83_FR_55446 83 FR 55233 - Notice of Availability of Categorical Exclusion and Record of Decision (CATEX/ROD) for Boston Harbor Seaplane Operation, MA

83 FR 55233 - Notice of Availability of Categorical Exclusion and Record of Decision (CATEX/ROD) for Boston Harbor Seaplane Operation, MA

Federal Aviation Administration

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 213 (November 2, 2018)

Page Range55233-55234
FR Document2018-24056

The FAA, Eastern Service Center is issuing this notice to advise the public of the availability of the Categorical Exclusion/ Record of Decision (CATEX/ROD) for the Boston Harbor Seaplane Operation. The FAA reviewed the action and determined it to be categorically excluded from further environmental review.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 213 (Friday, November 2, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 213 (Friday, November 2, 2018)]
[Pages 55233-55234]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-24056]



Federal Aviation Administration

[Docket No. FAA-2018-0939; Notice of Availability Docket No. 18-ANE-6]

Notice of Availability of Categorical Exclusion and Record of 
Decision (CATEX/ROD) for Boston Harbor Seaplane Operation, MA

AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration, (FAA), DOT.

ACTION: Notice of availability.


SUMMARY: The FAA, Eastern Service Center is issuing this notice to 
advise the public of the availability of the Categorical Exclusion/
Record of Decision (CATEX/ROD) for the Boston Harbor Seaplane 
Operation. The FAA reviewed the action and determined it to be 
categorically excluded from further environmental review.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Andrew Pieroni, Federal Aviation 
Administration, Operations Support Group, Eastern Service Center, 1701 
Columbia Avenue, College Park, Georgia 30337, (404) 305-5586.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) 
proposes to implement a Letter of Agreement (LOA) between Boston 
Airport Traffic Control Tower (BOS ATCT), Boston Consolidated Terminal 
Radar Approach Control (A90) and Hyannis Air Service Inc., (OBA Cape 
Air [KAP]) for seaplane operations in the Boston, Massachusetts Inner 
Harbor. This proposed LOA would ensure standardized, safe and de-
conflicted seaplane operations in the Boston, Massachusetts Inner 
Harbor from BOS ATCT operations and allows for efficient airspace 
operations in the General Edward Lawrence Logan International Airport 
(BOS) Class B airspace. The proposed VFR handling of seaplane arrivals 
and departures will enhance safety and minimize delays for aircraft at 
BOS. The FAA reviewed the action and determined it to be categorically 
excluded from further environmental review according to FAA Order 
1050.1F, Environmental Impacts: Policies and Procedures. The applicable 
categorical exclusion is Sec.  5-6.S(i.).

[[Page 55234]]

    Issued in College Park, Georgia, on October 24, 2018.
Ryan W. Almasy,
Manager, Operations Support Group, Eastern Service Center, Air Traffic 
[FR Doc. 2018-24056 Filed 11-1-18; 8:45 am]

                                  Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 213 / Friday, November 2, 2018 / Notices                                                 55233

     DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION                            obtain initial and final approval as part               Issued in Fort Worth, TX on October 11,
                                                             of the FAA certification process.                     2018.
     Federal Aviation Administration                         Original certification is completed in                Barbara L. Hall,
                                                             accordance with 14 CFR part 119.                      FAA Information Collection Clearance
     Agency Information Collection                           Continuing certification is completed in              Officer, Performance, Policy, and Records
     Activities: Requests for Comments;                      accordance with 14 CFR parts 121 and                  Management Branch, ASP–110.
     Clearance of Renewed Approval of                        135. The FAA uses the approval process                [FR Doc. 2018–24043 Filed 11–1–18; 8:45 am]
     Information Collection: Hazardous                       to determine compliance of the hazmat                 BILLING CODE 4910–13–P
     Materials Training Requirements                         training programs with the applicable
     AGENCY: Federal Aviation                                regulations, national policies and safe
                                                             operating practices. The FAA must                     DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION
     Administration (FAA), DOT.
                                                             ensure that the documents adequately
     ACTION: Notice and request for                                                                                Federal Aviation Administration
                                                             establish safe operating procedures.
                                                             Additionally, 14 CFR part 145 requires
                                                                                                                   [Docket No. FAA–2018–0939; Notice of
     SUMMARY:    In accordance with the                      certain repair stations to provide
                                                                                                                   Availability Docket No. 18–ANE–6]
     Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, FAA                    documentation showing that persons
     invites public comments about our                       handling hazmat for transportation have               Notice of Availability of Categorical
     intention to request the Office of                      been trained following DOT guidelines.                Exclusion and Record of Decision
     Management and Budget (OMB)                                Respondents: Part 121, 135, and 145                (CATEX/ROD) for Boston Harbor
     approval of a new information                           certificate holders. Approximately                    Seaplane Operation, MA
     collection. This collection involves FAA                2,800.
     certification process requirements for                     Frequency: Information is collected                AGENCY: Federal Aviation
     operators and repair stations who are                   on occasion. Part 121 and part 135                    Administration, (FAA), DOT.
     required to submit documentation                        operators are required to submit                      ACTION: Notice of availability.
     related to hazardous materials training                 documentation of their hazardous
     programs.                                               materials training to receive original                SUMMARY:    The FAA, Eastern Service
                                                             certification. If the operator decides to             Center is issuing this notice to advise
     DATES:   Written comments should be                                                                           the public of the availability of the
                                                             make a change to their training program,
     submitted by January 2, 2019.                                                                                 Categorical Exclusion/Record of
                                                             they must provide the updated manual.
     ADDRESSES: Send comments to the FAA                     Part 145 repair station is required to                Decision (CATEX/ROD) for the Boston
     at the following address: Barbara Hall,                 submit a statement to the FAA certifying              Harbor Seaplane Operation. The FAA
     Federal Aviation Administration, ASP–                   that all of their hazmat employees are                reviewed the action and determined it
     110, 10101 Hillwood Parkway, Fort                       trained under the Hazardous Materials                 to be categorically excluded from
     Worth, TX 76177                                         Regulations prior to receiving their                  further environmental review.
        Public Comments Invited: You are                     initial part 145 certificate.                         FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr.
     asked to comment on any aspect of this                     Estimated Average Burden per                       Andrew Pieroni, Federal Aviation
     information collection, including (a)                   Response: The amount of time per                      Administration, Operations Support
     Whether the proposed collection of                      response is expected to vary. For                     Group, Eastern Service Center, 1701
     information is necessary for FAA’s                      example, new responses take                           Columbia Avenue, College Park, Georgia
     performance; (b) the accuracy of the                    significantly longer than revisions.                  30337, (404) 305–5586.
     estimated burden; (c) ways for FAA to                   Furthermore, operators with will-carry                SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The
     enhance the quality, utility and clarity                hazardous materials operations are                    Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
     of the information collection; and (d)                  anticipated to have longer responses                  proposes to implement a Letter of
     ways that the burden could be                           than will-not carry hazardous materials               Agreement (LOA) between Boston
     minimized without reducing the quality                  operations. Part 145 repair stations will             Airport Traffic Control Tower (BOS
     of the collected information. The agency                require less time to develop a                        ATCT), Boston Consolidated Terminal
     will summarize and/or include your                      certification statements than operators               Radar Approach Control (A90) and
     comments in the request for OMB’s                       require to develop a manual.                          Hyannis Air Service Inc., (OBA Cape
     clearance of this information collection.               Additionally certificate holders vary in              Air [KAP]) for seaplane operations in
     FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                        the type and size of the operations.                  the Boston, Massachusetts Inner Harbor.
     Barbara Hall by email at:                               Certificate holders are not anticipated to            This proposed LOA would ensure
     Barbara.L.Hall@faa.gov; phone: 940–                     spend the same amount of time each                    standardized, safe and de-conflicted
     594–5913.                                               year. Therefore, based on FAA’s subject               seaplane operations in the Boston,
     SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                              matter expertise we continue to expect                Massachusetts Inner Harbor from BOS
        OMB Control Number: 2120–0705.                       reporting to take an average .6 hours,                ATCT operations and allows for
        Title: Hazardous Materials Training                  and recordkeeping to take .7 hours for                efficient airspace operations in the
     Requirements.                                           a total of 1.3 hours per response. These              General Edward Lawrence Logan
        Form Numbers: There are no FAA                       are an annualized average which                       International Airport (BOS) Class B
     forms associated with this collection of                account for the wide variability in the               airspace. The proposed VFR handling of
     information.                                            type, complexity and size of operation.               seaplane arrivals and departures will
        Type of Review: Renewal of an                        Additionally, the type of update can                  enhance safety and minimize delays for
     information collection.                                 vary. Operators may make minor                        aircraft at BOS. The FAA reviewed the
        Background: The FAA, as prescribed                   revisions to the manual, or they may                  action and determined it to be
     in 14 CFR parts 121 and 135, requires                   choose to make more significant                       categorically excluded from further
     certificate holders to submit manuals                   changes reflecting a larger change in                 environmental review according to FAA
     and hazardous materials (hazmat)                        their operations.                                     Order 1050.1F, Environmental Impacts:
     training programs, or revisions to an                      Estimated Total Annual Burden:                     Policies and Procedures. The applicable
     approved hazmat training program to                     7,300 hours.                                          categorical exclusion is § 5–6.S(i.).

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     55234                        Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 213 / Friday, November 2, 2018 / Notices

       Issued in College Park, Georgia, on October           including its supporting documentation,               selected the preferred alternatives for
     24, 2018.                                               as incorporated by reference, and other               the Fox 3 MOA Expansion and New
     Ryan W. Almasy,                                         supporting documentation incorporated                 Paxon MOA, Realistic Live Ordnance
     Manager, Operations Support Group, Eastern              by reference for FAA’s Written Re-                    Delivery (RLOD), and Night Joint
     Service Center, Air Traffic Organization.               Evaluation and Adoption of the Final                  Training (NJT). The Army/USAF ROD
     [FR Doc. 2018–24056 Filed 11–1–18; 8:45 am]             EIS adequately assesses and discloses                 also lists mitigation measures by agency
     BILLING CODE 4910–13–P                                  the environmental impacts of the for                  and specific action. The USAF has since
                                                             Modernization and Enhancement of                      decided they do not currently plan to
                                                             Ranges, Airspace, and Training Areas in               implement RLOD, and they have not
     DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION                            the JPARC in Alaska. FAA is authorized                submitted an aeronautical proposal for
                                                             to adopt the Final EIS under 40 CFR                   the expansion of R–2202 necessary for
     Federal Aviation Administration                         1506.3, Adoption. Accordingly, the FAA                RLOD.
     Notice of Availability of the Federal                   adopts the Final EIS, and takes full
                                                             responsibility for the scope and content              Implementation
     Aviation Administration Record of
     Decision and Adoption of the Final                      that addresses the proposed changes to
                                                             SUA for JPARC.                                           After evaluating the public comments
     Environmental Impact Statement for                                                                            received, the aeronautical studies, and
     Modernization and Enhancement of                        FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                                                                                   the environmental analysis, the FAA is
     Ranges, Airspace, and Training Areas                    Paula Miller, Airspace Policy and
                                                                                                                   expanding the Fox 3 Military
     in the Joint Pacific Alaska Range                       Regulations Group, Office of Airspace
                                                                                                                   Operations Area (MOA), establishing
     Complex in Alaska, for the Fox 3                        Services, Federal Aviation
                                                             Administration, 800 Independence                      the Paxon and Delta 5 MOAs, and
     Military Operations Area (MOA)
                                                             Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20591;                      extending the times of use of the
     Expansion and Paxon/Delta 5 MOA
                                                             telephone: (202) 267–7378.                            existing JPARC MOAs for NJT.
     Establishment and Night Joint
     Training, Extending MOA Times of Use                    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                               FAA circularized the proposed
     for the United States Air Force                                                                               actions from February 24, 2105 through
                                                             Background                                            May 10, 2015. After the conclusion of
     AGENCY: Federal Aviation                                                                                      the circularization comment period and
                                                                In March 2012, in accordance with
     Administration, DOT.                                                                                          FAA’s Aeronautical Study, the FAA
                                                             NEPA and its implementing regulations,
     ACTION: Notice of record of decision.                   the USAF and Army released a Draft                    changed the name of Paxon B MOA to
     SUMMARY:   The Federal Aviation                         EIS. The Draft EIS presented the                      Delta 5 MOA and deleted the Visual
     Administration (FAA) announces its                      potential environmental consequences                  Flight Rules (VFR) Corridor in the
     decision to adopt the United States                     of the USAF and Army’s proposal to                    interest of safety. The name change and
     Departments of the Army (Army) and                      modernize and enhance JPARC ranges                    the elimination of the VFR Corridor
     Air Force’s (USAF) Final Environmental                  by analyzing the military training                    mitigation do not change the SUA
     Impact Statement (EIS) for the                          activities at JPARC, Alaska. As a result              request or the analysis done in the Final
     Modernization and Enhancement of                        of the FAA aeronautical review process,               EIS and the Aeronautical Study. The
     Ranges, Airspace, and Training Areas in                 and public, agency, and tribal comments               modification did not change the area of
     the Joint Pacific Alaska Range Complex                  during the 111-day public comment                     analysis; therefore, the environmental
     (JPARC) in Alaska, EIS No. 20130181. In                 period on the Draft EIS, the USAF, FAA,               and aeronautical analyses are still valid.
     accordance with Section 102 of the                      other federal and state agencies, and                 The legal descriptions for the JPARC
     National Environmental Policy Act of                    tribal governments have consulted to                  MOAs will be published in the National
     1969 (‘‘NEPA’’), the Council on                         mitigate concerns while continuing to                 Flight Data Digest with a November 8,
     Environmental Quality’s (‘‘CEQ’’)                       meet national defense training                        2018 effective date. The August 29, 2018
     regulations implementing NEPA (40                       requirements. The USAF and Army are                   Written Re-Evaluation/Adoption/ROD is
     CFR parts 1500–1508), and other                         the proponents for the JPARC                          available on the FAA website and can
     applicable authorities, including The                   Modernization and were the lead                       be viewed at https://www.faa.gov/air_
     Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)                   agencies for the preparation of the Final             traffic/environmental_issues/.
     Order 1050.1F, Environmental Impacts:                   EIS, which was issued in June 2013. The
     Policies and Procedures, paragraph 8–2,                 FAA is a cooperating agency responsible               Right of Appeal
     and FAA Order JO 7400.2K,                               for approving SUA as defined in 40 CFR
                                                             1508.5.                                                  The Written Re-evaluation, Adoption,
     ‘‘Procedures for Handling Airspace
     Matters,’’ paragraph 32–2–3, the FAA                       The FAA has independently                          and ROD for the changes to the JPARC
     has conducted an independent review                     evaluated the JPARC Final EIS and the                 MOAs constitutes a final order of the
     and evaluation of the Army and the                      accompanying SUA proposals. FAA                       FAA Administrator and is subject to
     USAF’s Final EIS for Modernization and                  found that the USAF SUA proposals are                 exclusive judicial review under 49
     Enhancement of Ranges, Airspace, and                    ripe for a decision while the Army SUA                U.S.C. 46110 by the U.S. Circuit Court
     Training Areas in the JPARC in Alaska,                  proposals are currently still undergoing              of Appeals for the District of Columbia
     dated June 2013. As a cooperating                       aeronautical processing and                           or the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for
     agency with responsibility for approving                development. Therefore, the scope and                 the circuit in which the person
     special use airspace (SUA) under 49                     extent of FAA’s Record of Decision                    contesting the decision resides or has its
     U.S.C. 40103(b)(3)(A), the FAA                          (ROD) is only for the USAF SUA                        principal place of business. Any party
     provided subject matter expertise and                   proposals.                                            having substantial interest in this order
     coordinated with the USAF and Army                         The USAF and Army issued one ROD.                  may apply for review of the decision by
     during the environmental review                         The ROD lists the Army and USAF                       filing a petition for review in the
     process, including preparation of the                   actions and decisions separately. The                 appropriate U.S. Court of Appeals no
     Draft EIS and the Final EIS. Based on its               ROD includes an Army Decision, signed                 later than 60 days after the date of this
     independent review and evaluation, the                  July 30, 2013, and an USAF Decision                   notice in accordance with the
     FAA has determined the Final EIS,                       signed August 6, 2013. The USAF                       provisions of 49 U.S.C. 46110.

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Document Created: 2018-11-02 01:10:12
Document Modified: 2018-11-02 01:10:12
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice of availability.
ContactMr. Andrew Pieroni, Federal Aviation Administration, Operations Support Group, Eastern Service Center, 1701 Columbia Avenue, College Park, Georgia 30337, (404) 305-5586.
FR Citation83 FR 55233 

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