83_FR_56598 83 FR 56379 - Exemption; Issuance: Northwest Medical Isotopes, LLC; Medical Radioisotope Production Facility

83 FR 56379 - Exemption; Issuance: Northwest Medical Isotopes, LLC; Medical Radioisotope Production Facility


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 219 (November 13, 2018)

Page Range56379-56380
FR Document2018-24312

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is issuing an exemption to Northwest Medical Isotopes, LLC (NWMI) from the requirement that an application for an NRC license to possess and use special nuclear material for processing and fuel fabrication, scrap recovery or conversion of uranium hexafluoride, or for the conduct of any other activity which the NRC has determined will significantly affect the quality of the environment (and the associated environmental report), be submitted at least 9 months prior to commencement of construction of the plant or facility in which the activity will be conducted.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 219 (Tuesday, November 13, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 219 (Tuesday, November 13, 2018)]
[Pages 56379-56380]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-24312]



[Docket No. 50-0609; NRC-2018-0225]

Exemption; Issuance: Northwest Medical Isotopes, LLC; Medical 
Radioisotope Production Facility

AGENCY: Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

ACTION: Exemption; issuance.


SUMMARY: The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is issuing an 
exemption to Northwest Medical Isotopes, LLC (NWMI) from the 
requirement that an application for an NRC license to possess and use 
special nuclear material for processing and fuel fabrication, scrap 
recovery or conversion of uranium hexafluoride, or for the conduct of 
any other activity which the NRC has determined will significantly 
affect the quality of the environment (and the associated environmental 
report), be submitted at least 9 months prior to commencement of 
construction of the plant or facility in which the activity will be 

DATES: This exemption is being issued on November 13, 2018.

ADDRESSES: Please refer to Docket ID NRC-2018-0225 when contacting the 
NRC about the availability of information regarding this document. You 
may access publicly-available information related to this document 
using any of the following methods:
     Federal Rulemaking Website: Go to http://www.regulations.gov and search for Docket ID NRC-2018-0225. Address 
questions about Docket IDs in Regulations.gov to Jennifer Borges; 
telephone: 301-287-9127; email: [email protected]. For technical 
questions, contact the individual listed in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION 
CONTACT section of this document.
     NRC's Agencywide Documents Access and Management System 
(ADAMS): You may obtain publicly-available documents online in the 
ADAMS Public Documents collection at http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/adams.html. To begin the search, select ``Begin Web-based ADAMS 
Search.'' For problems with ADAMS, please contact the NRC's Public 
Document Room (PDR) reference staff at 1-800-397-4209, 301-415-4737, or 
by email to [email protected]. The ADAMS accession number for each 
document referenced (if it is available in ADAMS) is provided the first 
time that it is mentioned in this document.
     NRC's PDR: You may examine and purchase copies of public 
documents at the NRC's PDR, Room O1-F21, One White Flint North, 11555 
Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland 20852.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: David Tiktinsky, Office of Nuclear 
Material Safety and Safeguards, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 
Washington, DC 20555-0001; telephone: 301-415-8740, email: 
[email protected].


I. Background

    NWMI is the holder of Construction Permit No. CPMIF-002 (issued on 
May 9, 2018 (ADAMS Accession No. ML18037A308) under Part 50 of title 10 
of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR)), which authorizes NWMI to 
construct a medical radioisotope production facility (RPF) in Columbia, 
Missouri. The facility would fabricate low-enriched uranium (LEU) 
targets and ship them to a network of U.S. research reactors for 
irradiation, receive irradiated LEU targets, disassemble and dissolve 
irradiated LEU targets, and recover and purify Molybdenum-99 (Mo-99). 
These processes would take place in a single RPF building divided into 
two separate areas where processes subject to different regulatory 
regimes would take place. The processes involved in the production 
area, which include receipt of irradiated LEU targets, LEU target 
disassembly and dissolution, and Mo-99 recovery and purification, are 
subject to the NRC licensing requirements of 10 CFR part 50. The 
processes involved in target fabrication that NWMI plans to perform in 
a separate area of the RPF would be subject to the separate NRC 
licensing requirements of 10 CFR part 70.
    NWMI submitted an environmental report with its construction permit 
application, providing environmental information about all of the 
processes that would occur in both portions of the RPF. In accordance 
with Section 102(2)(C) of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 
(NEPA) (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) and the NRC's regulations in 10 CFR 
part 51, the NRC staff prepared an environmental impact statement 
(EIS), NUREG-2209, ``Environmental Impact Statement for the 
Construction Permit for the Northwest Medical Isotopes Radioisotope 
Production Facility,'' dated May 2017 (ADAMS Accession No. ML17130A862) 
assessing the potential impacts of the construction, operation, and 
decommissioning of the proposed RPF on the quality of the human 
environment and reasonable alternatives. The construction and operation 
impacts from the portion of the RPF in which 10 CFR part 70 target 
fabrication activities would occur were evaluated as a connected action 
to the 10 CFR part 50 construction permit. A 10 CFR part 50 
construction permit was issued to NWMI on May 9, 2018.

II. Request/Action

    The exemption request from NWMI was submitted by letter dated 
December 18, 2017 (ADAMS Accession No. ML17362A040), as supplemented by 
a letter dated March 12, 2018 (ADAMS Accession No. ML18088A175). NWMI 
is requesting an exemption from the requirement that the application 
(and associated environmental report required by 10 CFR part 51) for 10 
CFR part 70 activities be submitted at least 9 months prior to 
commencement of construction of the 10 CFR part 70 components of the 
RPF. The activities that will be subject to the 10 CFR part 70 license 
application are described in the construction permit application that 
NWMI previously submitted to the NRC under 10 CFR part 50 for an RPF to 
be constructed in Columbia, Missouri. NWMI Preliminary Safety Analyses 
Report, Chapter 19, ``Environmental Report'' Corvallis, OR, Revision 0A

[[Page 56380]]

dated June 2015 (ADAMS Accession Nos. ML15210A123, ML15210A128, 
ML15210A129, and ML15210A131).
    The NRC evaluated the environmental impacts from the 10 CFR part 70 
target fabrication activities in the RPF as part of its EIS supporting 
NWMI's 10 CFR part 50 construction permit application. The exemption 
would allow NWMI to initiate construction of the 10 CFR part 70 
components of the RPF upon the issuance of the 10 CFR part 50 
construction permit for the RPF even if the 10 CFR 70.21(f) timing 
requirement is not met.

III. Discussion

    Pursuant to 10 CFR 70.17(a), the Commission may, upon application 
of any interested person or upon its own initiative, grant such 
exemptions from the requirements of 10 CFR part 70 as it determines are 
authorized by law and will not endanger life or property or the common 
defense and security and are otherwise in the public interest.

Authorized by Law

    The applicant has stated that the requested exemption from the 
requirement to submit an application and associated environmental 
report at least 9 months prior to the commencement of construction of 
the RPF, including 10 CFR part 70 components (i.e., the target 
fabrication facility), will enable it to initiate construction of the 
entire RPF based upon the environmental review for the 10 CFR part 50 
construction permit. The applicant has also stated there have been no 
significant changes to the environmental information that was 
previously submitted to the NRC as part of the 10 CFR part 50 
construction permit application. NWMI also stated that it will submit 
the application and environmental report required by 10 CFR 70.21(f) as 
part of a consolidated operating license application for both the 10 
CFR part 50 Production Facility and to possess and use special nuclear 
material for the 10 CFR part 70 target fabrication facility activities.
    The staff evaluated the environmental impacts of the RPF, including 
the 10 CFR part 70 target fabrication activities as a connected action, 
in the EIS dated May 31, 2017 (NUREG-2209, ``Environmental Impact 
Statement for the Construction Permit for the Northwest Medical 
Isotopes Radioisotope Production Facility'', ADAMS Accession No. 
ML17130A862). The staff concludes, as documented in the EIS, that after 
weighing the environmental, economic, technical, and other benefits 
against environmental and other costs, and considering reasonable 
alternatives, the NRC staff's recommendation, unless safety issues 
mandate otherwise, is the issuance of a construction permit to NWMI.
    The NRC regulation, 10 CFR 70.17, allows the NRC to grant 
exemptions from the requirements of 10 CFR part 70 provided certain 
findings are made. Granting the applicant's proposed exemption is not 
otherwise inconsistent with NRC regulations or other applicable laws. 
As explained below, the proposed exemption will not endanger life or 
property, or the common defense and security, and is otherwise in the 
public interest.
    NWMI indicates that it will submit an environmental report with its 
application for an operating license for the entire RPF which the NRC 
will be able to review for any significant new information. The NRC 
will not make a decision on an application to operate the production 
portion of the facility under 10 CFR part 50 or a license to possess 
and use special nuclear material for target fabrication under 10 CFR 
part 70 until after the NRC has completed a NEPA review based on NWMI's 
proposed application and environmental report, and made the appropriate 
regulatory findings. Therefore, the exemption is authorized by law.

Will Not Endanger Life or Property or the Common Defense and Security

    Construction of the facility has not yet begun. Since the exemption 
request relates to the timing of when construction may begin, the 
proposed exemption would not: (a) Impact the probabilities of evaluated 
accidents; (b) affect margins of safety; (c) affect effectiveness of 
programs contained in licensing documents; (d) increase effluents; (e) 
increase occupational radiological exposures; or (f) impact operations 
or decommissioning activities. The proposed exemption also will not 
have an impact on common defense and security since the exemption only 
relates to the timing of construction. NWMI's construction permit does 
not authorize possession of any nuclear material at the RPF.
    Based on its evaluation, the NRC staff has determined that this 
exemption will not endanger life or property or the common defense and 

Otherwise in the Public Interest

    The NRC staff has determined that granting the proposed exemption 
would allow for efficient construction of the NWMI RPF at an earlier 
date. The purpose of the NWMI RPF is to produce medical isotopes and 
help meet the U.S. goal of establishing a domestic supply of Mo-99 as 
stated in the American Medical Isotopes Production Act, 42 U.S.C. 2065 
et seq. Accordingly, the NRC staff has determined that granting the 
requested exemption is otherwise in the public interest.

IV. Environmental Consideration

    As required by 10 CFR 51.21, the NRC performed an environmental 
assessment (EA) that analyzes the environmental impacts of the proposed 
exemption in accordance with NEPA. Based on that EA, the NRC staff has 
determined not to prepare an EIS for the proposed exemption, and has 
issued a finding of no significant impact (FONSI). The EA and FONSI 
were published in the Federal Register on August 29, 2018 (83 FR 44068-

V. Conclusion

    Accordingly, the NRC has determined that, pursuant to 10 CFR 70.17, 
the exemption is authorized by law, will not endanger life or property 
or the common defense and security, and is otherwise in the public 
interest. Therefore, the NRC hereby grants NWMI an exemption from the 
10 CFR 70.21(f) requirement to submit a 10 CFR part 70 application, and 
the associated environmental report, 9 months prior to the commencement 
of construction, to allow NWMI to begin construction of the 10 CFR part 
70 portions of the facility along with the rest of the RPF.

    Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 1st day of November 2018.

    For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
LaDonna Suggs,
Acting Deputy Director, Division of Fuel Cycle Safety, Safeguards, and 
Environmental Review, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards.
[FR Doc. 2018-24312 Filed 11-9-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 219 / Tuesday, November 13, 2018 / Notices                                         56379

                                              such research, and why those                            DATES:   This exemption is being issued               into two separate areas where processes
                                              capabilities and objectives should be                   on November 13, 2018.                                 subject to different regulatory regimes
                                              strategic priorities.                                   ADDRESSES: Please refer to Docket ID                  would take place. The processes
                                                 5. What changes to cybersecurity                     NRC–2018–0225 when contacting the                     involved in the production area, which
                                              education and workforce development,                    NRC about the availability of                         include receipt of irradiated LEU
                                              at all levels of education, should be                   information regarding this document.                  targets, LEU target disassembly and
                                              considered to prepare students, faculty,                You may access publicly-available                     dissolution, and Mo-99 recovery and
                                              and the workforce in the next decade for                information related to this document                  purification, are subject to the NRC
                                              emerging cybersecurity challenges, such                 using any of the following methods:                   licensing requirements of 10 CFR part
                                              as the implications of artificial                          • Federal Rulemaking Website: Go to                50. The processes involved in target
                                              intelligence, quantum computing, and                    http://www.regulations.gov and search                 fabrication that NWMI plans to perform
                                              the Internet of Things on cybersecurity?                for Docket ID NRC–2018–0225. Address                  in a separate area of the RPF would be
                                                 6. What other research and                           questions about Docket IDs in                         subject to the separate NRC licensing
                                              development strategies, plans, or                       Regulations.gov to Jennifer Borges;                   requirements of 10 CFR part 70.
                                              activities, domestic or in other                        telephone: 301–287–9127; email:                          NWMI submitted an environmental
                                              countries, should inform the U.S.                       Jennifer.Borges@nrc.gov. For technical                report with its construction permit
                                              Federal cybersecurity R&D strategic                     questions, contact the individual listed              application, providing environmental
                                              plan?                                                   in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION                        information about all of the processes
                                                 Following the receipt of comments,                   CONTACT section of this document.                     that would occur in both portions of the
                                              the NITRD Cyber Security and                               • NRC’s Agencywide Documents                       RPF. In accordance with Section
                                              Information Assurance Interagency                       Access and Management System                          102(2)(C) of the National Environmental
                                              Working Group under the National                        (ADAMS): You may obtain publicly-                     Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) (42 U.S.C.
                                              Science and Technology Council will                     available documents online in the                     4321 et seq.) and the NRC’s regulations
                                              consider the input provided when                        ADAMS Public Documents collection at                  in 10 CFR part 51, the NRC staff
                                              updating the Federal cybersecurity R&D                  http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/                        prepared an environmental impact
                                              strategic plan.                                         adams.html. To begin the search, select               statement (EIS), NUREG–2209,
                                                 Submitted by the National Science                    ‘‘Begin Web-based ADAMS Search.’’ For                 ‘‘Environmental Impact Statement for
                                              Foundation on behalf of the Networking                  problems with ADAMS, please contact                   the Construction Permit for the
                                              and Information Technology Research                     the NRC’s Public Document Room (PDR)                  Northwest Medical Isotopes
                                              and Development (NITRD) National                        reference staff at 1–800–397–4209, 301–               Radioisotope Production Facility,’’
                                              Coordination Office (NCO) on                            415–4737, or by email to pdr.resource@                dated May 2017 (ADAMS Accession No.
                                              November 7, 2018.                                       nrc.gov. The ADAMS accession number                   ML17130A862) assessing the potential
                                                                                                                                                            impacts of the construction, operation,
                                              Suzanne H. Plimpton,                                    for each document referenced (if it is
                                                                                                                                                            and decommissioning of the proposed
                                              Reports Clearance Officer, National Science             available in ADAMS) is provided the
                                                                                                                                                            RPF on the quality of the human
                                              Foundation.                                             first time that it is mentioned in this
                                                                                                                                                            environment and reasonable
                                              [FR Doc. 2018–24668 Filed 11–9–18; 8:45 am]             document.
                                                                                                                                                            alternatives. The construction and
                                                                                                         • NRC’s PDR: You may examine and
                                              BILLING CODE 7555–01–P                                                                                        operation impacts from the portion of
                                                                                                      purchase copies of public documents at
                                                                                                                                                            the RPF in which 10 CFR part 70 target
                                                                                                      the NRC’s PDR, Room O1–F21, One
                                                                                                                                                            fabrication activities would occur were
                                                                                                      White Flint North, 11555 Rockville
                                              NUCLEAR REGULATORY                                                                                            evaluated as a connected action to the
                                                                                                      Pike, Rockville, Maryland 20852.
                                              COMMISSION                                                                                                    10 CFR part 50 construction permit. A
                                                                                                      FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                      10 CFR part 50 construction permit was
                                              [Docket No. 50–0609; NRC–2018–0225]                     David Tiktinsky, Office of Nuclear                    issued to NWMI on May 9, 2018.
                                                                                                      Material Safety and Safeguards, U.S.
                                              Exemption; Issuance: Northwest                          Nuclear Regulatory Commission,                        II. Request/Action
                                              Medical Isotopes, LLC; Medical                          Washington, DC 20555–0001; telephone:                    The exemption request from NWMI
                                              Radioisotope Production Facility                        301–415–8740, email: David.Tiktinsky@                 was submitted by letter dated December
                                              AGENCY:  Nuclear Regulatory                             nrc.gov.                                              18, 2017 (ADAMS Accession No.
                                              Commission.                                             SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                            ML17362A040), as supplemented by a
                                              ACTION: Exemption; issuance.                                                                                  letter dated March 12, 2018 (ADAMS
                                                                                                      I. Background                                         Accession No. ML18088A175). NWMI is
                                              SUMMARY:   The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory                     NWMI is the holder of Construction                 requesting an exemption from the
                                              Commission (NRC) is issuing an                          Permit No. CPMIF–002 (issued on May                   requirement that the application (and
                                              exemption to Northwest Medical                          9, 2018 (ADAMS Accession No.                          associated environmental report
                                              Isotopes, LLC (NWMI) from the                           ML18037A308) under Part 50 of title 10                required by 10 CFR part 51) for 10 CFR
                                              requirement that an application for an                  of the Code of Federal Regulations (10                part 70 activities be submitted at least
                                              NRC license to possess and use special                  CFR)), which authorizes NWMI to                       9 months prior to commencement of
                                              nuclear material for processing and fuel                construct a medical radioisotope                      construction of the 10 CFR part 70
                                              fabrication, scrap recovery or                          production facility (RPF) in Columbia,                components of the RPF. The activities
                                              conversion of uranium hexafluoride, or                  Missouri. The facility would fabricate                that will be subject to the 10 CFR part
                                              for the conduct of any other activity                   low-enriched uranium (LEU) targets and                70 license application are described in
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1

                                              which the NRC has determined will                       ship them to a network of U.S. research               the construction permit application that
                                              significantly affect the quality of the                 reactors for irradiation, receive                     NWMI previously submitted to the NRC
                                              environment (and the associated                         irradiated LEU targets, disassemble and               under 10 CFR part 50 for an RPF to be
                                              environmental report), be submitted at                  dissolve irradiated LEU targets, and                  constructed in Columbia, Missouri.
                                              least 9 months prior to commencement                    recover and purify Molybdenum-99                      NWMI Preliminary Safety Analyses
                                              of construction of the plant or facility in             (Mo-99). These processes would take                   Report, Chapter 19, ‘‘Environmental
                                              which the activity will be conducted.                   place in a single RPF building divided                Report’’ Corvallis, OR, Revision 0A

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:34 Nov 09, 2018   Jkt 247001   PO 00000   Frm 00106   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\13NON1.SGM   13NON1

                                              56380                      Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 219 / Tuesday, November 13, 2018 / Notices

                                              dated June 2015 (ADAMS Accession                        considering reasonable alternatives, the              goal of establishing a domestic supply of
                                              Nos. ML15210A123, ML15210A128,                          NRC staff’s recommendation, unless                    Mo-99 as stated in the American
                                              ML15210A129, and ML15210A131).                          safety issues mandate otherwise, is the               Medical Isotopes Production Act, 42
                                                 The NRC evaluated the environmental                  issuance of a construction permit to                  U.S.C. 2065 et seq. Accordingly, the
                                              impacts from the 10 CFR part 70 target                  NWMI.                                                 NRC staff has determined that granting
                                              fabrication activities in the RPF as part                  The NRC regulation, 10 CFR 70.17,                  the requested exemption is otherwise in
                                              of its EIS supporting NWMI’s 10 CFR                     allows the NRC to grant exemptions                    the public interest.
                                              part 50 construction permit application.                from the requirements of 10 CFR part 70
                                              The exemption would allow NWMI to                       provided certain findings are made.                   IV. Environmental Consideration
                                              initiate construction of the 10 CFR part                Granting the applicant’s proposed                       As required by 10 CFR 51.21, the NRC
                                              70 components of the RPF upon the                       exemption is not otherwise inconsistent               performed an environmental assessment
                                              issuance of the 10 CFR part 50                          with NRC regulations or other                         (EA) that analyzes the environmental
                                              construction permit for the RPF even if                 applicable laws. As explained below,                  impacts of the proposed exemption in
                                              the 10 CFR 70.21(f) timing requirement                  the proposed exemption will not                       accordance with NEPA. Based on that
                                              is not met.                                             endanger life or property, or the                     EA, the NRC staff has determined not to
                                                                                                      common defense and security, and is                   prepare an EIS for the proposed
                                              III. Discussion
                                                                                                      otherwise in the public interest.                     exemption, and has issued a finding of
                                                 Pursuant to 10 CFR 70.17(a), the                        NWMI indicates that it will submit an              no significant impact (FONSI). The EA
                                              Commission may, upon application of                     environmental report with its                         and FONSI were published in the
                                              any interested person or upon its own                   application for an operating license for              Federal Register on August 29, 2018 (83
                                              initiative, grant such exemptions from                  the entire RPF which the NRC will be                  FR 44068–44070).
                                              the requirements of 10 CFR part 70 as                   able to review for any significant new
                                              it determines are authorized by law and                 information. The NRC will not make a                  V. Conclusion
                                              will not endanger life or property or the               decision on an application to operate                    Accordingly, the NRC has determined
                                              common defense and security and are                     the production portion of the facility                that, pursuant to 10 CFR 70.17, the
                                              otherwise in the public interest.                       under 10 CFR part 50 or a license to                  exemption is authorized by law, will not
                                              Authorized by Law                                       possess and use special nuclear material              endanger life or property or the common
                                                                                                      for target fabrication under 10 CFR part              defense and security, and is otherwise
                                                 The applicant has stated that the                    70 until after the NRC has completed a                in the public interest. Therefore, the
                                              requested exemption from the                            NEPA review based on NWMI’s                           NRC hereby grants NWMI an exemption
                                              requirement to submit an application                    proposed application and                              from the 10 CFR 70.21(f) requirement to
                                              and associated environmental report at                  environmental report, and made the                    submit a 10 CFR part 70 application,
                                              least 9 months prior to the                             appropriate regulatory findings.                      and the associated environmental
                                              commencement of construction of the                     Therefore, the exemption is authorized                report, 9 months prior to the
                                              RPF, including 10 CFR part 70                           by law.                                               commencement of construction, to
                                              components (i.e., the target fabrication                                                                      allow NWMI to begin construction of
                                              facility), will enable it to initiate                   Will Not Endanger Life or Property or                 the 10 CFR part 70 portions of the
                                              construction of the entire RPF based                    the Common Defense and Security                       facility along with the rest of the RPF.
                                              upon the environmental review for the                      Construction of the facility has not yet
                                              10 CFR part 50 construction permit. The                                                                         Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 1st day
                                                                                                      begun. Since the exemption request                    of November 2018.
                                              applicant has also stated there have                    relates to the timing of when                           For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
                                              been no significant changes to the                      construction may begin, the proposed
                                              environmental information that was                                                                            LaDonna Suggs,
                                                                                                      exemption would not: (a) Impact the
                                              previously submitted to the NRC as part                                                                       Acting Deputy Director, Division of Fuel Cycle
                                                                                                      probabilities of evaluated accidents; (b)
                                              of the 10 CFR part 50 construction                                                                            Safety, Safeguards, and Environmental
                                                                                                      affect margins of safety; (c) affect                  Review, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and
                                              permit application. NWMI also stated                    effectiveness of programs contained in                Safeguards.
                                              that it will submit the application and                 licensing documents; (d) increase                     [FR Doc. 2018–24312 Filed 11–9–18; 8:45 am]
                                              environmental report required by 10                     effluents; (e) increase occupational
                                                                                                                                                            BILLING CODE 7590–01–P
                                              CFR 70.21(f) as part of a consolidated                  radiological exposures; or (f) impact
                                              operating license application for both                  operations or decommissioning
                                              the 10 CFR part 50 Production Facility                  activities. The proposed exemption also
                                              and to possess and use special nuclear                                                                        OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND
                                                                                                      will not have an impact on common
                                              material for the 10 CFR part 70 target                                                                        HEALTH REVIEW COMMISSION
                                                                                                      defense and security since the
                                              fabrication facility activities.                        exemption only relates to the timing of
                                                 The staff evaluated the environmental                                                                      Privacy Act of 1974; System of
                                                                                                      construction. NWMI’s construction                     Records
                                              impacts of the RPF, including the 10                    permit does not authorize possession of
                                              CFR part 70 target fabrication activities               any nuclear material at the RPF.                      AGENCY:  Occupational Safety and Health
                                              as a connected action, in the EIS dated                    Based on its evaluation, the NRC staff             Review Commission.
                                              May 31, 2017 (NUREG–2209,                               has determined that this exemption will               ACTION: Notice of a modified system of
                                              ‘‘Environmental Impact Statement for                    not endanger life or property or the                  records.
                                              the Construction Permit for the                         common defense and security.
                                              Northwest Medical Isotopes                                                                                    SUMMARY:  In accordance with the
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1

                                              Radioisotope Production Facility’’,                     Otherwise in the Public Interest                      Privacy Act of 1974, the Occupational
                                              ADAMS Accession No. ML17130A862).                          The NRC staff has determined that                  Safety and Health Review Commission
                                              The staff concludes, as documented in                   granting the proposed exemption would                 (OSHRC) is revising the notice for
                                              the EIS, that after weighing the                        allow for efficient construction of the               Privacy Act system-of-records OSHRC–
                                              environmental, economic, technical,                     NWMI RPF at an earlier date. The                      4.
                                              and other benefits against                              purpose of the NWMI RPF is to produce                 DATES: Comments must be received by
                                              environmental and other costs, and                      medical isotopes and help meet the U.S.               OSHRC on or before December 13, 2018.

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Document Created: 2018-11-10 03:19:09
Document Modified: 2018-11-10 03:19:09
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionExemption; issuance.
DatesThis exemption is being issued on November 13, 2018.
ContactDavid Tiktinsky, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001; telephone: 301-415-8740, email: [email protected]
FR Citation83 FR 56379 

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