83_FR_51129 83 FR 50933 - Agency Forms Undergoing Paperwork Reduction Act Review

83 FR 50933 - Agency Forms Undergoing Paperwork Reduction Act Review

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 196 (October 10, 2018)

Page Range50933-50934
FR Document2018-22007

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 196 (Wednesday, October 10, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 196 (Wednesday, October 10, 2018)]
[Pages 50933-50934]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-22007]



Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


Agency Forms Undergoing Paperwork Reduction Act Review

    In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the Centers 
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has submitted the information 
collection request titled Delta Impact Recipient Monitoring and 
Assessment Tools to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for 
review and approval. CDC previously published a ``Proposed Data 
Collection Submitted for Public Comment and Recommendations'' notice on 
January 19, 2018 to obtain comments from the public and affected 
agencies. CDC received two anonymous non-substantive public comments 
related to the previous notice. This notice serves to allow an 
additional 30 days for public and affected agency comments.
    CDC will accept all comments for this proposed information 
collection project. The Office of Management and Budget is particularly 
interested in comments that:
    (a) Evaluate whether the proposed collection of information is 
necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, 
including whether the information will have practical utility;
    (b) Evaluate the accuracy of the agencies estimate of the burden of 
the proposed collection of information, including the validity of the 
methodology and assumptions used;
    (c) Enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to 
be collected;
    (d) Minimize the burden of the collection of information on those 
who are to respond, including, through the use of appropriate 
automated, electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection 
techniques or other forms of information technology, e.g., permitting 
electronic submission of responses; and
    (e) Assess information collection costs.
    To request additional information on the proposed project or to 
obtain a copy of the information collection plan and instruments, call 
(404) 639-7570 or send an email to omb@cdc.gov. Direct written comments 
and/or suggestions regarding the items contained in this notice to the 
Attention: CDC Desk Officer, Office of Management and Budget, 725 17th 
Street NW, Washington, DC 20503 or by fax to (202) 395-5806. Provide 
written comments within 30 days of notice publication.

Proposed Project

    DELTA Impact Recipient Monitoring and Assessment Tools--New--
National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC), Centers for 
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Background and Brief Description

    Violence is a serious, yet preventable, public health problem. 
Intimate partner violence (IPV) affects millions of women, men, and 
children. In the United States, one in four women and one in nine men 
experience contact sexual violence, physical violence, and/or stalking 
by an intimate partner with a negative impact such as injury, fear, 
concern for safety, or needing services. The Centers for Disease 
Control and

[[Page 50934]]

Prevention's (CDC) National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey 
(NISVS) data showed many victims of IPV began experiencing these forms 
of violence prior to adulthood.
    Authorized by the Family Violence and Prevention Services Act 
(FVPSA) statute (42 U.S.C. 10414), CDC has funded the Domestic Violence 
Prevention Enhancements and Leadership Through Alliances (DELTA) 
Program since 2002. The DELTA program funds State Domestic Violence 
Coalitions to implement statewide IPV prevention efforts, while also 
providing assistance and funding for local communities to implement IPV 
prevention activities. The DELTA Impact cooperative agreement advances 
IPV prevention activities through these components: 1. Implementation 
and program evaluation of state and local level IPV prevention 
strategies targeting community or societal level change using a public 
health approach and effective prevention principles. 2. Development or 
enhancement of a State Action Plan (SAP) to increase the use of data 
for planning and the prioritization of primary prevention of IPV based 
on any existing health inequities within their jurisdictions. 3. 
Provision of training and technical assistance (TA) to DELTA Impact 
organizations on the implementation of IPV prevention strategies.
    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) seeks OMB 
approval to collect annual progress report (APR) information from the 
currently grantees funded under Domestic Violence Prevention 
Enhancement and Leadership Through Alliances (DELTA) Impact. Recipients 
will report relevant information on the implementation of their 
prevention strategies, implementation of statewide planning, as well as 
the extent to which they implement and evaluate multiple specific 
prevention programs. These data will be submitted through an electronic 
reporting system at the time of their annual non-competing continuation 
application. The report has been designed in a way that collects 
consistent information across recipients while allowing the flexibility 
to account for varying prevention strategies.
    Information to be collected will provide crucial data for program 
performance monitoring, will allow CDC to analyze and synthesize 
information from grantees, help ensure consistency in documenting 
progress and technical assistance, enhance accountability of the use of 
federal funds, and provide timely reports as frequently requested by 
HHS, the White House, and Congress.
    Submission of the Annual Progress Report is required for 
cooperative agreement grantees. Over the three-year period of this 
information collection request, the annualized estimated burden for 10 
recipients is 117 with a total three-year burden of 350 hours. There is 
no cost to respondents other than their time.

                                        Estimated Annualized Burden Hours
                                                                                     Number of    Average burden
        Type of respondents                   Form name              Number of     responses per    per response
                                                                    respondents     respondent      (in hours)
DELTA Impact Program Recipients      Annual Progress Report--                 10               1               5
 State Domestic Violence Coalitions.  Year 1.
                                     Annual Progress Report--                 10               2             3.3
                                      Year 2 and 3.

Jeffrey M. Zirger,
Acting Chief, Office of Scientific Integrity, Office of the Associate 
Director for Science, Office of the Director, Centers for Disease 
Control and Prevention.
[FR Doc. 2018-22007 Filed 10-9-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                        Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 196 / Wednesday, October 10, 2018 / Notices                                           50933

                                                 The proposed consent order has been                     Part I of the proposed order prohibits             agencies. CDC received two anonymous
                                              placed on the public record for thirty                  the company from making                               non-substantive public comments
                                              (30) days for receipt of comments by                    misrepresentations about its                          related to the previous notice. This
                                              interested persons. Comments received                   membership in any privacy or security                 notice serves to allow an additional 30
                                              during this period will become part of                  program sponsored by the government                   days for public and affected agency
                                              the public record. After thirty days, the               or any other self-regulatory or standard-             comments.
                                              Commission will again review the                        setting organization, including, but not                 CDC will accept all comments for this
                                              agreement and the comments received,                    limited to, the EU–U.S. Privacy Shield                proposed information collection project.
                                              and will decide whether it should                       framework and the Swiss-U.S. Privacy                  The Office of Management and Budget
                                              withdraw from the agreement and take                    Shield framework.                                     is particularly interested in comments
                                              appropriate action or make final the                       Parts II through VI of the proposed                that:
                                              agreement’s proposed order.                             order are reporting and compliance                       (a) Evaluate whether the proposed
                                                 This matter concerns alleged false or                provisions. Part II requires                          collection of information is necessary
                                              misleading representations that Loop                    acknowledgement of the order and                      for the proper performance of the
                                              Works made to consumers concerning                      dissemination of the order now and in                 functions of the agency, including
                                              its participation in the Privacy Shield                 the future to persons with                            whether the information will have
                                              framework agreed upon by the U.S. and                   responsibilities relating to the subject              practical utility;
                                              the European Union (‘‘EU’’). The                        matter of the order. Part III ensures                    (b) Evaluate the accuracy of the
                                              Privacy Shield framework allows U.S.                    notification to the FTC of changes in                 agencies estimate of the burden of the
                                              companies to transfer data outside the                  corporate status and mandates that the                proposed collection of information,
                                              EU consistent with EU law. To join the                  company submit an initial compliance                  including the validity of the
                                              EU–U.S. Privacy Shield framework, a                     report to the FTC. Part IV requires the               methodology and assumptions used;
                                              company must self-certify to the U.S.                   company to retain documents relating to                  (c) Enhance the quality, utility, and
                                              Department of Commerce (‘‘Commerce’’)                   its compliance with the order for a five-             clarity of the information to be
                                              that it complies with a set of principles               year period.                                          collected;
                                              and related requirements that have been                    Part V mandates that the company                      (d) Minimize the burden of the
                                              deemed by the European Commission as                    make available to the FTC information                 collection of information on those who
                                              providing ‘‘adequate’’ privacy                          or subsequent compliance reports, as                  are to respond, including, through the
                                              protection. The principles include                      requested. Part VI is a provision                     use of appropriate automated,
                                              notice; choice; accountability for                      ‘‘sunsetting’’ the order after twenty (20)            electronic, mechanical, or other
                                              onward transfer; security; data integrity               years, with certain exceptions.                       technological collection techniques or
                                              and purpose limitation; access; and                        The purpose of this analysis is to                 other forms of information technology,
                                              recourse, enforcement, and liability. The               facilitate public comment on the                      e.g., permitting electronic submission of
                                              related requirements include, for                       proposed order. It is not intended to                 responses; and
                                                                                                      constitute an official interpretation of                 (e) Assess information collection
                                              example, securing an independent
                                                                                                      the proposed complaint or order or to                 costs.
                                              recourse mechanism to handle any                                                                                 To request additional information on
                                              disputes about how the company                          modify the order’s terms in any way.
                                                                                                                                                            the proposed project or to obtain a copy
                                              handles information about EU citizens.                    By direction of the Commission,                     of the information collection plan and
                                              Commerce reviews these applications                     Commissioner Wilson not participating.
                                                                                                                                                            instruments, call (404) 639–7570 or
                                              for self-certification and maintains a                  Donald S. Clark,                                      send an email to omb@cdc.gov. Direct
                                              public website, https://                                Secretary.                                            written comments and/or suggestions
                                              www.privacyshield.gov/list, where it                    [FR Doc. 2018–21945 Filed 10–9–18; 8:45 am]           regarding the items contained in this
                                              posts the names of companies that have                  BILLING CODE 6750–01–P                                notice to the Attention: CDC Desk
                                              self-certified to the EU–U.S. Privacy                                                                         Officer, Office of Management and
                                              Shield framework and completed the                                                                            Budget, 725 17th Street NW,
                                              requirements for certification. The                                                                           Washington, DC 20503 or by fax to (202)
                                                                                                      DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND
                                              listing of companies indicates whether                                                                        395–5806. Provide written comments
                                                                                                      HUMAN SERVICES
                                              their self-certification is current.                                                                          within 30 days of notice publication.
                                              Companies are required to re-certify                    Centers for Disease Control and
                                              every year in order to retain their status              Prevention                                            Proposed Project
                                              as current members of the EU–U.S.                                                                               DELTA Impact Recipient Monitoring
                                              Privacy Shield framework.                               [30Day–19–18FO]
                                                                                                                                                            and Assessment Tools—New—National
                                                 Loop Works offers recruitment and                                                                          Center for Injury Prevention and Control
                                                                                                      Agency Forms Undergoing Paperwork
                                              ‘‘talent management’’ services.                                                                               (NCIPC), Centers for Disease Control
                                                                                                      Reduction Act Review
                                              According to the Commission’s                                                                                 and Prevention (CDC).
                                              complaint, the company has set forth on                   In accordance with the Paperwork
                                              its website, http://www.loopworks.com,                  Reduction Act of 1995, the Centers for                Background and Brief Description
                                              privacy policies and statements about                   Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)                    Violence is a serious, yet preventable,
                                              its practices, including statements                     has submitted the information                         public health problem. Intimate partner
                                              related to the status of its participation              collection request titled Delta Impact                violence (IPV) affects millions of
                                              in the EU–U.S. Privacy Shield                           Recipient Monitoring and Assessment                   women, men, and children. In the
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1

                                              framework.                                              Tools to the Office of Management and                 United States, one in four women and
                                                 The Commission’s complaint alleges                   Budget (OMB) for review and approval.                 one in nine men experience contact
                                              that Loop Works deceptively                             CDC previously published a ‘‘Proposed                 sexual violence, physical violence, and/
                                              represented that it was a current                       Data Collection Submitted for Public                  or stalking by an intimate partner with
                                              participant in the EU–U.S. Privacy                      Comment and Recommendations’’                         a negative impact such as injury, fear,
                                              Shield framework when, in fact, it was                  notice on January 19, 2018 to obtain                  concern for safety, or needing services.
                                              not.                                                    comments from the public and affected                 The Centers for Disease Control and

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014   21:20 Oct 09, 2018   Jkt 247001   PO 00000   Frm 00050   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\10OCN1.SGM   10OCN1

                                              50934                     Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 196 / Wednesday, October 10, 2018 / Notices

                                              Prevention’s (CDC) National Intimate                    Development or enhancement of a State                 of their annual non-competing
                                              Partner and Sexual Violence Survey                      Action Plan (SAP) to increase the use of              continuation application. The report has
                                              (NISVS) data showed many victims of                     data for planning and the prioritization              been designed in a way that collects
                                              IPV began experiencing these forms of                   of primary prevention of IPV based on                 consistent information across recipients
                                              violence prior to adulthood.                            any existing health inequities within                 while allowing the flexibility to account
                                                 Authorized by the Family Violence                    their jurisdictions. 3. Provision of                  for varying prevention strategies.
                                              and Prevention Services Act (FVPSA)                     training and technical assistance (TA) to                Information to be collected will
                                              statute (42 U.S.C. 10414), CDC has                      DELTA Impact organizations on the                     provide crucial data for program
                                              funded the Domestic Violence                            implementation of IPV prevention                      performance monitoring, will allow
                                              Prevention Enhancements and                             strategies.                                           CDC to analyze and synthesize
                                              Leadership Through Alliances (DELTA)                       The Centers for Disease Control and                information from grantees, help ensure
                                              Program since 2002. The DELTA                           Prevention (CDC) seeks OMB approval                   consistency in documenting progress
                                              program funds State Domestic Violence                   to collect annual progress report (APR)               and technical assistance, enhance
                                              Coalitions to implement statewide IPV                   information from the currently grantees               accountability of the use of federal
                                              prevention efforts, while also providing                funded under Domestic Violence                        funds, and provide timely reports as
                                              assistance and funding for local                        Prevention Enhancement and                            frequently requested by HHS, the White
                                              communities to implement IPV                            Leadership Through Alliances (DELTA)                  House, and Congress.
                                              prevention activities. The DELTA                        Impact. Recipients will report relevant                  Submission of the Annual Progress
                                              Impact cooperative agreement advances                   information on the implementation of                  Report is required for cooperative
                                              IPV prevention activities through these                 their prevention strategies,                          agreement grantees. Over the three-year
                                              components: 1. Implementation and                       implementation of statewide planning,                 period of this information collection
                                              program evaluation of state and local                   as well as the extent to which they                   request, the annualized estimated
                                              level IPV prevention strategies targeting               implement and evaluate multiple                       burden for 10 recipients is 117 with a
                                              community or societal level change                      specific prevention programs. These                   total three-year burden of 350 hours.
                                              using a public health approach and                      data will be submitted through an                     There is no cost to respondents other
                                              effective prevention principles. 2.                     electronic reporting system at the time               than their time.

                                                                                                     ESTIMATED ANNUALIZED BURDEN HOURS
                                                                                                                                                                                              Average bur-
                                                                                                                                                                                Number of
                                                                                                                                                            Number of                              den
                                                           Type of respondents                                          Form name                                             responses per
                                                                                                                                                           respondents                        per response
                                                                                                                                                                                respondent     (in hours)

                                              DELTA Impact Program Recipients State Do-              Annual Progress Report—Year 1 ..................                 10                  1              5
                                               mestic Violence Coalitions.
                                                                                                     Annual Progress Report—Year 2 and 3 ........                     10                  2             3.3

                                              Jeffrey M. Zirger,                                      2018 to obtain comments from the                      technological collection techniques or
                                              Acting Chief, Office of Scientific Integrity,           public and affected agencies. CDC                     other forms of information technology,
                                              Office of the Associate Director for Science,           received five comments related to the                 e.g., permitting electronic submission of
                                              Office of the Director, Centers for Disease             previous notice. This notice serves to                responses; and
                                              Control and Prevention.                                 allow an additional 30 days for public                  (e) Assess information collection
                                              [FR Doc. 2018–22007 Filed 10–9–18; 8:45 am]             and affected agency comments.                         costs.
                                              BILLING CODE 4163–18–P                                     CDC will accept all comments for this                To request additional information on
                                                                                                      proposed information collection project.              the proposed project or to obtain a copy
                                                                                                      The Office of Management and Budget                   of the information collection plan and
                                              DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND                                is particularly interested in comments                instruments, call (404) 639–7570 or
                                              HUMAN SERVICES                                          that:                                                 send an email to omb@cdc.gov. Direct
                                                                                                         (a) Evaluate whether the proposed                  written comments and/or suggestions
                                              Centers for Disease Control and                                                                               regarding the items contained in this
                                              Prevention                                              collection of information is necessary
                                                                                                      for the proper performance of the                     notice to the Attention: CDC Desk
                                              [30Day–19–0950]                                         functions of the agency, including                    Officer, Office of Management and
                                                                                                      whether the information will have                     Budget, 725 17th Street NW,
                                              Agency Forms Undergoing Paperwork                       practical utility;                                    Washington, DC 20503 or by fax to (202)
                                              Reduction Act Review                                                                                          395–5806. Provide written comments
                                                                                                         (b) Evaluate the accuracy of the
                                                                                                                                                            within 30 days of notice publication.
                                                In accordance with the Paperwork                      agencies estimate of the burden of the
                                              Reduction Act of 1995, the Centers for                  proposed collection of information,                   Proposed Project
                                              Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)                    including the validity of the                           The National Health and Nutrition
                                              has submitted the information                           methodology and assumptions used;                     Examination Survey (NHANES), (OMB
                                              collection request titled The National                     (c) Enhance the quality, utility, and              No. 0920–0950, expires 12/31/2019)—
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1

                                              Health and Nutrition Examination                        clarity of the information to be                      Revision—National Center for Health
                                              Survey (NHANES) to the Office of                        collected;                                            Statistics (NCHS), Centers for Disease
                                              Management and Budget (OMB) for                            (d) Minimize the burden of the                     Control and Prevention (CDC).
                                              review and approval. CDC previously                     collection of information on those who
                                              published a ‘‘Proposed Data Collection                  are to respond, including, through the                Background and Brief Description
                                              Submitted for Public Comment and                        use of appropriate automated,                           Section 306 of the Public Health
                                              Recommendations’’ notice on May 11,                     electronic, mechanical, or other                      Service (PHS) Act (42 U.S.C. 242k), as

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014   21:20 Oct 09, 2018   Jkt 247001   PO 00000   Frm 00051   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\10OCN1.SGM   10OCN1

Document Created: 2018-10-10 17:38:53
Document Modified: 2018-10-10 17:38:53
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
FR Citation83 FR 50933 

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