83_FR_57749 83 FR 57528 - Notice of Intent To Rule on Request To Release Airport Property

83 FR 57528 - Notice of Intent To Rule on Request To Release Airport Property

Federal Aviation Administration

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 221 (November 15, 2018)

Page Range57528-57529
FR Document2018-24875

The FAA proposes to rule and invites public comment on the release of land at the St. Louis Lambert International Airport, St. Louis, Missouri, under the provisions of 49 U.S.C. 47107(h)(2).

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 221 (Thursday, November 15, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 221 (Thursday, November 15, 2018)]
[Pages 57528-57529]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-24875]



Federal Aviation Administration

Notice of Intent To Rule on Request To Release Airport Property

AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT.

ACTION: Notice of intent to rule on request to release airport property 
at the St. Louis Lambert International Airport (STL), St. Louis, 


SUMMARY: The FAA proposes to rule and invites public comment on the 
release of land at the St. Louis Lambert International Airport, St. 
Louis, Missouri, under the provisions of 49 U.S.C. 47107(h)(2).

DATES: Comments must be received on or before December 17, 2018.

    Comments on this application may be mailed or delivered to the FAA 
at the following address: Lynn D. Martin, Airports Compliance 
Specialist, Federal Aviation Administration, Airports Division, ACE-
610C, 901 Locust, Room 364, Kansas City, MO 64106.
    In addition, one copy of any comments submitted to the FAA must be 
mailed or delivered to: Dana Ryan, Planning Manager, St. Louis Lambert 
International Airport, 10701 Lambert International Blvd., St. Louis, MO 
3145-0212, 314-551-5027.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Lynn D. Martin, Airports Compliance 
Specialist, Federal Aviation Administration, Airports Division, ACE-
610C, 901 Locust, Room 364, Kansas City, MO 64106, (816) 329-2644, 
    The request to release property may be reviewed, by appointment, in 
person at this same location.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The FAA invites public comment on the 
request to release approximately 1.389 acres of airport property, at 
the St. Louis Lambert International Airport (STL) under the provisions 
of 49 U.S.C. 47107(h)(2). On June 13, 2018, the Director of Airports 
for the City of St. Louis, MO requested from the FAA that approximately 
1.389 acres of property, be released for sale to Union Electric

[[Page 57529]]

(dba Ameron Missouri) for use as sub-station. On October 22, 2018, the 
FAA determined that the request to release property at the St. Louis 
Lambert International Airport (STL) submitted by the Sponsor meets the 
procedural requirements of the Federal Aviation Administration and the 
release of the property does not and will not impact future aviation 
needs at the airport. The FAA may approve the request, in whole or in 
part, no sooner than thirty days after the publication of this Notice.
    The following is a brief overview of the request:
    St. Louis Lambert International Airport (STL) is proposing the 
release of two parcels, one parcel on Monroe Avenue contains 0.826 
acres and Parcel 2 on Jefferson Avenue containing 0.563 acres for a 
total containing 1.389 acres. The release of land is necessary to 
comply with Federal Aviation Administration Grant Assurances that do 
not allow federally acquired airport property to be used for non-
aviation purposes. The sale of the subject property will result in the 
land at the St. Louis Lambert International Airport (STL) being changed 
from aeronautical to non-aeronautical use and release the lands from 
the conditions of the Airport Improvement Program Grant Agreement Grant 
Assurances. In accordance with 49 U.S.C. 47107(c)(2)(B)(i) and (iii), 
the airport will receive fair market value for the property, which will 
be subsequently reinvested in another eligible airport improvement 
project for aviation at the St. Louis Lambert International Airport.
    In addition, any person may, upon appointment and request, inspect 
the application, notice and other documents determined by the FAA to be 
related to the application in person at the St. Louis Lambert 
International Airport.

    Issued in Kansas City, MO, on November 5, 2018.
Ed Hyatt,
Acting Director, Airports Division.
[FR Doc. 2018-24875 Filed 11-14-18; 8:45 am]

                                               57528                     Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 221 / Thursday, November 15, 2018 / Notices

                                               eligibility for certain beneficiary                     rate in column 1 of the HTS. In                       products now enter the United States at
                                               countries.                                              addition, the President denied the                    the NTR duty rate.
                                                  Presidential Proclamation 9813 of                    petition to remove nonadhesive plates                 Erland Herfindahl,
                                               October 30, 2018, implements the                        and sheets (HTS 3920.51.50) from GSP
                                               President’s decisions regarding the                                                                           Deputy Assistant U.S. Trade Representative
                                                                                                       for Indonesia and Thailand. These                     for the Generalized System of Preferences,
                                               2017/2018 Annual GSP Review,                            products will continue to enter the                   Office of the U.S. Trade Representative.
                                               including CNL waivers and product                       United States duty-free.                              [FR Doc. 2018–24919 Filed 11–14–18; 8:45 am]
                                               redesignations. The modifications to the
                                               GSP program that were implemented by                      As described in List III, the President             BILLING CODE 3290–F9–P

                                               Presidential Proclamation 9813 became                   granted a petition to redesignate
                                               effective on November 1, 2018. This                     ammonium perrhentate (HTS
                                               notice provides a summary of the results                2841.90.20) from Kazakhstan to GSP.                   DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION
                                               of the 2017/2018 Annual GSP Review.                     This product now enters the United
                                                                                                       States duty-free. The remaining                       Federal Aviation Administration
                                               You can also view the results,
                                               comprising six lists, at https://                       redesignation petitions were denied:
                                                                                                                                                             Notice of Intent To Rule on Request To
                                               www.regulations.gov using docket                        Apple, quince and pear pastes and                     Release Airport Property
                                               number USTR–2017–0014, under                            purees (HTS 2007.9948) from Argentina;
                                               ‘‘Supporting and Related Materials’’ and                sunflower seed oilcake (HTS                           AGENCY:  Federal Aviation
                                               on the USTR website at https://ustr.gov/                2306.30.00) from Argentina; certain                   Administration (FAA), DOT.
                                               sites/default/files/IssueAreas/gsp/                     odoriferous or flavoring compounds                    ACTION: Notice of intent to rule on
                                               Decisions%20on%202017_                                  (HTS 2909.50.40) from Indonesia; fancy                request to release airport property at the
                                               2018%20%20product%20review.pdf.                         bovine leather (full grain, whole,                    St. Louis Lambert International Airport
                                                  As described in List I, the President                unsplit) (HTS 4107.11.80) from                        (STL), St. Louis, Missouri.
                                               denied all petitions to add products to                 Argentina; certain tropical plywood
                                               the list of GSP-eligible products for all                                                                     SUMMARY:   The FAA proposes to rule and
                                                                                                       (HTS 4412.31.41) from Indonesia;
                                               BDCs. The products in List I, however,                                                                        invites public comment on the release of
                                                                                                       granite monumental or building stone                  land at the St. Louis Lambert
                                               remain eligible for duty-free preferences               (HTS 6802.93.00) from India; and
                                               for least-developed beneficiary                                                                               International Airport, St. Louis,
                                                                                                       certain ferroniobium (HTS 7202.93.80)                 Missouri, under the provisions of 49
                                               countries only. For ease of reference, a                from Brazil. These products will
                                               brief description and the U.S.                                                                                U.S.C. 47107(h)(2).
                                                                                                       continue to enter the United States at                DATES: Comments must be received on
                                               Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS)
                                                                                                       NTR duty rates and, by statute (19                    or before December 17, 2018.
                                               categories of the nine products included
                                                                                                       U.S.C. 2463(a)(1)(C)), may not be
                                               in List I follows:                                                                                            ADDRESSES:
                                                                                                       reconsidered for addition to GSP for the                 Comments on this application may be
                                               1. Certain fresh pears (HTS 0808.30.40)                 next three years.
                                               2. certain melon and citrus fruit peel                                                                        mailed or delivered to the FAA at the
                                                    (HTS 0814.00.80)                                     As described in List IV, three articles             following address: Lynn D. Martin,
                                               3. cottonseed (HTS 1207.29.00)                          exceeded the CNLs in 2017 for which no                Airports Compliance Specialist, Federal
                                               4. crude sunflower-seed or safflower oil                petition was received and now enter the               Aviation Administration, Airports
                                                    (HTS 1512.11.00)                                   United States at the NTR duty rates.                  Division, ACE–610C, 901 Locust, Room
                                               5. certain prepared or preserved apples                 These products are ethers of acyc                     364, Kansas City, MO 64106.
                                                    (HTS 2008.99.05)                                   monohydric alcohols (HTS 2909.19.18)                     In addition, one copy of any
                                               6. p-Anisic acid, clofibrate, and 3-                    and refined copper (HTS 7403.19.00)                   comments submitted to the FAA must
                                                    phenoxybenzoic acid (HTS                           from Brazil, and washing machines                     be mailed or delivered to: Dana Ryan,
                                                    2918.99.05)                                        (HTS 8450.20.00) from Thailand.                       Planning Manager, St. Louis Lambert
                                               7. certain aromatic carboxylic acids and                                                                      International Airport, 10701 Lambert
                                                                                                         As described in List V, the President               International Blvd., St. Louis, MO 3145–
                                                    their derivatives described in U.S.
                                                                                                       granted three petitions for CNL waivers:              0212, 314–551–5027.
                                                    Note 3 (HTS 2918.99.43)
                                               8. certain aromatic carboxylic acids and                (1) Edible birds’ nests (HTS 0410.00.00)
                                                                                                                                                             FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                    their derivatives not covered in U.S.              from Thailand; (2) lithium carbonates                 Lynn D. Martin, Airports Compliance
                                                    Note 3 (HTS 2918.99.47)                            (HTS 2836.91.00) from Argentina; and                  Specialist, Federal Aviation
                                               9. certain rubber transmission V-belts                  (3) ferrosilicon chromium (HTS                        Administration, Airports Division,
                                                    (HTS 4010.33.30)                                   7202.50.00) from Kazakhstan. These                    ACE–610C, 901 Locust, Room 364,
                                                  A complete description of the nine                   three products will continue to enter the             Kansas City, MO 64106, (816) 329–2644,
                                               products is included in List I. By statute              United States duty-free. The following                lynn.martin@faa.gov.
                                               (19 U.S.C. 2463(a)(1)(C)), these products               products did not receive a CNL waiver                    The request to release property may
                                               may not be reconsidered for addition to                 and are therefore subject to the NTR                  be reviewed, by appointment, in person
                                               GSP for the next three years.                           duty rates: Essential oils of lemon (HTS              at this same location.
                                                  As described in List II, the President               3301.03.00) from Argentina, and                       SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The FAA
                                               granted the petition to remove tart                     monumental or building stone (HTS                     invites public comment on the request
                                               cherry juice concentrate and other                      6802.99.00) from Brazil.                              to release approximately 1.389 acres of
                                               cherry juice (HTS 2009.89.6011 and                                                                            airport property, at the St. Louis
khammond on DSK30JT082PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                         As described in List VI, the President
                                               HTS 2009.89.6019) from GSP eligibility                  did not grant de minimis waivers to 92                Lambert International Airport (STL)
                                               for Turkey. To reflect this change,                     products that exceeded the 50 percent                 under the provisions of 49 U.S.C.
                                               cherry juice imported into the United                   import share CNL but for which the                    47107(h)(2). On June 13, 2018, the
                                               States now falls under a new HTS                        aggregate value of all U.S. imports of                Director of Airports for the City of St.
                                               category, 2009.89.65. Cherry juice from                 that article was below the 2017 de                    Louis, MO requested from the FAA that
                                               Turkey now enters the United States at                                                                        approximately 1.389 acres of property,
                                                                                                       minimis level of $23.5 million. These
                                               the Normal Trade Relations (NTR) duty                                                                         be released for sale to Union Electric

                                          VerDate Sep<11>2014   16:53 Nov 14, 2018   Jkt 247001   PO 00000   Frm 00130   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\15NON1.SGM   15NON1

                                                                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 221 / Thursday, November 15, 2018 / Notices                                              57529

                                               (dba Ameron Missouri) for use as sub-                   placed on OFAC’s Specially Designated                 Street 8th, Ghaem Magham Farahari Ave.,
                                               station. On October 22, 2018, the FAA                   Nationals and Blocked Persons List (the               Tehran 1586868513, Iran; website
                                               determined that the request to release                  ‘‘SDN List’’) based on OFAC’s                         www.calcimin.com; Additional Sanctions
                                                                                                                                                             Information—Subject to Secondary Sanctions
                                               property at the St. Louis Lambert                       determination that one or more
                                                                                                                                                             [SDGT] [IFSR] (Linked To: IRAN ZINC
                                               International Airport (STL) submitted                   applicable legal criteria were satisfied.             MINES DEVELOPMENT COMPANY).
                                               by the Sponsor meets the procedural                     All property and interests in property                   Designated pursuant to section 1(c) of E.O.
                                               requirements of the Federal Aviation                    subject to U.S. jurisdiction of these                 13224 for being owned or controlled by IRAN
                                               Administration and the release of the                   persons are blocked, and U.S. persons                 ZINC MINES DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, a
                                               property does not and will not impact                   are generally prohibited from engaging                person determined to be subject to E.O.
                                               future aviation needs at the airport. The               in transactions with them.                            13224.
                                               FAA may approve the request, in whole                                                                            4. QESHM ZINC SMELTING AND
                                                                                                       DATES: See SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION
                                                                                                                                                             REDUCTION COMPANY (a.k.a. QESHM
                                               or in part, no sooner than thirty days                  section for applicable date(s).                       ZINC SMELTING AND REDUCTION
                                               after the publication of this Notice.                   FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                      COMPLEX), 20 Km Dargahan-to-Loft Road,
                                                  The following is a brief overview of                 OFAC: Associate Director for Global                   Qeshm Island, Hormozgan, Iran; website
                                               the request:                                            Targeting, tel.: 202–622–2420; Assistant              www.gzsc.ir; Additional Sanctions
                                                  St. Louis Lambert International                                                                            Information—Subject to Secondary Sanctions
                                                                                                       Director for Sanctions Compliance &
                                               Airport (STL) is proposing the release of                                                                     [SDGT] [IFSR] (Linked To: CALCIMIN).
                                                                                                       Evaluation, tel.: 202–622–2490;
                                               two parcels, one parcel on Monroe                                                                                Designated pursuant to section 1(c) of E.O.
                                                                                                       Assistant Director for Licensing, tel.:               13224 for being owned or controlled by
                                               Avenue contains 0.826 acres and Parcel
                                                                                                       202–622–2480; or the Department of the                CALCIMIN, a person determined to be
                                               2 on Jefferson Avenue containing 0.563
                                                                                                       Treasury’s Office of the General                      subject to E.O. 13224.
                                               acres for a total containing 1.389 acres.
                                                                                                       Counsel: Office of the Chief Counsel                     5. BANDAR ABBAS ZINC PRODUCTION
                                               The release of land is necessary to
                                                                                                       (Foreign Assets Control), tel.: 202–622–              COMPANY, No. 15, Zarir Alley,
                                               comply with Federal Aviation                                                                                  Turkmenistan Street, Motahhari Avenue,
                                               Administration Grant Assurances that                                                                          Tehran 1565613115, Iran; website
                                               do not allow federally acquired airport                 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                                                                                                                             www.bzpc.ir; Additional Sanctions
                                               property to be used for non-aviation                    Electronic Availability                               Information—Subject to Secondary
                                               purposes. The sale of the subject                                                                             Sanctions; National ID No. 1080000606618
                                                                                                         The Specially Designated Nationals                  (Iran); Registration Number 3249 (Iran)
                                               property will result in the land at the St.
                                                                                                       and Blocked Persons List and additional               [SDGT] [IFSR] (Linked To: CALCIMIN).
                                               Louis Lambert International Airport
                                                                                                       information concerning OFAC sanctions                    Designated pursuant to section 1(c) of E.O.
                                               (STL) being changed from aeronautical
                                                                                                       programs are available on OFAC’s                      13224 for being owned or controlled by
                                               to non-aeronautical use and release the
                                                                                                       website (www.treas.gov/ofac).                         CALCIMIN, a person determined to be
                                               lands from the conditions of the Airport                                                                      subject to E.O. 13224.
                                               Improvement Program Grant Agreement                     Notice of OFAC Actions                                   6. ZANJAN ACID PRODUCTION
                                               Grant Assurances. In accordance with                      On October 16, 2018, OFAC                           COMPANY (a.k.a. ZANJAN ACID MAKERS;
                                               49 U.S.C. 47107(c)(2)(B)(i) and (iii), the              determined that the property and                      a.k.a. ZANJAN ACID MAKERS AND
                                               airport will receive fair market value for              interests in property subject to U.S.                 ALVAND ROUINKARAN; a.k.a. ZANJAN
                                               the property, which will be                                                                                   ACID SAZAN), The end of the Tenth
                                                                                                       jurisdiction of the following persons are             Bahrevari Street, Zinc Industrial Town, 5 km
                                               subsequently reinvested in another                      blocked under the relevant sanctions
                                               eligible airport improvement project for                                                                      off Bijar Road, Zanjan, Iran; website
                                                                                                       authorities listed below.                             www.acidsazan.ir; Additional Sanctions
                                               aviation at the St. Louis Lambert
                                                                                                                                                             Information—Subject to Secondary Sanctions
                                               International Airport.                                  Entities
                                                                                                                                                             [SDGT] [IFSR] (Linked To: CALCIMIN).
                                                  In addition, any person may, upon                       1. TADBIRGARAN ATIYEH IRANIAN                         Designated pursuant to section 1(c) of E.O.
                                               appointment and request, inspect the                    INVESTMENT COMPANY, No. 48, 14th                      13224 for being owned or controlled by
                                               application, notice and other documents                 Street, Ahmad Ghasir Avenue, Tehran, Iran;            CALCIMIN, a person determined to be
                                               determined by the FAA to be related to                  Additional Sanctions Information—Subject              subject to E.O. 13224.
                                               the application in person at the St.                    to Secondary Sanctions; National ID No.                  7. NEGIN SAHEL ROYAL INVESTMENT
                                               Louis Lambert International Airport.                    10102867151 (Iran); Registration Number               COMPANY (a.k.a. NEGIN SAHEL ROYAL
                                                                                                       246077 (Iran) [SDGT] [IFSR] (Linked To:               CO.), No. 48, 14th Street, Ahmad Ghasir
                                                  Issued in Kansas City, MO, on November               MEHR–E EQTESAD–E IRANIAN                              Avenue, Argentina Square, Tehran, Iran;
                                               5, 2018.                                                INVESTMENT COMPANY).                                  Additional Sanctions Information—Subject
                                               Ed Hyatt,                                                  Designated pursuant to section 1(c) of E.O.        to Secondary Sanctions; National ID No.
                                               Acting Director, Airports Division.                     13224 for being owned or controlled by                10103589144 (Iran); Registration Number
                                               [FR Doc. 2018–24875 Filed 11–14–18; 8:45 am]            MEHR EQTESAD IRANIAN INVESTMENT                       322430 (Iran) [SDGT] [IFSR] (Linked To:
                                               BILLING CODE 4910–13–P
                                                                                                       COMPANY, a person determined to be                    MEHR–E EQTESAD–E IRANIAN
                                                                                                       subject to E.O. 13224.                                INVESTMENT COMPANY).
                                                                                                          2. TAKTAR INVESTMENT COMPANY,                         Designated pursuant to section 1(c) of E.O.
                                                                                                       Number 10, Seventh Fath Highway, 65 Metri             13224 for being owned or controlled by
                                               DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY                              Fath Highway, Tehran, Iran; Additional                MEHR EQTESAD IRANIAN INVESTMENT
                                                                                                       Sanctions Information—Subject to Secondary            COMPANY, a person determined to be
                                               Office of Foreign Assets Control                        Sanctions; National ID No. 10103804463                subject to E.O. 13224.
                                                                                                       (Iran); Registration Number 263015 (Iran)                8. IRAN ZINC MINES DEVELOPMENT
                                               Notice of OFAC Sanctions Actions                        [SDGT] [IFSR] (Linked To: TECHNOTAR                   COMPANY, No. 13, 8th Street, Ghaem
                                                                                                       ENGINEERING COMPANY).                                 Maghame Farahani Ave., Tehran, Iran; No.
khammond on DSK30JT082PROD with NOTICES

                                               AGENCY:  Office of Foreign Assets
                                                                                                          Designated pursuant to section 1(c) of E.O.        45, 4th Street, Amir Alame Ghazanfarian
                                               Control, Treasury.                                      13224 for being owned or controlled by                Avenue, Etemadiyeh, Zanjan, Iran; website
                                               ACTION: Notice.                                         TECHNOTAR ENGINEERING COMPANY, a                      www.IZMDC.com; Additional Sanctions
                                                                                                       person determined to be subject to E.O.               Information—Subject to Secondary Sanctions
                                               SUMMARY:  The U.S. Department of the                    13224.                                                [SDGT] [IFSR] (Linked To: TAKTAR
                                               Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets                        3. CALCIMIN (a.k.a. KALSIMIN), No. 12,             INVESTMENT COMPANY).
                                               Control (OFAC) is publishing the names                  St. Bilal Habashi, Khorramshahr Ave., Zanjan             Designated pursuant to section 1(c) of E.O.
                                               of one or more persons that have been                   4516773541, Iran; Second Floor, No. 13,               13224 for being owned or controlled by

                                          VerDate Sep<11>2014   16:53 Nov 14, 2018   Jkt 247001   PO 00000   Frm 00131   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\15NON1.SGM   15NON1

Document Created: 2018-11-15 04:00:44
Document Modified: 2018-11-15 04:00:44
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice of intent to rule on request to release airport property at the St. Louis Lambert International Airport (STL), St. Louis, Missouri.
DatesComments must be received on or before December 17, 2018.
ContactLynn D. Martin, Airports Compliance Specialist, Federal Aviation Administration, Airports Division, ACE- 610C, 901 Locust, Room 364, Kansas City, MO 64106, (816) 329-2644, [email protected]
FR Citation83 FR 57528 

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