83_FR_53530 83 FR 53326 - Securities Exchange Act of 1934; Release No. 34-84440/October 16, 2018; Investment Company Act of 1940; Release No. IC-33272/October 16, 2018; Order Under Section 15b, Section 17a and Section 36 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 Granting Exemptions From Specified Provisions of the Exchange Act and Certain Rules Thereunder; Order Under Section 6(C) and Section 38(A) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 Granting Exemptions From Specified Provisions of the Investment Company Act and Certain Rules Thereunder

83 FR 53326 - Securities Exchange Act of 1934; Release No. 34-84440/October 16, 2018; Investment Company Act of 1940; Release No. IC-33272/October 16, 2018; Order Under Section 15b, Section 17a and Section 36 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 Granting Exemptions From Specified Provisions of the Exchange Act and Certain Rules Thereunder; Order Under Section 6(C) and Section 38(A) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 Granting Exemptions From Specified Provisions of the Investment Company Act and Certain Rules Thereunder


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 204 (October 22, 2018)

Page Range53326-53329
FR Document2018-22931

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 204 (Monday, October 22, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 204 (Monday, October 22, 2018)]
[Pages 53326-53329]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-22931]



Securities Exchange Act of 1934; Release No. 34-84440/October 16, 
2018; Investment Company Act of 1940; Release No. IC-33272/October 16, 
2018; Order Under Section 15b, Section 17a and Section 36 of the 
Securities Exchange Act of 1934 Granting Exemptions From Specified 
Provisions of the Exchange Act and Certain Rules Thereunder; Order 
Under Section 6(C) and Section 38(A) of the Investment Company Act of 
1940 Granting Exemptions From Specified Provisions of the Investment 
Company Act and Certain Rules Thereunder

    On October 10, 2018, Hurricane Michael made landfall on the Florida 
Panhandle. The storm and subsequent flooding has displaced individuals 
and businesses and disrupted communications and transportation across 
the affected region. We are issuing this Order to address the needs of 
companies and individuals with obligations under the federal securities 
laws who have been directly or indirectly affected by Hurricane Michael 
and its aftermath.
    Section 15B(a)(4) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the 
``Exchange Act'') provides that the Securities and Exchange Commission 
(the ``Commission''), by rule or order, upon its own motion or upon 
application, may conditionally or unconditionally exempt any broker, 
dealer, municipal securities dealer or municipal advisor, or class of 
brokers, dealers, municipal securities dealers, or municipal advisors 
from any provision of Section 15B or the rules or regulations 
thereunder, if the Commission finds that such exemption is consistent 
with the public interest, the protection of investors and the purposes 
of Section 15B.
    Section 36 of the Exchange Act authorizes the Commission, by rule, 
regulation or order, to exempt, either conditionally or 
unconditionally, any person, security or transaction, or any class or 
classes of persons, securities or transactions, from any provision or 
provisions of the Exchange Act or any rule or regulation thereunder, to 
the extent that such exemption is necessary or appropriate in the 
public interest, and is consistent with the protection of investors.
    Section 17A(c)(1) of the Exchange Act provides that the appropriate 
regulatory agency, by rule or by order, upon its own motion or upon 
application, may conditionally or unconditionally exempt any person or 
security or class of persons or securities from any provision of 
Section 17A or any rule or regulation prescribed under Section 17A, if 
the appropriate regulatory agency \1\ finds that such exemption is in 
the public interest and consistent with the protection of investors and 
the purposes of Section 17A, including the prompt and accurate 
clearance and settlement of securities transactions and the 
safeguarding of securities and funds. Section 17A(c)(1) also requires 
that the Commission not object to the use of exemptive authority in 
instances where an appropriate regulatory authority other than the 
Commission is providing exemptive relief.

    \1\ Section 3(a)(34)(B) of the Exchange Act defines 
``appropriate regulatory authority.''

    Section 6(c) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the ``Company 
Act'') provides that the Commission may conditionally or 
unconditionally exempt any person, security or transaction, or any 
class or classes of persons, securities or transactions, from any 
provision or provisions of the Company Act, or any rule or regulation 
thereunder, if and to the extent that such exemption is necessary or 
appropriate in the public interest and consistent with the protection 
of investors and the purposes fairly intended by the policy and 
provisions of the Company Act. Section 38(a) of the Company Act 
provides that the Commission may make, issue, amend and rescind such 
rules and regulations and such orders as are necessary or appropriate 
to the exercise of the powers conferred upon the Commission under the 
Company Act.
    The necessity for prompt action of the Commission does not permit 
prior notice of the Commission's action.

I. Time Period for the Relief

    The time period for the relief specified in Sections II and VI of 
this Order is as follows:
     With respect to those persons or entities affected by 
Hurricane Michael, for the period from and including October 10, 2018 
to November 21, 2018, all reports, schedules or forms must be filed on 
or before November 23, 2018.

II. Filing Requirements for Registrants and Other Persons

    The lack of communications, transportation, electricity, facilities 
and available staff and professional advisors as a result of Hurricane 
Michael could hamper the efforts of public companies and other persons 
with filing obligations to meet their filing deadlines. At the same 
time, investors have an interest in the timely availability of required 
information about these companies and the activities of persons 
required to file schedules and reports with respect to these companies. 
While the Commission believes that the relief from filing requirements 
provided by the exemption below is necessary and appropriate in the 
public interest and consistent with the protection of investors, we 
remind public companies and other persons who are the subjects of this 
Order to continue to evaluate their obligations to make materially 
accurate and complete disclosures in accordance with the anti-fraud 
provisions of the federal securities laws.
    Accordingly, it is ordered, pursuant to Section 36 of the Exchange 
Act, that a registrant (as defined in Exchange Act Rule 12b-2) subject 
to the reporting requirements of Exchange Act Section 13(a) or 15(d), 
and any person required to make any filings with respect to such a 
registrant, is exempt from any requirement to file or furnish materials 
with the Commission under Exchange Act Sections 13(a), 13(d), 13(f), 
13(g), 14(a), 14(c), 14(f), 15(d) and 16(a),

[[Page 53327]]

Regulations 13A, 13D-G, 14A, 14C and 15D, and Exchange Act Rules 13f-1, 
14f-1 and 16a-3, as applicable, where the conditions below are 


    (a) The registrant or person other than a registrant is not able to 
meet a filing deadline due to Hurricane Michael and its aftermath;
    (b) The registrant or person other than a registrant files with the 
Commission any report, schedule or form required to be filed during the 
applicable period of relief on or before the applicable deadline set 
forth in Section I; and
    (c) In any such report, schedule or form filed pursuant to this 
Order, the registrant or person other than a registrant must disclose 
that it is relying on this Order and state the reasons why, in good 
faith, it could not file such report, schedule or form on a timely 

III. Furnishing of Proxy and Information Statements

    The conditions in the areas affected by Hurricane Michael, 
including displacement of thousands of individuals and the destruction 
of property, have prevented and will continue to prevent the delivery 
of mail to the affected areas. In light of these conditions, we believe 
that relief is warranted for those seeking to comply with our rules 
imposing requirements to furnish materials to security holders when 
mail delivery is not possible and that the following exemption is 
necessary and appropriate in the public interest and consistent with 
the protection of investors.
    Accordingly, it is ordered, pursuant to Section 36 of the Exchange 
Act, that a registrant or any other person is exempt from the 
requirements to furnish proxy statements, annual reports and other 
soliciting materials, as applicable (the ``Soliciting Materials''), and 
the requirements of the Exchange Act and the rules thereunder to 
furnish information statements and annual reports, as applicable (the 
``Information Materials''), where the conditions below are satisfied.


    (a) The registrant's security holder has a mailing address located 
within a zip code where, as a result of Hurricane Michael, the 
registrant's common carrier has suspended delivery service of the type 
or class customarily used by the registrant;
    (b) The registrant or other person making a solicitation has 
followed normal procedure when furnishing the Soliciting Materials to 
the security holder in order to ensure that the Soliciting Materials 
preceded or accompanied the proxy, as required by the rules applicable 
to the particular form of Soliciting Materials, or, in the case of 
Information Materials, the registrant has followed normal procedure 
when furnishing the Information Materials to the security holder in 
accordance with the rules applicable to Information Materials; and
    (c) If requested by the security holder, the registrant or other 
person provides the Soliciting Materials or Information Materials by a 
means reasonably designed to furnish the Soliciting Materials or 
Information Materials to the security holder.
    Any registrant or other person in need of additional assistance 
related to deadlines, delivery obligations or their public filings, 
should contact the Division of Corporation Finance at (202) 551-3500 or 
at https://tts.sec.gov/cgi-bin/corp_fin_interpretive.

IV. Transmittal of Annual and Semi-Annual Reports to Investors Required 
by the Company Act and the Rules Thereunder

    For reasons similar to those cited in Section III, we believe that 
relief is warranted for the transmittal by registered management 
investment companies and registered unit investment trusts 
(collectively, ``registered investment companies'') of annual and semi-
annual reports to investors and that the following exemption is 
necessary and appropriate in the public interest and consistent with 
the protection of investors.
    Accordingly, it is ordered, pursuant to Sections 6(c) and 38(a) of 
the Company Act that for the period from and including October 10, 2018 
to November 21, 2018, a registered investment company is exempt from 
the requirements of Section 30(e) of the Company Act and Rule 30e-1 
thereunder to transmit annual and semi-annual reports to investors 
affected by Hurricane Michael; and
    For the period from and including October 10, 2018 to November 21, 
2018, a registered unit investment trust is exempt from the 
requirements of Section 30(e) of the Company Act and Rule 30e-2 
thereunder to transmit annual and semi-annual reports to unitholders 
affected by Hurricane Michael,
    Provided that:
    (a) The affected investor's mailing address for transmittal as 
listed in the records of the registered investment company has a zip 
code for which the registered investment company's common carrier has 
suspended mail service, as a result of Hurricane Michael, of the type 
or class customarily used by the registered investment company for 
transmittal of reports; and
    (b) The registered investment company or other person promptly 
transmits the reports to affected investors: Either (a) if requested by 
the investor; or (b) at the earlier of (i) November 23, 2018 or (ii) 
the resumption of the applicable mail service.
    Registered investment companies who are unable to meet a deadline 
as extended by this relief, or in need of additional assistance 
regarding issues under the Company Act, should contact the Division of 
Investment Management, Office of Chief Counsel, at (202) 551-6825 or 
    Registered investment advisers in need of additional assistance 
regarding issues under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 should 
contact the Division of Investment Management, Investment Adviser 
Regulation Office, at (202) 551-6999 or IARDLive@sec.gov.

V. Transfer Agent Compliance With Sections 17A and 17(f) of the 
Exchange Act

    Exchange Act Section 17A and Section 17(f), as well as the rules 
promulgated under Sections 17A and 17(f), contain requirements for 
registered transfer agents relating to, among other things, processing 
securities transfers, safekeeping of investor and issuer funds and 
securities and maintaining records of investor ownership. Following the 
events of Hurricane Michael, registered transfer agents located in the 
affected regions may have difficulty complying with some or all of 
their obligations as registered transfer agents. In addition, 
registered transfer agents located outside the affected regions may be 
unable to conduct business with entities or security holders inside the 
regions, thereby making it difficult to process securities transactions 
and corporate actions in conformance with Section 17A, Section 17(f) 
and the rules thereunder.
    While the national clearance and settlement system continues to 
operate well in light of these emergencies, the Commission recognizes 
that the need to effect securities transfers and payments to and from 
security holders in the affected regions may present compliance issues 
for affected transfer agents. Therefore, the Commission is using its 
authority under Section 17A and Section 36 of the Exchange Act to 
provide temporary relief from certain regulatory provisions. This Order 
temporarily exempts transfer agents

[[Page 53328]]

from the requirements of: (1) Section 17A of the Exchange Act and Rules 
17Ad-1 through 17Ad-20 thereunder; and (2) Section 17(f) of the 
Exchange Act and Rules 17f-1 and 17f-2 thereunder. The Commission finds 
the following exemption to be in the public interest and consistent 
with the protection of investors and the purpose of Section 17A of the 
Exchange Act, including the prompt and accurate clearance and 
settlement of securities transactions and the safeguarding of 
securities and funds.
    Accordingly, it is ordered, pursuant to Sections 17A and 36 of the 
Exchange Act, that any registered transfer agent that is unable to 
comply with Section 17A and Section 17(f) of the Exchange Act and the 
rules promulgated thereunder, as applicable, due to Hurricane Michael 
and its aftermath is hereby temporarily exempted from complying with 
such provisions for the period from and including October 10, 2018 to 
November 21, 2018 where the conditions below are satisfied.


    (a) A registered transfer agent relying on this Order must notify 
the Commission in writing by November 21, 2018 of the following:
    (1) The transfer agent is relying on this Order;
    (2) A statement of the reasons why, in good faith, the transfer 
agent is unable to comply with Section 17A and Section 17(f) of the 
Exchange Act and the rules promulgated thereunder, as applicable;
    (3) If the transfer agent knows or believes that the books and 
records it is required to maintain pursuant to Section 17A and the 
rules thereunder were lost, destroyed or materially damaged, 
information, to the extent reasonably available, as to the type of 
books and records that were maintained, the names of the issuers for 
whom such books and records were maintained, the extent of the loss of, 
or damage to, such books and records and the steps taken to ameliorate 
any such loss or damage; and
    (4) If the transfer agent knows or believes that funds or 
securities belonging to either issuers or security holders and within 
its possession were, for any reason, lost, destroyed, stolen or 
unaccounted for, information, to the extent reasonably available, 
regarding the dollar amount of any such funds and the number of such 
securities and the steps taken to ameliorate any such loss; and
    (b) Transfer agents that have custody or possession of any security 
holder or issuer funds or securities shall use all reasonable means 
available to ensure that all such securities are held in safekeeping 
and are handled, in light of all facts and circumstances, in a manner 
reasonably free from risk of theft, loss or destruction and that all 
funds are protected against misuse. To the extent possible, all 
security holder or issuer funds that remain in the custody of the 
transfer agent shall be maintained in a separate bank account held for 
the exclusive benefit of security holders until such funds are properly 
    The notification required under (a) above shall be sent to:

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Division of Trading and 
Markets, Office of Clearance and Settlement, 100 F Street NE, 
Washington, DC 20549-7010

    The Commission encourages registered transfer agents and the 
issuers for whom they act to inform affected security holders whom they 
should contact concerning their accounts, their access to funds or 
securities and other shareholder concerns. If feasible, issuers and 
their transfer agents should place a notice on their websites or 
providing toll free numbers to respond to inquiries.
    Transfer agents who are unable to meet a deadline as extended by 
this relief, or in need of additional assistance, should contact the 
Division of Trading and Markets at (202) 551-5777 or 

VI. Filing of Annual Update to Form MA as Required by the Exchange Act 
and the Rules Thereunder

    Section 15B of the Exchange Act and Rule 15Ba1-5(a)(1) thereunder 
requires each registered municipal advisor to file with the Commission 
an annual update to its Form MA. For reasons similar to those cited in 
Section II, the Commission believes that relief is warranted for the 
filing with the Commission of annual updates to Form MA by registered 
municipal advisors and that such relief is consistent with the public 
interest, the protection of investors and the purposes of Section 15B 
of the Exchange Act.
    Accordingly, it is so ordered, pursuant to Section 15B(a)(4) of the 
Exchange Act, that any registered municipal advisor is exempt from the 
requirement to file an annual update to Form MA with the Commission, as 
required by Section 15B of the Exchange Act and Rule 15Ba1-5(a)(1) 
thereunder, where the conditions below are satisfied.


    (a) The registered municipal advisor is not able to fulfill its 
obligation to file an annual update to the registered municipal 
advisor's Form MA within 90 days of the end of the registered municipal 
advisor's fiscal year due to Hurricane Michael;
    (b) The registered municipal advisor files with the Commission its 
annual update to Form MA required to be filed during the applicable 
period of relief on or before the applicable deadline set forth in 
Section I; and
    (c) In any such annual update to its Form MA filing, the registered 
municipal advisor must disclose that it is relying on this Order and 
state the reasons why, in good faith, it could not file such annual 
update to Form MA on a timely basis.
    Registered municipal advisors who are unable to meet a deadline as 
extended by this relief or in need of additional assistance, should 
contact the Office of Municipal Securities at (202) 551-5680 or 

VII. Independence--Bookkeeping or Other Services Related to the 
Accounting Records or Financial Statements of the Audit Client

    The conditions in the areas affected by Hurricane Michael, 
including displacement of individuals, the destruction of property and 
loss or destruction of corporate records, may require extraordinary 
efforts to reconstruct lost or destroyed accounting records. The 
Commission understands that in these particularly challenging 
situations an audit client may look to its auditor for assistance in 
reconstruction of its accounting records because of the auditor's 
knowledge of the client's financial systems and records. Under Section 
10A(g)(1) of the Exchange Act and Rule 2-01(c)(4)(i) of Regulation S-X, 
auditors are prohibited from providing bookkeeping or other services 
relating to the accounting records of the audit client, and in Rule 2-
01(c)(4)(i) of Regulation S-X, these prohibited services are described 
as including ``maintaining or preparing the audit client's accounting 
records'' or ``preparing or originating source data underlying the 
audit client's financial statements.'' In light of the conditions in 
areas affected by Hurricane Michael, however, we believe that limited 
relief from these prohibitions is warranted for those registrants and 
other persons that are required to comply with the independence 
requirements of the federal securities laws and the Commission's rules 
and regulations thereunder and that are affected by those conditions. 
The Commission finds the following exemption to be necessary and 
appropriate in the public interest and consistent with the protection 
of investors.

[[Page 53329]]

    Accordingly, it is ordered, pursuant to Section 36 of the Exchange 
Act, that independent certified public accountants engaged to provide 
audit services to registrants and other persons required to comply with 
the independence requirements of the federal securities laws and the 
Commission's rules and regulations thereunder are exempt from the 
requirements of Section 10A(g)(1) of the Exchange Act and Rule 2-
01(c)(4)(i) of Regulation S-X, where the conditions below are 


    (a) Services provided by the auditor are limited to reconstruction 
of previously existing accounting records that were lost or destroyed 
as a result of Hurricane Michael and such services cease as soon as the 
audit client's lost or destroyed records are reconstructed, its 
financial systems are fully operational and the client can effect an 
orderly and efficient transition to management or other service 
provider; and
    (b) Services provided by the auditor to its audit client pursuant 
to this Order are subject to pre-approval by the audit client's audit 
committee as required by Rule 2-01(c)(7) of Regulation S-X.
    Auditors or audit clients who are in need of additional assistance 
or have other questions relating to auditor independence, should 
contact the Office of the Chief Accountant at (202) 551-5300 or 

    By the Commission.
Brent J. Fields,
[FR Doc. 2018-22931 Filed 10-19-18; 8:45 am]

                                               53326                            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 204 / Monday, October 22, 2018 / Notices

                                               amendments, all written statements                        of companies and individuals with                      Company Act, or any rule or regulation
                                               with respect to the proposed rule                         obligations under the federal securities               thereunder, if and to the extent that
                                               change that are filed with the                            laws who have been directly or                         such exemption is necessary or
                                               Commission, and all written                               indirectly affected by Hurricane Michael               appropriate in the public interest and
                                               communications relating to the                            and its aftermath.                                     consistent with the protection of
                                               proposed rule change between the                             Section 15B(a)(4) of the Securities                 investors and the purposes fairly
                                               Commission and any person, other than                     Exchange Act of 1934 (the ‘‘Exchange                   intended by the policy and provisions of
                                               those that may be withheld from the                       Act’’) provides that the Securities and                the Company Act. Section 38(a) of the
                                               public in accordance with the                             Exchange Commission (the                               Company Act provides that the
                                               provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be                       ‘‘Commission’’), by rule or order, upon                Commission may make, issue, amend
                                               available for website viewing and                         its own motion or upon application,                    and rescind such rules and regulations
                                               printing in the Commission’s Public                       may conditionally or unconditionally                   and such orders as are necessary or
                                               Reference Room, 100 F Street NE,                          exempt any broker, dealer, municipal                   appropriate to the exercise of the
                                               Washington, DC 20549 on official                          securities dealer or municipal advisor,                powers conferred upon the Commission
                                               business days between the hours of                        or class of brokers, dealers, municipal                under the Company Act.
                                               10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Copies of the                    securities dealers, or municipal advisors                The necessity for prompt action of the
                                               filing also will be available for                         from any provision of Section 15B or the               Commission does not permit prior
                                               inspection and copying at the principal                   rules or regulations thereunder, if the                notice of the Commission’s action.
                                               office of the Exchange. All comments                      Commission finds that such exemption
                                                                                                                                                                I. Time Period for the Relief
                                               received will be posted without change.                   is consistent with the public interest,
                                               Persons submitting comments are                           the protection of investors and the                       The time period for the relief
                                               cautioned that we do not redact or edit                   purposes of Section 15B.                               specified in Sections II and VI of this
                                               personal identifying information from                        Section 36 of the Exchange Act                      Order is as follows:
                                               comment submissions. You should                           authorizes the Commission, by rule,                       • With respect to those persons or
                                               submit only information that you wish                     regulation or order, to exempt, either                 entities affected by Hurricane Michael,
                                               to make available publicly. All                           conditionally or unconditionally, any                  for the period from and including
                                               submissions should refer to File                          person, security or transaction, or any                October 10, 2018 to November 21, 2018,
                                               Number SR–NYSE–2018–48 and should                         class or classes of persons, securities or             all reports, schedules or forms must be
                                               be submitted on or before November 13,                    transactions, from any provision or                    filed on or before November 23, 2018.
                                               2018.                                                     provisions of the Exchange Act or any                  II. Filing Requirements for Registrants
                                                 For the Commission, by the Division of
                                                                                                         rule or regulation thereunder, to the                  and Other Persons
                                               Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated                extent that such exemption is necessary
                                                                                                         or appropriate in the public interest,                    The lack of communications,
                                                                                                         and is consistent with the protection of               transportation, electricity, facilities and
                                               Eduardo A. Aleman,                                                                                               available staff and professional advisors
                                               Assistant Secretary.                                      investors.
                                                                                                            Section 17A(c)(1) of the Exchange Act               as a result of Hurricane Michael could
                                               [FR Doc. 2018–22905 Filed 10–19–18; 8:45 am]                                                                     hamper the efforts of public companies
                                                                                                         provides that the appropriate regulatory
                                               BILLING CODE 8011–01–P
                                                                                                         agency, by rule or by order, upon its                  and other persons with filing obligations
                                                                                                         own motion or upon application, may                    to meet their filing deadlines. At the
                                                                                                         conditionally or unconditionally                       same time, investors have an interest in
                                               SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE                                                                                          the timely availability of required
                                               COMMISSION                                                exempt any person or security or class
                                                                                                         of persons or securities from any                      information about these companies and
                                                                                                         provision of Section 17A or any rule or                the activities of persons required to file
                                               Securities Exchange Act of 1934;
                                                                                                         regulation prescribed under Section                    schedules and reports with respect to
                                               Release No. 34–84440/October 16,
                                                                                                         17A, if the appropriate regulatory                     these companies. While the Commission
                                               2018; Investment Company Act of
                                                                                                         agency 1 finds that such exemption is in               believes that the relief from filing
                                               1940; Release No. IC–33272/October
                                                                                                         the public interest and consistent with                requirements provided by the
                                               16, 2018; Order Under Section 15b,
                                                                                                         the protection of investors and the                    exemption below is necessary and
                                               Section 17a and Section 36 of the
                                                                                                         purposes of Section 17A, including the                 appropriate in the public interest and
                                               Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                                                                                                         prompt and accurate clearance and                      consistent with the protection of
                                               Granting Exemptions From Specified
                                                                                                         settlement of securities transactions and              investors, we remind public companies
                                               Provisions of the Exchange Act and
                                                                                                         the safeguarding of securities and funds.              and other persons who are the subjects
                                               Certain Rules Thereunder; Order
                                                                                                         Section 17A(c)(1) also requires that the               of this Order to continue to evaluate
                                               Under Section 6(C) and Section 38(A)
                                                                                                         Commission not object to the use of                    their obligations to make materially
                                               of the Investment Company Act of
                                                                                                         exemptive authority in instances where                 accurate and complete disclosures in
                                               1940 Granting Exemptions From
                                                                                                         an appropriate regulatory authority                    accordance with the anti-fraud
                                               Specified Provisions of the Investment
                                                                                                         other than the Commission is providing                 provisions of the federal securities laws.
                                               Company Act and Certain Rules
                                                                                                         exemptive relief.                                         Accordingly, it is ordered, pursuant to
                                                                                                            Section 6(c) of the Investment                      Section 36 of the Exchange Act, that a
                                                  On October 10, 2018, Hurricane                         Company Act of 1940 (the ‘‘Company                     registrant (as defined in Exchange Act
                                               Michael made landfall on the Florida                      Act’’) provides that the Commission                    Rule 12b–2) subject to the reporting
                                               Panhandle. The storm and subsequent                       may conditionally or unconditionally                   requirements of Exchange Act Section
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               flooding has displaced individuals and                    exempt any person, security or                         13(a) or 15(d), and any person required
                                               businesses and disrupted                                  transaction, or any class or classes of                to make any filings with respect to such
                                               communications and transportation                         persons, securities or transactions, from              a registrant, is exempt from any
                                               across the affected region. We are                        any provision or provisions of the                     requirement to file or furnish materials
                                               issuing this Order to address the needs                                                                          with the Commission under Exchange
                                                                                                            1 Section 3(a)(34)(B) of the Exchange Act defines   Act Sections 13(a), 13(d), 13(f), 13(g),
                                                 17 17   CFR 200.30–3(a)(12).                            ‘‘appropriate regulatory authority.’’                  14(a), 14(c), 14(f), 15(d) and 16(a),

                                          VerDate Sep<11>2014     18:12 Oct 19, 2018   Jkt 247001   PO 00000   Frm 00121   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\22OCN1.SGM   22OCN1

                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 204 / Monday, October 22, 2018 / Notices                                          53327

                                               Regulations 13A, 13D–G, 14A, 14C and                    holder in order to ensure that the                    service, as a result of Hurricane
                                               15D, and Exchange Act Rules 13f–1,                      Soliciting Materials preceded or                      Michael, of the type or class customarily
                                               14f–1 and 16a–3, as applicable, where                   accompanied the proxy, as required by                 used by the registered investment
                                               the conditions below are satisfied.                     the rules applicable to the particular                company for transmittal of reports; and
                                                                                                       form of Soliciting Materials, or, in the                 (b) The registered investment
                                               Conditions                                              case of Information Materials, the                    company or other person promptly
                                                  (a) The registrant or person other than              registrant has followed normal                        transmits the reports to affected
                                               a registrant is not able to meet a filing               procedure when furnishing the                         investors: Either (a) if requested by the
                                               deadline due to Hurricane Michael and                   Information Materials to the security                 investor; or (b) at the earlier of (i)
                                               its aftermath;                                          holder in accordance with the rules                   November 23, 2018 or (ii) the
                                                  (b) The registrant or person other than              applicable to Information Materials; and              resumption of the applicable mail
                                               a registrant files with the Commission                    (c) If requested by the security holder,            service.
                                               any report, schedule or form required to                the registrant or other person provides                  Registered investment companies who
                                               be filed during the applicable period of                the Soliciting Materials or Information               are unable to meet a deadline as
                                               relief on or before the applicable                      Materials by a means reasonably                       extended by this relief, or in need of
                                               deadline set forth in Section I; and                    designed to furnish the Soliciting                    additional assistance regarding issues
                                                  (c) In any such report, schedule or                  Materials or Information Materials to the             under the Company Act, should contact
                                               form filed pursuant to this Order, the                  security holder.                                      the Division of Investment Management,
                                               registrant or person other than a                         Any registrant or other person in need              Office of Chief Counsel, at (202) 551–
                                               registrant must disclose that it is relying             of additional assistance related to                   6825 or IMOCC@sec.gov.
                                               on this Order and state the reasons why,                deadlines, delivery obligations or their                 Registered investment advisers in
                                               in good faith, it could not file such                   public filings, should contact the                    need of additional assistance regarding
                                               report, schedule or form on a timely                    Division of Corporation Finance at (202)              issues under the Investment Advisers
                                               basis.                                                  551–3500 or at https://tts.sec.gov/cgi-               Act of 1940 should contact the Division
                                                                                                       bin/corp_fin_interpretive.                            of Investment Management, Investment
                                               III. Furnishing of Proxy and                                                                                  Adviser Regulation Office, at (202) 551–
                                               Information Statements                                  IV. Transmittal of Annual and Semi-                   6999 or IARDLive@sec.gov.
                                                  The conditions in the areas affected                 Annual Reports to Investors Required
                                                                                                       by the Company Act and the Rules                      V. Transfer Agent Compliance With
                                               by Hurricane Michael, including
                                                                                                       Thereunder                                            Sections 17A and 17(f) of the Exchange
                                               displacement of thousands of
                                               individuals and the destruction of                         For reasons similar to those cited in
                                               property, have prevented and will                       Section III, we believe that relief is                   Exchange Act Section 17A and
                                               continue to prevent the delivery of mail                warranted for the transmittal by                      Section 17(f), as well as the rules
                                               to the affected areas. In light of these                registered management investment                      promulgated under Sections 17A and
                                               conditions, we believe that relief is                   companies and registered unit                         17(f), contain requirements for
                                               warranted for those seeking to comply                   investment trusts (collectively,                      registered transfer agents relating to,
                                               with our rules imposing requirements to                 ‘‘registered investment companies’’) of               among other things, processing
                                               furnish materials to security holders                   annual and semi-annual reports to                     securities transfers, safekeeping of
                                               when mail delivery is not possible and                  investors and that the following                      investor and issuer funds and securities
                                               that the following exemption is                         exemption is necessary and appropriate                and maintaining records of investor
                                               necessary and appropriate in the public                 in the public interest and consistent                 ownership. Following the events of
                                               interest and consistent with the                        with the protection of investors.                     Hurricane Michael, registered transfer
                                               protection of investors.                                   Accordingly, it is ordered, pursuant to            agents located in the affected regions
                                                  Accordingly, it is ordered, pursuant to              Sections 6(c) and 38(a) of the Company                may have difficulty complying with
                                               Section 36 of the Exchange Act, that a                  Act that for the period from and                      some or all of their obligations as
                                               registrant or any other person is exempt                including October 10, 2018 to November                registered transfer agents. In addition,
                                               from the requirements to furnish proxy                  21, 2018, a registered investment                     registered transfer agents located
                                               statements, annual reports and other                    company is exempt from the                            outside the affected regions may be
                                               soliciting materials, as applicable (the                requirements of Section 30(e) of the                  unable to conduct business with entities
                                               ‘‘Soliciting Materials’’), and the                      Company Act and Rule 30e–1                            or security holders inside the regions,
                                               requirements of the Exchange Act and                    thereunder to transmit annual and semi-               thereby making it difficult to process
                                               the rules thereunder to furnish                         annual reports to investors affected by               securities transactions and corporate
                                               information statements and annual                       Hurricane Michael; and                                actions in conformance with Section
                                               reports, as applicable (the ‘‘Information                  For the period from and including                  17A, Section 17(f) and the rules
                                               Materials’’), where the conditions below                October 10, 2018 to November 21, 2018,                thereunder.
                                               are satisfied.                                          a registered unit investment trust is                    While the national clearance and
                                                                                                       exempt from the requirements of                       settlement system continues to operate
                                               Conditions                                              Section 30(e) of the Company Act and                  well in light of these emergencies, the
                                                 (a) The registrant’s security holder has              Rule 30e–2 thereunder to transmit                     Commission recognizes that the need to
                                               a mailing address located within a zip                  annual and semi-annual reports to                     effect securities transfers and payments
                                               code where, as a result of Hurricane                    unitholders affected by Hurricane                     to and from security holders in the
                                               Michael, the registrant’s common carrier                Michael,                                              affected regions may present
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                                               has suspended delivery service of the                      Provided that:                                     compliance issues for affected transfer
                                               type or class customarily used by the                      (a) The affected investor’s mailing                agents. Therefore, the Commission is
                                               registrant;                                             address for transmittal as listed in the              using its authority under Section 17A
                                                 (b) The registrant or other person                    records of the registered investment                  and Section 36 of the Exchange Act to
                                               making a solicitation has followed                      company has a zip code for which the                  provide temporary relief from certain
                                               normal procedure when furnishing the                    registered investment company’s                       regulatory provisions. This Order
                                               Soliciting Materials to the security                    common carrier has suspended mail                     temporarily exempts transfer agents

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                                               53328                        Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 204 / Monday, October 22, 2018 / Notices

                                               from the requirements of: (1) Section                   that all such securities are held in                  days of the end of the registered
                                               17A of the Exchange Act and Rules                       safekeeping and are handled, in light of              municipal advisor’s fiscal year due to
                                               17Ad–1 through 17Ad–20 thereunder;                      all facts and circumstances, in a manner              Hurricane Michael;
                                               and (2) Section 17(f) of the Exchange                   reasonably free from risk of theft, loss or              (b) The registered municipal advisor
                                               Act and Rules 17f–1 and 17f–2                           destruction and that all funds are                    files with the Commission its annual
                                               thereunder. The Commission finds the                    protected against misuse. To the extent               update to Form MA required to be filed
                                               following exemption to be in the public                 possible, all security holder or issuer               during the applicable period of relief on
                                               interest and consistent with the                        funds that remain in the custody of the               or before the applicable deadline set
                                               protection of investors and the purpose                 transfer agent shall be maintained in a               forth in Section I; and
                                               of Section 17A of the Exchange Act,                     separate bank account held for the                       (c) In any such annual update to its
                                               including the prompt and accurate                       exclusive benefit of security holders                 Form MA filing, the registered
                                               clearance and settlement of securities                  until such funds are properly remitted.               municipal advisor must disclose that it
                                               transactions and the safeguarding of                       The notification required under (a)                is relying on this Order and state the
                                               securities and funds.                                   above shall be sent to:                               reasons why, in good faith, it could not
                                                  Accordingly, it is ordered, pursuant to                                                                    file such annual update to Form MA on
                                                                                                       U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission,
                                               Sections 17A and 36 of the Exchange                       Division of Trading and Markets, Office of          a timely basis.
                                               Act, that any registered transfer agent                   Clearance and Settlement, 100 F Street NE,             Registered municipal advisors who
                                               that is unable to comply with Section                     Washington, DC 20549–7010                           are unable to meet a deadline as
                                               17A and Section 17(f) of the Exchange                                                                         extended by this relief or in need of
                                               Act and the rules promulgated                             The Commission encourages
                                                                                                       registered transfer agents and the issuers            additional assistance, should contact the
                                               thereunder, as applicable, due to                                                                             Office of Municipal Securities at (202)
                                               Hurricane Michael and its aftermath is                  for whom they act to inform affected
                                                                                                       security holders whom they should                     551–5680 or munis@sec.gov.
                                               hereby temporarily exempted from
                                               complying with such provisions for the                  contact concerning their accounts, their              VII. Independence—Bookkeeping or
                                               period from and including October 10,                   access to funds or securities and other               Other Services Related to the
                                               2018 to November 21, 2018 where the                     shareholder concerns. If feasible, issuers            Accounting Records or Financial
                                               conditions below are satisfied.                         and their transfer agents should place a              Statements of the Audit Client
                                                                                                       notice on their websites or providing
                                               Conditions                                              toll free numbers to respond to                          The conditions in the areas affected
                                                  (a) A registered transfer agent relying              inquiries.                                            by Hurricane Michael, including
                                               on this Order must notify the                             Transfer agents who are unable to                   displacement of individuals, the
                                               Commission in writing by November 21,                   meet a deadline as extended by this                   destruction of property and loss or
                                               2018 of the following:                                  relief, or in need of additional                      destruction of corporate records, may
                                                  (1) The transfer agent is relying on                 assistance, should contact the Division               require extraordinary efforts to
                                               this Order;                                             of Trading and Markets at (202) 551–                  reconstruct lost or destroyed accounting
                                                  (2) A statement of the reasons why, in               5777 or tradingandmarkets@sec.gov.                    records. The Commission understands
                                               good faith, the transfer agent is unable                                                                      that in these particularly challenging
                                                                                                       VI. Filing of Annual Update to Form                   situations an audit client may look to its
                                               to comply with Section 17A and Section
                                                                                                       MA as Required by the Exchange Act                    auditor for assistance in reconstruction
                                               17(f) of the Exchange Act and the rules
                                                                                                       and the Rules Thereunder                              of its accounting records because of the
                                               promulgated thereunder, as applicable;
                                                  (3) If the transfer agent knows or                     Section 15B of the Exchange Act and                 auditor’s knowledge of the client’s
                                               believes that the books and records it is               Rule 15Ba1–5(a)(1) thereunder requires                financial systems and records. Under
                                               required to maintain pursuant to                        each registered municipal advisor to file             Section 10A(g)(1) of the Exchange Act
                                               Section 17A and the rules thereunder                    with the Commission an annual update                  and Rule 2–01(c)(4)(i) of Regulation S–
                                               were lost, destroyed or materially                      to its Form MA. For reasons similar to                X, auditors are prohibited from
                                               damaged, information, to the extent                     those cited in Section II, the                        providing bookkeeping or other services
                                               reasonably available, as to the type of                 Commission believes that relief is                    relating to the accounting records of the
                                               books and records that were maintained,                 warranted for the filing with the                     audit client, and in Rule 2–01(c)(4)(i) of
                                               the names of the issuers for whom such                  Commission of annual updates to Form                  Regulation S–X, these prohibited
                                               books and records were maintained, the                  MA by registered municipal advisors                   services are described as including
                                               extent of the loss of, or damage to, such               and that such relief is consistent with               ‘‘maintaining or preparing the audit
                                               books and records and the steps taken                   the public interest, the protection of                client’s accounting records’’ or
                                               to ameliorate any such loss or damage;                  investors and the purposes of Section                 ‘‘preparing or originating source data
                                               and                                                     15B of the Exchange Act.                              underlying the audit client’s financial
                                                  (4) If the transfer agent knows or                     Accordingly, it is so ordered, pursuant             statements.’’ In light of the conditions in
                                               believes that funds or securities                       to Section 15B(a)(4) of the Exchange                  areas affected by Hurricane Michael,
                                               belonging to either issuers or security                 Act, that any registered municipal                    however, we believe that limited relief
                                               holders and within its possession were,                 advisor is exempt from the requirement                from these prohibitions is warranted for
                                               for any reason, lost, destroyed, stolen or              to file an annual update to Form MA                   those registrants and other persons that
                                               unaccounted for, information, to the                    with the Commission, as required by                   are required to comply with the
                                               extent reasonably available, regarding                  Section 15B of the Exchange Act and                   independence requirements of the
                                               the dollar amount of any such funds and                 Rule 15Ba1–5(a)(1) thereunder, where                  federal securities laws and the
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                                               the number of such securities and the                   the conditions below are satisfied.                   Commission’s rules and regulations
                                               steps taken to ameliorate any such loss;                                                                      thereunder and that are affected by
                                                                                                       Conditions                                            those conditions. The Commission finds
                                                  (b) Transfer agents that have custody                   (a) The registered municipal advisor               the following exemption to be necessary
                                               or possession of any security holder or                 is not able to fulfill its obligation to file         and appropriate in the public interest
                                               issuer funds or securities shall use all                an annual update to the registered                    and consistent with the protection of
                                               reasonable means available to ensure                    municipal advisor’s Form MA within 90                 investors.

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                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 204 / Monday, October 22, 2018 / Notices                                                          53329

                                                 Accordingly, it is ordered, pursuant to               development companies (‘‘BDCs’’) and                       SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:       The
                                               Section 36 of the Exchange Act, that                    closed-end management investment                           following is a summary of the
                                               independent certified public                            companies to co-invest in portfolio                        application. The complete application
                                               accountants engaged to provide audit                    companies with each other and with                         may be obtained via the Commission’s
                                               services to registrants and other persons               certain affiliated investment funds and                    website by searching for the file
                                               required to comply with the                             accounts.                                                  number, or for an applicant using the
                                               independence requirements of the                           Applicants: Blackstone Real Estate                      Company name box, at http://
                                               federal securities laws and the                         Income Fund (‘‘BREIF’’); Blackstone                        www.sec.gov/search/search.htm or by
                                               Commission’s rules and regulations                      Real Estate Income Fund (‘‘BREIF II’’);                    calling (202) 551–8090.
                                               thereunder are exempt from the                          Blackstone Real Estate Income Master                          Applicants’ Representations:
                                               requirements of Section 10A(g)(1) of the                Fund (‘‘BREI Master Fund,’’ and,                              1. Each BREI Regulated Fund is a
                                               Exchange Act and Rule 2–01(c)(4)(i) of                  together with BREIF and BREIF II, the                      Delaware statutory trust and is
                                               Regulation S–X, where the conditions                    ‘‘BREI Regulated Funds’’); Blackstone                      structured as an externally managed,
                                               below are satisfied.                                    Real Estate Income Advisors L.L.C.                         non-diversified, closed-end
                                                                                                       (‘‘BREIA’’), the investment adviser to                     management investment company. Each
                                               Conditions                                              the BREI Regulated Funds; the                              BREI Regulated Fund’s investment
                                                  (a) Services provided by the auditor                 investment advisers set forth in                           objective is to seek long-term total
                                               are limited to reconstruction of                        Schedule A to the application (together                    return, with an emphasis on current
                                               previously existing accounting records                  with BREIA, the ‘‘Blackstone RE                            income, by primarily investing in a
                                               that were lost or destroyed as a result of              Advisers’’); and the Existing Affiliated                   broad range of real estate-related deb
                                               Hurricane Michael and such services                     Funds set forth on Schedule A to the                       investments. BREIF and BREIF II are
                                               cease as soon as the audit client’s lost                application.1                                              ‘‘feeder’’ funds in a ‘‘master-feeder’’
                                               or destroyed records are reconstructed,                    Filing Dates: The application was                       structure and pursues their respective
                                               its financial systems are fully                         filed on July 20, 2018.                                    investment objective by investing
                                               operational and the client can effect an                   Applicants have agreed to file an                       substantially all of their assets in the
                                               orderly and efficient transition to                     amendment during the notice period,                        BREI Master Fund. Each BREI Regulated
                                               management or other service provider;                   the substance of which is reflected in                     Fund has a five-member Board, of
                                               and                                                     this notice.                                               which four members are Non-Interested
                                                  (b) Services provided by the auditor to                 Hearing or Notification of Hearing: An                  Trustees.2
                                               its audit client pursuant to this Order                 order granting the requested relief will                      2. Each Adviser 3 is a subsidiary of
                                               are subject to pre-approval by the audit                be issued unless the Commission orders                     The Blackstone Group, L.P.
                                               client’s audit committee as required by                 a hearing. Interested persons may                          (‘‘Blackstone’’). Blackstone is a leading
                                               Rule 2–01(c)(7) of Regulation S–X.                      request a hearing by writing to the                        global alternative asset manager, whose
                                                  Auditors or audit clients who are in                 Commission’s Secretary and serving                         alternative asset management businesses
                                               need of additional assistance or have                   applicants with a copy of the request,                     include investment vehicles focused on
                                               other questions relating to auditor                     personally or by mail. Hearing requests                    private equity, real estate, hedge fund
                                               independence, should contact the Office                 should be received by the Commission                       solutions, non-investment grade credit,
                                               of the Chief Accountant at (202) 551–                   by 5:30 p.m. on November 12, 2018, and                     secondary private equity funds of funds
                                               5300 or OCARequest@sec.gov.                             should be accompanied by proof of                          and multi-asset class strategies.
                                                 By the Commission.                                    service on applicants, in the form of an                   Blackstone’s four business segments are
                                               Brent J. Fields,
                                                                                                       affidavit or, for lawyers, a certificate of                (1) private equity, (2) real estate, (3)
                                                                                                       service. Pursuant to rule 0–5 under the                    hedge fund solutions and (4) credit.
                                                                                                       Act, hearing requests should state the                        3. The Blackstone RE Advisers
                                               [FR Doc. 2018–22931 Filed 10–19–18; 8:45 am]            nature of the writer’s interest, any facts                 operate as a self-contained advisory
                                               BILLING CODE P                                          bearing upon the desirability of a                         business within Blackstone’s real estate.
                                                                                                       hearing on the matter, the reason for the
                                                                                                       request, and the issues contested.                            2 ‘‘Board’’ means the board of trustees (or
                                               SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE                                 Persons who wish to be notified of a                       equivalent) of the BREI Regulated Funds and any
                                               COMMISSION                                              hearing may request notification by                        other Regulated Fund (as defined below).
                                                                                                                                                                     ‘‘Non-Interested Trustees’’ means the Non-
                                               [Investment Company Act Release No.                     writing to the Commission’s Secretary.                     Interested Trustees of the BREI Regulated Funds
                                               33271; 812–14931]                                       ADDRESSES: Secretary, U.S. Securities                      and any other Regulated Fund who are not
                                                                                                       and Exchange Commission, 100 F St,                         ‘‘interested persons’’ within the meaning of section
                                               Blackstone Real Estate Income Fund,                     NE, Washington, DC 20549–1090.                             2(a)(19) of the Act.
                                               et al.                                                  Applicants: Leon Volchyok, Esq., 345
                                                                                                                                                                     3 The term ‘‘Adviser’’ means (i) the Blackstone RE

                                                                                                                                                                  Advisers and (ii) any future investment adviser that
                                               October 16, 2018.                                       Park Avenue, New York, New York                            controls, is controlled by or is under common
                                               AGENCY: Securities and Exchange                         10154.                                                     control with a Blackstone RE Adviser and is
                                                                                                                                                                  registered as an investment adviser under the
                                               Commission (‘‘Commission’’).                            FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                           Investment Advisers Act of 1940 (the ‘‘Advisers
                                               ACTION: Notice.                                         Asen Parachkevov, Senior Counsel, or                       Act’’) that intends to participate in the Co-
                                                                                                       David J. Marcinkus, Branch Chief, at                       Investment Program (as defined below).
                                                  Notice of application for an order                   (202) 551–6821 (Chief Counsel’s Office,                       The term ‘‘Primary Adviser’’ means any future
                                               under sections 17(d) and 57(i) of the                   Division of Investment Management).
                                                                                                                                                                  investment adviser that (i) controls, is controlled by
                                               Investment Company Act of 1940 (the                                                                                or is under common control with an Adviser, (ii)
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                                                                                                                                                                  is registered as an investment adviser under the
                                               ‘‘Act’’) and rule 17d–1 under the Act to                  1 The Existing Affiliated Funds, together with           Advisers Act, and (iii) is not an Adviser. For the
                                               permit certain joint transactions                       their direct and indirect wholly-owned subsidiaries,       avoidance of doubt, a Primary Adviser will not be
                                               otherwise prohibited by sections 17(d)                  are entities (i) whose primary investment adviser is       treated as an Adviser under the requested Order,
                                               and 57(a)(4) of the Act and rule 17d–1                  a Blackstone RE Adviser and (ii) that either (A)           but will be subject to conditions 2(c)(iv) and 13 of
                                                                                                       would be an investment company but for section             the requested Order. A Primary Adviser will not
                                               under the Act.                                          3(c)(1), 3(c)(5)(C) or 3(c)(7) of the Act or (B) rely on   rely on the requested Order with respect to any
                                                  Summary of Application: Applicants                   the rule 3a–7 exemption thereunder from                    investment vehicles it manages other than to the
                                               request an order to permit business                     investment company status.                                 extent those vehicles are sub-advised by an Adviser.

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Document Created: 2018-10-20 01:50:05
Document Modified: 2018-10-20 01:50:05
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
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PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
FR Citation83 FR 53326 

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