83_FR_53526 83 FR 53322 - Excepted Service

83 FR 53322 - Excepted Service


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 204 (October 22, 2018)

Page Range53322-53324
FR Document2018-22685

This notice identifies Schedule A, B, and C appointing authorities applicable to a single agency that were established or revoked from May 1, 2018 to May 31, 2018.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 204 (Monday, October 22, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 204 (Monday, October 22, 2018)]
[Pages 53322-53324]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-22685]



Excepted Service

AGENCY: U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM).

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: This notice identifies Schedule A, B, and C appointing 
authorities applicable to a single agency that were established or 
revoked from May 1, 2018 to May 31, 2018.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Senior Executive Resources Services, 
Senior Executive Services and Performance Management, Employee 
Services, Julia Alford, 202-606-2246, [email protected].

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In accordance with 5 CFR 213.103, Schedule 
A, B, and C appointing authorities available for use by all agencies 
are codified in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). Schedule A, B, 
and C appointing authorities applicable to a single agency are not 
codified in the CFR, but the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) 
publishes a notice of agency-specific authorities established or 
revoked each month in the Federal Register at www.thefederalregister.org/fdsys/. OPM 
also publishes an annual notice of the consolidated listing of all 
Schedule A, B, and C appointing authorities, current as of June 30, in 
the Federal Register.

Schedule A

    No Schedule A Authorities to report during May 2018.

Schedule B

    No Schedule B Authorities to report during May 2018.

Schedule C

    The following Schedule C appointing authorities were approved 
during May 2018.

            Agency name               Organization name        Position title         number      Effective date
DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE.........  Office of the          Director,                    DA180174      05/08/2018
                                     Assistant Secretary    Intergovernmental
                                     for Congressional      Affairs.
                                    Office of the          Director of Policy           DA180158      05/08/2018
                                     Secretary.             Coordination.
                                    Office of the Under    Staff Assistant......        DA180181      05/16/2018
                                     Secretary for Farm
                                     Production and
                                    Office of the Under    Confidential                 DA180148      05/24/2018
                                     Secretary for Food     Assistant.
                                    Office of Under        Staff Assistant......        DA180169      05/24/2018
                                     Secretary for
                                     Natural Resources
                                     and Environment.
                                    Rural Housing Service  State Director.......        DA180146      05/16/2018
                                                           State Director--             DA180126      05/30/2018
                                                           Strategic Program            DA180185      05/08/2018
APPALACHIAN REGIONAL COMMISSION...  Appalachian Regional   Program Analyst......        AP180001      05/25/2018
DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE............  Office of the Deputy   Special Advisor......        DC180123      05/08/2018
                                     Assistant Secretary.
                                    International Trade    Special Assistant....        DC180142      05/25/2018
DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE.............  Office of the Under    Special Assistant            DD180086      05/08/2018
                                     Secretary of Defense   (Logistics and
                                     (Acquisition,          Materiel Readiness).
                                     Technology, and
DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY............  Office Assistant       Special Assistant            DW180031      05/16/2018
                                     Secretary Army         (Strategy and
                                     (Civil Works).         Acquisition Reform).
                                                           Special Assistant            DW180032      05/24/2018
                                                            (Civil Works).
                                    Office Assistant       Special                      DW180033      05/16/2018
                                     Secretary Army         Assistant(Manpower
                                     (Manpower and          and Reserve Affairs).
                                     Reserve Affairs).
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION...........  Office of              Confidential                 DB180046      05/24/2018
                                     Communications and     Assistant.
DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY..............  Office of Public       Special Assistant....        DE180077      05/16/2018
                                    Advanced Research      Executive Support            DE180090      05/17/2018
                                     Projects Agency--      Specialist.
                                    Assistant Secretary    Senior Advisor.......        DE180105      05/23/2018
                                     for Environmental
ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY...  Region 9--San          Senior Advisor.......        EP180061      05/10/2018
FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION..........  Office of the          Economist............        FT180004      05/02/2018

[[Page 53323]]

GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION...  Office of Strategic    Press Secretary and          GS180031      05/09/2018
                                     Communications.        Deputy Associate
                                                            Administrator for
                                                            Media Affairs.
                                    Office of              Director, Office of          GS180033      05/24/2018
                                     Administrative         Accountability and
                                     Services.              Transparency.
DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN      Administration for     Advisor (2)..........        DH180134      05/09/2018
 SERVICES.                           Children and                                       DH180145      05/24/2018
                                    Food and Drug          Senior Advisor.......        DH180144      05/24/2018
                                    Office of Global       Senior Policy Advisor        DH180133      05/08/2018
                                    Office of              Regional Director,           DH180131      05/14/2018
                                     Intergovernmental      San Francisco,
                                     and External Affairs.  California, Region
                                    Office of the          Advisor..............        DH180141      05/25/2018
                                     Assistant Secretary
                                     for Legislation.
                                    Office of the          Director,                    DH180153      05/23/2018
                                     Assistant Secretary    Speechwriting and
                                     for Public Affairs.    Editorial Services.
                                                           Press Secretary......        DH180154      05/24/2018
                                    Office of the General  Associate Deputy             DH180049      05/08/2018
                                     Counsel.               General Counsel.
                                    Office of the          Senior Advance               DH180150      05/24/2018
                                     Secretary.             Representative.
DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY...  Office of the Under    Legislative Advisor..        DM180172      05/08/2018
                                     Secretary for
                                     National Protection
                                     and Programs
                                    Office of the          Senior Advisor.......        DM180200      05/09/2018
                                    Office of Assistant    Confidential                 DM180195      05/14/2018
                                     Secretary for          Assistant for
                                     Legislative Affairs.   Legislative Affairs.
DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN     Office of the          Policy and Programs          DU180068      05/17/2018
 DEVELOPMENT.                        Secretary.             Officer.
DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR........  Assistant Secretary--  Senior Advisor.......        DI180049      05/25/2018
                                     Insular Areas.        Special Assistant....        DJ180100      05/25/2018
                                    Office of the          Special Assistant....        DI180054      05/02/2018
                                     Attorney General.     Advisor..............        DI180056      05/09/2018
                                    Secretary's Immediate
DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE.............  Secretary's Immediate  Deputy Director,             DI180046      05/30/2018
                                     Office.                External Affairs.
DEPARTMENT OF LABOR...............  Veterans Employment    Chief of Staff.......        DL180081      05/08/2018
                                     and Training Service.
                                    Office of the          Special Assistant....        DL180088      05/08/2018
                                    Occupational Safety    Special Assistant....        DL180087      05/14/2018
                                     and Health
                                    Women's Bureau.......  Chief of Staff.......        DL180092      05/14/2018
                                    Employment and         Counsel..............        DL180097      05/14/2018
OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET...  Education, Income      Confidential                 BO180020      05/14/2018
                                     Maintenance and        Assistant.
                                     Labor Programs.
                                    Legislative Affairs..  Deputy for                   BO180016      05/01/2018
                                                            Legislative Affairs.
                                                           Deputy for                   BO180017      05/08/2018
                                                            Legislative Affairs
                                    Office of the          Project Coordinator..        BO180012      05/02/2018
                                    Communications.......  Press Secretary......        BO180022      05/14/2018
                                                           Deputy Associate             BO180023      05/14/2018
                                                            Director for
                                                           Deputy Press                 BO180024      05/14/2018
                                    Health Division......  Confidential                 BO180018      05/25/2018
OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT....  Office of the          Special Assistant for        PM180028      05/16/2018
                                     Director.              Advance.
SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION  Office of the          Writer-Editor........        SE180004      05/17/2018
DEPARTMENT OF STATE...............  Bureau of Democracy,   Senior Advisor.......        DS180043      05/08/2018
                                     Human Rights and
                                    Office of the          Advisor..............        DS180049      05/14/2018
                                    Bureau of European     Strategic Advisor....        DS180048      05/24/2018
                                     and Eurasian Affairs.
                                    Bureau of Oceans and   Senior Advisor.......        DS180044      05/25/2018
                                     Environmental and
                                     Scientific Affairs.
DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY........  Assistant Secretary    Special Assistant....        DY180069      05/14/2018
                                     for International
                                     Markets and
DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS....  Office of the          Special Assistant....        DV180033      05/09/2018
                                     Secretary and Deputy.

[[Page 53324]]

    The following Schedule C appointing authorities were revoked during 
May 2018.

            Agency name               Organization name        Position title     Request number   Date vacated
DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE............  Office of Public       Deputy Director of           DC170075      05/12/2018
                                     Affairs.               Speechwriting.
                                                           Press Assistant......        DC170057      05/15/2018
OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE  Office of the          Speechwriter.........        DD180034      05/26/2018
                                     Secretary of Defense.
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION...........  Office of Elementary   Confidential                 DB180026      05/14/2018
                                     and Secondary          Assistant (2).              DB170102      05/26/2018
DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY..............  Office of Science....  Physical Scientist           DE180016      05/26/2018
                                                            (Senior Advisor).
DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN      Office of Refugee      Policy Advisor.......        DH170339      05/06/2018
 SERVICES.                           Resettlement/Office
                                     of the Director.
                                    Administration for     Confidential                 DH170086      05/12/2018
                                     Children and           Assistant.
                                    Office of Global       Senior Advisor.......        DH170103      05/12/2018
DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN     Office of Public and   Special Policy               DU170113      05/12/2018
 DEVELOPMENT.                        Indian Housing.        Advisor.
                                    Office of Public       Director of                  DU170141      05/12/2018
                                     Affairs.               Communications.
DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE.............  Office of Legal        Counsel..............        DJ170048      05/03/2018
DEPARTMENT OF LABOR...............  Office of Public       Special Assistant....        DL180053      05/26/2018
                                    Office of the          Counselor to the             DL170052      05/26/2018
                                     Secretary.             Secretary.
DEPARTMENT OF STATE...............  Office of the          Special Assistant            DS180027      05/12/2018
                                     Secretary.             (Scheduler).
                                                           Special Advisor......        DS170147      05/26/2018
DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY............  Office of the Under    Special Assistant....        DN170022      05/26/2018
                                     Secretary of the
DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY........  Department of the      Special Assistant....        DY170113      05/04/2018
DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION......  Secretary............  Special Assistant for        DT170137      05/11/2018
                                                            Scheduling and
ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY...  Office of Public       Deputy Associate             EP170085      05/13/2018
                                     Affairs.               Administrator for
                                                            State and Regional
SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION.....  Office of Capital      Special Advisor......        SB170021      05/05/2018
                                    Office of              Special Advisor......        SB180021      05/12/2018
                                     Congressional and
                                     Legislative Affairs.

    Authority: 5 U.S.C. 3301 and 3302; E.O. 10577, 3 CFR, 1954-1958 
Comp., p. 218.

    U.S. Office of Personnel Management.
Alexys Stanley,
Regulatory Affairs Analyst,
[FR Doc. 2018-22685 Filed 10-19-18; 8:45 am]

                                               53322                        Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 204 / Monday, October 22, 2018 / Notices

                                               ADAMS Accession Number for each                            For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.                         Schedule A, B, and C appointing
                                               VEF, and the ADAMS Accession                             Jennifer L. Dixon-Herrity,                                       authorities available for use by all
                                               Numbers for the inspection reports                       Chief, Licensing Branch 4, Division of                           agencies are codified in the Code of
                                               associated with these specific ITAAC,                    Licensing, Siting, and Environmental                             Federal Regulations (CFR). Schedule A,
                                               can be found on the NRC’s website at                     Analysis, Office of New Reactors.                                B, and C appointing authorities
                                               http://www.nrc.gov/reactors/new-                         [FR Doc. 2018–22985 Filed 10–19–18; 8:45 am]                     applicable to a single agency are not
                                               reactors/new-licensing-files/vog3-                       BILLING CODE 7590–01–P                                           codified in the CFR, but the Office of
                                               icnsr.pdf.                                                                                                                Personnel Management (OPM)
                                                                                                                                                                         publishes a notice of agency-specific
                                               Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit 4,                 OFFICE OF PERSONNEL                                              authorities established or revoked each
                                               Docket No. 5200026                                       MANAGEMENT                                                       month in the Federal Register at
                                                 A complete list of the review status                                                                                    www.gpo.gov/fdsys/. OPM also
                                                                                                        Excepted Service                                                 publishes an annual notice of the
                                               for VEGP Unit 4 ITAAC, including the
                                               submission date and ADAMS Accession                      AGENCY: U.S. Office of Personnel                                 consolidated listing of all Schedule A,
                                                                                                        Management (OPM).                                                B, and C appointing authorities, current
                                               Number for each ICN received, the
                                                                                                        ACTION: Notice.                                                  as of June 30, in the Federal Register.
                                               ADAMS Accession Number for each
                                               VEF, and the ADAMS Accession                             SUMMARY:   This notice identifies                                Schedule A
                                               Numbers for the inspection reports                       Schedule A, B, and C appointing
                                               associated with these specific ITAAC,                                                                                       No Schedule A Authorities to report
                                                                                                        authorities applicable to a single agency
                                               can be found on the NRC’s website at                                                                                      during May 2018.
                                                                                                        that were established or revoked from
                                               http://www.nrc.gov/reactors/new-                         May 1, 2018 to May 31, 2018.                                     Schedule B
                                               reactors/new-licensing-files/vog4-                       FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                               icnsr.pdf.                                               Senior Executive Resources Services,                               No Schedule B Authorities to report
                                                                                                        Senior Executive Services and                                    during May 2018.
                                                 Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 17th day
                                               of October, 2018.                                        Performance Management, Employee                                 Schedule C
                                                                                                        Services, Julia Alford, 202–606–2246,
                                                                                                        SERS@opm.gov.                                                      The following Schedule C appointing
                                                                                                        SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In                                    authorities were approved during May
                                                                                                        accordance with 5 CFR 213.103,                                   2018.

                                                          Agency name                               Organization name                                    Position title                                      Effective date

                                               DEPARTMENT             OF        AGRI-     Office of the Assistant Secretary               Director, Intergovernmental Affairs                   DA180174        05/08/2018
                                                CULTURE.                                    for Congressional Relations.
                                                                                          Office of the Secretary ...................     Director of Policy Coordination ......                DA180158        05/08/2018
                                                                                          Office of the Under Secretary for               Staff Assistant ................................      DA180181        05/16/2018
                                                                                            Farm Production and Conserva-
                                                                                          Office of the Under Secretary for               Confidential Assistant ....................           DA180148        05/24/2018
                                                                                            Food Safety.
                                                                                          Office of Under Secretary for Nat-              Staff Assistant ................................      DA180169        05/24/2018
                                                                                            ural Resources and Environment.
                                                                                          Rural Housing Service ...................       State Director .................................      DA180146        05/16/2018
                                                                                                                                          State Director—Louisiana ..............               DA180126        05/30/2018
                                                                                                                                          Strategic Program Advisor .............               DA180185        05/08/2018
                                               APPALACHIAN REGIONAL COM-                  Appalachian Regional Commission                 Program Analyst ............................          AP180001        05/25/2018
                                               DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE ..                  Office of the Deputy Assistant Sec-             Special Advisor ..............................        DC180123        05/08/2018
                                                                                          International Trade Administration              Special Assistant ............................        DC180142        05/25/2018
                                               DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE .......              Office of the Under Secretary of                Special Assistant (Logistics and                      DD180086        05/08/2018
                                                                                             Defense     (Acquisition,  Tech-               Materiel Readiness).
                                                                                             nology, and Logistics).
                                               DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY .....               Office Assistant Secretary Army                 Special Assistant (Strategy and                      DW180031         05/16/2018
                                                                                             (Civil Works).                                 Acquisition Reform).
                                                                                                                                          Special Assistant (Civil Works) ......               DW180032         05/24/2018
                                                                                          Office Assistant Secretary Army                 Special Assistant(Manpower and                       DW180033         05/16/2018
                                                                                            (Manpower and Reserve Affairs).                 Reserve Affairs).
                                               DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION ..                 Office of Communications and                    Confidential Assistant ....................           DB180046        05/24/2018
                                               DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY ........              Office of Public Affairs ...................    Special Assistant ............................        DE180077        05/16/2018
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                          Advanced      Research         Projects         Executive Support Specialist .........                DE180090        05/17/2018
                                                                                          Assistant Secretary for Environ-                Senior Advisor ................................       DE180105        05/23/2018
                                                                                            mental Management.
                                               ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION                   Region 9—San Francisco, Cali-                   Senior Advisor ................................       EP180061        05/10/2018
                                                 AGENCY.                                    fornia.
                                               FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION                   Office of the Chairman ...................      Economist ......................................      FT180004        05/02/2018

                                          VerDate Sep<11>2014   18:12 Oct 19, 2018   Jkt 247001   PO 00000   Frm 00117    Fmt 4703       Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\22OCN1.SGM           22OCN1

                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 204 / Monday, October 22, 2018 / Notices                                                                    53323

                                                          Agency name                               Organization name                                        Position title                                        Effective date

                                               GENERAL SERVICES ADMINIS-                  Office of Strategic Communica-                     Press Secretary and Deputy Asso-                         GS180031        05/09/2018
                                                TRATION.                                    tions.                                             ciate Administrator for Media Af-
                                                                                          Office of Administrative Services ...              Director, Office of Accountability                       GS180033        05/24/2018
                                                                                                                                               and Transparency.
                                               DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND                   Administration for Children and                    Advisor (2) ......................................       DH180134        05/09/2018
                                                HUMAN SERVICES.                             Families.                                                                                                 DH180145        05/24/2018
                                                                                          Food and Drug Administration .......               Senior Advisor ................................          DH180144        05/24/2018
                                                                                          Office of Global Affairs ...................       Senior Policy Advisor .....................              DH180133        05/08/2018
                                                                                          Office of Intergovernmental and                    Regional Director, San Francisco,                        DH180131        05/14/2018
                                                                                            External Affairs.                                  California, Region IX.
                                                                                          Office of the Assistant Secretary                  Advisor ...........................................      DH180141        05/25/2018
                                                                                            for Legislation.
                                                                                          Office of the Assistant Secretary                  Director, Speechwriting and Edi-                         DH180153        05/23/2018
                                                                                            for Public Affairs.                                torial Services.
                                                                                                                                             Press Secretary .............................            DH180154        05/24/2018
                                                                                          Office of the General Counsel .......              Associate Deputy General Counsel                         DH180049        05/08/2018
                                                                                          Office of the Secretary ...................        Senior Advance Representative ....                       DH180150        05/24/2018
                                               DEPARTMENT         OF    HOMELAND          Office of the Under Secretary for                  Legislative Advisor .........................            DM180172        05/08/2018
                                                SECURITY.                                   National Protection and Pro-
                                                                                            grams Directorate.
                                                                                          Office of the Executive Secretariat                Senior Advisor ................................          DM180200        05/09/2018
                                                                                          Office of Assistant Secretary for                  Confidential Assistant for Legisla-                      DM180195        05/14/2018
                                                                                            Legislative Affairs.                               tive Affairs.
                                               DEPARTMENT   OF  HOUSING                   Office of the Secretary ...................        Policy and Programs Officer ..........                   DU180068        05/17/2018
                                                AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT.
                                               DEPARTMENT OF THE INTE-                    Assistant Secretary—Insular Areas                  Senior Advisor ................................          DI180049        05/25/2018
                                                RIOR.                                     Office of the Attorney General .......             Special Assistant ............................           DJ180100        05/25/2018
                                                                                          Secretary’s Immediate Office .........             Special Assistant ............................           DI180054        05/02/2018
                                                                                                                                             Advisor ...........................................      DI180056        05/09/2018
                                               DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE .........            Secretary’s Immediate Office .........             Deputy Director, External Affairs ...                    DI180046        05/30/2018
                                               DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ...........            Veterans Employment and Train-                     Chief of Staff ..................................        DL180081        05/08/2018
                                                                                            ing Service.
                                                                                          Office of the Secretary ...................        Special Assistant ............................           DL180088        05/08/2018
                                                                                          Occupational Safety and Health                     Special Assistant ............................           DL180087        05/14/2018
                                                                                          Women’s Bureau ...........................         Chief of Staff ..................................        DL180092        05/14/2018
                                                                                          Employment and Training Adminis-                   Counsel ..........................................       DL180097        05/14/2018
                                               OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND                   Education, Income Maintenance                      Confidential Assistant ....................              BO180020        05/14/2018
                                                BUDGET.                                     and Labor Programs.
                                                                                          Legislative Affairs ...........................    Deputy for Legislative Affairs .........                 BO180016        05/01/2018
                                                                                                                                             Deputy for Legislative Affairs                           BO180017        05/08/2018
                                                                                          Office of the Director ......................      Project Coordinator ........................             BO180012        05/02/2018
                                                                                          Communications ............................        Press Secretary .............................            BO180022        05/14/2018
                                                                                                                                             Deputy Associate Director for                            BO180023        05/14/2018
                                                                                                                                             Deputy Press Secretary .................                 BO180024        05/14/2018
                                                                                          Health Division ...............................    Confidential Assistant ....................              BO180018        05/25/2018
                                               OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MAN-                   Office of the Director ......................      Special Assistant for Advance .......                    PM180028        05/16/2018
                                               SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE                    Office of the Chairman ...................         Writer-Editor ...................................        SE180004        05/17/2018
                                               DEPARTMENT OF STATE ............           Bureau of Democracy, Human                         Senior Advisor ................................          DS180043        05/08/2018
                                                                                            Rights and Labor.
                                                                                          Office of the Secretary ...................        Advisor ...........................................      DS180049        05/14/2018
                                                                                          Bureau of European and Eurasian                    Strategic Advisor ............................           DS180048        05/24/2018
                                                                                          Bureau of Oceans and Inter-                        Senior Advisor ................................          DS180044        05/25/2018
                                                                                            national Environmental and Sci-
                                                                                            entific Affairs.
                                               DEPARTMENT OF THE TREAS-                   Assistant Secretary for Inter-                     Special Assistant ............................           DY180069        05/14/2018
                                                URY.                                        national Markets and Develop-
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               DEPARTMENT          OF    VETERANS         Office of the Secretary and Deputy                 Special Assistant ............................           DV180033        05/09/2018

                                          VerDate Sep<11>2014   18:12 Oct 19, 2018   Jkt 247001   PO 00000    Frm 00118      Fmt 4703       Sfmt 4703    E:\FR\FM\22OCN1.SGM             22OCN1

                                               53324                        Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 204 / Monday, October 22, 2018 / Notices

                                                 The following Schedule C appointing
                                               authorities were revoked during May

                                                           Agency name                               Organization name                                          Position title                                   Date vacated

                                               DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE ..                  Office of Public Affairs ...................          Deputy Director of Speechwriting ..                  DC170075      05/12/2018
                                                                                                                                                Press Assistant ..............................       DC170057      05/15/2018
                                               OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF                 Office of the Secretary of Defense                    Speechwriter ..................................      DD180034      05/26/2018
                                               DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION ..                 Office of Elementary and Sec-                         Confidential Assistant (2) ...............           DB180026      05/14/2018
                                                                                            ondary Education.                                                                                        DB170102      05/26/2018
                                               DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY ........              Office of Science ............................        Physical Scientist (Senior Advisor)                  DE180016      05/26/2018
                                               DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND                   Office of Refugee Resettlement/Of-                    Policy Advisor ................................      DH170339      05/06/2018
                                                HUMAN SERVICES.                             fice of the Director.
                                                                                          Administration for Children and                       Confidential Assistant ....................          DH170086      05/12/2018
                                                                                          Office of Global Affairs ...................          Senior Advisor ................................      DH170103      05/12/2018
                                               DEPARTMENT   OF  HOUSING                   Office of Public and Indian Hous-                     Special Policy Advisor ...................           DU170113      05/12/2018
                                                AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT.                      ing.
                                                                                          Office of Public Affairs ...................          Director of Communications ..........                DU170141      05/12/2018
                                               DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE .........            Office of Legal Policy .....................          Counsel ..........................................   DJ170048      05/03/2018
                                               DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ...........            Office of Public Liaison ..................           Special Assistant ............................       DL180053      05/26/2018
                                                                                          Office of the Secretary ...................           Counselor to the Secretary ............              DL170052      05/26/2018
                                               DEPARTMENT OF STATE ............           Office of the Secretary ...................           Special Assistant (Scheduler) ........               DS180027      05/12/2018
                                                                                                                                                Special Advisor ..............................       DS170147      05/26/2018
                                               DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY .....               Office of the Under Secretary of                      Special Assistant ............................       DN170022      05/26/2018
                                                                                            the Navy.
                                               DEPARTMENT OF THE TREAS-                   Department of the Treasury ...........                Special Assistant ............................       DY170113      05/04/2018
                                               DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPOR-                    Secretary ........................................    Special Assistant for Scheduling                      DT170137     05/11/2018
                                                TATION.                                                                                           and Advance.
                                               ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION                   Office of Public Affairs ...................          Deputy Associate Administrator for                    EP170085     05/13/2018
                                                AGENCY.                                                                                           State and Regional Affairs.
                                               SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRA-                 Office of Capital Access ................             Special Advisor ..............................        SB170021     05/05/2018
                                                                                          Office of Congressional and Legis-                    Special Advisor ..............................        SB180021     05/12/2018
                                                                                            lative Affairs.

                                                 Authority: 5 U.S.C. 3301 and 3302; E.O.                  3, 2018, New York Stock Exchange LLC                                  and basis for, the proposed rule change
                                               10577, 3 CFR, 1954–1958 Comp., p. 218.                     (‘‘NYSE’’ or the ‘‘Exchange’’) filed with                             and discussed any comments it received
                                                 U.S. Office of Personnel Management.                     the Securities and Exchange                                           on the proposed rule change. The text
                                               Alexys Stanley,                                            Commission (the ‘‘Commission’’) the                                   of those statements may be examined at
                                               Regulatory Affairs Analyst,                                proposed rule change as described in                                  the places specified in Item IV below.
                                               [FR Doc. 2018–22685 Filed 10–19–18; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                          Items I and II below, which Items have                                The Exchange has prepared summaries,
                                                                                                          been prepared by the self-regulatory                                  set forth in sections A, B, and C below,
                                               BILLING CODE 6325–39–P
                                                                                                          organization. The Commission is                                       of the most significant parts of such
                                                                                                          publishing this notice to solicit                                     statements.
                                                                                                          comments on the proposed rule change
                                               SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE                                    from interested persons.                                              A. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
                                               COMMISSION                                                                                                                       Statement of the Purpose of, and the
                                                                                                          I. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
                                               [Release No. 34–84434; File No. SR–NYSE–                                                                                         Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule
                                                                                                          Statement of the Terms of Substance of
                                               2018–48]                                                   the Proposed Rule Change                                              Change

                                               Self-Regulatory Organizations; New                            The Exchange proposes non-                                         1. Purpose
                                               York Stock Exchange LLC; Notice of                         substantive amendments to Rules 1.1,
                                                                                                                                                                                   The Exchange proposes to reorganize
                                               Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of                      7.31, and 7.46. The proposed rule
                                                                                                          change is available on the Exchange’s                                 the terms defined in Rule 1.1,
                                               Proposed Rule Change of Non-                                                                                                     Definitions, to place them in
                                               Substantive Amendments to Rules 1.1,                       website at www.nyse.com, at the
                                                                                                          principal office of the Exchange, and at                              alphabetical order. The Exchange does
                                               7.31, and 7.46                                                                                                                   not propose to amend the definition of
                                                                                                          the Commission’s Public Reference
                                               October 16, 2018.                                          Room.                                                                 any term that is currently defined in
                                                  Pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) 1 of the                                                                                         Rule 1.1. The Exchange also proposes to
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                          II. Self-Regulatory Organization’s                                    adopt a definition of the term
                                               Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the
                                                                                                          Statement of the Purpose of, and                                      ‘‘Exchange Act’’ under Rule 1.1(h),
                                               ‘‘Act’’) 2 and Rule 19b–4 thereunder,3
                                                                                                          Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule                                which would be defined as ‘‘the
                                               notice is hereby given that on October
                                                                                                                                                                                Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as
                                                 1 15 U.S.C.78s(b)(1).                                       In its filing with the Commission, the                             amended.’’ This definition is identical
                                                 2 15 U.S.C. 78a.                                         self-regulatory organization included
                                                 3 17 CFR 240.19b–4.                                      statements concerning the purpose of,

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Document Created: 2018-10-20 01:50:21
Document Modified: 2018-10-20 01:50:21
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ContactSenior Executive Resources Services, Senior Executive Services and Performance Management, Employee Services, Julia Alford, 202-606-2246, [email protected]
FR Citation83 FR 53322 

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