83_FR_50630 83 FR 50436 - Funding Opportunity for the Department of Transportation's Nationally Significant Federal Lands and Tribal Projects Program for Fiscal Year 2018

83 FR 50436 - Funding Opportunity for the Department of Transportation's Nationally Significant Federal Lands and Tribal Projects Program for Fiscal Year 2018

Federal Highway Administration

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 194 (October 5, 2018)

Page Range50436-50440
FR Document2018-21826

This notice announces a funding opportunity and requests grant applications for the Nationally Significant Federal Lands and Tribal Projects (NSFLTP) Program. The Fixing America's Surface Transportation (FAST) Act established the NSFLTP Program to provide Federal funding to projects of national significance for construction, reconstruction, or rehabilitation of transportation facilities within, adjacent to, or providing access to Federal or Tribal lands. As per the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018, the Secretary of Transportation may award up to $300 million--the amount appropriated by Congress to the NSFLTP Program in the Department of Transportation Appropriations Act, 2018-- through the FHWA's Office of Federal Lands Highway. The FHWA will distribute these funds as described in this notice on a competitive basis in a manner consistent with the selection criteria.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 194 (Friday, October 5, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 194 (Friday, October 5, 2018)]
[Pages 50436-50440]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-21826]



Federal Highway Administration

Funding Opportunity for the Department of Transportation's 
Nationally Significant Federal Lands and Tribal Projects Program for 
Fiscal Year 2018

AGENCY: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), U.S. Department of 
Transportation (DOT).

ACTION: Notice of funding opportunity.


SUMMARY: This notice announces a funding opportunity and requests grant 
applications for the Nationally Significant Federal Lands and Tribal 
Projects (NSFLTP) Program. The Fixing America's Surface Transportation 
(FAST) Act established the NSFLTP Program to provide Federal funding to 
projects of national significance for construction, reconstruction, or 
rehabilitation of transportation facilities within, adjacent to, or 
providing access to Federal or Tribal lands. As per the Consolidated 
Appropriations Act, 2018, the Secretary of Transportation may award up 
to $300 million--the amount appropriated by Congress to the NSFLTP 
Program in the Department of Transportation Appropriations Act, 2018--
through the FHWA's Office of Federal Lands Highway. The FHWA will 
distribute these funds as described in this notice on a competitive 
basis in a manner consistent with the selection criteria.

DATES: Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis and evaluated 
quarterly, until available funding has been exhausted. The first 
application deadline is December 17, 2018. After that, subsequent 
deadlines will be 11:59 p.m. on the last business day of the next 
fiscal quarter.

ADDRESSES: Applications must be submitted through Grants.gov. Refer to 
CFDA Number: 20.205, Highway Planning and Construction.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jeffrey Mann, Office of Program 
Development, FHWA, Office of Federal Lands Highway, 21400 Ridgetop 
Circle, Sterling, VA 20166-6511, Telephone: 703-404-6230 or email: 
    Scott Johnson, Office of Program Development, FHWA, Office of 
Federal Lands Highway, 21400 Ridgetop Circle, Sterling, VA 20166-6511, 
Telephone: 703-404-6231 or email: Scott.Johnson@dot.gov.
    In addition, the FHWA will regularly post information about the 
NSFLTP Program on its website at https://flh.fhwa.dot.gov/programs/nsfltp/.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Each section of this notice contains 
information and instructions relevant to the application process for 
NSFLTP Program grants. The applicant should read this notice in its 
entirety to submit eligible and competitive applications.

Table of Contents

A. Program Description
B. Federal Award Information
C. Eligibility Information
    1. Eligible Applicants
    2. Cost Sharing and Matching
    3. Other
D. Application and Submission Information
    1. Address To Request Application
    2. Content and Form of Application Submission
    3. Dun and Bradstreet Universal Numbering System (DUNS) Number 
and System for Award Management (SAM)
    4. Submission Dates and Timelines
    5. Intergovernmental Review
    6. Funding Restrictions
E. Application Review Information
F. Federal Award Administration Information
G. Federal Awarding Agency Contact(s)
H. Other Information

A. Program Description

    The FAST Act, Public Law 114-94, section 1123, established the 
NSFLTP Program to fund projects to construct, reconstruct, or 
rehabilitate transportation facilities within, adjacent to, or 
accessing Federal and Tribal lands.
    The NSFLTP Program provides an opportunity to address significant 
challenges across the Nation for transportation facilities that serve 
Federal and Tribal lands.

B. Federal Award Information

    1. Amount Available--For FY 2018, the Secretary may award up to 
$300 million in grants on a competitive basis to Federal and Tribal 
lands projects of national significance that meet the requirements. The 
$300 million funding amount is based on the amount appropriated for the 
NSFLTP Program in the Department of Transportation Appropriations Act, 
    2. Award Size--The NSFLTP Program provides discretionary funding 
for projects that have an estimated construction cost of at least $25 
million, with construction projects with an estimated cost equal to or 
exceeding $50 million receiving priority consideration in the selection 
    3. Availability of Funds--The funds provided for this program under 
the FY 2018 Appropriations Act are available until expended.

C. Eligibility Information

1. Eligible Applicants

    a. Entities eligible to receive funds under the Federal Lands 
Access Program (23 United State Code (U.S.C.) 204), the Federal Lands 
Transportation Program (23 U.S.C. 203), the Tribal Transportation 
Program (23 U.S.C. 202), and the Federal Lands Planning Program (23 
U.S.C. 201) may apply for funding under the NSFLTP Program, except that 
a State, county, or unit of local government may only apply for funding 
under the NSFLTP Program if sponsored by an eligible Federal land 
management agency (FLMA) or federally recognized Indian Tribe.
    b. As sponsors, FLMAs and Tribes will provide quarterly a list of 
project applications they are sponsoring from their organization on 
behalf of State or local governments.
    I. To promote effective communication and coordination, an FLMA or 
Tribe should identify one individual within their organization who will 
serve as Sponsorship Coordinator.
    II. The Sponsorship Coordinator is responsible for providing the 
list of sponsored projects to the NSFLTP Program contacts listed on 
page 1 of this NOFO. The use of Grants.gov permits a wide range of 
eligible applicants to enter project applications. The Sponsorship 
Coordinator role ensures applications have been coordinated through and 
approved by FLMA and/or Tribal leaders.
    III. The list of sponsored projects should provide enough detail so 
that FHWA can match the projects to those received via Grants.gov.
    IV. A list of Sponsorship Coordinators can be obtained from the 
NSFLTP Program contacts listed on page 1 of this NOFO, or at the 
following website--https://flh.fhwa.dot.gov/programs/nsfltp/.
    c. FLMAs and Tribes may sponsor applications on behalf of:
    I. A State or group of States;
    II. a metropolitan planning organization;
    III. a unit of local government or group of local governments;
    IV. a political subdivision of a State or local government;
    V. a special purpose district or public authority with a 
transportation function, including a port authority;
    VI. a group of FLMAs;
    VII. a consortium of Tribal governments; or

[[Page 50437]]

    VIII. a multi-State or multijurisdictional group of public 
    d. Recipients of NSFLTP Program funding are responsible for meeting 
reporting requirements.

2. Cost Sharing and Matching

    a. The Federal share of the cost of the project shall be up to 90 
    b. The non-Federal share shall not be less than 10 percent of the 
cost of the project and can be:
    I. Any other Federal funds, as long as they were not authorized 
under title 23 or title 49, U.S.C.;
    II. Any private or public source, as long as the source did not 
receive the funds through programs authorized under title 23 or title 
49, U.S.C.; and
    III. ``Soft-matches'' or ``in-kind matches'' (e.g., donations of 
funds, materials, services, right-of-way acquisition, utility 
    IV. Tapered matches are permissible to allow for greater 
flexibility. Tapered match is a form of Federal-aid matching 
flexibility that allows a project's Federal share to vary over the life 
of the project as long as the final contribution of Federal funds does 
not exceed the project's maximum authorized share. Indicate that a 
tapered match will be sought within the project narrative when 
describing how the non-Federal share will be funded.
    c. The application and project agreement must document the match 
requirement and any related commitments.

3. Other

    a. To meet the minimum statutory requirements for eligibility, a 
project must meet all of the following conditions:
    b. The project is a single continuous project;
    c. The project meets at least one of the following definitions of 
transportation facilities from section 101 of Title 23, U.S.C., except 
that such facilities are not required to be included in an inventory 
described in section 202 or 203 of such title:
    I. ``Federal lands transportation facility'', which means a public 
highway, road, bridge, trail, or transit system that is located on, is 
adjacent to, or provides access to Federal lands for which title and 
maintenance responsibility is vested in the Federal Government;
    II. ``Federal lands access transportation facility'', which means a 
public highway, road, bridge, trail, or transit system that is located 
on, is adjacent to, or provides access to Federal lands for which title 
or maintenance responsibility is vested in a State, county, town, 
township, tribal, municipal, or local government; or
    III. ``Tribal transportation facility'', which means a public 
highway, road, bridge, trail, or transit system that is located on or 
provides access to tribal land.
    d. All activities required under the National Environmental Policy 
Act of 1969 (NEPA) (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) demonstrate completion 
    I. A record of decision, if the NEPA class of action is an 
environmental impact statement;
    II. A finding of no significant impact, if the NEPA class of action 
is an environmental assessment; or
    III. A determination that the project is a categorical exclusion 
under the lead Federal agency's NEPA policies;
    e. The project must have estimated construction costs, based on the 
results of preliminary engineering, equal to or greater than 
$25,000,000, with priority consideration for projects with estimated 
construction costs equal to or exceeding $50,000,000; and
    f. The project will use NSFLTP Program funds only for construction, 
reconstruction, or rehabilitation of transportation facilities, i.e., 
project design costs are not eligible for NSFLTP Program funds.

D. Application and Submission Information

    1. Address to Request Application--Applications must be submitted 
to Grants.gov.
    2. Content and Form of Application Submission--Include in the 
application package the following:
    a. Standard Form 424 (Application for Federal Assistance);
    b. Standard Form 424C (Budget Information for Construction 
    c. Standard Form 424D (Assurances for Construction Programs);
    d. A cover page, including the following chart:

                Project name
Previously Incurred Project Eligible Costs..  $
Future Eligible Project Costs...............  $
Total Project Cost..........................  $
NSFLTP Program Grant Request Amount.........  $
Federal (DOT) Funding including Program       $
 Funds Requested.
Is the project within, adjacent to, or        Yes/No
 accessing Federal and/or Tribal land.

    e. A project narrative--The application must include information 
required for the FHWA to determine that the project satisfies the 
eligibility requirements described in Section IV above. The FHWA 
recommends the project narrative adhere to the following basic 
guidelines to clearly address the program requirements and make 
critical information readily apparent.
    I. Project Description--Describe what activities the requested 
NSFLTP Program funds and matching funds will support, how the project 
is nationally significant based on authorized criteria and Secretary's 
objectives, information on the expected users of the project, a 
description of the transportation challenges the project aims to 
address, and how the project will address these challenges.
    II. Project Location--Provide a detailed description of the 
location of proposed project and geospatial data for the project, as 
well as a map of the project's location and its connections to existing 
transportation infrastructure.
    III. Project Parties--Provide information about who is involved and 
their respective roles in supporting the project.
    IV. Grant Funds, Sources, and Uses of Project Funds--
    i. Funding--Document the funding that will be used to construct 
this project, including past or pending Federal funding requests for 
this project. Include the size, nature, and source(s) of the required 
match for those funds, if applicable. Demonstrate that the requested 
NSFLTP Program funds do not exceed 90 percent of project costs.
    ii. Budget--Provide a detailed project budget containing a 
breakdown of how the funds will be spent. The budget should estimate--
by dollar amount and percentage of cost--the cost of construction work 
for each project component.
    V. Project Readiness--Provide the expected start date, with 
supporting rationale for that date.
    VI. To the extent practicable, provide data and evidence of project 
merits in a form that is verifiable or publicly available. The FHWA may 
ask any applicant to supplement data in its application, but expects 
applications to be complete upon submission.
    VII. Include a table of contents, maps, and graphics, as 
appropriate, to make the information easier to review.
    VIII. The FHWA recommends that the project narrative not exceed 10 
pages, excluding supporting documentation, and be prepared with as a 
single-spaced document, using a standard 12-point font such as Times 
New Roman, with 1-inch margins.
    IX. Provide website links to supporting documentation rather than 
copies of these supporting materials. If supporting documents are 

[[Page 50438]]

clearly identify the relevant portion of the project narrative that 
each document supports.
    X. The FHWA recommends using appropriately descriptive names (e.g., 
``Project Narrative,'' ``Maps,'' ``Memoranda of Understanding and 
Letters of Support,'' etc.) for all attachments.
    3. Unique Entity Identifier and SAM--
    a. Each applicant must:
    I. Be registered in SAM before submitting its application;
    II. provide a valid unique entity identifier in its application; 
    III. continue to maintain an active SAM registration with current 
information at all times during which it has an active Federal award or 
an application or plan under consideration by a Federal awarding 
agency. The Department may not make a grant to an applicant until the 
applicant has complied with all applicable unique entity identifier and 
SAM requirements and, if an applicant has not fully complied with the 
requirements by the time the Department is ready to make a grant, the 
Department may determine that the applicant is not qualified to receive 
a grant and use that determination as a basis for making a grant to 
another applicant.
    4. Submission Dates and Timelines--
    a. Deadline--Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis and 
evaluated quarterly, until available funding has been exhausted. The 
application deadline will be 11:59 p.m. on the last business day of 
each fiscal quarter. The first application deadline is December 17, 
2018. Subsequent, quarterly deadline dates include March 29, 2019, and 
June 28, 2019. It is possible for all funding to be awarded in the 
first round. Information regarding awards and available funding will be 
posted to the website cited on page 1 of this NOFO.
    b. To submit an application through Grants.gov, applicants must:
    I. Obtain a DUNS number;
    II. Register with SAM at www.SAM.gov;
    III. Create a Grants.gov username and password; and
    IV. Respond to the registration email sent to the applicants E-
Business Point of Contact (POC) from Grants.gov and login at Grants.gov 
to authorize the applicant as the Authorized Organization 
Representative (AOR).
    c. Please note there can be more than one AOR for an organization. 
Applicants are encouraged to submit applications in advance of the 
application deadline; however, applications will not be evaluated, and 
awards will not be made until after the application deadline.
    d. Please note the Grants.gov registration process usually takes 2-
4 weeks to complete and the Department will not consider late 
applications that are the result of failure to register or comply with 
Grants.gov applicant requirements in a timely manner. For information 
and instruction on each of these processes, please see instructions at 
http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/applicants/applicant-faqs.html. If 
applicants experience difficulties at any point during the registration 
or application process, please call the Grants.gov Customer Service 
Support Hotline at 1(800) 518-4726, Monday-Friday from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. 
    e. Consideration of Applications--Only applicants who comply with 
all submission deadlines described in this notice and electronically 
submit valid, sponsor-approved applications through Grants.gov will be 
eligible for award. Applicants are strongly encouraged to make 
submissions in advance of deadlines.
    f. Late Applications--Applications received after a quarterly 
deadline will be considered in the following fiscal quarter.
    5. Intergovernmental Review--The NSFLTP Program is not subject to 
the Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs.
    6. Funding Restrictions--Developmental phase activities including 
planning, feasibility analysis, revenue forecasting, environmental 
review, preliminary engineering, design, and other preconstruction 
activities are not eligible for funding under the NSFLTP Program.

E. Application Review Information

    The FHWA will award NSFLTP Program funds based on the selection 
criteria and policy considerations outlined below.
    1. Statutory Criteria--In accordance with the FAST Act, section 
1123, when selecting projects for funding under the NSFLTP Program, the 
FHWA will evaluate the extent to which the project:
    a. Furthers the goals of DOT, including safety, state of good 
repair, economic competitiveness, and quality of life, by considering;
    I. An analysis of the project's safety improvements compared to a 
baseline in which the project is not done. For more information, see 
Section 4.3, pages 13 through 15, of the DOT's Benefit-Cost Analysis 
Guidance for TIGER and INFRA Applications, https://cms.dot.gov/sites/dot.gov/files/docs/mission/office-policy/transportation-policy/284031/benefit-cost-analysis-guidance-2017_1.pdf.
    II. Technical data provided about existing facilities in poor 
repair or, where the project is new construction, the extent to which 
the existing conditions demonstrate a need for new transportation 
    III. An analysis of the project's economic benefits--such as travel 
time savings, and vehicle operating cost savings, and emissions 
reductions--compared to a baseline in which the project is not done. 
For more information on what impacts are considered economic benefits 
and how to estimate the value of such effects, see section 4 of the 
Department's guidance on benefit-cost analysis. Where values cannot be 
monetized, provide other quantitative or qualitative information.
    IV. How the project is expected to improve the quality of life for 
a local community and/or the traveling public, providing data and 
analysis where relevant and feasible, such as estimates of trips and/or 
vehicle miles traveled.
    b. Improves the condition of critical transportation facilities, 
including multimodal facilities, by considering the requirements the 
applicant communicates in the application. Examples may include but are 
not limited to: A bridge in poor condition that may be subject to 
closure in the absence of funds; primary transportation facility that 
provides access to critical community services, high use recreation 
destination areas and/or economic generators within Tribal and/or 
Federal lands.
    c. Needs construction, reconstruction, or rehabilitation;
    d. Has costs matched by funds that are not provided under the 
NSFLTP Program or titles 23 or 49 by giving preference to;
    I. Projects with over 30 percent in non-NSFLTP Program funding, 
with additional preference given to projects that exceed even this 
threshold; followed by
    II. Projects with between 20 percent and 30 percent in non-NSFLTP 
Program funding; followed by
    III. Projects with between 10 percent and 19 percent in non-NSFLTP 
Program funding; followed by
    IV. Projects with the minimum 10 percent in non-NSFLTP Program 
    e. Is included in or eligible for inclusion in the National 
Register of Historic Places;
    f. Uses new technologies and innovations that enhance the 
efficiency of the project;
    g. Is supported by funds, other than funds received under the 

[[Page 50439]]

Program, to construct, maintain, and operate the facility, by 
considering what other funds exist, besides those available for match, 
to aid in maintenance and operation of the facility, as well as the 
reasonable expectation that those funds will remain available;
    h. Spans two or more States; and
    i. Serves land owned by multiple Federal agencies or Indian Tribes.
    2. Departmental criteria--After applying the above preferences, the 
Federal Highway Administrator will take into account the following key 
Departmental objectives:
    a. Using innovative approaches to improve safety and expedite 
project delivery;
    b. Supporting economic vitality at the national and regional level;
    c. Utilizing alternative funding sources and innovative financing 
models to attract non-Federal sources of infrastructure investment;
    d. Accounting for the life-cycle costs of the project to promote 
the state of good repair; and
    e. Beginning projects in a timely manner after award of NSFLTP 
Program funding.
    3. Review and Selection Process--The FHWA will review all eligible 
applications received within a fiscal quarter. The review and selection 
process will consist of a Technical Review and Senior Review.
    a. Technical Review--In the Technical Review, a team comprising 
technical staff from FHWA will review all eligible applications and 
rate each project's alignment with the selection criteria, using the 
following guidelines.
    I. Highly Recommended--The project aligns extremely well with the 
objectives of the selection statutory criteria under consideration. 
Projects with several criteria rated as ``Strong Alignment'' are likely 
to receive this rating, as well as projects that have ``Alignment'' 
with all of the statutory criteria.
    II. Recommended--The project aligns well with the objectives of the 
selection criterion. Projects with at least one criteria rated as 
``Strong Alignment'' or that have ``Alignment'' with most of the 
statutory criteria are likely to receive this rating.
    III. Acceptable--The project somewhat aligns well with the 
objectives of the selection criterion under consideration. Projects 
with no criteria rated as ``Strong Alignment'' but with a several 
criteria rated as ``Alignment'' are likely to receive this rating.
    IV. Not Recommended--The project does not align well with 
objectives of the selection criterion under consideration.
    b. The Senior Review Team, comprised of senior leadership from 
FHWA, will determine which projects rated as Acceptable and higher by 
the Technical Review Team to advance to the Secretary.
    4. The final funding decisions will be made by the Secretary of 
    5. Additional Information--Prior to award, each selected applicant 
will be subject to a risk assessment required by 2 CFR 200.205. The 
Department must review and consider any information about the applicant 
that is in the designated integrity and performance system accessible 
through SAM, currently the Federal Awardee Performance and Integrity 
Information System (FAPIIS). An applicant may review information in 
FAPIIS and comment on any information about itself. The Department will 
consider comments by the applicant in addition to the other information 
in FAPIIS, in making a judgment about the applicant's integrity, 
business ethics, and record of performance under Federal awards when 
completing the review of risk posed by applicants.

F. Federal Award Administration Information

    1. Federal Award Notices--The FHWA will announce awarded projects 
by posting a list of selected projects at https://flh.fhwa.dot.gov/programs/nsfltp/. Following the announcement, the FHWA will contact the 
POC listed in form SF-424 to initiate negotiation of a project-specific 
    2. Administrative and National Policy Requirements--All awards will 
be administered pursuant to the Uniform Administrative Requirements, 
Cost Principles and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards found in 2 
CFR part 200, as adopted by DOT at 2 CFR part 1201. In addition, 
applicable Federal laws, rules and regulations of the FHWA will apply 
to the projects that receive NSFLTP Program funds, including planning 
requirements, agreements, Buy America compliance, and other grant 
program requirements.
    3. Reporting--Each recipient of NSFLTP Program funding must submit 
the Federal Financial Report (SF-425) on the financial condition of the 
project and the project's progress bi-annually, as well as an Annual 
Budget Review and Program Plan to monitor the use of Federal funds and 
ensure accountability and financial transparency in the NSFLTP Program. 
The FHWA reserves the right to request additional information, if 
deemed needed, to better understand the status of the project.
    4. Reporting Matters Related to Integrity and Performance--If the 
total value of a selected recipient's currently active grants, 
cooperative agreements, and procurement contracts from all Federal 
awarding agencies exceeds $10,000,000 for any period of time during the 
period of performance of this Federal award, then the applicant during 
that period of time must maintain the information reported to SAM and 
FAPIIS, about civil, criminal, or administrative proceedings described 
in paragraph 2 of this award term and condition. This is a statutory 
requirement under section 872 of Public Law 110-417, as amended (41 
U.S.C. 2313). As required by section 3010 of Public Law 111-212, all 
information posted in the designated integrity and performance system 
on or after April 15, 2011, except past performance reviews required 
for Federal procurement contracts, will be publicly available.

G. Federal Awarding Agency Contact(s)

    For further information concerning this notice please contact:
    1. Jeffrey Mann, NSFLTP Program Manager, via email at 
jeffrey.mann@dot.gov; by telephone at 202-366-9494; Office hours are 
from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. EDT., Monday through Friday, except Federal 
    2. Scott Johnson, Director Office of Program Development, via email 
at scott.johnson@dot.gov; by phone at 202-366-9494; Office hours are 
from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. EDT., Monday through Friday, except Federal 
    3. Both can also be reached by mail at Federal Highway 
Administration, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590.
    4. For legal questions, please contact Ms. Vivian Philbin, Office 
of the Chief Counsel, by telephone at (720) 963-3445; by email at 
vivian.philbin@dot.gov; or by mail at Federal Highway Administration, 
Central Federal Lands Highway Division, 12300 West Dakota Avenue, 
Lakewood, CO 80228. Office hours are from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. MDT., 
Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays.

H. Other Information

    1. Protection of Confidential Business Information--All information 
submitted as part of or in support of any application shall use 
publicly available data or data that can be made public and methods 
that are accepted by industry practice and standards, to the extent 
possible. If the application includes information the applicant 
considers to be a trade secret or confidential

[[Page 50440]]

commercial or financial information, the applicant should do the 
following: (1) Note on the front cover that the submission ``Contains 
Confidential Business Information (CBI)''; (2) mark each affected page 
``CBI''; and (3) highlight or otherwise denote the CBI portions. The 
FHWA protects such information from disclosure to the extent allowed 
under applicable law. In the event FHWA receives a Freedom of 
Information Act (FOIA) request for the information, FHWA will follow 
DOT procedures described in its FOIA regulations at 49 CFR 7.17. Only 
information that is ultimately determined to be confidential under that 
procedure will be exempt from disclosure under FOIA.

    Authority: Section 1123 of Public Law 114-94.

    Issued on: October 1, 2018.
Brandye L. Hendrickson,
Deputy Administrator.
[FR Doc. 2018-21826 Filed 10-3-18; 4:15 pm]

                                               50436                          Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 194 / Friday, October 5, 2018 / Notices

                                               flameout caution alerting on Bombardier                 703–404–6231 or email: Scott.Johnson@                   3. Availability of Funds—The funds
                                               Model BD–700–2A12 airplanes.                            dot.gov.                                              provided for this program under the FY
                                               [FR Doc. 2018–21656 Filed 10–4–18; 8:45 am]                In addition, the FHWA will regularly               2018 Appropriations Act are available
                                               BILLING CODE 4910–13–P                                  post information about the NSFLTP                     until expended.
                                                                                                       Program on its website at https://                    C. Eligibility Information
                                               DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION                            SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Each                       1. Eligible Applicants
                                                                                                       section of this notice contains                          a. Entities eligible to receive funds
                                               Federal Highway Administration                          information and instructions relevant to              under the Federal Lands Access
                                               Funding Opportunity for the                             the application process for NSFLTP                    Program (23 United State Code (U.S.C.)
                                               Department of Transportation’s                          Program grants. The applicant should                  204), the Federal Lands Transportation
                                               Nationally Significant Federal Lands                    read this notice in its entirety to submit            Program (23 U.S.C. 203), the Tribal
                                               and Tribal Projects Program for Fiscal                  eligible and competitive applications.                Transportation Program (23 U.S.C. 202),
                                               Year 2018                                                                                                     and the Federal Lands Planning
                                                                                                       Table of Contents                                     Program (23 U.S.C. 201) may apply for
                                               AGENCY: Federal Highway                                 A. Program Description                                funding under the NSFLTP Program,
                                               Administration (FHWA), U.S.                             B. Federal Award Information                          except that a State, county, or unit of
                                               Department of Transportation (DOT).                     C. Eligibility Information                            local government may only apply for
                                               ACTION: Notice of funding opportunity.
                                                                                                         1. Eligible Applicants                              funding under the NSFLTP Program if
                                                                                                         2. Cost Sharing and Matching
                                                                                                                                                             sponsored by an eligible Federal land
                                               SUMMARY:   This notice announces a                        3. Other
                                                                                                       D. Application and Submission Information             management agency (FLMA) or
                                               funding opportunity and requests grant                                                                        federally recognized Indian Tribe.
                                                                                                         1. Address To Request Application
                                               applications for the Nationally                                                                                  b. As sponsors, FLMAs and Tribes
                                                                                                         2. Content and Form of Application
                                               Significant Federal Lands and Tribal                         Submission                                       will provide quarterly a list of project
                                               Projects (NSFLTP) Program. The Fixing                     3. Dun and Bradstreet Universal                     applications they are sponsoring from
                                               America’s Surface Transportation                             Numbering System (DUNS) Number and               their organization on behalf of State or
                                               (FAST) Act established the NSFLTP                            System for Award Management (SAM)                local governments.
                                               Program to provide Federal funding to                     4. Submission Dates and Timelines                      I. To promote effective
                                               projects of national significance for                     5. Intergovernmental Review                         communication and coordination, an
                                               construction, reconstruction, or                          6. Funding Restrictions                             FLMA or Tribe should identify one
                                               rehabilitation of transportation facilities             E. Application Review Information
                                                                                                       F. Federal Award Administration
                                                                                                                                                             individual within their organization
                                               within, adjacent to, or providing access                                                                      who will serve as Sponsorship
                                               to Federal or Tribal lands. As per the                  G. Federal Awarding Agency Contact(s)                 Coordinator.
                                               Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018,                  H. Other Information                                     II. The Sponsorship Coordinator is
                                               the Secretary of Transportation may                                                                           responsible for providing the list of
                                               award up to $300 million—the amount                     A. Program Description                                sponsored projects to the NSFLTP
                                               appropriated by Congress to the                            The FAST Act, Public Law 114–94,                   Program contacts listed on page 1 of this
                                               NSFLTP Program in the Department of                     section 1123, established the NSFLTP                  NOFO. The use of Grants.gov permits a
                                               Transportation Appropriations Act,                      Program to fund projects to construct,                wide range of eligible applicants to
                                               2018—through the FHWA’s Office of                       reconstruct, or rehabilitate                          enter project applications. The
                                               Federal Lands Highway. The FHWA                         transportation facilities within, adjacent            Sponsorship Coordinator role ensures
                                               will distribute these funds as described                to, or accessing Federal and Tribal                   applications have been coordinated
                                               in this notice on a competitive basis in                lands.                                                through and approved by FLMA and/or
                                               a manner consistent with the selection                     The NSFLTP Program provides an                     Tribal leaders.
                                               criteria.                                               opportunity to address significant                       III. The list of sponsored projects
                                               DATES: Applications will be accepted on                 challenges across the Nation for                      should provide enough detail so that
                                               a rolling basis and evaluated quarterly,                transportation facilities that serve                  FHWA can match the projects to those
                                               until available funding has been                        Federal and Tribal lands.                             received via Grants.gov.
                                               exhausted. The first application                                                                                 IV. A list of Sponsorship Coordinators
                                               deadline is December 17, 2018. After                    B. Federal Award Information                          can be obtained from the NSFLTP
                                               that, subsequent deadlines will be 11:59                  1. Amount Available—For FY 2018,                    Program contacts listed on page 1 of this
                                               p.m. on the last business day of the next               the Secretary may award up to $300                    NOFO, or at the following website—
                                               fiscal quarter.                                         million in grants on a competitive basis              https://flh.fhwa.dot.gov/programs/
                                               ADDRESSES: Applications must be                         to Federal and Tribal lands projects of               nsfltp/.
                                               submitted through Grants.gov. Refer to                  national significance that meet the                      c. FLMAs and Tribes may sponsor
                                               CFDA Number: 20.205, Highway                            requirements. The $300 million funding                applications on behalf of:
                                                                                                                                                                I. A State or group of States;
                                               Planning and Construction.                              amount is based on the amount                            II. a metropolitan planning
                                               FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                        appropriated for the NSFLTP Program                   organization;
                                               Jeffrey Mann, Office of Program                         in the Department of Transportation                      III. a unit of local government or
                                               Development, FHWA, Office of Federal                    Appropriations Act, 2018.                             group of local governments;
                                               Lands Highway, 21400 Ridgetop Circle,                     2. Award Size—The NSFLTP Program                       IV. a political subdivision of a State
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                                               Sterling, VA 20166–6511, Telephone:                     provides discretionary funding for                    or local government;
                                               703–404–6230 or email: Jeffrey.Mann@                    projects that have an estimated                          V. a special purpose district or public
                                               dot.gov.                                                construction cost of at least $25 million,            authority with a transportation function,
                                                  Scott Johnson, Office of Program                     with construction projects with an                    including a port authority;
                                               Development, FHWA, Office of Federal                    estimated cost equal to or exceeding $50                 VI. a group of FLMAs;
                                               Lands Highway, 21400 Ridgetop Circle,                   million receiving priority consideration                 VII. a consortium of Tribal
                                               Sterling, VA 20166–6511, Telephone:                     in the selection process.                             governments; or

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                                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 194 / Friday, October 5, 2018 / Notices                                              50437

                                                 VIII. a multi-State or                                maintenance responsibility is vested in                   requirements described in Section IV
                                               multijurisdictional group of public                     a State, county, town, township, tribal,                  above. The FHWA recommends the
                                               entities.                                               municipal, or local government; or                        project narrative adhere to the following
                                                 d. Recipients of NSFLTP Program                          III. ‘‘Tribal transportation facility’’,               basic guidelines to clearly address the
                                               funding are responsible for meeting                     which means a public highway, road,                       program requirements and make critical
                                               reporting requirements.                                 bridge, trail, or transit system that is                  information readily apparent.
                                                                                                       located on or provides access to tribal                     I. Project Description—Describe what
                                               2. Cost Sharing and Matching
                                                                                                       land.                                                     activities the requested NSFLTP
                                                  a. The Federal share of the cost of the                 d. All activities required under the                   Program funds and matching funds will
                                               project shall be up to 90 percent.                      National Environmental Policy Act of                      support, how the project is nationally
                                                  b. The non-Federal share shall not be                1969 (NEPA) (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.)                      significant based on authorized criteria
                                               less than 10 percent of the cost of the                 demonstrate completion through:                           and Secretary’s objectives, information
                                               project and can be:                                        I. A record of decision, if the NEPA                   on the expected users of the project, a
                                                  I. Any other Federal funds, as long as               class of action is an environmental                       description of the transportation
                                               they were not authorized under title 23                 impact statement;                                         challenges the project aims to address,
                                               or title 49, U.S.C.;                                       II. A finding of no significant impact,                and how the project will address these
                                                  II. Any private or public source, as                 if the NEPA class of action is an                         challenges.
                                               long as the source did not receive the                  environmental assessment; or                                II. Project Location—Provide a
                                               funds through programs authorized                          III. A determination that the project is               detailed description of the location of
                                               under title 23 or title 49, U.S.C.; and                 a categorical exclusion under the lead                    proposed project and geospatial data for
                                                  III. ‘‘Soft-matches’’ or ‘‘in-kind                   Federal agency’s NEPA policies;                           the project, as well as a map of the
                                               matches’’ (e.g., donations of funds,                       e. The project must have estimated                     project’s location and its connections to
                                               materials, services, right-of-way                       construction costs, based on the results                  existing transportation infrastructure.
                                               acquisition, utility relocation).                       of preliminary engineering, equal to or                     III. Project Parties—Provide
                                                  IV. Tapered matches are permissible                  greater than $25,000,000, with priority                   information about who is involved and
                                               to allow for greater flexibility. Tapered               consideration for projects with                           their respective roles in supporting the
                                               match is a form of Federal-aid matching                 estimated construction costs equal to or                  project.
                                               flexibility that allows a project’s Federal             exceeding $50,000,000; and                                  IV. Grant Funds, Sources, and Uses of
                                               share to vary over the life of the project                 f. The project will use NSFLTP                         Project Funds—
                                               as long as the final contribution of                    Program funds only for construction,                        i. Funding—Document the funding
                                               Federal funds does not exceed the                       reconstruction, or rehabilitation of                      that will be used to construct this
                                               project’s maximum authorized share.                     transportation facilities, i.e., project                  project, including past or pending
                                               Indicate that a tapered match will be                   design costs are not eligible for NSFLTP                  Federal funding requests for this project.
                                               sought within the project narrative                     Program funds.                                            Include the size, nature, and source(s) of
                                               when describing how the non-Federal                                                                               the required match for those funds, if
                                               share will be funded.                                   D. Application and Submission                             applicable. Demonstrate that the
                                                  c. The application and project                       Information                                               requested NSFLTP Program funds do
                                               agreement must document the match                         1. Address to Request Application—                      not exceed 90 percent of project costs.
                                               requirement and any related                             Applications must be submitted to                           ii. Budget—Provide a detailed project
                                               commitments.                                            Grants.gov.                                               budget containing a breakdown of how
                                                                                                         2. Content and Form of Application                      the funds will be spent. The budget
                                               3. Other
                                                                                                       Submission—Include in the application                     should estimate—by dollar amount and
                                                  a. To meet the minimum statutory                     package the following:                                    percentage of cost—the cost of
                                               requirements for eligibility, a project                   a. Standard Form 424 (Application for                   construction work for each project
                                               must meet all of the following                          Federal Assistance);                                      component.
                                               conditions:                                               b. Standard Form 424C (Budget                             V. Project Readiness—Provide the
                                                  b. The project is a single continuous                Information for Construction Programs);                   expected start date, with supporting
                                               project;                                                  c. Standard Form 424D (Assurances                       rationale for that date.
                                                  c. The project meets at least one of the             for Construction Programs);                                 VI. To the extent practicable, provide
                                               following definitions of transportation                   d. A cover page, including the                          data and evidence of project merits in a
                                               facilities from section 101 of Title 23,                following chart:                                          form that is verifiable or publicly
                                               U.S.C., except that such facilities are not                                                                       available. The FHWA may ask any
                                               required to be included in an inventory                               Project name                                applicant to supplement data in its
                                               described in section 202 or 203 of such                                                                           application, but expects applications to
                                               title:                                                  Previously Incurred Project Eligible             $        be complete upon submission.
                                                  I. ‘‘Federal lands transportation                       Costs.                                                   VII. Include a table of contents, maps,
                                               facility’’, which means a public                        Future Eligible Project Costs ..........         $        and graphics, as appropriate, to make
                                               highway, road, bridge, trail, or transit                Total Project Cost ...........................   $
                                                                                                                                                                 the information easier to review.
                                                                                                       NSFLTP Program Grant Request                     $
                                               system that is located on, is adjacent to,                                                                          VIII. The FHWA recommends that the
                                               or provides access to Federal lands for                 Federal (DOT) Funding including                  $        project narrative not exceed 10 pages,
                                               which title and maintenance                                Program Funds Requested.                               excluding supporting documentation,
                                               responsibility is vested in the Federal                 Is the project within, adjacent to, or           Yes/No   and be prepared with as a single-spaced
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                                               Government;                                                accessing Federal and/or Tribal                        document, using a standard 12-point
                                                  II. ‘‘Federal lands access                              land.                                                  font such as Times New Roman, with 1-
                                               transportation facility’’, which means a                                                                          inch margins.
                                               public highway, road, bridge, trail, or                   e. A project narrative—The                                IX. Provide website links to
                                               transit system that is located on, is                   application must include information                      supporting documentation rather than
                                               adjacent to, or provides access to                      required for the FHWA to determine                        copies of these supporting materials. If
                                               Federal lands for which title or                        that the project satisfies the eligibility                supporting documents are submitted,

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                                               50438                          Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 194 / Friday, October 5, 2018 / Notices

                                               clearly identify the relevant portion of                awards will not be made until after the               policy/284031/benefit-cost-analysis-
                                               the project narrative that each document                application deadline.                                 guidance-2017_1.pdf.
                                               supports.                                                  d. Please note the Grants.gov                         II. Technical data provided about
                                                  X. The FHWA recommends using                         registration process usually takes 2–4                existing facilities in poor repair or,
                                               appropriately descriptive names (e.g.,                  weeks to complete and the Department                  where the project is new construction,
                                               ‘‘Project Narrative,’’ ‘‘Maps,’’                        will not consider late applications that              the extent to which the existing
                                               ‘‘Memoranda of Understanding and                        are the result of failure to register or              conditions demonstrate a need for new
                                               Letters of Support,’’ etc.) for all                     comply with Grants.gov applicant                      transportation facilities;
                                               attachments.                                            requirements in a timely manner. For                     III. An analysis of the project’s
                                                  3. Unique Entity Identifier and                      information and instruction on each of                economic benefits—such as travel time
                                               SAM—                                                    these processes, please see instructions              savings, and vehicle operating cost
                                                  a. Each applicant must:                              at http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/                  savings, and emissions reductions—
                                                  I. Be registered in SAM before                       applicants/applicant-faqs.html. If                    compared to a baseline in which the
                                               submitting its application;                             applicants experience difficulties at any             project is not done. For more
                                                  II. provide a valid unique entity                    point during the registration or                      information on what impacts are
                                               identifier in its application; and                      application process, please call the                  considered economic benefits and how
                                                  III. continue to maintain an active                  Grants.gov Customer Service Support                   to estimate the value of such effects, see
                                               SAM registration with current                           Hotline at 1(800) 518–4726, Monday-                   section 4 of the Department’s guidance
                                               information at all times during which it                Friday from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. EST.                     on benefit-cost analysis. Where values
                                               has an active Federal award or an                          e. Consideration of Applications—                  cannot be monetized, provide other
                                               application or plan under consideration                 Only applicants who comply with all                   quantitative or qualitative information.
                                               by a Federal awarding agency. The                       submission deadlines described in this                   IV. How the project is expected to
                                               Department may not make a grant to an                   notice and electronically submit valid,               improve the quality of life for a local
                                               applicant until the applicant has                       sponsor-approved applications through                 community and/or the traveling public,
                                               complied with all applicable unique                     Grants.gov will be eligible for award.                providing data and analysis where
                                               entity identifier and SAM requirements                  Applicants are strongly encouraged to                 relevant and feasible, such as estimates
                                               and, if an applicant has not fully                      make submissions in advance of                        of trips and/or vehicle miles traveled.
                                               complied with the requirements by the                   deadlines.                                               b. Improves the condition of critical
                                               time the Department is ready to make a                                                                        transportation facilities, including
                                                                                                          f. Late Applications—Applications
                                               grant, the Department may determine                                                                           multimodal facilities, by considering the
                                                                                                       received after a quarterly deadline will
                                               that the applicant is not qualified to                                                                        requirements the applicant
                                                                                                       be considered in the following fiscal
                                               receive a grant and use that                                                                                  communicates in the application.
                                               determination as a basis for making a                                                                         Examples may include but are not
                                                                                                          5. Intergovernmental Review—The
                                               grant to another applicant.                                                                                   limited to: A bridge in poor condition
                                                  4. Submission Dates and Timelines—                   NSFLTP Program is not subject to the
                                                                                                       Intergovernmental Review of Federal                   that may be subject to closure in the
                                                  a. Deadline—Applications will be                                                                           absence of funds; primary transportation
                                               accepted on a rolling basis and                         Programs.
                                                                                                          6. Funding Restrictions—                           facility that provides access to critical
                                               evaluated quarterly, until available                                                                          community services, high use recreation
                                               funding has been exhausted. The                         Developmental phase activities
                                                                                                       including planning, feasibility analysis,             destination areas and/or economic
                                               application deadline will be 11:59 p.m.                                                                       generators within Tribal and/or Federal
                                               on the last business day of each fiscal                 revenue forecasting, environmental
                                                                                                       review, preliminary engineering, design,              lands.
                                               quarter. The first application deadline is                                                                       c. Needs construction, reconstruction,
                                               December 17, 2018. Subsequent,                          and other preconstruction activities are
                                                                                                                                                             or rehabilitation;
                                               quarterly deadline dates include March                  not eligible for funding under the                       d. Has costs matched by funds that are
                                               29, 2019, and June 28, 2019. It is                      NSFLTP Program.                                       not provided under the NSFLTP
                                               possible for all funding to be awarded                  E. Application Review Information                     Program or titles 23 or 49 by giving
                                               in the first round. Information regarding                                                                     preference to;
                                               awards and available funding will be                      The FHWA will award NSFLTP                             I. Projects with over 30 percent in
                                               posted to the website cited on page 1 of                Program funds based on the selection                  non-NSFLTP Program funding, with
                                               this NOFO.                                              criteria and policy considerations                    additional preference given to projects
                                                  b. To submit an application through                  outlined below.                                       that exceed even this threshold;
                                               Grants.gov, applicants must:                              1. Statutory Criteria—In accordance                 followed by
                                                  I. Obtain a DUNS number;                             with the FAST Act, section 1123, when                    II. Projects with between 20 percent
                                                  II. Register with SAM at                             selecting projects for funding under the              and 30 percent in non-NSFLTP Program
                                               www.SAM.gov;                                            NSFLTP Program, the FHWA will                         funding; followed by
                                                  III. Create a Grants.gov username and                evaluate the extent to which the project:                III. Projects with between 10 percent
                                               password; and                                             a. Furthers the goals of DOT,                       and 19 percent in non-NSFLTP Program
                                                  IV. Respond to the registration email                including safety, state of good repair,               funding; followed by
                                               sent to the applicants E-Business Point                 economic competitiveness, and quality                    IV. Projects with the minimum 10
                                               of Contact (POC) from Grants.gov and                    of life, by considering;                              percent in non-NSFLTP Program
                                               login at Grants.gov to authorize the                      I. An analysis of the project’s safety              funding;
                                               applicant as the Authorized                             improvements compared to a baseline in                   e. Is included in or eligible for
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                                               Organization Representative (AOR).                      which the project is not done. For more               inclusion in the National Register of
                                                  c. Please note there can be more than                information, see Section 4.3, pages 13                Historic Places;
                                               one AOR for an organization.                            through 15, of the DOT’s Benefit-Cost                    f. Uses new technologies and
                                               Applicants are encouraged to submit                     Analysis Guidance for TIGER and                       innovations that enhance the efficiency
                                               applications in advance of the                          INFRA Applications, https://                          of the project;
                                               application deadline; however,                          cms.dot.gov/sites/dot.gov/files/docs/                    g. Is supported by funds, other than
                                               applications will not be evaluated, and                 mission/office-policy/transportation-                 funds received under the NSFLTP

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                                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 194 / Friday, October 5, 2018 / Notices                                         50439

                                               Program, to construct, maintain, and                    the selection criterion under                         information, if deemed needed, to better
                                               operate the facility, by considering what               consideration.                                        understand the status of the project.
                                               other funds exist, besides those                           b. The Senior Review Team,                           4. Reporting Matters Related to
                                               available for match, to aid in                          comprised of senior leadership from                   Integrity and Performance—If the total
                                               maintenance and operation of the                        FHWA, will determine which projects                   value of a selected recipient’s currently
                                               facility, as well as the reasonable                     rated as Acceptable and higher by the                 active grants, cooperative agreements,
                                               expectation that those funds will remain                Technical Review Team to advance to                   and procurement contracts from all
                                               available;                                              the Secretary.                                        Federal awarding agencies exceeds
                                                  h. Spans two or more States; and                        4. The final funding decisions will be             $10,000,000 for any period of time
                                                  i. Serves land owned by multiple                     made by the Secretary of                              during the period of performance of this
                                               Federal agencies or Indian Tribes.                      Transportation.                                       Federal award, then the applicant
                                                  2. Departmental criteria—After                          5. Additional Information—Prior to                 during that period of time must
                                               applying the above preferences, the                     award, each selected applicant will be                maintain the information reported to
                                               Federal Highway Administrator will                      subject to a risk assessment required by              SAM and FAPIIS, about civil, criminal,
                                               take into account the following key                     2 CFR 200.205. The Department must                    or administrative proceedings described
                                               Departmental objectives:                                review and consider any information                   in paragraph 2 of this award term and
                                                  a. Using innovative approaches to                    about the applicant that is in the                    condition. This is a statutory
                                               improve safety and expedite project                     designated integrity and performance                  requirement under section 872 of Public
                                               delivery;                                               system accessible through SAM,                        Law 110–417, as amended (41 U.S.C.
                                                  b. Supporting economic vitality at the               currently the Federal Awardee                         2313). As required by section 3010 of
                                               national and regional level;                            Performance and Integrity Information                 Public Law 111–212, all information
                                                  c. Utilizing alternative funding                                                                           posted in the designated integrity and
                                                                                                       System (FAPIIS). An applicant may
                                               sources and innovative financing                                                                              performance system on or after April 15,
                                                                                                       review information in FAPIIS and
                                               models to attract non-Federal sources of                                                                      2011, except past performance reviews
                                                                                                       comment on any information about
                                               infrastructure investment;                                                                                    required for Federal procurement
                                                  d. Accounting for the life-cycle costs               itself. The Department will consider
                                                                                                       comments by the applicant in addition                 contracts, will be publicly available.
                                               of the project to promote the state of
                                               good repair; and                                        to the other information in FAPIIS, in                G. Federal Awarding Agency Contact(s)
                                                  e. Beginning projects in a timely                    making a judgment about the applicant’s
                                                                                                       integrity, business ethics, and record of                For further information concerning
                                               manner after award of NSFLTP Program                                                                          this notice please contact:
                                               funding.                                                performance under Federal awards
                                                                                                                                                                1. Jeffrey Mann, NSFLTP Program
                                                  3. Review and Selection Process—The                  when completing the review of risk
                                                                                                                                                             Manager, via email at jeffrey.mann@
                                               FHWA will review all eligible                           posed by applicants.
                                                                                                                                                             dot.gov; by telephone at 202–366–9494;
                                               applications received within a fiscal                   F. Federal Award Administration                       Office hours are from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
                                               quarter. The review and selection                       Information                                           EDT., Monday through Friday, except
                                               process will consist of a Technical                                                                           Federal holidays.
                                               Review and Senior Review.                                 1. Federal Award Notices—The
                                                                                                                                                                2. Scott Johnson, Director Office of
                                                  a. Technical Review—In the                           FHWA will announce awarded projects
                                                                                                                                                             Program Development, via email at
                                               Technical Review, a team comprising                     by posting a list of selected projects at
                                                                                                                                                             scott.johnson@dot.gov; by phone at 202–
                                               technical staff from FHWA will review                   https://flh.fhwa.dot.gov/programs/
                                                                                                                                                             366–9494; Office hours are from 7 a.m.
                                               all eligible applications and rate each                 nsfltp/. Following the announcement,
                                                                                                                                                             to 3:30 p.m. EDT., Monday through
                                               project’s alignment with the selection                  the FHWA will contact the POC listed
                                                                                                                                                             Friday, except Federal holidays.
                                               criteria, using the following guidelines.               in form SF–424 to initiate negotiation of                3. Both can also be reached by mail
                                                  I. Highly Recommended—The project                    a project-specific agreement.                         at Federal Highway Administration,
                                               aligns extremely well with the                            2. Administrative and National Policy               1200 New Jersey Avenue SE,
                                               objectives of the selection statutory                   Requirements—All awards will be                       Washington, DC 20590.
                                               criteria under consideration. Projects                  administered pursuant to the Uniform                     4. For legal questions, please contact
                                               with several criteria rated as ‘‘Strong                 Administrative Requirements, Cost                     Ms. Vivian Philbin, Office of the Chief
                                               Alignment’’ are likely to receive this                  Principles and Audit Requirements for                 Counsel, by telephone at (720) 963–
                                               rating, as well as projects that have                   Federal Awards found in 2 CFR part                    3445; by email at vivian.philbin@
                                               ‘‘Alignment’’ with all of the statutory                 200, as adopted by DOT at 2 CFR part                  dot.gov; or by mail at Federal Highway
                                               criteria.                                               1201. In addition, applicable Federal                 Administration, Central Federal Lands
                                                  II. Recommended—The project aligns                   laws, rules and regulations of the FHWA               Highway Division, 12300 West Dakota
                                               well with the objectives of the selection               will apply to the projects that receive               Avenue, Lakewood, CO 80228. Office
                                               criterion. Projects with at least one                   NSFLTP Program funds, including                       hours are from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. MDT.,
                                               criteria rated as ‘‘Strong Alignment’’ or               planning requirements, agreements, Buy                Monday through Friday, except Federal
                                               that have ‘‘Alignment’’ with most of the                America compliance, and other grant                   holidays.
                                               statutory criteria are likely to receive                program requirements.
                                               this rating.                                              3. Reporting—Each recipient of                      H. Other Information
                                                  III. Acceptable—The project                          NSFLTP Program funding must submit                      1. Protection of Confidential Business
                                               somewhat aligns well with the                           the Federal Financial Report (SF–425)                 Information—All information submitted
                                               objectives of the selection criterion                   on the financial condition of the project             as part of or in support of any
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               under consideration. Projects with no                   and the project’s progress bi-annually,               application shall use publicly available
                                               criteria rated as ‘‘Strong Alignment’’ but              as well as an Annual Budget Review                    data or data that can be made public and
                                               with a several criteria rated as                        and Program Plan to monitor the use of                methods that are accepted by industry
                                               ‘‘Alignment’’ are likely to receive this                Federal funds and ensure accountability               practice and standards, to the extent
                                               rating.                                                 and financial transparency in the                     possible. If the application includes
                                                  IV. Not Recommended—The project                      NSFLTP Program. The FHWA reserves                     information the applicant considers to
                                               does not align well with objectives of                  the right to request additional                       be a trade secret or confidential

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                                               50440                          Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 194 / Friday, October 5, 2018 / Notices

                                               commercial or financial information, the                DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY                            Director for Sanctions Compliance &
                                               applicant should do the following: (1)                                                                        Evaluation, tel.: 202–622–2490;
                                               Note on the front cover that the                        Office of Foreign Assets Control                      Assistant Director for Licensing, tel.:
                                               submission ‘‘Contains Confidential                                                                            202–622–2480; Assistant Director for
                                               Business Information (CBI)’’; (2) mark                  Notice of OFAC Sanctions Actions                      Regulatory Affairs, tel.: 202–622–4855;
                                               each affected page ‘‘CBI’’; and (3)                     AGENCY:  Office of Foreign Assets                     or the Department of the Treasury’s
                                               highlight or otherwise denote the CBI                   Control, Treasury.                                    Office of the General Counsel: Office of
                                               portions. The FHWA protects such                        ACTION: Notice.                                       the Chief Counsel (Foreign Assets
                                               information from disclosure to the                                                                            Control), tel.: 202–622–2410.
                                               extent allowed under applicable law. In                 SUMMARY:   The Department of the
                                                                                                                                                             SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                               the event FHWA receives a Freedom of                    Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets
                                               Information Act (FOIA) request for the                  Control (OFAC) is publishing the names                Electronic Availability
                                               information, FHWA will follow DOT                       of one or more persons that have been
                                               procedures described in its FOIA                        placed on OFAC’s Specially Designated                   The Specially Designated Nationals
                                               regulations at 49 CFR 7.17. Only                        Nationals and Blocked Persons List                    and Blocked Persons List and additional
                                               information that is ultimately                          based on OFAC’s determination that one                information concerning OFAC sanctions
                                               determined to be confidential under that                or more applicable legal criteria were                programs are available on OFAC’s
                                               procedure will be exempt from                           satisfied. All property and interests in              website (www.treasury.gov/ofac).
                                               disclosure under FOIA.                                  property subject to U.S. jurisdiction of
                                                                                                                                                             Notice of OFAC Actions
                                                 Authority: Section 1123 of Public Law                 these persons are blocked, and U.S.
                                               114–94.                                                 persons are generally prohibited from                   On October 2, 2018, OFAC
                                                                                                       engaging in transactions with them.                   determined that the property and
                                                 Issued on: October 1, 2018.
                                                                                                       DATES: See SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION                  interests in property subject to U.S.
                                               Brandye L. Hendrickson,                                 section for applicable date.                          jurisdiction of the following persons are
                                               Deputy Administrator.                                   FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                      blocked under the relevant sanctions
                                               [FR Doc. 2018–21826 Filed 10–3–18; 4:15 pm]             OFAC: Associate Director for Global                   authority listed below.
                                               BILLING CODE 4910–22–P                                  Targeting, tel.: 202–622–2420; Assistant              BILLING CODE 4810–AL–P
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

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Document Created: 2018-10-05 01:52:08
Document Modified: 2018-10-05 01:52:08
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice of funding opportunity.
DatesApplications will be accepted on a rolling basis and evaluated quarterly, until available funding has been exhausted. The first application deadline is December 17, 2018. After that, subsequent deadlines will be 11:59 p.m. on the last business day of the next fiscal quarter.
ContactJeffrey Mann, Office of Program Development, FHWA, Office of Federal Lands Highway, 21400 Ridgetop Circle, Sterling, VA 20166-6511, Telephone: 703-404-6230 or email: [email protected]
FR Citation83 FR 50436 

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