size standard for this industry of 750 employees or less. 
Census data for 2012 show that 841 establishments operated in this 
industry in that year. Of that number, 819 establishments operated with 
less than 500 employees. Based on this data, we conclude that a 
majority of manufacturers in this industry are small.
    97. Audio and Video Equipment Manufacturing. This industry 
comprises establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing electronic 
audio and video equipment for home entertainment, motor vehicles, and 
public address and musical instrument amplification. Examples of 
products made by these establishments are video cassette recorders, 
televisions, stereo equipment, speaker systems, household-type video 
cameras, jukeboxes, and amplifiers for musical instruments and public 
address systems. The SBA has established a size standard for this 
industry, in which all firms with 750 employees or less are small. 
According to U.S. Census data for 2012, 466 audio and video equipment 
manufacturers were operational in that year. Of that number, 465 
operated with fewer than 500 employees. Based on this Census data and 
the associated size standard, we conclude that the majority of such 
manufacturers are small.
    98. Radio Stations. This economic Census category ``comprises 
establishments primarily engaged in broadcasting aural programs by 
radio to the public.'' The SBA has created the following small business 
size standard for this category: Those having $38.5 million or less in 
annual receipts. Census data for 2012 shows that 2,849 firms in this 
category operated in that year. Of this number, 2,806 firms had annual 
receipts of less than $25,000,000, and 43 firms had annual receipts of

[[Page 43630]]

$25,000,000 or more. Because the Census has no additional 
classifications that could serve as a basis for determining the number 
of stations whose receipts exceeded $38.5 million in that year, we 
conclude that the majority of television broadcast stations were small 
under the applicable SBA size standard.
    99. Apart from the U.S. Census, the Commission has estimated the 
number of licensed commercial AM radio stations to be 4,429 stations 
and the number of commercial FM radio stations to be 6,741, for a total 
number of 11,170. Of this total, 9,898 stations had revenues of $38.5 
million or less, according to Commission staff review of the BIA Kelsey 
Inc. Media Access Pro Television Database (BIA) in October 2014. In 
addition, the Commission has estimated the number of noncommercial 
educational FM radio stations to be 4,125. NCE stations are non-profit, 
and therefore considered to be small entities. Therefore, we estimate 
that the majority of radio broadcast stations are small entities.
    100. Low Power FM Stations. The same SBA definition that applies to 
radio stations would apply to low power FM stations. As noted above, 
the SBA has created the following small business size standard for this 
category: Those having $38.5 million or less in annual receipts. The 
Commission has estimated the number of licensed low power FM stations 
to be 2,150. In addition, as of June 30, 2017, there were a total of 
7,604 FM translator and FM booster stations. Given that low power FM 
stations and FM translators and boosters are too small and limited in 
their operations to have annual receipts anywhere near the SBA size 
standard of $38.5 million, we will presume that these licensees qualify 
as small entities under the SBA definition.
    101. We note again, however, that in assessing whether a business 
concern qualifies as ``small'' under the above definition, business 
(control) affiliations must be included. Because we do not include or 
aggregate revenues from affiliated companies in determining whether an 
entity meets the applicable revenue threshold, our estimate of the 
number of small radio broadcast stations affected is likely overstated. 
In addition, as noted above, one element of the definition of ``small 
business'' is that an entity not be dominant in its field of operation. 
We are unable at this time to define or quantify the criteria that 
would establish whether a specific radio broadcast station is dominant 
in its field of operation. Accordingly, our estimate of small radio 
stations potentially affected by the proposed rules includes those that 
could be dominant in their field of operation. For this reason, such 
estimate likely is over-inclusive.
    102. Television Broadcasting. This economic Census category 
``comprises establishments primarily engaged in broadcasting images 
together with sound. These establishments operate television 
broadcasting studios and facilities for the programming and 
transmission of programs to the public.'' These establishments also 
produce or transmit visual programming to affiliated broadcast 
television stations, which in turn broadcast the programs to the public 
on a predetermined schedule. Programming may originate in their own 
studio, from an affiliated network, or from external sources. The SBA 
has created the following small business size standard for Television 
Broadcasting firms: Those having $38.5 million or less in annual 
receipts. The 2012 economic Census reports that 751 television 
broadcasting firms operated during that year. Of that number, 656 had 
annual receipts of less than $25 million per year. Based on that Census 
data we conclude that a majority of firms that operate television 
stations are small. We therefore estimate that the majority of 
commercial television broadcasters are small entities.
    103. We note, however, that in assessing whether a business concern 
qualifies as small under the above definition, business (control) 
affiliations must be included. Our estimate, therefore, likely 
overstates the number of small entities that might be affected by our 
action because the revenue figure on which it is based does not include 
or aggregate revenues from affiliated companies. In addition, an 
element of the definition of ``small business'' is that the entity not 
be dominant in its field of operation. We are unable at this time to 
define or quantify the criteria that would establish whether a specific 
television station is dominant in its field of operation. Accordingly, 
the estimate of small businesses to which rules may apply does not 
exclude any television station from the definition of a small business 
on this basis and is therefore possibly over-inclusive to that extent.
    104. In addition, the Commission has estimated the number of 
licensed noncommercial educational (NCE) television stations to be 390. 
These stations are non-profit, and therefore considered to be small 
    105. There are also 2,309 LPTV stations, including Class A 
stations, and 3,727 TV translator stations. Given the nature of these 
services, we will presume that all of these entities qualify as small 
entities under the above SBA small business size standard.

E. Description of Projected Reporting, Recordkeeping, and Other 
Compliance Requirements

    106. The NPRM proposes the following revised reporting or 
recordkeeping requirements. To implement the REA, it is proposed that 
eligible entities file forms to demonstrate their eligibility and 
estimated costs for reimbursement. Specifically, the NPRM proposes to 
use revised versions of the financial forms currently being used by 
full power, Class A, and multichannel video programming distributors 
(MVPD) entities from the incentive auction for purposes of reimbursing 
eligible LPTV/translator and FM stations. The NPRM proposes to use the 
procedures to provide reimbursement payments to these newly eligible 
entities that are similar to those it used for reimbursement in the 
incentive auction. For example, the NPRM proposes that LPTV, TV 
translators, and FM stations be required to submit their Eligibility 
Certification, cost estimates, and subsequent requests for 
reimbursement for expenses they have incurred, together with any 
required supporting documentation, using the Reimbursement Form (FCC 
Form 2100, Schedule 399), which the Commission plans to revise for this 
purpose. As required for full power and Class A stations and MVPDs, the 
NPRM proposes that LPTV/translator and FM stations submit the 
Reimbursement Form electronically via the Commission's Licensing and 
Management System (LMS) database. The NPRM proposes to require LPTV/
translator and FM stations to use a procedure and form similar to the 
existing FCC Form 1876 and to file electronically in the CORES 
Incentive Auction Financial Module.
    107. The Commission, as part of its continuing effort to reduce 
paperwork burdens, will invite the general public and the Office of 
Management and Budget (OMB) to comment on the information collection 
requirements proposed in this document, as required by the Paperwork 
Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA), Public Law 104-13.

F. Steps Taken To Minimize Significant Economic Impact on Small 
Entities and Significant Alternatives Considered

    108. The RFA requires an agency to describe any significant 
alternatives that it has considered in reaching its proposed approach, 
which may include the following four alternatives (among others): ``(1) 
the establishment of differing compliance or reporting requirements or 
timetables that take into

[[Page 43631]]

account the resources available to small entities; (2) the 
clarification, consolidation, or simplification of compliance and 
reporting requirements under the rule for such small entities; (3) the 
use of performance, rather than design standards; and (4) an exemption 
from coverage of the rule, or any part thereof, for small entities.''
    109. The NPRM proposes rules to implement the REA. The proposed 
rules are designed allow small entity broadcasters to seek 
reimbursement in such a manner that is streamlined and the least 
burdensome. The Commission will consider all comments submitted in 
connection with the NPRM including any suggested alternative approaches 
to implementing the REA that would reduce the burden and costs on 
smaller entities.
    110. In addition, pursuant to the Small Business Paperwork Relief 
Act of 2002, Public Law 107-198, see 44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(4), the 
Commission will seek specific comment on how it might further reduce 
the information collection burden for small business concerns with 
fewer than 25 employees.

G. Federal Rules That May Duplicate, Overlap, or Conflict With the 
Proposed Rule

    111. None.

H. Paperwork Reduction Act

    112. The NPRM contains proposed new or modified information 
collections. The Commission, as part of its continuing effort to reduce 
paperwork burdens, invites the general public and the Office of 
Management and Budget (OMB) to comment on the information collection 
requirements proposed in the NPRM, as required by the Paperwork 
Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA), Public Law 104-13. In addition, pursuant 
to the Small Business Paperwork Relief Act of 2002 (SBPRA), Public Law 
107-198, see 44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(4), we seek specific comment on how we 
might further reduce the information collection burden for small 
business concerns with fewer than 25 employees.

I. Ex Parte Rules

    113. Permit But Disclose. The proceeding this NPRM initiates shall 
be treated as a ``permit-but-disclose'' proceeding in accordance with 
the Commission's ex parte rules. Persons making ex parte presentations 
must file a copy of any written presentation or a memorandum 
summarizing any oral presentation within two business days after the 
presentation (unless a different deadline applicable to the Sunshine 
period applies). Persons making oral ex parte presentations are 
reminded that memoranda summarizing the presentation must (1) list all 
persons attending or otherwise participating in the meeting at which 
the ex parte presentation was made, and (2) summarize all data 
presented and arguments made during the presentation. If the 
presentation consisted in whole or in part of the presentation of data 
or arguments already reflected in the presenter's written comments, 
memoranda or other filings in the proceeding, the presenter may provide 
citations to such data or arguments in his or her prior comments, 
memoranda, or other filings (specifying the relevant page and/or 
paragraph numbers where such data or arguments can be found) in lieu of 
summarizing them in the memorandum. Documents shown or given to 
Commission staff during ex parte meetings are deemed to be written ex 
parte presentations and must be filed consistent with rule 1.1206(b). 
In proceedings governed by rule 1.49(f) or for which the Commission has 
made available a method of electronic filing, written ex parte 
presentations and memoranda summarizing oral ex parte presentations, 
and all attachments thereto, must be filed through the electronic 
comment filing system available for that proceeding, and must be filed 
in their native format (e.g., .doc, .xml, .ppt, searchable.pdf). 
Participants in this proceeding should familiarize themselves with the 
Commission's ex parte rules.

J. Filing Requirements

    114. Comments and Replies. Pursuant to Sec. Sec.  1.415 and 1.419 
of the Commission's rules, 47 CFR 1.415, 1.419, interested parties may 
file comments and reply comments on or before the dates indicated on 
the first page of this document. Comments may be filed using the 
Commission's Electronic Comment Filing System (ECFS). See Electronic 
Filing of Documents in Rulemaking Proceedings, 63 FR 24121 (1998).
     Electronic Filers: Comments may be filed electronically 
using the internet by accessing the ECFS: http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/ecfs2/.
     Paper Filers: Parties who choose to file by paper must 
file an original and one copy of each filing. If more than one docket 
or rulemaking number appears in the caption of this proceeding, filers 
must submit two additional copies for each additional docket or 
rulemaking number. Filings can be sent by hand or messenger delivery, 
by commercial overnight courier, or by first-class or overnight U.S. 
Postal Service mail. All filings must be addressed to the Commission's 
Secretary, Office of the Secretary, Federal Communications Commission.
     All hand-delivered or messenger-delivered paper filings 
for the Commission's Secretary must be delivered to FCC Headquarters at 
445 12th St. SW, Room TW-A325, Washington, DC 20554. The filing hours 
are 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. All hand deliveries must be held together 
with rubber bands or fasteners. Any envelopes and boxes must be 
disposed of before entering the building.
     Commercial overnight mail (other than U.S. Postal Service 
Express Mail and Priority Mail) must be sent to 9050 Junction Drive, 
Annapolis Junction, MD 20701.
     U.S. Postal Service first-class, Express, and Priority 
mail must be addressed to 445 12th Street SW, Washington, DC 20554.
    115. People with Disabilities. To request materials in accessible 
formats for people with disabilities (braille, large print, electronic 
files, audio format), send an email to fcc504@fcc.gov or call the 
Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau at 202-418-0530 (voice), 202-
418-0432 (tty).
    116. Availability of Documents. Comments, reply comments, and ex 
parte submissions will be available for public inspection during 
regular business hours in the FCC Reference Center, Federal 
Communications Commission, 445 12th St. SW, Room CY-A257, Washington, 
DC 20554. These documents will also be available via ECFS. Documents 
will be available electronically in ASCII, Microsoft Word, and/or Adobe 

VI. Ordering Clauses

    117. Accordingly, it is ordered that, pursuant to the authority 
contained in Sections 1, 4, 303, and 336(f) of the Communications Act 
of 1934, as amended, Section 6403 of the Middle Class Tax Relief and 
Job Creation Act of 2012, and Section 511, Division E, Title V of the 
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018, Public Law 115-141 (2018), 47 
U.S.C. 151, 154, 303, 336(f), 1452, the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking 
is adopted.
    118. It is further ordered that the Commission's Consumer and 
Governmental Affairs Bureau, Reference Information Center, shall send a 
copy of this Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and Order, including the 
Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis, to the Chief Counsel for 
Advocacy of the Small Business Administration.

[[Page 43632]]

List of Subjects in 47 CFR Part 73

    Multichannel video programming distributors (MVPDs), Radio, 
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Television.

Federal Communications Commission.
Katura Jackson,
Federal Register Liaison Officer, Office of the Secretary.

Proposed Rules


1. The authority citation for part 73 continues to read as follows:

    Authority:  47 U.S.C. 154, 303, 309, 310, 334, 336 and 339.

2. Section 73.3701 is added to read as follows:

Sec.  73.3701   Reimbursement under the Reimbursement Expansion Act.

    (a) Definitions--
    (1) FM station. For purposes of this section, the term FM station 
means those stations authorized by 47 CFR 73.310.
    (2) Incentive Auction. For purposes of this section, the term 
Incentive Auction means the broadcast television spectrum incentive 
auction conducted under Section 6403 of the Spectrum Act specifying the 
new channel assignments and technical parameters of any broadcast 
television stations that are reassigned to new channels.
    (3) Licensed. For purposes of this section, the term licensed means 
a station that was licensed or that filed a license application prior 
to April 13, 2017.
    (4) Low power television station. For purposes of this section, the 
term low power television station means those stations authorized by 47 
CFR 74.701.
    (5) Predetermined cost estimate. For purposes of this section, 
predetermined cost estimate means the estimated cost of an eligible 
expense as generally determined by the Media Bureau in a catalog of 
expenses eligible for reimbursement.
    (6) Reimbursement Expansion Act or REA. For purposes of this 
section, the term Reimbursement Expansion Act or REA means Division E, 
Financial Services & General Appropriation Act, 2018, Title V 
Independent Agencies, Public Law 115-141, Section 511 (codified at 47 
U.S.C. 1452(j) through (n)) adopted as part of the Consolidated 
Appropriations Act, 2018, Public Law 115-141 (2018).
    (7) Reimbursement period. For purposes of this section, 
reimbursement period means the period ending July 3, 2023 pursuant to 
sections 510(j)(1)(A) and (B) of the REA.
    (8) Replacement translator station. For purposes of this section, 
the term replacement translator station means analog to digital 
replacement translator stations authorized pursuant to 47 CFR 
    (9) Spectrum Act. For purposes of this section, the term Spectrum 
Act means Title VI of the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act 
of 2012 (Pub. L. 112-96).
    (10) Special Displacement Window. For purposes of this section, the 
term Special Displacement Window means the displacement application 
filing window conducted April 10, 2018 to June 1, 2018 for low power 
television, TV translator, and analog-to-digital replacement translator 
stations that were displaced by the incentive auction and repacking 
    (11) Transmitting. For purposes of this section, the term 
transmitting means operating not less than 2 hours in each day of the 
week and not less than a total of 28 hours per calendar week for 9 of 
the 12 months prior to April 13, 2017.
    (12) TV Broadcaster Relocation Fund. For purposes of this section, 
the TV Broadcaster Relocation Fund means the fund established by the 
    (13) TV translator station. For purposes of this section, the term 
TV translator station means those stations authorized by 47 CFR 74.701.
    (b) Only the following entities are eligible for reimbursement of 
relocation costs reasonably incurred:
    (1) Low power television stations. Low power television stations 
that filed an application for construction permit during the Special 
Displacement Window and such application was subsequently granted. 
Station must have been licensed and transmitting for at least 9 of the 
12 months prior to April 13, 2017.
    (2) TV translator stations. TV translator stations that filed an 
application for construction permit during the Special Displacement 
Window and such application was subsequently granted. Station must have 
been licensed and transmitting for at least 9 of the 12 months prior to 
April 13, 2017.
    (3) Replacement translator stations. Replacement translator 
stations that filed an application for construction permit during the 
Special Displacement Window and such application was subsequently 
granted. Station must have been licensed and transmitting for at least 
9 of the 12 months prior to April 13, 2017.
    (4) FM station. FM stations that experienced a disruption of 
service as a result of the reorganization of broadcast television 
spectrum under 47 U.S.C. 1452(b).
    (c) Reimbursement process.
    (1) Estimated costs.
    (i) All entities that are eligible to receive reimbursement will be 
required to file an estimated cost form providing an estimate of their 
reasonably incurred costs.
    (ii) Each eligible entity that submits an estimated cost form will 
be required to certify, inter alia, that:
    (A) It is eligible for reimbursement;
    (B) It believes in good faith that it will reasonably incur all of 
the estimated costs that it claims are eligible for reimbursement on 
the estimated cost form;
    (C) It will use all money received from the TV Broadcaster 
Relocation Fund only for expenses it believes in good faith are 
eligible for reimbursement;
    (D) It will comply with all policies and procedures relating to 
allocations, draw downs, payments, obligations, and expenditures of 
money from the TV Broadcaster Relocation Fund;
    (E) It will maintain detailed records, including receipts, of all 
costs eligible for reimbursement actually incurred; and
    (F) It will file all required documentation of its relocation 
expenses as instructed by the Media Bureau.
    (iii) If an eligible entity seeks reimbursement for new equipment, 
it must provide a justification as to why it is reasonable under the 
circumstances to purchase new equipment rather than modify its 
corresponding current equipment.
    (iv) Eligible entities that submit their own cost estimates, as 
opposed to the predetermined cost estimates provided in the estimated 
cost form, must submit supporting evidence and certify that the 
estimate is made in good faith.
    (2) Final Allocation Deadline.
    (i) Upon completing construction or other reimbursable changes, or 
by a specific deadline prior to the end of the Reimbursement Period to 
be established by the Media Bureau, whichever is earlier, all eligible 
entities that received an initial allocation from the TV Broadcaster 
Relocation Fund must provide the Commission with information and 
documentation, including invoices and receipts, regarding their actual 
expenses incurred as of a date to be determined by the Media Bureau 
(the ``Final Allocation Deadline'').
    (ii) If an eligible entity has not yet completed construction or 

[[Page 43633]]

reimbursable changes by the Final Allocation Deadline, it must provide 
the Commission with information and documentation regarding any 
remaining eligible expenses that it expects to reasonably incur.
    (3) Final accounting. After completing all construction or 
reimbursable changes, eligible entities that have received money from 
the TV Broadcaster Relocation Fund will be required to submit final 
expense documentation containing a list of estimated expenses and 
actual expenses as of a date to be determined by the Media Bureau. 
Entities that have finished construction and have submitted all actual 
expense documentation by the Final Allocation Deadline will not be 
required to file at the final accounting stage.
    (4) Documentation requirements.
    (i) Each eligible entity that receives payment from the TV 
Broadcaster Relocation Fund is required to retain all relevant 
documents pertaining to construction or other reimbursable changes for 
a period ending not less than 10 years after the date on which it 
receives final payment from the TV Broadcaster Relocation Fund.
    (ii) Each eligible entity that receives payment from the TV 
Broadcaster Relocation Fund must make available all relevant 
documentation upon request from the Commission or its contractor.

[FR Doc. 2018-17844 Filed 8-24-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                       Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 166 / Monday, August 27, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                           43613

                                                hazardous substances—has been                           FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS                                overnight U.S. Postal Service mail. All
                                                considered at a number of sites since the               COMMISSION                                            filings must be addressed to the
                                                last revision of the CERCLA NRDAR                                                                             Commission’s Secretary, Office of the
                                                regulations. Some States (such as                       47 CFR Part 73                                        Secretary, Federal Communications
                                                Louisiana) have enacted specific                        [MB Docket No. 18–214, GN Docket No. 12–              Commission.
                                                statutory provisions and promulgated                    268; FCC 18–113]                                         • People with Disabilities: Contact the
                                                regulations on NRDAR banking. The                                                                             FCC to request reasonable
                                                existing CERCLA NRDAR regulations do                    LPTV, TV Translator, and FM                           accommodations (accessible format
                                                not provide any guidance on the use of                  Broadcast Station Reimbursement,                      documents, sign language interpreters,
                                                advance restoration and restoration                     Expanding the Economic and                            CART, etc.) by email: FCC504@fcc.gov
                                                banking techniques.                                     Innovation Opportunities of Spectrum                  or phone: (202) 418–0530 or TTY: (202)
                                                                                                        Through Incentive Auctions                            418–0432. For detailed instructions for
                                                National Environmental Policy Act                                                                             submitting comments and additional
                                                (NEPA) Compliance                                       AGENCY:  Federal Communications                       information on the rulemaking process,
                                                                                                        Commission.                                           see the supplementary information
                                                  The NRDAR FACA Committee Report                       ACTION: Proposed rule.
                                                encouraged DOI to adopt Department-                                                                           section of this document.
                                                wide categorical exclusions from NEPA                   SUMMARY: In this document, the                        FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kim
                                                as appropriate and to ensure that                       Commission proposes rules to                          Matthews of the FCC’s Media Bureau,
                                                compliance with NEPA requirements                       implement Congress’s recent directive                 Policy Division, Kim.Matthews@fcc.gov,
                                                occurs concurrently with NRDAR                          that we reimburse certain Low Power                   (202) 418–2154.
                                                restoration planning. DOI is interested                 Television (LPTV), television translator              SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This is a
                                                in comments or suggestions whether                      (TV translator), and FM broadcast                     summary of the Commission’s Notice of
                                                that would best be addressed in the                     stations for costs incurred as a result of            Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM), FCC 18–
                                                NRDAR regulations, NEPA regulations,                    the Commission’s broadcast television                 113, adopted August 2, 2018 and
                                                or in Departmental guidance.                            spectrum incentive auction. When                      released August 3, 2018. The full text of
                                                                                                        Congress authorized the Commission to                 this document is available for public
                                                Public Comment Procedures                               conduct the incentive auction, it                     inspection and copying during regular
                                                   DOI is not obligated to consider                     required the Commission to reimburse                  business hours in the FCC Reference
                                                comments that we receive after the close                certain costs incurred by full power and              Center, Federal Communications
                                                of the comment period for this ANPRM,                   Class A television licensees and                      Commission, 445 12th Street SW, Room
                                                or comments that are delivered to an                    multichannel video program                            CY–A257, Washington, DC 20554. The
                                                address other than those listed in this                 distributors (MVPDs). On March 23,                    complete text may be purchased from
                                                notice. After the comment period for                    2018, Congress adopted the                            the Commission’s copy contractor, 445
                                                this ANPRM closes, DOI will review all                  Reimbursement Expansion Act (REA),                    12th Street SW, Room CY–B402,
                                                comment submissions. Upon                               which, among other things, expands the                Washington, DC 20554. This document
                                                consideration, DOI may publish a notice                 list of entities eligible to be reimbursed            will also be available via ECFS at http://
                                                of proposed rulemaking.                                 for auction-related expenses to include               fjallfoss.fcc.gov/ecfs/. Documents will
                                                                                                        LPTV, TV translator, and FM broadcast                 be available electronically in ASCII,
                                                   We are particularly interested in                    stations, and to provide additional                   Microsoft Word, and/or Adobe Acrobat.
                                                receiving comments and suggestions                      funds to the Reimbursement Fund to be                 Alternative formats are available for
                                                about the topics identified in the                      used for this purpose. The REA requires               people with disabilities (Braille, large
                                                Description of Information Requested                    the Commission to complete a                          print, electronic files, audio format) by
                                                section. Written comments that are                      rulemaking to adopt a reimbursement                   sending an email to fcc504@fcc.gov or
                                                specific, explain the rationale for the                 process for LPTV, TV translator, and FM               calling the Commission’s Consumer and
                                                comment or suggestion, address the                      stations within a year from the adoption              Governmental Affairs Bureau at (202)
                                                issues outlined in this notice, and where               date of the Act. This NPRM commences                  418–0530 (voice), (202) 418–0432
                                                possible, refer to specific statutes,                   the proceeding to implement this                      (TTY).
                                                existing regulations, case law, or                      directive and enable the Commission to                   The NPRM may result in new or
                                                NRDAR practices are most useful.                        meet this statutory deadline.                         revised information collection
                                                   Before including your address, phone                 DATES: Comments may be filed on or                    requirements. If the Commission adopts
                                                number, email address or other personal                 before September 26, 2018; and reply                  any new or revised information
                                                identifying information in you                          comments may be filed on or before                    collection requirements, the
                                                comment, you should be aware that                       October 26, 2018.                                     Commission will publish a notice in the
                                                your entire comment—including your                      ADDRESSES: Interested parties may
                                                                                                                                                              Federal Register inviting the public to
                                                personal identifying information—might                  submit comments and reply comments,                   comment on such requirements, as
                                                be made publicly available at any time.                 identified by MB Docket No. 18–214                    required by the Paperwork Reduction
                                                While you may ask us in your comment                    and GN Docket No. 12–268, by any of                   Act of 1995. In addition, pursuant to the
                                                to withhold your personal identifying                   the following methods:                                Small Business Paperwork Relief Act of
                                                information from public review we                          • Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://              2002, the Commission will seek specific
                                                cannot guarantee that we will do so.                    www.regulations.gov. Follow the                       comment on how it might ‘‘further
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with PROPOSALS1

                                                                                                        instructions for submitting comments.                 reduce the information collection
                                                  Authority: 42 U.S.C. 9601, secs.
                                                104,107,111(I), 122.                                       • Federal Communications                           burden for small business concerns with
                                                                                                        Commission’s website: http://fjallfoss.               fewer than 25 employees.’’
                                                Steve Glomb,                                            fcc.gov/ecfs2/. Follow the instructions               Synopsis
                                                Director, Office of Restoration and Damage              for submitting comments.
                                                Assessment.                                                • Mail: Filings can be sent by hand or             I. Introduction
                                                [FR Doc. 2018–18498 Filed 8–24–18; 8:45 am]             messenger delivery, by commercial                        1. In the NPRM, we propose rules to
                                                BILLING CODE 4334–63–P                                  overnight courier, or by first-class or               implement Congress’s recent directive

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                                                43614                  Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 166 / Monday, August 27, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                that we reimburse certain LPTV, TV                      the facilities impacted by the repacked               NPRM. That Order is the subject of a
                                                translator, and FM broadcast stations for               television station are eligible for                   separate Federal Register summary.
                                                costs incurred as a result of the                       reimbursement under the REA. We
                                                                                                                                                              II. Background
                                                Commission’s broadcast television                       propose that this will include FM
                                                spectrum incentive auction. When                        stations that incur costs because they                A. Reimbursement Expansion Act
                                                Congress authorized the Commission to                   must permanently relocate, temporarily                   4. On March 23, 2018, Congress
                                                conduct the incentive auction as part of                or permanently modify their facilities,               adopted the REA, directing the
                                                the 2012 Spectrum Act, it required the                  or purchase or modify auxiliary                       Commission to ‘‘reimburse costs
                                                Commission to reimburse certain costs                   facilities to provide service to at least 80          reasonably incurred’’ by a TV translator
                                                incurred by full power and Class A                      percent of their primary station’s                    or LPTV station in order to ‘‘relocate’’ to
                                                television licensees that were reassigned               coverage area or population during a                  another channel or ‘‘otherwise modify’’
                                                to new channels as a result of the                      period of time when construction work                 its facility as a result of the
                                                auction, as well as certain costs incurred              is occurring on a collocated repacked                 reorganization of broadcast television
                                                by multichannel video program                           television station’s facilities.                      spectrum. In addition, the REA directs
                                                distributors (MVPDs) to continue to                        • We propose to reimburse up to 100                the Commission to ‘‘reimburse costs
                                                carry such stations. (47 U.S.C. 1452) On                percent of the costs eligible for                     reasonably incurred’’ by an FM station
                                                March 23, 2018, Congress adopted the                    reimbursement for FM stations that                    ‘‘for facilities necessary for such station
                                                Reimbursement Expansion Act (REA),                      must relocate permanently, or                         to reasonably minimize disruption of
                                                which amends Section 6403 of the                        temporarily or permanently modify                     service’’ as a result of the reorganization
                                                Spectrum Act to expand the list of                      facilities. We seek comment on a                      of broadcast television spectrum. The
                                                entities eligible to be reimbursed for                  graduated, prioritized system to                      REA also provides funding for the
                                                auction-related expenses to include                     reimburse FM stations for the cost to                 Commission to make payments for the
                                                LPTV, TV translator, and FM broadcast                   purchase or modify auxiliary equipment
                                                stations, and to provide additional                                                                           purpose of consumer education relating
                                                                                                        to avoid going silent as a result of the              to the reorganization of broadcast
                                                funds to the Reimbursement Fund to be                   repacking process.
                                                used for this purpose. (47 U.S.C. 1452(j)                                                                     television spectrum.
                                                                                                           • We propose to require LPTV/                         5. The REA appropriates a total of $1
                                                through (n)) The REA also increases the                 translator and FM stations seeking                    billion in additional funds for the
                                                funds available to reimburse full power                 reimbursement to file with the                        Reimbursement Fund, $600 million in
                                                and Class A stations and MVPDs, and                     Commission one or more forms                          fiscal year 2018 and $400 million in
                                                provides funds to the Commission for                    certifying that they meet the eligibility
                                                consumer education.                                                                                           fiscal year 2019. Of the $600 million
                                                                                                        criteria established in this proceeding               appropriated in fiscal year 2018, the Act
                                                   2. In this NPRM, we propose a
                                                                                                        for reimbursement, providing                          authorizes the Commission to use ‘‘not
                                                mechanism for reimbursing the newly
                                                                                                        information regarding their current                   more than’’ $350 million to make
                                                eligible entities that is substantially
                                                                                                        broadcasting equipment, and providing                 reimbursements to full power and Class
                                                similar to the process we currently use
                                                                                                        an estimate of their costs eligible for               A stations and MVPDs pursuant to the
                                                to reimburse full power and Class A
                                                                                                        reimbursement. We invite comment on                   Spectrum Act, ‘‘not more than’’ $150
                                                licensees and MVPDs as established in
                                                                                                        ways to streamline the submission of                  million to reimburse TV translator and
                                                the Incentive Auction R&O. See
                                                                                                        this information for these entities.                  LPTV stations, ‘‘not more than’’ $50
                                                Expanding the Economic and
                                                Innovation Opportunities of Spectrum                       • We propose that after the                        million to reimburse FM broadcast
                                                Through Incentive Auctions, Report and                  submission of information, the Media                  stations, and $50 million to make
                                                Order, 79 FR 48442 (Aug. 15, 2014)                      Bureau will provide eligible entities                 ‘‘payments solely for the purposes of
                                                (Incentive Auction R&O). Among the                      with an allocation of funds, to be                    consumer education relating to the
                                                key proposals are the following:                        available for draw down as the entities               reorganization of broadcast television
                                                   • We tentatively conclude that LPTV                  incur expenses. We propose that the                   spectrum’’ pursuant to the Spectrum
                                                and TV translator stations (collectively                Media Bureau will make an initial                     Act. We seek comment below on two
                                                referred to herein as LPTV/translator                   allocation toward eligible expenses,                  different interpretations of the statutory
                                                stations) are eligible for reimbursement                followed by subsequent allocation(s) as               provisions that relate to the availability
                                                if (1) they filed an application during                 needed, to the extent funds remain for                of the $400 million appropriated in
                                                the Commission’s Special Displacement                   LPTV/translator stations and FM                       fiscal year 2019 and, specifically, on
                                                Window and obtained a construction                      stations in the Reimbursement Fund,                   whether these funds are available to
                                                permit, and (2) were licensed and                       and we seek comment on how to                         reimburse newly eligible LPTV, TV
                                                transmitting for at least 9 of the 12                   determine the amount of these                         translator, and FM broadcast stations, in
                                                months prior to April 13, 2017, as                      allocations.                                          addition to full power, Class A, and
                                                required by the REA.                                       • We propose to use revised versions               MVPD entities.
                                                   • We also tentatively conclude that                  of the financial forms currently being                   6. The REA establishes a number of
                                                we will reimburse LPTV/translator                       used by full power, Class A, and MVPD                 conditions on the availability and use of
                                                stations for their reasonable costs to                  entities for purposes of reimbursing                  the $1 billion it appropriates to the
                                                construct the facilities authorized by the              eligible LPTV/translator and FM                       Reimbursement Fund. First, it provides
                                                grant of the station’s Special                          stations, and we propose to use the                   that these funds are available only if the
                                                Displacement Window application, but                    same procedures to provide                            Commission makes a certification ‘‘to
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with PROPOSALS1

                                                will require stations to reuse existing                 reimbursement payments to these newly                 the Secretary of the Treasury that the
                                                equipment and take other measures to                    eligible entities.                                    funds available prior to the date of
                                                mitigate costs where possible.                             • We discuss the measures we                       enactment’’ of the REA ‘‘in the TV
                                                   • With respect to FM broadcast                       propose to take to protect the                        Broadcaster Relocation Fund are likely
                                                stations, we tentatively conclude that                  Reimbursement Fund against waste,                     to be insufficient to reimburse
                                                both full power FM stations and FM                      fraud, and abuse.                                     reasonably incurred costs’’ of full power
                                                translators that were licensed and                         3. The Commission adopted a                        and Class A stations and MVPDs
                                                transmitting on April 13, 2017, using                   companion Order together with the                     pursuant to the Spectrum Act. Second,

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                                                                       Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 166 / Monday, August 27, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                          43615

                                                it provides that the funds may be used                     8. Finally, the REA requires the                   Telecommunications Bureaus released
                                                by the Commission to make payments                      Commission to complete a rulemaking                   the Closing and Channel Reassignment
                                                after April 13, 2020, only if, ‘‘before                 to implement a reimbursement process                  PN, which announced the completion of
                                                making any such payments after such                     for LPTV, TV translator, and FM                       the auction, the auction results, and the
                                                date, the Commission submits to                         stations ‘‘[n]ot later than 1 year’’ after            broadcast television channel
                                                Congress a certification that such                      the adoption of the Act, or by March 23,              reassignments. The release of the
                                                payments are necessary to reimburse’’                   2019. It also directs that the rulemaking             Closing and Channel Reassignment PN
                                                costs reasonably incurred by entities                   include ‘‘the development of lists of                 also commenced the 39-month post-
                                                eligible for reimbursement pursuant to                  reasonable eligible costs to be                       auction transition period (transition
                                                the Spectrum Act and the REA. Third,                    reimbursed by the Commission’’ and                    period) during which all reassigned
                                                the REA requires that the Commission                    ‘‘procedures for the submission and                   stations must transition to their post-
                                                use the funds it appropriates to make all               review of cost estimates and other                    auction channel assignments.
                                                reimbursements to full power and Class                  materials related to those costs                      Reassigned stations had three months,
                                                A stations, MVPDs, LPTV/translators,                    consistent with the regulations                       or until July 12, 2017, to file
                                                and FM stations by July 3, 2023, at the                 developed by the Commission’’ in                      construction permit applications for any
                                                latest. The Commission may, however,                    establishing the reimbursement process                minor changes to their facilities needed
                                                establish an earlier date by which its                  for full power, Class A, and MVPD                     to operate on their new channels.
                                                reimbursement program will end if it                    entities.                                             Following the three-month application
                                                certifies to the Secretary of the Treasury                                                                    filing deadline, stations have up to 36
                                                                                                        B. Incentive Auction and Transition
                                                that all reimbursements to full power,                                                                        months, or until July 13, 2020, to
                                                Class A, and MVPDs, as specified by the                                                                       transition to their new channels.
                                                Spectrum Act, and all reimbursements                       9. Congress authorized the                            12. To ensure an orderly, managed
                                                to LPTV/translators and FM stations, as                 Commission to conduct the incentive                   transition process, the Commission
                                                specified by the REA, have been made.                   auction to help meet the Nation’s                     established a phased construction
                                                                                                        growing spectrum needs. In the ‘‘reverse              schedule for the transition period and
                                                   7. Section 511(k)(3) of the REA states               auction’’ phase of the incentive auction,             grouped all full power and Class A
                                                that duplicative payments to ‘‘a low                    television broadcasters had the                       television stations transitioning to new
                                                power television station that has been                  opportunity to voluntarily relinquish                 channels into one of 10 transition
                                                accorded primary status as a Class A                    some or all of their broadcast television             phases. The Closing and Channel
                                                television licensee under [47 CFR                       spectrum usage rights in exchange for a               Reassignment PN announced the
                                                73.6001(a)]’’ from the Reimbursement                    share of the proceeds from a ‘‘forward                specific transition phase, phase
                                                Fund are prohibited. Specifically, such                 auction’’ of new, flexible-use licenses               completion date, and testing period
                                                licensee may not receive reimbursement                  suitable for mobile broadband use. In                 applicable to each transitioning station.
                                                under Section 511(k)(1) of the REA,                     the Incentive Auction R&O, the
                                                which provides for reimbursement of                     Commission adopted its proposal to                    C. LPTV and TV Translator Stations and
                                                eligible displaced LPTV/translator                      limit reverse auction participation to                FM Broadcasters
                                                stations, if such station has received                  licensees of commercial and                              13. LPTV and TV Translators. LPTV/
                                                reimbursement under Section                             noncommercial educational (NCE) full                  translator stations are secondary to full
                                                6403(b)(4)(A)(i) of the Spectrum Act                    power and Class A stations.                           power television stations, which may be
                                                (including the additional funding made                     10. Stations that remained on the air              authorized and operated ‘‘without
                                                available for reimbursing full power,                   after the auction were reorganized                    regard to existing or proposed low
                                                Class A, and MVPDs in Section                           during the ‘‘repacking’’ process to                   power TV or TV translator stations.’’
                                                511(j)(2)(A)(i) of the REA). Similarly,                 occupy a smaller portion of the                       LPTV/translator stations were not
                                                Section 511(k)(3)(B) specifies that if                  television spectrum, and some were                    eligible to participate in the incentive
                                                such station receives reimbursement                     assigned new channels to clear                        auction and were not eligible for
                                                under Section 511(k)(1) of the REA, it                  spectrum for use by wireless providers.               reimbursement pursuant to the
                                                may not receive reimbursement under                     The Commission specified that full                    Spectrum Act. In addition, while the
                                                Section 6403(b)(4)(A)(i) of the Spectrum                power and Class A facilities that already             Spectrum Act required the Commission
                                                Act. Section 511(k)(3)(A) also provides                 were operating pursuant to a license (or              to make ‘‘all reasonable efforts’’ to
                                                that if a low power television station                  a pending application for a license to                preserve the coverage area and
                                                that has been accorded primary status as                cover a construction permit) on                       population served of eligible full power
                                                a Class A television licensee receives                  February 22, 2012, would be protected                 and Class A television stations in the
                                                reimbursement ‘‘from any other source,                  in the repacking process, as Congress                 incentive auction repacking process, as
                                                such station may not receive                            required. The Commission also                         noted above, LPTV/translator stations
                                                reimbursement under paragraph 1’’ of                    exercised its discretion to protect                   were not protected. Accordingly, the
                                                Section 511(k), which permits                           certain, additional full power and Class              Incentive Auction R&O noted the
                                                reimbursement of costs reasonably                       A stations. The Commission declined to                potential for a significant number of
                                                incurred by eligible LPTV/translator                    protect other categories of facilities,               LPTV/translator stations to be displaced
                                                stations that filed in the Special                      including LPTV/translator stations, on                as a result of the auction or repacking
                                                Displacement Window. Section                            the basis that such facilities are                    process which would require them
                                                511(l)(1)(C) states that ‘‘[i]f an FM                   secondary in nature and protecting them               either to find a new channel from the
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with PROPOSALS1

                                                broadcast station has received a                        would have unduly restrained the                      smaller number of channels that remain
                                                payment for interim facilities from the                 agency’s flexibility in the repacking                 in the reorganized broadcast television
                                                licensee of a television broadcast station              process and undermined its ability to                 bands or to discontinue operations
                                                that was reimbursed for such payment’’                  meet the goals of the incentive auction.              altogether.
                                                under the Spectrum Act, ‘‘or from any                      11. On April 13, 2017, after the                      14. The Commission has taken a
                                                other source,’’ such FM broadcast                       conclusion of auction bidding, the                    number of steps to mitigate the impact
                                                station may not receive reimbursement                   Incentive Auction Task Force and the                  of the auction and repacking process on
                                                under the REA.                                          Media and Wireless                                    LPTV/translator stations. The Media

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                                                43616                  Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 166 / Monday, August 27, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                Bureau opened a special filing window                   stations to move from a temporary                     involuntarily reassigned to new
                                                on April 10, 2018 to offer operating                    channel to a permanent channel if the                 channels in the repacking process.
                                                LPTV/translator stations that are                       station’s displacement application for                   19. In the Incentive Auction R&O, the
                                                displaced an opportunity to select a new                the temporary channel was not granted                 Commission established the
                                                channel. That displacement window                       and the station therefore needs to move               reimbursement process that is currently
                                                closed on June 1, 2018. In total, the                   twice. In addition, T-Mobile and PBS                  in place. Following the release of the
                                                Commission received 2,159 applications                  announced in June 2017 that T-Mobile                  Closing and Channel Reassignment PN,
                                                during the window which are currently                   had committed to cover the costs for                  entities seeking reimbursement
                                                under consideration. Applicants will                    PBS translator stations to relocate their             provided information regarding their
                                                have the opportunity to resolve any                     frequencies following the incentive                   existing broadcasting equipment and
                                                mutual exclusivity through settlement                   auction.                                              their plan to accomplish the channel
                                                or engineering amendments filed prior                      16. FM Broadcasters. FM broadcasters               transition, including an estimate of their
                                                to the close of a Settlement Window to                  were not eligible to participate in the               eligible costs, by filing FCC Form 2100,
                                                be announced by the Media Bureau.                       auction, were not subject to the                      Schedule 399 (the Reimbursement
                                                Should applications remain mutually                     repacking process, and were not eligible              Form), in the Media Bureau’s Licensing
                                                exclusive after the Settlement Window,                  for reimbursement pursuant to the                     and Management System (LMS).
                                                a schedule will be set for them to be                   Spectrum Act. While FM spectrum was                   Estimated costs could be provided by
                                                resolved subject to the Commission’s                    not subject to reorganization in the                  the entity or by using predetermined
                                                competitive bidding rules.                              repacking process, FM stations may be                 cost estimates based on the Catalog of
                                                                                                        affected by the reorganization of                     Potential Expenses and Eligible Costs
                                                   15. Some LPTV/translator stations
                                                                                                        broadcast television spectrum if, for                 (Catalog of Reimbursement Expenses, or
                                                have already been displaced. Pursuant
                                                                                                        example, an FM station shares a tower                 Catalog) developed by the Media
                                                to our rules, LPTV/translator stations
                                                                                                        with a repacked TV station. Changes to                Bureau. The Catalog sets forth categories
                                                that were on channels 38 through 51
                                                                                                        the facilities of the TV station could                of expenses that are most likely to be
                                                must terminate operations if they
                                                                                                        affect the FM station if, for example, the            commonly incurred by broadcasters and
                                                receive notice of likely interference to a
                                                                                                        FM station antenna must be moved,                     MVPDs as a result of the repacking
                                                new 600 MHz Band licensee that
                                                                                                        either temporarily or permanently, to                 process, together with ranges of prices
                                                intends to commence operations or
                                                                                                        accommodate the TV station’s change or                for the potential expenses. The Media
                                                conduct first field application (FFA)                                                                         Bureau, with assistance from a
                                                testing on their licensed 600 MHz                       if an FM station needs to power down,
                                                                                                                                                              contractor with extensive experience in
                                                spectrum. The Commission has granted                    or cease operating temporarily, to
                                                                                                                                                              television broadcast engineering and
                                                a number of 600 MHz licenses, which                     permit a repacked TV broadcaster to
                                                                                                                                                              Federal funds management (Fund
                                                authorized the licensees to construct                   modify its facilities. In total, we
                                                                                                                                                              Administrator), reviews the cost
                                                facilities on their new spectrum. T-                    estimate this could include fewer than
                                                Mobile USA (T-Mobile), one of the                       500 full-service stations.                               20. The Commission’s goal is to
                                                recipients of those licenses, provided                  D. Full Power, Class A, and MVPD                      ensure that reimbursement funds are
                                                notices to certain LPTV and TV                          Reimbursement Process                                 allocated fairly and consistently across
                                                translator stations that it would                                                                             all eligible entities and, at the same
                                                commence operations or conduct FFA                         17. As we initiate the proceeding to               time, to have sufficient flexibility to
                                                testing on some of its licensed spectrum                reimburse additional entities affected by             make reasoned allocation decisions that
                                                before the opening of the Special                       the reorganization of broadcast                       maximize the funds available for
                                                Displacement Window. The                                television spectrum, we find the current              reimbursement. To this end,
                                                Commission therefore provided tools to                  eligibility criteria, process, and                    reimbursement funds are being
                                                these ‘‘early displaced’’ LPTV/translator               procedures associated with the                        allocated in tranches, with the
                                                stations to ensure that they would be                   Reimbursement Fund instructive. We                    allocation amounts calculated based in
                                                able to continue to broadcast. One of                   summarize pertinent details below.                    part on the total amount of repacking
                                                these tools was for a displaced station                    18. The Spectrum Act requires the                  expenses reported on the estimated cost
                                                to submit a displacement application                    Commission to reimburse full power                    forms as well as the amount of money
                                                prior to the opening of the Special                     and Class A broadcast television                      available in the Reimbursement Fund.
                                                Displacement Window with a request                      licensees for costs ‘‘reasonably                      On October 16, 2017, an initial
                                                for waiver of the current displacement                  incurred’’ in relocating to their new                 allocation of approximately $1 billion
                                                freeze, and file for Special Temporary                  channels assigned in the repacking                    was made, which represented
                                                Authority to temporarily operate the                    process, and to reimburse MVPDs for                   approximately 52 percent of the then-
                                                facility proposed in the displacement                   costs ‘‘reasonably incurred’’ in order to             current verified cost estimates for
                                                application. The Tools PN further                       continue to carry the signals of stations             commercial stations and MVPDs, and 62
                                                explained that applications filed with a                relocating to new channels as a result of             percent for NCE broadcasters. A further
                                                request for waiver of the displacement                  the repacking process or a winning                    allocation of approximately $742
                                                freeze would be treated as if filed on the              reverse auction bid. Congress specified               million was made on April 16, 2018,
                                                last day of the Special Displacement                    that these reimbursements be made from                providing all repacked full power and
                                                Window and processed in accordance                      the Reimbursement Fund, and that the                  Class A stations and MVPDs access to
                                                with the rules for that window.                         Commission make all reimbursements                    approximately 92.5 percent of their
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                                                Approximately 340 displacement                          within three years after completion of                then-current verified cost estimates. The
                                                applications were filed prior to the                    the forward auction (Reimbursement                    Commission will continue to monitor
                                                Special Displacement Window pursuant                    Period). In the Incentive Auction R&O,                closely the draw-down of the
                                                to the Tools PN. Independent of the                     the Commission concluded that, with                   Reimbursement Fund to determine if
                                                Tools PN, T-Mobile created a                            respect to broadcast licensees, the                   additional allocations are warranted.
                                                Supplemental Reimbursement Plan                         Spectrum Act’s reimbursement mandate                     21. The allocation is available for
                                                whereby it committed to pay the                         applies only to full power and Class A                draw down and reimbursement from the
                                                reasonable costs associated for such                    television licensees that are                         U.S. Treasury as the entities incur

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                                                                       Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 166 / Monday, August 27, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                           43617

                                                expenses eligible for reimbursement and                 2018 funds, ‘‘not more than’’ $150                    consider reimbursement of costs above
                                                submit invoices that are approved for                   million to reimburse LPTV and TV                      those aggregate amounts for FM and
                                                payment. Entities draw down against                     translator stations from fiscal year 2018             LPTV/translator stations only after full
                                                their individual allocations using the                  funds, and ‘‘not more than’’ $50 million              power and Class A expenses are fully
                                                Reimbursement Form to report incurred                   to reimburse FM broadcast stations from               satisfied? We seek comment on these
                                                expenses and upload invoices or                         fiscal year 2018 funds. It also states that           issues.
                                                receipts into LMS. To facilitate the                    funds appropriated in Section 511(j)(1)
                                                                                                                                                              B. LPTV and TV Translator Stations—
                                                disbursement of reimbursement                           shall be available to the Commission to
                                                                                                                                                              Eligibility and Expenses
                                                payments, entities were also required to                make payments ‘‘solely for the purposes
                                                submit payment instructions to the                      of consumer education relating to the                    26. As discussed above, the REA
                                                Commission by (i) submitting a signed                   reorganization of broadcast television                authorized the Commission to
                                                and notarized FCC Form 1876, along                      spectrum,’’ including $50 million from                reimburse ‘‘costs reasonably incurred by
                                                with a bank account verification letter                 the funds available for fiscal year 2018.             a television translator or low power
                                                or redacted bank statement that                         While Section 511(j)(2)(A) clearly                    television station on or after January 1,
                                                confirms ownership of the bank                          delineates the availability of funds for              2017, in order for such station to
                                                account, for each Facility ID/File                      fiscal year 2018, it does not do so with              relocate its television service from one
                                                Number receiving a reimbursement                        respect to fiscal year 2019 funding.                  channel to another channel or otherwise
                                                payment; and (ii) entering bank account                    24. We therefore seek comment on                   modify its facility as a result of the
                                                information for the reimbursement                       whether the $400 million appropriated                 reorganization of broadcast television
                                                payment recipient in the CORES                          to the Reimbursement Fund for fiscal                  spectrum’’ under Section 6403(b) of the
                                                Incentive Auction Financial Module.                     year 2019 is only available to reimburse              Spectrum Act. In this section, we seek
                                                  22. Prior to the end of the three-year                eligible full power and Class A stations              comment on issues related to eligibility
                                                Reimbursement Period, entities must                     and MVPDs for costs reasonably                        and expenses under the REA provisions
                                                provide information regarding their                     incurred in the repacking process or                  for reimbursement of displaced LPTV
                                                actual and remaining estimated costs                    whether the REA also permits this                     and TV translator stations.
                                                and will be issued a final allocation, if               money to be used to reimburse LPTV,                   1. Stations Eligible for Reimbursement
                                                appropriate, to cover the remainder of                  TV translators, and FM broadcast
                                                                                                        stations, as well as to fund the                      a. LPTV/Translator Stations
                                                their eligible costs. If any allocated
                                                funds remain in excess of the entity’s                  Commission’s consumer education                          27. The REA provides that costs
                                                actual costs determined to be eligible for              efforts.                                              reasonably incurred by certain
                                                reimbursement, those funds will revert                     25. If the Commission were to                      ‘‘television translator station[s] or low
                                                back to the Reimbursement Fund. In                      interpret the statute to find that it is              power television station[s]’’ to relocate
                                                addition, if an overpayment is                          authorized to reimburse eligible LPTV,                channels or modify facilities as a result
                                                discovered, even after the end of the                   TV translator, and FM broadcast stations              of the reorganization of broadcast
                                                Reimbursement Period, entities will be                  and to fund consumer education efforts                television spectrum are eligible for
                                                required to return the excess to the                    from the fiscal year 2019 funds, in                   reimbursement. The REA specifies that
                                                Commission.                                             addition to reimbursing full power,                   these two types of stations are to be
                                                                                                        Class A, and MVPD entities, we seek                   defined pursuant to the definition
                                                III. Notice of Proposed Rulemaking                      comment on whether and how the                        included in 47 CFR 74.701. We interpret
                                                A. Amounts Available for                                Commission should prioritize this                     this provision to mean that LPTV and
                                                Reimbursement                                           funding. While we have received                       TV translator stations, as defined by
                                                                                                        estimates of the costs that full power                § 74.701 of our rules, may be eligible for
                                                   23. As an initial matter, we seek                    and Class A stations anticipate as a                  reimbursement under the
                                                comment on how to interpret the statute                 result of their channel reassignments,                Reimbursement Fund if they meet the
                                                with respect to amounts available to                    we have no estimates to date of the costs             additional eligibility criteria discussed
                                                reimburse eligible entities pursuant to                 that will be incurred by LPTV, TV                     below, and we seek comment on this
                                                the REA using funds appropriated for                    translator, and FM stations. Moreover,                interpretation.
                                                fiscal year 2019. Section 511(j)(1) of the              as we have indicated, we anticipate that
                                                REA appropriates funds ‘‘to the TV                      the estimates for full power and Class A              (i) Special Displacement Window
                                                Broadcaster Relocation Fund                             stations will increase as their                       Eligibility Criteria
                                                established by [47 U.S.C. 1452(d)]’’—                   construction process continues. It is                    28. The REA provides that ‘‘[o]nly
                                                specifically, $600 million for fiscal year              therefore possible that there will be                 stations that are eligible to file and do
                                                2018 and $400 million for fiscal year                   significant demand on the                             file an application in the Commission’s
                                                2019. Section 511(j)(2) of the REA                      Reimbursement Fund from all categories                Special Displacement Window are
                                                discusses the ‘‘availability of funds’’ and             of eligible entities such that the total              eligible to seek reimbursement.’’ The
                                                provides that, if the Commission makes                  amount available may not be sufficient                Media Bureau has provided that, to be
                                                the required certification, ‘‘amounts                   to cover all their eligible expenses. If so,          eligible to file in the Special
                                                made available to the TV Broadcaster                    should the Commission prioritize the                  Displacement Window, a station had to
                                                Relocation Fund by [Section 511(j)(1)]                  payments to full power and Class A                    be an LPTV/translator station that was
                                                shall be available to the Commission to                 stations over those of FM stations and                ‘‘operating’’ on April 13, 2017—the date
                                                make’’ certain specified payments. In                   LPTV/translator stations? We also seek                of the release of the Closing and
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                                                particular, Section 511(j)(2)(A) states                 comment on whether the Commission                     Channel Reassignment PN.
                                                that funds appropriated in Section                      should prioritize the payment of full                 Furthermore, for this purpose, a station
                                                511(j)(1) shall be available to the                     power and Class A stations over any                   is ‘‘operating’’ if it had licensed its
                                                Commission to make payments required                    aggregate costs exceeding the limits                  authorized construction permit facilities
                                                by the Spectrum Act and the REA,                        described in Section 511(j)(2) of $50                 or had an application for a license to
                                                including ‘‘not more than’’ $350 million                million for FM stations and $150                      cover on file with the Commission on
                                                to reimburse full power and Class A                     million for LPTV/translator stations. In              that date. The station must also be
                                                stations and MVPDs from fiscal year                     other words, should the Commission                    ‘‘displaced . . . as a result of the

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                                                43618                  Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 166 / Monday, August 27, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                broadcast television spectrum incentive                 would meet the threshold eligibility                  the Reimbursement Fund, it is necessary
                                                auction.’’ Therefore, we tentatively                    criteria under the REA because such                   to give reasonable meaning to the
                                                conclude that, to be eligible for                       stations were ‘‘eligible to file and [did]            eligibility criteria set forth in the REA.
                                                reimbursement, a station must be an                     file an application’’ in the Special                  By defining ‘‘transmitting’’ in the same
                                                LPTV/translator station that was eligible               Displacement Window. In addition,                     way as we do for full power stations, we
                                                to file and did file an application during              such stations are affected by the                     intend to prioritize reimbursement for
                                                the Special Displacement Window. As                     reorganization of broadcast television                LPTV/translator stations that provided
                                                noted above, the Commission received                    spectrum in the same way as other                     more robust service to the public over
                                                2,159 applications during the window                    displaced LPTV/translator stations. We                those that were on the air for only a
                                                which, subject to the other eligibility                 seek comment on whether and how                       brief period each day. Because a
                                                requirements, represents the largest                    such stations could be included in the                translator station is required to
                                                possible universe of LPTV/translator                    reimbursement process considering that                retransmit the signal of a television
                                                stations that could be eligible for                     they will not be able to meet the same                station, we would expect that most, if
                                                reimbursement.                                          filing deadlines applicable to other                  not all, translators would meet this
                                                   29. While the threshold eligibility                  eligible LPTV/translator stations that                requirement. We believe that this
                                                criteria set forth in the REA require only              have applications granted in the Special              requirement reflects the legislative
                                                that a station was ‘‘eligible to file and               Displacement Window and, depending                    mandate that only ‘‘transmitting’’
                                                [did] file an application’’ in the Special              on the demand on the Reimbursement                    stations be eligible to receive
                                                Displacement Window, we tentatively                     Fund, this difference could result in a               reimbursement. We seek comment on
                                                conclude that, to be eligible for                       lack of reimbursement resources. Would                this proposal.
                                                reimbursement, a station’s displacement                 allowing such stations to be eligible for                33. We propose that stations be
                                                application filed during the Special                    reimbursement be appropriate given the                required to certify compliance with the
                                                Displacement Window (or prior to the                    finite resources of the Reimbursement                 minimum operating requirement we
                                                window with grant of a waiver, or                       Fund? Should such stations be eligible                adopt as part of the reimbursement
                                                subsequently amended prior to the close                 for reimbursement only to the extent                  process. LPTV/translator stations may
                                                of the Settlement Window) must be                       funds remain available for LPTV/                      be required to provide evidence to
                                                granted. Although this requirement is                   translator stations in the Reimbursement              support this certification, such as
                                                not mandated by the REA, we believe                     Fund?                                                 documentation of the programming
                                                that this additional criterion is essential                                                                   aired by the station during the period of
                                                to ensure the integrity of the                          (ii) ‘‘Licensed and Transmitting’’                    time in question, electric power bills, or
                                                reimbursement program and is                            Eligibility Criteria                                  other evidence showing that the station
                                                consistent with Section 511(k)(1), which                   31. The REA provides that only                     was transmitting during this time
                                                requires reimbursement of only costs                    stations that were ‘‘licensed and                     period. The Commission previously
                                                reasonably incurred to ‘‘relocate . . .                 transmitting for at least 9 of the 12                 determined that, with respect to the
                                                television service from one channel to                  months prior to April 13, 2017,’’ are                 incentive auction reimbursement
                                                another channel . . . or otherwise                      eligible to receive reimbursement under               program, ‘‘audits, data validations, and
                                                modify [a] facility.’’ We believe that                  the REA. The statute also specifies that              site visits are essential tools in
                                                eligibility must be limited to stations                 ‘‘the operation of analog and digital                 preventing waste, fraud, and abuse, and
                                                with valid displacement construction                    companion facilities may be combined’’                that use of these measures will
                                                permits obtained through the procedural                 for purposes of the ‘‘licensed and                    maximize the amount of money
                                                mechanisms associated with the Special                  transmitting’’ requirement. We propose                available for reimbursement.’’ With
                                                Displacement Window that will permit                    that, consistent with the eligibility                 respect to reimbursing low-power
                                                them to construct the displacement                      requirement for participation in the                  broadcast stations, we contemplate that
                                                facilities for which they receive                       Special Displacement Window, stations                 a third party firm on behalf of, or in
                                                reimbursement. Otherwise, providing                     that were licensed or that filed a license            conjunction with, the Media Bureau
                                                reimbursement to eligible stations                      to cover application prior to April 13,               may conduct audits, data validations,
                                                whose applications are not granted will                 2017, be considered ‘‘licensed’’ for                  site visits or other verifications to
                                                result in reimbursement for expenses                    purposes of REA reimbursement                         substantiate the supporting evidence
                                                related to facilities that will not be                  eligibility.                                          and representations of entities that
                                                constructed to ‘‘relocate . . . television                 32. Because neither Commission rules               certify that they meet the eligibility
                                                service from one channel to another                     nor the REA specifies a definition of                 criteria adopted in this proceeding to
                                                channel . . . or otherwise modify [a]                   ‘‘transmitting,’’ we propose a definition             the extent necessary. We propose to
                                                facility.’’ We seek comment on this                     that relies on the Commission’s                       direct such entities to make available
                                                tentative conclusion.                                   minimum operating schedule rule for                   any relevant documentation upon
                                                   30. An LPTV/translator station that                  commercial full power television                      request from the Commission or its
                                                filed in the Special Displacement                       broadcast stations. That rule provides                contractor. We emphasize that a false
                                                Window whose application is dismissed                   that commercial full power television                 certification may result in
                                                may subsequently file a displacement                    stations must ‘‘operate’’ not less than 2             disqualification and other sanctions
                                                application when the Media Bureau lifts                 hours in each day of the week and not                 provided for in the Communications Act
                                                the freeze on the filing of such                        less than a total of 28 hours per calendar            and the Commission’s rules. We seek
                                                applications. We tentatively conclude                   week. Therefore, we propose that, in                  comment on these proposals.
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                                                that such stations will be eligible for                 order to be considered ‘‘transmitting,’’
                                                reimbursement under the REA if their                    stations seeking reimbursement under                  b. Other Eligible Stations
                                                later-filed displacement application is                 the REA must have been operating not                     34. Early Displaced Stations. We
                                                subsequently granted. Although they                     less than 2 hours in each day of the                  propose that LPTV and TV translator
                                                would receive their construction permit                 week and not less than a total of 28                  stations that were displaced early, were
                                                through a displacement application that                 hours per calendar week for 9 of the 12               eligible to file in the Special
                                                was not filed during the Special                        months prior to April 13, 2017. We                    Displacement Window, and filed a
                                                Displacement Window, these stations                     believe that, given the finite nature of              displacement application prior to the

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                                                                       Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 166 / Monday, August 27, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                           43619

                                                Special Displacement Window will be                     other TV translator stations, we                      television station on or after January 1,
                                                eligible for reimbursement under the                    tentatively conclude that new DTDRTs                  2017, in order for such station to
                                                REA. As described above, some LPTV/                     are not eligible for reimbursement under              relocate its television service from one
                                                translator stations were displaced prior                the REA because they would not have                   channel to another channel or otherwise
                                                to the Special Displacement Window as                   been ‘‘licensed and transmitting’’ for 9              modify its facility as a result of the
                                                a result of T-Mobile’s decision to                      of the past 12 months prior to April 13,              reorganization of broadcast television
                                                commence wireless operations in the                     2017, as required by the statute. In                  spectrum’’ under the Spectrum Act. As
                                                600 MHz band. As noted above,                           addition, even if they were otherwise                 discussed above, on April 13, 2017, we
                                                approximately 340 such stations filed a                 eligible under the statutory criteria,                released the Closing and Channel
                                                request for waiver of the displacement                  DTDRTs are newly established facilities               Reassignment PN, which announced the
                                                freeze and a request for an STA, and the                and thus are not ‘‘relocat[ing] . . . from            completion of the auction, the auction
                                                Media Bureau has treated these filings                  one channel to another channel’’ or                   results, the broadcast television channel
                                                as if filed on the last day of the Special              ‘‘modify[ing]’’ their facilities as required          reassignments made through repacking,
                                                Displacement Window. Such                               by the statute. We seek comment on this               and the 600 MHz Band plan reflecting
                                                applications will be processed in                       tentative conclusion.                                 the reallocations of broadcast television
                                                accordance with the rules for that                         37. Class A Television Licensees. As               spectrum for flexible use and the
                                                window. Because these stations meet                     noted above, Section 511(k)(3) of the                 frequencies that will serve as part of the
                                                the definition of LPTV/translator                       REA prohibits duplicative payments                    600 MHz Band guard bands. We
                                                stations eligible for reimbursement                     from the Reimbursement Fund to ‘‘a low                interpret the REA to provide for
                                                under the REA, and their displacement                   power television station that has been                reimbursement of reasonably incurred
                                                applications were considered as filed                   accorded primary status as a Class A                  relocation costs for LPTV/translator
                                                during the Special Displacement                         television licensee under [47 CFR                     stations that were displaced ‘‘as a result
                                                Window, we propose that these stations                  73.6001(a)].’’ Specifically, Section                  of the reorganization of broadcast
                                                will be eligible for reimbursement if                   511(k)(3)(A) provides that such licensee              television spectrum’’ under the
                                                they meet all of the other eligibility                  may not receive reimbursement under                   Spectrum Act, which includes
                                                requirements. We seek comment on this                   Section 511(k)(1) of the REA if such                  displacement resulting from full power
                                                proposal.                                               station has received reimbursement                    and Class A channel reassignments
                                                   35. Replacement Translators. In the                  under Section 6403(b)(4)(A)(i) of the                 made in the Closing and Channel
                                                Incentive Auction R&O, the Commission                   Spectrum Act (including the additional                Reassignment PN and from the
                                                concluded that digital low power TV                     funding made available for reimbursing                reallocation of broadcast television
                                                translator stations authorized pursuant                 full power, Class A, and MVPDs in                     spectrum for flexible use by a 600 MHz
                                                to § 74.787(a)(5) of the Commission’s                   Section 511(j)(2)(A)(i) of the REA). We               Band wireless licensee or for use as 600
                                                rules (analog-to-digital replacement                    interpret this language to underscore                 MHz Band guard bands.
                                                translators, or DRTs) that were                         that Class A stations reimbursed from
                                                displaced by the incentive auction and                                                                           39. While the Commission’s
                                                                                                        funds for Class A stations under the                  reorganization of television spectrum
                                                repacking process are eligible to file                  Spectrum Act or the REA are not
                                                displacement applications during the                                                                          under Section 1452(b) of the Spectrum
                                                                                                        eligible for reimbursement from funds                 Act was completed with the issuance of
                                                Special Displacement Window. Because                    dedicated to LPTV/translator
                                                DRTs are potentially displaced as a                                                                           the Closing and Channel Reassignment
                                                                                                        reimbursement under the REA. Such                     PN, the Commission also afforded
                                                result of the reorganization of broadcast               Class A stations were not eligible to file
                                                television spectrum, were eligible to file                                                                    reassigned stations the opportunity to
                                                                                                        an application during the Special                     file applications for alternate channels
                                                in the Special Displacement Window,                     Displacement Window and thus do not
                                                and are considered ‘‘TV translators’’ and                                                                     or expanded facilities during two filing
                                                                                                        qualify for reimbursement for LPTV/                   windows that ended on September 15
                                                licensed under the same Part 74 rules as                translator stations under the REA.
                                                other TV translator stations, we propose                                                                      and November 2, 2017. We anticipate
                                                                                                        Similarly, Section 511(k)(3)(B) specifies             that some LPTV/translator stations that
                                                that displaced DRTs also are eligible for
                                                                                                        that a low power television station that              filed applications during the Special
                                                reimbursement pursuant to the REA, as
                                                                                                        has been accorded primary status as a                 Displacement Window may have been
                                                long as they meet the other eligibility
                                                                                                        Class A television licensee that receives             displaced by grant of an application
                                                requirements. We seek comment on this
                                                                                                        reimbursement under Section 511(k)(1)                 filed during one of the alternate
                                                   36. In the LPTV DTV Third R&O, the                   of the REA may not receive                            channel/expanded facilities filing
                                                Commission established a new digital-                   reimbursement under Section                           windows, rather than the channel
                                                to-digital replacement translator                       6403(b)(4)(A)(i) of the Spectrum Act. We              reassignments specified in the Closing
                                                (DTDRT) service to allow eligible full                  interpret this language to underscore                 and Channel Reassignment PN. While
                                                power television stations to recover lost               that such stations that filed in the                  applications filed during the two filing
                                                digital service area that could result                  Special Displacement Window are not                   windows by reassigned full power and
                                                from the repacking process. The                         eligible for reimbursement under                      Class A stations to modify their
                                                Commission concluded that full power                    Section 6403(b)(4)(A)(i) because they are             repacked facilities were not required
                                                stations may begin to file for DTDRTs                   not full power or Class A stations                    under Section 1452(b) of the Spectrum
                                                beginning with the opening of the                       involuntarily reassigned to a new                     Act, they may have resulted in
                                                Special Displacement Window on April                    channel in the repacking process. We                  displacement of LPTV/translator
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with PROPOSALS1

                                                10, 2018, and ending one year after                     seek comment on our interpretations.                  stations making those stations eligible to
                                                completion of the incentive auction                     2. Expenses Eligible for Reimbursement                file applications in the Special
                                                transition period. Although they were                                                                         Displacement Window. Accordingly, we
                                                eligible to file in the Special                         a. Costs Reasonably Incurred                          seek comment on whether the REA’s
                                                Displacement Window, and DTDRTs are                        38. The REA provides that the                      requirement that we reimburse costs
                                                similar to DRTs in that they are                        Commission shall ‘‘reimburse costs                    reasonably incurred ‘‘as a result of the
                                                considered ‘‘TV translators’’ and                       reasonably incurred by a television                   reorganization of broadcast television
                                                licensed under the same Part 74 rules as                translator station or low power                       spectrum’’ extends to include costs

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                                                43620                  Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 166 / Monday, August 27, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                incurred by LPTV/translator stations                    ‘‘reasonably incurred,’’ consistent with              estimated cost form as to why it is
                                                that were displaced solely due to                       other reimbursement procedures and                    reasonable under the circumstances to
                                                modifications made by full power and                    processes we propose herein (such as                  purchase new equipment rather than
                                                Class A facilities as a result of receiving             requiring broadcasters to reuse                       modify their . . . current equipment.
                                                authorizations through these two filing                 equipment and take other steps to                     . . .’’ We propose to adopt a similar
                                                windows.                                                mitigate costs where possible). We                    requirement that displaced LPTV/
                                                   40. We tentatively conclude that the                 propose to permit LPTV/translators to                 translator stations reuse their own
                                                equipment and other costs necessary for                 be reimbursed for both ‘‘hard’’ expenses,             equipment to the extent possible, and
                                                an eligible LPTV/translator station to                  such as new equipment and tower                       that displaced LPTV/translator stations
                                                construct the facilities authorized by                  rigging, and ‘‘soft’’ expenses, such as               seeking reimbursement provide a
                                                grant of the station’s Special                          legal and engineering services, but, as               justification why it is reasonable to
                                                Displacement Window application shall                   discussed below, propose to direct the                purchase new equipment rather than
                                                be considered costs ‘‘reasonably                        Media Bureau to prioritize, if necessary,             reuse existing equipment. We seek
                                                incurred,’’ and seek comment on this                    the payment of certain hard costs                     comment on these proposals.
                                                tentative conclusion. This approach is                  necessary to operate the stations over
                                                similar to the reimbursement program                                                                          c. Interim Facilities
                                                                                                        soft costs to assure that such costs are
                                                used for full power and Class A stations                recoverable to the extent possible under                 44. We propose to exclude ‘‘interim
                                                with the following distinction. In                      a limited fund. We seek comment on                    facilities’’ from the type of expenses
                                                implementing the Spectrum Act’s                         these tentative conclusions and on any                eligible for reimbursement under the
                                                reimbursement provisions for full power                 alternative reimbursement approaches                  REA. In the Incentive Auction R&O, the
                                                and Class A stations reassigned to new                  for eligible LPTV/translator stations. For            Commission concluded that stations
                                                channels, the Commission concluded                      example, should we permit as costs                    that are assigned a new channel in the
                                                that the Act required that it reimburse                 ‘‘reasonably incurred’’ those costs                   incentive auction repacking process
                                                costs ‘‘that are reasonable to provide                  necessary to provide replacement                      may need to use interim facilities to
                                                facilities comparable to those that a                   facilities of comparable coverage? When               avoid prolonged periods off the air
                                                broadcaster . . . had prior to the auction              reimbursing low-power broadcasters for                during the transition, and, thus, the
                                                that are reasonably replaced or modified                equipment, to what extent could the                   Commission decided to reimburse full
                                                following the auction, as a result of the               Commission reimburse the costs for full               power and Class A stations for such
                                                repacking process, in order to allow the                service mask filters that could promote               facilities under the Spectrum Act
                                                broadcaster to operate on a new channel                 spectrum efficiency, even if the station              reimbursement provisions. Because of
                                                . . . .’’ This included reimbursement                   technically could operate at its new                  their lower operating power and the fact
                                                ‘‘for modification or replacement of                    location with a stringent or simple                   that the engineering work that is
                                                facilities on the post-auction channel                  mask? Should such equipment be                        involved in changing channels is more
                                                consistent with the technical parameters                considered a ‘‘reasonably incurred’’                  limited than for full power television
                                                identified in the Channel Reassignment                  expense that is related to the repack                 stations, we believe it is unlikely that
                                                PN.’’ The Spectrum Act required that                    because it would promote greater use of               LPTV/translator stations will construct
                                                the Commission make ‘‘all reasonable                    the television band or should it be                   interim facilities as part of the
                                                efforts’’ in the repacking process to                   considered an upgrade that is not                     displacement process. Furthermore,
                                                preserve coverage area and population                   eligible for reimbursement?                           LPTV/translators are actually displaced
                                                served of full power and Class A                           42. The REA limits reimbursement for               at a time determined either by the
                                                stations. Thus, the post-auction channel                LPTV/translators to ‘‘costs . . . incurred            receipt of a notice from a wireless
                                                reassignments specified in the Closing                  . . . on or after January 1, 2017.’’ We               carrier that the wireless carrier intends
                                                and Channel Reassignment PN were                        propose to interpret this provision to                to commence operations in the new 600
                                                made at stations’ existing locations and                require that an LPTV/translator station               MHz wireless band or the phase
                                                largely replicated stations’ pre-auction                have either expended funds or ordered                 completion date for a full power or
                                                facilities.                                             equipment or services for a cost                      Class A station pursuant to the
                                                   41. We do not believe that a similar                 otherwise eligible for reimbursement on               transition schedule. Because LPTV/
                                                ‘‘comparable’’ facilities reimbursement                 or after that date in order to be eligible            translators will have less time to
                                                standard can, as a technical matter, be                 for reimbursement pursuant to the REA.                construct interim facilities as a practical
                                                applied to displaced LPTV/translator                    We invite comment on this proposal.                   matter due to the timing of their actual
                                                stations. Displaced LPTV/translator                                                                           displacement, interim facilities are
                                                stations, unlike full power and Class A                 b. Equipment Upgrades and Reuse of
                                                                                                                                                              unlikely to be utilized by such stations.
                                                stations, may need to move their                        Existing Equipment
                                                                                                                                                              We believe this proposal will also
                                                transmitter and antenna locations in                       43. In implementing the Spectrum                   maximize the limited reimbursement
                                                addition to changing channels. In order                 Act’s reimbursement provisions, the                   funds available for all eligible LPTV/
                                                to continue to provide service to                       Commission concluded that it would                    translator stations and seek comment on
                                                viewers from the new site, stations may                 not reimburse stations for new, optional              this analysis.
                                                need to increase their effective radiated               features in equipment that are not
                                                power and height, which may require                     already present in the equipment being                d. Lost Revenues
                                                the purchase of transmitters,                           replaced, and we propose to apply this                   45. The REA, like the 2012 Spectrum
                                                transmission lines, and other equipment                 same approach to eligible LPTV/                       Act, prohibits reimbursement of LPTV/
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                                                that is not ‘‘comparable’’ to their                     translator stations. In addition, the                 translator stations for ‘‘lost revenues.’’
                                                existing equipment. Therefore, we                       Commission required full power and                    In the Incentive Auction R&O, the
                                                tentatively conclude that the equipment                 Class A stations seeking reimbursement                Commission defined ‘‘lost revenues’’ to
                                                and other costs necessary for an eligible               to reuse their own equipment to the                   include ‘‘revenues that a station . . .
                                                LPTV/translator station to construct the                extent possible, rather than acquiring                loses as a direct or ancillary result of the
                                                facilities authorized by grant of the                   new equipment to be paid for from the                 reverse auction or the repacking
                                                station’s Special Displacement Window                   Reimbursement Fund, and to ‘‘provide a                process.’’ We propose to adopt a similar
                                                application shall be considered                         justification when submitting their                   definition of ‘‘lost revenues’’ for

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                                                                       Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 166 / Monday, August 27, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                            43621

                                                purposes of reimbursing LPTV/                           sources of funding other than the                     stations should be required to indicate
                                                translator stations: ‘‘revenues that a                  Reimbursement Fund should receive                     on their reimbursement submissions
                                                station loses as a direct or ancillary                  reimbursement for those expenses from                 whether they have received or expect to
                                                result of the reorganization of broadcast               the Reimbursement Fund. As an initial                 receive reimbursement from another
                                                television spectrum, including the                      matter, we note that Section                          source as part of the reimbursement
                                                repacking process and the reallocation                  511(k)(3)(A) specifies that Class A                   process. If so, should they provide
                                                of UHF spectrum in conjunction with                     stations that receive reimbursement                   documentation of the amount that they
                                                the incentive auction.’’ Under this                     from ‘‘any other source’’ may not                     have received or expect to receive and
                                                definition and consistent with the                      receive reimbursement under the REA.                  the associated eligible expenses covered
                                                Commission’s approach in connection                     While the REA does not set forth the                  by that alternate reimbursement? We
                                                with reimbursing full power and Class                   same requirement for LPTV stations                    seek comment on whether stations that
                                                A stations, we would not reimburse a                    generally, we seek comment on whether                 are eligible to receive reimbursement
                                                station’s loss of advertising revenues                  a similar prohibition should extend to                from other sources for certain expenses
                                                while it is off the air during its                      LPTV stations because a cost that is                  (e.g., insurance) should be required to
                                                displacement, or for refunds a station is               reimbursed by another source of                       pursue those alternative sources before
                                                required to make for payments for                       funding is not a ‘‘cost . . . incurred’’ by           requesting reimbursement for those
                                                airtime as a result of being off the air in             the station under Section 511(k)(1). For              expenses pursuant to the REA, and on
                                                order to implement a channel change.                    example, we seek comment on whether                   the type of documentation such stations
                                                We seek comment on our proposal and                     displaced LPTV/translator stations that               should be required to provide.
                                                on whether there are other additional                   have received reimbursement from T-
                                                categories of costs that LPTV/translator                Mobile for a particular expense should                C. FM Broadcast Stations—Eligibility
                                                stations may incur that would constitute                receive reimbursement for that expense                and Expenses
                                                ‘‘lost revenues’’ not eligible for                      pursuant to Section 511(k)(1). As                        50. As mentioned above, in the REA,
                                                reimbursement under the REA.                            mentioned above, T-Mobile, which                      Congress allocated funds for the
                                                                                                        holds a number of 600 MHz licenses,                   purpose of reimbursing costs
                                                e. Costs To Resolve Mutually Exclusive
                                                                                                        began deploying its spectrum in 2017,                 ‘‘reasonably incurred by an FM
                                                                                                        thereby displacing a number of LPTV/                  broadcast station for facilities necessary
                                                   46. The REA provides that ‘‘[t]he                    translator stations before the Special                for such station to reasonably minimize
                                                Commission may not make                                 Displacement Window opened on April                   disruption of service as a result of the
                                                reimbursement . . . for costs incurred to               10, 2018. With respect to these                       reorganization of broadcast television
                                                resolve mutually exclusive applications,                displaced stations that began operating               spectrum.’’ In this section, we seek
                                                including costs incurred in any auction                 a displacement facility pursuant to an                comment on issues related to eligibility
                                                of available channels.’’ Applications                   STA, T-Mobile has established a                       and expenses under the REA provisions
                                                filed during the Special Displacement                   Supplemental Reimbursement Program,                   for reimbursement of FM stations.
                                                Window that remain mutually exclusive                   to be administered by T-Mobile.
                                                will be resolved through competitive                    According to T-Mobile, it will reimburse              1. Stations Eligible for Reimbursement
                                                bidding. We interpret the prohibition                   eligible licensees ‘‘for the costs that they          a. FM Broadcast Stations and FM
                                                against reimbursing for ‘‘costs incurred                reasonably incur to comply with the                   Translator Stations
                                                in any auction’’ to mean that the                       permanent channel assignments that
                                                Commission may not reimburse LPTV/                      they may receive under the Special                       51. Congress defined ‘‘FM broadcast
                                                translator station auction bidders under                Displacement Window to the extent                     stations’’ in the REA by referencing
                                                the REA for the costs related to filing an              those channel assignments differ from                 §§ 73.310 and 74.1201 of the
                                                auction application associated with a                   the channel assignment these licensees                Commission’s rules. Section 73.310
                                                competitive bidding process,                            may build following displacement from                 defines an FM broadcast station as ‘‘[a]
                                                participating in such an auction, and                   the 600 MHz band due to T-Mobile’s                    station employing frequency
                                                winning bid payments. We seek                           rapid broadband deployment.’’                         modulation in the FM broadcast band
                                                comment on this interpretation. We also                 Similarly, T-Mobile has reportedly                    and licensed primarily for the
                                                tentatively conclude that costs                         awarded a grant to PBS to ‘‘provide                   transmission of radiotelephone
                                                associated with the Settlement Window                   funding to enable public television                   emissions intended to be received by
                                                to resolve mutual exclusivity will not be               translators . . . to move to new                      the general public.’’ Additionally,
                                                reimbursed under the REA. Thus, we                      displacement channels regardless of the               § 74.1201 defines an FM translator as
                                                propose not to reimburse stations for                   reason for displacement.’’ We seek                    ‘‘[a] station in the broadcasting service
                                                costs in resolving mutual exclusivity,                  comment on how to address the                         operated for the purpose of
                                                including engineering studies and                       interplay between the expanded                        retransmitting the signals of an AM or
                                                preparing application amendments, or                    Reimbursement Fund and such pre-REA                   FM radio broadcast station or another
                                                the payment of other stations’ expenses                 funding for LPTV relocation.                          FM broadcast translator station without
                                                as part of a settlement. However, we                       48. We also seek comment on whether                significantly altering any characteristics
                                                propose to reimburse for costs                          a displaced LPTV/translator station that              of the incoming signal other than its
                                                reasonably incurred in constructing the                 has received a state governmental grant               frequency and amplitude, in order to
                                                facilities resulting from settlement and                to construct its displacement facility                provide radio broadcast service to the
                                                coordination between mutually                           should be eligible for reimbursement                  general public.’’ Given these references,
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                                                exclusive applicants. We seek comment                   under the REA. Similarly, we seek                     we tentatively conclude that ‘‘FM
                                                on these proposals.                                     comment on whether the licensee of a                  broadcast station’’ as used in the REA
                                                                                                        displaced station that has solicited and              includes full-service FM stations and
                                                f. Stations With Other Sources of                       received donations to construct its                   FM translator stations. We seek
                                                Funding                                                 displacement facility should be eligible              comment on this tentative conclusion.
                                                   47. We seek comment on whether                       for reimbursement from the REA.                       Further, although low-power FM
                                                stations that receive or have received                     49. Finally, we seek comment on                    (LPFM) stations were not specifically
                                                reimbursement of certain expenses from                  whether displaced LPTV/translator                     referenced in the REA, we note that

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                                                43622                  Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 166 / Monday, August 27, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                such stations meet the criteria for ‘‘FM                experience a service disruption ‘‘as a                that are collocated with, or adjacent, or
                                                broadcast station’’ set forth in § 73.310               result of the reorganization of broadcast             in close proximity to, a repacked
                                                of the rules and they are licensed under                television spectrum under [47 U.S.C.                  television station are eligible for
                                                Part 73 of the rules like full-service FM               1452(b)]’’ either because a full power or             reimbursement and that the FM station
                                                stations. We therefore seek comment on                  Class A television station has been                   will be required to certify to that fact
                                                whether LPFM stations should also be                    reassigned to a new channel in the                    and identify the television station. We
                                                considered ‘‘FM broadcast stations’’ for                Closing and Channel Reassignment PN                   seek comment on these conclusions. We
                                                reimbursement purposes.                                 or because a full power or Class A                    believe that only stations in the
                                                                                                        television station relinquished spectrum              following categories will encounter any
                                                b. Licensed and Transmitting at Time of
                                                                                                        usage rights in the reverse auction. In               disruption of service as a result of the
                                                                                                        either case, the full power or Class A                reorganization of broadcast television
                                                   52. We tentatively conclude that to be               television station may need to modify                 spectrum such that they would be
                                                eligible for reimbursement under the                    its facilities (e.g., dismantling                     eligible for reimbursement under the
                                                REA, an FM station must have been                       equipment in the case of a license                    REA:
                                                licensed and transmitting on April 13,                  relinquishment station) that may impact                  • Category (1)—Stations Forced to
                                                2017, and using facilities impacted by a                the FM station. We read the statutory                 Relocate Permanently. We propose that
                                                repacked television station. We also                    language to require a causal link                     this eligibility category include FM
                                                tentatively conclude that only those                    between the facilities being reimbursed               stations required either to vacate their
                                                costs associated with the impact at that                and the activities associated with the                towers, and which therefore incur costs
                                                location will be considered eligible. The               repacked full power or Class A                        for alternative facilities at a different
                                                REA seeks to reimburse costs                            television station, and likewise interpret            site, or to relocate their antennas to a
                                                ‘‘reasonably incurred’’ by FM stations to               this provision to mean that only the FM               different level of their current towers.
                                                ‘‘reasonably minimize disruption of                     broadcast facilities directly impacted by             Either change would modify the
                                                service’’ as a result of the reorganization             the repacked television station are                   station’s transmissions and would thus
                                                of broadcast television spectrum, but                   eligible for reimbursement. We believe                require prior Commission approval. We
                                                provides no other additional specificity                our interpretation of this REA language               anticipate that there will be a very small
                                                as to the eligibility of FM stations for                is consistent with Congress’s provision               number of FM stations if any in this
                                                reimbursement. We believe it is both                    of limited funds for FM facility                      eligibility category.
                                                necessary and appropriate to impose                     reimbursement. We invite comment on                      • Category (2)—Stations Forced to
                                                some reasonable standards on the                        this interpretation of the REA. We also               Temporarily Dismantle Equipment or
                                                eligibility of FM stations to be                        seek comment on whether the REA’s                     Make Other Changes Not Requiring
                                                reimbursed from the Reimbursement                       requirement that we reimburse costs                   Commission Approval. We propose that
                                                Fund. We tentatively conclude that we                   incurred by FM stations to ‘‘reasonably               this eligibility category include FM
                                                should place the same limitation on FM                  minimize disruption of service as a                   stations required temporarily to
                                                stations that is applied to LPTV/                       result of the reorganization of broadcast             dismount or disassemble equipment,
                                                translator stations. That is, we first                  television spectrum under [47 U.S.C.                  most likely antennas, in order to
                                                propose a cut-off date of April 13, 2017,               1452(b)]’’ extends to include costs that              accommodate work on a television
                                                by which the FM station had to be                       were incurred by FM stations solely due               antenna or a tower. We propose that this
                                                licensed and transmitting. We choose                    to modifications made by full power                   category also include FM stations
                                                this date because it is the date on which               and Class A facilities as a result of                 required to physically move their
                                                reverse auction winners and the                         receiving authorizations through the                  transmitter to accommodate new
                                                television stations subject to the repack               two alternate channel/expanded                        television transmission equipment.
                                                were identified in the Closing and                      facilities filing windows.                            While such an equipment move may not
                                                Channel Reassignment PN. Thus, we                                                                             be temporary, it is not the kind of
                                                tentatively conclude that any FM station                c. Categories of Eligible FM Stations                 facility modification that would change
                                                that began operating on a facility or at                   53. In addition, we believe it is both             the station’s transmissions, and thus
                                                a location impacted by a repacked                       necessary and appropriate to impose                   would not require Commission
                                                television station after that date                      eligibility requirements for FM stations              approval. We propose this category also
                                                voluntarily assumed the risk of any                     that define the way an FM station could               include other types of necessary
                                                potential disruption of service to the FM               ‘‘reasonably incur’’ costs as the result of           equipment modifications that do not
                                                station. We tentatively conclude that                   a ‘‘disruption of service’’ caused by ‘‘the           require Commission approval. We
                                                any costs incurred by FM stations that                  reorganization of broadcast television                anticipate there will be a very small
                                                undertook such a risk are not                           spectrum’’ as required by the REA. We                 number of FM stations in this eligibility
                                                ‘‘reasonably incurred’’ under the                       believe a large majority of FM stations               category.
                                                statutory standard and thus are not                     will not incur any costs or encounter                    • Category (3)—Stations Forced to
                                                eligible for reimbursement pursuant to                  any disruption of service as a result of              Temporarily Reduce Power or Cease
                                                the REA. We propose that FM stations                    the reorganization of broadcast                       Transmission on Their Primary Facility
                                                will be required to certify that they were              television spectrum. However, in                      to Accommodate Antenna or Tower
                                                licensed and transmitting at the facility               limited circumstances, as defined                     Modifications. We propose that this
                                                implicated by the reorganization of                     herein, some FM stations may be                       eligibility category would include those
                                                broadcast television spectrum on April                  affected because they are collocated                  FM stations that are required to reduce
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                                                13, 2017, and seek comment on this                      with, or adjacent, or in close proximity              power or go off the air to protect
                                                proposal. The REA requires                              to, a repacked television station such                workers making modifications to
                                                reimbursement ‘‘to reasonably minimize                  that construction work on the repacked                television facilities on a tower from RF
                                                disruption of service as a result of the                television station’s facility necessarily             exposure. The length of time during
                                                reorganization of broadcast television                  results in a disruption of service to the             which a station would have to reduce
                                                spectrum under [47 U.S.C. 1452(b)].’’ As                FM station and requires the FM station                power or cease transmissions could
                                                an initial matter, we tentatively                       to incur costs. Accordingly, we                       range from hours to weeks or even
                                                conclude that an FM station can                         tentatively conclude that only stations               months. Such stations could incur costs

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                                                                       Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 166 / Monday, August 27, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                             43623

                                                to build or modify auxiliary facilities to              is no disruption of service at all. We                that Category (1) stations should be
                                                permit FM broadcast service to continue                 tentatively conclude that some level of               eligible for reimbursement for costs
                                                during this period. Category (3) would                  disruption of service to eligible FM                  similar to full power and Class A
                                                include stations with no existing                       stations is reasonable, and we do not                 stations to move and reconstruct the
                                                auxiliary facilities and stations that are              propose to reimburse costs incurred to                current facilities at a new site or tower
                                                unable to access auxiliary transmission                 avoid reasonable disruptions. We also                 location, including costs of equipment,
                                                facilities. Category (3) would also                     believe that the public interest requires             professional services such as
                                                include stations that have existing                     that we seek to maximize the limited                  engineering, and tower and construction
                                                auxiliary facilities, but whose facilities              funds available for all facilities to                 work. We believe that such stations are
                                                do not provide substantial (80+ percent)                address the most significant service                  likely to experience the most significant
                                                coverage of the primary station’s                       disruptions to ensure that the most                   disruption of service of all FM stations
                                                coverage area or population. FM stations                needed facilities are fully funded. We                because they will be required to entirely
                                                in other eligibility categories could also              seek comment below on how to define                   or partially dismantle and reconstruct
                                                qualify as Category (3) stations if they                what costs are ‘‘reasonably incurred’’                their facilities. As a result, if sufficient
                                                otherwise meet the reimbursement                        and on how to interpret the phrase ‘‘to               funds allocated to reimburse FM
                                                requirements. We anticipate that this                   reasonably minimize disruption of                     stations exist in the Reimbursement
                                                category of stations will be the most                   service’’ as contemplated by the REA,                 Fund, we believe that Category (1)
                                                numerous of eligible FM stations but is                 and we propose an approach for                        stations should be reimbursed for up to
                                                still likely to include only a limited                  prioritization of reimbursement to                    100 percent of eligible costs similar to
                                                number of FM stations.                                  stations with a greater level of service              the reimbursements provided to
                                                   54. We believe that reimbursing FM                   disruption to preserve limited funds.                 impacted full power and Class A
                                                stations for the types of service                                                                             stations. As noted above, we believe
                                                disruptions described in these                          a. Costs Reasonably Incurred
                                                                                                                                                              only a very small number of stations are
                                                categories is consistent with our                          57. As described below, we propose                 likely to be included in this category
                                                statutory mandate to reimburse FM                       that eligible costs for Category (1) and              and therefore we do not believe the
                                                stations for ‘‘costs . . . for facilities               Category (2) stations are similar to                  reimbursement of these stations is likely
                                                necessary for such station to reasonably                eligible costs for full power and Class A             to be a primary resource demand on the
                                                minimize disruption of service as a                     stations in the repack and therefore                  Reimbursement Fund. We seek
                                                result of the reorganization of broadcast               should be reimbursed in a similar                     comment on these conclusions.
                                                television spectrum,’’ and we seek                      manner. We propose, however, that the                    59. Examples of reimbursable
                                                comment on our interpretation. We                       cost for Category (3) stations should be              equipment costs that we believe could
                                                invite comment on the scope of our                      subject to a graduated priority system                be reasonably incurred include
                                                categories above and ask commenters                     and reimbursable only when the                        transmitters, antennas, coaxial cable or
                                                specifically to explain whether there are               disruption of service is significant                  wave guides, and associated equipment
                                                additional categories of service                        enough to make it reasonable for a                    needed to reasonably replicate the
                                                disruption that should be reimbursed.                   station to incur costs to minimize the                service being lost. We propose that
                                                We tentatively conclude that FM                         disruption, and then on a scale that                  existing equipment should be reused as
                                                stations would be required to certify                   balances the level of the service                     appropriate. To the extent that existing
                                                which eligibility category they satisfy,                disruption with the need to maximize                  equipment cannot be reused, we
                                                and we seek comment on that                             the finite funds and ensure the most                  propose that new equipment may be
                                                conclusion.                                             significantly impacted facilities are fully           reimbursable if needed to reasonably
                                                   55. Section 511(l)(1)(C) specifies that              funded. We seek comment on these                      replicate service and coverage area. We
                                                an FM broadcast station that has                        proposals as detailed below.                          propose that the costs of engineering to
                                                received payment for ‘‘interim                                                                                determine what technical facilities are
                                                                                                        (i) Replacing or Restoring Facilities—
                                                facilities’’ from either a station that was                                                                   needed to replace existing service at a
                                                                                                        Category (1) and (2) Stations
                                                reimbursed under the Spectrum Act or                                                                          new site should be considered
                                                ‘‘from any other source’’ may not                          58. The existing reimbursement                     reimbursable expenses, as well as
                                                receive ‘‘any reimbursements’’ under                    program for full power and Class A                    transportation costs of physically
                                                the REA. Thus, as required by the                       stations seeks to reimburse costs                     moving equipment to a new site or new
                                                statutory language, we propose that if an               reasonably incurred for stations to move              location on a tower and any engineering
                                                FM broadcast station has received such                  their facilities to a new channel that was            costs associated with the move. We seek
                                                payment for ‘‘interim facilities,’’ it is               assigned as a result of the incentive                 comment on these proposals.
                                                ineligible for any reimbursement under                  auction repacking process using                          60. We believe it is also in the public
                                                the REA. We tentatively conclude that                   reasonable efforts to preserve each                   interest to develop a similar standard for
                                                FM stations would be required to certify                station’s coverage area and population                eligible expenses for reimbursement of
                                                whether they have received payment for                  served. We believe it is in the public                Category (2) stations because the types
                                                such interim facilities.                                interest to develop a similar standard for            of costs incurred are also similar. We
                                                                                                        the reimbursement of costs associated                 seek comment on these conclusions. We
                                                2. Expenses Eligible for Reimbursement                  with Category (1) stations because the                believe the goal for Category (2) stations
                                                   56. The REA states that the                          nature of the displacement of the FM                  should be to restore the station’s
                                                Commission shall provide                                station and the types of costs incurred               existing facility. For example, Category
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                                                reimbursement for ‘‘costs reasonably                    are similar. We seek comment on these                 (2) stations could reasonably incur costs
                                                incurred by an FM broadcast station for                 conclusions. We believe the goal for                  that are related to their need to
                                                facilities necessary for such station to                Category (1) stations should be to                    temporarily dismantle equipment or
                                                reasonably minimize disruption of                       rebuild their facility to reasonably                  modify their physical facilities.
                                                service as a result of the reorganization               replicate the station’s coverage area and             Examples of reimbursable costs could
                                                of broadcast television spectrum.’’ We                  population served, similar to the                     include costs of equipment, professional
                                                note that the statute does not require                  standard applicable to full power and                 services such as engineering, and tower
                                                reimbursement of costs to ensure there                  Class A stations. Further, we believe                 and construction work, similar to the

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                                                costs incurred by full power and Class                  Furthermore, operating from interim                   transmitter site. Thus, we propose that
                                                A stations. Additionally, similar to                    facilities does not require service that is           80 percent of an FM station’s coverage
                                                Category (1), the service disruptions                   identical to the station’s primary                    area or covered population should be
                                                associated with these costs are likely to               service. We believe this different                    replicated by the interim facility in
                                                be significant in magnitude, but the                    approach is justified by the different                order to constitute reasonably minimal
                                                number of stations incurring such costs                 standard enunciated in the REA,                       disruption of service. In another
                                                is likely to be very small and not the                  requiring us to consider what expenses                context, when a rule requires provision
                                                most significant drain on the                           ‘‘reasonably minimize’’ disruption of                 of a certain strength signal to an entire
                                                Reimbursement Fund. Therefore, we                       service rather than the Spectrum Act’s                community, the Commission has held
                                                propose that, if sufficient funds                       mandate to reimburse expenses                         that when a station provides that signal
                                                allocated to reimburse FM stations exist                resulting from a channel change.                      strength to 80 percent or more of either
                                                in the Reimbursement Fund, Category                     Furthermore, we anticipate that the                   the area or the population of the
                                                (2) stations should be reimbursed for up                majority of reimbursement requests                    community, such a signal may be
                                                to 100 percent of eligible costs similar                from FM stations will be in Category (3),             considered to be in substantial
                                                to full power and Class A stations. We                  and that they will account for the                    compliance with the rule. We believe
                                                seek comment on this proposal.                          majority of the demand by FM stations                 this 80 percent standard is an acceptable
                                                                                                        for resources from the Reimbursement                  yardstick for measuring interim FM
                                                (ii) Interim Facilities—Category (3)
                                                                                                        Fund. Thus, we tentatively conclude                   service, especially given that near-exact
                                                                                                        that a graduated scale is in the public               replication of a station’s coverage area
                                                   61. In the full power and Class A                    interest because it properly reflects the             from an alternative site, in many if not
                                                reimbursement program, the costs of                     level of service disruption, which could              most cases, may not be achieved
                                                interim facilities are reimbursed in the                vary from hours to weeks or even                      without significant expense.
                                                same manner as other costs incurred for                 months, and therefore balances our need               Accordingly, we propose that FM signal
                                                a station to change channels. With                      to preserve finite funds for the most                 coverage of either 80 percent of the area
                                                respect to the types of costs that would                significant instances of service                      or 80 percent of the population covered
                                                qualify for reimbursement as interim                    disruption. Under this proposal,                      by an FM station at its licensed site be
                                                facilities, we seek to apply the same                   reimbursement percentages in excess of                considered to be substantial interim
                                                approach to FM stations. We propose                     those proposed below might be                         coverage and, thus, tentatively conclude
                                                that Category (3) stations be reimbursed                available if, after making all the                    it would meet the REA standard of
                                                for the cost of constructing new                        payments for interim facilities and other             reasonably minimizing disruption of
                                                auxiliary facilities or upgrading existing              eligible expenses, there is sufficient                service. We invite comment on this
                                                auxiliary facilities. This would permit                 money to pay a higher reimbursement                   proposal, including comment on the
                                                FM stations to continue broadcasting                    percentage to FM stations in the                      costs of requiring a greater or lesser
                                                while their primary facilities are off the              Reimbursement Fund. We seek                           level of interim service.
                                                air due to the need to protect tower                    comment on these proposals herein.                       65. We seek comment on the need to
                                                personnel working on modifications                         63. We believe that the amount of                  develop a prioritization scheme for
                                                related to the reorganization of                        broadcaster reimbursement for interim                 reimbursement of FM broadcast stations
                                                broadcast television spectrum.                          facilities should be linked to the amount             under either statutory interpretation of
                                                Reimbursable costs could include costs                  of time the FM station is off the air due             the amounts available to reimburse such
                                                of equipment, professional services such                to the reorganization of broadcast                    stations. We seek comment on the
                                                as engineering, and tower and                           television spectrum. These time periods               following graduated priority system of
                                                construction work.                                      will likely range from hours to, in                   reimbursement for interim facilities
                                                   62. As described in more detail below,               extreme and hopefully rare cases,                     constructed to minimize service
                                                we tentatively conclude that                            months. Additionally, we believe that                 disruptions to FM broadcast stations
                                                reimbursement of interim facility costs                 the times of day during which stations                forced to go off-air due to the
                                                should be linked to the level of service                are off the air should also play a part in            reorganization of broadcast television
                                                disruption avoided by resorting to                      our calculus. Some stations may be                    spectrum. We note that additional
                                                interim facilities, and therefore propose               subject to limited service disruptions,               percentages for reimbursement might be
                                                to reimburse on a graduated priority                    for instance, if tower work or work on                available if, after making all the
                                                system reflecting a percentage of total                 co-tenant antennas is limited to                      payments for interim facilities and other
                                                costs for these interim facilities. We                  nighttime hours which would minimize                  eligible expenses, there is sufficient
                                                further tentatively conclude that it is not             broadcast time lost during peak                       money to pay a higher reimbursement
                                                unreasonable for there to be some                       listening hours. Such stations will not               percentage to FM stations in the
                                                temporary disruption of service to                      be as adversely affected as those                     Reimbursement Fund. If adopted, we
                                                permit construction work or                             required to reduce power or go off-air                propose to direct the Media Bureau to
                                                maintenance on a collocated, adjacent,                  for extended periods of time. As to the               determine whether and what higher
                                                or nearby station. FM stations regularly                latter group of affected stations, we find            percentage of funds should be paid to
                                                power down or remain silent for                         that the reimbursement for interim                    Category (3) stations.
                                                temporary periods to accommodate                        facilities should be greater the longer                  • Stations Off-Air for Less Than 24
                                                tower or antenna work and transmitter                   they are required to be off the air. The              Hours, or Off-Air Only During Hours
                                                maintenance, and we conclude from                       longer the lost airtime, the more service             from 10:00 p.m.–6:00 a.m. Local Time or
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                                                this fact that such actions are ordinary                disruption and, thus, the greater                     Less Than Five Non-Peak Broadcast
                                                and reasonable occurrences. We                          justification for reimbursement for the               Hours Per Day: No reimbursement. We
                                                therefore believe that it is appropriate to             construction of permanent auxiliary                   propose that such periods off-air be
                                                reimburse costs for interim facilities                  facilities.                                           considered a de minimis disruption of
                                                only if they are needed to avoid service                   64. Further, we note that                          service.
                                                interruptions that would otherwise                      transmissions from interim facilities                    • Stations Off-Air for 24 Hours to 10
                                                exceed ordinary construction or                         would not exactly replicate the areas or              Days: May be reimbursed up to 50
                                                maintenance requirements.                               populations covered from the licensed                 percent of eligible costs reasonably

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                                                                       Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 166 / Monday, August 27, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                           43625

                                                incurred to construct new auxiliary                     pay reimbursement for interim stations                restore service using alternate
                                                facilities, to upgrade existing auxiliary               only after the period of time has expired             equipment (Category (2)). In some cases,
                                                facilities to cover 80 percent of the                   and the number of days can be and is                  this can be accomplished using existing
                                                covered area and/or population of the                   certified by the station. We also seek                equipment or its equivalent, but in other
                                                existing facility, or to build interim                  comment on whether to require                         cases this will require modified or
                                                facilities for eligible secondary services.             certification by the FM station                       differently configured equipment. For
                                                   • Stations Off-Air for 11 Days to 30                 concerning the number of days the                     instance, a move of an FM station’s
                                                Days: May be reimbursed up to 75                        station could not broadcast from its                  antenna to a lower spot on the same
                                                percent of eligible costs reasonably                    primary facility due to construction                  tower could, in order to replicate the
                                                incurred to construct new auxiliary                     work of a repacked television station. As             station’s existing signal contours,
                                                facilities, to upgrade existing auxiliary               noted herein, we intend to conduct                    require replacement equipment with an
                                                facilities to cover 80 percent of the                   audits, data validations, and site visits,            increase in ERP, either by using a
                                                covered area and/or population of the                   as appropriate, to prevent waste, fraud,              transmitter with higher power output or
                                                existing facility, or to build interim                  and abuse. As part of that process, we                an antenna with higher gain. In the (we
                                                facilities for eligible secondary services.             could require a repacked television                   expect rare) cases in which a station is
                                                   • Stations Off-Air for More than 30                  station to provide, upon request, a                   forced to move to another tower,
                                                Days: May be reimbursed up to 100                       statement or other information regarding              reasonably replicating current service
                                                percent of eligible costs reasonably                    the dates that work was being done that               might involve both of those options
                                                incurred to construct new auxiliary                     impacted the FM station. We seek                      and/or design and construction of an
                                                facilities, to upgrade existing auxiliary               comment on these issues and on                        antenna with a directional pattern, in
                                                facilities to cover 80 percent of the                   additional ways we can minimize this                  order to avoid prohibited interference to
                                                covered area and/or population of the                   potential problem.                                    other FM stations.
                                                existing facility, or to build interim                     68. To the extent that a Category (3)                 71. To the extent that a Category (1)
                                                facilities for eligible secondary services.             station is required to lease tower space              station would propose to construct a
                                                   66. We seek comment on these issues                  for a new auxiliary facility, we propose              new tower, we propose to reimburse
                                                and on whether reimbursing FM                           to allow reimbursement only for those                 tower construction expenses only upon
                                                stations on a graduated scale is in the                 lease payments covering the period of                 a showing that no space is available on
                                                public interest. In particular, we seek                 time during which the primary station                 other local towers that would enable it
                                                comment on whether failing to pro-rate                  is off the air due to the reorganization              to reasonably replicate current service.
                                                the amount of reimbursement for                         of broadcast television spectrum. In                  Even if it were able to make such a
                                                interim facilities might reduce                         other words, we will not reimburse for                showing, we seek comment on whether
                                                reimbursement for all affected FM                       tower lease payments except during the                and how we should discount any
                                                stations, given the total amount of                     period when the repacked television                   reimbursement for tower construction
                                                money available to FM stations for                      station’s construction work is actively               costs, given that such ‘‘vertical real
                                                reimbursements. We also request                         preventing the FM station from                        estate’’ carries with it the potential for
                                                comment on the time off-air benchmarks                  broadcasting from its primary facility                revenue generation for the FM station,
                                                set forth in paragraph 65, and whether                  and not for any period of time                        perhaps in substantial amounts. We
                                                they should be adjusted up or down. In                  thereafter. We request comment on this                seek comment on this proposal.
                                                particular, we seek comment on                          proposal.                                                72. Similar to our tentative conclusion
                                                whether time off-air during nighttime                                                                         above concerning LPTV/translators, we
                                                and early morning hours should be                       b. Channel Change Equipment                           also propose that we will follow the
                                                considered de minimis and, if not, what                    69. We expect that no FM broadcast                 Commission’s determination in the
                                                level of reimbursement for auxiliary                    station will be forced to change its                  existing reimbursement program and
                                                facilities should be allowed for such                   frequency as a result of the                          not reimburse stations for new, optional
                                                stations to provide interim nighttime                   reorganization of broadcast television                features in equipment that are not
                                                service. If commenters disagree with the                spectrum and, thus, we tentatively                    already present in the equipment being
                                                proposed reimbursement scheme, what                     conclude that expenses for retuning or                replaced. For example, we would not
                                                alternative proposals do they                           replacing antennas or transmitters to                 reimburse an analog-only FM station to
                                                recommend to ensure we allocate the                     accommodate channel changes will not                  add hybrid digital capability. A station
                                                limited funds fairly and equitably across               be eligible for reimbursement. We seek                that contemplates a rule-compliant
                                                all FM stations?                                        comment on this expectation.                          modification to a higher station class or
                                                   67. We acknowledge that the                                                                                to an expanded service area as part of
                                                graduated scale could be subject to                     c. Equipment Upgrades and Reuse of
                                                                                                                                                              a required move may do so, but we
                                                manipulation where the construction                     Existing Equipment                                    propose to limit reimbursement only to
                                                project is prolonged in order to reach a                   70. As noted above, full power and                 costs needed to return the station to its
                                                number of days that correlates to a                     Class A stations can be reimbursed only               original service area. We seek comment
                                                higher reimbursement percentage. We                     for comparable facilities, while we                   on these proposals. While the REA
                                                believe that this concern is mitigated by               propose that LPTV/translators may in                  contains a provision precluding
                                                the fact that the FM station will                       certain cases require modified facilities             duplicative payments relating only to
                                                ordinarily not be in control of the                     due to the fact that LPTV/translators                 ‘‘interim facilities,’’ we tentatively
                                                repacked television station’s                           may need to change locations and not                  conclude that FM broadcast stations that
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                                                construction project, and that a                        just channels. Similarly, we tentatively              receive or have received reimbursement
                                                repacked television station is unlikely to              conclude that the full power and Class                of expenses from sources of funding
                                                prolong for the benefit of the FM station               A comparable facilities reimbursement                 other than the Reimbursement Fund,
                                                the time period that it employs vendors                 standard cannot be applied in the same                such as co-located television stations
                                                and service providers to perform                        manner to FM stations in Categories (1)               and/or tower owners providing
                                                construction. Nevertheless, in order to                 and (2) because the goal is to reasonably             reimbursement under contractual
                                                minimize the potential for gaming the                   replicate the service type and area from              provisions, will not receive
                                                system, we seek comment on whether to                   a different location (Category (1)) or                reimbursement for those expenses from

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                                                the Reimbursement Fund. We                              straightforward as possible to minimize               the repacked TV station that caused it
                                                tentatively conclude that a cost that is                both the costs associated with                        to be eligible for reimbursement and to
                                                reimbursed by another source of                         reimbursement as well as the burdens                  provide evidence to support its
                                                funding is not a ‘‘cost . . . incurred’’ by             on affected parties and the Commission.               certification that it was off the air for a
                                                the FM broadcast station under Section                  At the same time, we are committed to                 sufficient period of time to be eligible
                                                511(l)(1)(A). We seek comment on this                   a process that is fair and equitable to all           for reimbursement for interim facilities,
                                                tentative conclusion.                                   eligible entities and that maximizes the              and the period of time it was, or expects
                                                  73. In addition, the Commission                       funds available for reimbursement by                  to be, silent. As stated previously, the
                                                required full power and Class A stations                avoiding waste, fraud, and abuse.                     Commission previously determined
                                                seeking reimbursement to reuse their                       76. As discussed below, we propose                 that, with respect to the incentive
                                                own equipment to the extent possible,                   to reimburse eligible LPTV, TV                        auction reimbursement program,
                                                rather than acquiring new equipment to                  translator, and FM broadcast stations                 ‘‘audits, data validations, and site visits
                                                be paid for from the Reimbursement                      using a procedure that is substantially               are essential tools in preventing waste,
                                                Fund, and to ‘‘provide a justification                  similar to what is currently being used               fraud, and abuse, and that use of these
                                                when submitting their estimated cost                    by the Commission to provide                          measures will maximize the amount of
                                                form as to why it is reasonable under                   reimbursements to full power and Class                money available for reimbursement.’’
                                                the circumstances to purchase new                       A stations and MVPDs. We believe that                 With respect to reimbursing low-power
                                                equipment rather than modify their . . .                using a process and resources that have               broadcast stations, we contemplate that
                                                current equipment . . .’’ We propose to                 proven effective is a reasonable                      a third party firm on behalf of, or in
                                                adopt a similar requirement that FM                     approach as it should result in a smooth              conjunction with, the Media Bureau
                                                stations reuse their own equipment, to                  and expeditious reimbursement process                 may conduct audits, data validations,
                                                the extent possible. As noted above, we                 for LPTV/translator and FM stations. At               site visits or other verifications to
                                                expect that FM stations will not be                     the same time, we propose to make                     substantiate the supporting evidence
                                                required to change frequencies, so there                certain adjustments and simplifications               and representations of entities that
                                                should be no issues regarding channel-                  to this process as we describe below. We              certify that they meet the eligibility
                                                related equipment modifications. Thus,                  invite comment generally on whether                   criteria adopted in this proceeding to
                                                we believe it is reasonable to require FM               and how the process might be further                  the extent necessary. We propose to
                                                stations seeking reimbursement to                       streamlined in light of the fact that the             direct such entities to make available
                                                provide a justification why it is                       money available to reimburse LPTV/                    any relevant documentation upon
                                                reasonable to purchase new equipment                    translator and FM stations is less than               request from the Commission or its
                                                rather than reuse existing equipment.                   that allocated to full power, Class A,                contractor. We emphasize that a false
                                                We seek comment on this proposal.                       and MVPD entities, individual entity                  certification may result in
                                                                                                        expenses may also be expected to be                   disqualification and other sanctions
                                                d. Lost Revenues
                                                                                                        smaller, and many of the stations                     provided for in the Communications Act
                                                   74. The REA, like the 2012 Spectrum                  seeking reimbursement may already                     and the Commission’s rules. We invite
                                                Act, prohibits reimbursement of FM                      have incurred the costs associated with               comment on this approach and on
                                                broadcast stations for ‘‘lost revenues.’’               the transition.                                       possible other kinds of evidence and/or
                                                In the Incentive Auction R&O, the                                                                             documentation the Media Bureau
                                                Commission defined ‘‘lost revenues’’ to                 1. Eligibility Certification
                                                                                                                                                              should require LPTV/translator and FM
                                                include ‘‘revenues that a station . . .                    77. We propose to require LPTV/                    stations to submit to support their
                                                loses as a direct or ancillary result of the            translator and FM stations that believe               Eligibility Certifications.
                                                reverse auction or the repacking                        they meet the eligibility requirements
                                                process.’’ We propose to adopt a similar                and intend to request reimbursement for               2. Estimated Expenses
                                                definition of ‘‘lost revenues’’ for                     eligible expenses, to file a form                        78. We also propose to require LPTV/
                                                purposes of reimbursing FM broadcast                    (Eligibility Certification) indicating that           translator and FM stations to list on a
                                                stations: ‘‘revenues that a station loses               they intend to request reimbursement                  revised Reimbursement Form their
                                                as a direct or ancillary result of the                  funds. We seek comment on this                        existing broadcasting equipment and the
                                                reorganization of broadcast television                  proposal. We propose that entities be                 types of costs they expect to incur. In
                                                spectrum, including the reverse auction                 required to certify on the Eligibility                the full power and Class A program, the
                                                and the repacking process.’’ Under this                 Certification that they meet the                      Media Bureau developed a list of the
                                                definition, we would not reimburse a                    eligibility criteria adopted in this                  types of costs stations were most likely
                                                station’s loss of advertising revenues                  proceeding and provide documentation                  to incur together with a range of prices
                                                while it is off the air implementing                    or other evidence to support their                    applicable to such expenses. This cost
                                                either replacement or interim facilities,               certification. For example, LPTV/                     catalog is embedded in the
                                                or for refunds a station is required to                 translator stations may be required to                Reimbursement Form used by full
                                                make for payments for airtime as a                      provide evidence to support their                     power and Class A stations. We intend
                                                result of being off the air in order to                 certification that they meet the                      to develop a revised cost catalog to help
                                                implement such a facility change. We                    minimum operating requirement                         LPTV/translator and FM stations
                                                seek comment on our proposal and                        adopted in this proceeding to be eligible             provide estimated costs. Alternatively,
                                                whether there are other additional                      for reimbursement under the REA. Such                 these stations, like full power and Class
                                                categories of costs that FM stations may                evidence could include evidence of the                A stations, may choose instead to
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                                                incur that would constitute ‘‘lost                      programming aired by the station during               provide their own estimates or actual
                                                revenues’’ not eligible for                             the period of time in question, as well               costs. As noted above, in the Incentive
                                                reimbursement under the REA.                            as electric power bills, and we seek                  Auction R&O, the Commission required
                                                                                                        comment on other types of evidence                    full power and Class A broadcasters and
                                                D. Reimbursement Process                                that might be used to demonstrate that                MVPDs eligible for reimbursement to
                                                   75. Our goal is to develop a                         a station was transmitting during the                 file a form providing estimates of their
                                                reimbursement process for the newly                     relevant time period. Similarly, FM                   channel relocation costs. We propose to
                                                eligible entities that is as simple and                 stations could be required to identify                adopt a consistent approach for entities

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                                                                       Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 166 / Monday, August 27, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                           43627

                                                newly eligible for reimbursement.                       disagree with our tentative conclusion,               funds remaining in the LPTV/translator
                                                Specifically, similar to the current                    we seek comment on how a                              and FM portions of the Reimbursement
                                                process used by full power and Class A                  reimbursement process without the                     Fund, the eligible expenses entities have
                                                stations and MVPDs using the                            submission of estimates would work?                   incurred, and the Commission’s goal in
                                                Reimbursement Form, we propose that                     Without estimates, how would the                      terms of the percentage or total dollar
                                                eligible LPTV/translator and FM                         Media Bureau determine allocations                    amount of eligible costs we expect to be
                                                stations submit a revised version of our                that assure a fair and equitable                      able to cover for each entity based on
                                                existing Reimbursement Form that will                   distribution of the finite Reimbursement              the steps they must take as a result of
                                                contain a new cost catalog. The new                     Fund? Supporters of a reimbursement                   the reorganization of broadcast
                                                cost catalog will offer ranges of prices                process without estimated expenses                    television spectrum. We seek comment
                                                for the potential expenses that can be                  should also address how such an                       generally on this proposed
                                                used to generate total estimated costs.                 approach is consistent with Section                   reimbursement process.
                                                For example, LPTV/translator stations                   511(m)(2) of the REA. We seek comment                    83. Prioritization of Certain Costs. To
                                                may be required to indicate whether                     on our tentative conclusions.                         the extent that the total amount of
                                                they will need to purchase new                                                                                reimbursement funds available to LPTV/
                                                                                                        3. Reimbursement Allocations                          translators or FM stations may not be
                                                equipment in order to operate on their
                                                new channel, or whether they can reuse                     81. We propose that, once the Media                not sufficient to cover all eligible
                                                some of their existing equipment. FM                    Bureau completes its review of the                    expenses at the end of the program, it
                                                stations may be required to indicate                    Eligibility Certifications and                        may be necessary to establish a
                                                whether they will need to move to a                     Reimbursement Forms, it will issue an                 prioritization scheme for reimbursing
                                                different tower or a different location on              initial allocation from the                           eligible expenses. We propose to direct
                                                the same tower, and whether they will                   Reimbursement Fund to each eligible                   the Media Bureau to perform this
                                                have to go silent or power down                         LPTV/translator and FM station, which                 prioritization, if necessary. In order to
                                                temporarily to move or to permit work                   will be available to the entity to draw               assist the Media Bureau, we seek
                                                on their existing tower as a result of                  down as expenses are incurred. In the                 comment on whether we should
                                                changes being made to a repacked full                   context of the existing reimbursement                 prioritize the payment of certain costs,
                                                power or Class A station.                               process for full power and Class A                    such as certain equipment and
                                                   79. We note that some LPTV/                          stations, the Media Bureau exercised                  engineering expenses, over other types
                                                translator and FM stations will already                 discretion to determine the appropriate               of expenses, such as project
                                                have incurred costs eligible for                        allocation amount based on the                        management fees, for LPTV/translator
                                                reimbursement by the time we adopt                      circumstances and information available               and FM stations. For instance, project
                                                rules in this proceeding and begin                      from submitted Reimbursement Forms.                   management fees have proven difficult
                                                accepting Eligibility Certifications and                Consistent with this approach, as noted               for the Media Bureau and Fund
                                                Reimbursement Forms. We propose to                      in the Order below, we direct the Media               Administrator to validate in the context
                                                permit entities to indicate their actual                Bureau to make allocation decisions for               of the ongoing reimbursement effort for
                                                costs instead of providing estimates on                 stations eligible for reimbursement                   full power and Class A stations and
                                                the Reimbursement Form for costs                        under the REA. The amount of the                      MVPDs. Given that the amount available
                                                already incurred in their initial filings               initial allocation, as well as the total              for reimbursement for LPTV/translator
                                                with the Commission. We seek                            amount allocated to each entity, will                 and FM stations may not be sufficient to
                                                comment on this proposal.                               depend in part on the number of LPTV/                 cover all eligible expenses incurred by
                                                   80. We tentatively conclude that the                 translator stations and the number of                 these entities, we believe it may make
                                                Reimbursement Form for use by newly                     FM stations that file an Eligibility                  sense to prioritize, at least initially,
                                                eligible entities should be simpler and                 Certification and the amount available                certain expenses to maximize the
                                                easier to use than the forms used by full               for reimbursement for each type of                    possibility that these costs are covered
                                                power and Class A stations and MVPDs.                   entity. For example, the Media Bureau                 for all eligible entities. The Media
                                                We seek comment on how we can                           may give entities an allocation that is a             Bureau could, for example, limit the
                                                modify the Form to make it simpler to                   percentage of their total costs eligible for          initial allocation provided to LPTV/
                                                use. We propose to consider methods by                  reimbursement, similar to the approach                translator stations to an amount
                                                which the revised cost catalog could                    we took for full power and Class A                    necessary to cover the costs related to
                                                more readily determine a reasonable                     stations and MVPDs. Alternatively, it                 any necessary transmitter, transmission
                                                estimate for newly eligible stations than               could allocate the same fixed amount to               line, and antenna equipment, as well as
                                                the current form used by full power and                 entities that must take similar steps as              engineering expenses necessary to
                                                Class A stations. Are there other ways                  a result of, or are similarly affected by,            locate a new channel. Any funds
                                                that a reasonable estimate of expenses                  the reorganization of broadcast                       remaining in the LPTV/translator
                                                can be more readily derived than under                  television spectrum (i.e., a fixed amount             portion of the Reimbursement Fund
                                                the current process? We tentatively                     to all FM stations that must be off the               after these expenses are covered could
                                                conclude that an approach that would                    air for 11–30 days, and a different fixed             be distributed in a subsequent
                                                eliminate altogether the requirement to                 amount to all FM stations that must be                allocation. We seek comment generally
                                                submit estimated expenses would not                     off the air for 24 hours to 10 days). We              on this approach. If we were to
                                                provide the Commission with                             invite comment on each of these                       prioritize certain equipment and
                                                information concerning the potential                    approaches.                                           engineering costs, which such costs
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                                                total demand on the Reimbursement                          82. Subsequent Allocations. We                     should be prioritized for LPTV/
                                                Fund and other information necessary                    propose that, after the initial allocation            translator stations and which should be
                                                for the Media Bureau and Fund                           of reimbursement funds to eligible                    prioritized for FM stations?
                                                Administrator to make reasoned                          LPTV/translator and FM stations, the
                                                allocation decisions and determine                      Media Bureau may issue one or more                    4. Requests for Reimbursement
                                                whether reimbursement claims are                        subsequent allocation(s). The timing                     84. Once the Commission has issued
                                                reasonable, as required by the REA. To                  and amount of these subsequent                        an initial allocation to each eligible
                                                the extent, however, that parties                       allocation(s) will depend in part on the              LPTV/translator and FM station, we

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                                                43628                  Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 166 / Monday, August 27, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                propose to allow these entities to submit               procedures as necessary for use by                    the Commission’s Office of Inspector
                                                claim(s), together with any required                    LPTV/translator and FM stations.                      General or to law enforcement for
                                                supporting invoices and other cost                                                                            criminal investigation, as appropriate.
                                                                                                        F. Measures To Prevent Waste, Fraud,
                                                documentation, for reimbursement for                                                                          We invite comment on these proposals.
                                                                                                        and Abuse
                                                any eligible costs they have incurred,                                                                        Are there other steps we should take to
                                                using a method consistent with the                         88. As with full power, Class A, and               avoid potential fraud and ensure that
                                                existing process. We propose that the                   MVPD entities, we intend to establish                 appropriate safeguards are applied to
                                                Media Bureau, together with the Fund                    strong measures to protect against                    the Reimbursement Fund?
                                                Administrator, will review each                         waste, fraud, and abuse with respect to
                                                                                                        disbursements from the Reimbursement                  IV. Order
                                                reimbursement claim and, if approved,
                                                authorize a draw down from the entity’s                 Fund for newly eligible entities. The                   90. The companion Order, which was
                                                individual allocation. We propose to                    Media Bureau, with assistance from the                adopted together with the NPRM,
                                                allow entities to submit multiple                       Fund Administrator, will review the                   appears separately in the Federal
                                                reimbursement requests as they incur                    information entities provide in their                 Register.
                                                expenses throughout the reimbursement                   Eligibility Certification and may require
                                                                                                        additional information to validate                    V. Procedural Matters
                                                period. As noted above, we also propose
                                                to allow entities that have already                     whether the entity is, in fact, eligible for          A. Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
                                                incurred costs at the time they make                    reimbursement pursuant to the criteria
                                                                                                        established in this proceeding. We                      91. As required by the Regulatory
                                                their initial filings with the Commission                                                                     Flexibility Act of 1980, as amended
                                                to submit actual costs instead of                       propose to require entities to document
                                                                                                        their actual expenses, including by                   (RFA), the Federal Communications
                                                estimates. We seek comment on these                                                                           Commission (Commission) has prepared
                                                proposals.                                              providing all relevant invoices and
                                                                                                        receipts, and to retain other relevant                this present Initial Regulatory
                                                E. Financial Forms and Procedures                       records substantiating their                          Flexibility Analysis (IRFA) concerning
                                                                                                        certifications and reimbursement                      the possible significant economic
                                                   85. We propose to use revised                                                                              impact on small entities by the policies
                                                versions of the financial forms currently               claims. Similar to the existing
                                                                                                        requirement for full power, Class A, and              and rules proposed in the Notice of
                                                being used by full power, Class A, and                                                                        Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM). Written
                                                MVPD entities for purposes of                           MVPD entities, we also propose to
                                                                                                        require LPTV/translator and FM stations               public comments are requested on this
                                                reimbursing eligible LPTV/translator                                                                          IRFA. Comments must be identified as
                                                                                                        seeking reimbursement to retain all
                                                and FM stations. We also propose to use                                                                       responses to the IRFA and must be filed
                                                                                                        relevant documents pertaining to
                                                the same procedures to provide                                                                                by the deadlines for comments provided
                                                                                                        construction or other reimbursable
                                                reimbursement payments to these newly                                                                         on the first page of the NPRM. The
                                                                                                        changes or expenses for a period ending
                                                eligible entities. These procedures were                                                                      Commission will send a copy of the
                                                                                                        not less than 10 years after the date on
                                                set forth in the Financial Procedures PN.                                                                     NPRM, including this IRFA, to the Chief
                                                                                                        which it receives final payment from the
                                                We seek comment generally on this                                                                             Counsel for Advocacy of the Small
                                                                                                        Reimbursement Fund. We invite
                                                approach. Are there any procedures that                                                                       Business Administration (SBA). In
                                                                                                        comment on these proposals.
                                                we should alter for purposes of                            89. We anticipate that the                         addition, the NPRM and IRFA (or
                                                reimbursing these newly eligible                        Reimbursement Form we develop for                     summaries thereof) will be published in
                                                entities?                                               use by LPTV/translator and FM stations                the Federal Register.
                                                   86. Specifically, we propose to require              will contain certifications similar to
                                                LPTV, TV translators, and FM stations                                                                         B. Need for, and Objectives of, the
                                                                                                        those on the Reimbursement Form used                  Proposed Rules
                                                to submit their Eligibility Certification,              by full power, Class A, and MVPD
                                                cost estimates, and subsequent requests                 entities. Thus, an LPTV/translator or FM                 92. The NPRM proposes rules to
                                                for reimbursement for expenses they                     station seeking reimbursement will be                 implement Congress’s recent directive
                                                have incurred, together with any                        required to certify, inter alia, that it              that the Commission reimburse certain
                                                required supporting documentation,                      believes in good faith that it will                   Low Power Television (LPTV),
                                                using the Reimbursement Form (FCC                       reasonably incur all of the estimated                 television translator (TV translator), and
                                                Form 2100, Schedule 399), which we                      costs that it claims as eligible for                  FM broadcast stations for costs incurred
                                                plan to revise for this purpose. As                     reimbursement on the estimated cost                   as a result of the Commission’s
                                                required for full power and Class A                     form, it will use all money received                  broadcast television spectrum incentive
                                                stations and MVPDs, we propose that                     from the Reimbursement Fund only for                  auction. When Congress authorized the
                                                LPTV/translator and FM stations submit                  expenses it believes in good faith are                Commission to conduct the incentive
                                                the Reimbursement Form electronically                   eligible for reimbursement, and it will               auction as part of the 2012 Spectrum
                                                via the Commission’s LMS database. We                   comply with all policies and procedures               Act, it required the Commission to
                                                propose to require LPTV/translator and                  related to reimbursement. In addition,                reimburse certain costs incurred by full
                                                FM stations to use a procedure and form                 we intend to conduct audits, data                     power and Class A television licensees
                                                similar to our existing FCC Form 1876                   validations, and site visits, as                      that were reassigned to new channels as
                                                and file electronically in the CORES                    appropriate, to prevent waste, fraud,                 a result of the auction, as well as certain
                                                Incentive Auction Financial Module.                     and abuse and to maximize the amount                  costs incurred by multichannel video
                                                Entities will be able to track                          of money available for reimbursement.                 program distributors (MVPDs) to
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                                                reimbursement payments using the                        To ensure transparency with respect to                continue to carry such stations. On
                                                Auction Payments component of the                       the Reimbursement Fund, we plan to                    March 23, 2018, Congress adopted the
                                                CORES Incentive Auction Financial                       make eligibility and actual cost                      Reimbursement Expansion Act (REA),
                                                Module.                                                 information available to the public as                which amends Section 6403 of the
                                                   87. As discussed in the Order below,                 well as information regarding                         Spectrum Act to expand the list of
                                                we direct the Media Bureau together                     Reimbursement Fund disbursements. If                  entities eligible to be reimbursed for
                                                with the Office of Managing Director to                 we discover evidence of intentional                   auction-related expenses to include
                                                revise these reimbursement forms and                    fraud, we intend to refer the matter to               LPTV, TV translator, and FM broadcast

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                                                                       Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 166 / Monday, August 27, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                          43629

                                                stations, and to provide additional                     forms certifying that they meet the                   and (3) satisfies any additional criteria
                                                funds to the Reimbursement Fund to be                   eligibility criteria established in this              established by the SBA. Below, we
                                                used for this purpose. The REA also                     proceeding for reimbursement,                         provide a description of such small
                                                increases the funds available to                        providing information regarding their                 entities, as well as an estimate of the
                                                reimburse full power and Class A                        current broadcasting equipment, and                   number of such small entities, where
                                                stations and MVPDs, and provides                        providing an estimate of their costs                  feasible.
                                                funds to the Commission for consumer                    eligible for reimbursement. The NPRM                     96. Radio and Television Broadcasting
                                                education.                                              invites comment on ways to streamline                 and Wireless Communications
                                                   93. The NPRM proposes a mechanism                    the submission of this information for                Equipment Manufacturing. This
                                                for reimbursing the newly eligible                      these entities.                                       industry comprises establishments
                                                entities that is substantially similar to                  • Proposes that after the submission               primarily engaged in manufacturing
                                                the process currently used by the                       of information, the Media Bureau will                 radio and television broadcast and
                                                Commission to reimburse full power                      provide eligible entities with an                     wireless communications equipment.
                                                and Class A licensees and MVPDs as                      allocation of funds, to be available for              Examples of products made by these
                                                established in the Incentive Auction                    draw down as the entities incur                       establishments are: Transmitting and
                                                R&O. The NPRM:                                          expenses. The NPRM proposes that the                  receiving antennas, cable television
                                                   • Tentatively concludes that LPTV                    Media Bureau will make an initial                     equipment, GPS equipment, pagers,
                                                and TV translator stations (collectively                allocation toward eligible expenses,                  cellular phones, mobile
                                                referred to as LPTV/translator stations)                followed by subsequent allocation(s) as               communications equipment, and radio
                                                are eligible for reimbursement if (1) they              needed, to the extent funds remain for                and television studio and broadcasting
                                                filed an application during the                         LPTV/translator stations and FM                       equipment. The Small Business
                                                Commission’s Special Displacement                       stations in the Reimbursement Fund,                   Administration has established a size
                                                Window and obtained a construction                      and seeks comment on how to                           standard for this industry of 750
                                                permit, and (2) were licensed and                       determine the amount of these                         employees or less. Census data for 2012
                                                transmitting for at least 9 of the 12                   allocations.                                          show that 841 establishments operated
                                                months prior to April 13, 2017, as                         • Proposes to use revised versions of              in this industry in that year. Of that
                                                required by the REA.                                    the financial forms currently being used              number, 819 establishments operated
                                                   • Tentatively concludes that the                     by full power, Class A, and MVPD                      with less than 500 employees. Based on
                                                Commission will reimburse LPTV/                         entities for purposes of reimbursing                  this data, we conclude that a majority of
                                                translator stations for their reasonable                eligible LPTV/translator and FM                       manufacturers in this industry are
                                                costs to construct the facilities                       stations, and proposes to use the same                small.
                                                authorized by the grant of the station’s                procedures to provide reimbursement                      97. Audio and Video Equipment
                                                Special Displacement Window                             payments to these newly eligible                      Manufacturing. This industry comprises
                                                application, but will require stations to               entities.                                             establishments primarily engaged in
                                                reuse existing equipment and take other                    • Discusses the measures the                       manufacturing electronic audio and
                                                measures to mitigate costs where                        Commission proposes to take to protect                video equipment for home
                                                possible.                                               the Reimbursement Fund against waste,                 entertainment, motor vehicles, and
                                                   • Tentatively concludes that both full               fraud, and abuse.                                     public address and musical instrument
                                                power FM stations and FM translators                                                                          amplification. Examples of products
                                                that were licensed and transmitting on                  C. Legal Basis                                        made by these establishments are video
                                                April 13, 2017, using the facilities                      94. The proposed action is authorized               cassette recorders, televisions, stereo
                                                impacted by the repacked television                     pursuant to sections 1, 4, 303, and 336(f)            equipment, speaker systems, household-
                                                station are eligible for reimbursement                  of the Communications Act of 1934, as                 type video cameras, jukeboxes, and
                                                under the REA. The NPRM proposes                        amended, Section 6403 of the Middle                   amplifiers for musical instruments and
                                                that this will include FM stations that                 Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of              public address systems. The SBA has
                                                incur costs because they must                           2012, and Section 511, Division E, Title              established a size standard for this
                                                permanently relocate, temporarily or                    V of the Consolidated Appropriations                  industry, in which all firms with 750
                                                permanently modify their facilities, or                 Act, 2018, Public Law 115–141 (2018),                 employees or less are small. According
                                                purchase or modify auxiliary facilities                 47 U.S.C. 151, 154, 303, 336(f), 1452.                to U.S. Census data for 2012, 466 audio
                                                to provide service to at least 80 percent                                                                     and video equipment manufacturers
                                                                                                        D. Description and Estimate of the
                                                of their primary station’s coverage area                                                                      were operational in that year. Of that
                                                                                                        Number of Small Entities To Which the
                                                or population during a period of time                                                                         number, 465 operated with fewer than
                                                                                                        Proposed Rules Will Apply
                                                when construction work is occurring on                                                                        500 employees. Based on this Census
                                                a collocated repacked television                           95. The RFA directs agencies to                    data and the associated size standard,
                                                station’s facilities.                                   provide a description of, and where                   we conclude that the majority of such
                                                   • Proposes to reimburse up to 100                    feasible, an estimate of the number of                manufacturers are small.
                                                percent of the costs eligible for                       small entities that may be affected by                   98. Radio Stations. This economic
                                                reimbursement for FM stations that                      the proposed rules, if adopted. The RFA               Census category ‘‘comprises
                                                must relocate permanently, or                           generally defines the term ‘‘small                    establishments primarily engaged in
                                                temporarily or permanently modify                       entity’’ as having the same meaning as                broadcasting aural programs by radio to
                                                facilities, and seeks comment on a                      the terms ‘‘small business,’’ ‘‘small                 the public.’’ The SBA has created the
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with PROPOSALS1

                                                graduated, prioritized system to                        organization,’’ and ‘‘small governmental              following small business size standard
                                                reimburse FM stations for the cost to                   jurisdiction.’’ In addition, the term                 for this category: Those having $38.5
                                                purchase or modify auxiliary equipment                  ‘‘small business’’ has the same meaning               million or less in annual receipts.
                                                to avoid going silent as a result of the                as the term ‘‘small business concern’’                Census data for 2012 shows that 2,849
                                                repacking process.                                      under the Small Business Act. A small                 firms in this category operated in that
                                                   • Proposes to require LPTV/translator                business concern is one which: (1) Is                 year. Of this number, 2,806 firms had
                                                and FM stations seeking reimbursement                   independently owned and operated; (2)                 annual receipts of less than $25,000,000,
                                                to file with the Commission one or more                 is not dominant in its field of operation;            and 43 firms had annual receipts of

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                                                43630                  Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 166 / Monday, August 27, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                $25,000,000 or more. Because the                        those that could be dominant in their                 E. Description of Projected Reporting,
                                                Census has no additional classifications                field of operation. For this reason, such             Recordkeeping, and Other Compliance
                                                that could serve as a basis for                         estimate likely is over-inclusive.                    Requirements
                                                determining the number of stations                         102. Television Broadcasting. This
                                                                                                                                                                 106. The NPRM proposes the
                                                whose receipts exceeded $38.5 million                   economic Census category ‘‘comprises
                                                                                                                                                              following revised reporting or
                                                in that year, we conclude that the                      establishments primarily engaged in
                                                                                                                                                              recordkeeping requirements. To
                                                majority of television broadcast stations               broadcasting images together with
                                                                                                                                                              implement the REA, it is proposed that
                                                were small under the applicable SBA                     sound. These establishments operate
                                                                                                                                                              eligible entities file forms to
                                                size standard.                                          television broadcasting studios and
                                                                                                                                                              demonstrate their eligibility and
                                                   99. Apart from the U.S. Census, the                  facilities for the programming and
                                                                                                                                                              estimated costs for reimbursement.
                                                Commission has estimated the number                     transmission of programs to the public.’’
                                                                                                                                                              Specifically, the NPRM proposes to use
                                                of licensed commercial AM radio                         These establishments also produce or
                                                                                                                                                              revised versions of the financial forms
                                                stations to be 4,429 stations and the                   transmit visual programming to
                                                number of commercial FM radio                           affiliated broadcast television stations,             currently being used by full power,
                                                stations to be 6,741, for a total number                which in turn broadcast the programs to               Class A, and multichannel video
                                                of 11,170. Of this total, 9,898 stations                the public on a predetermined schedule.               programming distributors (MVPD)
                                                had revenues of $38.5 million or less,                  Programming may originate in their own                entities from the incentive auction for
                                                according to Commission staff review of                 studio, from an affiliated network, or                purposes of reimbursing eligible LPTV/
                                                the BIA Kelsey Inc. Media Access Pro                    from external sources. The SBA has                    translator and FM stations. The NPRM
                                                Television Database (BIA) in October                    created the following small business                  proposes to use the procedures to
                                                2014. In addition, the Commission has                   size standard for Television                          provide reimbursement payments to
                                                estimated the number of noncommercial                   Broadcasting firms: Those having $38.5                these newly eligible entities that are
                                                educational FM radio stations to be                     million or less in annual receipts. The               similar to those it used for
                                                4,125. NCE stations are non-profit, and                 2012 economic Census reports that 751                 reimbursement in the incentive auction.
                                                therefore considered to be small entities.              television broadcasting firms operated                For example, the NPRM proposes that
                                                Therefore, we estimate that the majority                during that year. Of that number, 656                 LPTV, TV translators, and FM stations
                                                of radio broadcast stations are small                   had annual receipts of less than $25                  be required to submit their Eligibility
                                                entities.                                               million per year. Based on that Census                Certification, cost estimates, and
                                                   100. Low Power FM Stations. The                      data we conclude that a majority of                   subsequent requests for reimbursement
                                                same SBA definition that applies to                     firms that operate television stations are            for expenses they have incurred,
                                                radio stations would apply to low power                 small. We therefore estimate that the                 together with any required supporting
                                                FM stations. As noted above, the SBA                    majority of commercial television                     documentation, using the
                                                has created the following small business                broadcasters are small entities.                      Reimbursement Form (FCC Form 2100,
                                                size standard for this category: Those                     103. We note, however, that in                     Schedule 399), which the Commission
                                                having $38.5 million or less in annual                  assessing whether a business concern                  plans to revise for this purpose. As
                                                receipts. The Commission has estimated                  qualifies as small under the above                    required for full power and Class A
                                                the number of licensed low power FM                     definition, business (control) affiliations           stations and MVPDs, the NPRM
                                                stations to be 2,150. In addition, as of                must be included. Our estimate,                       proposes that LPTV/translator and FM
                                                June 30, 2017, there were a total of 7,604              therefore, likely overstates the number               stations submit the Reimbursement
                                                FM translator and FM booster stations.                  of small entities that might be affected              Form electronically via the
                                                Given that low power FM stations and                    by our action because the revenue figure              Commission’s Licensing and
                                                FM translators and boosters are too                     on which it is based does not include or              Management System (LMS) database.
                                                small and limited in their operations to                aggregate revenues from affiliated                    The NPRM proposes to require LPTV/
                                                have annual receipts anywhere near the                  companies. In addition, an element of                 translator and FM stations to use a
                                                SBA size standard of $38.5 million, we                  the definition of ‘‘small business’’ is that          procedure and form similar to the
                                                will presume that these licensees                       the entity not be dominant in its field               existing FCC Form 1876 and to file
                                                qualify as small entities under the SBA                 of operation. We are unable at this time              electronically in the CORES Incentive
                                                definition.                                             to define or quantify the criteria that               Auction Financial Module.
                                                   101. We note again, however, that in                 would establish whether a specific                       107. The Commission, as part of its
                                                assessing whether a business concern                    television station is dominant in its field           continuing effort to reduce paperwork
                                                qualifies as ‘‘small’’ under the above                  of operation. Accordingly, the estimate               burdens, will invite the general public
                                                definition, business (control) affiliations             of small businesses to which rules may                and the Office of Management and
                                                must be included. Because we do not                     apply does not exclude any television                 Budget (OMB) to comment on the
                                                include or aggregate revenues from                      station from the definition of a small                information collection requirements
                                                affiliated companies in determining                     business on this basis and is therefore               proposed in this document, as required
                                                whether an entity meets the applicable                  possibly over-inclusive to that extent.               by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
                                                revenue threshold, our estimate of the                     104. In addition, the Commission has               (PRA), Public Law 104–13.
                                                number of small radio broadcast stations                estimated the number of licensed
                                                affected is likely overstated. In addition,                                                                   F. Steps Taken To Minimize Significant
                                                                                                        noncommercial educational (NCE)
                                                as noted above, one element of the                                                                            Economic Impact on Small Entities and
                                                                                                        television stations to be 390. These
                                                definition of ‘‘small business’’ is that an                                                                   Significant Alternatives Considered
                                                                                                        stations are non-profit, and therefore
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                                                entity not be dominant in its field of                  considered to be small entities.                         108. The RFA requires an agency to
                                                operation. We are unable at this time to                   105. There are also 2,309 LPTV                     describe any significant alternatives that
                                                define or quantify the criteria that                    stations, including Class A stations, and             it has considered in reaching its
                                                would establish whether a specific radio                3,727 TV translator stations. Given the               proposed approach, which may include
                                                broadcast station is dominant in its field              nature of these services, we will                     the following four alternatives (among
                                                of operation. Accordingly, our estimate                 presume that all of these entities qualify            others): ‘‘(1) the establishment of
                                                of small radio stations potentially                     as small entities under the above SBA                 differing compliance or reporting
                                                affected by the proposed rules includes                 small business size standard.                         requirements or timetables that take into

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                                                                       Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 166 / Monday, August 27, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                           43631

                                                account the resources available to small                parte presentations are reminded that                 filings must be addressed to the
                                                entities; (2) the clarification,                        memoranda summarizing the                             Commission’s Secretary, Office of the
                                                consolidation, or simplification of                     presentation must (1) list all persons                Secretary, Federal Communications
                                                compliance and reporting requirements                   attending or otherwise participating in               Commission.
                                                under the rule for such small entities;                 the meeting at which the ex parte                        • All hand-delivered or messenger-
                                                (3) the use of performance, rather than                 presentation was made, and (2)                        delivered paper filings for the
                                                design standards; and (4) an exemption                  summarize all data presented and                      Commission’s Secretary must be
                                                from coverage of the rule, or any part                  arguments made during the                             delivered to FCC Headquarters at 445
                                                thereof, for small entities.’’                          presentation. If the presentation                     12th St. SW, Room TW–A325,
                                                   109. The NPRM proposes rules to                      consisted in whole or in part of the                  Washington, DC 20554. The filing hours
                                                implement the REA. The proposed rules                   presentation of data or arguments                     are 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. All hand
                                                are designed allow small entity                         already reflected in the presenter’s                  deliveries must be held together with
                                                broadcasters to seek reimbursement in                   written comments, memoranda or other                  rubber bands or fasteners. Any
                                                such a manner that is streamlined and                   filings in the proceeding, the presenter              envelopes and boxes must be disposed
                                                the least burdensome. The Commission                    may provide citations to such data or                 of before entering the building.
                                                will consider all comments submitted in                 arguments in his or her prior comments,
                                                                                                                                                                 • Commercial overnight mail (other
                                                connection with the NPRM including                      memoranda, or other filings (specifying
                                                                                                                                                              than U.S. Postal Service Express Mail
                                                any suggested alternative approaches to                 the relevant page and/or paragraph
                                                                                                        numbers where such data or arguments                  and Priority Mail) must be sent to 9050
                                                implementing the REA that would
                                                                                                        can be found) in lieu of summarizing                  Junction Drive, Annapolis Junction, MD
                                                reduce the burden and costs on smaller
                                                                                                        them in the memorandum. Documents                     20701.
                                                   110. In addition, pursuant to the                    shown or given to Commission staff                       • U.S. Postal Service first-class,
                                                Small Business Paperwork Relief Act of                  during ex parte meetings are deemed to                Express, and Priority mail must be
                                                2002, Public Law 107–198, see 44 U.S.C.                 be written ex parte presentations and                 addressed to 445 12th Street SW,
                                                3506(c)(4), the Commission will seek                    must be filed consistent with rule                    Washington, DC 20554.
                                                specific comment on how it might                        1.1206(b). In proceedings governed by                    115. People with Disabilities. To
                                                further reduce the information                          rule 1.49(f) or for which the                         request materials in accessible formats
                                                collection burden for small business                    Commission has made available a                       for people with disabilities (braille,
                                                concerns with fewer than 25 employees.                  method of electronic filing, written ex               large print, electronic files, audio
                                                                                                        parte presentations and memoranda                     format), send an email to fcc504@fcc.gov
                                                G. Federal Rules That May Duplicate,                    summarizing oral ex parte                             or call the Consumer & Governmental
                                                Overlap, or Conflict With the Proposed                  presentations, and all attachments                    Affairs Bureau at 202–418–0530 (voice),
                                                Rule                                                    thereto, must be filed through the                    202–418–0432 (tty).
                                                  111. None.                                            electronic comment filing system                         116. Availability of Documents.
                                                H. Paperwork Reduction Act                              available for that proceeding, and must               Comments, reply comments, and ex
                                                                                                        be filed in their native format (e.g., .doc,          parte submissions will be available for
                                                   112. The NPRM contains proposed                      .xml, .ppt, searchable.pdf). Participants             public inspection during regular
                                                new or modified information                             in this proceeding should familiarize                 business hours in the FCC Reference
                                                collections. The Commission, as part of                 themselves with the Commission’s ex                   Center, Federal Communications
                                                its continuing effort to reduce                         parte rules.                                          Commission, 445 12th St. SW, Room
                                                paperwork burdens, invites the general
                                                                                                        J. Filing Requirements                                CY–A257, Washington, DC 20554.
                                                public and the Office of Management
                                                                                                                                                              These documents will also be available
                                                and Budget (OMB) to comment on the                         114. Comments and Replies. Pursuant
                                                                                                                                                              via ECFS. Documents will be available
                                                information collection requirements                     to §§ 1.415 and 1.419 of the
                                                                                                                                                              electronically in ASCII, Microsoft Word,
                                                proposed in the NPRM, as required by                    Commission’s rules, 47 CFR 1.415,
                                                                                                        1.419, interested parties may file                    and/or Adobe Acrobat.
                                                the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
                                                (PRA), Public Law 104–13. In addition,                  comments and reply comments on or                     VI. Ordering Clauses
                                                pursuant to the Small Business                          before the dates indicated on the first
                                                Paperwork Relief Act of 2002 (SBPRA),                   page of this document. Comments may                     117. Accordingly, it is ordered that,
                                                Public Law 107–198, see 44 U.S.C.                       be filed using the Commission’s                       pursuant to the authority contained in
                                                3506(c)(4), we seek specific comment on                 Electronic Comment Filing System                      Sections 1, 4, 303, and 336(f) of the
                                                how we might further reduce the                         (ECFS). See Electronic Filing of                      Communications Act of 1934, as
                                                information collection burden for small                 Documents in Rulemaking Proceedings,                  amended, Section 6403 of the Middle
                                                business concerns with fewer than 25                    63 FR 24121 (1998).                                   Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of
                                                employees.                                                 • Electronic Filers: Comments may be               2012, and Section 511, Division E, Title
                                                                                                        filed electronically using the internet by            V of the Consolidated Appropriations
                                                I. Ex Parte Rules                                       accessing the ECFS: http://                           Act, 2018, Public Law 115–141 (2018),
                                                   113. Permit But Disclose. The                        fjallfoss.fcc.gov/ecfs2/.                             47 U.S.C. 151, 154, 303, 336(f), 1452, the
                                                proceeding this NPRM initiates shall be                    • Paper Filers: Parties who choose to              Notice of Proposed Rulemaking is
                                                treated as a ‘‘permit-but-disclose’’                    file by paper must file an original and               adopted.
                                                proceeding in accordance with the                       one copy of each filing. If more than one               118. It is further ordered that the
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with PROPOSALS1

                                                Commission’s ex parte rules. Persons                    docket or rulemaking number appears in                Commission’s Consumer and
                                                making ex parte presentations must file                 the caption of this proceeding, filers                Governmental Affairs Bureau, Reference
                                                a copy of any written presentation or a                 must submit two additional copies for                 Information Center, shall send a copy of
                                                memorandum summarizing any oral                         each additional docket or rulemaking                  this Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and
                                                presentation within two business days                   number. Filings can be sent by hand or                Order, including the Initial Regulatory
                                                after the presentation (unless a different              messenger delivery, by commercial                     Flexibility Analysis, to the Chief
                                                deadline applicable to the Sunshine                     overnight courier, or by first-class or               Counsel for Advocacy of the Small
                                                period applies). Persons making oral ex                 overnight U.S. Postal Service mail. All               Business Administration.

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                                                43632                  Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 166 / Monday, August 27, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                List of Subjects in 47 CFR Part 73                      2023 pursuant to sections 510(j)(1)(A)                   (4) FM station. FM stations that
                                                  Multichannel video programming                        and (B) of the REA.                                   experienced a disruption of service as a
                                                distributors (MVPDs), Radio, Reporting                     (8) Replacement translator station.                result of the reorganization of broadcast
                                                and recordkeeping requirements,                         For purposes of this section, the term                television spectrum under 47 U.S.C.
                                                Television.                                             replacement translator station means                  1452(b).
                                                                                                        analog to digital replacement translator                 (c) Reimbursement process.
                                                Federal Communications Commission.                      stations authorized pursuant to 47 CFR                   (1) Estimated costs.
                                                Katura Jackson,                                         74.787(a)(5).                                            (i) All entities that are eligible to
                                                Federal Register Liaison Officer, Office of the            (9) Spectrum Act. For purposes of this             receive reimbursement will be required
                                                Secretary.                                              section, the term Spectrum Act means                  to file an estimated cost form providing
                                                                                                        Title VI of the Middle Class Tax Relief               an estimate of their reasonably incurred
                                                Proposed Rules
                                                                                                        and Job Creation Act of 2012 (Pub. L.                 costs.
                                                PART 73—RADIO BROADCAST                                 112–96).                                                 (ii) Each eligible entity that submits
                                                SERVICES                                                   (10) Special Displacement Window.                  an estimated cost form will be required
                                                                                                        For purposes of this section, the term                to certify, inter alia, that:
                                                ■ 1. The authority citation for part 73                 Special Displacement Window means                        (A) It is eligible for reimbursement;
                                                continues to read as follows:                           the displacement application filing                      (B) It believes in good faith that it will
                                                                                                        window conducted April 10, 2018 to                    reasonably incur all of the estimated
                                                  Authority: 47 U.S.C. 154, 303, 309, 310,
                                                                                                        June 1, 2018 for low power television,                costs that it claims are eligible for
                                                334, 336 and 339.
                                                                                                        TV translator, and analog-to-digital                  reimbursement on the estimated cost
                                                ■ 2. Section 73.3701 is added to read as                                                                      form;
                                                follows:                                                replacement translator stations that
                                                                                                                                                                 (C) It will use all money received from
                                                                                                        were displaced by the incentive auction
                                                                                                                                                              the TV Broadcaster Relocation Fund
                                                § 73.3701 Reimbursement under the                       and repacking process.
                                                                                                                                                              only for expenses it believes in good
                                                Reimbursement Expansion Act.                               (11) Transmitting. For purposes of
                                                                                                                                                              faith are eligible for reimbursement;
                                                   (a) Definitions—                                     this section, the term transmitting
                                                                                                                                                                 (D) It will comply with all policies
                                                   (1) FM station. For purposes of this                 means operating not less than 2 hours
                                                                                                                                                              and procedures relating to allocations,
                                                section, the term FM station means                      in each day of the week and not less
                                                                                                                                                              draw downs, payments, obligations, and
                                                those stations authorized by 47 CFR                     than a total of 28 hours per calendar
                                                                                                                                                              expenditures of money from the TV
                                                73.310.                                                 week for 9 of the 12 months prior to
                                                                                                                                                              Broadcaster Relocation Fund;
                                                   (2) Incentive Auction. For purposes of               April 13, 2017.                                          (E) It will maintain detailed records,
                                                this section, the term Incentive Auction                   (12) TV Broadcaster Relocation Fund.               including receipts, of all costs eligible
                                                means the broadcast television spectrum                 For purposes of this section, the TV                  for reimbursement actually incurred;
                                                incentive auction conducted under                       Broadcaster Relocation Fund means the                 and
                                                Section 6403 of the Spectrum Act                        fund established by the REA.                             (F) It will file all required
                                                specifying the new channel assignments                     (13) TV translator station. For                    documentation of its relocation
                                                and technical parameters of any                         purposes of this section, the term TV                 expenses as instructed by the Media
                                                broadcast television stations that are                  translator station means those stations               Bureau.
                                                reassigned to new channels.                             authorized by 47 CFR 74.701.                             (iii) If an eligible entity seeks
                                                   (3) Licensed. For purposes of this                      (b) Only the following entities are                reimbursement for new equipment, it
                                                section, the term licensed means a                      eligible for reimbursement of relocation              must provide a justification as to why it
                                                station that was licensed or that filed a               costs reasonably incurred:                            is reasonable under the circumstances to
                                                license application prior to April 13,                     (1) Low power television stations. Low             purchase new equipment rather than
                                                2017.                                                   power television stations that filed an               modify its corresponding current
                                                   (4) Low power television station. For                application for construction permit                   equipment.
                                                purposes of this section, the term low                  during the Special Displacement                          (iv) Eligible entities that submit their
                                                power television station means those                    Window and such application was                       own cost estimates, as opposed to the
                                                stations authorized by 47 CFR 74.701.                   subsequently granted. Station must have               predetermined cost estimates provided
                                                   (5) Predetermined cost estimate. For                 been licensed and transmitting for at                 in the estimated cost form, must submit
                                                purposes of this section, predetermined                 least 9 of the 12 months prior to April               supporting evidence and certify that the
                                                cost estimate means the estimated cost                  13, 2017.                                             estimate is made in good faith.
                                                of an eligible expense as generally                        (2) TV translator stations. TV                        (2) Final Allocation Deadline.
                                                determined by the Media Bureau in a                     translator stations that filed an                        (i) Upon completing construction or
                                                catalog of expenses eligible for                        application for construction permit                   other reimbursable changes, or by a
                                                reimbursement.                                          during the Special Displacement                       specific deadline prior to the end of the
                                                   (6) Reimbursement Expansion Act or                   Window and such application was                       Reimbursement Period to be established
                                                REA. For purposes of this section, the                  subsequently granted. Station must have               by the Media Bureau, whichever is
                                                term Reimbursement Expansion Act or                     been licensed and transmitting for at                 earlier, all eligible entities that received
                                                REA means Division E, Financial                         least 9 of the 12 months prior to April               an initial allocation from the TV
                                                Services & General Appropriation Act,                   13, 2017.                                             Broadcaster Relocation Fund must
                                                2018, Title V Independent Agencies,                        (3) Replacement translator stations.               provide the Commission with
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with PROPOSALS1

                                                Public Law 115–141, Section 511                         Replacement translator stations that                  information and documentation,
                                                (codified at 47 U.S.C. 1452(j) through                  filed an application for construction                 including invoices and receipts,
                                                (n)) adopted as part of the Consolidated                permit during the Special Displacement                regarding their actual expenses incurred
                                                Appropriations Act, 2018, Public Law                    Window and such application was                       as of a date to be determined by the
                                                115–141 (2018).                                         subsequently granted. Station must have               Media Bureau (the ‘‘Final Allocation
                                                   (7) Reimbursement period. For                        been licensed and transmitting for at                 Deadline’’).
                                                purposes of this section, reimbursement                 least 9 of the 12 months prior to April                  (ii) If an eligible entity has not yet
                                                period means the period ending July 3,                  13, 2017.                                             completed construction or other

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                                                                       Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 166 / Monday, August 27, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                                 43633

                                                reimbursable changes by the Final                       estimated expenses and actual expenses                construction or other reimbursable
                                                Allocation Deadline, it must provide the                as of a date to be determined by the                  changes for a period ending not less
                                                Commission with information and                         Media Bureau. Entities that have                      than 10 years after the date on which it
                                                documentation regarding any remaining                   finished construction and have                        receives final payment from the TV
                                                eligible expenses that it expects to                    submitted all actual expense                          Broadcaster Relocation Fund.
                                                reasonably incur.                                       documentation by the Final Allocation                    (ii) Each eligible entity that receives
                                                   (3) Final accounting. After completing               Deadline will not be required to file at
                                                all construction or reimbursable                                                                              payment from the TV Broadcaster
                                                                                                        the final accounting stage.                           Relocation Fund must make available
                                                changes, eligible entities that have                       (4) Documentation requirements.
                                                received money from the TV                                 (i) Each eligible entity that receives             all relevant documentation upon request
                                                Broadcaster Relocation Fund will be                     payment from the TV Broadcaster                       from the Commission or its contractor.
                                                required to submit final expense                        Relocation Fund is required to retain all             [FR Doc. 2018–17844 Filed 8–24–18; 8:45 am]
                                                documentation containing a list of                      relevant documents pertaining to                      BILLING CODE 6712–01–P
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Document Created: 2018-08-25 01:48:44
Document Modified: 2018-08-25 01:48:44
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionProposed Rules
ActionProposed rule.
DatesComments may be filed on or before September 26, 2018; and reply comments may be filed on or before October 26, 2018.
ContactKim Matthews of the FCC's Media Bureau, Policy Division, [email protected], (202) 418-2154.
FR Citation83 FR 43613 
CFR AssociatedMultichannel Video Programming Distributors (mvpds); Radio; Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements and Television

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