83_FR_56966 83 FR 56746 - Energy Conservation Program: Test Procedures for Consumer Warm Air Furnaces, Notice of Petition for Rulemaking

83 FR 56746 - Energy Conservation Program: Test Procedures for Consumer Warm Air Furnaces, Notice of Petition for Rulemaking


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 220 (November 14, 2018)

Page Range56746-56750
FR Document2018-24697

On October 12, 2018, the Department of Energy (DOE) received a petition from the Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) asking DOE to initiate notice-and-comment rulemaking to develop a new, unified test procedure for residential furnaces which would replace the three currently required performance metrics (i.e., annual fuel utilization efficiency (AFUE), fan efficiency ratio (FER), and standby mode/off mode energy consumption (P<INF>W,SB</INF> and P<INF>W,OFF</INF>)) with a single new metric (AFUE2). As the petition acknowledges, a combined metric would necessitate a translation of the existing energy conservation standards applicable to residential furnaces using an appropriate crosswalk. Through this announcement, DOE seeks comment on the petition, as well as any data or information that could be used in DOE's determination whether to proceed with the petition.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 220 (Wednesday, November 14, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 220 (Wednesday, November 14, 2018)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 56746-56750]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-24697]



10 CFR Part 430

Energy Conservation Program: Test Procedures for Consumer Warm 
Air Furnaces, Notice of Petition for Rulemaking

AGENCY: Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Department of 

ACTION: Notice of petition for rulemaking; request for comment.


SUMMARY: On October 12, 2018, the Department of Energy (DOE) received a 
petition from the Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration 
Institute (AHRI) asking DOE to initiate notice-and-comment rulemaking 
to develop a new, unified test procedure for residential furnaces which 
would replace the three currently required performance metrics (i.e., 
annual fuel utilization efficiency (AFUE), fan efficiency ratio (FER), 
and standby mode/off mode energy consumption (PW,SB and 
PW,OFF)) with a single new metric (AFUE2). As the petition 
acknowledges, a combined metric would necessitate a translation of the 
existing energy conservation standards applicable to residential 
furnaces using an appropriate crosswalk. Through this announcement, DOE 
seeks comment on the petition, as well as any data or information that 
could be used in DOE's determination whether to proceed with the 

DATES: Written comments and information are requested on or before 
January 14, 2019.

ADDRESSES: Interested persons are encouraged to submit comments, 
identified by ``Test Procedure for Consumer Warm Air Furnaces 
Petition,'' by any of the following methods:
    Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://www.regulations.gov. Follow the 
instructions for submitting comments.
    Email: ResFurnPet2018PET0017@ee.doe.gov. Include Docket No. EERE-
2018-BT-PET-0017 in the subject line of the message.
    Postal Mail: Appliance and Equipment Standards Program, U.S. 
Department of Energy, Building Technologies Office, Mailstop EE-5B, 
1000 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20585-0121. If possible, 
please submit all items on a compact disc (CD), in which case it is not 
necessary to include printed copies.
    Hand Delivery/Courier: Appliance and Equipment Standards Program, 
U.S. Department of Energy, Building Technologies Office, 950 L'Enfant 
Plaza SW, Suite 600, Washington, DC 20024. Telephone: (202) 287-1445. 
If possible, please submit all items on a CD, in which case it is not 
necessary to include printed copies.
    Docket: For access to the docket to read background documents, or 
comments received, go to the Federal eRulemaking Portal at: http://www.regulations.gov/docket?D=EERE-2018-BT-PET-0017.

Energy, Office of the General Counsel, 1000 Independence Avenue SW, 
Washington, DC 20585. Telephone: (202) 586-9507. Email: 

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Administrative Procedure Act (APA), 5 
U.S.C. 551 et seq., provides among other things, that ``[e]ach agency 
shall give an interested person the right to petition for the issuance, 
amendment, or repeal of a rule.'' (5 U.S.C. 553(e)) DOE received a 
petition from AHRI, as described in this notice and set forth verbatim 
below,\1\ requesting that DOE

[[Page 56747]]

develop a new test procedure for residential furnaces with a combined 
metric (annual fuel utilization efficiency 2 (AFUE2)), which would 
encompass the three existing metrics currently required (i.e., AFUE, 
FER, and PW,SB/PW,OFF). In promulgating this 
petition for public comment, DOE is seeking views on whether it should 
grant the petition and undertake a rulemaking to consider the proposal 
contained in the petition. By seeking comment on whether to grant this 
petition, DOE takes no position at this time regarding the merits of 
the suggested rulemaking or the assertions in AHRI's petition.

    \1\ Attachments and data submitted by AHRI with its petition for 
rulemaking are available in the docket at http://www.regulations.gov/docket?D=EERE-2018-BT-PET-0017.

    In its petition, AHRI requests that DOE undertake notice-and-
comment rulemaking to develop a new test procedure for residential warm 
air furnaces that would consolidate all aspects of the regulation of 
such furnaces using a single metric (AFUE2) and yield a unified 
timeline for rulemaking and compliance. Currently, residential furnaces 
are subject to separate requirements for heating (AFUE), air 
circulation (FER), and standby mode and off mode energy consumptions 
(power in watts for standby mode and off mode (PW,SB and 
PW,OFF)). The petitioner asserts that its recommended single 
metric would reduce regulatory burden on manufacturers by streamlining 
test requirements and aligning regulatory review schedules, thereby 
promoting design flexibility and product innovation. The petitioner 
further asserts that consumers would also benefit by having a single, 
combined metric for product comparison purposes and by receiving some 
portion of anticipated cost savings, all of which could be achieved 
without sacrificing energy savings. As the petition acknowledges, a 
combined metric would necessitate a translation of the existing energy 
conservation standards applicable to residential furnaces using an 
appropriate crosswalk.
    DOE welcomes comments and views of interested parties on any aspect 
of the petition for rulemaking.
    In conjunction with its petition, AHRI requested that DOE not 
enforce the reporting, certification and compliance obligations related 
to the furnace fan energy conservation standards (for which compliance 
is required on July 3, 2019) pending consideration of this petition for 
rulemaking.\2\ In response to AHRI's request, DOE is issuing an 
enforcement policy regarding enforcement of the furnace fan standards. 
Further details will be provided on the DOE website.\3\

    \2\ AHRI's request is available in the docket at http://www.regulations.gov/docket?D=EERE-2018-BT-PET-0017.
    \3\ See http://www.energy.gov/gc/enforcement/.

Submission of Comments

    DOE invites all interested parties to submit in writing by January 
14, 2019 comments and information regarding this petition.
    Submitting comments via http://www.regulations.gov. The http://www.regulations.gov webpage will require you to provide your name and 
contact information prior to submitting comments. Your contact 
information will be viewable to DOE Building Technologies staff only. 
Your contact information will not be publicly viewable except for your 
first and last names, organization name (if any), and submitter 
representative name (if any). If your comment is not processed properly 
because of technical difficulties, DOE will use this information to 
contact you. If DOE cannot read your comment due to technical 
difficulties and cannot contact you for clarification, DOE may not be 
able to consider your comment.
    However, your contact information will be publicly viewable if you 
include it in the comment or in any documents attached to your comment. 
Any information that you do not want to be publicly viewable should not 
be included in your comment, nor in any document attached to your 
comment. Persons viewing comments will see only first and last names, 
organization names, correspondence containing comments, and any 
documents submitted with the comments.
    Do not submit to http://www.regulations.gov information for which 
disclosure is restricted by statute, such as trade secrets and 
commercial or financial information (hereinafter referred to as 
Confidential Business Information (CBI)). Comments submitted through 
http://www.regulations.gov cannot be claimed as CBI. Comments received 
through the website will waive any CBI claims for the information 
submitted. For information on submitting CBI, see the Confidential 
Business Information section.
    DOE processes submissions made through http://www.regulations.gov 
before posting. Normally, comments will be posted within a few days of 
being submitted. However, if large volumes of comments are being 
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    Submitting comments via email, hand delivery, or postal mail. 
Comments and documents via email, hand delivery, or postal mail will 
also be posted to http://www.regulations.gov. If you do not want your 
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contact information on a cover letter. Include your first and last 
names, email address, telephone number, and optional mailing address. 
The cover letter will not be publicly viewable as long as it does not 
include any comments.
    Include contact information in your cover letter each time you 
submit comments, data, documents, and other information to DOE. If you 
submit via postal mail or hand delivery, please provide all items on a 
CD, if feasible, in which case it is not necessary to submit printed 
copies. No telefacsimiles (faxes) will be accepted.
    Comments, data, and other information submitted electronically 
should be provided in PDF (preferred), Microsoft Word or Excel, 
WordPerfect, or text (ASCII) file format. Provide documents that are 
not secured, written in English, and free of any defects or viruses. 
Documents should not include any special characters or any form of 
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signature of the author.
    Campaign form letters. Please submit campaign form letters by the 
originating organization in batches of between 50 to 500 form letters 
per PDF or as one form letter with a list of supporters' names compiled 
into one or more PDFs. This reduces comment processing and posting 
    Confidential Business Information. Pursuant to 10 CFR 1004.11, any 
person submitting information that he or she believes to be 
confidential and exempt by law from public disclosure should submit via 
email, postal mail, or hand delivery two well-marked copies: One copy 
of the document marked ``Confidential'' including all the information 
believed to be confidential, and one copy of the document marked ``Non-
confidential'' with the information believed to be confidential 
deleted. Submit these documents via email or on a CD, if feasible. DOE 
will make its own determination about the confidential status of the 
information and treat it according to its determination.

[[Page 56748]]

    Factors of interest to DOE when evaluating requests to treat 
submitted information as confidential include: (1) A description of the 
items; (2) whether and why such items are customarily treated as 
confidential within the industry; (3) whether the information is 
generally known by or available from other sources; (4) whether the 
information has previously been made available to others without 
obligation concerning its confidentiality; (5) an explanation of the 
competitive injury to the submitting person which would result from 
public disclosure; (6) when such information might lose its 
confidential character due to the passage of time, and (7) why 
disclosure of the information would be contrary to the public interest.
    It is DOE's policy that all comments may be included in the public 
docket, without change and as received, including any personal 
information provided in the comments (except information deemed to be 
exempt from public disclosure).
    DOE considers public participation to be a very important part of 
its process for considering rulemaking petitions. DOE actively 
encourages the participation and interaction of the public during the 
comment period. Interactions with and between members of the public 
provide a balanced discussion of the issues and assist DOE in 
determining how to proceed with a petition. Anyone who wishes to be 
added to DOE mailing list to receive future notices and information 
about this petition should contact Appliance and Equipment Standards 
Program staff at (202) 287-1445 or via email at 

Approval of the Office of the Secretary

    The Secretary of Energy has approved publication of this notice of 
petition for rulemaking.

    Signed in Washington, DC, on November 2, 2018.
Kathleen B. Hogan,
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency, Energy Efficiency and 
Renewable Energy.

Before the

Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

Energy Conservation Program:
Test Procedures for Consumer Warm Air Furnaces


    The Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute 
(AHRI) submits this Petition for a Rulemaking to formally request 
that the Department of Energy (DOE or the Department) promulgate a 
new test procedure for residential furnaces pursuant to its 
authority under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (EPCA), 42 
U.S.C. Sec.  6293. Currently, three separate Federal test procedures 
measure three different performance characteristics of consumer 
warm-air furnaces: fuel efficiency (AFUE), air-movement efficiency 
(FER), and stand-by/off-mode energy consumption. AHRI petitions DOE 
to establish a new test procedure that will designate a single 
efficiency metric for the entire product and replace the existing 
test procedures for all three performance characteristics. A whole-
product test procedure and single performance metric will reduce 
regulatory burden and increase opportunity for innovation.

AHRI Petitions DOE to Conduct a Notice-and-Comment Rulemaking to Adopt 
the AFUE2 Test Procedure and Metric for Residential Furnaces

    AHRI is the trade association representing air conditioning, 
heating, commercial refrigeration, and ventilation equipment 
manufacturers. AHRI advocates for the HVACR industry, administers a 
third-party certification program that verifies the performance of 
HVACR equipment, and publishes global industry standards. Many of 
AHRI's 315 members design, develop, and manufacture residential 
furnaces. Any AHRI member that manufactures a furnace for sale in 
the United States or Canada is eligible to participate in AHRI's 
Furnace Product Section. The Furnace Engineering Committee is a 
subcommittee of the Furnace Product Section and is comprised of 
furnace product engineers with decades of experience. Over a year 
ago, the Furnace Engineering Committee identified challenges with 
the existing residential furnace Federal test procedures and has 
dedicated its time and resources to developing a more functional and 
facile test procedure. The goal of the new test procedure is to 
combine the three existing furnace test procedures into a single 
test using a single metric: AFUE2.\4\

    \4\ During previous discussions with DOE about unrelated 
performance metric changes, DOE staff indicated that the name of a 
metric is mandated by statute, and therefore any metric change must 
retain the codified nomenclature. If upon further review, DOE 
determines that the nomenclature, like the test procedure, is 
mutable, then AHRI encourages DOE to adopt a fitting identifier for 
the metric. AHRI is not bound to ``AFUE2.''

I. Description of the Test Method and Metric

    The AFUE2 test procedure is based upon the methods established 
by the ASHRAE 103-2017 AFUE test procedure; \5\ the Federal FER test 
procedure (10 CFR Sec.  430 Appx AA); and the Federal stand-by loss/
off-mode test procedure (10 CFR Sec.  430 Appx N). The AFUE2 metric 
accounts for furnace fuel, fan power, and stand-by and off-mode 
power consumption. The measured value represents the sum of usable 
heat and fan benefit, divided by the total fuel and electricity 
consumed. A draft of the test procedure is attached.\6\ For the 
benefit of the Department and the public, a description of the 
notable features of the test procedure and metric are provided 

    \5\ AFUE2 fuel efficiency measures are based primarily on ASHRAE 
103-2017. DOE has codified ASHRAE 103-1993 in 10 CFR Sec.  430 Appx 
N. The relevant portions of the ASHRAE 103-2017 that are referenced 
in the AFUE2 test procedure are similar to the equivalent provisions 
in ASHRAE 103-1993/10 CFR 430 Appendix N. Other provisions, related 
to cyclic testing, are only applicable to products with draft hoods 
and draft diverter technologies.
    \6\ Exhibit 1 AFUE2 Draft Test Procedure.

    The first step in the process is to measure the fuel 
consumption. The furnace is set up and measurements are taken in 
accordance with the most current industry test standard, ASHRAE 103-
2017.\7\ The AFUE2 test procedure differs most significantly from 
the ASHRAE 103-2017 test procedure by including only steady-state 
testing and excluding cyclic testing for fuel and oil furnace models 
currently available in the U.S. market.\8\ Cyclic testing is time 
consuming and requires the execution of complex calculations, and 
the value of the cyclic testing is limited at best. AHRI's data 
indicates that for the vast majority of modern products, the steady-
state efficiency accurately represents the AFUE efficiency, and 
cyclic testing and calculations are unnecessary. Based on an 
analysis of over 100 models, only a handful demonstrated greater 
than a 1% difference between measured AFUE and steady-state 
efficiencies (less jacket loss).\9\ The average difference between 
actual AFUE and steady-state efficiencies is close to zero. The 
elimination of cyclic testing for currently compliant products is 
warranted and reduces testing burden without sacrificing accuracy. 
Notably, to close any loopholes that might permit technology 
backsliding, the test procedure specifies that products that 
incorporate draft hoods and draft diverter technologies must 
complete the cyclic testing procedures published in ASHRAE 103-2017. 
AHRI is not aware of any furnaces on the market today that 
incorporate these technologies.

    \7\ Per Note 2, DOE regulations currently refer to the ASHRAE 
103-1993, but the test set-up is the same with some clarifications.
    \8\ These are models with power burners as defined by the DOE 
test procedures.
    \9\ Exhibit 2: Calculations reflecting steady-state efficiency 
and measured AFUE efficiency.

    After the fuel consumption is measured, the next step in the 
procedure is to turn off the equipment and measure the electrical 
consumption of the furnace when not in heating mode. The procedure 
for measuring and calculating stand-by and off-mode energy use is 
identical to the Federal method.
    Finally, the ventilation energy consumption is measured. The 
AFUE2 test method for measuring and calculating ventilation energy 
consumption is based on the FER test procedure, with some 
significant changes. First, the AFUE2 test procedure describes set-
up and settings for the ventilation test in greater detail than the 
FER test procedure. For example, the AFUE2 test procedure 
specifically identifies the location of the external static pressure 
taps. These set-up descriptions are intended to reduce test-to-test 
    The AFUE2 test procedure also clarifies the hierarchy of speed 
taps settings for the

[[Page 56749]]

various modes of ventilation testing. The FER procedure directs 
manufacturers to test using the ``maximum airflow settings,'' but 
this description is ambiguous and can lead to absurd results 
depending on its interpretation. The AFUE2 test procedure specifies 
that the airflow be set according to the installation and operations 
manual, and the test procedure prescribes which airflow setting 
should be selected if there is overlap between operating modes. If 
the manual identifies the maximum airflow during the heating mode, 
and the second highest airflow during cooling mode, then the speed 
taps should be set accordingly: first heating, then cooling. If the 
heating and cooling mode airflows are the same, then the cooling 
mode speed tap is set first, which reflects how the furnace would 
operate in the field.
    Finally, manufacturers have been challenged with the 
repeatability of the FER test. Testing has demonstrated more than a 
5% difference among tests on the same unit. The poor repeatability 
of the FER measurements is resolved in AFUE2 due to the relatively 
small proportion of the electrical consumption. The AFUE fuel 
efficiency test is well established and repeatable, so overall AFUE2 
will be much more repeatable than FER.

II. The AFUE2 Metric Prevents Double Regulation

    AFUE2 efficiency is the sum of the fan benefit and usable heat, 
divided by electric and fuel consumption, all weighted by operating 
hours. The calculations for AFUE2 and FER are based on different 
operating hours. The hours differ in two meaningful ways: (1) The 
cooling hours are derived directly from AHRI Standard 210/240, which 
is incorporated by reference into the Federal standard for central 
air conditioners; and (2) package equipment is ascribed zero fan 
operating hours in the cooling mode. The AFUE2 test procedure relies 
on cooling mode operating hours from AHRI Standard 210/240 based on 
the simple logic that air conditioners conduct the cooling during 
furnace-ventilation cooling mode and air conditioner operating hours 
are already defined in AHRI 210/240. Harmonizing the two standards 
is preferable and logical, and assigning different operating hours 
in two different regulations for what is essentially the same 
product is arbitrary. Packaged equipment is assigned zero operating 
hours because the ventilation electricity consumption is already 
directly regulated by DOE's air conditioning standard. DOE is 
strictly prohibited from regulating the same product twice. Two 
separate regulations (SEER and FER) imposed on the same component of 
a single type of equipment is contrary to DOE's statutory authority. 
Eliminating operating hours for packaged equipment permits the 
furnace to be measured by AFUE2 without double-regulating the 
ventilation energy use.
    Aside from the above distinctions, most of the methods and 
measurements from the currently applicable test procedures and 
metrics are reflected in the AFUE2 test procedure and metric. The 
ultimate goal of combining the AFUE, FER, and stand-by/off-mode test 
procedures is to streamline the testing requirements, align 
regulatory review schedules, and reduce regulatory burden.

III. Establishing the AFUE2 as the Federal Test Procedure and Metric Is 
in the Public Interest

A. A Combined Test Procedure and Metric Reduces Burden

    The AFUE2 test procedure and metric will decrease the regulatory 
burden. At least six different regulations apply to consumer furnace 
efficiency: (1) AFUE test procedure (2) AFUE energy conservation 
standard (3) FER test procedure (4) FER energy conservation standard 
(5) stand-by loss/off-mode test procedure (6) stand-by loss/off-mode 
energy conservation standard. Each of these regulations is subject 
to mandatory review--every six years for energy conservation 
standards and every seven years for test procedures. Each of the six 
applicable regulations follows a different schedule, which places 
the equipment manufacturers, distributors, contractors and DOE in a 
constant state of change and adjustment. The AFUE test procedure was 
most recently finalized in 2016. DOE is required to review it again 
by 2023. The FER test procedure was finalized in 2014; it will be 
reviewed by 2021. The stand-by loss test procedure was finalized in 
2013; it will be reviewed by 2020. Stand-by and off-mode test 
procedures were amended in 2012 and are due for review in 2019. 
Energy conservation standards for stand-by and FER were published in 
2013 and 2014, respectively, while the AFUE standard has been under 
review since 2011. Industry expects that energy conservation 
standards will be reviewed again in 2019 and 2020. The Department is 
perennially reviewing and amending furnace regulations, while 
manufacturers pour time and resources into public comments, testing, 
redesign, and ever-shifting compliance requirements. The total 
reduction in regulatory burden resulting from implementation of 
AFUE2 will save manufacturers more than $250 million over thirty 

    \10\ Exhibit 3, ``Estimated Benefits of AFUE2''

    If DOE adopts the AFUE2 test procedure that assesses all three 
performance characteristics simultaneously, then the Department 
would only have to conduct a test procedure rulemaking process once 
every seven years. Similarly, combining the performance measurements 
into a single metric will obviate the need for three separate energy 
conservation standards, and DOE will only have to review energy 
conservation standards once every six years.
    Resource savings to the Department are relevant, but pale in 
comparison to the significant savings afforded manufacturers, and 
consequently consumers, if DOE were to combine the test metric and 
eliminate four of six rulemaking review cycles. Multiple discordant 
regulatory requirements generate unnecessary costs. For example, 
manufacturers must run an FER test, and a separate AFUE test, and 
stand-by loss testing. The incremental costs of the equipment, the 
set-up, mounting on the test stand, the laboratory time, and 
technician costs can be drastically reduced by conducting one test 
instead of three. The alignment of review cycles and redesign cycles 
further reduces repetitive testing required for design development 
and safety certifications. The AFUE2 test procedure mimics many of 
the existing test methods, but the merging of the instances of 
active testing cuts superfluous costs.\11\

    \11\ Id.

    Every time DOE makes an amendment to any of the applicable 
regulations, manufacturers must redesign equipment, make capital 
investments to update manufacturing facilities, republish all 
marketing literature, and educate distributors, contractors, and 
consumers about the change. Merging six rulemaking cycles into two 
dramatically reduces the compliance burden associated with 
regulatory changes because changes will occur two-thirds less 
frequently. Manufacturers can pass on significant savings to 
consumers by making all required changes to their furnaces within a 
single design-cycle rather than spending resources on unnecessary 
tooling, design, testing, production introduction, training and 
other related costs.\12\ Less frequent regulatory changes offer 
greater certainty to manufacturers, which promotes investment in 
innovation and product improvements.

    \12\ Id.

    Crucially, reduced costs for manufacturers and consumers does 
not translate to lost energy savings. Fewer regulatory review cycles 
does not mean regulatory roll-back or less oversight. AHRI is 
confident that DOE will take no less interest in the 
representativeness and effectiveness of the applicable test 
procedure as a result of this change. And each energy conservation 
standard review remains targeted at achieving the ``maximum energy 
savings'' that are economically justified. Ultimately, DOE will be 
able to look at the furnace as a whole and make necessary 
adjustments to testing and energy conservation during a single 
rulemaking review instead of executing its mandate piecemeal.

B. The AFUE2 Test Procedure and Metric Will Increase Innovation

    As discussed above, the AFUE2 test metric combines three 
performance characteristics into a single measure. The current 
approach fragments furnace efficiency into three separate minimum 
requirements: stand-by/off mode, ventilation, and fuel efficiency. 
The practice of setting minimums for discrete characteristics of a 
single product is overly prescriptive; this approach drives product 
development in only one direction. Component level regulation 
restricts design choices between manufacturers. AFUE2 gives 
manufacturers more design flexibility on how they achieve overall 
energy savings. The AFUE2 test method and metric requires 
manufacturers to account for all three performance characteristics, 
but it promotes innovation by allowing for internal efficiency 
trade-offs at the product level. Product designers must be given 
license to develop better ways to save fuel and electricity while 
improving the quality and performance of the equipment. A combined 
metric saves energy

[[Page 56750]]

without prescribing multiple engineering requirements.

C. The Combined Metric Is Easier for Consumers To Use and 

    AFUE2 is easier for consumers to understand. It is difficult for 
the average consumer to distinguish between the fuel efficiency of a 
furnace, the electric efficiency of the furnace fans and the watts 
saved or lost during stand-by or off-mode. The average consumer 
considers three separate measures for a single product unnecessarily 
complex and unhelpful. A single metric will serve as an easy basis 
of comparison between all fuel furnace types. A simple label can 
concisely represent the single efficiency metric and provide 
approximate costs of operation, which is a chief concern of 
    The AFUE2 test method and metric improves consumer utility of 
the efficiency information. Furnace manufacturers question the 
technical viability of the FER test procedure and metric. A separate 
regulation for ventilation energy disproportionately emphasizes the 
electrical consumption of a furnace, when the fuel consumption is 
much more significant to consumers. A representative proportion of 
energy use by both parts is described by AFUE2.

IV. Metric Changes Require a Crosswalk

    AHRI requests that DOE adopt the AFUE2 test procedure pursuant 
to a notice-and-comment rulemaking. The Department has statutory 
authority to amend test procedures under 42 U.S.C. 6293(e) of EPCA. 
The statute prescribes steps to establish a crosswalk from the 
previous metric to the new metric. Specifically, EPCA states that 
DOE ``shall determine, in the rulemaking carried out with respect to 
prescribing such procedure, to what extent, if any, the proposed 
test procedure would alter the measured energy efficiency . . . of a 
covered product as determined under the existing test procedure.''
    The transition from three independent metrics to one integrated 
product metric will demonstrably ``alter the measured efficiency.'' 
As such, DOE ``shall amend the applicable energy conservation 
standard during the rulemaking carried out with respect to such test 
procedure. In determining the amended energy conservation standard, 
the Secretary shall measure, pursuant to the amended test procedure, 
the energy efficiency . . . of a representative sample of covered 
products that minimally comply with the existing standard. The 
average of such energy efficiency . . . determined under the amended 
test procedure shall constitute the amended conservation standard 
for the applicable covered products.''
    AHRI has begun analyzing testing data to assist in the 
development of the required crosswalk. A representative sample of 
furnaces that are ``minimally compliant'' with energy conservation 
minimums at each furnace product class will be tested, rated, and 
averaged. This average will provide a degradation factor that can be 
applied to all furnaces within that product class to ensure 
equivalence across product lines with the current AFUE metric. 
Uniquely, this particular crosswalk requires translation from three 
performance characteristics to one product efficiency measure, and 
each of those performance characteristic standards are currently 
further divided into separate product classes. It will likely be 
necessary to adjust the calculated baseline efficiencies to ensure 
that the maximum permissible energy use of the furnace reflects 
minimally compliant furnaces at each product class for each metric.
    For example, minimally compliant non-weatherized natural gas 
furnaces are currently rated with an AFUE of 80%. Based on 
preliminary estimates, after the application of the degradation 
factor, the baseline efficiencies for the AFUE2 rating is 77%.\13\ 
The FER and stand-by loss regulations also specify different product 
classes for which the minimally compliant product will also have to 
be measured and averaged. Using this data, the baseline minimum 
efficiencies can be adjusted upward to ensure all current energy use 
is appropriately captured. More testing is required to assign values 
to this methodology.

    \13\ The 3% degradation factor is based on preliminary findings. 
AHRI will provide more substantial testing to support a degradation 
factor as more tests are conducted. The preliminary value will 
likely change with more data.

    Crosswalks can create havoc in the market if not carefully 
executed. AHRI urges DOE to work with stakeholders to ensure a 
precise and simple transition from ``AFUE + FER + Stand-by/off-
mode'' to ``AFUE2.'' For clarity, AHRI recommends that the baseline 
efficiency for translation is the AFUE minimum for each residential 
furnace product class. Maintaining the established product class 
structure for residential furnaces will have the least disruptive 
impact on the market. As described above, these baseline 
efficiencies can be adjusted to ensure that maximum energy use and 
minimum efficiencies remain steady, but the decades-old definitions 
and classifications remain constant for ease of market adoption.

V. AHRI Requests a Prompt Response

    Finally, AHRI requests that DOE act promptly to initiate a 
notice-and-comment rulemaking to adopt the proffered test procedure 
and metric as soon as possible. The FER minimum efficiency standards 
go into effect in July of 2019, and DOE will have to expedite the 
release of a notice of proposed rulemaking to ensure that 
manufacturers do not have to comply with one metric and test 
procedure while preparing to comply with another. AHRI appreciates 
the consideration that DOE will give this petition and thanks the 
Department in advance for its attention to this petition.


Caroline Davidson-Hood,
General Counsel.

Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute
2311 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 400
Arlington, Virginia 22201
    (703) 600-0383

[FR Doc. 2018-24697 Filed 11-13-18; 8:45 am]

     56746             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 220 / Wednesday, November 14, 2018 / Proposed Rules

     contained in the proposed rule issued                   circulation in the almond producing                   acknowledges, a combined metric
     by the Administrator on July 2, 2018,                   areas.                                                would necessitate a translation of the
     and published in the Federal Register                   *      *    *     *    *                              existing energy conservation standards
     (83 FR 31473) on July 6, 2018, will be                     (3) The Board may recommend,                       applicable to residential furnaces using
     and are the terms and provisions of this                subject to the approval of the Secretary,             an appropriate crosswalk. Through this
     order amending the Order and are set                    a change to the nomination method,                    announcement, DOE seeks comment on
     forth in full herein.                                   should the Board determine that a                     the petition, as well as any data or
                                                             revision is necessary.                                information that could be used in DOE’s
     List of Subjects in 7 CFR Part 981
                                                             *      *    *     *    *                              determination whether to proceed with
       Almonds, Marketing agreements,                        ■ 3. Amend § 981.33 by revising the first             the petition.
     Nuts, Reporting and recordkeeping                       sentence of paragraphs (a) and (b),                   DATES: Written comments and
     requirements.                                           revising the last sentence of paragraph               information are requested on or before
       Dated: November 7, 2018.                              (c), and adding paragraph (d) to read as              January 14, 2019.
     Bruce Summers,
                                                             follows:                                              ADDRESSES: Interested persons are
                                                                                                                   encouraged to submit comments,
     Administrator, Agricultural Marketing                   § 981.33    Selection and term of office.
     Service.                                                                                                      identified by ‘‘Test Procedure for
                                                                (a) Members and their respective                   Consumer Warm Air Furnaces Petition,’’
       For the reasons discussed in the                      alternates for positions open on the                  by any of the following methods:
     Preamble, 7 CFR part 981 is proposed to                 Board shall be selected by the Secretary                Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://
     be amended as follows.                                  from persons nominated pursuant to                    www.regulations.gov. Follow the
                                                             § 981.32, or, at the discretion of the                instructions for submitting comments.
     PART 981—ALMONDS GROWN IN                               Secretary, from other qualified persons,                Email: ResFurnPet2018PET0017@
     CALIFORNIA                                              for a term of office beginning August 1.              ee.doe.gov. Include Docket No. EERE–
                                                             * * *                                                 2018–BT–PET–0017 in the subject line
     ■ 1. The authority citation for 7 CFR                      (b) The term of office of members of               of the message.
     part 981 continues to read as follows:                  the Board shall be for a period of three                Postal Mail: Appliance and
         Authority: 7 U.S.C. 601–674.                        years beginning on August 1 of the years              Equipment Standards Program, U.S.
                                                             selected except where otherwise                       Department of Energy, Building
     ■ 2. Amend § 981.32 by revising                         provided. * * *                                       Technologies Office, Mailstop EE–5B,
     paragraph (a)(1) and adding paragraph                      (c) * * * This limitation on tenure                1000 Independence Avenue SW,
     (a)(3) to read as follows:                              shall not apply to alternate members.                 Washington, DC 20585–0121. If
                                                                (d) The Board may recommend,                       possible, please submit all items on a
     § 981.32   Nominations.                                 subject to approval of the Secretary,                 compact disc (CD), in which case it is
        (a) Method. (1) Each year the terms of               revisions to the start date for the term              not necessary to include printed copies.
     office of three of the members elected                  of office of members of the Board.                      Hand Delivery/Courier: Appliance
     pursuant to § 981.31(a) and (b) shall                   [FR Doc. 2018–24727 Filed 11–13–18; 8:45 am]          and Equipment Standards Program, U.S.
     expire, except every third year when the                BILLING CODE 3410–02–P                                Department of Energy, Building
     term of office for two of those members                                                                       Technologies Office, 950 L’Enfant Plaza
     shall expire. Nominees for each                                                                               SW, Suite 600, Washington, DC 20024.
     respective member and alternate                         DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY                                  Telephone: (202) 287–1445. If possible,
     member shall be chosen by ballot                                                                              please submit all items on a CD, in
     delivered to the Board. Nominees                        10 CFR Part 430                                       which case it is not necessary to include
     chosen by the Board in this manner                                                                            printed copies.
     shall be submitted by the Board to the                  Energy Conservation Program: Test                       Docket: For access to the docket to
     Secretary on or before June 1 of each                   Procedures for Consumer Warm Air                      read background documents, or
     year together with such information as                  Furnaces, Notice of Petition for                      comments received, go to the Federal
     the Secretary may require. If a                         Rulemaking                                            eRulemaking Portal at: http://
     nomination for any Board member or                      AGENCY: Office of Energy Efficiency and               www.regulations.gov/docket?D=EERE-
     alternate is not received by the Secretary              Renewable Energy, Department of                       2018-BT-PET-0017.
     on or before June 1, the Secretary may                  Energy.                                               FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr.
     select such member or alternate from                    ACTION: Notice of petition for                        Eric Stas, U.S. Department of Energy,
     persons belonging to the group to be                    rulemaking; request for comment.                      Office of the General Counsel, 1000
     represented without nomination. The                                                                           Independence Avenue SW, Washington,
     Board shall mail to all handlers and                    SUMMARY:   On October 12, 2018, the                   DC 20585. Telephone: (202) 586–9507.
     growers, other than the cooperative(s) of               Department of Energy (DOE) received a                 Email: Eric.Stas@hq.doe.gov.
     record, the required ballots with all                   petition from the Air-Conditioning,                   SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The
     necessary voting information including                  Heating, and Refrigeration Institute                  Administrative Procedure Act (APA), 5
     the names of incumbents willing to                      (AHRI) asking DOE to initiate notice-                 U.S.C. 551 et seq., provides among other
     accept renomination, and, to such                       and-comment rulemaking to develop a                   things, that ‘‘[e]ach agency shall give an
     growers, the name of any person                         new, unified test procedure for                       interested person the right to petition
     proposed for nomination in a petition                   residential furnaces which would                      for the issuance, amendment, or repeal
     signed by at least 15 such growers and                  replace the three currently required                  of a rule.’’ (5 U.S.C. 553(e)) DOE
     filed with the Board on or before April                 performance metrics (i.e., annual fuel                received a petition from AHRI, as
     1. Distribution of ballots shall be                     utilization efficiency (AFUE), fan                    described in this notice and set forth
     announced by press release, furnishing                  efficiency ratio (FER), and standby                   verbatim below,1 requesting that DOE
     pertinent information on balloting,                     mode/off mode energy consumption
     issued by the Board through newspapers                  (PW,SB and PW,OFF)) with a single new                    1 Attachments and data submitted by AHRI with

     and other publications having general                   metric (AFUE2). As the petition                       its petition for rulemaking are available in the

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                       Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 220 / Wednesday, November 14, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                            56747

     develop a new test procedure for                        enforcement policy regarding                           tracking number that http://
     residential furnaces with a combined                    enforcement of the furnace fan                         www.regulations.gov provides after you
     metric (annual fuel utilization efficiency              standards. Further details will be                     have successfully uploaded your
     2 (AFUE2)), which would encompass                       provided on the DOE website.3                          comment.
     the three existing metrics currently                                                                              Submitting comments via email, hand
                                                             Submission of Comments
     required (i.e., AFUE, FER, and PW,SB/                                                                          delivery, or postal mail. Comments and
     PW,OFF). In promulgating this petition for                 DOE invites all interested parties to               documents via email, hand delivery, or
     public comment, DOE is seeking views                    submit in writing by January 14, 2019                  postal mail will also be posted to http://
     on whether it should grant the petition                 comments and information regarding                     www.regulations.gov. If you do not want
     and undertake a rulemaking to consider                  this petition.                                         your personal contact information to be
     the proposal contained in the petition.                    Submitting comments via http://                     publicly viewable, do not include it in
     By seeking comment on whether to                        www.regulations.gov. The http://                       your comment or any accompanying
     grant this petition, DOE takes no                       www.regulations.gov webpage will                       documents. Instead, provide your
     position at this time regarding the                     require you to provide your name and                   contact information on a cover letter.
     merits of the suggested rulemaking or                   contact information prior to submitting                Include your first and last names, email
     the assertions in AHRI’s petition.                      comments. Your contact information                     address, telephone number, and
        In its petition, AHRI requests that                  will be viewable to DOE Building                       optional mailing address. The cover
     DOE undertake notice-and-comment                        Technologies staff only. Your contact                  letter will not be publicly viewable as
     rulemaking to develop a new test                        information will not be publicly
                                                                                                                    long as it does not include any
     procedure for residential warm air                      viewable except for your first and last
     furnaces that would consolidate all                     names, organization name (if any), and
                                                                                                                       Include contact information in your
     aspects of the regulation of such                       submitter representative name (if any).
                                                                                                                    cover letter each time you submit
                                                             If your comment is not processed
     furnaces using a single metric (AFUE2)                                                                         comments, data, documents, and other
                                                             properly because of technical
     and yield a unified timeline for                                                                               information to DOE. If you submit via
                                                             difficulties, DOE will use this
     rulemaking and compliance. Currently,                                                                          postal mail or hand delivery, please
                                                             information to contact you. If DOE
     residential furnaces are subject to                                                                            provide all items on a CD, if feasible, in
                                                             cannot read your comment due to
     separate requirements for heating                                                                              which case it is not necessary to submit
                                                             technical difficulties and cannot contact
     (AFUE), air circulation (FER), and                                                                             printed copies. No telefacsimiles (faxes)
                                                             you for clarification, DOE may not be
     standby mode and off mode energy                                                                               will be accepted.
                                                             able to consider your comment.
     consumptions (power in watts for                           However, your contact information                      Comments, data, and other
     standby mode and off mode (PW,SB and                    will be publicly viewable if you include               information submitted electronically
     PW,OFF)). The petitioner asserts that its               it in the comment or in any documents                  should be provided in PDF (preferred),
     recommended single metric would                         attached to your comment. Any                          Microsoft Word or Excel, WordPerfect,
     reduce regulatory burden on                             information that you do not want to be                 or text (ASCII) file format. Provide
     manufacturers by streamlining test                      publicly viewable should not be                        documents that are not secured, written
     requirements and aligning regulatory                    included in your comment, nor in any                   in English, and free of any defects or
     review schedules, thereby promoting                     document attached to your comment.                     viruses. Documents should not include
     design flexibility and product                          Persons viewing comments will see only                 any special characters or any form of
     innovation. The petitioner further                      first and last names, organization                     encryption, and, if possible, they should
     asserts that consumers would also                       names, correspondence containing                       carry the electronic signature of the
     benefit by having a single, combined                    comments, and any documents                            author.
     metric for product comparison purposes                  submitted with the comments.                              Campaign form letters. Please submit
     and by receiving some portion of                           Do not submit to http://                            campaign form letters by the originating
     anticipated cost savings, all of which                  www.regulations.gov information for                    organization in batches of between 50 to
     could be achieved without sacrificing                   which disclosure is restricted by statute,             500 form letters per PDF or as one form
     energy savings. As the petition                         such as trade secrets and commercial or                letter with a list of supporters’ names
     acknowledges, a combined metric                         financial information (hereinafter                     compiled into one or more PDFs. This
     would necessitate a translation of the                  referred to as Confidential Business                   reduces comment processing and
     existing energy conservation standards                  Information (CBI)). Comments                           posting time.
     applicable to residential furnaces using                submitted through http://                                 Confidential Business Information.
     an appropriate crosswalk.                               www.regulations.gov cannot be claimed                  Pursuant to 10 CFR 1004.11, any person
        DOE welcomes comments and views                      as CBI. Comments received through the                  submitting information that he or she
     of interested parties on any aspect of the              website will waive any CBI claims for                  believes to be confidential and exempt
     petition for rulemaking.                                the information submitted. For                         by law from public disclosure should
        In conjunction with its petition, AHRI               information on submitting CBI, see the                 submit via email, postal mail, or hand
     requested that DOE not enforce the                      Confidential Business Information                      delivery two well-marked copies: One
     reporting, certification and compliance                 section.                                               copy of the document marked
     obligations related to the furnace fan                     DOE processes submissions made                      ‘‘Confidential’’ including all the
     energy conservation standards (for                      through http://www.regulations.gov                     information believed to be confidential,
     which compliance is required on July 3,                 before posting. Normally, comments                     and one copy of the document marked
     2019) pending consideration of this                     will be posted within a few days of                    ‘‘Non-confidential’’ with the
     petition for rulemaking.2 In response to                being submitted. However, if large                     information believed to be confidential
     AHRI’s request, DOE is issuing an                       volumes of comments are being                          deleted. Submit these documents via
                                                             processed simultaneously, your                         email or on a CD, if feasible. DOE will
     docket at http://www.regulations.gov/                                                                          make its own determination about the
                                                             comment may not be viewable for up to
       2 AHRI’s request is available in the docket at        several weeks. Please keep the comment                 confidential status of the information
     http://www.regulations.gov/docket?D=EERE-2018-                                                                 and treat it according to its
     BT-PET-0017.                                              3 See   http://www.energy.gov/gc/enforcement/.       determination.

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     56748             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 220 / Wednesday, November 14, 2018 / Proposed Rules

        Factors of interest to DOE when                      that the Department of Energy (DOE or the               AFUE2 metric accounts for furnace fuel, fan
     evaluating requests to treat submitted                  Department) promulgate a new test                       power, and stand-by and off-mode power
     information as confidential include: (1)                procedure for residential furnaces pursuant             consumption. The measured value represents
                                                             to its authority under the Energy Policy and            the sum of usable heat and fan benefit,
     A description of the items; (2) whether                                                                         divided by the total fuel and electricity
                                                             Conservation Act (EPCA), 42 U.S.C. § 6293.
     and why such items are customarily                      Currently, three separate Federal test                  consumed. A draft of the test procedure is
     treated as confidential within the                      procedures measure three different                      attached.6 For the benefit of the Department
     industry; (3) whether the information is                performance characteristics of consumer                 and the public, a description of the notable
     generally known by or available from                    warm-air furnaces: fuel efficiency (AFUE),              features of the test procedure and metric are
     other sources; (4) whether the                          air-movement efficiency (FER), and stand-by/            provided below.
     information has previously been made                    off-mode energy consumption. AHRI                          The first step in the process is to measure
                                                             petitions DOE to establish a new test                   the fuel consumption. The furnace is set up
     available to others without obligation
                                                             procedure that will designate a single                  and measurements are taken in accordance
     concerning its confidentiality; (5) an                                                                          with the most current industry test standard,
                                                             efficiency metric for the entire product and
     explanation of the competitive injury to                replace the existing test procedures for all            ASHRAE 103–2017.7 The AFUE2 test
     the submitting person which would                       three performance characteristics. A whole-             procedure differs most significantly from the
     result from public disclosure; (6) when                 product test procedure and single                       ASHRAE 103–2017 test procedure by
     such information might lose its                         performance metric will reduce regulatory               including only steady-state testing and
     confidential character due to the                       burden and increase opportunity for                     excluding cyclic testing for fuel and oil
     passage of time, and (7) why disclosure                 innovation.                                             furnace models currently available in the
                                                                                                                     U.S. market.8 Cyclic testing is time
     of the information would be contrary to                 AHRI Petitions DOE to Conduct a                         consuming and requires the execution of
     the public interest.                                    Notice-and-Comment Rulemaking to                        complex calculations, and the value of the
        It is DOE’s policy that all comments                 Adopt the AFUE2 Test Procedure and                      cyclic testing is limited at best. AHRI’s data
     may be included in the public docket,                   Metric for Residential Furnaces                         indicates that for the vast majority of modern
     without change and as received,                            AHRI is the trade association representing           products, the steady-state efficiency
     including any personal information                      air conditioning, heating, commercial                   accurately represents the AFUE efficiency,
     provided in the comments (except                        refrigeration, and ventilation equipment                and cyclic testing and calculations are
     information deemed to be exempt from                    manufacturers. AHRI advocates for the                   unnecessary. Based on an analysis of over
     public disclosure).                                     HVACR industry, administers a third-party               100 models, only a handful demonstrated
                                                             certification program that verifies the                 greater than a 1% difference between
        DOE considers public participation to
                                                             performance of HVACR equipment, and                     measured AFUE and steady-state efficiencies
     be a very important part of its process                                                                         (less jacket loss).9 The average difference
                                                             publishes global industry standards. Many of
     for considering rulemaking petitions.                   AHRI’s 315 members design, develop, and                 between actual AFUE and steady-state
     DOE actively encourages the                             manufacture residential furnaces. Any AHRI              efficiencies is close to zero. The elimination
     participation and interaction of the                    member that manufactures a furnace for sale             of cyclic testing for currently compliant
     public during the comment period.                       in the United States or Canada is eligible to           products is warranted and reduces testing
     Interactions with and between members                   participate in AHRI’s Furnace Product                   burden without sacrificing accuracy. Notably,
     of the public provide a balanced                        Section. The Furnace Engineering Committee              to close any loopholes that might permit
                                                             is a subcommittee of the Furnace Product                technology backsliding, the test procedure
     discussion of the issues and assist DOE
                                                             Section and is comprised of furnace product             specifies that products that incorporate draft
     in determining how to proceed with a                                                                            hoods and draft diverter technologies must
                                                             engineers with decades of experience. Over
     petition. Anyone who wishes to be                       a year ago, the Furnace Engineering                     complete the cyclic testing procedures
     added to DOE mailing list to receive                    Committee identified challenges with the                published in ASHRAE 103–2017. AHRI is not
     future notices and information about                    existing residential furnace Federal test               aware of any furnaces on the market today
     this petition should contact Appliance                  procedures and has dedicated its time and               that incorporate these technologies.
     and Equipment Standards Program staff                   resources to developing a more functional                  After the fuel consumption is measured,
     at (202) 287–1445 or via email at                       and facile test procedure. The goal of the new          the next step in the procedure is to turn off
                                                             test procedure is to combine the three                  the equipment and measure the electrical
                                                             existing furnace test procedures into a single          consumption of the furnace when not in
     ee.doe.gov.                                                                                                     heating mode. The procedure for measuring
                                                             test using a single metric: AFUE2.4
     Approval of the Office of the Secretary                                                                         and calculating stand-by and off-mode energy
                                                             I. Description of the Test Method and Metric            use is identical to the Federal method.
       The Secretary of Energy has approved                     The AFUE2 test procedure is based upon                  Finally, the ventilation energy
     publication of this notice of petition for              the methods established by the ASHRAE                   consumption is measured. The AFUE2 test
     rulemaking.                                             103–2017 AFUE test procedure; 5 the Federal             method for measuring and calculating
       Signed in Washington, DC, on November 2,              FER test procedure (10 CFR § 430 Appx AA);              ventilation energy consumption is based on
     2018.                                                   and the Federal stand-by loss/off-mode test             the FER test procedure, with some significant
                                                             procedure (10 CFR § 430 Appx N). The                    changes. First, the AFUE2 test procedure
     Kathleen B. Hogan,                                                                                              describes set-up and settings for the
     Deputy Assistant Secretary for Energy                     4 During previous discussions with DOE about          ventilation test in greater detail than the FER
     Efficiency, Energy Efficiency and Renewable             unrelated performance metric changes, DOE staff         test procedure. For example, the AFUE2 test
     Energy.                                                 indicated that the name of a metric is mandated by      procedure specifically identifies the location
     Before the                                              statute, and therefore any metric change must retain    of the external static pressure taps. These set-
                                                             the codified nomenclature. If upon further review,      up descriptions are intended to reduce test-
     UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF                             DOE determines that the nomenclature, like the test     to-test variability.
       ENERGY                                                procedure, is mutable, then AHRI encourages DOE            The AFUE2 test procedure also clarifies the
     Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable               to adopt a fitting identifier for the metric. AHRI is   hierarchy of speed taps settings for the
       Energy                                                not bound to ‘‘AFUE2.’’
                                                               5 AFUE2 fuel efficiency measures are based
     Energy Conservation Program:                                                                                      6 Exhibit  1 AFUE2 Draft Test Procedure.
     Test Procedures for Consumer Warm Air                   primarily on ASHRAE 103–2017. DOE has codified
                                                                                                                       7 Per Note 2, DOE regulations currently refer to
                                                             ASHRAE 103–1993 in 10 CFR § 430 Appx N. The
       Furnaces                                              relevant portions of the ASHRAE 103–2017 that are       the ASHRAE 103–1993, but the test set-up is the
                                                             referenced in the AFUE2 test procedure are similar      same with some clarifications.
     PETITION FOR A RULEMAKING                                                                                          8 These are models with power burners as defined
                                                             to the equivalent provisions in ASHRAE 103–1993/
       The Air-Conditioning, Heating, and                    10 CFR 430 Appendix N. Other provisions, related        by the DOE test procedures.
     Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) submits this             to cyclic testing, are only applicable to products         9 Exhibit 2: Calculations reflecting steady-state

     Petition for a Rulemaking to formally request           with draft hoods and draft diverter technologies.       efficiency and measured AFUE efficiency.

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                       Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 220 / Wednesday, November 14, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                                56749

     various modes of ventilation testing. The FER           testing requirements, align regulatory review           instead of three. The alignment of review
     procedure directs manufacturers to test using           schedules, and reduce regulatory burden.                cycles and redesign cycles further reduces
     the ‘‘maximum airflow settings,’’ but this                                                                      repetitive testing required for design
                                                             III. Establishing the AFUE2 as the Federal
     description is ambiguous and can lead to                                                                        development and safety certifications. The
                                                             Test Procedure and Metric Is in the Public              AFUE2 test procedure mimics many of the
     absurd results depending on its
     interpretation. The AFUE2 test procedure                Interest                                                existing test methods, but the merging of the
     specifies that the airflow be set according to          A. A Combined Test Procedure and Metric                 instances of active testing cuts superfluous
     the installation and operations manual, and             Reduces Burden                                          costs.11
     the test procedure prescribes which airflow                The AFUE2 test procedure and metric will               Every time DOE makes an amendment to
     setting should be selected if there is overlap          decrease the regulatory burden. At least six            any of the applicable regulations,
     between operating modes. If the manual                  different regulations apply to consumer                 manufacturers must redesign equipment,
     identifies the maximum airflow during the               furnace efficiency: (1) AFUE test procedure             make capital investments to update
     heating mode, and the second highest airflow            (2) AFUE energy conservation standard (3)               manufacturing facilities, republish all
     during cooling mode, then the speed taps                FER test procedure (4) FER energy                       marketing literature, and educate
     should be set accordingly: first heating, then          conservation standard (5) stand-by loss/off-            distributors, contractors, and consumers
     cooling. If the heating and cooling mode                mode test procedure (6) stand-by loss/off-              about the change. Merging six rulemaking
     airflows are the same, then the cooling mode            mode energy conservation standard. Each of              cycles into two dramatically reduces the
     speed tap is set first, which reflects how the          these regulations is subject to mandatory               compliance burden associated with
     furnace would operate in the field.                     review—every six years for energy                       regulatory changes because changes will
        Finally, manufacturers have been                     conservation standards and every seven years            occur two-thirds less frequently.
     challenged with the repeatability of the FER            for test procedures. Each of the six applicable         Manufacturers can pass on significant
     test. Testing has demonstrated more than a              regulations follows a different schedule,               savings to consumers by making all required
     5% difference among tests on the same unit.             which places the equipment manufacturers,               changes to their furnaces within a single
     The poor repeatability of the FER                       distributors, contractors and DOE in a                  design-cycle rather than spending resources
     measurements is resolved in AFUE2 due to                constant state of change and adjustment. The            on unnecessary tooling, design, testing,
     the relatively small proportion of the                  AFUE test procedure was most recently                   production introduction, training and other
     electrical consumption. The AFUE fuel                   finalized in 2016. DOE is required to review            related costs.12 Less frequent regulatory
     efficiency test is well established and                 it again by 2023. The FER test procedure was            changes offer greater certainty to
     repeatable, so overall AFUE2 will be much               finalized in 2014; it will be reviewed by               manufacturers, which promotes investment
     more repeatable than FER.                               2021. The stand-by loss test procedure was              in innovation and product improvements.
                                                             finalized in 2013; it will be reviewed by                 Crucially, reduced costs for manufacturers
     II. The AFUE2 Metric Prevents Double                                                                            and consumers does not translate to lost
     Regulation                                              2020. Stand-by and off-mode test procedures
                                                             were amended in 2012 and are due for                    energy savings. Fewer regulatory review
        AFUE2 efficiency is the sum of the fan               review in 2019. Energy conservation                     cycles does not mean regulatory roll-back or
     benefit and usable heat, divided by electric            standards for stand-by and FER were                     less oversight. AHRI is confident that DOE
     and fuel consumption, all weighted by                   published in 2013 and 2014, respectively,               will take no less interest in the
     operating hours. The calculations for AFUE2             while the AFUE standard has been under                  representativeness and effectiveness of the
     and FER are based on different operating                review since 2011. Industry expects that                applicable test procedure as a result of this
     hours. The hours differ in two meaningful               energy conservation standards will be                   change. And each energy conservation
     ways: (1) The cooling hours are derived                 reviewed again in 2019 and 2020. The                    standard review remains targeted at
     directly from AHRI Standard 210/240, which              Department is perennially reviewing and                 achieving the ‘‘maximum energy savings’’
     is incorporated by reference into the Federal           amending furnace regulations, while                     that are economically justified. Ultimately,
     standard for central air conditioners; and (2)          manufacturers pour time and resources into              DOE will be able to look at the furnace as a
     package equipment is ascribed zero fan                  public comments, testing, redesign, and ever-           whole and make necessary adjustments to
     operating hours in the cooling mode. The                shifting compliance requirements. The total             testing and energy conservation during a
     AFUE2 test procedure relies on cooling mode             reduction in regulatory burden resulting from           single rulemaking review instead of
     operating hours from AHRI Standard 210/240              implementation of AFUE2 will save                       executing its mandate piecemeal.
     based on the simple logic that air                      manufacturers more than $250 million over               B. The AFUE2 Test Procedure and Metric
     conditioners conduct the cooling during                 thirty years.10                                         Will Increase Innovation
     furnace-ventilation cooling mode and air                   If DOE adopts the AFUE2 test procedure
     conditioner operating hours are already                 that assesses all three performance                        As discussed above, the AFUE2 test metric
     defined in AHRI 210/240. Harmonizing the                characteristics simultaneously, then the                combines three performance characteristics
     two standards is preferable and logical, and            Department would only have to conduct a                 into a single measure. The current approach
     assigning different operating hours in two              test procedure rulemaking process once every            fragments furnace efficiency into three
     different regulations for what is essentially           seven years. Similarly, combining the                   separate minimum requirements: stand-by/
     the same product is arbitrary. Packaged                 performance measurements into a single                  off mode, ventilation, and fuel efficiency.
     equipment is assigned zero operating hours              metric will obviate the need for three                  The practice of setting minimums for discrete
     because the ventilation electricity                     separate energy conservation standards, and             characteristics of a single product is overly
     consumption is already directly regulated by            DOE will only have to review energy                     prescriptive; this approach drives product
     DOE’s air conditioning standard. DOE is                 conservation standards once every six years.            development in only one direction.
     strictly prohibited from regulating the same               Resource savings to the Department are               Component level regulation restricts design
     product twice. Two separate regulations                 relevant, but pale in comparison to the                 choices between manufacturers. AFUE2 gives
     (SEER and FER) imposed on the same                      significant savings afforded manufacturers,             manufacturers more design flexibility on how
     component of a single type of equipment is              and consequently consumers, if DOE were to              they achieve overall energy savings. The
     contrary to DOE’s statutory authority.                  combine the test metric and eliminate four of           AFUE2 test method and metric requires
     Eliminating operating hours for packaged                six rulemaking review cycles. Multiple                  manufacturers to account for all three
     equipment permits the furnace to be                     discordant regulatory requirements generate             performance characteristics, but it promotes
     measured by AFUE2 without double-                       unnecessary costs. For example,                         innovation by allowing for internal efficiency
     regulating the ventilation energy use.                  manufacturers must run an FER test, and a               trade-offs at the product level. Product
        Aside from the above distinctions, most of           separate AFUE test, and stand-by loss testing.          designers must be given license to develop
     the methods and measurements from the                   The incremental costs of the equipment, the             better ways to save fuel and electricity while
     currently applicable test procedures and                set-up, mounting on the test stand, the                 improving the quality and performance of the
     metrics are reflected in the AFUE2 test                 laboratory time, and technician costs can be            equipment. A combined metric saves energy
     procedure and metric. The ultimate goal of              drastically reduced by conducting one test
     combining the AFUE, FER, and stand-by/off-                                                                        11 Id.

     mode test procedures is to streamline the                 10 Exhibit   3, ‘‘Estimated Benefits of AFUE2’’         12 Id.

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     56750             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 220 / Wednesday, November 14, 2018 / Proposed Rules

     without prescribing multiple engineering                particular crosswalk requires translation from          (703) 600–0383
     requirements.                                           three performance characteristics to one              [FR Doc. 2018–24697 Filed 11–13–18; 8:45 am]
                                                             product efficiency measure, and each of
     C. The Combined Metric Is Easier for                                                                          BILLING CODE 6450–01–P
                                                             those performance characteristic standards
     Consumers To Use and Understand
                                                             are currently further divided into separate
        AFUE2 is easier for consumers to                     product classes. It will likely be necessary to
     understand. It is difficult for the average             adjust the calculated baseline efficiencies to        DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND
     consumer to distinguish between the fuel                ensure that the maximum permissible energy            HUMAN SERVICES
     efficiency of a furnace, the electric efficiency        use of the furnace reflects minimally
     of the furnace fans and the watts saved or lost         compliant furnaces at each product class for          Food and Drug Administration
     during stand-by or off-mode. The average                each metric.
     consumer considers three separate measures                 For example, minimally compliant non-              21 CFR Parts 175, 176, 177, and 178
     for a single product unnecessarily complex              weatherized natural gas furnaces are
     and unhelpful. A single metric will serve as            currently rated with an AFUE of 80%. Based            [Docket No. FDA–2018–F–3757]
     an easy basis of comparison between all fuel            on preliminary estimates, after the
     furnace types. A simple label can concisely                                                                   Flexible Vinyl Alliance; Filing of Food
                                                             application of the degradation factor, the
     represent the single efficiency metric and                                                                    Additive Petition
                                                             baseline efficiencies for the AFUE2 rating is
     provide approximate costs of operation,
                                                             77%.13 The FER and stand-by loss
     which is a chief concern of consumers.                                                                        AGENCY:    Food and Drug Administration,
                                                             regulations also specify different product
        The AFUE2 test method and metric
                                                             classes for which the minimally compliant
     improves consumer utility of the efficiency                                                                   ACTION:   Notification of petition.
                                                             product will also have to be measured and
     information. Furnace manufacturers question
     the technical viability of the FER test                 averaged. Using this data, the baseline
                                                             minimum efficiencies can be adjusted                  SUMMARY:    The Food and Drug
     procedure and metric. A separate regulation                                                                   Administration (FDA or we) is
     for ventilation energy disproportionately               upward to ensure all current energy use is
     emphasizes the electrical consumption of a              appropriately captured. More testing is               announcing that we have filed a
     furnace, when the fuel consumption is much              required to assign values to this                     petition, submitted by the Flexible
     more significant to consumers. A                        methodology.                                          Vinyl Alliance (FVA), requesting that
     representative proportion of energy use by                 Crosswalks can create havoc in the market          we amend our food additive regulations
     both parts is described by AFUE2.                       if not carefully executed. AHRI urges DOE to          to no longer provide for the use of 26
                                                             work with stakeholders to ensure a precise            ortho-phthalates in various food-contact
     IV. Metric Changes Require a Crosswalk                  and simple transition from ‘‘AFUE + FER +             applications because these uses have
        AHRI requests that DOE adopt the AFUE2               Stand-by/off-mode’’ to ‘‘AFUE2.’’ For clarity,
                                                             AHRI recommends that the baseline
                                                                                                                   been permanently abandoned.
     test procedure pursuant to a notice-and-
     comment rulemaking. The Department has                  efficiency for translation is the AFUE                DATES: The food additive petition was
     statutory authority to amend test procedures            minimum for each residential furnace                  filed on July 3, 2018. Submit either
     under 42 U.S.C. 6293(e) of EPCA. The statute            product class. Maintaining the established            electronic or written comments by
     prescribes steps to establish a crosswalk from          product class structure for residential               January 14, 2019.
     the previous metric to the new metric.                  furnaces will have the least disruptive impact        ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
     Specifically, EPCA states that DOE ‘‘shall              on the market. As described above, these
     determine, in the rulemaking carried out
                                                                                                                   as follows. Please note that late,
                                                             baseline efficiencies can be adjusted to
     with respect to prescribing such procedure,             ensure that maximum energy use and
                                                                                                                   untimely filed comments will not be
     to what extent, if any, the proposed test               minimum efficiencies remain steady, but the           considered. Electronic comments must
     procedure would alter the measured energy               decades-old definitions and classifications           be submitted on or before January 14,
     efficiency . . . of a covered product as                remain constant for ease of market adoption.          2019. The https://www.regulations.gov
     determined under the existing test                                                                            electronic filing system will accept
     procedure.’’                                            V. AHRI Requests a Prompt Response
                                                                                                                   comments until 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time
        The transition from three independent                  Finally, AHRI requests that DOE act                 at the end of January 14, 2019.
     metrics to one integrated product metric will           promptly to initiate a notice-and-comment             Comments received by mail/hand
     demonstrably ‘‘alter the measured                       rulemaking to adopt the proffered test
     efficiency.’’ As such, DOE ‘‘shall amend the
                                                                                                                   delivery/courier (for written/paper
                                                             procedure and metric as soon as possible.
     applicable energy conservation standard                                                                       submissions) will be considered timely
                                                             The FER minimum efficiency standards go
     during the rulemaking carried out with                  into effect in July of 2019, and DOE will have
                                                                                                                   if they are postmarked or the delivery
     respect to such test procedure. In                      to expedite the release of a notice of                service acceptance receipt is on or
     determining the amended energy                          proposed rulemaking to ensure that                    before that date.
     conservation standard, the Secretary shall              manufacturers do not have to comply with
     measure, pursuant to the amended test                                                                         Electronic Submissions
                                                             one metric and test procedure while
     procedure, the energy efficiency . . . of a             preparing to comply with another. AHRI                  Submit electronic comments in the
     representative sample of covered products               appreciates the consideration that DOE will           following way:
     that minimally comply with the existing                 give this petition and thanks the Department            • Federal eRulemaking Portal:
     standard. The average of such energy                    in advance for its attention to this petition.
     efficiency . . . determined under the
                                                                                                                   https://www.regulations.gov. Follow the
     amended test procedure shall constitute the               Signed,                                             instructions for submitting comments.
     amended conservation standard for the                   Caroline Davidson-Hood,                               Comments submitted electronically,
     applicable covered products.’’                          General Counsel.                                      including attachments, to https://
        AHRI has begun analyzing testing data to             Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration          www.regulations.gov will be posted to
     assist in the development of the required                 Institute                                           the docket unchanged. Because your
     crosswalk. A representative sample of                   2311 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 400                      comment will be made public, you are
     furnaces that are ‘‘minimally compliant’’               Arlington, Virginia 22201                             solely responsible for ensuring that your
     with energy conservation minimums at each               CDavidson-Hood@ahrinet.org                            comment does not include any
     furnace product class will be tested, rated,
     and averaged. This average will provide a
                                                                                                                   confidential information that you or a
                                                               13 The 3% degradation factor is based on
     degradation factor that can be applied to all                                                                 third party may not wish to be posted,
                                                             preliminary findings. AHRI will provide more
     furnaces within that product class to ensure            substantial testing to support a degradation factor
                                                                                                                   such as medical information, your or
     equivalence across product lines with the               as more tests are conducted. The preliminary value    anyone else’s Social Security number, or
     current AFUE metric. Uniquely, this                     will likely change with more data.                    confidential business information, such

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Document Created: 2018-11-14 03:31:46
Document Modified: 2018-11-14 03:31:46
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionProposed Rules
ActionNotice of petition for rulemaking; request for comment.
DatesWritten comments and information are requested on or before January 14, 2019.
ContactMr. Eric Stas, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of the General Counsel, 1000 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20585. Telephone: (202) 586-9507. Email: [email protected]
FR Citation83 FR 56746 

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