83_FR_57561 83 FR 57340 - Atlantic Highly Migratory Species; Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Fisheries

83 FR 57340 - Atlantic Highly Migratory Species; Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Fisheries

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 221 (November 15, 2018)

Page Range57340-57341
FR Document2018-24954

NMFS has determined that a reopening of the Atlantic bluefin tuna (BFT) General category fishery is warranted. This action is intended to provide a reasonable opportunity to harvest the full annual U.S. BFT quota without exceeding it, while maintaining an equitable distribution of fishing opportunities across time periods; help achieve optimum yield in the BFT fishery; and optimize the ability of all permit categories to harvest their full BFT quota allocations. This action applies to Atlantic tunas General category (commercial) permitted vessels and Atlantic Highly Migratory Species (HMS) Charter/ Headboat category permitted vessels with a commercial sale endorsement when fishing commercially for BFT.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 221 (Thursday, November 15, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 221 (Thursday, November 15, 2018)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 57340-57341]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-24954]



National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

50 CFR Part 635

[Docket No. 180117042-8884-02]
RIN 0648-XG624

Atlantic Highly Migratory Species; Atlantic Bluefin Tuna 

AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and 
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.

ACTION: Temporary rule; General category October-November fishery for 
2018; fishery reopening.


SUMMARY: NMFS has determined that a reopening of the Atlantic bluefin 
tuna (BFT) General category fishery is warranted. This action is 
intended to provide a reasonable opportunity to harvest the full annual 
U.S. BFT quota without exceeding it, while maintaining an equitable 
distribution of fishing opportunities across time periods; help achieve 
optimum yield in the BFT fishery; and optimize the ability of all 
permit categories to harvest their full BFT quota allocations. This 
action applies to Atlantic tunas General category (commercial) 
permitted vessels and Atlantic Highly Migratory Species (HMS) Charter/
Headboat category permitted vessels with a commercial sale endorsement 
when fishing commercially for BFT.

DATES: Effective 12:30 a.m., local time, November 12, 2018, through 
11:30 p.m., local time, November 16, 2018.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Uriah Forest-Bulley, 978-675-2154, or 
Larry Redd, 301-427-8503.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Regulations implemented under the authority 
of the Atlantic Tunas Convention Act (ATCA; 16 U.S.C. 971 et seq.) and 
the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (Magnuson-
Stevens Act; 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.) governing the harvest of BFT by 
persons and vessels subject to U.S. jurisdiction are found at 50 CFR 
part 635. Section 635.27 subdivides the U.S. BFT quota recommended by 
the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas 
(ICCAT) and as implemented by the United States among the various 
domestic fishing categories, per the allocations established in the 
2006 Consolidated Highly Migratory Species Fishery Management Plan 
(2006 Consolidated HMS FMP) (71 FR 58058, October 2, 2006), as amended 
by Amendment 7 to the 2006 Consolidated HMS FMP (Amendment 7) (79 FR 
71510, December 2, 2014). NMFS is required under ATCA and the Magnuson-
Stevens Act to provide U.S. fishing vessels with a reasonable 
opportunity to harvest the ICCAT-recommended quota.
    NMFS recently published a final rule (i.e., the ``quota rule'' (83 
FR 51391, October 11, 2018)) that increased the baseline U.S. BFT quota 
from 1,058.79 mt to 1,247.86 mt and accordingly increased the subquotas 
for 2018, including an increase in the General category October through 
November period subquota from 60.7 mt to 70.2

[[Page 57341]]

mt, consistent with the annual BFT quota calculation process. On 
October 4, 2018, NMFS transferred 55 mt to the General category and 
closed the General category fishery effective October 5, 2018, based on 
projections that landings would meet or exceed the adjusted October 
through November subquota of 127.2 mt by that date (83 FR 50857, 
October 10, 2018). Since October 5, 2018, NMFS has reopened the October 
through November subquota period two separate times for multiple days 
in an attempt to allow the available quota to be harvested (83 FR 
52169, October 16, 2018, and 83 FR 55108, November 2, 2018).

General Category Reopening

    As of November 6, 2018, reports show that the October through 
November landings are still less than the available subquota of 127.2 
mt. Based on landings rates, NMFS has determined that reopening the 
General category fishery for five days is appropriate.
    Therefore, the General category fishery will reopen at 12:30 a.m., 
November 12, 2018, and close at 11:30 p.m., November 16, 2018. The 
General category daily retention limit during this reopening is one 
large medium or giant BFT per vessel per day/trip. This action applies 
to those vessels permitted in the General category, as well as to those 
HMS Charter/Headboat permitted vessels with a commercial sale 
endorsement when fishing commercially for BFT. Retaining, possessing, 
or landing large medium or giant BFT by persons aboard vessels 
permitted in the General and HMS Charter/Headboat categories must cease 
at 11:30 p.m. local time on November 16, 2018.
    The General category will reopen automatically on December 1, 2018, 
for the December 2018 subquota period at the default retention limit of 
one fish. In December 2017, NMFS adjusted the General category base 
subquota for the December 2018 period to 10 mt (82 FR 60680, December 
22, 2017), although this amount increased to 14.6 mt with finalization 
of the quota rule. Based on quota availability in the Reserve, NMFS may 
consider transferring additional quota to the December subquota period, 
as appropriate.
    Fishermen may catch and release (or tag and release) BFT of all 
sizes, subject to the requirements of the catch-and-release and tag-
and-release programs at Sec.  635.26. All BFT that are released must be 
handled in a manner that will maximize their survival, and without 
removing the fish from the water, consistent with requirements at Sec.  
635.21(a)(1). For additional information on safe handling, see the 
``Careful Catch and Release'' brochure available at www.nmfs.noaa.gov/sfa/hms/.

Monitoring and Reporting

    NMFS will continue to monitor the BFT fishery closely. Dealers are 
required to submit landing reports within 24 hours of a dealer 
receiving BFT. Late reporting by dealers compromises NMFS' ability to 
timely implement actions such as quota and retention limit adjustment, 
as well as closures, and may result in enforcement actions. 
Additionally, and separate from the dealer reporting requirement, 
General and HMS Charter/Headboat category vessel owners are required to 
report the catch of all BFT retained or discarded dead within 24 hours 
of the landing(s) or end of each trip, by accessing 
hmspermits.noaa.gov, using the HMS Catch Reporting app, or calling 
(888) 872-8862 (Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m.).
    Depending on the level of fishing effort and catch rates of BFT, 
NMFS may determine that additional adjustments are necessary to ensure 
available subquotas are not exceeded or to enhance scientific data 
collection from, and fishing opportunities in, all geographic areas. If 
needed, subsequent adjustments will be published in the Federal 
Register. In addition, fishermen may call the Atlantic Tunas 
Information Line at (978) 281-9260, or access hmspermits.noaa.gov, for 
updates on quota monitoring and inseason adjustments.


    The Assistant Administrator for NMFS (AA) finds that it is 
impracticable and contrary to the public interest to provide prior 
notice of, and an opportunity for public comment on, this action for 
the following reasons:
    The regulations implementing the 2006 Consolidated HMS FMP and 
amendments provide for inseason actions to respond to the unpredictable 
nature of BFT availability on the fishing grounds, the migratory nature 
of this species, and the regional variations in the BFT fishery. 
Affording prior notice and opportunity for public comment to implement 
the fishery reopening is impracticable and contrary to the public 
interest. The General category recently closed, but based on available 
BFT quotas, recent fishery performance, and the availability of BFT on 
the fishing grounds, responsive reopening of the fishery is warranted 
to allow fishermen to take advantage of availability of fish and of 
quota. NMFS could not have proposed this action earlier, as it needed 
to consider and respond to updated data and information about fishery 
conditions and this year's landings. If NMFS was to offer a public 
comment period now, after having appropriately considered that data, it 
would preclude fishermen from harvesting BFT that are legally 
available. Therefore, the AA finds good cause under 5 U.S.C. 553(b)(B) 
to waive prior notice and the opportunity for public comment. For all 
of the above reasons, there also is good cause under 5 U.S.C. 553(d) to 
waive the 30-day delay in effectiveness.
    This action is being taken under Sec.  635.27(a)(1), and is exempt 
from review under Executive Order 12866.

    Authority:  16 U.S.C. 971 et seq. and 1801 et seq.

    Dated: November 9, 2018.
Alan D. Risenhoover,
Director, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries 
[FR Doc. 2018-24954 Filed 11-9-18; 4:15 pm]

                                             57340            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 221 / Thursday, November 15, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                             (GA/NC) hogfish stock, with a southern                      This action is taken under 50 CFR                  ACTION:  Temporary rule; General
                                             boundary extending east from the                         622.193(u)(2)(i) and is exempt from                   category October–November fishery for
                                             Florida/Georgia state border to the                      review under Executive Order 12866.                   2018; fishery reopening.
                                             North Carolina and Virginia state                           These measures are exempt from the
                                             border. The other stock is the FLK/EFL                   procedures of the Regulatory Flexibility              SUMMARY:     NMFS has determined that a
                                             hogfish stock. The FLK/EFL hogfish                       Act because the temporary rule is issued              reopening of the Atlantic bluefin tuna
                                             stock boundary extends from the 25°09′                   without opportunity for prior notice and              (BFT) General category fishery is
                                             N latitude line off the west coast of                    public comment.                                       warranted. This action is intended to
                                             Florida (near Cape Sable, Florida), east                    This action responds to the best                   provide a reasonable opportunity to
                                             around South Florida, to the Florida/                    scientific information available. The                 harvest the full annual U.S. BFT quota
                                             Georgia border. The final rule for                       Assistant Administrator for NOAA                      without exceeding it, while maintaining
                                             Amendment 37 set the 2018 ACL for the                    Fisheries (AA) finds that the need to                 an equitable distribution of fishing
                                             commercial sector of the FLK/EFL                         immediately implement this action to                  opportunities across time periods; help
                                             hogfish stock at 4,524 lb (2,052 kg),                    close the commercial sector for this                  achieve optimum yield in the BFT
                                             round weight.                                            stock constitutes good cause to waive                 fishery; and optimize the ability of all
                                                In accordance with regulations at 50                  the requirements to provide prior notice              permit categories to harvest their full
                                             CFR 622.193(u)(2)(i), the commercial                     and opportunity for public comment on                 BFT quota allocations. This action
                                             AMs for the FLK/EFL hogfish stock                        this temporary rule pursuant to 5 U.S.C.              applies to Atlantic tunas General
                                             include an in-season closure if the                      553(b)(B), because such procedures are                category (commercial) permitted vessels
                                             commercial ACL is met or is projected                    unnecessary and contrary to the public                and Atlantic Highly Migratory Species
                                             to be met. NMFS is required to close the                 interest. Such procedures are                         (HMS) Charter/Headboat category
                                             commercial sector for hogfish when the                   unnecessary because the AMs                           permitted vessels with a commercial
                                             ACL has been met, or is projected to be                  established by Amendment 37 (82 FR                    sale endorsement when fishing
                                             met, by filing a notification to that effect             34584; July 25, 2017) and located at 50               commercially for BFT.
                                             with the Office of the Federal Register.                 CFR 622.193(u)(2)(i) have already been                DATES: Effective 12:30 a.m., local time,
                                                NMFS has determined that the 2018                     subject to notice and public comment.                 November 12, 2018, through 11:30 p.m.,
                                             commercial ACL for the EFL/FLK                           All that remains is to notify the public              local time, November 16, 2018.
                                             hogfish stock established by                             of the commercial closure for the EFL/                FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                             Amendment 37 will be met on                              FLK hogfish stock in the South Atlantic               Uriah Forest-Bulley, 978–675–2154, or
                                             November 16, 2018. Therefore, this                       EEZ for the remainder of the 2018                     Larry Redd, 301–427–8503.
                                             temporary rule implements the AM to                      fishing year. Such procedures are
                                             close the commercial sector for EFL/                                                                           SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                                                                      contrary to the public interest because
                                             FLK hogfish stock in the South Atlantic                                                                        Regulations implemented under the
                                                                                                      of the need to immediately implement
                                             for the remainder of the 2018 fishing                                                                          authority of the Atlantic Tunas
                                                                                                      this action to protect the EFL/FLK
                                             year. Accordingly, the commercial                                                                              Convention Act (ATCA; 16 U.S.C. 971 et
                                                                                                      hogfish stock, since time for notice and
                                             sector for the EFL/FLK hogfish stock in                                                                        seq.) and the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery
                                                                                                      public comment will allow for
                                             the South Atlantic EEZ will be closed                                                                          Conservation and Management Act
                                                                                                      continued commercial harvest and
                                             effective 12:01 a.m. local time,                                                                               (Magnuson-Stevens Act; 16 U.S.C. 1801
                                                                                                      further exceedance of the commercial
                                             November 16, 2018, until January 1,                                                                            et seq.) governing the harvest of BFT by
                                             2019, the start of the next fishing year.                   For the aforementioned reasons, the                persons and vessels subject to U.S.
                                                During the commercial closure, all                    AA also finds good cause to waive the                 jurisdiction are found at 50 CFR part
                                             sale or purchase of hogfish in or from                   30-day delay in the effectiveness of this             635. Section 635.27 subdivides the U.S.
                                             the EEZ off the Florida Keys and east                    action under 5 U.S.C. 553(d)(3).                      BFT quota recommended by the
                                             coast of Florida, and south of 25°09′ N                                                                        International Commission for the
                                                                                                        Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.                   Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT)
                                             lat. off the west coast of Florida is
                                             prohibited, and harvest or possession of                   Dated: November 9, 2018.                            and as implemented by the United
                                             this species is limited to the bag and                   Alan D. Risenhoover,                                  States among the various domestic
                                             possession limits. These bag and                         Director, Office of Sustainable Fisheries,            fishing categories, per the allocations
                                             possession limits apply for this hogfish                 National Marine Fisheries Service.                    established in the 2006 Consolidated
                                             stock on board a vessel for which a valid                [FR Doc. 2018–24915 Filed 11–9–18; 4:15 pm]           Highly Migratory Species Fishery
                                             Federal commercial or charter vessel/                    BILLING CODE 3510–22–P                                Management Plan (2006 Consolidated
                                             headboat permit for South Atlantic                                                                             HMS FMP) (71 FR 58058, October 2,
                                             snapper-grouper has been issued,                                                                               2006), as amended by Amendment 7 to
                                             without regard to where such species                     DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE                                the 2006 Consolidated HMS FMP
                                             were harvested, i.e., in state or Federal                                                                      (Amendment 7) (79 FR 71510, December
                                             waters. The commercial sector for the                    National Oceanic and Atmospheric                      2, 2014). NMFS is required under ATCA
                                             EFL/FLK hogfish stock in the South                       Administration                                        and the Magnuson-Stevens Act to
                                             Atlantic EEZ will reopen on January 1,                                                                         provide U.S. fishing vessels with a
                                             2019.                                                    50 CFR Part 635                                       reasonable opportunity to harvest the
                                                                                                      [Docket No. 180117042–8884–02]                        ICCAT-recommended quota.
                                             Classification                                                                                                    NMFS recently published a final rule
                                               The Regional Administrator,                            RIN 0648–XG624                                        (i.e., the ‘‘quota rule’’ (83 FR 51391,
khammond on DSK30JT082PROD with RULES

                                             Southeast Region, NMFS, has                                                                                    October 11, 2018)) that increased the
                                                                                                      Atlantic Highly Migratory Species;
                                             determined this temporary rule is                                                                              baseline U.S. BFT quota from 1,058.79
                                                                                                      Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Fisheries
                                             necessary for the conservation and                                                                             mt to 1,247.86 mt and accordingly
                                             management of hogfish in the South                       AGENCY:  National Marine Fisheries                    increased the subquotas for 2018,
                                             Atlantic snapper-grouper fishery and is                  Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and                  including an increase in the General
                                             consistent with the Magnuson-Stevens                     Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),                    category October through November
                                             Act and other applicable laws.                           Commerce.                                             period subquota from 60.7 mt to 70.2

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                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 221 / Thursday, November 15, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                            57341

                                             mt, consistent with the annual BFT                       information on safe handling, see the                 to consider and respond to updated data
                                             quota calculation process. On October 4,                 ‘‘Careful Catch and Release’’ brochure                and information about fishery
                                             2018, NMFS transferred 55 mt to the                      available at www.nmfs.noaa.gov/sfa/                   conditions and this year’s landings. If
                                             General category and closed the General                  hms/.                                                 NMFS was to offer a public comment
                                             category fishery effective October 5,                                                                          period now, after having appropriately
                                                                                                      Monitoring and Reporting
                                             2018, based on projections that landings                                                                       considered that data, it would preclude
                                             would meet or exceed the adjusted                           NMFS will continue to monitor the                  fishermen from harvesting BFT that are
                                             October through November subquota of                     BFT fishery closely. Dealers are required             legally available. Therefore, the AA
                                             127.2 mt by that date (83 FR 50857,                      to submit landing reports within 24                   finds good cause under 5 U.S.C.
                                             October 10, 2018). Since October 5,                      hours of a dealer receiving BFT. Late                 553(b)(B) to waive prior notice and the
                                             2018, NMFS has reopened the October                      reporting by dealers compromises                      opportunity for public comment. For all
                                             through November subquota period two                     NMFS’ ability to timely implement                     of the above reasons, there also is good
                                             separate times for multiple days in an                   actions such as quota and retention                   cause under 5 U.S.C. 553(d) to waive the
                                             attempt to allow the available quota to                  limit adjustment, as well as closures,                30-day delay in effectiveness.
                                             be harvested (83 FR 52169, October 16,                   and may result in enforcement actions.                   This action is being taken under
                                             2018, and 83 FR 55108, November 2,                       Additionally, and separate from the                   § 635.27(a)(1), and is exempt from
                                             2018).                                                   dealer reporting requirement, General                 review under Executive Order 12866.
                                                                                                      and HMS Charter/Headboat category
                                             General Category Reopening                               vessel owners are required to report the                 Authority: 16 U.S.C. 971 et seq. and 1801
                                                                                                                                                            et seq.
                                                As of November 6, 2018, reports show                  catch of all BFT retained or discarded
                                             that the October through November                        dead within 24 hours of the landing(s)                  Dated: November 9, 2018.
                                             landings are still less than the available               or end of each trip, by accessing                     Alan D. Risenhoover,
                                             subquota of 127.2 mt. Based on landings                  hmspermits.noaa.gov, using the HMS                    Director, Office of Sustainable Fisheries,
                                             rates, NMFS has determined that                          Catch Reporting app, or calling (888)                 National Marine Fisheries Service.
                                             reopening the General category fishery                   872–8862 (Monday through Friday from                  [FR Doc. 2018–24954 Filed 11–9–18; 4:15 pm]
                                             for five days is appropriate.                            8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m.).                              BILLING CODE 3510–22–P
                                                Therefore, the General category                          Depending on the level of fishing
                                             fishery will reopen at 12:30 a.m.,                       effort and catch rates of BFT, NMFS
                                             November 12, 2018, and close at 11:30                    may determine that additional                         DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
                                             p.m., November 16, 2018. The General                     adjustments are necessary to ensure
                                             category daily retention limit during                    available subquotas are not exceeded or               National Oceanic and Atmospheric
                                             this reopening is one large medium or                    to enhance scientific data collection                 Administration
                                             giant BFT per vessel per day/trip. This                  from, and fishing opportunities in, all
                                             action applies to those vessels permitted                geographic areas. If needed, subsequent               50 CFR Part 679
                                             in the General category, as well as to                   adjustments will be published in the                  [Docket No. 170816769–8162–02]
                                             those HMS Charter/Headboat permitted                     Federal Register. In addition, fishermen
                                             vessels with a commercial sale                           may call the Atlantic Tunas Information               RIN 0648–XG625
                                             endorsement when fishing                                 Line at (978) 281–9260, or access
                                             commercially for BFT. Retaining,                         hmspermits.noaa.gov, for updates on                   Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic
                                             possessing, or landing large medium or                   quota monitoring and inseason                         Zone off Alaska; Shortraker Rockfish
                                             giant BFT by persons aboard vessels                      adjustments.                                          in the Central Regulatory Area of the
                                             permitted in the General and HMS                                                                               Gulf of Alaska
                                             Charter/Headboat categories must cease                   Classification
                                                                                                                                                            AGENCY:  National Marine Fisheries
                                             at 11:30 p.m. local time on November                        The Assistant Administrator for                    Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
                                             16, 2018.                                                NMFS (AA) finds that it is impracticable              Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
                                                The General category will reopen                      and contrary to the public interest to                Commerce.
                                             automatically on December 1, 2018, for                   provide prior notice of, and an
                                                                                                                                                            ACTION: Temporary rule; closure.
                                             the December 2018 subquota period at                     opportunity for public comment on, this
                                             the default retention limit of one fish. In              action for the following reasons:                     SUMMARY:   NMFS is prohibiting retention
                                             December 2017, NMFS adjusted the                            The regulations implementing the                   of shortraker rockfish in the Central
                                             General category base subquota for the                   2006 Consolidated HMS FMP and                         Regulatory Area of the Gulf of Alaska
                                             December 2018 period to 10 mt (82 FR                     amendments provide for inseason                       (GOA). This action is necessary because
                                             60680, December 22, 2017), although                      actions to respond to the unpredictable               the 2018 total allowable catch of
                                             this amount increased to 14.6 mt with                    nature of BFT availability on the fishing             shortraker rockfish in the Central
                                             finalization of the quota rule. Based on                 grounds, the migratory nature of this                 Regulatory Area of the GOA will be
                                             quota availability in the Reserve, NMFS                  species, and the regional variations in               reached.
                                             may consider transferring additional                     the BFT fishery. Affording prior notice
                                             quota to the December subquota period,                   and opportunity for public comment to                 DATES:  Effective 1200 hours, Alaska
                                             as appropriate.                                          implement the fishery reopening is                    local time (A.l.t.), November 9, 2018,
                                                Fishermen may catch and release (or                   impracticable and contrary to the public              through 2400 hours, A.l.t., December 31,
                                             tag and release) BFT of all sizes, subject               interest. The General category recently               2018.
                                             to the requirements of the catch-and-                    closed, but based on available BFT                    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
khammond on DSK30JT082PROD with RULES

                                             release and tag-and-release programs at                  quotas, recent fishery performance, and               Obren Davis, 907–586–7228.
                                             § 635.26. All BFT that are released must                 the availability of BFT on the fishing                SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: NMFS
                                             be handled in a manner that will                         grounds, responsive reopening of the                  manages the groundfish fishery in the
                                             maximize their survival, and without                     fishery is warranted to allow fishermen               GOA exclusive economic zone
                                             removing the fish from the water,                        to take advantage of availability of fish             according to the Fishery Management
                                             consistent with requirements at                          and of quota. NMFS could not have                     Plan for Groundfish of the Gulf of
                                             § 635.21(a)(1). For additional                           proposed this action earlier, as it needed            Alaska (FMP) prepared by the North

                                        VerDate Sep<11>2014    16:25 Nov 14, 2018   Jkt 247001   PO 00000   Frm 00035   Fmt 4700   Sfmt 4700   E:\FR\FM\15NOR1.SGM   15NOR1

Document Created: 2018-11-15 04:00:08
Document Modified: 2018-11-15 04:00:08
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionRules and Regulations
ActionTemporary rule; General category October-November fishery for 2018; fishery reopening.
DatesEffective 12:30 a.m., local time, November 12, 2018, through 11:30 p.m., local time, November 16, 2018.
ContactUriah Forest-Bulley, 978-675-2154, or Larry Redd, 301-427-8503.
FR Citation83 FR 57340 
RIN Number0648-XG62

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