83_FR_53397 83 FR 53193 - Special Conditions: Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation Model GVII-G500 Airplanes; Airbag Systems on Multiple-Place and Single-Place Side-Facing Seats

83 FR 53193 - Special Conditions: Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation Model GVII-G500 Airplanes; Airbag Systems on Multiple-Place and Single-Place Side-Facing Seats

Federal Aviation Administration

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 204 (October 22, 2018)

Page Range53193-53195
FR Document2018-22928

This action proposes amended special conditions for the Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation (Gulfstream) Model GVII-G500 airplane. This amendment changes an error in a reference to a special conditions number and adds one special condition. This airplane will have a novel or unusual design feature when compared to the state of technology envisioned in the airworthiness standards for transport-category airplanes. This design feature is airbag systems on multiple-place and single-place side-facing seats. The applicable airworthiness regulations do not contain adequate or appropriate safety standards for this design feature. These special conditions contain the additional safety standards that the Administrator considers necessary to establish a level of safety equivalent to that established by the existing airworthiness standards.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 204 (Monday, October 22, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 204 (Monday, October 22, 2018)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 53193-53195]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-22928]



Federal Aviation Administration

14 CFR Part 25

[Docket No. FAA-2017-0240; Notice No. 25-18-04-SC]

Special Conditions: Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation Model GVII-
G500 Airplanes; Airbag Systems on Multiple-Place and Single-Place Side-
Facing Seats

AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT.

ACTION: Notice of proposed amended special conditions.


SUMMARY: This action proposes amended special conditions for the 
Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation (Gulfstream) Model GVII-G500 airplane. 
This amendment changes an error in a reference to a special conditions 
number and adds one special condition. This airplane will have a novel 
or unusual design feature when compared to the state of technology 
envisioned in the airworthiness standards for transport-category 
airplanes. This design feature is airbag systems on multiple-place and 
single-place side-facing seats. The applicable airworthiness 
regulations do not contain adequate or appropriate safety standards for 
this design feature. These special conditions contain the additional 
safety standards that the Administrator considers necessary to 
establish a level of safety equivalent to that established by the 
existing airworthiness standards.

DATES: Send comments on or before November 21, 2018.

ADDRESSES: Send comments identified by Docket No. FAA-2017-0240 using 
any of the following methods:
     Federal eRegulations Portal: Go to http://www.regulations.gov/ and follow the online instructions for sending 
your comments electronically.
     Mail: Send comments to Docket Operations, M-30, U.S. 
Department of Transportation (DOT), 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Room 
W12-140, West Building Ground Floor, Washington, DC 20590-0001.
     Hand Delivery or Courier: Take comments to Docket 
Operations in Room W12-140 of the West Building Ground Floor at 1200 
New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday 
through Friday, except Federal holidays.
     Fax: Fax comments to Docket Operations at 202-493-2251.
    Privacy: The FAA will post all comments it receives, without 
change, to http://www.regulations.gov/, including any personal 
information the commenter provides. Using the search function of the 
docket website, anyone can find and read the electronic form of all 
comments received into any FAA docket, including the name of the 
individual sending the comment (or signing the comment for an 
association, business, labor union, etc.). DOT's complete Privacy Act 
Statement can be found in the Federal Register published on April 11, 
2000 (65 FR 19477-19478).
    Docket: Background documents or comments received may be read at 
http://www.regulations.gov/ at any time. Follow the online instructions 
for accessing the docket or go to Docket Operations in Room W12-140 of 
the West Building Ground Floor at 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, 
Washington, DC, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, 
except Federal holidays.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Alan Sinclair, Airframe and Cabin 
Safety Section, AIR-675, Transport Standards Branch, Policy and 
Innovation Division, Aircraft Certification Service, Federal Aviation 
Administration, 2200 South 216th Street, Des Moines, Washington 98198; 
telephone and fax 206-231-3215.


Comments Invited

    We invite interested people to take part in this rulemaking by 
sending written comments, data, or views. The most helpful comments 
reference a specific portion of the proposed special conditions, 
explain the reason for any recommended change, and include supporting 
    We will consider all comments we receive by the closing date for 
comments. We may change these special conditions based on the comments 
we receive.


    On March 29, 2012, Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation applied for a 
type certificate for their new Model GVII-G500 airplane. The Model 
GVII-G500 airplane will be a twin-engine, transport-category, business 
jet capable of accommodating up to 19 passengers. The Model GVII-G500 
airplane will have a maximum takeoff weight of 76,850 lbs.
    The FAA issued ``final special conditions, request for comments'' 
for airbag systems on multiple-place and single-place side-facing seats 
installed in Gulfstream Model GVII-G500 airplanes, on June 8, 2017. The 
special conditions were published in the Federal Register on June 19, 
2017 (82 FR 27771). This notice of proposed

[[Page 53194]]

special conditions provides the public an opportunity to comment on the 
additional condition no. 14 amended into The Proposed Special 
Conditions section.

Type Certification Basis

    Under the provisions of title 14, Code of Federal Regulations (14 
CFR) 21.17, Gulfstream must show that the Model GVII-G500 airplane 
meets the applicable provisions of 14 CFR part 25, as amended by 
amendments 25-1 through 25-129.
    If the Administrator finds that the applicable airworthiness 
regulations (i.e., part 25) do not contain adequate or appropriate 
safety standards for the Model GVII-G500 airplane because of a novel or 
unusual design feature, special conditions are prescribed under the 
provisions of Sec.  21.16.
    Special conditions are initially applicable to the model for which 
they are issued. Should the type certificate for that model be amended 
later to include any other model that incorporates the same or similar 
novel or unusual design feature, the special conditions would also 
apply to the other model under Sec.  21.101.
    In addition to the applicable airworthiness regulations and special 
conditions, Model GVII-G500 airplanes must comply with the fuel-vent 
and exhaust-emission requirements of 14 CFR part 34, and the noise-
certification requirements of 14 CFR part 36.
    The FAA issues special conditions, as defined in 14 CFR 11.19, in 
accordance with Sec.  11.38, and they become part of the type 
certification basis under Sec.  21.17(a)(2).

Novel or Unusual Design Features

    The Model GVII-G500 airplane will incorporate the following novel 
or unusual design feature:
    Airbag systems on multiple-place and single-place side-facing 


    Side facing seats are considered a novel design for transport-
category airplanes that include 14 CFR part 25, amendment 25-64, in 
their certification bases because this feature was not anticipated when 
those airworthiness standards were issued. Therefore, the existing 
regulations do not provide adequate or appropriate safety standards for 
occupants of side-facing seats. For the Model GVII-G500 airplane, FAA 
Special Conditions No. 25-618-SC, ``Technical Criteria for Approving 
Side-Facing Seats,'' provide special conditions to address the 
certification of single- and multiple-place side-facing seats. Those 
special conditions include condition 2(e), which requires the axial 
rotation of the upper leg (femur) to be limited to 35 degrees in either 
direction from the nominal seat position. To accommodate that 
requirement, Gulfstream has developed a new airbag system that will be 
installed close to the floor, and which is designed to limit the axial 
rotation of the occupant's upper legs.
    This amendment changes, in the second paragraph of the Special 
Conditions section, an erroneous reference to Special Conditions No. 
25-495-SC, which is here corrected to 25-618-SC, and adds special 
condition number 14 to the Special Conditions section. Special 
Condition 14 was unintentionally omitted from the previous issuance of 
these special conditions.
    These proposed special conditions contain the additional safety 
standards that the Administrator considers necessary to establish a 
level of safety equivalent to that established by the existing 
airworthiness standards.


    As discussed above, these special conditions are applicable to the 
Gulfstream Model GVII-G500 airplane. Should Gulfstream apply at a later 
date for a change to the type certificate to include another model 
incorporating the same novel or unusual design feature, these special 
conditions would apply to that model as well.


    This action affects only certain novel or unusual design features 
on one model of airplane. It is not a rule of general applicability.

List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 25

    Aircraft, Aviation safety, Reporting and recordkeeping 

Authority Citation

    The authority citation for these special conditions is as follows:

    Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(f), 106(g), 40113, 44701, 44702, 44704.

The Proposed Special Conditions

    Accordingly, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) proposes the 
following special conditions as part of the type certification basis 
for Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation Model GVII-G500 airplanes.
    In addition to the requirements of Sec. Sec.  25.562 and 25.785, 
and Special Conditions No. 25-618-SC, the following special conditions 
are part of the type certification basis for the Gulfstream Model GVII-
G500 airplane with leg-flail airbags installed on side-facing seats.
    1. For seats with a leg-flail airbag system, the system must deploy 
and provide protection under crash conditions where it is necessary to 
prevent serious injury. The means of protection must take into 
consideration a range of stature from a 2-year-old child to a 95th-
percentile male. At some buttock popliteal length and effective seat-
bottom depth, the lower legs will not be able to form a 90-degree angle 
relative to the upper leg; at this point, the lower leg flail would not 
occur. The leg-flail airbag system must provide a consistent approach 
to prevention of leg flail throughout that range of occupants whose 
lower legs can form a 90-degree angle relative to the upper legs when 
seated upright in the seat. Items that need to be considered include, 
but are not limited to, the range of occupants' popliteal height, the 
range of occupants' buttock popliteal length, the design of the seat 
effective height above the floor, and the effective depth of the seat-
bottom cushion.
    2. The leg-flail airbag system must provide adequate protection for 
each occupant regardless of the number of occupants of the seat 
assembly, considering that unoccupied seats may have an active leg-
flail airbag system.
    3. The leg-flail airbag system must not be susceptible to 
inadvertent deployment as a result of wear and tear, or inertial loads 
resulting from in-flight or ground maneuvers (including gusts and hard 
landings), and other operating and environmental conditions 
(vibrations, moisture, etc.) likely to occur in service.
    4. Deployment of the leg-flail airbag system must not introduce 
injury mechanisms to the seated occupant, nor result in injuries that 
could impede rapid egress.
    5. Inadvertent deployment of the leg-flail airbag system, during 
the most critical part of the flight, must either meet the requirement 
of Sec.  25.1309(b), or not cause a hazard to the airplane or its 
    6. The leg-flail airbag system must not impede rapid egress of 
occupants from the airplane 10 seconds after airbag deployment.
    7. The leg-flail airbag system must be protected from lightning and 
high-intensity radiated fields (HIRF). The threats to the airplane 
specified in existing regulations regarding lightning (Sec.  25.1316) 
and HIRF (Sec.  25.1317) are incorporated by reference for the purpose 
of measuring lightning and HIRF protection.
    8. The leg-flail airbag system must function properly after loss of 

[[Page 53195]]

airplane electrical power, and after a transverse separation of the 
fuselage at the most critical location. A separation at the location of 
the leg-flail airbag system does not have to be considered.
    9. The leg-flail airbag system must not release hazardous 
quantities of gas or particulate matter into the cabin.
    10. The leg-flail airbag system installation must be protected from 
the effects of fire such that no hazard to occupants will result.
    11. A means must be available to verify the integrity of the leg-
flail airbag system's activation system prior to each flight, or the 
leg-flail airbag system's activation system must reliably operate 
between inspection intervals. The FAA considers that the loss of the 
leg-flail airbag system's deployment function alone (i.e., independent 
of the conditional event that requires the leg-flail airbag system's 
deployment) is a major-failure condition.
    12. The airbag inflatable material may not have an average burn 
rate of greater than 2.5 inches per minute when tested using the 
horizontal flammability test defined in part 25, appendix F, part I, 
paragraph (b)(5).
    13. The leg-flail airbag system, once deployed, must not adversely 
affect the emergency-lighting system (i.e., must not block floor-
proximity lights to the extent that the lights no longer meet their 
intended function).
    14. The leg flail system(s) must perform its intended function 
after impact from any other proximate assemblies (e.g., life raft) that 
may become detached under the loads specified in Sec. Sec.  25.561 and 

    Issued in Des Moines, Washington, on October 15, 2018.
Victor Wicklund,
Manager, Transport Standards Branch, Policy and Innovation Division, 
Aircraft Certification Service.
[FR Doc. 2018-22928 Filed 10-19-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                        Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 204 / Monday, October 22, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                         53193

                                                 adopt the following amendments to 10                    DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION                          including any personal information the
                                                 CFR part 72:                                                                                                  commenter provides. Using the search
                                                                                                         Federal Aviation Administration                       function of the docket website, anyone
                                                 PART 72—LICENSING                                                                                             can find and read the electronic form of
                                                 REQUIREMENTS FOR THE                                    14 CFR Part 25                                        all comments received into any FAA
                                                 INDEPENDENT STORAGE OF SPENT                                                                                  docket, including the name of the
                                                                                                         [Docket No. FAA–2017–0240; Notice No. 25–
                                                 NUCLEAR FUEL, HIGH–LEVEL                                18–04–SC]                                             individual sending the comment (or
                                                 RADIOACTIVE WASTE, AND                                                                                        signing the comment for an association,
                                                 REACTOR–RELATED GREATER THAN                            Special Conditions: Gulfstream                        business, labor union, etc.). DOT’s
                                                 CLASS C WASTE                                           Aerospace Corporation Model GVII–                     complete Privacy Act Statement can be
                                                                                                         G500 Airplanes; Airbag Systems on                     found in the Federal Register published
                                                 ■ 1. The authority citation for part 72                 Multiple-Place and Single-Place Side-                 on April 11, 2000 (65 FR 19477–19478).
                                                 continues to read as follows:                           Facing Seats                                             Docket: Background documents or
                                                   Authority: Atomic Energy Act of 1954,                                                                       comments received may be read at
                                                 secs. 51, 53, 57, 62, 63, 65, 69, 81, 161, 182,         AGENCY:  Federal Aviation                             http://www.regulations.gov/ at any time.
                                                 183, 184, 186, 187, 189, 223, 234, 274 (42              Administration (FAA), DOT.                            Follow the online instructions for
                                                 U.S.C. 2071, 2073, 2077, 2092, 2093, 2095,              ACTION: Notice of proposed amended                    accessing the docket or go to Docket
                                                 2099, 2111, 2201, 2210e, 2232, 2233, 2234,              special conditions.                                   Operations in Room W12–140 of the
                                                 2236, 2237, 2238, 2273, 2282, 2021); Energy
                                                 Reorganization Act of 1974, secs. 201, 202,             SUMMARY:    This action proposes                      West Building Ground Floor at 1200
                                                 206, 211 (42 U.S.C. 5841, 5842, 5846, 5851);            amended special conditions for the                    New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington,
                                                 National Environmental Policy Act of 1969               Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation                      DC, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday
                                                 (42 U.S.C. 4332); Nuclear Waste Policy Act              (Gulfstream) Model GVII–G500 airplane.                through Friday, except Federal holidays.
                                                 of 1982, secs. 117(a), 132, 133, 134, 135, 137,         This amendment changes an error in a                  FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                 141, 145(g), 148, 218(a) (42 U.S.C. 10137(a),                                                                 Alan Sinclair, Airframe and Cabin
                                                                                                         reference to a special conditions number
                                                 10152, 10153, 10154, 10155, 10157, 10161,                                                                     Safety Section, AIR–675, Transport
                                                 10165(g), 10168, 10198(a)); 44 U.S.C. 3504              and adds one special condition. This
                                                 note.                                                   airplane will have a novel or unusual                 Standards Branch, Policy and
                                                                                                         design feature when compared to the                   Innovation Division, Aircraft
                                                 ■ 2. In § 72.214, Certificate of                        state of technology envisioned in the                 Certification Service, Federal Aviation
                                                 Compliance 1015 is revised to read as                   airworthiness standards for transport-                Administration, 2200 South 216th
                                                 follows:                                                category airplanes. This design feature               Street, Des Moines, Washington 98198;
                                                                                                         is airbag systems on multiple-place and               telephone and fax 206–231–3215.
                                                 § 72.214 List of approved spent fuel
                                                 storage casks.                                          single-place side-facing seats. The                   SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                                                                         applicable airworthiness regulations do
                                                 *     *     *     *     *                                                                                     Comments Invited
                                                                                                         not contain adequate or appropriate
                                                   Certificate Number: 1015.                             safety standards for this design feature.               We invite interested people to take
                                                   Initial Certificate Effective Date:                   These special conditions contain the                  part in this rulemaking by sending
                                                 November 20, 2000.                                      additional safety standards that the                  written comments, data, or views. The
                                                   Amendment Number 1 Effective Date:                    Administrator considers necessary to                  most helpful comments reference a
                                                 February 20, 2001.                                      establish a level of safety equivalent to             specific portion of the proposed special
                                                   Amendment Number 2 Effective Date:                    that established by the existing                      conditions, explain the reason for any
                                                 December 31, 2001.                                      airworthiness standards.                              recommended change, and include
                                                   Amendment Number 3 Effective Date:                    DATES: Send comments on or before                     supporting data.
                                                 March 31, 2004.                                         November 21, 2018.                                      We will consider all comments we
                                                   Amendment Number 4 Effective Date:                    ADDRESSES: Send comments identified                   receive by the closing date for
                                                 October 11, 2005.                                       by Docket No. FAA–2017–0240 using                     comments. We may change these special
                                                   Amendment Number 5 Effective Date:                    any of the following methods:                         conditions based on the comments we
                                                 January 12, 2009.                                          • Federal eRegulations Portal: Go to               receive.
                                                   Amendment Number 6 Effective Date:                    http://www.regulations.gov/ and follow                Background
                                                 January 7, 2019.                                        the online instructions for sending your
                                                                                                         comments electronically.                                 On March 29, 2012, Gulfstream
                                                   SAR Submitted by: NAC
                                                 International, Inc.                                        • Mail: Send comments to Docket                    Aerospace Corporation applied for a
                                                                                                         Operations, M–30, U.S. Department of                  type certificate for their new Model
                                                   SAR Title: Final Safety Analysis                      Transportation (DOT), 1200 New Jersey                 GVII–G500 airplane. The Model GVII–
                                                 Report for the NAC–UMS Universal                        Avenue SE, Room W12–140, West                         G500 airplane will be a twin-engine,
                                                 Storage System.                                         Building Ground Floor, Washington, DC                 transport-category, business jet capable
                                                   Docket Number: 72–1015.                               20590–0001.                                           of accommodating up to 19 passengers.
                                                   Certificate Expiration Date: November                    • Hand Delivery or Courier: Take                   The Model GVII–G500 airplane will
                                                 20, 2020.                                               comments to Docket Operations in                      have a maximum takeoff weight of
                                                   Model Number: NAC–UMS.                                Room W12–140 of the West Building                     76,850 lbs.
                                                 *     *     *     *     *                               Ground Floor at 1200 New Jersey                          The FAA issued ‘‘final special

                                                                                                         Avenue SE, Washington, DC, between 9                  conditions, request for comments’’ for
                                                   Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 9th day                                                                  airbag systems on multiple-place and
                                                 of October, 2018.                                       a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through
                                                                                                         Friday, except Federal holidays.                      single-place side-facing seats installed
                                                   For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
                                                                                                            • Fax: Fax comments to Docket                      in Gulfstream Model GVII–G500
                                                 Margaret M. Doane,                                      Operations at 202–493–2251.                           airplanes, on June 8, 2017. The special
                                                 Executive Director for Operations.                         Privacy: The FAA will post all                     conditions were published in the
                                                 [FR Doc. 2018–22913 Filed 10–19–18; 8:45 am]            comments it receives, without change,                 Federal Register on June 19, 2017 (82
                                                 BILLING CODE 7590–01–P                                  to http://www.regulations.gov/,                       FR 27771). This notice of proposed

                                            VerDate Sep<11>2014   16:58 Oct 19, 2018   Jkt 247001   PO 00000   Frm 00003   Fmt 4702   Sfmt 4702   E:\FR\FM\22OCP1.SGM   22OCP1

                                                 53194                  Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 204 / Monday, October 22, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                 special conditions provides the public                  condition 2(e), which requires the axial              with leg-flail airbags installed on side-
                                                 an opportunity to comment on the                        rotation of the upper leg (femur) to be               facing seats.
                                                 additional condition no. 14 amended                     limited to 35 degrees in either direction                1. For seats with a leg-flail airbag
                                                 into The Proposed Special Conditions                    from the nominal seat position. To                    system, the system must deploy and
                                                 section.                                                accommodate that requirement,                         provide protection under crash
                                                                                                         Gulfstream has developed a new airbag                 conditions where it is necessary to
                                                 Type Certification Basis                                                                                      prevent serious injury. The means of
                                                                                                         system that will be installed close to the
                                                    Under the provisions of title 14, Code               floor, and which is designed to limit the             protection must take into consideration
                                                 of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) 21.17,                  axial rotation of the occupant’s upper                a range of stature from a 2-year-old child
                                                 Gulfstream must show that the Model                     legs.                                                 to a 95th-percentile male. At some
                                                 GVII–G500 airplane meets the                               This amendment changes, in the                     buttock popliteal length and effective
                                                 applicable provisions of 14 CFR part 25,                second paragraph of the Special                       seat-bottom depth, the lower legs will
                                                 as amended by amendments 25–1                           Conditions section, an erroneous                      not be able to form a 90-degree angle
                                                 through 25–129.                                         reference to Special Conditions No. 25–               relative to the upper leg; at this point,
                                                    If the Administrator finds that the                  495–SC, which is here corrected to 25–                the lower leg flail would not occur. The
                                                 applicable airworthiness regulations                    618–SC, and adds special condition                    leg-flail airbag system must provide a
                                                 (i.e., part 25) do not contain adequate or              number 14 to the Special Conditions                   consistent approach to prevention of leg
                                                 appropriate safety standards for the                    section. Special Condition 14 was                     flail throughout that range of occupants
                                                 Model GVII–G500 airplane because of a                   unintentionally omitted from the                      whose lower legs can form a 90-degree
                                                 novel or unusual design feature, special                previous issuance of these special                    angle relative to the upper legs when
                                                 conditions are prescribed under the                     conditions.                                           seated upright in the seat. Items that
                                                 provisions of § 21.16.                                     These proposed special conditions                  need to be considered include, but are
                                                    Special conditions are initially                     contain the additional safety standards               not limited to, the range of occupants’
                                                 applicable to the model for which they                  that the Administrator considers                      popliteal height, the range of occupants’
                                                 are issued. Should the type certificate                 necessary to establish a level of safety              buttock popliteal length, the design of
                                                 for that model be amended later to                      equivalent to that established by the                 the seat effective height above the floor,
                                                 include any other model that                            existing airworthiness standards.                     and the effective depth of the seat-
                                                 incorporates the same or similar novel                                                                        bottom cushion.
                                                 or unusual design feature, the special                  Applicability                                            2. The leg-flail airbag system must
                                                 conditions would also apply to the other                  As discussed above, these special                   provide adequate protection for each
                                                 model under § 21.101.                                   conditions are applicable to the                      occupant regardless of the number of
                                                    In addition to the applicable                                                                              occupants of the seat assembly,
                                                                                                         Gulfstream Model GVII–G500 airplane.
                                                 airworthiness regulations and special                                                                         considering that unoccupied seats may
                                                                                                         Should Gulfstream apply at a later date
                                                 conditions, Model GVII–G500 airplanes                                                                         have an active leg-flail airbag system.
                                                                                                         for a change to the type certificate to
                                                 must comply with the fuel-vent and                                                                               3. The leg-flail airbag system must not
                                                                                                         include another model incorporating the
                                                 exhaust-emission requirements of 14                                                                           be susceptible to inadvertent
                                                                                                         same novel or unusual design feature,
                                                 CFR part 34, and the noise-certification                                                                      deployment as a result of wear and tear,
                                                                                                         these special conditions would apply to
                                                 requirements of 14 CFR part 36.                                                                               or inertial loads resulting from in-flight
                                                                                                         that model as well.
                                                    The FAA issues special conditions, as                                                                      or ground maneuvers (including gusts
                                                 defined in 14 CFR 11.19, in accordance                  Conclusion                                            and hard landings), and other operating
                                                 with § 11.38, and they become part of                                                                         and environmental conditions
                                                                                                           This action affects only certain novel
                                                 the type certification basis under                                                                            (vibrations, moisture, etc.) likely to
                                                                                                         or unusual design features on one model
                                                 § 21.17(a)(2).                                                                                                occur in service.
                                                                                                         of airplane. It is not a rule of general
                                                                                                                                                                  4. Deployment of the leg-flail airbag
                                                 Novel or Unusual Design Features                        applicability.
                                                                                                                                                               system must not introduce injury
                                                   The Model GVII–G500 airplane will                     List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 25                    mechanisms to the seated occupant, nor
                                                 incorporate the following novel or                                                                            result in injuries that could impede
                                                 unusual design feature:                                   Aircraft, Aviation safety, Reporting
                                                                                                                                                               rapid egress.
                                                   Airbag systems on multiple-place and                  and recordkeeping requirements.                          5. Inadvertent deployment of the leg-
                                                 single-place side-facing seats.                         Authority Citation                                    flail airbag system, during the most
                                                 Discussion                                                                                                    critical part of the flight, must either
                                                                                                           The authority citation for these
                                                                                                                                                               meet the requirement of § 25.1309(b), or
                                                    Side facing seats are considered a                   special conditions is as follows:
                                                                                                                                                               not cause a hazard to the airplane or its
                                                 novel design for transport-category                       Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(f), 106(g), 40113,         occupants.
                                                 airplanes that include 14 CFR part 25,                  44701, 44702, 44704.                                     6. The leg-flail airbag system must not
                                                 amendment 25–64, in their certification                                                                       impede rapid egress of occupants from
                                                                                                         The Proposed Special Conditions
                                                 bases because this feature was not                                                                            the airplane 10 seconds after airbag
                                                 anticipated when those airworthiness                      Accordingly, the Federal Aviation                   deployment.
                                                 standards were issued. Therefore, the                   Administration (FAA) proposes the                        7. The leg-flail airbag system must be
                                                 existing regulations do not provide                     following special conditions as part of               protected from lightning and high-
                                                 adequate or appropriate safety standards                the type certification basis for                      intensity radiated fields (HIRF). The

                                                 for occupants of side-facing seats. For                 Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation                      threats to the airplane specified in
                                                 the Model GVII–G500 airplane, FAA                       Model GVII–G500 airplanes.                            existing regulations regarding lightning
                                                 Special Conditions No. 25–618–SC,                         In addition to the requirements of                  (§ 25.1316) and HIRF (§ 25.1317) are
                                                 ‘‘Technical Criteria for Approving Side-                §§ 25.562 and 25.785, and Special                     incorporated by reference for the
                                                 Facing Seats,’’ provide special                         Conditions No. 25–618–SC, the                         purpose of measuring lightning and
                                                 conditions to address the certification of              following special conditions are part of              HIRF protection.
                                                 single- and multiple-place side-facing                  the type certification basis for the                     8. The leg-flail airbag system must
                                                 seats. Those special conditions include                 Gulfstream Model GVII–G500 airplane                   function properly after loss of normal

                                            VerDate Sep<11>2014   16:58 Oct 19, 2018   Jkt 247001   PO 00000   Frm 00004   Fmt 4702   Sfmt 4702   E:\FR\FM\22OCP1.SGM   22OCP1

                                                                        Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 204 / Monday, October 22, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                                   53195

                                                 airplane electrical power, and after a                  SUMMARY:   This document announces the                inspectors and designated examiners
                                                 transverse separation of the fuselage at                availability of the Airline Transport                 conducting practical tests under the
                                                 the most critical location. A separation                Pilot (ATP) and Type Rating for                       Administrator’s authority determine
                                                 at the location of the leg-flail airbag                 Airplane Airman Certification                         that an applicant is qualified for and
                                                 system does not have to be considered.                  Standards (FAA–S–ACS–11) for public                   physically able to perform the duties
                                                    9. The leg-flail airbag system must not              comment.                                              related to the position authorized by the
                                                 release hazardous quantities of gas or                  DATES: Send comments on or before                     certificate or rating sought.
                                                 particulate matter into the cabin.                      December 21, 2018.
                                                    10. The leg-flail airbag system                                                                            Background
                                                                                                         ADDRESSES: Send comments identified
                                                 installation must be protected from the                 by docket number FAA–2018–0811                           The FAA established the Aviation
                                                 effects of fire such that no hazard to                  using any of the following methods:                   Rulemaking Advisory Committee
                                                 occupants will result.                                     • Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to                (ARAC) to provide information, advice,
                                                    11. A means must be available to                     http://www.regulations.gov and follow                 and recommendations on aviation
                                                 verify the integrity of the leg-flail airbag            the online instructions for sending your              related issues that could result in
                                                 system’s activation system prior to each                comments electronically.                              rulemaking to the Administrator,
                                                 flight, or the leg-flail airbag system’s                   • Mail: Send comments to Docket                    through the Associate Administrator of
                                                 activation system must reliably operate                 Operations, M–30; U.S. Department of                  Aviation Safety. On December 19, 2013,
                                                 between inspection intervals. The FAA                   Transportation (DOT), 1200 New Jersey                 ARAC accepted the FAA’s assignment
                                                 considers that the loss of the leg-flail                Avenue SE, Room W12–140, West                         of a new task to establish an Airman
                                                 airbag system’s deployment function                     Building Ground Floor, Washington, DC                 Certification Standards Working Group
                                                 alone (i.e., independent of the                         20590–0001.                                           (ACS WG) to assist in the development
                                                 conditional event that requires the leg-                   • Hand Delivery or Courier: Take                   of standards, training guidance, test
                                                 flail airbag system’s deployment) is a                  comments to Docket Operations in                      management, and reference materials for
                                                 major-failure condition.                                Room W12–140 of the West Building                     airman certification testing. The FAA
                                                    12. The airbag inflatable material may               Ground Floor at 1200 New Jersey                       announced the ARAC’s acceptance of
                                                 not have an average burn rate of greater                Avenue SE, Washington, DC, between 9                  this task through a Federal Register
                                                 than 2.5 inches per minute when tested                  a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through                       Notice published on January 29, 2014
                                                 using the horizontal flammability test                  Friday, except Federal holidays.                      (79 FR 4800). The original task focused
                                                 defined in part 25, appendix F, part I,                    • Fax: Fax comments to Docket                      on the Private Pilot, Commercial Pilot,
                                                 paragraph (b)(5).                                       Operations at 202–493–2251.                           ATP, and Authorized Instructor
                                                    13. The leg-flail airbag system, once                   Privacy: We will post all comments                 certificates and the Instrument Rating in
                                                 deployed, must not adversely affect the                 without edit including any personal                   the airplane category. The task was
                                                 emergency-lighting system (i.e., must                   information the commenter provides to                 expanded in February 2016 (81 FR
                                                 not block floor-proximity lights to the                 www.regulations.gov, as described in                  6099) to include the Aircraft Mechanic
                                                 extent that the lights no longer meet                   the system of records notice (DOT/                    certificate with Airframe and/or
                                                 their intended function).                               ALL—14 FDMS) which can be viewed                      Powerplant ratings. The task was further
                                                    14. The leg flail system(s) must                     at www.dot.gov/privacy.                               expanded in September 2017 to add the
                                                 perform its intended function after                        Docket: Background documents or                    Sport Pilot and Recreational Pilot
                                                 impact from any other proximate                         comments received may be read at                      certificates in all airplane categories,
                                                 assemblies (e.g., life raft) that may                   http://www.regulations.gov at any time.               and the Private Pilot, Commercial Pilot,
                                                 become detached under the loads                         Follow the online instructions for                    ATP, and Instructor certificates and the
                                                 specified in §§ 25.561 and 25.562.                      accessing the docket or Docket                        Instrument rating in the remaining
                                                   Issued in Des Moines, Washington, on                  Operations in Room W12–140 of the                     aircraft categories to include rotorcraft,
                                                 October 15, 2018.                                       West Building Ground Floor at 1200                    powered-lift, and glider.1
                                                 Victor Wicklund,                                        New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington,
                                                                                                         DC, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday                    On June 21, 2018, the ARAC met and
                                                 Manager, Transport Standards Branch, Policy                                                                   approved the Interim Final Report of the
                                                 and Innovation Division, Aircraft                       through Friday, except Federal holidays.
                                                                                                         FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                                                                                                                               ACS WG. The Interim Final Report
                                                 Certification Service.
                                                                                                         Larry West, Regulatory Support                        contained a recommendation for the
                                                 [FR Doc. 2018–22928 Filed 10–19–18; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                         Division, Federal Aviation                            Airline Transport Pilot and Type Rating
                                                 BILLING CODE 4910–13–P                                                                                        for Airplane (ATP/Type Rating) ACS.
                                                                                                         Administration, FAA Mike Monroney
                                                                                                         Aeronautical Center, P.O. Box 25082,                  The FAA received that recommendation
                                                                                                         Oklahoma City, OK 73125; telephone                    from ARAC on June 22, 2018. The FAA
                                                 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION
                                                                                                         405–954–4431; email: larry.d.west@                    has reviewed the draft ATP/Type Rating
                                                 Federal Aviation Administration                         faa.gov.                                              ACS, made some changes based on
                                                                                                                                                               internal feedback, and is now seeking
                                                                                                         SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                            comment from the public. A copy of the
                                                 14 CFR Part 61
                                                                                                         Authority for This Action                             document has been placed in the docket
                                                 [Docket No.: FAA–2018–0811]                                                                                   for this action. The FAA will review and
                                                                                                           Under 49 U.S.C. 44703(a), the
                                                                                                                                                               consider all comments received and
                                                                                                         Administrator is required to issue an
                                                                                                                                                               make any necessary changes prior to

                                                 Airline Transport Pilot and Type Rating                 airman certificate when the
                                                 for Airplane Airman Certification                                                                             issuing the final version of the ATP/
                                                                                                         Administrator finds, after investigation,
                                                 Standards                                                                                                     Type Rating ACS. The final version of
                                                                                                         that an individual is qualified for, and
                                                                                                                                                               the ATP/Type Rating ACS will be
                                                 AGENCY: Federal Aviation                                physically able to perform the duties
                                                 Administration (FAA), DOT.                              related to the position authorized by the               1 The ARAC Task Notice is available at: https://
                                                                                                         certificate. Consistent with this
                                                 ACTION: Notice of document availability                                                                       www.faa.gov/regulations_policies/rulemaking/
                                                                                                         authority, the Administrator establishes              committees/documents/index.cfm/document/
                                                 and request for comments.
                                                                                                         testing standards to ensure that                      information/documentID/3282.

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Document Created: 2018-10-20 01:50:12
Document Modified: 2018-10-20 01:50:12
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionProposed Rules
ActionNotice of proposed amended special conditions.
DatesSend comments on or before November 21, 2018.
ContactAlan Sinclair, Airframe and Cabin Safety Section, AIR-675, Transport Standards Branch, Policy and Innovation Division, Aircraft Certification Service, Federal Aviation Administration, 2200 South 216th Street, Des Moines, Washington 98198; telephone and fax 206-231-3215.
FR Citation83 FR 53193 
CFR AssociatedAircraft; Aviation Safety and Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements

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