83_FR_48878 83 FR 48691 - Federal Acquisition Regulation: System for Award Management Registration

83 FR 48691 - Federal Acquisition Regulation: System for Award Management Registration


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 187 (September 26, 2018)

Page Range48691-48700
FR Document2018-20706

DoD, GSA, and NASA are issuing a final rule amending the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) to update the instructions for registration in the System for Award Management and clarify the timing of registration in the System for Award Management.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 187 (Wednesday, September 26, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 187 (Wednesday, September 26, 2018)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 48691-48700]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-20706]

[[Page 48691]]





48 CFR Parts 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 25, 
26, 28, 32, 44, and 52

[FAC 2005-101; FAR Case 2015-005; Item I; Docket No. 2015-0005, 
Sequence No. 1]
RIN 9000-AN19

Federal Acquisition Regulation: System for Award Management 

AGENCY:  Department of Defense (DoD), General Services Administration 
(GSA), and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

ACTION: Final rule.


SUMMARY: DoD, GSA, and NASA are issuing a final rule amending the 
Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) to update the instructions for 
registration in the System for Award Management and clarify the timing 
of registration in the System for Award Management.

DATES: Effective October 26, 2018.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Curtis E. Glover, Sr., Procurement 
Analyst, at 202-501-1448, for clarification of content. For information 
pertaining to status or publication schedules, contact the Regulatory 
Secretariat Division at 202-501-4755. Please cite FAC 2005-101, FAR 
Case 2015-005.


I. Background

    DoD, GSA, and NASA published a proposed rule in the Federal 
Register at 81 FR 31895 on May 20, 2016, to update the instructions for 
registration in the System for Award Management (SAM) and correct an 
inconsistency involving the timing of registration. In order to correct 
this inconsistency, the rule proposed changes to FAR 4.1102, 4.1103, 
52.204-7, and 52.212-1(k) to require offeror registration in SAM prior 
to submission of an offer. In addition, the proposed rule also required 
contracting officers to use the name and physical address from the 
contractor's SAM registration for the provided Data Universal Numbering 
System (DUNS) (now the unique entity identifier). The proposed rule 
also removed the term ``division name'' from the FAR text at FAR 
4.1102, clause 52.204-13, and provision 52.212-4. These proposed 
changes have been implemented in the final rule. Ten respondents 
submitted comments on the proposed rule.

II. Discussion and Analysis

    The Civilian Agency Acquisition Council and the Defense Acquisition 
Regulations Council (the Councils) reviewed the public comments in the 
development of the final rule. A discussion of the comments and changes 
to the rule is provided as follows:

A. Summary of Significant Changes in Response to Public Comments

    There are no changes from the proposed rule as a result of the 
public comments received.

B. Analysis of Public Comments

    The concerns of many respondents were based on the perception that 
this rule creates a new requirement for offerors. The Councils 
emphasize that this rulemaking effort does not create a new requirement 
for offerors, large or small. The purpose of this rule is to clarify 
for offerors the required timing of SAM registration, i.e., when should 
offerors register in SAM. This clarification is necessary because of 
the following inconsistencies in current FAR language:
     FAR 4.1102 states that prospective contractors shall be 
registered in SAM (which includes online representations and 
certifications) prior to contract award (with some exceptions) and FAR 
clause 52.204-7(b)(1) currently requires the offeror to acknowledge the 
requirements that a prospective awardee shall be registered in SAM 
prior to award.
     However, paragraphs (b) and (d) of FAR clause 52.204-8, 
require that if the provision 52.204-7, System for Award Management, is 
included in the solicitation, then the offeror shall have completed the 
annual representations and certifications electronically via the SAM 
website (which would require registration in SAM). The offeror then 
verifies, by submission of its offer, that the representations and 
certifications in SAM are current, accurate, and complete, except for 
changes identified by the offeror in its offer. This requirement has 
been in the FAR since 2005, when registering in the legacy Central 
Contractor Registration (CCR). Along with representations required by 
FAR 52.212-3 for offers of commercial item acquisitions, these 
provisions have generally made registration in SAM at the time of offer 
the de facto requirement, despite the language in FAR 4.1102(a) and 
52.204-7 speaking to registration in SAM prior to award.
    This final rule corrects the inconsistency. The rule requires all 
offerors (except as provided at FAR 4.1102) to be registered in SAM at 
the time of submission of an offer or quotation, consistent with the 
requirements of FAR clause 52.204-8. Offerors can complete their 
representations and certifications as part of their SAM registration.
1. Effect on Offers and Competition
    Comments: A number of comments were received regarding the effect 
of this rule on submission of offers.
     One respondent stated that the change could have a 
potential impact on the prime contractor's ability to respond in a 
timely manner to a Request for Technical Proposal (RFTP) on an 
indefinite-delivery indefinite-quantity (IDIQ) contract where small 
businesses are used as subcontractors.
     One respondent was concerned that many offerors would not 
want to register in SAM with submission of the offer, because they 
would want to wait until they had the incentive of knowing that they 
were going to receive the award.
     Another respondent stated that the proposed change 
requiring offerors to be registered in SAM prior to submitting an offer 
would increase the possibility of the Government receiving only one bid 
(the ``one bid'' issue) in response to a solicitation and would 
especially impact simplified procurements. Still another respondent 
stated that the rule will severely limit the number of potential 
     Another respondent was concerned that the reduction of 
competition would put the Government in a situation where SAM-
registered vendors could charge exorbitant prices.
     One respondent commented that the rule would hamper 
Government efforts to maintain an adequate list of SAM-registered 
vendors to obtain offers, which could in turn hamper efforts to prevent 
damage to the Government's real property loan security while seeking a 
SAM-registered vendor to perform the work.
     Another respondent stated that requiring SAM registration 
prior to submitting an offer would potentially restrict a newly formed 
company, a new division of an existing company, or an existing company 
that is pursuing its first Government contract from responding to a 
solicitation. According to the respondent, newly established entities 
or business units would be disadvantaged, because the proposed rule 
fails to address how they should respond to certain questions, thereby 
disadvantaging otherwise qualified

[[Page 48692]]

entities from participating in competitions until they resolve how to 
complete the complicated SAM registration. The respondent stated that 
the proposed change would, in effect, limit competition to existing 
SAM-registered companies, and eliminate new creative solutions.
     One respondent stated that restricting business 
opportunities to those companies that have completed SAM registration 
prior to submitting an offer would undoubtedly work against the Better 
Buying Power initiative (DoD's implementation of best practices to 
strengthen the Defense Department's buying power, improve industry 
productivity, and provide an affordable, value-added military 
capability to the Warfighter, including promoting effective competition 
and increasing small business participation).
     Another respondent commented that the rule would severely 
limit the contracting officer's ability to solicit offers from vendors 
who may be willing to register in SAM, but do not know about Government 
requirements until the Government contract office asks them for quotes 
for the new work.
     Finally, a respondent stated that mandating registration 
in SAM prior to proposal submission, in comparison to current practice 
of ensuring that parties are registered prior to receipt of contract 
award, may significantly discourage non-traditional suppliers from 
responding to broad agency announcements and other research and 
development (R&D) type solicitation opportunities of interest.
    Response: As stated at the beginning of section II.B. of this 
preamble, the requirement for offerors to be registered in SAM at time 
of submission of an offer is not new. All vendors (unless an exception 
cited in FAR 4.1102 applies) are required to be registered in SAM in 
order to complete the annual representations and certifications when 
responding to a Government solicitation. Therefore, clarifying the 
required timing of SAM registration will not restrict competition and 
will not limit the number of offerors.
    Although SAM can be used as a Government source list for 
procurements (see FAR 13.103), the Government also uses other means of 
identifying sources using market research (see FAR part 10).
    As stated in FAR clause 52.204-7(e), offerors that are not 
registered in SAM should consider applying for registration immediately 
upon issuance of a solicitation. Offerors or potential contractors 
needing assistance in responding to SAM registration questions should 
contact the Federal Service Desk at https://www.fsd.gov/fsd-gov/home.do 
if they need assistance.
2. The SAM Repository
    Comment: One respondent stated that, while they fully supported the 
improvements in the SAM registration system requirements, they strongly 
recommended that agencies take time to address all of the 
inconsistencies and ambiguities at once as a piecemeal approach 
exacerbates the problems with SAM and creates substantial additional 
work in terms of revising processes, reviewing answers for accuracy, 
etc. Some of the concerns expressed by this respondent related to the 
inter-relationship between the various elements of SAM (i.e., the 
former CCR and the Online Representations and Certifications) the 
difficulty of interpreting and understanding new fields in SAM; and 
concern about several specific representations and certifications 
required or proposed for inclusion in SAM.
    Response: The concerns of the respondent are outside the scope of 
this case. It is not relevant whether a question in SAM arose from the 
CCR or another system in SAM, since SAM is now a unified repository. 
This rule cannot provide an interpretation of, or justification for, 
individual representations and certifications. These representations 
and certifications were all developed and published in the Federal 
Register for public comment through various individual FAR cases. This 
rule corrects the known inconsistencies relating to the timing of 
registration in SAM, not the content of SAM. As stated in section 
II.B.1. of this preamble, offerors needing assistance in responding to 
SAM registration questions should contact the Federal Service Desk at 
3. Exception for Joint Ventures
    Comment: One respondent expressed support for the proposed rule; 
however, the respondent suggested an exception for newly formed joint 
ventures as a direct result of a procurement opportunity. The 
respondent suggested that the Government could either require proof of 
submission for SAM registration as of the date of offer, or could 
require proof/verification that each joint venture entity has an active 
SAM registration at the time of proposal submission.
    Response: An exception to SAM registration requirements to provide 
for registration of joint ventures after submission of offers but prior 
to award is not practicable, because the contracting officer needs to 
review the annual representations and certifications to evaluate the 
offers. Joint venture agreements should be in place more than 48-72 
hours in advance of proposal submission, which allows adequate time for 
completion of registration in SAM. It is also not feasible to rely on 
the SAM registration of separate members of the joint venture, because 
the Government collects specific part 19-related joint venture 
information in the representations and certifications (52.219-1) part 
of SAM, and the contracting activity works with Small Business 
Administration to validate that joint ventures meet the requirements of 
the small business category which they have provided in SAM. Offerors 
that are not registered in SAM should apply for registration 
immediately upon issuance of the solicitation so that there should be 
time for a joint venture or any other type of business to be registered 
in SAM at the time of the submission of an offer.
4. Public Burden
    Comment: Several respondents commented on the public burden that 
the proposed rule would impose. One respondent stated that for larger 
companies, the effort to complete a SAM registration can take many 
weeks. This respondent also stated that it had commented on a proposed 
FAR rule covering debarment and suspension, and had shared in that 
comment that the Federal Government had vastly underestimated the 
burden associated with compiling and reporting requisite information to 
complete registration in SAM.
    Another respondent stated that this added requirement may serve to 
impose a potential cost on those that otherwise may have been willing 
to submit a R&D idea for funding consideration via long standing 
streamlined R&D solicitation procedures.
    Response: As previously stated, this rule does not impose a new 
requirement and is therefore not an impediment for businesses, because 
registration in SAM at time of offer submission is already required by 
FAR provision 52.204-8(b) and (d), if the provision FAR 52.204-7 is in 
the solicitation.
    SAM is the single entry point for the representations and 
certifications used in Federal contracting. This one-time investment of 
time of completing the annual representations and certifications at 
time of registration is less than the time that would be needed to 
prepare and submit representations and certifications manually on paper 
and in response to each Government solicitation. Once a business is 
registered in SAM there is an annual

[[Page 48693]]

renewal requirement to update the annual representations and 
certifications, and a requirement for entities to update throughout the 
year only if an entity's information has changed. This eliminates the 
need for potential offerors to complete full representations and 
certifications on paper multiple times a year when responding to 
5. Applicability to Subcontractors
    Comment: One respondent recommended that the rule clarify that the 
prime and any key subcontractors are required to be registered upon 
proposal submission, but that lesser subcontractors or consultants are 
only required to be registered prior to receipt of a subaward.
    Response: Subcontractors or consultants to prime contractors are 
not required to be registered in SAM.
6. Impact on Small Businesses
    See the analysis of public comments on the initial regulatory 
flexibility analysis in section VI. of this preamble.

C. Other Changes From the Proposed Rule

1. Baseline
    There have been many FAR baseline changes since publication of the 
proposed rule in May 2016, due to publication of Federal Acquisition 
Circulars 2005-89 through the present one. In particular, the issuance 
of the final rule under FAR Case 2015-022, Unique Identification of 
Entities Receiving Federal Awards, published in FAC 2005-91 on 
September 30, 2016 (81 FR 67736), changed the term ``DUNS number'' to 
``unique entity identifier''.
2. Exemptions at FAR 4.1102 and 18.102
    The exemption at FAR 4.1102(a)(5) is an inaccurate rewording of the 
exemption at FAR 6.302-2, which addresses needs of unusual and 
compelling urgency. FAR 4.1102(a)(5) and 18.102(a)(1) have been 
reworded to accurately reflect this exception to include ``urgency''. 
In addition FAR 18.102(a) has been corrected to indicate that 4.1102 
exempts contractors from the requirements to be registered at time of 
submission of offers or quotations. However, 4.1103(b) requires 
subsequent registration for those offers exempted on the basis of 
6.302-2. FAR 18.102 has also been amplified to include the exemptions 
for contracts awarded by contracting officers deployed in certain 
difficult situations.
3. Use and Content of 52.204-7 and 52.204-13
    The final rule changes the structure and presentation of the 
requirements of FAR provisions 52.204-7, System for Award Management, 
and FAR clause 52.204-13, System for Award Management Maintenance, as 
well as the means of inclusion of those requirements in solicitations 
and contracts for the acquisition of commercial items. There were 
several structural and technical issues that required resolution, 
without any change in the stated policies of the proposed rule.
    a. Prescription for use of 52.204-7 and 52.204-13 and the 
associated requirements for acquisitions of commercial items. FAR 
4.1105(a) requires use of the provision at FAR 52.204-7 in all 
solicitations unless an exception at FAR 4.1102(a) applies. The 
provision is used with its Alternate I if the solicitation is for a 
contract to support needs of unusual and compelling urgency in 
accordance with FAR 4.1102(a)(5), the exception for contracts to 
support needs of unusual and compelling urgency in accordance with 
6.302-2 (see section II.C.2. of this preamble). Likewise, FAR 4.1105(b) 
requires use of the clause at FAR 52.204-13 in solicitations that 
contain the provision at 52.204-7, and resulting contracts (i.e., it 
will not be used if an exception at FAR 4.1102 applies).
    However, when this provision and clause are incorporated in 
paragraph (k) of FAR provision 52.212-1, Instruction to Offerors--
Commercial Items; and paragraph (t) of FAR clause 52.212-4, Contract 
terms and Conditions--Commercial Items, the exceptions must be applied 
by an addendum to the solicitation and resultant contract, inserted by 
the contracting officer to exclude applicability of paragraphs (k) and 
(t), respectively. There are no other paragraphs in 52.212-1 and 
52.212-4 that rely on an addendum by the contracting officer to 
establish inapplicability of the entire paragraph. Nor is there an 
instruction in the clause prescription alerting the contracting officer 
to the requirement to include such an addendum. There is high risk that 
the addendum will not be consistently inserted as required.
    Furthermore, with regard to implementation of the equivalent of 
Alternate I in solicitations for the acquisition of commercial items, 
the current FAR does not specifically address how to implement 
Alternate I, but apparently also relies on an addendum to the contract 
to specify the conditions applicable if the contract is in support of 
needs of unusual or compelling urgency. The proposed rule just inserted 
the terms ``except in instances of urgency,'' apparently leaving it to 
the contractor to determine, and not providing the process to be 
applied if there are instances of urgency (which is not the same as the 
terminology at 4.1102(a)(5)) or 6.302-2.
    The final rule resolves these issues by removing paragraph (k) from 
FAR 52.212-1 and paragraph (t) from FAR 52.212-4, and clearly 
prescribes at 12.301(d) the use of the correct provision or clause at 
12.301(d) by referencing the prescriptions at 4.1105(a) and (b) for 
appropriate use of FAR 52.204-7 (including use with its Alternate I) 
and FAR 52.204-13.
    b. Text of 52.204-7, its Alternate I, and 52.204-13. The text of 
52.204-7 included various acknowledgements, which became more awkward 
when requiring the offeror to acknowledge that the offeror is 
registered in SAM at time of submission of the offer. These 
acknowledgements were inconsistent with the location of the provisions 
in 52.212-1, which is supposed to be instructions to the offeror. The 
acknowledgements have been replaced with instructions to the offeror, 
relating to preaward requirements. The postaward requirements have been 
moved to the FAR clause 52.204-13. There were some errors made in the 
proposed changes to Alternate I, which is applicable in the 
circumstances where registration in SAM may be delayed until after 
award due to urgency. Therefore, if Alternate I is included by the 
contracting officer in the solicitation, it is not required to be 
registered in SAM at time of submission of the offer. The only 
requirement prior to award is that the offeror complete the 
registration as soon as possible. If registration has not yet occurred 
at time of award, the offeror is directed to the postaward 
requirements, which have been moved to the clause 52.204-13.
4. Active in SAM
    The language at FAR 4.1103(a)(1) has been changed to specify that 
offerors must have status designation of ``active'' in SAM at the time 
of offer or quotation submission, to distinguish active from inactive 
registrants in SAM. The ``active'' state is the normal state for the 
contractor account. In this state, contractors can log in to SAM and 
perform all necessary functions. Contractor accounts become inactive 
either after an extensive period of user inactivity, or if the 
contractor chooses to manually deactivate the account. To prevent the 
account from becoming inactive, contractors should log in to

[[Page 48694]]

SAM at least once every 13 months (395 days).
5. SAM Website and Terminology
    The final rule changes the referenced website ``acquisition.gov'' 
to ``sam.gov'' to be consistent with the rest of the FAR. ``Database'' 
is also removed from ``SAM'' for consistency throughout.
6. ``Offeror'' vs. ``Prospective Contractor''
    Previously, we noted that the prospective contractor had to 
register in SAM prior to contract award; not all prospective 
contractors are required to be registered. Only the offeror/quoter is 
required to be registered in SAM at time of submission of the offer.
7. Exclusions
    The final rule amends 9.405, 17.207, and 22.1025 to match the 
terminology proposed at 9.404 with regard to exclusions in SAM.
8. Miscellaneous Edits
    The final rule contains other miscellaneous edits relating to word 
usage (e.g., ``must'' vs. ``shall'' and ``quote'' vs. ``quotation''), 
punctuation, and capitalization.

III. Applicability to Contracts at or Below the Simplified Acquisition 
Threshold and for Commercial Items, Including Commercially Available 
Off-the Shelf Items

    This rule is not statutory and is not subject to 41 U.S.C. 1905 
through 1907. This rule clarifies the timing of existing SAM 
registration requirements. It does not impact the applicability at or 
below the simplified acquisition threshold or applicability to 
commercial items. The affected clauses are FAR 52.204-7, System for 
Award Management; FAR 52.204-8, Annual Representations and 
Certifications; FAR 52.204-13, System for Award Management Maintenance; 
FAR 52.212-1, Instructions to Offerors--Commercial Items; FAR 52.212-4, 
Contract Terms and Conditions--Commercial Items; and 52.212-5, Contract 
Terms and Conditions Required to Implement Statutes or Executive 
Orders--Commercial Items.

IV. Executive Orders 12866 and 13563

    Executive Orders (E.O.s) 12866 and 13563 direct agencies to assess 
all costs and benefits of available regulatory alternatives and, if 
regulation is necessary, to select regulatory approaches that maximize 
net benefits (including potential economic, environmental, public 
health and safety effects, distributive impacts, and equity). E.O. 
13563 emphasizes the importance of quantifying both costs and benefits, 
of reducing costs, of harmonizing rules, and of promoting flexibility. 
This is not a significant regulatory action and, therefore, was not 
subject to review under Section 6(b) of E.O. 12866, Regulatory Planning 
and Review, dated September 30, 1993. This rule is not a major rule 
under 5 U.S.C. 804.

V. Executive Order 13771

    This rule is not subject to the requirements of E.O. 13771, because 
this rule is not a significant regulatory action under E.O. 12866.

VI. Regulatory Flexibility Act

    DoD, GSA, and NASA have prepared a Final Regulatory Flexibility 
Analysis (FRFA) consistent with the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 
U.S.C. 601 et seq. The FRFA is summarized as follows:

    This rule amends the FAR to update the instructions for System 
for Award Management (SAM) registration and to clarify the required 
timing of SAM registration. The objective of the rule is to clarify 
that the offeror must be registered in SAM at the time of offer 
submission in order to complete the required annual representations 
and certifications.
    Comments: Several respondents submitted public comments in 
response to the initial regulatory flexibility analysis with regard 
to the impact the rule would have on small businesses. A discussion 
of the comments is provided as follows:
    According to the respondents, the requirement to be registered 
in SAM at time of offer submission would--
     Further restrict competition among small businesses;
     Discriminate against the small business owner;
     Effectively shut out small businesses from submitting 
offers as they generally are not registered in SAM;
     Slow the procurement processes and not give fair 
opportunity to all small businesses; and
     Place an undue burden on small businesses, because the 
window to participate in a solicitation is short, and for a small 
business there are competing demands for developing an adequate 
proposal and completing the SAM registration.
    One respondent recommended that small businesses should be 
allowed extra time to complete their SAM registration, which would 
promote small business participation.
    Response: The Government notes that most of these respondents 
were not small entities. The requirement for offerors to be 
registered in SAM at time of submission of an offer is not new. All 
vendors (unless an exception cited in FAR 4.1102 applies) are 
required to be registered in SAM in order to complete the annual 
representations and certifications when responding to a Government 
solicitation. Therefore, clarifying the required timing of SAM 
registration will not restrict competition and will not limit the 
number of offerors, whether the business is large or small. About 75 
percent of the current registrants in SAM meet the small business 
size code for their primary North American Industry Classification 
System (NAICS) code, so there is no indication that required 
registration in SAM creates an unreasonable impediment to small 
    Once a business, including a small business, is registered in 
SAM, there is an annual renewal requirement to update the annual 
representations and certifications, and a requirement for entities 
to update throughout the year only if an entity's information has 
changed. This eliminates the need for potential offerors to complete 
full representations and certifications on paper multiple times a 
year when responding to multiple solicitations. There were no 
changes from the proposed rule in response to these comments.
    The final rule applies, with some exceptions, to small 
businesses that submit offers to the Federal Government for 
acquisitions that exceed the micro-purchase threshold. Currently, of 
the 452,310 active registrants in SAM for ``all awards,'' 338,207 
(75 percent) certified to meeting the size standard as small for 
their primary NAICS code. We estimate that not more than half of 
those small businesses will submit an offer in a given year.
    The rule contains information collection requirements. OMB has 
cleared this information collection requirement under OMB Control 
Number 9000-0159, titled: System for Award Management Registration 
    No alternative approaches were identified that would meet the 
objectives of the rule. This rule requires offerors to be registered 
in SAM at the time of submission of an offer, which is necessary in 
order to submit the required representations and certifications 
electronically with submission of the offer. It is not anticipated 
that the rule will have a significant economic impact on small 
entities, because this is already required by FAR 52.204-8. This 
approach is less burdensome than submitting annual representations 
and certifications manually on paper in response to every 

    Interested parties may obtain a copy of the FRFA from the 
Regulatory Secretariat Division. The Regulatory Secretariat Division 
has submitted a copy of the FRFA to the Chief Counsel for Advocacy of 
the Small Business Administration.

VII. Paperwork Reduction Act

    The Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35) applies. The 
rule contains information collection requirements. OMB has cleared this 
information collection requirement under OMB Control Number 9000-0159; 
``System for Award Management Registration''.

[[Page 48695]]

List of Subjects in 48 CFR Parts 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 16, 17, 
18, 19, 22, 23, 25, 26, 28, 32, 44, and 52

    Government procurement.

    Dated: September 17, 2018.
William F. Clark,
Director, Office of Government-wide Acquisition Policy, Office of 
Acquisition Policy, Office of Government-wide Policy.

    Therefore, DoD, GSA, and NASA amend 48 CFR parts 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 
12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 25, 26, 28, 32, 44, and 52 as set forth 

1. The authority citation for parts 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 16, 17, 
18, 19, 22, 23, 25, 26, 28, 32, 44, and 52 continues to read as 

    Authority:  40 U.S.C. 121(c); 10 U.S.C. chapter 137; and 51 
U.S.C. 20113.


1.106   [Amended]

2. Amend section 1.106 by removing from the table the entries for FAR 
segments ``52.212-1(k)'' and ``52.212-4(t)''.


2.101   [Amended]

3. Amend section 2.101 in paragraph (b)(2) revising the defined term 
``Registered in the System for Award Management (SAM) database'' to 
read ``Registered in the System for Award Management (SAM)'' and by 
removing from paragraphs (1) and (2), ``the SAM database;'' and adding 
``SAM;'' in their places.


4.605   [Amended]

4. Amend section 4.605 by removing from paragraph (b), in the third 
sentence, ``database''.

4.1100   [Amended]

5. Amend section 4.1100 by removing from the introductory text 

6. Amend section 4.1102 by--
a. Revising paragraph (a) introductory text;
b. Removing from paragraph (a)(2) ``the SAM database;'' and adding 
``SAM;'' in its place;
c. Revising paragraphs (a)(5) and (6);
d. Redesignating paragraph (c) as paragraph (d);
e. Adding a new paragraph (c);
f. Revising newly redesignated paragraph (d)(1); and
g. Removing from newly redesignated paragraph (d)(3) ``the SAM 
database'' and adding ``SAM'' in its place.
    The revisions and addition reads as follows.

4.1102   Policy.

    (a) Offerors and quoters are required to be registered in SAM at 
the time an offer or quotation is submitted in order to comply with the 
annual representations and certifications requirements except for--
* * * * *
    (5) Contracts awarded without providing for full and open 
competition due to unusual or compelling urgency (see 6.302-2);
    (6) Contract actions at or below $30,000 awarded to foreign vendors 
for work performed outside the United States, if it is impractical to 
obtain SAM registration; and
* * * * *
    (c) Contracting officers shall use the legal business name or 
``doing business as'' name and physical address from the contractor's 
SAM registration for the provided unique entity identifier to identify 
the contractor in section A of the contract schedule, similar sections 
of non-uniform contract formats and agreements, and all corresponding 
forms and data exchanges. Contracting officers shall make no changes to 
the data retrieved from SAM.
    (d)(1)(i) If a contractor has legally changed its business name or 
``doing business as'' name (whichever is shown on the contract), or has 
transferred the assets used in performing the contract, but has not 
completed the necessary requirements regarding novation and change-of-
name agreements in subpart 42.12, the contractor is required to provide 
the responsible contracting officer a minimum of one business day's 
written notification of its intention to change the name in SAM, comply 
with the requirements of subpart 42.12, and agree in writing to the 
timeline and procedures specified by the responsible contracting 
officer. Along with the notification, the contractor is required to 
provide the contracting officer sufficient documentation to support the 
legally changed name.
    (ii) If the contractor fails to comply with the requirements of 
paragraph (d)(1)(i) of the clause at 52.204-13, System for Award 
Management Maintenance, or fails to perform the agreement at 52.204-13, 
paragraph (d)(1)(i)(C), and, in the absence of a properly executed 
novation or change-of-name agreement, the SAM information that shows 
the contractor to be other than the contractor indicated in the 
contract will be considered to be incorrect information within the 
meaning of the ``Suspension of Payment'' paragraph of the EFT clause of 
the contract.
* * * * *

7. Revise section 4.1103 to read as follows:

4.1103  Procedures.

    (a) Unless the acquisition is exempt under 4.1102(a), the 
contracting officer--
    (1) Shall verify that the offeror or quoter is registered in SAM 
(see paragraph (b) of this section) at the time an offer or quotation 
is submitted;
    (2) Should use the unique entity identifier to verify SAM 
    (i) Via https://www.sam.gov; or
    (ii) As otherwise provided by agency procedures; or
    (3) Need not verify SAM registration before placing an order or 
call if the contract or agreement includes the provision at 52.204-7, 
System for Award Management, or the clause at 52.212-4, Contract Terms 
and Conditions--Commercial Items, or a similar agency clause, except 
when use of the Governmentwide commercial purchase card is contemplated 
as a method of payment. (See 32.1108(b)(2).)
    (b) If the contract action is being awarded in accordance with 
4.1102(a)(5), the contractor is required to be registered in SAM within 
30 days after contract award, or at least three days prior to 
submission of the first invoice, whichever occurs first.
    (c) Agencies shall protect against improper disclosure of 
information contained in SAM.
    (d) The contracting officer shall, on contractual documents 
transmitted to the payment office, provide the unique entity 
identifier, or, if applicable, the Electronic Funds Transfer indicator, 
in accordance with agency procedures.

4.1104   [Amended]

8. Amend section 4.1104 by removing ``https://www.acquisition.gov'' and 
adding ``https://www.sam.gov, Search Records, Advanced Search, Disaster 
Response Registry Search'' in its place.

9. Revise section 4.1105 to read as follows:

4.1105  Solicitation provision and contract clauses.

    (a)(1) Insert the provision at 52.204-7, System for Award 
Management, in all solicitations except when the conditions in 
4.1102(a) apply.
    (2) Insert the provision at 52.204-7, System for Award Management, 
with its Alternate I when the solicitation is anticipated to be awarded 
in accordance with 4.1102(a)(5).
    (b) Insert the clause at 52.204-13, System for Award Management

[[Page 48696]]

Maintenance, in solicitations that contain the provision at 52.204-7, 
and resulting contracts.

10. Revise section 4.1201 to read as follows:

4.1201  Policy.

    (a) Offerors and quoters are required to complete electronic annual 
representations and certifications in SAM accessed via https://www.sam.gov as a part of required registration (see FAR 4.1102).
    (b)(1) All registrants are required to review and update the 
representations and certifications submitted to SAM as necessary, but 
at least annually, to ensure they are kept current, accurate, and 
complete. The representations and certifications are effective until 
one year from date of submission or update to SAM.
    (2) A contractor that represented itself as a small business prior 
to award of a contract must update the representations and 
certifications in SAM in accordance with 52.219-28. A contractor that 
represented itself as other than small business before contract award 
and qualifies as a small business may update its representations and 
certifications in SAM in accordance with 52.219-28.
    (c) Data in SAM is archived and is electronically retrievable. 
Therefore, when a prospective contractor has completed representations 
and certifications electronically in SAM, the contracting officer must 
reference the date of SAM verification in the contract file to satisfy 
contract file documentation requirements of 4.803(a)(11). However, if 
an offeror identifies changes to SAM data pursuant to the FAR 
provisions at 52.204-8(d) or 52.212-3(b), the contracting officer must 
include a copy of the changes in the contract file.
    (d) The contracting officer shall incorporate the representations 
and certifications by reference in the contract (see 52.204-19, or for 
acquisitions of commercial items see 52.212-4(v)).

11. Amend section 4.1202 by revising paragraph (a) introductory text to 
read as follows:

4.1202  Solicitation provision and contract clause.

    (a) Insert the provision at 52.204-8, Annual Representations and 
Certifications, in solicitations, except for commercial item 
solicitations issued under FAR part 12. The contracting officer shall 
check the applicable provisions at 52.204-8(c)(2). When the provision 
at 52.204-7, System for Award Management, is included in the 
solicitation, do not separately include the following representations 
and certifications:
* * * * *


7.103   [Amended]

12. Amend section 7.103 by removing from paragraph (y) ``https://www.acquisition.gov'' and adding ``https://www.sam.gov, Search Records, 
Advanced Search, Disaster Response Registry Search'' in its place.


8.402   [Amended]

13. Amend section 8.402 by removing from paragraph (g) ``database''.


9.109-2   [Amended]

14. Amend section 9.109-2 by removing ``database''.

9.109-4   [Amended]

15. Amended section 9.109-4 by removing from paragraph (b) 

16. Amend section 9.404 by--
a. Revising the section heading;
b. Revising paragraph (a)(1);
c. Removing from paragraph (b) introductory text ``The SAM Exclusions'' 
and adding ``An exclusion record in SAM'' in its place;
d. Removing from paragraph (b)(1) ``of all contractors debarred'' and 
adding ``of the entities debarred'' in its place;
e. Revising paragraph (c); and
f. Removing from paragraph (d) ``https://www.acquisition.gov'' and 
adding ``https://www.sam.gov'' in its place.
    The revisions read as follows:

9.404  Exclusions in the System for Award Management.

    (a) * * *
    (1) Operates the web-based System for Award Management (SAM), which 
contains exclusion records; and
* * * * *
    (c) Each agency shall--
    (1) Identify the individual(s) responsible for entering and 
updating exclusions data in SAM and assign the appropriate roles;
    (2) Remove the exclusion roles in SAM when the individual leaves 
the organization or changes functions;
    (3) For each exclusion accomplished by the Agency--
    (i) Enter the information required by paragraph (b) of this section 
within 3 working days after the action becomes effective;
    (ii) Determine whether it is legally permitted to enter the SSN, 
EIN, or other TIN, under agency authority to suspend or debar; and
    (iii) Update the exclusion record in SAM, generally within 5 
working days after modifying or rescinding an action;
    (4) In accordance with internal retention procedures, maintain 
records relating to each debarment, suspension, or proposed debarment 
taken by the agency;
    (5) Establish procedures to ensure that the agency does not solicit 
offers from, award contracts to, or consent to subcontracts with 
contractors who have an active exclusion record in SAM, except as 
otherwise provided in this subpart;
    (6) Direct inquiries concerning listed contractors and other 
entities to the agency or other authority that took the action; and
    (7) Contact GSA for technical assistance with SAM, via the support 
email address or on the technical support phone line.
* * * * *

9.405   [Amended]

17. Amend section 9.405 by--
a. Removing from paragraph (b) ``Contractors included in the SAM 
Exclusions as having'' and adding ``Contractors and other entities that 
have an active exclusion record in SAM because they have'' in its 
b. Removing from paragraph (d)(1) ``proposals, the contracting officer 
shall review the SAM Exclusions'' and adding ``proposals or quotes, the 
contracting officer shall review the exclusion records in SAM'' in its 
place; and
c. Removing from paragraph (d)(4) ``SAM Exclusions'' and adding ``the 
exclusion records in SAM'' in its place.

9.405-2   [Amended]

18. Amend section 9.405-2 by--
a. Removing from paragraph (b) introductory text ``the parties' listing 
in SAM Exclusions'' and adding ``the party's having an active exclusion 
record in SAM'' in its place;
b. Removing from paragraph (b)(2) ``being listed in SAM Exclusions'' 
and adding ``having an active exclusion record in SAM'' in its place; 
c. Removing from paragraph (b)(3) ``listing in SAM Exclusions'' and 
adding ``having an active exclusion record in SAM'' in its place.


19. Amend section 12.301 by--

[[Page 48697]]

a. Redesignating paragraphs (d)(1) through (9) as (d)(3) through (11), 
b. Adding new paragraphs (d)(1) and (2);
c. Revising newly redesignated paragraphs (d)(3) and (4); and
d. Removing from paragraph (e)(4) ``database''.
    The additions and revisions read as follows:

12.301  Solicitation provisions and contract clauses for the 
acquisition of commercial items.

* * * * *
    (d) * * *
    (1) Insert the provision at 52.204-7, System for Award Management, 
as prescribed in 4.1105(a).
    (2) Insert the clause at 52.204-13, System for Award Management 
Maintenance, as prescribed in 4.1105(b).
    (3) Insert the provision at 52.204-16, Commercial and Government 
Entity Code Reporting, as prescribed in 4.1804(a).
    (4) Insert the clause at 52.204-18, Commercial and Government 
Entity Code Maintenance, as prescribed in 4.1804(c).
* * * * *


13.102   [Amended]

20. Amend section 13.102 by removing from paragraph (a) ``database (see 
subpart 4.11) via https://www.acquisition.gov'' and adding ``(see 
subpart 4.11) via https://www.sam.gov'' in its place.

13.201   [Amended]

21. Amend section 13.201 by removing from paragraph (h) ``database''.


16.505   [Amended]

22. Amend section 16.505 by removing from paragraph (a)(12) 


23. Amend section 17.207 by revising paragraph (c)(5) to read as 

17.207  Exercise of options.

* * * * *
    (c) * * *
    (5) The contractor does not have an active exclusion record in the 
System for Award Management (see FAR 9.405-1);
* * * * *


24. Revise section 18.102 to read as follows:

18.102  System for Award Management.

    (a) In accordance with 4.1102, contractors are not required to be 
registered in the System for Award Management (SAM) at the time of 
submission of offers or quotations for--
    (1) Contracts awarded without providing for full and open 
competition due to unusual and compelling urgency (see 6.302-2); or
    (2) Contracts awarded by a contracting officer--
    (i) Deployed in the course of military operations;
    (ii) Located outside the United States and its outlying areas, for 
work to be performed in support of diplomatic or developmental 
operations, in an area that has been designated by the Department of 
State as a danger pay post; or
    (iii) In the conduct of emergency operations.
    (b) However, contractors are required to be registered in SAM in 
order to gain access to the Disaster Response Registry.
    (c) Contracting officers shall consult the Disaster Response 
Registry via https://www.sam.gov, Search Records, Advanced Search, 
Disaster Response Registry Search to determine the availability of 
contractors for debris removal, distribution of supplies, 
reconstruction, and other disaster or emergency relief activities 
inside the United States and outlying areas. (See 26.205).


19.308   [Amended]

25. Amend section 19.308 by removing from paragraph (i)(3)(iii) ``the 
System for Award Management (SAM)'' and adding ``SAM'' in its place.

19.703   [Amended]

26. Amend section 19.703 by removing from paragraph (d)(1) introductory 
text ``database''.


27. Amend section 22.1025 by revising the first sentence to read as 

22.1025  Ineligibility of violators.

    Persons or firms found to be in violation of the Service Contract 
Labor Standards statute will have an active exclusion record contained 
in the System for Award Management (see 9.404). * * *


23.802   [Amended]

28. Amend section 23.802 by removing from paragraph (d) introductory 
text ``database''.


29. Amend section 25.703-3 by revising paragraph (a) to read as 

25.703-3  Prohibition on contracting with entities that export 
sensitive technology to Iran.

    (a) The head of an executive agency may not enter into or extend a 
contract for the procurement of goods or services with a person that 
exports certain sensitive technology to Iran, as determined by the 
President, and has an active exclusion in the System for Award 
Management at http://www.sam.gov (22 U.S.C. 8515).
* * * * *


26.205   [Amended]

30. Amended section 26.205 by removing from paragraph (a) ``https://www.acquisition.gov'' and adding ``https://www.sam.gov'' in its place; 
and removing from paragraph (b) ``https://www.acquisition.gov'' and 
``register with SAM'' and adding ``https://www.sam.gov, Search Records, 
Advanced Search, Disaster Response Registry Search'' and ``in SAM'' in 
their places, respectively.


31. Amend section 28.203-7 by revising paragraph (c) and removing from 
paragraph (d) ``the System for Award Management Exclusions (see 
9.404)'' and adding ``an active exclusion record in the System for 
Award Management (see 9.404),'' in its place.
    The revision reads as follows:

28.203-7  Exclusion of individual sureties.

* * * * *
    (c) An individual surety excluded pursuant to this subsection shall 
be entered as an exclusion in the System for Award Management (see 
* * * * *

[[Page 48698]]


32.1108   [Amended]

32. Amend section 32.1108 by removing from paragraph (b)(2)(i) ``(by 
looking in the System for Award Management (SAM))'' and adding ``by 
looking in the System for Award Management (SAM)'' in its place.

33. Amend section 32.1110 by revising paragraph (a)(1) introductory 
text and removing from (a)(2)(i) ``the SAM database'' and adding 
``SAM'' in its place.
    The revision reads as follows:

32.1110   Solicitation provision and contract clauses.

    (a) * * *
    (1) 52.232-33, Payment by Electronic Funds Transfer--System for 
Award Management, in solicitations and contracts that include the 
provision at 52.204-7, System for Award Management, or an agency clause 
that requires a contractor to be registered in SAM and maintain 
registration until final payment, unless--
* * * * *


34. Amend section 44.202-2 by revising paragraph (a)(13) to read as 

44.202-2  Considerations.

    (a) * * *
    (13) Is the proposed subcontractor listed as excluded in the System 
for Award Management (see subpart 9.4)?
* * * * *


35. Amend section 52.204-7 by--
a. Revising the date of the provision;
b. In paragraph (a), revising the defined term ``Registered in the 
System for Award Management (SAM) database'' to read ``Registered in 
the System for Award Management (SAM)'';
c. Removing from paragraphs (a)(1) and (2) ``the SAM database;'' and 
adding ``SAM;'' in their places;
d. Revising paragraph (b)(1);
e. Removing from paragraph (b)(2) ``the SAM database'' and adding 
``SAM'' in its place;
f. Revising paragraph (d);
g. Removing paragraphs (e) and (f); and
h. Revising the date of Alternate I and paragraph (b)(1).
    The revisions read as follows.

52.204-7  System for Award Management.

* * * * *

System for Award Management (Oct 2018)

* * * * *
    (b)(1) An Offeror is required to be registered in SAM when 
submitting an offer or quotation, and shall continue to be registered 
until time of award, during performance, and through final payment of 
any contract, basic agreement, basic ordering agreement, or blanket 
purchasing agreement resulting from this solicitation.
* * * * *
    (d) Processing time should be taken into consideration when 
registering. Offerors who are not registered in SAM should consider 
applying for registration immediately upon receipt of this 
solicitation. See https://www.sam.gov for information on registration.

(End of provision)

Alternate I (Oct 2018). * * *

    (b)(1) An Offeror is required to be registered in SAM as soon as 
possible. If registration is not possible when submitting an offer or 
quotation, the awardee shall be registered in SAM in accordance with 
the requirements of clause 52.204-13, System for Award Management 

36. Amend section 52.204-8 by revising the date of the provision and 
paragraphs (b)(2) introductory text and (d) to read as follows:

52.204-8  Annual Representations and Certifications.

* * * * *

Annual Representations and Certifications (Oct 2018)

* * * * *
    (b) * * *
    (2) If the provision at 52.204-7, System for Award Management, is 
not included in this solicitation, and the Offeror has an active 
registration in the System for Award Management (SAM), the Offeror may 
choose to use paragraph (d) of this provision instead of completing the 
corresponding individual representations and certifications in the 
solicitation. The Offeror shall indicate which option applies by 
checking one of the following boxes:
* * * * *
    (d) The Offeror has completed the annual representations and 
certifications electronically in SAM accessed through https://www.sam.gov. After reviewing the SAM information, the Offeror verifies 
by submission of the offer that the representations and certifications 
currently posted electronically that apply to this solicitation as 
indicated in paragraph (c) of this provision have been entered or 
updated within the last 12 months, are current, accurate, complete, and 
applicable to this solicitation (including the business size standard 
applicable to the NAICS code referenced for this solicitation), as of 
the date of this offer and are incorporated in this offer by reference 
(see FAR 4.1201); except for the changes identified below [offeror to 
insert changes, identifying change by clause number, title, date]. 
These amended representation(s) and/or certification(s) are also 
incorporated in this offer and are current, accurate, and complete as 
of the date of this offer.
* * * * *

37. Amend section 52.204-10 by--
a. Revising the date of the clause;
b. Removing from paragraph (d)(1) introductory text ``database''; and
c. Revising paragraph (h).
    The revisions read as follows:

52.204-10  Reporting Executive Compensation and First-Tier Subcontract 

* * * * *

Reporting Executive Compensation and First-Tier Subcontract Awards (Oct 

* * * * *
    (h) The FSRS database at http://www.fsrs.gov will be prepopulated 
with some information from SAM and the FPDS database. If FPDS 
information is incorrect, the contractor should notify the contracting 
officer. If the SAM information is incorrect, the contractor is 
responsible for correcting this information.
* * * * *

38. Amend section 52.204-13 by--
a. Revising the date of the clause;
b. In paragraph (a), revising the defined term ``Registered in the 
System for Award Management (SAM) database'' to read ``Registered in 
the System for Award Management (SAM)'';
c. Removing from paragraphs (a)(1) and (2) ``the SAM database'' and 
adding ``SAM'' in their places;
d. Redesignating paragraphs (b) through (d) as paragraphs (c) through 
e. Adding a new paragraph (b);
f. Revising newly redesignated paragraphs (c) and (d)(1)(i) 
introductory text;
g. Removing from newly redesignated paragraph (d)(1)(i)(A) ``the SAM 
database'' and adding ``SAM'' in its place;
h. Removing from newly redesignated paragraph (d)(1)(ii) ``(c)(1)(i)'' 
and ``(c)(1)(i)(C)'' and adding ``(d)(1)(i)'' and ``(d)(1)(i)(C)'' in 
their places, respectively;

[[Page 48699]]

i. Removing from newly redesignated paragraph (d)(2) ``in the SAM'' and 
adding ``in SAM'' in its place; and
j. Removing from newly redesignated paragraph (e) ``https://www.acquisition.gov'' and adding ``https://www.sam.gov'' in its place.
    The addition and revisions read as follows:

52.204-13  System for Award Management Maintenance.

* * * * *

System for Award Management Maintenance (Oct 2018)

* * * * *
    (b) If the solicitation for this contract contained the provision 
52.204-7 with its Alternate I, and the Contractor was unable to 
register prior to award, the Contractor shall be registered in SAM 
within 30 days after award or before three days prior to submission of 
the first invoice, whichever occurs first.
    (c) The Contractor shall maintain registration in SAM during 
contract performance and through final payment of any contract, basic 
agreement, basic ordering agreement, or blanket purchasing agreement. 
The Contractor is responsible for the currency, accuracy and 
completeness of the data within SAM, and for any liability resulting 
from the Government's reliance on inaccurate or incomplete data. To 
remain registered in SAM after the initial registration, the Contractor 
is required to review and update on an annual basis, from the date of 
initial registration or subsequent updates, its information in SAM to 
ensure it is current, accurate and complete. Updating information in 
SAM does not alter the terms and conditions of this contract and is not 
a substitute for a properly executed contractual document.
    (d) * * *
    (1) * * *
    (i) If a Contractor has legally changed its business name or 
``doing business as'' name (whichever is shown on the contract), or has 
transferred the assets used in performing the contract, but has not 
completed the necessary requirements regarding novation and change-of-
name agreements in subpart 42.12, the Contractor shall provide the 
responsible Contracting Officer a minimum of one business day's written 
notification of its intention to--
* * * * *

39. Amend section 52.209-7 by revising the date of the provision and 
removing from paragraph (d) ``Management database via https://www.acquisition.gov'' and adding ``Management, which can be accessed 
via https://www.sam.gov'' in its place.
    The revision reads as follows:

52.209-7  Information Regarding Responsibility Matters.

* * * * *

Information Regarding Responsibility Matters (Oct 2018)

* * * * *

40. Amend section 52.209-9 by revising the date of the clause and 
removing from paragraph (a) ``Management database via https://www.acquisition.gov'' and adding ``Management via https://www.sam.gov'' 
in its place.
    The revision reads as follows:

52.209-9  Updates of Publicly Available Information Regarding 
Responsibility Matters.

* * * * *

Updates of Publicly Available Information Regarding Responsibility 
Matters (Oct 2018)

* * * * *

41. Amend section 52.212-1 by--
a. Revising the date of provision;
b. Removing from paragraph (j) ``(SAM) database'' and adding ``(SAM)'' 
in its place; and
c. Removing and reserving paragraph (k).
    The revision reads as follows:

52.212-1  Instructions to Offerors--Commercial Items.

* * * * *

Instructions to Offerors--Commercial Items (Oct 2018)

* * * * *

42. Amend section 52.212-3 by--
a. Revising the date and the introductory text of the provision;
b. Revising paragraph (b);
c. Removing from paragraph (l) introductory text ``the SAM database'' 
and adding ``SAM'' in its place; and
d. Removing from paragraph (t) introductory text ``(52.212-1(k))'' and 
adding ``(12.301(d)(1))'' in its place.
    The revisions read as follows:

52.212-3  Offeror Representations and Certifications--Commercial Items.

* * * * *

Offeror Representations and Certifications--Commercial Items (Oct 2018)

    The Offeror shall complete only paragraph (b) of this provision if 
the Offeror has completed the annual representations and certification 
electronically in the System for Award Management (SAM) accessed 
through https://www.sam.gov. If the Offeror has not completed the 
annual representations and certifications electronically, the Offeror 
shall complete only paragraphs (c) through (u)) of this provision.
* * * * *
    (b)(1) Annual Representations and Certifications. Any changes 
provided by the Offeror in paragraph (b)(2) of this provision do not 
automatically change the representations and certifications in SAM.
    (2) The offeror has completed the annual representations and 
certifications electronically in SAM accessed through http://www.sam.gov. After reviewing SAM information, the Offeror verifies by 
submission of this offer that the representations and certifications 
currently posted electronically at FAR 52.212-3, Offeror 
Representations and Certifications--Commercial Items, have been entered 
or updated in the last 12 months, are current, accurate, complete, and 
applicable to this solicitation (including the business size standard 
applicable to the NAICS code referenced for this solicitation), at the 
time this offer is submitted and are incorporated in this offer by 
reference (see FAR 4.1201), except for paragraphs __.
    [Offeror to identify the applicable paragraphs at (c) through (u) 
of this provision that the offeror has completed for the purposes of 
this solicitation only, if any.
    These amended representation(s) and/or certification(s) are also 
incorporated in this offer and are current, accurate, and complete as 
of the date of this offer.
    Any changes provided by the offeror are applicable to this 
solicitation only, and do not result in an update to the 
representations and certifications posted electronically on SAM.]
* * * * *

43. Amend section 52.212-4 by revising the date of the clause and 
removing and reserving paragraph (t).
    The revision reads as follows:

52.212-4   Contract Terms and Conditions--Commercial Items.

* * * * *

Contract Terms and Conditions--Commercial Items (Oct 2018)

* * * * *

44. Amend section 52.212-5 by--
a. Revising the date of the clause and paragraphs (b)(4), (b)(9), 
(b)(16), (b)(55), (e)(1)(iv), Alternate II heading and introductory 
text, and paragraph (e)(1)(ii)(D) of Alternate II to read as follows:

[[Page 48700]]

52.212-5  Contract Terms and Conditions Required To Implement Statutes 
or Executive Orders--Commercial Items.

* * * * *

Contract Terms and Conditions Required To Implement Statutes or 
Executive Orders--Commercial Items (Oct 2018)

* * * * *
    (b) * * *
* * * * *
    __(4) 52.204-10, Reporting Executive Compensation and First-Tier 
Subcontract Awards (Oct 2018) (Pub. L. 109-282) (31 U.S.C. 6101 note).
* * * * *
    __(9) 52.209-9, Updates of Publicly Available Information Regarding 
Responsibility Matters (Oct 2018) (41 U.S.C. 2313).
* * * * *
    __(16) 52.219-8, Utilization of Small Business Concerns (Oct 2018) 
(15 U.S.C. 637(d)(2) and (3)).
* * * * *
    __(55) 52.232-33, Payment by Electronic Funds Transfer--System for 
Award Management (Oct 2018) (31 U.S.C. 3332).
* * * * *
    (e)(1) * * *
    (iv) 52.219-8, Utilization of Small Business Concerns (Oct 2018) 
(15 U.S.C. 637(d)(2) and (3)), in all subcontracts that offer further 
subcontracting opportunities. If the subcontract (except subcontracts 
to small business concerns) exceeds $700,000 ($1.5 million for 
construction of any public facility), the subcontractor must include 
52.219-8 in lower tier subcontracts that offer subcontracting 
* * * * *
    Alternate II (Oct 2018). As prescribed in 12.301(b)(4)(ii), 
substitute the following paragraphs (d)(1) and (e)(1) for paragraphs 
(d)(1) and (e)(1) of the basic clause as follows:
* * * * *
    (e)(1) * * *
    (ii) * * *
    (D) 52.219-8, Utilization of Small Business Concerns (Oct 2018) (15 
U.S.C. 637(d)(2) and (3)), in all subcontracts that offer further 
subcontracting opportunities. If the subcontract (except subcontracts 
to small business concerns) exceeds $700,000 ($1.5 million for 
construction of any public facility), the subcontractor must include 
52.219-8 in lower tier subcontracts that offer subcontracting 
* * * * *

45. Amend section 52.213-4 by revising the date of the clause and 
paragraphs (a)(2)(viii), (b)(1)(i), and (b)(1)(xix) to read as follows:

52.213-4  Terms and Conditions--Simplified Acquisitions (Other Than 
Commercial Items).

* * * * *

Terms and Conditions--Simplified Acquisitions (Other Than Commercial 
Items) (Oct 2018)

    (a) * * *
    (2) * * *
    (viii) 52.244-6, Subcontracts for Commercial Items (Oct 2018).
* * * * *
    (b) * * *
    (1) * * *
    (i) 52.204-10, Reporting Executive Compensation and First-Tier 
Subcontract Awards (Oct 2018) (Pub. L. 109-282) (31 U.S.C. 6101 note) 
(Applies to contracts valued at $30,000 or more).
* * * * *
    (xix) 52.232-33, Payment by Electronic Funds Transfer--System for 
Award Management (Oct 2018) (Applies when the payment will be made by 
electronic funds transfer (EFT) and the payment office uses the System 
for Award Management (SAM) as its source of EFT information).
* * * * *

46. Amend section 52.219-8 by revising the date of the clause and 
removing from paragraph (d)(5) introductory text ``database''.
    The revision reads as follows:

52.219-8   Utilization of Small Business Concerns.

* * * * *

Utilization of Small Business Concerns (Oct 2018)

* * * * *

47. Amend section 52.232-33 by--
a. Revising the date of the clause;
b. Removing from paragraph (b) ``(SAM) database'' and ``the SAM 
database'' and adding ``(SAM)'' and ``SAM'' in their places, 
c. Removing from paragraph (d) ``the SAM database'' and adding ``SAM'' 
in two places; and
d. Removing from paragraphs (g) and (i) ``the SAM database'' and adding 
``SAM'' in their places, respectively.
    The revision reads as follows:

52.232-33  Payment by Electronic Funds Transfer-System for Award 

* * * * *

Payment by Electronic Funds Transfer-System for Award Management (Oct 

* * * * *

48. Amend section 52.244-6 by revising the date of the clause and 
paragraph (c)(1)(vi) to read as follows:

52.244-6  Subcontracts for Commercial Items.

* * * * *

Subcontracts for Commercial Items (Oct 2018)

* * * * *
    (c)(1) * * *
    (vi) 52.219-8, Utilization of Small Business Concerns (Oct 2018) 
(15 U.S.C. 637(d)(2) and (3)), if the subcontract offers further 
subcontracting opportunities. If the subcontract (except subcontracts 
to small business concerns) exceeds $700,000 ($1.5 million for 
construction of any public facility), the subcontractor must include 
52.219-8 in lower tier subcontracts that offer subcontracting 
* * * * *
[FR Doc. 2018-20706 Filed 9-25-18; 8:45 am]

                                                           Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 187 / Wednesday, September 26, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                        48691

                                              DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE                                   final rule. Ten respondents submitted                   This final rule corrects the
                                                                                                      comments on the proposed rule.                        inconsistency. The rule requires all
                                              GENERAL SERVICES                                                                                              offerors (except as provided at FAR
                                              ADMINISTRATION                                          II. Discussion and Analysis
                                                                                                                                                            4.1102) to be registered in SAM at the
                                                                                                        The Civilian Agency Acquisition                     time of submission of an offer or
                                              NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND                                Council and the Defense Acquisition                   quotation, consistent with the
                                              SPACE ADMINISTRATION                                    Regulations Council (the Councils)                    requirements of FAR clause 52.204–8.
                                                                                                      reviewed the public comments in the                   Offerors can complete their
                                              48 CFR Parts 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 16,              development of the final rule. A                      representations and certifications as part
                                              17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 25, 26, 28, 32, 44, and             discussion of the comments and                        of their SAM registration.
                                              52                                                      changes to the rule is provided as                    1. Effect on Offers and Competition
                                              [FAC 2005–101; FAR Case 2015–005; Item                  follows:
                                                                                                                                                               Comments: A number of comments
                                              I; Docket No. 2015–0005, Sequence No. 1]                A. Summary of Significant Changes in                  were received regarding the effect of this
                                              RIN 9000–AN19                                           Response to Public Comments                           rule on submission of offers.
                                                                                                        There are no changes from the                          • One respondent stated that the
                                              Federal Acquisition Regulation:                                                                               change could have a potential impact on
                                                                                                      proposed rule as a result of the public
                                              System for Award Management                                                                                   the prime contractor’s ability to respond
                                                                                                      comments received.
                                              Registration                                                                                                  in a timely manner to a Request for
                                                                                                      B. Analysis of Public Comments                        Technical Proposal (RFTP) on an
                                              AGENCY:  Department of Defense (DoD),
                                              General Services Administration (GSA),                     The concerns of many respondents                   indefinite-delivery indefinite-quantity
                                              and the National Aeronautics and Space                  were based on the perception that this                (IDIQ) contract where small businesses
                                              Administration (NASA).                                  rule creates a new requirement for                    are used as subcontractors.
                                                                                                                                                               • One respondent was concerned that
                                              ACTION: Final rule.                                     offerors. The Councils emphasize that
                                                                                                                                                            many offerors would not want to
                                                                                                      this rulemaking effort does not create a
                                              SUMMARY:    DoD, GSA, and NASA are                                                                            register in SAM with submission of the
                                                                                                      new requirement for offerors, large or
                                              issuing a final rule amending the                                                                             offer, because they would want to wait
                                                                                                      small. The purpose of this rule is to
                                              Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) to                                                                       until they had the incentive of knowing
                                                                                                      clarify for offerors the required timing of
                                              update the instructions for registration                                                                      that they were going to receive the
                                                                                                      SAM registration, i.e., when should
                                              in the System for Award Management                                                                            award.
                                                                                                      offerors register in SAM. This                           • Another respondent stated that the
                                              and clarify the timing of registration in               clarification is necessary because of the
                                              the System for Award Management.                                                                              proposed change requiring offerors to be
                                                                                                      following inconsistencies in current                  registered in SAM prior to submitting an
                                              DATES: Effective October 26, 2018.                      FAR language:                                         offer would increase the possibility of
                                              FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr.                       • FAR 4.1102 states that prospective               the Government receiving only one bid
                                              Curtis E. Glover, Sr., Procurement                      contractors shall be registered in SAM                (the ‘‘one bid’’ issue) in response to a
                                              Analyst, at 202–501–1448, for                           (which includes online representations                solicitation and would especially
                                              clarification of content. For information               and certifications) prior to contract                 impact simplified procurements. Still
                                              pertaining to status or publication                     award (with some exceptions) and FAR                  another respondent stated that the rule
                                              schedules, contact the Regulatory                       clause 52.204–7(b)(1) currently requires              will severely limit the number of
                                              Secretariat Division at 202–501–4755.                   the offeror to acknowledge the                        potential offerors.
                                              Please cite FAC 2005–101, FAR Case                      requirements that a prospective awardee                  • Another respondent was concerned
                                              2015–005.                                               shall be registered in SAM prior to                   that the reduction of competition would
                                              SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                              award.                                                put the Government in a situation where
                                                                                                         • However, paragraphs (b) and (d) of               SAM-registered vendors could charge
                                              I. Background                                           FAR clause 52.204–8, require that if the              exorbitant prices.
                                                 DoD, GSA, and NASA published a                       provision 52.204–7, System for Award                     • One respondent commented that
                                              proposed rule in the Federal Register at                Management, is included in the                        the rule would hamper Government
                                              81 FR 31895 on May 20, 2016, to update                  solicitation, then the offeror shall have             efforts to maintain an adequate list of
                                              the instructions for registration in the                completed the annual representations                  SAM-registered vendors to obtain offers,
                                              System for Award Management (SAM)                       and certifications electronically via the             which could in turn hamper efforts to
                                              and correct an inconsistency involving                  SAM website (which would require                      prevent damage to the Government’s
                                              the timing of registration. In order to                 registration in SAM). The offeror then                real property loan security while
                                              correct this inconsistency, the rule                    verifies, by submission of its offer, that            seeking a SAM-registered vendor to
                                              proposed changes to FAR 4.1102,                         the representations and certifications in             perform the work.
                                              4.1103, 52.204–7, and 52.212–1(k) to                    SAM are current, accurate, and                           • Another respondent stated that
                                              require offeror registration in SAM prior               complete, except for changes identified               requiring SAM registration prior to
                                              to submission of an offer. In addition,                 by the offeror in its offer. This                     submitting an offer would potentially
                                              the proposed rule also required                         requirement has been in the FAR since                 restrict a newly formed company, a new
                                              contracting officers to use the name and                2005, when registering in the legacy                  division of an existing company, or an
                                              physical address from the contractor’s                  Central Contractor Registration (CCR).                existing company that is pursuing its
                                              SAM registration for the provided Data                  Along with representations required by                first Government contract from
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                                              Universal Numbering System (DUNS)                       FAR 52.212–3 for offers of commercial                 responding to a solicitation. According
                                              (now the unique entity identifier). The                 item acquisitions, these provisions have              to the respondent, newly established
                                              proposed rule also removed the term                     generally made registration in SAM at                 entities or business units would be
                                              ‘‘division name’’ from the FAR text at                  the time of offer the de facto                        disadvantaged, because the proposed
                                              FAR 4.1102, clause 52.204–13, and                       requirement, despite the language in                  rule fails to address how they should
                                              provision 52.212–4. These proposed                      FAR 4.1102(a) and 52.204–7 speaking to                respond to certain questions, thereby
                                              changes have been implemented in the                    registration in SAM prior to award.                   disadvantaging otherwise qualified

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                                              48692        Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 187 / Wednesday, September 26, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                              entities from participating in                          Service Desk at https://www.fsd.gov/fsd-              annual representations and
                                              competitions until they resolve how to                  gov/home.do if they need assistance.                  certifications to evaluate the offers. Joint
                                              complete the complicated SAM                                                                                  venture agreements should be in place
                                                                                                      2. The SAM Repository
                                              registration. The respondent stated that                                                                      more than 48–72 hours in advance of
                                              the proposed change would, in effect,                      Comment: One respondent stated that,               proposal submission, which allows
                                              limit competition to existing SAM-                      while they fully supported the                        adequate time for completion of
                                              registered companies, and eliminate                     improvements in the SAM registration                  registration in SAM. It is also not
                                              new creative solutions.                                 system requirements, they strongly                    feasible to rely on the SAM registration
                                                 • One respondent stated that                         recommended that agencies take time to                of separate members of the joint
                                              restricting business opportunities to                   address all of the inconsistencies and                venture, because the Government
                                              those companies that have completed                     ambiguities at once as a piecemeal                    collects specific part 19-related joint
                                              SAM registration prior to submitting an                 approach exacerbates the problems with                venture information in the
                                              offer would undoubtedly work against                    SAM and creates substantial additional                representations and certifications
                                              the Better Buying Power initiative                      work in terms of revising processes,                  (52.219–1) part of SAM, and the
                                              (DoD’s implementation of best practices                 reviewing answers for accuracy, etc.                  contracting activity works with Small
                                              to strengthen the Defense Department’s                  Some of the concerns expressed by this                Business Administration to validate that
                                              buying power, improve industry                          respondent related to the inter-                      joint ventures meet the requirements of
                                              productivity, and provide an affordable,                relationship between the various                      the small business category which they
                                              value-added military capability to the                  elements of SAM (i.e., the former CCR                 have provided in SAM. Offerors that are
                                              Warfighter, including promoting                         and the Online Representations and                    not registered in SAM should apply for
                                              effective competition and increasing                    Certifications) the difficulty of                     registration immediately upon issuance
                                              small business participation).                          interpreting and understanding new                    of the solicitation so that there should
                                                 • Another respondent commented                       fields in SAM; and concern about                      be time for a joint venture or any other
                                              that the rule would severely limit the                  several specific representations and                  type of business to be registered in SAM
                                              contracting officer’s ability to solicit                certifications required or proposed for               at the time of the submission of an offer.
                                              offers from vendors who may be willing                  inclusion in SAM.
                                              to register in SAM, but do not know                        Response: The concerns of the                      4. Public Burden
                                              about Government requirements until                     respondent are outside the scope of this                 Comment: Several respondents
                                              the Government contract office asks                     case. It is not relevant whether a                    commented on the public burden that
                                              them for quotes for the new work.                       question in SAM arose from the CCR or                 the proposed rule would impose. One
                                                 • Finally, a respondent stated that                  another system in SAM, since SAM is                   respondent stated that for larger
                                              mandating registration in SAM prior to                  now a unified repository. This rule                   companies, the effort to complete a
                                              proposal submission, in comparison to                   cannot provide an interpretation of, or               SAM registration can take many weeks.
                                              current practice of ensuring that parties               justification for, individual                         This respondent also stated that it had
                                              are registered prior to receipt of contract             representations and certifications. These             commented on a proposed FAR rule
                                              award, may significantly discourage                     representations and certifications were               covering debarment and suspension,
                                              non-traditional suppliers from                          all developed and published in the                    and had shared in that comment that the
                                              responding to broad agency                              Federal Register for public comment                   Federal Government had vastly
                                              announcements and other research and                    through various individual FAR cases.                 underestimated the burden associated
                                              development (R&D) type solicitation                     This rule corrects the known                          with compiling and reporting requisite
                                              opportunities of interest.                              inconsistencies relating to the timing of             information to complete registration in
                                                 Response: As stated at the beginning                 registration in SAM, not the content of               SAM.
                                              of section II.B. of this preamble, the                  SAM. As stated in section II.B.1. of this                Another respondent stated that this
                                              requirement for offerors to be registered               preamble, offerors needing assistance in              added requirement may serve to impose
                                              in SAM at time of submission of an offer                responding to SAM registration                        a potential cost on those that otherwise
                                              is not new. All vendors (unless an                      questions should contact the Federal                  may have been willing to submit a R&D
                                              exception cited in FAR 4.1102 applies)                  Service Desk at https://www.fsd.gov/fsd-              idea for funding consideration via long
                                              are required to be registered in SAM in                 gov/home.do.                                          standing streamlined R&D solicitation
                                              order to complete the annual                                                                                  procedures.
                                              representations and certifications when                 3. Exception for Joint Ventures                          Response: As previously stated, this
                                              responding to a Government                                 Comment: One respondent expressed                  rule does not impose a new requirement
                                              solicitation. Therefore, clarifying the                 support for the proposed rule; however,               and is therefore not an impediment for
                                              required timing of SAM registration will                the respondent suggested an exception                 businesses, because registration in SAM
                                              not restrict competition and will not                   for newly formed joint ventures as a                  at time of offer submission is already
                                              limit the number of offerors.                           direct result of a procurement                        required by FAR provision 52.204–8(b)
                                                 Although SAM can be used as a                        opportunity. The respondent suggested                 and (d), if the provision FAR 52.204–7
                                              Government source list for                              that the Government could either                      is in the solicitation.
                                              procurements (see FAR 13.103), the                      require proof of submission for SAM                      SAM is the single entry point for the
                                              Government also uses other means of                     registration as of the date of offer, or              representations and certifications used
                                              identifying sources using market                        could require proof/verification that                 in Federal contracting. This one-time
                                              research (see FAR part 10).                             each joint venture entity has an active               investment of time of completing the
                                                 As stated in FAR clause 52.204–7(e),                 SAM registration at the time of proposal              annual representations and
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                                              offerors that are not registered in SAM                 submission.                                           certifications at time of registration is
                                              should consider applying for                               Response: An exception to SAM                      less than the time that would be needed
                                              registration immediately upon issuance                  registration requirements to provide for              to prepare and submit representations
                                              of a solicitation. Offerors or potential                registration of joint ventures after                  and certifications manually on paper
                                              contractors needing assistance in                       submission of offers but prior to award               and in response to each Government
                                              responding to SAM registration                          is not practicable, because the                       solicitation. Once a business is
                                              questions should contact the Federal                    contracting officer needs to review the               registered in SAM there is an annual

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                                                           Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 187 / Wednesday, September 26, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                          48693

                                              renewal requirement to update the                       3. Use and Content of 52.204–7 and                    in support of needs of unusual or
                                              annual representations and                              52.204–13                                             compelling urgency. The proposed rule
                                              certifications, and a requirement for                      The final rule changes the structure               just inserted the terms ‘‘except in
                                              entities to update throughout the year                  and presentation of the requirements of               instances of urgency,’’ apparently
                                              only if an entity’s information has                     FAR provisions 52.204–7, System for                   leaving it to the contractor to determine,
                                              changed. This eliminates the need for                   Award Management, and FAR clause                      and not providing the process to be
                                              potential offerors to complete full                     52.204–13, System for Award                           applied if there are instances of urgency
                                              representations and certifications on                   Management Maintenance, as well as                    (which is not the same as the
                                              paper multiple times a year when                        the means of inclusion of those                       terminology at 4.1102(a)(5)) or 6.302–2.
                                              responding to solicitations.                                                                                     The final rule resolves these issues by
                                                                                                      requirements in solicitations and
                                                                                                                                                            removing paragraph (k) from FAR
                                                                                                      contracts for the acquisition of
                                              5. Applicability to Subcontractors                                                                            52.212–1 and paragraph (t) from FAR
                                                                                                      commercial items. There were several
                                                                                                                                                            52.212–4, and clearly prescribes at
                                                Comment: One respondent                               structural and technical issues that                  12.301(d) the use of the correct
                                              recommended that the rule clarify that                  required resolution, without any change               provision or clause at 12.301(d) by
                                              the prime and any key subcontractors                    in the stated policies of the proposed                referencing the prescriptions at
                                              are required to be registered upon                      rule.                                                 4.1105(a) and (b) for appropriate use of
                                              proposal submission, but that lesser                       a. Prescription for use of 52.204–7 and
                                                                                                                                                            FAR 52.204–7 (including use with its
                                              subcontractors or consultants are only                  52.204–13 and the associated                          Alternate I) and FAR 52.204–13.
                                              required to be registered prior to receipt              requirements for acquisitions of                         b. Text of 52.204–7, its Alternate I,
                                              of a subaward.                                          commercial items. FAR 4.1105(a)                       and 52.204–13. The text of 52.204–7
                                                                                                      requires use of the provision at FAR                  included various acknowledgements,
                                                Response: Subcontractors or                           52.204–7 in all solicitations unless an
                                              consultants to prime contractors are not                                                                      which became more awkward when
                                                                                                      exception at FAR 4.1102(a) applies. The               requiring the offeror to acknowledge
                                              required to be registered in SAM.                       provision is used with its Alternate I if             that the offeror is registered in SAM at
                                              6. Impact on Small Businesses                           the solicitation is for a contract to                 time of submission of the offer. These
                                                                                                      support needs of unusual and                          acknowledgements were inconsistent
                                                See the analysis of public comments                   compelling urgency in accordance with                 with the location of the provisions in
                                              on the initial regulatory flexibility                   FAR 4.1102(a)(5), the exception for                   52.212–1, which is supposed to be
                                              analysis in section VI. of this preamble.               contracts to support needs of unusual                 instructions to the offeror. The
                                                                                                      and compelling urgency in accordance                  acknowledgements have been replaced
                                              C. Other Changes From the Proposed                      with 6.302–2 (see section II.C.2. of this             with instructions to the offeror, relating
                                              Rule                                                    preamble). Likewise, FAR 4.1105(b)                    to preaward requirements. The
                                              1. Baseline                                             requires use of the clause at FAR                     postaward requirements have been
                                                                                                      52.204–13 in solicitations that contain               moved to the FAR clause 52.204–13.
                                                 There have been many FAR baseline                    the provision at 52.204–7, and resulting              There were some errors made in the
                                              changes since publication of the                        contracts (i.e., it will not be used if an            proposed changes to Alternate I, which
                                              proposed rule in May 2016, due to                       exception at FAR 4.1102 applies).                     is applicable in the circumstances
                                              publication of Federal Acquisition                         However, when this provision and                   where registration in SAM may be
                                              Circulars 2005–89 through the present                   clause are incorporated in paragraph (k)              delayed until after award due to
                                              one. In particular, the issuance of the                 of FAR provision 52.212–1, Instruction                urgency. Therefore, if Alternate I is
                                              final rule under FAR Case 2015–022,                     to Offerors—Commercial Items; and                     included by the contracting officer in
                                              Unique Identification of Entities                       paragraph (t) of FAR clause 52.212–4,                 the solicitation, it is not required to be
                                              Receiving Federal Awards, published in                  Contract terms and Conditions—                        registered in SAM at time of submission
                                              FAC 2005–91 on September 30, 2016                       Commercial Items, the exceptions must                 of the offer. The only requirement prior
                                              (81 FR 67736), changed the term ‘‘DUNS                  be applied by an addendum to the                      to award is that the offeror complete the
                                              number’’ to ‘‘unique entity identifier’’.               solicitation and resultant contract,                  registration as soon as possible. If
                                                                                                      inserted by the contracting officer to                registration has not yet occurred at time
                                              2. Exemptions at FAR 4.1102 and 18.102                  exclude applicability of paragraphs (k)               of award, the offeror is directed to the
                                                                                                      and (t), respectively. There are no other             postaward requirements, which have
                                                The exemption at FAR 4.1102(a)(5) is                  paragraphs in 52.212–1 and 52.212–4                   been moved to the clause 52.204–13.
                                              an inaccurate rewording of the                          that rely on an addendum by the
                                              exemption at FAR 6.302–2, which                         contracting officer to establish                      4. Active in SAM
                                              addresses needs of unusual and                          inapplicability of the entire paragraph.                 The language at FAR 4.1103(a)(1) has
                                              compelling urgency. FAR 4.1102(a)(5)                    Nor is there an instruction in the clause             been changed to specify that offerors
                                              and 18.102(a)(1) have been reworded to                  prescription alerting the contracting                 must have status designation of ‘‘active’’
                                              accurately reflect this exception to                    officer to the requirement to include                 in SAM at the time of offer or quotation
                                              include ‘‘urgency’’. In addition FAR                    such an addendum. There is high risk                  submission, to distinguish active from
                                              18.102(a) has been corrected to indicate                that the addendum will not be                         inactive registrants in SAM. The
                                              that 4.1102 exempts contractors from                    consistently inserted as required.                    ‘‘active’’ state is the normal state for the
                                              the requirements to be registered at time                  Furthermore, with regard to                        contractor account. In this state,
                                              of submission of offers or quotations.                  implementation of the equivalent of                   contractors can log in to SAM and
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                                              However, 4.1103(b) requires subsequent                  Alternate I in solicitations for the                  perform all necessary functions.
                                              registration for those offers exempted on               acquisition of commercial items, the                  Contractor accounts become inactive
                                              the basis of 6.302–2. FAR 18.102 has                    current FAR does not specifically                     either after an extensive period of user
                                              also been amplified to include the                      address how to implement Alternate I,                 inactivity, or if the contractor chooses to
                                              exemptions for contracts awarded by                     but apparently also relies on an                      manually deactivate the account. To
                                              contracting officers deployed in certain                addendum to the contract to specify the               prevent the account from becoming
                                              difficult situations.                                   conditions applicable if the contract is              inactive, contractors should log in to

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                                              48694        Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 187 / Wednesday, September 26, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                              SAM at least once every 13 months (395                  equity). E.O. 13563 emphasizes the                    timing of SAM registration will not restrict
                                              days).                                                  importance of quantifying both costs                  competition and will not limit the number of
                                                                                                      and benefits, of reducing costs, of                   offerors, whether the business is large or
                                              5. SAM Website and Terminology                                                                                small. About 75 percent of the current
                                                                                                      harmonizing rules, and of promoting
                                                 The final rule changes the referenced                flexibility. This is not a significant                registrants in SAM meet the small business
                                              website ‘‘acquisition.gov’’ to ‘‘sam.gov’’                                                                    size code for their primary North American
                                                                                                      regulatory action and, therefore, was not
                                              to be consistent with the rest of the                                                                         Industry Classification System (NAICS) code,
                                                                                                      subject to review under Section 6(b) of
                                                                                                                                                            so there is no indication that required
                                              FAR. ‘‘Database’’ is also removed from                  E.O. 12866, Regulatory Planning and                   registration in SAM creates an unreasonable
                                              ‘‘SAM’’ for consistency throughout.                     Review, dated September 30, 1993. This                impediment to small businesses.
                                              6. ‘‘Offeror’’ vs. ‘‘Prospective                        rule is not a major rule under 5 U.S.C.                  Once a business, including a small
                                              Contractor’’                                            804.                                                  business, is registered in SAM, there is an
                                                                                                      V. Executive Order 13771                              annual renewal requirement to update the
                                                Previously, we noted that the                                                                               annual representations and certifications,
                                              prospective contractor had to register in                 This rule is not subject to the                     and a requirement for entities to update
                                              SAM prior to contract award; not all                    requirements of E.O. 13771, because this              throughout the year only if an entity’s
                                              prospective contractors are required to                 rule is not a significant regulatory action           information has changed. This eliminates the
                                              be registered. Only the offeror/quoter is               under E.O. 12866.                                     need for potential offerors to complete full
                                              required to be registered in SAM at time                                                                      representations and certifications on paper
                                              of submission of the offer.                             VI. Regulatory Flexibility Act                        multiple times a year when responding to
                                                                                                        DoD, GSA, and NASA have prepared                    multiple solicitations. There were no changes
                                              7. Exclusions                                                                                                 from the proposed rule in response to these
                                                                                                      a Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
                                                The final rule amends 9.405, 17.207,                  (FRFA) consistent with the Regulatory                 comments.
                                              and 22.1025 to match the terminology                    Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601 et seq. The                The final rule applies, with some
                                              proposed at 9.404 with regard to                                                                              exceptions, to small businesses that submit
                                                                                                      FRFA is summarized as follows:
                                              exclusions in SAM.                                                                                            offers to the Federal Government for
                                                                                                         This rule amends the FAR to update the             acquisitions that exceed the micro-purchase
                                              8. Miscellaneous Edits                                  instructions for System for Award                     threshold. Currently, of the 452,310 active
                                                                                                      Management (SAM) registration and to                  registrants in SAM for ‘‘all awards,’’ 338,207
                                                 The final rule contains other                        clarify the required timing of SAM                    (75 percent) certified to meeting the size
                                              miscellaneous edits relating to word                    registration. The objective of the rule is to         standard as small for their primary NAICS
                                              usage (e.g., ‘‘must’’ vs. ‘‘shall’’ and                 clarify that the offeror must be registered in        code. We estimate that not more than half of
                                              ‘‘quote’’ vs. ‘‘quotation’’), punctuation,              SAM at the time of offer submission in order          those small businesses will submit an offer
                                              and capitalization.                                     to complete the required annual                       in a given year.
                                                                                                      representations and certifications.                      The rule contains information collection
                                              III. Applicability to Contracts at or                      Comments: Several respondents submitted
                                                                                                                                                            requirements. OMB has cleared this
                                              Below the Simplified Acquisition                        public comments in response to the initial
                                                                                                                                                            information collection requirement under
                                              Threshold and for Commercial Items,                     regulatory flexibility analysis with regard to
                                                                                                                                                            OMB Control Number 9000–0159, titled:
                                              Including Commercially Available Off-                   the impact the rule would have on small
                                                                                                                                                            System for Award Management Registration
                                              the Shelf Items                                         businesses. A discussion of the comments is
                                                                                                      provided as follows:                                  (SAM).
                                                 This rule is not statutory and is not                   According to the respondents, the                     No alternative approaches were identified
                                              subject to 41 U.S.C. 1905 through 1907.                 requirement to be registered in SAM at time           that would meet the objectives of the rule.
                                              This rule clarifies the timing of existing              of offer submission would—                            This rule requires offerors to be registered in
                                              SAM registration requirements. It does                     • Further restrict competition among small         SAM at the time of submission of an offer,
                                                                                                      businesses;                                           which is necessary in order to submit the
                                              not impact the applicability at or below
                                              the simplified acquisition threshold or                    • Discriminate against the small business          required representations and certifications
                                                                                                      owner;                                                electronically with submission of the offer. It
                                              applicability to commercial items. The
                                                                                                         • Effectively shut out small businesses            is not anticipated that the rule will have a
                                              affected clauses are FAR 52.204–7,                      from submitting offers as they generally are          significant economic impact on small
                                              System for Award Management; FAR                        not registered in SAM;                                entities, because this is already required by
                                              52.204–8, Annual Representations and                       • Slow the procurement processes and not           FAR 52.204–8. This approach is less
                                              Certifications; FAR 52.204–13, System                   give fair opportunity to all small businesses;        burdensome than submitting annual
                                              for Award Management Maintenance;                       and                                                   representations and certifications manually
                                              FAR 52.212–1, Instructions to                              • Place an undue burden on small                   on paper in response to every solicitation.
                                              Offerors—Commercial Items; FAR                          businesses, because the window to
                                              52.212–4, Contract Terms and                            participate in a solicitation is short, and for         Interested parties may obtain a copy
                                              Conditions—Commercial Items; and                        a small business there are competing                  of the FRFA from the Regulatory
                                                                                                      demands for developing an adequate                    Secretariat Division. The Regulatory
                                              52.212–5, Contract Terms and                            proposal and completing the SAM
                                              Conditions Required to Implement                                                                              Secretariat Division has submitted a
                                                                                                      registration.                                         copy of the FRFA to the Chief Counsel
                                              Statutes or Executive Orders—                              One respondent recommended that small
                                              Commercial Items.                                                                                             for Advocacy of the Small Business
                                                                                                      businesses should be allowed extra time to
                                                                                                      complete their SAM registration, which                Administration.
                                              IV. Executive Orders 12866 and 13563                    would promote small business participation.           VII. Paperwork Reduction Act
                                                 Executive Orders (E.O.s) 12866 and                      Response: The Government notes that most
                                              13563 direct agencies to assess all costs               of these respondents were not small entities.            The Paperwork Reduction Act (44
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with RULES2

                                              and benefits of available regulatory                    The requirement for offerors to be registered         U.S.C. Chapter 35) applies. The rule
                                              alternatives and, if regulation is                      in SAM at time of submission of an offer is           contains information collection
                                                                                                      not new. All vendors (unless an exception
                                              necessary, to select regulatory                         cited in FAR 4.1102 applies) are required to
                                                                                                                                                            requirements. OMB has cleared this
                                              approaches that maximize net benefits                   be registered in SAM in order to complete the         information collection requirement
                                              (including potential economic,                          annual representations and certifications             under OMB Control Number 9000–0159;
                                              environmental, public health and safety                 when responding to a Government                       ‘‘System for Award Management
                                              effects, distributive impacts, and                      solicitation. Therefore, clarifying the required      Registration’’.

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                                                           Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 187 / Wednesday, September 26, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                         48695

                                              List of Subjects in 48 CFR Parts 1, 2, 4,                 The revisions and addition reads as                 Payment’’ paragraph of the EFT clause
                                              7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 25,            follows.                                              of the contract.
                                              26, 28, 32, 44, and 52                                                                                        *     *    *      *    *
                                                                                                      4.1102    Policy.
                                                  Government procurement.                                                                                   ■ 7. Revise section 4.1103 to read as
                                                                                                        (a) Offerors and quoters are required               follows:
                                                Dated: September 17, 2018.                            to be registered in SAM at the time an
                                              William F. Clark,                                       offer or quotation is submitted in order              4.1103    Procedures.
                                              Director, Office of Government-wide                     to comply with the annual                                (a) Unless the acquisition is exempt
                                              Acquisition Policy, Office of Acquisition               representations and certifications                    under 4.1102(a), the contracting
                                              Policy, Office of Government-wide Policy.               requirements except for—                              officer—
                                                 Therefore, DoD, GSA, and NASA                        *      *      *    *     *                               (1) Shall verify that the offeror or
                                              amend 48 CFR parts 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 12,                  (5) Contracts awarded without                       quoter is registered in SAM (see
                                              13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 25, 26, 28, 32,             providing for full and open competition               paragraph (b) of this section) at the time
                                              44, and 52 as set forth below:                          due to unusual or compelling urgency                  an offer or quotation is submitted;
                                              ■ 1. The authority citation for parts 1, 2,             (see 6.302–2);                                           (2) Should use the unique entity
                                              4, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23,               (6) Contract actions at or below                    identifier to verify SAM registration—
                                              25, 26, 28, 32, 44, and 52 continues to                 $30,000 awarded to foreign vendors for                   (i) Via https://www.sam.gov; or
                                              read as follows:                                        work performed outside the United                        (ii) As otherwise provided by agency
                                                                                                      States, if it is impractical to obtain SAM            procedures; or
                                                Authority: 40 U.S.C. 121(c); 10 U.S.C.                registration; and                                        (3) Need not verify SAM registration
                                              chapter 137; and 51 U.S.C. 20113.                                                                             before placing an order or call if the
                                                                                                      *      *      *    *     *
                                                                                                        (c) Contracting officers shall use the              contract or agreement includes the
                                              PART 1—FEDERAL ACQUISITION
                                                                                                      legal business name or ‘‘doing business               provision at 52.204–7, System for
                                              REGULATIONS SYSTEM
                                                                                                      as’’ name and physical address from the               Award Management, or the clause at
                                              1.106    [Amended]                                      contractor’s SAM registration for the                 52.212–4, Contract Terms and
                                              ■ 2. Amend section 1.106 by removing                    provided unique entity identifier to                  Conditions—Commercial Items, or a
                                              from the table the entries for FAR                      identify the contractor in section A of               similar agency clause, except when use
                                              segments ‘‘52.212–1(k)’’ and ‘‘52.212–                  the contract schedule, similar sections               of the Governmentwide commercial
                                              4(t)’’.                                                 of non-uniform contract formats and                   purchase card is contemplated as a
                                                                                                      agreements, and all corresponding forms               method of payment. (See 32.1108(b)(2).)
                                              PART 2—DEFINITIONS OF WORDS                             and data exchanges. Contracting officers                 (b) If the contract action is being
                                              AND TERMS                                               shall make no changes to the data                     awarded in accordance with
                                                                                                      retrieved from SAM.                                   4.1102(a)(5), the contractor is required
                                              2.101    [Amended]                                                                                            to be registered in SAM within 30 days
                                                                                                        (d)(1)(i) If a contractor has legally
                                              ■  3. Amend section 2.101 in paragraph                  changed its business name or ‘‘doing                  after contract award, or at least three
                                              (b)(2) revising the defined term                        business as’’ name (whichever is shown                days prior to submission of the first
                                              ‘‘Registered in the System for Award                    on the contract), or has transferred the              invoice, whichever occurs first.
                                              Management (SAM) database’’ to read                     assets used in performing the contract,                  (c) Agencies shall protect against
                                              ‘‘Registered in the System for Award                    but has not completed the necessary                   improper disclosure of information
                                              Management (SAM)’’ and by removing                      requirements regarding novation and                   contained in SAM.
                                              from paragraphs (1) and (2), ‘‘the SAM                  change-of-name agreements in subpart                     (d) The contracting officer shall, on
                                              database;’’ and adding ‘‘SAM;’’ in their                42.12, the contractor is required to                  contractual documents transmitted to
                                              places.                                                 provide the responsible contracting                   the payment office, provide the unique
                                                                                                      officer a minimum of one business day’s               entity identifier, or, if applicable, the
                                              PART 4—ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS                                                                                 Electronic Funds Transfer indicator, in
                                                                                                      written notification of its intention to
                                              4.605    [Amended]                                      change the name in SAM, comply with                   accordance with agency procedures.
                                              ■ 4. Amend section 4.605 by removing                    the requirements of subpart 42.12, and                4.1104    [Amended]
                                              from paragraph (b), in the third                        agree in writing to the timeline and                  ■  8. Amend section 4.1104 by removing
                                              sentence, ‘‘database’’.                                 procedures specified by the responsible               ‘‘https://www.acquisition.gov’’ and
                                                                                                      contracting officer. Along with the                   adding ‘‘https://www.sam.gov, Search
                                              4.1100   [Amended]                                      notification, the contractor is required to           Records, Advanced Search, Disaster
                                              ■  5. Amend section 4.1100 by removing                  provide the contracting officer sufficient            Response Registry Search’’ in its place.
                                              from the introductory text ‘‘database’’.                documentation to support the legally                  ■ 9. Revise section 4.1105 to read as
                                              ■ 6. Amend section 4.1102 by—                           changed name.                                         follows:
                                              ■ a. Revising paragraph (a) introductory                  (ii) If the contractor fails to comply
                                              text;                                                   with the requirements of paragraph                    4.1105 Solicitation provision and contract
                                              ■ b. Removing from paragraph (a)(2)                     (d)(1)(i) of the clause at 52.204–13,                 clauses.
                                              ‘‘the SAM database;’’ and adding                        System for Award Management                              (a)(1) Insert the provision at 52.204–
                                              ‘‘SAM;’’ in its place;                                  Maintenance, or fails to perform the                  7, System for Award Management, in all
                                              ■ c. Revising paragraphs (a)(5) and (6);                agreement at 52.204–13, paragraph                     solicitations except when the conditions
                                              ■ d. Redesignating paragraph (c) as                     (d)(1)(i)(C), and, in the absence of a                in 4.1102(a) apply.
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                                              paragraph (d);                                          properly executed novation or change-                    (2) Insert the provision at 52.204–7,
                                              ■ e. Adding a new paragraph (c);                        of-name agreement, the SAM                            System for Award Management, with its
                                              ■ f. Revising newly redesignated                        information that shows the contractor to              Alternate I when the solicitation is
                                              paragraph (d)(1); and                                   be other than the contractor indicated in             anticipated to be awarded in accordance
                                              ■ g. Removing from newly redesignated                   the contract will be considered to be                 with 4.1102(a)(5).
                                              paragraph (d)(3) ‘‘the SAM database’’                   incorrect information within the                         (b) Insert the clause at 52.204–13,
                                              and adding ‘‘SAM’’ in its place.                        meaning of the ‘‘Suspension of                        System for Award Management

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                                              48696        Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 187 / Wednesday, September 26, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                              Maintenance, in solicitations that                      solicitation, do not separately include                  (ii) Determine whether it is legally
                                              contain the provision at 52.204–7, and                  the following representations and                     permitted to enter the SSN, EIN, or
                                              resulting contracts.                                    certifications:                                       other TIN, under agency authority to
                                              ■ 10. Revise section 4.1201 to read as                  *     *     *     *    *                              suspend or debar; and
                                              follows:                                                                                                         (iii) Update the exclusion record in
                                                                                                      PART 7—ACQUISITION PLANNING                           SAM, generally within 5 working days
                                              4.1201   Policy.
                                                                                                                                                            after modifying or rescinding an action;
                                                 (a) Offerors and quoters are required                7.103    [Amended]
                                                                                                                                                               (4) In accordance with internal
                                              to complete electronic annual                           ■  12. Amend section 7.103 by removing                retention procedures, maintain records
                                              representations and certifications in                   from paragraph (y) ‘‘https://                         relating to each debarment, suspension,
                                              SAM accessed via https://www.sam.gov                    www.acquisition.gov’’ and adding                      or proposed debarment taken by the
                                              as a part of required registration (see                 ‘‘https://www.sam.gov, Search Records,                agency;
                                              FAR 4.1102).                                            Advanced Search, Disaster Response
                                                                                                                                                               (5) Establish procedures to ensure that
                                                 (b)(1) All registrants are required to               Registry Search’’ in its place.
                                                                                                                                                            the agency does not solicit offers from,
                                              review and update the representations
                                                                                                      PART 8—REQUIRED SOURCES OF                            award contracts to, or consent to
                                              and certifications submitted to SAM as
                                                                                                      SUPPLIES AND SERVICES                                 subcontracts with contractors who have
                                              necessary, but at least annually, to
                                                                                                                                                            an active exclusion record in SAM,
                                              ensure they are kept current, accurate,                 8.402    [Amended]                                    except as otherwise provided in this
                                              and complete. The representations and
                                                                                                      ■ 13. Amend section 8.402 by removing                 subpart;
                                              certifications are effective until one year
                                              from date of submission or update to                    from paragraph (g) ‘‘database’’.                         (6) Direct inquiries concerning listed
                                              SAM.                                                                                                          contractors and other entities to the
                                                                                                      PART 9—CONTRACTOR                                     agency or other authority that took the
                                                 (2) A contractor that represented itself             QUALIFICATIONS
                                              as a small business prior to award of a                                                                       action; and
                                              contract must update the                                9.109–2    [Amended]                                     (7) Contact GSA for technical
                                              representations and certifications in                   ■ 14. Amend section 9.109–2 by                        assistance with SAM, via the support
                                              SAM in accordance with 52.219–28. A                     removing ‘‘database’’.                                email address or on the technical
                                              contractor that represented itself as                                                                         support phone line.
                                              other than small business before                        9.109–4    [Amended]                                  *       *    *    *     *
                                              contract award and qualifies as a small                 ■  15. Amended section 9.109–4 by
                                                                                                      removing from paragraph (b)                           9.405    [Amended]
                                              business may update its representations
                                              and certifications in SAM in accordance                 ‘‘database’’.                                         ■  17. Amend section 9.405 by—
                                              with 52.219–28.                                         ■ 16. Amend section 9.404 by—                         ■ a. Removing from paragraph (b)
                                                 (c) Data in SAM is archived and is                   ■ a. Revising the section heading;                    ‘‘Contractors included in the SAM
                                                                                                      ■ b. Revising paragraph (a)(1);                       Exclusions as having’’ and adding
                                              electronically retrievable. Therefore,
                                                                                                      ■ c. Removing from paragraph (b)                      ‘‘Contractors and other entities that have
                                              when a prospective contractor has
                                              completed representations and                           introductory text ‘‘The SAM                           an active exclusion record in SAM
                                              certifications electronically in SAM, the               Exclusions’’ and adding ‘‘An exclusion                because they have’’ in its place;
                                              contracting officer must reference the                  record in SAM’’ in its place;                         ■ b. Removing from paragraph (d)(1)
                                                                                                      ■ d. Removing from paragraph (b)(1) ‘‘of
                                              date of SAM verification in the contract                                                                      ‘‘proposals, the contracting officer shall
                                                                                                      all contractors debarred’’ and adding ‘‘of
                                              file to satisfy contract file                                                                                 review the SAM Exclusions’’ and
                                                                                                      the entities debarred’’ in its place;
                                              documentation requirements of                           ■ e. Revising paragraph (c); and
                                                                                                                                                            adding ‘‘proposals or quotes, the
                                              4.803(a)(11). However, if an offeror                    ■ f. Removing from paragraph (d)                      contracting officer shall review the
                                              identifies changes to SAM data pursuant                 ‘‘https://www.acquisition.gov’’ and                   exclusion records in SAM’’ in its place;
                                              to the FAR provisions at 52.204–8(d) or                 adding ‘‘https://www.sam.gov’’ in its                 and
                                              52.212–3(b), the contracting officer must               place.                                                ■ c. Removing from paragraph (d)(4)
                                              include a copy of the changes in the                       The revisions read as follows:                     ‘‘SAM Exclusions’’ and adding ‘‘the
                                              contract file.                                                                                                exclusion records in SAM’’ in its place.
                                                 (d) The contracting officer shall                    9.404 Exclusions in the System for Award
                                              incorporate the representations and                     Management.                                           9.405–2    [Amended]
                                              certifications by reference in the                         (a) * * *                                          ■  18. Amend section 9.405–2 by—
                                              contract (see 52.204–19, or for                            (1) Operates the web-based System for              ■ a. Removing from paragraph (b)
                                              acquisitions of commercial items see                    Award Management (SAM), which                         introductory text ‘‘the parties’ listing in
                                              52.212–4(v)).                                           contains exclusion records; and                       SAM Exclusions’’ and adding ‘‘the
                                              ■ 11. Amend section 4.1202 by revising                  *      *     *     *    *                             party’s having an active exclusion
                                              paragraph (a) introductory text to read                    (c) Each agency shall—                             record in SAM’’ in its place;
                                              as follows:                                                (1) Identify the individual(s)                     ■ b. Removing from paragraph (b)(2)
                                                                                                      responsible for entering and updating                 ‘‘being listed in SAM Exclusions’’ and
                                              4.1202 Solicitation provision and contract              exclusions data in SAM and assign the
                                              clause.                                                                                                       adding ‘‘having an active exclusion
                                                                                                      appropriate roles;                                    record in SAM’’ in its place; and
                                                (a) Insert the provision at 52.204–8,                    (2) Remove the exclusion roles in                  ■ c. Removing from paragraph (b)(3)
                                              Annual Representations and                              SAM when the individual leaves the                    ‘‘listing in SAM Exclusions’’ and adding
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                                              Certifications, in solicitations, except for            organization or changes functions;                    ‘‘having an active exclusion record in
                                              commercial item solicitations issued                       (3) For each exclusion accomplished
                                                                                                                                                            SAM’’ in its place.
                                              under FAR part 12. The contracting                      by the Agency—
                                              officer shall check the applicable                         (i) Enter the information required by              PART 12—ACQUISITION OF
                                              provisions at 52.204–8(c)(2). When the                  paragraph (b) of this section within 3                COMMERCIAL ITEMS
                                              provision at 52.204–7, System for                       working days after the action becomes
                                              Award Management, is included in the                    effective;                                            ■   19. Amend section 12.301 by—

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                                                           Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 187 / Wednesday, September 26, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                           48697

                                              ■  a. Redesignating paragraphs (d)(1)                   PART 18—EMERGENCY                                     System for Award Management (see
                                              through (9) as (d)(3) through (11),                     ACQUISITIONS                                          9.404). * * *
                                              ■ b. Adding new paragraphs (d)(1) and
                                                                                                      ■ 24. Revise section 18.102 to read as                PART 23—ENVIRONMENT, ENERGY
                                              (2);                                                    follows:                                              AND WATER EFFICIENCY,
                                              ■ c. Revising newly redesignated                        18.102    System for Award Management.
                                                                                                                                                            RENEWABLE ENERGY
                                              paragraphs (d)(3) and (4); and                                                                                TECHNOLOGIES, OCCUPATIONAL
                                                                                                        (a) In accordance with 4.1102,
                                              ■ d. Removing from paragraph (e)(4)                                                                           SAFETY, AND DRUG–FREE
                                                                                                      contractors are not required to be
                                              ‘‘database’’.                                                                                                 WORKPLACE
                                                                                                      registered in the System for Award
                                                 The additions and revisions read as                  Management (SAM) at the time of                       23.802    [Amended]
                                              follows:                                                submission of offers or quotations for—
                                                                                                        (1) Contracts awarded without                       ■ 28. Amend section 23.802 by
                                              12.301 Solicitation provisions and                                                                            removing from paragraph (d)
                                              contract clauses for the acquisition of                 providing for full and open competition
                                              commercial items.                                       due to unusual and compelling urgency                 introductory text ‘‘database’’.
                                              *     *     *     *     *                               (see 6.302–2); or
                                                                                                        (2) Contracts awarded by a contracting              PART 25—FOREIGN ACQUISITION
                                                (d) * * *
                                                (1) Insert the provision at 52.204–7,                 officer—
                                                                                                        (i) Deployed in the course of military              ■ 29. Amend section 25.703–3 by
                                              System for Award Management, as                                                                               revising paragraph (a) to read as follows:
                                              prescribed in 4.1105(a).
                                                                                                        (ii) Located outside the United States              25.703–3 Prohibition on contracting with
                                                (2) Insert the clause at 52.204–13,
                                                                                                      and its outlying areas, for work to be                entities that export sensitive technology to
                                              System for Award Management
                                                                                                      performed in support of diplomatic or                 Iran.
                                              Maintenance, as prescribed in 4.1105(b).
                                                                                                      developmental operations, in an area
                                                (3) Insert the provision at 52.204–16,                                                                        (a) The head of an executive agency
                                                                                                      that has been designated by the
                                              Commercial and Government Entity                                                                              may not enter into or extend a contract
                                                                                                      Department of State as a danger pay
                                              Code Reporting, as prescribed in                                                                              for the procurement of goods or services
                                                                                                      post; or
                                              4.1804(a).                                                (iii) In the conduct of emergency                   with a person that exports certain
                                                (4) Insert the clause at 52.204–18,                   operations.                                           sensitive technology to Iran, as
                                              Commercial and Government Entity                          (b) However, contractors are required               determined by the President, and has an
                                              Code Maintenance, as prescribed in                      to be registered in SAM in order to gain              active exclusion in the System for
                                              4.1804(c).                                              access to the Disaster Response Registry.             Award Management at http://
                                              *     *     *     *     *                                 (c) Contracting officers shall consult              www.sam.gov (22 U.S.C. 8515).
                                                                                                      the Disaster Response Registry via                    *     *     *    *     *
                                              PART 13—SIMPLIFIED ACQUISITION                          https://www.sam.gov, Search Records,
                                              PROCEDURES                                              Advanced Search, Disaster Response                    PART 26—OTHER SOCIOECONOMIC
                                                                                                      Registry Search to determine the                      PROGRAMS
                                              13.102   [Amended]
                                                                                                      availability of contractors for debris                26.205    [Amended]
                                              ■ 20. Amend section 13.102 by
                                                                                                      removal, distribution of supplies,
                                              removing from paragraph (a) ‘‘database                                                                           30. Amended section 26.205 by
                                                                                                      reconstruction, and other disaster or                 ■
                                              (see subpart 4.11) via https://                                                                               removing from paragraph (a) ‘‘https://
                                                                                                      emergency relief activities inside the
                                              www.acquisition.gov’’ and adding ‘‘(see                                                                       www.acquisition.gov’’ and adding
                                                                                                      United States and outlying areas. (See
                                              subpart 4.11) via https://www.sam.gov’’                                                                       ‘‘https://www.sam.gov’’ in its place; and
                                              in its place.                                                                                                 removing from paragraph (b) ‘‘https://
                                              13.201   [Amended]                                      PART 19—SMALL BUSINESS                                www.acquisition.gov’’ and ‘‘register with
                                                                                                      PROGRAMS                                              SAM’’ and adding ‘‘https://
                                              ■  21. Amend section 13.201 by
                                              removing from paragraph (h)                                                                                   www.sam.gov, Search Records,
                                                                                                      19.308    [Amended]
                                              ‘‘database’’.                                                                                                 Advanced Search, Disaster Response
                                                                                                      ■ 25. Amend section 19.308 by                         Registry Search’’ and ‘‘in SAM’’ in their
                                                                                                      removing from paragraph (i)(3)(iii) ‘‘the             places, respectively.
                                              PART 16—TYPES OF CONTRACTS                              System for Award Management (SAM)’’
                                              16.505   [Amended]                                      and adding ‘‘SAM’’ in its place.                      PART 28—BONDS AND INSURANCE
                                              ■  22. Amend section 16.505 by                          19.703    [Amended]
                                              removing from paragraph (a)(12)                                                                               ■ 31. Amend section 28.203–7 by
                                                                                                      ■ 26. Amend section 19.703 by                         revising paragraph (c) and removing
                                              ‘‘database’’.                                           removing from paragraph (d)(1)                        from paragraph (d) ‘‘the System for
                                                                                                      introductory text ‘‘database’’.                       Award Management Exclusions (see
                                              PART 17—SPECIAL CONTRACTING
                                              METHODS                                                 PART 22—APPLICATION OF LABOR                          9.404)’’ and adding ‘‘an active exclusion
                                                                                                      LAWS TO GOVERNMENT                                    record in the System for Award
                                              ■ 23. Amend section 17.207 by revising                                                                        Management (see 9.404),’’ in its place.
                                              paragraph (c)(5) to read as follows:                    ACQUISITIONS
                                                                                                                                                               The revision reads as follows:
                                              17.207   Exercise of options.                           ■ 27. Amend section 22.1025 by
                                                                                                      revising the first sentence to read as                28.203–7    Exclusion of individual sureties.
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                                              *     *    *     *    *
                                                                                                      follows:                                              *     *    *     *    *
                                                (c) * * *
                                                (5) The contractor does not have an                   22.1025    Ineligibility of violators.                  (c) An individual surety excluded
                                              active exclusion record in the System                     Persons or firms found to be in                     pursuant to this subsection shall be
                                              for Award Management (see FAR 9.405–                    violation of the Service Contract Labor               entered as an exclusion in the System
                                              1);                                                     Standards statute will have an active                 for Award Management (see 9.404).
                                              *     *    *     *    *                                 exclusion record contained in the                     *     *    *     *    *

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                                              48698        Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 187 / Wednesday, September 26, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                              PART 32—CONTRACT FINANCING                              System for Award Management (Oct                      solicitation as indicated in paragraph (c)
                                                                                                      2018)                                                 of this provision have been entered or
                                              32.1108    [Amended]                                                                                          updated within the last 12 months, are
                                                                                                      *     *     *      *    *
                                              ■  32. Amend section 32.1108 by                           (b)(1) An Offeror is required to be                 current, accurate, complete, and
                                              removing from paragraph (b)(2)(i) ‘‘(by                 registered in SAM when submitting an                  applicable to this solicitation (including
                                              looking in the System for Award                         offer or quotation, and shall continue to             the business size standard applicable to
                                              Management (SAM))’’ and adding ‘‘by                     be registered until time of award, during             the NAICS code referenced for this
                                              looking in the System for Award                         performance, and through final payment                solicitation), as of the date of this offer
                                              Management (SAM)’’ in its place.                        of any contract, basic agreement, basic               and are incorporated in this offer by
                                              ■ 33. Amend section 32.1110 by                                                                                reference (see FAR 4.1201); except for
                                                                                                      ordering agreement, or blanket
                                              revising paragraph (a)(1) introductory                                                                        the changes identified below [offeror to
                                                                                                      purchasing agreement resulting from
                                              text and removing from (a)(2)(i) ‘‘the                                                                        insert changes, identifying change by
                                                                                                      this solicitation.
                                              SAM database’’ and adding ‘‘SAM’’ in                                                                          clause number, title, date]. These
                                              its place.                                              *     *     *      *    *                             amended representation(s) and/or
                                                 The revision reads as follows:                         (d) Processing time should be taken                 certification(s) are also incorporated in
                                                                                                      into consideration when registering.                  this offer and are current, accurate, and
                                              32.1110 Solicitation provision and                      Offerors who are not registered in SAM                complete as of the date of this offer.
                                              contract clauses.                                       should consider applying for
                                                                                                      registration immediately upon receipt of              *     *     *      *     *
                                                 (a) * * *                                                                                                  ■ 37. Amend section 52.204–10 by—
                                                 (1) 52.232–33, Payment by Electronic                 this solicitation. See https://                       ■ a. Revising the date of the clause;
                                              Funds Transfer—System for Award                         www.sam.gov for information on                        ■ b. Removing from paragraph (d)(1)
                                              Management, in solicitations and                        registration.                                         introductory text ‘‘database’’; and
                                              contracts that include the provision at                 (End of provision)                                    ■ c. Revising paragraph (h).
                                              52.204–7, System for Award                                                                                      The revisions read as follows:
                                              Management, or an agency clause that                    Alternate I (Oct 2018). * * *
                                              requires a contractor to be registered in                                                                     52.204–10 Reporting Executive
                                                                                                         (b)(1) An Offeror is required to be                Compensation and First-Tier Subcontract
                                              SAM and maintain registration until                     registered in SAM as soon as possible.                Awards.
                                              final payment, unless—                                  If registration is not possible when
                                                                                                                                                            *        *   *    *     *
                                              *      *    *    *     *                                submitting an offer or quotation, the
                                                                                                      awardee shall be registered in SAM in                 Reporting Executive Compensation and
                                              PART 44—SUBCONTRACTING                                  accordance with the requirements of                   First-Tier Subcontract Awards (Oct
                                              POLICIES AND PROCEDURES                                 clause 52.204–13, System for Award                    2018)
                                                                                                      Management Maintenance.                               *      *     *       *    *
                                              ■ 34. Amend section 44.202–2 by
                                                                                                      ■ 36. Amend section 52.204–8 by                          (h) The FSRS database at http://
                                              revising paragraph (a)(13) to read as
                                                                                                      revising the date of the provision and                www.fsrs.gov will be prepopulated with
                                                                                                      paragraphs (b)(2) introductory text and               some information from SAM and the
                                              44.202–2    Considerations.                             (d) to read as follows:                               FPDS database. If FPDS information is
                                                 (a) * * *                                            52.204–8 Annual Representations and                   incorrect, the contractor should notify
                                                 (13) Is the proposed subcontractor                   Certifications.                                       the contracting officer. If the SAM
                                              listed as excluded in the System for                    *      *      *      *       *                        information is incorrect, the contractor
                                              Award Management (see subpart 9.4)?                                                                           is responsible for correcting this
                                              *      *     *    *    *                                Annual Representations and                            information.
                                                                                                      Certifications (Oct 2018)                             *      *     *       *    *
                                              PART 52—SOLICITATION PROVISIONS                         *     *      *    *     *                             ■ 38. Amend section 52.204–13 by—
                                              AND CONTRACT CLAUSES                                      (b) * * *                                           ■ a. Revising the date of the clause;
                                                                                                        (2) If the provision at 52.204–7,                   ■ b. In paragraph (a), revising the
                                              ■  35. Amend section 52.204–7 by—                                                                             defined term ‘‘Registered in the System
                                              ■  a. Revising the date of the provision;               System for Award Management, is not
                                                                                                      included in this solicitation, and the                for Award Management (SAM)
                                              ■  b. In paragraph (a), revising the                                                                          database’’ to read ‘‘Registered in the
                                              defined term ‘‘Registered in the System                 Offeror has an active registration in the
                                                                                                      System for Award Management (SAM),                    System for Award Management (SAM)’’;
                                              for Award Management (SAM)                                                                                    ■ c. Removing from paragraphs (a)(1)
                                              database’’ to read ‘‘Registered in the                  the Offeror may choose to use paragraph
                                                                                                      (d) of this provision instead of                      and (2) ‘‘the SAM database’’ and adding
                                              System for Award Management (SAM)’’;                                                                          ‘‘SAM’’ in their places;
                                              ■ c. Removing from paragraphs (a)(1)
                                                                                                      completing the corresponding
                                                                                                                                                            ■ d. Redesignating paragraphs (b)
                                              and (2) ‘‘the SAM database;’’ and adding                individual representations and
                                                                                                                                                            through (d) as paragraphs (c) through
                                              ‘‘SAM;’’ in their places;                               certifications in the solicitation. The
                                              ■ d. Revising paragraph (b)(1);
                                                                                                      Offeror shall indicate which option                   ■ e. Adding a new paragraph (b);
                                              ■ e. Removing from paragraph (b)(2)
                                                                                                      applies by checking one of the following              ■ f. Revising newly redesignated
                                              ‘‘the SAM database’’ and adding ‘‘SAM’’                 boxes:                                                paragraphs (c) and (d)(1)(i) introductory
                                              in its place;                                           *     *      *    *     *                             text;
                                              ■ f. Revising paragraph (d);                              (d) The Offeror has completed the                   ■ g. Removing from newly redesignated
                                              ■ g. Removing paragraphs (e) and (f);                   annual representations and                            paragraph (d)(1)(i)(A) ‘‘the SAM
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with RULES2

                                              and                                                     certifications electronically in SAM                  database’’ and adding ‘‘SAM’’ in its
                                              ■ h. Revising the date of Alternate I and               accessed through https://www.sam.gov.                 place;
                                              paragraph (b)(1).                                       After reviewing the SAM information,                  ■ h. Removing from newly redesignated
                                                 The revisions read as follows.                       the Offeror verifies by submission of the             paragraph (d)(1)(ii) ‘‘(c)(1)(i)’’ and
                                                                                                      offer that the representations and                    ‘‘(c)(1)(i)(C)’’ and adding ‘‘(d)(1)(i)’’ and
                                              52.204–7    System for Award Management.                certifications currently posted                       ‘‘(d)(1)(i)(C)’’ in their places,
                                              *      *     *       *      *                           electronically that apply to this                     respectively;

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                                                           Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 187 / Wednesday, September 26, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                           48699

                                              ■  i. Removing from newly redesignated                  ‘‘Management, which can be accessed                   https://www.sam.gov. If the Offeror has
                                              paragraph (d)(2) ‘‘in the SAM’’ and                     via https://www.sam.gov’’ in its place.               not completed the annual
                                              adding ‘‘in SAM’’ in its place; and                       The revision reads as follows:                      representations and certifications
                                              ■ j. Removing from newly redesignated                                                                         electronically, the Offeror shall
                                                                                                      52.209–7 Information Regarding
                                              paragraph (e) ‘‘https://                                                                                      complete only paragraphs (c) through
                                                                                                      Responsibility Matters.
                                              www.acquisition.gov’’ and adding                                                                              (u)) of this provision.
                                              ‘‘https://www.sam.gov’’ in its place.                   *      *      *      *       *
                                                                                                                                                            *      *     *     *     *
                                                 The addition and revisions read as                   Information Regarding Responsibility                     (b)(1) Annual Representations and
                                              follows:                                                Matters (Oct 2018)                                    Certifications. Any changes provided by
                                                                                                      *      *    *    *     *                              the Offeror in paragraph (b)(2) of this
                                              52.204–13 System for Award Management
                                              Maintenance.                                            ■ 40. Amend section 52.209–9 by                       provision do not automatically change
                                                                                                      revising the date of the clause and                   the representations and certifications in
                                              *      *     *       *      *                                                                                 SAM.
                                                                                                      removing from paragraph (a)
                                              System for Award Management                             ‘‘Management database via https://                       (2) The offeror has completed the
                                              Maintenance (Oct 2018)                                  www.acquisition.gov’’ and adding                      annual representations and
                                              *       *     *     *     *                             ‘‘Management via https://www.sam.gov’’                certifications electronically in SAM
                                                                                                      in its place.                                         accessed through http://www.sam.gov.
                                                 (b) If the solicitation for this contract
                                                                                                        The revision reads as follows:                      After reviewing SAM information, the
                                              contained the provision 52.204–7 with
                                                                                                                                                            Offeror verifies by submission of this
                                              its Alternate I, and the Contractor was                 52.209–9 Updates of Publicly Available                offer that the representations and
                                              unable to register prior to award, the                  Information Regarding Responsibility                  certifications currently posted
                                              Contractor shall be registered in SAM                   Matters.                                              electronically at FAR 52.212–3, Offeror
                                              within 30 days after award or before                    *      *      *      *       *                        Representations and Certifications—
                                              three days prior to submission of the
                                                                                                      Updates of Publicly Available                         Commercial Items, have been entered or
                                              first invoice, whichever occurs first.
                                                                                                      Information Regarding Responsibility                  updated in the last 12 months, are
                                                 (c) The Contractor shall maintain
                                                                                                      Matters (Oct 2018)                                    current, accurate, complete, and
                                              registration in SAM during contract
                                                                                                                                                            applicable to this solicitation (including
                                              performance and through final payment                   *      *     *    *     *                             the business size standard applicable to
                                              of any contract, basic agreement, basic                 ■  41. Amend section 52.212–1 by—                     the NAICS code referenced for this
                                              ordering agreement, or blanket                          ■  a. Revising the date of provision;                 solicitation), at the time this offer is
                                              purchasing agreement. The Contractor is                 ■  b. Removing from paragraph (j)                     submitted and are incorporated in this
                                              responsible for the currency, accuracy                  ‘‘(SAM) database’’ and adding ‘‘(SAM)’’               offer by reference (see FAR 4.1201),
                                              and completeness of the data within                     in its place; and                                     except for paragraphs ll.
                                              SAM, and for any liability resulting                    ■ c. Removing and reserving paragraph                    [Offeror to identify the applicable
                                              from the Government’s reliance on                       (k).                                                  paragraphs at (c) through (u) of this
                                              inaccurate or incomplete data. To                          The revision reads as follows:                     provision that the offeror has completed
                                              remain registered in SAM after the
                                                                                                      52.212–1 Instructions to Offerors—                    for the purposes of this solicitation only,
                                              initial registration, the Contractor is
                                                                                                      Commercial Items.                                     if any.
                                              required to review and update on an
                                                                                                      *      *      *      *       *                           These amended representation(s)
                                              annual basis, from the date of initial
                                                                                                                                                            and/or certification(s) are also
                                              registration or subsequent updates, its                 Instructions to Offerors—Commercial                   incorporated in this offer and are
                                              information in SAM to ensure it is                      Items (Oct 2018)                                      current, accurate, and complete as of
                                              current, accurate and complete.
                                                                                                      *     *     *    *      *                             the date of this offer.
                                              Updating information in SAM does not
                                                                                                      ■ 42. Amend section 52.212–3 by—                         Any changes provided by the offeror
                                              alter the terms and conditions of this
                                                                                                      ■ a. Revising the date and the                        are applicable to this solicitation only,
                                              contract and is not a substitute for a
                                                                                                      introductory text of the provision;                   and do not result in an update to the
                                              properly executed contractual
                                                                                                      ■ b. Revising paragraph (b);                          representations and certifications
                                                                                                      ■ c. Removing from paragraph (l)                      posted electronically on SAM.]
                                                 (d) * * *
                                                 (1) * * *                                            introductory text ‘‘the SAM database’’                *      *     *     *     *
                                                                                                      and adding ‘‘SAM’’ in its place; and                  ■ 43. Amend section 52.212–4 by
                                                 (i) If a Contractor has legally changed
                                              its business name or ‘‘doing business                   ■ d. Removing from paragraph (t)                      revising the date of the clause and
                                              as’’ name (whichever is shown on the                    introductory text ‘‘(52.212–1(k))’’ and               removing and reserving paragraph (t).
                                              contract), or has transferred the assets                adding ‘‘(12.301(d)(1))’’ in its place.                  The revision reads as follows:
                                              used in performing the contract, but has                  The revisions read as follows:
                                                                                                                                                            52.212–4 Contract Terms and
                                              not completed the necessary                             52.212–3 Offeror Representations and                  Conditions—Commercial Items.
                                              requirements regarding novation and                     Certifications—Commercial Items.                      *        *   *    *     *
                                              change-of-name agreements in subpart                    *      *      *      *       *
                                              42.12, the Contractor shall provide the                                                                       Contract Terms and Conditions—
                                              responsible Contracting Officer a                       Offeror Representations and                           Commercial Items (Oct 2018)
                                              minimum of one business day’s written                   Certifications—Commercial Items (Oct                  *     *      *     *     *
                                              notification of its intention to—                       2018)
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                                                                                                                                                            ■ 44. Amend section 52.212–5 by—
                                              *       *     *     *     *                               The Offeror shall complete only                     ■ a. Revising the date of the clause and
                                              ■ 39. Amend section 52.209–7 by                         paragraph (b) of this provision if the                paragraphs (b)(4), (b)(9), (b)(16), (b)(55),
                                              revising the date of the provision and                  Offeror has completed the annual                      (e)(1)(iv), Alternate II heading and
                                              removing from paragraph (d)                             representations and certification                     introductory text, and paragraph
                                              ‘‘Management database via https://                      electronically in the System for Award                (e)(1)(ii)(D) of Alternate II to read as
                                              www.acquisition.gov’’ and adding                        Management (SAM) accessed through                     follows:

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                                              48700        Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 187 / Wednesday, September 26, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                              52.212–5 Contract Terms and Conditions                  52.213–4 Terms and Conditions—                        52.244–6     Subcontracts for Commercial
                                              Required To Implement Statutes or                       Simplified Acquisitions (Other Than                   Items.
                                              Executive Orders—Commercial Items.                      Commercial Items).                                    *        *    *    *      *
                                              *      *     *       *      *                           *      *      *      *       *
                                                                                                                                                            Subcontracts for Commercial Items (Oct
                                              Contract Terms and Conditions                           Terms and Conditions—Simplified                       2018)
                                              Required To Implement Statutes or                       Acquisitions (Other Than Commercial
                                              Executive Orders—Commercial Items                                                                             *     *     *     *      *
                                                                                                      Items) (Oct 2018)
                                                                                                                                                              (c)(1) * * *
                                              (Oct 2018)
                                                                                                        (a) * * *                                             (vi) 52.219–8, Utilization of Small
                                              *      *     *    *      *                                (2) * * *                                           Business Concerns (Oct 2018) (15 U.S.C.
                                                (b) * * *                                               (viii) 52.244–6, Subcontracts for                   637(d)(2) and (3)), if the subcontract
                                              *      *     *    *      *                              Commercial Items (Oct 2018).                          offers further subcontracting
                                                ll(4) 52.204–10, Reporting                            *     *     *    *     *                              opportunities. If the subcontract (except
                                              Executive Compensation and First-Tier                     (b) * * *                                           subcontracts to small business concerns)
                                              Subcontract Awards (Oct 2018) (Pub. L.                                                                        exceeds $700,000 ($1.5 million for
                                                                                                        (1) * * *
                                              109–282) (31 U.S.C. 6101 note).                                                                               construction of any public facility), the
                                                                                                        (i) 52.204–10, Reporting Executive
                                              *      *     *    *      *                              Compensation and First-Tier                           subcontractor must include 52.219–8 in
                                                ll(9) 52.209–9, Updates of Publicly                   Subcontract Awards (Oct 2018) (Pub. L.                lower tier subcontracts that offer
                                              Available Information Regarding                         109–282) (31 U.S.C. 6101 note) (Applies               subcontracting opportunities.
                                              Responsibility Matters (Oct 2018) (41                   to contracts valued at $30,000 or more).              *     *     *     *      *
                                              U.S.C. 2313).                                                                                                 [FR Doc. 2018–20706 Filed 9–25–18; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                      *     *     *    *     *
                                              *      *     *    *      *                                                                                    BILLING CODE 6820–EP–P
                                                                                                        (xix) 52.232–33, Payment by
                                                ll(16) 52.219–8, Utilization of
                                                                                                      Electronic Funds Transfer—System for
                                              Small Business Concerns (Oct 2018) (15
                                                                                                      Award Management (Oct 2018) (Applies                  DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE
                                              U.S.C. 637(d)(2) and (3)).
                                                                                                      when the payment will be made by
                                              *      *     *    *      *                              electronic funds transfer (EFT) and the
                                                ll(55) 52.232–33, Payment by                                                                                GENERAL SERVICES
                                                                                                      payment office uses the System for                    ADMINISTRATION
                                              Electronic Funds Transfer—System for                    Award Management (SAM) as its source
                                              Award Management (Oct 2018) (31                         of EFT information).
                                              U.S.C. 3332).                                                                                                 NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND
                                                                                                      *     *     *    *     *                              SPACE ADMINISTRATION
                                              *      *     *    *      *
                                                                                                      ■ 46. Amend section 52.219–8 by
                                                (e)(1) * * *
                                                (iv) 52.219–8, Utilization of Small                   revising the date of the clause and                   48 CFR Parts 37 and 52
                                              Business Concerns (Oct 2018) (15 U.S.C.                 removing from paragraph (d)(5)                        [FAC 2005–101; FAR Case 2018–009; Item
                                              637(d)(2) and (3)), in all subcontracts                 introductory text ‘‘database’’.                       II; Docket No. 2018–0009; Sequence No. 1]
                                              that offer further subcontracting                         The revision reads as follows:
                                                                                                                                                            RIN 9000–AN70
                                              opportunities. If the subcontract (except               52.219–8 Utilization of Small Business
                                              subcontracts to small business concerns)                Concerns.                                             Federal Acquisition Regulations: One
                                              exceeds $700,000 ($1.5 million for                      *      *      *      *       *                        Dollar Coins
                                              construction of any public facility), the
                                              subcontractor must include 52.219–8 in                  Utilization of Small Business Concerns                AGENCY:  Department of Defense (DoD),
                                              lower tier subcontracts that offer                      (Oct 2018)                                            General Services Administration (GSA),
                                              subcontracting opportunities.                                                                                 and National Aeronautics and Space
                                                                                                      *       *    *    *     *
                                              *      *     *    *      *                                                                                    Administration (NASA).
                                                                                                      ■  47. Amend section 52.232–33 by—
                                                Alternate II (Oct 2018). As prescribed                                                                      ACTION: Final rule.
                                                                                                      ■  a. Revising the date of the clause;
                                              in 12.301(b)(4)(ii), substitute the                     ■  b. Removing from paragraph (b)                     SUMMARY:    DoD, GSA, and NASA are
                                              following paragraphs (d)(1) and (e)(1)                  ‘‘(SAM) database’’ and ‘‘the SAM                      issuing a final rule amending the
                                              for paragraphs (d)(1) and (e)(1) of the                 database’’ and adding ‘‘(SAM)’’ and                   Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) to
                                              basic clause as follows:                                ‘‘SAM’’ in their places, respectively;                implement a section of the National
                                              *      *     *    *      *                              ■ c. Removing from paragraph (d) ‘‘the                Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal
                                                (e)(1) * * *                                          SAM database’’ and adding ‘‘SAM’’ in                  Year 2018 that provides an exception for
                                                (ii) * * *                                            two places; and
                                                (D) 52.219–8, Utilization of Small                                                                          business operations conducted by a
                                                                                                      ■ d. Removing from paragraphs (g) and                 contractor while performing under a
                                              Business Concerns (Oct 2018) (15 U.S.C.                 (i) ‘‘the SAM database’’ and adding
                                              637(d)(2) and (3)), in all subcontracts                                                                       Government contract from the
                                                                                                      ‘‘SAM’’ in their places, respectively.                requirement to accept and dispense $1
                                              that offer further subcontracting
                                                                                                         The revision reads as follows:                     coins.
                                              opportunities. If the subcontract (except
                                              subcontracts to small business concerns)                52.232–33 Payment by Electronic Funds                 DATES: Effective October 26, 2018.
                                              exceeds $700,000 ($1.5 million for                      Transfer-System for Award Management.                 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr.
                                              construction of any public facility), the               *      *      *      *       *                        Curtis E. Glover, Sr., Procurement
                                              subcontractor must include 52.219–8 in                                                                        Analyst, at 202–501–1448 for
                                                                                                      Payment by Electronic Funds Transfer-
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with RULES2

                                              lower tier subcontracts that offer                                                                            clarification of content. For information
                                              subcontracting opportunities.                           System for Award Management (Oct                      pertaining to status or publication
                                                                                                      2018)                                                 schedules, contact the Regulatory
                                              *      *     *    *      *
                                              ■ 45. Amend section 52.213–4 by                         *     *    *     *      *                             Secretariat Division at 202–501–4755.
                                              revising the date of the clause and                     ■ 48. Amend section 52.244–6 by                       Please cite FAC 2005–101, FAR Case
                                              paragraphs (a)(2)(viii), (b)(1)(i), and                 revising the date of the clause and                   2018–009.
                                              (b)(1)(xix) to read as follows:                         paragraph (c)(1)(vi) to read as follows:              SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:

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Document Created: 2018-09-26 00:47:56
Document Modified: 2018-09-26 00:47:56
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionRules and Regulations
ActionFinal rule.
DatesEffective October 26, 2018.
ContactMr. Curtis E. Glover, Sr., Procurement Analyst, at 202-501-1448, for clarification of content. For information pertaining to status or publication schedules, contact the Regulatory Secretariat Division at 202-501-4755. Please cite FAC 2005-101, FAR Case 2015-005.
FR Citation83 FR 48691 
RIN Number9000-AN19
CFR Citation48 CFR 12
48 CFR 13
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48 CFR 19
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48 CFR 4
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48 CFR 7
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