83_FR_4683 83 FR 4661 - Determination of Regulatory Review Period for Purposes of Patent Extension; CORLANOR

83 FR 4661 - Determination of Regulatory Review Period for Purposes of Patent Extension; CORLANOR

Food and Drug Administration

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 22 (February 1, 2018)

Page Range4661-4663
FR Document2018-01979

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or the Agency) has determined the regulatory review period for CORLANOR and is publishing this notice of that determination as required by law. FDA has made the determination because of the submission of applications to the Director of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), Department of Commerce, for the extension of a patent which claims that human drug product.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 22 (Thursday, February 1, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 22 (Thursday, February 1, 2018)]
[Pages 4661-4663]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-01979]



Food and Drug Administration

[Docket Nos. FDA-2016-E-1234 and FDA-2016-E-1257]

Determination of Regulatory Review Period for Purposes of Patent 
Extension; CORLANOR

AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, HHS.

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or the Agency) has 
determined the regulatory review period for CORLANOR and is publishing 
this notice of that determination as required by law. FDA has made the 
determination because of the submission of applications to the Director 
of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), Department of 
Commerce, for the extension of a patent which claims that human drug 

DATES: Anyone with knowledge that any of the dates as published (in the 
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section) are incorrect may submit either 
electronic or written comments and ask for a redetermination by April 
2, 2018. Furthermore, any interested person may petition FDA for a 
determination regarding whether the applicant for extension acted with 
due diligence during the regulatory review period by July 31, 2018. See 
``Petitions'' in the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section for more 

ADDRESSES: You may submit comments as follows. Please note that late, 
untimely filed comments will not be considered. Electronic comments 
must be submitted on or before April 2, 2018. The https://www.regulations.gov electronic filing system will accept comments until 
midnight Eastern Time at the end of April 2, 2018. Comments received by 
mail/hand delivery/courier (for written/paper submissions) will be 
considered timely if they are postmarked or the delivery service 
acceptance receipt is on or before that date.

Electronic Submissions

    Submit electronic comments in the following way:
     Federal eRulemaking Portal: https://www.regulations.gov. 
Follow the instructions for submitting comments. Comments submitted 
electronically, including attachments, to https://www.regulations.gov 
will be posted to the docket unchanged. Because your

[[Page 4662]]

comment will be made public, you are solely responsible for ensuring 
that your comment does not include any confidential information that 
you or a third party may not wish to be posted, such as medical 
information, your or anyone else's Social Security number, or 
confidential business information, such as a manufacturing process. 
Please note that if you include your name, contact information, or 
other information that identifies you in the body of your comments, 
that information will be posted on https://www.regulations.gov.
     If you want to submit a comment with confidential 
information that you do not wish to be made available to the public, 
submit the comment as a written/paper submission and in the manner 
detailed (see ``Written/Paper Submissions'' and ``Instructions'').

Written/Paper Submissions

    Submit written/paper submissions as follows:
     Mail/Hand delivery/Courier (for written/paper 
submissions): Dockets Management Staff (HFA-305), Food and Drug 
Administration, 5630 Fishers Lane, Rm. 1061, Rockville, MD 20852.
     For written/paper comments submitted to the Dockets 
Management Staff, FDA will post your comment, as well as any 
attachments, except for information submitted, marked and identified, 
as confidential, if submitted as detailed in ``Instructions.''
    Instructions: All submissions received must include the Docket Nos. 
FDA-2016-E-1234 and FDA-2016-E-1257 for ``Determination of Regulatory 
Review Period for Purposes of Patent Extension; CORLANOR.'' Received 
comments, those filed in a timely manner (see ADDRESSES), will be 
placed in the docket and, except for those submitted as ``Confidential 
Submissions,'' publicly viewable at https://www.regulations.gov or at 
the Dockets Management Staff between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through 
     Confidential Submissions--To submit a comment with 
confidential information that you do not wish to be made publicly 
available, submit your comments only as a written/paper submission. You 
should submit two copies total. One copy will include the information 
you claim to be confidential with a heading or cover note that states 
review this copy, including the claimed confidential information, in 
its consideration of comments. The second copy, which will have the 
claimed confidential information redacted/blacked out, will be 
available for public viewing and posted on https://www.regulations.gov. 
Submit both copies to the Dockets Management Staff. If you do not wish 
your name and contact information to be made publicly available, you 
can provide this information on the cover sheet and not in the body of 
your comments and you must identify this information as 
``confidential.'' Any information marked as ``confidential'' will not 
be disclosed except in accordance with Sec.  10.20 (21 CFR 10.20) and 
other applicable disclosure law. For more information about FDA's 
posting of comments to public dockets, see 80 FR 56469, September 18, 
2015, or access the information at: https://www.thefederalregister.org/fdsys/pkg/FR-2015-09-18/pdf/2015-23389.pdf.
    Docket: For access to the docket to read background documents or 
the electronic and written/paper comments received, go to https://www.regulations.gov and insert the docket number, found in brackets in 
the heading of this document, into the ``Search'' box and follow the 
prompts and/or go to the Dockets Management Staff, 5630 Fishers Lane, 
Rm. 1061, Rockville, MD 20852.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Beverly Friedman, Office of Regulatory 
Policy, Food and Drug Administration, 10903 New Hampshire Ave., Bldg. 
51, Rm. 6250, Silver Spring, MD 20993, 301-796-3600.


I. Background

    The Drug Price Competition and Patent Term Restoration Act of 1984 
(Pub. L. 98-417) and the Generic Animal Drug and Patent Term 
Restoration Act (Pub. L. 100-670) generally provide that a patent may 
be extended for a period of up to 5 years so long as the patented item 
(human drug product, animal drug product, medical device, food 
additive, or color additive) was subject to regulatory review by FDA 
before the item was marketed. Under these acts, a product's regulatory 
review period forms the basis for determining the amount of extension 
an applicant may receive.
    A regulatory review period consists of two periods of time: A 
testing phase and an approval phase. For human drug products, the 
testing phase begins when the exemption to permit the clinical 
investigations of the drug becomes effective and runs until the 
approval phase begins. The approval phase starts with the initial 
submission of an application to market the human drug product and 
continues until FDA grants permission to market the drug product. 
Although only a portion of a regulatory review period may count toward 
the actual amount of extension that the Director of USPTO may award 
(for example, half the testing phase must be subtracted as well as any 
time that may have occurred before the patent was issued), FDA's 
determination of the length of a regulatory review period for a human 
drug product will include all of the testing phase and approval phase 
as specified in 35 U.S.C. 156(g)(1)(B).
    FDA has approved for marketing the human drug product CORLANOR 
(ivabradine hydrochloride). CORLANOR is indicated to reduce the risk of 
hospitalization for worsening heart failure in patients with stable, 
symptomatic chronic heart failure with left ventricular ejection 
fraction <= 35% who are in sinus rhythm with resting heart rate >= 70 
beats per minute and either are on maximally tolerated doses of beta-
blockers or have a contraindication to beta-blocker use. Subsequent to 
this approval, the USPTO received a patent term restoration application 
for CORLANOR (U.S. Patent Nos. 7,879,842 and 7,867,996) from Les 
Laboratoires Servier, and the USPTO requested FDA's assistance in 
determining the patents' eligibility for patent term restoration. In a 
letter dated July 28, 2016, FDA advised the USPTO that this human drug 
product had undergone a regulatory review period and that the approval 
of CORLANOR represented the first permitted commercial marketing or use 
of the product. Thereafter, the USPTO requested that FDA determine the 
product's regulatory review period.

II. Determination of Regulatory Review Period

    FDA has determined that the applicable regulatory review period for 
CORLANOR is 293 days. Of this time, 0 days occurred during the testing 
phase of the regulatory review period, while 293 days occurred during 
the approval phase. These periods of time were derived from the 
following dates:
    1. The date an exemption under section 505(i) of the Federal Food, 
Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the FD&C Act) (21 U.S.C. 355(i)) became 
effective: No exemption claimed. FDA has verified the Les Laboratoires 
Servier claim that they did not file an investigational new drug 
application (IND) with FDA.
    2. The date the application was initially submitted with respect to 
the human drug product under section 505(b) of the FD&C Act: June 27, 
2014. FDA has verified the applicant's claim that the new drug 
application (NDA) for CORLANOR (NDA 206143) was initially submitted on 
June 27, 2014.

[[Page 4663]]

    3. The date the application was approved: April 15, 2015. FDA has 
verified the applicant's claim that NDA 206143 was approved on April 
15, 2015.
    This determination of the regulatory review period establishes the 
maximum potential length of a patent extension. However, the USPTO 
applies several statutory limitations in its calculations of the actual 
period for patent extension. In its applications for patent extension, 
this applicant seeks 292 days of patent term extension.

III. Petitions

    Anyone with knowledge that any of the dates as published are 
incorrect may submit either electronic or written comments and, under 
21 CFR 60.24, ask for a redetermination (see DATES). Furthermore, as 
specified in Sec.  60.30 (21 CFR 60.30), any interested person may 
petition FDA for a determination regarding whether the applicant for 
extension acted with due diligence during the regulatory review period. 
To meet its burden, the petition must comply with all the requirements 
of Sec.  60.30, including but not limited to: Must be timely (see 
DATES), must be filed in accordance with Sec.  10.20, must contain 
sufficient facts to merit an FDA investigation, and must certify that a 
true and complete copy of the petition has been served upon the patent 
applicant. (See H. Rept. 857, part 1, 98th Cong., 2d sess., pp. 41-42, 
1984.) Petitions should be in the format specified in 21 CFR 10.30.
    Submit petitions electronically to https://www.regulations.gov at 
Docket Nos. FDA-2013-S-0610. Submit written petitions (two copies are 
required) to the Dockets Management Staff (HFA-305), Food and Drug 
Administration, 5630 Fishers Lane, Rm. 1061, Rockville, MD 20852.

    Dated: January 26, 2018.
Leslie Kux,
Associate Commissioner for Policy.
[FR Doc. 2018-01979 Filed 1-31-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 22 / Thursday, February 1, 2018 / Notices                                          4661

                                                (e.g., response evaluation criteria in                  III. Registration and Accommodations                  DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND
                                                solid tumors-based endpoints (RECIST))                                                                        HUMAN SERVICES
                                                has become an active area of research.                     Registration: Persons interested in
                                                Alternative metrics that require shorter                attending this public workshop must                   Food and Drug Administration
                                                periods of observation or provide more                  register online by January 31, 2018, at
                                                                                                        https://fdaoce.formstack.com/forms/                   [Docket Nos. FDA–2016–E–1234 and FDA–
                                                precise assessment of treatment effects                                                                       2016–E–1257]
                                                could lead to more rapid completion of                  isop. Please provide complete contact
                                                clinical trials and require fewer patients.             information for each attendee, including              Determination of Regulatory Review
                                                Promising among these alternative                       name, title, affiliation, address, email,             Period for Purposes of Patent
                                                metrics are model-based metrics, such                   and telephone number.                                 Extension; CORLANOR
                                                as those based on longitudinal                             Registration is free and based on
                                                continuous tumor size measurements.                                                                           AGENCY:    Food and Drug Administration,
                                                                                                        space availability, with priority given to            HHS.
                                                Additionally, model-informed                            early registrants. Early registration is
                                                approaches can help satisfy a need to                                                                         ACTION:   Notice.
                                                                                                        recommended because seating is
                                                optimize dosing regimens for patients.
                                                                                                        limited; therefore, FDA may limit the                 SUMMARY:   The Food and Drug
                                                Investigations to refine dosing regimens
                                                                                                        number of participants from each                      Administration (FDA or the Agency) has
                                                often occur after new drug approval
                                                and/or are driven by pharmacometric                     organization. Registrants will receive                determined the regulatory review period
                                                modeling approaches. There is growing                   confirmation when they have been                      for CORLANOR and is publishing this
                                                interest in using model-informed                        accepted. If time and space permit,                   notice of that determination as required
                                                approaches to help balance the risks and                onsite registration on the day of the                 by law. FDA has made the
                                                benefits of oncology products by                        public workshop will be provided                      determination because of the
                                                identifying optimal dosing regimens,                    beginning at 8 a.m.                                   submission of applications to the
                                                and broad stakeholder engagement and                       If you need special accommodations                 Director of the U.S. Patent and
                                                discussion around this topic can be                     due to a disability, please contact                   Trademark Office (USPTO), Department
                                                beneficial.                                                                                                   of Commerce, for the extension of a
                                                                                                        Yvonne Knight (see FOR FURTHER
                                                                                                                                                              patent which claims that human drug
                                                II. Objectives                                          INFORMATION CONTACT) no later than
                                                                                                        January 24, 2018.
                                                   The objectives of the workshop are to:                                                                     DATES:  Anyone with knowledge that any
                                                                                                           Streaming Webcast of the Public
                                                   1. Discuss ‘‘best practices’’ in                                                                           of the dates as published (in the
                                                                                                        Workshop: The meeting will also be
                                                integrating human pharmacokinetic,                                                                            SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section) are
                                                                                                        webcast. A live webcast of this
                                                pharmacodynamic, efficacy, and safety                                                                         incorrect may submit either electronic
                                                                                                        workshop will be available at https://                or written comments and ask for a
                                                data into models that best inform                       collaboration.fda.gov/fdaisop/ on the
                                                oncology drug development.                                                                                    redetermination by April 2, 2018.
                                                                                                        day of the workshop. If you have never                Furthermore, any interested person may
                                                   2. Describe novel imaging techniques                 attended a Connect Pro event before,
                                                and diagnostic and predictive                                                                                 petition FDA for a determination
                                                                                                        test your connection at https://                      regarding whether the applicant for
                                                biomarkers that may be utilized in                      collaboration.fda.gov/common/help/en/
                                                oncology drug development.                                                                                    extension acted with due diligence
                                                                                                        support/meeting_test.htm. To get a                    during the regulatory review period by
                                                   3. Describe disease- and mechanism-                  quick overview of the Connect Pro                     July 31, 2018. See ‘‘Petitions’’ in the
                                                specific early endpoints to predict long-               program, visit https://www.adobe.com/                 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section for
                                                term efficacy.                                          go/connectpro_overview. FDA has                       more information.
                                                   4. Evaluate the potential to shift from              verified the website addresses in this                ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
                                                traditional RECIST-based endpoints                      document, as of the date this document                as follows. Please note that late,
                                                such as Overall Response Rate (ORR)                     publishes in the Federal Register, but                untimely filed comments will not be
                                                and Progression Free Survival (PFS) to                  websites are subject to change over time.             considered. Electronic comments must
                                                modified RECIST approaches (e.g.,
                                                                                                           Transcripts: Please be advised that as             be submitted on or before April 2, 2018.
                                                imRECIST for immunotherapies) as well
                                                                                                        soon as a transcript of the public                    The https://www.regulations.gov
                                                as to other (model-based) tumor kinetic
                                                                                                        workshop is available, it will be                     electronic filing system will accept
                                                metrics to support early decision
                                                                                                        accessible at https://                                comments until midnight Eastern Time
                                                making in Phase 1/2 as well as in
                                                                                                        FDAOCE.formstack.com/forms/isop. It                   at the end of April 2, 2018. Comments
                                                confirmatory trials.
                                                                                                        may be viewed at the Dockets                          received by mail/hand delivery/courier
                                                   5. Discuss potential regulatory                                                                            (for written/paper submissions) will be
                                                implications of model-informed                          Management Staff (HFA–305), Food and
                                                                                                                                                              considered timely if they are
                                                decisions in drug development,                          Drug Administration, 5630 Fishers
                                                                                                                                                              postmarked or the delivery service
                                                including, model-based target                           Lane, Rm. 1061, Rockville, MD 20852.                  acceptance receipt is on or before that
                                                identification, dose/exposure                             Dated: January 29, 2018.                            date.
                                                justification based on preclinical                      Leslie Kux,
                                                evidence, dose selection for first-in-                                                                        Electronic Submissions
                                                                                                        Associate Commissioner for Policy.
                                                human trials, quality by design, early                                                                          Submit electronic comments in the
                                                clinical study design, dose finding/                    [FR Doc. 2018–01992 Filed 1–31–18; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                                                                              following way:
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                titration, confirmatory trials, product                 BILLING CODE 4164–01–P
                                                                                                                                                                • Federal eRulemaking Portal:
                                                labeling, and post-marketing studies.                                                                         https://www.regulations.gov. Follow the
                                                   A detailed agenda will be posted on                                                                        instructions for submitting comments.
                                                the following website in advance of the                                                                       Comments submitted electronically,
                                                workshop: https://www.fda.gov/                                                                                including attachments, to https://
                                                downloads/Drugs/NewsEvents/                                                                                   www.regulations.gov will be posted to
                                                UCM589458.pdf.                                                                                                the docket unchanged. Because your

                                           VerDate Sep<11>2014   19:34 Jan 31, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00032   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\01FEN1.SGM   01FEN1

                                                4662                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 22 / Thursday, February 1, 2018 / Notices

                                                comment will be made public, you are                    for public viewing and posted on                      Although only a portion of a regulatory
                                                solely responsible for ensuring that your               https://www.regulations.gov. Submit                   review period may count toward the
                                                comment does not include any                            both copies to the Dockets Management                 actual amount of extension that the
                                                confidential information that you or a                  Staff. If you do not wish your name and               Director of USPTO may award (for
                                                third party may not wish to be posted,                  contact information to be made publicly               example, half the testing phase must be
                                                such as medical information, your or                    available, you can provide this                       subtracted as well as any time that may
                                                anyone else’s Social Security number, or                information on the cover sheet and not                have occurred before the patent was
                                                confidential business information, such                 in the body of your comments and you                  issued), FDA’s determination of the
                                                as a manufacturing process. Please note                 must identify this information as                     length of a regulatory review period for
                                                that if you include your name, contact                  ‘‘confidential.’’ Any information marked              a human drug product will include all
                                                information, or other information that                  as ‘‘confidential’’ will not be disclosed             of the testing phase and approval phase
                                                identifies you in the body of your                      except in accordance with § 10.20 (21                 as specified in 35 U.S.C. 156(g)(1)(B).
                                                comments, that information will be                      CFR 10.20) and other applicable                          FDA has approved for marketing the
                                                posted on https://www.regulations.gov.                  disclosure law. For more information                  human drug product CORLANOR
                                                  • If you want to submit a comment                     about FDA’s posting of comments to                    (ivabradine hydrochloride). CORLANOR
                                                with confidential information that you                  public dockets, see 80 FR 56469,                      is indicated to reduce the risk of
                                                do not wish to be made available to the                 September 18, 2015, or access the                     hospitalization for worsening heart
                                                public, submit the comment as a                         information at: https://www.gpo.gov/                  failure in patients with stable,
                                                written/paper submission and in the                     fdsys/pkg/FR-2015-09-18/pdf/2015-                     symptomatic chronic heart failure with
                                                manner detailed (see ‘‘Written/Paper                    23389.pdf.                                            left ventricular ejection fraction ≤ 35%
                                                Submissions’’ and ‘‘Instructions’’).                       Docket: For access to the docket to                who are in sinus rhythm with resting
                                                                                                        read background documents or the                      heart rate ≥ 70 beats per minute and
                                                Written/Paper Submissions
                                                                                                        electronic and written/paper comments                 either are on maximally tolerated doses
                                                   Submit written/paper submissions as                  received, go to https://                              of beta-blockers or have a
                                                follows:                                                                                                      contraindication to beta-blocker use.
                                                                                                        www.regulations.gov and insert the
                                                   • Mail/Hand delivery/Courier (for                                                                          Subsequent to this approval, the USPTO
                                                                                                        docket number, found in brackets in the
                                                written/paper submissions): Dockets                                                                           received a patent term restoration
                                                                                                        heading of this document, into the
                                                Management Staff (HFA–305), Food and                                                                          application for CORLANOR (U.S. Patent
                                                                                                        ‘‘Search’’ box and follow the prompts
                                                Drug Administration, 5630 Fishers                                                                             Nos. 7,879,842 and 7,867,996) from Les
                                                                                                        and/or go to the Dockets Management
                                                Lane, Rm. 1061, Rockville, MD 20852.                                                                          Laboratoires Servier, and the USPTO
                                                   • For written/paper comments                         Staff, 5630 Fishers Lane, Rm. 1061,
                                                                                                        Rockville, MD 20852.                                  requested FDA’s assistance in
                                                submitted to the Dockets Management                                                                           determining the patents’ eligibility for
                                                Staff, FDA will post your comment, as                   FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                                                                                                                              patent term restoration. In a letter dated
                                                well as any attachments, except for                     Beverly Friedman, Office of Regulatory                July 28, 2016, FDA advised the USPTO
                                                information submitted, marked and                       Policy, Food and Drug Administration,                 that this human drug product had
                                                identified, as confidential, if submitted               10903 New Hampshire Ave., Bldg. 51,                   undergone a regulatory review period
                                                as detailed in ‘‘Instructions.’’                        Rm. 6250, Silver Spring, MD 20993,                    and that the approval of CORLANOR
                                                   Instructions: All submissions received               301–796–3600.                                         represented the first permitted
                                                must include the Docket Nos. FDA–                       SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                            commercial marketing or use of the
                                                2016–E–1234 and FDA–2016–E–1257                                                                               product. Thereafter, the USPTO
                                                for ‘‘Determination of Regulatory                       I. Background
                                                                                                                                                              requested that FDA determine the
                                                Review Period for Purposes of Patent                       The Drug Price Competition and                     product’s regulatory review period.
                                                Extension; CORLANOR.’’ Received                         Patent Term Restoration Act of 1984
                                                comments, those filed in a timely                       (Pub. L. 98–417) and the Generic                      II. Determination of Regulatory Review
                                                manner (see ADDRESSES), will be placed                  Animal Drug and Patent Term                           Period
                                                in the docket and, except for those                     Restoration Act (Pub. L. 100–670)                        FDA has determined that the
                                                submitted as ‘‘Confidential                             generally provide that a patent may be                applicable regulatory review period for
                                                Submissions,’’ publicly viewable at                     extended for a period of up to 5 years                CORLANOR is 293 days. Of this time,
                                                https://www.regulations.gov or at the                   so long as the patented item (human                   0 days occurred during the testing phase
                                                Dockets Management Staff between 9                      drug product, animal drug product,                    of the regulatory review period, while
                                                a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through                         medical device, food additive, or color               293 days occurred during the approval
                                                Friday.                                                 additive) was subject to regulatory                   phase. These periods of time were
                                                   • Confidential Submissions—To                        review by FDA before the item was                     derived from the following dates:
                                                submit a comment with confidential                      marketed. Under these acts, a product’s                  1. The date an exemption under
                                                information that you do not wish to be                  regulatory review period forms the basis              section 505(i) of the Federal Food, Drug,
                                                made publicly available, submit your                    for determining the amount of extension               and Cosmetic Act (the FD&C Act) (21
                                                comments only as a written/paper                        an applicant may receive.                             U.S.C. 355(i)) became effective: No
                                                submission. You should submit two                          A regulatory review period consists of             exemption claimed. FDA has verified
                                                copies total. One copy will include the                 two periods of time: A testing phase and              the Les Laboratoires Servier claim that
                                                information you claim to be confidential                an approval phase. For human drug                     they did not file an investigational new
                                                with a heading or cover note that states                products, the testing phase begins when               drug application (IND) with FDA.
                                                ‘‘THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS                                the exemption to permit the clinical                     2. The date the application was
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION.’’ The                         investigations of the drug becomes                    initially submitted with respect to the
                                                Agency will review this copy, including                 effective and runs until the approval                 human drug product under section
                                                the claimed confidential information, in                phase begins. The approval phase starts               505(b) of the FD&C Act: June 27, 2014.
                                                its consideration of comments. The                      with the initial submission of an                     FDA has verified the applicant’s claim
                                                second copy, which will have the                        application to market the human drug                  that the new drug application (NDA) for
                                                claimed confidential information                        product and continues until FDA grants                CORLANOR (NDA 206143) was initially
                                                redacted/blacked out, will be available                 permission to market the drug product.                submitted on June 27, 2014.

                                           VerDate Sep<11>2014   19:34 Jan 31, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00033   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\01FEN1.SGM   01FEN1

                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 22 / Thursday, February 1, 2018 / Notices                                             4663

                                                  3. The date the application was                       SUMMARY:    HRSA is publishing this                      Section 2112(b)(2) of the PHS Act, 42
                                                approved: April 15, 2015. FDA has                       notice of petitions received under the                U.S.C. 300aa–12(b)(2), requires that
                                                verified the applicant’s claim that NDA                 National Vaccine Injury Compensation                  ‘‘[w]ithin 30 days after the Secretary
                                                206143 was approved on April 15, 2015.                  Program (the program), as required by                 receives service of any petition filed
                                                  This determination of the regulatory                  the Public Health Service (PHS) Act, as               under section 2111, the Secretary shall
                                                review period establishes the maximum                   amended. While the Secretary of HHS                   publish notice of such petition in the
                                                potential length of a patent extension.                 (the Secretary) is named as the                       Federal Register.’’ Set forth below is a
                                                However, the USPTO applies several                      respondent in all proceedings brought                 list of petitions received by HRSA on
                                                statutory limitations in its calculations               by the filing of petitions for                        December 1, 2017, through December
                                                of the actual period for patent extension.              compensation under the Program, the                   31, 2017. This list provides the name of
                                                In its applications for patent extension,               United States Court of Federal Claims is              petitioner, city and state of vaccination
                                                this applicant seeks 292 days of patent                 charged by statute with responsibility                (if unknown then city and state of
                                                term extension.                                         for considering and acting upon the                   person or attorney filing claim), and
                                                                                                        petitions.                                            case number. In cases where the Court
                                                III. Petitions                                                                                                has redacted the name of a petitioner
                                                                                                        FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For
                                                   Anyone with knowledge that any of                    information about requirements for                    and/or the case number, the list reflects
                                                the dates as published are incorrect may                filing petitions, and the program in                  such redaction.
                                                submit either electronic or written                     general, contact Lisa L. Reyes, Acting                   Section 2112(b)(2) also provides that
                                                comments and, under 21 CFR 60.24, ask                   Clerk, United States Court of Federal                 the special master ‘‘shall afford all
                                                for a redetermination (see DATES).                      Claims, 717 Madison Place NW,                         interested persons an opportunity to
                                                Furthermore, as specified in § 60.30 (21                Washington, DC 20005, (202) 357–6400.                 submit relevant, written information’’
                                                CFR 60.30), any interested person may                   For information on HRSA’s role in the                 relating to the following:
                                                petition FDA for a determination                        program, contact the Director, National                  1. The existence of evidence ‘‘that
                                                regarding whether the applicant for                     Vaccine Injury Compensation Program,                  there is not a preponderance of the
                                                extension acted with due diligence                      5600 Fishers Lane, Room 08N146B,                      evidence that the illness, disability,
                                                during the regulatory review period. To                 Rockville, MD 20857; (301) 443–6593,                  injury, condition, or death described in
                                                meet its burden, the petition must                      or visit our website at: http://                      the petition is due to factors unrelated
                                                comply with all the requirements of                     www.hrsa.gov/vaccinecompensation/                     to the administration of the vaccine
                                                § 60.30, including but not limited to:                  index.html.                                           described in the petition,’’ and
                                                Must be timely (see DATES), must be                     SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The                           2. Any allegation in a petition that the
                                                filed in accordance with § 10.20, must                  program provides a system of no-fault                 petitioner either:
                                                contain sufficient facts to merit an FDA                compensation for certain individuals                     a. ‘‘[S]ustained, or had significantly
                                                investigation, and must certify that a                  who have been injured by specified                    aggravated, any illness, disability,
                                                true and complete copy of the petition                  childhood vaccines. Subtitle 2 of Title               injury, or condition not set forth in the
                                                has been served upon the patent                         XXI of the PHS Act, 42 U.S.C. 300aa–                  Vaccine Injury Table but which was
                                                applicant. (See H. Rept. 857, part 1, 98th              10 et seq., provides that those seeking               caused by’’ one of the vaccines referred
                                                Cong., 2d sess., pp. 41–42, 1984.)                      compensation are to file a petition with              to in the Table, or
                                                Petitions should be in the format                       the U.S. Court of Federal Claims and to                  b. ‘‘[S]ustained, or had significantly
                                                specified in 21 CFR 10.30.                              serve a copy of the petition on the                   aggravated, any illness, disability,
                                                   Submit petitions electronically to                   Secretary of HHS, who is named as the                 injury, or condition set forth in the
                                                https://www.regulations.gov at Docket                   respondent in each proceeding. The                    Vaccine Injury Table the first symptom
                                                Nos. FDA–2013–S–0610. Submit written                    Secretary has delegated this                          or manifestation of the onset or
                                                petitions (two copies are required) to the              responsibility under the program to                   significant aggravation of which did not
                                                Dockets Management Staff (HFA–305),                     HRSA. The Court is directed by statute                occur within the time period set forth in
                                                Food and Drug Administration, 5630                      to appoint special masters who take                   the Table but which was caused by a
                                                Fishers Lane, Rm. 1061, Rockville, MD                   evidence, conduct hearings as                         vaccine’’ referred to in the Table.
                                                20852.                                                  appropriate, and make initial decisions                  In accordance with Section
                                                                                                        as to eligibility for, and amount of,                 2112(b)(2), all interested persons may
                                                  Dated: January 26, 2018.
                                                                                                        compensation.                                         submit written information relevant to
                                                Leslie Kux,                                                A petition may be filed with respect               the issues described above in the case of
                                                Associate Commissioner for Policy.                      to injuries, disabilities, illnesses,                 the petitions listed below. Any person
                                                [FR Doc. 2018–01979 Filed 1–31–18; 8:45 am]             conditions, and deaths resulting from                 choosing to do so should file an original
                                                BILLING CODE 4164–01–P                                  vaccines described in the Vaccine Injury              and three (3) copies of the information
                                                                                                        Table (the table) set forth at 42 CFR                 with the Clerk of the U.S. Court of
                                                                                                        100.3. This table lists for each covered              Federal Claims at the address listed
                                                DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND                                childhood vaccine the conditions that                 above (under the heading FOR FURTHER
                                                HUMAN SERVICES                                          may lead to compensation and, for each                INFORMATION CONTACT), with a copy to
                                                                                                        condition, the time period for                        HRSA addressed to Director, Division of
                                                Health Resources and Services
                                                                                                        occurrence of the first symptom or                    Injury Compensation Programs,
                                                                                                        manifestation of onset or of significant              Healthcare Systems Bureau, 5600
                                                                                                        aggravation after vaccine                             Fishers Lane, 08N146B, Rockville, MD
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                National Vaccine Injury Compensation
                                                Program; List of Petitions Received                     administration. Compensation may also                 20857. The Court’s caption (Petitioner’s
                                                                                                        be awarded for conditions not listed in               Name v. Secretary of HHS) and the
                                                AGENCY: Health Resources and Services                   the Table and for conditions that are                 docket number assigned to the petition
                                                Administration (HRSA), Department of                    manifested outside the time periods                   should be used as the caption for the
                                                Health and Human Services (HHS).                        specified in the table, but only if the               written submission. Chapter 35 of title
                                                                                                        petitioner shows that the condition was               44, United States Code, related to
                                                ACTION:   Notice.
                                                                                                        caused by one of the listed vaccines.                 paperwork reduction, does not apply to

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Document Created: 2018-10-26 13:48:09
Document Modified: 2018-10-26 13:48:09
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
DatesAnyone with knowledge that any of the dates as published (in the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section) are incorrect may submit either electronic or written comments and ask for a redetermination by April 2, 2018. Furthermore, any interested person may petition FDA for a determination regarding whether the applicant for extension acted with due diligence during the regulatory review period by July 31, 2018. See ``Petitions'' in the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section for more information.
ContactBeverly Friedman, Office of Regulatory Policy, Food and Drug Administration, 10903 New Hampshire Ave., Bldg. 51, Rm. 6250, Silver Spring, MD 20993, 301-796-3600.
FR Citation83 FR 4661 

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