83_FR_57564 83 FR 57343 - Rules Regarding Equal Opportunity

83 FR 57343 - Rules Regarding Equal Opportunity


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 221 (November 15, 2018)

Page Range57343-57351
FR Document2018-24613

The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (the Board) is proposing to revise and expand its equal employment opportunity regulation to adopt recent changes the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) had made to its rules. The Board's proposed rule is intended to provide Board employees, applicants for employment, and others with the same substantive and procedural rights generally guaranteed to others under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Equal Pay Act, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, and the Rehabilitation Act and thus to comply with the spirit of those laws. The Board's proposed rule also clarifies provisions related to Board employees' right to bring a claim before the Merit System Protection Board and the Federal Labor Relations Board.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 221 (Thursday, November 15, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 221 (Thursday, November 15, 2018)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 57343-57351]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-24613]

Proposed Rules
                                                Federal Register

This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER contains notices to the public of 
the proposed issuance of rules and regulations. The purpose of these 
notices is to give interested persons an opportunity to participate in 
the rule making prior to the adoption of the final rules.


Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 221 / Thursday, November 15, 2018 / 
Proposed Rules

[[Page 57343]]


12 CFR Part 268

[Docket No. R-1630]
RIN 7100-AF 23

Rules Regarding Equal Opportunity

AGENCY: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.

ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.


SUMMARY: The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (the 
Board) is proposing to revise and expand its equal employment 
opportunity regulation to adopt recent changes the Equal Employment 
Opportunity Commission (EEOC) had made to its rules. The Board's 
proposed rule is intended to provide Board employees, applicants for 
employment, and others with the same substantive and procedural rights 
generally guaranteed to others under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act 
of 1964, the Equal Pay Act, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, 
and the Rehabilitation Act and thus to comply with the spirit of those 
laws. The Board's proposed rule also clarifies provisions related to 
Board employees' right to bring a claim before the Merit System 
Protection Board and the Federal Labor Relations Board.

DATES: Comments on the notice of proposed rulemaking must be received 
on or before December 17, 2018.

ADDRESSES: You may submit comments, identified by Docket No. R-[1630 
and RIN 7100-AF 23], by any of the following methods:
     Agency Website: www.federalreserve.gov. Follow the 
instructions for submitting comments at www.federalreserve.gov/generalinfo/foia/ProposedRegs.cfm.
     Email: regs.comments@federalreservegov. Include the docket 
number in the subject line of the message.
     Fax: (202) 452-3819 or (202) 452-3102.
     Mail: Ann E. Misback, Secretary, Board of Governors of the 
Federal Reserve System, 20th Street and Constitution Avenue NW, 
Washington, DC 20551.
    All public comments will be made available on the Board's website 
at http://www.federalreserve.gov/generalinfo/foia/ProposedRegs.cfm as 
submitted, unless modified for technical reasons or to remove 
personally identifiable information at the commenter's request. 
Accordingly, comments will not be edited to remove any identifying or 
contact information. Public comments may also be viewed electronically 
or in paper in Room 3515, 1801 K Street NW (between 18th and 19th 
Streets NW), between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on weekdays.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Sheila Clark, Program Director, Office 
of Diversity and Inclusion, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve 
System, (202) 452-2883. For the hearing impaired only, 
Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD) users may contact 202-263-

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The terms of Board employment are 
established by the Federal Reserve Act and rules established by the 
Board. 12 U.S.C. 244 (Section 244 provides that the ``employment, 
compensation, leave, and expenses'' of Board employees ``shall be 
governed solely by the provisions of this chapter and rules and 
regulations of the Board not inconsistent therewith.'') Although the 
Board has broad discretion to establish the terms of Board employment 
and can establish terms that deviate from the rights afforded to other 
government employees, the Board, as a matter of policy, has long 
aligned its employment practices with federal laws that provide for 
equal employment opportunity. Pursuant to this policy, Part 268 was 
issued by the Board to provide equal opportunity in employment in 
compliance with the spirit of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 
(Title VII), the Equal Pay Act, the Age Discrimination in Employment 
Act, and the Rehabilitation Act. Part 268 has not been updated in 
several years, and the Board is now proposing to amend it in order to 
better align its practices with those of the Equal Employment 
Opportunity Commission's (EEOC's) rules. The proposed revisions to Part 
268 would:
    1. Amend section 268.101 to prohibit discrimination on the basis of 
genetic information to ensure compliance with the Genetic Information 
Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 (GINA) and to make conforming changes 
throughout to reflect this proposed change.
    2. Amend section 268.102(b)(3) to clarify that the Board follows 
Commission guidance and management directives relating to advice for 
ensuring compliance with Title VII, the Equal Pay Act, the Age 
Discrimination in Employment Act, GINA, and the Rehabilitation Act.
    3. Amend section 268.1 to remove references to hiring and granting 
information access since those rules will be incorporated into internal 
Board policies;
    4. Amend section 268.106(a)(5) to adopt the EEOC's rule requiring 
dismissal of complaints that allege discrimination on the basis of 
proposed personnel actions or other preliminary steps unless the 
complainant has alleged that the proposal or preliminary step is 
    5. Amend section 268.107(e) to require Board staff, EEO 
investigators, and complainants to comply with the Board's program for 
the security of Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) information when 
investigating and processing complaints that require access to FOMC 
    6. Amend section 268.107(g) to adopt the EEOC's rule on 
investigating complaints which requires agencies that have not 
completed an investigation within EEOC's time limits to send a notice 
to the complainant indicating the investigation is not complete, 
providing the date by which it will be completed, and explaining that 
the complainant has the right to request a hearing or file a lawsuit;
    7. Amend section 268.201 to reflect updated address information for 
the EEOC;
    8. Amend section 268.203 to more closely reflect the EEOC's 
approach to designing an affirmative action plan for individuals with 
    9. Amend section 268.204 and section 268.401 to reflect the EEOC's 
rules for processing class complaints;
    10. Remove section 268.205 since its subject is not related to 
equal employment opportunity rules and since rules for hiring and 
granting access to information will be incorporated into the Board's 
internal policies;

[[Page 57344]]

    11. Remove section 268.302 to eliminate procedures for handling 
mixed case complaints since mixed case complaints cannot be brought 
against the Board;
    12. Amend section 268.403 to update address information and to 
incorporate the EEOC's rule that agencies submit appellate records and 
complaint files to the EEOC in a digital format that is acceptable to 
the EEOC;
    13. Add a new section 268.405(b) to adopt the EEOC's procedures for 
class complaints which provide that an administrative judge's decision 
on the merits of a class complaint is a final decision which the Board 
can fully implement or appeal in its final action and to provide for 
expedited processing of appeals of decisions to accept or dismiss class 
    14. Amend section 268.502(c) to adopt the EEOC's rule which permits 
agencies up to 120 days to provide the particular relief the EEOC 
ordered; and
    15. Amend section 268.710 to make changes to headings and titles to 
conform to the EEOC's rules and to the Board's functional titles.

Changes To Align With EEOC Rules

    Except as described below, the above changes are necessary to align 
the Board's employment practices and complaint processing with the 
EEOC's rules. The proposed revisions to Part 268 are designed to align 
the Board's practices with changes the EEOC has made to its rules on 
Federal Sector Equal Employment Opportunity found at 29 CFR part 1614. 
In addition, the amendment to section 268.102(b)(3) is proposed in 
order to clarify that the Board follows Commission guidance and 
management directives relating to advice for ensuring compliance with 
Title VII, the Equal Pay Act, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, 
GINA, and the Rehabilitation Act.

Complying With FOMC Security Requirements

    Currently part 268 requires Board staff, EEO investigators, and 
complainants to protect confidential information of the Board but does 
not expressly address confidential FOMC information. Because it is 
conceivable that a complaint could require access to FOMC information, 
and because FOMC information is not solely Board information, the Board 
proposes amending section 268.107(e)(2) to expressly require those 
seeking access to FOMC information to agree to abide by the Program for 
Security of FOMC Information before being granted access to such 
information. This will ensure that FOMC information is protected in the 
same manner as other confidential Board information.

Remove Rules Related to Hiring and Granting Information Access

    The revisions also eliminate section 268.205, which discusses the 
Board's rules for hiring non-citizens and for allowing access to 
confidential supervisory information (CSI) and FOMC information. The 
subject matter of this section is not relevant to the Board's equal 
employment opportunity rules. Thus, the proposed revisions would remove 
this section from the Board's equal employment opportunity regulation. 
Going forward, rules relating to the hiring of non-citizens and 
governing access to CSI and FOMC information will be incorporated in 
the Board's internal management policies.

Eliminate References to Mixed Case Complaints

    The revisions would eliminate section 268.302, which addresses 
procedures that apply to ``mixed case complaints.'' A mixed case 
complaint is an employment complaint which raises violations of both 
EEO laws (over which the EEOC retains jurisdiction) and merit system 
principles, created by certain civil service laws over which the Merit 
Systems Protection Board (MSPB) retains jurisdiction. The Board is not 
subject to the MSPB's jurisdiction in light of its employment 
authorities under the Federal Reserve Act. Thus, the revisions would 
remove this provision of the regulation.

Update Titles To Reflect the Board's Organizational Structure

    The revisions proposed to Subpart H reflect changes to the Board's 
organizational structure since the last time the Board updated its EEO 
Regulation. Subpart H prohibits discrimination on the basis of 
disability in programs or activities conducted by the Board and 
describes how to file complaints alleging such discrimination. The 
complaint process described in Subpart H incorporates references to 
position titles that are no longer in use at the Board. For example, 
Subpart H refers to the Equal Employment Opportunity Office, which has 
since been replaced by the Office of Diversity and Inclusion; to an EEO 
Program Director, which has since been replaced by the Office of 
Diversity and Inclusion Program Director; and to a Staff Director for 
Management, which has been replaced by the Chief Operating Officer. The 
amendments to Subpart H replace the out-of-date titles with up-to-date 
information each place the rule refers to such titles.

Regulatory Analysis

A. Paperwork Reduction Act

    Certain provisions of the proposed rule contain ``collection of 
information'' requirements within the meaning of the Paperwork 
Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501-3521). In accordance with 
the requirements of the PRA, the Board may not conduct or sponsor, and 
the respondent is not required to respond to, an information collection 
unless it displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget 
(OMB) control number. The OMB control number for the Board is 7100-
0313. The Board will address the information collection requirements 
associated with this proposed rule under a separate Federal Register 

B. Regulatory Flexibility Act: Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis

    The Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601 et seq., requires a 
regulatory flexibility analysis only for rules that will have a 
significant impact on a substantial number of small entities. Because 
this rulemaking applies exclusively to Board employees and applicants 
for employment, the Regulatory Flexibility Act does not apply.

C. Plain Language

    Section 722 of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act requires each federal 
banking agency to use plain language in all rules published after 
January 1, 2000. In light of this requirement, the Board believes this 
rule is presented in a simple and straightforward manner and is 
consistent with this ``plain language'' directive.

List of Subjects

12 CFR Part 268

    Administrative practice and procedure, Aged, Civil rights, Equal 
employment opportunity, Federal buildings and facilities, Genetic 
information, Government employees, Individuals with disabilities, 
Religious discrimination, Sex discrimination, Wages.

Authority and Issuance

    For the reasons set forth in the preamble, the Board proposes to 
amend 12 CFR part 268 as set forth below:

[[Page 57345]]


 Subpart A--General Provisions and Administration

1. The authority citation for part 268 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 12 U.S.C. 244 and 248(i), (k) and (l).

2. In Sec.  268.1 revise paragraph (b) to read as follows:

Sec.  268.1   Authority, purpose and scope.

* * * * *
    (b) Purpose and scope. This part sets forth the Board's policy, 
program and procedures for providing equal opportunity to Board 
employees and applicants for employment without regard to race, color, 
religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or genetic 
information. It also sets forth the Board's policy, program and 
procedures for prohibiting discrimination on the basis of disability in 
programs and activities conducted by the Board.
3. Revise Sec.  268.101 to read as follows:

Sec.  268.101   General policy for equal opportunity.

    (a) It is the policy of the Board to provide equal opportunity in 
employment for all persons, to prohibit discrimination in employment 
because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, 
disability, or genetic information and to promote the full realization 
of equal opportunity in employment through a continuing affirmative 
    (b) No person shall be subject to retaliation for opposing any 
practice made unlawful by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act (title VII) 
(42 U.S.C. 2000e et seq.), the Age Discrimination in Employment Act 
(ADEA) (29 U.S.C. 621 et seq.), the Equal Pay Act (29 U.S.C. 206(d)), 
the Rehabilitation Act (29 U.S.C. 791 et seq.), or the Genetic 
Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) (42 U.S.C. 2000ff et seq.) or 
for participating in any stage of administrative or judicial 
proceedings under those statutes.
4. In Sec.  268.102 revise paragraphs (a)(4), (b)(3) and (4) to read as 

Sec.  268.102  Board program for equal employment opportunity.

    (a) * * *
    (4) Communicate the Board's equal employment opportunity policy and 
program and its employment needs to all sources of job candidates 
without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age 
disability, or genetic information, and solicit their recruitment 
assistance on a continuing basis;
* * * * *
    (b) * * *
    (3) Appraise its personnel operations at regular intervals to 
assure their conformity with the Board's program, this part 268 and the 
instructions contained in the Commission's management directives 
relating to advice for ensuring compliance with the provisions of title 
VII, the Equal Pay Act, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, GINA, 
and the Rehabilitation Act.
    (4) Designate a Director for Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO 
Programs Director), EEO Officer(s), and such Special Emphasis Program 
Managers/Coordinators (e.g., People with Disabilities Program, Federal 
Women's Program and Hispanic Employment Program), clerical and 
administrative support as may be necessary to carry out the functions 
described in this part in all organizational units of the Board and at 
all Board installations. The EEO Programs Director shall be under the 
immediate supervision of the Chair. The EEO Programs Director may also 
serve as the Director of the Office of Diversity and Inclusion.
* * * * *
5. In Sec.  268.103 revise paragraph (a) to read as follows:

Sec.  268.103  Complaints of discrimination covered by this part.

    (a) Individual and class complaints of employment discrimination 
and retaliation prohibited by title VII (discrimination on the basis of 
race, color, religion, sex and national origin), the ADEA 
(discrimination on the basis of age when the aggrieved person is at 
least 40 years of age), the Rehabilitation Act (discrimination on the 
basis of disability), the Equal Pay Act (sex-based wage 
discrimination), or GINA (discrimination on the basis of genetic 
information) shall be processed in accordance with this part. 
Complaints alleging retaliation prohibited by these statutes are 
considered to be complaints of discrimination for purposes of this 
* * * * *
6. In Sec.  268.104 revise intro paragraph (a) and paragraph (d) to 
read as follows:

Sec.  268.104  Pre-complaint processing.

    (a) Aggrieved persons who believe they have been discriminated 
against on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, 
age disability, or genetic information must consult a Counselor prior 
to filing a complaint in order to try to informally resolve the matter.
    * * *
    (d) Unless the aggrieved person agrees to a longer counseling 
period under paragraph (e) of this section, or the aggrieved person 
chooses an alternative dispute resolution procedure in accordance with 
paragraph (b)(2) of this section, the Counselor shall conduct the final 
interview with the aggrieved person within 30 days of the date the 
aggrieved person contacted the Board's Office of Diversity and 
Inclusion to request counseling. If the matter has not been resolved, 
the aggrieved person shall be informed in writing by the Counselor, not 
later than the thirtieth day after contacting the Counselor, of the 
right to file a discrimination complaint with the Board. This notice 
shall inform the complainant of the right to file a discrimination 
complaint within 15 days of receipt of the notice, of the appropriate 
official with whom to file a complaint and of the complainant's duty to 
assure that the Programs Director is informed immediately if the 
complainant retains counsel or a representative.
* * * * *
7. In Sec.  268.106 revise paragraphs (a)(4) and (5) to read as 

Sec.  268.106  Dismissals of complaints.

    (a) * * *
    (4) Reserved.
    (5) That is moot or alleges that a proposal to take a personnel 
action, or other preliminary step to taking a personnel action, is 
discriminatory, unless the complaint alleges that the proposal or 
preliminary step is retaliatory;
* * * * *
8. Amend Sec.  268.107 by:
a. Adding a sentence at the end of paragraph (e)(2);
b. Redesignating paragraph (g) as paragraph (h) and adding new 
paragraph (g).
    The additions and redesignation read as follows.

Sec.  268.107  Investigation of complaints.

* * * * *
    (e) (1) * * *
    (2) * * * Confidential supervisory information, as defined in 12 
CFR 261.2(c), and other confidential information of the Board may be 
included in the investigative file by the investigator, the EEO 
Programs Director, or another appropriate officer of the Board, where 
such information is relevant to the complaint. Neither the complainant 
nor the complainant's personal representative may make further 
disclosure of such information, however, except in compliance with the 
Board's Rules Regarding Availability of

[[Page 57346]]

Information, 12 CFR part 261, and where applicable, the Board's Rules 
Regarding Access to Personal Information under the Privacy Act of 1974, 
12 CFR part 261a. Any party or individual, including an investigator, 
who requires access to FOMC information must agree to abide by the 
Program for Security of FOMC Information before being granted access to 
such information.
* * * * *
    (g) If the Board does not send the notice required in paragraph (f) 
of this section within the applicable time limits, it shall, within 
those same time limits, issue a written notice to the complainant 
informing the complainant that it has been unable to complete its 
investigation within the time limits required by Sec.  268.107(f) and 
estimating a date by which the investigation will be completed. 
Further, the notice must explain that if the complainant does not want 
to wait until the agency completes the investigation, he or she may 
request a hearing in accordance with paragraph (h) of this section, or 
file a civil action in an appropriate United States District Court in 
accordance with Sec.  268.406(b). Such notice shall contain information 
about the hearing procedures.
8. In Sec.  268.108 revise the subject heading of paragraph (g) to read 
as follows:

Sec.  268.108   Hearings.

* * * * *
    (g) Summary Judgement. * * *
* * * * *
9. Amend Sec.  268.201 by revising paragraph (a) and introductory text 
paragraph (c) to read as follows:

Sec.  268.201  Age Discrimination in Employment Act.

    (a) As an alternative to filing a complaint under this part, an 
aggrieved individual may file a civil action in a United States 
district court under the ADEA against the agency after giving the 
Commission not less than 30 days' notice of the intent to file such an 
action. Such notice must be filed in writing with EEOC, at P.O. Box 
77960, Washington, DC 20013, or by personal delivery or facsimile 
within 180 days of the occurrence of the alleged unlawful practice.
    * * *
    (c) When an individual has filed an administrative complaint 
alleging age discrimination, administrative remedies will be considered 
to be exhausted for purposes of filing a civil action:
    * * *
10. Revise Sec.  268.203 to read as follows:

Sec.  268.203  Rehabilitation Act.

    (a) Definitions. The following definitions apply for purposes of 
this section:
    (1) The term ADA means title I of the Americans with Disabilities 
Act of 1990, as amended (42 U.S.C. 12101 through 12117), title V of the 
Americans with Disabilities Act, as amended (42 U.S.C. 12201 through 
12213), as it applies to employment, and the regulations of the Equal 
Employment Opportunity Commission implementing titles I and V of the 
ADA at 29 CFR part 1630.
    (2) The term disability means disability as defined under 29 CFR 
1630.2(g) through (l).
    (3) The term hiring authority that takes disability into account 
means a hiring authority established under written Board policy that 
permits the Board to consider disability status during the hiring 
    (4) The term personal assistance service provider means an employee 
or independent contractor whose primary job functions include provision 
of personal assistance services.
    (5) The term personal assistance services means assistance with 
performing activities of daily living that an individual would 
typically perform if he or she did not have a disability, and that is 
not otherwise required as a reasonable accommodation, including, for 
example, assistance with removing and putting on clothing, eating, and 
using the restroom.
    (6) The term Plan means an affirmative action plan for the hiring, 
placement, and advancement of individuals with disabilities.
    (7) Reserved.
    (8) The term Section 501 means section 501 of the Rehabilitation 
Act of 1973, as amended (29 U.S.C. 791).
    (9) The term targeted disability means a disability that is 
designated as a ``targeted disability or health condition'' on the 
Office of Personnel Management's Standard Form 256 or that falls under 
one of the first 12 categories of disability listed in Part A of 
question 5 of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's Demographic 
Information on Applicants form.
    (10) The term undue hardship has the meaning set forth in 29 CFR 
part 1630.
    (b) Nondiscrimination. The Board shall not discriminate on the 
basis of disability in regard to the hiring, advancement or discharge 
of employees, employee compensation, job training, or other terms, 
conditions, and privileges of employment. The standards used to 
determine whether Section 501 has been violated in a complaint alleging 
employment discrimination under this part shall be the standards 
applied under the ADA.
    (c) Model employer. The Board shall be a model employer of 
individuals with disabilities. The Board shall give full consideration 
to the hiring, advancement, and retention of qualified individuals with 
disabilities in its workforce. The Board shall also take affirmative 
action to promote the recruitment, hiring, and advancement of qualified 
individuals with disabilities, with the goal of eliminating under-
representation of individuals with disabilities in the Board's 
    (d) Affirmative action plan. The Board shall adopt and implement a 
Plan that provides sufficient assurances, procedures, and commitments 
to provide adequate hiring, placement, and advancement opportunities 
for individuals with disabilities at all levels of Board employment. 
The Board's Plan must meet the following criteria:
    (1) Disability hiring and advancement program--
    (i) Recruitment. The Plan shall require the Board to take specific 
steps to ensure that a broad range of individuals with disabilities, 
including individuals with targeted disabilities, will be aware of and 
be encouraged to apply for job vacancies when eligible. Such steps 
shall include, at a minimum--
    (A) Use of programs and resources that identify job applicants with 
disabilities, including individuals with targeted disabilities, who are 
eligible to be appointed under a hiring authority that takes disability 
into account, examples of which could include programs that provide the 
qualifications necessary for particular positions within the Board to 
individuals with disabilities, databases of individuals with 
disabilities who previously applied to the Board but were not hired for 
the positions they applied for, and training and internship programs 
that lead directly to employment for individuals with disabilities; and
    (B) Establishment and maintenance of contacts (which may include 
formal agreements) with organizations that specialize in providing 
assistance to individuals with disabilities, including individuals with 
targeted disabilities, in securing and maintaining employment, such as 
American Job Centers, State Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies, the 
Veterans' Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Program, Centers for 
Independent Living, and Employment Network service providers.
    (ii) Application process. The Plan shall ensure that the Board has 
designated sufficient staff to handle any disability-related issues 
that arise during the application and selection

[[Page 57347]]

processes, and shall require the Board to provide such individuals with 
sufficient training, support, and other resources to carry out their 
responsibilities under this section. Such responsibilities shall 
include, at a minimum--
    (A) Ensuring that disability-related questions from members of the 
public regarding the agency's application and selection processes are 
answered promptly and correctly, including questions about reasonable 
accommodations needed by job applicants during the application and 
selection processes and questions about how individuals may apply for 
appointment under hiring authorities that take disability into account;
    (B) Processing requests for reasonable accommodations needed by job 
applicants during the application and placement processes, and ensuring 
that the Board provides such accommodations when required to do so 
under the standards set forth in 29 CFR part 1630;
    (C) Accepting applications for appointment under hiring authorities 
that take disability into account, if permitted under written Board 
    (D) If an individual has applied for appointment to a particular 
position under a hiring authority that takes disability into account, 
determining whether the individual is eligible for appointment under 
such authority, and, if so, forwarding the individual's application to 
the relevant hiring officials with an explanation of how and when the 
individual may be appointed, consistent with all applicable laws;
    (E) Overseeing any other Board programs designed to increase hiring 
of individuals with disabilities.
    (iii) Advancement program. The Plan shall require the Board to take 
specific steps to ensure that current employees with disabilities have 
sufficient opportunities for advancement. Such steps may include, for 
    (A) Efforts to ensure that employees with disabilities are informed 
of and have opportunities to enroll in relevant training, including 
management training when eligible;
    (B) Development or maintenance of a mentoring program for employees 
with disabilities; and
    (C) Administration of exit interviews that include questions on how 
the Board could improve the recruitment, hiring, inclusion, and 
advancement of individuals with disabilities.
    (2) Disability anti-harassment policy. The Plan shall require the 
Board to state specifically in its anti-harassment policy that 
harassment based on disability is prohibited, and to include in its 
training materials examples of the types of conduct that would 
constitute disability-based harassment.
    (3) Reasonable accommodation--
    (i) Procedures. The Plan shall require the Board to adopt, post on 
its public website, and make available to all job applicants and 
employees in written and accessible formats, reasonable accommodation 
procedures that are easy to understand and that, at a minimum--
    (A) Explain relevant terms such as ``reasonable accommodation,'' 
``disability,'' ``interactive process,'' ``qualified,'' and ``undue 
hardship,'' consistent with applicable statutory and regulatory 
definitions, using examples where appropriate;
    (B) Explain that reassignment to a vacant position for which an 
employee is qualified, and not just permission to compete for such 
position, is a reasonable accommodation, and that the Board must 
consider providing reassignment to a vacant position as a reasonable 
accommodation when it determines that no other reasonable accommodation 
will permit an employee with a disability to perform the essential 
functions of his or her current position;
    (C) Notify supervisors and other relevant Board employees how and 
where they are to conduct searches for available vacancies when 
considering reassignment as a reasonable accommodation;
    (D) Explain that an individual may request a reasonable 
accommodation orally or in writing at any time, need not fill out any 
specific form in order for the interactive process to begin, and need 
not have a particular accommodation in mind before making a request, 
and that the request may be made to a supervisor or manager in the 
individual's chain of command, the office designated by the Board to 
oversee the reasonable accommodation process, any Board employee 
connected with the application process, or any other individual 
designated by the Board to accept such requests;
    (E) Include any forms the Board uses in connection with a 
reasonable accommodation request as attachments, and indicate that such 
forms are available in alternative formats that are accessible to 
people with disabilities;
    (F) Describe the Board's process for determining whether to provide 
a reasonable accommodation, including the interactive process, and 
provide contact information for the individual or program office from 
whom requesters will receive a final decision;
    (G) Provide guidance to supervisors on how to recognize requests 
for reasonable accommodation;
    (H) Require that decision makers communicate, early in the 
interactive process and periodically throughout the process, with 
individuals who have requested a reasonable accommodation;
    (I) Explain when the Board may require an individual who requests a 
reasonable accommodation to provide medical information that is 
sufficient to explain the nature of the individual's disability, his or 
her need for reasonable accommodation, and how the requested 
accommodation, if any, will assist the individual to apply for a job, 
perform the essential functions of a job, or enjoy the benefits and 
privileges of the workplace;
    (J) Explain the Board's right to request relevant supplemental 
medical information if the information submitted by the requester is 
insufficient for the purposes specified in paragraph (d)(3)(i)(I) of 
this section;
    (K) Explain the Board's right to have medical information reviewed 
by a medical expert of the Board's choosing at the Board's expense;
    (L) Explain the Board's obligation to keep medical information 
confidential, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, and 
the limited circumstances under which such information may be 
    (M) Designate the maximum amount of time the Board has, absent 
extenuating circumstances, to either provide a requested accommodation 
or deny the request, and explain that the time limit begins to run when 
the accommodation is first requested;
    (N) Explain that the Board will not be expected to adhere to its 
usual timelines if an individual's health professional fails to provide 
needed documentation in a timely manner;
    (O) Explain that, where a particular reasonable accommodation can 
be provided in less than the maximum amount of time permitted under 
paragraph (d)(3)(i)(M) of this section, failure to provide the 
accommodation in a prompt manner may result in a violation of the 
Rehabilitation Act;
    (P) Provide for expedited processing of requests for reasonable 
accommodations that are needed sooner than the maximum allowable time 
frame permitted under paragraph (d)(3)(i)(M) of this section;
    (Q) Explain that, when all the facts and circumstances known to the 
Board make it reasonably likely that an individual will be entitled to 
a reasonable accommodation, but the accommodation cannot be provided 
immediately, the Board shall provide an interim accommodation that 
allows the individual to perform some or all of the essential functions 
of his or her job, if

[[Page 57348]]

it is possible to do so without imposing undue hardship on the Board;
    (R) Inform applicants and employees how they may track the 
processing of requests for reasonable accommodation;
    (S) Explain that, where there is a delay in either processing a 
request for or providing a reasonable accommodation, the Board must 
notify the individual of the reason for the delay, including any 
extenuating circumstances that justify the delay;
    (T) Explain that individuals who have been denied reasonable 
accommodations have the right to file complaints pursuant to 12 CFR 
    (U) Encourage the use of voluntary informal dispute resolution 
processes that individuals may use to obtain prompt reconsideration of 
denied requests for reasonable accommodation;
    (V) Provide that the Board shall give the requester a notice 
consistent with the requirements of paragraph (d)(3)(iii) of this 
section at the time a request for reasonable accommodation is denied; 
    (W) Provide information on how to access additional information 
regarding reasonable accommodation, including, at a minimum, Commission 
guidance and technical assistance documents.
    (ii) Cost of accommodations. The Plan shall require the Board to 
take specific steps to ensure that requests for reasonable 
accommodation are not denied for reasons of cost, and that individuals 
with disabilities are not excluded from employment due to the 
anticipated cost of a reasonable accommodation, if the resources 
available to the Board as a whole, excluding those designated by 
statute for a specific purpose that does not include reasonable 
accommodation, would enable it to provide an effective reasonable 
accommodation without undue hardship. Such steps shall be reasonably 
designed to, at a minimum--
    (A) Ensure that anyone who is authorized to grant or deny requests 
for reasonable accommodation or to make hiring decisions is aware that, 
pursuant to the regulations implementing the undue hardship defense at 
29 CFR part 1630, all resources available to the agency as a whole, 
excluding those designated by statute for a specific purpose that does 
not include reasonable accommodation, are considered when determining 
whether a denial of reasonable accommodation based on cost is lawful; 
    (B) Ensure that anyone authorized to grant or deny requests for 
reasonable accommodation or to make hiring decisions is aware of, and 
knows how to arrange for the use of, Board resources available to 
provide the accommodation, including any centralized fund the Board may 
have for that purpose.
    (iii) Notification of basis for denial. The Plan shall require the 
Board to provide a job applicant or employee who is denied a reasonable 
accommodation with a written notice at the time of the denial, in an 
accessible format when requested, that--
    (A) Explains the reasons for the denial and notifies the job 
applicant or employee of any available internal appeal or informal 
dispute resolution processes;
    (B) Informs the job applicant or employee of the right to challenge 
the denial by filing a complaint of discrimination under this part;
    (C) Provides instructions on how to file such a complaint; and
    (D) Explains that, pursuant to 12 CFR 268.105, the right to file a 
complaint will be lost unless the job applicant or employee initiates 
contact with an EEO Counselor within 45 days of the denial, regardless 
of whether the applicant or employee participates in an informal 
dispute resolution process.
    (4) Accessibility of facilities and technology--
    (i) Notice of rights. The Plan shall require the Board to adopt, 
post on its public website, and make available to all employees in 
written and accessible formats, a notice that--
    (A) Explains their rights under Section 508 of the Rehabilitation 
Act of 1973, 29 U.S.C. 794d, concerning the accessibility of agency 
technology, and the Architectural Barriers Act, 42 U.S.C. 4151 through 
4157, concerning the accessibility of agency building and facilities;
    (B) Provides contact information for a Board employee who is 
responsible for ensuring the physical accessibility of the Board's 
facilities under the Architectural Barriers Act of 1968, and a Board 
employee who is responsible for ensuring that the electronic and 
information technology purchased, maintained, or used by the agency is 
readily accessible to, and usable by, individuals with disabilities, as 
required by Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; and
    (C) Provides instructions on how to file complaints alleging 
violations of the accessibility requirements of the Architectural 
Barriers Act of 1968 and Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
    (ii) Assistance with filing complaints at other agencies. If the 
Board's investigation of a complaint filed under Section 508 of the 
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 or the Architectural Barriers Act of 1968 
shows that a different entity is responsible for the alleged violation, 
the Plan shall require the Board to inform the individual who filed the 
complaint where he or she may file a complaint against the other 
entity, if possible.
    (5) Personal assistance services allowing employees to participate 
in the workplace--
    (i) Obligation to provide personal assistance services. The Plan 
shall require the Board to provide an employee with, in addition to 
professional services required as a reasonable accommodation under the 
standards set forth in 29 CFR part 1630, personal assistance services 
during work hours and job-related travel if
    (A) The employee requires such services because of a targeted 
    (B) Provision of such services would, together with any reasonable 
accommodations required under the standards set forth in 29 CFR part 
1630, enable the employee to perform the essential functions of his or 
her position; and
    (C) Provision of such services would not impose undue hardship on 
the Board.
    (ii) Service providers. The Plan shall state that personal 
assistance services required under paragraph (d)(5)(i) of this section 
must be performed by a personal assistance service provider. The Plan 
may permit the Board to require personal assistance service providers 
to provide personal assistance services to more than one individual. 
The Plan may also permit the Board to require personal assistance 
service providers to perform tasks unrelated to personal assistance 
services, but only to the extent that doing so does not result in 
failure to provide personal assistance services required under 
paragraph (d)(5)(i) of this section in a timely manner.
    (iii) No adverse action. The Plan shall prohibit the Board from 
taking adverse actions against job applicants or employees based on 
their need for, or perceived need for, personal assistance services.
    (iv) Selection of personal assistance service providers. The Plan 
shall require the Board, when selecting someone who will provide 
personal assistance services to a single individual, to give primary 
consideration to the individual's preferences to the extent permitted 
by law.
    (v) Written procedures. The Plan shall require the Board to adopt, 
post on its public website, and make available to all job applicants 
and employees in written and accessible formats, procedures for 
processing requests for personal assistance services. The Board may 
satisfy this requirement by stating,

[[Page 57349]]

in the procedures required under paragraph (d)(3)(i) of this section, 
that the process for requesting personal assistance services, the 
process for determining whether such services are required, and the 
Board's right to deny such requests when provision of the services 
would pose an undue hardship, are the same as for reasonable 
    (6) Utilization analysis--
    (i) Current utilization. The Plan shall require the Board to 
perform a workforce analysis annually to determine the percentage of 
its employees at each grade and salary level who have disabilities, and 
the percentage of its employees at each grade and salary level who have 
targeted disabilities.
    (ii) Source of data. For purposes of the analysis required under 
paragraph (d)(6)(i) of this section an employee may be classified as an 
individual with a disability or an individual with a targeted 
disability on the basis of--
    (A) The individual's self-identification as an individual with a 
disability or an individual with a targeted disability on a form, 
including but not limited to the Office of Personnel Management's 
Standard Form 256, which states that the information collected will be 
kept confidential and used only for statistical purposes, and that 
completion of the form is voluntary;
    (B) Records relating to the individual's appointment under a hiring 
authority that takes disability into account, if applicable; and
    (C) Records relating to the individual's requests for reasonable 
accommodation, if any.
    (iii) Data accuracy. The Plan shall require the Board to take steps 
to ensure that data collected pursuant to paragraph (d)(6)(i) of this 
section are accurate.
    (7) Goals--
    (i) Adoption. The Plan shall commit the Board to the goal of 
ensuring that--
    (A) No less than 12% of employees who have salaries equal to or 
greater than employees at the GS-11, step 1 level in the Washington, DC 
locality, are individuals with disabilities;
    (B) No less than 12% of employees who have salaries less than 
employees at the GS-11, step 1 level in the Washington, DC locality, 
are individuals with disabilities;
    (C) No less than 2% of employees who have salaries equal to or 
greater than employees at the GS-11, step 1 level in the Washington, DC 
locality, are individuals with targeted disabilities; and
    (D) No less than 2% of employees who have salaries less than 
employees at the GS-11, step 1 level in the Washington, DC locality, 
are individuals with targeted disabilities.
    (ii) Progression toward goals. The Plan shall require the Board to 
take specific steps that are reasonably designed to gradually increase 
the number of persons with disabilities or targeted disabilities 
employed at the Board until it meets the goals established pursuant to 
paragraph (d)(7)(i) of this section. Examples of such steps include, 
but are not limited to--
    (A) Increased use of hiring authorities that take disability into 
account to hire or promote individuals with disabilities or targeted 
disabilities, as applicable;
    (B) To the extent permitted by applicable laws, consideration of 
disability or targeted disability status as a positive factor in 
hiring, promotion, or assignment decisions;
    (C) Disability-related training and education campaigns for all 
employees in the Board;
    (D) Additional outreach or recruitment efforts;
    (E) Increased efforts to hire and retain individuals who require 
supported employment because of a disability, who have retained the 
services of a job coach at their own expense or at the expense of a 
third party, and who may be given permission to use the job coach 
during work hours as a reasonable accommodation without imposing undue 
hardship on the Board; and
    (F) Adoption of training, mentoring, or internship programs for 
individuals with disabilities.
    (8) Recordkeeping. The Plan shall require the Board to keep records 
that it may use to determine whether it is complying with the 
nondiscrimination and affirmative action requirements imposed under 
Section 501, and to make such records available to the Commission upon 
the Commission's request, including, at a minimum, records of--
    (i) The number of job applications received from individuals with 
disabilities, and the number of individuals with disabilities who were 
hired by the Board;
    (ii) The number of job applications received from individuals with 
targeted disabilities, and the number of individuals with targeted 
disabilities who were hired by the Board;
    (iii) All rescissions of conditional job offers, demotions, and 
terminations taken against applicants or employees as a result of 
medical examinations or inquiries;
    (iv) All Board employees hired under special hiring authority for 
person with certain disabilities, and each such employee's date of 
hire, entering grade level, probationary status, and current grade 
    (v) The number of employees appointed under special hiring 
authority for persons with certain disabilities who successfully 
completed the Board's Provisional Employment period and the number of 
such employees who were terminate prior to the end of their Provisional 
Employment period; and
    (vi) Details about each request for reasonable accommodation 
including, at a minimum--
    (A) The specific reasonable accommodation requested, if any;
    (B) The job sought by the requesting applicant or held by the 
requesting employee;
    (C) Whether the accommodation was needed to apply for a job, 
perform the essential functions of a job, or enjoy the benefits and 
privileges of employment;
    (D) Whether the request was granted (which may include an 
accommodation different from the one requested) or denied;
    (E) The identity of the deciding official;
    (F) If denied, the basis for such denial; and
    (G) The number of days taken to process the request.
    (e) Reporting--
    (1) Submission to the Commission. On an annual basis the Board 
shall submit to the Commission at such time and in such manner as the 
Commission deems appropriate--
    (i) A copy of its current Plan;
    (ii) The results of the two most recent workforce analyses 
performed pursuant to paragraph (d)(6) of this section showing the 
percentage of employees with disabilities and employees with targeted 
disabilities in each of the designated pay groups;
    (iii) The number of individuals appointed to positions within the 
Board under special hiring authority for persons with certain 
disabilities during the previous year, and the total number of 
employees whose employment at the Board began by appointment under 
special hiring authority for persons with certain disabilities; and
    (iv) A list of changes made to the Plan since the prior submission, 
if any, and an explanation of why those changes were made.
    (2) Availability to the public. The Board shall make the 
information submitted to the Commission pursuant to paragraph (e)(1) of 
this section available to the public by, at a minimum, posting a copy 
of the submission on its public website and providing a means by which 
members of

[[Page 57350]]

the public may request copies of the submission in accessible formats.
* * * * *
11. Amend Sec.  268.204 by revising paragraphs (i) through (k); and the 
third sentence of paragraph (l)(3) to read as follows:

Sec.  268.204  Class complaints.

* * * * *
    (i) Decisions. The administrative judge shall transmit to the 
agency and class agent a decision on the complaint, including findings, 
systemic relief for the class and any individual relief, where 
appropriate, with regard to the personnel action or matter that gave 
rise to the complaint. If the administrative judge finds no class 
relief appropriate, he or she shall determine if a finding of 
individual discrimination is warranted and if so, shall order 
appropriate relief.
    (j) Board final action. (1) Within 60 days of receipt of the 
administrative judge's decision on the complaint, the Board shall take 
final action by issuing a final order. The final order shall notify the 
class agent whether or not the Board will fully implement the decision 
of the administrative judge and shall contain notice of the class 
agent's right to appeal to the Commission, the right to file a civil 
action in federal district court, the name of the proper defendant in 
any such lawsuit, and the applicable time limits for appeals and 
lawsuits. If the final order does not fully implement the decision of 
the administrative judge, then the Board shall simultaneously file an 
appeal in accordance with Sec.  268.403 and append a copy of the appeal 
to the final order. A copy of EEOC Form 573 shall be attached to the 
final order.
    (2) If the Board does not issue a final order within 60 days of 
receipt of the administrative judge's decision, then the decision of 
the administrative judge shall become the final action of the Board.
    (3) A final order on a class complaint shall, subject to subpart E 
of this part, be binding on all members of the class and the Board.
    (k) Notification of final action: The Board shall notify class 
members of the final action and the relief awarded, if any, through the 
same media employed to give notice of the existence of the class 
complaint. The notice, where appropriate, shall include information 
concerning the rights of class members to seek individual relief, and 
of the procedures to be followed. Notice shall be given by the Board 
within 10 days of the transmittal of the final action to the agent.
    (l) * * *
    (3) * * * The claim must include a specific detailed showing that 
the claimant is a class member who was affected by the discriminatory 
policy or practice, and that this discriminatory action took place 
within the period of time for which class-wide discrimination was found 
in the final order. * * *
* * * * *

Sec.  268.205   [Removed and Reserved]

 12. Remove and Reserve Sec.  268.205.

Sec.  268.302  [Removed and Reserved]

 13. Remove and Reserve Sec.  268.302.
14. Amend Sec.  268.401 by revising paragraph (c) to read as follows:

Sec.  268.401  Appeals to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

* * * * *
    (c) A class agent or the Board may appeal an administrative judge's 
decision accepting or dismissing all or part of a class complaint; a 
class agent may appeal the Board's final action or the Board may appeal 
an administrative judge's decision on a class complaint; a class member 
may appeal a final decision on a claim for individual relief under a 
class complaint; and a class member, a class agent or the Board may 
appeal a final decision on a petition pursuant to Sec.  268.204(g)(4).
* * * * *
15. In Sec.  268.403, revise paragraph (a) and add new paragraph (g) to 
read as follows:

Sec.  268.403  How to appeal.

    (a) The complainant, the Board, agent or individual class claimant 
(hereinafter appellant) must file an appeal with the Director, Office 
of Federal Operations, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, at P.O. 
Box 77960, Washington, DC 20013, or electronically, or by personal 
delivery or facsimile. The appellant should use EEOC Form 573, Notice 
of Appeal/Petition, and should indicate what is being appealed.
* * * * *
    (g) The Board will submit appeals, complaint files, and other 
filings to the Commission's Office of Federal Operations in a digital 
format acceptable to the Commission, absent a showing of good cause why 
the Board cannot submit digital records. Appellants are encouraged, but 
not required, to submit digital appeals and supporting documentation to 
the Commission's Office of Federal Operations in a format acceptable to 
the Commission.
16. Amend Sec.  268.405 by revising the third sentence to paragraph 
(a), revising paragraphs (b) and (c), and adding (d).
    The addition and revisions read as follows:

Sec.  268.405  Decisions on appeals.

    (a) * * * The Office of Federal Operations, on behalf of the 
Commission, shall issue a written decision setting forth its reasons 
for the decision. The Commission shall dismiss appeals in accordance 
with Sec. Sec.  268.106, 268.403(c) and 268.408. The decision shall be 
based on the preponderance of the evidence. The decision on an appeal 
from the Board's final action shall be based on a de novo review, 
except that the review of the factual findings in a decision by an 
administrative judge issued pursuant to Sec.  268.108(i) shall be based 
on a substantial evidence standard of review. If the decision contains 
a finding of discrimination, appropriate remedy(ies) shall be included 
and, where appropriate, the entitlement to interest, attorney's fees or 
costs shall be indicated. The decision shall reflect the date of its 
issuance, inform the complainant of his or her civil action rights, and 
be transmitted to the complainant and the Board by first class mail. * 
* *
    (b) The Office of Federal Operations, on behalf of the Commission, 
shall issue decisions on appeals of decisions to accept or dismiss a 
class complaint issued pursuant to Sec.  268.204(d)(7) within 90 days 
of receipt of the appeal.
    (c) A decision issued under paragraph (a) of this section is final 
within the meaning of Sec.  268.406 unless the Board issues a final 
decision under paragraph (d) of this section or unless a timely request 
for reconsideration is filed by a party to the case. A party may 
request reconsideration within 30 days of receipt of a decision of the 
Commission, which the Commission in its discretion may grant, if the 
party demonstrates that:
    (1) The appellate decision involved a clearly erroneous 
interpretation of material fact or law; or
    (2) The decision will have a substantial impact on the policies, 
practices, or operations of the Board.
    (d) The Board, within 30 days of receiving a decision of the 
Commission, may issue a final decision based upon that decision, which 
shall be final within the meaning of Sec.  268.406.
17. In Sec.  268.502, revise paragraphs (b)(2) and (c) to read as 

Sec.  268.502  Compliance with final Commission decisions.

* * * * *
    (b) * * *
    (2) When the Board requests reconsideration, it may delay the 
payment of any amounts ordered to be paid to the complainant until 
after the request for reconsideration is resolved. If the Board delays 
payment of any

[[Page 57351]]

amount pending the outcome of the request to reconsider and the 
resolution of the request (including under Sec.  268.405(d)) requires 
the Board to make the payment, then the Board shall pay interest from 
the date of the original appellate decision until payment is made.
* * * * *
    (c) When no request for reconsideration or final decision under 
Sec.  268.405(d) is filed or when a request for reconsideration is 
denied, the Board shall provide the relief ordered and there is no 
further right to delay implementation of the ordered relief. The relief 
shall be provided in full not later than 120 days after receipt of the 
final decision unless otherwise ordered in the decision.
18. In Sec.  268.504 revise paragraph (c) to read as follows:

Sec.  268.504  Compliance with settlement agreements and final actions.

* * * * *
    (c) Prior to rendering its determination, the Commission may 
request that the parties submit whatever additional information or 
documentation it deems necessary or may direct that an investigation or 
hearing on the matter be conducted. If the Commission determines that 
the Board is not in compliance with a decision or a settlement 
agreement, and the noncompliance is not attributable to acts or conduct 
of the complainant, it may order such compliance with the decision or 
settlement agreement, or, alternatively, for a settlement agreement, it 
may order that the complaint be reinstated for further processing from 
the point processing ceased. Allegations that subsequent acts of 
discrimination violate a settlement agreement shall be processed as 
separate complaints under Sec. Sec.  268.105 or 268.204, as 
appropriate, rather than under this section.
19. Amend Sec.  268.710 by:
a. Removing the words ``EEO'' each place it appears;
b. Removing the words ``Staff Director for Management'' each place they 
appear and replace them with the words ``Chief Operating Officer'';
c. Revising paragraph (c) to remove the words ``EEO Programs Director'' 
and replace them with the words ``Office of Diversity and Inclusion 
Programs Director'' (`Programs Director')'';
d. Revising the second sentence of paragraph (d)(4) to insert the words 
``Office of Diversity and Inclusion'' after the words ``Programs 
Director'' and before the words ``Board of Governors.''
    The revisions read as follows:

Sec.  268.710   Compliance procedures.

* * * * *
    (c) Responsible official. The Office of Diversity and Inclusion 
Programs Director'' (`Programs Director') shall be responsible for 
coordinating implementation of this section.
    (d) * * *
    (4) * * * How to file. Complaints may be delivered or mailed to the 
Administrative Governor, the Chief Operating Officer, the EEO Programs 
Director, the Federal Women's Program Manager, the Hispanic Employment 
Program Coordinator, or the People with Disabilities Program 
Coordinator. Complaints should be sent to the Programs Director, Office 
of Diversity and Inclusion, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve 
System, 20th and C Street NW, Washington, DC 20551. If any Board 
official other than the Programs Director receives a complaint, he or 
she shall forward the complaint to the Programs Director.* * *
* * * * *

    By order of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve 
System, November 1, 2018.
Ann Misback,
Secretary of the Board.
[FR Doc. 2018-24613 Filed 11-14-18; 8:45 am]


                                                Proposed Rules                                                                                                Federal Register
                                                                                                                                                              Vol. 83, No. 221

                                                                                                                                                              Thursday, November 15, 2018

                                                This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER                    Reserve System, 20th Street and                       the Genetic Information
                                                contains notices to the public of the proposed          Constitution Avenue NW, Washington,                   Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 (GINA)
                                                issuance of rules and regulations. The                  DC 20551.                                             and to make conforming changes
                                                purpose of these notices is to give interested             All public comments will be made                   throughout to reflect this proposed
                                                persons an opportunity to participate in the            available on the Board’s website at                   change.
                                                rule making prior to the adoption of the final          http://www.federalreserve.gov/
                                                                                                                                                                 2. Amend section 268.102(b)(3) to
                                                                                                        generalinfo/foia/ProposedRegs.cfm as                  clarify that the Board follows
                                                                                                        submitted, unless modified for technical              Commission guidance and management
                                                FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM                                  reasons or to remove personally                       directives relating to advice for ensuring
                                                                                                        identifiable information at the                       compliance with Title VII, the Equal Pay
                                                12 CFR Part 268                                         commenter’s request. Accordingly,                     Act, the Age Discrimination in
                                                                                                        comments will not be edited to remove                 Employment Act, GINA, and the
                                                [Docket No. R–1630]                                     any identifying or contact information.               Rehabilitation Act.
                                                RIN 7100–AF 23                                          Public comments may also be viewed                       3. Amend section 268.1 to remove
                                                                                                        electronically or in paper in Room 3515,              references to hiring and granting
                                                Rules Regarding Equal Opportunity                       1801 K Street NW (between 18th and                    information access since those rules will
                                                AGENCY: Board of Governors of the                       19th Streets NW), between 9:00 a.m. and               be incorporated into internal Board
                                                Federal Reserve System.                                 5:00 p.m. on weekdays.                                policies;
                                                                                                        FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                         4. Amend section 268.106(a)(5) to
                                                ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.
                                                                                                        Sheila Clark, Program Director, Office of             adopt the EEOC’s rule requiring
                                                SUMMARY:    The Board of Governors of the               Diversity and Inclusion, Board of                     dismissal of complaints that allege
                                                Federal Reserve System (the Board) is                   Governors of the Federal Reserve                      discrimination on the basis of proposed
                                                proposing to revise and expand its equal                System, (202) 452–2883. For the hearing               personnel actions or other preliminary
                                                employment opportunity regulation to                    impaired only, Telecommunications                     steps unless the complainant has
                                                adopt recent changes the Equal                          Device for the Deaf (TDD) users may                   alleged that the proposal or preliminary
                                                Employment Opportunity Commission                       contact 202–263–4869.                                 step is retaliatory;
                                                (EEOC) had made to its rules. The                       SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The terms                     5. Amend section 268.107(e) to
                                                Board’s proposed rule is intended to                    of Board employment are established by                require Board staff, EEO investigators,
                                                provide Board employees, applicants for                 the Federal Reserve Act and rules                     and complainants to comply with the
                                                employment, and others with the same                    established by the Board. 12 U.S.C. 244               Board’s program for the security of
                                                substantive and procedural rights                       (Section 244 provides that the                        Federal Open Market Committee
                                                generally guaranteed to others under                    ‘‘employment, compensation, leave, and                (FOMC) information when investigating
                                                Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964,              expenses’’ of Board employees ‘‘shall be              and processing complaints that require
                                                the Equal Pay Act, the Age                              governed solely by the provisions of this             access to FOMC information;
                                                Discrimination in Employment Act, and                   chapter and rules and regulations of the                 6. Amend section 268.107(g) to adopt
                                                the Rehabilitation Act and thus to                      Board not inconsistent therewith.’’)                  the EEOC’s rule on investigating
                                                comply with the spirit of those laws.                   Although the Board has broad discretion               complaints which requires agencies that
                                                The Board’s proposed rule also clarifies                to establish the terms of Board                       have not completed an investigation
                                                provisions related to Board employees’                  employment and can establish terms                    within EEOC’s time limits to send a
                                                right to bring a claim before the Merit                 that deviate from the rights afforded to              notice to the complainant indicating the
                                                System Protection Board and the                         other government employees, the Board,                investigation is not complete, providing
                                                Federal Labor Relations Board.                          as a matter of policy, has long aligned               the date by which it will be completed,
                                                DATES: Comments on the notice of                        its employment practices with federal                 and explaining that the complainant has
                                                proposed rulemaking must be received                    laws that provide for equal employment                the right to request a hearing or file a
                                                on or before December 17, 2018.                         opportunity. Pursuant to this policy,                 lawsuit;
                                                ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,                     Part 268 was issued by the Board to                      7. Amend section 268.201 to reflect
                                                identified by Docket No. R–[1630 and                    provide equal opportunity in                          updated address information for the
                                                RIN 7100–AF 23], by any of the                          employment in compliance with the                     EEOC;
                                                following methods:                                      spirit of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act              8. Amend section 268.203 to more
                                                   • Agency Website:                                    of 1964 (Title VII), the Equal Pay Act,               closely reflect the EEOC’s approach to
                                                www.federalreserve.gov. Follow the                      the Age Discrimination in Employment                  designing an affirmative action plan for
                                                instructions for submitting comments at                 Act, and the Rehabilitation Act. Part 268             individuals with disabilities;
                                                www.federalreserve.gov/generalinfo/                     has not been updated in several years,                   9. Amend section 268.204 and section
                                                foia/ProposedRegs.cfm.                                  and the Board is now proposing to                     268.401 to reflect the EEOC’s rules for
khammond on DSK30JT082PROD with PROPOSAL

                                                   • Email: regs.comments@                              amend it in order to better align its                 processing class complaints;
                                                federalreservegov. Include the docket                   practices with those of the Equal                        10. Remove section 268.205 since its
                                                number in the subject line of the                       Employment Opportunity Commission’s                   subject is not related to equal
                                                message.                                                (EEOC’s) rules. The proposed revisions                employment opportunity rules and
                                                   • Fax: (202) 452–3819 or (202) 452–                  to Part 268 would:                                    since rules for hiring and granting
                                                3102.                                                      1. Amend section 268.101 to prohibit               access to information will be
                                                   • Mail: Ann E. Misback, Secretary,                   discrimination on the basis of genetic                incorporated into the Board’s internal
                                                Board of Governors of the Federal                       information to ensure compliance with                 policies;

                                           VerDate Sep<11>2014   16:33 Nov 14, 2018   Jkt 247001   PO 00000   Frm 00001   Fmt 4702   Sfmt 4702   E:\FR\FM\15NOP1.SGM   15NOP1

                                                57344               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 221 / Thursday, November 15, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                   11. Remove section 268.302 to                        that FOMC information is protected in                 with up-to-date information each place
                                                eliminate procedures for handling                       the same manner as other confidential                 the rule refers to such titles.
                                                mixed case complaints since mixed case                  Board information.
                                                complaints cannot be brought against                                                                          Regulatory Analysis
                                                                                                        Remove Rules Related to Hiring and
                                                the Board;                                                                                                    A. Paperwork Reduction Act
                                                                                                        Granting Information Access
                                                   12. Amend section 268.403 to update
                                                address information and to incorporate                     The revisions also eliminate section                 Certain provisions of the proposed
                                                the EEOC’s rule that agencies submit                    268.205, which discusses the Board’s                  rule contain ‘‘collection of information’’
                                                appellate records and complaint files to                rules for hiring non-citizens and for                 requirements within the meaning of the
                                                the EEOC in a digital format that is                    allowing access to confidential                       Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995
                                                acceptable to the EEOC;                                 supervisory information (CSI) and                     (44 U.S.C. 3501–3521). In accordance
                                                   13. Add a new section 268.405(b) to                  FOMC information. The subject matter                  with the requirements of the PRA, the
                                                adopt the EEOC’s procedures for class                   of this section is not relevant to the                Board may not conduct or sponsor, and
                                                complaints which provide that an                        Board’s equal employment opportunity
                                                                                                                                                              the respondent is not required to
                                                administrative judge’s decision on the                  rules. Thus, the proposed revisions
                                                                                                                                                              respond to, an information collection
                                                merits of a class complaint is a final                  would remove this section from the
                                                                                                                                                              unless it displays a currently valid
                                                decision which the Board can fully                      Board’s equal employment opportunity
                                                                                                        regulation. Going forward, rules relating             Office of Management and Budget
                                                implement or appeal in its final action
                                                and to provide for expedited processing                 to the hiring of non-citizens and                     (OMB) control number. The OMB
                                                of appeals of decisions to accept or                    governing access to CSI and FOMC                      control number for the Board is 7100–
                                                dismiss class complaints;                               information will be incorporated in the               0313. The Board will address the
                                                   14. Amend section 268.502(c) to                      Board’s internal management policies.                 information collection requirements
                                                adopt the EEOC’s rule which permits                                                                           associated with this proposed rule
                                                                                                        Eliminate References to Mixed Case                    under a separate Federal Register
                                                agencies up to 120 days to provide the
                                                                                                        Complaints                                            notice.
                                                particular relief the EEOC ordered; and
                                                   15. Amend section 268.710 to make                       The revisions would eliminate section
                                                                                                        268.302, which addresses procedures                   B. Regulatory Flexibility Act: Initial
                                                changes to headings and titles to
                                                                                                        that apply to ‘‘mixed case complaints.’’              Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
                                                conform to the EEOC’s rules and to the
                                                Board’s functional titles.                              A mixed case complaint is an                             The Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5
                                                                                                        employment complaint which raises
                                                Changes To Align With EEOC Rules                                                                              U.S.C. 601 et seq., requires a regulatory
                                                                                                        violations of both EEO laws (over which
                                                                                                                                                              flexibility analysis only for rules that
                                                   Except as described below, the above                 the EEOC retains jurisdiction) and merit
                                                                                                                                                              will have a significant impact on a
                                                changes are necessary to align the                      system principles, created by certain
                                                                                                                                                              substantial number of small entities.
                                                Board’s employment practices and                        civil service laws over which the Merit
                                                complaint processing with the EEOC’s                    Systems Protection Board (MSPB)                       Because this rulemaking applies
                                                rules. The proposed revisions to Part                   retains jurisdiction. The Board is not                exclusively to Board employees and
                                                268 are designed to align the Board’s                   subject to the MSPB’s jurisdiction in                 applicants for employment, the
                                                practices with changes the EEOC has                     light of its employment authorities                   Regulatory Flexibility Act does not
                                                made to its rules on Federal Sector                     under the Federal Reserve Act. Thus,                  apply.
                                                Equal Employment Opportunity found                      the revisions would remove this                       C. Plain Language
                                                at 29 CFR part 1614. In addition, the                   provision of the regulation.
                                                amendment to section 268.102(b)(3) is                                                                            Section 722 of the Gramm-Leach-
                                                                                                        Update Titles To Reflect the Board’s
                                                proposed in order to clarify that the                                                                         Bliley Act requires each federal banking
                                                                                                        Organizational Structure
                                                Board follows Commission guidance                                                                             agency to use plain language in all rules
                                                and management directives relating to                     The revisions proposed to Subpart H                 published after January 1, 2000. In light
                                                advice for ensuring compliance with                     reflect changes to the Board’s                        of this requirement, the Board believes
                                                Title VII, the Equal Pay Act, the Age                   organizational structure since the last               this rule is presented in a simple and
                                                Discrimination in Employment Act,                       time the Board updated its EEO                        straightforward manner and is
                                                GINA, and the Rehabilitation Act.                       Regulation. Subpart H prohibits                       consistent with this ‘‘plain language’’
                                                                                                        discrimination on the basis of disability             directive.
                                                Complying With FOMC Security                            in programs or activities conducted by
                                                Requirements                                            the Board and describes how to file                   List of Subjects
                                                  Currently part 268 requires Board                     complaints alleging such
                                                staff, EEO investigators, and                           discrimination. The complaint process                 12 CFR Part 268
                                                complainants to protect confidential                    described in Subpart H incorporates                     Administrative practice and
                                                information of the Board but does not                   references to position titles that are no             procedure, Aged, Civil rights, Equal
                                                expressly address confidential FOMC                     longer in use at the Board. For example,              employment opportunity, Federal
                                                information. Because it is conceivable                  Subpart H refers to the Equal
                                                                                                                                                              buildings and facilities, Genetic
                                                that a complaint could require access to                Employment Opportunity Office, which
                                                                                                                                                              information, Government employees,
                                                FOMC information, and because FOMC                      has since been replaced by the Office of
                                                                                                                                                              Individuals with disabilities, Religious
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                                                information is not solely Board                         Diversity and Inclusion; to an EEO
                                                                                                        Program Director, which has since been                discrimination, Sex discrimination,
                                                information, the Board proposes
                                                amending section 268.107(e)(2) to                       replaced by the Office of Diversity and               Wages.
                                                expressly require those seeking access to               Inclusion Program Director; and to a                  Authority and Issuance
                                                FOMC information to agree to abide by                   Staff Director for Management, which
                                                the Program for Security of FOMC                        has been replaced by the Chief                          For the reasons set forth in the
                                                Information before being granted access                 Operating Officer. The amendments to                  preamble, the Board proposes to amend
                                                to such information. This will ensure                   Subpart H replace the out-of-date titles              12 CFR part 268 as set forth below:

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                                                PART 268—RULES REGARDING                                recruitment assistance on a continuing                   * * *
                                                EQUAL OPPORTUNITY                                       basis;                                                   (d) Unless the aggrieved person agrees
                                                                                                        *      *    *     *     *                             to a longer counseling period under
                                                Subpart A—General Provisions and                           (b) * * *                                          paragraph (e) of this section, or the
                                                Administration                                             (3) Appraise its personnel operations              aggrieved person chooses an alternative
                                                                                                        at regular intervals to assure their                  dispute resolution procedure in
                                                ■ 1. The authority citation for part 268                conformity with the Board’s program,                  accordance with paragraph (b)(2) of this
                                                continues to read as follows:                           this part 268 and the instructions                    section, the Counselor shall conduct the
                                                  Authority: 12 U.S.C. 244 and 248(i), (k)              contained in the Commission’s                         final interview with the aggrieved
                                                and (l).                                                management directives relating to                     person within 30 days of the date the
                                                ■ 2. In § 268.1 revise paragraph (b) to                 advice for ensuring compliance with the               aggrieved person contacted the Board’s
                                                read as follows:                                        provisions of title VII, the Equal Pay                Office of Diversity and Inclusion to
                                                                                                        Act, the Age Discrimination in                        request counseling. If the matter has not
                                                § 268.1   Authority, purpose and scope.                 Employment Act, GINA, and the                         been resolved, the aggrieved person
                                                *     *     *     *     *                               Rehabilitation Act.                                   shall be informed in writing by the
                                                  (b) Purpose and scope. This part sets                    (4) Designate a Director for Equal                 Counselor, not later than the thirtieth
                                                forth the Board’s policy, program and                   Employment Opportunity (EEO                           day after contacting the Counselor, of
                                                procedures for providing equal                          Programs Director), EEO Officer(s), and               the right to file a discrimination
                                                opportunity to Board employees and                      such Special Emphasis Program                         complaint with the Board. This notice
                                                applicants for employment without                       Managers/Coordinators (e.g., People                   shall inform the complainant of the
                                                regard to race, color, religion, sex,                   with Disabilities Program, Federal                    right to file a discrimination complaint
                                                national origin, age, disability, or                    Women’s Program and Hispanic                          within 15 days of receipt of the notice,
                                                genetic information. It also sets forth the             Employment Program), clerical and                     of the appropriate official with whom to
                                                                                                        administrative support as may be                      file a complaint and of the
                                                Board’s policy, program and procedures
                                                                                                        necessary to carry out the functions                  complainant’s duty to assure that the
                                                for prohibiting discrimination on the
                                                                                                        described in this part in all                         Programs Director is informed
                                                basis of disability in programs and
                                                                                                        organizational units of the Board and at              immediately if the complainant retains
                                                activities conducted by the Board.
                                                                                                        all Board installations. The EEO                      counsel or a representative.
                                                ■ 3. Revise § 268.101 to read as follows:
                                                                                                        Programs Director shall be under the                  *      *     *     *     *
                                                § 268.101 General policy for equal                      immediate supervision of the Chair. The               ■ 7. In § 268.106 revise paragraphs (a)(4)
                                                opportunity.                                            EEO Programs Director may also serve                  and (5) to read as follows:
                                                   (a) It is the policy of the Board to                 as the Director of the Office of Diversity
                                                provide equal opportunity in                            and Inclusion.                                        § 268.106   Dismissals of complaints.
                                                employment for all persons, to prohibit                 *      *    *     *     *                               (a) * * *
                                                discrimination in employment because                    ■ 5. In § 268.103 revise paragraph (a) to               (4) Reserved.
                                                                                                        read as follows:                                        (5) That is moot or alleges that a
                                                of race, color, religion, sex, national
                                                                                                                                                              proposal to take a personnel action, or
                                                origin, age, disability, or genetic                     § 268.103 Complaints of discrimination                other preliminary step to taking a
                                                information and to promote the full                     covered by this part.                                 personnel action, is discriminatory,
                                                realization of equal opportunity in                        (a) Individual and class complaints of             unless the complaint alleges that the
                                                employment through a continuing                         employment discrimination and                         proposal or preliminary step is
                                                affirmative program.                                    retaliation prohibited by title VII                   retaliatory;
                                                   (b) No person shall be subject to                    (discrimination on the basis of race,
                                                retaliation for opposing any practice                                                                         *     *      *    *    *
                                                                                                        color, religion, sex and national origin),            ■ 8. Amend § 268.107 by:
                                                made unlawful by Title VII of the Civil                 the ADEA (discrimination on the basis                 ■ a. Adding a sentence at the end of
                                                Rights Act (title VII) (42 U.S.C. 2000e et              of age when the aggrieved person is at                paragraph (e)(2);
                                                seq.), the Age Discrimination in                        least 40 years of age), the Rehabilitation            ■ b. Redesignating paragraph (g) as
                                                Employment Act (ADEA) (29 U.S.C. 621                    Act (discrimination on the basis of                   paragraph (h) and adding new
                                                et seq.), the Equal Pay Act (29 U.S.C.                  disability), the Equal Pay Act (sex-based             paragraph (g).
                                                206(d)), the Rehabilitation Act (29                     wage discrimination), or GINA                           The additions and redesignation read
                                                U.S.C. 791 et seq.), or the Genetic                     (discrimination on the basis of genetic               as follows.
                                                Information Nondiscrimination Act                       information) shall be processed in
                                                (GINA) (42 U.S.C. 2000ff et seq.) or for                accordance with this part. Complaints                 § 268.107   Investigation of complaints.
                                                participating in any stage of                           alleging retaliation prohibited by these              *     *     *     *    *
                                                administrative or judicial proceedings                  statutes are considered to be complaints                (e) (1) * * *
                                                under those statutes.                                   of discrimination for purposes of this                  (2) * * * Confidential supervisory
                                                ■ 4. In § 268.102 revise paragraphs                     part.                                                 information, as defined in 12 CFR
                                                (a)(4), (b)(3) and (4) to read as follows:              *      *     *    *     *                             261.2(c), and other confidential
                                                                                                        ■ 6. In § 268.104 revise intro paragraph              information of the Board may be
                                                § 268.102 Board program for equal                                                                             included in the investigative file by the
                                                employment opportunity.                                 (a) and paragraph (d) to read as follows:
                                                                                                                                                              investigator, the EEO Programs Director,
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                                                   (a) * * *                                            § 268.104    Pre-complaint processing.                or another appropriate officer of the
                                                   (4) Communicate the Board’s equal                      (a) Aggrieved persons who believe                   Board, where such information is
                                                employment opportunity policy and                       they have been discriminated against on               relevant to the complaint. Neither the
                                                program and its employment needs to                     the basis of race, color, religion, sex,              complainant nor the complainant’s
                                                all sources of job candidates without                   national origin, age disability, or genetic           personal representative may make
                                                regard to race, color, religion, sex,                   information must consult a Counselor                  further disclosure of such information,
                                                national origin, age disability, or genetic             prior to filing a complaint in order to try           however, except in compliance with the
                                                information, and solicit their                          to informally resolve the matter.                     Board’s Rules Regarding Availability of

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                                                57346               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 221 / Thursday, November 15, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                Information, 12 CFR part 261, and                       § 268.203    Rehabilitation Act.                      part shall be the standards applied
                                                where applicable, the Board’s Rules                        (a) Definitions. The following                     under the ADA.
                                                Regarding Access to Personal                            definitions apply for purposes of this                   (c) Model employer. The Board shall
                                                Information under the Privacy Act of                    section:                                              be a model employer of individuals
                                                1974, 12 CFR part 261a. Any party or                       (1) The term ADA means title I of the              with disabilities. The Board shall give
                                                individual, including an investigator,                  Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990,              full consideration to the hiring,
                                                who requires access to FOMC                             as amended (42 U.S.C. 12101 through                   advancement, and retention of qualified
                                                information must agree to abide by the                  12117), title V of the Americans with                 individuals with disabilities in its
                                                Program for Security of FOMC                            Disabilities Act, as amended (42 U.S.C.               workforce. The Board shall also take
                                                Information before being granted access                 12201 through 12213), as it applies to                affirmative action to promote the
                                                to such information.                                    employment, and the regulations of the                recruitment, hiring, and advancement of
                                                *     *      *     *     *                              Equal Employment Opportunity                          qualified individuals with disabilities,
                                                  (g) If the Board does not send the                    Commission implementing titles I and V                with the goal of eliminating under-
                                                notice required in paragraph (f) of this                of the ADA at 29 CFR part 1630.                       representation of individuals with
                                                                                                           (2) The term disability means                      disabilities in the Board’s workforce.
                                                section within the applicable time
                                                                                                        disability as defined under 29 CFR                       (d) Affirmative action plan. The Board
                                                limits, it shall, within those same time
                                                                                                        1630.2(g) through (l).                                shall adopt and implement a Plan that
                                                limits, issue a written notice to the                                                                         provides sufficient assurances,
                                                                                                           (3) The term hiring authority that
                                                complainant informing the complainant                                                                         procedures, and commitments to
                                                                                                        takes disability into account means a
                                                that it has been unable to complete its                                                                       provide adequate hiring, placement, and
                                                                                                        hiring authority established under
                                                investigation within the time limits                                                                          advancement opportunities for
                                                                                                        written Board policy that permits the
                                                required by § 268.107(f) and estimating                                                                       individuals with disabilities at all levels
                                                                                                        Board to consider disability status
                                                a date by which the investigation will be                                                                     of Board employment. The Board’s Plan
                                                                                                        during the hiring process.
                                                completed. Further, the notice must                                                                           must meet the following criteria:
                                                                                                           (4) The term personal assistance
                                                explain that if the complainant does not                                                                         (1) Disability hiring and advancement
                                                                                                        service provider means an employee or
                                                want to wait until the agency completes                                                                       program—
                                                                                                        independent contractor whose primary
                                                the investigation, he or she may request                                                                         (i) Recruitment. The Plan shall require
                                                                                                        job functions include provision of
                                                a hearing in accordance with paragraph                                                                        the Board to take specific steps to
                                                                                                        personal assistance services.
                                                (h) of this section, or file a civil action                (5) The term personal assistance                   ensure that a broad range of individuals
                                                in an appropriate United States District                services means assistance with                        with disabilities, including individuals
                                                Court in accordance with § 268.406(b).                  performing activities of daily living that            with targeted disabilities, will be aware
                                                Such notice shall contain information                   an individual would typically perform if              of and be encouraged to apply for job
                                                about the hearing procedures.                           he or she did not have a disability, and              vacancies when eligible. Such steps
                                                ■ 8. In § 268.108 revise the subject                    that is not otherwise required as a                   shall include, at a minimum—
                                                heading of paragraph (g) to read as                     reasonable accommodation, including,                     (A) Use of programs and resources
                                                follows:                                                for example, assistance with removing                 that identify job applicants with
                                                                                                        and putting on clothing, eating, and                  disabilities, including individuals with
                                                § 268.108   Hearings.
                                                                                                        using the restroom.                                   targeted disabilities, who are eligible to
                                                *     *    *     *     *                                                                                      be appointed under a hiring authority
                                                                                                           (6) The term Plan means an
                                                  (g) Summary Judgement. * * *                          affirmative action plan for the hiring,               that takes disability into account,
                                                *     *    *     *     *                                placement, and advancement of                         examples of which could include
                                                ■ 9. Amend § 268.201 by revising                        individuals with disabilities.                        programs that provide the qualifications
                                                paragraph (a) and introductory text                        (7) Reserved.                                      necessary for particular positions within
                                                paragraph (c) to read as follows:                          (8) The term Section 501 means                     the Board to individuals with
                                                                                                        section 501 of the Rehabilitation Act of              disabilities, databases of individuals
                                                § 268.201 Age Discrimination in                                                                               with disabilities who previously applied
                                                Employment Act.
                                                                                                        1973, as amended (29 U.S.C. 791).
                                                                                                           (9) The term targeted disability means             to the Board but were not hired for the
                                                  (a) As an alternative to filing a                     a disability that is designated as a                  positions they applied for, and training
                                                complaint under this part, an aggrieved                 ‘‘targeted disability or health condition’’           and internship programs that lead
                                                individual may file a civil action in a                 on the Office of Personnel                            directly to employment for individuals
                                                United States district court under the                  Management’s Standard Form 256 or                     with disabilities; and
                                                ADEA against the agency after giving                    that falls under one of the first 12                     (B) Establishment and maintenance of
                                                the Commission not less than 30 days’                   categories of disability listed in Part A             contacts (which may include formal
                                                notice of the intent to file such an                    of question 5 of the Equal Employment                 agreements) with organizations that
                                                action. Such notice must be filed in                    Opportunity Commission’s                              specialize in providing assistance to
                                                writing with EEOC, at P.O. Box 77960,                   Demographic Information on Applicants                 individuals with disabilities, including
                                                Washington, DC 20013, or by personal                    form.                                                 individuals with targeted disabilities, in
                                                delivery or facsimile within 180 days of                   (10) The term undue hardship has the               securing and maintaining employment,
                                                the occurrence of the alleged unlawful                  meaning set forth in 29 CFR part 1630.                such as American Job Centers, State
                                                practice.                                                  (b) Nondiscrimination. The Board                   Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies, the
                                                  * * *                                                 shall not discriminate on the basis of                Veterans’ Vocational Rehabilitation and
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                                                  (c) When an individual has filed an                   disability in regard to the hiring,                   Employment Program, Centers for
                                                administrative complaint alleging age                   advancement or discharge of employees,                Independent Living, and Employment
                                                discrimination, administrative remedies                 employee compensation, job training, or               Network service providers.
                                                will be considered to be exhausted for                  other terms, conditions, and privileges                  (ii) Application process. The Plan
                                                purposes of filing a civil action:                      of employment. The standards used to                  shall ensure that the Board has
                                                  * * *                                                 determine whether Section 501 has been                designated sufficient staff to handle any
                                                ■ 10. Revise § 268.203 to read as                       violated in a complaint alleging                      disability-related issues that arise
                                                follows:                                                employment discrimination under this                  during the application and selection

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                                                processes, and shall require the Board to               conduct that would constitute                            (H) Require that decision makers
                                                provide such individuals with sufficient                disability-based harassment.                          communicate, early in the interactive
                                                training, support, and other resources to                  (3) Reasonable accommodation—                      process and periodically throughout the
                                                carry out their responsibilities under                     (i) Procedures. The Plan shall require             process, with individuals who have
                                                this section. Such responsibilities shall               the Board to adopt, post on its public                requested a reasonable accommodation;
                                                include, at a minimum—                                  website, and make available to all job                   (I) Explain when the Board may
                                                   (A) Ensuring that disability-related                 applicants and employees in written                   require an individual who requests a
                                                questions from members of the public                    and accessible formats, reasonable                    reasonable accommodation to provide
                                                regarding the agency’s application and                  accommodation procedures that are                     medical information that is sufficient to
                                                selection processes are answered                        easy to understand and that, at a                     explain the nature of the individual’s
                                                promptly and correctly, including                       minimum—                                              disability, his or her need for reasonable
                                                questions about reasonable                                 (A) Explain relevant terms such as                 accommodation, and how the requested
                                                accommodations needed by job                            ‘‘reasonable accommodation,’’                         accommodation, if any, will assist the
                                                applicants during the application and                   ‘‘disability,’’ ‘‘interactive process,’’              individual to apply for a job, perform
                                                selection processes and questions about                 ‘‘qualified,’’ and ‘‘undue hardship,’’                the essential functions of a job, or enjoy
                                                how individuals may apply for                           consistent with applicable statutory and              the benefits and privileges of the
                                                appointment under hiring authorities                    regulatory definitions, using examples                workplace;
                                                that take disability into account;                      where appropriate;                                       (J) Explain the Board’s right to request
                                                   (B) Processing requests for reasonable                  (B) Explain that reassignment to a                 relevant supplemental medical
                                                accommodations needed by job                            vacant position for which an employee                 information if the information
                                                applicants during the application and                   is qualified, and not just permission to              submitted by the requester is
                                                placement processes, and ensuring that                  compete for such position, is a                       insufficient for the purposes specified in
                                                the Board provides such                                 reasonable accommodation, and that the                paragraph (d)(3)(i)(I) of this section;
                                                accommodations when required to do so                   Board must consider providing                            (K) Explain the Board’s right to have
                                                under the standards set forth in 29 CFR                 reassignment to a vacant position as a                medical information reviewed by a
                                                part 1630;                                              reasonable accommodation when it                      medical expert of the Board’s choosing
                                                   (C) Accepting applications for                       determines that no other reasonable                   at the Board’s expense;
                                                appointment under hiring authorities                    accommodation will permit an                             (L) Explain the Board’s obligation to
                                                that take disability into account, if                   employee with a disability to perform                 keep medical information confidential,
                                                permitted under written Board policy;                   the essential functions of his or her                 in accordance with applicable laws and
                                                   (D) If an individual has applied for                 current position;                                     regulations, and the limited
                                                appointment to a particular position                       (C) Notify supervisors and other                   circumstances under which such
                                                under a hiring authority that takes                     relevant Board employees how and                      information may be disclosed;
                                                disability into account, determining                    where they are to conduct searches for                   (M) Designate the maximum amount
                                                whether the individual is eligible for                  available vacancies when considering                  of time the Board has, absent
                                                appointment under such authority, and,                  reassignment as a reasonable                          extenuating circumstances, to either
                                                if so, forwarding the individual’s                      accommodation;                                        provide a requested accommodation or
                                                application to the relevant hiring                         (D) Explain that an individual may                 deny the request, and explain that the
                                                officials with an explanation of how and                request a reasonable accommodation                    time limit begins to run when the
                                                when the individual may be appointed,                   orally or in writing at any time, need not            accommodation is first requested;
                                                consistent with all applicable laws;                    fill out any specific form in order for the              (N) Explain that the Board will not be
                                                   (E) Overseeing any other Board                       interactive process to begin, and need                expected to adhere to its usual timelines
                                                programs designed to increase hiring of                 not have a particular accommodation in                if an individual’s health professional
                                                individuals with disabilities.                          mind before making a request, and that                fails to provide needed documentation
                                                   (iii) Advancement program. The Plan                  the request may be made to a supervisor               in a timely manner;
                                                shall require the Board to take specific                or manager in the individual’s chain of                  (O) Explain that, where a particular
                                                steps to ensure that current employees                  command, the office designated by the                 reasonable accommodation can be
                                                with disabilities have sufficient                       Board to oversee the reasonable                       provided in less than the maximum
                                                opportunities for advancement. Such                     accommodation process, any Board                      amount of time permitted under
                                                steps may include, for example—                         employee connected with the                           paragraph (d)(3)(i)(M) of this section,
                                                   (A) Efforts to ensure that employees                 application process, or any other                     failure to provide the accommodation in
                                                with disabilities are informed of and                   individual designated by the Board to                 a prompt manner may result in a
                                                have opportunities to enroll in relevant                accept such requests;                                 violation of the Rehabilitation Act;
                                                training, including management training                    (E) Include any forms the Board uses                  (P) Provide for expedited processing
                                                when eligible;                                          in connection with a reasonable                       of requests for reasonable
                                                   (B) Development or maintenance of a                  accommodation request as attachments,                 accommodations that are needed sooner
                                                mentoring program for employees with                    and indicate that such forms are                      than the maximum allowable time frame
                                                disabilities; and                                       available in alternative formats that are             permitted under paragraph (d)(3)(i)(M)
                                                   (C) Administration of exit interviews                accessible to people with disabilities;               of this section;
                                                that include questions on how the Board                    (F) Describe the Board’s process for                  (Q) Explain that, when all the facts
                                                could improve the recruitment, hiring,                  determining whether to provide a                      and circumstances known to the Board
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                                                inclusion, and advancement of                           reasonable accommodation, including                   make it reasonably likely that an
                                                individuals with disabilities.                          the interactive process, and provide                  individual will be entitled to a
                                                   (2) Disability anti-harassment policy.               contact information for the individual or             reasonable accommodation, but the
                                                The Plan shall require the Board to state               program office from whom requesters                   accommodation cannot be provided
                                                specifically in its anti-harassment policy              will receive a final decision;                        immediately, the Board shall provide an
                                                that harassment based on disability is                     (G) Provide guidance to supervisors                interim accommodation that allows the
                                                prohibited, and to include in its training              on how to recognize requests for                      individual to perform some or all of the
                                                materials examples of the types of                      reasonable accommodation;                             essential functions of his or her job, if

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                                                it is possible to do so without imposing                accommodation, including any                          responsible for the alleged violation, the
                                                undue hardship on the Board;                            centralized fund the Board may have for               Plan shall require the Board to inform
                                                   (R) Inform applicants and employees                  that purpose.                                         the individual who filed the complaint
                                                how they may track the processing of                       (iii) Notification of basis for denial.            where he or she may file a complaint
                                                requests for reasonable accommodation;                  The Plan shall require the Board to                   against the other entity, if possible.
                                                   (S) Explain that, where there is a                   provide a job applicant or employee                      (5) Personal assistance services
                                                delay in either processing a request for                who is denied a reasonable                            allowing employees to participate in the
                                                or providing a reasonable                               accommodation with a written notice at                workplace—
                                                accommodation, the Board must notify                    the time of the denial, in an accessible                 (i) Obligation to provide personal
                                                the individual of the reason for the                    format when requested, that—                          assistance services. The Plan shall
                                                delay, including any extenuating                           (A) Explains the reasons for the denial            require the Board to provide an
                                                circumstances that justify the delay;                   and notifies the job applicant or                     employee with, in addition to
                                                   (T) Explain that individuals who have                employee of any available internal                    professional services required as a
                                                been denied reasonable                                  appeal or informal dispute resolution                 reasonable accommodation under the
                                                accommodations have the right to file                   processes;                                            standards set forth in 29 CFR part 1630,
                                                complaints pursuant to 12 CFR 268.105;                     (B) Informs the job applicant or                   personal assistance services during
                                                   (U) Encourage the use of voluntary                   employee of the right to challenge the                work hours and job-related travel if
                                                informal dispute resolution processes                   denial by filing a complaint of                          (A) The employee requires such
                                                that individuals may use to obtain                      discrimination under this part;                       services because of a targeted disability;
                                                prompt reconsideration of denied                           (C) Provides instructions on how to                   (B) Provision of such services would,
                                                requests for reasonable accommodation;                  file such a complaint; and                            together with any reasonable
                                                   (V) Provide that the Board shall give                   (D) Explains that, pursuant to 12 CFR              accommodations required under the
                                                the requester a notice consistent with                  268.105, the right to file a complaint                standards set forth in 29 CFR part 1630,
                                                the requirements of paragraph (d)(3)(iii)               will be lost unless the job applicant or              enable the employee to perform the
                                                of this section at the time a request for               employee initiates contact with an EEO                essential functions of his or her
                                                reasonable accommodation is denied;                     Counselor within 45 days of the denial,               position; and
                                                and                                                     regardless of whether the applicant or                   (C) Provision of such services would
                                                   (W) Provide information on how to                    employee participates in an informal                  not impose undue hardship on the
                                                access additional information regarding                 dispute resolution process.                           Board.
                                                reasonable accommodation, including,                       (4) Accessibility of facilities and                   (ii) Service providers. The Plan shall
                                                at a minimum, Commission guidance                       technology—                                           state that personal assistance services
                                                and technical assistance documents.                        (i) Notice of rights. The Plan shall               required under paragraph (d)(5)(i) of
                                                   (ii) Cost of accommodations. The Plan                require the Board to adopt, post on its               this section must be performed by a
                                                shall require the Board to take specific                public website, and make available to                 personal assistance service provider.
                                                steps to ensure that requests for                       all employees in written and accessible               The Plan may permit the Board to
                                                reasonable accommodation are not                        formats, a notice that—                               require personal assistance service
                                                denied for reasons of cost, and that                       (A) Explains their rights under                    providers to provide personal assistance
                                                individuals with disabilities are not                   Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of              services to more than one individual.
                                                excluded from employment due to the                     1973, 29 U.S.C. 794d, concerning the                  The Plan may also permit the Board to
                                                anticipated cost of a reasonable                        accessibility of agency technology, and               require personal assistance service
                                                accommodation, if the resources                         the Architectural Barriers Act, 42 U.S.C.             providers to perform tasks unrelated to
                                                available to the Board as a whole,                      4151 through 4157, concerning the                     personal assistance services, but only to
                                                excluding those designated by statute                   accessibility of agency building and                  the extent that doing so does not result
                                                for a specific purpose that does not                    facilities;                                           in failure to provide personal assistance
                                                include reasonable accommodation,                          (B) Provides contact information for a             services required under paragraph
                                                would enable it to provide an effective                 Board employee who is responsible for                 (d)(5)(i) of this section in a timely
                                                reasonable accommodation without                        ensuring the physical accessibility of                manner.
                                                undue hardship. Such steps shall be                     the Board’s facilities under the                         (iii) No adverse action. The Plan shall
                                                reasonably designed to, at a minimum—                   Architectural Barriers Act of 1968, and               prohibit the Board from taking adverse
                                                   (A) Ensure that anyone who is                        a Board employee who is responsible for               actions against job applicants or
                                                authorized to grant or deny requests for                ensuring that the electronic and                      employees based on their need for, or
                                                reasonable accommodation or to make                     information technology purchased,                     perceived need for, personal assistance
                                                hiring decisions is aware that, pursuant                maintained, or used by the agency is                  services.
                                                to the regulations implementing the                     readily accessible to, and usable by,                    (iv) Selection of personal assistance
                                                undue hardship defense at 29 CFR part                   individuals with disabilities, as required            service providers. The Plan shall require
                                                1630, all resources available to the                    by Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act              the Board, when selecting someone who
                                                agency as a whole, excluding those                      of 1973; and                                          will provide personal assistance
                                                designated by statute for a specific                       (C) Provides instructions on how to                services to a single individual, to give
                                                purpose that does not include                           file complaints alleging violations of the            primary consideration to the
                                                reasonable accommodation, are                           accessibility requirements of the                     individual’s preferences to the extent
                                                considered when determining whether a                   Architectural Barriers Act of 1968 and                permitted by law.
khammond on DSK30JT082PROD with PROPOSAL

                                                denial of reasonable accommodation                      Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of                 (v) Written procedures. The Plan shall
                                                based on cost is lawful; and                            1973.                                                 require the Board to adopt, post on its
                                                   (B) Ensure that anyone authorized to                    (ii) Assistance with filing complaints             public website, and make available to
                                                grant or deny requests for reasonable                   at other agencies. If the Board’s                     all job applicants and employees in
                                                accommodation or to make hiring                         investigation of a complaint filed under              written and accessible formats,
                                                decisions is aware of, and knows how                    Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of              procedures for processing requests for
                                                to arrange for the use of, Board                        1973 or the Architectural Barriers Act of             personal assistance services. The Board
                                                resources available to provide the                      1968 shows that a different entity is                 may satisfy this requirement by stating,

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                                                                    Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 221 / Thursday, November 15, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                           57349

                                                in the procedures required under                        at the GS–11, step 1 level in the                     employee’s date of hire, entering grade
                                                paragraph (d)(3)(i) of this section, that               Washington, DC locality, are individuals              level, probationary status, and current
                                                the process for requesting personal                     with targeted disabilities.                           grade level;
                                                assistance services, the process for                       (ii) Progression toward goals. The                   (v) The number of employees
                                                determining whether such services are                   Plan shall require the Board to take                  appointed under special hiring
                                                required, and the Board’s right to deny                 specific steps that are reasonably                    authority for persons with certain
                                                such requests when provision of the                     designed to gradually increase the                    disabilities who successfully completed
                                                services would pose an undue hardship,                  number of persons with disabilities or                the Board’s Provisional Employment
                                                are the same as for reasonable                          targeted disabilities employed at the                 period and the number of such
                                                accommodations.                                         Board until it meets the goals                        employees who were terminate prior to
                                                   (6) Utilization analysis—                            established pursuant to paragraph                     the end of their Provisional
                                                   (i) Current utilization. The Plan shall              (d)(7)(i) of this section. Examples of                Employment period; and
                                                require the Board to perform a                          such steps include, but are not limited                 (vi) Details about each request for
                                                workforce analysis annually to                          to—                                                   reasonable accommodation including, at
                                                determine the percentage of its                            (A) Increased use of hiring authorities            a minimum—
                                                employees at each grade and salary level                that take disability into account to hire               (A) The specific reasonable
                                                who have disabilities, and the                          or promote individuals with disabilities              accommodation requested, if any;
                                                percentage of its employees at each                     or targeted disabilities, as applicable;                (B) The job sought by the requesting
                                                grade and salary level who have targeted                   (B) To the extent permitted by                     applicant or held by the requesting
                                                disabilities.                                           applicable laws, consideration of                     employee;
                                                   (ii) Source of data. For purposes of                 disability or targeted disability status as             (C) Whether the accommodation was
                                                the analysis required under paragraph                   a positive factor in hiring, promotion, or            needed to apply for a job, perform the
                                                (d)(6)(i) of this section an employee may               assignment decisions;                                 essential functions of a job, or enjoy the
                                                be classified as an individual with a                      (C) Disability-related training and                benefits and privileges of employment;
                                                disability or an individual with a                      education campaigns for all employees                   (D) Whether the request was granted
                                                targeted disability on the basis of—                    in the Board;                                         (which may include an accommodation
                                                   (A) The individual’s self-                              (D) Additional outreach or                         different from the one requested) or
                                                identification as an individual with a                  recruitment efforts;                                  denied;
                                                disability or an individual with a                         (E) Increased efforts to hire and retain             (E) The identity of the deciding
                                                targeted disability on a form, including                individuals who require supported                     official;
                                                but not limited to the Office of                        employment because of a disability,                     (F) If denied, the basis for such denial;
                                                Personnel Management’s Standard Form                    who have retained the services of a job               and
                                                256, which states that the information                  coach at their own expense or at the                    (G) The number of days taken to
                                                collected will be kept confidential and                 expense of a third party, and who may                 process the request.
                                                used only for statistical purposes, and                 be given permission to use the job coach                (e) Reporting—
                                                that completion of the form is voluntary;               during work hours as a reasonable                       (1) Submission to the Commission. On
                                                   (B) Records relating to the                          accommodation without imposing                        an annual basis the Board shall submit
                                                individual’s appointment under a hiring                 undue hardship on the Board; and                      to the Commission at such time and in
                                                authority that takes disability into                       (F) Adoption of training, mentoring,               such manner as the Commission deems
                                                account, if applicable; and                             or internship programs for individuals                appropriate—
                                                   (C) Records relating to the                          with disabilities.                                      (i) A copy of its current Plan;
                                                individual’s requests for reasonable                       (8) Recordkeeping. The Plan shall                    (ii) The results of the two most recent
                                                accommodation, if any.                                  require the Board to keep records that it             workforce analyses performed pursuant
                                                   (iii) Data accuracy. The Plan shall                  may use to determine whether it is                    to paragraph (d)(6) of this section
                                                require the Board to take steps to ensure               complying with the nondiscrimination                  showing the percentage of employees
                                                that data collected pursuant to                         and affirmative action requirements                   with disabilities and employees with
                                                paragraph (d)(6)(i) of this section are                 imposed under Section 501, and to                     targeted disabilities in each of the
                                                accurate.                                               make such records available to the                    designated pay groups;
                                                   (7) Goals—                                           Commission upon the Commission’s                        (iii) The number of individuals
                                                   (i) Adoption. The Plan shall commit                  request, including, at a minimum,                     appointed to positions within the Board
                                                the Board to the goal of ensuring that—                 records of—                                           under special hiring authority for
                                                   (A) No less than 12% of employees                       (i) The number of job applications                 persons with certain disabilities during
                                                who have salaries equal to or greater                   received from individuals with                        the previous year, and the total number
                                                than employees at the GS–11, step 1                     disabilities, and the number of                       of employees whose employment at the
                                                level in the Washington, DC locality, are               individuals with disabilities who were                Board began by appointment under
                                                individuals with disabilities;                          hired by the Board;                                   special hiring authority for persons with
                                                   (B) No less than 12% of employees                       (ii) The number of job applications                certain disabilities; and
                                                who have salaries less than employees                   received from individuals with targeted                 (iv) A list of changes made to the Plan
                                                at the GS–11, step 1 level in the                       disabilities, and the number of                       since the prior submission, if any, and
                                                Washington, DC locality, are individuals                individuals with targeted disabilities                an explanation of why those changes
                                                with disabilities;                                      who were hired by the Board;                          were made.
khammond on DSK30JT082PROD with PROPOSAL

                                                   (C) No less than 2% of employees                        (iii) All rescissions of conditional job             (2) Availability to the public. The
                                                who have salaries equal to or greater                   offers, demotions, and terminations                   Board shall make the information
                                                than employees at the GS–11, step 1                     taken against applicants or employees as              submitted to the Commission pursuant
                                                level in the Washington, DC locality, are               a result of medical examinations or                   to paragraph (e)(1) of this section
                                                individuals with targeted disabilities;                 inquiries;                                            available to the public by, at a
                                                and                                                        (iv) All Board employees hired under               minimum, posting a copy of the
                                                   (D) No less than 2% of employees                     special hiring authority for person with              submission on its public website and
                                                who have salaries less than employees                   certain disabilities, and each such                   providing a means by which members of

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                                                57350               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 221 / Thursday, November 15, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                the public may request copies of the                    claimant is a class member who was                    § 268.405   Decisions on appeals.
                                                submission in accessible formats.                       affected by the discriminatory policy or                 (a) * * * The Office of Federal
                                                *     *    *     *    *                                 practice, and that this discriminatory                Operations, on behalf of the
                                                ■ 11. Amend § 268.204 by revising                       action took place within the period of                Commission, shall issue a written
                                                paragraphs (i) through (k); and the third               time for which class-wide                             decision setting forth its reasons for the
                                                sentence of paragraph (l)(3) to read as                 discrimination was found in the final                 decision. The Commission shall dismiss
                                                follows:                                                order. * * *                                          appeals in accordance with §§ 268.106,
                                                                                                        *     *     *    *      *                             268.403(c) and 268.408. The decision
                                                § 268.204   Class complaints.                                                                                 shall be based on the preponderance of
                                                *      *      *    *     *                              § 268.205    [Removed and Reserved]                   the evidence. The decision on an appeal
                                                   (i) Decisions. The administrative                    ■   12. Remove and Reserve § 268.205.                 from the Board’s final action shall be
                                                judge shall transmit to the agency and                                                                        based on a de novo review, except that
                                                class agent a decision on the complaint,                § 268.302    [Removed and Reserved]
                                                                                                                                                              the review of the factual findings in a
                                                including findings, systemic relief for                 ■ 13. Remove and Reserve § 268.302.                   decision by an administrative judge
                                                the class and any individual relief,                    ■ 14. Amend § 268.401 by revising                     issued pursuant to § 268.108(i) shall be
                                                where appropriate, with regard to the                   paragraph (c) to read as follows:                     based on a substantial evidence
                                                personnel action or matter that gave rise                                                                     standard of review. If the decision
                                                                                                        § 268.401 Appeals to the Equal
                                                to the complaint. If the administrative                 Employment Opportunity Commission.                    contains a finding of discrimination,
                                                judge finds no class relief appropriate,                                                                      appropriate remedy(ies) shall be
                                                he or she shall determine if a finding of               *     *     *     *     *
                                                                                                          (c) A class agent or the Board may                  included and, where appropriate, the
                                                individual discrimination is warranted                                                                        entitlement to interest, attorney’s fees or
                                                and if so, shall order appropriate relief.              appeal an administrative judge’s
                                                                                                        decision accepting or dismissing all or               costs shall be indicated. The decision
                                                   (j) Board final action. (1) Within 60                                                                      shall reflect the date of its issuance,
                                                days of receipt of the administrative                   part of a class complaint; a class agent
                                                                                                        may appeal the Board’s final action or                inform the complainant of his or her
                                                judge’s decision on the complaint, the                                                                        civil action rights, and be transmitted to
                                                Board shall take final action by issuing                the Board may appeal an administrative
                                                                                                        judge’s decision on a class complaint; a              the complainant and the Board by first
                                                a final order. The final order shall notify                                                                   class mail. * * *
                                                the class agent whether or not the Board                class member may appeal a final
                                                                                                        decision on a claim for individual relief                (b) The Office of Federal Operations,
                                                will fully implement the decision of the                                                                      on behalf of the Commission, shall issue
                                                administrative judge and shall contain                  under a class complaint; and a class
                                                                                                        member, a class agent or the Board may                decisions on appeals of decisions to
                                                notice of the class agent’s right to appeal                                                                   accept or dismiss a class complaint
                                                to the Commission, the right to file a                  appeal a final decision on a petition
                                                                                                        pursuant to § 268.204(g)(4).                          issued pursuant to § 268.204(d)(7)
                                                civil action in federal district court, the                                                                   within 90 days of receipt of the appeal.
                                                name of the proper defendant in any                     *     *     *     *     *                                (c) A decision issued under paragraph
                                                such lawsuit, and the applicable time                   ■ 15. In § 268.403, revise paragraph (a)
                                                                                                                                                              (a) of this section is final within the
                                                limits for appeals and lawsuits. If the                 and add new paragraph (g) to read as
                                                                                                                                                              meaning of § 268.406 unless the Board
                                                final order does not fully implement the                follows:
                                                                                                                                                              issues a final decision under paragraph
                                                decision of the administrative judge,                   § 268.403    How to appeal.                           (d) of this section or unless a timely
                                                then the Board shall simultaneously file                                                                      request for reconsideration is filed by a
                                                an appeal in accordance with § 268.403                    (a) The complainant, the Board, agent
                                                                                                        or individual class claimant (hereinafter             party to the case. A party may request
                                                and append a copy of the appeal to the                                                                        reconsideration within 30 days of
                                                final order. A copy of EEOC Form 573                    appellant) must file an appeal with the
                                                                                                        Director, Office of Federal Operations,               receipt of a decision of the Commission,
                                                shall be attached to the final order.                                                                         which the Commission in its discretion
                                                   (2) If the Board does not issue a final              Equal Employment Opportunity
                                                                                                        Commission, at P.O. Box 77960,                        may grant, if the party demonstrates
                                                order within 60 days of receipt of the                                                                        that:
                                                administrative judge’s decision, then the               Washington, DC 20013, or
                                                                                                        electronically, or by personal delivery or               (1) The appellate decision involved a
                                                decision of the administrative judge                                                                          clearly erroneous interpretation of
                                                shall become the final action of the                    facsimile. The appellant should use
                                                                                                        EEOC Form 573, Notice of Appeal/                      material fact or law; or
                                                Board.                                                                                                           (2) The decision will have a
                                                   (3) A final order on a class complaint               Petition, and should indicate what is
                                                                                                        being appealed.                                       substantial impact on the policies,
                                                shall, subject to subpart E of this part,                                                                     practices, or operations of the Board.
                                                be binding on all members of the class                  *     *     *     *    *                                 (d) The Board, within 30 days of
                                                and the Board.                                            (g) The Board will submit appeals,                  receiving a decision of the Commission,
                                                   (k) Notification of final action: The                complaint files, and other filings to the             may issue a final decision based upon
                                                Board shall notify class members of the                 Commission’s Office of Federal                        that decision, which shall be final
                                                final action and the relief awarded, if                 Operations in a digital format acceptable             within the meaning of § 268.406.
                                                any, through the same media employed                    to the Commission, absent a showing of                ■ 17. In § 268.502, revise paragraphs
                                                to give notice of the existence of the                  good cause why the Board cannot                       (b)(2) and (c) to read as follows:
                                                class complaint. The notice, where                      submit digital records. Appellants are
                                                appropriate, shall include information                  encouraged, but not required, to submit               § 268.502 Compliance with final
                                                concerning the rights of class members                  digital appeals and supporting                        Commission decisions.
khammond on DSK30JT082PROD with PROPOSAL

                                                to seek individual relief, and of the                   documentation to the Commission’s                     *      *    *    *    *
                                                procedures to be followed. Notice shall                 Office of Federal Operations in a format                 (b) * * *
                                                be given by the Board within 10 days of                 acceptable to the Commission.                            (2) When the Board requests
                                                the transmittal of the final action to the              ■ 16. Amend § 268.405 by revising the                 reconsideration, it may delay the
                                                agent.                                                  third sentence to paragraph (a), revising             payment of any amounts ordered to be
                                                   (l) * * *                                            paragraphs (b) and (c), and adding (d).               paid to the complainant until after the
                                                   (3) * * * The claim must include a                     The addition and revisions read as                  request for reconsideration is resolved.
                                                specific detailed showing that the                      follows:                                              If the Board delays payment of any

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                                                                    Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 221 / Thursday, November 15, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                        57351

                                                amount pending the outcome of the                       § 268.710    Compliance procedures.                   settlement of faster payments, whether
                                                request to reconsider and the resolution                *     *      *    *    *                              those services are provided by the
                                                of the request (including under                           (c) Responsible official. The Office of             private sector or the Federal Reserve
                                                § 268.405(d)) requires the Board to make                Diversity and Inclusion Programs                      Banks. The Board is seeking input on
                                                the payment, then the Board shall pay                   Director’’ (‘Programs Director’) shall be             whether these actions, separately or in
                                                interest from the date of the original                  responsible for coordinating                          combination, or alternative approaches,
                                                appellate decision until payment is                     implementation of this section.                       would help achieve ubiquitous,
                                                made.                                                     (d) * * *                                           nationwide access to safe and efficient
                                                *      *    *     *     *                                 (4) * * * How to file. Complaints may               faster payments.
                                                   (c) When no request for                              be delivered or mailed to the                         DATES: Comments on the potential
                                                reconsideration or final decision under                 Administrative Governor, the Chief                    actions must be received on or before
                                                § 268.405(d) is filed or when a request                 Operating Officer, the EEO Programs                   December 14, 2018.
                                                for reconsideration is denied, the Board                Director, the Federal Women’s Program                 ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,
                                                shall provide the relief ordered and                    Manager, the Hispanic Employment                      identified by Docket No. OP–1625, by
                                                there is no further right to delay                      Program Coordinator, or the People with               any of the following methods:
                                                implementation of the ordered relief.                   Disabilities Program Coordinator.                       • Agency Website: http://
                                                The relief shall be provided in full not                Complaints should be sent to the                      www.federalreserve.gov. Follow the
                                                later than 120 days after receipt of the                Programs Director, Office of Diversity                instructions for submitting comments at
                                                final decision unless otherwise ordered                 and Inclusion, Board of Governors of the              http://www.federalreserve.gov/general
                                                in the decision.                                        Federal Reserve System, 20th and C                    info/foia/ProposedRegs.cfm.
                                                ■ 18. In § 268.504 revise paragraph (c) to              Street NW, Washington, DC 20551. If                     • Email: regs.comments@
                                                read as follows:                                        any Board official other than the                     federalreserve.gov. Include docket
                                                                                                        Programs Director receives a complaint,               number in the subject line of the
                                                § 268.504 Compliance with settlement                    he or she shall forward the complaint to              message.
                                                agreements and final actions.                           the Programs Director.* * *                             • FAX: (202) 452–3819 or (202) 452–
                                                *      *     *     *     *                              *     *      *    *    *                              3102.
                                                   (c) Prior to rendering its                             By order of the Board of Governors of the             • Mail: Ann Misback, Secretary,
                                                determination, the Commission may                       Federal Reserve System, November 1, 2018.             Board of Governors of the Federal
                                                request that the parties submit whatever                Ann Misback,                                          Reserve System, 20th Street and
                                                additional information or                                                                                     Constitution Avenue NW, Washington,
                                                                                                        Secretary of the Board.
                                                documentation it deems necessary or                                                                           DC 20551.
                                                may direct that an investigation or                     [FR Doc. 2018–24613 Filed 11–14–18; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                        BILLING CODE 6210–01–P
                                                                                                                                                                All public comments will be made
                                                hearing on the matter be conducted. If                                                                        available on the Board’s website at
                                                the Commission determines that the                                                                            http://www.federalreserve.gov/general
                                                Board is not in compliance with a                                                                             info/foia/ProposedRegs.cfm as
                                                decision or a settlement agreement, and                 FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM
                                                                                                                                                              submitted, unless modified for technical
                                                the noncompliance is not attributable to                12 CFR Chapter II                                     reasons or to remove personally
                                                acts or conduct of the complainant, it                                                                        identifiable information at the
                                                may order such compliance with the                      [Docket No. OP–1625]
                                                                                                                                                              commenter’s request. Accordingly,
                                                decision or settlement agreement, or,                                                                         comments will not be edited to remove
                                                alternatively, for a settlement                         Potential Federal Reserve Actions To
                                                                                                        Support Interbank Settlement of Faster                any identifying or contact information.
                                                agreement, it may order that the                                                                              Public comments may also be viewed
                                                complaint be reinstated for further                     Payments, Request for Comments
                                                                                                                                                              electronically or in paper in Room 3515,
                                                processing from the point processing                    SUMMARY:    As part of its overall mission,           1801 K Street NW (between 18th and
                                                ceased. Allegations that subsequent acts                the Federal Reserve has a fundamental                 19th Streets NW), between 9:00 a.m. and
                                                of discrimination violate a settlement                  interest in ensuring there is a safe and              5:00 p.m. on weekdays.
                                                agreement shall be processed as separate                robust U.S. payment system, including                 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                complaints under §§ 268.105 or 268.204,                 a settlement infrastructure on which the
                                                as appropriate, rather than under this                                                                        Kirstin Wells, Principal Economist
                                                                                                        private sector can provide innovative                 (202–452–2962), Mark Manuszak,
                                                section.                                                faster payment services that serve the                Manager (202–721–4509), Susan V.
                                                ■ 19. Amend § 268.710 by:                               broad public interest. Accordingly, the               Foley, Senior Associate Director (202–
                                                ■ a. Removing the words ‘‘EEO’’ each                    Board of Governors of the Federal                     452–3596), Division of Reserve Bank
                                                place it appears;                                       Reserve System (Board) is seeking input               Operations and Payment Systems, or
                                                ■ b. Removing the words ‘‘Staff Director                on potential actions that the Federal                 Gavin Smith, Senior Counsel, Legal
                                                for Management’’ each place they                        Reserve could take to promote                         Division (202–452–3474), Board of
                                                appear and replace them with the words                  ubiquitous, safe, and efficient faster                Governors of the Federal Reserve
                                                ‘‘Chief Operating Officer’’;                            payments in the United States by                      System; for the hearing impaired and
                                                ■ c. Revising paragraph (c) to remove                   facilitating real-time interbank                      users of Telecommunications Device for
                                                the words ‘‘EEO Programs Director’’ and                 settlement of faster payments. While the              the Deaf (TDD) only, contact 202–263–
                                                replace them with the words ‘‘Office of                 Board is not committing to any specific               4869.
khammond on DSK30JT082PROD with PROPOSAL

                                                Diversity and Inclusion Programs                        actions, potential actions include the
                                                Director’’ (‘Programs Director’)’’;                                                                           SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                                                                        Federal Reserve Banks developing a
                                                ■ d. Revising the second sentence of                    service for 24x7x365 real-time interbank              I. Context for Public Comment
                                                paragraph (d)(4) to insert the words                    settlement of faster payments; and a
                                                ‘‘Office of Diversity and Inclusion’’ after             liquidity management tool that would                  A. The Reasons for Faster Payments
                                                the words ‘‘Programs Director’’ and                     enable transfers between Federal                        Broad trends in society based on
                                                before the words ‘‘Board of Governors.’’                Reserve accounts on a 24x7x365 basis to               technological advancements have
                                                   The revisions read as follows:                       support services for real-time interbank              changed the ways that people interact

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Document Created: 2018-11-15 04:00:20
Document Modified: 2018-11-15 04:00:20
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionProposed Rules
ActionNotice of proposed rulemaking.
DatesComments on the notice of proposed rulemaking must be received on or before December 17, 2018.
ContactSheila Clark, Program Director, Office of Diversity and Inclusion, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, (202) 452-2883. For the hearing impaired only, Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD) users may contact 202-263- 4869.
FR Citation83 FR 57343 
CFR AssociatedAdministrative Practice and Procedure; Aged; Civil Rights; Equal Employment Opportunity; Federal Buildings and Facilities; Genetic Information; Government Employees; Individuals with Disabilities; Religious Discrimination; Sex Discrimination and Wages

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