83_FR_57697 83 FR 57476 - Notice of Public Meeting of the Interagency Steering Committee on Radiation Standards (ISCORS)

83 FR 57476 - Notice of Public Meeting of the Interagency Steering Committee on Radiation Standards (ISCORS)


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 221 (November 15, 2018)

Page Range57476-57477
FR Document2018-24976

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will host a meeting of the Interagency Steering Committee on Radiation Standards (ISCORS) on Thursday, December 6, 2018 in Washington, DC. The purpose of ISCORS is to foster early resolution and coordination of regulatory issues associated with radiation standards. Member agencies include: EPA; the Nuclear Regulatory Commission; and Departments of Energy; Defense; Transportation; Homeland Security; Health and Human Services; and Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Observer agencies include: The Office of Science and Technology Policy, Office of Management and Budget, Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board, as well as state representatives from Pennsylvania and Washington. ISCORS maintains several objectives: Facilitate a consensus on allowable levels of radiation risk to the public and workers; promote consistent and scientifically sound risk assessment and risk management approaches in setting and implementing standards for occupational and public protection from ionizing radiation; promote completeness and coherence of Federal standards for radiation protection; and identify interagency radiation protection issues and coordinate their resolution. ISCORS meetings include presentations by Subcommittee Chairs and discussions of current radiation protection issues. Committee meetings normally involve pre-decisional intra-governmental discussions and, as such, are normally not open for observation by members of the public or media. This particular ISCORS meeting is open to all interested members of the public. Time will be reserved on the agenda for members of the public to ask questions and provide comments. Please Note: The final meeting agenda will be posted on the website shortly before the meeting.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 221 (Thursday, November 15, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 221 (Thursday, November 15, 2018)]
[Pages 57476-57477]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-24976]




Notice of Public Meeting of the Interagency Steering Committee on 
Radiation Standards (ISCORS)

AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

ACTION: Notice of public meeting.


SUMMARY: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will host a meeting 
of the Interagency Steering Committee on Radiation Standards (ISCORS) 
on Thursday, December 6, 2018 in Washington, DC. The purpose of ISCORS 
is to foster early resolution and coordination of regulatory issues 
associated with radiation standards. Member agencies include: EPA; the 
Nuclear Regulatory Commission; and Departments of Energy; Defense; 
Transportation; Homeland Security; Health and Human Services; and 
Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Observer 
agencies include: The Office of Science and Technology Policy, Office 
of Management and Budget, Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board, as 
well as state representatives from Pennsylvania and Washington. ISCORS 
maintains several objectives: Facilitate a consensus on allowable 
levels of radiation risk to the public and workers; promote consistent 
and scientifically sound risk assessment and risk management approaches 
in setting and implementing standards for occupational and public 
protection from ionizing radiation; promote completeness and coherence 
of Federal standards for radiation protection; and identify interagency 
radiation protection issues and coordinate their resolution. ISCORS 
meetings include presentations by Subcommittee Chairs and discussions 
of current radiation protection issues. Committee meetings normally 
involve pre-decisional intra-governmental discussions and, as such, are 
normally not open for observation by members of the public or media. 
This particular ISCORS meeting is open to all interested members of the 
public. Time will be reserved on the agenda for members of the public 
to ask questions and provide comments.
    Please Note: The final meeting agenda will be posted on the website 
shortly before the meeting.

DATES: The meeting will be held on Thursday, December 6, 2018, from 
1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

ADDRESSES: The ISCORS meeting will be held in Room 1153 at the USEPA 
William Jefferson Clinton East Building (WJC East), 1201 Constitution 
Avenue NW, Washington, DC. Attendees are required to present a photo ID 
such as a government agency photo identification badge or valid 
driver's license. The Department of Homeland Security has begun 
implementing REAL ID Act requirements for visitors who present state-
issued driver's licenses as IDs at restricted federal facilities. 
Driver's licenses from states and territories that do not comply with 
the REAL ID Act will not be accepted as identification. More details on 
these ID requirements can be found at http://www2.epa.gov/aboutepa/visiting-epa-headquarters and clicking on the Building Access tab. 
Visitors and their belongings will be screened by EPA security guards. 
Visitors must sign the visitors log at the security desk and will be 
issued a visitors badge by the security guards to gain access to the 

Protection Division, Office of Radiation and Indoor Air, Mailcode 
6608T, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue 
NW, Washington, DC 20460; email thornton.marisa@epa.gov.

[[Page 57477]]

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Pay parking is available for visitors at 
multiple garages around the Ronald Reagan building and Federal Triangle 
complex. Visitors can also ride metro to the Federal Triangle station 
(Blue Orange and Silver Line). After exiting the turnstiles, go up both 
escalators to street level. Turn around and walk towards 12th Street 
NW. Turn right on 12th street and continue walking until you get to 
Constitution Avenue. Then turn right onto Constitution Avenue and 1201 
William Jefferson Clinton EAST is the first building on your right.
    Visit the ISCORS website, www.iscors.org/index.htm for more 
detailed information.

    Dated: November 6, 2018.
Jonathan D. Edwards,
Director, Office of Radiation and Indoor Air.
[FR Doc. 2018-24976 Filed 11-14-18; 8:45 am]

                                               57476                     Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 221 / Thursday, November 15, 2018 / Notices

                                               III. New Uses                                           LLC. Active ingredient: Fenhexamid.                   maintains several objectives: Facilitate a
                                                 1. EPA Registration Numbers: 100–                     Product type: Fungicide. Proposed use:                consensus on allowable levels of
                                               815, 100–816, 100–1406, and 100–1407.                   Arugula; berry, low growing, subgroup                 radiation risk to the public and workers;
                                               Docket ID number: EPA–HQ–OPP–                           13–07G; bushberry subgroup 13–07B;                    promote consistent and scientifically
                                               2017–0465. Applicant: Syngenta Crop                     caneberry subgroup 13–07A; fruit,                     sound risk assessment and risk
                                               Protection, LLC, P.O. Box 18300,                        small, vine climbing, except fuzzy                    management approaches in setting and
                                               Greensboro NC 27419. Active                             kiwifruit, subgroup 13–07F; fruit, stone,             implementing standards for
                                               ingredient: s-metolachlor. Product type:                group 12–12, except plum, prune, fresh,               occupational and public protection from
                                               Herbicide. Proposed use: Stevia;                        postharvest; garden cress; kiwifruit,                 ionizing radiation; promote
                                               chicory; Swiss chard; vegetable,                        fuzzy; leafy greens, subgroup 4–16A,                  completeness and coherence of Federal
                                               brassica, head and stem, group 5–16; the                except spinach; onion, bulb, crop                     standards for radiation protection; and
                                               brassica, leafy greens, subgroup 4–16B,                 subgroup 3–07A; onion, green, subgroup                identify interagency radiation protection
                                               except Chinese broccoli; the leaf petiole               3–07B; upland cress; vegetable, fruiting,             issues and coordinate their resolution.
                                               vegetable subgroup 22B; stalk and stem                  group 8–10, except nonbell pepper.                    ISCORS meetings include presentations
                                               vegetable subgroup 22A, except celtuce,                 Contact: RD.                                          by Subcommittee Chairs and
                                               Florence fennel and kohlrabi; the                         7. EPA Registration Number: 71512–                  discussions of current radiation
                                               cottonseed subgroup 20C; celtuce;                       24 and 71512–25. Docket ID number:                    protection issues. Committee meetings
                                               Florence fennel; Kohlrabi; and Chinese                  EPA–HQ–OPP–2018–0677. Applicant:                      normally involve pre-decisional intra-
                                               broccoli. Contact: RD.                                  ISK Biosciences Corporation, 7470                     governmental discussions and, as such,
                                                 2. EPA Registration Number: 264–678.                  Auburn Road, Suite A, Concord, Ohio,                  are normally not open for observation
                                               Docket ID number: EPA–HQ–OPP–                           44077. Active ingredient: Pyriofenone.                by members of the public or media. This
                                               2018–0623. Applicant: Bayer                             Product type: Fungicide. Proposed use:                particular ISCORS meeting is open to all
                                               CropScience LP. Active ingredient:                      Fruiting Vegetables, Crop Group 8–10.                 interested members of the public. Time
                                               Propamocarb hydrochloride. Product                      Contact: RD.                                          will be reserved on the agenda for
                                               type: Fungicide. Proposed use: Guava;                     Authority: 7 U.S.C. 136 et seq.                     members of the public to ask questions
                                               leafy greens subgroup 4–16A; starfruit;                                                                       and provide comments.
                                                                                                         Dated: October 23, 2018.
                                               vegetable, fruiting, group 8–10;                                                                                 Please Note: The final meeting agenda
                                                                                                       Delores Barber,
                                               vegetable, tuberous and corm, subgroup                                                                        will be posted on the website shortly
                                                                                                       Director, Information Technology and                  before the meeting.
                                               1C. Contact: RD.                                        Resources Management Division, Office of
                                                 3. EPA Registration Numbers: 4787–                    Pesticide Programs.                                   DATES: The meeting will be held on
                                               55, 4787–61, 279–GAGG. Docket ID                        [FR Doc. 2018–24971 Filed 11–14–18; 8:45 am]          Thursday, December 6, 2018, from 1:00
                                               number: EPA–HQ–OPP–2018–0297.                                                                                 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
                                                                                                       BILLING CODE 6560–50–P
                                               Applicant: Cheminova A/S, P.O. Box 9,                                                                         ADDRESSES: The ISCORS meeting will
                                               DK–7620, Lemvig, Denmark and on                                                                               be held in Room 1153 at the USEPA
                                               behalf of FMC Corporation, 2929                         ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION                              William Jefferson Clinton East Building
                                               Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104.                  AGENCY                                                (WJC East), 1201 Constitution Avenue
                                               Active ingredient: Flutriafol. Product                                                                        NW, Washington, DC. Attendees are
                                               type: Fungicide. Proposed uses: Turf                    [FRL–9986–52–OAR]
                                                                                                                                                             required to present a photo ID such as
                                               (golf course, athletic fields, commercial                                                                     a government agency photo
                                                                                                       Notice of Public Meeting of the
                                               sod farms, and public, industrial and                                                                         identification badge or valid driver’s
                                                                                                       Interagency Steering Committee on
                                               commercial property lawns) and                                                                                license. The Department of Homeland
                                                                                                       Radiation Standards (ISCORS)
                                               ornamentals (field and greenhouse).                                                                           Security has begun implementing REAL
                                               Contact: RD.                                            AGENCY: Environmental Protection                      ID Act requirements for visitors who
                                                 4. EPA Registration Numbers: 10163–                   Agency (EPA).                                         present state-issued driver’s licenses as
                                               361 and 10163–363. Docket ID number:                    ACTION: Notice of public meeting.                     IDs at restricted federal facilities.
                                               EPA–HQ–OPP–2017–0420. Applicant:                                                                              Driver’s licenses from states and
                                               Gowan Company P.O. Box 5569 Yuma,                       SUMMARY:   The Environmental Protection
                                                                                                                                                             territories that do not comply with the
                                               AZ 85366–5569. Active ingredient:                       Agency (EPA) will host a meeting of the
                                                                                                                                                             REAL ID Act will not be accepted as
                                               Trifluralin. Product type: Herbicide.                   Interagency Steering Committee on
                                                                                                                                                             identification. More details on these ID
                                               Proposed use: Rosemary. Contact: RD.                    Radiation Standards (ISCORS) on
                                                                                                                                                             requirements can be found at http://
                                                 5. File Symbols: 62719–TGE and                        Thursday, December 6, 2018 in
                                               62719–TGR and EPA Registration                          Washington, DC. The purpose of
                                                                                                                                                             headquarters and clicking on the
                                               Number: 62719–697. Docket ID number:                    ISCORS is to foster early resolution and
                                                                                                                                                             Building Access tab. Visitors and their
                                               EPA–HQ–OPP–2018–0645. Applicant:                        coordination of regulatory issues
                                                                                                                                                             belongings will be screened by EPA
                                               Dow AgroSciences LLC, 9330 Zionsville                   associated with radiation standards.
                                                                                                                                                             security guards. Visitors must sign the
                                               Road Indianapolis, IN 46268. Active                     Member agencies include: EPA; the
                                                                                                                                                             visitors log at the security desk and will
                                               ingredient: Florpyrauxifen-benzyl.                      Nuclear Regulatory Commission; and
                                                                                                                                                             be issued a visitors badge by the
                                               Product type: Herbicide. Proposed uses:                 Departments of Energy; Defense;
                                                                                                                                                             security guards to gain access to the
                                               Pome fruit, stone fruit, citrus fruit, tree             Transportation; Homeland Security;
                                               nuts, olives, coffee, pineapple, papaya,                Health and Human Services; and
                                               corn, sorghum, cereals, sugarcane,                      Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health                FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
khammond on DSK30JT082PROD with NOTICES

                                               cotton, fallow, burndown, cole crops,                   Administration. Observer agencies                     Marisa D. Thornton, Radiation
                                               bulb vegetables, and non-cropland.                      include: The Office of Science and                    Protection Division, Office of Radiation
                                               Contact: RD.                                            Technology Policy, Office of                          and Indoor Air, Mailcode 6608T, U.S.
                                                 6. EPA Registration Numbers: 66330–                   Management and Budget, Defense                        Environmental Protection Agency, 1200
                                               35 and 66330–36. Docket ID number:                      Nuclear Facilities Safety Board, as well              Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington,
                                               EPA–HQ–OPP–2018–0560. Applicant:                        as state representatives from                         DC 20460; email thornton.marisa@
                                               Arysta LifeScience, North America,                      Pennsylvania and Washington. ISCORS                   epa.gov.

                                          VerDate Sep<11>2014   16:53 Nov 14, 2018   Jkt 247001   PO 00000   Frm 00078   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\15NON1.SGM   15NON1

                                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 221 / Thursday, November 15, 2018 / Notices                                                                     57477

                                               SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:      Pay                           Notice of Receipt of Requests from the                                 industry; pesticide users; and members
                                               parking is available for visitors at                          registrants listed in Table 3 of Unit II to                            of the public interested in the sale,
                                               multiple garages around the Ronald                            voluntarily cancel and amend to                                        distribution, or use of pesticides. Since
                                               Reagan building and Federal Triangle                          terminate uses of these product                                        others also may be interested, the
                                               complex. Visitors can also ride metro to                      registrations. In the August 10, 2018                                  Agency has not attempted to describe all
                                               the Federal Triangle station (Blue                            notice, EPA indicated that it would                                    the specific entities that may be affected
                                               Orange and Silver Line). After exiting                        issue an order implementing the                                        by this action.
                                               the turnstiles, go up both escalators to                      cancellations and amendments to
                                                                                                                                                                                    B. How can I get copies of this document
                                               street level. Turn around and walk                            terminate uses, unless the Agency
                                                                                                                                                                                    and other related information?
                                               towards 12th Street NW. Turn right on                         received substantive comments within
                                               12th street and continue walking until                        the 30-day comment period that would                                      The docket for this action, identified
                                               you get to Constitution Avenue. Then                          merit its further review of these                                      by docket identification (ID) number
                                               turn right onto Constitution Avenue and                       requests, or unless the registrants                                    EPA–HQ–OPP–2018–0014, is available
                                               1201 William Jefferson Clinton EAST is                        withdrew their requests. The Agency                                    at http://www.regulations.gov or at the
                                               the first building on your right.                             did not receive any comments on the                                    Office of Pesticide Programs Regulatory
                                                  Visit the ISCORS website,                                  notice. Further, the registrants did not                               Public Docket (OPP Docket) in the
                                               www.iscors.org/index.htm for more                             withdraw their requests. Accordingly,                                  Environmental Protection Agency
                                               detailed information.                                         EPA hereby issues in this notice a                                     Docket Center (EPA/DC), West William
                                                 Dated: November 6, 2018.                                    cancellation order granting the                                        Jefferson Clinton Bldg., Rm. 3334, 1301
                                               Jonathan D. Edwards,                                          requested cancellations and                                            Constitution Ave. NW, Washington, DC
                                               Director, Office of Radiation and Indoor Air.
                                                                                                             amendments to terminate uses. Any                                      20460–0001. The Public Reading Room
                                                                                                             distribution, sale, or use of the products                             is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.,
                                               [FR Doc. 2018–24976 Filed 11–14–18; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                             subject to this cancellation order is                                  Monday through Friday, excluding legal
                                               BILLING CODE 6560–50–P
                                                                                                             permitted only in accordance with the                                  holidays. The telephone number for the
                                                                                                             terms of this order, including any                                     Public Reading Room is (202) 566–1744,
                                                                                                             existing stocks provisions.                                            and the telephone number for the OPP
                                               ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION
                                               AGENCY                                                        DATES: The cancellations and                                           Docket is (703) 305–5805. Please review
                                                                                                             amendments are effective November 15,                                  the visitor instructions and additional
                                               [EPA–HQ–OPP–2018–0014; FRL–9984–05]                           2018.                                                                  information about the docket available
                                                                                                             FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                                                                                                                                                    at http://www.epa.gov/dockets.
                                               Product Cancellation Order for Certain
                                               Pesticide Registrations and                                   Christopher Green, Information                                         II. What action is the Agency taking?
                                               Amendments To Terminate Uses                                  Technology and Resources Management
                                                                                                             Division (7502P), Office of Pesticide                                     This notice announces the
                                               AGENCY: Environmental Protection                              Programs, Environmental Protection                                     cancellations and amendments to delete
                                               Agency (EPA).                                                 Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW,                                     uses, as requested by registrants, of
                                               ACTION: Notice.                                               Washington, DC 20460–0001; telephone                                   products registered under FIFRA section
                                                                                                             number: (703) 347–0367; email address:                                 3 (7 U.S.C. 136a). These registrations are
                                               SUMMARY:   This notice announces EPA’s                        green.christopher@epa.gov.                                             listed in sequence by registration
                                               order for the cancellations and                                                                                                      number in Table 1, Table 1A, Table 1B,
                                                                                                             SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                               amendments to terminate uses,                                                                                                        and Table 2 of this unit. The
                                               voluntarily requested by the registrants                      I. General Information                                                 cancellations of the two triforine
                                               and accepted by the Agency, of the                                                                                                   products, EPA Reg. Nos. 239–2435 and
                                               products listed in Table 1, Table 1A,                         A. Does this action apply to me?                                       82534–1, are the last registered products
                                               Table 1B and Table 2 of Unit II,                                This action is directed to the public                                containing this active ingredient. The
                                               pursuant to the Federal Insecticide,                          in general, and may be of interest to a                                cancellation of the ten siduron products
                                               Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act                                wide range of stakeholders including                                   listed in Table 1A, are the last registered
                                               (FIFRA). This cancellation order follows                      environmental, human health, and                                       products containing this active
                                               an August 10, 2018 Federal Register                           agricultural advocates; the chemical                                   ingredient.

                                                                                                               TABLE 1—PRODUCT CANCELLATIONS
                                                   Registration No.             Company No.                                              Product name                                                         Active ingredients

                                               100–797 .....................              100       Apron XL WS ....................................................................................   Metalaxyl-M.
                                               100–1065 ...................               100       Scimitar WP Insecticide in Water-Soluble Packs .............................                       Lambda-Cyhalothrin.
                                               100–1174 ...................               100       Impasse Termite Bait ........................................................................      Lufenuron.
                                               100–1181 ...................               100       Zyrox Plus Termite Baiting Technology ............................................                 Lufenuron.
                                               100–1257 ...................               100       Lufenuron Termite Bait .....................................................................       Lufenuron.
                                               239–2435 ...................               239       Ortho Rose Disease Control .............................................................           Triforine.
                                               279–3312 ...................               279       Capture 8% ME Insecticide/Miticide .................................................               Bifenthrin.
                                               279–9533 ...................               279       Fluthiacet-Methyl WSP Herbicide .....................................................              Fluthiacet-methyl.
                                               352–392 .....................              352       DuPont Velpar L Herbicide ...............................................................          Hexazinone.
khammond on DSK30JT082PROD with NOTICES

                                               352–570 .....................              352       DuPont DPX–E9636 75 DF Herbicide ..............................................                    Rimsulfuron.
                                               352–572 .....................              352       DuPont DPX–79406 75 DF Herbicide ..............................................                    Nicosulfuron & Rimsulfuron.
                                               352–573 .....................              352       DuPont Synchrony STS DF Herbicide ..............................................                   Chlorimuron & Thifensulfuron.
                                               352–574 .....................              352       DuPont Synchrony STS SP Herbicide ..............................................                   Chlorimuron & Thifensulfuron.
                                               352–576 .....................              352       DuPont Staple Herbicide ...................................................................        Pyrithiobac-sodium.
                                               352–581 .....................              352       DuPont Velpar DF Herbicide ............................................................            Hexazinone.
                                               352–585 .....................              352       Basis Gold Herbicide ........................................................................      Atrazine, Nicosulfuron &

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Document Created: 2018-11-15 03:59:56
Document Modified: 2018-11-15 03:59:56
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice of public meeting.
DatesThe meeting will be held on Thursday, December 6, 2018, from 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
ContactMarisa D. Thornton, Radiation Protection Division, Office of Radiation and Indoor Air, Mailcode 6608T, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20460; email [email protected]
FR Citation83 FR 57476 

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