83_FR_52702 83 FR 52501 - Manufactured Housing Consensus Committee (MHCC): Notice Inviting Nominations of Individuals To Serve on the Committee

83 FR 52501 - Manufactured Housing Consensus Committee (MHCC): Notice Inviting Nominations of Individuals To Serve on the Committee


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 201 (October 17, 2018)

Page Range52501-52503
FR Document2018-22644

The Department of Housing and Urban Development invites the public to nominate individuals for appointment, with the approval of the Secretary, to the Manufactured Housing Consensus Committee (MHCC), a federal advisory committee established by the National Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974, as amended by the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000. The Department will make appointments from nominations submitted in response to this Notice. Also, individuals that applied earlier this year do not need to re-apply; pursuant to this notice those applications are on file and may be considered for future appointments.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 201 (Wednesday, October 17, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 201 (Wednesday, October 17, 2018)]
[Pages 52501-52503]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-22644]



[Docket No. FR-6083-N-03]

Manufactured Housing Consensus Committee (MHCC): Notice Inviting 
Nominations of Individuals To Serve on the Committee

AGENCY: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Housing--Federal Housing 
Commissioner, HUD.

ACTION: Notice of request for nominations to serve on the

[[Page 52502]]

Manufactured Housing Consensus Committee.


SUMMARY: The Department of Housing and Urban Development invites the 
public to nominate individuals for appointment, with the approval of 
the Secretary, to the Manufactured Housing Consensus Committee (MHCC), 
a federal advisory committee established by the National Manufactured 
Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974, as amended by 
the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000. The Department will 
make appointments from nominations submitted in response to this 
Notice. Also, individuals that applied earlier this year do not need to 
re-apply; pursuant to this notice those applications are on file and 
may be considered for future appointments.

DATES: The Department will accept nominations until November 16, 2018.

ADDRESSES: Nominations must submit through the following website: 
http://mhcc.homeinnovation.com/Application.aspx. The submitted 
nominations are addressed to: Teresa B. Payne, Acting Administrator, 
Office of Manufactured Housing Programs, Department of Housing and 
Urban Development, c/o Home Innovation Research Labs; Attention: Kevin 
Kauffman, 400 Prince Georges Blvd., Upper Marlboro, MD 20774.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Teresa B. Payne, Acting Administrator, 
Office of Manufactured Housing Programs, Department of Housing and 
Urban Development, 451 7th Street SW, Room 9164, Washington, DC 20410-
8000; telephone number 202-708-5365 (this is not a toll-free number). 
For hearing and speech-impaired persons, this number may be accessed 
via TTY by calling the Federal Relay Service at 1-800-877-8339.



    Section 604 of the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000 
(Pub. L. 106-569) amended the National Manufactured Housing 
Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5401-5426) 
(Act) to require the establishment of the MHCC, a federal advisory 
committee, to: (1) Provide periodic recommendations to the Secretary to 
adopt, revise, and interpret the manufactured housing construction and 
safety standards; and (2) to provide periodic recommendations to the 
Secretary to adopt, revise, and interpret the procedural and 
enforcement manufactured housing regulations, including regulations 
specifying the permissible scope and conduct of monitoring. The Act 
authorizes the Secretary to appoint a total of twenty-two members to 
the MHCC. Twenty-one members have voting rights; the twenty-second 
member represents the Secretary and is a non-voting position. Service 
on the MHCC is voluntary. Travel and per diem for meetings is provided 
in accordance with federal travel policy pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 5703.
    HUD seeks highly qualified and motivated individuals who meet the 
requirements set forth in the Act to serve as voting members of the 
MHCC for up to two terms of three years. The MHCC expects to meet at 
least one to two times annually. Meetings may take place by conference 
call or in person. Members of the MHCC undertake additional work 
commitments on subcommittees and task forces regarding issues under 

Nominee Selection and Appointment

    Members of the Consensus Committee are appointed to serve in one of 
three member categories. Nominees will be appointed to fill voting 
member vacancies in the following categories:
    1. Producers--Seven producers or retailers of manufactured housing.
    2. Users--Seven persons representing consumer interests, such as 
consumer organizations, recognized consumer leaders, and owners who are 
residents of manufactured homes.
    3. General Interest and Public Officials--Seven general interest 
and public official members.
    The Act provides that the Secretary shall ensure that all interests 
directly and materially affected by the work of the MHCC have the 
opportunity for fair and equitable participation without dominance by 
any single interest; and may reject the appointment of any one or more 
individuals in order to ensure that there is not dominance by any 
single interest. For purposes of this determination, dominance is 
defined as a position or exercise of dominant authority, leadership, or 
influence by reason of superior leverage, strength, or representation.
    Additional requirements governing appointment and member service 
    (1) Nominees appointed to the User category, and three of the 
individuals appointed to the General Interest and Public Official 
category shall not have a significant financial interest in any segment 
of the manufactured housing industry; or a significant relationship to 
any person engaged in the manufactured housing industry.
    (2) Each member serving in the User category shall be subject to a 
ban disallowing compensation from the manufactured housing industry 
during the period of, and during the one year following, his or her 
membership on the MHCC.
    (3) Nominees selected for appointment to the MHCC shall be required 
to provide disclosures and certifications regarding conflict-of-
interest and eligibility for membership prior to finalizing an 
    All selected nominees will be required to submit certifications of 
eligibility under the foregoing criteria as a prerequisite to final 

Consensus Committee--Advisory Role

    The MHCC's role is to solely advise the Secretary on the subject 
matter described above.

Federal Advisory Committee Act

    The MHCC is subject to the requirements of the Federal Advisory 
Committee Act (5 U.S.C. Appendix), 41 CFR parts 101-6 and 102-3 (the 
FACA Final Rule), and to the Presidential Memorandum, dated June 18, 
2010, directing all heads of executive departments and agencies not to 
make any new appointments or reappointments of federally registered 
lobbyists to advisory committees and other boards and commissions. The 
June 18, 2010, Presidential Memorandum authorized the Director of the 
Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to issue guidance to implement 
this policy. On August 13, 2014 (79 FR 47482), OMB issued guidance 
regarding the prohibition against appointing or re-appointing federally 
registered lobbyists to clarify that the ban applies to persons serving 
on advisory committees, boards, and commissions in their individual 
capacity and does not apply if they are specifically appointed to 
represent the interests of a nongovernmental entity, a recognizable 
group of persons or nongovernmental entities (an industry sector, labor 
unions, environmental groups, etc.), or state or local governments.

Term of Office

    Consensus Committee members serve at the discretion of the 
Secretary or for a three-year term and for up to two terms.

Nominee Information

    Individuals seeking nomination to the MHCC should submit detailed 
information documenting their qualifications as addressed in the Act 
and this Notice. Individuals may nominate themselves. HUD recommends 
that the application form be accompanied by a resume.

[[Page 52503]]

Additional Information

    The Department will make appointments from nominations submitted in 
response to this Notice. Also, individuals that applied earlier this 
year do not need to re-apply; pursuant to this notice those 
applications are on file and may be considered for future appointments.
    To be considered for appointment to a position of an MHCC member 
whose term expires in December of 2018, the nomination should be 
submitted by November 16, 2018. Appointments will be made at the 
discretion of the Secretary.

    Dated: October 10, 2018.
Vance T. Morris,
Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary for Housing-Federal 
Housing Commissioner.
[FR Doc. 2018-22644 Filed 10-16-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 201 / Wednesday, October 17, 2018 / Notices                                                52501

                                               DATES:  Comments are encouraged and                     vendors a Federal Communications                      to better estimates, and the annual cost
                                               will be accepted until December 17,                     Commission (FCC) mandate to prioritize                burden to respondents and annual
                                               2018.                                                   requests by identifying those services                government cost has increased due to
                                               ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,                     critical to national security and                     increased wage rates and compensation
                                               identified by docket number DHS–                        emergency preparedness. A TSP                         factors.
                                               2018–0058, by one of the following                      assignment ensures that it will receive                 This is a renewal of an information
                                               methods:                                                priority attention by the service vendor              collection.
                                                  • Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://                before any non-TSP service.                             OMB is particularly interested in
                                               www.regulations.gov. Please follow the                     Four broad categories serve as                     comments that:
                                                                                                       guidelines for determining whether a                    1. Evaluate whether the proposed
                                               instructions for submitting comments.
                                                  • Email: deborah.bea@HQ.DHS.GOV.                     circuit or telecommunications service is              collection of information is necessary
                                               Please include docket number DHS–                       eligible for priority provisioning or                 for the proper performance of the
                                               2018–0058 in the subject line of the                    restoration. TSP service user                         functions of the agency, including
                                               message.                                                organizations may be in the Federal,                  whether the information will have
                                                  • Mail: Written comments and                         State, local, or tribal government,                   practical utility;
                                               questions about this Information                        critical infrastructure sectors in                      2. Evaluate the accuracy of the
                                               Collection Request should be forwarded                  industry, non-profit organizations that               agency’s estimate of the burden of the
                                               to DHS/NPPD/CS&C/OEC, ATTN: 1670–                       perform critical NS/EP functions, or                  proposed collection of information,
                                               0005, 245 Murray Lane, SW, Mail Stop                    foreign governments. Typical TSP                      including the validity of the
                                               0615, Deborah Bea, Arlington, VA                        service users are responsible for the                 methodology and assumptions used;
                                                                                                       command and control functions critical                  3. Enhance the quality, utility, and
                                                  Instructions: All submissions received               to management of and response to NS/                  clarity of the information to be
                                               must include the words ‘‘Department of                  EP situations, particularly during the                collected; and
                                                                                                       first 24 to 72 hours following an event.                4. Minimize the burden of the
                                               Homeland Security’’ and the docket
                                                                                                          Information to request a priority, to              collection of information on those who
                                               number for this action. Comments
                                                                                                       obtain a sponsor for requesting a                     are to respond, including through the
                                               received will be posted without
                                                                                                       priority, and for other administrative                use of appropriate automated,
                                               alteration at http://www.regulations.gov,
                                                                                                       requirements of the program is required               electronic, mechanical, or other
                                               including any personal information
                                                                                                       from any person or organization having                technological collection techniques or
                                                  Comments submitted in response to                    an NS/EP service for which they wish                  other forms of information technology,
                                               this notice may be made available to the                priority restoration from the vendor                  e.g., permitting electronic submissions
                                               public through relevant websites. For                   providing the service. Information is                 of responses.
                                                                                                       also required to allow immediate                        Title of Collection:
                                               this reason, please do not include in
                                                                                                       installation of a new service to support              Telecommunications Service Priority
                                               your comments information of a
                                                                                                       NS/EP requirements. Information is                    System.
                                               confidential nature, such as sensitive                                                                          OMB Control Number: 1670–0005.
                                               personal information or proprietary                     required from vendors to allow the OEC
                                                                                                       to track and identify the                               Frequency: Annually.
                                               information. If you send an email                                                                               Affected Public: State, Local, Tribal,
                                               comment, your email address will be                     telecommunications services that are
                                                                                                                                                             and Territorial Governments and Private
                                               automatically captured and included as                  being provided priority treatment.
                                                                                                          The forms used are the SF314                       Sector.
                                               part of the comment that is placed in the                                                                       Number of Respondents: 38,666.
                                               public docket and made available on the                 (Revalidation for Service Users), SF315
                                                                                                                                                               Estimated Time per Respondent: 0.64
                                               internet. Please note that responses to                 (TSP Request for Service Users), SF317
                                               this public comment request containing                  (TSP Action Appeal for Service Users),                  Total Burden Hours: 10,354 hours.
                                               any routine notice about the                            SF318 (TSP Service Confirmation for                     Total Burden Cost (capital/startup):
                                               confidentiality of the communication                    Service Vendors), and the SF319 (TSP                  $0.
                                               will be treated as public comments that                 Service Reconciliation for Service                      Total Recordkeeping Burden: $0.
                                               may be made available to the public                     Vendors). The SF314 is for users to                     Total Burden Cost (operating/
                                               notwithstanding the inclusion of the                    request that their existing TSP codes be              maintaining): $0.
                                               routine notice.                                         revalidated for three more years. The
                                                                                                       SF315 is used to request restoration                  David Epperson,
                                               FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For                                                                          Chief Information Officer.
                                                                                                       and/or provisioning for an
                                               specific questions related to collection                organization’s critical circuits. The                 [FR Doc. 2018–22549 Filed 10–16–18; 8:45 am]
                                               activities, please contact Deborah Bea at               SF317 is for organizations to appeal the              BILLING CODE 9110–9P–P
                                               703.705.6302 or at deborah.bea@                         denial of TSP restoration and/or
                                               HQ.DHS.GOV.                                             provisioning. The SF318 is for service
                                               SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                              vendors to provide circuit ID                         DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND
                                               Telecommunications Service Priority                     information associated with TSP codes                 URBAN DEVELOPMENT
                                               (TSP) is authorized by E.O. 12472, E.O.                 they’ve been given by their customers.
                                                                                                                                                             [Docket No. FR–6083–N–03]
                                               13618 and 47 CFR part 64. The DHS                       The SF319 is for service vendors to
                                               Office of Emergency Communications                      provide data to the program office in                 Manufactured Housing Consensus
                                               (OEC) uses the TSP Program to                           order to reconcile their TSP data with                Committee (MHCC): Notice Inviting
                                               authorize national security and                         the TSP database. Participants request                Nominations of Individuals To Serve
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               emergency preparedness organizations                    TSP priorities via email in order to                  on the Committee
                                               to receive priority treatment for vital                 reduce the use of the paper forms. The
                                               voice and data circuits or other                        paper forms will also be available for                AGENCY:  Office of the Assistant
                                               telecommunications service, under                       download via the TSP home page.                       Secretary for Housing—Federal Housing
                                               National Security or Emergency                             There have been no changes to the                  Commissioner, HUD.
                                               Preparedness telecommunications (NS/                    information being collected. The burden               ACTION: Notice of request for
                                               EP). The TSP Program provides service                   for the SF315 Form has increased due                  nominations to serve on the

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                                               52502                     Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 201 / Wednesday, October 17, 2018 / Notices

                                               Manufactured Housing Consensus                          permissible scope and conduct of                      disallowing compensation from the
                                               Committee.                                              monitoring. The Act authorizes the                    manufactured housing industry during
                                                                                                       Secretary to appoint a total of twenty-               the period of, and during the one year
                                               SUMMARY:    The Department of Housing                   two members to the MHCC. Twenty-one                   following, his or her membership on the
                                               and Urban Development invites the                       members have voting rights; the twenty-               MHCC.
                                               public to nominate individuals for                      second member represents the Secretary                   (3) Nominees selected for
                                               appointment, with the approval of the                   and is a non-voting position. Service on              appointment to the MHCC shall be
                                               Secretary, to the Manufactured Housing                  the MHCC is voluntary. Travel and per                 required to provide disclosures and
                                               Consensus Committee (MHCC), a federal                   diem for meetings is provided in                      certifications regarding conflict-of-
                                               advisory committee established by the                   accordance with federal travel policy                 interest and eligibility for membership
                                               National Manufactured Housing                           pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 5703.                            prior to finalizing an appointment.
                                               Construction and Safety Standards Act                      HUD seeks highly qualified and                        All selected nominees will be
                                               of 1974, as amended by the                              motivated individuals who meet the                    required to submit certifications of
                                               Manufactured Housing Improvement                        requirements set forth in the Act to                  eligibility under the foregoing criteria as
                                               Act of 2000. The Department will make                   serve as voting members of the MHCC                   a prerequisite to final appointment.
                                               appointments from nominations                           for up to two terms of three years. The
                                               submitted in response to this Notice.                                                                         Consensus Committee—Advisory Role
                                                                                                       MHCC expects to meet at least one to
                                               Also, individuals that applied earlier                  two times annually. Meetings may take                   The MHCC’s role is to solely advise
                                               this year do not need to re-apply;                      place by conference call or in person.                the Secretary on the subject matter
                                               pursuant to this notice those                           Members of the MHCC undertake                         described above.
                                               applications are on file and may be                     additional work commitments on                        Federal Advisory Committee Act
                                               considered for future appointments.                     subcommittees and task forces regarding
                                               DATES: The Department will accept                       issues under deliberation.                               The MHCC is subject to the
                                               nominations until November 16, 2018.                                                                          requirements of the Federal Advisory
                                                                                                       Nominee Selection and Appointment                     Committee Act (5 U.S.C. Appendix), 41
                                               ADDRESSES: Nominations must submit
                                                                                                         Members of the Consensus Committee                  CFR parts 101–6 and 102–3 (the FACA
                                               through the following website: http://
                                                                                                       are appointed to serve in one of three                Final Rule), and to the Presidential
                                                                                                       member categories. Nominees will be                   Memorandum, dated June 18, 2010,
                                               Application.aspx. The submitted
                                                                                                       appointed to fill voting member                       directing all heads of executive
                                               nominations are addressed to: Teresa B.
                                                                                                       vacancies in the following categories:                departments and agencies not to make
                                               Payne, Acting Administrator, Office of
                                                                                                         1. Producers—Seven producers or                     any new appointments or
                                               Manufactured Housing Programs,
                                                                                                       retailers of manufactured housing.                    reappointments of federally registered
                                               Department of Housing and Urban
                                                                                                         2. Users—Seven persons representing                 lobbyists to advisory committees and
                                               Development, c/o Home Innovation
                                                                                                       consumer interests, such as consumer                  other boards and commissions. The June
                                               Research Labs; Attention: Kevin
                                                                                                       organizations, recognized consumer                    18, 2010, Presidential Memorandum
                                               Kauffman, 400 Prince Georges Blvd.,
                                                                                                       leaders, and owners who are residents                 authorized the Director of the Office of
                                               Upper Marlboro, MD 20774.
                                                                                                       of manufactured homes.                                Management and Budget (OMB) to issue
                                               FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                          3. General Interest and Public                      guidance to implement this policy. On
                                               Teresa B. Payne, Acting Administrator,                  Officials—Seven general interest and                  August 13, 2014 (79 FR 47482), OMB
                                               Office of Manufactured Housing                          public official members.                              issued guidance regarding the
                                               Programs, Department of Housing and                       The Act provides that the Secretary                 prohibition against appointing or re-
                                               Urban Development, 451 7th Street SW,                   shall ensure that all interests directly              appointing federally registered lobbyists
                                               Room 9164, Washington, DC 20410–                        and materially affected by the work of                to clarify that the ban applies to persons
                                               8000; telephone number 202–708–5365                     the MHCC have the opportunity for fair                serving on advisory committees, boards,
                                               (this is not a toll-free number). For                   and equitable participation without                   and commissions in their individual
                                               hearing and speech-impaired persons,                    dominance by any single interest; and                 capacity and does not apply if they are
                                               this number may be accessed via TTY                     may reject the appointment of any one                 specifically appointed to represent the
                                               by calling the Federal Relay Service at                 or more individuals in order to ensure                interests of a nongovernmental entity, a
                                               1–800–877–8339.                                         that there is not dominance by any                    recognizable group of persons or
                                               SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                              single interest. For purposes of this                 nongovernmental entities (an industry
                                               Background                                              determination, dominance is defined as                sector, labor unions, environmental
                                                                                                       a position or exercise of dominant                    groups, etc.), or state or local
                                                 Section 604 of the Manufactured                       authority, leadership, or influence by                governments.
                                               Housing Improvement Act of 2000 (Pub.                   reason of superior leverage, strength, or
                                               L. 106–569) amended the National                        representation.                                       Term of Office
                                               Manufactured Housing Construction                         Additional requirements governing                      Consensus Committee members serve
                                               and Safety Standards Act of 1974 (42                    appointment and member service                        at the discretion of the Secretary or for
                                               U.S.C. 5401–5426) (Act) to require the                  include:                                              a three-year term and for up to two
                                               establishment of the MHCC, a federal                      (1) Nominees appointed to the User                  terms.
                                               advisory committee, to: (1) Provide                     category, and three of the individuals
                                               periodic recommendations to the                         appointed to the General Interest and                 Nominee Information
                                               Secretary to adopt, revise, and interpret               Public Official category shall not have a               Individuals seeking nomination to the
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               the manufactured housing construction                   significant financial interest in any                 MHCC should submit detailed
                                               and safety standards; and (2) to provide                segment of the manufactured housing                   information documenting their
                                               periodic recommendations to the                         industry; or a significant relationship to            qualifications as addressed in the Act
                                               Secretary to adopt, revise, and interpret               any person engaged in the manufactured                and this Notice. Individuals may
                                               the procedural and enforcement                          housing industry.                                     nominate themselves. HUD
                                               manufactured housing regulations,                         (2) Each member serving in the User                 recommends that the application form
                                               including regulations specifying the                    category shall be subject to a ban                    be accompanied by a resume.

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                                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 201 / Wednesday, October 17, 2018 / Notices                                                                                              52503

                                               Additional Information                                                 DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND                                                    SW, Room 4176, Washington, DC
                                                                                                                      URBAN DEVELOPMENT                                                            20410–5000; telephone 202–402–5534
                                                 The Department will make                                                                                                                          (this is not a toll-free number) or email
                                               appointments from nominations                                          [Docket No. FR–7004–N–02]
                                                                                                                                                                                                   at Anna.P.Guido@hud.gov for a copy of
                                               submitted in response to this Notice.                                                                                                               the proposed forms or other available
                                                                                                                      60-Day Notice of Proposed Information
                                               Also, individuals that applied earlier                                                                                                              information. Persons with hearing or
                                                                                                                      Collection; Maintenance Wage Rate
                                               this year do not need to re-apply;                                     Recommendation, Maintenance Wage                                             speech impairments may access this
                                               pursuant to this notice those                                          Rate Survey and Maintenance Wage                                             number through TTY by calling the toll-
                                               applications are on file and may be                                    Survey—Summary Sheet                                                         free Federal Relay Service at (800) 877–
                                               considered for future appointments.                                                                                                                 8339.
                                                                                                                      AGENCY: Office of Field Policy and
                                                 To be considered for appointment to                                                                                                               FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                                                                                      Management, HUD.
                                               a position of an MHCC member whose                                                                                                                  Suzette Agans, Office of Policy and
                                                                                                                      ACTION: Notice.
                                               term expires in December of 2018, the                                                                                                               Management/Davis-Bacon Labor
                                               nomination should be submitted by                                      SUMMARY:   HUD is seeking approval from                                      Standards and Enforcement, Department
                                               November 16, 2018. Appointments will                                   the Office of Management and Budget                                          of Housing and Urban Development,
                                               be made at the discretion of the                                       (OMB) for the information collection                                         451 7th Street SW, Washington, DC
                                               Secretary.                                                             described below. In accordance with the                                      20410; email Ms. Agans at
                                                 Dated: October 10, 2018.
                                                                                                                      Paperwork Reduction Act, HUD is                                              Suzette.Agans@hud.gov or telephone
                                                                                                                      requesting comment from all interested                                       (202) 402–5089. This is not a toll-free
                                               Vance T. Morris,                                                       parties on the proposed collection of                                        number. Persons with hearing or speech
                                               Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary                           information. The purpose of this notice                                      impairments may access this number
                                               for Housing-Federal Housing Commissioner.                              is to allow for 60 days of public                                            through TTY by calling the toll-free
                                               [FR Doc. 2018–22644 Filed 10–16–18; 8:45 am]                           comment.                                                                     Federal Relay Service at (800) 877–8339.
                                               BILLING CODE 4210–67–P                                                 DATES: Comments Due Date: December                                              Copies of available documents
                                                                                                                      17, 2018.                                                                    submitted to OMB may be obtained
                                                                                                                      ADDRESSES: Interested persons are                                            from Ms. Agans.
                                                                                                                      invited to submit comments regarding
                                                                                                                                                                                                   SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:    This
                                                                                                                      this proposal. Comments should refer to
                                                                                                                                                                                                   notice informs the public that HUD is
                                                                                                                      the proposal by name and/or OMB
                                                                                                                                                                                                   seeking approval from OMB for the
                                                                                                                      Control Number and should be sent to:
                                                                                                                                                                                                   information collection described in
                                                                                                                      Anna P. Guido, Reports Management
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Section A.
                                                                                                                      Officer, QDAM, Department of Housing
                                                                                                                      and Urban Development, 451 7th Street                                        A. Overview of Information Collection

                                                                                                                                                                                                     Annual                     Hourly
                                                    Information               Number of                     Frequency                      Responses                 Burden hour                                                                     Annual
                                                                                                                                                                                                     burden                    cost per
                                                     collection              respondents                    of response                     per Ann                  per response                                                                     cost
                                                                                                                                                                                                      hours                   response

                                               HUD 4750 .............                       1381       Bi-Annually ............                          1381                       1381                            1                       $28        $38,668
                                               HUD 4751 .............                       1133       Bi-Annually ............                          1133                       3399                            3                        28         95,172
                                               HUD 4752 .............                       1133       Bi-Annually ............                          1133                       1133                            1                        28         31,724

                                                    Total ...............   ........................   ...............................   ........................   ........................   ........................   ........................     165,564
                                                  Note: HUD now requires this information every 2 years and the table reflects this change.

                                               B. Solicitation of Public Comment                                      information technology, e.g., permitting                                     DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR
                                                  This notice is soliciting comments                                  electronic submission of responses.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Office of the Secretary
                                               from members of the public and affected                                  HUD encourages interested parties to
                                               parties concerning the collection of                                   submit comment in response to these                                          [RR83530000, 189R5065C6,
                                               information described in Section A on                                  questions.                                                                   RX.59389832.1009676]
                                               the following:
                                                  (1) Whether the proposed collection                                 C. Authority                                                                 National Environmental Policy Act
                                               of information is necessary for the                                                                                                                 Implementing Procedures for the
                                                                                                                        Section 3507 of the Paperwork                                              Bureau of Reclamation (516 DM 14)
                                               proper performance of the functions of                                 Reduction Act of 1995, 44 U.S.C.
                                               the agency, including whether the                                      Chapter 35.                                                                  AGENCY:  Office of the Secretary, Interior.
                                               information will have practical utility;                                                                                                            ACTION: Notice of proposed revisions;
                                                  (2) The accuracy of the agency’s                                       Dated: August 23, 2018.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   request for comments.
                                               estimate of the burden of the proposed                                 Nelson R. Bregón,
                                               collection of information;                                             Associate Assistant Deputy Secretary, Office                                 SUMMARY:   This notice announces the
                                                  (3) Ways to enhance the quality,                                    of Field Policy and Management.                                              intent to revise the Bureau of
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               utility, and clarity of the information to                             [FR Doc. 2018–22645 Filed 10–16–18; 8:45 am]                                 Reclamation (Reclamation) procedures
                                               be collected; and                                                      BILLING CODE 4210–67–P
                                                                                                                                                                                                   for compliance with the National
                                                  (4) Ways to minimize the burden of                                                                                                               Environmental Policy Act of 1969
                                               the collection of information on those                                                                                                              (NEPA) in the Departmental Manual
                                               who are to respond; including through                                                                                                               (DM) at 516 DM 14. The proposed
                                               the use of appropriate automated                                                                                                                    revisions are to establish a new
                                               collection techniques or other forms of                                                                                                             Categorical Exclusion (CE) for the

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Document Created: 2018-10-17 01:47:57
Document Modified: 2018-10-17 01:47:57
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice of request for nominations to serve on the Manufactured Housing Consensus Committee.
DatesThe Department will accept nominations until November 16, 2018.
ContactTeresa B. Payne, Acting Administrator, Office of Manufactured Housing Programs, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 7th Street SW, Room 9164, Washington, DC 20410- 8000; telephone number 202-708-5365 (this is not a toll-free number). For hearing and speech-impaired persons, this number may be accessed via TTY by calling the Federal Relay Service at 1-800-877-8339.
FR Citation83 FR 52501 

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