83_FR_57677 83 FR 57456 - List of Borrowers Who Have Defaulted on Their Health Education Assistance Loans

83 FR 57456 - List of Borrowers Who Have Defaulted on Their Health Education Assistance Loans


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 221 (November 15, 2018)

Page Range57456-57467
FR Document2018-25000

Federal Student Aid (FSA), as required by the Public Health Service Act (the Act) is publishing this list of Health Education Assistance Loan (HEAL) borrowers who have defaulted on their loans as of June 30, 2018. This information is also made available for use by organizations authorized by the Act.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 221 (Thursday, November 15, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 221 (Thursday, November 15, 2018)]
[Pages 57456-57467]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-25000]



List of Borrowers Who Have Defaulted on Their Health Education 
Assistance Loans

AGENCY: Federal Student Aid, Department of Education.

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: Federal Student Aid (FSA), as required by the Public Health 
Service Act (the Act) is publishing this list of Health Education 
Assistance Loan (HEAL) borrowers who have defaulted on their loans as 
of June 30, 2018. This information is also made available for

[[Page 57457]]

use by organizations authorized by the Act.

    For Defaulted HEAL Borrowers with Account-Related Questions: A 
borrower who is in default on a HEAL program loan and who has an 
account-related question should contact: Accounting Services, Debt 
Collection Center, Mailstop 10230B, 7700 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 8-
8110D, Bethesda, MD 20857. Telephone: (301) 492-4664.
    For General HEAL Information: For general HEAL program questions, 
contact Tawana Lewis: Telephone: (844) 509-8957. Email: HEAL@ed.gov.
    For Organizations Requesting HEAL Defaulted Borrower Information or 
Confirmation under Section 709(c)(2) of the Act (42 U.S.C. 292h(c)(2)): 
To request information related to a HEAL defaulted borrower or 
confirmation of the borrower's default status, contact the HEAL program 
team: Telephone: (844) 509-8957. Email: HEAL@ed.gov.
    If you use a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) or a text 
telephone (TTY), call the Federal Relay Service, toll free, at 1-800-

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: From fiscal year 1978 through fiscal year 
1998, the HEAL program insured loans made by participating lenders to 
eligible graduate students in schools of medicine, osteopathy, 
dentistry, veterinary medicine, optometry, podiatry, public health, 
pharmacy, and chiropractic, and in programs in health administration 
and clinical psychology. Authorization for new HEAL program loans was 
discontinued on September 30, 1998.
    Under division H, title V, section 525 of the Consolidated 
Appropriations Act, 2014 (Pub. L. 113-76), and title VII, part A, 
subpart I of the Public Health Service Act, the authority to administer 
the HEAL program, including servicing, collecting, and enforcing any 
loans made under the HEAL program that remain outstanding, was 
transferred from the Secretary of Health and Human Services to the 
Secretary of Education effective July 1, 2014. The Act and a system of 
records notice published in the Federal Register on August 4, 2018 (83 
FR 40264), permits the publishing of the list of HEAL borrowers who 
have defaulted on their loans.
    Information on the HEAL program is available on the Department of 
Education's Information for Financial Aid Professionals (IFAP) website 
at: www.ifap.ed.gov.
    List of Defaulters: The Appendix at the end of this notice provides 
the names and other information of borrowers who have defaulted on 
their HEAL program loans as of June 30, 2018. Specifically, the 
Appendix includes the borrower's name, last known city and State of 
residence, area of practice, and the total amount due on the HEAL debt. 
The Department publishes this information in order to correctly 
identify the person in default and to provide relevant information to 
the authorized recipients of this information, such as State licensing 
boards and hospitals.
    In accordance with section 709(c)(2) of the Act (42 U.S.C. 
292h(c)(2)), FSA will provide the information included in this Federal 
Register notice and updated information on the borrower's default 
status, to relevant Federal agencies, and to schools, school 
associations, professional and specialty associations, State licensing 
boards, hospitals with which listed borrowers may be associated, and 
other relevant organizations, upon written request to the email address 
listed under FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT. Any written request must 
be on the letterhead of the organization making the request.
    Accessible Format: Individuals with disabilities can obtain this 
document in an accessible format (e.g., braille, large print, 
audiotape, or compact disc) by contacting the HEAL program team: 
Telephone: (844) 509-8957. Email: HEAL@ed.gov.
    Electronic Access to This Document: The official version of this 
document is the document published in the Federal Register. You may 
access the official edition of the Federal Register and the Code of 
Federal Regulations via the Federal Digital System at: www.thefederalregister.org/fdsys. At this site you can view this document, as well as all other 
documents of this Department published in the Federal Register, in text 
or Portable Document Format (PDF). To use PDF you must have Adobe 
Acrobat Reader, which is available free at the site.
    You may also access documents of the Department published in the 
Federal Register by using the article search feature at: 
www.federalregister.gov. Specifically, through the advanced search 
feature at this site, you can limit your search to documents published 
by the Department.

    Program Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1070b et seq. and 1087aa et seq.; 
42 U.S.C. 2751 et seq. and 42 U.S.C. 292h(c)(1).

    Dated: November 9, 2018.
James F. Manning,
Acting Chief Operating Officer, Federal Student Aid.


Federal Student Aid

U.S. Department of Education

                                      Health Education Assistance Loan Defaulters by Last Name as of June 30, 2018
           Last name                 First name           Mi             City              State          Discipline       Date reported    Amount due
Abe............................  Gregory...........  N..........  Tujunga...........  CA              PHA                      1/21/1998         $70,973
Ackley.........................  Brainard..........  L..........  Kitty Hawk........  NC              CHM                      1/21/1998          22,784
Acosta-Delgado.................  Feliberto.........  D..........  Bronx.............  NY              DEN                       3/1/1999          91,821
Adams..........................  Stephen...........  ...........  League City.......  TX              CHM                       3/1/1999          88,433
Addison Sr.....................  Michael...........  A..........  Allendale.........  SC              CHM                      2/14/2013           9,702
Adeli..........................  Mojgan............  E..........  Los Angeles.......  CA              DEN                       3/1/1999         137,885
Adkins.........................  Margo.............  M..........  Austin............  TX              MED                      1/21/1998         814,047
Aiken..........................  Richard...........  F..........  Playa Del Rey.....  CA              CHM                      8/21/2015          83,805
Al-Amin........................  Ihsaan............  ...........  Ringgold..........  GA              MED                      11/2/2000          92,759
Alana..........................  Manuela...........  L..........  Pharr.............  TX              POD                      9/24/2014         240,556
Alden..........................  Thomas............  E..........  Cambridge.........  MA              CHM                      11/2/2000         125,854
Allen..........................  John..............  S..........  Kingford..........  MI              OPT                       2/2/2018          42,077
Allen..........................  Lawrence..........  P..........  Temecula..........  CA              CHM                      7/31/1998         332,963
Alter..........................  Dale..............  N..........  Lafayette.........  CA              MED                       2/5/2009         423,417
Anderson.......................  Angela............  J..........  Torrance..........  CA              MED                      1/21/1998         165,750
Anderson.......................  Gwendolyn.........  ...........  Lansdowne.........  PA              POD                      1/21/1998         267,198
Anyaji.........................  George............  I..........  San Diego.........  CA              MED                      4/25/2014         121,135
Armstrong......................  Daniel............  J..........  San Francisco.....  CA              CHM                      5/17/1999         151,399
Arnesen........................  Douglas...........  W..........  Atascadero........  CA              CHM                      5/17/1999          52,715

[[Page 57458]]

Ayoola-Archie..................  Olatokunbo........  M..........  Lancaster.........  CA              MED                     11/12/2013          49,724
Azcueta........................  Justina...........  Q..........  San Jose..........  CA              DEN                       5/7/2013         154,820
Bacon..........................  Pamela............  M..........  Hollister.........  MO              DEN                      5/17/1999         243,204
Baez...........................  Ana...............  V..........  Somerset..........  NJ              DEN                      5/14/2002         147,799
Bahadue........................  George............  P..........  Hialeah...........  FL              OST                       3/1/1999         253,815
Baird..........................  Curtis............  J..........  Yucaipa...........  CA              MED                      5/14/2002         111,709
Baker..........................  Gale..............  ...........  Olympia Flds......  IL              DEN                      5/17/2001          73,494
Baker..........................  Walter............  A..........  Mill Valley.......  CA              DEN                      5/11/2005         436,467
Ball JR........................  Thomas............  ...........  Detroit...........  MI              POD                     11/12/2013         111,033
Baranco........................  Patricia..........  E..........  Lake Charles......  LA              DEN                       3/1/1999         830,242
Baratta........................  George............  ...........  Danville..........  CA              CHM                      11/2/2000          29,333
Barber.........................  Mildred...........  L..........  Washington........  DC              MED                     11/14/2007         151,119
Barnes.........................  De Elward.........  F..........  Los Angeles.......  CA              CHM                     11/10/2004          54,021
Barnett........................  Brian.............  D..........  Pearland..........  TX              CHM                      1/21/1998          80,454
Barney.........................  Thomas............  W..........  Signal Mountain...  TN              CHM                      8/22/2017          46,616
Barrows........................  Joni..............  ...........  Newmarket.........  NH              DEN                      5/19/2009         640,705
Bayles.........................  Jay...............  C..........  Westlake Village..  CA              CHM                      8/11/2005         121,268
Bear...........................  Todd..............  L..........  Houston...........  TX              CHM                      9/24/2014          76,941
Beckford.......................  Audrey............  L..........  East Orange.......  NJ              OST                      2/15/2002          72,800
Bennett........................  Kathy.............  ...........  Caldwell..........  ID              CHM                      8/12/2016          82,567
Bentley JR.....................  James.............  W..........  Van Nuys..........  CA              DEN                      8/12/2016          25,463
Bergstrom......................  Eric..............  R..........  Anaheim Hills.....  CA              CHM                       5/7/2013          33,459
Bertin.........................  Michael...........  W..........  West Bloomfield...  MI              DEN                      1/21/1998          12,673
Bertsch........................  Dar...............  A..........  Santa Cruz........  CA              CHM                      4/25/2014          40,301
Bettis.........................  Gail..............  M..........  Bellrose..........  NY              DEN                      1/21/1998          95,004
Biosah-Coleman.................  Ada...............  N..........  Houston...........  TX              PUB                      9/24/2014          50,082
Bittenbender...................  Robert............  G..........  Clarks Summit.....  PA              CHM                      11/7/2001          42,971
Bland JR.......................  Henry.............  N..........  Jacksonville......  FL              DEN                      5/14/2002         241,584
Blase..........................  Richard...........  M..........  Worcester.........  MA              DEN                      1/21/1998         446,738
Bolton.........................  Paul..............  K..........  Kansas City.......  MO              CHM                      11/2/2000         128,654
Booher.........................  Janette...........  L..........  South San           CA              CHM                       2/1/2001          63,962
Boshes.........................  Perri.............  D..........  Deerfield Beach...  FL              CHM                      1/21/1998          65,201
Bowman.........................  Jeffrey...........  S..........  Salt Lake City....  UT              CHM                      1/21/1998          22,309
Brandt.........................  Susan.............  J..........  Winston Salem.....  NC              MED                       7/6/2012          98,819
Brantley.......................  Carl..............  E..........  Houston...........  TX              DEN                      9/24/2014          43,100
Breazeale......................  Michael...........  E..........  Marietta..........  GA              CHM                      1/21/1998         319,438
Brodie.........................  Douglas...........  K..........  San Antonio.......  TX              DEN                      1/21/1998         370,733
Brodsky........................  Barbara...........  L..........  San Francisco.....  CA              CHM                      1/21/1998          21,274
Bronk..........................  Brian.............  R..........  Santa Monica......  CA              CHM                      1/21/1998          73,217
Broussard......................  Charlotte.........  R..........  Carrollton........  TX              CHM                      11/2/2000          23,760
Broussard......................  Linda.............  C..........  Los Angeles.......  CA              CHM                      2/10/2011          13,258
Brown..........................  Darla.............  J..........  Highlands.........  TX              CHM                      1/21/1998         417,880
Brown..........................  Jeffrey...........  T..........  Laguna Niguel.....  CA              CHM                      11/7/2001          31,645
Brown-Collins..................  Jannas............  E..........  Columbia..........  SC              DEN                      5/31/2018         558,493
Bruyning.......................  Edwin.............  F..........  Miami.............  FL              DEN                      1/21/1998         331,250
Buchta.........................  Joseph............  F..........  Bradenton.........  FL              DEN                      7/26/2018          35,208
Buchwald-Heilig................  Bonnie............  I..........  Tucson............  AZ              CHM                      1/21/1998          44,173
Buford.........................  John..............  I..........  Philadelphia......  PA              OST                      5/17/2001          67,880
Bui............................  Khai..............  T..........  Springfield.......  MA              DEN                      8/16/2006         116,675
Bulen..........................  Jerry.............  L..........  Brandon...........  FL              OST                      2/28/2005         183,071
Bunce..........................  Christine.........  T..........  Sonoma............  CA              CPY                       2/1/2001         182,337
Burke-Lundy....................  Elaine............  I..........  Davie.............  FL              MED                      5/16/2011          40,447
Caballero......................  Jorge.............  R..........  Los Angeles.......  CA              CHM                      1/21/1998         262,521
Cabrera........................  Cecilia...........  I..........  Pembroke Pines....  FL              OPT                       2/5/2009          21,020
Cabrera........................  Dakila............  ...........  Fairfield.........  CA              CHM                      8/17/2012           4,876
Caldwell.......................  William...........  G..........  Concord...........  MA              DEN                      5/14/2002         111,009
Calix..........................  Raul..............  O..........  Lennox............  CA              CHM                      5/16/2011          11,471
Campanale......................  Paul..............  R..........  Jacksonville......  FL              CHM                      1/21/1998          90,362
Canillas.......................  Gregorio..........  L..........  Long Beach........  CA              CPY                      5/16/2011          74,564
Caporaso.......................  Nicholas..........  G..........  West Liberty......  OH              CHM                       2/1/2001          35,352
Caputo.........................  Francesco.........  J..........  Plainview.........  NY              CHM                       7/6/2012         253,184
Cardenas-Cuyuche...............  Ines..............  B..........  Los Angeles.......  CA              CHM                     11/18/2011          22,422
Carlos.........................  Lester............  B..........  San Leandro.......  CA              CHM                       8/5/2004          71,956
Carney.........................  Timothy...........  M..........  East Patchogue....  NY              CHM                     11/26/2012          34,116
Carpenter......................  Richard...........  P..........  Saginaw...........  MI              CHM                      1/21/1998          47,308
Carrie.........................  Thomas............  T..........  Mount Vernon......  NY              MED                       3/1/1999         344,043
Carthen........................  Michael...........  ...........  Brooklyn..........  NY              POD                      1/21/1998         361,705
Castaline......................  Perren............  V..........  Canyon Country....  CA              CHM                      8/11/2005         139,473
Castellanos....................  Loretta...........  M..........  Key Biscayne......  FL              DEN                       2/3/2014         264,343
Castro.........................  Henry.............  G..........  Corpus Christi....  TX              CHM                      5/20/2004          54,055
Caulkins.......................  Robert............  M..........  Shrewsbury........  MA              MED                       8/5/2004         491,128
Cha............................  Chris.............  S..........  Garden Grove......  CA              DEN                     11/12/1999         328,352

[[Page 57459]]

Chalgujian.....................  Hilda.............  A..........  Palm Desert.......  CA              CPY                      5/16/2011         140,162
Chen...........................  Syng-Fu...........  F..........  Pls Vrds Pnsl.....  CA              MED                      5/20/2004          52,655
Cheney.........................  Julian............  L..........  Reseda............  CA              CHM                      1/21/1998           8,863
Choe...........................  Kevin.............  K..........  Lakewood..........  CA              CHM                      1/21/1998          14,082
Choi...........................  Seong.............  Y..........  Diamond Bar.......  CA              DEN                       3/1/1999         153,124
Christian......................  Roy...............  P..........  Saratoga..........  CA              DEN                       7/6/2012          68,274
Christiansen...................  John..............  C..........  Taylorsville......  UT              CHM                      5/19/2009          80,706
Clark..........................  Garth.............  A..........  Humble............  TX              MED                      8/10/2001         141,391
Cleere.........................  Carrol............  E..........  Tulsa.............  OK              CHM                      1/21/1998         222,263
Clifton........................  Rhea..............  S..........  Dallas............  TX              CHM                       8/5/2004           8,379
Cline..........................  Sherri............  L..........  Sylmar............  CA              OST                      1/21/1998          13,253
Clouse.........................  William...........  J..........  San Antonio.......  TX              POD                       3/1/1999         215,811
Coate..........................  Linda.............  ...........  Reno..............  NV              CHM                      11/9/2010         175,728
Cobrin.........................  Bettina...........  B..........  Marina Del Rey....  CA              CPY                      1/21/1998         255,345
Coleman JR.....................  Harold............  J..........  Tacoma............  WA              DEN                      5/16/2011         269,018
Collier........................  George............  R..........  Ponderay..........  ID              DEN                      1/21/1998         275,006
Collier........................  William...........  F..........  Sandpoint.........  ID              CHM                      1/21/1998         229,587
Collins JR.....................  Gail..............  W..........  Fullerton.........  CA              OPT                       3/1/1999          33,320
Connaughton....................  Edward............  M..........  Hermosa Beach.....  CA              CHM                      8/12/2016          39,098
Connor.........................  Kenneth...........  J..........  Newport Beach.....  CA              CHM                      11/7/2001          80,438
Conway.........................  Walter............  A..........  Sanford...........  FL              DEN                      5/16/2011         207,156
Cook...........................  Ian...............  K..........  Christiansted.....  VI              POD                       2/8/2017         175,572
Cook...........................  Karen.............  ...........  Sedona............  AZ              CHM                       7/6/2012         467,828
Cooke..........................  Courtney..........  W..........  Studio City.......  CA              CHM                      5/18/2010          47,520
Coombs.........................  Timothy...........  R..........  Anaheim...........  CA              CHM                      5/15/2000         116,126
Cooney.........................  Carey.............  E..........  Eugene............  OR              DEN                      1/21/1998          41,996
Coonts.........................  Terry.............  A..........  Eldorado Springs..  MO              CHM                      2/17/2000          31,340
Cooper.........................  April.............  D..........  Hazel Crest.......  IL              MED                      1/21/1998         444,062
Corcoran.......................  Jamie.............  M..........  New York..........  NY              DEN                      4/24/1998         518,968
Cothran........................  Lonnie............  A..........  Shady Point.......  OK              CHM                     11/12/1999         231,237
Cox............................  Michael...........  A..........  Oakland...........  CA              CHM                     11/15/2005          25,521
Cummins........................  David.............  F..........  St Michael          FC              DEN                      1/21/1998         149,932
Curtin.........................  Michael...........  M..........  Fairfax...........  CA              CHM                      1/21/1998          36,462
Cutts..........................  David.............  P..........  Temecula..........  CA              DEN                      1/21/1998         202,054
Danchisin......................  Drew..............  M..........  Oakland...........  CA              CHM                      5/16/2011         120,592
Daniels........................  Peter.............  J..........  San Jose..........  CA              CHM                      2/20/2007          97,949
Danielsdixon...................  Darlene...........  T..........  Bloomfield Hills..  MI              DEN                      9/24/2014         194,818
Darrow.........................  Victoria..........  L..........  Boca Raton........  FL              CHM                     11/26/2012         132,598
Davalos........................  Steven............  M..........  Carmel Valley.....  CA              CHM                       8/1/2000          50,364
Davidson.......................  Blake.............  L..........  Richardson........  TX              CHM                       8/5/2004          49,395
Davis..........................  Mary..............  L..........  Ypsilanti.........  MI              OPT                       3/1/1999          71,678
Davisson.......................  Mark..............  J..........  Napa..............  CA              CHM                       3/1/1999          63,532
Davitiashvili..................  Nodari............  ...........  Rego Park.........  NY              DEN                     11/12/2013         153,007
De Jesus-Miranda...............  Luis..............  A..........  Fajardo...........  PR              OPT                      5/14/2002         104,273
Deck...........................  Robert............  E..........  Crowley...........  TX              CHM                      2/14/2013          58,470
Deleonardis....................  Michael...........  S..........  Houston...........  TX              MED                      8/10/2001         112,440
Demaria........................  Lynn..............  A..........  Albany............  NY              MED                       2/2/2018          79,431
Dennis.........................  Gwenda............  B..........  Aliso Viejo.......  CA              MED                      5/14/2016         130,868
Densmore.......................  Robert............  D..........  Tampa.............  FL              CHM                      8/17/2007          49,331
Derbonne.......................  John..............  R..........  Lake Jackson......  TX              CHM                      9/24/2014          47,152
Dewitt.........................  Eldon.............  L..........  Palm City.........  FL              CHM                       2/5/2009         136,872
Dhaliwal.......................  Emaline...........  K..........  Riverside.........  CA              CHM                      1/21/1998          16,202
Diaz...........................  James.............  A..........  Redwood Valley....  CA              CHM                      8/22/2017          15,049
Diesen.........................  James.............  D..........  Jacksonville......  FL              CHM                      1/21/1998         424,985
Difiore JR.....................  William...........  E..........  Fountain Valley...  CA              CHM                      1/21/1998          69,939
Dinh...........................  Michael...........  K..........  Mcallen...........  TX              CHM                      9/24/2014          11,745
Ditroia........................  Frederick.........  ...........  Warrington........  PA              DEN                      1/21/1998          60,913
Dominic........................  Anthony...........  J..........  Manasquan.........  NJ              MED                      2/15/2002          53,174
Dominicis......................  Beth..............  A..........  Lake Arrowhead....  CA              CHM                       2/1/2001          26,090
Doom...........................  Randolph..........  H..........  Murrells Inlet....  SC              CHM                      8/17/2012         153,389
Dorian.........................  Saro..............  S..........  Glendale..........  CA              CHM                      11/7/2001          35,408
Dructor........................  James.............  D..........  Pittsburgh........  PA              MED                      8/10/2001          68,756
Dudley.........................  Raynold...........  R..........  Houston...........  TX              PHA                      1/21/1998         113,654
Dungan.........................  Kim...............  V..........  Fort Lauderdale...  FL              CHM                     11/14/2007         116,348
Dupuis.........................  Kenneth...........  J..........  Orono.............  ME              CHM                      5/14/2002         185,691
Durham.........................  Ricky.............  L..........  Houston...........  TX              CHM                      1/21/1998         235,063
Dwight.........................  Benton............  J..........  Albuquerque.......  NM              PHA                      7/26/2018          19,191
Dykeman........................  Peter.............  J..........  Hawthorne.........  CA              CHM                      1/21/1998         130,989
Elbayar........................  Nader.............  K..........  Port Washington...  NY              POD                      1/21/1998         146,871
Elder..........................  Terry.............  M..........  Glendale Heights..  IL              CHM                       8/1/2000         285,346
Eli............................  Desiree...........  D..........  Soquel............  CA              CHM                      1/21/1998          76,131
Ellis..........................  Mark..............  S..........  Miami.............  FL              POD                      2/17/2000         131,222

[[Page 57460]]

Emerson........................  Edwin.............  A..........  Selden............  NY              CHM                      1/21/1998         230,297
Engel..........................  Rob...............  L..........  Garden Grove......  CA              CHM                      2/17/2000          28,928
Ensminger......................  Aletha............  M..........  Carmichael........  CA              DEN                      11/9/2010          98,256
Epstein........................  Judy..............  J..........  Carlsbad..........  CA              CPY                      2/17/2000         157,799
Eslao..........................  Caesar............  G..........  Carson............  CA              DEN                      1/21/1998         155,211
Esmailbeigui...................  Babak.............  ...........  Pacific Palisades.  CA              DEN                      9/24/2014           9,895
Etienne........................  Fernande..........  ...........  West Palm Beach...  FL              POD                      5/11/2006         169,876
Etumnu.........................  Patrick...........  C..........  Houston...........  TX              CHM                      9/24/2014          28,338
Evans..........................  William...........  L..........  Spring............  TX              CHM                      9/24/2014          96,900
Fabricant......................  Michael...........  J..........  Fort Lauderdale...  FL              CHM                      1/21/1998         244,115
Fair...........................  David.............  F..........  Knoxville.........  TN              CHM                       3/1/1999         144,068
Falkinburg.....................  Rory..............  D..........  Point Pleasant      NJ              CHM                      7/26/2018          88,644
Fallman........................  James.............  M..........  Victorville.......  CA              CHM                      5/15/2000          50,055
Falth-Vanvollenhoven...........  Annika............  M..........  San Francisco.....  CA              MED                       3/1/1999         135,313
Fanizzi........................  Thomas............  ...........  Brightwaters......  NY              POD                      4/24/1998         496,827
Farris.........................  Farral............  W..........  Wichita Falls.....  TX              CHM                      5/15/2000          64,596
Fayazfar.......................  Mitra.............  ...........  Oak Park..........  CA              CHM                      11/7/2001          28,943
Feinman........................  Brian.............  M..........  Tampa.............  FL              POD                      2/20/2007         723,646
Fenton.........................  Mark..............  A..........  Van Nuys..........  CA              CHM                      5/11/2006          97,464
Fiore..........................  James.............  P..........  Santa Ana.........  CA              CHM                      8/10/2001          70,010
Fletcher.......................  Leonard...........  G..........  Corona............  CA              MED                      8/21/2015          74,818
Flores.........................  Otto..............  O..........  Antario...........  CA              CHM                      1/21/1998         171,824
Fluck..........................  Dennis............  W..........  New Tripoli.......  PA              OST                     10/30/2003         296,668
Flunker........................  Edward............  J..........  Houston...........  TX              CHM                      8/12/2016          13,287
Ford...........................  Thomas............  M..........  Yorba Linda.......  CA              CHM                       2/1/2001          19,208
Formaker.......................  James.............  W..........  West Hollywood....  CA              DEN                      1/21/1998         107,683
Fox............................  Carl..............  A..........  Dana Point........  CA              CHM                      5/11/2005         112,315
Franco.........................  Michael...........  G..........  Glendale..........  CA              MED                       3/3/2015         211,960
Francus........................  Irwin.............  N..........  East Northport....  NY              CHM                      4/24/1998         424,063
Franks.........................  Michael...........  A..........  Wharton...........  TX              CHM                      9/24/2014          28,047
Fridrick.......................  Tim...............  P..........  Las Vegas.........  NV              CHM                      1/21/1998          67,142
Friedman.......................  Marc..............  H..........  Huntington Beach..  CA              POD                      8/12/2016          56,045
Frigard........................  Scott.............  N..........  Marietta..........  GA              CHM                      1/21/1998           7,232
Fulton.........................  William...........  C..........  Oakland...........  CA              CPY                      11/7/2001          78,029
Funcia.........................  Ana...............  T..........  Miami.............  FL              DEN                       2/1/2001         200,576
Gaber..........................  Alan..............  M..........  Levittown.........  PA              DEN                      5/14/2002          59,493
Gain...........................  John..............  J..........  Wilmington........  DE              MED                       5/2/2003         347,905
Galliher.......................  Jack..............  T..........  Brea..............  CA              OPT                      11/7/2001           3,520
Gallucci.......................  Don...............  A..........  Malden............  MA              DEN                       3/1/1999         148,868
Gasso..........................  Joaquin...........  A..........  Hialeah...........  FL              CHM                      1/21/1998         262,093
Gaydos.........................  Richard...........  F..........  Fontana...........  CA              CHM                      11/7/2001          67,231
Gdula..........................  William...........  J..........  Brookline.........  MA              MED                      5/16/2011          18,724
Genna..........................  Stephen...........  A..........  Bayville..........  NY              DEN                      7/26/2018          39,775
Ghalbi.........................  Abdollnasser......  ...........  Santa Ana.........  CA              CHM                      5/14/2002          39,769
Gifford........................  Craig.............  P..........  Keller............  TX              DEN                      2/17/2000         103,506
Gilyot.........................  Glenn.............  D..........  New Orleans.......  LA              DEN                      2/15/2002         301,766
Giorgio........................  Stephen...........  R..........  Middle Island.....  NY              CHM                      7/26/2018          25,427
Gipson.........................  Bruce.............  C..........  Easton............  PA              CHM                      5/14/2016          25,533
Giventer.......................  Alex..............  ...........  Los Angeles.......  CA              CHM                      5/16/2011          69,946
Glick..........................  Stanley...........  B..........  Pasadena..........  CA              OPT                      1/21/1998           7,072
Gloshinski.....................  Laura.............  E..........  Lakeland..........  FL              CHM                      1/21/1998         146,266
Goldbeck.......................  Donald............  E..........  Woodland Hills....  CA              CHM                      8/12/2016          99,442
Gomes..........................  Steven............  P..........  Santa Rosa........  CA              CHM                      4/24/1998          51,562
Gomez..........................  Meneleo...........  P..........  Glendale..........  CA              DEN                      5/15/2000         279,168
Gonzalez.......................  Maria.............  E..........  East Rockaway.....  NY              DEN                      5/15/2000          73,671
Goodman........................  William...........  D..........  Thorp.............  WI              DEN                      1/21/1998          32,914
Goodwin........................  Randall...........  J..........  Satanta...........  KS              CHM                       7/6/2012         103,679
Gosa-Kersee....................  Angela............  J..........  Chicago...........  IL              DEN                       3/1/1999         278,716
Gottschling....................  Carl..............  F..........  Cleveland.........  OH              MED                      11/7/2001         153,772
Grant..........................  Terry.............  E..........  Hempstead.........  NY              DEN                       2/1/2001          77,076
Gray...........................  David.............  M..........  San Francisco.....  CA              POD                       3/2/2004          68,566
Greeno.........................  Vincent...........  A..........  Bolton............  MA              CHM                      2/28/2005          61,130
Greeson-Cargioli...............  Leisa.............  A..........  Noblesville.......  IN              CHM                      7/26/2018          36,314
Gregory........................  Thomas............  M..........  Brentwood.........  NY              CHM                      8/22/2017         333,793
Gregory........................  Todd..............  A..........  Pismo Beach.......  CA              CHM                      1/21/1998          52,281
Gregson........................  Randall...........  ...........  Kailua............  HI              CHM                      8/22/2017          95,606
Grenier........................  Paul..............  S..........  Viroqua...........  WI              CHM                       8/9/2010          51,904
Grobes.........................  Preston...........  R..........  Newport News......  VA              PHA                      7/26/2018           2,798
Grob-Mick......................  Renee.............  J..........  Dover.............  DE              MED                      5/31/2018          39,307
Grossman.......................  Brian.............  W..........  Tulra.............  CA              CPY                      8/12/2016          92,891
Gulas..........................  Carl..............  M..........  Los Gatos.........  CA              CHM                     11/18/2011          42,324
Gulla..........................  Peter.............  B..........  Colorado Springs..  CO              CHM                     11/17/2009          17,102

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Gutierrez......................  Celso.............  ...........  Arlington.........  TX              CHM                      8/12/2016          28,724
Guyer..........................  Larry.............  G..........  Santa Rosa........  CA              CHM                      11/7/2001          42,653
Gyaami.........................  Opanin............  ...........  Vacaville.........  CA              DEN                       8/5/2004         400,658
Hahn...........................  Peter.............  S..........  Placentia.........  CA              CHM                      1/21/1998          40,778
Haines.........................  Steven............  M..........  Jackson...........  NJ              CHM                       3/1/1999          58,506
Hall...........................  Pamela............  A..........  Fort Lauderdale...  FL              CPY                      8/17/2007         196,708
Hamilton.......................  Cynthia...........  R..........  Chino Hills.......  CA              MED                      5/16/2011          40,585
Hampton........................  Jubal.............  ...........  Long Beach........  CA              POD                     11/12/1999         105,386
Hankins........................  Dean..............  G..........  Anaheim...........  CA              CHM                      8/12/2016          93,346
Hankins........................  Douglas...........  A..........  Anaheim...........  CA              CHM                      8/22/2017          56,937
Hansen.........................  Kristen...........  T..........  Washington........  UT              CHM                       2/6/2003         115,447
Harness-Lewis..................  Donita............  M..........  Bainbridge........  GA              CPY                      2/17/2000          57,757
Harp...........................  Richard...........  B..........  Hacienda Heights..  CA              CHM                      8/10/2011          24,380
Harris.........................  Conrad............  W..........  Washington........  DC              DEN                      1/21/1998         130,076
Harrison.......................  Rodney............  B..........  Claremont.........  CA              DEN                      5/19/2009         433,772
Hashemi........................  Keyvan............  ...........  San Jose..........  CA              DEN                      1/19/2017          59,076
Hasley.........................  Steven............  J..........  Melbourne.........  FL              CHM                      2/28/2005          76,910
Hassid.........................  Sharona...........  H..........  Great Neck........  NY              DEN                      7/26/2018          30,989
Hatfield.......................  Brian.............  L..........  Brentwood.........  CA              CHM                      1/21/1998          58,153
Haygood........................  Regina............  J..........  Brooklyn..........  NY              POD                      4/24/1998         193,113
Hazelwood III..................  Harry.............  H..........  Daytona Beach.....  NJ              PUB                       3/1/1999         302,153
Heckler........................  Rodney............  R..........  Wheaton...........  IL              CHM                     11/15/2005          23,493
Hempsey........................  William...........  C..........  North Hollywood...  CA              CHM                      1/21/1998         112,753
Henderson......................  Charles...........  A..........  Baltimore.........  MD              POD                      8/22/2017          45,579
Hennell-Larue..................  Renata............  A..........  Mapleton..........  OR              CHM                      9/24/2014          40,332
Hernandez......................  Agapito...........  ...........  Mcallen...........  TX              CHM                      11/7/2001         190,829
Hernandez......................  Orestes...........  M..........  Los Angeles.......  CA              CHM                      1/21/1998          86,997
Herrera........................  Diego.............  F..........  Long Island City..  NY              DEN                       8/5/1999         296,505
Hibbert........................  Harold............  H..........  Mountain View.....  CA              MED                      11/2/2000          28,679
Ho.............................  Wook..............  ...........  Los Angeles.......  CA              DEN                       3/1/1999          55,937
Hoang..........................  Dat...............  T..........  Anaheim...........  CA              MED                      8/12/2016          74,582
Hobowsky.......................  Martin............  R..........  South Charleston..  OH              OST                      11/9/2010         239,874
Hoehn..........................  James.............  D..........  Thousand Oaks.....  CA              DEN                      1/21/1998          76,578
Hoffman........................  Stuart............  ...........  Venice............  CA              CHM                      8/12/2016          21,599
Holt...........................  Kenneth...........  G..........  Sun City..........  CA              CHM                      1/21/1998         144,022
Holzer.........................  Richard...........  M..........  Glendale..........  AZ              CHM                      8/17/2007         158,389
Hopkins........................  Keith.............  T..........  Kissimmee.........  FL              CHM                      1/21/1998          13,066
Horsley........................  Ronald............  G..........  Yulee.............  FL              CHM                      1/21/1998          93,491
Hough JR.......................  Reginio...........  T..........  Lancaster.........  CA              CHM                       8/1/2000          47,579
Howell.........................  Ralph.............  G..........  Medford...........  OR              CHM                      11/7/2001         233,195
Hungerford.....................  Richard...........  D..........  Portola...........  CA              CHM                      1/21/1998          85,956
Hunt...........................  Richard...........  D..........  Pasadena..........  CA              CHM                      2/15/2002         147,452
Hunter.........................  Donald............  E..........  Fairborn..........  OH              CHM                      5/19/2009          75,825
Hush...........................  George............  G..........  Rose City.........  MI              CHM                      1/21/1998         104,317
Ichiuji........................  Arnold............  T..........  Salinas...........  CA              DEN                      8/10/2001         110,841
Iglesias.......................  Gerald............  J..........  Pleasant Hill.....  CA              DEN                     11/26/2012         120,234
Iliou..........................  Claude............  B..........  Punta Gorda.......  FL              MED                      8/16/2006          24,411
Ionova-Zalivchy................  Irina.............  I..........  Brooklyn..........  NY              DEN                      7/26/2018          68,222
Iqal...........................  Robert............  S..........  Claremont.........  CA              PHA                      1/21/1998          19,898
Israelsen......................  John..............  A..........  Logan.............  UT              DEN                       8/1/2000         287,801
Ito............................  Stephen...........  M..........  Menifee...........  CA              CHM                      4/24/1998         143,647
Jackson........................  Francesca.........  A..........  San Francisco.....  CA              CHM                      4/24/1998          87,854
Jackson........................  Harold............  O..........  Atlanta...........  GA              DEN                      5/16/2011          54,823
Jacob-France...................  Elizabeth.........  ...........  St Petersburg.....  FL              CHM                      2/10/2011          66,767
Jaimes.........................  Laura.............  ...........  Pico Rivera.......  CA              MED                      7/26/2018          34,649
Jansson........................  Susanne...........  E..........  Westhampton Beach.  NY              GHA                      1/21/1998         116,167
Jeffcoat.......................  Lori..............  M..........  Vallejo...........  CA              CHM                     10/30/2003          37,111
Jennifer.......................  Jai...............  ...........  Oakland...........  CA              MED                       7/6/2012          58,880
Jewett.........................  Charles...........  D..........  Portsmouth........  OH              CHM                      1/21/1998         104,322
Joergens JR....................  Donald............  W..........  Staten Island.....  NY              CHM                      1/21/1998          55,390
Johnson........................  Anthony...........  ...........  Detroit...........  MI              MED                      1/21/1998          24,743
Johnson........................  Eric..............  D..........  Folsom............  CA              CHM                      1/21/1998         362,386
Johnson........................  Gary..............  M..........  Burbank...........  CA              CHM                      4/24/1998          94,978
Johnson........................  John..............  B..........  Pasadena..........  TX              CHM                      8/12/2016          16,731
Johnson........................  Steven............  R..........  Hillsboro.........  TN              CHM                       8/1/2000         148,776
Kahan..........................  Robert............  M..........  Mission Viejo.....  CA              CHM                      1/21/1998          73,626
Kamel..........................  Luca..............  ...........  Canyon Country....  CA              MED                      8/12/2016         221,857
Kantro.........................  Scott.............  R..........  New York..........  NY              POD                      8/16/2006         387,914
Katz...........................  Steven............  M..........  Sherman Oaks......  CA              CHM                      8/10/2001         192,638
Kaufmann.......................  Todd..............  S..........  Corte Madera......  CA              CHM                       8/5/1999         136,458
Kea............................  Rattana...........  D..........  Highland..........  CA              DEN                      11/7/2001         193,190
Keeler-Jones...................  Dawn..............  M..........  Port Saint Lucie..  FL              CHM                      5/14/2002          80,649

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Keenan.........................  John..............  M..........  Watertown.........  NY              CHM                       2/5/2009          50,675
Kellenberger...................  Steven............  L..........  Elgin.............  IL              CHM                      5/31/2018           8,598
Kelly..........................  Mark..............  S..........  Pomona............  CA              CHM                      1/21/1998          64,610
Kelly..........................  Paul..............  D..........  Cadillac..........  MI              CHM                       2/2/2018          24,303
Kelly-Soluri...................  Laura.............  ...........  Farmingdale.......  NY              POD                      5/17/1999         242,966
Kempis.........................  Richard...........  A..........  San Francisco.....  CA              DEN                      2/17/2000         108,424
Kessinger......................  Charles...........  W..........  Key West..........  FL              CHM                      8/21/2015          44,024
Kessler........................  Bill..............  R..........  Fountain Valley...  CA              CHM                      8/10/2011          43,202
Khalsa.........................  Gururakha.........  S..........  Springfield.......  VA              CHM                      7/31/1998         137,355
Khalsa.........................  Har Hari..........  S..........  Beverly Hills.....  CA              CHM                      8/10/2011          65,794
Khan...........................  Tariq.............  A..........  San Leandro.......  CA              DEN                       7/6/2012          63,644
Kim............................  Hui Yum...........  ...........  Pasadena..........  CA              DEN                      8/12/2016          31,203
Kim............................  Won Kak...........  ...........  Torrance..........  CA              CHM                      8/12/2016         105,017
King...........................  James.............  H..........  Washington........  DC              DEN                      1/21/1998          45,731
King...........................  Susan.............  M..........  Apache Junction...  AZ              CHM                      9/24/2014         189,591
Kirkpatrick....................  Ira...............  P..........  Midland...........  TX              CHM                      7/26/2018         199,344
Kiss...........................  Kathleen..........  M..........  Blue Point........  NY              CHM                      1/21/1998         128,174
Klapper........................  Gerald............  P..........  Hollywood.........  FL              POD                      2/11/2008          52,655
Klejnot........................  Timothy...........  A..........  Marietta..........  GA              CHM                      1/21/1998         222,670
Knight.........................  Patricia..........  A..........  Bayport...........  NY              CPY                      1/21/1998          92,266
Ko.............................  Joo...............  H..........  Marina............  CA              CHM                      4/25/2014          19,555
Kosmides.......................  George............  K..........  Hilo..............  HI              CHM                      7/30/2013          60,137
Koukeh-Sackett.................  F.................  M..........  San Bernardino....  CA              CHM                      1/21/1998         145,111
Kowalski.......................  Brian.............  A..........  Irvine............  CA              CHM                      8/21/2015          27,599
Kralj..........................  Mladen............  M..........  Chicago...........  IL              DEN                      4/24/1998         544,833
Krichevsky.....................  Rita..............  A..........  Newtown...........  PA              MED                       2/2/2018         136,535
Krystosik......................  James.............  D..........  Streetsboro.......  OH              CHM                      11/9/2006         239,602
Kunen..........................  Frederick.........  J..........  Miami.............  FL              MED                       3/1/1999         187,512
Kushner........................  William Iii.......  ...........  Danville..........  CA              DEN                       5/9/2007          47,220
Kyprie.........................  Warren............  ...........  Boca Raton........  FL              CPY                      2/14/2012          80,756
Lafleur........................  Allen.............  R..........  Hull..............  MA              CHM                       3/1/1999         434,565
Lamb...........................  Robert............  D..........  Sebastopol........  CA              CHM                      1/21/1998         185,014
Lampman........................  Chuck.............  D..........  Sylmar............  CA              CHM                      1/21/1998         259,216
Lancaster......................  Barry.............  D..........  Marietta..........  GA              CHM                      1/21/1998         136,496
Landou.........................  Lissa.............  S..........  Belleville........  NJ              CHM                      5/14/2002         203,365
Langham........................  Mary..............  L..........  Talkeetna.........  AK              OST                      5/19/2009         528,405
Lauffer........................  Mark..............  A..........  Mineral Point.....  PA              CHM                      5/16/2011          87,387
Lawton.........................  Michael...........  D..........  Tustin............  CA              MED                     11/12/1999         230,993
Le.............................  Kenneth...........  N..........  Camarillo.........  CA              PHA                      8/22/2017          26,667
Lee............................  Steve.............  Y..........  Livingston........  NJ              DEN                      8/10/2001          91,126
Lent...........................  Rosella...........  M..........  Nahant............  MA              CHM                      8/11/2005         229,618
Leonor.........................  Lillian...........  ...........  Riverside.........  CA              DEN                      8/10/2011          46,809
Lester.........................  Robert............  C..........  Waxahachie........  TX              CHM                      2/17/2000          65,171
Leung..........................  Leo...............  S..........  Woodside..........  NY              CHM                      1/21/1998         208,386
Levin..........................  Nancy.............  E..........  Palm Beach Gardens  FL              CHM                      1/21/1998         208,443
Lewis..........................  Richard...........  C..........  Colorado Springs..  CO              CHM                      8/17/2012          31,347
Light..........................  David.............  N..........  Winter Garden.....  FL              DEN                      2/28/2005         132,908
Lim............................  Jong..............  S..........  Elmhurst..........  NY              DEN                     11/12/2013         156,598
Lippay.........................  Ronald............  W..........  Fresno............  CA              CHM                     10/30/2003          71,688
Lipschutz......................  Robert............  B..........  Philadelphia......  PA              POD                       2/1/2006         137,733
Little.........................  Carlton...........  E..........  Chicago...........  IL              MED                     11/12/2013         299,161
Littleton......................  Charles...........  R..........  Edmond............  OK              DEN                      7/31/1998           1,044
Lodwig.........................  Michael...........  J..........  Walnut Creek......  CA              CHM                      1/21/1998          51,809
Lopez..........................  Luis..............  ...........  Cathedral City....  CA              CHM                       5/7/2013         210,714
Lottie.........................  Mark..............  E..........  Covina............  CA              CHM                      8/21/2015         110,167
Lovelace.......................  George............  E..........  Flatwoods.........  KY              DEN                      2/17/2000          27,440
Lowry-Brooks...................  Paulette..........  M..........  Summerville.......  SC              CHM                      1/21/1998         210,996
Lucero.........................  Lucky.............  E..........  San Bernardino....  CA              DEN                      4/25/2014          80,634
Lunceford......................  Glenn.............  W..........  Norco.............  CA              CHM                      1/21/1998          55,707
Luta...........................  Patricia..........  L..........  Santa Rosa........  CA              CHM                      2/17/2000          90,749
Ly.............................  Hoang.............  X..........  Garden Grove......  CA              OPT                      8/12/2016          42,595
Maghloubi......................  Seyed.............  M..........  Pacific Palisades.  CA              CHM                      8/12/2016          40,608
Major..........................  David.............  C..........  Whittier..........  CA              CHM                      8/12/2016          10,957
Mannino........................  Guy...............  C..........  North Pole........  AK              CHM                       3/1/1999         335,612
Manriquez JR...................  Antonio...........  M..........  Coachella.........  CA              CHM                      5/11/2005         106,468
Manvel.........................  Barry.............  J..........  Napa..............  CA              CHM                      7/31/1998          37,906
Marcel.........................  Perry.............  L..........  Alvarado..........  TX              DEN                     11/12/2013         175,395
Marcus.........................  Alex..............  ...........  Orlando...........  FL              CHM                      2/10/2011         114,635
Marquez........................  Evelyn............  W..........  Reseda............  CA              CPY                      2/28/2005         139,123
Martin JR......................  John..............  W..........  Zephyrhills.......  FL              CHM                      1/21/1998         231,173
Marts..........................  Richard...........  A..........  Los Angeles.......  CA              CHM                     11/12/1999          93,653
Mattison Coleman...............  Sharri............  L..........  Oklahoma City.....  OK              POD                      5/19/2009             613

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Mattson........................  James.............  A..........  Berkeley..........  CA              OST                      11/7/2001         173,088
Maxfield-Brown.................  Bobbi.............  L..........  Evansville........  IN              CHM                      1/21/1998         633,422
Mays-Good......................  Kathryn...........  M..........  Tarzana...........  CA              CHM                      1/21/1998         325,946
Mazhar.........................  Mark..............  ...........  Los Angeles.......  CA              CHM                      8/11/2005         124,055
McAdams........................  Glen..............  R..........  Spring............  TX              CHM                       3/1/1999         230,270
McAlees........................  Raymond...........  M..........  North Palm Beach..  FL              CHM                     11/12/1999         234,058
Mcatamney......................  John..............  P..........  Garden City.......  NY              CHM                      11/9/2010          26,861
McCallum III...................  Ronald............  D..........  Sunnyvale.........  CA              CHM                      5/20/2004          21,788
McClure........................  Brian.............  C..........  Daytona Beach.....  FL              DEN                      1/21/1998          14,437
McCombs........................  Martin............  ...........  Long Beach........  CA              CPY                     11/12/1999         261,214
McConner.......................  Sadie.............  B..........  Daytona Beach.....  FL              POD                      1/21/1998          75,196
McElhinney.....................  Thomas............  E..........  Saint Augustine...  FL              CHM                      1/21/1998       1,066,703
McGee..........................  Billie............  J..........  Simi Valley.......  CA              CHM                      1/21/1998         126,684
Mcghee.........................  Stephanie.........  Y..........  La Marque.........  TX              CHM                      5/19/2009          41,064
Mckay..........................  Kevin.............  J..........  Dallas............  TX              CHM                     11/10/2004          69,894
Mcmahan........................  Gregory...........  E..........  Anaheim...........  CA              DEN                     11/18/2011          30,444
McMorris.......................  Bruce.............  ...........  Long Beach........  CA              CHM                     11/12/1999         163,115
McRoberts......................  Lynne.............  S..........  Ontario Canada....  FC              CHM                      1/21/1998          97,601
Meade..........................  Madeline..........  M..........  Cleveland.........  OH              DEN                      1/21/1998          69,119
Meadors........................  David.............  M..........  Mcallen...........  TX              CHM                      8/12/2016          25,658
Meggs..........................  Carl..............  M..........  Belize............  FC              DEN                      8/15/2003         104,026
Melendez.......................  Angelina..........  ...........  Bronx.............  NY              POD                      5/19/2009         285,767
Melker.........................  Neil..............  L..........  Princeton.........  NJ              DEN                      5/19/2009         225,871
Menezes........................  Michael...........  H..........  Tampa.............  FL              DEN                      2/10/2011         201,270
Mihalakis......................  Georgia...........  ...........  Bronx.............  NY              OST                      1/21/1998         449,158
Milanes-Scott..................  Barbara...........  J..........  Northridge........  CA              MED                      1/21/1998         208,784
Milgram........................  Roman.............  ...........  Brooklyn..........  NY              DEN                      1/19/2017          44,481
Miller.........................  Brad..............  T..........  Costa Mesa........  CA              CHM                      1/21/1998          21,694
Miller.........................  Bradley...........  G..........  Beverly Hills.....  CA              MED                      1/21/1998          93,438
Miller.........................  Gaylon............  D..........  Bixby.............  OK              CHM                      2/14/2012          96,115
Millon.........................  Jeffrey...........  M..........  Lithonia..........  GA              MED                      1/21/1998         180,320
Mitchell.......................  Warren............  A..........  Yucaipa...........  CA              DEN                       8/1/2000         426,551
Mizell.........................  William...........  L..........  Los Lunas.........  NM              OST                      8/12/2016         256,075
Moarefi........................  Mahmdud...........  R..........  Los Angeles.......  CA              CHM                      2/17/2000          71,437
Mohammadkhani..................  Alireza...........  D..........  Chatsworth........  CA              CHM                      8/11/2005          59,164
Moler..........................  Amy...............  M..........  Westerville.......  OH              MED                      8/22/2017          18,925
Moore..........................  Scott.............  P..........  Citrus Heights....  CA              CHM                      2/20/2007          30,988
Moore..........................  Thomas............  A..........  Gray..............  ME              CHM                       3/1/1999         188,500
Morita.........................  Phuong............  T..........  Irvine............  CA              CHM                       3/1/1999         111,428
Moroney........................  Raymond...........  A..........  Venice............  CA              CHM                      8/12/2016          98,073
Moroney........................  William...........  P..........  San Mateo.........  CA              CHM                      4/24/1998          72,586
Morrone........................  Mark..............  J..........  Los Angeles.......  CA              DEN                      7/31/1998         216,989
Moulds JR......................  Dan...............  R..........  Chattanooga.......  TN              DEN                       2/1/2001         202,841
Mouton.........................  Marsha............  E..........  Los Angeles.......  CA              MED                      1/21/1998         101,134
Muecke.........................  Lee...............  N..........  Houston...........  TX              MED                      8/12/2016           5,181
Muenker........................  Mark..............  E..........  San Francisco.....  CA              CHM                      7/31/1998         266,158
Mullinax.......................  Jeffrey...........  S..........  Windsor...........  CA              CHM                      5/11/2005          27,238
Munoz..........................  Luis..............  R..........  Chicago...........  IL              MED                     11/12/2013         560,178
Murphy.........................  John..............  P..........  Black Earth.......  WI              CHM                       7/6/2012          47,152
Murphy.........................  Marc..............  A..........  Rancho Santa        CA              CHM                      1/21/1998         146,477
Murphy.........................  Richard...........  N..........  North Bergen......  NJ              CHM                      1/21/1998       1,245,670
Myers..........................  Karen.............  A..........  Redondo Beach.....  CA              MED                     10/30/2003         216,569
Myers..........................  Michael...........  D..........  San Rafael........  CA              CPY                       7/6/2012          49,305
Nagel..........................  Douglas...........  ...........  Herndon...........  VA              CHM                      8/12/2016          43,753
Nappi..........................  Neil..............  A..........  West Palm Beach...  FL              CHM                       3/1/1999         205,028
Nason..........................  Christian.........  W..........  Holly Springs.....  NC              CHM                      5/18/2010          93,971
Nasseri........................  Amir Abbas........  ...........  Santa Ana.........  CA              MED                      5/31/2018          21,960
Navai..........................  Mehdi.............  N..........  Alhambra..........  CA              CHM                      1/21/1998         388,527
New............................  Richard...........  A..........  Conway............  SC              CHM                      2/14/2013          91,692
Newsome........................  Dorita............  ...........  Livingston........  NJ              DEN                      5/19/2009          63,667
Newsome........................  Raymond...........  E..........  Desoto............  TX              CHM                      11/2/2002         220,828
Nguyen.........................  Anh...............  ...........  Sacramento........  CA              DEN                     11/18/2011          31,857
Nguyen.........................  Charlene..........  D..........  La Habra..........  CA              CHM                       5/7/2013          33,703
Nguyen.........................  Ho................  H..........  La Puente.........  CA              CHM                     11/18/2011         133,702
Nguyen.........................  Michael...........  M..........  Milpitas..........  CA              MED                      11/9/2006          52,821
Nguyen.........................  Tuan..............  H..........  Fountain Valley...  CA              OST                     11/12/2013         157,998
Nichols........................  Victoria..........  G..........  Encinitas.........  CA              CPY                      8/12/2016          11,586
Nieman.........................  Edward............  ...........  Riverside.........  CA              CHM                       2/1/2001         109,036
Ninomiya.......................  Jesse.............  K..........  Honolulu..........  HI              DEN                      5/17/2001         159,504
Nipper-Collins.................  Kristie...........  L..........  Lutz..............  FL              OST                      2/10/2011          42,269
Nkuku..........................  Christopher.......  N..........  Berkeley..........  IL              MED                      5/17/2001          69,741
Nnokam.........................  Kennedy...........  I..........  Jasper............  TX              PUB                      9/24/2014          58,351

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Nolasco........................  Elizabeth.........  R..........  Brooklyn..........  NY              MED                     11/12/2013          18,148
Norville.......................  Michael...........  T..........  Costa Mesa........  CA              CHM                      1/21/1998         182,616
Ocon...........................  Luis..............  E..........  Salinas...........  CA              CHM                     10/30/2003          12,120
Ofor...........................  Chukwu............  E..........  Houston...........  TX              OPT                      8/12/2016          45,784
Olajide........................  Gbolahan..........  A..........  Los Angeles.......  CA              CHM                      5/19/2009         319,617
Olberg.........................  Gregory...........  S..........  Hayward...........  CA              CHM                       3/1/1999         110,778
Oliver.........................  John..............  A..........  Plainfield........  NJ              POD                      1/21/1998           8,875
Olynik.........................  Christopher.......  ...........  Brooklyn..........  NY              DEN                       5/3/2016         166,887
Owens..........................  Gregory...........  A..........  Claremore.........  OK              CHM                      1/21/1998          60,584
Owens..........................  James.............  R..........  Evans.............  GA              CHM                      1/21/1998          20,237
Pacheco........................  Carlos............  A..........  Mcallen...........  TX              MED                      9/24/2014          31,778
Padilla-Torres.................  Carlos............  ...........  Ponce.............  PR              OPT                      5/31/2018          24,895
Palmer.........................  Becky.............  A..........  Fallbrook.........  CA              CHM                      1/21/1998         193,613
Palmer.........................  Richard...........  M..........  Thousand Oaks.....  CA              CHM                       3/1/1999         242,663
Palmer-Mitchell................  Donna.............  C..........  Huntington Beach..  CA              POD                      1/21/1998         132,817
Pankey.........................  John..............  ...........  Alameda...........  CA              CHM                       8/5/2004         144,978
Paranich.......................  Stephen...........  R..........  Old Forge.........  PA              CHM                       2/2/2018           3,667
Parkin.........................  Dianne............  E..........  Houston...........  TX              MED                      9/24/2014          20,057
Parsa-Forspte..................  Sepideh...........  ...........  San Clemente......  CA              CHM                     11/18/2011          46,651
Patterson JR...................  Arthur............  E..........  Holmdel...........  NJ              CHM                      9/24/2014          56,929
Paunovic.......................  Susan.............  J..........  Hopewell Jct......  NY              DEN                      11/2/2000          13,072
Peerenboom-Grenier.............  Paula.............  J..........  Viroqua...........  WI              CHM                      11/7/2001          48,183
Pennington.....................  Bradley...........  R..........  Denver............  CO              CHM                      5/31/2018          31,475
Perez..........................  Daysi.............  E..........  New York..........  NY              CHM                      4/24/1998         147,088
Perlmutter.....................  Mark..............  A..........  Ann Arbor.........  MI              CHM                      2/23/2010          78,970
Perrault.......................  Mark..............  D..........  Culver City.......  CA              MED                      5/19/2009         128,778
Perry..........................  John..............  E..........  Houston...........  TX              MED                      9/24/2014          56,731
Petrosky.......................  Michael...........  J..........  Mandeville........  LA              CHM                      4/24/1998         271,051
Pham...........................  Nghi..............  D..........  Fountain Valley...  CA              CHM                      1/21/1998         110,633
Pham...........................  Vinh..............  H..........  Fountain Valley...  CA              DEN                      5/17/2001         251,765
Philipson......................  David.............  ...........  Huntington Beach..  CA              CHM                     11/12/1999         173,013
Phillips.......................  Brian.............  ...........  Prospect..........  KY              CHM                      5/11/2006         263,077
Pierson........................  Steven............  R..........  Minneapolis.......  MN              CHM                      8/17/2007         104,184
Pigott.........................  Abu...............  G..........  Alameda...........  CA              CHM                     11/12/2013          81,472
Pinson.........................  Jeffrey...........  R..........  El Paso...........  TX              CHM                     11/12/1999         110,357
Podry..........................  Robert............  J..........  La Canada           CA              CHM                      1/21/1998         134,540
Ponder III.....................  Alvin.............  F..........  Brooklyn..........  NY              MED                      1/21/1998         200,435
Porter.........................  Jacqueline........  R..........  Washington........  DC              POD                      1/21/1998         160,478
Potok..........................  Leonard...........  A..........  Brooklyn..........  NY              DEN                       3/1/1999          96,627
Potts..........................  David.............  A..........  Pasadena..........  TX              CHM                      9/24/2014          30,787
Powell.........................  Carlton...........  F..........  Elkins Park.......  PA              DEN                      1/21/1998         131,005
Powers.........................  Thomas............  P..........  Oklahoma City.....  OK              CHM                      2/15/2002          16,662
Pratt..........................  Kerrie............  G..........  Los Angeles.......  CA              CHM                       7/6/2012          57,307
Price..........................  Steven............  V..........  Los Angeles.......  CA              DEN                      1/21/1998           3,831
Prindle-Bush...................  Sharon............  M..........  Brighton..........  CO              DEN                      11/9/2010           4,098
Pritchard......................  Doyle.............  P..........  El Centro.........  CA              CHM                      11/7/2001          31,380
Prom...........................  Van...............  S..........  Modesto...........  CA              CHM                      8/22/2017          67,053
Pulli..........................  Louise............  A..........  Perkiomenville....  PA              CHM                      8/22/2017           6,249
Puryear........................  Cheryll...........  D..........  Houston...........  TX              CHM                      2/17/2000         190,998
Pust...........................  Keith.............  W..........  Lake Elsinore.....  CA              CPY                      1/21/1998         116,964
Quirke.........................  Clement...........  ...........  Venice............  FL              POD                       2/8/2017         212,772
Radetic........................  Peter.............  M..........  Bay Point.........  CA              CHM                     11/17/2009         131,550
Radtke.........................  Joseph............  D..........  Pueblo............  CO              OST                      9/24/2014          76,865
Ramirez........................  Richard...........  R..........  Houston...........  TX              CHM                      2/28/2005          39,005
Ramu...........................  Nalaya............  ...........  Beaumont..........  CA              DEN                      5/14/2002          96,702
Rappa..........................  Richard...........  J..........  North Haven.......  CT              CHM                      5/11/2005          68,304
Rashti.........................  Kouros............  ...........  Tarzana...........  CA              DEN                      5/14/2002         289,080
Ratliff........................  Cynthia...........  ...........  Santa Cruz........  CA              CHM                       2/1/2006         274,262
Ravinski.......................  Deborah...........  G..........  Plymouth..........  MA              CHM                      8/12/2016           6,566
Rayas-Felix....................  Magdalena.........  ...........  Los Angeles.......  CA              CHM                      1/21/1998          67,038
Reddick........................  David.............  J..........  Fort Lauderdale...  FL              MED                     11/14/2007         147,479
Reese-Thurmond.................  Elaine............  M..........  Dixmoor...........  IL              MED                      1/21/1998         150,439
Renz...........................  Howard............  W..........  Astoria...........  NY              CHM                      1/21/1998          86,875
Rey............................  Jorge.............  E..........  Chino.............  CA              CHM                       2/1/2001          36,279
Reyes..........................  Danniell..........  J..........  Bethlehem.........  PA              CHM                       7/6/2012         143,461
Rhine..........................  Cecil.............  T..........  Lawrenceville.....  GA              CHM                      1/21/1998          99,100
Ribera.........................  Alfred............  R..........  Miami.............  FL              CHM                       3/1/1999         239,123
Rice...........................  William...........  M..........  Malden............  MA              CHM                       8/5/1999         172,766
Richardson.....................  Joseph............  M..........  Silver Spring.....  MD              DEN                      1/21/1998         717,037
Richardson.....................  Justin............  W..........  Porter Ranch......  CA              CHM                      1/21/1998           5,689
Richardson.....................  Katherine.........  J..........  San Francisco.....  CA              CPY                       7/6/2012         406,384
Richichi.......................  Mark..............  S..........  Center Moriches...  NY              CHM                      2/15/2002         169,492

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Ritto..........................  Sharlene..........  M..........  Corona............  CA              POD                     11/12/2013         238,550
Robinson.......................  Bruce.............  K..........  Jupiter...........  FL              CHM                      1/21/1998         383,397
Robinson.......................  Glenn.............  R..........  Dallas............  TX              CHM                       3/3/2015         116,178
Rodrigues......................  Paul..............  ...........  Cerritos..........  CA              CHM                      5/19/2009         150,288
Rogers.........................  Thomas............  C..........  Santa Ana.........  CA              CHM                       3/1/1999         214,786
Romero.........................  Gloriana..........  M..........  Guaynabo..........  PR              MED                       2/8/2017         129,496
Rosenfeld......................  Jeffre............  B..........  Los Angeles.......  CA              CHM                      1/21/1998         115,602
Roshy..........................  Gary..............  L..........  Lake City.........  FL              CHM                      1/21/1998         461,668
Ross...........................  Roger.............  A..........  Coraopolis........  PA              CHM                      1/21/1998          50,642
Rostami........................  Helena............  ...........  Calabasas.........  CA              CHM                      5/16/2011          33,300
Rothman........................  Laura.............  L..........  Arroyo Grande.....  CA              CHM                      11/7/2001          10,278
Rubinstein.....................  David.............  M..........  Fort Lauderdale...  FL              CHM                      2/15/2002          66,235
Rushing........................  Gary..............  W..........  Matawan...........  NJ              CHM                      2/15/2002         158,803
Russell........................  Robert............  J..........  Hollywood.........  FL              CHM                      1/21/1998          10,305
Russell........................  Rosalind..........  L..........  Houston...........  TX              DEN                      3/11/2015           2,220
Ryan...........................  Kathleen..........  ...........  West Springfield..  MA              POD                      5/19/2009         122,630
Saadia.........................  Sammy.............  ...........  Brooklyn..........  NY              DEN                      7/30/2013         176,274
Sabin..........................  Gregory...........  M..........  Colorado Springs..  CO              CHM                      8/22/2017          74,659
Sainez.........................  Juana.............  A..........  Maryland..........  NY              MED                       2/2/2018          98,026
Sainten........................  Adrienne..........  C..........  San Leandro.......  CA              CHM                      8/26/2009          18,069
Saldana-Quinonez...............  Salvador..........  S..........  La Puente.........  CA              CHM                       7/6/2012          37,492
Sambor.........................  David.............  H..........  Lockport..........  NY              DEN                     11/12/1999          14,017
Sanborn........................  Brian.............  A..........  Midland...........  MI              CHM                     11/17/2009         116,867
Santa Cruz.....................  Matthew...........  E..........  Tampa.............  FL              CHM                      5/19/2009          43,443
Sargent........................  John..............  F..........  Lawndale..........  CA              CHM                      1/21/1998         200,987
Sastre.........................  Armando...........  A..........  Cortez............  CO              DEN                      11/9/2010         121,636
Savage.........................  Robert............  L..........  Harrisburg........  PA              DEN                      5/31/2018         116,819
Schalk.........................  Ronald............  R..........  Corpus Christi....  TX              CHM                      5/14/2016          67,089
Schiff.........................  Barbara...........  S..........  Woodland Hills....  CA              CHM                      2/17/2000         121,031
Schow..........................  Kenneth...........  M..........  Glendale..........  CA              CHM                      1/21/1998         149,879
Schroder.......................  Anthony...........  M..........  Middletown........  NY              DEN                      1/21/1998          84,414
Schulten.......................  Eric..............  A..........  Sarasota..........  FL              MED                      11/2/2000         196,384
Schwartz.......................  Eric..............  G..........  Atlantic Beach....  NY              DEN                      1/21/1998         243,371
Scruggs........................  Virginia..........  M..........  Seneca............  SC              OST                     11/26/2012          75,002
Scully.........................  Stephen...........  M..........  Redondo Beach.....  CA              CHM                       3/1/1999          48,329
Sek............................  Amaramony.........  B..........  Houston...........  TX              CHM                      8/12/2016          22,585
Selko..........................  Robert............  L..........  Novato............  CA              CHM                       3/1/1999         174,348
Sellitto.......................  Rocco.............  V..........  Brooklyn..........  NY              POD                       8/1/2000         249,395
Senatore.......................  Salvatore.........  ...........  Kenilworth........  NJ              CHM                      11/9/2010         141,940
Serratos.......................  Ernesto...........  ...........  Crestline.........  CA              CHM                      1/21/1998         125,028
Shahrestani....................  Shahriar..........  ...........  Anaheim...........  CA              CHM                       3/1/1999          52,594
Shanefelter III................  Charles...........  D..........  San Francisco.....  CA              CHM                      1/21/1998          48,477
Shapiro........................  Michael...........  S..........  Newhall...........  CA              CHM                      1/21/1998         117,401
Shapley........................  Kevin.............  N..........  Concord...........  CA              CHM                       3/2/2004          45,217
Shaw...........................  Linda.............  J..........  Gladwyne..........  PA              DEN                      1/21/1998          28,843
Shaw...........................  Michael...........  G..........  Inglewood.........  CA              MED                      1/21/1998         106,438
Shear..........................  David.............  S..........  Staten Island.....  NY              CHM                      1/21/1998         199,372
Sheehan........................  Alex..............  J..........  West Palm Beach...  FL              CHM                      9/24/2014          46,153
Sheehy.........................  Daniel............  J..........  Middletown........  CA              CHM                      2/28/2005          65,592
Shin...........................  Hui-Yong..........  ...........  Los Angeles.......  CA              DEN                      1/21/1998         100,004
Shoeleh........................  Hossien...........  M..........  Costa Mesa........  CA              DEN                      1/21/1998         221,952
Siguenza.......................  Francisco.........  A..........  Maspeth...........  NY              OST                      8/12/2016         158,858
Simon..........................  Greg..............  L..........  Murrieta..........  CA              CHM                      1/21/1998         206,792
Simpson........................  Ashley............  L..........  Allston...........  MA              MED                      2/10/2011         278,975
Slusher-Maroudas...............  Patricia..........  L..........  Gilroy............  CA              CHM                     11/12/2013          10,930
Small..........................  Tammie............  J..........  Smyrna............  GA              CHM                      1/21/1998         165,845
Smith..........................  Gary..............  D..........  Groton............  CT              CHM                      1/21/1998          52,698
Smith..........................  George............  ...........  Philadelphia......  PA              MED                      1/19/2017         546,869
Smith..........................  Jessica...........  ...........  Downey............  CA              CHM                      1/21/1998         159,421
Smith..........................  Lee...............  A..........  Sterling..........  VA              CHM                      5/31/2018          50,773
Smith..........................  Michael...........  D..........  Bethel Park.......  PA              DEN                       8/5/2004         364,436
Smith..........................  Rusty.............  A..........  Santa Barbara.....  CA              CHM                       3/1/1999           9,609
Smith..........................  Stacey............  D..........  Malibu............  CA              CHM                       8/1/2000         159,124
Smukler........................  Evie..............  L..........  Los Angeles.......  CA              CPY                      1/21/1998          36,002
Snavely........................  Danny.............  H..........  San Juan            CA              CHM                      8/21/2015         292,835
Sokol..........................  Louis.............  J..........  Stuart............  FL              CHM                     11/12/1999          73,809
Sosa...........................  Richard...........  ...........  Colton............  CA              CHM                       3/1/1999          89,589
Soto...........................  Vera..............  A..........  Fort Lauderdale...  FL              OPT                       5/7/2008          21,479
Sparks.........................  Stacey............  L..........  Houston...........  TX              CHM                     11/26/2012          74,313
Spencer........................  Keivon............  J..........  Cedar Hill........  TX              OPT                       8/5/2004           6,677
Spicer.........................  Mary..............  C..........  Essex Junction....  VT              CHM                      7/26/2018          14,550
St Juste.......................  Dominique.........  ...........  Brooklyn..........  NY              DEN                       8/1/2000         106,856

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Staley.........................  Judith............  M..........  Annapolis.........  MD              CPY                      4/25/2014         103,378
Stalker........................  James.............  W..........  Castro Valley.....  CA              CHM                      2/10/2011          15,959
Stanbridge.....................  Gary..............  R..........  Whittier..........  CA              CHM                      2/28/2005          66,427
Steder.........................  Sandra............  ...........  San Rafael........  CA              CPY                       8/5/2004          77,510
Steiner........................  Jean Marie........  ...........  Sunnyvale.........  CA              CHM                      5/15/2000          20,048
Steinfeld......................  Audrey............  G..........  Tarzana...........  CA              CHM                      2/17/2000         238,406
Stephens.......................  Charles...........  N..........  Milledgeville.....  GA              CHM                      5/19/2009          55,911
Stevenson......................  Teresa............  M..........  Los Angeles.......  CA              CPY                      1/21/1998         142,275
Stoltz.........................  William...........  D..........  Grants Pass.......  OR              CHM                      5/19/2009         284,886
Stone..........................  Steven............  D..........  San Leandro.......  CA              CHM                      1/21/1998          57,796
Street.........................  James.............  F..........  Davie.............  FL              CHM                     11/12/2013          84,298
Stricklan......................  David.............  K..........  Haverton..........  PA              MED                      7/26/2018         202,781
Strus..........................  Deborah...........  A..........  San Antonio.......  TX              MED                     11/12/2013         118,432
Sullivan.......................  Daniel............  B..........  Fruita............  CO              DEN                      5/31/2018           4,777
Sullivan.......................  John..............  M..........  Corpus Christi....  TX              CHM                      8/22/2017         115,129
Sullivan.......................  Joseph............  C..........  Burbank...........  CA              CHM                      1/21/1998         126,435
Taylor.........................  Scott.............  M..........  Thousand Oaks.....  CA              DEN                       7/6/2012         178,545
Tchakalian.....................  Leon..............  J..........  Van Nuys..........  CA              CHM                      11/7/2001          19,263
Teague.........................  Jenette...........  ...........  Los Angeles.......  CA              DEN                      11/7/2001         144,932
Tennant........................  Michael...........  D..........  Wheat Ridge.......  CO              CHM                     11/12/1999          92,497
Thomas.........................  Gordon............  A..........  Atlanta...........  GA              CHM                      1/21/1998         210,981
Thomas.........................  Randy.............  L..........  Fairbanks.........  AK              DEN                      4/24/1998         221,640
Thomas Sr......................  Robert............  B..........  Stone Mountain....  GA              DEN                      1/21/1998         438,554
Thompson.......................  Emma..............  R..........  Grenada West        FC              MED                      2/15/2002          82,303
Tierney........................  Richard...........  W..........  Atlanta...........  GA              POD                       8/5/1999         395,121
Tindall........................  Michael...........  A..........  Magna.............  UT              POD                      1/21/1998          20,799
Tolbert JR.....................  William...........  ...........  Los Angeles.......  CA              MED                     11/12/2013          71,079
Tomlin-Knight..................  Teresa............  L..........  Manahawkin........  NJ              POD                      2/11/2008          75,900
Toporovsky.....................  Nathan............  A..........  White Plains......  NY              DEN                       2/8/2017          21,298
Townsend.......................  Thomas............  E..........  Fortmill..........  SC              CHM                      4/24/1998          10,614
Tramontana.....................  Raul..............  E..........  Cincinnati........  OH              OPT                      5/14/2002         220,103
Tran...........................  Huong.............  N..........  Carpinteria.......  CA              CHM                      8/12/2016          58,998
Tran...........................  Ngoc..............  H..........  Simi Valley.......  CA              CHM                       3/1/1999         105,356
Tran...........................  Thuan.............  K..........  Henderson.........  NV              DEN                      8/12/2016         100,789
Trumbo.........................  Traig.............  T..........  Sunland...........  CA              CHM                       3/1/1999          84,963
Tschabrun......................  Kevin.............  L..........  Holdrege..........  NE              DEN                       3/1/1999         125,260
Tumas..........................  Mary..............  D..........  Brielle...........  NJ              CHM                      3/11/2015          95,918
Turner.........................  Nancy.............  A..........  San Francisco.....  CA              CHM                      1/21/1998          23,856
Ussery.........................  Marvin............  ...........  Los Angeles.......  CA              DEN                      8/12/2016          52,824
Vacula.........................  Nicole............  A..........  Tonawanda.........  NY              CPY                      8/12/2016          61,958
Vafaee.........................  Mohammadali.......  ...........  Santa Monica......  CA              CHM                      2/28/2005          24,360
Vaishvila......................  Gail..............  A..........  Santa Monica......  CA              CHM                       8/1/2000         223,290
Valde..........................  Jane..............  D..........  San Mateo.........  CA              DEN                      11/9/2010         176,977
Valicenti......................  Patrick...........  J..........  Wallkill..........  NY              DEN                       8/5/2004         125,315
Vanrensselaer..................  Jeffrey...........  A..........  Lake Forest.......  CA              CHM                      4/24/1998          98,000
Vardanian......................  Michael...........  A..........  Fullerton.........  CA              CHM                      1/21/1998         110,450
Vega...........................  Javier............  J..........  Rancho Cucamonga..  CA              CHM                      8/12/2016          48,581
Vernon.........................  Earl..............  M..........  Davenport.........  IA              CHM                      1/21/1998           6,469
Vessels........................  Steven............  L..........  Redlands..........  CA              CHM                      1/21/1998         194,431
Vessey.........................  Ned...............  ...........  Arcadia...........  CA              CHM                       8/1/2000          64,848
Villaverde.....................  John..............  J..........  Vestavia..........  AL              MED                      8/22/2017          64,563
Villeta........................  Javier............  G..........  Kissimmee.........  FL              MED                       3/1/1999         311,035
Viloria-Else...................  Jenifer...........  A..........  Los Angeles.......  CA              CHM                      1/21/1998         179,851
Voboril JR.....................  William...........  R..........  Carlisle..........  IA              POD                       8/5/1999          36,053
Vosburgh.......................  Stephen...........  E..........  Lutz..............  FL              CHM                      1/21/1998         158,861
Wada...........................  Isao..............  N..........  Oakland...........  CA              CHM                       7/6/2012          25,239
Wade...........................  Michael...........  J..........  La Quinta.........  CA              OST                      5/19/2009         285,845
Wahdan.........................  Buthayna..........  W..........  La Verne..........  CA              DEN                       3/1/1999         106,606
Wainwright.....................  Mark..............  ...........  Oakland...........  CA              DEN                       7/6/2012          30,832
Walcher........................  Kevin.............  R..........  Booker............  TX              CHM                      5/14/2002         103,890
Walker.........................  Joel..............  W..........  Annapolis.........  MD              MED                      8/12/2016          56,108
Wall...........................  Michael...........  J..........  Sandy.............  UT              MED                       3/3/2015         135,382
Wallace........................  Owen..............  ...........  Tonkawa...........  OK              CHM                      1/21/1998          51,491
Walsh..........................  Richard...........  J..........  Ventura...........  CA              CHM                      1/21/1998          39,580
Walton.........................  Teri..............  R..........  Pasadena..........  CA              CPY                       8/5/1999         181,110
Ward...........................  Fairfield.........  A..........  Hampton...........  VA              DEN                      8/12/2016          36,730
Warner.........................  Arthur............  ...........  San Ramon.........  CA              DEN                      5/20/2004         121,246
Warner.........................  Rick..............  A..........  Aurora............  CO              CHM                      11/7/2001         111,900
Washington.....................  Arthur............  C..........  Houston...........  TX              MED                      9/24/2014          23,189
Washington.....................  George............  L..........  Baldwyn...........  MS              DEN                       5/7/2013         542,312
Washington.....................  Patricia..........  A..........  Coto De Caza......  CA              MED                       2/2/2018         123,265
Washington-Houzell.............  Patricia..........  L..........  Lakewood..........  CA              POD                      8/10/2001         523,142

[[Page 57467]]

Weatherly......................  Darrel............  F..........  Jacksonville......  FL              OST                      5/16/2011         542,031
Weil...........................  Mitchell..........  A..........  San Clemente......  CA              MED                      1/21/1998          61,717
Weisheit-Dasylva...............  Lyn...............  D..........  Marietta..........  GA              CHM                       3/1/1999          65,431
Welch..........................  Ronald............  B..........  Sandpoint.........  ID              CHM                       3/1/1999          97,961
Westing........................  Denise............  D..........  Alameda...........  CA              CHM                      1/21/1998         121,321
Whedbee........................  Joseph............  I..........  Redlands..........  CA              DEN                      5/14/2002         146,172
Whigham........................  Gwendolyn.........  E..........  Houston...........  TX              CHM                       3/1/1999          63,582
Whipkey........................  Douglas...........  G..........  Jensen Beach......  FL              CHM                      1/21/1998         126,756
Whitaker.......................  Aaron.............  T..........  Washington........  DC              DEN                      5/19/2009         189,402
White..........................  Judith............  U..........  Huntington Beach..  CA              CHM                      1/21/1998          36,904
Whittlesey.....................  James.............  B..........  Novato............  CA              CHM                      1/21/1998          57,170
Williams.......................  Brett.............  S..........  Los Angeles.......  CA              MED                      5/14/2016         171,668
Williams.......................  David.............  L..........  Pasadena..........  CA              POD                      1/21/1998          88,475
Williams.......................  Duane.............  A..........  Livermore.........  CA              CHM                      1/21/1998         121,647
Williams.......................  Pamela............  A..........  Buena Park........  CA              PUB                      1/21/1998          35,269
Williams.......................  Simeon............  J..........  Washington........  DC              MED                       3/1/1999         107,607
Willis.........................  Adam..............  C..........  Safety Harbor.....  FL              CHM                      1/21/1998          25,129
Winston........................  Gregg.............  O..........  Pompano Beach.....  FL              CHM                       3/1/1999         190,104
Wong...........................  Matt..............  S..........  Mountain View.....  CA              CHM                      11/9/2010          48,826
Wong...........................  Wan Sing..........  V..........  South San           CA              POD                     10/30/2003         197,034
Wright-Benford.................  Sheila............  A..........  Southfield........  MI              POD                       2/8/2017          60,834
Yeates.........................  Terrance..........  C..........  Brooklyn..........  NY              DEN                      1/21/1998         201,611
Yniguez........................  Alma..............  B..........  Newark............  CA              CHM                      2/20/2007         271,484
Yoste..........................  Joseph............  ...........  Brownsville.......  TX              DEN                      8/12/2016          96,530
Yurick.........................  Richard...........  ...........  Bay St Louis......  MS              CHM                     11/12/2013          61,170
Yurkovich......................  Mark..............  R..........  Bentleyville......  PA              CPY                      8/12/2016          59,259
Zaun...........................  Timothy...........  M..........  Lakewood..........  OH              DEN                      1/21/1998         181,527
Zeitsoff-Mahar.................  Deborah...........  L..........  Aptos.............  CA              CHM                      1/21/1998         122,574
Zucker.........................  Ronald............  G..........  Long Beach........  NY              CHM                      4/24/1998         195,607
    Totals.....................  696...............  ...........  ..................  ..............  ..................  ..............      92,200,289
                                                                                       ..              ...

[FR Doc. 2018-25000 Filed 11-14-18; 8:45 am]

                                               57456                     Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 221 / Thursday, November 15, 2018 / Notices

                                               FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                        Increasing the size of the range would                inventions listed below, assigned to the
                                               Naval Facilities Engineering Command                    allow the DoN to realistically train with             United States Government, as
                                               Southwest, Code EV21.SG, 1220 Pacific                   precision-guided munitions, which                     represented by the Secretary of the
                                               Highway; Building 1, 5th floor, San                     require greater safety buffer zones                   Navy, for domestic and foreign licensing
                                               Diego, CA 92132–5190, Attn: Ms. Sara                    because they are launched from aircraft               by the Department of the Navy.
                                               Goodwin, EIS Project Manager, 619–                      at higher altitudes and longer distances              ADDRESSES: Requests for copies of the
                                               532–4463, or project website: http://                   from targets. It would also allow ground              patents cited should be directed to
                                               www.FRTCModernization.com.                              forces to realistically conduct tactical              Office of Counsel, Naval Surface
                                               SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:      The                     ground mobility training.                             Warfare Center Carderock Division,
                                               Bureau of Land Management, Federal                         The Draft EIS is available at the                  9500 MacArthur Blvd., West Bethesda,
                                               Aviation Administration, and United                     project website at http://                            MD 20817–5700.
                                               States Fish and Wildlife Service are                    www.FRTCModernization.com. A paper                    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dr.
                                               federal cooperating agencies for this EIS.              copy of the Draft EIS may be reviewed                 Joseph Teter, Director, Technology
                                               Additional state and county cooperating                 at each of the following public libraries:            Transfer Office, Naval Surface Warfare
                                               agencies include: Nevada Department of                     1. Austin Branch Library, 88 Main
                                                                                                                                                             Center Carderock Division, Code 00T,
                                               Wildlife, Nevada Division of Minerals,                  Street, Austin, NV 89310–0121.
                                                                                                                                                             9500 MacArthur Blvd., West Bethesda,
                                                                                                          2. Carson City Library, 900 North
                                               Nevada Department of Agriculture,                                                                             MD 20817–5700, telephone 301–227–
                                                                                                       Roop Street, Carson City, NV 89701–
                                               Nevada Department of Transportation,                                                                          4299.
                                               Nevada Governor’s Office of Energy,                                                                           SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:     The
                                                                                                          3. Churchill County Library, 553 S.
                                               Churchill County, Eureka County,                                                                              following patents are available for
                                                                                                       Maine Street, Fallon, NV 89406–3306.
                                               Lander County, Mineral County, Nye                                                                            licensing: //U.S. Patent No. 9,783,321:
                                                                                                          4. Crescent Valley Branch Library,
                                               County, and Pershing County. The DoN                                                                          RETRACTABLE VERTICAL FLOW-
                                                                                                       Crescent Valley Town Center, 5045
                                               is also working with thirteen federally                                                                       CONTROL DEVICE FOR TOPSIDE
                                                                                                       Tenabo Avenue, Suite 103, Crescent
                                               recognized Native American tribes and                                                                         MITIGATION OF AIRWAKES OVER
                                                                                                       Valley, NV 89821–8051.
                                               one Tribal Council.                                                                                           SHIP FLIGHT DECKS//U.S. Patent No.
                                                                                                          5. Downtown Reno Library, 301 S.
                                                  The FRTC is a training complex in the
                                                                                                       Center Street, Reno, NV 89501–2102.                   9,822,040: PRESSURELESS
                                               high desert of northern Nevada
                                                                                                          6. Eureka Branch Library, 80 South                 SINTERING-BASED METHOD FOR
                                               encompassing airspace, land ranges, and
                                                                                                       Monroe Street, Eureka, NV 89316–0293.                 MAKING A TWO-PHASE CERAMIC
                                               electronic systems used primarily for air
                                                                                                          7. Fernley Branch Library, 575 Silver              COMPOSITE BODY//U.S. Patent No.
                                               and ground training activities. The
                                                                                                       Lace Blvd., Fernley, NV 89408–1591.                   9,858,527: ALGORITHMIC METHOD
                                               DoN’s proposed action is to modernize                      8. Gabbs Community Library, 602 3rd                FOR MODELING HUMAN DECISION-
                                               the FRTC by expanding land ranges and                   Street, Gabbs, NV 89409–0206.                         MAKING//U.S. Patent No. 9,975,135:
                                               modifying associated airspace                              9. Mineral County Library 110 First                LIGHTWEIGHT APPARATUS FOR
                                               configurations. The proposed action has                 Street, Hawthorne, NV 89415–1390.                     CAPTURING OVERSPRAY AND
                                               the following elements:                                    10. Pershing County Library, 1125                  AIRBORNE PARTICULATES//U.S.
                                                  • Congressional renewal of the 1999                  Central Avenue, Lovelock, NV 89419–                   Patent No. 10,024,579: SOLAR PANEL
                                               public land withdrawal of 202,864 acres                 0781.                                                 DEPLOYMENT SYSTEM//U.S. Patent
                                               which is scheduled to expire in                            11. Yerington Branch Library, 20                   No. 10,053,195: SHIPBOARD SIDE-
                                               November 2021.                                          Nevin Way, Yerington, NV 89447–2399.                  MOUNTED EXTENDING
                                                  • Withdrawal and reservation by                         A compact disc of the Draft EIS will               ARTICULATED BOOM FOR FUELING
                                               Congress for military use of up to                      be made available upon written request                AND MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS//
                                               approximately 618,727 acres of                          by contacting: Naval Facilities
                                               additional federal land.                                                                                        Authority: 35 U.S.C. 207, 37 CFR part 404
                                                                                                       Engineering Command Southwest, Code
                                                  • Acquisition of approximately                       EV21.SG, 1220 Pacific Highway;                          Dated: November 9, 2018.
                                               65,153 acres of private or state-owned                  Building 1, 5th floor, San Diego, CA                  Meredith Steingold Werner,
                                               (non-federal) land.                                     92132–5190, Attn: Ms. Sara Goodwin,                   Commander, Judge Advocate General’s Corps,
                                                  • Expansion of associated special use                                                                      U.S. Navy, Federal Register Liaison Officer.
                                                                                                       EIS Project Manager.
                                               airspace and reconfiguration of existing                                                                      [FR Doc. 2018–24903 Filed 11–14–18; 8:45 am]
                                               airspace.                                                 Dated: November 9, 2018.
                                                                                                                                                             BILLING CODE 3810–FF–P
                                                  • Modification of range infrastructure               Meredith Steingold Werner,
                                               to support modernization, including                     Commander, Judge Advocate General’s Corps,
                                               construction of new targets.                            U.S. Navy, Federal Register Liaison Officer.
                                                  The purpose of the proposed action is                [FR Doc. 2018–24909 Filed 11–14–18; 8:45 am]          DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION
                                               to provide sustainable and modernized                   BILLING CODE 3810–FF–P
                                                                                                                                                             List of Borrowers Who Have Defaulted
                                               airspace, range, maneuver areas,
                                                                                                                                                             on Their Health Education Assistance
                                               training facilities, and range
                                               infrastructure and resources that would                 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE
                                               support acceptably realistic air warfare                                                                      AGENCY: Federal Student Aid,
                                               training activities as well as special                  Department of the Navy                                Department of Education.
                                               operations ground training activities in                                                                      ACTION: Notice.
                                                                                                       Notice of Availability of Government-
                                               order to meet emergent and future
khammond on DSK30JT082PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                       Owned Inventions; Available for
                                               threats. The proposed action would                                                                            SUMMARY:   Federal Student Aid (FSA), as
                                               enable the DoN’s execution of its                                                                             required by the Public Health Service
                                               congressionally mandated roles and                      AGENCY:   Department of the Navy; DoD.                Act (the Act) is publishing this list of
                                               responsibilities under 10 United States                 ACTION:   Notice.                                     Health Education Assistance Loan
                                               Code (U.S.C), section 5062 and 10                                                                             (HEAL) borrowers who have defaulted
                                               U.S.C. 167. Current range configurations                SUMMARY: The Department of the Navy                   on their loans as of June 30, 2018. This
                                               do not support realistic training.                      (DoN) announces the availability of the               information is also made available for

                                          VerDate Sep<11>2014   16:53 Nov 14, 2018   Jkt 247001   PO 00000   Frm 00058   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\15NON1.SGM   15NON1

                                                                                    Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 221 / Thursday, November 15, 2018 / Notices                                                               57457

                                               use by organizations authorized by the                                    Act, the authority to administer the                           FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT. Any
                                               Act.                                                                      HEAL program, including servicing,                             written request must be on the
                                               FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                                          collecting, and enforcing any loans                            letterhead of the organization making
                                                  For Defaulted HEAL Borrowers with                                      made under the HEAL program that                               the request.
                                               Account-Related Questions: A borrower                                     remain outstanding, was transferred                               Accessible Format: Individuals with
                                               who is in default on a HEAL program                                       from the Secretary of Health and Human                         disabilities can obtain this document in
                                               loan and who has an account-related                                       Services to the Secretary of Education                         an accessible format (e.g., braille, large
                                               question should contact: Accounting                                       effective July 1, 2014. The Act and a                          print, audiotape, or compact disc) by
                                               Services, Debt Collection Center,                                         system of records notice published in                          contacting the HEAL program team:
                                               Mailstop 10230B, 7700 Wisconsin                                           the Federal Register on August 4, 2018                         Telephone: (844) 509–8957. Email:
                                               Avenue, Suite 8–8110D, Bethesda, MD                                       (83 FR 40264), permits the publishing of                       HEAL@ed.gov.
                                               20857. Telephone: (301) 492–4664.                                         the list of HEAL borrowers who have
                                                                                                                                                                                           Electronic Access to This Document:
                                                  For General HEAL Information: For                                      defaulted on their loans.
                                                                                                                            Information on the HEAL program is                          The official version of this document is
                                               general HEAL program questions,                                                                                                          the document published in the Federal
                                               contact Tawana Lewis: Telephone: (844)                                    available on the Department of
                                                                                                                         Education’s Information for Financial                          Register. You may access the official
                                               509–8957. Email: HEAL@ed.gov.                                                                                                            edition of the Federal Register and the
                                                                                                                         Aid Professionals (IFAP) website at:
                                                  For Organizations Requesting HEAL                                                                                                     Code of Federal Regulations via the
                                               Defaulted Borrower Information or                                            List of Defaulters: The Appendix at                         Federal Digital System at: www.gpo.gov/
                                               Confirmation under Section 709(c)(2) of                                   the end of this notice provides the                            fdsys. At this site you can view this
                                               the Act (42 U.S.C. 292h(c)(2)): To                                        names and other information of                                 document, as well as all other
                                               request information related to a HEAL                                     borrowers who have defaulted on their                          documents of this Department
                                               defaulted borrower or confirmation of                                     HEAL program loans as of June 30,                              published in the Federal Register, in
                                               the borrower’s default status, contact the                                2018. Specifically, the Appendix                               text or Portable Document Format
                                               HEAL program team: Telephone: (844)                                       includes the borrower’s name, last                             (PDF). To use PDF you must have
                                               509–8957. Email: HEAL@ed.gov.                                             known city and State of residence, area                        Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is
                                                  If you use a telecommunications                                        of practice, and the total amount due on                       available free at the site.
                                               device for the deaf (TDD) or a text                                       the HEAL debt. The Department                                     You may also access documents of the
                                               telephone (TTY), call the Federal Relay                                   publishes this information in order to                         Department published in the Federal
                                               Service, toll free, at 1–800–877–8339.                                    correctly identify the person in default                       Register by using the article search
                                               SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: From                                           and to provide relevant information to                         feature at: www.federalregister.gov.
                                               fiscal year 1978 through fiscal year                                      the authorized recipients of this                              Specifically, through the advanced
                                               1998, the HEAL program insured loans                                      information, such as State licensing                           search feature at this site, you can limit
                                               made by participating lenders to eligible                                 boards and hospitals.                                          your search to documents published by
                                               graduate students in schools of                                              In accordance with section 709(c)(2)                        the Department.
                                               medicine, osteopathy, dentistry,                                          of the Act (42 U.S.C. 292h(c)(2)), FSA
                                                                                                                                                                                          Program Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1070b et seq.
                                               veterinary medicine, optometry,                                           will provide the information included                          and 1087aa et seq.; 42 U.S.C. 2751 et seq. and
                                               podiatry, public health, pharmacy, and                                    in this Federal Register notice and                            42 U.S.C. 292h(c)(1).
                                               chiropractic, and in programs in health                                   updated information on the borrower’s
                                               administration and clinical psychology.                                   default status, to relevant Federal                              Dated: November 9, 2018.
                                               Authorization for new HEAL program                                        agencies, and to schools, school                               James F. Manning,
                                               loans was discontinued on September                                       associations, professional and specialty                       Acting Chief Operating Officer, Federal
                                               30, 1998.                                                                 associations, State licensing boards,                          Student Aid.
                                                  Under division H, title V, section 525                                 hospitals with which listed borrowers                          Appendix
                                               of the Consolidated Appropriations Act,                                   may be associated, and other relevant
                                               2014 (Pub. L. 113–76), and title VII, part                                organizations, upon written request to                         Federal Student Aid
                                               A, subpart I of the Public Health Service                                 the email address listed under FOR                             U.S. Department of Education
                                                                          HEALTH EDUCATION ASSISTANCE LOAN DEFAULTERS BY LAST NAME AS OF JUNE 30, 2018
                                                        Last name                            First name                      Mi                      City                    State       Discipline       Date reported   Amount due

                                               Abe .............................     Gregory ......................       N .......     Tujunga ......................     CA          PHA                    1/21/1998       $70,973
                                               Ackley .........................      Brainard ......................      L .......     Kitty Hawk ..................      NC          CHM                    1/21/1998        22,784
                                               Acosta-Delgado ..........             Feliberto .....................      D .......     Bronx ..........................   NY          DEN                     3/1/1999        91,821
                                               Adams ........................        Stephen ......................       ...........   League City ................       TX          CHM                     3/1/1999        88,433
                                               Addison Sr ..................         Michael .......................      A .......     Allendale ....................     SC          CHM                    2/14/2013         9,702
                                               Adeli ...........................     Mojgan .......................       E .......     Los Angeles ...............        CA          DEN                     3/1/1999       137,885
                                               Adkins .........................      Margo .........................      M ......      Austin .........................   TX          MED                    1/21/1998       814,047
                                               Aiken ..........................      Richard .......................      F .......     Playa Del Rey ............         CA          CHM                    8/21/2015        83,805
                                               Al-Amin .......................       Ihsaan ........................      ...........   Ringgold .....................     GA          MED                    11/2/2000        92,759
                                               Alana ..........................      Manuela .....................        L .......     Pharr ..........................   TX          POD                    9/24/2014       240,556
                                               Alden ..........................      Thomas ......................        E .......     Cambridge ..................       MA          CHM                    11/2/2000       125,854
khammond on DSK30JT082PROD with NOTICES

                                               Allen ...........................     John ...........................     S .......     Kingford ......................    MI          OPT                     2/2/2018        42,077
                                               Allen ...........................     Lawrence ....................        P .......     Temecula ...................       CA          CHM                    7/31/1998       332,963
                                               Alter ............................    Dale ............................    N .......     Lafayette ....................     CA          MED                     2/5/2009       423,417
                                               Anderson ....................         Angela ........................      J ........    Torrance .....................     CA          MED                    1/21/1998       165,750
                                               Anderson ....................         Gwendolyn .................          ...........   Lansdowne .................        PA          POD                    1/21/1998       267,198
                                               Anyaji ..........................     George .......................       I ........    San Diego ..................       CA          MED                    4/25/2014       121,135
                                               Armstrong ...................         Daniel .........................     J ........    San Francisco ............         CA          CHM                    5/17/1999       151,399
                                               Arnesen ......................        Douglas ......................       W ......      Atascadero .................       CA          CHM                    5/17/1999        52,715

                                          VerDate Sep<11>2014        16:53 Nov 14, 2018         Jkt 247001     PO 00000        Frm 00059       Fmt 4703     Sfmt 4703      E:\FR\FM\15NON1.SGM   15NON1

                                               57458                                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 221 / Thursday, November 15, 2018 / Notices

                                                               HEALTH EDUCATION ASSISTANCE LOAN DEFAULTERS BY LAST NAME AS OF JUNE 30, 2018—Continued
                                                        Last name                             First name                     Mi                      City                     State       Discipline       Date reported   Amount due

                                               Ayoola-Archie .............           Olatokunbo .................         M ......      Lancaster ...................       CA          MED                   11/12/2013        49,724
                                               Azcueta ......................        Justina ........................     Q .......     San Jose ....................       CA          DEN                     5/7/2013       154,820
                                               Bacon .........................       Pamela .......................       M ......      Hollister ......................    MO          DEN                    5/17/1999       243,204
                                               Baez ...........................      Ana .............................    V .......     Somerset ....................       NJ          DEN                    5/14/2002       147,799
                                               Bahadue .....................         George .......................       P .......     Hialeah .......................     FL          OST                     3/1/1999       253,815
                                               Baird ...........................     Curtis ..........................    J ........    Yucaipa ......................      CA          MED                    5/14/2002       111,709
                                               Baker ..........................      Gale ............................    ...........   Olympia Flds ..............         IL          DEN                    5/17/2001        73,494
                                               Baker ..........................      Walter .........................     A .......     Mill Valley ...................     CA          DEN                    5/11/2005       436,467
                                               Ball JR ........................      Thomas ......................        ...........   Detroit .........................   MI          POD                   11/12/2013       111,033
                                               Baranco ......................        Patricia .......................     E .......     Lake Charles ..............         LA          DEN                     3/1/1999       830,242
                                               Baratta ........................      George .......................       ...........   Danville ......................     CA          CHM                    11/2/2000        29,333
                                               Barber .........................      Mildred .......................      L .......     Washington ................         DC          MED                   11/14/2007       151,119
                                               Barnes ........................       De Elward ..................         F .......     Los Angeles ...............         CA          CHM                   11/10/2004        54,021
                                               Barnett ........................      Brian ...........................    D .......     Pearland .....................      TX          CHM                    1/21/1998        80,454
                                               Barney ........................       Thomas ......................        W ......      Signal Mountain .........           TN          CHM                    8/22/2017        46,616
                                               Barrows ......................        Joni .............................   ...........   Newmarket .................         NH          DEN                    5/19/2009       640,705
                                               Bayles .........................      Jay ..............................   C .......     Westlake Village ........           CA          CHM                    8/11/2005       121,268
                                               Bear ............................     Todd ...........................     L .......     Houston ......................      TX          CHM                    9/24/2014        76,941
                                               Beckford .....................        Audrey ........................      L .......     East Orange ...............         NJ          OST                    2/15/2002        72,800
                                               Bennett .......................       Kathy ..........................     ...........   Caldwell ......................     ID          CHM                    8/12/2016        82,567
                                               Bentley JR ..................         James .........................      W ......      Van Nuys ...................        CA          DEN                    8/12/2016        25,463
                                               Bergstrom ...................         Eric .............................   R .......     Anaheim Hills .............         CA          CHM                     5/7/2013        33,459
                                               Bertin ..........................     Michael .......................      W ......      West Bloomfield .........           MI          DEN                    1/21/1998        12,673
                                               Bertsch .......................       Dar .............................    A .......     Santa Cruz .................        CA          CHM                    4/25/2014        40,301
                                               Bettis ..........................     Gail .............................   M ......      Bellrose ......................     NY          DEN                    1/21/1998        95,004
                                               Biosah-Coleman .........              Ada .............................    N .......     Houston ......................      TX          PUB                    9/24/2014        50,082
                                               Bittenbender ...............          Robert ........................      G .......     Clarks Summit ............          PA          CHM                    11/7/2001        42,971
                                               Bland JR .....................        Henry ..........................     N .......     Jacksonville ................       FL          DEN                    5/14/2002       241,584
                                               Blase ..........................      Richard .......................      M ......      Worcester ...................       MA          DEN                    1/21/1998       446,738
                                               Bolton .........................      Paul ............................    K .......     Kansas City ................        MO          CHM                    11/2/2000       128,654
                                               Booher ........................       Janette .......................      L .......     South San Francisco                 CA          CHM                     2/1/2001        63,962
                                               Boshes .......................        Perri ............................   D .......     Deerfield Beach .........           FL          CHM                    1/21/1998        65,201
                                               Bowman .....................          Jeffrey ........................     S .......     Salt Lake City .............        UT          CHM                    1/21/1998        22,309
                                               Brandt .........................      Susan .........................      J ........    Winston Salem ...........           NC          MED                     7/6/2012        98,819
                                               Brantley ......................       Carl .............................   E .......     Houston ......................      TX          DEN                    9/24/2014        43,100
                                               Breazeale ...................         Michael .......................      E .......     Marietta ......................     GA          CHM                    1/21/1998       319,438
                                               Brodie .........................      Douglas ......................       K .......     San Antonio ...............         TX          DEN                    1/21/1998       370,733
                                               Brodsky ......................        Barbara ......................       L .......     San Francisco ............          CA          CHM                    1/21/1998        21,274
                                               Bronk ..........................      Brian ...........................    R .......     Santa Monica .............          CA          CHM                    1/21/1998        73,217
                                               Broussard ...................         Charlotte .....................      R .......     Carrollton ....................     TX          CHM                    11/2/2000        23,760
                                               Broussard ...................         Linda ..........................     C .......     Los Angeles ...............         CA          CHM                    2/10/2011        13,258
                                               Brown .........................       Darla ...........................    J ........    Highlands ...................       TX          CHM                    1/21/1998       417,880
                                               Brown .........................       Jeffrey ........................     T .......     Laguna Niguel ............          CA          CHM                    11/7/2001        31,645
                                               Brown-Collins .............           Jannas ........................      E .......     Columbia ....................       SC          DEN                    5/31/2018       558,493
                                               Bruyning .....................        Edwin .........................      F .......     Miami ..........................    FL          DEN                    1/21/1998       331,250
                                               Buchta ........................       Joseph ........................      F .......     Bradenton ...................       FL          DEN                    7/26/2018        35,208
                                               Buchwald-Heilig ..........            Bonnie ........................      I ........    Tucson .......................      AZ          CHM                    1/21/1998        44,173
                                               Buford .........................      John ...........................     I ........    Philadelphia ................       PA          OST                    5/17/2001        67,880
                                               Bui ..............................    Khai ............................    T .......     Springfield ..................      MA          DEN                    8/16/2006       116,675
                                               Bulen ..........................      Jerry ...........................    L .......     Brandon ......................      FL          OST                    2/28/2005       183,071
                                               Bunce .........................       Christine .....................      T .......     Sonoma ......................       CA          CPY                     2/1/2001       182,337
                                               Burke-Lundy ...............           Elaine .........................     I ........    Davie ..........................    FL          MED                    5/16/2011        40,447
                                               Caballero ....................        Jorge ..........................     R .......     Los Angeles ...............         CA          CHM                    1/21/1998       262,521
                                               Cabrera ......................        Cecilia ........................     I ........    Pembroke Pines .........            FL          OPT                     2/5/2009        21,020
                                               Cabrera ......................        Dakila .........................     ...........   Fairfield ......................    CA          CHM                    8/17/2012         4,876
                                               Caldwell ......................       William ........................     G .......     Concord ......................      MA          DEN                    5/14/2002       111,009
                                               Calix ...........................     Raul ............................    O .......     Lennox .......................      CA          CHM                    5/16/2011        11,471
                                               Campanale .................           Paul ............................    R .......     Jacksonville ................       FL          CHM                    1/21/1998        90,362
                                               Canillas .......................      Gregorio .....................       L .......     Long Beach ................         CA          CPY                    5/16/2011        74,564
                                               Caporaso ....................         Nicholas .....................       G .......     West Liberty ...............        OH          CHM                     2/1/2001        35,352
                                               Caputo ........................       Francesco ..................         J ........    Plainview ....................      NY          CHM                     7/6/2012       253,184
                                               Cardenas-Cuyuche ....                 Ines ............................    B .......     Los Angeles ...............         CA          CHM                   11/18/2011        22,422
                                               Carlos .........................      Lester .........................     B .......     San Leandro ..............          CA          CHM                     8/5/2004        71,956
                                               Carney ........................       Timothy ......................       M ......      East Patchogue ..........           NY          CHM                   11/26/2012        34,116
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                                               Carpenter ...................         Richard .......................      P .......     Saginaw .....................       MI          CHM                    1/21/1998        47,308
                                               Carrie ..........................     Thomas ......................        T .......     Mount Vernon ............           NY          MED                     3/1/1999       344,043
                                               Carthen .......................       Michael .......................      ...........   Brooklyn .....................      NY          POD                    1/21/1998       361,705
                                               Castaline ....................        Perren ........................      V .......     Canyon Country .........            CA          CHM                    8/11/2005       139,473
                                               Castellanos .................         Loretta ........................     M ......      Key Biscayne .............          FL          DEN                     2/3/2014       264,343
                                               Castro .........................      Henry ..........................     G ......      Corpus Christi ............         TX          CHM                    5/20/2004        54,055
                                               Caulkins ......................       Robert ........................      M ......      Shrewsbury ................         MA          MED                     8/5/2004       491,128
                                               Cha .............................     Chris ...........................    S .......     Garden Grove ............           CA          DEN                   11/12/1999       328,352

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                                                                                     Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 221 / Thursday, November 15, 2018 / Notices                                                               57459

                                                               HEALTH EDUCATION ASSISTANCE LOAN DEFAULTERS BY LAST NAME AS OF JUNE 30, 2018—Continued
                                                        Last name                              First name                     Mi                      City                    State       Discipline       Date reported   Amount due

                                               Chalgujian ..................          Hilda ...........................    A .......     Palm Desert ...............        CA          CPY                    5/16/2011       140,162
                                               Chen ...........................       Syng-Fu ......................       F .......     Pls Vrds Pnsl .............        CA          MED                    5/20/2004        52,655
                                               Cheney .......................         Julian ..........................    L .......     Reseda .......................     CA          CHM                    1/21/1998         8,863
                                               Choe ...........................       Kevin ..........................     K .......     Lakewood ...................       CA          CHM                    1/21/1998        14,082
                                               Choi ............................      Seong .........................      Y .......     Diamond Bar ..............         CA          DEN                     3/1/1999       153,124
                                               Christian .....................        Roy .............................    P .......     Saratoga .....................     CA          DEN                     7/6/2012        68,274
                                               Christiansen ...............           John ...........................     C .......     Taylorsville .................     UT          CHM                    5/19/2009        80,706
                                               Clark ...........................      Garth ..........................     A .......     Humble .......................     TX          MED                    8/10/2001       141,391
                                               Cleere .........................       Carrol .........................     E .......     Tulsa ..........................   OK          CHM                    1/21/1998       222,263
                                               Clifton .........................      Rhea ...........................     S .......     Dallas .........................   TX          CHM                     8/5/2004         8,379
                                               Cline ...........................      Sherri ..........................    L .......     Sylmar ........................    CA          OST                    1/21/1998        13,253
                                               Clouse ........................        William ........................     J ........    San Antonio ...............        TX          POD                     3/1/1999       215,811
                                               Coate ..........................       Linda ..........................     ...........   Reno ...........................   NV          CHM                    11/9/2010       175,728
                                               Cobrin .........................       Bettina ........................     B .......     Marina Del Rey ..........          CA          CPY                    1/21/1998       255,345
                                               Coleman JR ...............             Harold .........................     J ........    Tacoma ......................      WA          DEN                    5/16/2011       269,018
                                               Collier .........................      George .......................       R .......     Ponderay ....................      ID          DEN                    1/21/1998       275,006
                                               Collier .........................      William ........................     F .......     Sandpoint ...................      ID          CHM                    1/21/1998       229,587
                                               Collins JR ...................         Gail .............................   W ......      Fullerton .....................    CA          OPT                     3/1/1999        33,320
                                               Connaughton ..............             Edward .......................       M ......      Hermosa Beach .........            CA          CHM                    8/12/2016        39,098
                                               Connor ........................        Kenneth ......................       J ........    Newport Beach ..........           CA          CHM                    11/7/2001        80,438
                                               Conway ......................          Walter .........................     A .......     Sanford .......................    FL          DEN                    5/16/2011       207,156
                                               Cook ...........................       Ian ..............................   K .......     Christiansted ..............       VI          POD                     2/8/2017       175,572
                                               Cook ...........................       Karen ..........................     ...........   Sedona .......................     AZ          CHM                     7/6/2012       467,828
                                               Cooke .........................        Courtney .....................       W ......      Studio City ..................     CA          CHM                    5/18/2010        47,520
                                               Coombs ......................          Timothy ......................       R .......     Anaheim .....................      CA          CHM                    5/15/2000       116,126
                                               Cooney .......................         Carey ..........................     E .......     Eugene .......................     OR          DEN                    1/21/1998        41,996
                                               Coonts ........................        Terry ...........................    A .......     Eldorado Springs .......           MO          CHM                    2/17/2000        31,340
                                               Cooper ........................        April ............................   D .......     Hazel Crest ................       IL          MED                    1/21/1998       444,062
                                               Corcoran .....................         Jamie ..........................     M ......      New York ...................       NY          DEN                    4/24/1998       518,968
                                               Cothran .......................        Lonnie ........................      A .......     Shady Point ................       OK          CHM                   11/12/1999       231,237
                                               Cox .............................      Michael .......................      A .......     Oakland ......................     CA          CHM                   11/15/2005        25,521
                                               Cummins ....................           David ..........................     F .......     St Michael Barbados ..             FC          DEN                    1/21/1998       149,932
                                               Curtin ..........................      Michael .......................      M ......      Fairfax ........................   CA          CHM                    1/21/1998        36,462
                                               Cutts ...........................      David ..........................     P .......     Temecula ...................       CA          DEN                    1/21/1998       202,054
                                               Danchisin ....................         Drew ...........................     M ......      Oakland ......................     CA          CHM                    5/16/2011       120,592
                                               Daniels .......................        Peter ...........................    J ........    San Jose ....................      CA          CHM                    2/20/2007        97,949
                                               Danielsdixon ...............           Darlene .......................      T .......     Bloomfield Hills ..........        MI          DEN                    9/24/2014       194,818
                                               Darrow ........................        Victoria .......................     L .......     Boca Raton ................        FL          CHM                   11/26/2012       132,598
                                               Davalos ......................         Steven ........................      M ......      Carmel Valley .............        CA          CHM                     8/1/2000        50,364
                                               Davidson ....................          Blake ..........................     L .......     Richardson .................       TX          CHM                     8/5/2004        49,395
                                               Davis ..........................       Mary ...........................     L .......     Ypsilanti ......................   MI          OPT                     3/1/1999        71,678
                                               Davisson .....................         Mark ...........................     J ........    Napa ...........................   CA          CHM                     3/1/1999        63,532
                                               Davitiashvili ................         Nodari .........................     ...........   Rego Park ..................       NY          DEN                   11/12/2013       153,007
                                               De Jesus-Miranda ......                Luis .............................   A .......     Fajardo .......................    PR          OPT                    5/14/2002       104,273
                                               Deck ...........................       Robert ........................      E .......     Crowley ......................     TX          CHM                    2/14/2013        58,470
                                               Deleonardis ................           Michael .......................      S .......     Houston ......................     TX          MED                    8/10/2001       112,440
                                               Demaria ......................         Lynn ...........................     A .......     Albany ........................    NY          MED                     2/2/2018        79,431
                                               Dennis ........................        Gwenda ......................        B .......     Aliso Viejo ..................     CA          MED                    5/14/2016       130,868
                                               Densmore ...................           Robert ........................      D .......     Tampa ........................     FL          CHM                    8/17/2007        49,331
                                               Derbonne ....................          John ...........................     R .......     Lake Jackson .............         TX          CHM                    9/24/2014        47,152
                                               Dewitt .........................       Eldon ..........................     L .......     Palm City ....................     FL          CHM                     2/5/2009       136,872
                                               Dhaliwal ......................        Emaline ......................       K .......     Riverside ....................     CA          CHM                    1/21/1998        16,202
                                               Diaz ............................      James .........................      A .......     Redwood Valley .........           CA          CHM                    8/22/2017        15,049
                                               Diesen ........................        James .........................      D .......     Jacksonville ................      FL          CHM                    1/21/1998       424,985
                                               Difiore JR ...................         William ........................     E .......     Fountain Valley ..........         CA          CHM                    1/21/1998        69,939
                                               Dinh ............................      Michael .......................      K .......     Mcallen .......................    TX          CHM                    9/24/2014        11,745
                                               Ditroia .........................      Frederick ....................       ...........   Warrington ..................      PA          DEN                    1/21/1998        60,913
                                               Dominic ......................         Anthony ......................       J ........    Manasquan ................         NJ          MED                    2/15/2002        53,174
                                               Dominicis ....................         Beth ............................    A .......     Lake Arrowhead .........           CA          CHM                     2/1/2001        26,090
                                               Doom ..........................        Randolph ....................        H .......     Murrells Inlet ..............      SC          CHM                    8/17/2012       153,389
                                               Dorian .........................       Saro ............................    S .......     Glendale .....................     CA          CHM                    11/7/2001        35,408
                                               Dructor ........................       James .........................      D .......     Pittsburgh ...................     PA          MED                    8/10/2001        68,756
                                               Dudley ........................        Raynold ......................       R .......     Houston ......................     TX          PHA                    1/21/1998       113,654
                                               Dungan .......................         Kim .............................    V .......     Fort Lauderdale ..........         FL          CHM                   11/14/2007       116,348
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                                               Dupuis ........................        Kenneth ......................       J ........    Orono .........................    ME          CHM                    5/14/2002       185,691
                                               Durham .......................         Ricky ..........................     L .......     Houston ......................     TX          CHM                    1/21/1998       235,063
                                               Dwight ........................        Benton ........................      J ........    Albuquerque ...............        NM          PHA                    7/26/2018        19,191
                                               Dykeman ....................           Peter ...........................    J ........    Hawthorne ..................       CA          CHM                    1/21/1998       130,989
                                               Elbayar .......................        Nader .........................      K .......     Port Washington ........           NY          POD                    1/21/1998       146,871
                                               Elder ...........................      Terry ...........................    M ......      Glendale Heights .......           IL          CHM                     8/1/2000       285,346
                                               Eli ...............................    Desiree .......................      D .......     Soquel ........................    CA          CHM                    1/21/1998        76,131
                                               Ellis .............................    Mark ...........................     S .......     Miami ..........................   FL          POD                    2/17/2000       131,222

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                                               57460                                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 221 / Thursday, November 15, 2018 / Notices

                                                               HEALTH EDUCATION ASSISTANCE LOAN DEFAULTERS BY LAST NAME AS OF JUNE 30, 2018—Continued
                                                        Last name                             First name                     Mi                      City                     State       Discipline       Date reported   Amount due

                                               Emerson .....................         Edwin .........................      A .......     Selden ........................     NY          CHM                    1/21/1998       230,297
                                               Engel ..........................      Rob .............................    L .......     Garden Grove ............           CA          CHM                    2/17/2000        28,928
                                               Ensminger ..................          Aletha .........................     M ......      Carmichael .................        CA          DEN                    11/9/2010        98,256
                                               Epstein .......................       Judy ............................    J ........    Carlsbad .....................      CA          CPY                    2/17/2000       157,799
                                               Eslao ..........................      Caesar ........................      G .......     Carson ........................     CA          DEN                    1/21/1998       155,211
                                               Esmailbeigui ...............          Babak .........................      ...........   Pacific Palisades ........          CA          DEN                    9/24/2014         9,895
                                               Etienne .......................       Fernande ....................        ...........   West Palm Beach ......              FL          POD                    5/11/2006       169,876
                                               Etumnu .......................        Patrick ........................     C .......     Houston ......................      TX          CHM                    9/24/2014        28,338
                                               Evans .........................       William ........................     L .......     Spring .........................    TX          CHM                    9/24/2014        96,900
                                               Fabricant ....................        Michael .......................      J ........    Fort Lauderdale ..........          FL          CHM                    1/21/1998       244,115
                                               Fair .............................    David ..........................     F .......     Knoxville .....................     TN          CHM                     3/1/1999       144,068
                                               Falkinburg ...................        Rory ............................    D .......     Point Pleasant Boro ...             NJ          CHM                    7/26/2018        88,644
                                               Fallman .......................       James .........................      M ......      Victorville ....................    CA          CHM                    5/15/2000        50,055
                                               Falth-Vanvollenhoven                  Annika ........................      M ......      San Francisco ............          CA          MED                     3/1/1999       135,313
                                               Fanizzi ........................      Thomas ......................        ...........   Brightwaters ...............        NY          POD                    4/24/1998       496,827
                                               Farris ..........................     Farral ..........................    W ......      Wichita Falls ...............       TX          CHM                    5/15/2000        64,596
                                               Fayazfar .....................        Mitra ...........................    ...........   Oak Park ....................       CA          CHM                    11/7/2001        28,943
                                               Feinman .....................         Brian ...........................    M ......      Tampa ........................      FL          POD                    2/20/2007       723,646
                                               Fenton ........................       Mark ...........................     A .......     Van Nuys ...................        CA          CHM                    5/11/2006        97,464
                                               Fiore ...........................     James .........................      P .......     Santa Ana ..................        CA          CHM                    8/10/2001        70,010
                                               Fletcher ......................       Leonard ......................       G .......     Corona .......................      CA          MED                    8/21/2015        74,818
                                               Flores .........................      Otto ............................    O .......     Antario ........................    CA          CHM                    1/21/1998       171,824
                                               Fluck ...........................     Dennis ........................      W ......      New Tripoli .................       PA          OST                   10/30/2003       296,668
                                               Flunker .......................       Edward .......................       J ........    Houston ......................      TX          CHM                    8/12/2016        13,287
                                               Ford ............................     Thomas ......................        M ......      Yorba Linda ................        CA          CHM                     2/1/2001        19,208
                                               Formaker ....................         James .........................      W ......      West Hollywood .........            CA          DEN                    1/21/1998       107,683
                                               Fox .............................     Carl .............................   A .......     Dana Point .................        CA          CHM                    5/11/2005       112,315
                                               Franco ........................       Michael .......................      G ......      Glendale .....................      CA          MED                     3/3/2015       211,960
                                               Francus ......................        Irwin ............................   N .......     East Northport ............         NY          CHM                    4/24/1998       424,063
                                               Franks ........................       Michael .......................      A .......     Wharton ......................      TX          CHM                    9/24/2014        28,047
                                               Fridrick ........................     Tim .............................    P .......     Las Vegas ..................        NV          CHM                    1/21/1998        67,142
                                               Friedman ....................         Marc ...........................     H .......     Huntington Beach ......             CA          POD                    8/12/2016        56,045
                                               Frigard ........................      Scott ...........................    N .......     Marietta ......................     GA          CHM                    1/21/1998         7,232
                                               Fulton .........................      William ........................     C .......     Oakland ......................      CA          CPY                    11/7/2001        78,029
                                               Funcia .........................      Ana .............................    T .......     Miami ..........................    FL          DEN                     2/1/2001       200,576
                                               Gaber .........................       Alan ............................    M ......      Levittown ....................      PA          DEN                    5/14/2002        59,493
                                               Gain ............................     John ...........................     J ........    Wilmington .................        DE          MED                     5/2/2003       347,905
                                               Galliher .......................      Jack ............................    T .......     Brea ............................   CA          OPT                    11/7/2001         3,520
                                               Gallucci .......................      Don .............................    A .......     Malden .......................      MA          DEN                     3/1/1999       148,868
                                               Gasso .........................       Joaquin .......................      A .......     Hialeah .......................     FL          CHM                    1/21/1998       262,093
                                               Gaydos .......................        Richard .......................      F .......     Fontana ......................      CA          CHM                    11/7/2001        67,231
                                               Gdula ..........................      William ........................     J ........    Brookline ....................      MA          MED                    5/16/2011        18,724
                                               Genna .........................       Stephen ......................       A .......     Bayville .......................    NY          DEN                    7/26/2018        39,775
                                               Ghalbi .........................      Abdollnasser ..............          ...........   Santa Ana ..................        CA          CHM                    5/14/2002        39,769
                                               Gifford .........................     Craig ...........................    P .......     Keller ..........................   TX          DEN                    2/17/2000       103,506
                                               Gilyot ..........................     Glenn ..........................     D .......     New Orleans ..............          LA          DEN                    2/15/2002       301,766
                                               Giorgio ........................      Stephen ......................       R .......     Middle Island ..............        NY          CHM                    7/26/2018        25,427
                                               Gipson ........................       Bruce ..........................     C .......     Easton ........................     PA          CHM                    5/14/2016        25,533
                                               Giventer ......................       Alex ............................    ...........   Los Angeles ...............         CA          CHM                    5/16/2011        69,946
                                               Glick ...........................     Stanley .......................      B .......     Pasadena ...................        CA          OPT                    1/21/1998         7,072
                                               Gloshinski ...................        Laura ..........................     E .......     Lakeland .....................      FL          CHM                    1/21/1998       146,266
                                               Goldbeck ....................         Donald ........................      E .......     Woodland Hills ...........          CA          CHM                    8/12/2016        99,442
                                               Gomes ........................        Steven ........................      P .......     Santa Rosa ................         CA          CHM                    4/24/1998        51,562
                                               Gomez ........................        Meneleo .....................        P .......     Glendale .....................      CA          DEN                    5/15/2000       279,168
                                               Gonzalez ....................         Maria ..........................     E .......     East Rockaway ..........            NY          DEN                    5/15/2000        73,671
                                               Goodman ....................          William ........................     D .......     Thorp ..........................    WI          DEN                    1/21/1998        32,914
                                               Goodwin .....................         Randall .......................      J ........    Satanta .......................     KS          CHM                     7/6/2012       103,679
                                               Gosa-Kersee ..............            Angela ........................      J ........    Chicago ......................      IL          DEN                     3/1/1999       278,716
                                               Gottschling .................         Carl .............................   F .......     Cleveland ...................       OH          MED                    11/7/2001       153,772
                                               Grant ..........................      Terry ...........................    E .......     Hempstead .................         NY          DEN                     2/1/2001        77,076
                                               Gray ............................     David ..........................     M ......      San Francisco ............          CA          POD                     3/2/2004        68,566
                                               Greeno .......................        Vincent .......................      A .......     Bolton .........................    MA          CHM                    2/28/2005        61,130
                                               Greeson-Cargioli ........             Leisa ...........................    A .......     Noblesville ..................      IN          CHM                    7/26/2018        36,314
                                               Gregory ......................        Thomas ......................        M ......      Brentwood ..................        NY          CHM                    8/22/2017       333,793
khammond on DSK30JT082PROD with NOTICES

                                               Gregory ......................        Todd ...........................     A .......     Pismo Beach ..............          CA          CHM                    1/21/1998        52,281
                                               Gregson ......................        Randall .......................      ...........   Kailua .........................    HI          CHM                    8/22/2017        95,606
                                               Grenier .......................       Paul ............................    S .......     Viroqua .......................     WI          CHM                     8/9/2010        51,904
                                               Grobes ........................       Preston .......................      R .......     Newport News ............           VA          PHA                    7/26/2018         2,798
                                               Grob-Mick ...................         Renee .........................      J ........    Dover ..........................    DE          MED                    5/31/2018        39,307
                                               Grossman ...................          Brian ...........................    W ......      Tulra ...........................   CA          CPY                    8/12/2016        92,891
                                               Gulas ..........................      Carl .............................   M ......      Los Gatos ...................       CA          CHM                   11/18/2011        42,324
                                               Gulla ...........................     Peter ...........................    B .......     Colorado Springs .......            CO          CHM                   11/17/2009        17,102

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                                                                                     Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 221 / Thursday, November 15, 2018 / Notices                                                                 57461

                                                               HEALTH EDUCATION ASSISTANCE LOAN DEFAULTERS BY LAST NAME AS OF JUNE 30, 2018—Continued
                                                        Last name                              First name                      Mi                      City                     State       Discipline       Date reported   Amount due

                                               Gutierrez .....................        Celso ..........................      ...........   Arlington .....................     TX          CHM                    8/12/2016        28,724
                                               Guyer ..........................       Larry ...........................     G .......     Santa Rosa ................         CA          CHM                    11/7/2001        42,653
                                               Gyaami .......................         Opanin ........................       ...........   Vacaville .....................     CA          DEN                     8/5/2004       400,658
                                               Hahn ...........................       Peter ...........................     S .......     Placentia ....................      CA          CHM                    1/21/1998        40,778
                                               Haines ........................        Steven ........................       M ......      Jackson ......................      NJ          CHM                     3/1/1999        58,506
                                               Hall .............................     Pamela .......................        A .......     Fort Lauderdale ..........          FL          CPY                    8/17/2007       196,708
                                               Hamilton .....................         Cynthia .......................       R .......     Chino Hills ..................      CA          MED                    5/16/2011        40,585
                                               Hampton .....................          Jubal ...........................     ...........   Long Beach ................         CA          POD                   11/12/1999       105,386
                                               Hankins ......................         Dean ...........................      G ......      Anaheim .....................       CA          CHM                    8/12/2016        93,346
                                               Hankins ......................         Douglas ......................        A .......     Anaheim .....................       CA          CHM                    8/22/2017        56,937
                                               Hansen .......................         Kristen ........................      T .......     Washington ................         UT          CHM                     2/6/2003       115,447
                                               Harness-Lewis ............             Donita .........................      M ......      Bainbridge ..................       GA          CPY                    2/17/2000        57,757
                                               Harp ............................      Richard .......................       B .......     Hacienda Heights .......            CA          CHM                    8/10/2011        24,380
                                               Harris ..........................      Conrad .......................        W ......      Washington ................         DC          DEN                    1/21/1998       130,076
                                               Harrison ......................        Rodney .......................        B .......     Claremont ...................       CA          DEN                    5/19/2009       433,772
                                               Hashemi .....................          Keyvan .......................        ...........   San Jose ....................       CA          DEN                    1/19/2017        59,076
                                               Hasley ........................        Steven ........................       J ........    Melbourne ..................        FL          CHM                    2/28/2005        76,910
                                               Hassid ........................        Sharona ......................        H .......     Great Neck .................        NY          DEN                    7/26/2018        30,989
                                               Hatfield .......................       Brian ...........................     L .......     Brentwood ..................        CA          CHM                    1/21/1998        58,153
                                               Haygood .....................          Regina ........................       J ........    Brooklyn .....................      NY          POD                    4/24/1998       193,113
                                               Hazelwood III .............            Harry ..........................      H .......     Daytona Beach ..........            NJ          PUB                     3/1/1999       302,153
                                               Heckler .......................        Rodney .......................        R .......     Wheaton .....................       IL          CHM                   11/15/2005        23,493
                                               Hempsey ....................           William ........................      C .......     North Hollywood .........           CA          CHM                    1/21/1998       112,753
                                               Henderson ..................           Charles .......................       A .......     Baltimore ....................      MD          POD                    8/22/2017        45,579
                                               Hennell-Larue .............            Renata ........................       A .......     Mapleton ....................       OR          CHM                    9/24/2014        40,332
                                               Hernandez ..................           Agapito .......................       ...........   Mcallen .......................     TX          CHM                    11/7/2001       190,829
                                               Hernandez ..................           Orestes .......................       M ......      Los Angeles ...............         CA          CHM                    1/21/1998        86,997
                                               Herrera .......................        Diego ..........................      F .......     Long Island City .........          NY          DEN                     8/5/1999       296,505
                                               Hibbert ........................       Harold .........................      H .......     Mountain View ...........           CA          MED                    11/2/2000        28,679
                                               Ho ...............................     Wook ..........................       ...........   Los Angeles ...............         CA          DEN                     3/1/1999        55,937
                                               Hoang .........................        Dat ..............................    T .......     Anaheim .....................       CA          MED                    8/12/2016        74,582
                                               Hobowsky ...................           Martin .........................      R .......     South Charleston .......            OH          OST                    11/9/2010       239,874
                                               Hoehn .........................        James .........................       D .......     Thousand Oaks ..........            CA          DEN                    1/21/1998        76,578
                                               Hoffman ......................         Stuart ..........................     ...........   Venice ........................     CA          CHM                    8/12/2016        21,599
                                               Holt .............................     Kenneth ......................        G .......     Sun City .....................      CA          CHM                    1/21/1998       144,022
                                               Holzer .........................       Richard .......................       M ......      Glendale .....................      AZ          CHM                    8/17/2007       158,389
                                               Hopkins ......................         Keith ...........................     T .......     Kissimmee ..................        FL          CHM                    1/21/1998        13,066
                                               Horsley .......................        Ronald ........................       G ......      Yulee ..........................    FL          CHM                    1/21/1998        93,491
                                               Hough JR ...................           Reginio .......................       T .......     Lancaster ...................       CA          CHM                     8/1/2000        47,579
                                               Howell .........................       Ralph ..........................      G ......      Medford ......................      OR          CHM                    11/7/2001       233,195
                                               Hungerford .................           Richard .......................       D .......     Portola ........................    CA          CHM                    1/21/1998        85,956
                                               Hunt ............................      Richard .......................       D .......     Pasadena ...................        CA          CHM                    2/15/2002       147,452
                                               Hunter .........................       Donald ........................       E .......     Fairborn ......................     OH          CHM                    5/19/2009        75,825
                                               Hush ...........................       George .......................        G .......     Rose City ...................       MI          CHM                    1/21/1998       104,317
                                               Ichiuji ..........................     Arnold .........................      T .......     Salinas .......................     CA          DEN                    8/10/2001       110,841
                                               Iglesias .......................       Gerald ........................       J ........    Pleasant Hill ...............       CA          DEN                   11/26/2012       120,234
                                               Iliou .............................    Claude ........................       B .......     Punta Gorda ...............         FL          MED                    8/16/2006        24,411
                                               Ionova-Zalivchy ..........             Irina ............................    I ........    Brooklyn .....................      NY          DEN                    7/26/2018        68,222
                                               Iqal ..............................    Robert ........................       S .......     Claremont ...................       CA          PHA                    1/21/1998        19,898
                                               Israelsen .....................        John ...........................      A .......     Logan .........................     UT          DEN                     8/1/2000       287,801
                                               Ito ...............................    Stephen ......................        M ......      Menifee ......................      CA          CHM                    4/24/1998       143,647
                                               Jackson ......................         Francesca ..................          A .......     San Francisco ............          CA          CHM                    4/24/1998        87,854
                                               Jackson ......................         Harold .........................      O .......     Atlanta ........................    GA          DEN                    5/16/2011        54,823
                                               Jacob-France .............             Elizabeth ....................        ...........   St Petersburg .............         FL          CHM                    2/10/2011        66,767
                                               Jaimes ........................        Laura ..........................      ...........   Pico Rivera .................       CA          MED                    7/26/2018        34,649
                                               Jansson ......................         Susanne .....................         E .......     Westhampton Beach ..                NY          GHA                    1/21/1998       116,167
                                               Jeffcoat .......................       Lori .............................    M ......      Vallejo ........................    CA          CHM                   10/30/2003        37,111
                                               Jennifer .......................       Jai ...............................   ...........   Oakland ......................      CA          MED                     7/6/2012        58,880
                                               Jewett .........................       Charles .......................       D .......     Portsmouth .................        OH          CHM                    1/21/1998       104,322
                                               Joergens JR ...............            Donald ........................       W ......      Staten Island ..............        NY          CHM                    1/21/1998        55,390
                                               Johnson ......................         Anthony ......................        ...........   Detroit .........................   MI          MED                    1/21/1998        24,743
                                               Johnson ......................         Eric .............................    D .......     Folsom .......................      CA          CHM                    1/21/1998       362,386
                                               Johnson ......................         Gary ...........................      M ......      Burbank ......................      CA          CHM                    4/24/1998        94,978
                                               Johnson ......................         John ...........................      B .......     Pasadena ...................        TX          CHM                    8/12/2016        16,731
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                                               Johnson ......................         Steven ........................       R .......     Hillsboro .....................     TN          CHM                     8/1/2000       148,776
                                               Kahan .........................        Robert ........................       M ......      Mission Viejo ..............        CA          CHM                    1/21/1998        73,626
                                               Kamel .........................        Luca ...........................      ...........   Canyon Country .........            CA          MED                    8/12/2016       221,857
                                               Kantro .........................       Scott ...........................     R .......     New York ...................        NY          POD                    8/16/2006       387,914
                                               Katz ............................      Steven ........................       M ......      Sherman Oaks ...........            CA          CHM                    8/10/2001       192,638
                                               Kaufmann ...................           Todd ...........................      S .......     Corte Madera .............          CA          CHM                     8/5/1999       136,458
                                               Kea .............................      Rattana .......................       D .......     Highland .....................      CA          DEN                    11/7/2001       193,190
                                               Keeler-Jones ..............            Dawn ..........................       M ......      Port Saint Lucie .........          FL          CHM                    5/14/2002        80,649

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                                               57462                                 Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 221 / Thursday, November 15, 2018 / Notices

                                                               HEALTH EDUCATION ASSISTANCE LOAN DEFAULTERS BY LAST NAME AS OF JUNE 30, 2018—Continued
                                                        Last name                              First name                      Mi                       City                     State       Discipline       Date reported   Amount due

                                               Keenan .......................         John ...........................      M ......      Watertown ..................         NY          CHM                     2/5/2009        50,675
                                               Kellenberger ...............           Steven ........................       L .......     Elgin ...........................    IL          CHM                    5/31/2018         8,598
                                               Kelly ............................     Mark ...........................      S .......     Pomona ......................        CA          CHM                    1/21/1998        64,610
                                               Kelly ............................     Paul ............................     D .......     Cadillac ......................      MI          CHM                     2/2/2018        24,303
                                               Kelly-Soluri .................         Laura ..........................      ...........   Farmingdale ...............          NY          POD                    5/17/1999       242,966
                                               Kempis .......................         Richard .......................       A .......     San Francisco ............           CA          DEN                    2/17/2000       108,424
                                               Kessinger ...................          Charles .......................       W ......      Key West ....................        FL          CHM                    8/21/2015        44,024
                                               Kessler .......................        Bill ..............................   R .......     Fountain Valley ..........           CA          CHM                    8/10/2011        43,202
                                               Khalsa ........................        Gururakha ..................          S .......     Springfield ..................       VA          CHM                    7/31/1998       137,355
                                               Khalsa ........................        Har Hari ......................       S .......     Beverly Hills ...............        CA          CHM                    8/10/2011        65,794
                                               Khan ...........................       Tariq ...........................     A .......     San Leandro ..............           CA          DEN                     7/6/2012        63,644
                                               Kim .............................      Hui Yum .....................         ...........   Pasadena ...................         CA          DEN                    8/12/2016        31,203
                                               Kim .............................      Won Kak ....................          ...........   Torrance .....................       CA          CHM                    8/12/2016       105,017
                                               King ............................      James .........................       H .......     Washington ................          DC          DEN                    1/21/1998        45,731
                                               King ............................      Susan .........................       M ......      Apache Junction ........             AZ          CHM                    9/24/2014       189,591
                                               Kirkpatrick ...................        Ira ...............................   P .......     Midland .......................      TX          CHM                    7/26/2018       199,344
                                               Kiss .............................     Kathleen .....................        M ......      Blue Point ...................       NY          CHM                    1/21/1998       128,174
                                               Klapper .......................        Gerald ........................       P .......     Hollywood ...................        FL          POD                    2/11/2008        52,655
                                               Klejnot ........................       Timothy ......................        A .......     Marietta ......................      GA          CHM                    1/21/1998       222,670
                                               Knight .........................       Patricia .......................      A .......     Bayport .......................      NY          CPY                    1/21/1998        92,266
                                               Ko ...............................     Joo .............................     H .......     Marina ........................      CA          CHM                    4/25/2014        19,555
                                               Kosmides ....................          George .......................        K .......     Hilo .............................   HI          CHM                    7/30/2013        60,137
                                               Koukeh-Sackett ..........              F .................................   M ......      San Bernardino ..........            CA          CHM                    1/21/1998       145,111
                                               Kowalski .....................         Brian ...........................     A .......     Irvine ..........................    CA          CHM                    8/21/2015        27,599
                                               Kralj ............................     Mladen .......................        M ......      Chicago ......................       IL          DEN                    4/24/1998       544,833
                                               Krichevsky ..................          Rita .............................    A .......     Newtown ....................         PA          MED                     2/2/2018       136,535
                                               Krystosik .....................        James .........................       D .......     Streetsboro .................        OH          CHM                    11/9/2006       239,602
                                               Kunen .........................        Frederick ....................        J ........    Miami ..........................     FL          MED                     3/1/1999       187,512
                                               Kushner ......................         William Iii ....................      ...........   Danville ......................      CA          DEN                     5/9/2007        47,220
                                               Kyprie .........................       Warren .......................        ...........   Boca Raton ................          FL          CPY                    2/14/2012        80,756
                                               Lafleur ........................       Allen ...........................     R .......     Hull .............................   MA          CHM                     3/1/1999       434,565
                                               Lamb ..........................        Robert ........................       D .......     Sebastopol .................         CA          CHM                    1/21/1998       185,014
                                               Lampman ...................            Chuck .........................       D .......     Sylmar ........................      CA          CHM                    1/21/1998       259,216
                                               Lancaster ....................         Barry ...........................     D .......     Marietta ......................      GA          CHM                    1/21/1998       136,496
                                               Landou .......................         Lissa ...........................     S .......     Belleville .....................     NJ          CHM                    5/14/2002       203,365
                                               Langham ....................           Mary ...........................      L .......     Talkeetna ...................        AK          OST                    5/19/2009       528,405
                                               Lauffer ........................       Mark ...........................      A .......     Mineral Point ..............         PA          CHM                    5/16/2011        87,387
                                               Lawton ........................        Michael .......................       D .......     Tustin .........................     CA          MED                   11/12/1999       230,993
                                               Le ...............................     Kenneth ......................        N .......     Camarillo ....................       CA          PHA                    8/22/2017        26,667
                                               Lee .............................      Steve ..........................      Y .......     Livingston ...................       NJ          DEN                    8/10/2001        91,126
                                               Lent ............................      Rosella .......................       M ......      Nahant ........................      MA          CHM                    8/11/2005       229,618
                                               Leonor ........................        Lillian ..........................    ...........   Riverside ....................       CA          DEN                    8/10/2011        46,809
                                               Lester .........................       Robert ........................       C .......     Waxahachie ...............           TX          CHM                    2/17/2000        65,171
                                               Leung .........................        Leo .............................     S .......     Woodside ...................         NY          CHM                    1/21/1998       208,386
                                               Levin ...........................      Nancy .........................       E .......     Palm Beach Gardens                   FL          CHM                    1/21/1998       208,443
                                               Lewis ..........................       Richard .......................       C .......     Colorado Springs .......             CO          CHM                    8/17/2012        31,347
                                               Light ............................     David ..........................      N .......     Winter Garden ............           FL          DEN                    2/28/2005       132,908
                                               Lim ..............................     Jong ...........................      S .......     Elmhurst .....................       NY          DEN                   11/12/2013       156,598
                                               Lippay .........................       Ronald ........................       W ......      Fresno ........................      CA          CHM                   10/30/2003        71,688
                                               Lipschutz ....................         Robert ........................       B .......     Philadelphia ................        PA          POD                     2/1/2006       137,733
                                               Little ............................    Carlton ........................      E .......     Chicago ......................       IL          MED                   11/12/2013       299,161
                                               Littleton .......................      Charles .......................       R .......     Edmond ......................        OK          DEN                    7/31/1998         1,044
                                               Lodwig ........................        Michael .......................       J ........    Walnut Creek .............           CA          CHM                    1/21/1998        51,809
                                               Lopez ..........................       Luis .............................    ...........   Cathedral City ............          CA          CHM                     5/7/2013       210,714
                                               Lottie ...........................     Mark ...........................      E .......     Covina ........................      CA          CHM                    8/21/2015       110,167
                                               Lovelace .....................         George .......................        E .......     Flatwoods ...................        KY          DEN                    2/17/2000        27,440
                                               Lowry-Brooks .............             Paulette ......................       M ......      Summerville ...............          SC          CHM                    1/21/1998       210,996
                                               Lucero ........................        Lucky ..........................      E .......     San Bernardino ..........            CA          DEN                    4/25/2014        80,634
                                               Lunceford ...................          Glenn ..........................      W ......      Norco ..........................     CA          CHM                    1/21/1998        55,707
                                               Luta ............................      Patricia .......................      L .......     Santa Rosa ................          CA          CHM                    2/17/2000        90,749
                                               Ly ................................    Hoang .........................       X .......     Garden Grove ............            CA          OPT                    8/12/2016        42,595
                                               Maghloubi ...................          Seyed .........................       M ......      Pacific Palisades ........           CA          CHM                    8/12/2016        40,608
                                               Major ..........................       David ..........................      C .......     Whittier .......................     CA          CHM                    8/12/2016        10,957
                                               Mannino ......................         Guy .............................     C .......     North Pole ..................        AK          CHM                     3/1/1999       335,612
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                                               Manriquez JR .............             Antonio .......................       M ......      Coachella ...................        CA          CHM                    5/11/2005       106,468
                                               Manvel ........................        Barry ...........................     J ........    Napa ...........................     CA          CHM                    7/31/1998        37,906
                                               Marcel .........................       Perry ...........................     L .......     Alvarado .....................       TX          DEN                   11/12/2013       175,395
                                               Marcus ........................        Alex ............................     ...........   Orlando ......................       FL          CHM                    2/10/2011       114,635
                                               Marquez .....................          Evelyn ........................       W ......      Reseda .......................       CA          CPY                    2/28/2005       139,123
                                               Martin JR ....................         John ...........................      W ......      Zephyrhills ..................       FL          CHM                    1/21/1998       231,173
                                               Marts ..........................       Richard .......................       A .......     Los Angeles ...............          CA          CHM                   11/12/1999        93,653
                                               Mattison Coleman ......                Sharri ..........................     L .......     Oklahoma City ...........            OK          POD                    5/19/2009           613

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                                                                                    Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 221 / Thursday, November 15, 2018 / Notices                                                                 57463

                                                               HEALTH EDUCATION ASSISTANCE LOAN DEFAULTERS BY LAST NAME AS OF JUNE 30, 2018—Continued
                                                        Last name                             First name                      Mi                      City                     State       Discipline       Date reported   Amount due

                                               Mattson .......................       James .........................       A .......     Berkeley .....................      CA          OST                    11/7/2001        173,088
                                               Maxfield-Brown ...........            Bobbi ..........................      L .......     Evansville ...................      IN          CHM                    1/21/1998        633,422
                                               Mays-Good .................           Kathryn .......................       M ......      Tarzana ......................      CA          CHM                    1/21/1998        325,946
                                               Mazhar .......................        Mark ...........................      ...........   Los Angeles ...............         CA          CHM                    8/11/2005        124,055
                                               McAdams ...................           Glen ............................     R .......     Spring .........................    TX          CHM                     3/1/1999        230,270
                                               McAlees ......................        Raymond ....................          M ......      North Palm Beach ......             FL          CHM                   11/12/1999        234,058
                                               Mcatamney .................           John ...........................      P .......     Garden City ................        NY          CHM                    11/9/2010         26,861
                                               McCallum III ...............          Ronald ........................       D .......     Sunnyvale ..................        CA          CHM                    5/20/2004         21,788
                                               McClure ......................        Brian ...........................     C .......     Daytona Beach ..........            FL          DEN                    1/21/1998         14,437
                                               McCombs ...................           Martin .........................      ...........   Long Beach ................         CA          CPY                   11/12/1999        261,214
                                               McConner ...................          Sadie ..........................      B .......     Daytona Beach ..........            FL          POD                    1/21/1998         75,196
                                               McElhinney .................          Thomas ......................         E .......     Saint Augustine ..........          FL          CHM                    1/21/1998      1,066,703
                                               McGee ........................        Billie ............................   J ........    Simi Valley .................       CA          CHM                    1/21/1998        126,684
                                               Mcghee .......................        Stephanie ...................         Y .......     La Marque ..................        TX          CHM                    5/19/2009         41,064
                                               Mckay .........................       Kevin ..........................      J ........    Dallas .........................    TX          CHM                   11/10/2004         69,894
                                               Mcmahan ....................          Gregory ......................        E .......     Anaheim .....................       CA          DEN                   11/18/2011         30,444
                                               McMorris .....................        Bruce ..........................      ...........   Long Beach ................         CA          CHM                   11/12/1999        163,115
                                               McRoberts ..................          Lynne .........................       S .......     Ontario Canada ..........           FC          CHM                    1/21/1998         97,601
                                               Meade ........................        Madeline .....................        M ......      Cleveland ...................       OH          DEN                    1/21/1998         69,119
                                               Meadors .....................         David ..........................      M ......      Mcallen .......................     TX          CHM                    8/12/2016         25,658
                                               Meggs .........................       Carl .............................    M ......      Belize .........................    FC          DEN                    8/15/2003        104,026
                                               Melendez ....................         Angelina .....................        ...........   Bronx ..........................    NY          POD                    5/19/2009        285,767
                                               Melker .........................      Neil .............................    L .......     Princeton ....................      NJ          DEN                    5/19/2009        225,871
                                               Menezes .....................         Michael .......................       H .......     Tampa ........................      FL          DEN                    2/10/2011        201,270
                                               Mihalakis ....................        Georgia ......................        ...........   Bronx ..........................    NY          OST                    1/21/1998        449,158
                                               Milanes-Scott ..............          Barbara ......................        J ........    Northridge ..................       CA          MED                    1/21/1998        208,784
                                               Milgram .......................       Roman ........................        ...........   Brooklyn .....................      NY          DEN                    1/19/2017         44,481
                                               Miller ...........................    Brad ............................     T .......     Costa Mesa ................         CA          CHM                    1/21/1998         21,694
                                               Miller ...........................    Bradley .......................       G .......     Beverly Hills ...............       CA          MED                    1/21/1998         93,438
                                               Miller ...........................    Gaylon ........................       D .......     Bixby ..........................    OK          CHM                    2/14/2012         96,115
                                               Millon ..........................     Jeffrey ........................      M ......      Lithonia .......................    GA          MED                    1/21/1998        180,320
                                               Mitchell .......................      Warren .......................        A .......     Yucaipa ......................      CA          DEN                     8/1/2000        426,551
                                               Mizell ..........................     William ........................      L .......     Los Lunas ..................        NM          OST                    8/12/2016        256,075
                                               Moarefi .......................       Mahmdud ...................           R .......     Los Angeles ...............         CA          CHM                    2/17/2000         71,437
                                               Mohammadkhani ........                Alireza ........................      D .......     Chatsworth .................        CA          CHM                    8/11/2005         59,164
                                               Moler ..........................      Amy ............................      M ......      Westerville ..................      OH          MED                    8/22/2017         18,925
                                               Moore .........................       Scott ...........................     P .......     Citrus Heights ............         CA          CHM                    2/20/2007         30,988
                                               Moore .........................       Thomas ......................         A .......     Gray ...........................    ME          CHM                     3/1/1999        188,500
                                               Morita .........................      Phuong .......................        T .......     Irvine ..........................   CA          CHM                     3/1/1999        111,428
                                               Moroney .....................         Raymond ....................          A .......     Venice ........................     CA          CHM                    8/12/2016         98,073
                                               Moroney .....................         William ........................      P .......     San Mateo ..................        CA          CHM                    4/24/1998         72,586
                                               Morrone ......................        Mark ...........................      J ........    Los Angeles ...............         CA          DEN                    7/31/1998        216,989
                                               Moulds JR ..................          Dan .............................     R .......     Chattanooga ...............         TN          DEN                     2/1/2001        202,841
                                               Mouton .......................        Marsha .......................        E .......     Los Angeles ...............         CA          MED                    1/21/1998        101,134
                                               Muecke .......................        Lee .............................     N .......     Houston ......................      TX          MED                    8/12/2016          5,181
                                               Muenker .....................         Mark ...........................      E .......     San Francisco ............          CA          CHM                    7/31/1998        266,158
                                               Mullinax ......................       Jeffrey ........................      S .......     Windsor ......................      CA          CHM                    5/11/2005         27,238
                                               Munoz .........................       Luis .............................    R .......     Chicago ......................      IL          MED                   11/12/2013        560,178
                                               Murphy .......................        John ...........................      P .......     Black Earth .................       WI          CHM                     7/6/2012         47,152
                                               Murphy .......................        Marc ...........................      A .......     Rancho Santa Margar                 CA          CHM                    1/21/1998        146,477
                                               Murphy .......................        Richard .......................       N .......     North Bergen ..............         NJ          CHM                    1/21/1998      1,245,670
                                               Myers ..........................      Karen ..........................      A .......     Redondo Beach .........             CA          MED                   10/30/2003        216,569
                                               Myers ..........................      Michael .......................       D .......     San Rafael .................        CA          CPY                     7/6/2012         49,305
                                               Nagel ..........................      Douglas ......................        ...........   Herndon .....................       VA          CHM                    8/12/2016         43,753
                                               Nappi ..........................      Neil .............................    A .......     West Palm Beach ......              FL          CHM                     3/1/1999        205,028
                                               Nason .........................       Christian .....................       W ......      Holly Springs ..............        NC          CHM                    5/18/2010         93,971
                                               Nasseri .......................       Amir Abbas ................           ...........   Santa Ana ..................        CA          MED                    5/31/2018         21,960
                                               Navai ..........................      Mehdi .........................       N .......     Alhambra ....................       CA          CHM                    1/21/1998        388,527
                                               New ............................      Richard .......................       A .......     Conway ......................       SC          CHM                    2/14/2013         91,692
                                               Newsome ...................           Dorita ..........................     ...........   Livingston ...................      NJ          DEN                    5/19/2009         63,667
                                               Newsome ...................           Raymond ....................          E .......     Desoto ........................     TX          CHM                    11/2/2002        220,828
                                               Nguyen .......................        Anh .............................     ...........   Sacramento ................         CA          DEN                   11/18/2011         31,857
                                               Nguyen .......................        Charlene .....................        D .......     La Habra ....................       CA          CHM                     5/7/2013         33,703
                                               Nguyen .......................        Ho ...............................    H .......     La Puente ...................       CA          CHM                   11/18/2011        133,702
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                                               Nguyen .......................        Michael .......................       M ......      Milpitas .......................    CA          MED                    11/9/2006         52,821
                                               Nguyen .......................        Tuan ...........................      H .......     Fountain Valley ..........          CA          OST                   11/12/2013        157,998
                                               Nichols ........................      Victoria .......................      G ......      Encinitas .....................     CA          CPY                    8/12/2016         11,586
                                               Nieman .......................        Edward .......................        ...........   Riverside ....................      CA          CHM                     2/1/2001        109,036
                                               Ninomiya ....................         Jesse ..........................      K .......     Honolulu .....................      HI          DEN                    5/17/2001        159,504
                                               Nipper-Collins .............          Kristie .........................     L .......     Lutz ............................   FL          OST                    2/10/2011         42,269
                                               Nkuku .........................       Christopher .................         N .......     Berkeley .....................      IL          MED                    5/17/2001         69,741
                                               Nnokam ......................         Kennedy .....................         I ........    Jasper ........................     TX          PUB                    9/24/2014         58,351

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                                               57464                                 Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 221 / Thursday, November 15, 2018 / Notices

                                                               HEALTH EDUCATION ASSISTANCE LOAN DEFAULTERS BY LAST NAME AS OF JUNE 30, 2018—Continued
                                                        Last name                              First name                     Mi                      City                    State       Discipline       Date reported   Amount due

                                               Nolasco ......................         Elizabeth ....................       R .......     Brooklyn .....................     NY          MED                   11/12/2013        18,148
                                               Norville .......................       Michael .......................      T .......     Costa Mesa ................        CA          CHM                    1/21/1998       182,616
                                               Ocon ...........................       Luis .............................   E .......     Salinas .......................    CA          CHM                   10/30/2003        12,120
                                               Ofor ............................      Chukwu ......................        E .......     Houston ......................     TX          OPT                    8/12/2016        45,784
                                               Olajide ........................       Gbolahan ....................        A .......     Los Angeles ...............        CA          CHM                    5/19/2009       319,617
                                               Olberg .........................       Gregory ......................       S .......     Hayward .....................      CA          CHM                     3/1/1999       110,778
                                               Oliver ..........................      John ...........................     A .......     Plainfield .....................   NJ          POD                    1/21/1998         8,875
                                               Olynik .........................       Christopher .................        ...........   Brooklyn .....................     NY          DEN                     5/3/2016       166,887
                                               Owens ........................         Gregory ......................       A .......     Claremore ..................       OK          CHM                    1/21/1998        60,584
                                               Owens ........................         James .........................      R .......     Evans .........................    GA          CHM                    1/21/1998        20,237
                                               Pacheco .....................          Carlos .........................     A .......     Mcallen .......................    TX          MED                    9/24/2014        31,778
                                               Padilla-Torres .............           Carlos .........................     ...........   Ponce .........................    PR          OPT                    5/31/2018        24,895
                                               Palmer ........................        Becky .........................      A .......     Fallbrook ....................     CA          CHM                    1/21/1998       193,613
                                               Palmer ........................        Richard .......................      M ......      Thousand Oaks ..........           CA          CHM                     3/1/1999       242,663
                                               Palmer-Mitchell ...........            Donna .........................      C .......     Huntington Beach ......            CA          POD                    1/21/1998       132,817
                                               Pankey .......................         John ...........................     ...........   Alameda .....................      CA          CHM                     8/5/2004       144,978
                                               Paranich .....................         Stephen ......................       R .......     Old Forge ...................      PA          CHM                     2/2/2018         3,667
                                               Parkin .........................       Dianne ........................      E .......     Houston ......................     TX          MED                    9/24/2014        20,057
                                               Parsa-Forspte .............            Sepideh ......................       ...........   San Clemente ............          CA          CHM                   11/18/2011        46,651
                                               Patterson JR ..............            Arthur .........................     E .......     Holmdel ......................     NJ          CHM                    9/24/2014        56,929
                                               Paunovic .....................         Susan .........................      J ........    Hopewell Jct ...............       NY          DEN                    11/2/2000        13,072
                                               Peerenboom-Grenier ..                  Paula ..........................     J ........    Viroqua .......................    WI          CHM                    11/7/2001        48,183
                                               Pennington .................           Bradley .......................      R .......     Denver ........................    CO          CHM                    5/31/2018        31,475
                                               Perez ..........................       Daysi ..........................     E .......     New York ...................       NY          CHM                    4/24/1998       147,088
                                               Perlmutter ...................         Mark ...........................     A .......     Ann Arbor ...................      MI          CHM                    2/23/2010        78,970
                                               Perrault .......................       Mark ...........................     D .......     Culver City .................      CA          MED                    5/19/2009       128,778
                                               Perry ...........................      John ...........................     E .......     Houston ......................     TX          MED                    9/24/2014        56,731
                                               Petrosky .....................         Michael .......................      J ........    Mandeville ..................      LA          CHM                    4/24/1998       271,051
                                               Pham ..........................        Nghi ............................    D .......     Fountain Valley ..........         CA          CHM                    1/21/1998       110,633
                                               Pham ..........................        Vinh ............................    H .......     Fountain Valley ..........         CA          DEN                    5/17/2001       251,765
                                               Philipson .....................        David ..........................     ...........   Huntington Beach ......            CA          CHM                   11/12/1999       173,013
                                               Phillips ........................      Brian ...........................    ...........   Prospect .....................     KY          CHM                    5/11/2006       263,077
                                               Pierson .......................        Steven ........................      R .......     Minneapolis ................       MN          CHM                    8/17/2007       104,184
                                               Pigott ..........................      Abu .............................    G .......     Alameda .....................      CA          CHM                   11/12/2013        81,472
                                               Pinson ........................        Jeffrey ........................     R .......     El Paso .......................    TX          CHM                   11/12/1999       110,357
                                               Podry ..........................       Robert ........................      J ........    La Canada Flintridg ...            CA          CHM                    1/21/1998       134,540
                                               Ponder III ....................        Alvin ...........................    F .......     Brooklyn .....................     NY          MED                    1/21/1998       200,435
                                               Porter ..........................      Jacqueline ..................        R .......     Washington ................        DC          POD                    1/21/1998       160,478
                                               Potok ..........................       Leonard ......................       A .......     Brooklyn .....................     NY          DEN                     3/1/1999        96,627
                                               Potts ...........................      David ..........................     A .......     Pasadena ...................       TX          CHM                    9/24/2014        30,787
                                               Powell .........................       Carlton ........................     F .......     Elkins Park .................      PA          DEN                    1/21/1998       131,005
                                               Powers .......................         Thomas ......................        P .......     Oklahoma City ...........          OK          CHM                    2/15/2002        16,662
                                               Pratt ............................     Kerrie ..........................    G .......     Los Angeles ...............        CA          CHM                     7/6/2012        57,307
                                               Price ...........................      Steven ........................      V .......     Los Angeles ...............        CA          DEN                    1/21/1998         3,831
                                               Prindle-Bush ...............           Sharon ........................      M ......      Brighton ......................    CO          DEN                    11/9/2010         4,098
                                               Pritchard .....................        Doyle ..........................     P .......     El Centro ....................     CA          CHM                    11/7/2001        31,380
                                               Prom ...........................       Van .............................    S .......     Modesto .....................      CA          CHM                    8/22/2017        67,053
                                               Pulli .............................    Louise .........................     A .......     Perkiomenville ............        PA          CHM                    8/22/2017         6,249
                                               Puryear .......................        Cheryll ........................     D .......     Houston ......................     TX          CHM                    2/17/2000       190,998
                                               Pust ............................      Keith ...........................    W ......      Lake Elsinore .............        CA          CPY                    1/21/1998       116,964
                                               Quirke .........................       Clement ......................       ...........   Venice ........................    FL          POD                     2/8/2017       212,772
                                               Radetic .......................        Peter ...........................    M ......      Bay Point ....................     CA          CHM                   11/17/2009       131,550
                                               Radtke ........................        Joseph ........................      D .......     Pueblo ........................    CO          OST                    9/24/2014        76,865
                                               Ramirez ......................         Richard .......................      R .......     Houston ......................     TX          CHM                    2/28/2005        39,005
                                               Ramu ..........................        Nalaya ........................      ...........   Beaumont ...................       CA          DEN                    5/14/2002        96,702
                                               Rappa .........................        Richard .......................      J ........    North Haven ...............        CT          CHM                    5/11/2005        68,304
                                               Rashti .........................       Kouros ........................      ...........   Tarzana ......................     CA          DEN                    5/14/2002       289,080
                                               Ratliff ..........................     Cynthia .......................      ...........   Santa Cruz .................       CA          CHM                     2/1/2006       274,262
                                               Ravinski ......................        Deborah .....................        G .......     Plymouth ....................      MA          CHM                    8/12/2016         6,566
                                               Rayas-Felix ................           Magdalena .................          ...........   Los Angeles ...............        CA          CHM                    1/21/1998        67,038
                                               Reddick ......................         David ..........................     J ........    Fort Lauderdale ..........         FL          MED                   11/14/2007       147,479
                                               Reese-Thurmond .......                 Elaine .........................     M ......      Dixmoor ......................     IL          MED                    1/21/1998       150,439
                                               Renz ...........................       Howard .......................       W ......      Astoria ........................   NY          CHM                    1/21/1998        86,875
                                               Rey .............................      Jorge ..........................     E .......     Chino ..........................   CA          CHM                     2/1/2001        36,279
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                                               Reyes .........................        Danniell ......................      J ........    Bethlehem ..................       PA          CHM                     7/6/2012       143,461
                                               Rhine ..........................       Cecil ...........................    T .......     Lawrenceville .............        GA          CHM                    1/21/1998        99,100
                                               Ribera .........................       Alfred ..........................    R .......     Miami ..........................   FL          CHM                     3/1/1999       239,123
                                               Rice ............................      William ........................     M ......      Malden .......................     MA          CHM                     8/5/1999       172,766
                                               Richardson .................           Joseph ........................      M ......      Silver Spring ...............      MD          DEN                    1/21/1998       717,037
                                               Richardson .................           Justin ..........................    W ......      Porter Ranch ..............        CA          CHM                    1/21/1998         5,689
                                               Richardson .................           Katherine ....................       J ........    San Francisco ............         CA          CPY                     7/6/2012       406,384
                                               Richichi .......................       Mark ...........................     S .......     Center Moriches .........          NY          CHM                    2/15/2002       169,492

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                                                                                    Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 221 / Thursday, November 15, 2018 / Notices                                                                57465

                                                               HEALTH EDUCATION ASSISTANCE LOAN DEFAULTERS BY LAST NAME AS OF JUNE 30, 2018—Continued
                                                        Last name                             First name                     Mi                      City                     State       Discipline       Date reported   Amount due

                                               Ritto ............................    Sharlene .....................       M ......      Corona .......................      CA          POD                   11/12/2013       238,550
                                               Robinson ....................         Bruce ..........................     K .......     Jupiter ........................    FL          CHM                    1/21/1998       383,397
                                               Robinson ....................         Glenn ..........................     R .......     Dallas .........................    TX          CHM                     3/3/2015       116,178
                                               Rodrigues ...................         Paul ............................    ...........   Cerritos .......................    CA          CHM                    5/19/2009       150,288
                                               Rogers ........................       Thomas ......................        C .......     Santa Ana ..................        CA          CHM                     3/1/1999       214,786
                                               Romero .......................        Gloriana ......................      M ......      Guaynabo ...................        PR          MED                     2/8/2017       129,496
                                               Rosenfeld ...................         Jeffre ..........................    B .......     Los Angeles ...............         CA          CHM                    1/21/1998       115,602
                                               Roshy .........................       Gary ...........................     L .......     Lake City ....................      FL          CHM                    1/21/1998       461,668
                                               Ross ...........................      Roger .........................      A .......     Coraopolis ..................       PA          CHM                    1/21/1998        50,642
                                               Rostami ......................        Helena ........................      ...........   Calabasas ..................        CA          CHM                    5/16/2011        33,300
                                               Rothman .....................         Laura ..........................     L .......     Arroyo Grande ...........           CA          CHM                    11/7/2001        10,278
                                               Rubinstein ..................         David ..........................     M ......      Fort Lauderdale ..........          FL          CHM                    2/15/2002        66,235
                                               Rushing ......................        Gary ...........................     W ......      Matawan .....................       NJ          CHM                    2/15/2002       158,803
                                               Russell ........................      Robert ........................      J ........    Hollywood ...................       FL          CHM                    1/21/1998        10,305
                                               Russell ........................      Rosalind .....................       L .......     Houston ......................      TX          DEN                    3/11/2015         2,220
                                               Ryan ...........................      Kathleen .....................       ...........   West Springfield .........          MA          POD                    5/19/2009       122,630
                                               Saadia ........................       Sammy .......................        ...........   Brooklyn .....................      NY          DEN                    7/30/2013       176,274
                                               Sabin ..........................      Gregory ......................       M ......      Colorado Springs .......            CO          CHM                    8/22/2017        74,659
                                               Sainez ........................       Juana .........................      A .......     Maryland ....................       NY          MED                     2/2/2018        98,026
                                               Sainten .......................       Adrienne .....................       C .......     San Leandro ..............          CA          CHM                    8/26/2009        18,069
                                               Saldana-Quinonez ......               Salvador .....................       S .......     La Puente ...................       CA          CHM                     7/6/2012        37,492
                                               Sambor .......................        David ..........................     H .......     Lockport .....................      NY          DEN                   11/12/1999        14,017
                                               Sanborn ......................        Brian ...........................    A .......     Midland .......................     MI          CHM                   11/17/2009       116,867
                                               Santa Cruz .................          Matthew ......................       E .......     Tampa ........................      FL          CHM                    5/19/2009        43,443
                                               Sargent .......................       John ...........................     F .......     Lawndale ....................       CA          CHM                    1/21/1998       200,987
                                               Sastre .........................      Armando .....................        A .......     Cortez .........................    CO          DEN                    11/9/2010       121,636
                                               Savage .......................        Robert ........................      L .......     Harrisburg ..................       PA          DEN                    5/31/2018       116,819
                                               Schalk .........................      Ronald ........................      R .......     Corpus Christi ............         TX          CHM                    5/14/2016        67,089
                                               Schiff ..........................     Barbara ......................       S .......     Woodland Hills ...........          CA          CHM                    2/17/2000       121,031
                                               Schow .........................       Kenneth ......................       M ......      Glendale .....................      CA          CHM                    1/21/1998       149,879
                                               Schroder .....................        Anthony ......................       M ......      Middletown .................        NY          DEN                    1/21/1998        84,414
                                               Schulten .....................        Eric .............................   A .......     Sarasota .....................      FL          MED                    11/2/2000       196,384
                                               Schwartz .....................        Eric .............................   G .......     Atlantic Beach ............         NY          DEN                    1/21/1998       243,371
                                               Scruggs ......................        Virginia .......................     M ......      Seneca .......................      SC          OST                   11/26/2012        75,002
                                               Scully ..........................     Stephen ......................       M ......      Redondo Beach .........             CA          CHM                     3/1/1999        48,329
                                               Sek .............................     Amaramony ................           B .......     Houston ......................      TX          CHM                    8/12/2016        22,585
                                               Selko ..........................      Robert ........................      L .......     Novato ........................     CA          CHM                     3/1/1999       174,348
                                               Sellitto .........................    Rocco .........................      V .......     Brooklyn .....................      NY          POD                     8/1/2000       249,395
                                               Senatore .....................        Salvatore ....................       ...........   Kenilworth ..................       NJ          CHM                    11/9/2010       141,940
                                               Serratos ......................       Ernesto .......................      ...........   Crestline .....................     CA          CHM                    1/21/1998       125,028
                                               Shahrestani ................          Shahriar ......................      ...........   Anaheim .....................       CA          CHM                     3/1/1999        52,594
                                               Shanefelter III .............         Charles .......................      D .......     San Francisco ............          CA          CHM                    1/21/1998        48,477
                                               Shapiro .......................       Michael .......................      S .......     Newhall ......................      CA          CHM                    1/21/1998       117,401
                                               Shapley ......................        Kevin ..........................     N .......     Concord ......................      CA          CHM                     3/2/2004        45,217
                                               Shaw ..........................       Linda ..........................     J ........    Gladwyne ...................        PA          DEN                    1/21/1998        28,843
                                               Shaw ..........................       Michael .......................      G .......     Inglewood ...................       CA          MED                    1/21/1998       106,438
                                               Shear ..........................      David ..........................     S .......     Staten Island ..............        NY          CHM                    1/21/1998       199,372
                                               Sheehan .....................         Alex ............................    J ........    West Palm Beach ......              FL          CHM                    9/24/2014        46,153
                                               Sheehy .......................        Daniel .........................     J ........    Middletown .................        CA          CHM                    2/28/2005        65,592
                                               Shin ............................     Hui-Yong ....................        ...........   Los Angeles ...............         CA          DEN                    1/21/1998       100,004
                                               Shoeleh ......................        Hossien ......................       M ......      Costa Mesa ................         CA          DEN                    1/21/1998       221,952
                                               Siguenza ....................         Francisco ....................       A .......     Maspeth .....................       NY          OST                    8/12/2016       158,858
                                               Simon .........................       Greg ...........................     L .......     Murrieta ......................     CA          CHM                    1/21/1998       206,792
                                               Simpson .....................         Ashley ........................      L .......     Allston ........................    MA          MED                    2/10/2011       278,975
                                               Slusher-Maroudas ......               Patricia .......................     L .......     Gilroy ..........................   CA          CHM                   11/12/2013        10,930
                                               Small ..........................      Tammie ......................        J ........    Smyrna .......................      GA          CHM                    1/21/1998       165,845
                                               Smith ..........................      Gary ...........................     D .......     Groton ........................     CT          CHM                    1/21/1998        52,698
                                               Smith ..........................      George .......................       ...........   Philadelphia ................       PA          MED                    1/19/2017       546,869
                                               Smith ..........................      Jessica .......................      ...........   Downey ......................       CA          CHM                    1/21/1998       159,421
                                               Smith ..........................      Lee .............................    A .......     Sterling .......................    VA          CHM                    5/31/2018        50,773
                                               Smith ..........................      Michael .......................      D .......     Bethel Park ................        PA          DEN                     8/5/2004       364,436
                                               Smith ..........................      Rusty ..........................     A .......     Santa Barbara ............          CA          CHM                     3/1/1999         9,609
                                               Smith ..........................      Stacey ........................      D .......     Malibu .........................    CA          CHM                     8/1/2000       159,124
                                               Smukler ......................        Evie ............................    L .......     Los Angeles ...............         CA          CPY                    1/21/1998        36,002
khammond on DSK30JT082PROD with NOTICES

                                               Snavely .......................       Danny .........................      H .......     San Juan Capistrano                 CA          CHM                    8/21/2015       292,835
                                               Sokol ..........................      Louis ...........................    J ........    Stuart ..........................   FL          CHM                   11/12/1999        73,809
                                               Sosa ...........................      Richard .......................      ...........   Colton .........................    CA          CHM                     3/1/1999        89,589
                                               Soto ............................     Vera ............................    A .......     Fort Lauderdale ..........          FL          OPT                     5/7/2008        21,479
                                               Sparks ........................       Stacey ........................      L .......     Houston ......................      TX          CHM                   11/26/2012        74,313
                                               Spencer ......................        Keivon ........................      J ........    Cedar Hill ...................      TX          OPT                     8/5/2004         6,677
                                               Spicer .........................      Mary ...........................     C .......     Essex Junction ...........          VT          CHM                    7/26/2018        14,550
                                               St Juste ......................       Dominique ..................         ...........   Brooklyn .....................      NY          DEN                     8/1/2000       106,856

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                                               57466                                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 221 / Thursday, November 15, 2018 / Notices

                                                               HEALTH EDUCATION ASSISTANCE LOAN DEFAULTERS BY LAST NAME AS OF JUNE 30, 2018—Continued
                                                        Last name                             First name                     Mi                      City                     State       Discipline       Date reported   Amount due

                                               Staley .........................      Judith ..........................    M ......      Annapolis ...................       MD          CPY                    4/25/2014       103,378
                                               Stalker ........................      James .........................      W ......      Castro Valley ..............        CA          CHM                    2/10/2011        15,959
                                               Stanbridge ..................         Gary ...........................     R .......     Whittier .......................    CA          CHM                    2/28/2005        66,427
                                               Steder .........................      Sandra ........................      ...........   San Rafael .................        CA          CPY                     8/5/2004        77,510
                                               Steiner ........................      Jean Marie .................         ...........   Sunnyvale ..................        CA          CHM                    5/15/2000        20,048
                                               Steinfeld .....................       Audrey ........................      G .......     Tarzana ......................      CA          CHM                    2/17/2000       238,406
                                               Stephens ....................         Charles .......................      N .......     Milledgeville ................      GA          CHM                    5/19/2009        55,911
                                               Stevenson ..................          Teresa ........................      M ......      Los Angeles ...............         CA          CPY                    1/21/1998       142,275
                                               Stoltz ..........................     William ........................     D .......     Grants Pass ...............         OR          CHM                    5/19/2009       284,886
                                               Stone ..........................      Steven ........................      D .......     San Leandro ..............          CA          CHM                    1/21/1998        57,796
                                               Street ..........................     James .........................      F .......     Davie ..........................    FL          CHM                   11/12/2013        84,298
                                               Stricklan ......................      David ..........................     K .......     Haverton .....................      PA          MED                    7/26/2018       202,781
                                               Strus ...........................     Deborah .....................        A .......     San Antonio ...............         TX          MED                   11/12/2013       118,432
                                               Sullivan .......................      Daniel .........................     B .......     Fruita ..........................   CO          DEN                    5/31/2018         4,777
                                               Sullivan .......................      John ...........................     M ......      Corpus Christi ............         TX          CHM                    8/22/2017       115,129
                                               Sullivan .......................      Joseph ........................      C .......     Burbank ......................      CA          CHM                    1/21/1998       126,435
                                               Taylor .........................      Scott ...........................    M ......      Thousand Oaks ..........            CA          DEN                     7/6/2012       178,545
                                               Tchakalian ..................         Leon ...........................     J ........    Van Nuys ...................        CA          CHM                    11/7/2001        19,263
                                               Teague .......................        Jenette .......................      ...........   Los Angeles ...............         CA          DEN                    11/7/2001       144,932
                                               Tennant ......................        Michael .......................      D .......     Wheat Ridge ..............          CO          CHM                   11/12/1999        92,497
                                               Thomas ......................         Gordon .......................       A .......     Atlanta ........................    GA          CHM                    1/21/1998       210,981
                                               Thomas ......................         Randy .........................      L .......     Fairbanks ...................       AK          DEN                    4/24/1998       221,640
                                               Thomas Sr ..................          Robert ........................      B .......     Stone Mountain ..........           GA          DEN                    1/21/1998       438,554
                                               Thompson ..................           Emma .........................       R .......     Grenada West Indies                 FC          MED                    2/15/2002        82,303
                                               Tierney .......................       Richard .......................      W ......      Atlanta ........................    GA          POD                     8/5/1999       395,121
                                               Tindall .........................     Michael .......................      A .......     Magna ........................      UT          POD                    1/21/1998        20,799
                                               Tolbert JR ...................        William ........................     ...........   Los Angeles ...............         CA          MED                   11/12/2013        71,079
                                               Tomlin-Knight .............           Teresa ........................      L .......     Manahawkin ...............          NJ          POD                    2/11/2008        75,900
                                               Toporovsky .................          Nathan ........................      A .......     White Plains ...............        NY          DEN                     2/8/2017        21,298
                                               Townsend ...................          Thomas ......................        E .......     Fortmill .......................    SC          CHM                    4/24/1998        10,614
                                               Tramontana ................           Raul ............................    E .......     Cincinnati ...................      OH          OPT                    5/14/2002       220,103
                                               Tran ............................     Huong .........................      N .......     Carpinteria ..................      CA          CHM                    8/12/2016        58,998
                                               Tran ............................     Ngoc ...........................     H .......     Simi Valley .................       CA          CHM                     3/1/1999       105,356
                                               Tran ............................     Thuan .........................      K .......     Henderson ..................        NV          DEN                    8/12/2016       100,789
                                               Trumbo .......................        Traig ...........................    T .......     Sunland ......................      CA          CHM                     3/1/1999        84,963
                                               Tschabrun ..................          Kevin ..........................     L .......     Holdrege .....................      NE          DEN                     3/1/1999       125,260
                                               Tumas ........................        Mary ...........................     D .......     Brielle .........................   NJ          CHM                    3/11/2015        95,918
                                               Turner .........................      Nancy .........................      A .......     San Francisco ............          CA          CHM                    1/21/1998        23,856
                                               Ussery ........................       Marvin ........................      ...........   Los Angeles ...............         CA          DEN                    8/12/2016        52,824
                                               Vacula ........................       Nicole .........................     A .......     Tonawanda ................          NY          CPY                    8/12/2016        61,958
                                               Vafaee ........................       Mohammadali .............            ...........   Santa Monica .............          CA          CHM                    2/28/2005        24,360
                                               Vaishvila .....................       Gail .............................   A .......     Santa Monica .............          CA          CHM                     8/1/2000       223,290
                                               Valde ..........................      Jane ...........................     D .......     San Mateo ..................        CA          DEN                    11/9/2010       176,977
                                               Valicenti ......................      Patrick ........................     J ........    Wallkill ........................   NY          DEN                     8/5/2004       125,315
                                               Vanrensselaer ............            Jeffrey ........................     A .......     Lake Forest ................        CA          CHM                    4/24/1998        98,000
                                               Vardanian ...................         Michael .......................      A .......     Fullerton .....................     CA          CHM                    1/21/1998       110,450
                                               Vega ...........................      Javier ..........................    J ........    Rancho Cucamonga ..                 CA          CHM                    8/12/2016        48,581
                                               Vernon ........................       Earl .............................   M ......      Davenport ...................       IA          CHM                    1/21/1998         6,469
                                               Vessels .......................       Steven ........................      L .......     Redlands ....................       CA          CHM                    1/21/1998       194,431
                                               Vessey ........................       Ned .............................    ...........   Arcadia .......................     CA          CHM                     8/1/2000        64,848
                                               Villaverde ....................       John ...........................     J ........    Vestavia .....................      AL          MED                    8/22/2017        64,563
                                               Villeta ..........................    Javier ..........................    G .......     Kissimmee ..................        FL          MED                     3/1/1999       311,035
                                               Viloria-Else .................        Jenifer ........................     A .......     Los Angeles ...............         CA          CHM                    1/21/1998       179,851
                                               Voboril JR ...................        William ........................     R .......     Carlisle .......................    IA          POD                     8/5/1999        36,053
                                               Vosburgh ....................         Stephen ......................       E .......     Lutz ............................   FL          CHM                    1/21/1998       158,861
                                               Wada ..........................       Isao ............................    N .......     Oakland ......................      CA          CHM                     7/6/2012        25,239
                                               Wade ..........................       Michael .......................      J ........    La Quinta ...................       CA          OST                    5/19/2009       285,845
                                               Wahdan ......................         Buthayna ....................        W ......      La Verne ....................       CA          DEN                     3/1/1999       106,606
                                               Wainwright ..................         Mark ...........................     ...........   Oakland ......................      CA          DEN                     7/6/2012        30,832
                                               Walcher ......................        Kevin ..........................     R .......     Booker ........................     TX          CHM                    5/14/2002       103,890
                                               Walker ........................       Joel .............................   W ......      Annapolis ...................       MD          MED                    8/12/2016        56,108
                                               Wall ............................     Michael .......................      J ........    Sandy .........................     UT          MED                     3/3/2015       135,382
                                               Wallace .......................       Owen ..........................      ...........   Tonkawa .....................       OK          CHM                    1/21/1998        51,491
                                               Walsh .........................       Richard .......................      J ........    Ventura .......................     CA          CHM                    1/21/1998        39,580
khammond on DSK30JT082PROD with NOTICES

                                               Walton ........................       Teri .............................   R .......     Pasadena ...................        CA          CPY                     8/5/1999       181,110
                                               Ward ...........................      Fairfield ......................     A .......     Hampton .....................       VA          DEN                    8/12/2016        36,730
                                               Warner ........................       Arthur .........................     ...........   San Ramon ................          CA          DEN                    5/20/2004       121,246
                                               Warner ........................       Rick ............................    A .......     Aurora ........................     CO          CHM                    11/7/2001       111,900
                                               Washington ................           Arthur .........................     C .......     Houston ......................      TX          MED                    9/24/2014        23,189
                                               Washington ................           George .......................       L .......     Baldwyn ......................      MS          DEN                     5/7/2013       542,312
                                               Washington ................           Patricia .......................     A .......     Coto De Caza ............           CA          MED                     2/2/2018       123,265
                                               Washington-Houzell ...                Patricia .......................     L .......     Lakewood ...................        CA          POD                    8/10/2001       523,142

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                                                                                    Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 221 / Thursday, November 15, 2018 / Notices                                                                                           57467

                                                               HEALTH EDUCATION ASSISTANCE LOAN DEFAULTERS BY LAST NAME AS OF JUNE 30, 2018—Continued
                                                        Last name                             First name                      Mi                       City                         State             Discipline           Date reported              Amount due

                                               Weatherly ...................         Darrel .........................      F .......     Jacksonville ................          FL                 OST                           5/16/2011                542,031
                                               Weil ............................     Mitchell .......................      A .......     San Clemente ............              CA                 MED                           1/21/1998                 61,717
                                               Weisheit-Dasylva ........             Lyn .............................     D .......     Marietta ......................        GA                 CHM                            3/1/1999                 65,431
                                               Welch .........................       Ronald ........................       B .......     Sandpoint ...................          ID                 CHM                            3/1/1999                 97,961
                                               Westing ......................        Denise ........................       D .......     Alameda .....................          CA                 CHM                           1/21/1998                121,321
                                               Whedbee ....................          Joseph ........................       I ........    Redlands ....................          CA                 DEN                           5/14/2002                146,172
                                               Whigham ....................          Gwendolyn .................           E .......     Houston ......................         TX                 CHM                            3/1/1999                 63,582
                                               Whipkey ......................        Douglas ......................        G ......      Jensen Beach ............              FL                 CHM                           1/21/1998                126,756
                                               Whitaker .....................        Aaron ..........................      T .......     Washington ................            DC                 DEN                           5/19/2009                189,402
                                               White ..........................      Judith ..........................     U .......     Huntington Beach ......                CA                 CHM                           1/21/1998                 36,904
                                               Whittlesey ...................        James .........................       B .......     Novato ........................        CA                 CHM                           1/21/1998                 57,170
                                               Williams ......................       Brett ............................    S .......     Los Angeles ...............            CA                 MED                           5/14/2016                171,668
                                               Williams ......................       David ..........................      L .......     Pasadena ...................           CA                 POD                           1/21/1998                 88,475
                                               Williams ......................       Duane .........................       A .......     Livermore ...................          CA                 CHM                           1/21/1998                121,647
                                               Williams ......................       Pamela .......................        A .......     Buena Park ................            CA                 PUB                           1/21/1998                 35,269
                                               Williams ......................       Simeon .......................        J ........    Washington ................            DC                 MED                            3/1/1999                107,607
                                               Willis ...........................    Adam ..........................       C .......     Safety Harbor .............            FL                 CHM                           1/21/1998                 25,129
                                               Winston ......................        Gregg .........................       O .......     Pompano Beach ........                 FL                 CHM                            3/1/1999                190,104
                                               Wong ..........................       Matt ............................     S .......     Mountain View ...........              CA                 CHM                           11/9/2010                 48,826
                                               Wong ..........................       Wan Sing ...................          V .......     South San Francisco                    CA                 POD                          10/30/2003                197,034
                                               Wright-Benford ...........            Sheila .........................      A .......     Southfield ...................         MI                 POD                            2/8/2017                 60,834
                                               Yeates ........................       Terrance .....................        C .......     Brooklyn .....................         NY                 DEN                           1/21/1998                201,611
                                               Yniguez ......................        Alma ...........................      B .......     Newark .......................         CA                 CHM                           2/20/2007                271,484
                                               Yoste ..........................      Joseph ........................       ...........   Brownsville .................          TX                 DEN                           8/12/2016                 96,530
                                               Yurick .........................      Richard .......................       ...........   Bay St Louis ...............           MS                 CHM                          11/12/2013                 61,170
                                               Yurkovich ....................        Mark ...........................      R .......     Bentleyville .................         PA                 CPY                           8/12/2016                 59,259
                                               Zaun ...........................      Timothy ......................        M ......      Lakewood ...................           OH                 DEN                           1/21/1998                181,527
                                               Zeitsoff-Mahar ............           Deborah .....................         L .......     Aptos ..........................       CA                 CHM                           1/21/1998                122,574
                                               Zucker ........................       Ronald ........................       G .......     Long Beach ................            NY                 CHM                           4/24/1998                195,607

                                                     Totals ..................       696 .............................     ...........   ....................................   ................   .....................   ........................    92,200,289

                                               [FR Doc. 2018–25000 Filed 11–14–18; 8:45 am]                               be viewed on the web at http://                                            issue a Notice of Schedule for
                                               BILLING CODE 4000–01–P                                                     www.ferc.gov using the ‘‘eLibrary’’ link.                                  Environmental Review. If a Notice of
                                                                                                                          Enter the docket number excluding the                                      Schedule for Environmental Review is
                                                                                                                          last three digits in the docket number                                     issued, it will indicate, among other
                                               DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY                                                       field to access the document. For                                          milestones, the anticipated date for the
                                                                                                                          assistance, contact FERC at                                                Commission staff’s issuance of the final
                                               Federal Energy Regulatory                                                  FERCOnlineSupport@ferc.gov or call                                         environmental impact statement (FEIS)
                                               Commission                                                                 toll-free, (866) 208–3676 or TTY, (202)                                    or EA for this proposal. The filing of the
                                                                                                                          502–8659.                                                                  EA in the Commission’s public record
                                               [Docket No. CP19–11–000, PF18–3–000]                                          Any questions regarding the                                             for this proceeding or the issuance of a
                                                                                                                          application should be directed to Karri                                    Notice of Schedule for Environmental
                                               Sabine Pass LNG, L.P.; Notice of                                           Mahmoud, Cheniere Energy, Inc., 700                                        Review will serve to notify federal and
                                               Application                                                                Milam Street, Suite 1900, Houston, TX                                      state agencies of the timing for the
                                                  Take notice that on October 29, 2018,                                   77002, or by telephone at (713) 375–                                       completion of all necessary reviews, and
                                               Sabine Pass LNG, L.P. (SPLNG), 700                                         5000, or email at Karri.Mahmoud@                                           the subsequent need to complete all
                                               Milam Street, Suite 1900, Houston,                                         cheniere.com.                                                              federal authorizations within 90 days of
                                               Texas 77002, filed an application under                                       On March 8, 2018 the Commission                                         the date of issuance of the Commission
                                               section 3(a) of the Natural Gas Act                                        granted SPLNG’s request to utilize the                                     staff’s FEIS or EA.
                                               (NGA) and Part 153 and 380 of the                                          Pre-Filing Process and assigned Docket                                        There are two ways to become
                                               Commission’s regulations, seeking                                          No. PF18–3–000 to staff activities                                         involved in the Commission’s review of
                                               authorization to site, construct and                                       involved in the Project. Now, as of the                                    this project. First, any person wishing to
                                               operate an expansion of the existing                                       filing of the October 29, 2018                                             obtain legal status by becoming a party
                                               Sabine Pass liquefied natural gas (LNG)                                    application, the Pre-Filing Process for                                    to the proceedings for this project
                                               facility (SPLNG Terminal), located in                                      this Project has ended. From this time                                     should, on or before the comment date
                                               Cameron Parish, Louisiana on the                                           forward, this proceeding will be                                           stated below file with the Federal
                                               Sabine Pass Channel. The proposed                                          conducted in Docket No. CP19–11–000                                        Energy Regulatory Commission, 888
                                               expansion of the SPLNG Terminal                                            as noted in the caption of this Notice.                                    First Street NE, Washington, DC 20426,
khammond on DSK30JT082PROD with NOTICES

                                               consists of the addition of a third                                           Pursuant to section 157.9 of the                                        a motion to intervene in accordance
                                               marine berth (Third Berth) and                                             Commission’s rules (18 CFR 157.9),                                         with the requirements of the
                                               supporting facilities (SPLNG Third                                         within 90 days of this Notice, the                                         Commission’s Rules of Practice and
                                               Berth Expansion Project), all as more                                      Commission staff will either: Complete                                     Procedure (18 CFR 385.214 or 385.211)
                                               fully set forth in the application which                                   its environmental assessment (EA) and                                      and the Regulations under the NGA (18
                                               is on file with the Commission and open                                    place it into the Commission’s public                                      CFR 157.10). A person obtaining party
                                               to public inspection. The filing may also                                  record (eLibrary) for this proceeding; or                                  status will be placed on the service list

                                          VerDate Sep<11>2014        16:53 Nov 14, 2018         Jkt 247001      PO 00000        Frm 00069       Fmt 4703       Sfmt 4703        E:\FR\FM\15NON1.SGM              15NON1

Document Created: 2018-11-15 04:00:27
Document Modified: 2018-11-15 04:00:27
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ContactFor Defaulted HEAL Borrowers with Account-Related Questions: A borrower who is in default on a HEAL program loan and who has an account-related question should contact: Accounting Services, Debt Collection Center, Mailstop 10230B, 7700 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 8- 8110D, Bethesda, MD 20857. Telephone: (301) 492-4664.
FR Citation83 FR 57456 

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