83_FR_57650 83 FR 57429 - Certain Steel Threaded Rod From the People's Republic of China: Final Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review and Final Determination of No Shipments; 2016-2017

83 FR 57429 - Certain Steel Threaded Rod From the People's Republic of China: Final Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review and Final Determination of No Shipments; 2016-2017

International Trade Administration

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 221 (November 15, 2018)

Page Range57429-57431
FR Document2018-24942

The Department of Commerce (Commerce) finds that Jiaxing Brother Fastener Co., Ltd. (Jiaxing Brother), RMB Fasteners Ltd. (RMB), and IFI & Morgan Ltd. (IFI), collectively RMB/IFI, had no shipments during the period of review (POR), April 1, 2016, through March 31, 2017. We also continue to find that Fastenal Canada Ltd. (Fastenal Canada) did not cooperate to the best of its ability and have based its margin on adverse facts available (AFA) for these final results.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 221 (Thursday, November 15, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 221 (Thursday, November 15, 2018)]
[Pages 57429-57431]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-24942]



International Trade Administration


Certain Steel Threaded Rod From the People's Republic of China: 
Final Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review and Final 
Determination of No Shipments; 2016-2017

AGENCY: Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration, 
Department of Commerce.

SUMMARY: The Department of Commerce (Commerce) finds that Jiaxing 
Brother Fastener Co., Ltd. (Jiaxing Brother), RMB Fasteners Ltd. (RMB), 
and IFI & Morgan Ltd. (IFI), collectively RMB/IFI, had no shipments 
during the period of review (POR), April 1, 2016, through March 31, 
2017. We also continue to find that Fastenal Canada Ltd. (Fastenal 
Canada) did not cooperate to the best of its ability and have based its 
margin on adverse facts available (AFA) for these final results.

DATES: Applicable November 15, 2018.

V, Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration, U.S. 
Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 
20230; telephone: 202.482.0413.



    On May 17, 2018, Commerce published the Preliminary Results of the 
antidumping duty order on certain steel threaded rod (STR) from the 
People's Republic of China (China).\1\ In accordance with 19 CFR 
351.309, we invited parties to comment on our Preliminary Results. On 
June 18, 2018, RMB/IFI submitted its case brief.\2\ On June 19, 2018, 
RMB/IFI re-submitted its case brief because the original brief 
inadvertently included certain proprietary information in one of the 
exhibits.\3\ On June 26, 2018, the petitioner, Vulcan Threaded Products 
Inc., submitted its rebuttal brief.\4\ On September 12, 2018, Commerce 
extended the deadline for the final

[[Page 57430]]

results to November 8, 2018.\5\ On September 19, 2018, Commerce 
rejected RMB/IFI's case brief because it contained new factual 
information.\6\ In addition, on September 19, 2018, Commerce rejected 
the petitioner's rebuttal brief because it contained new argument which 
did not rebut any arguments made by RMB/IFI in its case brief.\7\ On 
September 21, 2018, RMB/IFI refiled its case brief.\8\ The petitioner 
did not refile its rebuttal brief. To complete the administrative 
record, Commerce requested that Jiaxing Brother submit a no shipments 
certification, if it had no shipments during the POR.\9\ On October 31, 
2018, Jiaxing Brother submitted a no shipments certification.\10\

    \1\ See Certain Steel Threaded Rod from the People's Republic of 
China: Preliminary Results of the Antidumping Duty Administrative 
Review, and Rescission of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review; 
2016-2017, 83 FR 22945 (May 17, 2018) (Preliminary Results) and 
accompanying Preliminary Decision Memorandum (PDM).
    \2\ See RMB/IFI's June 18, 2018 submission.
    \3\ See RMB/IFI's June 19, 2018 submission.
    \4\ The petitioner is Vulcan Threaded Products Inc. See the 
petitioner's June 26, 2018 submission.
    \5\ See Memorandum to James Maeder, Associate Deputy Assistant 
Secretary, from James C. Doyle, Director, ``Certain Steel Threaded 
Rod from the People's Republic of China: Extension of Deadline for 
Final Results of 2016-2017 Antidumping Duty Administrative Review,'' 
dated September 12, 2018.
    \6\ See Commerce's letter to RMB/IFI dated September 19, 2018.
    \7\ See Commerce's letter to the petitioner dated September 19, 
    \8\ See RMB/IFI's September 21, 2018 submission (RMB/IFI's Case 
    \9\ See Commerce's memo to the File, October 29, 2018.
    \10\ See RMB/IFI's October 31, 2018 submission.

    Commerce conducted this administrative review in accordance with 
section 751 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (the Act).

Scope of the Order

    The merchandise covered by the order includes steel threaded rod. 
The subject merchandise is currently classifiable under subheading 
7318.15.5051, 7318.15.5056, 7318.15.5090, and 7318.15.2095 of the 
United States Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTSUS). Although the HTSUS 
subheadings are provided for convenience and customs purposes, our 
written description of the scope of the order, which is contained in 
the accompanying Issues and Decision Memorandum (I&D Memo), is 

    \11\ For a full description of the scope of the order, see 
Memorandum from James Maeder, Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary, 
to Gary Taverman, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Antidumping and 
Countervailing Duty Operations, performing the non-exclusive 
functions and duties of the Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and 
Compliance, ``Certain Steel Threaded Rod from the People's Republic 
of China: Issues and Decision Memorandum for the Final Results of 
the Eighth Administrative Review'' (I&D Memo), dated concurrently 
with, and hereby adopted by, this notice.

Analysis of Comments Received

    We addressed the issue raised in RMB/IFI's case brief in the I&D 
Memo dated concurrently with, and hereby adopted by, this notice. The 
issue it raised is attached in the Appendix to this notice. The I&D 
Memo is a public document and is on file in the Central Records Unit 
(CRU), Room B8024 of the main Commerce building, as well as 
electronically via Enforcement and Compliance's Antidumping and 
Countervailing Duty Centralized Electronic Service System (ACCESS). 
ACCESS is available to registered users at http://access.trade.gov and 
in the CRU. In addition, a complete version of the I&D Memo can be 
accessed directly on the internet at http://enforcement.trade.gov/frn/index.html. The signed I&D Memo and the electronic versions of the I&D 
Memo are identical in content.

Final Determination of No Shipments

    In the Preliminary Results, Commerce determined that RMB/IFI did 
not have any reviewable transactions during the POR. For these final 
results, we continue to find that Jiaxing Brother is a part of RMB/
IFI,\12\ and that Jiaxing Brother Standard Part Co., Ltd. is a ``doing-
business-as'' name for Jiaxing Brother.\13\ Moreover, consistent with 
Commerce's assessment practice in non-market economy (NME) cases, we 
completed the review with respect to RMB/IFI. Based on our analysis of 
the record information, including CBP information, we continue to 
determine that RMB/IFI (a single entity that includes Jiaxing Brother 
Standard Part Co., Ltd./Jiaxing Brother Fastener Co., Ltd.) did not 
have any shipments during the POR. As noted in the ``Assessment Rates'' 
section below, Commerce intends to issue appropriate instructions to 
CBP for the above-named companies based on the final results of this 

    \12\ Commerce determined that Jiaxing Brother, RMB and IFI 
constituted a single entity in the investigation on steel threaded 
rod from China. See Certain Steel Threaded Rod from the People's 
Republic of China: Preliminary Determination of Sales at Less Than 
Fair Value, 73 FR 58931, 58932 (October 8, 2008), unchanged in 
Certain Steel Threaded Rod from the People's Republic of China: 
Final Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair Value, 74 FR 8907 
(February 27, 2009). We have received no information in this review 
to call into question that finding and therefore continue to treat 
them as a single entity for purposes of this review.
    \13\ See, e.g., Certain Steel Threaded Rod From the People's 
Republic of China: Preliminary Results and Partial Rescission of the 
Antidumping Duty Administrative Review; 2014-2015, 81 FR 29843 (May 
13, 2016) and accompanying PDM at 1, 2, unchanged in Certain Steel 
Threaded Rod from the People's Republic of China: Final Results of 
Antidumping Duty Administrative Review; 2014-2015, 81 FR 83800 
(November 22, 2016) and accompanying IDM at 2; see also RMB/IFI's 
October 31, 2018 submission.

Final Results

    No interested party submitted comments on Commerce's preliminary 
determination to apply AFA to Fastenal Canada. Therefore, we have 
continued to apply AFA with respect to Fastenal Canada, and have 
continued to assign it an AFA rate of 206.00 percent. Moreover, we 
continue to find that Brother Holding Group Co. Ltd, and Zhejiang 
Morgan Brother Technology Co. Ltd. are a part of the China-wide entity 
and subject to its rate of 206.00 percent.\14\ Although in the 
Preliminary Results we found Jiaxing Brother Standard Part Co., Ltd. to 
be a part of the China-wide entity, for these final results, and as 
noted above, we find this company to be a part of RMB/IFI (which had no 
shipments during the POR), and that it is not a part of the China-wide 

    \14\ The rate for the China-wide entity was set in the 
investigation, see Certain Steel Threaded Rod from the People's 
Republic of China: Final Determination of Sales at Less than Fair 
Value, 74 FR 8907 (February 27, 2009). This rate has been applied in 
each subsequent administrative review in which there was a party 
considered as part of the China-wide entity. Commerce's policy 
regarding conditional review of the China-wide entity applies to 
this administrative review. See Antidumping Proceedings: 
Announcement of Change in Department Practice for Respondent 
Selection in Antidumping Duty Proceedings and Conditional Review of 
the Nonmarket Economy Entity in NME Antidumping Duty Proceedings, 78 
FR 65963 (November 4, 2013). Under this policy, the China-wide 
entity will not be under review unless a party specifically 
requests, or Commerce self-initiates, a review of the entity. 
Because no party requested a review of the China-wide entity, the 
entity is not under review and the entity's rate is not subject to 

Assessment Rates

    Pursuant to section 751(a)(2)(A) of the Act, and 19 CFR 351.212(b), 
Commerce has determined, and U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) 
shall assess, antidumping duties on all appropriate entries of subject 
merchandise in accordance with the final results of this review. 
Commerce intends to issue appropriate assessment instructions directly 
to CBP 15 days after publication of the final results of this 
administrative review. Commerce will assess duties only on entries of 
subject merchandise (i.e., Chinese-origin STR).
    Pursuant to Commerce's assessment practice, because we found it had 
no shipments, for all entries claiming RMB/IFI as the exporter or 
producer, Commerce will direct CBP to liquidate such entries and to 
assess antidumping duties pursuant to the Reseller Policy, i.e., at the 
rate for the China-wide entity.\15\

    \15\ See Non-Market Economy Antidumping Proceedings: Assessment 
of Antidumping Duties, 76 FR 65694 (October 24, 2011) (Reseller 

Cash Deposit Requirements

    The following cash deposit requirements will be effective upon 
publication of the final results of this

[[Page 57431]]

administrative review for all shipments of the subject merchandise from 
China entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, for consumption on or after 
the publication date, as provided for by section 751(a)(2)(C) of the 
Act: (1) For Fastenal Canada's Chinese-origin merchandise, the cash 
deposit rate will be 206.00 percent; (2) for previously investigated or 
reviewed Chinese and non-Chinese exporters not listed above that have 
separate rates, the cash deposit rate will continue to be the exporter-
specific rate published for the most recent period; (3) for all Chinese 
exporters of subject merchandise which have not been found to be 
entitled to a separate rate, the cash deposit rate will be the China-
wide rate of 206.00 percent; and (4) for all non-Chinese exporters of 
subject merchandise which have not received their own rate, the cash 
deposit rate will be the rate applicable to the Chinese exporters that 
supplied that non-Chinese exporter. These deposit requirements, when 
imposed, shall remain in effect until further notice.


    Normally, Commerce discloses to interested parties the calculations 
performed in connection with the final results within five days of its 
public announcement, or if there is no public announcement, within five 
days of the date of publication of this notice in accordance with 19 
CFR 351.224(b). However, because Commerce has not calculated a 
weighted-average dumping margin for any respondent, there are no 
calculations to disclose.

Notification to Importers

    This notice also serves as a final reminder to importers of their 
responsibility under 19 CFR 351.402(f)(2) to file a certificate 
regarding the reimbursement of antidumping duties prior to liquidation 
of the relevant entries during this review period. Failure to comply 
with this requirement could result in Commerce's presumption that 
reimbursement of antidumping duties occurred and the subsequent 
assessment of double antidumping duties.

Administrative Protective Order

    This notice also serves as a reminder to parties subject to 
administrative protective order (APO) of their responsibility 
concerning the return or destruction of proprietary information 
disclosed under the APO in accordance with 19 CFR 351.305(a)(3), which 
continues to govern business proprietary information in this segment of 
the proceeding. Timely written notification of the return or 
destruction of APO materials or conversion to judicial protective order 
is hereby requested. Failure to comply with the regulations and the 
terms of an APO is a violation subject to sanction.

Notification to Interested Parties

    We are issuing and publishing these results in accordance with 
sections 751(a)(1) and 777(i)(1) of the Act and 19 CFR 351.213(h) and 

    Dated: November 7, 2018.
Christian Marsh,
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and Compliance.


Issues and Decision Memorandum

I. Summary
II. Scope
III. Background
IV. Discussion of the Issue
    Comment: Alternative Name for Jiaxing Brother
V. Conclusion

[FR Doc. 2018-24942 Filed 11-14-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 221 / Thursday, November 15, 2018 / Notices                                                   57429

                                               notice serves as the only reminder to                   United States (HTSUS) subheadings                     DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
                                               parties subject to an APO of their                      7606.12.3045 and 7606.12.3055.
                                               responsibility concerning the                              Where the nominal and actual                       International Trade Administration
                                               destruction of proprietary information                  measurements vary, a product is within the
                                               disclosed under APO in accordance                       scope if application of either the nominal or         [A–570–932]
                                               with 19 CFR 351.305(a)(3). Timely                       actual measurement would place it within
                                                                                                       the scope based on the definitions set for the        Certain Steel Threaded Rod From the
                                               written notification of the return or
                                                                                                       above.                                                People’s Republic of China: Final
                                               destruction of APO materials, or
                                                                                                          Common alloy sheet is currently                    Results of Antidumping Duty
                                               conversion to judicial protective order,
                                                                                                       classifiable under HTSUS subheadings                  Administrative Review and Final
                                               is hereby requested. Failure to comply
                                                                                                       7606.11.3060, 7606.11.6000, 7606.12.3090,             Determination of No Shipments; 2016–
                                               with the regulations and terms of an
                                                                                                       7606.12.6000, 7606.91.3090, 7606.91.6080,             2017
                                               APO is a violation subject to sanction.
                                                                                                       7606.92.3090, and 7606.92.6080. Further,
                                               Notification to Interested Parties                      merchandise that falls within the scope of
                                                                                                                                                             AGENCY:   Enforcement and Compliance,
                                                                                                       these investigation may also be entered into          International Trade Administration,
                                                 This determination is issued and                                                                            Department of Commerce.
                                               published pursuant to sections 705(d)                   the United States under HTSUS subheadings
                                                                                                       7606.11.3030, 7606.12.3030, 7606.91.3060,             SUMMARY: The Department of Commerce
                                               and 777(i) of the Act.
                                                                                                       7606.91.6040, 7606.92.3060, 7606.92.6040,             (Commerce) finds that Jiaxing Brother
                                                 Dated: November 5, 2018.                              7607.11.9090. Although the HTSUS                      Fastener Co., Ltd. (Jiaxing Brother),
                                               Gary Taverman,                                          subheadings are provided for convenience              RMB Fasteners Ltd. (RMB), and IFI &
                                               Deputy Assistant Secretary for Antidumping              and customs purposes, the written                     Morgan Ltd. (IFI), collectively RMB/IFI,
                                               and Countervailing Duty Operations,                     description of the scope of this investigation        had no shipments during the period of
                                               performing the non-exclusive functions and              is dispositive.                                       review (POR), April 1, 2016, through
                                               duties of the Assistant Secretary for                                                                         March 31, 2017. We also continue to
                                               Enforcement and Compliance.                             Appendix II—List of Topics Discussed
                                                                                                                                                             find that Fastenal Canada Ltd. (Fastenal
                                                                                                       in the Issues and Decision
                                               Appendix I—Scope of the Investigation                                                                         Canada) did not cooperate to the best of
                                                                                                                                                             its ability and have based its margin on
                                                  The merchandise covered by the
                                               investigation is aluminum common alloy
                                                                                                       I. Summary                                            adverse facts available (AFA) for these
                                               sheet (common alloy sheet), which is a flat-            II. Background                                        final results.
                                               rolled aluminum product having a thickness              III. Final Determination of Critical                  DATES: Applicable November 15, 2018.
                                               of 6.3 mm or less, but greater than 0.2 mm,                   Circumstances, in Part
                                                                                                                                                             FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Paul
                                               in coils or cut-to-length, regardless of width.         IV. Scope of the Investigation
                                                                                                       V. Scope Comments
                                                                                                                                                             Walker, AD/CVD Operations, Office V,
                                               Common alloy sheet within the scope of the
                                               investigation includes both not clad                    VI. Subsidies Valuation Information                   Enforcement and Compliance,
                                               aluminum sheet, as well as multi-alloy, clad            VII. Benchmarks and Discount Rates                    International Trade Administration,
                                               aluminum sheet. With respect to not clad                VIII. Use of Facts Otherwise Available and            U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401
                                               aluminum sheet, common alloy sheet is                         Adverse Inferences                              Constitution Avenue NW, Washington,
                                               manufactured from a 1XXX-, 3XXX-, or                    IX. Analysis of Programs                              DC 20230; telephone: 202.482.0413.
                                               5XXX-series alloy as designated by the                  X. Analysis of Comments                               SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                               Aluminum Association. With respect to
                                                                                                          Comment 1: Whether Commerce’s Self-
                                               multi-alloy, clad aluminum sheet, common                                                                      Background
                                                                                                             Initiation of This Investigation Was
                                               alloy sheet is produced from a 3XXX-series
                                               core, to which cladding layers are applied to                 Lawful                                            On May 17, 2018, Commerce
                                               either one or both sides of the core.                      Comment 2: Whether Commerce’s                      published the Preliminary Results of the
                                                  Common alloy sheet may be made to                          Investigation of Critical Circumstances         antidumping duty order on certain steel
                                               ASTM specification B209–14, but can also be                   Was Lawful                                      threaded rod (STR) from the People’s
                                               made to other specifications. Regardless of                Comment 3: Whether To Make a Separate              Republic of China (China).1 In
                                               specification, however, all common alloy                      Critical Circumstances Determination for        accordance with 19 CFR 351.309, we
                                               sheet meeting the scope description is                        TCI                                             invited parties to comment on our
                                               included in the scope. Subject merchandise                 Comment 4: Whether Commerce Should                 Preliminary Results. On June 18, 2018,
                                               includes common alloy sheet that has been                     Continue To Apply AFA to the Export             RMB/IFI submitted its case brief.2 On
                                               further processed in a third country,                         Buyer’s Credit Program
                                               including but not limited to annealing,
                                                                                                                                                             June 19, 2018, RMB/IFI re-submitted its
                                                                                                          Comment 5: Whether Commerce’s Finding              case brief because the original brief
                                               tempering, painting, varnishing, trimming,                    That the Aluminum and Steal Coal
                                               cutting, punching, and/or slitting, or any                                                                    inadvertently included certain
                                                                                                             Markets Are Distorted Is Supported by
                                               other processing that would not otherwise                                                                     proprietary information in one of the
                                                                                                             Substantial Evidence
                                               remove the merchandise from the scope of                                                                      exhibits.3 On June 26, 2018, the
                                               the investigation if performed in the country              Comment 6: Whether Commerce Should
                                                                                                                                                             petitioner, Vulcan Threaded Products
                                               of manufacture of the common alloy sheet.                     Apply AFA to Yong Jie New Material’s
                                                                                                                                                             Inc., submitted its rebuttal brief.4 On
                                                  Excluded from the scope of the                                                                             September 12, 2018, Commerce
                                               investigation is aluminum can stock, which                 Comment 7: Whether Commerce Should
                                                                                                             Adjust Its Benefit Calculation for the          extended the deadline for the final
                                               is suitable for use in the manufacture of
                                               aluminum beverage cans, lids of such cans,                    Provision of Land for Less Than
                                                                                                                                                               1 See Certain Steel Threaded Rod from the
                                               or tabs used to open such cans. Aluminum                      Adequate Remuneration
                                               can stock is produced to gauges that range                 Comment 8: Whether Commerce Should                 People’s Republic of China: Preliminary Results of
khammond on DSK30JT082PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                                                                             the Antidumping Duty Administrative Review, and
                                               from 0.200 mm to 0.292 mm, and has an                         Apply AFA to Mingtai’s Financing                Rescission of Antidumping Duty Administrative
                                               H–19, H–41, H–48, or H–391 temper. In                      Comment 9: Whether Commerce Should                 Review; 2016–2017, 83 FR 22945 (May 17, 2018)
                                               addition, aluminum can stock has a lubricant                  Amend Its Preliminary Calculation for           (Preliminary Results) and accompanying
                                               applied to the flat surfaces of the can stock                 Subsidies Received by Mingtai                   Preliminary Decision Memorandum (PDM).
                                               to facilitate its movement through machines             XI. Recommendation
                                                                                                                                                               2 See RMB/IFI’s June 18, 2018 submission.

                                               used in the manufacture of beverage cans.                                                                       3 See RMB/IFI’s June 19, 2018 submission.

                                               Aluminum can stock is properly classified               [FR Doc. 2018–24867 Filed 11–14–18; 8:45 am]            4 The petitioner is Vulcan Threaded Products Inc.

                                               under Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the                 BILLING CODE 3510–DS–P                                See the petitioner’s June 26, 2018 submission.

                                          VerDate Sep<11>2014   16:53 Nov 14, 2018   Jkt 247001   PO 00000   Frm 00031   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\15NON1.SGM   15NON1

                                               57430                      Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 221 / Thursday, November 15, 2018 / Notices

                                               results to November 8, 2018.5 On                          this notice. The I&D Memo is a public                   Canada. Therefore, we have continued
                                               September 19, 2018, Commerce rejected                     document and is on file in the Central                  to apply AFA with respect to Fastenal
                                               RMB/IFI’s case brief because it                           Records Unit (CRU), Room B8024 of the                   Canada, and have continued to assign it
                                               contained new factual information.6 In                    main Commerce building, as well as                      an AFA rate of 206.00 percent.
                                               addition, on September 19, 2018,                          electronically via Enforcement and                      Moreover, we continue to find that
                                               Commerce rejected the petitioner’s                        Compliance’s Antidumping and                            Brother Holding Group Co. Ltd, and
                                               rebuttal brief because it contained new                   Countervailing Duty Centralized                         Zhejiang Morgan Brother Technology
                                               argument which did not rebut any                          Electronic Service System (ACCESS).                     Co. Ltd. are a part of the China-wide
                                               arguments made by RMB/IFI in its case                     ACCESS is available to registered users                 entity and subject to its rate of 206.00
                                               brief.7 On September 21, 2018, RMB/IFI                    at http://access.trade.gov and in the                   percent.14 Although in the Preliminary
                                               refiled its case brief.8 The petitioner did               CRU. In addition, a complete version of                 Results we found Jiaxing Brother
                                               not refile its rebuttal brief. To complete                the I&D Memo can be accessed directly                   Standard Part Co., Ltd. to be a part of
                                               the administrative record, Commerce                       on the internet at http://                              the China-wide entity, for these final
                                               requested that Jiaxing Brother submit a                   enforcement.trade.gov/frn/index.html.                   results, and as noted above, we find this
                                               no shipments certification, if it had no                  The signed I&D Memo and the                             company to be a part of RMB/IFI (which
                                               shipments during the POR.9 On October                     electronic versions of the I&D Memo are                 had no shipments during the POR), and
                                               31, 2018, Jiaxing Brother submitted a no                  identical in content.                                   that it is not a part of the China-wide
                                               shipments certification.10                                                                                        entity.
                                                 Commerce conducted this                                 Final Determination of No Shipments
                                               administrative review in accordance                                                                               Assessment Rates
                                                                                                            In the Preliminary Results, Commerce
                                               with section 751 of the Tariff Act of                     determined that RMB/IFI did not have                       Pursuant to section 751(a)(2)(A) of the
                                               1930, as amended (the Act).                               any reviewable transactions during the                  Act, and 19 CFR 351.212(b), Commerce
                                                                                                         POR. For these final results, we                        has determined, and U.S. Customs and
                                               Scope of the Order                                                                                                Border Protection (CBP) shall assess,
                                                                                                         continue to find that Jiaxing Brother is
                                                 The merchandise covered by the order                    a part of RMB/IFI,12 and that Jiaxing                   antidumping duties on all appropriate
                                               includes steel threaded rod. The subject                  Brother Standard Part Co., Ltd. is a                    entries of subject merchandise in
                                               merchandise is currently classifiable                     ‘‘doing-business-as’’ name for Jiaxing                  accordance with the final results of this
                                               under subheading 7318.15.5051,                            Brother.13 Moreover, consistent with                    review. Commerce intends to issue
                                               7318.15.5056, 7318.15.5090, and                           Commerce’s assessment practice in non-                  appropriate assessment instructions
                                               7318.15.2095 of the United States                         market economy (NME) cases, we                          directly to CBP 15 days after publication
                                               Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTSUS).                       completed the review with respect to                    of the final results of this administrative
                                               Although the HTSUS subheadings are                        RMB/IFI. Based on our analysis of the                   review. Commerce will assess duties
                                               provided for convenience and customs                                                                              only on entries of subject merchandise
                                                                                                         record information, including CBP
                                               purposes, our written description of the                                                                          (i.e., Chinese-origin STR).
                                                                                                         information, we continue to determine
                                               scope of the order, which is contained                                                                               Pursuant to Commerce’s assessment
                                                                                                         that RMB/IFI (a single entity that
                                               in the accompanying Issues and                                                                                    practice, because we found it had no
                                                                                                         includes Jiaxing Brother Standard Part
                                               Decision Memorandum (I&D Memo), is                                                                                shipments, for all entries claiming RMB/
                                                                                                         Co., Ltd./Jiaxing Brother Fastener Co.,
                                               dispositive.11                                                                                                    IFI as the exporter or producer,
                                                                                                         Ltd.) did not have any shipments during
                                                                                                                                                                 Commerce will direct CBP to liquidate
                                               Analysis of Comments Received                             the POR. As noted in the ‘‘Assessment
                                                                                                                                                                 such entries and to assess antidumping
                                                 We addressed the issue raised in                        Rates’’ section below, Commerce
                                                                                                                                                                 duties pursuant to the Reseller Policy,
                                               RMB/IFI’s case brief in the I&D Memo                      intends to issue appropriate instructions
                                                                                                                                                                 i.e., at the rate for the China-wide
                                               dated concurrently with, and hereby                       to CBP for the above-named companies                    entity.15
                                               adopted by, this notice. The issue it                     based on the final results of this review.
                                               raised is attached in the Appendix to                                                                             Cash Deposit Requirements
                                                                                                         Final Results
                                                                                                                                                                   The following cash deposit
                                                  5 See Memorandum to James Maeder, Associate              No interested party submitted                         requirements will be effective upon
                                               Deputy Assistant Secretary, from James C. Doyle,          comments on Commerce’s preliminary                      publication of the final results of this
                                               Director, ‘‘Certain Steel Threaded Rod from the           determination to apply AFA to Fastenal
                                               People’s Republic of China: Extension of Deadline
                                                                                                                                                                    14 The rate for the China-wide entity was set in
                                               for Final Results of 2016–2017 Antidumping Duty             12 Commerce    determined that Jiaxing Brother,       the investigation, see Certain Steel Threaded Rod
                                               Administrative Review,’’ dated September 12, 2018.
                                                  6 See Commerce’s letter to RMB/IFI dated
                                                                                                         RMB and IFI constituted a single entity in the          from the People’s Republic of China: Final
                                                                                                         investigation on steel threaded rod from China. See     Determination of Sales at Less than Fair Value, 74
                                               September 19, 2018.
                                                  7 See Commerce’s letter to the petitioner dated
                                                                                                         Certain Steel Threaded Rod from the People’s            FR 8907 (February 27, 2009). This rate has been
                                                                                                         Republic of China: Preliminary Determination of         applied in each subsequent administrative review
                                               September 19, 2018.                                       Sales at Less Than Fair Value, 73 FR 58931, 58932
                                                  8 See RMB/IFI’s September 21, 2018 submission
                                                                                                                                                                 in which there was a party considered as part of the
                                                                                                         (October 8, 2008), unchanged in Certain Steel           China-wide entity. Commerce’s policy regarding
                                               (RMB/IFI’s Case Brief).                                   Threaded Rod from the People’s Republic of China:       conditional review of the China-wide entity applies
                                                  9 See Commerce’s memo to the File, October 29,
                                                                                                         Final Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair          to this administrative review. See Antidumping
                                               2018.                                                     Value, 74 FR 8907 (February 27, 2009). We have          Proceedings: Announcement of Change in
                                                  10 See RMB/IFI’s October 31, 2018 submission.          received no information in this review to call into     Department Practice for Respondent Selection in
                                                  11 For a full description of the scope of the order,   question that finding and therefore continue to treat   Antidumping Duty Proceedings and Conditional
                                               see Memorandum from James Maeder, Associate               them as a single entity for purposes of this review.    Review of the Nonmarket Economy Entity in NME
                                               Deputy Assistant Secretary, to Gary Taverman,               13 See, e.g., Certain Steel Threaded Rod From the     Antidumping Duty Proceedings, 78 FR 65963
                                               Deputy Assistant Secretary for Antidumping and            People’s Republic of China: Preliminary Results and     (November 4, 2013). Under this policy, the China-
khammond on DSK30JT082PROD with NOTICES

                                               Countervailing Duty Operations, performing the            Partial Rescission of the Antidumping Duty              wide entity will not be under review unless a party
                                               non-exclusive functions and duties of the Assistant       Administrative Review; 2014–2015, 81 FR 29843           specifically requests, or Commerce self-initiates, a
                                               Secretary for Enforcement and Compliance,                 (May 13, 2016) and accompanying PDM at 1, 2,            review of the entity. Because no party requested a
                                               ‘‘Certain Steel Threaded Rod from the People’s            unchanged in Certain Steel Threaded Rod from the        review of the China-wide entity, the entity is not
                                               Republic of China: Issues and Decision                    People’s Republic of China: Final Results of            under review and the entity’s rate is not subject to
                                               Memorandum for the Final Results of the Eighth            Antidumping Duty Administrative Review; 2014–           change.
                                               Administrative Review’’ (I&D Memo), dated                 2015, 81 FR 83800 (November 22, 2016) and                  15 See Non-Market Economy Antidumping

                                               concurrently with, and hereby adopted by, this            accompanying IDM at 2; see also RMB/IFI’s October       Proceedings: Assessment of Antidumping Duties, 76
                                               notice.                                                   31, 2018 submission.                                    FR 65694 (October 24, 2011) (Reseller Policy).

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                                                                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 221 / Thursday, November 15, 2018 / Notices                                          57431

                                               administrative review for all shipments                 notification of the return or destruction             will be held from November 27, 2018–
                                               of the subject merchandise from China                   of APO materials or conversion to                     November 30, 2018. The meeting will
                                               entered, or withdrawn from warehouse,                   judicial protective order is hereby                   commence on November 27, 2018 at 10
                                               for consumption on or after the                         requested. Failure to comply with the                 a.m. Eastern Standard Time. Please see
                                               publication date, as provided for by                    regulations and the terms of an APO is                SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION for the
                                               section 751(a)(2)(C) of the Act: (1) For                a violation subject to sanction.                      daily meeting agenda.
                                               Fastenal Canada’s Chinese-origin                                                                              ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held in
                                               merchandise, the cash deposit rate will                 Notification to Interested Parties
                                                                                                                                                             the S.H. Clark Conference Room in the
                                               be 206.00 percent; (2) for previously                     We are issuing and publishing these                 Aquarium Building of the National
                                               investigated or reviewed Chinese and                    results in accordance with sections                   Marine Fisheries Service, Northeast
                                               non-Chinese exporters not listed above                  751(a)(1) and 777(i)(1) of the Act and 19             Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC), 166
                                               that have separate rates, the cash                      CFR 351.213(h) and 351.221(b)(5).                     Water Street, Woods Hole, MA 02543.
                                               deposit rate will continue to be the                      Dated: November 7, 2018.                            FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                               exporter-specific rate published for the                Christian Marsh,                                      James Weinberg, 508–495–2352; email:
                                               most recent period; (3) for all Chinese                 Deputy Assistant Secretary for Enforcement            james.weinberg@noaa.gov.
                                               exporters of subject merchandise which                  and Compliance.                                       SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: For
                                               have not been found to be entitled to a
                                                                                                       Appendix                                              further information, please visit the
                                               separate rate, the cash deposit rate will
                                                                                                                                                             NEFSC website at http://
                                               be the China-wide rate of 206.00                        Issues and Decision Memorandum                        www.nefsc.noaa.gov. For additional
                                               percent; and (4) for all non-Chinese                    I. Summary
                                               exporters of subject merchandise which                                                                        information about the SARC meeting
                                                                                                       II. Scope                                             and the stock assessment review, please
                                               have not received their own rate, the                   III. Background
                                               cash deposit rate will be the rate                                                                            visit the NMFS/NEFSC SAW web page
                                                                                                       IV. Discussion of the Issue
                                               applicable to the Chinese exporters that                                                                      at http://www.nefsc.noaa.gov/saw/.
                                                                                                          Comment: Alternative Name for Jiaxing
                                               supplied that non-Chinese exporter.                           Brother                                         Daily Meeting Agenda—SAW/SARC 66
                                               These deposit requirements, when                        V. Conclusion                                         Benchmark Stock Assessment for
                                               imposed, shall remain in effect until                   [FR Doc. 2018–24942 Filed 11–14–18; 8:45 am]          Summer Flounder and Striped Bass
                                               further notice.                                         BILLING CODE 3510–DS–P                                (Subject to Change; All Times Are
                                               Disclosure                                                                                                    Approximate and May Be Changed at
                                                                                                                                                             the Discretion of the SARC Chair)
                                                 Normally, Commerce discloses to                       DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
                                               interested parties the calculations                                                                           Tuesday, November 27, 2018
                                               performed in connection with the final                  National Oceanic and Atmospheric                      10 a.m.–10:45 a.m. Welcome
                                               results within five days of its public                  Administration                                            Introductions, James Weinberg,
                                               announcement, or if there is no public                  RIN 0648–XG233                                            SAW Chair; and Robert Latour,
                                               announcement, within five days of the                                                                             SARC Chair
                                               date of publication of this notice in                   Northeast Regional Stock Assessment                   10:45 a.m.–12:45 p.m. Summer
                                               accordance with 19 CFR 351.224(b).                      Workshop and Stock Assessment                             Flounder Assessment Presentation,
                                               However, because Commerce has not                       Review Committee Public Meeting                           Mark Terceiro
                                               calculated a weighted-average dumping                                                                         12:45 p.m.–1:45 p.m. Lunch
                                               margin for any respondent, there are no                 AGENCY:  National Marine Fisheries                    1:45 p.m.–3:45 p.m. Summer Flounder
                                               calculations to disclose.                               Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and                      Presentation (cont.), Mark Terceiro
                                                                                                       Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),                    3:45 p.m.–4 p.m. Break
                                               Notification to Importers                               Commerce.                                             4 p.m.–5:45 p.m. Summer Flounder
                                                 This notice also serves as a final                    ACTION: Notice of public meeting.                         SARC Discussion, Robert Latour,
                                               reminder to importers of their                                                                                    SARC Chair
                                               responsibility under 19 CFR                             SUMMARY:   NMFS and the Northeast                     5:45 p.m.–6 p.m. Public Comment
                                               351.402(f)(2) to file a certificate                     Regional Stock Assessment Workshop                        Period
                                               regarding the reimbursement of                          (SAW) will convene the 66th SAW
                                                                                                       Stock Assessment Review Committee                     Wednesday, November 28, 2018
                                               antidumping duties prior to liquidation
                                               of the relevant entries during this                     for the purpose of reviewing stock                    8:30 a.m.–10:30 a.m. Striped Bass
                                               review period. Failure to comply with                   assessments of Summer Flounder and                        Assessment Presentation, Katie
                                               this requirement could result in                        Striped Bass. The Northeast Regional                      Drew
                                                                                                       SAW is a formal scientific peer-review                10:30 a.m.–10:45 a.m. Break
                                               Commerce’s presumption that                                                                                   10:45 a.m.–12:30 a.m. Striped Bass
                                               reimbursement of antidumping duties                     process for evaluating and presenting
                                                                                                       stock assessment results to managers for                  presentation (cont.), Katie Drew
                                               occurred and the subsequent assessment                                                                        12:30–1:30 p.m.—Lunch
                                               of double antidumping duties.                           fish stocks in the offshore U.S. waters of
                                                                                                       the northwest Atlantic. Assessments are               1:30 p.m.–3:30 p.m. Striped Bass
                                               Administrative Protective Order                         prepared by SAW working groups and                        SARC Discussion, Robert Latour,
                                                                                                       reviewed by an independent panel of                       SARC Chair
                                                 This notice also serves as a reminder                                                                       3:30 p.m.–3:45 p.m. Public comments
                                               to parties subject to administrative                    stock assessment experts called the                   3:45 p.m.–4 p.m. Break
                                               protective order (APO) of their                         Stock Assessment Review Committee, or
khammond on DSK30JT082PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                                                                             4 p.m.–6 p.m. Revisit with Presenters
                                               responsibility concerning the return or                 SARC. The public is invited to attend                     (Summer Flounder), Robert Latour,
                                               destruction of proprietary information                  the presentations and discussions                         SARC Chair
                                               disclosed under the APO in accordance                   between the review panel and the
                                               with 19 CFR 351.305(a)(3), which                        scientists who have participated in the               Thursday, November 29, 2018
                                               continues to govern business                            stock assessment process.                             8:30 a.m.–10:30 a.m. Revisit with
                                               proprietary information in this segment                 DATES: The public portion of the Stock                    Presenters (Striped Bass), Robert
                                               of the proceeding. Timely written                       Assessment Review Committee Meeting                       Latour, SARC Chair

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Document Created: 2018-11-15 04:01:08
Document Modified: 2018-11-15 04:01:08
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
DatesApplicable November 15, 2018.
ContactPaul Walker, AD/CVD Operations, Office V, Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20230; telephone: 202.482.0413.
FR Citation83 FR 57429 

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