83_FR_57572 83 FR 57351 - Potential Federal Reserve Actions To Support Interbank Settlement of Faster Payments, Request for Comments

83 FR 57351 - Potential Federal Reserve Actions To Support Interbank Settlement of Faster Payments, Request for Comments


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 221 (November 15, 2018)

Page Range57351-57364
FR Document2018-24667

As part of its overall mission, the Federal Reserve has a fundamental interest in ensuring there is a safe and robust U.S. payment system, including a settlement infrastructure on which the private sector can provide innovative faster payment services that serve the broad public interest. Accordingly, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Board) is seeking input on potential actions that the Federal Reserve could take to promote ubiquitous, safe, and efficient faster payments in the United States by facilitating real-time interbank settlement of faster payments. While the Board is not committing to any specific actions, potential actions include the Federal Reserve Banks developing a service for 24x7x365 real-time interbank settlement of faster payments; and a liquidity management tool that would enable transfers between Federal Reserve accounts on a 24x7x365 basis to support services for real-time interbank settlement of faster payments, whether those services are provided by the private sector or the Federal Reserve Banks. The Board is seeking input on whether these actions, separately or in combination, or alternative approaches, would help achieve ubiquitous, nationwide access to safe and efficient faster payments.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 221 (Thursday, November 15, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 221 (Thursday, November 15, 2018)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 57351-57364]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-24667]



12 CFR Chapter II

[Docket No. OP-1625]

Potential Federal Reserve Actions To Support Interbank Settlement 
of Faster Payments, Request for Comments

SUMMARY: As part of its overall mission, the Federal Reserve has a 
fundamental interest in ensuring there is a safe and robust U.S. 
payment system, including a settlement infrastructure on which the 
private sector can provide innovative faster payment services that 
serve the broad public interest. Accordingly, the Board of Governors of 
the Federal Reserve System (Board) is seeking input on potential 
actions that the Federal Reserve could take to promote ubiquitous, 
safe, and efficient faster payments in the United States by 
facilitating real-time interbank settlement of faster payments. While 
the Board is not committing to any specific actions, potential actions 
include the Federal Reserve Banks developing a service for 24x7x365 
real-time interbank settlement of faster payments; and a liquidity 
management tool that would enable transfers between Federal Reserve 
accounts on a 24x7x365 basis to support services for real-time 
interbank settlement of faster payments, whether those services are 
provided by the private sector or the Federal Reserve Banks. The Board 
is seeking input on whether these actions, separately or in 
combination, or alternative approaches, would help achieve ubiquitous, 
nationwide access to safe and efficient faster payments.

DATES: Comments on the potential actions must be received on or before 
December 14, 2018.

ADDRESSES: You may submit comments, identified by Docket No. OP-1625, 
by any of the following methods:
     Agency Website: http://www.federalreserve.gov. Follow the 
instructions for submitting comments at http://www.federalreserve.gov/generalinfo/foia/ProposedRegs.cfm.
     Email: [email protected]. Include docket 
number in the subject line of the message.
     FAX: (202) 452-3819 or (202) 452-3102.
     Mail: Ann Misback, Secretary, Board of Governors of the 
Federal Reserve System, 20th Street and Constitution Avenue NW, 
Washington, DC 20551.
    All public comments will be made available on the Board's website 
at http://www.federalreserve.gov/generalinfo/foia/ProposedRegs.cfm as 
submitted, unless modified for technical reasons or to remove 
personally identifiable information at the commenter's request. 
Accordingly, comments will not be edited to remove any identifying or 
contact information. Public comments may also be viewed electronically 
or in paper in Room 3515, 1801 K Street NW (between 18th and 19th 
Streets NW), between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on weekdays.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kirstin Wells, Principal Economist 
(202-452-2962), Mark Manuszak, Manager (202-721-4509), Susan V. Foley, 
Senior Associate Director (202-452-3596), Division of Reserve Bank 
Operations and Payment Systems, or Gavin Smith, Senior Counsel, Legal 
Division (202-452-3474), Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve 
System; for the hearing impaired and users of Telecommunications Device 
for the Deaf (TDD) only, contact 202-263-4869.


I. Context for Public Comment

A. The Reasons for Faster Payments

    Broad trends in society based on technological advancements have 
changed the ways that people interact

[[Page 57352]]

with others, conduct commerce, and access information. While many 
industries have adapted, the same is not equally true for the nation's 
payment and settlement system that foundationally supports commerce and 
the economy. For example, a business in Florida can immediately deliver 
an invoice by email to a customer in Oregon. The receipt of the 
corresponding payment from its customer, however, may take days to 
receive, even if initiated quickly. This lack of speed has economic 
implications and societal costs borne by individuals, households, and 
    Traditional payment methods, such as checks, automated 
clearinghouse (ACH) payments, and debit and credit cards, form a retail 
payment infrastructure that is safe, reliable, and ubiquitous, albeit 
not necessarily quick.\1\ These traditional payment methods have served 
our economy well over decades (and for checks, over most of the 
country's history).\2\ The ubiquitous nature of these payment methods 
generally allows any two individuals or businesses (that is, end users) 
with accounts at banks to exchange value supporting an underlying 
economic transaction.\3\ As a result, regardless of where they hold 
their accounts, individuals can receive payroll deposits from their 
employers, households can pay their utilities, mortgage, rent, and 
other bills, and businesses can exchange commercial payments. For 
payments to most merchants for goods and services, individuals can 
similarly use debit cards to make payments from their bank accounts.\4\

    \1\ Retail payment systems are those that handle large volumes 
of lower-value payments, such as those among individuals or between 
an individual and a business. For more information, see Committee on 
Payments and Market Infrastructures, ``A glossary of terms used in 
payments and settlement systems,'' the Bank for International 
Settlements, updated October 17, 2016. Available at: https://www.bis.org/cpmi/publ/d00b.htm.
    \2\ According to the Federal Reserve Payments Study, in 2015, 
checks, the ACH system, and payment cards, including debit and 
credit cards, accounted for over 144 billion payments and nearly 
$178 trillion in value. Federal Reserve Board, ``The Federal Reserve 
Payments Study 2016.'' Available at https://www.federalreserve.gov/paymentsystems/files/2016-payments-study-20161222.pdf.
    \3\ Throughout this notice, the term ``bank'' will be used to 
refer to any type of depository institution. Depository institutions 
include commercial banks, savings banks, savings and loan 
associations, and credit unions.
    \4\ Although credit cards form part of the retail payments 
infrastructure, they do not operate using deposit balances and 
deposit accounts, but instead operate on the basis of credit and 
credit card accounts.

    Over the past two decades, however, a gap has emerged between the 
capabilities of traditional payment methods and end-user expectations 
for enhanced payment speed, convenience, and accessibility. A new 
method of faster payment has emerged to address this gap, with several 
nonbank payment service providers entering the payment market 
alongside--and sometimes in lieu of--banks. Faster payments allow end 
users to initiate and receive payments at any time of the day, any day 
of the year, and to complete those payments in near-real time (from the 
end users' perspective), such that, within seconds, the recipient has 
access to final funds that can be used to make other payments.
    The term ``faster payments'' is broadly used in the payment 
industry to indicate simply that increased speed, convenience, and 
accessibility are essential features for the future of the payment and 
settlement system. However, faster payments provide more to individuals 
and businesses than just the ability to make payments quickly from a 
mobile device. For example, when funds move in and out of end-user bank 
accounts in real time, end users have more flexibility in managing 
their money. Faster payments eliminate the need to schedule bill or 
vendor payments well in advance and, more broadly, allow end users to 
make time-sensitive payments whenever needed. By increasing flexibility 
and accessibility, end users may also have greater scope to avoid 
penalties such as late fees.
    The development of payment and settlement services that are 
essentially real time and always available is a worldwide phenomenon. 
Both advanced and emerging economies have undertaken efforts to develop 
faster payment services, and those services are now broadly accessible 
to the general public in an increasing number of countries.\5\

    \5\ For a discussion of global developments related to faster 
payments, see Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures, 
``Fast payments--Enhancing the speed and availability of retail 
payments,'' Bank for International Settlements, November 2016. 
Available at https://www.bis.org/cpmi/publ/d154.pdf.

    Efforts to implement faster payments in other countries often 
reflect a collaborative, strategic endeavor that involves the payment 
industry, central banks, and other authorities. The deployment of 
accessible faster payment services generally requires extensive 
upgrades to a country's or region's payment and settlement 
infrastructure, involving significant coordination among all 
stakeholders. As part of these upgrades, central banks in various 
jurisdictions have implemented or planned changes to their settlement 
services in support of faster payments, reflecting the foundational 
role that central banks play worldwide in the settlement of obligations 
between financial institutions. The ability to reliably settle 
interbank obligations using balances at the central bank (also referred 
to as central bank money) is vital not only to the smooth functioning 
of the payment system but also to financial stability more broadly.
    As the U.S. central bank, the Federal Reserve initiated a broadly 
collaborative effort with the payment industry and other stakeholders 
in 2013, to support development of ubiquitous, nationwide access to 
safe and efficient faster payments in the United States. While the 
private sector has to date implemented certain faster payment services 
for the public, there are still challenges related to achieving these 
broader goals. As part of its central mission, the Federal Reserve has 
a fundamental responsibility to ensure that there is a flexible and 
robust infrastructure supporting the U.S. payment system on which the 
private sector can develop innovative payment services that serve the 
broadest public interests.\6\ The settlement infrastructure concepts 
outlined in this notice are intended to advance the development of 
faster payments and to help support the modernization of the financial 
services sector's provision of payment services.\7\

    \6\ For example, in 2017, the Board approved final guidelines 
for evaluating requests for joint accounts at the Federal Reserve 
Banks intended to facilitate settlement between and among depository 
institutions participating in private-sector payment systems. 
Available at https://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/pressreleases/files/other20170809a1.pdf. The original impetus for 
adopting these guidelines was to broaden access to joint accounts in 
support of private-sector developments in faster payments.
    \7\ In a recent report, the U.S. Treasury recommended that the 
Federal Reserve move quickly to facilitate a faster retail payments 
system, such as through the development of a real-time settlement 
service, that would also allow for more efficient and ubiquitous 
access to innovative payment capabilities. In particular, smaller 
financial institutions, like community banks and credit unions, 
should also have the ability to access the most-innovative 
technologies and payment services. See U.S. Treasury, ``A Financial 
System That Creates Economic Opportunity: Nonbank Financials, 
Fintech, and Innovation,'' July 2018. Available at https://home.treasury.gov/sites/default/files/2018-07/A-Financial-System-that-Creates-Economic-Opportunities---Nonbank-Financi....pdf.

B. The Federal Reserve's Role in the Payment System

    A safe and efficient payment and settlement system that works in 
the interest of the public is vital to the U.S. economy, and the 
Federal Reserve plays important roles in helping maintain the integrity 
of that system.\8\

[[Page 57353]]

Fundamentally, the payment and settlement system facilitates financial 
transactions, purchases of goods and services, and the associated 
movement of funds on behalf of individuals, households, businesses, and 
other parties (such as government entities and nonprofit 
organizations). The importance of the payment and settlement system in 
daily lives and, more broadly, for all financial transactions 
underscores the significance of its safe and proper functioning for the 
U.S. economy.

    \8\ The Federal Reserve has long provided payment services under 
authority of the Federal Reserve Act (See e.g., Federal Reserve Act 
section 13(1) (12 U.S.C. 342), section 19(f) (12 U.S.C. 464), and 
section 16(14) (12 U.S.C. 248(o))).

    One of the Federal Reserve's most significant roles in that system 
involves providing mechanisms for the settlement of payment obligations 
between and among banks. Banks process payments on their own behalf as 
well as on behalf of their end-user customers, including individuals, 
households, businesses, and other parties. Banks--small, medium, and 
large--settle payments at the Federal Reserve through their accounts 
and balances at the Federal Reserve Banks (Reserve Banks).\9\ This core 
central banking function stems from the Federal Reserve's unique 
ability to transfer balances that are free of counterparty credit risk 
and provide certainty that payments between banks are complete.\10\ In 
addition to providing settlement, the Reserve Banks provide payment 
services to clear and settle check, ACH, and wire transfer payments 
between banks. The Reserve Banks also process these payments on behalf 
of the U.S. Treasury in their capacity as fiscal agents.\11\

    \9\ Section 13(1) of the Federal Reserve Act (FRA) permits 
Reserve Banks to receive deposits from member banks or other 
depository institutions. 12 U.S.C. 342. Section 19(b)(1)(A) of the 
FRA includes as depository institutions any federally insured bank, 
mutual savings bank, savings bank, savings association, or credit 
union, as well as any of those entities that are eligible to make 
application to become a federally insured institution. 12 U.S.C. 
461(b). In addition, there are certain statutory provisions allowing 
Reserve Banks to act as a depository or fiscal agent for the U.S. 
Treasury and certain government-sponsored entities (See e.g., 12 
U.S.C. 391, 393-95, 1823, 1435) as well as for certain international 
organizations (See e.g., 22 U.S.C. 285d, 286d, 290o-3, 290i-5, 290l-
3). In addition, Reserve Banks are authorized to offer deposit 
accounts to designated financial market utilities (12 U.S.C. 5465), 
Edge and Agreement corporations (12 U.S.C. 601-604a, 611-631), 
branches or agencies of foreign banks (12 U.S.C. 347d), and foreign 
banks and foreign states (12 U.S.C. 358).
    \10\ As mentioned earlier, these balances are referred to as 
central bank money. The Committee on Payment and Market 
Infrastructures defines central bank money in its glossary of terms 
as ``a liability of a central bank, in this case in the form of 
deposits held at the central bank, which can be used for settlement 
purposes.'' Available at https://www.bis.org/cpmi/publ/d00b.htm.
    \11\ Additional information about the Federal Reserve's role in 
the payment system is available in ``The Federal Reserve System 
Purposes & Functions,'' October 2016. Available at https://www.federalreserve.gov/aboutthefed/pf.htm.

    Through the services that it provides to the banking industry and 
the U.S. government, the Federal Reserve seeks to foster the safety and 
efficiency of the payment and settlement system. In doing so, the 
Federal Reserve provides payment and settlement services on an 
equitable basis and maintains a fundamental commitment to competitive 
fairness, which is essential to fostering end-user choice and 
innovation across the financial services sector as a whole.
    When evaluating the potential introduction of a new payment service 
or major enhancements to an existing service, the Federal Reserve looks 
to its statutory obligations as well as long-standing principles and 
criteria.\12\ These include expectations that (i) the Federal Reserve 
will achieve full cost recovery over the long run, (ii) the service 
will yield a clear public benefit, and (iii) the service is one that 
other providers alone cannot be expected to provide with reasonable 
effectiveness, scope, and equity.\13\ The Board also conducts a 
competitive-impact analysis for any new service or major enhancement 
that would have a direct and material adverse effect on the ability of 
other service providers to compete effectively with the Federal Reserve 
in providing similar services.\14\ Recently, at the request of 
Congress, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) conducted a review 
of the Federal Reserve's role in providing payment services and the 
effect of the Federal Reserve on competition in the market for 
payments. The GAO found that the activities of the Federal Reserve in 
the payment system generally have been beneficial, with benefits that 
include lowered cost of processing payments for end users.\15\

    \12\ See Monetary Control Act of 1980, Public Law 96-221, 94 
Stat. 132 (1980). The Federal Reserve also considers, as 
appropriate, the effect of a potential new service or major 
enhancement on other critical missions, including conducting 
monetary policy and promoting financial stability.
    \13\ See Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, ``The 
Federal Reserve in the Payments System,'' Issued 1984; revised 1990. 
Available at https://www.federalreserve.gov/paymentsystems/pfs_frpaysys.htm.
    \14\ See id. at Competitive-Impact Analysis for more information 
on what the Board considers in a competitive-impact analysis.
    \15\ See U.S. Gov't Accountability Off., GAO-16-614, ``Federal 
Reserve's Competition with Other Providers Benefits Customers, but 
Additional Reviews Could Increase Assurance of Cost Accuracy'' 
(2016.) Available at https://www.gao.gov/products/GAO-16-614.

    In addition to providing payment and settlement services, the 
Federal Reserve plays other roles, including serving as a convener of 
industry stakeholders, in support of its mission to foster safety and 
efficiency of the payment and settlement system. The next section 
discusses the broad initiative that the Federal Reserve launched five 
years ago to collaborate with the payment industry to foster payment 
system improvements.

C. Background on the Strategies for Improving the U.S. Payment System 

    Beginning in 2013, the Federal Reserve established a new 
initiative--Strategies for Improving the U.S. Payment System (SIPS)--
with the objective of engaging with the payment industry and other 
stakeholders to upgrade and enhance the nation's payment system. The 
collaborative work began with a consultation paper that requested 
public views on gaps, opportunities, and desired outcomes related to 
the goal of improving the speed and efficiency of the U.S. payment and 
settlement system from end-to-end while maintaining a high level of 
safety and efficiency.\16\ The consultation paper prompted responses 
from a wide variety of payment industry stakeholders, including banks, 
processors and other nonbank providers of payment services, technology 
firms, and business end users.\17\

    \16\ The Federal Reserve Banks, ``Payment System Improvement--
Public Consultation Paper,'' September 10, 2013. Available at 
    \17\ The responses are available at https://fedpaymentsimprovement.org/about/consultation-paper/.

    Based on responses to the initial consultation paper, the Federal 
Reserve published in 2015 a set of strategies that it would pursue in 
collaborative engagement with payment industry stakeholders to improve 
the safety and efficiency of the U.S. payment and settlement 
system.\18\ For faster payments, the specific strategy was to 
``identify effective approach(es) for implementing a safe, ubiquitous, 
faster payments capability in the United States.'' This 2015 paper 
identified a number of tactics for each strategy, including the 
establishment of an

[[Page 57354]]

industry task force to pursue the strategy related to faster 

    \18\ Federal Reserve System, ``Strategies for Improving the U.S. 
Payment System,'' January 26, 2015. Available at https://fedpaymentsimprovement.org/wp-content/uploads/strategies-improving-us-payment-system.pdf.
    \19\ In addition to the task force on faster payments, other 
efforts under the SIPS initiative have included a Secure Payments 
Task Force and a Business Payments Coalition. More information on 
these efforts and the broader SIPS initiative is available at 

    In 2015, the Federal Reserve also convened the Faster Payments Task 
Force (FPTF), a 320-member group comprised of banks of varying sizes, 
nonbank providers of payment services, business and government end 
users, consumer interest organizations, governmental organizations, and 
other industry participants.\20\ In order to evaluate possible faster 
payment services, the task force developed a set of effectiveness 
criteria.\21\ These criteria addressed various features of a faster 
payment service, including ubiquity, efficiency, safety and security, 
and speed.\22\

    \20\ Information about the FPTF and its participants is 
available at https://fasterpaymentstaskforce.org/.
    \21\ Faster Payments Task Force, ``Faster Payments Effectiveness 
Criteria,'' January 26, 2016. Available at https://fedpaymentsimprovement.org/wp-content/uploads/fptf-payment-criteria.pdf.
    \22\ The FPTF developed the criteria to evaluate ``faster 
payment solutions,'' where the FPTF defined a ``faster payment 
solution'' as ``the collection of components and supporting parties 
that enable the end-to-end payment process.'' This definition is 
analogous to the concept of a ``faster payment service'' that is 
used in this notice.

    The FPTF's effectiveness criteria provide important benchmarks for 
both end-user capabilities of faster payments and interbank settlement 
arrangements. With respect to service availability and payment speed 
for end users, the FPTF viewed service availability on any day, at any 
time of the day (that is, 24x7x365 service availability), and final 
funds provided to the recipient within one minute as characteristics of 
a ``very effective'' faster payment service.\23\ With respect to 
interbank settlement, the FPTF considered a faster payment service to 
be ``very effective'' if, among other things, (i) interbank settlement 
occurs within 30 minutes of the completion of a faster payment for end 
users, (ii) the service manages credit and liquidity risks arising from 
any time lag between payment completion for end users and interbank 
settlement, particularly if the service is available to end users on a 
24x7x365 basis but interbank settlement is not, and (iii) interbank 
credit exposures related to settlement can be fully covered.\24\ As 
subsequent sections of this notice will explain, these criteria reflect 
the importance of the speed of interbank settlement given the speed of 
faster payments for end users and the risk, specifically credit risk, 
that results when interbank settlement is slower. The Board recognizes 
that interbank settlement for faster payments using existing settlement 
services offered by the Reserve Banks would be unable to meet fully the 
FPTF's criteria.

    \23\ See ``Faster Payments Effectiveness Criteria,'' supra note 
21 at criteria U.2 (Usability) and F.3 (Fast Availability of Good 
Funds to the Payee). In this notice, references to ``real time,'' 
``instant,'' and ``immediate'' are intended to denote availability 
of final funds within one minute, consistent with the task force's 
criteria for a service to be very effective, and ideally within just 
a few seconds.
    \24\ See ``Faster Payments Effectiveness Criteria,'' supra note 
21 at criteria F.4 (Fast Settlement among Depository Institutions 
and Regulated Non-bank Account Providers) and S.4 (Settlement 

    In its final report, released in 2017, the FPTF published a set of 
consensus recommendations for achieving its vision of ubiquitous, safe, 
and efficient faster payment capabilities for the United States.\25\ As 
part of its recommendations, the task force asked the Federal Reserve 
(i) to develop a 24x7x365 settlement service to support faster payments 
and (ii) to explore and assess the need for other Federal Reserve 
operational role(s) in faster payments. Following that report, the 
Federal Reserve stated its intention to pursue these 

    \25\ In its recent report on the financial system, the U.S. 
Treasury recommended that the Federal Reserve set public goals 
consistent with the FPTF's final report. See ``A Financial System 
That Creates Economic Opportunity: Nonbank Financials, Fintech, and 
Innovation,'' supra note 7.
    \26\ The Federal Reserve System, ``Federal Reserve Next Steps in 
the Payments Improvement Journey,'' September 6, 2017. Available at 

D. Summary of Potential Actions by the Federal Reserve

    The Board has worked with the Reserve Banks to identify the 
potential actions described in this notice. The Board believes it is 
important to present these conceptual approaches for supporting 
interbank settlement of faster payments to the public and to gather 
initial public comments while faster payment services are still in the 
early stages of their development. The Board is not committing to any 
further actions at this time or in the future, but is committed to 
transparent communication with the public after analyzing the responses 
to this notice and determining further steps, should any be taken. As 
outlined earlier, any new services or service enhancements proposed by 
the Board would be expected to meet longstanding principles and 
criteria established under Federal Reserve policy as part of meeting 
its statutory requirements and would also be subject to request for 
public comment.\27\

    \27\ See ``The Federal Reserve in the Payments System,'' supra 
note 13.

    First, the Board is seeking comment on whether the Reserve Banks 
should consider developing a service for real-time gross settlement 
(RTGS) of faster payments that is available to conduct settlement on a 
24x7x365 basis (24x7x365 RTGS settlement service). Such a service would 
involve interbank settlement of faster payments using banks' balances 
in accounts at the Reserve Banks. Reflecting the characteristics of 
faster payments, the service would provide payment-by-payment interbank 
settlement in real time and at any time, on any day, including weekends 
and holidays. A 24x7x365 RTGS settlement service could be similar, in 
certain respects, to the Fedwire[supreg] Funds Service, the RTGS 
service that the Reserve Banks currently provide for banks to clear and 
settle payments on behalf of their customers and for their own 

    \28\ In contrast to a potential 24x7x365 RTGS settlement 
service, the Reserve Banks' Fedwire Funds Service does not operate 
24x7x365. Much of the value transferred through the Fedwire Funds 
Service reflects large-value, time-critical payments between banks.

    Second, the Board is seeking comment on whether the Reserve Banks 
should consider developing a liquidity management tool that would 
operate on a 24x7x365 basis in support of services for real-time 
interbank settlement of faster payments, whether those services are 
provided by the private sector or the Reserve Banks (liquidity 
management tool). Such a tool would enable movement of funds during 
hours when traditional settlement systems are not open (nonstandard 
business hours) between banks' master accounts at the Reserve Banks and 
an account (or accounts) at the Reserve Banks used to conduct or 
support 24x7x365 real-time settlement of faster payments.\29\ A 
liquidity management tool could involve simultaneous liquidity 
transfers among multiple accounts that are coordinated by an authorized 
agent in the settlement process and could be based on the existing 
National Settlement Service (NSS) or a similar service.\30\ 
Alternatively, the tool could

[[Page 57355]]

involve individual bank-initiated transfers between specific sets of 
accounts and could function similarly to the existing Fedwire Funds 
Service or a similar service. Regardless of its structure, such a tool 
would enable transfers to support liquidity (or funding) needs 
associated with real-time settlement of faster payments during 
nonstandard business hours, such as weekends and holidays.

    \29\ A master account is the record of financial rights and 
obligations between account-holding banks and a Reserve Bank. The 
account is where opening, intraday, and closing balances are 
    \30\ NSS is a multilateral settlement service offered to banks 
that settles for participants in private-sector clearing and 
settlement arrangements. The service requires a designated agent to 
submit a settlement file to a Reserve Bank, which initiates debits 
and credits to participant accounts at the Reserve Banks.

    Later sections of this notice expand on these possible actions to 
support interbank settlement of faster payments, as well as the general 
concepts that underlie them. The Board is seeking input on the 
proposition that RTGS is the appropriate strategic foundation for 
interbank settlement of faster payments. The Board is also seeking 
input on whether the provision of a 24x7x365 RTGS settlement service 
and a liquidity management tool, separately or in combination, would 
help achieve the goals of ubiquitous, nationwide access to safe and 
efficient faster payments in the long run. The Board is further 
interested in receiving comment about whether other approaches, not 
explicitly considered in this notice, might help achieve those goals.

II. Discussion of Faster Payments

A. General Elements of a Payment

    Payments are essential to the conduct of economic activity. When a 
good is purchased, a service is rendered, or a debt is repaid, a 
payment is typically involved. For example, an individual's purchase of 
a product from a business involves the business providing something of 
value, namely the product itself, to the buyer. As compensation for the 
product, the business needs to receive something of financial value 
from the buyer in return. This act of transferring financial value from 
the buyer to the seller, or, more generally, from one party in a 
transaction to another, constitutes a payment.
    In the United States, as in other modern economies, the value 
transferred in a payment typically involves monetary assets. 
Individuals, households, businesses, and other parties in the economy 
(for example, governments and nonprofit organizations) hold these 
monetary assets in various forms. For example, some monetary assets may 
be held as currency and coin. Other monetary assets may involve funds 
held with specialized financial institutions. In the United States, 
deposits in accounts with banks comprise the monetary asset that is 
most widely held by the general public to conduct payments.\31\

    \31\ As of July 2018, the value of transferable deposits held by 
the public, including demand deposits and other checkable deposits, 
was $2.09 trillion, while the value of currency in circulation 
outside banks was $1.59 trillion. See Federal Reserve Board, ``Money 
Stock and Debt Measures--H.6 Release, Table 5'' available at https://www.federalreserve.gov/releases/h6/current/default.htm.

    In broad terms, the function of the payment and settlement system 
is to enable the transfer of these monetary assets between their 
holders for the purposes of exchanging value to pay for goods and 
services, remitting funds to pay bills and meet other obligations, 
managing business balance sheets, and conducting other activities. This 
transfer can occur in various ways. For example, in a face-to-face 
payment, the handover of currency serves to transfer a monetary asset 
from the individual to the business and, hence, to complete a payment 
between them. When the monetary asset used for payment is deposits held 
in accounts with banks or other institutions, transfers require 
adjustments to the amount of funds in the respective accounts of each 
party in a payment. Thus, the balance in the individual's account with 
their bank must be decreased by the amount of the purchase, and the 
balance in the business's account with its bank must be increased by 
the same amount.
    To make these adjustments, the banks involved in a payment must 
have a way to receive and exchange payment messages. A payment message 
typically contains information related to the payment, such as the 
identities of the parties involved, relevant account information, and 
the payment amount. Without a payment message and a method to exchange 
it, the banks involved in a payment would not know the details of a 
payment or even be aware of an end user's need to conduct it.
    The payment between end users and associated payment message 
generates an obligation between the respective banks. The banks must 
have a mechanism to conduct a transfer of assets between one another to 
settle the payment. Without a mechanism to settle the interbank 
obligation, the banks would not have transferred the underlying funds 
to complete the payment.
    These activities, which are known as clearing and interbank 
settlement, involve processes, infrastructure, rules, agreements, and 
law that ultimately allow end users, such as an individual and a 
business, to conduct payments using accounts held with banks or other 

B. Levels of the Payment Process

    To complete a payment between two bank accounts, three key levels 
of the payment process are necessary: End-user services, clearing 
services, and interbank settlement services.\32\ Together, these three 
levels comprise a ``payment service'' or, as will subsequently be 
discussed, a ``faster payment service'' in the case of a payment 
service focused on faster payments.\33\ In other words, a payment 
service encompasses everything that goes into providing an individual, 
a business, or another end user with the ability to conduct a payment. 
Figure 1 depicts the levels of the payment process when the sender 
initiates a payment through their bank.

    \32\ This discussion focuses on a situation in which the parties 
to a payment hold accounts with different banks or, more broadly, 
different financial institutions. If these parties hold accounts 
with the same institution, that institution may be able to conduct 
payment activities internally through, for example, adjustments to 
an internal ledger of account balances. This scenario can apply to 
payments within a single bank, yielding what is termed an ``on-us'' 
transaction. It also applies to many payment services provided by 
    \33\ A legal framework that governs the conduct of payments is 
also necessary and may apply across levels of the payment process. 
This framework may be in the form of laws, regulations, rules, or 
contractual agreements, which collectively determine the rights and 
obligations of the participants, such as end users, in the payment 
process. The legal framework may provide, among other things, for 
error resolution and fraud protection for end users. Legal 
requirements related to anti-money-laundering and economic sanctions 
may also affect the design and operation of a payment system.

    An end-user service includes the tools that an individual or 
business uses to conduct a payment. For example, an individual wishing 
to pay a bill to a utility company or send money to a friend may be 
able to do so through a mobile phone application. Similarly, a business 
may be able to initiate a payment to a vendor through a bank's website. 
Such services allow an end user to communicate with their bank about 
the need to make a payment and the details of that payment. In other 
words, end-user services support the exchange of payment messages and 
other information between a bank and its end-user customers. End-user 
services also include other critical aspects of the overall payment 
experience for an individual or business, such as error resolution 
procedures and security measures to mitigate fraud.
    Clearing services and interbank settlement services constitute the 
infrastructure underlying payment

[[Page 57356]]

services involving bank accounts. These services and the activities 
they perform may not be apparent to end users, but they are crucial to 
the transfer of information and value between banks, so that the sender 
of a payment can satisfy their obligation to the recipient of a 
    In clearing services, the sending and receiving banks interact, 
possibly through an intermediary such as a clearing house, based on the 
payment information received from end users and the protocols 
associated with a payment service. A key element of this interaction is 
the exchange of the payment message between the sending and receiving 
banks.\34\ The payment messages that are exchanged contain the 
necessary information for banks to make appropriate debits and credits 
to the accounts of their end-user customers and to notify their 
customers of those adjustments to account balances.

    \34\ Other clearing activities include sorting and routing of 
payment instructions, ensuring that payment instructions comply with 
service-specific rules and limits, and calculating and communicating 
interbank obligations that arise from payment instructions. Clearing 
activities may also include screening for fraudulent payments and 
other risk-management measures.

    Finally, in interbank settlement services, the sending and 
receiving banks transfer assets to each other to satisfy the interbank 
obligations that arise from end-user payments. Settlement takes place 
by adjusting the balances in banks' settlement accounts on the books of 
a settlement institution. For example, interbank settlement can be 
performed by directly adjusting balances in accounts that banks hold 
with the central bank or a commercial bank.

C. An Overview of Faster Payments

    In a faster payment, the three levels of the payment process are 
structured so that senders can immediately initiate, and recipients can 
immediately receive, payments at any time.\35\ At the end-user service 
level, the sender of a payment must have an interface that allows real-
time communication at any time to initiate a payment. This need for 
instant and always-available communication capabilities for end users 
explains why faster payments are often associated with payments 
initiated through computers or mobile devices.

    \35\ Rules or agreements that govern the conduct of faster 
payments are also necessary. Among other things, these rules or 
agreements will specify end-user rights and obligations associated 
with a faster payment.

    At the clearing level, certain activities must similarly happen in 
real time and

[[Page 57357]]

at any time. In particular, the messaging between banks must occur in 
real time on a 24x7x365 basis, so that, at any time of the day, the 
banks involved in a payment are able to send and receive payment 
messages immediately, such that they can debit and credit their 
customers' accounts. By contrast, in certain traditional payments, the 
payment message exchange can occur sometime after an end user initiates 
a payment. As will be discussed in more detail in the next section, 
however, the interbank settlement level of a faster payment service may 
or may not exhibit the same speed and availability as end-user and 
clearing services.
    Although the previous discussion focused on activities related to 
faster payment services involving banks, several established services 
in the United States that allow end users to conduct faster payments 
are provided by nonbank entities. These nonbank payment services 
usually combine all three levels of the payment process. These services 
often focus on enabling impromptu payments between individuals, such as 
friends or family members, although some also handle a wider array of 
payment situations, such as payments between individuals and 
businesses. Such a service typically provides an online portal or 
mobile application that allows parties who have signed up with the 
service to send payments to each other. The service executes payments 
through adjustments to balances of the sender's and recipient's 
service-specific accounts, which are located on the service's internal 
books.\36\ Because end users can quickly communicate with the service, 
which can then rapidly make internal adjustments to end-user balances, 
such a service allows registered end users to conduct immediate 
payments at any time. However, such capabilities are only possible when 
both the sender and receiver of a payment have signed up with a 
specific service. In addition, the balances are only immediately usable 
within that specific service. Transfers of funds out of a nonbank 
service into bank accounts that are held for general use typically 
involve transactions through traditional payment systems that can take 
more than a day to complete.\37\

    \36\ As noted in footnote 32, nonbank entities can often conduct 
key activities related to payments on an internal ledger of account 
    \37\ A nonbank service's internal ledger of end-user account 
balances is generally backed by a deposit account or accounts that 
the nonbank service holds with one or more banks. Transfers by a 
service's customers to fund or defund their service-specific 
accounts involve payments between the customers' bank accounts and 
the service's bank account(s). These funding and defunding transfers 
typically occur via payment card networks or the ACH system.

    Recently, other faster payment services have emerged in the United 
States that are based on transfers between bank accounts. These include 
services that allow end users to send or receive faster payments using 
the debit card infrastructure of certain payment card networks and 
services that allow faster payments over newer proprietary payment 
networks owned by groups of banks. The end-user service can involve a 
service-specific website or mobile application or may be integrated 
into a participating bank's website or mobile application, similar to 
many existing online bill payment services. For business customers, the 
end-user service may be integrated into a bank's back-end payment 
processing infrastructure. To use these services, end users must 
typically sign up with a specific service through their banks or, in 
some cases, may sign up directly with the service itself. Because the 
sending and receiving end users may hold their accounts at different 
banks, their banks must exchange payment messages as part of clearing. 
These interbank clearing activities can occur through existing payment 
card networks or proprietary communication networks of the bank-owned 
services. To enable their customers to make payments through a specific 
faster payment service, banks must participate in the service or 
otherwise be capable of receiving payment messages initiated through 
the service. Interbank settlement must also occur, allowing the banks 
to transfer assets reflecting their customers' faster payments. At 
present, interbank settlement for these services is largely conducted 
through existing services provided by the Reserve Banks and, in one 
case, is performed using a private sector-owned settlement ledger that 
is backed by funds in a ``joint account.'' A joint account is a 
recently announced type of account held at a Reserve Bank that holds 
balances for the joint benefit of settling banks in a private-sector 
settlement service.
    The interbank settlement models discussed in this notice 
specifically focus on faster payment services that involve transfers 
between bank accounts and do not directly address services provided by 
nonbank entities. At the same time, many nonbank faster payment 
services ultimately use deposit accounts at banks to hold funds 
associated with their customers' balances and further rely on 
established interbank payment systems for the movement of money between 
their customers' bank accounts and service-specific accounts. Nonbank 
faster payment services may also have access to Reserve Bank services 
when acting as agents on behalf of banks that participate in their 
services. As a result, interbank clearing and settlement capabilities 
may have implications for both bank and nonbank faster payment 

III. Faster Payment Interbank Settlement Models

    As defined above, faster payment services involving transfers 
between bank accounts must conduct certain activities in real time on a 
24x7x365 basis. In particular, such services must accept payment 
messages from end users, exchange payment messages between banks, and 
make final funds available to recipients in real time and at any time. 
However, interbank settlement can be performed in two ways: On a 
deferred basis or in real time. These two models have important 
distinguishing features with risk, liquidity management, and other 

A. Deferred Net Settlement of Interbank Obligations

    In a deferred settlement arrangement for faster payments, final 
funds are made available to the end-user recipient before interbank 
settlement occurs. In such an arrangement, individual payment messages 
are exchanged in real time between the sender's bank and the 
recipient's bank. The banks adjust their customer balances to reflect 
the outflow of funds for the sender and the inflow of funds for the 
receiver, and the recipient's bank immediately makes final funds 
available to its customer. The interbank settlement information 
resulting from the individual payments is collected and stored by a 
centralized entity (for example, a clearinghouse) for a period, such as 
a certain number of hours or until the next business day, before 
interbank settlement occurs. In some cases, settlement may be deferred 
for several days over weekends or holidays, depending on whether the 
system used for settlement is available then. Around the world, most 
existing implementations of deferred settlement for faster payments 
involve netting of interbank obligations prior to settlement, yielding 
what is termed deferred net settlement (DNS).\38\ In a DNS arrangement, 
the centralized entity that collects and stores interbank settlement 
information offsets payment obligations owed by a bank with

[[Page 57358]]

payment obligations due to that bank. After collecting and netting 
settlement information related to groups of payments, the centralized 
entity submits information on net obligations to an interbank 
settlement system, which then adjusts the account balances of all 
participating banks on the settlement institution's books. 
Alternatively, rather than relying on a centralized entity, 
participating banks may initiate a series of funds movements to settle 
the net obligations. The process of collecting, netting, and then 
settling a group of payments is known as a settlement cycle.

    \38\ See ``Fast payments--Enhancing the speed and availability 
of retail payments,'' supra note 5.

    The Board understands that, at present, most faster payment 
services in the United States that involve transfers between bank 
accounts are based on a DNS model for interbank settlement. In these 
services, interbank settlement of net obligations is conducted using 
traditional payment and settlement systems, namely the Fedwire Funds 
Service or the ACH system, with the timing and frequency of settlement 
depending on, among other things, the operating hours of those 

    \39\ The Reserve Banks' National Settlement Service is used by 
some DNS-based systems that do not involve faster payments.

    A number of factors may contribute to the current prevalence of 
DNS-based arrangements for faster payment services in the United 
States. First, traditional payment and settlement systems, which can be 
leveraged for settlement of faster payments, already have widespread 
participation by banks. In addition, by using the Fedwire Funds Service 
or the ACH system, banks can treat settlement payments for faster 
payment services much like other interbank payments, without the need 
to implement new faster payment settlement capabilities and operational 
procedures. As a result, it may be easier for banks to become 
participants in these faster payment services. Finally, DNS-based 
faster payment services can be attractive from a liquidity management 
perspective because netting reduces balances that banks need to set 
aside to settle obligations related to faster payments.
    At the same time, DNS arrangements for faster payments involve 
inherent risks that need to be managed. Because the recipient's bank 
makes final funds available to the recipient before interbank 
settlement occurs, DNS arrangements for faster payments inherently 
generate interbank credit risk for the recipient's bank. If a sending 
bank in the arrangement fails to pay a net obligation, receiving banks 
are at risk of losing the full value of funds that they have already 
made available to recipients.\40\ In addition, this scenario could 
generate liquidity risks for receiving banks if, subsequent to a 
sending bank's failure to pay, settlement amounts are recalculated and 
banks may receive less or have to pay more than expected. Such credit 
and liquidity risks may become particularly pronounced if, as the 
24x7x365 nature of faster payments would allow, rapid withdrawals from 
a troubled bank were to occur outside standard business hours, 
increasing credit exposures and liquidity needs for receiving banks. 
During a period of financial stress, these risks could also further 
aggravate financial stability concerns.

    \40\ The risk can be particularly acute with the use of the ACH 
system given the time delay between file submission of the ACH 
payment to settle the net obligation and the actual settlement of 
those ACH payments at specified times during the day or next day. 
Debit ACH payments, if used in the settlement process, also are not 
final upon settlement. The extra time lapse in ACH processing and 
settlement and the lack of final settlement for debit ACH payments, 
if used, can add to interbank credit risk.

    The interbank settlement risks created in a DNS-based faster 
payment service may be mitigated with appropriate risk management 
tools. Potential tools include (i) transaction limits on individual 
payments or frequent settlement cycles to help prevent the emergence of 
large net interbank exposures, (ii) loss-sharing agreements among 
participants in a system to help spread the risk of a settlement 
failure, (iii) limits on the net negative position of each 
participating bank to prevent interbank exposures from becoming too 
large, and (iv) collateralization to back settlement activity if one or 
more participants were not able to meet their obligations. Credit and 
liquidity risk exposures can be fully mitigated by requiring 
participants in a DNS-based faster payment service to prefund potential 
exposures fully with cash held at a custodial institution, with an 
enforceable limit on payment transactions to prevent interbank 
settlement exposures from exceeding the covering funds or, potentially, 
a mechanism to augment prefunded cash collateral when needed. Under 
this risk-management structure, if a participant in a DNS system is 
unable to fund its settlement obligations, the obligations could be 
covered with prefunded cash, allowing the settlement payments to be 
completed and avoiding the need to recalculate settlement obligations.
    In other countries, every faster payment service based on a DNS 
model employs measures to mitigate the resulting interbank settlement 
risk.\41\ Most recent international examples of DNS-based faster 
payments typically use full cash prefunding, a risk-management approach 
that is reflected in the FPTF's effectiveness criterion related to full 
coverage of interbank credit exposures. A prominent example of full 
risk mitigation occurs in the United Kingdom, where faster payment 
participants settle their positions three times per business day using 
accounts at the Bank of England. Each participant in the system sets 
its own ``net sender cap'' that limits the participant's negative 
position between settlement cycles. Since 2015, these caps have been 
fully backed by cash collateral held in segregated accounts at the Bank 
of England to mitigate the overnight interbank credit risk generated by 
the system. In the event that a participant were unable to meet its 
obligation in a settlement cycle, the participant's cash collateral at 
the Bank of England would be immediately accessed to conduct 

    \41\ See ``Fast payments--Enhancing the speed and availability 
of retail payments,'' supra note 5.

    In addition to risk management, DNS-based faster payment services 
may have liquidity management implications. On the one hand, liquidity 
management may be simplified for banks in a DNS arrangement because 
netting reduces the funds that banks need to have available for 
settlement obligations related to faster payments. In addition, because 
settlement is conducted periodically, often at pre-defined times, banks 
in a DNS arrangement do not need to provide sufficient funds on a real-
time basis to settle faster payments that are otherwise taking place in 
real time. On the other hand, if a DNS-based service were to use 
frequent settlement cycles to manage credit risk exposures, banks would 
need to ensure that they have adequate liquidity whenever a settlement 
cycle occurs. For example, if it were possible to conduct the 30-minute 
settlement cycles that would be applied in a DNS arrangement satisfying 
the FPTF's effectiveness criterion related to settlement speed, that 
settlement frequency would require banks to monitor and manage their 
liquidity over the weekend and on holidays.
    Furthermore, collateral management may have implications for banks 
participating in a DNS-based faster payment service that employs 
collateral to mitigate interbank credit risk. The availability of 
adequate collateral to cover a bank's net obligation would need to be 
verified in real time for each individual faster payment, with

[[Page 57359]]

payments being rejected when collateral is inadequate. As a result, 
cash or collateral to back settlement activity in a DNS arrangement 
would need to be monitored, maintained, and potentially adjusted on a 
real-time basis, including during nonstandard business hours, to avoid 
rejected payments.\42\ Alternatively, banks could elect to maintain 
higher cash or collateral balances to hedge against unexpected payment 
volumes; however, this choice would have other implications for banks 
and their ability to use cash or collateral for other purposes.

    \42\ The need for collateral management during nonstandard 
business hours in a DNS arrangement for faster payments is similar 
to the need for liquidity management during nonstandard hours in an 
RTGS arrangement. As a result, to avoid rejected payments resulting 
from insufficient collateral, a collateral management tool, which 
could be similar to the liquidity management tool discussed in the 
context of RTGS arrangements, may be needed in a DNS arrangement.

    Another consideration for DNS-based faster payment services is that 
interoperability between services that use different risk and liquidity 
management arrangements may be challenging, which can be a barrier to 
faster payment ubiquity if end users are not able to send payments 
across services. For faster payment services to be interoperable, each 
service should have the ability to receive transactions originated from 
the other service and to manage the associated cross-service settlement 
risks.\43\ Interoperability would likely be harder to achieve if two 
services and their chosen settlement features generate different levels 
of interbank settlement risk or if they use different tools to mitigate 
such risk.

    \43\ Currently, interoperability agreements do not exist among 
payment card networks or wire operators. The only interoperability 
agreement is in the ACH system between FedACH, provided by the 
Reserve Banks, and the private-sector Electronic Payments Network.

B. Real-Time Gross Settlement of Interbank Obligations

    In an RTGS arrangement for faster payments, final funds are made 
available to the recipient only after interbank settlement has occurred 
between the banks that are party to the transaction. To ensure this 
outcome, RTGS-based faster payments involve both completion of end-user 
payments and settlement of interbank obligations on a payment-by-
payment basis in real time and at any time. RTGS for faster payments 
thus aligns the speed and 24x7x365 availability of interbank settlement 
with the speed and 24x7x365 availability of faster payments for end 
users. In such an arrangement, because the speed and timing of 
interbank messaging activities needed to support faster payments for 
end users coincide with the speed and timing of interbank settlement 
activities, it can be possible to avoid duplicative activities by 
combining interbank messaging and settlement.\44\ As a result, a single 
payment message may be sent from the sender's bank to the recipient's 
bank through the settlement service with that message containing both 
the information needed by the banks to adjust their customers' balances 
and the bank information necessary to conduct interbank settlement.

    \44\ For purposes of this notice, in an RTGS model, messaging 
and clearing can be considered synonymous since, beyond real-time 
message transmission, the other components of clearing that are 
necessary in a DNS model, such as netting of payments for 
settlement, are not relevant. Messaging activities may still include 
other risk-management measures, such as screening for fraudulent 
payments and ensuring that payment instructions comply with service-
specific rules and limits.

    RTGS arrangements inherently avoid interbank settlement risk 
because funds are made available to the recipient only after interbank 
settlement has occurred. This key feature enhances the safety of faster 
payment services based on the RTGS model, both for individual banks and 
in the aggregate, particularly during times of financial stress. The 
lack of inherent interbank settlement risk eliminates the need for 
measures to mitigate such risk, as would be needed in a DNS 
arrangement. In addition, by aligning interbank settlement with 
interbank messaging, the RTGS model can avoid activities, such as 
storing, netting, and submitting groups of payments for settlement, 
that are not generally relevant for the provision of faster payments to 
end users, but would be necessary in DNS-based faster payment services 
because of the timing mismatch between settlement and the underlying 
payments. In the process, the RTGS model also avoids the unanticipated 
liquidity effects that can occur in the event of a settlement failure 
when interbank settlement positions have been netted by a centralized 
entity. Finally, when considering interoperability between RTGS-based 
faster payment services, the lack of interbank settlement risk in such 
services may facilitate interoperability by avoiding the need to 
reconcile measures to mitigate cross-system settlement risk, in 
particular, as may be necessary with DNS-based faster payment services.
    At the same time, real-time settlement for faster payments may have 
liquidity management implications. Because RTGS-based faster payment 
services process and settle each payment separately, with continuous 
updates to settlement accounts on a 24x7x365 basis, participants in an 
RTGS-based service may need to monitor and manage their settlement 
accounts outside standard business hours to ensure that balances are 
available to settle each payment. Further, even for retail payment 
systems, gross settlement may be more liquidity intensive than net 
    Based on the design, liquidity management may require tools to 
reallocate liquidity to support settlement of faster payments. For 
example, if settlement for an RTGS-based service is conducted in an 
account that is separate from a bank's primary settlement account (that 
is, a Federal Reserve master account), a liquidity management tool 
could allow for banks or an agent acting on their behalf, such as the 
provider of an RTGS service, to move liquidity to the faster payment 
settlement account when needed. Alternatively, liquidity management 
could involve automatic replenishment of the faster payment settlement 
account from the primary account, based on certain parameters or at 
certain times of the day. Liquidity management tools are discussed 
later in the notice.
    Another consideration for RTGS-based faster payments is that faster 
payment services to end users are dependent on uninterrupted 
availability of the RTGS service to conduct faster payments. Although 
faster payments based on deferred settlement would require certain 
clearing activities to occur in real time and at any time, 
necessitating a high level of resiliency for those activities, end-user 
payments could still be completed even if the interbank settlement 
service is temporarily unavailable. In contrast, an RTGS service 
supporting faster payments would require advanced throughput 
capabilities and high resiliency of both the settlement service and 
messaging activities. In addition, to avoid failed end-user payments, 
enhanced contingency arrangements may be necessary to deal with 
situations when a primary RTGS processing service is temporarily 
unavailable to process transactions.
    One example of an RTGS service for faster payments is the system 
being developed by the European Central Bank (ECB) to support ``instant 
payments'' in the European Union. Like faster payments in the United 
States, instant payments in the European Union are expected to involve 
services for real-time payments between end users that can be conducted 
on a 24x7x365 basis. To facilitate ubiquity of instant payment services 
across national jurisdictions,

[[Page 57360]]

the ECB system will offer final settlement for instant payments using 
balances held at the ECB (that is, central bank money) to banks and 
other eligible institutions across Europe. In line with 24x7x365 
instant payment services for end users, the ECB's system will enable 
settlement on a 24x7x365 basis. The ECB has announced that it will 
implement its instant payments RTGS system using separate, dedicated 
cash settlement accounts for each participating institution. The ECB 
plans to launch its instant payments RTGS system in November 2018.\45\

    \45\ More information about the ECB's RTGS system for instant 
payments is available at https://www.ecb.europa.eu/paym/initiatives/html/index.en.html.

    Another example, albeit with a different approach, of an RTGS 
service for faster payments involves a system launched domestically in 
the United States in late 2017. This system, operated by a private-
sector entity, performs immediate, round-the-clock settlement of 
payments on its private ledger, rather than using central bank money. 
Each participant in this arrangement relies on the presence of balances 
stored in a single joint account at a Reserve Bank that is held for the 
benefit of the joint account-holding banks as a method of backing the 
private-sector service.\46\

    \46\ A joint account enables settlement for participants in a 
private-sector arrangement to be backed by funds held for a special 
purpose at a Reserve Bank. Although the joint account is not 
formally a collateral account, the funds in the joint account are 
held for the joint benefit of the settling participants. 
Accordingly, the operator of a settlement arrangement that relies on 
a joint account can perform real-time, payment-by-payment settlement 
on its own ledger, which in turn reflects how the operator, as agent 
for the settling participants, will attribute the balances in the 
joint account on its own records to each settling participant. 
Settlement backed by a joint account can occur at any time or on any 
day because the settlement takes place on the ledger of the 
settlement-arrangement operator.

IV. Potential Federal Reserve Actions To Support 24x7x365 Real-Time 
Settlement of Faster Payments

    Although both DNS and RTGS arrangements have benefits and drawbacks 
for settling faster payments, on balance, the Board views RTGS as 
offering clear benefits from a risk and efficiency perspective, making 
it the preferable basis for interbank settlement of faster payments 
over the long term in the United States. Given the round-the-clock 
availability of end-user faster payment services, real-time interbank 
settlement should likewise be possible at any time and on any day. 
While DNS-based faster payment services with measures to mitigate risk 
may be appropriate for a nascent faster payment market in the short 
term, the Board believes that, as the volume and value of faster 
payments grow in the future, an RTGS infrastructure would provide the 
safest and most efficient foundation for interbank settlement for the 
next generation of payment services. Through this notice, the Board is 
seeking views regarding this perspective on interbank settlement.
    In addition, the Board is requesting comment about potential 
actions that the Federal Reserve could take to support a ubiquitous, 
nationwide infrastructure for 24x7x365 real-time settlement of faster 
payments. These actions, which could be taken separately or in 
combination, include the Reserve Banks' developing (i) a 24x7x365 RTGS 
settlement service and (ii) a liquidity management tool. In addition to 
seeking comment on whether the Reserve Banks should consider developing 
either or both of these services, the Board is interested in receiving 
comment about whether other approaches would help achieve the long run 
goals of ubiquitous, nationwide access to safe and efficient settlement 
services for faster payments.

A. A 24x7x365 RTGS Settlement Service Provided by the Reserve Banks

1. Characteristics of a 24x7x365 RTGS Settlement Service
    As one potential action, the Reserve Banks could provide a 24x7x365 
RTGS settlement service for banks that would carry out the interbank 
settlement of individual payments immediately, on any day, and at any 
time of the day. Such a service would reflect the real-time speed and 
24x7x365 nature of faster payments. The service would settle interbank 
obligations through debits and credits to balances in banks' accounts 
at the Reserve Banks, constituting settlement in central bank 
money.\47\ As it does with some of its existing services, the Federal 
Reserve could allow agents to submit settlement instructions to a 
24x7x365 RTGS settlement service on behalf of participating banks that 
hold accounts at the Reserve Banks.

    \47\ The Board expects that such a service would be used for 
credit transfer payments in which the party that intends to make a 
payment initiates the payment to the recipient.

    A 24x7x365 RTGS settlement service could involve messaging 
functionality, which traditionally is considered part of the clearing 
level, and may function much like the Fedwire Funds Service. As with 
the Fedwire Funds Service, a 24x7x365 RTGS settlement service could 
receive and deliver the entire payment message, including bank routing 
information needed for interbank settlement and customer information 
needed by receiving banks to update their customers' accounts.\48\ 
Under this design, the service would receive settlement instructions 
from and deliver settlement notifications to the banks (or their 
agents) pursuant to the information in the payment message. As a 
result, the RTGS functionality could provide a straight-through 
processing method to conduct interbank clearing and settlement of 
faster payments.

    \48\ An RTGS settlement service could be designed to optionally 
process either the full message with bank routing and customer 
information or only the bank routing information needed for 
interbank settlement. The latter use would require third parties to 
separately transmit the payment message between sending and 
receiving banks. These design choices may raise policy, legal, and 
operational complexities, such as achieving payment transparency for 
screening and other compliance-related requirements.

    The proposed 24x7x365 RTGS settlement service could make use of the 
existing electronic access connections and payment services network 
that the Reserve Banks provide to banks to enable secure payment 
processing for transactions involving Reserve Bank payment services. In 
addition, interbank settlement of faster payments could occur in 
Federal Reserve master accounts, similar to the way that settlement for 
other types of Reserve Bank payment services occurs, and could use the 
same account-monitoring regime that is in place for other payment 
services provided by the Reserve Banks. Alternatively, interbank 
settlement of faster payments could occur in separate, dedicated faster 
payment settlement accounts for each participating bank with balances 
that could be treated as reserves, earning interest and satisfying 
reserve balance requirements. With separate accounts, an approach would 
be needed for moving funds between a bank's master account and its 
faster payment settlement account during standard business hours and 
potentially outside those hours. In either account structure, the 
service would record end-of-day balances in the account and provide 
balance reports for each calendar day of the week (that is, a seven-day 
accounting regime). The Board is requesting comment on the advantages 
and disadvantages of these design options and features.
    Additionally, a 24x7x365 RTGS settlement service might need to 
incorporate some auxiliary services or other service options in order 
to support an effective nationwide system. One example of an auxiliary 
service is a proxy database or directory that allows banks to route 
end-user payments using the recipient's alias, such as an email address 
or phone number, rather than

[[Page 57361]]

their bank routing and account information. Another example of 
auxiliary services is enhanced fraud-monitoring capabilities, which may 
involve a shared database of known fraudulent accounts or automated 
fraud detection tools. Other service options to consider include 
transaction limits to manage risk or payment-by-payment offsetting 
functionality to economize on the use of liquidity. The Board is 
requesting comment on whether such auxiliary services or other service 
options are necessary for broad adoption of faster payments and what 
entity(s) should provide them.
    A 24x7x365 RTGS settlement service provided by the Reserve Banks 
would rely on banks and other parties, such as processors and other 
providers of payment services, to develop end-user services and, 
ideally, the full suite of auxiliary services, such as a proxy database 
or directory, that build upon the basic functionality of the settlement 
2. Public Benefits of a 24x7x365 RTGS Settlement Service
    The Federal Reserve's longstanding public policy objectives for the 
payment system are that payment systems are safe, efficient, and 
accessible to all eligible banks on an equitable basis and, through 
them, to the public nationwide.\49\ Based on its analysis, the Board 
believes the Reserve Banks' development of a 24x7x365 RTGS settlement 
service could yield societal benefit by advancing these objectives and 
serve as an important part of the foundation for the nation's future 
payment system. The Board is requesting comment on whether the Federal 
Reserve's provision of a 24x7x365 RTGS settlement service will indeed 
offer these potential benefits.

    \49\ See ``The Federal Reserve in the Payments System,'' supra 
note 13.

    A 24x7x365 RTGS settlement service provided by the Reserve Banks 
could significantly improve the long-term prospect of all banks having 
access to a real-time interbank settlement infrastructure for faster 
payments. Today, the Reserve Banks provide payment services to more 
than 11,000 banks--the vast majority of banks in the United States. By 
capitalizing on its electronic access network and customer 
relationships, the Reserve Banks are in a position to offer equitable 
access to real-time interbank settlement to all eligible banks in the 
country, regardless of type or size.
    It may be difficult for the private sector to create an 
infrastructure that, on its own, could provide equitable access to 
enough banks to achieve ubiquity. Practically, a private-sector RTGS 
service that does not have existing relationships with a large number 
of banks may have difficulties establishing those relationships for a 
new service. Likewise, banks without an existing relationship to the 
provider of a private-sector RTGS service may find it cumbersome and 
time-consuming to establish connections with a new provider of 
settlement services. However, accessibility could be greatly enhanced 
if existing and potential future private-sector RTGS services were able 
to interoperate with a Reserve Bank service, such that end-user 
customers of any bank could send faster payments to end-user customers 
of any other bank, regardless of the faster payment RTGS service used 
by the banks. In such a scenario, private-sector and Reserve Bank RTGS 
services would work in tandem to provide ubiquitous, nationwide access 
to real-time interbank settlement for faster payments.
    As noted above, real-time settlement for faster payments avoids 
interbank settlement risk by aligning the speed of interbank settlement 
with the speed of the underlying payments. If a 24x7x365 RTGS 
settlement service developed by the Reserve Banks were to significantly 
improve the prospect that banks nationwide would use real-time 
settlement for faster payments, the overall safety of the faster 
payment market in the United States could be enhanced. In addition, a 
service provided by the Federal Reserve, with its focus on the 
stability of the overall payment system, could also contribute to the 
real and perceived resiliency of faster payment settlement. This would 
be especially true if a 24x7x365 RTGS settlement service provided by 
the Reserve Banks were available alongside private-sector RTGS 
services, giving banks an option to connect to multiple operators for 
resiliency, as they often do with traditional payment systems. Finally, 
a 24x7x365 RTGS settlement service could further support the Federal 
Reserve's ability to provide payment system stability in moments of 
financial crisis or natural disaster, as it has done in the past with 
its cash, check, ACH, and wire transfer services.
    Payment system efficiency has multiple facets, including resource 
costs, the value of broad networks, and competition between and 
innovation by faster payment services. While a 24x7x365 RTGS settlement 
service provided by the Reserve Banks would consume societal resources 
and could duplicate certain costs that may already have been incurred 
to set up other settlement arrangements for faster payments, its net 
effect on the efficiency of the faster payment environment would depend 
on the extent to which it generates societal benefits by improving bank 
participation in a real-time interbank settlement infrastructure and, 
ultimately, public access to safe and secure faster payment services. 
Specifically, the value of a payment system increases as more banks 
join the system because all participants and end users can send 
payments to more recipients. As a result, incremental societal benefits 
realized through nationwide bank participation in a real-time interbank 
settlement infrastructure could outweigh the societal costs of the 
Reserve Banks developing a 24x7x365 RTGS settlement service.
    Additional efficiency benefits could be realized through enhanced 
competition between and innovation by faster payment services. The 
development of a nationwide real-time interbank settlement 
infrastructure could play a strategic role in persuading more banks to 
develop faster payment services, creating more competition among bank-
provided services and with existing nonbank services. Bank and nonbank 
providers of faster payment services may also be able to develop new or 
enhance existing services by capitalizing on the underlying interbank 
infrastructure. The resulting competition and innovation could 
ultimately benefit end users because competition typically generates 
lower costs and innovation advances feature-rich services.
    The Board recognizes the possibility that introduction of a Reserve 
Bank-provided 24x7x365 RTGS settlement service could have the opposite 
effect and disrupt the existing faster payment market. Industry 
stakeholders have already made certain initial investments in faster 
payment services and would need to assess how, or if, to connect to a 
new settlement service.\50\ Therefore, it is possible that Reserve Bank 
entry could add to market fragmentation and lower the prospects for 
ubiquitous faster payments in the United States, especially in the 
short run.

    \50\ If banks were to establish connections to multiple 
settlement services, doing so may generate a duplication of 
participant connection costs.

    The Board also recognizes that the cost of investing in new 
technology for the banking industry, its customers, and

[[Page 57362]]

service providers could be significant, and it could take many years to 
achieve full participation across the banking system. Operational and 
technical challenges are inherent in the creation of any new service, 
and the fact that the envisioned RTGS settlement service would operate 
24x7x365 may compound these challenges. The Board expects that moving 
to a 24x7x365 settlement environment may take a number of years of 
technical and operational adjustment for all stakeholders. In addition, 
issues with technical and operational adjustments may be exacerbated if 
there is more than one provider of real-time settlement. At the same 
time, some disruption and a period of adjustment could be acceptable, 
and often accompany foundational changes in infrastructure. The Board 
is seeking comment on whether the industry believes the costs of 
adjustment and potential disruption are outweighed by the benefits of 
the proposed interbank settlement infrastructure.

B. A Liquidity Management Tool

1. Liquidity Management Needs in RTGS-Based Faster Payment Services
    RTGS for faster payments can raise liquidity management issues for 
banks, particularly given the 24x7x365 nature of faster payments. RTGS-
based faster payments require banks to have sufficient liquidity to 
perform interbank settlement of individual payments. Absent sufficient 
liquidity, banks, and by extension their customers, would experience 
failed faster payments because interbank settlement, which must occur 
prior to the provision of final funds to the recipient in an RTGS 
arrangement, could not take place. Moreover, because faster payments 
can occur on a 24x7x365 basis, RTGS for faster payments requires banks 
to have sufficient liquidity to settle individual payments at any time 
of the day, any day of the year.
    The risk of failed payments caused by insufficient liquidity in an 
RTGS-based faster payment service implies a general need for banks to 
manage their liquidity related to settlement. The nature of this 
liquidity management will depend on the design of a particular RTGS 
arrangement for faster payments. For example, a private-sector RTGS 
arrangement for faster payments may rely on a joint account at a 
Reserve Bank that backs settlement conducted on a private ledger 
maintained by the arrangement's operator. In such an arrangement, banks 
would need to ensure sufficient liquidity by making contributions to 
the joint account that are adequate to cover obligations recorded in 
the operator's ledger. In another example, depending on the design of a 
24x7x365 RTGS settlement service provided by the Reserve Banks, 
participating banks may have individual accounts at the Reserve Banks, 
separate from their master accounts, that are dedicated to the 
interbank settlement of faster payments.\51\ In this case, banks would 
need to manage their liquidity on a 24x7x365 basis across their master 
accounts and their dedicated faster payment settlement accounts at the 
Reserve Banks.\52\

    \51\ Globally, a number of central banks that provide or are 
planning to provide RTGS services for faster payments, including the 
ECB and the Reserve Bank of Australia, require banks to have 
separate, dedicated accounts for the settlement of faster payments 
through those services.
    \52\ If faster payments settle through banks' master accounts at 
the Reserve Banks, then liquidity management would involve a bank's 
overall liquidity available for settlement, as opposed to its 
allocation of liquidity specifically available for settlement of 
faster payments.

    In either of these examples, liquidity management by banks requires 
methods to transfer liquidity between accounts at the Reserve Banks. 
Because RTGS arrangements for faster payments require liquidity 
management outside standard business hours, these methods for liquidity 
transfers may need to be available during nonstandard business hours.
    At present, the Reserve Banks do not offer a service that would 
allow banks to move liquidity as needed to support 24x7x365 real-time 
settlement of faster payments. Various Reserve Bank services enable 
transfer of funds between accounts at the Reserve Banks, including the 
Fedwire Funds Service and the National Settlement Service; however, 
none of them fulfill the around-the-clock requirement. Over time, the 
Reserve Banks have extended operating hours for these services.\53\ 
However, current operating hours limit liquidity management based on 
these services, particularly during weekends and holidays.

    \53\ The Fedwire Funds Service operating hours for each business 
day begin at 9:00 p.m. eastern time (ET) on the preceding calendar 
day and end at 6:30 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday, excluding 
designated holidays. For example, processing on a Monday begins at 
9:00 p.m. ET on Sunday night and ends at 6:30 p.m. ET Monday night. 
The Reserve Banks last expanded the Fedwire Funds Service operating 
hours in 2004, moving from an eighteen-hour business day to the 
current twenty-one and one-half hour business day. Current operating 
hours for NSS are 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday, 
excluding designated holidays. The Reserve Banks announced in 2015, 
that they are prepared to accept requests from current settlement 
agents to open the NSS settlement window as early as 9:00 p.m. ET 
the previous calendar day for the next business day. To date, no 
settlement agent has requested an earlier opening.

2. Characteristics of a Liquidity Management Tool
    As a result of the potential need for liquidity management outside 
standard business hours in certain RTGS-based systems for faster 
payments, and the limitations of existing Federal Reserve services to 
support such liquidity management, the Board is requesting comment on 
whether the Reserve Banks should consider providing a liquidity 
management tool that would enable movement of funds during nonstandard 
business hours between banks' master accounts at the Reserve Banks and 
an account (or accounts) at the Reserve Banks used to conduct or 
support 24x7x365 real-time settlement of faster payments.\54\ To 
provide such a tool for liquidity transfers during nonstandard business 
hours, the Federal Reserve could enhance an existing service by 
extending that service's operating hours, potentially up to 24x7x365, 
or providing special operating windows outside current operating hours. 
Alternatively, the Reserve Banks could develop a new service. 
Regardless of whether the Reserve Banks enhance an existing service or 
develop a new service, the Board envisions such a service being used, 
at least initially, only for the purpose of liquidity management 
related to RTGS-based faster payment services. The Board recognizes, 
however, that depending on its design, a liquidity management tool 
could have functionality that would be useful for other purposes. In 
particular, the ability to move funds outside standard business hours 
could be used to manage cash collateral in a DNS arrangement for faster 
payments that uses full cash collateral at the Reserve Banks to 
mitigate credit risk associated with deferred settlement.

    \54\ As a baseline, it is assumed that liquidity transfers to or 
from settlement accounts are routinely available during existing 
operating hours for the Fedwire Funds Service.

    To determine how the Reserve Banks could best provide a liquidity 
management tool that meets industry needs, the Board is further seeking 
input on the characteristics and capabilities that such a tool might 
have. A key area of interest to the Board is the level of involvement 
that individual banks would wish to have in establishing the timing of 
liquidity transfers and in initiating specific transfers. For example, 
a tool could allow a designated agent to coordinate liquidity transfers 
simultaneously across a large number of participants in a settlement

[[Page 57363]]

arrangement, thereby removing the need for those participants to 
continuously monitor liquidity and initiate corresponding liquidity 
transfers. Such a tool could also support automated liquidity 
transfers, particularly during nonstandard business hours, based on 
thresholds established by a bank working with a designated agent. Such 
capabilities could be possible through NSS (or a similarly designed 
service) for the multilateral movement of funds between accounts at the 
Reserve Banks. Alternatively, if banks prefer to have more direct 
involvement in the timing and tailoring of their liquidity transfers, a 
tool could involve individual liquidity transfers initiated by 
individual banks. Such a structure for liquidity management could be 
provided through the Fedwire Funds Service (or a similarly designed 
service). In either case, expanded operating hours for such a service 
would support liquidity management outside standard business hours, 
possibly up to 24x7x365.
3. Public Benefits of a Liquidity Management Tool
    The Board believes a liquidity management tool could improve the 
level of participation by banks in real-time settlement infrastructure 
for faster payments. Such a tool could be an efficient and economical 
way to close potential gaps in account funding times for existing and 
potential future private-sector 24x7x365 real-time interbank settlement 
systems. Thus, the tool might make private-sector systems more 
attractive to a broader range of banks and boost the prospect of more 
banks joining private-sector systems. It could similarly increase 
participation in a 24x7x365 RTGS settlement service provided by the 
Reserve Banks. The end result might be a combination of RTGS 
arrangements for faster payments, enabling broader access to real-time 
interbank settlement infrastructure in the long term with similar 
safety, resiliency, and efficiency benefits discussed in relation to a 
Reserve Bank-provided RTGS settlement service. In addition, the 
liquidity management functionality itself would mitigate liquidity risk 
that can arise for banks in 24x7x365 real-time settlement of faster 
payments and the concomitant possibility that end users will experience 
individually rejected payments and broader scale payment interruptions.

V. Request for Comment

    The Board is seeking feedback on all aspects of the discussion 
presented in this notice and the specific questions posed below. The 
Board will use this feedback to assess what steps, if any, it should 
take related to the actions discussed or alternative approaches offered 
by the payment industry or other stakeholders. As previously mentioned, 
these actions are subject to the longstanding principles and criteria 
on new services or major service enhancements as part of the Federal 
Reserve's statutory requirements. As part of assessing these actions, 
the Board would continue its due diligence related to those 
    The Board intends to publish the results of this request for 
comment and, as appropriate, to seek further comment on any specific 
actions that the Board determines that the Federal Reserve might 
pursue. The Board recognizes that a decision to undertake these 
actions, in particular the development of a 24x7x365 RTGS settlement 
service, will require close partnership and collaboration with industry 
stakeholders. The Federal Reserve would work with stakeholders to 
implement new infrastructure within a sensible timeline that provides 
stakeholders enough advance information to calibrate resource planning 
and operational readiness. The Board also seeks feedback on specific 
areas, such as liquidity management, interoperability, accounting 
processes, or payment routing, that stakeholders believe may require 
joint Federal Reserve and industry teams to identify approaches for 
implementation in a 24x7x365 RTGS settlement service.


    1. Is RTGS the appropriate strategic foundation for interbank 
settlement of faster payments? Why or why not?
    2. Should the Reserve Banks develop a 24x7x365 RTGS settlement 
service? Why or why not?
    3. If the Reserve Banks develop a 24x7x365 RTGS settlement service,
    a. Will there be sufficient demand for faster payments in the 
United States in the next ten years to support the development of a 
24x7x365 RTGS settlement service? What will be the sources of demand? 
What types of transactions are most likely to generate demand for 
faster payments?
    b. What adjustments would the financial services industry and its 
customers be required to make to operate in a 24x7x365 settlement 
environment? Are these adjustments incremental or substantial? What 
would be the time frame required to make these adjustments? Are the 
costs of adjustment and potential disruption outweighed by the benefits 
of creating a 24x7x365 RTGS settlement service? Why or why not?
    c. What is the ideal timeline for implementing a 24x7x365 RTGS 
settlement service? Would any potential timeline be too late from an 
industry adoption perspective? Would Federal Reserve action in faster 
payment settlement hasten or inhibit financial services industry 
adoption of faster payment services? Please explain.
    d. What adjustments (for example, accounting, operations, and 
agreements) would banks and bank customers be required to make under a 
seven-day accounting regime where Reserve Banks record and report end-
of-day balances for each calendar day during which payment activity 
occurs, including weekends and holidays? What time frame would be 
required to these changes? Would banks want the option to defer receipt 
of such information for nonbusiness days to the next business day? If 
necessary changes by banks represent a significant constraint to timely 
adoption of seven-day accounting for a 24x7x365 RTGS settlement 
service, are there alternative accounting or operational solutions that 
banks could implement?
    e. What incremental operational burden would banks face if a 
24x7x365 RTGS settlement service were designed using accounts separate 
from banks' master accounts? How would the treatment of balances in 
separate accounts (for example, ability to earn interest and satisfy 
reserve balance requirements) affect demand for faster payment 
    f. Regarding auxiliary services or other service options,
    i. Is a proxy database or directory that allows faster payment 
services to route end-user payments using the recipient's alias, such 
as email address or phone number, rather than their bank routing and 
account information, needed for a 24x7x365 RTGS settlement service? How 
should such a database be provided to best facilitate nationwide 
adoption? Who should provide this service?
    ii. Are fraud prevention services that provide tools to detect 
fraudulent transfers needed for a 24x7x365 RTGS settlement service? How 
should such tools be provided? Who should provide them?
    iii. How important are these auxiliary services for adoption of 
faster payment settlement services by the financial services industry? 
How important are other service options such as transaction limits for 
risk management and offsetting mechanisms to conserve liquidity? Are 
there other auxiliary services or service options that are needed for 
the settlement service to be adopted?

[[Page 57364]]

    g. How critical is interoperability between RTGS services for 
faster payments to achieving ubiquity?
    h. Could a 24x7x365 RTGS settlement service be used for purposes 
other than interbank settlement of retail faster payments? If so, for 
what other purposes could the service be used? Should its use be 
restricted and, if so, how?
    i. Are there specific areas, such as liquidity management, 
interoperability, accounting processes, or payment routing, for which 
stakeholders believe the Board should establish joint Federal Reserve 
and industry teams to identify approaches for implementation of a 
24x7x365 RTGS settlement service?
    4. Should the Federal Reserve develop a liquidity management tool 
that would enable transfers between Federal Reserve accounts on a 
24x7x365 basis to support services for real-time interbank settlement 
of faster payments, whether those services are provided by the private 
sector or the Reserve Banks? Why or why not?
    5. If the Reserve Banks develop a liquidity management tool,
    a. What type of tool would be preferable and why?
    i. A tool that requires a bank to originate a transfer from one 
account to another
    ii. A tool that allows an agent to originate a transfer on behalf 
of one or more banks
    iii. A tool that allows an automatic transfer of balances (or 
``sweep'') based on pre-established thresholds and limits
    iv. A combination of the above
    v. An alternative approach
    b. Would a liquidity management tool need to be available 24x7x365, 
or alternatively, during certain defined hours on weekends and 
holidays? During what hours should a liquidity management tool be 
    c. Could a liquidity management tool be used for purposes other 
than to support real-time settlement of retail faster payments? If so, 
for what other purposes could the tool be used? Should its use be 
restricted and, if so, how?
    6. Should a 24x7x365 RTGS settlement service and liquidity 
management tool be developed in tandem or should the Federal Reserve 
pursue only one, or neither, of these initiatives? Why?
    7. If the Federal Reserve pursues one or both of these actions, do 
they help achieve ubiquitous, nationwide access to safe and efficient 
faster payments in the long run? If so, which of the potential actions, 
or both, and in what ways?
    8. What other approaches, not explicitly considered in this notice, 
might help achieve the broader goals of ubiquitous, nationwide access 
to faster payments in the United States?
    9. Beyond the provision of payment and settlement services, are 
there other actions, under its existing authority, the Federal Reserve 
should consider that might help its broader goals with respect to the 
U.S. payment system?

    By order of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve 
System, September 28, 2018.
Ann Misback,
Secretary of the Board.
[FR Doc. 2018-24667 Filed 11-14-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                    Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 221 / Thursday, November 15, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                        57351

                                                amount pending the outcome of the                       § 268.710    Compliance procedures.                   settlement of faster payments, whether
                                                request to reconsider and the resolution                *     *      *    *    *                              those services are provided by the
                                                of the request (including under                           (c) Responsible official. The Office of             private sector or the Federal Reserve
                                                § 268.405(d)) requires the Board to make                Diversity and Inclusion Programs                      Banks. The Board is seeking input on
                                                the payment, then the Board shall pay                   Director’’ (‘Programs Director’) shall be             whether these actions, separately or in
                                                interest from the date of the original                  responsible for coordinating                          combination, or alternative approaches,
                                                appellate decision until payment is                     implementation of this section.                       would help achieve ubiquitous,
                                                made.                                                     (d) * * *                                           nationwide access to safe and efficient
                                                *      *    *     *     *                                 (4) * * * How to file. Complaints may               faster payments.
                                                   (c) When no request for                              be delivered or mailed to the                         DATES: Comments on the potential
                                                reconsideration or final decision under                 Administrative Governor, the Chief                    actions must be received on or before
                                                § 268.405(d) is filed or when a request                 Operating Officer, the EEO Programs                   December 14, 2018.
                                                for reconsideration is denied, the Board                Director, the Federal Women’s Program                 ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,
                                                shall provide the relief ordered and                    Manager, the Hispanic Employment                      identified by Docket No. OP–1625, by
                                                there is no further right to delay                      Program Coordinator, or the People with               any of the following methods:
                                                implementation of the ordered relief.                   Disabilities Program Coordinator.                       • Agency Website: http://
                                                The relief shall be provided in full not                Complaints should be sent to the                      www.federalreserve.gov. Follow the
                                                later than 120 days after receipt of the                Programs Director, Office of Diversity                instructions for submitting comments at
                                                final decision unless otherwise ordered                 and Inclusion, Board of Governors of the              http://www.federalreserve.gov/general
                                                in the decision.                                        Federal Reserve System, 20th and C                    info/foia/ProposedRegs.cfm.
                                                ■ 18. In § 268.504 revise paragraph (c) to              Street NW, Washington, DC 20551. If                     • Email: regs.comments@
                                                read as follows:                                        any Board official other than the                     federalreserve.gov. Include docket
                                                                                                        Programs Director receives a complaint,               number in the subject line of the
                                                § 268.504 Compliance with settlement                    he or she shall forward the complaint to              message.
                                                agreements and final actions.                           the Programs Director.* * *                             • FAX: (202) 452–3819 or (202) 452–
                                                *      *     *     *     *                              *     *      *    *    *                              3102.
                                                   (c) Prior to rendering its                             By order of the Board of Governors of the             • Mail: Ann Misback, Secretary,
                                                determination, the Commission may                       Federal Reserve System, November 1, 2018.             Board of Governors of the Federal
                                                request that the parties submit whatever                Ann Misback,                                          Reserve System, 20th Street and
                                                additional information or                                                                                     Constitution Avenue NW, Washington,
                                                                                                        Secretary of the Board.
                                                documentation it deems necessary or                                                                           DC 20551.
                                                may direct that an investigation or                     [FR Doc. 2018–24613 Filed 11–14–18; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                        BILLING CODE 6210–01–P
                                                                                                                                                                All public comments will be made
                                                hearing on the matter be conducted. If                                                                        available on the Board’s website at
                                                the Commission determines that the                                                                            http://www.federalreserve.gov/general
                                                Board is not in compliance with a                                                                             info/foia/ProposedRegs.cfm as
                                                decision or a settlement agreement, and                 FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM
                                                                                                                                                              submitted, unless modified for technical
                                                the noncompliance is not attributable to                12 CFR Chapter II                                     reasons or to remove personally
                                                acts or conduct of the complainant, it                                                                        identifiable information at the
                                                may order such compliance with the                      [Docket No. OP–1625]
                                                                                                                                                              commenter’s request. Accordingly,
                                                decision or settlement agreement, or,                                                                         comments will not be edited to remove
                                                alternatively, for a settlement                         Potential Federal Reserve Actions To
                                                                                                        Support Interbank Settlement of Faster                any identifying or contact information.
                                                agreement, it may order that the                                                                              Public comments may also be viewed
                                                complaint be reinstated for further                     Payments, Request for Comments
                                                                                                                                                              electronically or in paper in Room 3515,
                                                processing from the point processing                    SUMMARY:    As part of its overall mission,           1801 K Street NW (between 18th and
                                                ceased. Allegations that subsequent acts                the Federal Reserve has a fundamental                 19th Streets NW), between 9:00 a.m. and
                                                of discrimination violate a settlement                  interest in ensuring there is a safe and              5:00 p.m. on weekdays.
                                                agreement shall be processed as separate                robust U.S. payment system, including                 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                complaints under §§ 268.105 or 268.204,                 a settlement infrastructure on which the
                                                as appropriate, rather than under this                                                                        Kirstin Wells, Principal Economist
                                                                                                        private sector can provide innovative                 (202–452–2962), Mark Manuszak,
                                                section.                                                faster payment services that serve the                Manager (202–721–4509), Susan V.
                                                ■ 19. Amend § 268.710 by:                               broad public interest. Accordingly, the               Foley, Senior Associate Director (202–
                                                ■ a. Removing the words ‘‘EEO’’ each                    Board of Governors of the Federal                     452–3596), Division of Reserve Bank
                                                place it appears;                                       Reserve System (Board) is seeking input               Operations and Payment Systems, or
                                                ■ b. Removing the words ‘‘Staff Director                on potential actions that the Federal                 Gavin Smith, Senior Counsel, Legal
                                                for Management’’ each place they                        Reserve could take to promote                         Division (202–452–3474), Board of
                                                appear and replace them with the words                  ubiquitous, safe, and efficient faster                Governors of the Federal Reserve
                                                ‘‘Chief Operating Officer’’;                            payments in the United States by                      System; for the hearing impaired and
                                                ■ c. Revising paragraph (c) to remove                   facilitating real-time interbank                      users of Telecommunications Device for
                                                the words ‘‘EEO Programs Director’’ and                 settlement of faster payments. While the              the Deaf (TDD) only, contact 202–263–
                                                replace them with the words ‘‘Office of                 Board is not committing to any specific               4869.
khammond on DSK30JT082PROD with PROPOSAL

                                                Diversity and Inclusion Programs                        actions, potential actions include the
                                                Director’’ (‘Programs Director’)’’;                                                                           SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                                                                        Federal Reserve Banks developing a
                                                ■ d. Revising the second sentence of                    service for 24x7x365 real-time interbank              I. Context for Public Comment
                                                paragraph (d)(4) to insert the words                    settlement of faster payments; and a
                                                ‘‘Office of Diversity and Inclusion’’ after             liquidity management tool that would                  A. The Reasons for Faster Payments
                                                the words ‘‘Programs Director’’ and                     enable transfers between Federal                        Broad trends in society based on
                                                before the words ‘‘Board of Governors.’’                Reserve accounts on a 24x7x365 basis to               technological advancements have
                                                   The revisions read as follows:                       support services for real-time interbank              changed the ways that people interact

                                           VerDate Sep<11>2014   16:33 Nov 14, 2018   Jkt 247001   PO 00000   Frm 00009   Fmt 4702   Sfmt 4702   E:\FR\FM\15NOP1.SGM   15NOP1

                                                57352                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 221 / Thursday, November 15, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                with others, conduct commerce, and                       enhanced payment speed, convenience,                    reflecting the foundational role that
                                                access information. While many                           and accessibility. A new method of                      central banks play worldwide in the
                                                industries have adapted, the same is not                 faster payment has emerged to address                   settlement of obligations between
                                                equally true for the nation’s payment                    this gap, with several nonbank payment                  financial institutions. The ability to
                                                and settlement system that                               service providers entering the payment                  reliably settle interbank obligations
                                                foundationally supports commerce and                     market alongside—and sometimes in                       using balances at the central bank (also
                                                the economy. For example, a business in                  lieu of—banks. Faster payments allow                    referred to as central bank money) is
                                                Florida can immediately deliver an                       end users to initiate and receive                       vital not only to the smooth functioning
                                                invoice by email to a customer in                        payments at any time of the day, any                    of the payment system but also to
                                                Oregon. The receipt of the                               day of the year, and to complete those                  financial stability more broadly.
                                                corresponding payment from its                           payments in near-real time (from the                       As the U.S. central bank, the Federal
                                                customer, however, may take days to                      end users’ perspective), such that,                     Reserve initiated a broadly collaborative
                                                receive, even if initiated quickly. This                 within seconds, the recipient has access                effort with the payment industry and
                                                lack of speed has economic implications                  to final funds that can be used to make                 other stakeholders in 2013, to support
                                                and societal costs borne by individuals,                 other payments.                                         development of ubiquitous, nationwide
                                                households, and businesses.                                 The term ‘‘faster payments’’ is broadly              access to safe and efficient faster
                                                   Traditional payment methods, such as                  used in the payment industry to                         payments in the United States. While
                                                checks, automated clearinghouse (ACH)                    indicate simply that increased speed,                   the private sector has to date
                                                payments, and debit and credit cards,                    convenience, and accessibility are                      implemented certain faster payment
                                                form a retail payment infrastructure that                essential features for the future of the                services for the public, there are still
                                                is safe, reliable, and ubiquitous, albeit                payment and settlement system.                          challenges related to achieving these
                                                not necessarily quick.1 These traditional                However, faster payments provide more                   broader goals. As part of its central
                                                payment methods have served our                          to individuals and businesses than just                 mission, the Federal Reserve has a
                                                economy well over decades (and for                       the ability to make payments quickly                    fundamental responsibility to ensure
                                                checks, over most of the country’s                       from a mobile device. For example,                      that there is a flexible and robust
                                                history).2 The ubiquitous nature of these                when funds move in and out of end-user                  infrastructure supporting the U.S.
                                                payment methods generally allows any                     bank accounts in real time, end users                   payment system on which the private
                                                two individuals or businesses (that is,                  have more flexibility in managing their                 sector can develop innovative payment
                                                end users) with accounts at banks to                     money. Faster payments eliminate the                    services that serve the broadest public
                                                exchange value supporting an                             need to schedule bill or vendor                         interests.6 The settlement infrastructure
                                                underlying economic transaction.3 As a                   payments well in advance and, more                      concepts outlined in this notice are
                                                result, regardless of where they hold                    broadly, allow end users to make time-                  intended to advance the development of
                                                their accounts, individuals can receive                  sensitive payments whenever needed.                     faster payments and to help support the
                                                payroll deposits from their employers,                   By increasing flexibility and                           modernization of the financial services
                                                households can pay their utilities,                      accessibility, end users may also have                  sector’s provision of payment services.7
                                                mortgage, rent, and other bills, and                     greater scope to avoid penalties such as
                                                                                                                                                                 B. The Federal Reserve’s Role in the
                                                businesses can exchange commercial                       late fees.
                                                                                                                                                                 Payment System
                                                payments. For payments to most                              The development of payment and
                                                merchants for goods and services,                        settlement services that are essentially                  A safe and efficient payment and
                                                individuals can similarly use debit                      real time and always available is a                     settlement system that works in the
                                                cards to make payments from their bank                   worldwide phenomenon. Both                              interest of the public is vital to the U.S.
                                                accounts.4                                               advanced and emerging economies have                    economy, and the Federal Reserve plays
                                                   Over the past two decades, however,                   undertaken efforts to develop faster                    important roles in helping maintain the
                                                a gap has emerged between the                            payment services, and those services are                integrity of that system.8
                                                capabilities of traditional payment                      now broadly accessible to the general
                                                methods and end-user expectations for                    public in an increasing number of                          6 For example, in 2017, the Board approved final

                                                                                                                                                                 guidelines for evaluating requests for joint accounts
                                                                                                         countries.5                                             at the Federal Reserve Banks intended to facilitate
                                                   1 Retail payment systems are those that handle
                                                                                                            Efforts to implement faster payments                 settlement between and among depository
                                                large volumes of lower-value payments, such as           in other countries often reflect a                      institutions participating in private-sector payment
                                                those among individuals or between an individual                                                                 systems. Available at https://
                                                and a business. For more information, see                collaborative, strategic endeavor that
                                                Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures,        involves the payment industry, central                  files/other20170809a1.pdf. The original impetus for
                                                ‘‘A glossary of terms used in payments and               banks, and other authorities. The                       adopting these guidelines was to broaden access to
                                                settlement systems,’’ the Bank for International                                                                 joint accounts in support of private-sector
                                                Settlements, updated October 17, 2016. Available
                                                                                                         deployment of accessible faster payment
                                                                                                                                                                 developments in faster payments.
                                                at: https://www.bis.org/cpmi/publ/d00b.htm.              services generally requires extensive                      7 In a recent report, the U.S. Treasury
                                                   2 According to the Federal Reserve Payments           upgrades to a country’s or region’s                     recommended that the Federal Reserve move
                                                Study, in 2015, checks, the ACH system, and              payment and settlement infrastructure,                  quickly to facilitate a faster retail payments system,
                                                payment cards, including debit and credit cards,         involving significant coordination                      such as through the development of a real-time
                                                accounted for over 144 billion payments and nearly                                                               settlement service, that would also allow for more
                                                $178 trillion in value. Federal Reserve Board, ‘‘The     among all stakeholders. As part of these                efficient and ubiquitous access to innovative
                                                Federal Reserve Payments Study 2016.’’ Available         upgrades, central banks in various                      payment capabilities. In particular, smaller
                                                at https://www.federalreserve.gov/paymentsystems/        jurisdictions have implemented or                       financial institutions, like community banks and
                                                files/2016-payments-study-20161222.pdf.                                                                          credit unions, should also have the ability to access
                                                                                                         planned changes to their settlement
khammond on DSK30JT082PROD with PROPOSAL

                                                   3 Throughout this notice, the term ‘‘bank’’ will be                                                           the most-innovative technologies and payment
                                                used to refer to any type of depository institution.     services in support of faster payments,                 services. See U.S. Treasury, ‘‘A Financial System
                                                Depository institutions include commercial banks,                                                                That Creates Economic Opportunity: Nonbank
                                                savings banks, savings and loan associations, and          5 For a discussion of global developments related     Financials, Fintech, and Innovation,’’ July 2018.
                                                credit unions.                                           to faster payments, see Committee on Payments and       Available at https://home.treasury.gov/sites/
                                                   4 Although credit cards form part of the retail       Market Infrastructures, ‘‘Fast payments—Enhancing       default/files/2018–07/A-Financial-System-that-
                                                payments infrastructure, they do not operate using       the speed and availability of retail payments,’’ Bank   Creates-Economic-Opportunities---Nonbank-
                                                deposit balances and deposit accounts, but instead       for International Settlements, November 2016.           Financi....pdf.
                                                operate on the basis of credit and credit card           Available at https://www.bis.org/cpmi/publ/                8 The Federal Reserve has long provided payment

                                                accounts.                                                d154.pdf.                                               services under authority of the Federal Reserve Act

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                                                                     Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 221 / Thursday, November 15, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                                57353

                                                Fundamentally, the payment and                          U.S. Treasury in their capacity as fiscal                In addition to providing payment and
                                                settlement system facilitates financial                 agents.11                                              settlement services, the Federal Reserve
                                                transactions, purchases of goods and                       Through the services that it provides               plays other roles, including serving as a
                                                services, and the associated movement                   to the banking industry and the U.S.                   convener of industry stakeholders, in
                                                of funds on behalf of individuals,                      government, the Federal Reserve seeks                  support of its mission to foster safety
                                                households, businesses, and other                       to foster the safety and efficiency of the             and efficiency of the payment and
                                                parties (such as government entities and                payment and settlement system. In                      settlement system. The next section
                                                nonprofit organizations). The                           doing so, the Federal Reserve provides                 discusses the broad initiative that the
                                                importance of the payment and                           payment and settlement services on an
                                                                                                                                                               Federal Reserve launched five years ago
                                                settlement system in daily lives and,                   equitable basis and maintains a
                                                                                                                                                               to collaborate with the payment
                                                more broadly, for all financial                         fundamental commitment to
                                                                                                        competitive fairness, which is essential               industry to foster payment system
                                                transactions underscores the                                                                                   improvements.
                                                significance of its safe and proper                     to fostering end-user choice and
                                                functioning for the U.S. economy.                       innovation across the financial services               C. Background on the Strategies for
                                                                                                        sector as a whole.                                     Improving the U.S. Payment System
                                                   One of the Federal Reserve’s most                       When evaluating the potential
                                                significant roles in that system involves                                                                      Initiative
                                                                                                        introduction of a new payment service
                                                providing mechanisms for the                            or major enhancements to an existing                      Beginning in 2013, the Federal
                                                settlement of payment obligations                       service, the Federal Reserve looks to its              Reserve established a new initiative—
                                                between and among banks. Banks                          statutory obligations as well as long-                 Strategies for Improving the U.S.
                                                process payments on their own behalf as                 standing principles and criteria.12 These              Payment System (SIPS)—with the
                                                well as on behalf of their end-user                     include expectations that (i) the Federal              objective of engaging with the payment
                                                customers, including individuals,                       Reserve will achieve full cost recovery                industry and other stakeholders to
                                                households, businesses, and other                       over the long run, (ii) the service will
                                                parties. Banks—small, medium, and                                                                              upgrade and enhance the nation’s
                                                                                                        yield a clear public benefit, and (iii) the
                                                large—settle payments at the Federal                                                                           payment system. The collaborative work
                                                                                                        service is one that other providers alone
                                                Reserve through their accounts and                                                                             began with a consultation paper that
                                                                                                        cannot be expected to provide with
                                                balances at the Federal Reserve Banks                                                                          requested public views on gaps,
                                                                                                        reasonable effectiveness, scope, and
                                                (Reserve Banks).9 This core central                     equity.13 The Board also conducts a                    opportunities, and desired outcomes
                                                banking function stems from the Federal                 competitive-impact analysis for any new                related to the goal of improving the
                                                Reserve’s unique ability to transfer                    service or major enhancement that                      speed and efficiency of the U.S.
                                                balances that are free of counterparty                  would have a direct and material                       payment and settlement system from
                                                credit risk and provide certainty that                  adverse effect on the ability of other                 end-to-end while maintaining a high
                                                payments between banks are                              service providers to compete effectively               level of safety and efficiency.16 The
                                                complete.10 In addition to providing                    with the Federal Reserve in providing                  consultation paper prompted responses
                                                settlement, the Reserve Banks provide                   similar services.14 Recently, at the                   from a wide variety of payment industry
                                                payment services to clear and settle                    request of Congress, the Government                    stakeholders, including banks,
                                                check, ACH, and wire transfer payments                  Accountability Office (GAO) conducted                  processors and other nonbank providers
                                                between banks. The Reserve Banks also                   a review of the Federal Reserve’s role in              of payment services, technology firms,
                                                process these payments on behalf of the                 providing payment services and the                     and business end users.17
                                                                                                        effect of the Federal Reserve on                          Based on responses to the initial
                                                (See e.g., Federal Reserve Act section 13(1) (12        competition in the market for payments.                consultation paper, the Federal Reserve
                                                U.S.C. 342), section 19(f) (12 U.S.C. 464), and         The GAO found that the activities of the
                                                section 16(14) (12 U.S.C. 248(o))).                                                                            published in 2015 a set of strategies that
                                                                                                        Federal Reserve in the payment system
                                                   9 Section 13(1) of the Federal Reserve Act (FRA)                                                            it would pursue in collaborative
                                                permits Reserve Banks to receive deposits from          generally have been beneficial, with
                                                                                                                                                               engagement with payment industry
                                                member banks or other depository institutions. 12       benefits that include lowered cost of
                                                U.S.C. 342. Section 19(b)(1)(A) of the FRA includes                                                            stakeholders to improve the safety and
                                                                                                        processing payments for end users.15
                                                as depository institutions any federally insured                                                               efficiency of the U.S. payment and
                                                bank, mutual savings bank, savings bank, savings           11 Additional information about the Federal         settlement system.18 For faster
                                                association, or credit union, as well as any of those
                                                entities that are eligible to make application to       Reserve’s role in the payment system is available in   payments, the specific strategy was to
                                                become a federally insured institution. 12 U.S.C.       ‘‘The Federal Reserve System Purposes &                ‘‘identify effective approach(es) for
                                                                                                        Functions,’’ October 2016. Available at https://
                                                461(b). In addition, there are certain statutory
                                                                                                                                                               implementing a safe, ubiquitous, faster
                                                provisions allowing Reserve Banks to act as a                                                                  payments capability in the United
                                                                                                           12 See Monetary Control Act of 1980, Public Law
                                                depository or fiscal agent for the U.S. Treasury and
                                                certain government-sponsored entities (See e.g., 12     96–221, 94 Stat. 132 (1980). The Federal Reserve       States.’’ This 2015 paper identified a
                                                U.S.C. 391, 393–95, 1823, 1435) as well as for          also considers, as appropriate, the effect of a        number of tactics for each strategy,
                                                certain international organizations (See e.g., 22       potential new service or major enhancement on
                                                                                                        other critical missions, including conducting
                                                                                                                                                               including the establishment of an
                                                U.S.C. 285d, 286d, 290o–3, 290i–5, 290l–3). In
                                                addition, Reserve Banks are authorized to offer         monetary policy and promoting financial stability.        16 The Federal Reserve Banks, ‘‘Payment System
                                                                                                           13 See Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
                                                deposit accounts to designated financial market                                                                Improvement—Public Consultation Paper,’’
                                                utilities (12 U.S.C. 5465), Edge and Agreement          System, ‘‘The Federal Reserve in the Payments
                                                                                                                                                               September 10, 2013. Available at https://
                                                corporations (12 U.S.C. 601–604a, 611–631),             System,’’ Issued 1984; revised 1990. Available at
                                                branches or agencies of foreign banks (12 U.S.C.        https://www.federalreserve.gov/paymentsystems/
khammond on DSK30JT082PROD with PROPOSAL

                                                347d), and foreign banks and foreign states (12         pfs_frpaysys.htm.
                                                                                                           14 See id. at Competitive-Impact Analysis for       Public_Consultation_Paper.pdf.
                                                U.S.C. 358).
                                                                                                                                                                  17 The responses are available at https://
                                                   10 As mentioned earlier, these balances are          more information on what the Board considers in
                                                referred to as central bank money. The Committee        a competitive-impact analysis.                         fedpaymentsimprovement.org/about/consultation-
                                                on Payment and Market Infrastructures defines              15 See U.S. Gov’t Accountability Off., GAO–16–      paper/.
                                                                                                                                                                  18 Federal Reserve System, ‘‘Strategies for
                                                central bank money in its glossary of terms as ‘‘a      614, ‘‘Federal Reserve’s Competition with Other
                                                liability of a central bank, in this case in the form   Providers Benefits Customers, but Additional           Improving the U.S. Payment System,’’ January 26,
                                                of deposits held at the central bank, which can be      Reviews Could Increase Assurance of Cost               2015. Available at https://
                                                used for settlement purposes.’’ Available at https://   Accuracy’’ (2016.) Available at https://               fedpaymentsimprovement.org/wp-content/uploads/
                                                www.bis.org/cpmi/publ/d00b.htm.                         www.gao.gov/products/GAO-16-614.                       strategies-improving-us-payment-system.pdf.

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                                                57354                 Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 221 / Thursday, November 15, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                industry task force to pursue the                            settlement can be fully covered.24 As                     would also be subject to request for
                                                strategy related to faster payments.19                       subsequent sections of this notice will                   public comment.27
                                                   In 2015, the Federal Reserve also                         explain, these criteria reflect the                          First, the Board is seeking comment
                                                convened the Faster Payments Task                            importance of the speed of interbank                      on whether the Reserve Banks should
                                                                                                             settlement given the speed of faster                      consider developing a service for real-
                                                Force (FPTF), a 320-member group
                                                                                                             payments for end users and the risk,                      time gross settlement (RTGS) of faster
                                                comprised of banks of varying sizes,
                                                                                                             specifically credit risk, that results                    payments that is available to conduct
                                                nonbank providers of payment services,
                                                                                                             when interbank settlement is slower.                      settlement on a 24x7x365 basis
                                                business and government end users,
                                                                                                             The Board recognizes that interbank                       (24x7x365 RTGS settlement service).
                                                consumer interest organizations,
                                                                                                             settlement for faster payments using                      Such a service would involve interbank
                                                governmental organizations, and other                                                                                  settlement of faster payments using
                                                industry participants.20 In order to                         existing settlement services offered by
                                                                                                             the Reserve Banks would be unable to                      banks’ balances in accounts at the
                                                evaluate possible faster payment                                                                                       Reserve Banks. Reflecting the
                                                services, the task force developed a set                     meet fully the FPTF’s criteria.
                                                                                                                                                                       characteristics of faster payments, the
                                                of effectiveness criteria.21 These criteria                    In its final report, released in 2017,                  service would provide payment-by-
                                                addressed various features of a faster                       the FPTF published a set of consensus                     payment interbank settlement in real
                                                payment service, including ubiquity,                         recommendations for achieving its                         time and at any time, on any day,
                                                efficiency, safety and security, and                         vision of ubiquitous, safe, and efficient                 including weekends and holidays. A
                                                speed.22                                                     faster payment capabilities for the                       24x7x365 RTGS settlement service
                                                   The FPTF’s effectiveness criteria                         United States.25 As part of its                           could be similar, in certain respects, to
                                                provide important benchmarks for both                        recommendations, the task force asked                     the Fedwire® Funds Service, the RTGS
                                                end-user capabilities of faster payments                     the Federal Reserve (i) to develop a                      service that the Reserve Banks currently
                                                and interbank settlement arrangements.                       24x7x365 settlement service to support                    provide for banks to clear and settle
                                                With respect to service availability and                     faster payments and (ii) to explore and                   payments on behalf of their customers
                                                payment speed for end users, the FPTF                        assess the need for other Federal                         and for their own purposes.28
                                                                                                             Reserve operational role(s) in faster                        Second, the Board is seeking
                                                viewed service availability on any day,
                                                                                                             payments. Following that report, the                      comment on whether the Reserve Banks
                                                at any time of the day (that is, 24x7x365
                                                                                                             Federal Reserve stated its intention to                   should consider developing a liquidity
                                                service availability), and final funds
                                                                                                             pursue these recommendations.26                           management tool that would operate on
                                                provided to the recipient within one
                                                minute as characteristics of a ‘‘very                        D. Summary of Potential Actions by the                    a 24x7x365 basis in support of services
                                                effective’’ faster payment service.23                        Federal Reserve                                           for real-time interbank settlement of
                                                With respect to interbank settlement,                                                                                  faster payments, whether those services
                                                the FPTF considered a faster payment                            The Board has worked with the                          are provided by the private sector or the
                                                service to be ‘‘very effective’’ if, among                   Reserve Banks to identify the potential                   Reserve Banks (liquidity management
                                                other things, (i) interbank settlement                       actions described in this notice. The                     tool). Such a tool would enable
                                                occurs within 30 minutes of the                              Board believes it is important to present                 movement of funds during hours when
                                                completion of a faster payment for end                       these conceptual approaches for                           traditional settlement systems are not
                                                users, (ii) the service manages credit and                   supporting interbank settlement of faster                 open (nonstandard business hours)
                                                liquidity risks arising from any time lag                    payments to the public and to gather                      between banks’ master accounts at the
                                                between payment completion for end                           initial public comments while faster                      Reserve Banks and an account (or
                                                users and interbank settlement,                              payment services are still in the early                   accounts) at the Reserve Banks used to
                                                particularly if the service is available to                  stages of their development. The Board                    conduct or support 24x7x365 real-time
                                                end users on a 24x7x365 basis but                            is not committing to any further actions                  settlement of faster payments.29 A
                                                interbank settlement is not, and (iii)                       at this time or in the future, but is                     liquidity management tool could
                                                interbank credit exposures related to                        committed to transparent                                  involve simultaneous liquidity transfers
                                                                                                             communication with the public after                       among multiple accounts that are
                                                   19 In addition to the task force on faster payments,      analyzing the responses to this notice                    coordinated by an authorized agent in
                                                other efforts under the SIPS initiative have included        and determining further steps, should                     the settlement process and could be
                                                a Secure Payments Task Force and a Business                  any be taken. As outlined earlier, any                    based on the existing National
                                                Payments Coalition. More information on these                new services or service enhancements
                                                efforts and the broader SIPS initiative is available
                                                                                                                                                                       Settlement Service (NSS) or a similar
                                                at https://fedpaymentsimprovement.org/.                      proposed by the Board would be                            service.30 Alternatively, the tool could
                                                   20 Information about the FPTF and its participants        expected to meet longstanding
                                                is available at https://fasterpaymentstaskforce.org/.        principles and criteria established under                    27 See ‘‘The Federal Reserve in the Payments
                                                   21 Faster Payments Task Force, ‘‘Faster Payments
                                                                                                             Federal Reserve policy as part of                         System,’’ supra note 13.
                                                Effectiveness Criteria,’’ January 26, 2016. Available        meeting its statutory requirements and
                                                                                                                                                                          28 In contrast to a potential 24x7x365 RTGS

                                                at https://fedpaymentsimprovement.org/wp-                                                                              settlement service, the Reserve Banks’ Fedwire
                                                content/uploads/fptf-payment-criteria.pdf.                                                                             Funds Service does not operate 24x7x365. Much of
                                                   22 The FPTF developed the criteria to evaluate               24 See ‘‘Faster Payments Effectiveness Criteria,’’     the value transferred through the Fedwire Funds
                                                ‘‘faster payment solutions,’’ where the FPTF                 supra note 21 at criteria F.4 (Fast Settlement among      Service reflects large-value, time-critical payments
                                                defined a ‘‘faster payment solution’’ as ‘‘the               Depository Institutions and Regulated Non-bank            between banks.
                                                collection of components and supporting parties              Account Providers) and S.4 (Settlement Approach).            29 A master account is the record of financial

                                                that enable the end-to-end payment process.’’ This              25 In its recent report on the financial system, the   rights and obligations between account-holding
khammond on DSK30JT082PROD with PROPOSAL

                                                definition is analogous to the concept of a ‘‘faster         U.S. Treasury recommended that the Federal                banks and a Reserve Bank. The account is where
                                                payment service’’ that is used in this notice.               Reserve set public goals consistent with the FPTF’s       opening, intraday, and closing balances are
                                                   23 See ‘‘Faster Payments Effectiveness Criteria,’’        final report. See ‘‘A Financial System That Creates       determined.
                                                supra note 21 at criteria U.2 (Usability) and F.3            Economic Opportunity: Nonbank Financials,                    30 NSS is a multilateral settlement service offered

                                                (Fast Availability of Good Funds to the Payee). In           Fintech, and Innovation,’’ supra note 7.                  to banks that settles for participants in private-
                                                this notice, references to ‘‘real time,’’ ‘‘instant,’’ and      26 The Federal Reserve System, ‘‘Federal Reserve       sector clearing and settlement arrangements. The
                                                ‘‘immediate’’ are intended to denote availability of         Next Steps in the Payments Improvement Journey,’’         service requires a designated agent to submit a
                                                final funds within one minute, consistent with the           September 6, 2017. Available at https://                  settlement file to a Reserve Bank, which initiates
                                                task force’s criteria for a service to be very effective,    fedpaymentsimprovement.org/wp-content/uploads/            debits and credits to participant accounts at the
                                                and ideally within just a few seconds.                       next-step-payments-journey.pdf.                           Reserve Banks.

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                                                                    Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 221 / Thursday, November 15, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                                    57355

                                                involve individual bank-initiated                       is most widely held by the general                     using accounts held with banks or other
                                                transfers between specific sets of                      public to conduct payments.31                          institutions.
                                                accounts and could function similarly to                    In broad terms, the function of the                B. Levels of the Payment Process
                                                the existing Fedwire Funds Service or a                 payment and settlement system is to
                                                similar service. Regardless of its                      enable the transfer of these monetary                     To complete a payment between two
                                                structure, such a tool would enable                     assets between their holders for the                   bank accounts, three key levels of the
                                                transfers to support liquidity (or                      purposes of exchanging value to pay for                payment process are necessary: End-
                                                funding) needs associated with real-time                goods and services, remitting funds to                 user services, clearing services, and
                                                settlement of faster payments during                    pay bills and meet other obligations,                  interbank settlement services.32
                                                nonstandard business hours, such as                     managing business balance sheets, and                  Together, these three levels comprise a
                                                weekends and holidays.                                  conducting other activities. This transfer             ‘‘payment service’’ or, as will
                                                                                                        can occur in various ways. For example,                subsequently be discussed, a ‘‘faster
                                                   Later sections of this notice expand                                                                        payment service’’ in the case of a
                                                                                                        in a face-to-face payment, the handover
                                                on these possible actions to support                                                                           payment service focused on faster
                                                                                                        of currency serves to transfer a monetary
                                                interbank settlement of faster payments,                                                                       payments.33 In other words, a payment
                                                                                                        asset from the individual to the business
                                                as well as the general concepts that                                                                           service encompasses everything that
                                                                                                        and, hence, to complete a payment
                                                underlie them. The Board is seeking                     between them. When the monetary asset                  goes into providing an individual, a
                                                input on the proposition that RTGS is                   used for payment is deposits held in                   business, or another end user with the
                                                the appropriate strategic foundation for                accounts with banks or other                           ability to conduct a payment. Figure 1
                                                interbank settlement of faster payments.                institutions, transfers require                        depicts the levels of the payment
                                                The Board is also seeking input on                      adjustments to the amount of funds in                  process when the sender initiates a
                                                whether the provision of a 24x7x365                     the respective accounts of each party in               payment through their bank.
                                                RTGS settlement service and a liquidity                 a payment. Thus, the balance in the                       An end-user service includes the tools
                                                management tool, separately or in                       individual’s account with their bank                   that an individual or business uses to
                                                combination, would help achieve the                     must be decreased by the amount of the                 conduct a payment. For example, an
                                                goals of ubiquitous, nationwide access                  purchase, and the balance in the                       individual wishing to pay a bill to a
                                                to safe and efficient faster payments in                business’s account with its bank must                  utility company or send money to a
                                                the long run. The Board is further                      be increased by the same amount.                       friend may be able to do so through a
                                                interested in receiving comment about                                                                          mobile phone application. Similarly, a
                                                                                                            To make these adjustments, the banks               business may be able to initiate a
                                                whether other approaches, not explicitly                involved in a payment must have a way
                                                considered in this notice, might help                                                                          payment to a vendor through a bank’s
                                                                                                        to receive and exchange payment                        website. Such services allow an end
                                                achieve those goals.                                    messages. A payment message typically                  user to communicate with their bank
                                                II. Discussion of Faster Payments                       contains information related to the                    about the need to make a payment and
                                                                                                        payment, such as the identities of the                 the details of that payment. In other
                                                A. General Elements of a Payment                        parties involved, relevant account                     words, end-user services support the
                                                                                                        information, and the payment amount.                   exchange of payment messages and
                                                   Payments are essential to the conduct                Without a payment message and a
                                                of economic activity. When a good is                                                                           other information between a bank and
                                                                                                        method to exchange it, the banks                       its end-user customers. End-user
                                                purchased, a service is rendered, or a                  involved in a payment would not know
                                                debt is repaid, a payment is typically                                                                         services also include other critical
                                                                                                        the details of a payment or even be                    aspects of the overall payment
                                                involved. For example, an individual’s                  aware of an end user’s need to conduct
                                                purchase of a product from a business                                                                          experience for an individual or
                                                                                                        it.                                                    business, such as error resolution
                                                involves the business providing                             The payment between end users and
                                                something of value, namely the product                                                                         procedures and security measures to
                                                                                                        associated payment message generates                   mitigate fraud.
                                                itself, to the buyer. As compensation for               an obligation between the respective                      Clearing services and interbank
                                                the product, the business needs to                      banks. The banks must have a                           settlement services constitute the
                                                receive something of financial value                    mechanism to conduct a transfer of                     infrastructure underlying payment
                                                from the buyer in return. This act of                   assets between one another to settle the
                                                transferring financial value from the                   payment. Without a mechanism to settle                   32 This discussion focuses on a situation in which
                                                buyer to the seller, or, more generally,                the interbank obligation, the banks                    the parties to a payment hold accounts with
                                                from one party in a transaction to                      would not have transferred the                         different banks or, more broadly, different financial
                                                another, constitutes a payment.                                                                                institutions. If these parties hold accounts with the
                                                                                                        underlying funds to complete the                       same institution, that institution may be able to
                                                   In the United States, as in other                    payment.                                               conduct payment activities internally through, for
                                                modern economies, the value                                 These activities, which are known as               example, adjustments to an internal ledger of
                                                                                                                                                               account balances. This scenario can apply to
                                                transferred in a payment typically                      clearing and interbank settlement,                     payments within a single bank, yielding what is
                                                involves monetary assets. Individuals,                  involve processes, infrastructure, rules,              termed an ‘‘on-us’’ transaction. It also applies to
                                                households, businesses, and other                       agreements, and law that ultimately                    many payment services provided by nonbanks.
                                                parties in the economy (for example,                    allow end users, such as an individual                   33 A legal framework that governs the conduct of

                                                                                                        and a business, to conduct payments                    payments is also necessary and may apply across
                                                governments and nonprofit                                                                                      levels of the payment process. This framework may
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                                                organizations) hold these monetary                                                                             be in the form of laws, regulations, rules, or
                                                assets in various forms. For example,                      31 As of July 2018, the value of transferable       contractual agreements, which collectively
                                                some monetary assets may be held as                     deposits held by the public, including demand          determine the rights and obligations of the
                                                                                                        deposits and other checkable deposits, was $2.09       participants, such as end users, in the payment
                                                currency and coin. Other monetary                       trillion, while the value of currency in circulation   process. The legal framework may provide, among
                                                assets may involve funds held with                      outside banks was $1.59 trillion. See Federal          other things, for error resolution and fraud
                                                specialized financial institutions. In the              Reserve Board, ‘‘Money Stock and Debt Measures—        protection for end users. Legal requirements related
                                                                                                        H.6 Release, Table 5’’ available at https://           to anti-money-laundering and economic sanctions
                                                United States, deposits in accounts with                www.federalreserve.gov/releases/h6/current/            may also affect the design and operation of a
                                                banks comprise the monetary asset that                  default.htm.                                           payment system.

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                                                57356               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 221 / Thursday, November 15, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                services involving bank accounts. These                 and the protocols associated with a                    banks transfer assets to each other to
                                                services and the activities they perform                payment service. A key element of this                 satisfy the interbank obligations that
                                                may not be apparent to end users, but                   interaction is the exchange of the                     arise from end-user payments.
                                                they are crucial to the transfer of                     payment message between the sending                    Settlement takes place by adjusting the
                                                information and value between banks,                    and receiving banks.34 The payment                     balances in banks’ settlement accounts
                                                so that the sender of a payment can                     messages that are exchanged contain the                on the books of a settlement institution.
                                                satisfy their obligation to the recipient               necessary information for banks to make                For example, interbank settlement can
                                                of a payment.                                           appropriate debits and credits to the                  be performed by directly adjusting
                                                  In clearing services, the sending and                 accounts of their end-user customers                   balances in accounts that banks hold
                                                receiving banks interact, possibly                      and to notify their customers of those                 with the central bank or a commercial
                                                through an intermediary such as a                       adjustments to account balances.                       bank.
                                                clearing house, based on the payment                      Finally, in interbank settlement
                                                information received from end users                     services, the sending and receiving

                                                C. An Overview of Faster Payments                       payments at any time.35 At the end-user                capabilities for end users explains why
                                                                                                        service level, the sender of a payment                 faster payments are often associated
                                                  In a faster payment, the three levels of              must have an interface that allows real-               with payments initiated through
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                                                the payment process are structured so                   time communication at any time to                      computers or mobile devices.
                                                that senders can immediately initiate,                  initiate a payment. This need for instant                At the clearing level, certain activities
                                                and recipients can immediately receive,                 and always-available communication                     must similarly happen in real time and
                                                  34 Other clearing activities include sorting and      from payment instructions. Clearing activities may     things, these rules or agreements will specify end-
                                                routing of payment instructions, ensuring that          also include screening for fraudulent payments and     user rights and obligations associated with a faster
                                                payment instructions comply with service-specific       other risk-management measures.                        payment.
                                                rules and limits, and calculating and                      35 Rules or agreements that govern the conduct of

                                                communicating interbank obligations that arise          faster payments are also necessary. Among other

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                                                                    Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 221 / Thursday, November 15, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                               57357

                                                at any time. In particular, the messaging                  Recently, other faster payment                     customers’ bank accounts and service-
                                                between banks must occur in real time                   services have emerged in the United                   specific accounts. Nonbank faster
                                                on a 24x7x365 basis, so that, at any time               States that are based on transfers                    payment services may also have access
                                                of the day, the banks involved in a                     between bank accounts. These include                  to Reserve Bank services when acting as
                                                payment are able to send and receive                    services that allow end users to send or              agents on behalf of banks that
                                                payment messages immediately, such                      receive faster payments using the debit               participate in their services. As a result,
                                                that they can debit and credit their                    card infrastructure of certain payment                interbank clearing and settlement
                                                customers’ accounts. By contrast, in                    card networks and services that allow                 capabilities may have implications for
                                                certain traditional payments, the                       faster payments over newer proprietary                both bank and nonbank faster payment
                                                payment message exchange can occur                      payment networks owned by groups of                   services.
                                                sometime after an end user initiates a                  banks. The end-user service can involve
                                                                                                                                                              III. Faster Payment Interbank
                                                payment. As will be discussed in more                   a service-specific website or mobile
                                                                                                                                                              Settlement Models
                                                detail in the next section, however, the                application or may be integrated into a
                                                interbank settlement level of a faster                  participating bank’s website or mobile                   As defined above, faster payment
                                                payment service may or may not exhibit                  application, similar to many existing                 services involving transfers between
                                                the same speed and availability as end-                 online bill payment services. For                     bank accounts must conduct certain
                                                user and clearing services.                             business customers, the end-user service              activities in real time on a 24x7x365
                                                   Although the previous discussion                     may be integrated into a bank’s back-                 basis. In particular, such services must
                                                focused on activities related to faster                 end payment processing infrastructure.                accept payment messages from end
                                                payment services involving banks,                       To use these services, end users must                 users, exchange payment messages
                                                several established services in the                     typically sign up with a specific service             between banks, and make final funds
                                                United States that allow end users to                   through their banks or, in some cases,                available to recipients in real time and
                                                conduct faster payments are provided                    may sign up directly with the service                 at any time. However, interbank
                                                by nonbank entities. These nonbank                      itself. Because the sending and receiving             settlement can be performed in two
                                                payment services usually combine all                    end users may hold their accounts at                  ways: On a deferred basis or in real
                                                three levels of the payment process.                    different banks, their banks must                     time. These two models have important
                                                These services often focus on enabling                  exchange payment messages as part of                  distinguishing features with risk,
                                                impromptu payments between                              clearing. These interbank clearing                    liquidity management, and other
                                                individuals, such as friends or family                  activities can occur through existing                 implications.
                                                members, although some also handle a                    payment card networks or proprietary                  A. Deferred Net Settlement of Interbank
                                                wider array of payment situations, such                 communication networks of the bank-                   Obligations
                                                as payments between individuals and                     owned services. To enable their
                                                                                                        customers to make payments through a                     In a deferred settlement arrangement
                                                businesses. Such a service typically                                                                          for faster payments, final funds are
                                                provides an online portal or mobile                     specific faster payment service, banks
                                                                                                        must participate in the service or                    made available to the end-user recipient
                                                application that allows parties who have                                                                      before interbank settlement occurs. In
                                                signed up with the service to send                      otherwise be capable of receiving
                                                                                                        payment messages initiated through the                such an arrangement, individual
                                                payments to each other. The service                                                                           payment messages are exchanged in real
                                                executes payments through adjustments                   service. Interbank settlement must also
                                                                                                        occur, allowing the banks to transfer                 time between the sender’s bank and the
                                                to balances of the sender’s and                                                                               recipient’s bank. The banks adjust their
                                                recipient’s service-specific accounts,                  assets reflecting their customers’ faster
                                                                                                        payments. At present, interbank                       customer balances to reflect the outflow
                                                which are located on the service’s                                                                            of funds for the sender and the inflow
                                                internal books.36 Because end users can                 settlement for these services is largely
                                                                                                        conducted through existing services                   of funds for the receiver, and the
                                                quickly communicate with the service,                                                                         recipient’s bank immediately makes
                                                which can then rapidly make internal                    provided by the Reserve Banks and, in
                                                                                                        one case, is performed using a private                final funds available to its customer.
                                                adjustments to end-user balances, such                                                                        The interbank settlement information
                                                a service allows registered end users to                sector-owned settlement ledger that is
                                                                                                        backed by funds in a ‘‘joint account.’’ A             resulting from the individual payments
                                                conduct immediate payments at any                                                                             is collected and stored by a centralized
                                                time. However, such capabilities are                    joint account is a recently announced
                                                                                                        type of account held at a Reserve Bank                entity (for example, a clearinghouse) for
                                                only possible when both the sender and                                                                        a period, such as a certain number of
                                                receiver of a payment have signed up                    that holds balances for the joint benefit
                                                                                                        of settling banks in a private-sector                 hours or until the next business day,
                                                with a specific service. In addition, the                                                                     before interbank settlement occurs. In
                                                balances are only immediately usable                    settlement service.
                                                                                                           The interbank settlement models                    some cases, settlement may be deferred
                                                within that specific service. Transfers of                                                                    for several days over weekends or
                                                funds out of a nonbank service into                     discussed in this notice specifically
                                                                                                        focus on faster payment services that                 holidays, depending on whether the
                                                bank accounts that are held for general                                                                       system used for settlement is available
                                                use typically involve transactions                      involve transfers between bank accounts
                                                                                                        and do not directly address services                  then. Around the world, most existing
                                                through traditional payment systems                                                                           implementations of deferred settlement
                                                that can take more than a day to                        provided by nonbank entities. At the
                                                                                                        same time, many nonbank faster                        for faster payments involve netting of
                                                complete.37                                                                                                   interbank obligations prior to
                                                                                                        payment services ultimately use deposit
                                                                                                        accounts at banks to hold funds                       settlement, yielding what is termed
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                                                  36 As noted in footnote 32, nonbank entities can

                                                often conduct key activities related to payments on     associated with their customers’                      deferred net settlement (DNS).38 In a
                                                an internal ledger of account balances.                 balances and further rely on established              DNS arrangement, the centralized entity
                                                  37 A nonbank service’s internal ledger of end-user
                                                                                                        interbank payment systems for the                     that collects and stores interbank
                                                account balances is generally backed by a deposit                                                             settlement information offsets payment
                                                account or accounts that the nonbank service holds      movement of money between their
                                                with one or more banks. Transfers by a service’s                                                              obligations owed by a bank with
                                                customers to fund or defund their service-specific      These funding and defunding transfers typically
                                                accounts involve payments between the customers’        occur via payment card networks or the ACH              38 See ‘‘Fast payments—Enhancing the speed and

                                                bank accounts and the service’s bank account(s).        system.                                               availability of retail payments,’’ supra note 5.

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                                                57358               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 221 / Thursday, November 15, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                payment obligations due to that bank.                   they have already made available to                     resulting interbank settlement risk.41
                                                After collecting and netting settlement                 recipients.40 In addition, this scenario                Most recent international examples of
                                                information related to groups of                        could generate liquidity risks for                      DNS-based faster payments typically
                                                payments, the centralized entity submits                receiving banks if, subsequent to a                     use full cash prefunding, a risk-
                                                information on net obligations to an                    sending bank’s failure to pay, settlement               management approach that is reflected
                                                interbank settlement system, which then                 amounts are recalculated and banks may                  in the FPTF’s effectiveness criterion
                                                adjusts the account balances of all                     receive less or have to pay more than                   related to full coverage of interbank
                                                participating banks on the settlement                   expected. Such credit and liquidity risks               credit exposures. A prominent example
                                                institution’s books. Alternatively, rather              may become particularly pronounced if,                  of full risk mitigation occurs in the
                                                than relying on a centralized entity,                   as the 24x7x365 nature of faster                        United Kingdom, where faster payment
                                                participating banks may initiate a series               payments would allow, rapid                             participants settle their positions three
                                                of funds movements to settle the net                    withdrawals from a troubled bank were                   times per business day using accounts at
                                                obligations. The process of collecting,                 to occur outside standard business                      the Bank of England. Each participant in
                                                netting, and then settling a group of                   hours, increasing credit exposures and                  the system sets its own ‘‘net sender cap’’
                                                payments is known as a settlement                       liquidity needs for receiving banks.                    that limits the participant’s negative
                                                cycle.                                                  During a period of financial stress, these              position between settlement cycles.
                                                   The Board understands that, at                       risks could also further aggravate                      Since 2015, these caps have been fully
                                                present, most faster payment services in                financial stability concerns.                           backed by cash collateral held in
                                                the United States that involve transfers                                                                        segregated accounts at the Bank of
                                                between bank accounts are based on a                       The interbank settlement risks created               England to mitigate the overnight
                                                DNS model for interbank settlement. In                  in a DNS-based faster payment service                   interbank credit risk generated by the
                                                these services, interbank settlement of                 may be mitigated with appropriate risk                  system. In the event that a participant
                                                net obligations is conducted using                      management tools. Potential tools                       were unable to meet its obligation in a
                                                traditional payment and settlement                      include (i) transaction limits on                       settlement cycle, the participant’s cash
                                                systems, namely the Fedwire Funds                       individual payments or frequent                         collateral at the Bank of England would
                                                Service or the ACH system, with the                     settlement cycles to help prevent the                   be immediately accessed to conduct
                                                timing and frequency of settlement                      emergence of large net interbank                        settlement.
                                                depending on, among other things, the                   exposures, (ii) loss-sharing agreements                    In addition to risk management, DNS-
                                                operating hours of those systems.39                     among participants in a system to help                  based faster payment services may have
                                                   A number of factors may contribute to                spread the risk of a settlement failure,                liquidity management implications. On
                                                the current prevalence of DNS-based                     (iii) limits on the net negative position               the one hand, liquidity management
                                                arrangements for faster payment                         of each participating bank to prevent                   may be simplified for banks in a DNS
                                                services in the United States. First,                   interbank exposures from becoming too                   arrangement because netting reduces the
                                                traditional payment and settlement                      large, and (iv) collateralization to back               funds that banks need to have available
                                                systems, which can be leveraged for                     settlement activity if one or more                      for settlement obligations related to
                                                settlement of faster payments, already                  participants were not able to meet their                faster payments. In addition, because
                                                have widespread participation by banks.                 obligations. Credit and liquidity risk                  settlement is conducted periodically,
                                                In addition, by using the Fedwire Funds                 exposures can be fully mitigated by                     often at pre-defined times, banks in a
                                                Service or the ACH system, banks can                    requiring participants in a DNS-based                   DNS arrangement do not need to
                                                treat settlement payments for faster                    faster payment service to prefund                       provide sufficient funds on a real-time
                                                payment services much like other                        potential exposures fully with cash held                basis to settle faster payments that are
                                                interbank payments, without the need to                 at a custodial institution, with an                     otherwise taking place in real time. On
                                                implement new faster payment                            enforceable limit on payment                            the other hand, if a DNS-based service
                                                settlement capabilities and operational                 transactions to prevent interbank                       were to use frequent settlement cycles to
                                                procedures. As a result, it may be easier               settlement exposures from exceeding                     manage credit risk exposures, banks
                                                for banks to become participants in                     the covering funds or, potentially, a                   would need to ensure that they have
                                                these faster payment services. Finally,                 mechanism to augment prefunded cash                     adequate liquidity whenever a
                                                DNS-based faster payment services can                   collateral when needed. Under this risk-                settlement cycle occurs. For example, if
                                                be attractive from a liquidity                          management structure, if a participant                  it were possible to conduct the 30-
                                                management perspective because                          in a DNS system is unable to fund its                   minute settlement cycles that would be
                                                netting reduces balances that banks                     settlement obligations, the obligations                 applied in a DNS arrangement satisfying
                                                need to set aside to settle obligations                 could be covered with prefunded cash,                   the FPTF’s effectiveness criterion
                                                related to faster payments.                             allowing the settlement payments to be                  related to settlement speed, that
                                                   At the same time, DNS arrangements                   completed and avoiding the need to                      settlement frequency would require
                                                for faster payments involve inherent                    recalculate settlement obligations.                     banks to monitor and manage their
                                                risks that need to be managed. Because                                                                          liquidity over the weekend and on
                                                                                                           In other countries, every faster                     holidays.
                                                the recipient’s bank makes final funds                  payment service based on a DNS model
                                                available to the recipient before                                                                                  Furthermore, collateral management
                                                                                                        employs measures to mitigate the                        may have implications for banks
                                                interbank settlement occurs, DNS
                                                arrangements for faster payments                                                                                participating in a DNS-based faster
                                                                                                           40 The risk can be particularly acute with the use
                                                inherently generate interbank credit risk                                                                       payment service that employs collateral
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                                                                                                        of the ACH system given the time delay between
                                                for the recipient’s bank. If a sending                  file submission of the ACH payment to settle the        to mitigate interbank credit risk. The
                                                bank in the arrangement fails to pay a                  net obligation and the actual settlement of those       availability of adequate collateral to
                                                net obligation, receiving banks are at                  ACH payments at specified times during the day or       cover a bank’s net obligation would
                                                                                                        next day. Debit ACH payments, if used in the            need to be verified in real time for each
                                                risk of losing the full value of funds that             settlement process, also are not final upon
                                                                                                        settlement. The extra time lapse in ACH processing      individual faster payment, with
                                                  39 The Reserve Banks’ National Settlement             and settlement and the lack of final settlement for
                                                Service is used by some DNS-based systems that do       debit ACH payments, if used, can add to interbank         41 See ‘‘Fast payments—Enhancing the speed and

                                                not involve faster payments.                            credit risk.                                            availability of retail payments,’’ supra note 5.

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                                                                    Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 221 / Thursday, November 15, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                           57359

                                                payments being rejected when collateral                 faster payments for end users coincide                 settlement accounts on a 24x7x365
                                                is inadequate. As a result, cash or                     with the speed and timing of interbank                 basis, participants in an RTGS-based
                                                collateral to back settlement activity in               settlement activities, it can be possible              service may need to monitor and
                                                a DNS arrangement would need to be                      to avoid duplicative activities by                     manage their settlement accounts
                                                monitored, maintained, and potentially                  combining interbank messaging and                      outside standard business hours to
                                                adjusted on a real-time basis, including                settlement.44 As a result, a single                    ensure that balances are available to
                                                during nonstandard business hours, to                   payment message may be sent from the                   settle each payment. Further, even for
                                                avoid rejected payments.42                              sender’s bank to the recipient’s bank                  retail payment systems, gross settlement
                                                Alternatively, banks could elect to                     through the settlement service with that               may be more liquidity intensive than
                                                maintain higher cash or collateral                      message containing both the                            net settlement.
                                                balances to hedge against unexpected                    information needed by the banks to                        Based on the design, liquidity
                                                payment volumes; however, this choice                   adjust their customers’ balances and the               management may require tools to
                                                would have other implications for banks                 bank information necessary to conduct                  reallocate liquidity to support
                                                and their ability to use cash or collateral             interbank settlement.                                  settlement of faster payments. For
                                                for other purposes.                                        RTGS arrangements inherently avoid                  example, if settlement for an RTGS-
                                                   Another consideration for DNS-based                  interbank settlement risk because funds                based service is conducted in an
                                                faster payment services is that                         are made available to the recipient only               account that is separate from a bank’s
                                                interoperability between services that                  after interbank settlement has occurred.               primary settlement account (that is, a
                                                use different risk and liquidity                        This key feature enhances the safety of                Federal Reserve master account), a
                                                management arrangements may be                          faster payment services based on the                   liquidity management tool could allow
                                                challenging, which can be a barrier to                  RTGS model, both for individual banks                  for banks or an agent acting on their
                                                faster payment ubiquity if end users are                and in the aggregate, particularly during              behalf, such as the provider of an RTGS
                                                not able to send payments across                        times of financial stress. The lack of                 service, to move liquidity to the faster
                                                services. For faster payment services to                inherent interbank settlement risk                     payment settlement account when
                                                be interoperable, each service should                   eliminates the need for measures to                    needed. Alternatively, liquidity
                                                have the ability to receive transactions                mitigate such risk, as would be needed                 management could involve automatic
                                                originated from the other service and to                in a DNS arrangement. In addition, by                  replenishment of the faster payment
                                                manage the associated cross-service                     aligning interbank settlement with                     settlement account from the primary
                                                settlement risks.43 Interoperability                    interbank messaging, the RTGS model                    account, based on certain parameters or
                                                would likely be harder to achieve if two                can avoid activities, such as storing,                 at certain times of the day. Liquidity
                                                services and their chosen settlement                    netting, and submitting groups of                      management tools are discussed later in
                                                features generate different levels of                   payments for settlement, that are not                  the notice.
                                                interbank settlement risk or if they use                generally relevant for the provision of                   Another consideration for RTGS-
                                                different tools to mitigate such risk.                  faster payments to end users, but would                based faster payments is that faster
                                                                                                        be necessary in DNS-based faster                       payment services to end users are
                                                B. Real-Time Gross Settlement of                                                                               dependent on uninterrupted availability
                                                                                                        payment services because of the timing
                                                Interbank Obligations                                                                                          of the RTGS service to conduct faster
                                                                                                        mismatch between settlement and the
                                                   In an RTGS arrangement for faster                    underlying payments. In the process,                   payments. Although faster payments
                                                payments, final funds are made                          the RTGS model also avoids the                         based on deferred settlement would
                                                available to the recipient only after                   unanticipated liquidity effects that can               require certain clearing activities to
                                                interbank settlement has occurred                       occur in the event of a settlement failure             occur in real time and at any time,
                                                between the banks that are party to the                 when interbank settlement positions                    necessitating a high level of resiliency
                                                transaction. To ensure this outcome,                    have been netted by a centralized entity.              for those activities, end-user payments
                                                RTGS-based faster payments involve                      Finally, when considering                              could still be completed even if the
                                                both completion of end-user payments                    interoperability between RTGS-based                    interbank settlement service is
                                                and settlement of interbank obligations                 faster payment services, the lack of                   temporarily unavailable. In contrast, an
                                                on a payment-by-payment basis in real                   interbank settlement risk in such                      RTGS service supporting faster
                                                time and at any time. RTGS for faster                   services may facilitate interoperability               payments would require advanced
                                                payments thus aligns the speed and                      by avoiding the need to reconcile                      throughput capabilities and high
                                                24x7x365 availability of interbank                      measures to mitigate cross-system                      resiliency of both the settlement service
                                                settlement with the speed and 24x7x365                  settlement risk, in particular, as may be              and messaging activities. In addition, to
                                                availability of faster payments for end                 necessary with DNS-based faster                        avoid failed end-user payments,
                                                users. In such an arrangement, because                  payment services.                                      enhanced contingency arrangements
                                                the speed and timing of interbank                          At the same time, real-time settlement              may be necessary to deal with situations
                                                messaging activities needed to support                  for faster payments may have liquidity                 when a primary RTGS processing
                                                                                                        management implications. Because                       service is temporarily unavailable to
                                                   42 The need for collateral management during
                                                                                                        RTGS-based faster payment services                     process transactions.
                                                nonstandard business hours in a DNS arrangement         process and settle each payment                           One example of an RTGS service for
                                                for faster payments is similar to the need for
                                                liquidity management during nonstandard hours in        separately, with continuous updates to                 faster payments is the system being
                                                an RTGS arrangement. As a result, to avoid rejected                                                            developed by the European Central
                                                payments resulting from insufficient collateral, a         44 For purposes of this notice, in an RTGS model,   Bank (ECB) to support ‘‘instant
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                                                collateral management tool, which could be similar      messaging and clearing can be considered               payments’’ in the European Union. Like
                                                to the liquidity management tool discussed in the       synonymous since, beyond real-time message
                                                context of RTGS arrangements, may be needed in          transmission, the other components of clearing that
                                                                                                                                                               faster payments in the United States,
                                                a DNS arrangement.                                      are necessary in a DNS model, such as netting of       instant payments in the European Union
                                                   43 Currently, interoperability agreements do not     payments for settlement, are not relevant.             are expected to involve services for real-
                                                exist among payment card networks or wire               Messaging activities may still include other risk-     time payments between end users that
                                                operators. The only interoperability agreement is in    management measures, such as screening for
                                                the ACH system between FedACH, provided by the          fraudulent payments and ensuring that payment
                                                                                                                                                               can be conducted on a 24x7x365 basis.
                                                Reserve Banks, and the private-sector Electronic        instructions comply with service-specific rules and    To facilitate ubiquity of instant payment
                                                Payments Network.                                       limits.                                                services across national jurisdictions,

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                                                57360                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 221 / Thursday, November 15, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                the ECB system will offer final                          market in the short term, the Board                   interbank settlement and customer
                                                settlement for instant payments using                    believes that, as the volume and value                information needed by receiving banks
                                                balances held at the ECB (that is, central               of faster payments grow in the future, an             to update their customers’ accounts.48
                                                bank money) to banks and other eligible                  RTGS infrastructure would provide the                 Under this design, the service would
                                                institutions across Europe. In line with                 safest and most efficient foundation for              receive settlement instructions from and
                                                24x7x365 instant payment services for                    interbank settlement for the next                     deliver settlement notifications to the
                                                end users, the ECB’s system will enable                  generation of payment services.                       banks (or their agents) pursuant to the
                                                settlement on a 24x7x365 basis. The                      Through this notice, the Board is                     information in the payment message. As
                                                ECB has announced that it will                           seeking views regarding this perspective              a result, the RTGS functionality could
                                                implement its instant payments RTGS                      on interbank settlement.                              provide a straight-through processing
                                                system using separate, dedicated cash                      In addition, the Board is requesting                method to conduct interbank clearing
                                                settlement accounts for each                             comment about potential actions that                  and settlement of faster payments.
                                                participating institution. The ECB plans                 the Federal Reserve could take to                        The proposed 24x7x365 RTGS
                                                to launch its instant payments RTGS                      support a ubiquitous, nationwide                      settlement service could make use of the
                                                system in November 2018.45                               infrastructure for 24x7x365 real-time                 existing electronic access connections
                                                   Another example, albeit with a                        settlement of faster payments. These                  and payment services network that the
                                                different approach, of an RTGS service                   actions, which could be taken separately              Reserve Banks provide to banks to
                                                for faster payments involves a system                    or in combination, include the Reserve                enable secure payment processing for
                                                launched domestically in the United                      Banks’ developing (i) a 24x7x365 RTGS                 transactions involving Reserve Bank
                                                States in late 2017. This system,                        settlement service and (ii) a liquidity               payment services. In addition, interbank
                                                operated by a private-sector entity,                     management tool. In addition to seeking               settlement of faster payments could
                                                performs immediate, round-the-clock                      comment on whether the Reserve Banks                  occur in Federal Reserve master
                                                settlement of payments on its private                    should consider developing either or                  accounts, similar to the way that
                                                ledger, rather than using central bank                   both of these services, the Board is                  settlement for other types of Reserve
                                                money. Each participant in this                          interested in receiving comment about                 Bank payment services occurs, and
                                                arrangement relies on the presence of                    whether other approaches would help                   could use the same account-monitoring
                                                balances stored in a single joint account                achieve the long run goals of ubiquitous,             regime that is in place for other payment
                                                at a Reserve Bank that is held for the                   nationwide access to safe and efficient               services provided by the Reserve Banks.
                                                benefit of the joint account-holding                     settlement services for faster payments.              Alternatively, interbank settlement of
                                                banks as a method of backing the                                                                               faster payments could occur in separate,
                                                                                                         A. A 24x7x365 RTGS Settlement Service
                                                private-sector service.46                                                                                      dedicated faster payment settlement
                                                                                                         Provided by the Reserve Banks
                                                                                                                                                               accounts for each participating bank
                                                IV. Potential Federal Reserve Actions
                                                                                                         1. Characteristics of a 24x7x365 RTGS                 with balances that could be treated as
                                                To Support 24x7x365 Real-Time
                                                                                                         Settlement Service                                    reserves, earning interest and satisfying
                                                Settlement of Faster Payments
                                                                                                            As one potential action, the Reserve               reserve balance requirements. With
                                                   Although both DNS and RTGS                                                                                  separate accounts, an approach would
                                                                                                         Banks could provide a 24x7x365 RTGS
                                                arrangements have benefits and                                                                                 be needed for moving funds between a
                                                                                                         settlement service for banks that would
                                                drawbacks for settling faster payments,                                                                        bank’s master account and its faster
                                                                                                         carry out the interbank settlement of
                                                on balance, the Board views RTGS as                                                                            payment settlement account during
                                                offering clear benefits from a risk and                  individual payments immediately, on
                                                                                                         any day, and at any time of the day.                  standard business hours and potentially
                                                efficiency perspective, making it the                                                                          outside those hours. In either account
                                                preferable basis for interbank settlement                Such a service would reflect the real-
                                                                                                         time speed and 24x7x365 nature of                     structure, the service would record end-
                                                of faster payments over the long term in                                                                       of-day balances in the account and
                                                the United States. Given the round-the-                  faster payments. The service would
                                                                                                         settle interbank obligations through                  provide balance reports for each
                                                clock availability of end-user faster                                                                          calendar day of the week (that is, a
                                                payment services, real-time interbank                    debits and credits to balances in banks’
                                                                                                         accounts at the Reserve Banks,                        seven-day accounting regime). The
                                                settlement should likewise be possible                                                                         Board is requesting comment on the
                                                at any time and on any day. While DNS-                   constituting settlement in central bank
                                                                                                                                                               advantages and disadvantages of these
                                                based faster payment services with                       money.47 As it does with some of its
                                                                                                                                                               design options and features.
                                                measures to mitigate risk may be                         existing services, the Federal Reserve                   Additionally, a 24x7x365 RTGS
                                                appropriate for a nascent faster payment                 could allow agents to submit settlement               settlement service might need to
                                                                                                         instructions to a 24x7x365 RTGS                       incorporate some auxiliary services or
                                                  45 More information about the ECB’s RTGS               settlement service on behalf of                       other service options in order to support
                                                system for instant payments is available at https://     participating banks that hold accounts                an effective nationwide system. One
                                                www.ecb.europa.eu/paym/initiatives/html/                 at the Reserve Banks.
                                                index.en.html.                                                                                                 example of an auxiliary service is a
                                                                                                            A 24x7x365 RTGS settlement service
                                                  46 A joint account enables settlement for                                                                    proxy database or directory that allows
                                                                                                         could involve messaging functionality,
                                                participants in a private-sector arrangement to be                                                             banks to route end-user payments using
                                                backed by funds held for a special purpose at a          which traditionally is considered part of             the recipient’s alias, such as an email
                                                Reserve Bank. Although the joint account is not          the clearing level, and may function                  address or phone number, rather than
                                                formally a collateral account, the funds in the joint    much like the Fedwire Funds Service.
                                                account are held for the joint benefit of the settling
                                                participants. Accordingly, the operator of a
                                                                                                         As with the Fedwire Funds Service, a                     48 An RTGS settlement service could be designed
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                                                settlement arrangement that relies on a joint            24x7x365 RTGS settlement service                      to optionally process either the full message with
                                                account can perform real-time, payment-by-               could receive and deliver the entire                  bank routing and customer information or only the
                                                payment settlement on its own ledger, which in           payment message, including bank                       bank routing information needed for interbank
                                                turn reflects how the operator, as agent for the                                                               settlement. The latter use would require third
                                                settling participants, will attribute the balances in    routing information needed for                        parties to separately transmit the payment message
                                                the joint account on its own records to each settling                                                          between sending and receiving banks. These design
                                                participant. Settlement backed by a joint account          47 The Board expects that such a service would      choices may raise policy, legal, and operational
                                                can occur at any time or on any day because the          be used for credit transfer payments in which the     complexities, such as achieving payment
                                                settlement takes place on the ledger of the              party that intends to make a payment initiates the    transparency for screening and other compliance-
                                                settlement-arrangement operator.                         payment to the recipient.                             related requirements.

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                                                                    Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 221 / Thursday, November 15, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                                  57361

                                                their bank routing and account                             It may be difficult for the private                faster payment services. While a
                                                information. Another example of                         sector to create an infrastructure that, on           24x7x365 RTGS settlement service
                                                auxiliary services is enhanced fraud-                   its own, could provide equitable access               provided by the Reserve Banks would
                                                monitoring capabilities, which may                      to enough banks to achieve ubiquity.                  consume societal resources and could
                                                involve a shared database of known                      Practically, a private-sector RTGS                    duplicate certain costs that may already
                                                fraudulent accounts or automated fraud                  service that does not have existing                   have been incurred to set up other
                                                detection tools. Other service options to               relationships with a large number of                  settlement arrangements for faster
                                                consider include transaction limits to                  banks may have difficulties establishing              payments, its net effect on the efficiency
                                                manage risk or payment-by-payment                       those relationships for a new service.                of the faster payment environment
                                                offsetting functionality to economize on                Likewise, banks without an existing                   would depend on the extent to which it
                                                the use of liquidity. The Board is                      relationship to the provider of a private-            generates societal benefits by improving
                                                requesting comment on whether such                      sector RTGS service may find it                       bank participation in a real-time
                                                auxiliary services or other service                     cumbersome and time-consuming to                      interbank settlement infrastructure and,
                                                options are necessary for broad adoption                establish connections with a new                      ultimately, public access to safe and
                                                of faster payments and what entity(s)                   provider of settlement services.                      secure faster payment services.
                                                should provide them.                                    However, accessibility could be greatly               Specifically, the value of a payment
                                                   A 24x7x365 RTGS settlement service                   enhanced if existing and potential                    system increases as more banks join the
                                                provided by the Reserve Banks would                     future private-sector RTGS services                   system because all participants and end
                                                rely on banks and other parties, such as                were able to interoperate with a Reserve              users can send payments to more
                                                processors and other providers of                       Bank service, such that end-user                      recipients. As a result, incremental
                                                payment services, to develop end-user                   customers of any bank could send faster               societal benefits realized through
                                                services and, ideally, the full suite of                payments to end-user customers of any                 nationwide bank participation in a real-
                                                auxiliary services, such as a proxy                     other bank, regardless of the faster                  time interbank settlement infrastructure
                                                database or directory, that build upon                  payment RTGS service used by the                      could outweigh the societal costs of the
                                                the basic functionality of the settlement               banks. In such a scenario, private-sector             Reserve Banks developing a 24x7x365
                                                service.                                                and Reserve Bank RTGS services would                  RTGS settlement service.
                                                                                                        work in tandem to provide ubiquitous,                    Additional efficiency benefits could
                                                2. Public Benefits of a 24x7x365 RTGS                   nationwide access to real-time interbank              be realized through enhanced
                                                Settlement Service                                      settlement for faster payments.                       competition between and innovation by
                                                   The Federal Reserve’s longstanding                   Safety                                                faster payment services. The
                                                public policy objectives for the payment                                                                      development of a nationwide real-time
                                                                                                           As noted above, real-time settlement               interbank settlement infrastructure
                                                system are that payment systems are                     for faster payments avoids interbank
                                                safe, efficient, and accessible to all                                                                        could play a strategic role in persuading
                                                                                                        settlement risk by aligning the speed of              more banks to develop faster payment
                                                eligible banks on an equitable basis and,               interbank settlement with the speed of
                                                through them, to the public                                                                                   services, creating more competition
                                                                                                        the underlying payments. If a 24x7x365                among bank-provided services and with
                                                nationwide.49 Based on its analysis, the                RTGS settlement service developed by
                                                Board believes the Reserve Banks’                                                                             existing nonbank services. Bank and
                                                                                                        the Reserve Banks were to significantly               nonbank providers of faster payment
                                                development of a 24x7x365 RTGS                          improve the prospect that banks
                                                settlement service could yield societal                                                                       services may also be able to develop
                                                                                                        nationwide would use real-time                        new or enhance existing services by
                                                benefit by advancing these objectives                   settlement for faster payments, the
                                                and serve as an important part of the                                                                         capitalizing on the underlying interbank
                                                                                                        overall safety of the faster payment                  infrastructure. The resulting
                                                foundation for the nation’s future                      market in the United States could be
                                                payment system. The Board is                                                                                  competition and innovation could
                                                                                                        enhanced. In addition, a service                      ultimately benefit end users because
                                                requesting comment on whether the                       provided by the Federal Reserve, with
                                                Federal Reserve’s provision of a                                                                              competition typically generates lower
                                                                                                        its focus on the stability of the overall             costs and innovation advances feature-
                                                24x7x365 RTGS settlement service will                   payment system, could also contribute
                                                indeed offer these potential benefits.                                                                        rich services.
                                                                                                        to the real and perceived resiliency of                  The Board recognizes the possibility
                                                Accessibility                                           faster payment settlement. This would                 that introduction of a Reserve Bank-
                                                                                                        be especially true if a 24x7x365 RTGS                 provided 24x7x365 RTGS settlement
                                                   A 24x7x365 RTGS settlement service                   settlement service provided by the                    service could have the opposite effect
                                                provided by the Reserve Banks could                     Reserve Banks were available alongside                and disrupt the existing faster payment
                                                significantly improve the long-term                     private-sector RTGS services, giving                  market. Industry stakeholders have
                                                prospect of all banks having access to a                banks an option to connect to multiple                already made certain initial investments
                                                real-time interbank settlement                          operators for resiliency, as they often do            in faster payment services and would
                                                infrastructure for faster payments.                     with traditional payment systems.                     need to assess how, or if, to connect to
                                                Today, the Reserve Banks provide                        Finally, a 24x7x365 RTGS settlement                   a new settlement service.50 Therefore, it
                                                payment services to more than 11,000                    service could further support the                     is possible that Reserve Bank entry
                                                banks—the vast majority of banks in the                 Federal Reserve’s ability to provide                  could add to market fragmentation and
                                                United States. By capitalizing on its                   payment system stability in moments of                lower the prospects for ubiquitous faster
                                                electronic access network and customer                  financial crisis or natural disaster, as it
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                                                                                                                                                              payments in the United States,
                                                relationships, the Reserve Banks are in                 has done in the past with its cash,                   especially in the short run.
                                                a position to offer equitable access to                 check, ACH, and wire transfer services.                  The Board also recognizes that the
                                                real-time interbank settlement to all                                                                         cost of investing in new technology for
                                                eligible banks in the country, regardless               Efficiency
                                                                                                                                                              the banking industry, its customers, and
                                                of type or size.                                          Payment system efficiency has
                                                                                                        multiple facets, including resource                     50 If banks were to establish connections to
                                                  49 See‘‘The Federal Reserve in the Payments           costs, the value of broad networks, and               multiple settlement services, doing so may generate
                                                System,’’ supra note 13.                                competition between and innovation by                 a duplication of participant connection costs.

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                                                57362               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 221 / Thursday, November 15, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                service providers could be significant,                 are adequate to cover obligations                       services, particularly during weekends
                                                and it could take many years to achieve                 recorded in the operator’s ledger. In                   and holidays.
                                                full participation across the banking                   another example, depending on the
                                                                                                                                                                2. Characteristics of a Liquidity
                                                system. Operational and technical                       design of a 24x7x365 RTGS settlement                    Management Tool
                                                challenges are inherent in the creation                 service provided by the Reserve Banks,
                                                of any new service, and the fact that the               participating banks may have individual                    As a result of the potential need for
                                                envisioned RTGS settlement service                      accounts at the Reserve Banks, separate                 liquidity management outside standard
                                                would operate 24x7x365 may                              from their master accounts, that are                    business hours in certain RTGS-based
                                                compound these challenges. The Board                    dedicated to the interbank settlement of                systems for faster payments, and the
                                                expects that moving to a 24x7x365                       faster payments.51 In this case, banks                  limitations of existing Federal Reserve
                                                settlement environment may take a                       would need to manage their liquidity on                 services to support such liquidity
                                                number of years of technical and                        a 24x7x365 basis across their master                    management, the Board is requesting
                                                operational adjustment for all                          accounts and their dedicated faster                     comment on whether the Reserve Banks
                                                stakeholders. In addition, issues with                  payment settlement accounts at the                      should consider providing a liquidity
                                                technical and operational adjustments                   Reserve Banks.52                                        management tool that would enable
                                                may be exacerbated if there is more than                                                                        movement of funds during nonstandard
                                                one provider of real-time settlement. At                   In either of these examples, liquidity               business hours between banks’ master
                                                the same time, some disruption and a                    management by banks requires methods                    accounts at the Reserve Banks and an
                                                period of adjustment could be                           to transfer liquidity between accounts at               account (or accounts) at the Reserve
                                                acceptable, and often accompany                         the Reserve Banks. Because RTGS                         Banks used to conduct or support
                                                foundational changes in infrastructure.                 arrangements for faster payments                        24x7x365 real-time settlement of faster
                                                The Board is seeking comment on                         require liquidity management outside                    payments.54 To provide such a tool for
                                                whether the industry believes the costs                 standard business hours, these methods                  liquidity transfers during nonstandard
                                                of adjustment and potential disruption                  for liquidity transfers may need to be                  business hours, the Federal Reserve
                                                are outweighed by the benefits of the                   available during nonstandard business                   could enhance an existing service by
                                                proposed interbank settlement                           hours.                                                  extending that service’s operating hours,
                                                infrastructure.                                            At present, the Reserve Banks do not                 potentially up to 24x7x365, or providing
                                                                                                        offer a service that would allow banks                  special operating windows outside
                                                B. A Liquidity Management Tool                                                                                  current operating hours. Alternatively,
                                                                                                        to move liquidity as needed to support
                                                1. Liquidity Management Needs in                        24x7x365 real-time settlement of faster                 the Reserve Banks could develop a new
                                                RTGS-Based Faster Payment Services                      payments. Various Reserve Bank                          service. Regardless of whether the
                                                   RTGS for faster payments can raise                   services enable transfer of funds                       Reserve Banks enhance an existing
                                                liquidity management issues for banks,                  between accounts at the Reserve Banks,                  service or develop a new service, the
                                                particularly given the 24x7x365 nature                  including the Fedwire Funds Service                     Board envisions such a service being
                                                of faster payments. RTGS-based faster                   and the National Settlement Service;                    used, at least initially, only for the
                                                payments require banks to have                          however, none of them fulfill the                       purpose of liquidity management
                                                sufficient liquidity to perform interbank               around-the-clock requirement. Over                      related to RTGS-based faster payment
                                                settlement of individual payments.                      time, the Reserve Banks have extended                   services. The Board recognizes,
                                                Absent sufficient liquidity, banks, and                 operating hours for these services.53                   however, that depending on its design,
                                                by extension their customers, would                     However, current operating hours limit                  a liquidity management tool could have
                                                experience failed faster payments                       liquidity management based on these                     functionality that would be useful for
                                                because interbank settlement, which                                                                             other purposes. In particular, the ability
                                                must occur prior to the provision of                       51 Globally, a number of central banks that          to move funds outside standard
                                                final funds to the recipient in an RTGS                 provide or are planning to provide RTGS services        business hours could be used to manage
                                                arrangement, could not take place.
                                                                                                        for faster payments, including the ECB and the          cash collateral in a DNS arrangement for
                                                                                                        Reserve Bank of Australia, require banks to have        faster payments that uses full cash
                                                Moreover, because faster payments can                   separate, dedicated accounts for the settlement of
                                                occur on a 24x7x365 basis, RTGS for                     faster payments through those services.                 collateral at the Reserve Banks to
                                                faster payments requires banks to have                     52 If faster payments settle through banks’ master   mitigate credit risk associated with
                                                sufficient liquidity to settle individual               accounts at the Reserve Banks, then liquidity           deferred settlement.
                                                                                                        management would involve a bank’s overall                  To determine how the Reserve Banks
                                                payments at any time of the day, any                    liquidity available for settlement, as opposed to its
                                                day of the year.                                        allocation of liquidity specifically available for
                                                                                                                                                                could best provide a liquidity
                                                   The risk of failed payments caused by                settlement of faster payments.                          management tool that meets industry
                                                insufficient liquidity in an RTGS-based                    53 The Fedwire Funds Service operating hours for     needs, the Board is further seeking input
                                                faster payment service implies a general                each business day begin at 9:00 p.m. eastern time       on the characteristics and capabilities
                                                                                                        (ET) on the preceding calendar day and end at 6:30      that such a tool might have. A key area
                                                need for banks to manage their liquidity                p.m. ET, Monday through Friday, excluding
                                                related to settlement. The nature of this               designated holidays. For example, processing on a       of interest to the Board is the level of
                                                liquidity management will depend on                     Monday begins at 9:00 p.m. ET on Sunday night           involvement that individual banks
                                                the design of a particular RTGS                         and ends at 6:30 p.m. ET Monday night. The              would wish to have in establishing the
                                                                                                        Reserve Banks last expanded the Fedwire Funds           timing of liquidity transfers and in
                                                arrangement for faster payments. For                    Service operating hours in 2004, moving from an
                                                example, a private-sector RTGS                          eighteen-hour business day to the current twenty-       initiating specific transfers. For
khammond on DSK30JT082PROD with PROPOSAL

                                                arrangement for faster payments may                     one and one-half hour business day. Current             example, a tool could allow a
                                                rely on a joint account at a Reserve Bank               operating hours for NSS are 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.      designated agent to coordinate liquidity
                                                                                                        ET, Monday through Friday, excluding designated         transfers simultaneously across a large
                                                that backs settlement conducted on a                    holidays. The Reserve Banks announced in 2015,
                                                private ledger maintained by the                        that they are prepared to accept requests from          number of participants in a settlement
                                                arrangement’s operator. In such an                      current settlement agents to open the NSS
                                                                                                        settlement window as early as 9:00 p.m. ET the             54 As a baseline, it is assumed that liquidity
                                                arrangement, banks would need to                        previous calendar day for the next business day. To     transfers to or from settlement accounts are
                                                ensure sufficient liquidity by making                   date, no settlement agent has requested an earlier      routinely available during existing operating hours
                                                contributions to the joint account that                 opening.                                                for the Fedwire Funds Service.

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                                                                    Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 221 / Thursday, November 15, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                           57363

                                                arrangement, thereby removing the need                  feedback to assess what steps, if any, it                c. What is the ideal timeline for
                                                for those participants to continuously                  should take related to the actions                    implementing a 24x7x365 RTGS
                                                monitor liquidity and initiate                          discussed or alternative approaches                   settlement service? Would any potential
                                                corresponding liquidity transfers. Such                 offered by the payment industry or other              timeline be too late from an industry
                                                a tool could also support automated                     stakeholders. As previously mentioned,                adoption perspective? Would Federal
                                                liquidity transfers, particularly during                these actions are subject to the                      Reserve action in faster payment
                                                nonstandard business hours, based on                    longstanding principles and criteria on               settlement hasten or inhibit financial
                                                thresholds established by a bank                        new services or major service                         services industry adoption of faster
                                                working with a designated agent. Such                   enhancements as part of the Federal                   payment services? Please explain.
                                                capabilities could be possible through                  Reserve’s statutory requirements. As                     d. What adjustments (for example,
                                                NSS (or a similarly designed service) for               part of assessing these actions, the                  accounting, operations, and agreements)
                                                the multilateral movement of funds                      Board would continue its due diligence                would banks and bank customers be
                                                between accounts at the Reserve Banks.                  related to those requirements.                        required to make under a seven-day
                                                Alternatively, if banks prefer to have                    The Board intends to publish the                    accounting regime where Reserve Banks
                                                more direct involvement in the timing                   results of this request for comment and,              record and report end-of-day balances
                                                and tailoring of their liquidity transfers,             as appropriate, to seek further comment               for each calendar day during which
                                                a tool could involve individual liquidity               on any specific actions that the Board                payment activity occurs, including
                                                transfers initiated by individual banks.                determines that the Federal Reserve                   weekends and holidays? What time
                                                Such a structure for liquidity                          might pursue. The Board recognizes that               frame would be required to these
                                                management could be provided through                    a decision to undertake these actions, in             changes? Would banks want the option
                                                the Fedwire Funds Service (or a                         particular the development of a                       to defer receipt of such information for
                                                similarly designed service). In either                  24x7x365 RTGS settlement service, will                nonbusiness days to the next business
                                                case, expanded operating hours for such                 require close partnership and                         day? If necessary changes by banks
                                                a service would support liquidity                       collaboration with industry                           represent a significant constraint to
                                                management outside standard business                    stakeholders. The Federal Reserve                     timely adoption of seven-day
                                                hours, possibly up to 24x7x365.                         would work with stakeholders to                       accounting for a 24x7x365 RTGS
                                                                                                        implement new infrastructure within a                 settlement service, are there alternative
                                                3. Public Benefits of a Liquidity                                                                             accounting or operational solutions that
                                                                                                        sensible timeline that provides
                                                Management Tool                                                                                               banks could implement?
                                                                                                        stakeholders enough advance
                                                   The Board believes a liquidity                       information to calibrate resource                        e. What incremental operational
                                                management tool could improve the                       planning and operational readiness. The               burden would banks face if a 24x7x365
                                                level of participation by banks in real-                Board also seeks feedback on specific                 RTGS settlement service were designed
                                                time settlement infrastructure for faster               areas, such as liquidity management,                  using accounts separate from banks’
                                                payments. Such a tool could be an                       interoperability, accounting processes,               master accounts? How would the
                                                efficient and economical way to close                   or payment routing, that stakeholders                 treatment of balances in separate
                                                potential gaps in account funding times                 believe may require joint Federal                     accounts (for example, ability to earn
                                                for existing and potential future private-              Reserve and industry teams to identify                interest and satisfy reserve balance
                                                sector 24x7x365 real-time interbank                     approaches for implementation in a                    requirements) affect demand for faster
                                                settlement systems. Thus, the tool might                24x7x365 RTGS settlement service.                     payment settlement?
                                                make private-sector systems more                                                                                 f. Regarding auxiliary services or
                                                attractive to a broader range of banks                  Questions                                             other service options,
                                                and boost the prospect of more banks                       1. Is RTGS the appropriate strategic                  i. Is a proxy database or directory that
                                                joining private-sector systems. It could                foundation for interbank settlement of                allows faster payment services to route
                                                similarly increase participation in a                   faster payments? Why or why not?                      end-user payments using the recipient’s
                                                24x7x365 RTGS settlement service                           2. Should the Reserve Banks develop                alias, such as email address or phone
                                                provided by the Reserve Banks. The end                  a 24x7x365 RTGS settlement service?                   number, rather than their bank routing
                                                result might be a combination of RTGS                   Why or why not?                                       and account information, needed for a
                                                arrangements for faster payments,                          3. If the Reserve Banks develop a                  24x7x365 RTGS settlement service?
                                                enabling broader access to real-time                    24x7x365 RTGS settlement service,                     How should such a database be
                                                interbank settlement infrastructure in                     a. Will there be sufficient demand for             provided to best facilitate nationwide
                                                the long term with similar safety,                      faster payments in the United States in               adoption? Who should provide this
                                                resiliency, and efficiency benefits                     the next ten years to support the                     service?
                                                discussed in relation to a Reserve Bank-                development of a 24x7x365 RTGS                           ii. Are fraud prevention services that
                                                provided RTGS settlement service. In                    settlement service? What will be the                  provide tools to detect fraudulent
                                                addition, the liquidity management                      sources of demand? What types of                      transfers needed for a 24x7x365 RTGS
                                                functionality itself would mitigate                     transactions are most likely to generate              settlement service? How should such
                                                liquidity risk that can arise for banks in              demand for faster payments?                           tools be provided? Who should provide
                                                24x7x365 real-time settlement of faster                    b. What adjustments would the                      them?
                                                payments and the concomitant                            financial services industry and its                      iii. How important are these auxiliary
                                                possibility that end users will                         customers be required to make to                      services for adoption of faster payment
                                                experience individually rejected                        operate in a 24x7x365 settlement                      settlement services by the financial
khammond on DSK30JT082PROD with PROPOSAL

                                                payments and broader scale payment                      environment? Are these adjustments                    services industry? How important are
                                                interruptions.                                          incremental or substantial? What would                other service options such as transaction
                                                                                                        be the time frame required to make                    limits for risk management and
                                                V. Request for Comment                                  these adjustments? Are the costs of                   offsetting mechanisms to conserve
                                                  The Board is seeking feedback on all                  adjustment and potential disruption                   liquidity? Are there other auxiliary
                                                aspects of the discussion presented in                  outweighed by the benefits of creating a              services or service options that are
                                                this notice and the specific questions                  24x7x365 RTGS settlement service?                     needed for the settlement service to be
                                                posed below. The Board will use this                    Why or why not?                                       adopted?

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                                                57364               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 221 / Thursday, November 15, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                   g. How critical is interoperability                  ubiquitous, nationwide access to faster                  • Hand Delivery: U.S. Department of
                                                between RTGS services for faster                        payments in the United States?                        Transportation, Docket Operations, M–
                                                payments to achieving ubiquity?                           9. Beyond the provision of payment                  30, West Building Ground Floor, Room
                                                   h. Could a 24x7x365 RTGS settlement                  and settlement services, are there other              W12–140, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE,
                                                service be used for purposes other than                 actions, under its existing authority, the            Washington, DC, between 9 a.m. and 5
                                                interbank settlement of retail faster                   Federal Reserve should consider that                  p.m., Monday through Friday, except
                                                payments? If so, for what other purposes                might help its broader goals with                     Federal holidays.
                                                could the service be used? Should its                   respect to the U.S. payment system?                      For service information identified in
                                                use be restricted and, if so, how?                        By order of the Board of Governors of the           this NPRM, contact Dassault Falcon Jet
                                                   i. Are there specific areas, such as                 Federal Reserve System, September 28, 2018.           Corporation, Teterboro Airport, P.O.
                                                liquidity management, interoperability,                 Ann Misback,                                          Box 2000, South Hackensack, NJ 07606;
                                                accounting processes, or payment                        Secretary of the Board.                               telephone 201–440–6700; internet
                                                routing, for which stakeholders believe                                                                       http://www.dassaultfalcon.com. You
                                                                                                        [FR Doc. 2018–24667 Filed 11–14–18; 8:45 am]
                                                the Board should establish joint Federal                                                                      may view this referenced service
                                                                                                        BILLING CODE 6210–01–P
                                                Reserve and industry teams to identify                                                                        information at the FAA, Transport
                                                approaches for implementation of a                                                                            Standards Branch, 2200 South 216th St.,
                                                24x7x365 RTGS settlement service?                                                                             Des Moines, WA. For information on the
                                                   4. Should the Federal Reserve develop                DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION
                                                                                                                                                              availability of this material at the FAA,
                                                a liquidity management tool that would
                                                                                                        Federal Aviation Administration                       call 206–231–3195.
                                                enable transfers between Federal
                                                Reserve accounts on a 24x7x365 basis to                                                                       Examining the AD Docket
                                                support services for real-time interbank                14 CFR Part 39
                                                settlement of faster payments, whether                  [Docket No. FAA–2018–0643; Product                      You may examine the AD docket on
                                                those services are provided by the                      Identifier 2018–NM–084–AD]                            the internet at http://
                                                private sector or the Reserve Banks?                                                                          www.regulations.gov by searching for
                                                                                                        RIN 2120–AA64                                         and locating Docket No. FAA–2018–
                                                Why or why not?
                                                   5. If the Reserve Banks develop a                    Airworthiness Directives; Dassault                    0643; or in person at Docket Operations
                                                liquidity management tool,                              Aviation Airplanes                                    between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday
                                                   a. What type of tool would be                                                                              through Friday, except Federal holidays.
                                                preferable and why?                                     AGENCY:  Federal Aviation                             The AD docket contains this SNPRM,
                                                   i. A tool that requires a bank to                    Administration (FAA), DOT.                            the regulatory evaluation, any
                                                originate a transfer from one account to                ACTION: Supplemental notice of                        comments received, and other
                                                another                                                 proposed rulemaking (SNPRM);                          information. The street address for
                                                   ii. A tool that allows an agent to                   reopening of comment period.                          Docket Operations (phone: 800–647–
                                                originate a transfer on behalf of one or                                                                      5527) is in the ADDRESSES section.
                                                more banks                                              SUMMARY:   We are revising an earlier                 Comments will be available in the AD
                                                   iii. A tool that allows an automatic                 proposal for certain Dassault Aviation                docket shortly after receipt.
                                                transfer of balances (or ‘‘sweep’’) based               Model FALCON 7X airplanes. This
                                                on pre-established thresholds and limits                action revises the notice of proposed                 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Tom
                                                   iv. A combination of the above                       rulemaking (NPRM) by proposing to                     Rodriguez, Aerospace Engineer,
                                                   v. An alternative approach                           require the incorporation of revised and              International Section, Transport
                                                   b. Would a liquidity management tool                 more restrictive airworthiness                        Standards Branch, FAA, 2200 South
                                                need to be available 24x7x365, or                       limitations. We are proposing this                    216th St., Des Moines, WA 98198;
                                                alternatively, during certain defined                   airworthiness directive (AD) to address               telephone and fax 206–231–3226.
                                                hours on weekends and holidays?                         the unsafe condition on these products.               SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                During what hours should a liquidity                    Since these actions would impose an
                                                management tool be available?                           additional burden over those in the                   Comments Invited
                                                   c. Could a liquidity management tool                 NPRM, we are reopening the comment
                                                                                                        period to allow the public the chance to                We invite you to send any written
                                                be used for purposes other than to
                                                                                                        comment on these changes.                             relevant data, views, or arguments about
                                                support real-time settlement of retail
                                                                                                                                                              this proposal. Send your comments to
                                                faster payments? If so, for what other                  DATES: The comment period for the
                                                                                                                                                              an address listed under the ADDRESSES
                                                purposes could the tool be used? Should                 NPRM published in the Federal
                                                                                                                                                              section. Include ‘‘Docket No. FAA–
                                                its use be restricted and, if so, how?                  Register on August 10, 2018 (83 FR
                                                   6. Should a 24x7x365 RTGS                                                                                  2018–0643; Product Identifier 2018–
                                                                                                        39630), is reopened.
                                                settlement service and liquidity                          We must receive comments on this                    NM–084–AD’’ at the beginning of your
                                                management tool be developed in                         SNPRM by December 31, 2018.                           comments. We specifically invite
                                                tandem or should the Federal Reserve                                                                          comments on the overall regulatory,
                                                                                                        ADDRESSES: You may send comments,
                                                pursue only one, or neither, of these                                                                         economic, environmental, and energy
                                                                                                        using the procedures found in 14 CFR                  aspects of this SNPRM. We will
                                                initiatives? Why?                                       11.43 and 11.45, by any of the following
                                                   7. If the Federal Reserve pursues one                                                                      consider all comments received by the
                                                                                                        methods:                                              closing date and may amend this
                                                or both of these actions, do they help                    • Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to
khammond on DSK30JT082PROD with PROPOSAL

                                                achieve ubiquitous, nationwide access                                                                         SNPRM based on those comments.
                                                                                                        http://www.regulations.gov. Follow the
                                                to safe and efficient faster payments in                instructions for submitting comments.                   We will post all comments we
                                                the long run? If so, which of the                         • Fax: 202–493–2251.                                receive, without change, to http://
                                                potential actions, or both, and in what                   • Mail: U.S. Department of                          www.regulations.gov, including any
                                                ways?                                                   Transportation, Docket Operations, M–                 personal information you provide. We
                                                   8. What other approaches, not                        30, West Building Ground Floor, Room                  will also post a report summarizing each
                                                explicitly considered in this notice,                   W12–140, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE,                   substantive verbal contact we receive
                                                might help achieve the broader goals of                 Washington, DC 20590.                                 about this SNPRM.

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Document Created: 2018-11-15 04:00:23
Document Modified: 2018-11-15 04:00:23
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionProposed Rules
DatesComments on the potential actions must be received on or before December 14, 2018.
ContactKirstin Wells, Principal Economist (202-452-2962), Mark Manuszak, Manager (202-721-4509), Susan V. Foley, Senior Associate Director (202-452-3596), Division of Reserve Bank Operations and Payment Systems, or Gavin Smith, Senior Counsel, Legal Division (202-452-3474), Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System; for the hearing impaired and users of Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD) only, contact 202-263-4869.
FR Citation83 FR 57351 

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