83_FR_44795 83 FR 44625 - Environmental Impact Statements; Notice of Availability

83 FR 44625 - Environmental Impact Statements; Notice of Availability


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 170 (August 31, 2018)

Page Range44625-44626
FR Document2018-18932

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 170 (Friday, August 31, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 170 (Friday, August 31, 2018)]
[Pages 44625-44626]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-18932]




Environmental Impact Statements; Notice of Availability

AGENCY: Office of Federal Activities, EPA.

General Information (202) 564-7156 or https://www2.epa.gov/nepa/
Weekly receipt of Environmental Impact Statements
Filed 08/20/2018 Through 08/24/2018
Pursuant to 40 CFR 1506.9.


    Section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act requires that EPA make public 
its comments on EISs issued by other Federal agencies. EPA's comment 
letters on EISs are available at: https://cdxnodengn.epa.gov/cdx-enepa-public/action/eis/search.

EIS No. 20180192, Draft, BLM, AZ, Ten West Link 500kV Transmission Line 
Project Draft Environmental Impact Statement and Draft Resource 
Management Plan Amendments, Comment Period Ends: 11/29/2018, Contact: 
Joseph Incardine 801-560-7135.
EIS No. 20180193, Final, DOI, AK, Liberty Development and Production 
Plan Beaufort Sea, Alaska Final Environmental Impact Statement, Review 
Period Ends: 10/01/2018, Contact: Lauren Boldrick 907-334-5200.
EIS No. 20180194, Draft, FERC, OR, Swan Lake North Pumped Storage 
Project, Comment Period Ends: 10/15/2018, Contact: Dianne Rodman 202-
EIS No. 20180195, Draft, BLM, WY, Leavitt Reservoir Expansion Project, 
Comment Period Ends: 10/15/2018, Contact: Holly Elliott 307-347-5100.
EIS No. 20180196, Final, BLM, AK, Alpine Satellite Development Plan for 
the Proposed Greater Mooses Tooth 2 Development Project, Review Period 
Ends: 10/01/2018, Contact: Stephanie Rice 907-271-3202.
EIS No. 20180197, Draft, BLM, WY, Lost Creek Uranium In-Situ Recovery 
Project Modifications, Comment Period Ends: 10/15/2018, Contact: 
Annette Treat 307-328-4314.
EIS No. 20180199, Draft, USFWS, IA, Draft Environmental Impact 
Statement for Proposed Habitat Conservation Plan and Incidental Take 
Permit, Comment Period Ends: 10/15/2018, Contact: Kraig McPeek 309-757-
EIS No. 20180199, Final Supplement, TVA, KY, Shawnee Fossil Plant Coal

[[Page 44626]]

Combustion Residual Management, Review Period Ends: 10/01/2018, 
Contact: Ashley Pilakowski 865-632-2256.
EIS No. 20180200, Draft, BLM, WY, Alkali Creek Reservoir Project, 
Comment Period Ends: 10/15/2018, Contact: Holly Elliott 307-347-5100.
EIS No. 20180201, Final, USFS, CA, Mammoth Base Area Land Exchange, 
Review Period Ends: 10/15/2018, Contact: Janelle Walker 760-924-5523.
EIS No. 20180202, Final, FAA, AZ, Tucson International Airport--
Airfield Safety Enhancement Project, Review Period Ends: 10/01/2018, 
Contact: David Kessler 424-405-7315.

    Dated: August 28, 2018.
Robert Tomiak,
Director, Office of Federal Activities.
[FR Doc. 2018-18932 Filed 8-30-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 170 / Friday, August 31, 2018 / Notices                                         44625

                                               www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/                        • What strategies have you found to                ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION
                                               2015-10/documents/experts_forum_                        be successful in reducing peak flow                   AGENCY
                                               summary.pdf.                                            volumes at the POTW treatment plant?
                                                  POTWs with separate sanitary sewer                      • What permitting or other regulatory
                                               systems can also lessen the impact of                   approaches are you aware of that in                   Environmental Impact Statements;
                                               peak flows by implementing a variety of                 your opinion provide a good basis for                 Notice of Availability
                                               strategies to minimize the introduction                 any rulemaking in this area?
                                               of stormwater into the collection                                                                             AGENCY:  Office of Federal Activities,
                                                                                                          • What treatment technologies have                 EPA.
                                               system. While virtually every separate
                                                                                                       POTWs with separate sanitary sewer
                                               sanitary sewer system has some                                                                                General Information (202) 564–7156 or
                                                                                                       systems used successfully to manage
                                               groundwater infiltration and                                                                                    https://www2.epa.gov/nepa/
                                                                                                       peak excess flows during wet weather?
                                               stormwater-derived I/I, it may be                                                                             Weekly receipt of Environmental Impact
                                                                                                       How effective are these technologies at
                                               considered excessive when it is the                                                                             Statements
                                                                                                       meeting effluent limitations? What are
                                               cause of overflows or causes disruptions                                                                      Filed 08/20/2018 Through 08/24/2018
                                                                                                       examples of technologies addressing
                                               in the treatment system. POTWs with                                                                           Pursuant to 40 CFR 1506.9.
                                                                                                       other pollutants not typically subject to
                                               excessive I/I have a number of different
                                                                                                       discharge requirements in NPDES                       Notice
                                               methods for identifying the largest
                                                                                                       permits (e.g., pathogens)? Related to                   Section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act
                                               sources of I/I in their sewer system.
                                                                                                       these questions, do you have supporting               requires that EPA make public its
                                               These include system mapping, flow
                                                                                                       treatment efficacy data that you would                comments on EISs issued by other
                                               monitoring, conducting smoke or dye
                                                                                                       be willing to share with EPA for this                 Federal agencies. EPA’s comment letters
                                               tests, sensor technology, and using
                                                                                                       rulemaking?                                           on EISs are available at: https://
                                               optical devices to view sections of the
                                               system. Developing plans for correcting                    • What are your specific suggestions               cdxnodengn.epa.gov/cdx-enepa-public/
                                               and rehabilitating the highest priority                 regarding conditions that could be                    action/eis/search.
                                               sources of I/I into the collection system               included in NPDES permits to allow                    EIS No. 20180192, Draft, BLM, AZ, Ten
                                               may involve such strategies as repairing                diversions of some peak flows around                    West Link 500kV Transmission Line
                                               manholes, replacing and repairing                       biological treatment units to protect the               Project Draft Environmental Impact
                                               private building lateral pipes, ensuring                treatment plant? Considerations could                   Statement and Draft Resource
                                               building downspouts are not connected                   include:                                                Management Plan Amendments,
                                               to the sewer system, sealing sewer                      —What information might the NPDES                       Comment Period Ends: 11/29/2018,
                                               joints, inserting sewer liners, or even                  permitting authority need in order to                  Contact: Joseph Incardine 801–560–
                                               replacing sections of the sewer line.                    determine whether such diversions                      7135.
                                               Other strategies may focus on                            are necessary to protect the treatment               EIS No. 20180193, Final, DOI, AK,
                                               maximizing existing collection system                    plant?                                                 Liberty Development and Production
                                               capacity through real-time controls to                                                                          Plan Beaufort Sea, Alaska Final
                                               optimize flows within the system, or                    —Should the number of times such                        Environmental Impact Statement,
                                               building additional storage within the                   diversions are permitted to occur be                   Review Period Ends: 10/01/2018,
                                               collection system or treatment plant.                    limited or reported?                                   Contact: Lauren Boldrick 907–334–
                                                  EPA acknowledges the significant                     —Are there any requirements that                        5200.
                                               expertise that exists among states, tribes,              should be considered for ensuring                    EIS No. 20180194, Draft, FERC, OR,
                                               POTWs and municipal officials,                           that the treatment plant is operated                   Swan Lake North Pumped Storage
                                               engineering firms, public health                         and maintained in an effective                         Project, Comment Period Ends: 10/15/
                                               agencies, and the public related to these                manner to minimize the number of                       2018, Contact: Dianne Rodman 202–
                                               issues. These listening sessions are                     peak flow diversions that occur?                       502–6077.
                                               designed to take advantage of this                      —What requirements would be                           EIS No. 20180195, Draft, BLM, WY,
                                               information from a variety of                            appropriate for ensuring that                          Leavitt Reservoir Expansion Project,
                                               perspectives to help provide a complete                  maintenance of the collection system                   Comment Period Ends: 10/15/2018,
                                               picture of the considerations that should                to minimize the introduction of                        Contact: Holly Elliott 307–347–5100.
                                               go into any rulemaking to address                        stormwater into the sanitary system                  EIS No. 20180196, Final, BLM, AK,
                                               permitting requirements for the                          through inflow and infiltration is                     Alpine Satellite Development Plan for
                                               management of peak flows at POTWs                        occurring?                                             the Proposed Greater Mooses Tooth 2
                                               with separate sanitary sewer systems.                                                                           Development Project, Review Period
                                                                                                       —What monitoring and reporting                          Ends: 10/01/2018, Contact: Stephanie
                                               III. Areas of Feedback Requested for                     requirements would be important to                     Rice 907–271–3202.
                                               Public Listening Sessions                                demonstrate that applicable effluent                 EIS No. 20180197, Draft, BLM, WY, Lost
                                                  Interested members of the public who                  limits are still being met?                            Creek Uranium In-Situ Recovery
                                               plan to provide oral or written                         —How may the permit ensure that                         Project Modifications, Comment
                                               testimony at the listening sessions, or to               public and ecological health is                        Period Ends: 10/15/2018, Contact:
                                               submit written material to EPA                           protected?                                             Annette Treat 307–328–4314.
                                               separately as detailed in the instructions                 Authority: Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. 1251         EIS No. 20180199, Draft, USFWS, IA,
                                               provided in the ADDRESSES section of                    et seq.                                                 Draft Environmental Impact
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               this notice, are welcome to provide their                                                                       Statement for Proposed Habitat
                                                                                                        Dated: August 24, 2018.
                                               input on any issue related to the topic                                                                         Conservation Plan and Incidental
                                               of peak flow management at POTW                         Martha Shimkin,                                         Take Permit, Comment Period Ends:
                                               treatment plants with separate sanitary                 Acting Director, Office of Wastewater                   10/15/2018, Contact: Kraig McPeek
                                               sewer systems. But EPA particularly                     Management.                                             309–757–5800.
                                               welcomes feedback from the public on                    [FR Doc. 2018–19016 Filed 8–30–18; 8:45 am]           EIS No. 20180199, Final Supplement,
                                               the following specific questions.                       BILLING CODE 6560–50–P                                  TVA, KY, Shawnee Fossil Plant Coal

                                          VerDate Sep<11>2014   18:42 Aug 30, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00064   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\31AUN1.SGM   31AUN1

                                               44626                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 170 / Friday, August 31, 2018 / Notices

                                                 Combustion Residual Management,                       delivery of boxed information, please                 II. Registration Applications
                                                 Review Period Ends: 10/01/2018,                       follow the instructions at http://
                                                 Contact: Ashley Pilakowski 865–632–                   www.epa.gov/dockets/contacts.html.                       EPA has received applications to
                                                 2256.                                                   Additional instructions on                          register pesticide products containing
                                               EIS No. 20180200, Draft, BLM, WY,                       commenting or visiting the docket,                    active ingredients not included in any
                                                 Alkali Creek Reservoir Project,                       along with more information about                     currently registered pesticide products.
                                                 Comment Period Ends: 10/15/2018,                      dockets generally, is available at http://            Pursuant to the provisions of FIFRA
                                                 Contact: Holly Elliott 307–347–5100.                  www.epa.gov/dockets.                                  section 3(c)(4) (7 U.S.C. 136a(c)(4)), EPA
                                               EIS No. 20180201, Final, USFS, CA,                      FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                      is hereby providing notice of receipt and
                                                 Mammoth Base Area Land Exchange,                      Robert McNally, Biopesticides and                     opportunity to comment on these
                                                 Review Period Ends: 10/15/2018,                       Pollution Prevention Division (7511P),                applications. Notice of receipt of these
                                                 Contact: Janelle Walker 760–924–                      Office of Pesticide Programs,                         applications does not imply a decision
                                                 5523.                                                 Environmental Protection Agency, 1200                 by the Agency on these applications.
                                               EIS No. 20180202, Final, FAA, AZ,                       Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, DC
                                                 Tucson International Airport—                                                                               III. New Active Ingredients
                                                                                                       20460–0001; main telephone number:
                                                 Airfield Safety Enhancement Project,                  (703) 305–7090; email address:
                                                 Review Period Ends: 10/01/2018,                                                                                1. File Symbol: 82074–RA. Docket ID
                                                                                                       BPPDFRNotices@epa.gov.                                number: EPA–HQ–OPP–2016–0079.
                                                 Contact: David Kessler 424–405–7315.
                                                                                                       SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                            Applicant: LAM International Corp.,
                                                 Dated: August 28, 2018.                                                                                     117 South Parkmont St., Butte, MT
                                               Robert Tomiak,                                          I. General Information
                                                                                                                                                             59701. Product name: Biostat 10% WP.
                                               Director, Office of Federal Activities.                 A. Does this action apply to me?                      Active ingredient: Nematocide—
                                               [FR Doc. 2018–18932 Filed 8–30–18; 8:45 am]                                                                   Purpureocillium lilacinum strain PL11
                                                                                            You may be potentially affected by
                                               BILLING CODE 6560–50–P
                                                                                         this action if you are an agricultural                              at 10.0%. Proposed use: The proposed
                                                                                         producer, food manufacturer, or                                     product is a wettable powder
                                                                                         pesticide manufacturer. The following                               formulation containing spores of a soil
                                               ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION                                                                                      fungus that parasitizes many species of
                                               AGENCY                                    list of North American Industrial
                                                                                         Classification System (NAICS) codes is                              plant-parasitic nematodes and is to be
                                               [EPA–HQ–OPP–2018–0578; FRL–9982–38]       not intended to be exhaustive, but rather                           applied in agricultural settings.
                                                                                         provides a guide to help readers                                       2. File Symbol: 82074–RL. Docket ID
                                               Pesticide Product Registration;           determine whether this document
                                               Receipt of Applications for New Active applies to them. Potentially affected                                  number: EPA–HQ–OPP–2016–0079.
                                               Ingredients                                                                                                   Applicant: LAM International Corp.,
                                                                                         entities may include:                                               117 South Parkmont St., Butte, MT
                                               AGENCY: Environmental Protection             • Crop production (NAICS code 111).                              59701. Product name: Biostat 2% WP.
                                               Agency (EPA).                                • Animal production (NAICS code                                  Active ingredient: Nematocide—
                                               ACTION: Notice.                           112).                                                               Purpureocillium lilacinum strain PL11
                                                                                            • Food manufacturing (NAICS code                                 at 2.0%. Proposed use: The proposed
                                               SUMMARY: EPA has received applications 311).
                                                                                                                                                             product is a wettable powder
                                               to register pesticide products containing    • Pesticide manufacturing (NAICS                                 formulation containing spores of a soil
                                               active ingredients not included in any    code 32532).
                                               currently registered pesticide products.                                                                      fungus that parasitizes many species of
                                               Pursuant to the Federal Insecticide,      B. What should I consider as I prepare                              plant-parasitic nematodes and is to be
                                               Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act            my comments for EPA?                                                applied in agricultural settings.
                                               (FIFRA), EPA is hereby providing notice      1. Submitting CBI. Do not submit this                               3. File Symbol: 82074–RU. Docket ID
                                               of receipt and opportunity to comment     information to EPA through                                          number: EPA–HQ–OPP–2016–0079.
                                               on these applications.                    regulations.gov or email. Clearly mark                              Applicant: LAM International Corp.,
                                               DATES: Comments must be received on       the part or all of the information that                             117 South Parkmont St., Butte, MT
                                               or before October 1, 2018.                you claim to be CBI. For CBI                                        59701. Product name: PL11 Technical.
                                               ADDRESSES: Submit your comments,          information in a disk or CD–ROM that                                Active ingredient: Nematocide—
                                               identified by the Docket Identification   you mail to EPA, mark the outside of the                            Purpureocillium lilacinum strain PL11
                                               (ID) Number and the File Symbol of        disk or CD–ROM as CBI and then                                      at 100.0%. Proposed use: For
                                               interest as shown in the body of this     identify electronically within the disk or                          manufacturing of Purpureocillium
                                               document, by one of the following         CD–ROM the specific information that                                lilacinum strain PL11 pesticide
                                               methods:                                  is claimed as CBI. In addition to one                               products.
                                                 • Federal eRulemaking Portal: http:// complete version of the comment that
                                                                                                                                                               Authority: 7 U.S.C. 136 et seq.
                                               www.regulations.gov. Follow the online includes information claimed as CBI, a
                                               instructions for submitting comments.     copy of the comment that does not                                     Dated: August 14, 2018.
                                               Do not submit electronically any          contain the information claimed as CBI                              Delores Barber,
                                               information you consider to be            must be submitted for inclusion in the                              Director, Information Technology and
                                               Confidential Business Information (CBI) public docket. Information so marked                                  Resources Management Division, Office of
                                               or other information whose disclosure is will not be disclosed except in                                      Pesticide Programs.
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               restricted by statute.                    accordance with procedures set forth in                             [FR Doc. 2018–19015 Filed 8–30–18; 8:45 am]
                                                 • Mail: OPP Docket, Environmental       40 CFR part 2.
                                                                                                                                                             BILLING CODE 6560–50–P
                                               Protection Agency Docket Center (EPA/        2. Tips for preparing your comments.
                                               DC), (28221T), 1200 Pennsylvania Ave.     When preparing and submitting your
                                               NW, Washington, DC 20460–0001.            comments, see the commenting tips at
                                                 • Hand Delivery: To make special        http://www.epa.gov/dockets/
                                               arrangements for hand delivery or         comments.html.

                                          VerDate Sep<11>2014   18:42 Aug 30, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00065   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 9990   E:\FR\FM\31AUN1.SGM   31AUN1

Document Created: 2018-08-31 00:54:06
Document Modified: 2018-08-31 00:54:06
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
FR Citation83 FR 44625 

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