83_FR_49341 83 FR 49152 - San Pedro Valley Holdings, LLC-Acquisition Exemption-San Pedro and Southwestern Railroad Company in Cochise County, Ariz.

83 FR 49152 - San Pedro Valley Holdings, LLC-Acquisition Exemption-San Pedro and Southwestern Railroad Company in Cochise County, Ariz.


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 189 (September 28, 2018)

Page Range49152-49153
FR Document2018-21185

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 189 (Friday, September 28, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 189 (Friday, September 28, 2018)]
[Pages 49152-49153]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-21185]



[Docket No. FD 36216]

San Pedro Valley Holdings, LLC--Acquisition Exemption--San Pedro 
and Southwestern Railroad Company in Cochise County, Ariz.

    San Pedro Valley Holdings, LLC (SPVH), a noncarrier, has filed a 
verified notice of exemption under 49 CFR 1150.31 to acquire two rail 
lines owned by the San Pedro and Southwestern Railroad Company: (1) 
From point of connection to Union Pacific Railroad (UP) at milepost 
1033.25 at or near Benson, to milepost 1040.15 at or near St. David, a 
distance of 6.9 miles in Cochise County, Ariz.; and (2) from point of 
connection to UP at milepost 1074 at or near Wilcox, to all tracks at 
Wilcox Yard, a total of 8,281 feet or 1.57 miles, in Cochise County 
(collectively, the Lines). The Lines total approximately 8.47 miles.
    This transaction is related to a concurrently filed verified notice 
of exemption in Gregory B. Cundiff--Continuance in Control Exemption--
San Pedro Valley Holdings, LLC in Cochise County, Ariz., Docket No. FD 
36218, in which CGX, Inc., seeks Board approval to continue in control 
of SPVH upon SPVH's becoming a Class III rail carrier.
    SPVH certifies that, as a result of the proposed transaction, its 
projected annual revenues will not result in its becoming a Class I or 
Class II rail carrier and will not exceed $5 million. SPVH also 
certifies that the proposed transaction does not involve any 
interchange commitments as defined in 49 CFR 1150.43(h).
    The earliest this transaction may be consummated is October 17, 
2018, the effective date of the exemption (30 days after the verified 
notice was filed).\1\ SPVH states that it intends to consummate the 
transaction no sooner than 30 days after the filing of this notice of 

    \1\ SPVH filed its verified notice of exemption on August 30, 
2018. On September 17, 2018, however, SPVH supplemented its verified 
notice to clarify references to Docket No. FD 36218. Therefore, 
September 17, 2018, is deemed the verified notice's filing date.

    If the verified notice contains false or misleading information, 
the exemption is void ab initio. Petitions to revoke the

[[Page 49153]]

exemption under 49 U.S.C. 10502(d) may be filed at any time. The filing 
of a petition to revoke will not automatically stay the effectiveness 
of the exemption. Petitions to stay must be filed by October 10, 2018 
(at least seven days before the exemption becomes effective).
    An original and 10 copies of all pleadings, referring to Docket No. 
FD 36216, must be filed with the Surface Transportation Board, 395 E 
Street SW, Washington, DC 20423-0001. In addition, a copy of each 
pleading must be served on SPVH's counsel, Thomas F. McFarland, Thomas 
F. McFarland, P.C., 208 South LaSalle Street, Suite 1666, Chicago, IL 
    According to SPVH, no environmental or historic documentation or 
report is required pursuant to 49 CFR 1105.6(c) and 1105.8(b).
    Board decisions and notices are available on our website at 

    Decided: September 25, 2018.

    By the Board, Scott M. Zimmerman, Acting Director, Office of 
Jeffrey Herzig,
Clearance Clerk.
[FR Doc. 2018-21185 Filed 9-27-18; 8:45 am]

                                              49152                       Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 189 / Friday, September 28, 2018 / Notices

                                              before. See Saratoga & N. Creek Ry.—                    Joshua M. Tallent, New York State                       By the Board, Scott M. Zimmerman, Acting
                                              Operation Exemption—Tahawus Line,                       Office of the Attorney General,                       Director, Office of Proceedings.
                                              FD 35631 (STB served June 1, 2012).                     Environmental Protection Bureau, The                  Aretha Laws-Byrum,
                                              According to the Department, since                      Capitol, Albany, NY 12224–0341.                       Clearance Clerk.
                                              obtaining Board authority, SNCR has                                                                           [FR Doc. 2018–21161 Filed 9–27–18; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                         Any request for an interim trail use/
                                              moved at most a few carloads of                                                                               BILLING CODE 4915–01–P
                                                                                                      railbanking condition under 16 U.S.C.
                                              industrial garnet as well as carloads of
                                              ballast purchased by SNCR for its own                   1247(d) and 49 CFR 1152.29 must be
                                              use. The Department further claims that                 filed by October 25, 2018, and should                 SURFACE TRANSPORTATION BOARD
                                              there is currently no freight service on                address whether the issuance of a
                                                                                                      certificate of interim trail use in this              [Docket No. FD 36216]
                                              the Line and there are only two
                                              potential shippers. The Department                      case would be consistent with the grant
                                                                                                                                                            San Pedro Valley Holdings, LLC—
                                              states that SNCR has resorted to using                  of an adverse abandonment application.                Acquisition Exemption—San Pedro
                                              the right-of-way, which runs through                    Each trail use request must be                        and Southwestern Railroad Company
                                              the state-owned Forest Preserve within                  accompanied by a $300 filing fee. See 49              in Cochise County, Ariz.
                                              New York’s Adirondack Park, as a                        CFR 1002.2(f)(27).
                                              storage facility for obsolete railcars. The                                                                      San Pedro Valley Holdings, LLC
                                                                                                         Filings may be submitted either via
                                              Department states that it is seeking an                                                                       (SPVH), a noncarrier, has filed a verified
                                                                                                      the Board’s e-filing format or in the                 notice of exemption under 49 CFR
                                              adverse abandonment to protect the                      traditional paper format. Any person
                                              Forest Preserve.                                                                                              1150.31 to acquire two rail lines owned
                                                                                                      using e-filing should comply with the                 by the San Pedro and Southwestern
                                                 In a decision served on February 27,
                                              2018, the Department was granted                        instructions found on the Board’s                     Railroad Company: (1) From point of
                                              exemptions from several statutory                       ‘‘www.stb.gov’’ website, at the ‘‘E–                  connection to Union Pacific Railroad
                                              provisions as well as waivers of certain                FILING’’ link. Any person submitting a                (UP) at milepost 1033.25 at or near
                                              Board regulations that were not relevant                filing in the traditional paper format                Benson, to milepost 1040.15 at or near
                                              to its adverse discontinuance                           should send the original and 10 copies                St. David, a distance of 6.9 miles in
                                              application or that sought information                  of the filing to the Board with a                     Cochise County, Ariz.; and (2) from
                                              not available to the Department.                        certificate of service. Except as                     point of connection to UP at milepost
                                                 According to the Department, there is                otherwise set forth in 49 CFR pt.1152,                1074 at or near Wilcox, to all tracks at
                                              no documentation in its possession that                 every document filed with the Board                   Wilcox Yard, a total of 8,281 feet or 1.57
                                              indicates that the Line contains                        must be served on all parties to this                 miles, in Cochise County (collectively,
                                              federally granted rights-of-way. Any                    adverse abandonment proceeding. 49                    the Lines). The Lines total
                                              documentation in the Department’s                       CFR 1104.12(a).                                       approximately 8.47 miles.
                                              possession will be made available                                                                                This transaction is related to a
                                              promptly to those requesting it. The                       An environmental assessment (EA) (or               concurrently filed verified notice of
                                              Department’s entire case-in-chief for                   environmental impact statement (EIS), if              exemption in Gregory B. Cundiff—
                                              adverse abandonment was filed with the                  necessary) prepared by the Board’s                    Continuance in Control Exemption—
                                              application.                                            Office of Environmental Analysis (OEA)                San Pedro Valley Holdings, LLC in
                                                 The Department states that the                       will be served upon all parties of record             Cochise County, Ariz., Docket No. FD
                                              interests of railroad employees will be                 and upon any agencies or other persons                36218, in which CGX, Inc., seeks Board
                                              protected by the conditions set forth in                who commented during its preparation.                 approval to continue in control of SPVH
                                              Oregon Short Line Railroad—                             Any other persons who would like to                   upon SPVH’s becoming a Class III rail
                                              Abandonment Portion Goshen Branch                       obtain a copy of the EA (or EIS) may                  carrier.
                                              Between Firth & Ammon, in Bingham &                     contact OEA by phone at the number                       SPVH certifies that, as a result of the
                                              Bonneville Counties, Idaho, 360 I.C.C.                  listed below. EAs in these abandonment                proposed transaction, its projected
                                              91 (1979).                                              proceedings normally will be made                     annual revenues will not result in its
                                                 Any interested person may file                       available within 33 days of the filing of             becoming a Class I or Class II rail carrier
                                              written comments concerning the                         the application. The deadline for                     and will not exceed $5 million. SPVH
                                              proposed adverse abandonment or                         submission of comments on the EA will                 also certifies that the proposed
                                              protests (including protestant’s entire                 generally be within 30 days of its                    transaction does not involve any
                                              opposition case) by October 25, 2018.                   service. The comments received will be                interchange commitments as defined in
                                              Persons who may oppose the proposed                                                                           49 CFR 1150.43(h).
                                                                                                      addressed in the Board’s decision. A
                                              adverse abandonment but who do not                                                                               The earliest this transaction may be
                                                                                                      supplemental EA or EIS may be issued
                                              wish to participate fully in the process                                                                      consummated is October 17, 2018, the
                                              by submitting verified statements of                    where appropriate.
                                                                                                                                                            effective date of the exemption (30 days
                                              witnesses containing detailed evidence                     Persons seeking further information                after the verified notice was filed).1
                                              should file comments. Persons opposing                  concerning abandonment procedures                     SPVH states that it intends to
                                              the proposed adverse abandonment who                    may contact the Board’s Office of Public              consummate the transaction no sooner
                                              wish to participate actively and fully in               Assistance, Governmental Affairs, and                 than 30 days after the filing of this
                                              the process should file a protest,                      Compliance at (202) 245–0238 or refer                 notice of exemption.
                                              observing the filing, service, and content              to the full abandonment regulations at                   If the verified notice contains false or
                                              requirements of 49 CFR 1152.25. The                     49 CFR pt. 1152. Assistance for the                   misleading information, the exemption
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1

                                              Department’s reply is due by November                   hearing impaired is available through                 is void ab initio. Petitions to revoke the
                                              9, 2018.                                                the Federal Information Relay Service
                                                 All filings in response to this notice               (FIRS) at 1–800–877–8339.
                                                                                                                                                               1 SPVH filed its verified notice of exemption on

                                              must refer to Docket No. AB 1261 and                                                                          August 30, 2018. On September 17, 2018, however,
                                              must be sent to: (1) Surface                               Board decisions and notices are                    SPVH supplemented its verified notice to clarify
                                                                                                      available on our website at www.stb.gov.              references to Docket No. FD 36218. Therefore,
                                              Transportation Board, 395 E Street SW,                                                                        September 17, 2018, is deemed the verified notice’s
                                              Washington, DC 20423–0001; and (2)                        Decided: September 25, 2018.                        filing date.

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                                                                          Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 189 / Friday, September 28, 2018 / Notices                                            49153

                                              exemption under 49 U.S.C. 10502(d)                      subheadings of the Harmonized Tariff                     Proclamation 9771 (83 FR 37993),
                                              may be filed at any time. The filing of                 Schedule of the United States (HTSUS)                 among other things, modifies the
                                              a petition to revoke will not                           listed in Annex A of that Notice.                     HTSUS to ensure conformity with U.S.
                                              automatically stay the effectiveness of                 Pursuant to a Presidential Proclamation               obligations under the International
                                              the exemption. Petitions to stay must be                of July 30, 2018, certain HTSUS                       Convention on the Harmonized
                                              filed by October 10, 2018 (at least seven               subheadings covered by the                            Commodity Description and Coding
                                              days before the exemption becomes                       supplemental action will be modified as               System, based on a recommendation of
                                              effective).                                             of October 1, 2018. This notice conforms              the U.S. International Trade
                                                 An original and 10 copies of all                     the September 21 supplemental action                  Commission. These HTSUS
                                              pleadings, referring to Docket No. FD                   to the HTSUS modifications in the                     modifications are effective October 1,
                                              36216, must be filed with the Surface                   Presidential Proclamation and amends                  2018.
                                              Transportation Board, 395 E Street SW,                  the prior action taken in the
                                              Washington, DC 20423–0001. In                                                                                    The HTSUS modifications in
                                                                                                      investigation by removing certain
                                              addition, a copy of each pleading must                                                                        Proclamation 9771 include certain
                                                                                                      subheadings of the HTSUS listed in
                                              be served on SPVH’s counsel, Thomas                                                                           subheadings in chapter 44 of the HTSUS
                                                                                                      Annex A to the September 21st Notice.
                                              F. McFarland, Thomas F. McFarland,                                                                            covered by the action in the September
                                              P.C., 208 South LaSalle Street, Suite                                                                         21st Notice. Paragraph A of the Annex
                                                                                                         October 1, 2018: The supplemental
                                              1666, Chicago, IL 60604–1228.                                                                                 to this notice makes the appropriate
                                                                                                      301 action is modified to conform to the
                                                 According to SPVH, no environmental                                                                        conforming amendments to the
                                                                                                      HTSUS modifications in the
                                              or historic documentation or report is                  Presidential Proclamation of July 30,                 supplemental action set out in the
                                              required pursuant to 49 CFR 1105.6(c)                   2018 (Proclamation 9771), as set out in               September 21st Notice. In particular, 14
                                              and 1105.8(b).                                          the Annex to this notice.                             subheadings in chapter 44 deleted by
                                                 Board decisions and notices are                         September 24, 2018: The modification               Proclamation 9771 are accordingly
                                              available on our website at www.stb.gov.                removing certain HTSUS subheadings                    deleted from Annex A of the September
                                                Decided: September 25, 2018.                          applies to the date of the imposition of              21st Notice, and are replaced by the
                                                By the Board, Scott M. Zimmerman, Acting              the additional tariff, as set out in                  corresponding 38 new subheadings in
                                              Director, Office of Proceedings.                        paragraph C to the Annex to this notice.              chapter 44 of the HTSUS that were
                                              Jeffrey Herzig,                                         FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For
                                                                                                                                                            added by Proclamation 9771. These
                                              Clearance Clerk.                                        questions about this notice, contact                  changes to the September 21 action are
                                                                                                      Assistant General Counsels Arthur Tsao                effective on October 1, 2018.
                                              [FR Doc. 2018–21185 Filed 9–27–18; 8:45 am]
                                              BILLING CODE 4915–01–P                                  or Megan Grimball, or Director of                        Paragraph B of the Annex to this
                                                                                                      Industrial Goods Justin Hoffmann at                   notice corrects a typographical error in
                                                                                                      (202) 395–5725. For questions on                      the fourth paragraph of U.S. Note 20(a)
                                              OFFICE OF THE UNITED STATES                             customs classification or                             to subchapter III of chapter 99, as set out
                                              TRADE REPRESENTATIVE                                    implementation of additional duties on                in Annex C of the notice published at
                                                                                                      products covered in the supplemental                  83 FR 40823 (August 16, 2018).
                                              Conforming Amendment and                                action, contact traderemedy@                             To account fully for the extensive
                                              Modification to Section 301 Action:                     cbp.dhs.gov.                                          public comments and testimony
                                              China’s Acts, Policies, and Practices                   SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In the                     previously provided in response to the
                                              Related to Technology Transfer,                         September 21st Notice (83 FR 47974),                  Federal Register notices seeking public
                                              Intellectual Property, and Innovation                   the Trade Representative, in accordance               comments (83 FR 33608, 83 FR 38760),
                                              AGENCY: Office of the United States                     with the specific direction of the                    the Trade Representative has
                                              Trade Representative.                                   President, determined to modify the                   determined to further modify the action
                                              ACTION: Notice of modification and                      action being taken in this Section 301                being taken in the investigation.
                                              amendment of action.                                    investigation by imposing additional                  Paragraph C of the Annex to this notice
                                                                                                      duties on products of China classified in             removes two subheadings from the list
                                              SUMMARY:   In a notice published on                     the full and partial subheadings of the               of subheadings of the HTSUS subject to
                                              September 21, 2018 (September 21st                      HTSUS set out in Annex A to the                       the additional duties set forth in Annex
                                              Notice), the U.S. Trade Representative                  September 21st Notice, while                          A of the September 21st Notice.
                                              (Trade Representative) adopted a                        maintaining the prior action being taken
                                              supplemental action in this 301                         in the investigation. This supplemental               Jeffrey Gerrish,
                                              investigation by imposing additional                    action was effective on September 24,                 Deputy U.S. Trade Representative.
                                              duties on goods of China classified in                  2018.                                                 BILLING CODE 3290–F8–P
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1

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Document Created: 2018-09-28 01:23:50
Document Modified: 2018-09-28 01:23:50
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
FR Citation83 FR 49152 

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