83_FR_47837 83 FR 47654 - Self-Regulatory Organizations; Cboe EDGA Exchange, Inc.; Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of a Proposed Rule Change To Amend Its Rules Relating to Categories of Registration and Respective Qualification Examinations Required for Members That Engage in Trading Activities on the Exchange

83 FR 47654 - Self-Regulatory Organizations; Cboe EDGA Exchange, Inc.; Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of a Proposed Rule Change To Amend Its Rules Relating to Categories of Registration and Respective Qualification Examinations Required for Members That Engage in Trading Activities on the Exchange


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 183 (September 20, 2018)

Page Range47654-47657
FR Document2018-20438

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 183 (Thursday, September 20, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 183 (Thursday, September 20, 2018)]
[Pages 47654-47657]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-20438]



[Release No. 34-84140; File No. SR-CboeEDGA-2018-015]

Self-Regulatory Organizations; Cboe EDGA Exchange, Inc.; Notice 
of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of a Proposed Rule Change To 
Amend Its Rules Relating to Categories of Registration and Respective 
Qualification Examinations Required for Members That Engage in Trading 
Activities on the Exchange

September 14, 2018.
    Pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 
(the ``Act''),\1\ and Rule 19b-4 thereunder,\2\ notice is hereby given 
that on September 7, 2018, Cboe EDGA Exchange, Inc. (the ``Exchange'' 
or ``EDGA'') filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission 
(``Commission'') the proposed rule change as described in Items I and 
II below, which Items have been prepared by the Exchange. The 
Commission is publishing this notice to solicit comments on the 
proposed rule change from interested persons.

    \1\ 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
    \2\ 17 CFR 240.19b-4.

I. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement of the Terms of Substance 
of the Proposed Rule Change

    The Exchange is proposing to amend its rules relating to categories 
of registration and respective qualification examinations required for 
Members that engage in trading activities on the Exchange.
    The text of the proposed rule change is available at the Exchange's 
website at www.markets.cboe.com, at the principal office of the 
Exchange, and at the Commission's Public Reference Room.

II. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement of the Purpose of, and 
Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule Change

    In its filing with the Commission, the Exchange included statements 
concerning the purpose of and basis for the proposed rule change and 
discussed any comments it received on the proposed rule change. The 
text of these statements may be examined at the places specified in 
Item IV below. The Exchange has prepared summaries, set forth in 
Sections A, B, and C below, of the most significant parts of such 

[[Page 47655]]

A. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement of the Purpose of, and 
Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule Change

1. Purpose
    The SEC recently approved a proposed rule change to restructure the 
FINRA representative-level qualification examination program.\3\ The 
rule change, which will become effective on October 1, 2018, 
restructures the examination program into a more efficient format 
whereby all new representative-level applicants will be required to 
take a general knowledge examination (the Securities Industry 
Essentials Examination (``SIE'')) and a tailored, specialized knowledge 
examination (a revised representative-level qualification examination) 
for their particular registered role. Individuals are not required to 
be associated with an Exchange or any other self-regulatory 
organization (``SRO'') member to be eligible to take the SIE. However, 
passing the SIE alone will not qualify an individual for registration 
with the Exchange. To be eligible for registration, an individual must 
also be associated with a firm, pass an appropriate qualification 
examination for a representative or principal and satisfy the other 
requirements relating to the registration process.

    \3\ See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 81098 (July 7, 
2017), 82 FR 32419 (July 13, 2017) (Order Approving File No. SR-

    The SIE would assess basic product knowledge; the structure and 
function of the securities industry markets, regulatory agencies and 
their functions; and regulated and prohibited practices. In particular, 
the SIE will cover four major areas. The first, ``Knowledge of Capital 
Markets,'' focuses on topics such as types of markets and offerings, 
broker-dealers and depositories, and economic cycles. The second, 
``Understanding Products and Their Risks,'' covers securities products 
at a high level as well as associated investment risks. The third, 
``Understanding Trading, Customer Accounts and Prohibited Activities,'' 
focuses on accounts, orders, settlement and prohibited activities. The 
final area, ``Overview of the Regulatory Framework,'' encompasses 
topics such as SROs, registration requirements and specified conduct 
rules. It's anticipated that the SIE would include 75 scored questions 
plus an additional 10 unscored pretest questions. The passing score 
would be determined through methodologies compliant with testing 
industry standards used to develop examinations and set passing 
    The restructured program eliminates duplicative testing of general 
securities knowledge on the current representative-level qualification 
examinations by moving such content into the SIE. The SIE will test 
fundamental securities related knowledge, including knowledge of basic 
products, the structure and function of the securities industry, the 
regulatory agencies and their functions and regulated and prohibited 
practices, whereas the revised representative-level qualification 
examinations will test knowledge relevant to day-to-day activities, 
responsibilities and job functions of representatives. The SIE was 
developed in consultation with a committee of industry representatives 
and representatives of several other SROs. Each of the current 
representative-level examinations covers general securities knowledge, 
with the exception of the Research Analyst (Series 86 and 87) 
    The Exchange proposes to require that effective October 1, 2018, 
new applicants seeking to register in a representative capacity with 
the Exchange must pass the SIE examination [sic] before their 
registrations can become effective. The Exchange proposes to make the 
requirement operative on October 1, 2018 to coincide with the effective 
date of FINRA's requirement.
    The Exchange notes that individuals who are registered as of 
October 1, 2018 are eligible to maintain their registrations without 
being subject to any additional requirements. Individuals who had been 
registered within the past two years prior to October 1, 2018, would 
also be eligible to maintain those registrations without being subject 
to any additional requirements, provided they register within two years 
from the date of their last registration. However, with respect to an 
individual who is not registered on the effective date of the proposed 
rule change but was registered within the past two years prior to the 
effective date of the proposed rule change, the individual's SIE status 
in the CRD system would be administratively terminated if such 
individual does not register with the Exchange within four years from 
the date of the individual's last registration. The Exchange also notes 
that consistent with Interpretation and Policy .01(b) of Rule 2.5, the 
Exchange will consider waivers of the SIE alone or the SIE and the 
representative or principal-level examination(s) for Members who are 
seeking registration in a representative- or principal-level 
registration category.\4\

    \4\ Pursuant to a Regulatory Services Agreement between FINRA 
and the Exchange, FINRA provides the Exchange certain exam waiver 
services in responding to exam waiver requests from Exchange 

    Lastly, the Exchange proposes to eliminate references in its rules 
to alternative foreign examination modules, along with specific 
references to the Series 17, 37 and 38 examinations. Particularly, the 
Exchange notes that FINRA recently announced it was eliminating the 
United Kingdom Securities Representative and the Canadian Securities 
Representative registration categories, along with the respective 
associated exams (i.e., Series 17, Series 37 and Series 38).\5\ FINRA 
also stated that it intended to provide individuals who are associated 
persons of firms and who hold foreign registrations an alternative, 
more flexible, process to obtain an Exchange representative-level 
registration.\6\ The Exchange believes that there is sufficient overlap 
between the SIE and foreign qualification requirements to permit them 
to act as exemptions to the SIE. As such, the Exchange proposes to 
provide that individuals who are in good standing as representatives 
with the Financial Conduct Authority in the United Kingdom or with a 
Canadian stock exchange or securities regulator would be exempt from 
the requirement to pass the SIE, and thus would be required only to 
pass a specialized knowledge examination to register with the Exchange 
as a representative. The proposed approach would provide individuals 
with a United Kingdom or Canadian qualification more flexibility to 
obtain an Exchange representative-level registration. The Exchange 
notes that FINRA has adopted a similar rule.\7\

    \5\ See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 81098 (July 7, 
2017), 82 FR 32419 (July 13, 2017) (Order Approving File No. SR-
    \6\ Id.
    \7\ Id.

2. Statutory Basis
    The Exchange believes the proposed rule change is consistent with 
the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the ``Act'') and the rules and 
regulations thereunder applicable to the Exchange and, in particular, 
the requirements of Section 6(b) of the Act.\8\ Specifically, the 
Exchange believes the proposed rule change is consistent with the 
Section 6(b)(5) \9\ requirements that the rules of an exchange be 
designed to prevent fraudulent and manipulative acts and practices, to 
promote just and equitable

[[Page 47656]]

principles of trade, to foster cooperation and coordination with 
persons engaged in regulating, clearing, settling, processing 
information with respect to, and facilitating transactions in 
securities, to remove impediments to and perfect the mechanism of a 
free and open market and a national market system, and, in general, to 
protect investors and the public interest. Additionally, the Exchange 
believes the proposed rule change is consistent with the Section 
6(b)(5) \10\ requirement that the rules of an exchange not be designed 
to permit unfair discrimination between customers, issuers, brokers, or 

    \8\ 15 U.S.C. 78f(b).
    \9\ 15 U.S.C. 78f(b)(5).
    \10\ Id.

    The Exchange believes that the proposed rule change will improve 
the efficiency of the Exchange's examination requirements, without 
compromising the qualification standards, by eliminating duplicative 
testing of general securities knowledge on examinations. FINRA has 
indicated that the SIE was developed in an effort to adopt an 
examination that would assess basic product knowledge; the structure 
and function of the securities industry markets, regulatory agencies 
and their functions; and regulated and prohibited practices. The 
Exchange also notes that the introduction of the SIE and expansion of 
the pool of individuals who are eligible to take the SIE, has the 
potential of enhancing the pool of prospective securities industry 
professionals by introducing them to securities laws, rules and 
regulations and appropriate conduct before they join the industry in a 
registered capacity. Lastly, the Exchange notes adopting the SIE 
requirement is consistent with the requirement recently adopted by 

    \11\ See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 81098 (July 7, 
2017), 82 FR 32419 (July 13, 2017) (Order Approving File No. SR-

B. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement on Burden on Competition

    The Exchange does not believe that the proposed rule change will 
impose any burden on competition that is not necessary or appropriate 
in furtherance of the purposes of the Act. The Exchange believes that 
the proposed rule change, which harmonizes its rules with recent rule 
changes adopted by FINRA and which is being filed in conjunction with 
similar filings by the other national securities exchanges, will reduce 
the regulatory burden placed on market participants engaged in trading 
activities across different markets. The Exchange believes that the 
harmonization of these registration requirements across the various 
markets will reduce burdens on competition by removing impediments to 
participation in the national market system and promoting competition 
among participants across the multiple national securities exchanges.

C. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement on Comments on the Proposed 
Rule Change Received From Members, Participants or Others

    The Exchange has neither solicited nor received written comments on 
the proposed rule change.

III. Date of Effectiveness of the Proposed Rule Change and Timing for 
Commission Action

    Because the foregoing proposed rule change does not: (i) 
Significantly affect the protection of investors or the public 
interest; (ii) impose any significant burden on competition; and (iii) 
become operative for 30 days from the date on which it was filed, or 
such shorter time as the Commission may designate, it has become 
effective pursuant to Section 19(b)(3)(A) of the Act \12\ and Rule 19b-
4(f)(6) thereunder.

    \12\ 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(3)(A).

    A proposed rule change filed under Rule 19b-4(f)(6) normally does 
not become operative for 30 days from the date of filing. However, Rule 
19b-4(f)(6)(iii) \13\ permits the Commission to designate a shorter 
time if such action is consistent with the protection of investors and 
the public interest. The Exchange has asked the Commission to waive the 
30-day operative delay so that the proposal may become operative on 
October 1, 2018 to coincide with the effective date of FINRA's proposed 
rule change on which the proposal is based.\14\ The waiver of the 
operative delay would make the Exchange's qualification requirements 
consistent with those of FINRA at the same time that FINRA does. 
Therefore, the Commission believes that the waiver of the 30-day 
operative delay is consistent with the protection of investors and the 
public interest and hereby waives the 30-day operative delay and 
designates the proposal operative on October 1, 2018.\15\

    \13\ 17 CFR 240.19b-4(f)(6)(iii).
    \14\ See supra note 5.
    \15\ For purposes only of waiving the 30-day operative delay, 
the Commission has also considered the proposed rule's impact on 
efficiency, competition, and capital formation. See 15 U.S.C. 

    At any time within 60 days of the filing of the proposed rule 
change, the Commission summarily may temporarily suspend such rule 
change if it appears to the Commission that such action is necessary or 
appropriate in the public interest, for the protection of investors, or 
otherwise in furtherance of the purposes of the Act.

IV. Solicitation of Comments

    Interested persons are invited to submit written data, views and 
arguments concerning the foregoing, including whether the proposal is 
consistent with the Act. Comments may be submitted by any of the 
following methods:

Electronic Comments

     Use the Commission's internet comment form (http://www.sec.gov/rules/sro.shtml); or
     Send an email to rule-comments@sec.gov. Please include 
File No. SR-CboeEDGA-2018-015 on the subject line.

Paper Comments

     Send paper comments in triplicate to Secretary, Securities 
and Exchange Commission, 100 F Street NE, Washington, DC 20549-1090.

All submissions should refer to File No. SR-CboeEDGA-2018-015. This 
file number should be included on the subject line if email is used. To 
help the Commission process and review your comments more efficiently, 
please use only one method. The Commission will post all comments on 
the Commission's internet website (http://www.sec.gov/rules/sro.shtml). 
Copies of the submission, all subsequent amendments, all written 
statements with respect to the proposed rule change that are filed with 
the Commission, and all written communications relating to the proposed 
rule change between the Commission and any person, other than those 
that may be withheld from the public in accordance with the provisions 
of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be available for website viewing and printing in 
the Commission's Public Reference Room, 100 F Street NE, Washington, DC 
20549, on official business days between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 
3:00 p.m. Copies of such filing will also be available for inspection 
and copying at the principal office of the Exchange. All comments 
received will be posted without change. Persons submitting comments are 
cautioned that we do not redact or edit personal identifying 
information from comment submissions. You should submit only 
information that you wish to make available publicly. All submissions 
should refer to File No. SR-CboeEDGA-2018-015 and should

[[Page 47657]]

be submitted on or before October 11, 2018.

    \16\ 17 CFR 200.30-3(a)(12).

    For the Commission, by the Division of Trading and Markets, 
pursuant to delegated authority.\16\
Eduardo A. Aleman,
Assistant Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2018-20438 Filed 9-19-18; 8:45 am]

                                              47654                      Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 183 / Thursday, September 20, 2018 / Notices

                                              number should be included on the                          of 1934 (‘‘Act’’) 1 and Rule 19b–4                    SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE
                                              subject line if email is used. To help the                thereunder,2 a proposed rule change to                COMMISSION
                                              Commission process and review your                        modify investments of the First Trust
                                              comments more efficiently, please use                     TCW Unconstrained Plus Bond ETF, the                  [Release No. 34–84140; File No. SR–
                                              only one method. The Commission will                      shares of which are currently listed and              CboeEDGA–2018–015]
                                              post all comments on the Commission’s                     traded on the Exchange pursuant to
                                              internet website (http://www.sec.gov/                     NYSE Arca Rule 8.600–E. The proposed                  Self-Regulatory Organizations; Cboe
                                              rules/sro.shtml). Copies of the                           rule change was published for comment                 EDGA Exchange, Inc.; Notice of Filing
                                              submission, all subsequent                                in the Federal Register on August 1,                  and Immediate Effectiveness of a
                                              amendments, all written statements                        2018.3 The Commission has received no                 Proposed Rule Change To Amend Its
                                              with respect to the proposed rule                         comment letters on the proposed rule                  Rules Relating to Categories of
                                              change that are filed with the                            change.                                               Registration and Respective
                                              Commission, and all written                                                                                     Qualification Examinations Required
                                              communications relating to the                               Section 19(b)(2) of the Act 4 provides             for Members That Engage in Trading
                                              proposed rule change between the                          that within 45 days of the publication of             Activities on the Exchange
                                              Commission and any person, other than                     notice of the filing of a proposed rule
                                              those that may be withheld from the                       change, or within such longer period up               September 14, 2018.
                                              public in accordance with the                             to 90 days as the Commission may                         Pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the
                                              provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be                       designate if it finds such longer period              Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the
                                              available for website viewing and                         to be appropriate and publishes its                   ‘‘Act’’),1 and Rule 19b–4 thereunder,2
                                              printing in the Commission’s Public                       reasons for so finding, or as to which the            notice is hereby given that on
                                              Reference Room, 100 F Street NE,                          self-regulatory organization consents,                September 7, 2018, Cboe EDGA
                                              Washington, DC 20549 on official                          the Commission shall either approve the               Exchange, Inc. (the ‘‘Exchange’’ or
                                              business days between the hours of                        proposed rule change, disapprove the                  ‘‘EDGA’’) filed with the Securities and
                                              10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Copies of the                    proposed rule change, or institute                    Exchange Commission (‘‘Commission’’)
                                              filing also will be available for                         proceedings to determine whether the                  the proposed rule change as described
                                              inspection and copying at the principal                   proposed rule change should be                        in Items I and II below, which Items
                                              office of the Exchange. All comments                      disapproved. The 45th day after                       have been prepared by the Exchange.
                                              received will be posted without change.                   publication of the notice for this                    The Commission is publishing this
                                              Persons submitting comments are                           proposed rule change is September 15,                 notice to solicit comments on the
                                              cautioned that we do not redact or edit                   2018. The Commission is extending this                proposed rule change from interested
                                              personal identifying information from                                                                           persons.
                                                                                                        45-day time period.
                                              comment submissions. You should
                                              submit only information that you wish                        The Commission finds it appropriate                I. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
                                              to make available publicly. All                           to designate a longer period within                   Statement of the Terms of Substance of
                                              submissions should refer to File                          which to take action on the proposed                  the Proposed Rule Change
                                              Number SR–C2–2018–020 and should                          rule change so that it has sufficient time
                                              be submitted on or before October 11,                     to consider the proposed rule change.                    The Exchange is proposing to amend
                                              2018.                                                     Accordingly, the Commission, pursuant                 its rules relating to categories of
                                                                                                                                                              registration and respective qualification
                                                For the Commission, by the Division of                  to Section 19(b)(2) of the Act,5
                                                                                                                                                              examinations required for Members that
                                              Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated                designates October 30, 2018 as the date
                                                                                                                                                              engage in trading activities on the
                                              authority.16                                              by which the Commission shall either
                                              Eduardo A. Aleman,                                        approve or disapprove, or institute
                                              Assistant Secretary.                                      proceedings to determine whether to                      The text of the proposed rule change
                                                                                                        disapprove, the proposed rule change                  is available at the Exchange’s website at
                                              [FR Doc. 2018–20431 Filed 9–19–18; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                        (File No. SR–NYSEArca–2018–43).                       www.markets.cboe.com, at the principal
                                              BILLING CODE 8011–01–P
                                                                                                                                                              office of the Exchange, and at the
                                                                                                          For the Commission, by the Division of              Commission’s Public Reference Room.
                                                                                                        Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated
                                              SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE                                   authority.6                                           II. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
                                              COMMISSION                                                                                                      Statement of the Purpose of, and
                                                                                                        Eduardo A. Aleman,
                                              [Release No. 34–84123; File No. SR–                                                                             Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule
                                                                                                        Assistant Secretary.
                                              NYSEArca–2018–43]                                                                                               Change
                                                                                                        [FR Doc. 2018–20437 Filed 9–19–18; 8:45 am]

                                              Self-Regulatory Organizations; NYSE                       BILLING CODE 8011–01–P                                  In its filing with the Commission, the
                                              Arca, Inc.; Notice of Designation of a                                                                          Exchange included statements
                                              Longer Period for Commission Action                                                                             concerning the purpose of and basis for
                                              on a Proposed Rule Change Regarding                                                                             the proposed rule change and discussed
                                              Investments of the First Trust TCW                                                                              any comments it received on the
                                              Unconstrained Plus Bond ETF                                                                                     proposed rule change. The text of these
                                                                                                                                                              statements may be examined at the
                                              September 14, 2018.                                                                                             places specified in Item IV below. The
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1

                                                 On July 11, 2018, NYSE Arca, Inc.                        1 15   U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).                            Exchange has prepared summaries, set
                                              (‘‘Exchange’’) filed with the Securities                    2 17   CFR 240.19b–4.                               forth in Sections A, B, and C below, of
                                              and Exchange Commission                                      3 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 83720    the most significant parts of such
                                              (‘‘Commission’’), pursuant to Section                     (July 26, 2018), 83 FR 37560.                         statements.
                                              19(b)(1) of the Securities Exchange Act                      4 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(2).

                                                                                                           5 Id.                                                1 15   U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
                                                16 17   CFR 200.30–3(a)(12).                               6 17 CFR 200.30–3(a)(31).                            2 17   CFR 240.19b–4.

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014     18:01 Sep 19, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00055   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\20SEN1.SGM     20SEN1

                                                                       Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 183 / Thursday, September 20, 2018 / Notices                                                  47655

                                              A. Self-Regulatory Organization’s                          The restructured program eliminates                seeking registration in a representative-
                                              Statement of the Purpose of, and                        duplicative testing of general securities             or principal-level registration category.4
                                              Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule                  knowledge on the current                                 Lastly, the Exchange proposes to
                                              Change                                                  representative-level qualification                    eliminate references in its rules to
                                                                                                      examinations by moving such content                   alternative foreign examination
                                              1. Purpose                                                                                                    modules, along with specific references
                                                                                                      into the SIE. The SIE will test
                                                 The SEC recently approved a                          fundamental securities related                        to the Series 17, 37 and 38
                                              proposed rule change to restructure the                 knowledge, including knowledge of                     examinations. Particularly, the
                                              FINRA representative-level qualification                basic products, the structure and                     Exchange notes that FINRA recently
                                              examination program.3 The rule change,                  function of the securities industry, the              announced it was eliminating the
                                              which will become effective on October                  regulatory agencies and their functions               United Kingdom Securities
                                              1, 2018, restructures the examination                   and regulated and prohibited practices,               Representative and the Canadian
                                              program into a more efficient format                    whereas the revised representative-level              Securities Representative registration
                                              whereby all new representative-level                    qualification examinations will test                  categories, along with the respective
                                              applicants will be required to take a                   knowledge relevant to day-to-day                      associated exams (i.e., Series 17, Series
                                              general knowledge examination (the                      activities, responsibilities and job                  37 and Series 38).5 FINRA also stated
                                              Securities Industry Essentials                          functions of representatives. The SIE                 that it intended to provide individuals
                                              Examination (‘‘SIE’’)) and a tailored,                  was developed in consultation with a                  who are associated persons of firms and
                                              specialized knowledge examination (a                    committee of industry representatives                 who hold foreign registrations an
                                              revised representative-level                                                                                  alternative, more flexible, process to
                                                                                                      and representatives of several other
                                              qualification examination) for their                                                                          obtain an Exchange representative-level
                                                                                                      SROs. Each of the current
                                              particular registered role. Individuals                                                                       registration.6 The Exchange believes
                                                                                                      representative-level examinations
                                              are not required to be associated with an                                                                     that there is sufficient overlap between
                                                                                                      covers general securities knowledge,
                                              Exchange or any other self-regulatory                                                                         the SIE and foreign qualification
                                                                                                      with the exception of the Research
                                              organization (‘‘SRO’’) member to be                                                                           requirements to permit them to act as
                                                                                                      Analyst (Series 86 and 87)
                                              eligible to take the SIE. However,                                                                            exemptions to the SIE. As such, the
                                                                                                      examinations.                                         Exchange proposes to provide that
                                              passing the SIE alone will not qualify an
                                              individual for registration with the                       The Exchange proposes to require that              individuals who are in good standing as
                                              Exchange. To be eligible for registration,              effective October 1, 2018, new                        representatives with the Financial
                                              an individual must also be associated                   applicants seeking to register in a                   Conduct Authority in the United
                                              with a firm, pass an appropriate                        representative capacity with the                      Kingdom or with a Canadian stock
                                              qualification examination for a                         Exchange must pass the SIE                            exchange or securities regulator would
                                              representative or principal and satisfy                 examination [sic] before their                        be exempt from the requirement to pass
                                              the other requirements relating to the                  registrations can become effective. The               the SIE, and thus would be required
                                              registration process.                                   Exchange proposes to make the                         only to pass a specialized knowledge
                                                 The SIE would assess basic product                   requirement operative on October 1,                   examination to register with the
                                              knowledge; the structure and function                   2018 to coincide with the effective date              Exchange as a representative. The
                                              of the securities industry markets,                     of FINRA’s requirement.                               proposed approach would provide
                                              regulatory agencies and their functions;                   The Exchange notes that individuals                individuals with a United Kingdom or
                                              and regulated and prohibited practices.                 who are registered as of October 1, 2018              Canadian qualification more flexibility
                                              In particular, the SIE will cover four                                                                        to obtain an Exchange representative-
                                                                                                      are eligible to maintain their
                                              major areas. The first, ‘‘Knowledge of                                                                        level registration. The Exchange notes
                                                                                                      registrations without being subject to
                                              Capital Markets,’’ focuses on topics such                                                                     that FINRA has adopted a similar rule.7
                                                                                                      any additional requirements.
                                              as types of markets and offerings,                      Individuals who had been registered                   2. Statutory Basis
                                              broker-dealers and depositories, and                    within the past two years prior to
                                              economic cycles. The second,                                                                                     The Exchange believes the proposed
                                                                                                      October 1, 2018, would also be eligible               rule change is consistent with the
                                              ‘‘Understanding Products and Their                      to maintain those registrations without
                                              Risks,’’ covers securities products at a                                                                      Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the
                                                                                                      being subject to any additional                       ‘‘Act’’) and the rules and regulations
                                              high level as well as associated                        requirements, provided they register
                                              investment risks. The third,                                                                                  thereunder applicable to the Exchange
                                                                                                      within two years from the date of their               and, in particular, the requirements of
                                              ‘‘Understanding Trading, Customer                       last registration. However, with respect
                                              Accounts and Prohibited Activities,’’                                                                         Section 6(b) of the Act.8 Specifically,
                                                                                                      to an individual who is not registered                the Exchange believes the proposed rule
                                              focuses on accounts, orders, settlement                 on the effective date of the proposed
                                              and prohibited activities. The final area,                                                                    change is consistent with the Section
                                                                                                      rule change but was registered within                 6(b)(5) 9 requirements that the rules of
                                              ‘‘Overview of the Regulatory                            the past two years prior to the effective
                                              Framework,’’ encompasses topics such                                                                          an exchange be designed to prevent
                                                                                                      date of the proposed rule change, the                 fraudulent and manipulative acts and
                                              as SROs, registration requirements and                  individual’s SIE status in the CRD                    practices, to promote just and equitable
                                              specified conduct rules. It’s anticipated               system would be administratively
                                              that the SIE would include 75 scored                    terminated if such individual does not                   4 Pursuant to a Regulatory Services Agreement
                                              questions plus an additional 10                         register with the Exchange within four                between FINRA and the Exchange, FINRA provides
                                              unscored pretest questions. The passing                 years from the date of the individual’s               the Exchange certain exam waiver services in
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1

                                              score would be determined through                                                                             responding to exam waiver requests from Exchange
                                                                                                      last registration. The Exchange also                  Members.
                                              methodologies compliant with testing                    notes that consistent with Interpretation                5 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 81098
                                              industry standards used to develop                      and Policy .01(b) of Rule 2.5, the                    (July 7, 2017), 82 FR 32419 (July 13, 2017) (Order
                                              examinations and set passing standards.                 Exchange will consider waivers of the                 Approving File No. SR–FINRA–2017–007).
                                                                                                                                                               6 Id.

                                                 3 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 81098
                                                                                                      SIE alone or the SIE and the                             7 Id.

                                              (July 7, 2017), 82 FR 32419 (July 13, 2017) (Order
                                                                                                      representative or principal-level                        8 15 U.S.C. 78f(b).

                                              Approving File No. SR–FINRA–2017–007).                  examination(s) for Members who are                       9 15 U.S.C. 78f(b)(5).

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                                              47656                    Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 183 / Thursday, September 20, 2018 / Notices

                                              principles of trade, to foster cooperation              will reduce burdens on competition by                 public interest, for the protection of
                                              and coordination with persons engaged                   removing impediments to participation                 investors, or otherwise in furtherance of
                                              in regulating, clearing, settling,                      in the national market system and                     the purposes of the Act.
                                              processing information with respect to,                 promoting competition among
                                              and facilitating transactions in                        participants across the multiple national             IV. Solicitation of Comments
                                              securities, to remove impediments to                    securities exchanges.                                   Interested persons are invited to
                                              and perfect the mechanism of a free and                 C. Self-Regulatory Organization’s                     submit written data, views and
                                              open market and a national market                       Statement on Comments on the                          arguments concerning the foregoing,
                                              system, and, in general, to protect                     Proposed Rule Change Received From                    including whether the proposal is
                                              investors and the public interest.                      Members, Participants or Others                       consistent with the Act. Comments may
                                              Additionally, the Exchange believes the                                                                       be submitted by any of the following
                                              proposed rule change is consistent with                   The Exchange has neither solicited
                                                                                                      nor received written comments on the                  methods:
                                              the Section 6(b)(5) 10 requirement that
                                              the rules of an exchange not be designed                proposed rule change.                                 Electronic Comments
                                              to permit unfair discrimination between                 III. Date of Effectiveness of the
                                              customers, issuers, brokers, or dealers.                                                                         • Use the Commission’s internet
                                                                                                      Proposed Rule Change and Timing for
                                                 The Exchange believes that the                                                                             comment form (http://www.sec.gov/
                                                                                                      Commission Action
                                              proposed rule change will improve the                                                                         rules/sro.shtml); or
                                                                                                         Because the foregoing proposed rule
                                              efficiency of the Exchange’s                                                                                     • Send an email to rule-comments@
                                              examination requirements, without                       change does not: (i) Significantly affect
                                                                                                                                                            sec.gov. Please include File No. SR–
                                              compromising the qualification                          the protection of investors or the public
                                                                                                                                                            CboeEDGA–2018–015 on the subject
                                              standards, by eliminating duplicative                   interest; (ii) impose any significant
                                              testing of general securities knowledge                 burden on competition; and (iii) become
                                              on examinations. FINRA has indicated                    operative for 30 days from the date on                Paper Comments
                                              that the SIE was developed in an effort                 which it was filed, or such shorter time
                                                                                                      as the Commission may designate, it has                 • Send paper comments in triplicate
                                              to adopt an examination that would                                                                            to Secretary, Securities and Exchange
                                              assess basic product knowledge; the                     become effective pursuant to Section
                                                                                                      19(b)(3)(A) of the Act 12 and Rule 19b–               Commission, 100 F Street NE,
                                              structure and function of the securities
                                                                                                      4(f)(6) thereunder.                                   Washington, DC 20549–1090.
                                              industry markets, regulatory agencies
                                                                                                         A proposed rule change filed under
                                              and their functions; and regulated and                                                                        All submissions should refer to File No.
                                                                                                      Rule 19b–4(f)(6) normally does not
                                              prohibited practices. The Exchange also                                                                       SR–CboeEDGA–2018–015. This file
                                                                                                      become operative for 30 days from the
                                              notes that the introduction of the SIE                                                                        number should be included on the
                                                                                                      date of filing. However, Rule 19b–
                                              and expansion of the pool of individuals                                                                      subject line if email is used. To help the
                                                                                                      4(f)(6)(iii) 13 permits the Commission to
                                              who are eligible to take the SIE, has the                                                                     Commission process and review your
                                                                                                      designate a shorter time if such action
                                              potential of enhancing the pool of                                                                            comments more efficiently, please use
                                                                                                      is consistent with the protection of
                                              prospective securities industry                                                                               only one method. The Commission will
                                                                                                      investors and the public interest. The
                                              professionals by introducing them to                                                                          post all comments on the Commission’s
                                                                                                      Exchange has asked the Commission to
                                              securities laws, rules and regulations                                                                        internet website (http://www.sec.gov/
                                                                                                      waive the 30-day operative delay so that
                                              and appropriate conduct before they                                                                           rules/sro.shtml). Copies of the
                                                                                                      the proposal may become operative on
                                              join the industry in a registered                                                                             submission, all subsequent
                                                                                                      October 1, 2018 to coincide with the
                                              capacity. Lastly, the Exchange notes                                                                          amendments, all written statements
                                                                                                      effective date of FINRA’s proposed rule
                                              adopting the SIE requirement is                                                                               with respect to the proposed rule
                                                                                                      change on which the proposal is
                                              consistent with the requirement recently                                                                      change that are filed with the
                                                                                                      based.14 The waiver of the operative
                                              adopted by FINRA.11                                                                                           Commission, and all written
                                                                                                      delay would make the Exchange’s
                                              B. Self-Regulatory Organization’s                       qualification requirements consistent                 communications relating to the
                                              Statement on Burden on Competition                      with those of FINRA at the same time                  proposed rule change between the
                                                                                                      that FINRA does. Therefore, the                       Commission and any person, other than
                                                The Exchange does not believe that                                                                          those that may be withheld from the
                                              the proposed rule change will impose                    Commission believes that the waiver of
                                                                                                      the 30-day operative delay is consistent              public in accordance with the
                                              any burden on competition that is not                                                                         provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be
                                              necessary or appropriate in furtherance                 with the protection of investors and the
                                                                                                      public interest and hereby waives the                 available for website viewing and
                                              of the purposes of the Act. The                                                                               printing in the Commission’s Public
                                              Exchange believes that the proposed                     30-day operative delay and designates
                                                                                                      the proposal operative on October 1,                  Reference Room, 100 F Street NE,
                                              rule change, which harmonizes its rules                                                                       Washington, DC 20549, on official
                                              with recent rule changes adopted by                     2018.15
                                                                                                         At any time within 60 days of the                  business days between the hours of
                                              FINRA and which is being filed in                                                                             10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Copies of such
                                              conjunction with similar filings by the                 filing of the proposed rule change, the
                                                                                                      Commission summarily may                              filing will also be available for
                                              other national securities exchanges, will                                                                     inspection and copying at the principal
                                              reduce the regulatory burden placed on                  temporarily suspend such rule change if
                                                                                                      it appears to the Commission that such                office of the Exchange. All comments
                                              market participants engaged in trading                                                                        received will be posted without change.
                                              activities across different markets. The                action is necessary or appropriate in the
                                                                                                                                                            Persons submitting comments are
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1

                                              Exchange believes that the                                12 15                                               cautioned that we do not redact or edit
                                                                                                               U.S.C. 78s(b)(3)(A).
                                              harmonization of these registration                       13 17  CFR 240.19b–4(f)(6)(iii).                    personal identifying information from
                                              requirements across the various markets                    14 See supra note 5.                               comment submissions. You should
                                                                                                         15 For purposes only of waiving the 30-day         submit only information that you wish
                                                10 Id.
                                                                                                      operative delay, the Commission has also              to make available publicly. All
                                                 11 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 81098     considered the proposed rule’s impact on
                                              (July 7, 2017), 82 FR 32419 (July 13, 2017) (Order      efficiency, competition, and capital formation. See
                                                                                                                                                            submissions should refer to File No.
                                              Approving File No. SR–FINRA–2017–007).                  15 U.S.C. 78c(f).                                     SR–CboeEDGA–2018–015 and should

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014   18:01 Sep 19, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00057   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\20SEN1.SGM   20SEN1

                                                                       Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 183 / Thursday, September 20, 2018 / Notices                                             47657

                                              be submitted on or before October 11,                   FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                      activities. Applicant does not invest in
                                              2018.                                                   Rochelle Kauffman Plesset, Senior                     securities for short-term speculative
                                                For the Commission, by the Division of                Counsel, at (202) 551–6840, or Nadya B.               purposes.
                                              Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated              Roytblat, Assistant Chief Counsel, at
                                                                                                                                                            Applicant’s Legal Analysis
                                              authority.16                                            (202) 551–6825 (Division of Investment
                                              Eduardo A. Aleman,                                      Management, Chief Counsel’s Office).                     1. Applicant seeks an order under
                                              Assistant Secretary.                                    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The                        Section 3(b)(2) of the Act declaring that
                                                                                                      following is a summary of the                         it is primarily engaged in a business
                                              [FR Doc. 2018–20438 Filed 9–19–18; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                      application. The complete application                 other than that of investing, reinvesting,
                                              BILLING CODE 8011–01–P
                                                                                                      may be obtained via the Commission’s                  owning, holding or trading in securities
                                                                                                      website by searching for the file                     and therefore is not an investment
                                                                                                      number, or applicant using the                        company as defined in the Act.
                                              SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE
                                                                                                      Company name box, at http://                             2. Section 3(a)(l)(A) of the Act defines
                                                                                                      www.sec.gov/search/search.htm or by                   the term ‘‘investment company’’ to
                                              [Investment Company Act Release No.                     calling (202) 551–8090.                               include an issuer that is or holds itself
                                              33228; File No. 812–14875]                                                                                    out as being engaged primarily, or
                                                                                          Applicant’s Representations                                       proposes to engage primarily, in the
                                              Exact Sciences Corporation                                                                                    business of investing, reinvesting or
                                                                                             1. Formed in 1995, Applicant is a
                                              September 14, 2018.                         Delaware corporation that is in the                               trading in securities. Section 3(a)(l)(C) of
                                              AGENCY: Securities and Exchange             business of developing, clinical testing,                         the Act further defines an investment
                                              Commission (‘‘Commission’’).                marketing and commercializing cancer                              company as an issuer that is engaged or
                                              ACTION: Notice.                             and pre-cancer screening and diagnostic                           proposes to engage in the business of
                                                                                          tests. Applicant currently manufactures                           investing, reinvesting, owning, holding
                                                 Notice of application for an order       a non-invasive, patient-friendly                                  or trading in securities, and owns or
                                              under Section 3(b)(2) of the Investment     screening test called Cologuard and                               proposes to acquire investment
                                              Company Act of 1940 (‘‘Act’’).              provides it to patients on a prescription-                        securities having a value in excess of
                                                 Applicant: Exact Sciences                only basis through its clinical                                   40% of the value of the issuer’s total
                                              Corporation.                                laboratory. Applicant is also currently                           assets (exclusive of Government
                                                 Summary of Application: Applicant        working on the development of                                     securities and cash items) on an
                                              seeks an order under Section 3(b)(2) of     additional tests for other types of                               unconsolidated basis. Section 3(a)(2) of
                                              the Act declaring it to be primarily        cancers.                                                          the Act defines ‘‘investment securities’’
                                              engaged in a business other than that of       2. Applicant states that companies in                          to include all securities except
                                              investing, reinvesting, owning, holding     the heathcare sector such as itself                               Government securities, securities issued
                                              or trading in securities. Applicant is in   generally need significant liquid capital                         by employees’ securities companies,
                                              the business of producing and               to finance their operations and meet                              and securities issued by majority-owned
                                              developing screening and diagnostic         high production, commercialization and                            subsidiaries of the owner which (a) are
                                              tests for the early detection and           regulatory costs. Such companies often                            not investment companies and (b) are
                                              prevention of certain cancers.              spend a significant proportion of their                           not relying on the exclusions from the
                                                 Filing Dates: The application was        revenues on research and development                              definition of investment company in
                                              filed on January 30, 2018 and amended       (‘‘R&D’’) in order to bring a product to                          Section 3(c)(1) or Section 3(c)(7) of the
                                              on June 1, 2018, July 6, 2018 and August market and to bring products through                                 Act. While Applicant states that it does
                                              24, 2018.                                   the Food and Drug Administration’s                                not hold itself out as being engaged
                                                 Hearing or Notification of Hearing: An (‘‘FDA’’) approval process.                                         primarily in the business of investing,
                                              order granting the requested relief will       3. Applicant states that it currently                          reinvesting or trading in securities,
                                              be issued unless the Commission orders depends on raised capital to finance                                   Applicant states that it consistently
                                              a hearing. Interested persons may           operations and continued growth but                               holds investment securities that exceed
                                              request a hearing by writing to the         ultimately seeks to generate cash from                            40% of its total assets on an
                                              Commission’s Secretary and serving          its operations to support its business.                           unconsolidated basis (exclusive of
                                              applicant with a copy of the request,       Applicant states that it has successfully                         Government securities and cash items).
                                              personally or by mail. Hearing requests     raised capital to finance its operations                          Applicant states that it therefore falls
                                              should be received by the Commission        and commercialization of Cologuard in                             within the definition of investment
                                              by 5:30 p.m. on October 10, 2018 and        large part through various public                                 company under Section 3(a)(l)(C) of the
                                              should be accompanied by proof of           offerings of its debt and equity                                  Act.
                                              service on Applicant, in the form of an     securities. Applicant seeks to preserve                              3. Rule 3a–8 under the Act provides
                                              affidavit or, for lawyers, a certificate of its capital and maintain liquidity,                               an exclusion from the definition of
                                              service. Hearing requests should state      pending the use of such capital to                                investment company if, among other
                                              the nature of the writer’s interest, the    support its business operations, by                               factors, a company’s R&D expenses are
                                              reason for the request, and the issues      investing in short-term investment grade                          a substantial percentage of its total
                                              contested. Persons who wish to be           and liquid fixed income and money                                 expenses for the last four fiscal quarters
                                              notified of a hearing may request           market instruments that earn                                      combined. While Applicant believes
                                              notification by writing to the              competitive market returns and provide                            that it complies with the conditions of
                                              Commission’s Secretary.                     a low level of credit risk (‘‘Capital                             Rule 3a–8, Applicant is concerned that
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1

                                              ADDRESSES: Secretary, Securities and        Preservation Investments’’). Applicant                            its R&D expenses, while substantial in
                                              Exchange Commission, 100 F Street NE, also, to a limited extent, makes strategic                              absolute terms, may not be substantial
                                              Washington, DC 20549–1090.                  investments in companies that are                                 as a ratio of overall expenses,
                                              Applicant, 441 Charmany Drive,              complementary to its core business.                               particularly given the expense increase
                                              Madison, Wisconsin 53719.                   Applicant’s board of directors oversees                           in connection with the
                                                                                          Applicant’s investment practices and                              commercialization of Cologuard.
                                                16 17 CFR 200.30–3(a)(12).                defines the parameters for investment                             Applicant’s R&D expenses as a ratio of

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Document Created: 2018-09-20 02:08:17
Document Modified: 2018-09-20 02:08:17
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
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PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
FR Citation83 FR 47654 

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