83_FR_4740 83 FR 4718 - Self-Regulatory Organizations; NYSE Arca, Inc.; Order Approving a Proposed Rule Change To List and Trade Shares of the Perth Mint Physical Gold ETF Trust Pursuant to NYSE Arca Rule 8.201-E

83 FR 4718 - Self-Regulatory Organizations; NYSE Arca, Inc.; Order Approving a Proposed Rule Change To List and Trade Shares of the Perth Mint Physical Gold ETF Trust Pursuant to NYSE Arca Rule 8.201-E


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 22 (February 1, 2018)

Page Range4718-4720
FR Document2018-01953

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 22 (Thursday, February 1, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 22 (Thursday, February 1, 2018)]
[Pages 4718-4720]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-01953]



[Release No. 34-82593; File No. SR-NYSEArca-2017-140]

Self-Regulatory Organizations; NYSE Arca, Inc.; Order Approving a 
Proposed Rule Change To List and Trade Shares of the Perth Mint 
Physical Gold ETF Trust Pursuant to NYSE Arca Rule 8.201-E

January 26, 2018.

I. Introduction

    On December 11, 2017, NYSE Arca, Inc. (``NYSE Arca'' or 
``Exchange'') filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission 
(``Commission''), pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the Securities 
Exchange Act of 1934 (``Act'') \1\ and Rule 19b-4 thereunder,\2\ a 
proposed rule change to list and trade shares (``Shares'') of the Perth 
Mint Physical Gold ETF Trust (``Trust'') under NYSE Arca Equities Rule 
8.201-E. The proposed rule change was published for comment in the 
Federal Register on December 28, 2017.\3\ The Commission has not 
received any comments on the proposed rule change. This order approves 
the proposed rule change.

    \1\ 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
    \2\ 17 CFR 240.19b-4.
    \3\ See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 82372 (Dec. 21, 
2017), 82 FR 61601 (``Notice'').

II. The Description of the Proposed Rule Change \4\

    \4\ A more detailed description of the Trust and the Shares, as 
well as investment risks, Share creation procedures for authorized 
participants, Share redemption procedures for authorized 
participants and certain beneficial owners, NAV calculation, 
availability of information and fees, among other things, is 
included in the Registration Statement, infra note 5.

    The Exchange proposes to list and trade the Shares under NYSE Arca 
Equities Rule 8.201-E,\5\ which governs the listing and trading of 
Commodity-Based Trust Shares on the Exchange.\6\ The Shares will 
represent units of fractional undivided beneficial interest in and 
ownership of the Trust. The Trust's primary objective will be to 
provide investors with an opportunity to invest in gold through the 
Shares, have the gold securely stored by Gold Corporation and, if 
requested by an investor, deliver Physical Gold \7\ to such investor in 
exchange for its Shares.\8\

    \5\ On August 30, 2017, the Trust submitted to the Commission 
its draft registration statement on Form S-1 (``Registration 
Statement'') under the Securities Act of 1933 (15 U.S.C. 77a).
    \6\ A ``Commodity-Based Trust Share'' is a security (a) that is 
issued by a trust that holds a specified commodity deposited with 
the trust; (b) that is issued by such trust in a specified aggregate 
minimum number in return for a deposit of a quantity of the 
underlying commodity; and (c) that, when aggregated in the same 
specified minimum number, may be redeemed at a holder's request by 
such trust which will deliver to the redeeming holder the quantity 
of the underlying commodity. See NYSE Arca Equities Rule 
    \7\ ``Physical Gold'' is defined as London Bars and all gold 
products without numismatic value and having a gold purity of at 
least 99.5% (including coins, cast bars and minted bars).
    \8\ According to the Registration Statement, the Trust does not 
trade in gold futures contracts on COMEX or on any other futures 
exchange. Because the Trust does not trade in gold futures contracts 
on any futures exchange, the Trust is not regulated by the CFTC 
under the Commodity Exchange Act as a ``commodity pool,'' and is not 
operated by a CFTC-regulated commodity pool operator. Investors in 
the Trust do not receive the regulatory protections afforded to 
investors in regulated commodity pools, nor may COMEX or any futures 
exchange enforce its rules with respect to the Trust's activities. 
In addition, investors in the Trust do not benefit from the 
protections afforded to investors in gold futures contracts on 
regulated futures exchanges.

    The sponsors of the Trust will be Gold Corporation (``Custodial 
Sponsor'') and Exchange Traded Concepts, LLC (``ETC'' or the 
``Administrative Sponsor'' and, together with the Custodial Sponsor, 
the ``Sponsors'') \9\ and Gold Corporation will also serve as custodian 
of the Trust's gold bullion (in such capacity, ``Custodian'').\10\

    \9\ Gold Corporation, doing business as the Perth Mint, is a 
Western Australian Government owned statutory body corporate 
established by the Gold Corporation Act 1987 (Western Australia). 
ETC is an Oklahoma limited liability company majority owned by 
Cottonwood ETF Holdings LLC. ETC is a registered investment adviser 
and provides investment advisory services to domestic and 
international equity and fixed income ETFs.
    \10\ As Custodian of the Trust's gold bullion, Gold Corporation 
will be responsible for the safekeeping of the Trust's gold and 
supplying inventory information to the Trustee and the Sponsors. The 
Custodian will also be responsible for facilitating the transfer of 
gold in and out of the Trust and facilitating the shipment of 
Physical Gold to Delivery any beneficial owner (who is not an 
authorized participant) who wishes to surrender Shares in exchange 
for Physical Gold.

III. Discussion and Commission Findings

    After careful review, the Commission finds that the Exchange's 
proposed rule change to list and trade the Shares is consistent with 
the Act and the rules and regulations thereunder applicable to a 
national securities exchange.\11\ In particular, the Commission finds 
that the proposal is consistent with Section 11A(a)(1)(C)(iii) of the 
Act,\12\ which sets forth Congress' finding that it is in the public 
interest and appropriate for the protection of investors and the 
maintenance of fair and orderly markets to assure the availability to 
brokers, dealers, and investors of information with respect to 
quotations for and transactions in securities. The last-sale price for 
the Shares will be disseminated over the Consolidated Tape. There is a 
considerable amount of information about gold and gold markets 
available on public websites and through professional and subscription 
services. Investors may obtain gold pricing information on a 24-hour 
basis based on the spot price for an ounce of gold from various 
financial information service providers.\13\

    \11\ In approving this proposed rule change, the Commission has 
considered the proposed rule's impact on efficiency, competition, 
and capital formation. See 15 U.S.C. 78c(f).
    \12\ 15 U.S.C. 78k-1(a)(1)(C)(iii).
    \13\ The Exchange states that Reuters and Bloomberg, for 
example, provide at no charge on their websites delayed information 
regarding the spot price of Gold and last sale prices of gold 
futures, as well as information about news and developments in the 
gold market. Reuters and Bloomberg also offer a professional service 
to subscribers for a fee that provides information on gold prices 
directly from market participants. Complete real-time data for gold 
futures and options prices traded on the COMEX are available by 
subscription from Reuters and Bloomberg. There are a variety of 
other public websites providing information on gold, ranging from 
those specializing in precious metals to sites maintained by major 
newspapers. In addition, the LBMA Gold Price is publicly available 
at no charge at www.lbma.org.uk. See Notice, supra note 3, 82 FR at 

    Additionally, the Commission finds that the proposed rule change is 
consistent with Section 6(b)(5) of the Exchange Act,\14\ which 
requires, among other things, that the Exchange's rules be designed to 
prevent fraudulent and manipulative acts and practices, promote just 
and equitable principles of trade, to remove impediments to and

[[Page 4719]]

perfect the mechanism of a free and open market and a national market 
system, and, in general, to protect investors and the public interest. 
The Commission notes that the Exchange has surveillance-sharing 
agreements with significant, regulated markets for trading futures on 
gold. Specifically, according to the Exchange: (1) The most significant 
gold futures exchanges in the U.S. is COMEX, a subsidiary of New York 
Mercantile Exchange, Inc., and a subsidiary of the Chicago Mercantile 
Exchange Group (``CME Group''); (2) ICE Futures US (``ICE'') also lists 
gold futures; \15\ and (3) the CME Group and ICE are members of the 
ISG,\16\ which will allow NYSE Arca to obtain surveillance information 
from COMEX and ICE. Both COMEX and ICE are regulated by the U.S. 
Commodity Futures Trading Commission (``CFTC'').\17\ The gold futures 
market is of significant size and liquidity.\18\

    \14\ 15 U.S.C. 78f(b)(5).
    \15\ See Notice, supra note 3, 82 FR at 61603.
    \16\ See id.
    \17\ See https://www.theice.com/futures-us/regulation (``ICE 
Futures U.S. is a Designated Contract Market pursuant to the 
Commodity Exchange Act and regulated by the CFTC.''); Securities 
Exchange Act Release No. 68440 (December 14, 2012), 78 FR 75468, 
75469 (December 20, 2012) (SR-NYSEArca-2012-28) (COMEX is regulated 
by the CFTC).
    \18\ The Commission further notes that it has approved the 
listing and trading of other Commodity-Based Trust Shares overlying 
gold. See, e.g., Securities Exchange Act Release No. 81918 (October 
23, 2017), 82 FR 49884 (October 27, 2017) (SR-NYSEArca-2017-98); 
Securities Exchange Act Release No. 71378 (January 23, 2014), 79 FR 
71378 (January 29, 2014) (SR-NYSEArca-2013-137); and Securities 
Exchange Act Release No. 70195 (August 14, 2013, 2013), 78 FR 51239 
(August 20, 2013) (SR-NYSEArca-2013-61).

    The Commission believes that the proposed rule change is reasonably 
designed to promote fair disclosure of information that may be 
necessary to price the Shares appropriately. NYSE Arca Equities Rule 
8.201(e)(2)(v) requires that an intraday indicative value (``IIV,'' 
which is referred to in the rule as the ``Indicative Trust Value'') be 
calculated and disseminated at least every 15 seconds. The IIV will be 
calculated based on the amount of gold held by the Trust and a price of 
gold derived from updated bids and offers indicative of the spot price 
of gold. The Exchange states that the IIV relating to the Shares will 
be widely disseminated by one or more major market data vendors at 
least every 15 seconds during the Core Trading Session.\19\ The NAV of 
the Trust will be published by the Sponsor on each day that the NYSE 
Arca is open for regular trading and will be posted on the Trust's 
website.\20\ The Trust also will publish the following information on 
their website: (1) The mid-point of the bid-ask price as of the close 
of trading (``Bid/Ask Price''), and a calculation of the premium or 
discount of such price against such NAV; (2) data in chart format 
displaying the frequency distribution of discounts and premiums of the 
Bid/Ask Price against the NAV, within appropriate ranges, for each of 
the four previous calendar quarters; (3) the Trust's prospectus, as 
well as the two most recent reports to stockholders; and (4) the last-
sale price of the Shares as traded in the U.S. market.\21\ In addition, 
information regarding market price and trading volume of the Shares 
will be continually available on a real-time basis throughout the day 
on brokers' computer screens and other electronic services. Information 
regarding the previous day's closing price and trading volume 
information for the Shares will be published daily in the financial 
section of newspapers.

    \19\ See Notice, supra note 3, 82 FR at 61607.
    \20\ See id.
    \21\ See id. at 61606.

    The Commission also believes that the proposal is reasonably 
designed to prevent trading when a reasonable degree of transparency 
cannot be assured. With respect to trading halts, the Exchange may 
consider all relevant factors in exercising its discretion to halt or 
suspend trading in the Shares. Trading on the Exchange in the Shares 
may be halted because of market conditions or for reasons that, in the 
view of the Exchange, make trading in the Shares inadvisable. These may 
include: (1) The extent to which conditions in the underlying gold 
market have caused disruptions and/or lack of trading, or (2) whether 
other unusual conditions or circumstances detrimental to the 
maintenance of a fair and orderly market are present. In addition, 
trading in Shares will be subject to trading halts caused by 
extraordinary market volatility pursuant to the Exchange's ``circuit 
breaker'' rule.\22\ The Exchange will halt trading in the Shares if the 
NAV of the Trust is not calculated or disseminated daily.\23\ The 
Exchange may halt trading during the day in which an interruption 
occurs to the dissemination of the IIV; if the interruption to the 
dissemination of the IIV persists past the trading day in which it 
occurs, the Exchange will halt trading no later than the beginning of 
the trading day following the interruption.\24\

    \22\ See id.
    \23\ See id.
    \24\ See id.

    Additionally, the Commission notes that market makers in the Shares 
will be subject to the requirements of NYSE Arca Equities Rule 8.201-
E(g), which are designed to allow the Exchange to ensure that they do 
not use their positions to violate the requirements of Exchange rules 
or applicable federal securities laws.\25\

    \25\ Commentary .04 of NYSE Arca Equities Rule 6.3 requires that 
an ETP Holder acting as a registered market maker in the Shares, and 
its affiliates, establish, maintain and enforce written policies and 
procedures reasonably designed to prevent the misuse of any material 
nonpublic information with respect to such products, any components 
of the related products, any physical asset or commodity underlying 
the product, applicable currencies, underlying indexes, related 
futures or options on futures, and any related derivative 

    In support of this proposal, the Exchange has made the following 
additional representations:
    (1) The Shares will be listed and traded on the Exchange pursuant 
to the initial and continued listing criteria in NYSE Arca Equities 
Rule 8.201-E.\26\

    \26\ See id.

    (2) The Exchange has appropriate rules to facilitate transactions 
in the Shares during all trading sessions.\27\

    \27\ See id.

    (3) The Exchange deems the Shares to be equity securities.\28\

    \28\ See id. The Commission notes that, as a result, trading of 
the Shares will be subject to the Exchange's existing rules 
governing the trading of equity securities.

    (4) The Exchange also has a general policy prohibiting the 
distribution of material, non-public information by its employees.\29\

    \29\ See id. at 61607.

    (5) Trading in the Shares will be subject to the existing trading 
surveillances administered by the Exchange, as well as cross-market 
surveillances administered by FINRA on behalf of the Exchange, which 
are designed to detect violations of Exchange rules and applicable 
federal securities laws, and that these procedures are adequate to 
properly monitor Exchange trading of the Shares in all trading sessions 
and to deter and detect violations of Exchange rules and federal 
securities laws applicable to trading on the Exchange.\30\

    \30\ See id. at 61606. FINRA conducts cross-market surveillances 
on behalf of the Exchange pursuant to a regulatory services 
agreement. The Exchange is responsible for FINRA's performance under 
this regulatory services agreement. See id. at 61606, n.39.

    (6) The Exchange or FINRA, on behalf of the Exchange, or both, will 
communicate as needed regarding trading in the Shares with other 
markets and other entities that are members of the ISG, and the 
Exchange or FINRA, on behalf of the Exchange, or both, may obtain 
trading information regarding trading in the Shares from such markets 
and other entities. In addition, the

[[Page 4720]]

Exchange may obtain information regarding trading in the Shares from 
markets and other entities that are members of ISG or with which the 
Exchange has in place a comprehensive surveillance sharing 

    \31\ See id. at 61606.

    (7) Prior to the commencement of trading, the Exchange will inform 
its ETP Holders in an Information Bulletin of the special 
characteristics and risks associated with trading the Shares. 
Specifically, the Information Bulletin will discuss the following: (1) 
The procedures for purchases and redemptions of Shares in Baskets 
(including noting that Shares are not individually redeemable); (2) 
NYSE Arca Rule 9.2-E(a), which imposes a duty of due diligence on its 
ETP Holders to learn the essential facts relating to every customer 
prior to trading the Shares; (3) how information regarding the IIV is 
disseminated; (4) the requirement that ETP Holders deliver a prospectus 
to investors purchasing newly issued Shares prior to or concurrently 
with the confirmation of a transaction; (5) the possibility that 
trading spreads and the resulting premium or discount on the Shares may 
widen as a result of reduced liquidity of gold trading during the Core 
and Late Trading Sessions after the close of the major world gold 
markets; and (6) trading information.\32\

    \32\ See id. at 61607.

    (8) All statements and representations made in this filing 
regarding (a) the description of the portfolio, (b) limitations on 
portfolio holdings or reference assets, or (c) the applicability of 
Exchange listing rules specified in this rule filing shall constitute 
continued listing requirements for listing the Shares of the Trust on 
the Exchange.\33\

    \33\ See id. See also NYSE Arca Rule 8.201-E(e)(2)(vii).

    (9) The issuer has represented to the Exchange that it will advise 
the Exchange of any failure by the Trust to comply with the continued 
listing requirements, and, pursuant to its obligations under Section 
19(g)(1) of the Act, the Exchange will monitor for compliance with the 
continued listing requirements. If the Trust is not in compliance with 
the applicable listing requirements, the Exchange will commence 
delisting procedures under NYSE Arca Rule 5.5(m).\34\

    \34\ See Notice, supra note 3, at 61607.

    This approval order is based on all of the Exchange's 
representations--including those set forth above and in the Notice--and 
the Exchange's description of the Trust.
    For the foregoing reasons, the Commission finds that the proposed 
rule change is consistent with Sections 6(b)(5) and 11A(a)(1)(C)(iii) 
of the Act \35\ and the rules and regulations thereunder applicable to 
a national securities exchange.

    \35\ 15 U.S.C. 78f(b)(5) and 15 U.S.C. 78k-1(a)(1)(C)(iii), 

IV. Conclusion

    It is therefore ordered, pursuant to Section 19(b)(2) of the 
Exchange Act,\36\ that the proposed rule change (SR-NYSEArca-2017-140), 
be, and it hereby is, approved.

    \36\ 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(2).

    For the Commission, by the Division of Trading and Markets, 
pursuant to delegated authority.\37\
Robert W. Errett,
Deputy Secretary.

    \37\ 17 CFR 200.30-3(a)(12).

[FR Doc. 2018-01953 Filed 1-31-18; 8:45 am]

                                                4718                                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 22 / Thursday, February 1, 2018 / Notices

                                                                                                     SEC No.                                                                                             Full legal name

                                                801–106839       ..............................................................................................................   FUNDAMENTAL MANAGERS LLC.
                                                801–107261       ..............................................................................................................   GRAHAM WEALTH ADVISORS, LLC.
                                                801–108797       ..............................................................................................................   BETASMARTZ ADVISORY LLC.
                                                801–110135       ..............................................................................................................   VEST TECHNOLOGIES, INC.

                                                [FR Doc. 2018–01948 Filed 1–31–18; 8:45 am]                               The Shares will represent units of                                   III. Discussion and Commission
                                                BILLING CODE 8011–01–P                                                    fractional undivided beneficial interest                             Findings
                                                                                                                          in and ownership of the Trust. The                                      After careful review, the Commission
                                                                                                                          Trust’s primary objective will be to                                 finds that the Exchange’s proposed rule
                                                SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE                                                   provide investors with an opportunity                                change to list and trade the Shares is
                                                COMMISSION                                                                to invest in gold through the Shares,                                consistent with the Act and the rules
                                                [Release No. 34–82593; File No. SR–                                       have the gold securely stored by Gold                                and regulations thereunder applicable to
                                                NYSEArca–2017–140]                                                        Corporation and, if requested by an                                  a national securities exchange.11 In
                                                                                                                          investor, deliver Physical Gold 7 to such                            particular, the Commission finds that
                                                Self-Regulatory Organizations; NYSE                                       investor in exchange for its Shares.8                                the proposal is consistent with Section
                                                Arca, Inc.; Order Approving a                                                                                                                  11A(a)(1)(C)(iii) of the Act,12 which sets
                                                Proposed Rule Change To List and                                             The sponsors of the Trust will be Gold
                                                                                                                                                                                               forth Congress’ finding that it is in the
                                                Trade Shares of the Perth Mint                                            Corporation (‘‘Custodial Sponsor’’) and
                                                                                                                                                                                               public interest and appropriate for the
                                                Physical Gold ETF Trust Pursuant to                                       Exchange Traded Concepts, LLC (‘‘ETC’’                               protection of investors and the
                                                NYSE Arca Rule 8.201–E                                                    or the ‘‘Administrative Sponsor’’ and,                               maintenance of fair and orderly markets
                                                                                                                          together with the Custodial Sponsor, the                             to assure the availability to brokers,
                                                January 26, 2018.                                                         ‘‘Sponsors’’) 9 and Gold Corporation will                            dealers, and investors of information
                                                I. Introduction                                                           also serve as custodian of the Trust’s                               with respect to quotations for and
                                                                                                                          gold bullion (in such capacity,                                      transactions in securities. The last-sale
                                                   On December 11, 2017, NYSE Arca,                                       ‘‘Custodian’’).10
                                                Inc. (‘‘NYSE Arca’’ or ‘‘Exchange’’) filed                                                                                                     price for the Shares will be
                                                                                                                                                                                               disseminated over the Consolidated
                                                with the Securities and Exchange
                                                                                                                          issued by such trust in a specified aggregate                        Tape. There is a considerable amount of
                                                Commission (‘‘Commission’’), pursuant                                     minimum number in return for a deposit of a                          information about gold and gold
                                                to Section 19(b)(1) of the Securities                                     quantity of the underlying commodity; and (c) that,                  markets available on public websites
                                                Exchange Act of 1934 (‘‘Act’’) 1 and Rule                                 when aggregated in the same specified minimum
                                                                                                                          number, may be redeemed at a holder’s request by                     and through professional and
                                                19b–4 thereunder,2 a proposed rule
                                                                                                                          such trust which will deliver to the redeeming                       subscription services. Investors may
                                                change to list and trade shares
                                                                                                                          holder the quantity of the underlying commodity.                     obtain gold pricing information on a 24-
                                                (‘‘Shares’’) of the Perth Mint Physical                                   See NYSE Arca Equities Rule 8.201(c)(1).                             hour basis based on the spot price for an
                                                Gold ETF Trust (‘‘Trust’’) under NYSE                                        7 ‘‘Physical Gold’’ is defined as London Bars and
                                                                                                                                                                                               ounce of gold from various financial
                                                Arca Equities Rule 8.201–E. The                                           all gold products without numismatic value and
                                                                                                                                                                                               information service providers.13
                                                proposed rule change was published for                                    having a gold purity of at least 99.5% (including
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Additionally, the Commission finds
                                                comment in the Federal Register on                                        coins, cast bars and minted bars).
                                                                                                                             8 According to the Registration Statement, the                    that the proposed rule change is
                                                December 28, 2017.3 The Commission                                        Trust does not trade in gold futures contracts on                    consistent with Section 6(b)(5) of the
                                                has not received any comments on the                                      COMEX or on any other futures exchange. Because                      Exchange Act,14 which requires, among
                                                proposed rule change. This order                                          the Trust does not trade in gold futures contracts                   other things, that the Exchange’s rules
                                                approves the proposed rule change.                                        on any futures exchange, the Trust is not regulated
                                                                                                                                                                                               be designed to prevent fraudulent and
                                                                                                                          by the CFTC under the Commodity Exchange Act
                                                II. The Description of the Proposed                                       as a ‘‘commodity pool,’’ and is not operated by a                    manipulative acts and practices,
                                                Rule Change 4                                                             CFTC-regulated commodity pool operator. Investors                    promote just and equitable principles of
                                                                                                                          in the Trust do not receive the regulatory                           trade, to remove impediments to and
                                                   The Exchange proposes to list and                                      protections afforded to investors in regulated
                                                trade the Shares under NYSE Arca                                          commodity pools, nor may COMEX or any futures                           11 In approving this proposed rule change, the
                                                Equities Rule 8.201–E,5 which governs                                     exchange enforce its rules with respect to the
                                                                                                                                                                                               Commission has considered the proposed rule’s
                                                                                                                          Trust’s activities. In addition, investors in the Trust
                                                the listing and trading of Commodity-                                     do not benefit from the protections afforded to
                                                                                                                                                                                               impact on efficiency, competition, and capital
                                                Based Trust Shares on the Exchange.6                                                                                                           formation. See 15 U.S.C. 78c(f).
                                                                                                                          investors in gold futures contracts on regulated                        12 15 U.S.C. 78k–1(a)(1)(C)(iii).
                                                                                                                          futures exchanges.                                                      13 The Exchange states that Reuters and
                                                  1 15  U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).                                                    9 Gold Corporation, doing business as the Perth
                                                                                                                                                                                               Bloomberg, for example, provide at no charge on
                                                  2 17  CFR 240.19b–4.                                                    Mint, is a Western Australian Government owned                       their websites delayed information regarding the
                                                   3 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 82372                        statutory body corporate established by the Gold                     spot price of Gold and last sale prices of gold
                                                (Dec. 21, 2017), 82 FR 61601 (‘‘Notice’’).                                Corporation Act 1987 (Western Australia). ETC is                     futures, as well as information about news and
                                                   4 A more detailed description of the Trust and the                     an Oklahoma limited liability company majority                       developments in the gold market. Reuters and
                                                Shares, as well as investment risks, Share creation                       owned by Cottonwood ETF Holdings LLC. ETC is                         Bloomberg also offer a professional service to
                                                procedures for authorized participants, Share                             a registered investment adviser and provides                         subscribers for a fee that provides information on
                                                redemption procedures for authorized participants                         investment advisory services to domestic and                         gold prices directly from market participants.
                                                and certain beneficial owners, NAV calculation,                           international equity and fixed income ETFs.                          Complete real-time data for gold futures and
                                                availability of information and fees, among other                            10 As Custodian of the Trust’s gold bullion, Gold
                                                                                                                                                                                               options prices traded on the COMEX are available
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                things, is included in the Registration Statement,                        Corporation will be responsible for the safekeeping                  by subscription from Reuters and Bloomberg. There
                                                infra note 5.                                                             of the Trust’s gold and supplying inventory                          are a variety of other public websites providing
                                                   5 On August 30, 2017, the Trust submitted to the                       information to the Trustee and the Sponsors. The                     information on gold, ranging from those
                                                Commission its draft registration statement on Form                       Custodian will also be responsible for facilitating                  specializing in precious metals to sites maintained
                                                S–1 (‘‘Registration Statement’’) under the Securities                     the transfer of gold in and out of the Trust and                     by major newspapers. In addition, the LBMA Gold
                                                Act of 1933 (15 U.S.C. 77a).                                              facilitating the shipment of Physical Gold to                        Price is publicly available at no charge at
                                                   6 A ‘‘Commodity-Based Trust Share’’ is a security                      Delivery any beneficial owner (who is not an                         www.lbma.org.uk. See Notice, supra note 3, 82 FR
                                                (a) that is issued by a trust that holds a specified                      authorized participant) who wishes to surrender                      at 61605.
                                                commodity deposited with the trust; (b) that is                           Shares in exchange for Physical Gold.                                   14 15 U.S.C. 78f(b)(5).

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                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 22 / Thursday, February 1, 2018 / Notices                                                     4719

                                                perfect the mechanism of a free and                     information on their website: (1) The                 Arca Equities Rule 8.201–E(g), which
                                                open market and a national market                       mid-point of the bid-ask price as of the              are designed to allow the Exchange to
                                                system, and, in general, to protect                     close of trading (‘‘Bid/Ask Price’’), and             ensure that they do not use their
                                                investors and the public interest. The                  a calculation of the premium or                       positions to violate the requirements of
                                                Commission notes that the Exchange                      discount of such price against such                   Exchange rules or applicable federal
                                                has surveillance-sharing agreements                     NAV; (2) data in chart format displaying              securities laws.25
                                                with significant, regulated markets for                 the frequency distribution of discounts                  In support of this proposal, the
                                                trading futures on gold. Specifically,                  and premiums of the Bid/Ask Price                     Exchange has made the following
                                                according to the Exchange: (1) The most                 against the NAV, within appropriate                   additional representations:
                                                significant gold futures exchanges in the               ranges, for each of the four previous                    (1) The Shares will be listed and
                                                U.S. is COMEX, a subsidiary of New                      calendar quarters; (3) the Trust’s                    traded on the Exchange pursuant to the
                                                York Mercantile Exchange, Inc., and a                   prospectus, as well as the two most                   initial and continued listing criteria in
                                                subsidiary of the Chicago Mercantile                    recent reports to stockholders; and (4)               NYSE Arca Equities Rule 8.201–E.26
                                                Exchange Group (‘‘CME Group’’); (2) ICE                 the last-sale price of the Shares as                     (2) The Exchange has appropriate
                                                Futures US (‘‘ICE’’) also lists gold                    traded in the U.S. market.21 In addition,             rules to facilitate transactions in the
                                                futures; 15 and (3) the CME Group and                   information regarding market price and                Shares during all trading sessions.27
                                                ICE are members of the ISG,16 which                     trading volume of the Shares will be                     (3) The Exchange deems the Shares to
                                                will allow NYSE Arca to obtain                          continually available on a real-time                  be equity securities.28
                                                surveillance information from COMEX                     basis throughout the day on brokers’                     (4) The Exchange also has a general
                                                and ICE. Both COMEX and ICE are                         computer screens and other electronic                 policy prohibiting the distribution of
                                                regulated by the U.S. Commodity                         services. Information regarding the                   material, non-public information by its
                                                Futures Trading Commission                              previous day’s closing price and trading              employees.29
                                                (‘‘CFTC’’).17 The gold futures market is                volume information for the Shares will                   (5) Trading in the Shares will be
                                                of significant size and liquidity.18                    be published daily in the financial                   subject to the existing trading
                                                   The Commission believes that the                     section of newspapers.                                surveillances administered by the
                                                proposed rule change is reasonably                         The Commission also believes that the              Exchange, as well as cross-market
                                                designed to promote fair disclosure of                  proposal is reasonably designed to                    surveillances administered by FINRA on
                                                information that may be necessary to                    prevent trading when a reasonable                     behalf of the Exchange, which are
                                                price the Shares appropriately. NYSE                    degree of transparency cannot be                      designed to detect violations of
                                                Arca Equities Rule 8.201(e)(2)(v)                       assured. With respect to trading halts,               Exchange rules and applicable federal
                                                requires that an intraday indicative                    the Exchange may consider all relevant                securities laws, and that these
                                                value (‘‘IIV,’’ which is referred to in the             factors in exercising its discretion to               procedures are adequate to properly
                                                rule as the ‘‘Indicative Trust Value’’) be              halt or suspend trading in the Shares.                monitor Exchange trading of the Shares
                                                calculated and disseminated at least                    Trading on the Exchange in the Shares                 in all trading sessions and to deter and
                                                every 15 seconds. The IIV will be                       may be halted because of market                       detect violations of Exchange rules and
                                                calculated based on the amount of gold                  conditions or for reasons that, in the                federal securities laws applicable to
                                                held by the Trust and a price of gold                   view of the Exchange, make trading in                 trading on the Exchange.30
                                                derived from updated bids and offers                    the Shares inadvisable. These may                        (6) The Exchange or FINRA, on behalf
                                                indicative of the spot price of gold. The               include: (1) The extent to which                      of the Exchange, or both, will
                                                Exchange states that the IIV relating to                conditions in the underlying gold                     communicate as needed regarding
                                                the Shares will be widely disseminated                  market have caused disruptions and/or                 trading in the Shares with other markets
                                                by one or more major market data                        lack of trading, or (2) whether other                 and other entities that are members of
                                                vendors at least every 15 seconds during                unusual conditions or circumstances                   the ISG, and the Exchange or FINRA, on
                                                the Core Trading Session.19 The NAV of                  detrimental to the maintenance of a fair              behalf of the Exchange, or both, may
                                                the Trust will be published by the                      and orderly market are present. In                    obtain trading information regarding
                                                Sponsor on each day that the NYSE                       addition, trading in Shares will be                   trading in the Shares from such markets
                                                Arca is open for regular trading and will               subject to trading halts caused by                    and other entities. In addition, the
                                                be posted on the Trust’s website.20 The                 extraordinary market volatility pursuant
                                                Trust also will publish the following                   to the Exchange’s ‘‘circuit breaker’’                    25 Commentary .04 of NYSE Arca Equities Rule

                                                                                                        rule.22 The Exchange will halt trading in             6.3 requires that an ETP Holder acting as a
                                                  15 See  Notice, supra note 3, 82 FR at 61603.                                                               registered market maker in the Shares, and its
                                                                                                        the Shares if the NAV of the Trust is not             affiliates, establish, maintain and enforce written
                                                  16 See  id.
                                                   17 See https://www.theice.com/futures-us/
                                                                                                        calculated or disseminated daily.23 The               policies and procedures reasonably designed to
                                                regulation (‘‘ICE Futures U.S. is a Designated          Exchange may halt trading during the                  prevent the misuse of any material nonpublic
                                                                                                        day in which an interruption occurs to                information with respect to such products, any
                                                Contract Market pursuant to the Commodity
                                                                                                                                                              components of the related products, any physical
                                                Exchange Act and regulated by the CFTC.’’);             the dissemination of the IIV; if the                  asset or commodity underlying the product,
                                                Securities Exchange Act Release No. 68440
                                                (December 14, 2012), 78 FR 75468, 75469
                                                                                                        interruption to the dissemination of the              applicable currencies, underlying indexes, related
                                                (December 20, 2012) (SR–NYSEArca–2012–28)               IIV persists past the trading day in                  futures or options on futures, and any related
                                                (COMEX is regulated by the CFTC).                       which it occurs, the Exchange will halt               derivative instruments.
                                                                                                                                                                 26 See id.
                                                   18 The Commission further notes that it has
                                                                                                        trading no later than the beginning of                   27 See id.
                                                approved the listing and trading of other               the trading day following the                            28 See id. The Commission notes that, as a result,
                                                Commodity-Based Trust Shares overlying gold. See,
                                                e.g., Securities Exchange Act Release No. 81918         interruption.24                                       trading of the Shares will be subject to the
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                (October 23, 2017), 82 FR 49884 (October 27, 2017)         Additionally, the Commission notes                 Exchange’s existing rules governing the trading of
                                                (SR–NYSEArca–2017–98); Securities Exchange Act          that market makers in the Shares will be              equity securities.
                                                Release No. 71378 (January 23, 2014), 79 FR 71378       subject to the requirements of NYSE                      29 See id. at 61607.

                                                (January 29, 2014) (SR–NYSEArca–2013–137); and                                                                   30 See id. at 61606. FINRA conducts cross-market
                                                Securities Exchange Act Release No. 70195 (August                                                             surveillances on behalf of the Exchange pursuant to
                                                                                                          21 See id. at 61606.
                                                14, 2013, 2013), 78 FR 51239 (August 20, 2013)                                                                a regulatory services agreement. The Exchange is
                                                (SR–NYSEArca–2013–61).                                    22 See id.                                          responsible for FINRA’s performance under this
                                                   19 See Notice, supra note 3, 82 FR at 61607.           23 See id.
                                                                                                                                                              regulatory services agreement. See id. at 61606,
                                                   20 See id.                                             24 See id.                                          n.39.

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                                                4720                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 22 / Thursday, February 1, 2018 / Notices

                                                Exchange may obtain information                           For the foregoing reasons, the                      review may be obtained from the
                                                regarding trading in the Shares from                    Commission finds that the proposed                    Agency Clearance Officer.
                                                markets and other entities that are                     rule change is consistent with Sections               SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Lenders
                                                members of ISG or with which the                        6(b)(5) and 11A(a)(1)(C)(iii) of the Act 35           requesting SBA to purchase the
                                                Exchange has in place a comprehensive                   and the rules and regulations                         guaranty portion of a loan are required
                                                surveillance sharing agreement.31                       thereunder applicable to a national                   to supply the Agency with a certified
                                                   (7) Prior to the commencement of                     securities exchange.                                  transcript of the loan account. This form
                                                trading, the Exchange will inform its                                                                         is uniform and convenient means for
                                                ETP Holders in an Information Bulletin                  IV. Conclusion
                                                                                                                                                              lenders to report and certify loan
                                                of the special characteristics and risks                   It is therefore ordered, pursuant to               accounts to purchase by SBA. The
                                                associated with trading the Shares.                     Section 19(b)(2) of the Exchange Act,36               Agency uses the information to
                                                Specifically, the Information Bulletin                  that the proposed rule change (SR–                    determine date of loan default and
                                                will discuss the following: (1) The                     NYSEArca–2017–140), be, and it hereby                 whether Lender disbursed and serviced
                                                procedures for purchases and                            is, approved.                                         the loan according to Loan Guaranty
                                                redemptions of Shares in Baskets                          For the Commission, by the Division of              agreement.
                                                (including noting that Shares are not                   Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated               Solicitation of Public Comments:
                                                individually redeemable); (2) NYSE                      authority.37                                          Comments may be submitted on (a)
                                                Arca Rule 9.2–E(a), which imposes a                     Robert W. Errett,                                     whether the collection of information is
                                                duty of due diligence on its ETP Holders                Deputy Secretary.                                     necessary for the agency to properly
                                                to learn the essential facts relating to                [FR Doc. 2018–01953 Filed 1–31–18; 8:45 am]           perform its functions; (b) whether the
                                                every customer prior to trading the                                                                           burden estimates are accurate; (c)
                                                                                                        BILLING CODE 8011–01–P
                                                Shares; (3) how information regarding                                                                         whether there are ways to minimize the
                                                the IIV is disseminated; (4) the                                                                              burden, including through the use of
                                                requirement that ETP Holders deliver a                                                                        automated techniques or other forms of
                                                prospectus to investors purchasing                      SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION
                                                                                                                                                              information technology; and (d) whether
                                                newly issued Shares prior to or                                                                               there are ways to enhance the quality,
                                                                                                        Reporting and Recordkeeping
                                                concurrently with the confirmation of a                                                                       utility, and clarity of the information.
                                                                                                        Requirements under OMB Review
                                                transaction; (5) the possibility that                                                                            Summary of Information Collections:
                                                trading spreads and the resulting                       AGENCY:    Small Business Administration.                (1) Title: Lender’s Transcript of
                                                premium or discount on the Shares may                   ACTION:   30-Day notice.                              Account.
                                                widen as a result of reduced liquidity of                                                                        Description of Respondents: SBA
                                                gold trading during the Core and Late                   SUMMARY:   The Small Business                         Lenders.
                                                Trading Sessions after the close of the                 Administration (SBA) is publishing this                  Form Number: SBA Form 1149.
                                                major world gold markets; and (6)                       notice to comply with requirements of                    Estimated Annual Respondents:
                                                trading information.32                                  the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA),                    1,000.
                                                   (8) All statements and representations               which requires agencies to submit                        Estimated Annual Responses: 15,000.
                                                made in this filing regarding (a) the                   proposed reporting and recordkeeping                     Estimated Annual Hour Burden:
                                                description of the portfolio, (b)                       requirements to OMB for review and                    30,000.
                                                limitations on portfolio holdings or                    approval, and to publish a notice in the
                                                                                                                                                              Curtis B. Rich,
                                                reference assets, or (c) the applicability              Federal Register notifying the public
                                                of Exchange listing rules specified in                                                                        Management Analyst.
                                                                                                        that the agency has made such a
                                                this rule filing shall constitute                       submission. This notice also allows an                [FR Doc. 2018–01994 Filed 1–31–18; 8:45 am]
                                                continued listing requirements for                      additional 30 days for public comments.               BILLING CODE 8025–01–P
                                                listing the Shares of the Trust on the                  DATES: Submit comments on or before
                                                Exchange.33                                             March 5, 2018.
                                                   (9) The issuer has represented to the                                                                      SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION
                                                                                                        ADDRESSES: Comments should refer to
                                                Exchange that it will advise the
                                                Exchange of any failure by the Trust to                 the information collection by name and/               Reporting and Recordkeeping
                                                comply with the continued listing                       or OMB Control Number and should be                   Requirements Under OMB Review
                                                requirements, and, pursuant to its                      sent to: Agency Clearance Officer, Curtis
                                                                                                        Rich, Small Business Administration,                  AGENCY:    Small Business Administration.
                                                obligations under Section 19(g)(1) of the                                                                     ACTION:   30-Day notice.
                                                Act, the Exchange will monitor for                      409 3rd Street, SW, 5th Floor,
                                                compliance with the continued listing                   Washington, DC 20416; and SBA Desk
                                                                                                                                                              SUMMARY:   The Small Business
                                                requirements. If the Trust is not in                    Officer, Office of Information and
                                                                                                                                                              Administration (SBA) is publishing this
                                                compliance with the applicable listing                  Regulatory Affairs, Office of
                                                                                                                                                              notice to comply with requirements of
                                                requirements, the Exchange will                         Management and Budget, New
                                                                                                                                                              the Paperwork Reduction Act
                                                commence delisting procedures under                     Executive Office Building, Washington,
                                                                                                                                                              (PRA),which requires agencies to submit
                                                NYSE Arca Rule 5.5(m).34                                DC 20503.
                                                                                                                                                              proposed reporting and recordkeeping
                                                   This approval order is based on all of               FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                      requirements to OMB for review and
                                                the Exchange’s representations—                         Curtis Rich, Agency Clearance Officer,                approval, and to publish a notice in the
                                                including those set forth above and in                  (202) 205–7030 curtis.rich@sba.gov.                   Federal Register notifying the public
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                the Notice—and the Exchange’s                              Copies: A copy of the Form OMB 83–                 that the agency has made such a
                                                description of the Trust.                               1, supporting statement, and other                    submission. This notice also allows an
                                                                                                        documents submitted to OMB for                        additional 30 days for public comments.
                                                  31 See id. at 61606.                                                                                        DATES: Submit comments on or before
                                                  32 See id. at 61607.                                    35 15 U.S.C. 78f(b)(5) and 15 U.S.C. 78k–
                                                  33 See id. See also NYSE Arca Rule 8.201–             1(a)(1)(C)(iii), respectively.
                                                                                                                                                              March 5, 2018.
                                                E(e)(2)(vii).                                             36 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(2).                             ADDRESSES: Comments should refer to
                                                  34 See Notice, supra note 3, at 61607.                  37 17 CFR 200.30–3(a)(12).                          the information collection by name and/

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Document Created: 2018-10-26 13:46:28
Document Modified: 2018-10-26 13:46:28
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
FR Citation83 FR 4718 

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