83_FR_4446 83 FR 4425 - Schedule of Fees for Consular Services, Department of State and Overseas Embassies and Consulates-Passport Services Fee Changes

83 FR 4425 - Schedule of Fees for Consular Services, Department of State and Overseas Embassies and Consulates-Passport Services Fee Changes


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 21 (January 31, 2018)

Page Range4425-4428
FR Document2018-01809

The Department of State implements an adjustment to the Schedule of Fees for Consular Services of the Department of State's Bureau of Consular Affairs (``Schedule of Fees'' or ``Schedule'') to raise the execution fee for passport books and cards from $25 to $35. The Department is adjusting this fee in light of the findings of the most recently approved update to the Cost of Service Model to better align the fees for consular services with the costs of providing those services.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 21 (Wednesday, January 31, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 21 (Wednesday, January 31, 2018)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 4425-4428]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-01809]



22 CFR Part 22

[Public Notice 10027]
RIN 1400-AD81

Schedule of Fees for Consular Services, Department of State and 
Overseas Embassies and Consulates--Passport Services Fee Changes

AGENCY: Department of State.

ACTION: Final rule.


SUMMARY: The Department of State implements an adjustment to the 
Schedule of Fees for Consular Services of the Department of State's 
Bureau of Consular Affairs (``Schedule of Fees'' or ``Schedule'') to 
raise the execution fee for passport books and cards from $25 to $35. 
The Department is adjusting this fee in light of the findings of the 
most recently approved update to the Cost of Service Model to better 
align the fees for consular services with the costs of providing those 

DATES: In accordance with the Congressional Review Act, this rule is 
effective on April 2, 2018.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Rob Schlicht, Management Analyst, 
Office of the Comptroller, Bureau of Consular Affairs, Department of 
State; phone: 202-485-6685, telefax: 202-485-6826; email: 
[email protected].



    This rule makes a change to the Schedule of Fees for passport 
services (passport books and cards). The Department published a notice 
of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) on September 19, 2016 (81 FR 64088), with 
60 days provided for public comment. This final rule addresses the 
relevant comments. Justification for this rulemaking can be found in 
the NPRM.

Analysis of Comments

    The Department received 34 comments, of which 26 are addressed 
herein. The other eight were duplicates submitted to regulations.gov 
and [email protected].
    The majority of the comments were in favor of raising the fee from 
$25 to $35. Four were opposed to raising the fee and one comment 
referred to visa fees which are not addressed in this rulemaking.
    A majority of the comments that were in favor of the fee increase 
cited increased overhead, with most mentioning staffing and postage as 
major costs. Other comments expressed the view that the small increase 
in fee would not affect business or personal travel.
    Two commenters who opposed the fee increase expressed concern that 
the fee would be a burden to some travelers. Although the Department is 
sympathetic to the impact the fee increase may have on the public, the 
fee increase reflects the result of an evaluation to determine the cost 
of the service provided so that the U.S. Government may recover the 
full cost of the service in accordance with 31 U.S.C. 9701 and guidance 
from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Federal agencies make 
every effort to ensure that fees for services are sufficient to recover 
the full cost to the government. (See OMB Circular A-25, ] 6(a)(1), 
    Two commenters stated that the government should work more 
efficiently rather than raise fees. The Department of State's Bureau of 
Consular Affairs along with its partner acceptance facilities strive to 
optimize business functions to increase efficiency and effectively 
manage financial and capital resources funded by consular fees. There 
are approximately 7,400 acceptance facilities throughout the United 
States, including those at post offices and clerks of court. This fee 
is necessary to ensure that acceptance agents are compensated for the 
time and materials required to accept applications on behalf of the 
Department of State. The fee has remained the same for over nine years 
even though the cost of labor and material has increased during the 
same time period. In 2008, the Department lowered the execution fee for 
passport books from $30 to $25 based on costs at the time. The proposed 
$10 increase to $35, from the current fee of $25, is in line with cost 
increases for both the Department and United States Postal Service 
during the past nine years.
    In an effort to improve business practices, the Department 
publishes a guide that standardizes processes for acceptance facilities 
and provides annual training to ensure the processes are followed. 
Additionally, the Department conducts regular audits and inspections of 
the acceptance facilities to protect the integrity of the application 
process, prevent mis/malfeasance, and promote standardization and 
    The revenue from retained consular fees fund CA's domestic and 
overseas operations and consular-related programs. These operations 
protect the lives and serve the interests of United States citizens and 
strengthen U.S. border security.
    One commenter stated that the amount of time and effort it takes to

[[Page 4426]]

process applications does not justify the cost of service. The person 
believes that fees should be less for children when they apply with 
their family. As described in the section of this rule describing 
activity-based costing, the fee is determined in its totality, not as 
an individual transaction with consideration given to family 
circumstances. Conforming to guidance from OMB, federal agencies make 
every effort to ensure that fees for service are sufficient to recover 
the full cost to the government of providing the service. (See OMB 
Circular A-25, ] 6(a)(1), (a)(2)(a).) Activity-based costing was 
explained in the NPRM, and the Department will summarize the 
explanation here, for convenience.

Activity-Based Costing

    To set fees in accordance with the general principles of cost 
recovery, the Department must determine the true cost of providing 
consular services. Following guidance provided in ``Managerial Cost 
Accounting Concepts and Standards for the Federal Government,'' OMB's 
Statement #4 of Federal Accounting Standards (SFFAS #4 (available at 
http://www.fasab.gov/pdffiles/sffas-4.pdf), the Department developed an 
activity-based costing (ABC) model to determine the true cost of each 
of its consular services.
    The Government Accountability Office (GAO) defines activity-based 
costing as a ``set of accounting methods used to identify and describe 
costs and required resources for activities within processes.'' Because 
an organization can use the same staff and resources (computer 
equipment, production facilities, etc.) to produce multiple products or 
services, ABC models seek to identify and assign costs to processes and 
activities and then to individual products and services through the 
identification of key cost drivers referred to as ``resource drivers'' 
and ``activity drivers.'' ABC models also seek to identify the amount 
of time an organization's personnel spend on each service and how much 
overhead cost (rent, utilities, facilities maintenance, etc.) is 
associated with delivering each service.
    ABC models require financial and accounting analysis and modeling 
skills combined with a detailed understanding of an organization's 
business processes. ABC models require an organization to identify all 
activities required to produce a particular product or service 
(``activities'') and all resources consumed (``costs'') in the course 
of producing that product or service. An organization must also measure 
the quantity of resources consumed (``resource driver''); and the 
frequency and intensity of demand placed on activities to produce 
services (``activity driver''). SFFAS Statement #4 provides a detailed 
discussion of the use of cost accounting by the U.S. Government.

The Department's Cost of Service Model

    The Department conducted periodic Cost of Service Studies using ABC 
methods to determine the costs of its consular services through 2009. 
In 2010, the Department moved to adopt an annually updated Cost of 
Service Model that measures all of its consular operations and costs, 
including all activities needed to provide consular services, whether 
fee-based or not. This provides a comprehensive and detailed look at 
all consular services as well as all services the Department performs 
for other agencies in connection with its consular operations. The Cost 
of Service Model now includes approximately 80 distinct activities, and 
enables the Department to model its consular-related costs with a high 
degree of precision.
    The Department uses three methods outlined in SFFAS Statement #4 
(paragraph 149(2)) to assign resource costs to activities: (a) Direct 
tracing; (b) estimation based on surveys, interviews, or statistical 
sampling; and (c) allocations. The Department uses direct tracing to 
assign the cost of, for example, a physical passport book or the visa 
foil placed in a visa applicant's passport. Assigning costs to 
activities such as adjudicating a passport or visa application requires 
estimation based on surveys, interviews, or statistical sampling to 
determine who performs an activity and how long it takes. Indirect 
costs (overhead) in the Cost of Service Model are allocated according 
to the level of effort needed for a particular activity. Where 
possible, the model uses overhead cost pools to assign indirect costs 
only to related activities. For instance, the cost of rent for domestic 
passport agencies is assigned only to passport costs, not to visas or 
other services the Department provides only overseas. The Department 
allocates indirect support costs to each consular service by the 
portion of each cost attributable to consular activities. For example, 
the model allocates a portion of the cost of the Department's Bureau of 
Human Resources to consular services. The total amount of this 
allocation is based on the number of Bureau of Human Resources staff 
members who support Bureau of Consular Affairs personnel. In turn, this 
amount is allocated between the different consular services by the 
level of effort to provide them.
    To assign labor costs, the Department relies on a variety of 
industry-standard estimation methodologies. To document how consular 
staff divide their time overseas, the Department conducts the Consular 
Overseas Data Collection (CODaC) survey of a representative sample of 
posts each year. The Department uses CODaC survey data in conjunction 
with volume data from over 200 individual consular sections in 
consulates and embassies worldwide, to develop resource drivers to 
assign labor costs to activities. For consular activities that take 
place in the United States, the Department collects volume data from 
periodic workload reports including Passport Agency Task Reports pulled 
from management databases that include Passport's Management 
Information System. Financial information is gathered from reports by 
the Comptroller and Global Financial Services bureau financial systems. 
The Department converts the cost and workload data it collects into 
resource drivers and activity drivers for each resource and activity.
    Roughly 70 percent of the workforce involved in providing consular 
services are full-time Federal employees. When demand for a service 
rises, it takes time for the Department to increase the number of 
employees because of the lengthy security clearance process and special 
training involved. Likewise, it is difficult to rapidly decrease the 
number of employees when demand for a service falls. Additionally, 
given government procurement rules and security requirements, the 
Department must commit to many of its facilities and infrastructure 
costs years before a facility becomes available. In spite of changes in 
demand, the Department is obligated to cover these costs. Given these 
and other constraints on altering the Department's cost structure in 
the short term, changes in service volumes can have dramatic effects on 
whether a fee is self-sustaining. Therefore, the Cost of Service Model 
includes predictive data as well as actual data. Predictive workloads 
are based on projections by the Office of Visa Services, the Office of 
Passport Services, and other parts of the Bureau of Consular Affairs 
that are consistent with Department budget documents prepared for 
Congress. As notified in the FY 2018 Congressional Budget 
Justification, the Department estimates a workload of 20.2 million 
passport applications, 14.4 million nonimmigrant visa applications, and 
600,000 immigrant visa applications in FY 2018.
    The costs the Department enters into the Cost of Service Model 
include every line item of costs, such as physical

[[Page 4427]]

material for making passports and visas, salaries, rent, supplies, and 
IT hardware and software. The Department then calculates a resource 
driver for overseas staff time based on responses to the Consular 
Overseas Data Collection survey for overseas compensation costs and 
enters the resource drivers and activity assignments into the model. 
The Department then selects an activity driver, such as the volume data 
discussed above, for each activity, in order to assign these costs to 
each service type. This process allows the model to calculate a total 
cost for each of the Schedule of Fees line items for visa services, 
passport services, and overseas citizens services as well as services 
for other government agencies and no fee services. The model then 
divides this total cost by the total volume of the service or product 
in question in order to determine a final unit cost for the service or 
product. Projected costs for predictive years are also included to take 
account of changes in the size of consular staff, workload, and similar 
factors.\1\ The resulting database constitutes the Cost of Service 
Model. The Department continues to refine and update the Cost of 
Service Model in order to set fees commensurate with the cost of 
providing consular services.

    \1\ Workload volume increases and decreases are the main drivers 
for staffing changes, but other factors may impact staffing or the 
speed of staffing changes (e.g., the length of the recruitment and 
clearance processes).

    The Cost of Service Model is a complex series of iterative computer 
processes incorporating more than a million calculations, housed in an 
industry standard commercial off-the-shelf product, SAP Enterprise 
Performance Management; therefore, it is not reducible to a tangible 
form such as a document. Inputs are formatted in spreadsheets for entry 
into the ABC software package. The software's output includes 
spreadsheets with raw unit costs, validation reports, and management 
reports. All data inputs and outputs are considered Sensitive but 
Unclassified and therefore cannot be made publically available.
    The new cost reflected in the Schedule of Fees is based on 
projected workload for Fiscal Year 2018, and the fee has been rounded 
to make it easier to collect.

The New Passport Execution Fee

    The Department is increasing the execution fee for passport books 
and cards from $25 to $35, excepting those persons who are statutorily 
exempted from paying the passport execution fee. The costs of providing 
passport services to exempt individuals are covered by fees paid by 
non-exempt individuals. The passport execution fee is applicable to all 
first-time passport applicants and certain other applicants who must 
apply in person, such as minors under the age of 16. Applicants apply 
in person at post offices and other acceptance facilities, such as 
local clerks of court, as well as at the Department's passport offices. 
The passport execution fee includes the costs associated with accepting 
passport applications and fees in-person, including salaries, benefits, 
and an allocated portion of overhead including, but not limited to, 
rent, utilities, supplies and equipment. The Department's Cost of 
Service Model showed that these costs were over $33. The United States 
Postal Service--the acceptance agent for the majority of passport 
applications--regularly conducts a similar study and found that these 
costs were more than $34.\2\ See 22 U.S.C. 214(a); 22 CFR 51.51(b).

    \2\ The United States Postal Service does not produce a public 
report on this study.

    The $10 increase in the passport execution fee will affect first-
time passport applicants and certain applicants who must appear at post 
offices and other acceptance facilities such as local clerks of court. 
Individuals who apply for a passport renewal by mail will not see a fee 

Regulatory Findings

Administrative Procedure Act

    The Department published this rule as a proposed rule on September 
19, 2016, with a 60-day provision for public comments. See 81 FR 64088. 
In accordance with the Congressional Review Act, this rule will be 
effective 60 days after publication and receipt by Congress and the 

Regulatory Flexibility Act

    The Department has reviewed this rule and, by approving it, 
certifies that it will not have a significant economic impact on a 
substantial number of small entities as defined in 5 U.S.C. 601(6).

Unfunded Mandates Act of 1995

    This rule will not result in the expenditure by state, local, or 
tribal governments, in the aggregate, or by the private sector, of $100 
million or more in any year, and it will not significantly or uniquely 
affect small governments. Therefore, no actions were deemed necessary 
under the provisions of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995, 2 
U.S.C. 1501-1504.

Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996

    This rule is a major rule as defined by 5 U.S.C. 804(2). The 
Congressional Review Act, 5 U.S.C. 801 et seq., as added by the Small 
Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996, generally 
provides that before a rule may take effect, the agency promulgating 
the rule must submit a rule report, which includes a copy of the rule, 
to each House of the Congress and to the Comptroller General of the 
United States. The Department will submit the required information to 
the U.S. Senate, the U.S. House of Representatives, and the Comptroller 
General of the United States prior to publication of the rule in the 
Federal Register. This rule will take effect 60 days after it is 
published in the Federal Register and receipt by Congress and the GAO.

Executive Order 12866

    The Department has reviewed this rule to ensure its consistency 
with the regulatory philosophy and principles set forth in the 
Executive Orders. OMB has determined that this rule is economically 
significant under Executive Order 12866.
    This rule is necessary in light of the Department of State's Cost 
of Service Model finding that the cost of executing first-time 
passports is higher than the current fee. The Department is setting 
this fee in accordance with 22 U.S.C. 214(a) (``There shall be 
collected and paid into the Treasury of the United States . . . a fee, 
prescribed by the Secretary of State by regulation, for executing each 
such [passport] application) and 31 U.S.C. 9701(``The head of each 
agency . . . may prescribe regulations establishing the charge for a 
service or thing of value provided by the agency . . . based on . . . 
the costs to the Government.''). This regulation generally sets the fee 
for passport executions at the amount required to recover the costs 
associated with providing this service.
    Details of the fee change are as follows:

[[Page 4428]]

                                                                                                                     Estimated annual   Estimated change
                     Item No.                        Proposed fee     Current fee    Change in fee    Percentage        number of        in annual fees
                                                                                                       increase      applications \1\    collected \1\
                                                         Schedule of Fees for Consular Services
                                                                      * * * * * * *
                                                            Passport and Citizenship Services
1. Passport Book or Card Execution: Required for               $35             $25             $10              40         11,500,000       $115,000,000
 first-time applicants and others who must apply
 in person........................................
    Total.........................................  ..............  ..............  ..............  ..............  .................       $115,000,000
                                                                      * * * * * * *
\1\ Based on projected FY 2018 workload.

    As noted in the NPRM, the Department of State does not anticipate 
that demand for passport services affected by this rule will change 
significantly due to the fee change.
    The Department does not believe that passport application fees are 
a significant determining factor when Americans decide to travel 
internationally. The price of a passport book or card remains minor in 
comparison with other costs associated with foreign travel, given that 
taxes and surcharges alone on international airfare can easily surpass 
$100. As a result, the Department does not believe passport demand will 
be significantly affected by the new fee.

Executive Order 13771

    This rule is not an E.O. 13771 regulatory action because it is a 
transfer rule that changes only the fee for a service without imposing 
any new costs.

Executive Orders 12372 and 13132

    This regulation will not have substantial direct effects on the 
states, on the relationship between the national government and the 
states, or on the distribution of power and responsibilities among the 
various levels of government. Therefore, in accordance with section 6 
of Executive Order 13132, it is determined that this rule does not have 
sufficient federalism implications to require consultations or warrant 
the preparation of a federalism summary impact statement. The 
regulations implementing Executive Order 12372 regarding 
intergovernmental consultation on federal programs and activities do 
not apply to this regulation.

Executive Order 13175

    The Department has determined that this rulemaking will not have 
tribal implications, will not impose substantial direct compliance 
costs on Indian tribal governments, and will not preempt tribal law. 
Accordingly, the requirements of Executive Order 13175 do not apply to 
this rulemaking.

Paperwork Reduction Act

    Information collection 1405-0004, which relates to this rule, is 
approved by OMB pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C. 
Chapter 35. Other than the comments summarized above, the Department 
received no public comments regarding this rulemaking. This information 
collection has been renewed until August 31, 2019.

List of Subjects in 22 CFR Part 22

    Consular Services, Fees, Passports.

    Accordingly, 22 CFR part 22 is amended as follows:


1. The authority citation for part 22 is revised to read as follows:

    Authority:  8 U.S.C. 1101 note, 1153 note, 1183a note, 1351, 
1351 note, 1714, 1714 note; 10 U.S.C. 2602(c); 11 U.S.C. 1157 note; 
22 U.S.C. 214, 214 note, 1475e, 2504(a), 2651a, 4201, 4206, 4215, 
4219, 6551; 31 U.S.C. 9701; Exec. Order 10,718, 22 FR 4632 (1957); 
Exec. Order 11,295, 31 FR 10603 (1966).

2. In Sec.  22.1, in the table, revise item 1 to read as follows:

Sec.  22.1  Schedule of fees.

* * * * *

                 Schedule of Fees for Consular Services
                           Item No.                               Fee
Passport and Citizenship Services:
  1. Passport Book or Card Execution: Required for first-time        $35
   applicants and others who must apply in person............
                                * * * * *

 Carl C. Risch,
Assistant Secretary for Consular Affairs, Department of State.
[FR Doc. 2018-01809 Filed 1-30-18; 8:45 am]

                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 21 / Wednesday, January 31, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                          4425

                                              Memorandum M–17–21, ‘‘Guidance                          DEPARTMENT OF STATE                                    the view that the small increase in fee
                                              Implementing Executive Order 13771’’                                                                           would not affect business or personal
                                              of April 5, 2017.                                       22 CFR Part 22                                         travel.
                                                                                                      [Public Notice 10027]
                                                                                                                                                                Two commenters who opposed the
                                              F. Executive Order 13563                                                                                       fee increase expressed concern that the
                                                                                                      RIN 1400–AD81                                          fee would be a burden to some travelers.
                                                The Department of State has
                                                                                                                                                             Although the Department is sympathetic
                                              considered this rule in light of                        Schedule of Fees for Consular                          to the impact the fee increase may have
                                              Executive Order 13563 and affirms that                  Services, Department of State and                      on the public, the fee increase reflects
                                              this regulation is consistent with the                  Overseas Embassies and                                 the result of an evaluation to determine
                                              guidance therein. G. Executive Orders                   Consulates—Passport Services Fee                       the cost of the service provided so that
                                              12372 and 13132: Federalism                             Changes                                                the U.S. Government may recover the
                                              H. Executive Order 13175—                               AGENCY:    Department of State.                        full cost of the service in accordance
                                              Consultation and Coordination With                                                                             with 31 U.S.C. 9701 and guidance from
                                                                                                      ACTION:   Final rule.
                                                                                                                                                             the Office of Management and Budget
                                              Indian Tribal Governments
                                                                                                      SUMMARY:   The Department of State                     (OMB). Federal agencies make every
                                                The Department of State has                           implements an adjustment to the                        effort to ensure that fees for services are
                                              determined that this rulemaking will                    Schedule of Fees for Consular Services                 sufficient to recover the full cost to the
                                              not have tribal implications, will not                  of the Department of State’s Bureau of                 government. (See OMB Circular A–25,
                                              impose substantial direct compliance                    Consular Affairs (‘‘Schedule of Fees’’ or              ¶ 6(a)(1), (a)(2)(a).)
                                                                                                      ‘‘Schedule’’) to raise the execution fee                  Two commenters stated that the
                                              costs on Indian tribal governments, and
                                                                                                      for passport books and cards from $25                  government should work more
                                              will not pre-empt tribal law.
                                                                                                      to $35. The Department is adjusting this               efficiently rather than raise fees. The
                                              Accordingly, the requirements of                                                                               Department of State’s Bureau of
                                              section 5 of Executive Order 13175 do                   fee in light of the findings of the most
                                                                                                      recently approved update to the Cost of                Consular Affairs along with its partner
                                              not apply to this rulemaking.                                                                                  acceptance facilities strive to optimize
                                                                                                      Service Model to better align the fees for
                                              I. Paperwork Reduction Act                              consular services with the costs of                    business functions to increase efficiency
                                                                                                      providing those services.                              and effectively manage financial and
                                                 This rule does not impose or revise                                                                         capital resources funded by consular
                                                                                                      DATES: In accordance with the
                                              information collections subject to the                                                                         fees. There are approximately 7,400
                                                                                                      Congressional Review Act, this rule is                 acceptance facilities throughout the
                                              provisions of the Paperwork Reduction
                                                                                                      effective on April 2, 2018.                            United States, including those at post
                                              Act, 44 U.S.C., Chapter 35.
                                                                                                      FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Rob                   offices and clerks of court. This fee is
                                                 For a summary of the regulatory                      Schlicht, Management Analyst, Office of                necessary to ensure that acceptance
                                              findings and analyses regarding this                    the Comptroller, Bureau of Consular                    agents are compensated for the time and
                                              rulemaking, please refer to the findings                Affairs, Department of State; phone:                   materials required to accept
                                              and analyses published with the interim                 202–485–6685, telefax: 202–485–6826;                   applications on behalf of the
                                              final rule, which can be found at 80 FR                 email: fees@state.gov.                                 Department of State. The fee has
                                              53704, which are adopted herein.                        SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                             remained the same for over nine years
                                              Section 22.1, Items 2.(a), 2.(b), and 2.(g)                                                                    even though the cost of labor and
                                              of this rule became effective September                 Background                                             material has increased during the same
                                              26, 2015. Section 22.1, Item 8 became                     This rule makes a change to the                      time period. In 2008, the Department
                                              effective November 9, 2015. As noted                    Schedule of Fees for passport services                 lowered the execution fee for passport
                                              above, the Department considered the                    (passport books and cards). The                        books from $30 to $25 based on costs at
                                              comments submitted in response to the                   Department published a notice of                       the time. The proposed $10 increase to
                                              interim final rule and does not adopt                   proposed rulemaking (NPRM) on                          $35, from the current fee of $25, is in
                                              them. Thus, the rule remains in effect.                 September 19, 2016 (81 FR 64088), with                 line with cost increases for both the
                                                                                                      60 days provided for public comment.                   Department and United States Postal
                                              List of Subjects in 22 CFR Part 22                      This final rule addresses the relevant                 Service during the past nine years.
                                                                                                      comments. Justification for this                          In an effort to improve business
                                                Consular services, Fees, Passports and
                                                                                                      rulemaking can be found in the NPRM.                   practices, the Department publishes a
                                                                                                                                                             guide that standardizes processes for
                                                                                                      Analysis of Comments
                                              PART 22—SCHEDULE OF FEES FOR                                                                                   acceptance facilities and provides
                                                                                                        The Department received 34                           annual training to ensure the processes
                                              CONSULAR SERVICES—                                      comments, of which 26 are addressed                    are followed. Additionally, the
                                              DEPARTMENT OF STATE AND                                 herein. The other eight were duplicates                Department conducts regular audits and
                                              FOREIGN SERVICE                                         submitted to regulations.gov and fees@                 inspections of the acceptance facilities
                                                                                                      state.gov.                                             to protect the integrity of the application
                                              ■ Accordingly, the interim final rule                     The majority of the comments were in                 process, prevent mis/malfeasance, and
                                              amending 22 CFR part 22, which was                      favor of raising the fee from $25 to $35.              promote standardization and efficiency.
                                              published in the Federal Register, 80 FR                Four were opposed to raising the fee                      The revenue from retained consular
                                              53704, on September 8, 2015 is adopted                  and one comment referred to visa fees                  fees fund CA’s domestic and overseas
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES

                                              as final without change.                                which are not addressed in this                        operations and consular-related
                                                                                                      rulemaking.                                            programs. These operations protect the
                                              Carl C. Risch,
                                                                                                        A majority of the comments that were                 lives and serve the interests of United
                                              Assistant Secretary for Consular Affairs,               in favor of the fee increase cited                     States citizens and strengthen U.S.
                                              Department of State.                                    increased overhead, with most                          border security.
                                              [FR Doc. 2018–01850 Filed 1–30–18; 8:45 am]             mentioning staffing and postage as                        One commenter stated that the
                                              BILLING CODE 4710–06–P                                  major costs. Other comments expressed                  amount of time and effort it takes to

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014   16:53 Jan 30, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00013   Fmt 4700   Sfmt 4700   E:\FR\FM\31JAR1.SGM   31JAR1

                                              4426             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 21 / Wednesday, January 31, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                              process applications does not justify the               (‘‘resource driver’’); and the frequency                  To assign labor costs, the Department
                                              cost of service. The person believes that               and intensity of demand placed on                      relies on a variety of industry-standard
                                              fees should be less for children when                   activities to produce services (‘‘activity             estimation methodologies. To document
                                              they apply with their family. As                        driver’’). SFFAS Statement #4 provides                 how consular staff divide their time
                                              described in the section of this rule                   a detailed discussion of the use of cost               overseas, the Department conducts the
                                              describing activity-based costing, the fee              accounting by the U.S. Government.                     Consular Overseas Data Collection
                                              is determined in its totality, not as an                                                                       (CODaC) survey of a representative
                                                                                                      The Department’s Cost of Service Model
                                              individual transaction with                                                                                    sample of posts each year. The
                                              consideration given to family                              The Department conducted periodic                   Department uses CODaC survey data in
                                              circumstances. Conforming to guidance                   Cost of Service Studies using ABC                      conjunction with volume data from over
                                              from OMB, federal agencies make every                   methods to determine the costs of its                  200 individual consular sections in
                                              effort to ensure that fees for service are              consular services through 2009. In 2010,               consulates and embassies worldwide, to
                                              sufficient to recover the full cost to the              the Department moved to adopt an                       develop resource drivers to assign labor
                                              government of providing the service.                    annually updated Cost of Service Model                 costs to activities. For consular activities
                                              (See OMB Circular A–25, ¶ 6(a)(1),                      that measures all of its consular                      that take place in the United States, the
                                              (a)(2)(a).) Activity-based costing was                  operations and costs, including all                    Department collects volume data from
                                              explained in the NPRM, and the                          activities needed to provide consular                  periodic workload reports including
                                              Department will summarize the                           services, whether fee-based or not. This               Passport Agency Task Reports pulled
                                              explanation here, for convenience.                      provides a comprehensive and detailed                  from management databases that
                                                                                                      look at all consular services as well as               include Passport’s Management
                                              Activity-Based Costing                                  all services the Department performs for               Information System. Financial
                                                 To set fees in accordance with the                   other agencies in connection with its                  information is gathered from reports by
                                              general principles of cost recovery, the                consular operations. The Cost of Service               the Comptroller and Global Financial
                                              Department must determine the true                      Model now includes approximately 80                    Services bureau financial systems. The
                                              cost of providing consular services.                    distinct activities, and enables the                   Department converts the cost and
                                              Following guidance provided in                          Department to model its consular-                      workload data it collects into resource
                                              ‘‘Managerial Cost Accounting Concepts                   related costs with a high degree of                    drivers and activity drivers for each
                                              and Standards for the Federal                           precision.                                             resource and activity.
                                              Government,’’ OMB’s Statement #4 of                        The Department uses three methods                      Roughly 70 percent of the workforce
                                              Federal Accounting Standards (SFFAS                     outlined in SFFAS Statement #4                         involved in providing consular services
                                              #4 (available at http://www.fasab.gov/                  (paragraph 149(2)) to assign resource                  are full-time Federal employees. When
                                              pdffiles/sffas-4.pdf), the Department                   costs to activities: (a) Direct tracing; (b)           demand for a service rises, it takes time
                                              developed an activity-based costing                     estimation based on surveys, interviews,               for the Department to increase the
                                              (ABC) model to determine the true cost                  or statistical sampling; and (c)                       number of employees because of the
                                              of each of its consular services.                       allocations. The Department uses direct                lengthy security clearance process and
                                                 The Government Accountability                        tracing to assign the cost of, for                     special training involved. Likewise, it is
                                              Office (GAO) defines activity-based                     example, a physical passport book or                   difficult to rapidly decrease the number
                                              costing as a ‘‘set of accounting methods                the visa foil placed in a visa applicant’s             of employees when demand for a
                                              used to identify and describe costs and                 passport. Assigning costs to activities                service falls. Additionally, given
                                              required resources for activities within                such as adjudicating a passport or visa                government procurement rules and
                                              processes.’’ Because an organization can                application requires estimation based on               security requirements, the Department
                                              use the same staff and resources                        surveys, interviews, or statistical                    must commit to many of its facilities
                                              (computer equipment, production                         sampling to determine who performs an                  and infrastructure costs years before a
                                              facilities, etc.) to produce multiple                   activity and how long it takes. Indirect               facility becomes available. In spite of
                                              products or services, ABC models seek                   costs (overhead) in the Cost of Service                changes in demand, the Department is
                                              to identify and assign costs to processes               Model are allocated according to the                   obligated to cover these costs. Given
                                              and activities and then to individual                   level of effort needed for a particular                these and other constraints on altering
                                              products and services through the                       activity. Where possible, the model uses               the Department’s cost structure in the
                                              identification of key cost drivers                      overhead cost pools to assign indirect                 short term, changes in service volumes
                                              referred to as ‘‘resource drivers’’ and                 costs only to related activities. For                  can have dramatic effects on whether a
                                              ‘‘activity drivers.’’ ABC models also                   instance, the cost of rent for domestic                fee is self-sustaining. Therefore, the Cost
                                              seek to identify the amount of time an                  passport agencies is assigned only to                  of Service Model includes predictive
                                              organization’s personnel spend on each                  passport costs, not to visas or other                  data as well as actual data. Predictive
                                              service and how much overhead cost                      services the Department provides only                  workloads are based on projections by
                                              (rent, utilities, facilities maintenance,               overseas. The Department allocates                     the Office of Visa Services, the Office of
                                              etc.) is associated with delivering each                indirect support costs to each consular                Passport Services, and other parts of the
                                              service.                                                service by the portion of each cost                    Bureau of Consular Affairs that are
                                                 ABC models require financial and                     attributable to consular activities. For               consistent with Department budget
                                              accounting analysis and modeling skills                 example, the model allocates a portion                 documents prepared for Congress. As
                                              combined with a detailed understanding                  of the cost of the Department’s Bureau                 notified in the FY 2018 Congressional
                                              of an organization’s business processes.                of Human Resources to consular                         Budget Justification, the Department
                                              ABC models require an organization to                   services. The total amount of this                     estimates a workload of 20.2 million
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES

                                              identify all activities required to                     allocation is based on the number of                   passport applications, 14.4 million
                                              produce a particular product or service                 Bureau of Human Resources staff                        nonimmigrant visa applications, and
                                              (‘‘activities’’) and all resources                      members who support Bureau of                          600,000 immigrant visa applications in
                                              consumed (‘‘costs’’) in the course of                   Consular Affairs personnel. In turn, this              FY 2018.
                                              producing that product or service. An                   amount is allocated between the                           The costs the Department enters into
                                              organization must also measure the                      different consular services by the level               the Cost of Service Model include every
                                              quantity of resources consumed                          of effort to provide them.                             line item of costs, such as physical

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                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 21 / Wednesday, January 31, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                         4427

                                              material for making passports and visas,                cards from $25 to $35, excepting those                 or uniquely affect small governments.
                                              salaries, rent, supplies, and IT hardware               persons who are statutorily exempted                   Therefore, no actions were deemed
                                              and software. The Department then                       from paying the passport execution fee.                necessary under the provisions of the
                                              calculates a resource driver for overseas               The costs of providing passport services               Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of
                                              staff time based on responses to the                    to exempt individuals are covered by                   1995, 2 U.S.C. 1501–1504.
                                              Consular Overseas Data Collection                       fees paid by non-exempt individuals.
                                              survey for overseas compensation costs                  The passport execution fee is applicable               Small Business Regulatory Enforcement
                                              and enters the resource drivers and                     to all first-time passport applicants and              Fairness Act of 1996
                                              activity assignments into the model. The                certain other applicants who must apply
                                              Department then selects an activity                     in person, such as minors under the age                  This rule is a major rule as defined by
                                              driver, such as the volume data                         of 16. Applicants apply in person at                   5 U.S.C. 804(2). The Congressional
                                              discussed above, for each activity, in                  post offices and other acceptance                      Review Act, 5 U.S.C. 801 et seq., as
                                              order to assign these costs to each                     facilities, such as local clerks of court,             added by the Small Business Regulatory
                                              service type. This process allows the                   as well as at the Department’s passport                Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996,
                                              model to calculate a total cost for each                offices. The passport execution fee                    generally provides that before a rule
                                              of the Schedule of Fees line items for                  includes the costs associated with                     may take effect, the agency
                                              visa services, passport services, and                   accepting passport applications and fees               promulgating the rule must submit a
                                              overseas citizens services as well as                   in-person, including salaries, benefits,               rule report, which includes a copy of
                                              services for other government agencies                  and an allocated portion of overhead                   the rule, to each House of the Congress
                                              and no fee services. The model then                     including, but not limited to, rent,                   and to the Comptroller General of the
                                              divides this total cost by the total                    utilities, supplies and equipment. The                 United States. The Department will
                                              volume of the service or product in                     Department’s Cost of Service Model                     submit the required information to the
                                              question in order to determine a final                  showed that these costs were over $33.                 U.S. Senate, the U.S. House of
                                              unit cost for the service or product.                   The United States Postal Service—the                   Representatives, and the Comptroller
                                              Projected costs for predictive years are                acceptance agent for the majority of                   General of the United States prior to
                                              also included to take account of changes                passport applications—regularly                        publication of the rule in the Federal
                                              in the size of consular staff, workload,                conducts a similar study and found that                Register. This rule will take effect 60
                                              and similar factors.1 The resulting                     these costs were more than $34.2 See 22
                                                                                                                                                             days after it is published in the Federal
                                              database constitutes the Cost of Service                U.S.C. 214(a); 22 CFR 51.51(b).
                                              Model. The Department continues to                        The $10 increase in the passport                     Register and receipt by Congress and
                                              refine and update the Cost of Service                   execution fee will affect first-time                   the GAO.
                                              Model in order to set fees commensurate                 passport applicants and certain                        Executive Order 12866
                                              with the cost of providing consular                     applicants who must appear at post
                                              services.                                               offices and other acceptance facilities                   The Department has reviewed this
                                                 The Cost of Service Model is a                       such as local clerks of court. Individuals             rule to ensure its consistency with the
                                              complex series of iterative computer                    who apply for a passport renewal by                    regulatory philosophy and principles set
                                              processes incorporating more than a                     mail will not see a fee increase.                      forth in the Executive Orders. OMB has
                                              million calculations, housed in an                                                                             determined that this rule is
                                                                                                      Regulatory Findings
                                              industry standard commercial off-the-                                                                          economically significant under
                                              shelf product, SAP Enterprise                           Administrative Procedure Act                           Executive Order 12866.
                                              Performance Management; therefore, it                     The Department published this rule as
                                              is not reducible to a tangible form such                                                                          This rule is necessary in light of the
                                                                                                      a proposed rule on September 19, 2016,                 Department of State’s Cost of Service
                                              as a document. Inputs are formatted in                  with a 60-day provision for public
                                              spreadsheets for entry into the ABC                                                                            Model finding that the cost of executing
                                                                                                      comments. See 81 FR 64088. In                          first-time passports is higher than the
                                              software package. The software’s output                 accordance with the Congressional
                                              includes spreadsheets with raw unit                                                                            current fee. The Department is setting
                                                                                                      Review Act, this rule will be effective 60
                                              costs, validation reports, and                                                                                 this fee in accordance with 22 U.S.C.
                                                                                                      days after publication and receipt by
                                              management reports. All data inputs                     Congress and the GAO.                                  214(a) (‘‘There shall be collected and
                                              and outputs are considered Sensitive                                                                           paid into the Treasury of the United
                                              but Unclassified and therefore cannot be                Regulatory Flexibility Act                             States . . . a fee, prescribed by the
                                              made publically available.                                 The Department has reviewed this                    Secretary of State by regulation, for
                                                 The new cost reflected in the                        rule and, by approving it, certifies that              executing each such [passport]
                                              Schedule of Fees is based on projected                  it will not have a significant economic                application) and 31 U.S.C. 9701(‘‘The
                                              workload for Fiscal Year 2018, and the                  impact on a substantial number of small                head of each agency . . . may prescribe
                                              fee has been rounded to make it easier                  entities as defined in 5 U.S.C. 601(6).                regulations establishing the charge for a
                                              to collect.                                                                                                    service or thing of value provided by the
                                                                                                      Unfunded Mandates Act of 1995
                                              The New Passport Execution Fee                                                                                 agency . . . based on . . . the costs to
                                                                                                        This rule will not result in the                     the Government.’’). This regulation
                                                The Department is increasing the                      expenditure by state, local, or tribal
                                              execution fee for passport books and                                                                           generally sets the fee for passport
                                                                                                      governments, in the aggregate, or by the               executions at the amount required to
                                                1 Workload volume increases and decreases are
                                                                                                      private sector, of $100 million or more                recover the costs associated with
                                                                                                      in any year, and it will not significantly             providing this service.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES

                                              the main drivers for staffing changes, but other
                                              factors may impact staffing or the speed of staffing
                                              changes (e.g., the length of the recruitment and          2 The United States Postal Service does not             Details of the fee change are as
                                              clearance processes).                                   produce a public report on this study.                 follows:

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                                              4428                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 21 / Wednesday, January 31, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Estimated annual                 Estimated change
                                                                Item No.                            Proposed fee                  Current fee              Change in fee                                             number of                     in annual fees
                                                                                                                                                                                         increase                  applications 1                     collected 1

                                                                                                                          Schedule of Fees for Consular Services

                                                          *                              *                                *                                 *                                *                                *                          *

                                                                                                                                Passport and Citizenship Services

                                              1. Passport Book or Card Execu-
                                                tion: Required for first-time ap-
                                                plicants and others who must
                                                apply in person ..........................                           $35                         $25                         $10                         40                   11,500,000              $115,000,000

                                                   Total .......................................   ........................     ........................   ........................   ........................   ..............................       $115,000,000

                                                          *                              *                                *                                 *                                *                                *                          *
                                                 1 Based      on projected FY 2018 workload.

                                                 As noted in the NPRM, the                                            implications, will not impose                                                      SCHEDULE OF FEES FOR CONSULAR
                                              Department of State does not anticipate                                 substantial direct compliance costs on                                                       SERVICES
                                              that demand for passport services                                       Indian tribal governments, and will not
                                              affected by this rule will change                                       preempt tribal law. Accordingly, the                                                                Item No.                           Fee
                                              significantly due to the fee change.                                    requirements of Executive Order 13175
                                                 The Department does not believe that                                                                                                                 Passport and Citizenship Serv-
                                                                                                                      do not apply to this rulemaking.
                                              passport application fees are a                                                                                                                           ices:
                                              significant determining factor when                                     Paperwork Reduction Act                                                           1. Passport Book or Card Exe-
                                              Americans decide to travel                                                                                                                                   cution: Required for first-time
                                                                                                                        Information collection 1405–0004,                                                  applicants and others who
                                              internationally. The price of a passport                                                                                                                     must apply in person .............                  $35
                                              book or card remains minor in                                           which relates to this rule, is approved
                                              comparison with other costs associated                                  by OMB pursuant to the Paperwork                                                     *              *               *          *         *
                                              with foreign travel, given that taxes and                               Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35.
                                              surcharges alone on international airfare                               Other than the comments summarized
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Carl C. Risch,
                                              can easily surpass $100. As a result, the                               above, the Department received no
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Assistant Secretary for Consular Affairs,
                                              Department does not believe passport                                    public comments regarding this
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Department of State.
                                              demand will be significantly affected by                                rulemaking. This information collection
                                                                                                                                                                                                      [FR Doc. 2018–01809 Filed 1–30–18; 8:45 am]
                                              the new fee.                                                            has been renewed until August 31,
                                                                                                                                                                                                      BILLING CODE 4710–06–P
                                              Executive Order 13771                                                   2019.
                                                This rule is not an E.O. 13771                                        List of Subjects in 22 CFR Part 22
                                              regulatory action because it is a transfer                                                                                                              DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND
                                                                                                                              Consular Services, Fees, Passports.                                     SECURITY
                                              rule that changes only the fee for a
                                              service without imposing any new costs.                                   Accordingly, 22 CFR part 22 is
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Coast Guard
                                              Executive Orders 12372 and 13132                                        amended as follows:
                                                This regulation will not have                                         PART 22—SCHEDULE OF FEES FOR                                                    33 CFR Part 117
                                              substantial direct effects on the states,                               CONSULAR SERVICES—                                                              [Docket No. USCG–2017–0161]
                                              on the relationship between the national                                DEPARTMENT OF STATE AND
                                              government and the states, or on the                                                                                                                    RIN 1625–AA09
                                                                                                                      FOREIGN SERVICE
                                              distribution of power and
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Drawbridge Operation Regulation
                                              responsibilities among the various                                        1. The authority citation for part 22 is
                                                                                                                      ■                                                                               Canaveral Barge Canal, Canaveral, FL
                                              levels of government. Therefore, in
                                                                                                                      revised to read as follows:
                                              accordance with section 6 of Executive                                                                                                                  AGENCY:        Coast Guard, DHS.
                                              Order 13132, it is determined that this                                   Authority: 8 U.S.C. 1101 note, 1153 note,                                     ACTION:       Final rule.
                                              rule does not have sufficient federalism                                1183a note, 1351, 1351 note, 1714, 1714 note;
                                              implications to require consultations or                                10 U.S.C. 2602(c); 11 U.S.C. 1157 note; 22                                      SUMMARY:   The Coast Guard is modifying
                                              warrant the preparation of a federalism                                 U.S.C. 214, 214 note, 1475e, 2504(a), 2651a,                                    the operating schedule that governs the
                                              summary impact statement. The                                           4201, 4206, 4215, 4219, 6551; 31 U.S.C. 9701;                                   SR 401 Drawbridges across the
                                              regulations implementing Executive                                      Exec. Order 10,718, 22 FR 4632 (1957); Exec.                                    Canaveral Barge Canal, mile 5.5, at Port
                                              Order 12372 regarding                                                   Order 11,295, 31 FR 10603 (1966).                                               Canaveral, Florida. This modification is
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES

                                              intergovernmental consultation on                                                                                                                       necessary to reduce vehicular traffic
                                                                                                                      ■ 2. In § 22.1, in the table, revise item
                                              federal programs and activities do not                                                                                                                  congestion and to ensure the safety of
                                                                                                                      1 to read as follows:
                                              apply to this regulation.                                                                                                                               roadways while passengers are
                                                                                                                      § 22.1          Schedule of fees.                                               transiting to and from the cruise ship
                                              Executive Order 13175                                                                                                                                   terminals. Since the arrival of additional
                                                                                                                      *           *         *         *         *
                                                The Department has determined that                                                                                                                    cruise ships to the Port of Canaveral,
                                              this rulemaking will not have tribal                                                                                                                    traffic back-ups have been caused by the

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Document Created: 2018-01-31 00:57:55
Document Modified: 2018-01-31 00:57:55
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionRules and Regulations
ActionFinal rule.
DatesIn accordance with the Congressional Review Act, this rule is effective on April 2, 2018.
ContactRob Schlicht, Management Analyst, Office of the Comptroller, Bureau of Consular Affairs, Department of State; phone: 202-485-6685, telefax: 202-485-6826; email: [email protected]
FR Citation83 FR 4425 
RIN Number1400-AD81
CFR AssociatedConsular Services; Fees and Passports

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