83_FR_53505 83 FR 53301 - Post-Initial Determinations Regarding Eligiblity To Apply for Trade Adjustment Assistance

83 FR 53301 - Post-Initial Determinations Regarding Eligiblity To Apply for Trade Adjustment Assistance

Employment and Training Administration

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 204 (October 22, 2018)

Page Range53301-53312
FR Document2018-22915

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 204 (Monday, October 22, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 204 (Monday, October 22, 2018)]
[Pages 53301-53312]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-22915]



Employment and Training Administration

Post-Initial Determinations Regarding Eligiblity To Apply for 
Trade Adjustment Assistance

    In accordance with Sections 223 and 284 (19 U.S.C. 2273 and 2395) 
of the Trade Act of 1974 (19 U.S.C. 2271, et seq.) (``Act''), as 
amended, the Department of Labor herein presents Notice of Affirmative 
Determinations Regarding Application for Reconsideration, summaries of 
Negative Determinations Regarding Applications for Reconsideration, 
summaries of Revised Certifications of Eligibility, summaries of 
Revised Determinations (after Affirmative Determination Regarding 
Application for Reconsideration), summaries of Negative Determinations 
(after Affirmative Determination Regarding Application for 
Reconsideration), summaries of Revised Determinations (on remand from 
the Court of International Trade), and summaries of Negative 
Determinations (on remand from the Court of International Trade) 
regarding eligibility to apply for trade adjustment assistance under 
Chapter 2 of the Act (``TAA'') for workers by (TA-W) number issued 
during the period of March 1, 2016 through August 17, 2018. Post-
initial determinations are issued after a petition has been certified 
or denied. A post-initial determination may revise a certification, or 
modify or affirm a negative determination.

Affirmative/Negative Determinations Regarding Applications for 

    The certifying officer may grant an application for reconsideration 
under the following circumstances: (1) If it appears on the basis of 
facts not previously considered that the determination complained of 

[[Page 53302]]

erroneous; (2) If it appears that the determination complained of was 
based on a mistake in the determination of facts previously considered; 
or (3) If, in the opinion of the certifying officer, a 
misinterpretation of facts or of the law justifies reconsideration of 
the determination. See 29 CFR 90.18(c).

Affirmative Determinations Regarding Applications for Reconsideration

    The following Applications for Reconsideration have been received 
and granted. See 29 CFR 90.18(d). The group of workers or other persons 
showing an interest in the proceedings may provide written submissions 
to show why the determination under reconsideration should or should 
not be modified. The submissions must be sent no later than ten days 
after publication in the Federal Register to the Office of the 
Director, Office of Trade Adjustment Assistance, Employment and 
Training Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, Room N-5428, 200 
Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20210. See 29 CFR 90.18(f).

           TA-W No.                       Subject firm                               Location
85,355.......................  Chevron Mining, Inc..............  Questa, NM.
85,956.......................  Cameron International Corporation  Duncan, OK.
90,125.......................  Owens-Brockway Glass Container,    Oakland, CA.
90,324.......................  Embarq Management Company/United   Carlisle, PA.
                                Telephone of Pennsylvania.
91,039.......................  Foxconn Assembly, LLC............  Houston, TX.
91,121.......................  REC Silicon LLC..................  Moses Lake, WA.
91,138.......................  GrafTech International Holdings    Anmoore, WV.
91,218.......................  Mesabi Radial Tire Company.......  Hibbing, MN.
91,248.......................  Exal Corporation.................  Youngstown, OH.
91,264.......................  Shenango Incorporated............  Pittsburgh, PA.
91,325.......................  Mesabi Metallics Company LLC f/k/  Hibbing, MN.
                                a Essar Steel Minnesota LLC.
91,329.......................  Irathane Systems, Inc............  Hibbing, MN.
91,495.......................  Molycorp Metals and Alloys, Inc..  Mountain Pass, CA.
91,525.......................  Teknetix Inc.....................  Parkersburg, WV.
91,562.......................  Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.  Duncan, OK.
91,569.......................  Vigo Coal Operating Company, LLC.  Mount Carmel, IL.
91,641.......................  General Electric Company.........  Fort Edward, NY.
91,673.......................  Climax Manufacturing Inc.........  Lowville, NY.
91,791.......................  Woodard & Curran, Inc............  Madison, ME.
91,875.......................  Manitowoc Cranes, LLC............  Manitowoc, WI.
91,882.......................  SPX FLOW, Inc....................  McKean, PA.
91,957.......................  Joy Global, Inc..................  Eighty Four, PA.
92,084.......................  Northern Industrial Erectors, Inc  Grand Rapids, MN.
92,193.......................  White Pine Electric Power, LLC...  White Pine, MI.
92,256.......................  Ball Corporation.................  Weirton, WV.
92,318.......................  Vancouver Iron and Steel, Inc....  Vancouver, WA.
92,453.......................  Garco Building Systems...........  Airway Heights, WA.
92,463.......................  Brayton Point Energy, LLC........  Somerset, MA.
92,537.......................  General Motors Components          Kokomo, IN.
                                Holdings, LLC (GMCH).
92,554.......................  Skiva Graphics Screen............  Carlsbad, CA.
92,574.......................  Truvision Services, Inc..........  Yorkville, IL.
92,590.......................  MUFG Union Bank, N.A.............  Monterey Park, CA.
92,612.......................  Graphics Art Center..............  Portland, OR.
92,779.......................  3M Company.......................  Elyria, OH.
92,921.......................  JPMorgan Chase & Co..............  Columbus, OH.
92,945.......................  Progress Rail....................  Hodgkins, IL.
93,064.......................  Locke Insulators, Inc............  Baltimore, MD.
93,094.......................  Health Care Service Corporation..  Marion, IL.
93,223.......................  Saint-Gobain Proppants...........  Fort Smith, AR.
93,431.......................  Optum Services Inc., United        Hartford, CT.
93,521.......................  PCI Nitrogen LLC.................  Pasadena, TX.
93,760.......................  Radial South.....................  Memphis, TN.
91,121A......................  REC Silicon ASA..................  Silver Bow, MT.
91,121B......................  Nemo IT Solutions................  Moses Lake, WA.
91,121C......................  Spherion Staffing LLC............  Silver Bow, MT.
91,329A......................  Industrial Rubber Applicators,     Hibbing, MN.
91,329B......................  Iracore International-Minnesota,   Hibbing, MN.
91,569A......................  Vigo Coal Operating Company, LLC.  Boonville, IN.
91,569B......................  Vigo Coal Operating Company, LLC.  Evansville, IN.

Negative Determinations Regarding Application for Reconsideration

    The following determinations regarding applications for 
reconsideration have been received and denied. The determination 
complained of was not erroneous; there was not a mistake in the 
determination of facts previously considered; and in the opinion of the 
certifying officer, there was not a misinterpretation of facts or of 
the law justifying reconsideration of the determination. A Negative 
Determination Regarding Application for Reconsideration is a final 
determination for purposes of judicial review pursuant to section 284 
of the Act (19 U.S.C. 2395) and 29 CFR 90.19(a). See 29 CFR 90.18(e).

[[Page 53303]]

           TA-W No.                       Subject firm                               Location
86,111.......................  Seattle Snohomish Mill Company     Snohomish, WA.
91,272.......................  L-3 Communications Integrated      Beale Air Force Base, CA.
                                Systems, L.P.
91,475.......................  Sprint...........................  Blountville, TN.
91,490.......................  Sprint...........................  Blountville, TN.
91,543.......................  Mayflower Vehicle Systems, LLC...  Shadyside, OH.
91,760.......................  Aviara Residence Club Owners       Carlsbad, CA.
91,797.......................  Toshiba America Information        Irvine, CA.
                                Systems, Inc.
91,953.......................  Mercer Lime Company..............  Slippery Rock, PA.
92,182.......................  Gerdau Ameristeel US, Inc........  Calvert City, KY.
92,507.......................  Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.  Tulsa, OK.
92,518.......................  Fifth Third Bank.................  Coral Gables, FL.
92,767.......................  Ocwen Financial Corporation......  Houston, TX.
92,826.......................  Honeywell International, Inc.....  Melville, NY.

Notice of Revised Certifications of Eligibility

    Revised certifications of eligibility have been issued with respect 
to cases where affirmative determinations and certificates of 
eligibility were issued initially, but a minor error was discovered 
after the certification was issued. The revised certifications are 
issued pursuant to the Secretary's authority under section 223 of the 
Act and 29 CFR 90.16. Revised Certifications of Eligibility are final 
determinations for purposes of judicial review pursuant to section 284 
of the Act (19 U.S.C. 2395) and 29 CFR 90.19(a).

Notice of Determinations on Reconsideration

    Post-initial determinations have been issued with respect to cases 
where affirmative determinations regarding applications for 
reconsideration were granted. For cases where the worker group 
eligibility requirements are met, Revised Certifications of Eligibility 
or Revised Determinations have been issued. Revised Certifications of 
Eligibility and Revised Determinations are final determinations for 
purposes of judicial review pursuant to section 284 of the Act (19 
U.S.C. 2395) and 29 CFR 90.19(a). See 29 CFR 90.18(h). Negative 
Determinations on Reconsideration have been issued with respect to 
cases where the worker group eligibility requirements are not met. 
Negative Determinations on Reconsideration are final determinations for 
purposes of judicial review pursuant to section 284 of the Act (19 
U.S.C. 2395) and 29 CFR 90.19(a). See 29 CFR 90.18(i).

Notice of Determination on Remand

    Post-initial determinations have also been issued with respect to 
cases where negative determinations regarding eligibility to apply for 
TAA were issued initially or on reconsideration and were appealed to 
the Court of International Trade and remanded by the court to the 
Secretary for the taking of additional evidence. See 29 CFR 90.19(a) 
and (c). For cases where the worker group eligibility requirements are 
met, the previous determination was modified and Revised Determinations 
on Remand have been issued. For cases where the worker group 
eligibility requirements are not met, the previous determination is 
affirmed and Negative Determinations on Remand have been issued. The 
Secretary will certify and file the record of the remand proceedings in 
the Court of International Trade. Determinations on Remand are final 
determinations for purposes of judicial review pursuant to section 284 
of the Act (19 U.S.C. 2395).

Summary of Statutory Requirement

    (This Notice primarily follows the language of the Trade Act. In 
some places however, changes such as the inclusion of subheadings, a 
reorganization of language, or ``and,'' ``or,'' or other words are 
added for clarification.)

Section 222(a)--Workers of a Primary Firm

    In order for an affirmative determination to be made for workers of 
a primary firm and a certification issued regarding eligibility to 
apply for TAA, the group eligibility requirements under Section 222(a) 
of the Act (19 U.S.C. 2272(a)) must be met, as follows:
    (1) The first criterion (set forth in Section 222(a)(1) of the Act, 
19 U.S.C. 2272(a)(1)) is that a significant number or proportion of the 
workers in such workers' firm (or ``such firm'') have become totally or 
partially separated, or are threatened to become totally or partially 
    AND (2(A) or 2(B) below).
    (2) The second criterion (set forth in Section 222(a)(2) of the 
Act, 19 U.S.C. 2272(a)(2)) may be satisfied by either (A) the Increased 
Imports Path, or (B) the Shift in Production or Services to a Foreign 
Country Path/Acquisition of Articles or Services from a Foreign Country 
Path, as follows:
    (A) Increased Imports Path:
    (i) the sales or production, or both, of such firm, have decreased 
    AND (ii and iii below).
    (ii) (I) imports of articles or services like or directly 
competitive with articles produced or services supplied by such firm 
have increased; OR
    (II)(aa) imports of articles like or directly competitive with 
articles into which one or more component parts produced by such firm 
are directly incorporated, have increased; OR
    (II)(bb) imports of articles like or directly competitive with 
articles which are produced directly using the services supplied by 
such firm, have increased; OR
    (III) imports of articles directly incorporating one or more 
component parts produced outside the United States that are like or 
directly competitive with imports of articles incorporating one or more 
component parts produced by such firm have increased;
    (iii) the increase in imports described in clause (ii) contributed 
importantly to such workers' separation or threat of separation and to 
the decline in the sales or production of such firm; OR
    (B) Shift in Production or Services to a Foreign Country Path OR 
Acquisition of Articles or Services from a Foreign Country Path:
    (i)(I) there has been a shift by such workers' firm to a foreign 
country in the production of articles or the supply of services like or 
directly competitive with articles which are produced or services which 
are supplied by such firm; OR
    (II) such workers' firm has acquired from a foreign country 
articles or services that are like or directly competitive with 
articles which are produced or services which are supplied by such 
    (ii) the shift described in clause (i)(I) or the acquisition of 
articles or services described in clause (i)(II) contributed

[[Page 53304]]

importantly to such workers' separation or threat of separation.

Section 222(b)--Adversely Affected Secondary Workers

    In order for an affirmative determination to be made for adversely 
affected secondary workers of a firm and a certification issued 
regarding eligibility to apply for TAA, the group eligibility 
requirements of Section 222(b) of the Act (19 U.S.C. 2272(b)) must be 
met, as follows:
    (1) a significant number or proportion of the workers in the 
workers' firm or an appropriate subdivision of the firm have become 
totally or partially separated, or are threatened to become totally or 
partially separated;
    (2) the workers' firm is a supplier or downstream producer to a 
firm that employed a group of workers who received a certification of 
eligibility under Section 222(a) of the Act (19 U.S.C. 2272(a)), and 
such supply or production is related to the article or service that was 
the basis for such certification (as defined in subsection 222(c)(3) 
and (4) of the Act (19 U.S.C. 2272(c)(3) and (4));
    (3) either--
    (A) the workers' firm is a supplier and the component parts it 
supplied to the firm described in paragraph (2) accounted for at least 
20 percent of the production or sales of the workers' firm; OR
    (B) a loss of business by the workers' firm with the firm described 
in paragraph (2) contributed importantly to the workers' separation or 
threat of separation determined under paragraph (1).
    Section 222(e)--Firms identified by the International Trade 
    In order for an affirmative determination to be made for adversely 
affected workers in firms identified by the International Trade 
Commission and a certification issued regarding eligibility to apply 
for TAA, the group eligibility requirements of Section 222(e) of the 
Act (19 U.S.C. 2272(e) must be met, by following criteria (1), (2), and 
(3) as follows:
    (1) the workers' firm is publicly identified by name by the 
International Trade Commission as a member of a domestic industry in an 
investigation resulting in--
    (A) an affirmative determination of serious injury or threat 
thereof under section 202(b)(1) of the Act (19 U.S.C. 2252(b)(1)); OR
    (B) an affirmative determination of market disruption or threat 
thereof under section 421(b)(1) of the Act (19 U.S.C. 2436(b)(1)); OR
    (C) an affirmative final determination of material injury or threat 
thereof under section 705(b)(1)(A) or 735(b)(1)(A) of the Tariff Act of 
1930 (19 U.S.C. 1671d(b)(1)(A) and 1673d(b)(1)(A));
    (2) the petition is filed during the 1-year period beginning on the 
date on which--
    (A) a summary of the report submitted to the President by the 
International Trade Commission under section 202(f)(1) of the Trade Act 
(19 U.S.C. 2252(f)(1)) with respect to the affirmative determination 
described in paragraph (1)(A) is published in the Federal Register 
under section 202(f)(3) (19 U.S.C. 2252(f)(3)); OR
    (B) notice of an affirmative determination described in 
subparagraph (B) or (C) of paragraph (1) is published in the Federal 
    (3) the workers have become totally or partially separated from the 
workers' firm within--
    (A) the 1-year period described in paragraph (2); OR
    (B) notwithstanding section 223(b) of the Act (19 U.S.C. 2273(b)), 
the 1-year period preceding the 1-year period described in paragraph 

Revised Certifications of Eligibility

    The following revised certifications of eligibility to apply for 
TAA have been issued. The date following the company name and location 
of each determination references the impact date for all workers of 
such determination, and the reason(s) for the determination.
    The following revisions have been issued.

       TA-W No.               Subject firm              Location          Impact date           Reason(s)
82,557...............  Ericsson Inc.............  Overland Park, KS...       3/12/2012  Worker Group
83,328...............  General Electric Company.  Erie, PA............      12/20/2012  Worker Group
85,286...............  United States Steel        Lorain, OH..........        5/2/2013  Worker Group
                        Corporation.                                                     Clarification.
85,302...............  Kimberly Carbonates, LLC.  Kimberly, WI........       5/12/2013  Worker Group
85,451...............  Fifth Third Mortgage       Cincinnati, OH......       7/25/2013  Other.
85,547...............  Foxconn Assembly LLC/      Houston, TX.........       9/22/2013  Worker Group
                        Foxconn Hon Hai                                                  Clarification.
                        Logistics LLC.
85,592...............  Micro Power Electronics,   Beaverton, OR.......      10/10/2013  Worker Group
                        Inc.                                                             Clarification.
85,605...............  GE Power Electronics, Inc  Galion, OH..........      10/17/2013  Wages Reported Under
                                                                                         Different FEIN Number.
85,625...............  Entergy Nuclear            Vernon, VT..........      10/29/2013  Other.
                        Operations, Inc.
85,629...............  Amgen Inc................  Seattle, WA.........       11/3/2013  Worker Group
85,664...............  Kraft Foods Group Global,  Woburn, MA..........      11/20/2013  Worker Group
                        Inc.                                                             Clarification.
85,703...............  CareFusion Resources, LLC  Englewood, CO.......       12/8/2013  Worker Group
85,717...............  California Redwood         Korbel, CA..........       12/9/2013  Worker Group
                        Company.                                                         Clarification.
85,718...............  Osram Sylvania...........  Danvers, MA.........      12/10/2013  Worker Group
85,725...............  Lexis Nexis..............  Miamisburg, OH......      12/15/2013  Wages Reported Under
                                                                                         Different FEIN Number.
85,742...............  General Motors Lake Orion  Lake Orion, MI......      12/19/2013  Worker Group
                        Assembly.                                                        Clarification.
85,763...............  Ross Mould LLC...........  Washington, PA......       8/24/2014  Worker Group
85,796...............  U.S. Steel Tubular         Lone Star, TX.......       1/27/2014  Worker Group
                        Products, Inc.                                                   Clarification.
85,804...............  Convergys Corporation....  Jacksonville, TX....        2/2/2014  Wages Reported Under
                                                                                         Different FEIN Number.
85,867...............  Day & Zimmermann, Inc....  Parsons, KS.........        3/6/2014  Worker Group
85,911...............  Arrow International......  Asheboro, NC........       3/27/2014  Worker Group
85,954...............  Baker Hughes Incorporated  Claremore, OK.......       4/22/2014  Worker Group
85,961...............  Modine Manufacturing       Washington, IA......       4/24/2014  Worker Group
                        Company.                                                         Clarification.
85,992...............  Verizon..................  Cary, NC............        5/6/2014  Wages Reported Under
                                                                                         Different FEIN Number.
86,001...............  The Boeing Company.......  Seattle, WA.........       6/13/2015  Worker Group
86,004...............  Cooper Power Systems.....  Fayetteville, AR....        5/8/2014  Worker Group

[[Page 53305]]

86,065...............  Cliffs Natural Resources,  Ishpeming, MI.......        6/4/2014  Worker Group
                        Inc.                                                             Clarification.
86,083...............  Magnetation LLC..........  Keewatin, MN........        6/9/2014  Worker Group
86,088...............  Breg, Inc................  Grand Prairie, TX...        6/9/2014  Wages Reported Under
                                                                                         Different FEIN Number.
86,089...............  Huntington Alloys          Huntington, WV......       6/10/2014  Worker Group
                        Corporation.                                                     Clarification.
90,004...............  Citizens Bank, National    Bridgeport, CT......        1/1/2014  Worker Group
                        Association.                                                     Clarification.
90,013...............  National Oilwell Varco...  Springfield, OH.....        1/1/2014  Wages Reported Under
                                                                                         Different FEIN Number.
90,046...............  ConMed...................  Centennial, CO......        1/1/2014  Worker Group
90,075...............  Symantec Corporation.....  Springfield, OR.....        1/1/2014  Worker Group
90,075...............  Symantec Corporation.....  Springfield, OR.....        1/1/2014  Worker Group
90,082...............  Lumentum Operations LLC..  Bloomfield, CT......        1/1/2014  Worker Group
90,166...............  Dresser, Inc.............  Avon, MA............        5/9/2015  Worker Group
90,251...............  Caterpillar, Inc.........  Lafayette, IN.......        1/1/2014  Worker Group
90,278...............  Breg, Inc................  Plano, TX...........        1/1/2014  Wages Reported Under
                                                                                         Different FEIN Number.
90,281...............  Verso Corporation........  Wickliffe, KY.......        1/1/2014  Worker Group
90,327...............  Kyklos Bearing             Sandusky, OH........        1/1/2014  Worker Group
                        International, LLC.                                              Clarification.
91,017...............  American Airlines, Inc...  Fort Worth, TX......       10/2/2014  Wages Reported Under
                                                                                         Different FEIN Number.
91,027...............  Indiana Marujun, LLC.....  Winchester, IN......       10/2/2014  Worker Group
91,030...............  Mitsubishi Motors North    Normal, IL..........       10/6/2014  Worker Group
                        America, Inc.                                                    Clarification.
91,045...............  Higher One, Inc..........  New Haven, CT.......       10/9/2014  Ownership Change of a
                                                                                         Successor Firm.
91,051...............  Carter Fuel Systems......  Logansport, IN......       10/1/2014  Worker Group
91,070...............  LPL Financial LLC........  San Diego, CA.......      10/22/2014  Worker Group
91,090...............  AK Steel Corporation.....  Ashland, KY.........      10/26/2014  Worker Group
91,092...............  One Call Care Management.  Jacksonville, FL....      10/29/2014  Worker Group
91,132...............  Century Aluminum of South  Goose Creek, SC.....      11/11/2014  Worker Group
                        Carolina, Inc.                                                   Clarification.
91,145...............  Joy Global Underground     Franklin, PA........      11/27/2015  Worker Group
                        Mining, LLC.                                                     Clarification.
91,152...............  PetroChoice, LLC.........  Chisholm, MN........      11/17/2014  Worker Group
91,177...............  PTC Alliance.............  Beaver Falls, PA....      11/14/2014  Wages Reported Under
                                                                                         Different FEIN Number.
91,205...............  KBR, Inc.................  Houston, TX.........       12/8/2014  Wages Reported Under
                                                                                         Different FEIN Number.
91,211...............  D+H USA Corporation......  Portland, OR........      12/10/2014  Wages Reported Under
                                                                                         Different FEIN Number.
91,233...............  Thermo Fisher Scientific,  Austin, TX..........      12/15/2014  Wages Reported Under
                        LLC.                                                             Different FEIN Number.
91,257...............  Huntley Power LLC........  Tonawanda, NY.......      12/22/2014  Worker Group
91,258...............  International Business     Denver, CO..........      12/22/2014  Worker Group
                        Machines (IBM).                                                  Clarification.
91,279...............  Allegheny Ludlum LLC.....  Bagdad, PA..........        1/4/2015  Worker Group
91,290...............  ConAgra Foods, Inc.......  Omaha, NE...........      12/24/2014  Worker Group
91,336...............  Spirit Aerosystems, Inc..  Wichita, KS.........      10/19/2015  Worker Group
91,352...............  Noranda Aluminum, Inc....  New Madrid, MO......        2/5/2016  Wages Reported Under
                                                                                         Different FEIN Number.
91,485...............  Sensata Technologies, Inc  Springfield, TN.....       2/18/2015  Worker Group
91,499...............  Saginaw Machine Systems,   Saginaw, MI.........       2/22/2015  Wages Reported Under
                        Inc.                                                             Different FEIN Number.
91,511...............  Technicolor Home           Olyphant, PA........       2/24/2015  Ownership Change of a
                        Entertainment Services.                                          Successor Firm.
91,535...............  General Electric Company.  Grove City, PA......        3/1/2015  Wages Reported Under
                                                                                         Different FEIN Number.
91,535...............  General Electric Company.  Grove City, PA......        3/1/2015  Worker Group
91,549...............  W.W. Grainger, Inc.......  Janesville, WI......        3/3/2015  Worker Group
91,554...............  Polar Tank Trailer.......  Holdingford, MN.....        3/4/2015  Worker Group
91,567...............  Titan Tire Corporation of  Bryan, OH...........       2/20/2016  Other.
91,596...............  Hitachi Metals Automotive  Wellsboro, PA.......       3/14/2015  Worker Group
                        Components, LLC.                                                 Clarification.
91,611...............  Sherwin Alumina Company,   Gregory, TX.........       3/21/2015  Wages Reported Under
                        LLC.                                                             Different FEIN Number.
91,616...............  Mary's River Lumber        Corvallis, OR.......       3/21/2015  Worker Group
                        Company.                                                         Clarification.
91,653...............  Royal Ingredients, LLC...  Swedesboro, NJ......       3/31/2015  Worker Group
91,654...............  WKW Roof Rail Systems,     Battle Creek, MI....       3/31/2015  Worker Group
                        LLC.                                                             Clarification.
91,725...............  General Electric Company.  Erie, PA............        6/4/2016  Worker Group
91,755...............  Kraft Heinz Foods Company  Allentown, PA.......       4/28/2015  Worker Group
91,809...............  Sprint...................  Overland Park, KS...       5/12/2015  Worker Group
91,811...............  Sykes Enterprises,         Langhorne, PA.......       5/13/2015  Worker Group
                        Incorporated.                                                    Clarification.
91,816...............  Nike Foundation..........  Beaverton, OR.......       5/16/2015  Worker Group
91,900...............  Intel Corporation........  Hillsboro, OR.......        6/9/2015  Worker Group
91,914...............  Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC  West Palm Beach, FL.       6/10/2015  Worker Group
91,920...............  Compucom Systems, Inc....  Dallas, TX..........       6/14/2015  Worker Group
91,954...............  Siemens Shared Services..  Orlando, FL.........       6/23/2015  Worker Group
92,005...............  CTS Corporation..........  Elkhart, IN.........        7/8/2015  Worker Group
92,015...............  Mattel, Inc..............  East Aurora, NY.....       7/13/2015  Worker Group

[[Page 53306]]

92,023...............  Alcatel-Lucent USA, Inc..  Naperville, IL......       7/18/2015  Worker Group
92,078...............  Intel Corporation........  Rio Rancho, NM......        8/1/2015  Worker Group
92,106...............  Gonzalez Group, LLC......  Litchfield, MI......       8/11/2015  Worker Group
92,118...............  CVG Alabama, LLC.........  Piedmont, AL........       6/24/2015  Wages Reported Under
                                                                                         Different FEIN Number.
92,137...............  Weyerhaeuser NR Company..  Columbia Falls, MT..       8/23/2015  Worker Group
92,175...............  Dow Business Services,     Midland, MI.........        9/1/2015  Worker Group
                        LLC.                                                             Clarification.
92,176...............  Delphi Automotive          Warren, OH..........        9/2/2015  Worker Group
                        Systems, LLC.                                                    Clarification.
92,183...............  Applied Materials........  Austin, TX..........        8/8/2016  Worker Group
92,189...............  GE Energy Power            Pittsburgh, PA......        9/7/2015  Worker Group
                        Conversion US, Inc.                                              Clarification.
92,198...............  Ericsson, Inc............  Plano, TX...........       9/12/2015  Worker Group
92,214...............  Quantum Spatial, Inc.....  Anchorage, AK.......       9/15/2015  Worker Group
92,217...............  Caterpillar Inc..........  Houston, PA.........       9/16/2015  Worker Group
92,243...............  Harman...................  Cheney, WA..........       9/22/2015  Worker Group
92,251...............  Versum Materials US, LLC.  Allentown, PA.......        9/9/2015  Wages Reported Under
                                                                                         Different FEIN Number.
92,293...............  HP Inc...................  Palo Alto, CA.......       10/4/2015  Worker Group
92,293...............  HP Inc...................  Palo Alto, CA.......       10/4/2015  Worker Group
92,293...............  HP Inc...................  Palo Alto, CA.......       10/4/2015  Worker Group
92,325...............  ConvaTec.................  Greensboro, NC......      10/14/2015  Worker Group
92,403...............  Convergys Customer         Tamarac, FL.........       11/3/2015  Worker Group
                        Management Group.                                                Clarification.
92,411...............  tronc, Inc...............  Chicago, IL.........       11/9/2015  Worker Group
92,422...............  Rexnord Industries, LLC..  Indianapolis, IN....      11/15/2015  Worker Group
92,465...............  GE Inspection              Lewistown, PA.......       12/5/2015  Worker Group
                        Technologies.                                                    Clarification.
92,465...............  GE Inspection              Lewistown, PA.......       12/5/2015  Worker Group
                        Technologies.                                                    Clarification.
92,471...............  FCR......................  Independence, OR....       12/7/2015  Worker Group
92,482...............  Crew Knitwear LLC........  Los Angeles, CA.....       12/9/2015  Wages Reported Under
                                                                                         Different FEIN Number.
92,493...............  Pentair Technical          Houston, TX.........      12/15/2015  Worker Group
                        Solutions.                                                       Clarification.
92,546...............  Kellogg Seelyville Bakery  Terre Haute, IN.....       1/10/2016  Worker Group
92,605...............  M+W US, Inc..............  Plano, TX...........        2/2/2016  Worker Group
92,625...............  tronc, Inc...............  Chicago, IL.........        2/6/2016  Ownership Change of a
                                                                                         Successor Firm.
92,634...............  Seagate Technology.......  Shakopee, MN........       2/10/2016  Worker Group
92,644...............  Luvo USA, LLC f/k/a        Schaumburg, IL......       2/14/2016  Worker Group
                        Provita Cuisine LLC.                                             Clarification.
92,684...............  ASG Technologies Group,    Naples, FL..........       2/24/2016  Worker Group
                        Inc.                                                             Clarification.
92,692...............  Travelport, LP...........  Kansas City, MO.....        3/1/2016  Worker Group
92,732...............  Ross Mould LLC...........  Washington, PA......       3/12/2017  Other.
92,740...............  NSi Industries LLC.......  Mount Vernon, NY....       3/16/2016  Worker Group
92,741...............  Pacific Gas and Electric   San Francisco, CA...       3/16/2016  Worker Group
                        Co.                                                              Clarification.
92,754...............  Axeon Specialty Products   Paulsboro, NJ.......       3/24/2016  Worker Group
                        LLC.                                                             Clarification.
92,796...............  Dresser-Rand Company.....  Olean, NY...........        6/5/2017  Worker Group
92,805...............  Nielsen..................  Green Bay, WI.......        4/6/2016  Worker Group
92,839...............  Dura Automotive Systems,   Stockton, IL........       4/25/2016  Wages Reported Under
                        LLC.                                                             Different FEIN Number.
92,845...............  Diodes FabTech Inc.......  Lee's Summit, MO....       4/26/2016  Worker Group
92,866...............  LEDVANCE, LLC............  St. Marys, PA.......        5/6/2017  Worker Group
92,882...............  Triumph Aerostructures...  Red Oak, TX.........       3/13/2017  Other.
92,895...............  SmashFly Technologies,     Concord, MA.........       5/16/2016  Worker Group
                        Inc.                                                             Clarification.
92,903...............  The Boeing Company.......  Tukwila, WA.........        8/7/2017  Worker Group
92,933...............  Wolfe Tory Medical Inc...  Salt Lake City, UT..        6/5/2016  Worker Group
92,952...............  Eagle Family Foods Group   Seneca, MO..........       6/14/2016  Worker Group
                        LLC.                                                             Clarification.
92,992...............  Hewlett Packard            Chicago, IL.........        7/3/2016  Worker Group
                        Enterprise.                                                      Clarification.
92,999...............  Atlas Copco Secoroc LLC..  Grand Prairie, TX...        7/7/2016  Worker Group
93,007...............  Commemorative Brands, Inc  Austin, TX..........        8/9/2016  Technical Error.
93,032...............  Ditech Financial LLC.....  St. Paul, MN........       7/21/2016  Worker Group
93,066...............  Kalmar Rough Terrain       Cibolo, TX..........        8/7/2016  Worker Group
                        Center, LLC.                                                     Clarification.
93,074...............  Philips Medical Systems    Aurora, IL..........       8/11/2016  Worker Group
                        (Cleveland) Inc.                                                 Clarification.
93,140...............  U.S. Steel Tubular         Lone Star, TX.......       3/13/2017  Other.
                        Products, Inc.
93,173...............  Itron, Inc...............  Owenton, KY.........       9/14/2016  Worker Group
93,202...............  Dex Media, Inc...........  Tucker, GA..........       10/3/2016  Worker Group
93,202...............  Dex Media, Inc...........  Tucker, GA..........       10/3/2016  Worker Group
93,218...............  Xerox Corporation........  Rochester, NY.......       10/6/2016  Worker Group
93,251...............  SKF Sealing Solutions....  Seneca, KS..........      10/25/2016  Other.
93,254...............  Arrow International Inc..  Reading, PA.........      12/18/2017  Technical Error.
93,262...............  Boyd Coffee Company......  Portland, OR........      10/27/2016  Worker Group
93,262...............  Boyd Coffee Company......  Portland, OR........      10/27/2016  Worker Group
93,295...............  RR Donnelley.............  Lancaster, PA.......      10/16/2017  Technical Error.
93,323...............  Payless ShoeSource, Inc..  Topeka, KS..........      11/22/2016  Worker Group
93,330...............  Technicolor Connected      Indianapolis, IN....      11/28/2016  Worker Group
                        Home USA.                                                        Clarification.
93,382...............  Honeywell International,   Metropolis, IL......      12/20/2016  Worker Group
                        Inc.                                                             Clarification.
93,431...............  Optum Services Inc,        Hartford, CT........       1/17/2017  Technical Error.
                        UnitedHealth Group.
93,619...............  AES Ohio Generation        Aberdeen, OH........        3/6/2017  Worker Group
                        (DP&L).                                                          Clarification.
93,639...............  AK Steel Corporation.....  Lyndora, PA.........       9/30/2017  Technical Error.
93,813...............  Cosmoflex, Inc...........  Hannibal, MO........       5/10/2017  Other.

[[Page 53307]]

82,557A..............  Ericsson Inc.............  Overland Park, KS...       3/12/2012  Worker Group
82,557B..............  Ericsson Inc.............  Overland Park, KS...       3/12/2012  Worker Group
82,557C..............  Ericsson Inc.............  Atlanta, GA.........       3/12/2012  Worker Group
82,557D..............  Ericsson Inc.............  Overland Park, KS...       3/12/2012  Worker Group
85,286A..............  United States Steel        Fairfield, AL.......        5/2/2013  Worker Group
                        Corporation.                                                     Clarification.
85,286B..............  United States Steel        East Chicago, IN....        5/2/2013  Worker Group
                        Corporation.                                                     Clarification.
85,286C..............  Lorain Northern Railroad.  Lorain, OH..........        5/2/2013  Worker Group
85,286D..............  United States Steel        Pine Buff, AR.......        5/2/2013  Worker Group
                        Corporation.                                                     Clarification.
85,286E..............  United States Steel        Gary, IN............        5/2/2013  Worker Group
                        Corporation.                                                     Clarification.
85,286F..............  United States Steel        Ecorse, MI..........        5/2/2013  Worker Group
                        Corporation.                                                     Clarification.
85,286G..............  Fairfield Southern         Fairfield, AL.......        5/2/2013  Worker Group
                        Company.                                                         Clarification.
85,629A..............  Amgen Inc................  Bothell, WA.........       11/3/2013  Worker Group
85,664A..............  Kelly Services, Radiant    Woburn, MA..........      11/20/2013  Worker Group
                        Systems, and U.S.                                                Clarification.
                        Security Associates, Inc.
85,717A..............  California Redwood         Eureka, CA..........       12/9/2013  Worker Group
                        Company.                                                         Clarification.
85,718A..............  Osram Sylvania...........  Wilmington, MA......      12/10/2013  Worker Group
85,796A..............  United States Steel        Keewatin, MN........       1/27/2014  Worker Group
                        Corporation.                                                     Clarification.
85,796B..............  United States Steel        Mt. Iron, MN........       1/27/2014  Worker Group
                        Corporation.                                                     Clarification.
85,796C..............  United States Steel        Granite City, IL....       1/27/2014  Worker Group
                        Corporation.                                                     Clarification.
85,796D..............  United States Steel        West Mifflin, PA....       1/27/2014  Worker Group
                        Corporation.                                                     Clarification.
85,867A..............  Day & Zimmermann Lone      East Camden, AR.....        3/6/2014  Worker Group
                        Star LLC.                                                        Clarification.
85,911A..............  Arrow International......  Ramseur, NC.........       3/27/2014  Worker Group
85,954A..............  Baker Hughes Incorporated  Broken Arrow, OK....       4/22/2014  Worker Group
85,954B..............  Baker Hughes Incorporated  Hampton, AR.........       4/22/2014  Worker Group
86,001A..............  Leased Workers from 22nd   Seattle, WA.........        5/8/2014  Worker Group
                        Century Technologies,                                            Clarification.
                        Inc, etc.
86,065A..............  Cliffs Natural Resources,  Palmer, MI..........        6/4/2014  Worker Group
                        Inc.                                                             Clarification.
86,065B..............  United Talconite, LLC....  Eveleth, MN.........        6/4/2014  Worker Group
86,065C..............  United Talconite, LLC....  Forbes, MN..........        6/4/2014  Worker Group
86,065D..............  Hibbing Taconite.........  Hibbing, MN.........        6/4/2014  Worker Group
86,065E..............  Northshore Mining........  Babbitt, MN.........        6/4/2014  Worker Group
86,065F..............  Northshore Mining........  Silver Bay, MN......        6/4/2014  Worker Group
86,083A..............  Magnetation LLC..........  Bovey, MN...........        6/9/2014  Worker Group
86,083B..............  Magnetation LLC..........  Grand Rapids, MN....        6/9/2014  Worker Group
86,089A..............  Huntington Alloys          Burnaugh, KY........       6/10/2014  Worker Group
                        Corporation.                                                     Clarification.
90,004A..............  Citizens Bank, National    Bridgeport, CT......        1/1/2014  Worker Group
                        Association.                                                     Clarification.
90,166A..............  Kelly Services, NEED, Op   Avon, MA............        1/1/2014  Worker Group
                        Amp, Softek, Aerotek,                                            Clarification.
                        APN Software Solutions.
90,281A..............  Verso Corporation........  Beaver Dam, KY......        1/1/2014  Worker Group
90,281B..............  Verso Corporation........  Eddyville, KY.......        1/1/2014  Worker Group
90,281C..............  Verso Corporation........  Wickliffe, KY.......        1/1/2014  Worker Group
90,281D..............  Verso Corporation........  Bethel Springs, TN..        1/1/2014  Worker Group
90,281E..............  Verso Corporation........  Camden, TN..........        1/1/2014  Worker Group
90,281F..............  Verso Corporation........  Dover, TN...........        1/1/2014  Worker Group
91,070A..............  LPL Financial LLC........  Charlotte, NC.......      10/22/2014  Worker Group
91,070B..............  LPL Financial LLC........  Boston, MA..........      10/22/2014  Worker Group
91,092A..............  One Call Care Management.  Tampa, FL...........      10/29/2014  Worker Group
91,145A..............  On-Site Leased Workers     Franklin, PA........      11/16/2014  Worker Group
                        from Technical                                                   Clarification.
                        Solutions, Inc, etc.
91,145B..............  Joy Global Underground     Reno, PA............      11/16/2014  Worker Group
                        Mining, LLC.                                                     Clarification.
91,152A..............  PetroChoice, LLC.........  Superior, WI........      11/17/2014  Worker Group
91,211A..............  D+H USA Corporation......  Bothell, WA.........      12/10/2014  Wages Reported Under
                                                                                         Different FEIN Number.
91,258A..............  International Business     Endicott, NY........      12/22/2014  Worker Group
                        Machines (IBM).                                                  Clarification.
91,258B..............  International Business     Omaha, NE...........      12/22/2014  Worker Group
                        Machines (IBM).                                                  Clarification.
91,336A..............  Spirit Aerosystems, Inc..  Wichita, KS.........       1/12/2015  Worker Group
91,352A..............  Express Personnel,         New Madrid, MO......       1/14/2015  Wages Reported Under
                        Randstad and Whelan                                              Different FEIN Number.
                        Security Company.
91,554A..............  Polar Tank Trailer.......  Opole, MN...........        3/4/2015  Worker Group
91,567A..............  PER MAR Security Services  Bryan, OH...........        3/8/2015  Other.
                        and Elwood Staffing.
91,616A..............  Mary's River Lumber        Montesano, WA.......       3/21/2015  Worker Group
                        Company.                                                         Clarification.
91,616B..............  Mary's River Lumber        Philomath, OR.......       3/21/2015  Worker Group
                        Company.                                                         Clarification.
91,725A..............  3M Industrial, A-D         Erie, PA............       4/21/2015  Worker Group
                        Technology, AVI                                                  Clarification.
                        Foodsystems, AXIS
91,809A..............  Sprint...................  Blountville, TN.....       5/12/2015  Worker Group
91,811A..............  Sykes Enterprises,         Eugene, OR..........       5/13/2015  Worker Group
                        Incorporated.                                                    Clarification.
91,811B..............  Sykes Enterprises,         Eugene, OR..........       5/13/2015  Worker Group
                        Incorporated.                                                    Clarification.
91,914A..............  Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC  Coppell, TX.........       4/25/2015  Worker Group
91,914B..............  Kelly Vendor Management    Coppell, TX.........       6/10/2015  Worker Group
                        Services.                                                        Clarification.
91,914C..............  Ocwen Loan Financial       Houston, TX.........       6/10/2015  Worker Group
                        Corporation.                                                     Clarification.
91,920A..............  Compucom Systems, Inc....  Plano, TX...........       6/14/2015  Worker Group
92,106A..............  Gonzalez Group, LLC......  Jonesville, MI......       8/11/2015  Worker Group
92,137A..............  Weyerhaeuser NR Company..  Columbia Falls, MT..       8/23/2015  Worker Group

[[Page 53308]]

92,137B..............  Weyerhaeuser NR Company..  Kalispell, MT.......       8/23/2015  Worker Group
92,214A..............  Quantum Spatial, Inc.....  Ann Arbor, MI.......       9/15/2015  Worker Group
92,214B..............  Quantum Spatial, Inc.....  Norcross, GA........       9/15/2015  Worker Group
92,214C..............  Quantum Spatial, Inc.....  Colorado Springs, CO       9/15/2015  Worker Group
92,214D..............  Quantum Spatial, Inc.....  Corvallis, OR.......       9/15/2015  Worker Group
92,214E..............  Quantum Spatial, Inc.....  Dulles, VA..........       9/15/2015  Worker Group
92,214F..............  Quantum Spatial, Inc.....  Lexington, KY.......       9/15/2015  Worker Group
92,214G..............  Quantum Spatial, Inc.....  Maple Grove, MN.....       9/15/2015  Worker Group
92,214H..............  Quantum Spatial, Inc.....  Mission, KS.........       9/15/2015  Worker Group
92,214I..............  Quantum Spatial, Inc.....  Portland, OR........       9/15/2015  Worker Group
92,214J..............  Quantum Spatial, Inc.....  Sheboygan, WI.......       9/15/2015  Worker Group
92,214K..............  Quantum Spatial, Inc.....  Sheboygan Falls, WI.       9/15/2015  Worker Group
92,214L..............  Quantum Spatial, Inc.....  St. Petersburg, FL..       9/15/2015  Worker Group
92,243A..............  Harman...................  Elkhart, IN.........       9/22/2015  Worker Group
92,293A..............  HP Inc...................  San Diego, CA.......       10/4/2015  Worker Group
92,293A..............  HP Inc...................  San Diego, CA.......       10/4/2015  Worker Group
92,293A..............  HP Inc...................  San Diego, CA.......       10/4/2015  Worker Group
92,293B..............  HP Inc...................  Fort Collins, CO....       10/4/2015  Worker Group
92,293B..............  HP Inc...................  Fort Collins, CO....       10/4/2015  Worker Group
92,293B..............  HP Inc...................  Fort Collins, CO....       10/4/2015  Worker Group
92,293C..............  HP Inc...................  Alpharetta, GA......       10/4/2015  Worker Group
92,293C..............  HP Inc...................  Alpharetta, GA......       10/4/2015  Worker Group
92,293C..............  HP Inc...................  Alpharetta, GA......       10/4/2015  Worker Group
92,293D..............  HP Inc...................  Boise, ID...........       10/4/2015  Worker Group
92,293D..............  HP Inc...................  Boise, ID...........       10/4/2015  Worker Group
92,293D..............  HP Inc...................  Boise, ID...........       10/4/2015  Worker Group
92,293E..............  HP Inc...................  Rio Rancho, NM......       10/4/2015  Worker Group
92,293E..............  HP Inc...................  Rio Rancho, NM......       10/4/2015  Worker Group
92,293E..............  HP Inc...................  Rio Rancho, NM......       10/4/2015  Worker Group
92,293F..............  HP Inc...................  New York, NY........       10/4/2015  Worker Group
92,293F..............  HP Inc...................  New York, NY........       10/4/2015  Worker Group
92,293F..............  HP Inc...................  New York, NY........       10/4/2015  Worker Group
92,293G..............  HP Inc...................  Corvallis, OR.......       10/4/2015  Worker Group
92,293G..............  HP Inc...................  Corvallis, OR.......       10/4/2015  Worker Group
92,293G..............  HP Inc...................  Corvallis, OR.......       10/4/2015  Worker Group
92,293H..............  HP Inc...................  Plano, TX...........       10/4/2015  Worker Group
92,293H..............  HP Inc...................  Plano, TX...........       10/4/2015  Worker Group
92,293H..............  HP Inc...................  Plano, TX...........       10/4/2015  Worker Group
92,293I..............  HP Inc...................  Houston, TX.........       10/4/2015  Worker Group
92,293I..............  HP Inc...................  Houston, TX.........       10/4/2015  Worker Group
92,293I..............  HP Inc...................  Houston, TX.........       10/4/2015  Worker Group
92,293J..............  HP Inc...................  Austin, TX..........       10/4/2015  Worker Group
92,293J..............  HP Inc...................  Austin, TX..........       10/4/2015  Worker Group
92,293J..............  HP Inc...................  Austin, TX..........       10/4/2015  Worker Group
92,293K..............  HP Inc...................  Vancouver, WA.......       10/4/2015  Worker Group
92,293K..............  HP Inc...................  Vancouver, WA.......       10/4/2015  Worker Group
92,293K..............  HP Inc...................  Vancouver, WA.......       10/4/2015  Worker Group
92,293L..............  HP Inc...................  San Jose, CA........       10/4/2015  Worker Group
92,293L..............  HP Inc...................  San Jose, CA........       10/4/2015  Worker Group
92,293L..............  HP Inc...................  San Jose, CA........       10/4/2015  Worker Group
92,293M..............  HP Inc...................  Aguadilla, PR.......       10/4/2015  Worker Group
92,293M..............  HP Inc...................  Aguadilla, PR.......       10/4/2015  Worker Group
92,293M..............  HP Inc...................  Aguadilla, PR.......       10/4/2015  Worker Group
92,471A..............  FCR......................  Roseburg, OR........       12/7/2015  Worker Group
92,471B..............  FCR......................  Grants Pass, OR.....       12/7/2015  Worker Group
92,471C..............  FCR......................  Coos Bay, OR........       12/7/2015  Worker Group
92,471D..............  FCR......................  Veneta, OR..........       12/7/2015  Worker Group
92,471E..............  FCR......................  Eugene, OR..........       12/7/2015  Worker Group
92,625A..............  tronc, Inc...............  Lewisville, TX......        2/6/2016  Ownership Change of a
                                                                                         Successor Firm.
92,625B..............  tronc, Inc...............  Allentown, PA.......        2/6/2016  Ownership Change of a
                                                                                         Successor Firm.
92,625C..............  tronc, Inc...............  Baltimore, MD.......        2/6/2016  Ownership Change of a
                                                                                         Successor Firm.
92,625D..............  tronc, Inc...............  Orlando, FL.........        2/6/2016  Ownership Change of a
                                                                                         Successor Firm.
92,625E..............  tronc, Inc...............  Deerfield Beach, FL.        2/6/2016  Ownership Change of a
                                                                                         Successor Firm.
92,625F..............  tronc, Inc...............  Los Angeles, CA.....        2/6/2016  Ownership Change of a
                                                                                         Successor Firm.
92,625G..............  tronc, Inc...............  Hartford, CT........        2/6/2016  Ownership Change of a
                                                                                         Successor Firm.
92,625H..............  tronc, Inc...............  San Diego, CA.......        2/6/2016  Ownership Change of a
                                                                                         Successor Firm.
92,625I..............  tronc, Inc...............  San Diego, CA.......        2/6/2016  Ownership Change of a
                                                                                         Successor Firm.
92,634A..............  Seagate Technology.......  Longmont, CO........       2/10/2016  Worker Group
92,634B..............  Seagate Technology.......  Bloomington, MN.....       2/10/2016  Worker Group
92,684A..............  ASG Technologies Group,    Phoenix, AZ.........       2/24/2016  Worker Group
                        Inc.                                                             Clarification.
92,732A..............  Crown Casting, LLC.......  Hodges, SC..........       3/12/2017  Other.
92,754A..............  Axeon Refining LLC.......  San Antonio, TX.....       3/24/2016  Worker Group
92,754B..............  Axeon Refining LLC.......  Stamford, CT........       3/24/2016  Worker Group

[[Page 53309]]

92,805A..............  Nielsen..................  Fond du Lac, WI.....        4/6/2016  Worker Group
92,866A..............  Wortman Controls, Inc....  St. Marys, PA.......        5/3/2016  Worker Group
92,903A..............  The Boeing Company.......  Portland, OR........       5/19/2016  Worker Group
93,202A..............  Dex Media, Inc...........  DFW Airport, TX.....       10/3/2016  Worker Group
93,254A..............  Piper Companies..........  Reading, PA.........      10/27/2016  Technical Error.
93,262A..............  Boyd Coffee Company......  Eugene, OR..........      10/27/2016  Worker Group
93,262A..............  Boyd Coffee Company......  Eugene, OR..........      10/27/2016  Worker Group
93,262AA.............  Boyd Coffee Company......  Tempe, AZ...........      10/27/2016  Worker Group
93,262AA.............  Boyd Coffee Company......  Tempe, AZ...........      10/27/2016  Worker Group
93,262B..............  Boyd Coffee Company......  Boise, ID...........      10/27/2016  Worker Group
93,262B..............  Boyd Coffee Company......  Boise, ID...........      10/27/2016  Worker Group
93,262BB.............  Boyd Coffee Company......  Council Bluffs, IA..      10/27/2016  Worker Group
93,262BB.............  Boyd Coffee Company......  Council Bluffs, IA..      10/27/2016  Worker Group
93,262C..............  Boyd Coffee Company......  Casper, WY..........      10/27/2016  Worker Group
93,262C..............  Boyd Coffee Company......  Casper, WY..........      10/27/2016  Worker Group
93,262D..............  Boyd Coffee Company......  Cypress, CA.........      10/27/2016  Worker Group
93,262D..............  Boyd Coffee Company......  Cypress, CA.........      10/27/2016  Worker Group
93,262E..............  Boyd Coffee Company......  Eagman, MN..........      10/27/2016  Worker Group
93,262E..............  Boyd Coffee Company......  Eagman, MN..........      10/27/2016  Worker Group
93,262F..............  Boyd Coffee Company......  Fresno, CA..........      10/27/2016  Worker Group
93,262F..............  Boyd Coffee Company......  Fresno, CA..........      10/27/2016  Worker Group
93,262G..............  Boyd Coffee Company......  Grand Prairie, TX...      10/27/2016  Worker Group
93,262G..............  Boyd Coffee Company......  Grand Prairie, TX...      10/27/2016  Worker Group
93,262H..............  Boyd Coffee Company......  Downers Grove, IL...      10/27/2016  Worker Group
93,262H..............  Boyd Coffee Company......  Downers Grove, IL...      10/27/2016  Worker Group
93,262I..............  Boyd Coffee Company......  Hayward, CA.........      10/27/2016  Worker Group
93,262I..............  Boyd Coffee Company......  Hayward, CA.........      10/27/2016  Worker Group
93,262J..............  Boyd Coffee Company......  Houston, TX.........      10/27/2016  Worker Group
93,262J..............  Boyd Coffee Company......  Houston, TX.........      10/27/2016  Worker Group
93,262K..............  Boyd Coffee Company......  Idaho Falls, ID.....      10/27/2016  Worker Group
93,262K..............  Boyd Coffee Company......  Idaho Falls, ID.....      10/27/2016  Worker Group
93,262L..............  Boyd Coffee Company......  Las Vegas, NV.......      10/27/2016  Worker Group
93,262L..............  Boyd Coffee Company......  Las Vegas, NV.......      10/27/2016  Worker Group
93,262M..............  Boyd Coffee Company......  Layton, UT..........      10/27/2016  Worker Group
93,262M..............  Boyd Coffee Company......  Layton, UT..........      10/27/2016  Worker Group
93,262N..............  Boyd Coffee Company......  Lolo, MT............      10/27/2016  Worker Group
93,262N..............  Boyd Coffee Company......  Lolo, MT............      10/27/2016  Worker Group
93,262O..............  Boyd Coffee Company......  Loveland, CO........      10/27/2016  Worker Group
93,262O..............  Boyd Coffee Company......  Loveland, CO........      10/27/2016  Worker Group
93,262P..............  Boyd Coffee Company......  Lynnwood, WA........      10/27/2016  Worker Group
93,262P..............  Boyd Coffee Company......  Lynnwood, WA........      10/27/2016  Worker Group
93,262Q..............  Boyd Coffee Company......  Omaha, NE...........      10/27/2016  Worker Group
93,262Q..............  Boyd Coffee Company......  Omaha, NE...........      10/27/2016  Worker Group
93,262R..............  Boyd Coffee Company......  Ontario, CA.........      10/27/2016  Worker Group
93,262R..............  Boyd Coffee Company......  Ontario, CA.........      10/27/2016  Worker Group
93,262S..............  Boyd Coffee Company......  Sacramento, CA......      10/27/2016  Worker Group
93,262S..............  Boyd Coffee Company......  Sacramento, CA......      10/27/2016  Worker Group
93,262T..............  Boyd Coffee Company......  Salinas, CA.........      10/27/2016  Worker Group
93,262T..............  Boyd Coffee Company......  Salinas, CA.........      10/27/2016  Worker Group
93,262U..............  Boyd Coffee Company......  Salt Lake City, UT..      10/27/2016  Worker Group
93,262U..............  Boyd Coffee Company......  Salt Lake City, UT..      10/27/2016  Worker Group
93,262V..............  Boyd Coffee Company......  San Antonio, TX.....      10/27/2016  Worker Group
93,262V..............  Boyd Coffee Company......  San Antonio, TX.....      10/27/2016  Worker Group
93,262W..............  Boyd Coffee Company......  San Diego, CA.......      10/27/2016  Worker Group
93,262W..............  Boyd Coffee Company......  San Diego, CA.......      10/27/2016  Worker Group
93,262X..............  Boyd Coffee Company......  Santa Clarita, CA...      10/27/2016  Worker Group
93,262X..............  Boyd Coffee Company......  Santa Clarita, CA...      10/27/2016  Worker Group
93,262Y..............  Boyd Coffee Company......  Santa Maria, CA.....      10/27/2016  Worker Group
93,262Y..............  Boyd Coffee Company......  Santa Maria, CA.....      10/27/2016  Worker Group
93,262Z..............  Boyd Coffee Company......  Spokane, WA.........      10/27/2016  Worker Group
93,262Z..............  Boyd Coffee Company......  Spokane, WA.........      10/27/2016  Worker Group
93,330A..............  Technicolor Connected      El Segundo, CA......      11/28/2016  Worker Group
                        Home USA.                                                        Clarification.
93,330B..............  Technicolor Connected      El Segundo, CA......      11/28/2016  Worker Group
                        Home USA.                                                        Clarification.
93,619A..............  AES Ohio Generation        Manchester, OH......        3/6/2017  Worker Group
                        (DP&L).                                                          Clarification.
93,619B..............  AES Ohio Generation        Manchester, OH......        3/6/2017  Worker Group
                        (DP&L).                                                          Clarification.

Revised Determinations (After Affirmative Determination Regarding 
Application for Reconsideration)

    The following revised determinations on reconsideration, certifying 
eligibility to apply for TAA, have been issued. The date following the 
company name and location of each determination references the impact 
date for all workers of such determination.
    The following revised determinations on reconsideration, certifying 
eligibility to apply for TAA, have been issued. The requirements of 
Section 222(a)(2)(A)

[[Page 53310]]

(Increased Imports Path) of the Trade Act have been met.

     TA-W No.          Subject firm          Location       Impact date
85,355...........  Chevron Mining, Inc.  Questa, NM.....        6/4/2013
91,525...........  Teknetix Inc........  Parkersburg, WV       2/26/2015
91,562...........  Halliburton Energy    Duncan, OK.....        3/7/2015
                    Services, Inc.
91,673...........  Climax Manufacturing  Lowville, NY...        4/6/2015
92,193...........  White Pine Electric   White Pine, MI.        9/9/2015
                    Power, LLC.
92,256...........  Ball Corporation....  Weirton, WV....       9/30/2016
92,453...........  Garco Building        Airway Heights,      11/29/2015
                    Systems.              WA.
92,463...........  Brayton Point         Somerset, MA...       12/5/2015
                    Energy, LLC.
92,779...........  3M Company..........  Elyria, OH.....       3/31/2016

    The following revised determinations on reconsideration, certifying 
eligibility to apply for TAA, have been issued. The requirements of 
Section 222(a)(2)(B) (Shift in Production or Services to a Foreign 
Country Path or Acquisition of Articles or Services from a Foreign 
Country Path) of the Trade Act have been met.

     TA-W No.          Subject firm          Location       Impact date
90,125...........  Owens-Brockway Glass  Oakland, CA....        1/1/2014
                    Container, Inc.
90,324...........  Embarq Management     Carlisle, PA...        1/1/2014
                    Telephone of
91,121...........  REC Silicon LLC.....  Moses Lake, WA.       3/23/2015
91,325...........  Mesabi Metallics      Hibbing, MN....       1/11/2015
                    Company LLC f/k/a
                    Essar Steel
                    Minnesota LLC.
91,380...........  Gardner Denver Nash,  Trumbull, CT...       1/22/2015
91,641...........  General Electric      Fort Edward, NY       5/30/2016
91,882...........  SPX FLOW, Inc.......  McKean, PA.....        6/6/2015
92,590...........  MUFG Union Bank, N.A  Monterey Park,        1/27/2016
92,862...........  Symantec Corporation  Springfield, OR       12/5/2017
92,921...........  JPMorgan Chase & Co.  Columbus, OH...       5/30/2016
93,431...........  Optum Services Inc.,  Hartford, CT...       2/22/2018
                    United HealthGroup.
91,121A..........  REC Silicon ASA.....  Silver Bow, MT.       3/23/2015
91,121B..........  Nemo IT Solutions...  Moses Lake, WA.       11/4/2014
91,121C..........  Spherion Staffing     Silver Bow, MT.       11/4/2014

    The following revised determinations on reconsideration, certifying 
eligibility to apply for TAA, have been issued. The requirements of 
Section 222(b) (supplier to a firm whose workers are certified eligible 
to apply for TAA) of the Trade Act have been met.

     TA-W No.          Subject firm          Location       Impact date
85,956...........  Cameron               Duncan, OK.....       4/23/2014
91,218...........  Mesabi Radial Tire    Hibbing, MN....      12/11/2014
91,264...........  Shenango              Pittsburgh, PA.      12/28/2014
92,537...........  General Motors        Kokomo, IN.....       12/9/2015
                    Holdings, LLC
92,629...........  Lone Star Tubular     Lone Star, TX..        1/8/2016
                    Service Inc.
93,223...........  Saint-Gobain          Fort Smith, AR.      10/14/2017

Negative Determinations on Reconsideration (After Affirmative 
Determination Regarding Application for Reconsideration)

    In the following cases, negative determinations on reconsideration 
have been issued because the eligibility criteria for TAA have not been 
met for the reason(s) specified.
    The investigation revealed that the criteria under Trade Act 
section 222 (a)(2)(A)(i) (decline in sales or production, or both), 
(a)(2)(B) (shift in production or services to a foreign country or 
acquisition of articles or services from a foreign country), (b)(2) 
(supplier to a firm whose workers are certified eligible to apply for 
TAA or downstream producer to a firm whose workers are certified 
eligible to apply for TAA), (b)(3)(component parts supplied accounted 
for at least 20% of production/sales, or loss of business with firm 
contributed importantly to worker separation or threat of separation), 
and (e) (International Trade Commission) have not been met.

      TA-W No.             Subject firm                Location
91,791.............  Woodard & Curran, Inc..  Madison, ME.
91,875.............  Manitowoc Cranes, LLC..  Manitowoc, WI.

    The investigation revealed that the criteria under Trade Act 
section 222(a)(2)(A) (increased imports), (a)(2)(B) (shift in 
production or services to a foreign country or acquisition of articles 
or services from a foreign

[[Page 53311]]

country), (b)(2) (supplier to a firm whose workers are certified 
eligible to apply for TAA or downstream producer to a firm whose 
workers are certified eligible to apply for TAA), and (e) 
(International Trade Commission) have not been met.

      TA-W No.             Subject firm                Location
91,138.............  GrafTech International   Anmoore, WV.
                      Holdings Inc.
91,569.............  Vigo Coal Operating      Mount Carmel, IL.
                      Company, LLC.
91,957.............  Joy Global, Inc........  Eighty Four, PA.
92,318.............  Vancouver Iron and       Vancouver, WA.
                      Steel, Inc.
92,612.............  Graphics Art Center....  Portland, OR.
93,094.............  Health Care Service      Marion, IL.
91,569A............  Vigo Coal Operating      Boonville, IN.
                      Company, LLC.
91,569B............  Vigo Coal Operating      Evansville, IN.
                      Company, LLC.

Revised Determinations (on Remand From the Court of International 

    The following revised determinations on remand, certifying 
eligibility to apply for TAA, have been issued. The date following the 
company name and location of each determination references the impact 
date for all workers of such determination and the reason(s) for the 
    The following revised determinations on remand, certifying 
eligibility to apply for TAA, have been issued. The requirements of 
Section 222(a)(2)(A) (Increased Imports Path) of the Trade Act have 
been met.

     TA-W No.          Subject firm          Location       Impact date
92,182...........  Gerdau Ameristeel     Calvert City,          9/6/2015
                    US, Inc.              KY.

    The following revised determinations on remand, certifying 
eligibility to apply for TAA, have been issued. The requirements of 
Section 222(b) (supplier to a firm whose workers are certified eligible 
to apply for TAA) of the Trade Act have been met.

     TA-W No.          Subject firm          Location       Impact date
92,063...........  Brenntag Pacific,     Portland, OR...       7/13/2015

Negative Determinations (on Remand From the Court of International 

    In the following cases, negative determinations on remand have been 
issued because the eligibility criteria for TAA have not been met for 
the reason(s) specified.
    The investigation revealed that the requirements of Trade Act 
Section 222 (a)(1) and (b)(1) (significant worker total/partial 
separation or threat of total/partial separation), or (e) (firms 
identified by the International Trade Commission) have not been met.

      TA-W No.             Subject firm                Location
92,826.............  Honeywell                Melville, NY.
                      International, Inc.

    The investigation revealed that the criteria under Trade Act 
section 222 (a)(2)(A)(i) (decline in sales or production, or both), 
(a)(2)(B) (shift in production or services to a foreign country or 
acquisition of articles or services from a foreign country), (b)(2) 
(supplier to a firm whose workers are certified eligible to apply for 
TAA or downstream producer to a firm whose workers are certified 
eligible to apply for TAA), (b)(3)(component parts supplied accounted 
for at least 20% of production/sales, or loss of business with firm 
contributed importantly to worker separation or threat of separation), 
and (e) (International Trade Commission) have not been met.

      TA-W No.             Subject firm                Location
90,092.............  Geokinetics, Inc.......  Houston, TX.

    The investigation revealed that the criteria under Trade Act 
section 222(a)(2)(A) (increased imports), (a)(2)(B) (shift in 
production or services to a foreign country or acquisition of articles 
or services from a foreign country), (b)(2) (supplier to a firm whose 
workers are certified eligible to apply for TAA or downstream producer 
to a firm whose workers are certified eligible to apply for TAA), and 
(e) (International Trade Commission) have not been met.

      TA-W No.             Subject firm                Location
90,092.............  Geokinetics, Inc.......  Houston, TX.

[[Page 53312]]

92,518.............  Fifth Third Bank.......  Coral Gables, FL.

    Signed at Washington, DC, this 4th day of September 2018.
Hope D. Kinglock,
Certifying Officer, Office of Trade Adjustment Assistance.
[FR Doc. 2018-22915 Filed 10-19-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                                  Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 204 / Monday, October 22, 2018 / Notices                                                                   53301

                                               Determinations Terminating                                             on the Department’s website, as                                         The following determinations
                                               Investigations of Petitions for Trade                                  required by Section 221 of the Act (19                                terminating investigations were issued
                                               Adjustment Assistance                                                  U.S.C. 2271), the Department initiated                                because the petitioner has requested
                                                 After notice of the petitions was                                    investigations of these petitions.                                    that the petition be withdrawn.
                                               published in the Federal Register and

                                                 TA–W No.                                                       Subject firm                                                                     Location              Impact date

                                               94,007 ..........    Centralia Knitting Mills, Inc ...................................................................             Centralia, WA.

                                                 The following determinations                                         in cases where the petition regarding the
                                               terminating investigations were issued                                 investigation has been deemed invalid.

                                                 TA–W No.                                                       Subject firm                                                                     Location              Impact date

                                               92,747 ..........    Wipro .....................................................................................................   East Brunswick, NJ.

                                                 The following determinations                                         behalf the petition was filed is covered
                                               terminating investigations were issued                                 under an existing certification.
                                               because the worker group on whose

                                                 TA–W No.                                                       Subject firm                                                                     Location              Impact date

                                               93,593 ..........    Dex Media Inc., Dex YP .......................................................................                Tucker, GA.
                                               93,905 ..........    Ditech Financial LLC, Procurement/P2P Group, Walter Investment                                                St. Paul, MN.
                                                                      Management, Accountemps, etc.
                                               93,916 ..........    Cosmoflex, Inc., ContiTech USA, Inc ...................................................                       Hannibal, MO.
                                               93,956 ..........    Caterpillar Inc ........................................................................................      Joliet, IL.
                                               94,006 ..........    Nuance Transcription Services, Inc., Nuance Communications, Inc ...                                           Atlanta, GA.

                                                 The following determinations                                         workers is covered by an earlier petition                             investigation for which a determination
                                               terminating investigations were issued                                 that is the subject of an ongoing                                     has not yet been issued.
                                               because the petitioning group of

                                                 TA–W No.                                                       Subject firm                                                                     Location              Impact date

                                               93,816 ..........    Philips North America LLC, Philips Electronics North America Cor-                                             Bothell, WA.
                                                                      poration, Philips Holding USA, etc.

                                                  I hereby certify that the                                           DEPARTMENT OF LABOR                                                   Application for Reconsideration),
                                               aforementioned determinations were                                                                                                           summaries of Revised Determinations
                                               issued during the period of July 14,                                   Employment and Training                                               (on remand from the Court of
                                               2018 through August 17, 2018. These                                    Administration                                                        International Trade), and summaries of
                                               determinations are available on the                                                                                                          Negative Determinations (on remand
                                               Department’s website https://                                          Post-Initial Determinations Regarding                                 from the Court of International Trade)
                                               www.doleta.gov/tradeact/taa/taa_                                       Eligiblity To Apply for Trade                                         regarding eligibility to apply for trade
                                                                                                                      Adjustment Assistance                                                 adjustment assistance under Chapter 2
                                               search_form.cfm under the searchable
                                               listing determinations or by calling the                                                                                                     of the Act (‘‘TAA’’) for workers by (TA–
                                                                                                                         In accordance with Sections 223 and                                W) number issued during the period of
                                               Office of Trade Adjustment Assistance                                  284 (19 U.S.C. 2273 and 2395) of the                                  March 1, 2016 through August 17, 2018.
                                               toll free at 888–365–6822.                                             Trade Act of 1974 (19 U.S.C. 2271, et                                 Post-initial determinations are issued
                                                 Signed at Washington, DC, this 20th day of                           seq.) (‘‘Act’’), as amended, the                                      after a petition has been certified or
                                               August 2018.                                                           Department of Labor herein presents                                   denied. A post-initial determination
                                               Hope D. Kinglock,                                                      Notice of Affirmative Determinations                                  may revise a certification, or modify or
                                               Certifying Officer, Office of Trade Adjustment
                                                                                                                      Regarding Application for                                             affirm a negative determination.
                                               Assistance.                                                            Reconsideration, summaries of Negative
                                                                                                                      Determinations Regarding Applications                                 Affirmative/Negative Determinations
                                               [FR Doc. 2018–22916 Filed 10–19–18; 8:45 am]                                                                                                 Regarding Applications for
                                                                                                                      for Reconsideration, summaries of
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               BILLING CODE 4510–FN–P
                                                                                                                      Revised Certifications of Eligibility,                                Reconsideration
                                                                                                                      summaries of Revised Determinations                                     The certifying officer may grant an
                                                                                                                      (after Affirmative Determination                                      application for reconsideration under
                                                                                                                      Regarding Application for                                             the following circumstances: (1) If it
                                                                                                                      Reconsideration), summaries of                                        appears on the basis of facts not
                                                                                                                      Negative Determinations (after                                        previously considered that the
                                                                                                                      Affirmative Determination Regarding                                   determination complained of was

                                          VerDate Sep<11>2014      18:12 Oct 19, 2018       Jkt 247001       PO 00000        Frm 00096       Fmt 4703       Sfmt 4703       E:\FR\FM\22OCN1.SGM      22OCN1

                                               53302                              Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 204 / Monday, October 22, 2018 / Notices

                                               erroneous; (2) If it appears that the                                  Affirmative Determinations Regarding                                       should or should not be modified. The
                                               determination complained of was based                                  Applications for Reconsideration                                           submissions must be sent no later than
                                               on a mistake in the determination of                                                                                                              ten days after publication in the Federal
                                               facts previously considered; or (3) If, in                               The following Applications for                                           Register to the Office of the Director,
                                               the opinion of the certifying officer, a                               Reconsideration have been received and                                     Office of Trade Adjustment Assistance,
                                               misinterpretation of facts or of the law                               granted. See 29 CFR 90.18(d). The group                                    Employment and Training
                                               justifies reconsideration of the                                       of workers or other persons showing an                                     Administration, U.S. Department of
                                               determination. See 29 CFR 90.18(c).                                    interest in the proceedings may provide                                    Labor, Room N–5428, 200 Constitution
                                                                                                                      written submissions to show why the                                        Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20210.
                                                                                                                      determination under reconsideration                                        See 29 CFR 90.18(f).

                                                    TA–W                                                                              Subject firm                                                                                     Location

                                               85,355 ...........    Chevron Mining, Inc ............................................................................................................................         Questa, NM.
                                               85,956 ...........    Cameron International Corporation .....................................................................................................                  Duncan, OK.
                                               90,125 ...........    Owens-Brockway Glass Container, Inc ...............................................................................................                      Oakland, CA.
                                               90,324 ...........    Embarq Management Company/United Telephone of Pennsylvania .................................................                                             Carlisle, PA.
                                               91,039 ...........    Foxconn Assembly, LLC .....................................................................................................................              Houston, TX.
                                               91,121 ...........    REC Silicon LLC ..................................................................................................................................       Moses Lake, WA.
                                               91,138 ...........    GrafTech International Holdings Inc ....................................................................................................                 Anmoore, WV.
                                               91,218 ...........    Mesabi Radial Tire Company ..............................................................................................................                Hibbing, MN.
                                               91,248 ...........    Exal Corporation ..................................................................................................................................      Youngstown, OH.
                                               91,264 ...........    Shenango Incorporated .......................................................................................................................            Pittsburgh, PA.
                                               91,325 ...........    Mesabi Metallics Company LLC f/k/a Essar Steel Minnesota LLC ....................................................                                        Hibbing, MN.
                                               91,329 ...........    Irathane Systems, Inc ..........................................................................................................................         Hibbing, MN.
                                               91,495 ...........    Molycorp Metals and Alloys, Inc .........................................................................................................                Mountain Pass, CA.
                                               91,525 ...........    Teknetix Inc .........................................................................................................................................   Parkersburg, WV.
                                               91,562 ...........    Halliburton Energy Services, Inc .........................................................................................................               Duncan, OK.
                                               91,569 ...........    Vigo Coal Operating Company, LLC ...................................................................................................                     Mount Carmel, IL.
                                               91,641 ...........    General Electric Company ..................................................................................................................              Fort Edward, NY.
                                               91,673 ...........    Climax Manufacturing Inc ....................................................................................................................            Lowville, NY.
                                               91,791 ...........    Woodard & Curran, Inc .......................................................................................................................            Madison, ME.
                                               91,875 ...........    Manitowoc Cranes, LLC ......................................................................................................................             Manitowoc, WI.
                                               91,882 ...........    SPX FLOW, Inc ...................................................................................................................................        McKean, PA.
                                               91,957 ...........    Joy Global, Inc .....................................................................................................................................    Eighty Four, PA.
                                               92,084 ...........    Northern Industrial Erectors, Inc .........................................................................................................              Grand Rapids, MN.
                                               92,193 ...........    White Pine Electric Power, LLC ..........................................................................................................                White Pine, MI.
                                               92,256 ...........    Ball Corporation ...................................................................................................................................     Weirton, WV.
                                               92,318 ...........    Vancouver Iron and Steel, Inc .............................................................................................................              Vancouver, WA.
                                               92,453 ...........    Garco Building Systems ......................................................................................................................            Airway Heights, WA.
                                               92,463 ...........    Brayton Point Energy, LLC ..................................................................................................................             Somerset, MA.
                                               92,537 ...........    General Motors Components Holdings, LLC (GMCH) ........................................................................                                  Kokomo, IN.
                                               92,554 ...........    Skiva Graphics Screen ........................................................................................................................           Carlsbad, CA.
                                               92,574 ...........    Truvision Services, Inc ........................................................................................................................         Yorkville, IL.
                                               92,590 ...........    MUFG Union Bank, N.A ......................................................................................................................              Monterey Park, CA.
                                               92,612 ...........    Graphics Art Center .............................................................................................................................        Portland, OR.
                                               92,779 ...........    3M Company .......................................................................................................................................       Elyria, OH.
                                               92,921 ...........    JPMorgan Chase & Co .......................................................................................................................              Columbus, OH.
                                               92,945 ...........    Progress Rail .......................................................................................................................................    Hodgkins, IL.
                                               93,064 ...........    Locke Insulators, Inc. ..........................................................................................................................        Baltimore, MD.
                                               93,094 ...........    Health Care Service Corporation ........................................................................................................                 Marion, IL.
                                               93,223 ...........    Saint-Gobain Proppants ......................................................................................................................            Fort Smith, AR.
                                               93,431 ...........    Optum Services Inc., United HealthGroup ..........................................................................................                       Hartford, CT.
                                               93,521 ...........    PCI Nitrogen LLC ................................................................................................................................        Pasadena, TX.
                                               93,760 ...........    Radial South ........................................................................................................................................    Memphis, TN.
                                               91,121A ........      REC Silicon ASA .................................................................................................................................        Silver Bow, MT.
                                               91,121B ........      Nemo IT Solutions ...............................................................................................................................        Moses Lake, WA.
                                               91,121C ........      Spherion Staffing LLC .........................................................................................................................          Silver Bow, MT.
                                               91,329A ........      Industrial Rubber Applicators, Inc. ......................................................................................................               Hibbing, MN.
                                               91,329B ........      Iracore International-Minnesota, Inc ....................................................................................................                Hibbing, MN.
                                               91,569A ........      Vigo Coal Operating Company, LLC ...................................................................................................                     Boonville, IN.
                                               91,569B ........      Vigo Coal Operating Company, LLC ...................................................................................................                     Evansville, IN.

                                               Negative Determinations Regarding                                      of was not erroneous; there was not a                                      Determination Regarding Application
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               Application for Reconsideration                                        mistake in the determination of facts                                      for Reconsideration is a final
                                                                                                                      previously considered; and in the                                          determination for purposes of judicial
                                                 The following determinations                                         opinion of the certifying officer, there                                   review pursuant to section 284 of the
                                               regarding applications for                                             was not a misinterpretation of facts or                                    Act (19 U.S.C. 2395) and 29 CFR
                                               reconsideration have been received and                                 of the law justifying reconsideration of                                   90.19(a). See 29 CFR 90.18(e).
                                               denied. The determination complained                                   the determination. A Negative

                                          VerDate Sep<11>2014       18:12 Oct 19, 2018       Jkt 247001      PO 00000        Frm 00097       Fmt 4703       Sfmt 4703      E:\FR\FM\22OCN1.SGM               22OCN1

                                                                                     Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 204 / Monday, October 22, 2018 / Notices                                                                                           53303

                                                 TA–W No.                                                                                 Subject firm                                                                                       Location

                                               86,111   ...........    Seattle Snohomish Mill Company Inc .................................................................................................                         Snohomish, WA.
                                               91,272   ...........    L–3 Communications Integrated Systems, L.P ...................................................................................                               Beale Air Force Base, CA.
                                               91,475   ...........    Sprint ...................................................................................................................................................   Blountville, TN.
                                               91,490   ...........    Sprint ...................................................................................................................................................   Blountville, TN.
                                               91,543   ...........    Mayflower Vehicle Systems, LLC ........................................................................................................                      Shadyside, OH.
                                               91,760   ...........    Aviara Residence Club Owners Association .......................................................................................                             Carlsbad, CA.
                                               91,797   ...........    Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc ........................................................................................                            Irvine, CA.
                                               91,953   ...........    Mercer Lime Company ........................................................................................................................                 Slippery Rock, PA.
                                               92,182   ...........    Gerdau Ameristeel US, Inc .................................................................................................................                  Calvert City, KY.
                                               92,507   ...........    Halliburton Energy Services, Inc .........................................................................................................                   Tulsa, OK.
                                               92,518   ...........    Fifth Third Bank ...................................................................................................................................         Coral Gables, FL.
                                               92,767   ...........    Ocwen Financial Corporation ..............................................................................................................                   Houston, TX.
                                               92,826   ...........    Honeywell International, Inc ................................................................................................................                Melville, NY.

                                               Notice of Revised Certifications of                                       Secretary for the taking of additional                                           (A) Increased Imports Path:
                                               Eligibility                                                               evidence. See 29 CFR 90.19(a) and (c).                                           (i) the sales or production, or both, of
                                                                                                                         For cases where the worker group                                              such firm, have decreased absolutely;
                                                  Revised certifications of eligibility
                                                                                                                         eligibility requirements are met, the                                            AND (ii and iii below).
                                               have been issued with respect to cases                                                                                                                     (ii) (I) imports of articles or services
                                               where affirmative determinations and                                      previous determination was modified
                                                                                                                         and Revised Determinations on Remand                                          like or directly competitive with articles
                                               certificates of eligibility were issued                                                                                                                 produced or services supplied by such
                                                                                                                         have been issued. For cases where the
                                               initially, but a minor error was                                                                                                                        firm have increased; OR
                                                                                                                         worker group eligibility requirements
                                               discovered after the certification was                                                                                                                     (II)(aa) imports of articles like or
                                                                                                                         are not met, the previous determination
                                               issued. The revised certifications are                                                                                                                  directly competitive with articles into
                                                                                                                         is affirmed and Negative Determinations
                                               issued pursuant to the Secretary’s                                                                                                                      which one or more component parts
                                                                                                                         on Remand have been issued. The
                                               authority under section 223 of the Act                                                                                                                  produced by such firm are directly
                                                                                                                         Secretary will certify and file the record
                                               and 29 CFR 90.16. Revised                                                                                                                               incorporated, have increased; OR
                                                                                                                         of the remand proceedings in the Court
                                               Certifications of Eligibility are final                                                                                                                    (II)(bb) imports of articles like or
                                                                                                                         of International Trade. Determinations
                                               determinations for purposes of judicial                                                                                                                 directly competitive with articles which
                                                                                                                         on Remand are final determinations for
                                               review pursuant to section 284 of the                                                                                                                   are produced directly using the services
                                                                                                                         purposes of judicial review pursuant to
                                               Act (19 U.S.C. 2395) and 29 CFR                                           section 284 of the Act (19 U.S.C. 2395).                                      supplied by such firm, have increased;
                                               90.19(a).                                                                                                                                               OR
                                                                                                                         Summary of Statutory Requirement                                                 (III) imports of articles directly
                                               Notice of Determinations on
                                               Reconsideration                                                              (This Notice primarily follows the                                         incorporating one or more component
                                                                                                                         language of the Trade Act. In some                                            parts produced outside the United
                                                  Post-initial determinations have been                                  places however, changes such as the                                           States that are like or directly
                                               issued with respect to cases where                                        inclusion of subheadings, a                                                   competitive with imports of articles
                                               affirmative determinations regarding                                      reorganization of language, or ‘‘and,’’                                       incorporating one or more component
                                               applications for reconsideration were                                     ‘‘or,’’ or other words are added for                                          parts produced by such firm have
                                               granted. For cases where the worker                                       clarification.)                                                               increased;
                                               group eligibility requirements are met,                                                                                                                    AND
                                               Revised Certifications of Eligibility or                                  Section 222(a)—Workers of a Primary                                              (iii) the increase in imports described
                                               Revised Determinations have been                                          Firm                                                                          in clause (ii) contributed importantly to
                                               issued. Revised Certifications of                                           In order for an affirmative                                                 such workers’ separation or threat of
                                               Eligibility and Revised Determinations                                    determination to be made for workers of                                       separation and to the decline in the
                                               are final determinations for purposes of                                  a primary firm and a certification issued                                     sales or production of such firm; OR
                                               judicial review pursuant to section 284                                   regarding eligibility to apply for TAA,                                          (B) Shift in Production or Services to
                                               of the Act (19 U.S.C. 2395) and 29 CFR                                    the group eligibility requirements under                                      a Foreign Country Path OR Acquisition
                                               90.19(a). See 29 CFR 90.18(h). Negative                                   Section 222(a) of the Act (19 U.S.C.                                          of Articles or Services from a Foreign
                                               Determinations on Reconsideration have                                    2272(a)) must be met, as follows:                                             Country Path:
                                               been issued with respect to cases where                                     (1) The first criterion (set forth in                                          (i)(I) there has been a shift by such
                                               the worker group eligibility                                              Section 222(a)(1) of the Act, 19 U.S.C.                                       workers’ firm to a foreign country in the
                                               requirements are not met. Negative                                        2272(a)(1)) is that a significant number                                      production of articles or the supply of
                                               Determinations on Reconsideration are                                     or proportion of the workers in such                                          services like or directly competitive
                                               final determinations for purposes of                                      workers’ firm (or ‘‘such firm’’) have                                         with articles which are produced or
                                               judicial review pursuant to section 284                                   become totally or partially separated, or                                     services which are supplied by such
                                               of the Act (19 U.S.C. 2395) and 29 CFR                                    are threatened to become totally or                                           firm; OR
                                               90.19(a). See 29 CFR 90.18(i).                                            partially separated;                                                             (II) such workers’ firm has acquired
                                                                                                                           AND (2(A) or 2(B) below).                                                   from a foreign country articles or
                                               Notice of Determination on Remand                                           (2) The second criterion (set forth in                                      services that are like or directly
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                                  Post-initial determinations have also                                  Section 222(a)(2) of the Act, 19 U.S.C.                                       competitive with articles which are
                                               been issued with respect to cases where                                   2272(a)(2)) may be satisfied by either (A)                                    produced or services which are
                                               negative determinations regarding                                         the Increased Imports Path, or (B) the                                        supplied by such firm;
                                               eligibility to apply for TAA were issued                                  Shift in Production or Services to a                                             AND
                                               initially or on reconsideration and were                                  Foreign Country Path/Acquisition of                                              (ii) the shift described in clause (i)(I)
                                               appealed to the Court of International                                    Articles or Services from a Foreign                                           or the acquisition of articles or services
                                               Trade and remanded by the court to the                                    Country Path, as follows:                                                     described in clause (i)(II) contributed

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                                               53304                                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 204 / Monday, October 22, 2018 / Notices

                                               importantly to such workers’ separation                                    (B) a loss of business by the workers’                         (2) the petition is filed during the 1-
                                               or threat of separation.                                                firm with the firm described in                                year period beginning on the date on
                                                                                                                       paragraph (2) contributed importantly to                       which—
                                               Section 222(b)—Adversely Affected
                                                                                                                       the workers’ separation or threat of                              (A) a summary of the report submitted
                                               Secondary Workers
                                                                                                                       separation determined under paragraph                          to the President by the International
                                                  In order for an affirmative                                          (1).                                                           Trade Commission under section
                                               determination to be made for adversely                                     Section 222(e)—Firms identified by                          202(f)(1) of the Trade Act (19 U.S.C.
                                               affected secondary workers of a firm and                                the International Trade Commission                             2252(f)(1)) with respect to the
                                               a certification issued regarding                                                                                                       affirmative determination described in
                                               eligibility to apply for TAA, the group                                    In order for an affirmative
                                                                                                                       determination to be made for adversely                         paragraph (1)(A) is published in the
                                               eligibility requirements of Section                                                                                                    Federal Register under section 202(f)(3)
                                               222(b) of the Act (19 U.S.C. 2272(b))                                   affected workers in firms identified by
                                                                                                                       the International Trade Commission and                         (19 U.S.C. 2252(f)(3)); OR
                                               must be met, as follows:                                                                                                                  (B) notice of an affirmative
                                                  (1) a significant number or proportion                               a certification issued regarding
                                                                                                                       eligibility to apply for TAA, the group                        determination described in
                                               of the workers in the workers’ firm or                                                                                                 subparagraph (B) or (C) of paragraph (1)
                                               an appropriate subdivision of the firm                                  eligibility requirements of Section
                                                                                                                       222(e) of the Act (19 U.S.C. 2272(e)                           is published in the Federal Register;
                                               have become totally or partially
                                                                                                                       must be met, by following criteria (1),                           AND
                                               separated, or are threatened to become
                                                                                                                       (2), and (3) as follows:                                          (3) the workers have become totally or
                                               totally or partially separated;
                                                  AND                                                                     (1) the workers’ firm is publicly                           partially separated from the workers’
                                                  (2) the workers’ firm is a supplier or                               identified by name by the International                        firm within—
                                               downstream producer to a firm that                                      Trade Commission as a member of a                                 (A) the 1-year period described in
                                               employed a group of workers who                                         domestic industry in an investigation                          paragraph (2); OR
                                               received a certification of eligibility                                 resulting in—                                                     (B) notwithstanding section 223(b) of
                                               under Section 222(a) of the Act (19                                                                                                    the Act (19 U.S.C. 2273(b)), the 1-year
                                                                                                                          (A) an affirmative determination of
                                               U.S.C. 2272(a)), and such supply or                                                                                                    period preceding the 1-year period
                                                                                                                       serious injury or threat thereof under
                                               production is related to the article or                                                                                                described in paragraph (2).
                                                                                                                       section 202(b)(1) of the Act (19 U.S.C.
                                               service that was the basis for such                                     2252(b)(1)); OR                                                Revised Certifications of Eligibility
                                               certification (as defined in subsection                                    (B) an affirmative determination of
                                               222(c)(3) and (4) of the Act (19 U.S.C.                                                                                                   The following revised certifications of
                                                                                                                       market disruption or threat thereof                            eligibility to apply for TAA have been
                                               2272(c)(3) and (4));                                                    under section 421(b)(1) of the Act (19
                                                  AND                                                                                                                                 issued. The date following the company
                                                  (3) either—                                                          U.S.C. 2436(b)(1)); OR                                         name and location of each
                                                  (A) the workers’ firm is a supplier and                                 (C) an affirmative final determination                      determination references the impact
                                               the component parts it supplied to the                                  of material injury or threat thereof under                     date for all workers of such
                                               firm described in paragraph (2)                                         section 705(b)(1)(A) or 735(b)(1)(A) of                        determination, and the reason(s) for the
                                               accounted for at least 20 percent of the                                the Tariff Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C.                              determination.
                                               production or sales of the workers’ firm;                               1671d(b)(1)(A) and 1673d(b)(1)(A));                               The following revisions have been
                                               OR                                                                         AND                                                         issued.

                                                  TA–W No.                                    Subject firm                                        Location                 Impact date                       Reason(s)

                                               82,557   ...........     Ericsson Inc ...............................................      Overland Park, KS ..                 3/12/2012   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                               83,328   ...........     General Electric Company ........................                 Erie, PA ...................        12/20/2012   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                               85,286   ...........     United States Steel Corporation ................                  Lorain, OH ...............            5/2/2013   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                               85,302   ...........     Kimberly Carbonates, LLC ........................                 Kimberly, WI ............            5/12/2013   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                               85,451   ...........     Fifth Third Mortgage Company .................                    Cincinnati, OH .........             7/25/2013   Other.
                                               85,547   ...........     Foxconn Assembly LLC/Foxconn Hon Hai                              Houston, TX ............             9/22/2013   Worker   Group Clarification.
                                                                           Logistics LLC.
                                               85,592 ...........       Micro Power Electronics, Inc .....................                Beaverton, OR .........             10/10/2013   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               85,605 ...........       GE Power Electronics, Inc ........................                Galion, OH ...............          10/17/2013   Wages Reported Under Different     FEIN
                                               85,625   ...........     Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc ...............                   Vernon, VT ..............           10/29/2013   Other.
                                               85,629   ...........     Amgen Inc .................................................       Seattle, WA .............            11/3/2013   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               85,664   ...........     Kraft Foods Group Global, Inc ..................                  Woburn, MA ............             11/20/2013   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               85,703   ...........     CareFusion Resources, LLC .....................                   Englewood, CO .......                12/8/2013   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               85,717   ...........     California Redwood Company ...................                    Korbel, CA ...............           12/9/2013   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               85,718   ...........     Osram Sylvania .........................................          Danvers, MA ............            12/10/2013   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               85,725   ...........     Lexis Nexis ................................................      Miamisburg, OH .......              12/15/2013   Wages Reported Under Different     FEIN
                                               85,742   ...........     General Motors Lake Orion Assembly ......                         Lake Orion, MI .........            12/19/2013   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               85,763   ...........     Ross Mould LLC ........................................           Washington, PA .......               8/24/2014   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               85,796   ...........     U.S. Steel Tubular Products, Inc ...............                  Lone Star, TX ..........             1/27/2014   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               85,804   ...........     Convergys Corporation ..............................              Jacksonville, TX ......               2/2/2014   Wages Reported Under Different     FEIN
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                                               85,867   ...........     Day & Zimmermann, Inc ...........................                 Parsons, KS ............              3/6/2014   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               85,911   ...........     Arrow International ....................................          Asheboro, NC ..........              3/27/2014   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               85,954   ...........     Baker Hughes Incorporated ......................                  Claremore, OK .........              4/22/2014   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               85,961   ...........     Modine Manufacturing Company ..............                       Washington, IA ........              4/24/2014   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               85,992   ...........     Verizon .......................................................   Cary, NC ..................           5/6/2014   Wages Reported Under Different     FEIN
                                               86,001 ...........       The Boeing Company ................................               Seattle, WA .............            6/13/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               86,004 ...........       Cooper Power Systems .............................                Fayetteville, AR .......              5/8/2014   Worker Group Clarification.

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                                                                                     Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 204 / Monday, October 22, 2018 / Notices                                                                 53305

                                                  TA–W No.                                     Subject firm                                        Location                 Impact date                       Reason(s)

                                               86,065 ...........       Cliffs Natural Resources, Inc .....................                Ishpeming, MI ..........              6/4/2014   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               86,083 ...........       Magnetation LLC .......................................            Keewatin, MN ..........               6/9/2014   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               86,088 ...........       Breg, Inc ....................................................     Grand Prairie, TX ....                6/9/2014   Wages Reported Under Different FEIN
                                               86,089 ...........       Huntington Alloys Corporation ...................                  Huntington, WV .......               6/10/2014   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               90,004 ...........       Citizens Bank, National Association ..........                     Bridgeport, CT .........              1/1/2014   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               90,013 ...........       National Oilwell Varco ...............................             Springfield, OH ........              1/1/2014   Wages Reported Under Different FEIN
                                               90,046   ...........     ConMed .....................................................       Centennial, CO ........               1/1/2014   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               90,075   ...........     Symantec Corporation ...............................               Springfield, OR ........              1/1/2014   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               90,075   ...........     Symantec Corporation ...............................               Springfield, OR ........              1/1/2014   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               90,082   ...........     Lumentum Operations LLC .......................                    Bloomfield, CT .........              1/1/2014   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               90,166   ...........     Dresser, Inc ...............................................       Avon, MA .................            5/9/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               90,251   ...........     Caterpillar, Inc ...........................................       Lafayette, IN ............            1/1/2014   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               90,278   ...........     Breg, Inc ....................................................     Plano, TX .................           1/1/2014   Wages Reported Under Different FEIN
                                               90,281 ...........       Verso Corporation .....................................            Wickliffe, KY ............            1/1/2014   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               90,327 ...........       Kyklos Bearing International, LLC .............                    Sandusky, OH .........                1/1/2014   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               91,017 ...........       American Airlines, Inc ................................            Fort Worth, TX .........             10/2/2014   Wages Reported Under Different FEIN
                                               91,027   ...........     Indiana Marujun, LLC ................................              Winchester, IN .........             10/2/2014   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               91,030   ...........     Mitsubishi Motors North America, Inc .......                       Normal, IL ................          10/6/2014   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               91,045   ...........     Higher One, Inc .........................................          New Haven, CT .......                10/9/2014   Ownership Change of a Successor Firm.
                                               91,051   ...........     Carter Fuel Systems ..................................             Logansport, IN .........             10/1/2014   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               91,070   ...........     LPL Financial LLC .....................................            San Diego, CA .........             10/22/2014   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               91,090   ...........     AK Steel Corporation .................................             Ashland, KY .............           10/26/2014   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               91,092   ...........     One Call Care Management .....................                     Jacksonville, FL .......            10/29/2014   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               91,132   ...........     Century Aluminum of South Carolina, Inc                            Goose Creek, SC ....                11/11/2014   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               91,145   ...........     Joy Global Underground Mining, LLC .......                         Franklin, PA .............          11/27/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               91,152   ...........     PetroChoice, LLC ......................................            Chisholm, MN ..........             11/17/2014   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               91,177   ...........     PTC Alliance ..............................................        Beaver Falls, PA ......             11/14/2014   Wages Reported Under Different FEIN
                                               91,205 ...........       KBR, Inc ....................................................      Houston, TX ............             12/8/2014   Wages Reported Under Different FEIN
                                               91,211 ...........       D+H USA Corporation ...............................                Portland, OR ............           12/10/2014   Wages Reported Under Different FEIN
                                               91,233 ...........       Thermo Fisher Scientific, LLC ...................                  Austin, TX ................         12/15/2014   Wages Reported Under Different FEIN
                                               91,257   ...........     Huntley Power LLC ...................................              Tonawanda, NY .......               12/22/2014   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               91,258   ...........     International Business Machines (IBM) .....                        Denver, CO ..............           12/22/2014   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               91,279   ...........     Allegheny Ludlum LLC ..............................                Bagdad, PA .............              1/4/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               91,290   ...........     ConAgra Foods, Inc ..................................              Omaha, NE ..............            12/24/2014   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               91,336   ...........     Spirit Aerosystems, Inc ..............................             Wichita, KS ..............          10/19/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               91,352   ...........     Noranda Aluminum, Inc .............................                New Madrid, MO .....                  2/5/2016   Wages Reported Under Different FEIN
                                               91,485 ...........       Sensata Technologies, Inc ........................                 Springfield, TN .........            2/18/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               91,499 ...........       Saginaw Machine Systems, Inc ................                      Saginaw, MI .............            2/22/2015   Wages Reported Under Different FEIN
                                               91,511 ...........       Technicolor Home Entertainment Services                            Olyphant, PA ...........             2/24/2015   Ownership Change of a Successor Firm.
                                               91,535 ...........       General Electric Company ........................                  Grove City, PA .........              3/1/2015   Wages Reported Under Different FEIN
                                               91,535   ...........     General Electric Company ........................                  Grove City, PA .........              3/1/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               91,549   ...........     W.W. Grainger, Inc ....................................            Janesville, WI ..........             3/3/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               91,554   ...........     Polar Tank Trailer ......................................          Holdingford, MN ......                3/4/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               91,567   ...........     Titan Tire Corporation of Bryan .................                  Bryan, OH ................           2/20/2016   Other.
                                               91,596   ...........     Hitachi Metals Automotive Components,                              Wellsboro, PA ..........             3/14/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               91,611 ...........       Sherwin Alumina Company, LLC ..............                        Gregory, TX .............            3/21/2015   Wages Reported Under Different FEIN
                                               91,616   ...........     Mary’s River Lumber Company .................                      Corvallis, OR ...........            3/21/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               91,653   ...........     Royal Ingredients, LLC ..............................              Swedesboro, NJ ......                3/31/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               91,654   ...........     WKW Roof Rail Systems, LLC ..................                      Battle Creek, MI .......             3/31/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               91,725   ...........     General Electric Company ........................                  Erie, PA ...................          6/4/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               91,755   ...........     Kraft Heinz Foods Company .....................                    Allentown, PA ..........             4/28/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               91,809   ...........     Sprint .........................................................   Overland Park, KS ...                5/12/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               91,811   ...........     Sykes Enterprises, Incorporated ...............                    Langhorne, PA ........               5/13/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
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                                               91,816   ...........     Nike Foundation ........................................           Beaverton, OR .........              5/16/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               91,900   ...........     Intel Corporation ........................................         Hillsboro, OR ...........             6/9/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               91,914   ...........     Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC ......................                   West Palm Beach,                     6/10/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               91,920   ...........     Compucom Systems, Inc ..........................                   Dallas, TX ................          6/14/2015   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                               91,954   ...........     Siemens Shared Services .........................                  Orlando, FL .............            6/23/2015   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                               92,005   ...........     CTS Corporation ........................................           Elkhart, IN ................          7/8/2015   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                               92,015   ...........     Mattel, Inc ..................................................     East Aurora, NY ......               7/13/2015   Worker   Group   Clarification.

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                                               53306                                 Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 204 / Monday, October 22, 2018 / Notices

                                                  TA–W No.                                     Subject firm                                        Location                 Impact date                   Reason(s)

                                               92,023   ...........     Alcatel-Lucent USA, Inc ............................               Naperville, IL ...........           7/18/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,078   ...........     Intel Corporation ........................................         Rio Rancho, NM ......                 8/1/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,106   ...........     Gonzalez Group, LLC ................................               Litchfield, MI ............          8/11/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,118   ...........     CVG Alabama, LLC ...................................               Piedmont, AL ...........             6/24/2015   Wages Reported Under Different FEIN
                                               92,137   ...........     Weyerhaeuser NR Company ....................                       Columbia Falls, MT                   8/23/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,175   ...........     Dow Business Services, LLC ....................                    Midland, MI ..............            9/1/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,176   ...........     Delphi Automotive Systems, LLC ..............                      Warren, OH .............              9/2/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,183   ...........     Applied Materials .......................................          Austin, TX ................           8/8/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,189   ...........     GE Energy Power Conversion US, Inc .....                           Pittsburgh, PA .........              9/7/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,198   ...........     Ericsson, Inc ..............................................       Plano, TX .................          9/12/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,214   ...........     Quantum Spatial, Inc .................................             Anchorage, AK ........               9/15/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,217   ...........     Caterpillar Inc ............................................       Houston, PA ............             9/16/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,243   ...........     Harman ......................................................      Cheney, WA ............              9/22/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,251   ...........     Versum Materials US, LLC ........................                  Allentown, PA ..........              9/9/2015   Wages Reported Under Different FEIN
                                               92,293   ...........     HP Inc ........................................................    Palo Alto, CA ...........            10/4/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,293   ...........     HP Inc ........................................................    Palo Alto, CA ...........            10/4/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,293   ...........     HP Inc ........................................................    Palo Alto, CA ...........            10/4/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,325   ...........     ConvaTec ..................................................        Greensboro, NC ......               10/14/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,403   ...........     Convergys Customer Management Group                                Tamarac, FL ............             11/3/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,411   ...........     tronc, Inc ....................................................    Chicago, IL ..............           11/9/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,422   ...........     Rexnord Industries, LLC ............................               Indianapolis, IN ........           11/15/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,465   ...........     GE Inspection Technologies .....................                   Lewistown, PA .........              12/5/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,465   ...........     GE Inspection Technologies .....................                   Lewistown, PA .........              12/5/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,471   ...........     FCR ...........................................................    Independence, OR ..                  12/7/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,482   ...........     Crew Knitwear LLC ...................................              Los Angeles, CA ......               12/9/2015   Wages Reported Under Different FEIN
                                               92,493   ...........     Pentair Technical Solutions .......................                Houston, TX ............            12/15/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,546   ...........     Kellogg Seelyville Bakery ..........................               Terre Haute, IN .......              1/10/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,605   ...........     M+W US, Inc .............................................          Plano, TX .................           2/2/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,625   ...........     tronc, Inc ....................................................    Chicago, IL ..............            2/6/2016   Ownership Change of a Successor Firm.
                                               92,634   ...........     Seagate Technology ..................................              Shakopee, MN .........               2/10/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,644   ...........     Luvo USA, LLC f/k/a Provita Cuisine LLC                            Schaumburg, IL .......               2/14/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,684   ...........     ASG Technologies Group, Inc ..................                     Naples, FL ...............           2/24/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,692   ...........     Travelport, LP ............................................        Kansas City, MO .....                 3/1/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,732   ...........     Ross Mould LLC ........................................            Washington, PA .......               3/12/2017   Other.
                                               92,740   ...........     NSi Industries LLC ....................................            Mount Vernon, NY ...                 3/16/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,741   ...........     Pacific Gas and Electric Co ......................                 San Francisco, CA ..                 3/16/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,754   ...........     Axeon Specialty Products LLC ..................                    Paulsboro, NJ ..........             3/24/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,796   ...........     Dresser-Rand Company ............................                  Olean, NY ................            6/5/2017   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,805   ...........     Nielsen .......................................................    Green Bay, WI .........               4/6/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,839   ...........     Dura Automotive Systems, LLC ................                      Stockton, IL .............           4/25/2016   Wages Reported Under Different FEIN
                                               92,845   ...........     Diodes FabTech Inc ..................................              Lee’s Summit, MO ...                 4/26/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,866   ...........     LEDVANCE, LLC .......................................              St. Marys, PA ..........              5/6/2017   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,882   ...........     Triumph Aerostructures .............................               Red Oak, TX ...........              3/13/2017   Other.
                                               92,895   ...........     SmashFly Technologies, Inc .....................                   Concord, MA ...........              5/16/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,903   ...........     The Boeing Company ................................                Tukwila, WA ............              8/7/2017   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,933   ...........     Wolfe Tory Medical Inc ..............................              Salt Lake City, UT ...                6/5/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,952   ...........     Eagle Family Foods Group LLC ................                      Seneca, MO ............              6/14/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,992   ...........     Hewlett Packard Enterprise .......................                 Chicago, IL ..............            7/3/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,999   ...........     Atlas Copco Secoroc LLC .........................                  Grand Prairie, TX ....                7/7/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,007   ...........     Commemorative Brands, Inc .....................                    Austin, TX ................           8/9/2016   Technical Error.
                                               93,032   ...........     Ditech Financial LLC .................................             St. Paul, MN ............            7/21/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,066   ...........     Kalmar Rough Terrain Center, LLC ..........                        Cibolo, TX ................           8/7/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,074   ...........     Philips Medical Systems (Cleveland) Inc ..                         Aurora, IL .................         8/11/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,140   ...........     U.S. Steel Tubular Products, Inc ...............                   Lone Star, TX ..........             3/13/2017   Other.
                                               93,173   ...........     Itron, Inc .....................................................   Owenton, KY ...........              9/14/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,202   ...........     Dex Media, Inc ..........................................          Tucker, GA ..............            10/3/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,202   ...........     Dex Media, Inc ..........................................          Tucker, GA ..............            10/3/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,218   ...........     Xerox Corporation .....................................            Rochester, NY .........              10/6/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,251   ...........     SKF Sealing Solutions ...............................              Seneca, KS .............            10/25/2016   Other.
                                               93,254   ...........     Arrow International Inc ..............................             Reading, PA ............            12/18/2017   Technical Error.
                                               93,262   ...........     Boyd Coffee Company ..............................                 Portland, OR ............           10/27/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,262   ...........     Boyd Coffee Company ..............................                 Portland, OR ............           10/27/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
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                                               93,295   ...........     RR Donnelley ............................................          Lancaster, PA ..........            10/16/2017   Technical Error.
                                               93,323   ...........     Payless ShoeSource, Inc ..........................                 Topeka, KS ..............           11/22/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,330   ...........     Technicolor Connected Home USA ..........                          Indianapolis, IN ........           11/28/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,382   ...........     Honeywell International, Inc ......................                Metropolis, IL ...........          12/20/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,431   ...........     Optum Services Inc, UnitedHealth Group                             Hartford, CT .............           1/17/2017   Technical Error.
                                               93,619   ...........     AES Ohio Generation (DP&L) ...................                     Aberdeen, OH ..........               3/6/2017   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,639   ...........     AK Steel Corporation .................................             Lyndora, PA .............            9/30/2017   Technical Error.
                                               93,813   ...........     Cosmoflex, Inc ...........................................         Hannibal, MO ...........             5/10/2017   Other.

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                                                                                    Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 204 / Monday, October 22, 2018 / Notices                                                                 53307

                                                  TA–W No.                                    Subject firm                                        Location                 Impact date                       Reason(s)

                                               82,557A   .........     Ericsson Inc ...............................................       Overland Park, KS ...                3/12/2012   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                               82,557B   .........     Ericsson Inc ...............................................       Overland Park, KS ...                3/12/2012   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                               82,557C   .........     Ericsson Inc ...............................................       Atlanta, GA ..............           3/12/2012   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                               82,557D   .........     Ericsson Inc ...............................................       Overland Park, KS ...                3/12/2012   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                               85,286A   .........     United States Steel Corporation ................                   Fairfield, AL .............           5/2/2013   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                               85,286B   .........     United States Steel Corporation ................                   East Chicago, IN .....                5/2/2013   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                               85,286C   .........     Lorain Northern Railroad ...........................               Lorain, OH ...............            5/2/2013   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                               85,286D   .........     United States Steel Corporation ................                   Pine Buff, AR ...........             5/2/2013   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                               85,286E   .........     United States Steel Corporation ................                   Gary, IN ...................          5/2/2013   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                               85,286F   .........     United States Steel Corporation ................                   Ecorse, MI ...............            5/2/2013   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                               85,286G    ........     Fairfield Southern Company ......................                  Fairfield, AL .............           5/2/2013   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                               85,629A   .........     Amgen Inc .................................................        Bothell, WA ..............           11/3/2013   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                               85,664A   .........     Kelly Services, Radiant Systems, and                               Woburn, MA .............            11/20/2013   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                                                         U.S. Security Associates, Inc.
                                               85,717A   .........     California Redwood Company ...................                     Eureka, CA ..............            12/9/2013   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                               85,718A   .........     Osram Sylvania .........................................           Wilmington, MA .......              12/10/2013   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                               85,796A   .........     United States Steel Corporation ................                   Keewatin, MN ..........              1/27/2014   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                               85,796B   .........     United States Steel Corporation ................                   Mt. Iron, MN ............            1/27/2014   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                               85,796C   .........     United States Steel Corporation ................                   Granite City, IL ........            1/27/2014   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                               85,796D   .........     United States Steel Corporation ................                   West Mifflin, PA .......             1/27/2014   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                               85,867A   .........     Day & Zimmermann Lone Star LLC ..........                          East Camden, AR ....                  3/6/2014   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                               85,911A   .........     Arrow International ....................................           Ramseur, NC ...........              3/27/2014   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                               85,954A   .........     Baker Hughes Incorporated ......................                   Broken Arrow, OK ...                 4/22/2014   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                               85,954B   .........     Baker Hughes Incorporated ......................                   Hampton, AR ...........              4/22/2014   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                               86,001A   .........     Leased Workers from 22nd Century Tech-                             Seattle, WA .............             5/8/2014   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                                                         nologies, Inc, etc.
                                               86,065A   .........     Cliffs Natural Resources, Inc .....................                Palmer, MI ...............            6/4/2014   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                               86,065B   .........     United Talconite, LLC ................................             Eveleth, MN .............             6/4/2014   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                               86,065C   .........     United Talconite, LLC ................................             Forbes, MN ..............             6/4/2014   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                               86,065D   .........     Hibbing Taconite ........................................          Hibbing, MN .............             6/4/2014   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                               86,065E   .........     Northshore Mining .....................................            Babbitt, MN ..............            6/4/2014   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                               86,065F   .........     Northshore Mining .....................................            Silver Bay, MN .........              6/4/2014   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                               86,083A   .........     Magnetation LLC .......................................            Bovey, MN ...............             6/9/2014   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                               86,083B   .........     Magnetation LLC .......................................            Grand Rapids, MN ...                  6/9/2014   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                               86,089A   .........     Huntington Alloys Corporation ...................                  Burnaugh, KY ..........              6/10/2014   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                               90,004A   .........     Citizens Bank, National Association ..........                     Bridgeport, CT .........              1/1/2014   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                               90,166A   .........     Kelly Services, NEED, Op Amp, Softek,                              Avon, MA .................            1/1/2014   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                                                         Aerotek, APN Software Solutions.
                                               90,281A   .........     Verso Corporation .....................................            Beaver Dam, KY ......                 1/1/2014   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                               90,281B   .........     Verso Corporation .....................................            Eddyville, KY ...........             1/1/2014   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                               90,281C   .........     Verso Corporation .....................................            Wickliffe, KY ............            1/1/2014   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                               90,281D   .........     Verso Corporation .....................................            Bethel Springs, TN ..                 1/1/2014   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                               90,281E   .........     Verso Corporation .....................................            Camden, TN ............               1/1/2014   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                               90,281F   .........     Verso Corporation .....................................            Dover, TN ................            1/1/2014   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                               91,070A   .........     LPL Financial LLC .....................................            Charlotte, NC ...........           10/22/2014   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                               91,070B   .........     LPL Financial LLC .....................................            Boston, MA ..............           10/22/2014   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                               91,092A   .........     One Call Care Management .....................                     Tampa, FL ...............           10/29/2014   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                               91,145A   .........     On-Site Leased Workers from Technical                              Franklin, PA .............          11/16/2014   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                                                         Solutions, Inc, etc.
                                               91,145B .........       Joy Global Underground Mining, LLC .......                         Reno, PA .................          11/16/2014   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               91,152A .........       PetroChoice, LLC ......................................            Superior, WI ............           11/17/2014   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               91,211A .........       D+H USA Corporation ...............................                Bothell, WA ..............          12/10/2014   Wages Reported Under Different FEIN
                                               91,258A   .........     International Business Machines (IBM) .....                        Endicott, NY ............           12/22/2014   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               91,258B   .........     International Business Machines (IBM) .....                        Omaha, NE ..............            12/22/2014   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               91,336A   .........     Spirit Aerosystems, Inc ..............................             Wichita, KS ..............           1/12/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               91,352A   .........     Express Personnel, Randstad and Whelan                             New Madrid, MO .....                 1/14/2015   Wages Reported Under Different FEIN
                                                                          Security Company.                                                                                                  Number.
                                               91,554A .........       Polar Tank Trailer ......................................          Opole, MN ...............             3/4/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               91,567A .........       PER MAR Security Services and Elwood                               Bryan, OH ................            3/8/2015   Other.
                                               91,616A .........       Mary’s River Lumber Company .................                      Montesano, WA .......                3/21/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               91,616B .........       Mary’s River Lumber Company .................                      Philomath, OR .........              3/21/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               91,725A .........       3M Industrial, A–D Technology, AVI                                 Erie, PA ...................         4/21/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                                                          Foodsystems, AXIS Solution.
                                               91,809A   .........     Sprint .........................................................   Blountville, TN .........            5/12/2015   Worker   Group   Clarification.
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                                               91,811A   .........     Sykes Enterprises, Incorporated ...............                    Eugene, OR .............             5/13/2015   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                               91,811B   .........     Sykes Enterprises, Incorporated ...............                    Eugene, OR .............             5/13/2015   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                               91,914A   .........     Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC ......................                   Coppell, TX ..............           4/25/2015   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                               91,914B   .........     Kelly Vendor Management Services .........                         Coppell, TX ..............           6/10/2015   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                               91,914C   .........     Ocwen Loan Financial Corporation ...........                       Houston, TX ............             6/10/2015   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                               91,920A   .........     Compucom Systems, Inc ..........................                   Plano, TX .................          6/14/2015   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                               92,106A   .........     Gonzalez Group, LLC ................................               Jonesville, MI ...........           8/11/2015   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                               92,137A   .........     Weyerhaeuser NR Company ....................                       Columbia Falls, MT                   8/23/2015   Worker   Group   Clarification.

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                                               53308                                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 204 / Monday, October 22, 2018 / Notices

                                                  TA–W No.                                    Subject firm                                        Location                 Impact date                       Reason(s)

                                               92,137B    .........     Weyerhaeuser NR Company ....................                      Kalispell, MT ............           8/23/2015   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                               92,214A    .........     Quantum Spatial, Inc .................................            Ann Arbor, MI ..........             9/15/2015   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                               92,214B    .........     Quantum Spatial, Inc .................................            Norcross, GA ...........             9/15/2015   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                               92,214C    .........     Quantum Spatial, Inc .................................            Colorado Springs,                    9/15/2015   Worker   Group   Clarification.
                                               92,214D .........        Quantum Spatial, Inc .................................            Corvallis, OR ...........            9/15/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,214E .........        Quantum Spatial, Inc .................................            Dulles, VA ................          9/15/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,214F .........        Quantum Spatial, Inc .................................            Lexington, KY ..........             9/15/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,214G ........         Quantum Spatial, Inc .................................            Maple Grove, MN ....                 9/15/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,214H .........        Quantum Spatial, Inc .................................            Mission, KS ..............           9/15/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,214I ..........       Quantum Spatial, Inc .................................            Portland, OR ............            9/15/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,214J .........        Quantum Spatial, Inc .................................            Sheboygan, WI ........               9/15/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,214K .........        Quantum Spatial, Inc .................................            Sheboygan Falls, WI                  9/15/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,214L .........        Quantum Spatial, Inc .................................            St. Petersburg, FL ...               9/15/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,243A .........        Harman ......................................................     Elkhart, IN ................         9/22/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,293A .........        HP Inc ........................................................   San Diego, CA ........               10/4/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,293A .........        HP Inc ........................................................   San Diego, CA ........               10/4/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,293A .........        HP Inc ........................................................   San Diego, CA ........               10/4/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,293B .........        HP Inc ........................................................   Fort Collins, CO .......             10/4/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,293B .........        HP Inc ........................................................   Fort Collins, CO .......             10/4/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,293B .........        HP Inc ........................................................   Fort Collins, CO .......             10/4/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,293C .........        HP Inc ........................................................   Alpharetta, GA .........             10/4/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,293C .........        HP Inc ........................................................   Alpharetta, GA .........             10/4/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,293C .........        HP Inc ........................................................   Alpharetta, GA .........             10/4/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,293D .........        HP Inc ........................................................   Boise, ID ..................         10/4/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,293D .........        HP Inc ........................................................   Boise, ID ..................         10/4/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,293D .........        HP Inc ........................................................   Boise, ID ..................         10/4/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,293E .........        HP Inc ........................................................   Rio Rancho, NM ......                10/4/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,293E .........        HP Inc ........................................................   Rio Rancho, NM ......                10/4/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,293E .........        HP Inc ........................................................   Rio Rancho, NM ......                10/4/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,293F .........        HP Inc ........................................................   New York, NY ..........              10/4/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,293F .........        HP Inc ........................................................   New York, NY ..........              10/4/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,293F .........        HP Inc ........................................................   New York, NY ..........              10/4/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,293G ........         HP Inc ........................................................   Corvallis, OR ...........            10/4/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,293G ........         HP Inc ........................................................   Corvallis, OR ...........            10/4/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,293G ........         HP Inc ........................................................   Corvallis, OR ...........            10/4/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,293H .........        HP Inc ........................................................   Plano, TX .................          10/4/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,293H .........        HP Inc ........................................................   Plano, TX .................          10/4/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,293H .........        HP Inc ........................................................   Plano, TX .................          10/4/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,293I ..........       HP Inc ........................................................   Houston, TX ............             10/4/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,293I ..........       HP Inc ........................................................   Houston, TX ............             10/4/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,293I ..........       HP Inc ........................................................   Houston, TX ............             10/4/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,293J .........        HP Inc ........................................................   Austin, TX ................          10/4/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,293J .........        HP Inc ........................................................   Austin, TX ................          10/4/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,293J .........        HP Inc ........................................................   Austin, TX ................          10/4/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,293K .........        HP Inc ........................................................   Vancouver, WA .......                10/4/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,293K .........        HP Inc ........................................................   Vancouver, WA .......                10/4/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,293K .........        HP Inc ........................................................   Vancouver, WA .......                10/4/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,293L .........        HP Inc ........................................................   San Jose, CA ..........              10/4/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,293L .........        HP Inc ........................................................   San Jose, CA ..........              10/4/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,293L .........        HP Inc ........................................................   San Jose, CA ..........              10/4/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,293M ........         HP Inc ........................................................   Aguadilla, PR ...........            10/4/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,293M ........         HP Inc ........................................................   Aguadilla, PR ...........            10/4/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,293M ........         HP Inc ........................................................   Aguadilla, PR ...........            10/4/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,471A .........        FCR ...........................................................   Roseburg, OR ..........              12/7/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,471B .........        FCR ...........................................................   Grants Pass, OR .....                12/7/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,471C .........        FCR ...........................................................   Coos Bay, OR .........               12/7/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,471D .........        FCR ...........................................................   Veneta, OR ..............            12/7/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,471E .........        FCR ...........................................................   Eugene, OR .............             12/7/2015   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,625A .........        tronc, Inc ....................................................   Lewisville, TX ...........            2/6/2016   Ownership Change of a Successor   Firm.
                                               92,625B .........        tronc, Inc ....................................................   Allentown, PA ..........              2/6/2016   Ownership Change of a Successor   Firm.
                                               92,625C .........        tronc, Inc ....................................................   Baltimore, MD ..........              2/6/2016   Ownership Change of a Successor   Firm.
                                               92,625D .........        tronc, Inc ....................................................   Orlando, FL .............             2/6/2016   Ownership Change of a Successor   Firm.
                                               92,625E .........        tronc, Inc ....................................................   Deerfield Beach, FL                   2/6/2016   Ownership Change of a Successor   Firm.
                                               92,625F .........        tronc, Inc ....................................................   Los Angeles, CA .....                 2/6/2016   Ownership Change of a Successor   Firm.
                                               92,625G ........         tronc, Inc ....................................................   Hartford, CT .............            2/6/2016   Ownership Change of a Successor   Firm.
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                                               92,625H .........        tronc, Inc ....................................................   San Diego, CA .........               2/6/2016   Ownership Change of a Successor   Firm.
                                               92,625I ..........       tronc, Inc ....................................................   San Diego, CA ........                2/6/2016   Ownership Change of a Successor   Firm.
                                               92,634A .........        Seagate Technology ..................................             Longmont, CO .........               2/10/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,634B .........        Seagate Technology ..................................             Bloomington, MN .....                2/10/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,684A .........        ASG Technologies Group, Inc ..................                    Phoenix, AZ .............            2/24/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,732A .........        Crown Casting, LLC ..................................             Hodges, SC .............             3/12/2017   Other.
                                               92,754A .........        Axeon Refining LLC ..................................             San Antonio, TX ......               3/24/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,754B .........        Axeon Refining LLC ..................................             Stamford, CT ...........             3/24/2016   Worker Group Clarification.

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                                                                                  Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 204 / Monday, October 22, 2018 / Notices                                                             53309

                                                  TA–W No.                                  Subject firm                                        Location                 Impact date                     Reason(s)

                                               92,805A .........      Nielsen .......................................................   Fond du Lac, WI ......                4/6/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,866A .........      Wortman Controls, Inc ...............................             St. Marys, PA ..........              5/3/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               92,903A .........      The Boeing Company ................................               Portland, OR ............            5/19/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,202A .........      Dex Media, Inc ..........................................         DFW Airport, TX ......               10/3/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,254A .........      Piper Companies .......................................           Reading, PA ............            10/27/2016   Technical Error.
                                               93,262A .........      Boyd Coffee Company ..............................                Eugene, OR .............            10/27/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,262A .........      Boyd Coffee Company ..............................                Eugene, OR .............            10/27/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,262AA ......        Boyd Coffee Company ..............................                Tempe, AZ ...............           10/27/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,262AA ......        Boyd Coffee Company ..............................                Tempe, AZ ...............           10/27/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,262B .........      Boyd Coffee Company ..............................                Boise, ID ..................        10/27/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,262B .........      Boyd Coffee Company ..............................                Boise, ID ..................        10/27/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,262BB ......        Boyd Coffee Company ..............................                Council Bluffs, IA .....            10/27/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,262BB ......        Boyd Coffee Company ..............................                Council Bluffs, IA .....            10/27/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,262C .........      Boyd Coffee Company ..............................                Casper, WY .............            10/27/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,262C .........      Boyd Coffee Company ..............................                Casper, WY .............            10/27/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,262D .........      Boyd Coffee Company ..............................                Cypress, CA ............            10/27/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,262D .........      Boyd Coffee Company ..............................                Cypress, CA ............            10/27/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,262E .........      Boyd Coffee Company ..............................                Eagman, MN ...........              10/27/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,262E .........      Boyd Coffee Company ..............................                Eagman, MN ...........              10/27/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,262F .........      Boyd Coffee Company ..............................                Fresno, CA ..............           10/27/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,262F .........      Boyd Coffee Company ..............................                Fresno, CA ..............           10/27/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,262G ........       Boyd Coffee Company ..............................                Grand Prairie, TX ....              10/27/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,262G ........       Boyd Coffee Company ..............................                Grand Prairie, TX ....              10/27/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,262H .........      Boyd Coffee Company ..............................                Downers Grove, IL ..                10/27/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,262H .........      Boyd Coffee Company ..............................                Downers Grove, IL ..                10/27/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,262I ..........     Boyd Coffee Company ..............................                Hayward, CA ...........             10/27/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,262I ..........     Boyd Coffee Company ..............................                Hayward, CA ...........             10/27/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,262J .........      Boyd Coffee Company ..............................                Houston, TX ............            10/27/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,262J .........      Boyd Coffee Company ..............................                Houston, TX ............            10/27/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,262K .........      Boyd Coffee Company ..............................                Idaho Falls, ID .........           10/27/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,262K .........      Boyd Coffee Company ..............................                Idaho Falls, ID .........           10/27/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,262L .........      Boyd Coffee Company ..............................                Las Vegas, NV ........              10/27/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,262L .........      Boyd Coffee Company ..............................                Las Vegas, NV ........              10/27/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,262M ........       Boyd Coffee Company ..............................                Layton, UT ...............          10/27/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,262M ........       Boyd Coffee Company ..............................                Layton, UT ...............          10/27/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,262N .........      Boyd Coffee Company ..............................                Lolo, MT ..................         10/27/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,262N .........      Boyd Coffee Company ..............................                Lolo, MT ..................         10/27/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,262O ........       Boyd Coffee Company ..............................                Loveland, CO ..........             10/27/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,262O ........       Boyd Coffee Company ..............................                Loveland, CO ..........             10/27/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,262P .........      Boyd Coffee Company ..............................                Lynnwood, WA ........               10/27/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,262P .........      Boyd Coffee Company ..............................                Lynnwood, WA ........               10/27/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,262Q ........       Boyd Coffee Company ..............................                Omaha, NE ..............            10/27/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,262Q ........       Boyd Coffee Company ..............................                Omaha, NE ..............            10/27/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,262R .........      Boyd Coffee Company ..............................                Ontario, CA ..............          10/27/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,262R .........      Boyd Coffee Company ..............................                Ontario, CA ..............          10/27/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,262S .........      Boyd Coffee Company ..............................                Sacramento, CA ......               10/27/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,262S .........      Boyd Coffee Company ..............................                Sacramento, CA ......               10/27/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,262T .........      Boyd Coffee Company ..............................                Salinas, CA ..............          10/27/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,262T .........      Boyd Coffee Company ..............................                Salinas, CA ..............          10/27/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,262U .........      Boyd Coffee Company ..............................                Salt Lake City, UT ...              10/27/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,262U .........      Boyd Coffee Company ..............................                Salt Lake City, UT ...              10/27/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,262V .........      Boyd Coffee Company ..............................                San Antonio, TX ......              10/27/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,262V .........      Boyd Coffee Company ..............................                San Antonio, TX ......              10/27/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,262W ........       Boyd Coffee Company ..............................                San Diego, CA ........              10/27/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,262W ........       Boyd Coffee Company ..............................                San Diego, CA ........              10/27/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,262X .........      Boyd Coffee Company ..............................                Santa Clarita, CA .....             10/27/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,262X .........      Boyd Coffee Company ..............................                Santa Clarita, CA .....             10/27/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,262Y .........      Boyd Coffee Company ..............................                Santa Maria, CA ......              10/27/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,262Y .........      Boyd Coffee Company ..............................                Santa Maria, CA ......              10/27/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,262Z .........      Boyd Coffee Company ..............................                Spokane, WA ..........              10/27/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,262Z .........      Boyd Coffee Company ..............................                Spokane, WA ..........              10/27/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,330A .........      Technicolor Connected Home USA ..........                         El Segundo, CA .......              11/28/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,330B .........      Technicolor Connected Home USA ..........                         El Segundo, CA .......              11/28/2016   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,619A .........      AES Ohio Generation (DP&L) ...................                    Manchester, OH ......                 3/6/2017   Worker Group Clarification.
                                               93,619B .........      AES Ohio Generation (DP&L) ...................                    Manchester, OH ......                 3/6/2017   Worker Group Clarification.
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               Revised Determinations (After                                         to apply for TAA, have been issued. The                          The following revised determinations
                                               Affirmative Determination Regarding                                   date following the company name and                            on reconsideration, certifying eligibility
                                               Application for Reconsideration)                                      location of each determination                                 to apply for TAA, have been issued. The
                                                 The following revised determinations                                references the impact date for all                             requirements of Section 222(a)(2)(A)
                                               on reconsideration, certifying eligibility                            workers of such determination.

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                                               53310                                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 204 / Monday, October 22, 2018 / Notices

                                               (Increased Imports Path) of the Trade
                                               Act have been met.

                                                 TA–W No.                                                           Subject firm                                                                          Location                           Impact date

                                               85,355   ...........    Chevron Mining, Inc ...................................................................................         Questa, NM ......................................          6/4/2013
                                               91,525   ...........    Teknetix Inc ................................................................................................   Parkersburg, WV .............................             2/26/2015
                                               91,562   ...........    Halliburton Energy Services, Inc ................................................................               Duncan, OK .....................................           3/7/2015
                                               91,673   ...........    Climax Manufacturing Inc ..........................................................................             Lowville, NY .....................................         4/6/2015
                                               92,193   ...........    White Pine Electric Power, LLC .................................................................                White Pine, MI .................................           9/9/2015
                                               92,256   ...........    Ball Corporation .........................................................................................      Weirton, WV .....................................         9/30/2016
                                               92,453   ...........    Garco Building Systems .............................................................................            Airway Heights, WA .........................             11/29/2015
                                               92,463   ...........    Brayton Point Energy, LLC ........................................................................              Somerset, MA ..................................           12/5/2015
                                               92,779   ...........    3M Company ..............................................................................................       Elyria, OH ........................................       3/31/2016

                                                 The following revised determinations                                  requirements of Section 222(a)(2)(B)                                     Articles or Services from a Foreign
                                               on reconsideration, certifying eligibility                              (Shift in Production or Services to a                                    Country Path) of the Trade Act have
                                               to apply for TAA, have been issued. The                                 Foreign Country Path or Acquisition of                                   been met.

                                                 TA–W No.                                                           Subject firm                                                                          Location                           Impact date

                                               90,125 ...........      Owens-Brockway Glass Container, Inc .....................................................                       Oakland, CA ....................................           1/1/2014
                                               90,324 ...........      Embarq Management Company/United Telephone of Pennsylvania ........                                             Carlisle, PA ......................................        1/1/2014
                                               91,121 ...........      REC Silicon LLC ........................................................................................        Moses Lake, WA .............................              3/23/2015
                                               91,325 ...........      Mesabi Metallics Company LLC f/k/a Essar Steel Minnesota LLC ...........                                        Hibbing, MN .....................................         1/11/2015
                                               91,380 ...........      Gardner Denver Nash, LLC .......................................................................                Trumbull, CT ....................................         1/22/2015
                                               91,641 ...........      General Electric Company .........................................................................              Fort Edward, NY ..............................            5/30/2016
                                               91,882 ...........      SPX FLOW, Inc ..........................................................................................        McKean, PA .....................................           6/6/2015
                                               92,590 ...........      MUFG Union Bank, N.A .............................................................................              Monterey Park, CA ..........................              1/27/2016
                                               92,862 ...........      Symantec Corporation ...............................................................................            Springfield, OR ................................          12/5/2017
                                               92,921 ...........      JPMorgan Chase & Co ..............................................................................              Columbus, OH .................................            5/30/2016
                                               93,431 ...........      Optum Services Inc., United HealthGroup ................................................                        Hartford, CT .....................................        2/22/2018
                                               91,121A ........        REC Silicon ASA ........................................................................................        Silver Bow, MT ................................           3/23/2015
                                               91,121B ........        Nemo IT Solutions .....................................................................................         Moses Lake, WA .............................              11/4/2014
                                               91,121C ........        Spherion Staffing LLC ................................................................................          Silver Bow, MT ................................           11/4/2014

                                                 The following revised determinations                                  requirements of Section 222(b) (supplier                                 eligible to apply for TAA) of the Trade
                                               on reconsideration, certifying eligibility                              to a firm whose workers are certified                                    Act have been met.
                                               to apply for TAA, have been issued. The

                                                 TA–W No.                                                           Subject firm                                                                          Location                           Impact date

                                               85,956   ...........    Cameron International Corporation ............................................................                  Duncan, OK .....................................         4/23/2014
                                               91,218   ...........    Mesabi Radial Tire Company ....................................................................                 Hibbing, MN .....................................       12/11/2014
                                               91,264   ...........    Shenango Incorporated ..............................................................................            Pittsburgh, PA ..................................       12/28/2014
                                               92,537   ...........    General Motors Components Holdings, LLC (GMCH) ..............................                                   Kokomo, IN ......................................        12/9/2015
                                               92,629   ...........    Lone Star Tubular Service Inc ...................................................................               Lone Star, TX ..................................          1/8/2016
                                               93,223   ...........    Saint-Gobain Proppants .............................................................................            Fort Smith, AR .................................        10/14/2017

                                               Negative Determinations on                                                 The investigation revealed that the                                   downstream producer to a firm whose
                                               Reconsideration (After Affirmative                                      criteria under Trade Act section 222                                     workers are certified eligible to apply
                                               Determination Regarding Application                                     (a)(2)(A)(i) (decline in sales or                                        for TAA), (b)(3)(component parts
                                               for Reconsideration)                                                    production, or both), (a)(2)(B) (shift in                                supplied accounted for at least 20% of
                                                 In the following cases, negative                                      production or services to a foreign                                      production/sales, or loss of business
                                               determinations on reconsideration have                                  country or acquisition of articles or                                    with firm contributed importantly to
                                               been issued because the eligibility                                     services from a foreign country), (b)(2)                                 worker separation or threat of
                                               criteria for TAA have not been met for                                  (supplier to a firm whose workers are                                    separation), and (e) (International Trade
                                               the reason(s) specified.                                                certified eligible to apply for TAA or                                   Commission) have not been met.

                                                 TA–W No.                                                                                    Subject firm                                                                                    Location
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               91,791 ...........      Woodard & Curran, Inc ....................................................................................................................................    Madison, ME.
                                               91,875 ...........      Manitowoc Cranes, LLC ...................................................................................................................................     Manitowoc, WI.

                                                 The investigation revealed that the                                   222(a)(2)(A) (increased imports),                                        to a foreign country or acquisition of
                                               criteria under Trade Act section                                        (a)(2)(B) (shift in production or services                               articles or services from a foreign

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                                                                                  Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 204 / Monday, October 22, 2018 / Notices                                                                                           53311

                                               country), (b)(2) (supplier to a firm                                   to a firm whose workers are certified                                      (International Trade Commission) have
                                               whose workers are certified eligible to                                eligible to apply for TAA), and (e)                                        not been met.
                                               apply for TAA or downstream producer

                                                 TA–W No.                                                                                   Subject firm                                                                                       Location

                                               91,138 ...........    GrafTech International Holdings Inc ................................................................................................................                Anmoore, WV.
                                               91,569 ...........    Vigo Coal Operating Company, LLC ...............................................................................................................                    Mount Carmel, IL.
                                               91,957 ...........    Joy Global, Inc .................................................................................................................................................   Eighty Four, PA.
                                               92,318 ...........    Vancouver Iron and Steel, Inc .........................................................................................................................             Vancouver, WA.
                                               92,612 ...........    Graphics Art Center .........................................................................................................................................       Portland, OR.
                                               93,094 ...........    Health Care Service Corporation .....................................................................................................................               Marion, IL.
                                               91,569A ........      Vigo Coal Operating Company, LLC ...............................................................................................................                    Boonville, IN.
                                               91,569B ........      Vigo Coal Operating Company, LLC ...............................................................................................................                    Evansville, IN.

                                               Revised Determinations (on Remand                                      following the company name and                                                The following revised determinations
                                               From the Court of International Trade)                                 location of each determination                                             on remand, certifying eligibility to apply
                                                                                                                      references the impact date for all                                         for TAA, have been issued. The
                                                 The following revised determinations                                 workers of such determination and the                                      requirements of Section 222(a)(2)(A)
                                               on remand, certifying eligibility to apply                             reason(s) for the determination.                                           (Increased Imports Path) of the Trade
                                               for TAA, have been issued. The date                                                                                                               Act have been met.

                                                 TA–W No.                                                          Subject firm                                                                            Location                             Impact date

                                               92,182 ...........    Gerdau Ameristeel US, Inc ........................................................................               Calvert City, KY ...............................              9/6/2015

                                                 The following revised determinations                                 requirements of Section 222(b) (supplier                                   eligible to apply for TAA) of the Trade
                                               on remand, certifying eligibility to apply                             to a firm whose workers are certified                                      Act have been met.
                                               for TAA, have been issued. The

                                                 TA–W No.                                                          Subject firm                                                                            Location                             Impact date

                                               92,063 ...........    Brenntag Pacific, Inc ..................................................................................         Portland, OR ....................................            7/13/2015

                                               Negative Determinations (on Remand                                     issued because the eligibility criteria for                                (a)(1) and (b)(1) (significant worker
                                               From the Court of International Trade)                                 TAA have not been met for the reason(s)                                    total/partial separation or threat of total/
                                                                                                                      specified.                                                                 partial separation), or (e) (firms
                                                 In the following cases, negative                                        The investigation revealed that the                                     identified by the International Trade
                                               determinations on remand have been                                     requirements of Trade Act Section 222                                      Commission) have not been met.

                                                 TA–W No.                                                                                   Subject firm                                                                                       Location

                                               92,826 ...........    Honeywell International, Inc .............................................................................................................................          Melville, NY.

                                                  The investigation revealed that the                                 services from a foreign country), (b)(2)                                   supplied accounted for at least 20% of
                                               criteria under Trade Act section 222                                   (supplier to a firm whose workers are                                      production/sales, or loss of business
                                               (a)(2)(A)(i) (decline in sales or                                      certified eligible to apply for TAA or                                     with firm contributed importantly to
                                               production, or both), (a)(2)(B) (shift in                              downstream producer to a firm whose                                        worker separation or threat of
                                               production or services to a foreign                                    workers are certified eligible to apply                                    separation), and (e) (International Trade
                                               country or acquisition of articles or                                  for TAA), (b)(3)(component parts                                           Commission) have not been met.

                                                 TA–W No.                                                                                   Subject firm                                                                                       Location

                                               90,092 ...........    Geokinetics, Inc ................................................................................................................................................   Houston, TX.

                                                  The investigation revealed that the                                 articles or services from a foreign                                        eligible to apply for TAA), and (e)
                                               criteria under Trade Act section                                       country), (b)(2) (supplier to a firm                                       (International Trade Commission) have
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               222(a)(2)(A) (increased imports),                                      whose workers are certified eligible to                                    not been met.
                                               (a)(2)(B) (shift in production or services                             apply for TAA or downstream producer
                                               to a foreign country or acquisition of                                 to a firm whose workers are certified

                                                 TA–W No.                                                                                   Subject firm                                                                                       Location

                                               90,092 ...........    Geokinetics, Inc ................................................................................................................................................   Houston, TX.

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                                               53312                                 Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 204 / Monday, October 22, 2018 / Notices

                                                 TA–W No.                                                                                      Subject firm                                                                                      Location

                                               92,518 ...........       Fifth Third Bank ................................................................................................................................................   Coral Gables, FL.

                                                 Signed at Washington, DC, this 4th day of                               notice. Upon receipt of these petitions,                                   Director, Office of Trade Adjustment
                                               September 2018.                                                           the Director of the Office of Trade                                        Assistance, at the address shown below,
                                               Hope D. Kinglock,                                                         Adjustment Assistance, Employment                                          no later than November 1, 2018.
                                               Certifying Officer, Office of Trade Adjustment                            and Training Administration, has                                             Interested persons are invited to
                                               Assistance.                                                               instituted investigations pursuant to                                      submit written comments regarding the
                                               [FR Doc. 2018–22915 Filed 10–19–18; 8:45 am]                              Section 221 (a) of the Act.                                                subject matter of the investigations to
                                               BILLING CODE 4510–FN–P                                                      The purpose of each of the                                               the Director, Office of Trade Adjustment
                                                                                                                         investigations is to determine whether                                     Assistance, at the address shown below,
                                                                                                                         the workers are eligible to apply for                                      not later than November 1, 2018.
                                               DEPARTMENT OF LABOR                                                       adjustment assistance under Title II,                                        The petitions filed in this case are
                                                                                                                         Chapter 2, of the Act. The investigations                                  available for inspection at the Office of
                                               Employment and Training                                                   will further relate, as appropriate, to the                                the Director, Office of Trade Adjustment
                                               Administration                                                            determination of the date on which total                                   Assistance, Employment and Training
                                                                                                                         or partial separations began or                                            Administration, U.S. Department of
                                               Investigations Regarding Eligibility To
                                                                                                                         threatened to begin and the subdivision                                    Labor, Room N–5428, 200 Constitution
                                               Apply for Worker Adjustment
                                                                                                                         of the firm involved.                                                      Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20210.
                                                                                                                           The petitioners or any other persons                                       Signed at Washington, DC this 17th day of
                                                 Petitions have been filed with the                                      showing a substantial interest in the                                      August 2018.
                                               Secretary of Labor under Section 221 (a)                                  subject matter of the investigations may                                   Hope D. Kinglock,
                                               of the Trade Act of 1974 (‘‘the Act’’) and                                request a public hearing provided such                                     Certifying Officer, Office of Trade Adjustment
                                               are identified in the Appendix to this                                    request is filed in writing with the                                       Assistance.

                                                                                                                [84 TAA Petitions Instituted Between 7/14/18 and 8/17/18]

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Date of              Date of
                                                 TA–W No.                                          Subject firm (petitioners)                                                            Location                             institution           petition

                                               93984 ............       Hewlett Packard Enterprise (Workers) ....................................                       Andover, MA ...........................                    07/16/18            07/13/18
                                               93985 ............       Regal Beloit Corporation (Company) ......................................                       Springfield, MO .......................                    07/16/18            07/13/18
                                               93986 ............       Electrolux Major Appliances—Freezer Division (State/One-                                        Saint Cloud, MN .....................                      07/17/18            07/16/18
                                               93987 ............       Essity Operations Wausau LLC (Union) .................................                          Middletown, OH ......................                      07/18/18            07/17/18
                                               93988 ............       Kraco Enterprises (State/One-Stop) .......................................                      Compton, CA ..........................                     07/18/18            07/17/18
                                               93989 ............       Silcotech Carolina Inc. (State/One-Stop) ................................                       York, SC .................................                 07/18/18            07/17/18
                                               93990 ............       AVM Industries (State/One-Stop) ............................................                    Marion, SC .............................                   07/19/18            07/18/18
                                               93991 ............       Bank of America, National Association (State/One-Stop) ......                                   Westlake, CA ..........................                    07/19/18            07/18/18
                                               93992 ............       Imax Corp at Eastman Business Park (State/One-Stop) .......                                     Rochester, NY ........................                     07/19/18            07/18/18
                                               93993 ............       Mellanox Technologies (State/One-Stop) ...............................                          Monterey Park, CA .................                        07/19/18            07/18/18
                                               93994 ............       Fargo Assembly Company (State/One-Stop) .........................                               Edgeley, ND ...........................                    07/20/18            07/19/18
                                               93994B ..........        Fargo Assembly Company (State/One-Stop) .........................                               Lehr, ND .................................                 07/20/18            07/19/18
                                               93994A ..........        Fargo Assembly Company (State/One-Stop) .........................                               Ellendale, ND .........................                    07/20/18            07/19/18
                                               93995 ............       MedPlast/Viant (State/One-Stop) ............................................                    West Berlin, NJ ......................                     07/20/18            07/19/18
                                               93996 ............       Mid-West Mfg. LLC (State/One-Stop) .....................................                        Chicago Heights, IL ................                       07/20/18            07/19/18
                                               93997 ............       PTC Tubular Products LLC (State/One-Stop) ........................                              Fairbury, IL .............................                 07/20/18            07/19/18
                                               93998 ............       Toys R Us Corporate Office & Headquarters (State/One-                                           Wayne, NJ ..............................                   07/20/18            07/19/18
                                               93999 ............       Ministry Health Care Inc. (Workers) ........................................                    Merrill, WI ...............................                07/23/18            07/20/18
                                               94000 ............       Pranda North America, Inc. (State/One-Stop) ........................                            Cranston, RI ...........................                   07/23/18            07/20/18
                                               94001 ............       Tempur Sealy International Inc. (State/One-Stop) ..................                             St Paul, MN ............................                   07/23/18            07/20/18
                                               94002 ............       Auburn Leather Company (Workers) ......................................                         Auburn, KY .............................                   07/24/18            06/12/18
                                               94002A ..........        Auburn Leather Company DBA Old Kentucky Leather                                                 Franklin, KY ............................                  07/24/18            06/12/18
                                               94003    ............    Coty (Workers) ........................................................................         Blue Ash, OH .........................                     07/24/18            07/23/18
                                               94004    ............    Ericsson (State/One-Stop) ......................................................                Overland Park, KS .................                        07/24/18            07/23/18
                                               94005    ............    Ernst & Young (State/One-Stop) .............................................                    Overland Park, KS .................                        07/24/18            07/23/18
                                               94006    ............    Nuance Transcription Services, Inc. (Workers) ......................                            Atlanta, GA .............................                  07/24/18            07/23/18
                                               94007    ............    Centralia Knitting Mills, Inc. (State/One-Stop) ........................                        Centralia, WA .........................                    07/25/18            07/23/18
                                               94008    ............    Advanced Motors and Drives—A Nidec Kinetek Company                                              East Syracuse, NY .................                        07/26/18            07/25/18
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                                               94009    ............    DST Pharmacy Solutions (State/One-Stop) ............................                            Kansas City, MO ....................                       07/26/18            07/25/18
                                               94010    ............    GCL Solar Materials, US I, LLC (State/One-Stop) .................                               St. Charles, MO ......................                     07/26/18            07/25/18
                                               94011    ............    Rivulis Irrigation (Workers) ......................................................             Valdosta, GA ..........................                    07/26/18            07/25/18
                                               94012    ............    Aspen Insurance U.S. Services Inc. (Company) ....................                               Miami, FL ................................                 07/27/18            07/13/18
                                               94013    ............    Guynes Packaging and Printing dba Boutwell, Owens & Co.                                         El Paso, TX ............................                   07/27/18            07/26/18
                                                                          Inc. (State/One-Stop).
                                               94014 ............       Hewlett Packard Enterprise (State/One-Stop) ........................                            Fort Collins, CO ......................                    07/27/18            07/26/18

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Document Created: 2018-10-20 01:50:04
Document Modified: 2018-10-20 01:50:04
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
FR Citation83 FR 53301 

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