83_FR_57973 83 FR 57751 - Proposed Revisions to SRPs 2.3.3, Onsite Meteorological Measurements Program; 2.4.6, Tsunami Hazards; and 2.4.9, Channel Migration or Diversion

83 FR 57751 - Proposed Revisions to SRPs 2.3.3, Onsite Meteorological Measurements Program; 2.4.6, Tsunami Hazards; and 2.4.9, Channel Migration or Diversion


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 222 (November 16, 2018)

Page Range57751-57752
FR Document2018-25052

On September 28, 2018, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) published a request for public comment on draft NUREG-0800, ``Standard Review Plan for the Review of Safety Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power Plants: LWR Edition,'' Standard Review Plans (SPRs) 2.3.3, ``Onsite Meteorological Measurements Program''; 2.4.6, ``Tsunami Hazards''; and 2.4.9, ``Channel Migration or Diversion.'' The public comment period was originally scheduled to close on October 29, 2018. The NRC has decided to reopen the public comment period on these documents for 30 days to allow more time for members of the public to develop and submit comments.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 222 (Friday, November 16, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 222 (Friday, November 16, 2018)]
[Pages 57751-57752]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-25052]




Proposed Revisions to SRPs 2.3.3, Onsite Meteorological 
Measurements Program; 2.4.6, Tsunami Hazards; and 2.4.9, Channel 
Migration or Diversion

AGENCY: Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

ACTION: Standard review plan--draft section revision; reopening of 
comment period.


SUMMARY: On September 28, 2018, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 
(NRC) published a request for public comment on draft NUREG-0800, 
``Standard Review Plan for the Review of Safety Analysis Reports for 
Nuclear Power Plants: LWR Edition,'' Standard Review Plans (SPRs) 
2.3.3, ``Onsite Meteorological Measurements Program''; 2.4.6, ``Tsunami 
Hazards''; and 2.4.9, ``Channel Migration or Diversion.'' The public 
comment period was originally scheduled to close on October 29, 2018. 
The NRC has decided to reopen the public comment period on these 
documents for 30 days to allow more time for members of the public to 
develop and submit comments.

DATES: The comment period for the document published on September 28, 
2018 (83 FR 49132) has been reopened. Comments must be filed no later 
than December 17, 2018. Comments received after this date will be 
considered, if it is practical to do so, but the Commission is able to 
ensure consideration only for comments received on or before this date.

ADDRESSES: You may submit comments by any of the following methods:
     Federal Rulemaking website: Go to http://www.regulations.gov and search for Docket ID NRC-2018-0176. Address any 
questions about NRC Docket IDs in Regulations.gov to Jennifer Borges; 
telephone: 301-287-9127; email: [email protected]. For technical 
questions, contact the individual listed in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION 
CONTACT section of this document.
     Mail comments to: May Ma, Office of Administration, Mail 
Stop: TWFN 7 A60M, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 
    For additional direction on obtaining information and submitting 
comments, see ``Obtaining Information and Submitting Comments'' in the 
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section of this document.

Reactors, telephone: 301-415-3053; email: [email protected]; U.S. 
Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001.


I. Obtaining Information and Submitting Comments

A. Obtaining Information

    Please refer to Docket ID NRC-2018-0176 when contacting the NRC 
about the availability of information for this action. You may obtain 
publicly-available information related to this action by any of the 
following methods:
     Federal Rulemaking website: Go to http://www.regulations.gov and search for Docket ID NRC-2018-0176.
     NRC's Agencywide Documents Access and Management System 
(ADAMS): You may obtain publicly-available documents online in the 
ADAMS Public Documents collection at http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/adams.html. To begin the search, select ``Begin Web-based ADAMS 
Search.'' For problems with ADAMS, please contact the NRC's Public 
Document Room (PDR) reference staff at 1-800-397-4209, 301-415-4737, or 
by email to

[[Page 57752]]

[email protected]. NRC's PDR: You may examine and purchase copies of 
public documents at the NRC's PDR, Room O1-F21, One White Flint North, 
11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland 20852.

B. Submitting Comments

    Please include Docket ID NRC-2018-0176 in your comment submission.
    The NRC cautions you not to include identifying or contact 
information that you do not want to be publicly disclosed in your 
comment submission. The NRC will post all comment submissions at http://www.regulations.gov as well as enter the comment submissions into 
ADAMS. The NRC does not routinely edit comment submissions to remove 
identifying or contact information.
    If you are requesting or aggregating comments from other persons 
for submission to the NRC, then you should inform those persons not to 
include identifying or contact information that they do not want to be 
publicly disclosed in their comment submission. Your request should 
state that the NRC does not routinely edit comment submissions to 
remove such information before making the comment submissions available 
to the public or entering the comment into ADAMS.

II. Further Information

    On September 28, 2018 (83 FR 49132), the NRC published a request 
for public comment on draft NUREG-0800, ``Standard Review Plan for the 
Review of Safety Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power Plants: LWR 
Edition,'' Standard Review Plans (SRPs) 2.3.3, ``Onsite Meteorological 
Measurements Program''; 2.4.6, ``Tsunami Hazards''; and 2.4.9, 
``Channel Migration or Diversion'' (ADAMS Accession No. ML18207A487). 
These sections have been developed to assist NRC staff in reviewing 
applications submitted per the requirements under parts 50 and 52 of 
title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR).

III. Availability of Documents

    The documents identified in the following table are available to 
interested persons through the ADAMS Public Documents collection, as 

                  Document                      ADAMS Accession Number
Slide Presentation from October 22, 2018     ML18292A592.
 public meeting on SRPs 2.3.3, 2.4.6,
 2.4.9, and 2.5.3.
Draft NUREG-0800, Section 2.4.6, ``Tsunami   ML18190A200.
Current Revision of NUREG-0800, Section      ML070160659.
 2.4.6, ``Tsunami Hazards''.
Draft revision to NUREG-0800, Section        ML18190A201.
 2.4.9, ``Channel Migration or Diversion''.
Current revision to NUREG-0800, Section      ML070730434.
 2.4.9, ``Channel Migration or Diversion''.
The redline-strikeout version comparing the  ML18267A055.
 Revision 4 of Draft NUREG-0800, Section
 2.4.6, ``Tsunami Hazards'' and the current
 version of Revision 3.
The redline-strikeout version comparing the  ML18264A035.
 draft Revision 4 of Draft revision to
 NUREG-0800, Section 2.4.9, ``Channel
 Migration or Diversion'' and the current
 version of Revision 3.
Draft NUREG-0800, Section 2.3.3, ``Onsite    ML18183A446.
 Meteorological Measurements Program''.
Current Revision NUREG-0800, Section 2.3.3,  ML063600394.
 ``Onsite Meteorological Measurements
The redline-strikeout version comparing the  ML18267A076.
 draft Revision 4 of Draft revision to
 NUREG-0800, Section 2.3.3, ``Onsite
 Meteorological Measurements Program'' and
 the current version of Revision 3.

    The public comment period for SRPs 2.3.3, 2.4.6, and 2.4.9 
originally closed on October 29, 2018. The NRC held a public meeting on 
October 22, 2018 during which technical issues precluded public 
participation via webinar. Accordingly, the NRC has decided to reopen 
the public comment period on these documents to allow more time for 
members of the public to read the meeting transcript and assemble and 
submit their comments. The public meeting was transcribed, and the 
transcription is available on ADAMS at ML18303A102. In addition, the 
slides presented during the meeting are available on ADAMS at 

    Dated at Rockville, Maryland, on November 13, 2018.
    For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

Jennivine K. Rankin,
Acting Branch Chief, Licensing Branch 3, Division of Licensing, Siting, 
and Environmental Analysis, Office of New Reactors.
[FR Doc. 2018-25052 Filed 11-15-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 222 / Friday, November 16, 2018 / Notices                                           57751

                                              Dated: November 7, 2018.                               Additional details regarding the CAP                  more time for members of the public to
                                             Walter D. Cruickshank,                                  goal can be found at: https://                        develop and submit comments.
                                             Acting Director, Bureau of Ocean Energy                 www.performance.gov/CAP/CAP_goal_                     DATES: The comment period for the
                                             Management.                                             8.html.                                               document published on September 28,
                                             [FR Doc. 2018–24739 Filed 11–15–18; 8:45 am]               In order to bring grants management                2018 (83 FR 49132) has been reopened.
                                             BILLING CODE 4310–MR–P
                                                                                                     into the digital age and allow recipients             Comments must be filed no later than
                                                                                                     to focus more time on performing work                 December 17, 2018. Comments received
                                                                                                     that delivers results, there is a need to             after this date will be considered, if it
                                             OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND                                develop and implement core grants                     is practical to do so, but the
                                             BUDGET                                                  management data standards and                         Commission is able to ensure
                                                                                                     modernize grants management                           consideration only for comments
                                             Draft Federal Grants Management Data                    information technology solutions. In                  received on or before this date.
                                             Standards for Feedback                                  support of this goal, a draft of core
                                                                                                                                                           ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
                                                                                                     grants management data standards have
                                             AGENCY: Office of Management and                                                                              by any of the following methods:
                                                                                                     been developed and are now available
                                             Budget.                                                                                                          • Federal Rulemaking website: Go to
                                                                                                     for your review. Once finalized, the core
                                             ACTION: Notice.
                                                                                                                                                           http://www.regulations.gov and search
                                                                                                     grants management data standards will
                                                                                                                                                           for Docket ID NRC–2018–0176. Address
                                                                                                     contribute to a future state where grants
                                             SUMMARY:   In March 2018, the Office of                                                                       any questions about NRC Docket IDs in
                                                                                                     data are interoperable, there are fewer
                                             Management and Budget launched the                                                                            Regulations.gov to Jennifer Borges;
                                                                                                     internal and public-facing grants
                                             President’s Management Agenda (PMA).                                                                          telephone: 301–287–9127; email:
                                                                                                     management systems, and Federal
                                             The PMA established a Cross-Agency                                                                            Jennifer.Borges@nrc.gov. For technical
                                                                                                     awarding agencies and recipients can
                                             Priority (CAP) goal titled: ‘‘Results-                                                                        questions, contact the individual listed
                                                                                                     leverage data to successfully implement
                                             Oriented Accountability for Grants’’.                                                                         in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION
                                                                                                     a risk-based, data-driven approach to
                                             This notice is meant to notify the public                                                                     CONTACT section of this document.
                                                                                                     managing Federal grants. A draft of the
                                             of the opportunity to provide input on                                                                           • Mail comments to: May Ma, Office
                                                                                                     proposed grants management common
                                             proposed grants management common                                                                             of Administration, Mail Stop: TWFN 7
                                                                                                     data standards are available for your
                                             data standards that have been created in                                                                      A60M, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
                                                                                                     review and input at
                                             support of the Results-Oriented                                                                               Commission, Washington, DC 20555–
                                                                                                     www.grantsfeedback.cfo.gov. The
                                             Accountability for Grants CAP goal.                                                                           0001.
                                                                                                     comment period will be open until
                                             DATES: Comments must be received on                                                                              For additional direction on obtaining
                                                                                                     January 15, 2019.
                                             or before January 15, 2019.                                                                                   information and submitting comments,
                                                                                                     Timothy F. Soltis,                                    see ‘‘Obtaining Information and
                                             ADDRESSES: Interested parties should
                                                                                                     Deputy Controller.                                    Submitting Comments’’ in the
                                             provide comments at the following link:
                                                                                                     [FR Doc. 2018–24927 Filed 11–15–18; 8:45 am]          SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section of
                                             www.grantsfeedback.cfo.gov. All
                                                                                                                                                           this document.
                                             comments received may be posted                         BILLING CODE 3110–01–P

                                             without change, including any personal                                                                        FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                             information provided. Do not submit                                                                           Mark D. Notich, Office of New Reactors,
                                             confidential business information, trade                NUCLEAR REGULATORY                                    telephone: 301–415–3053; email:
                                             secret information, or other sensitive or               COMMISSION                                            Mark.Notich@nrc.gov; U.S. Nuclear
                                             protected information that you do not                                                                         Regulatory Commission, Washington,
                                             want to be available to the public.                                                                           DC 20555–0001.
                                             FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                        Proposed Revisions to SRPs 2.3.3,                     SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                             Jeannette M. Mandycz, Office of Federal                 Onsite Meteorological Measurements                    I. Obtaining Information and
                                             Financial Management, OMB,                              Program; 2.4.6, Tsunami Hazards; and                  Submitting Comments
                                             Jeannette.M.Mandycz@omb.eop.gov, or                     2.4.9, Channel Migration or Diversion
                                             202–395–5009.                                                                                                 A. Obtaining Information
                                                                                                     AGENCY:  Nuclear Regulatory
                                             SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In March                     Commission.                                              Please refer to Docket ID NRC–2018–
                                             2018, OMB launched the President’s                      ACTION: Standard review plan—draft                    0176 when contacting the NRC about
                                             Management Agenda (PMA). The PMA                        section revision; reopening of comment                the availability of information for this
                                             lays out a long-term vision for                         period.                                               action. You may obtain publicly-
                                             modernizing the Federal Government in                                                                         available information related to this
                                             key areas that will improve the ability                 SUMMARY:   On September 28, 2018, the                 action by any of the following methods:
                                             of agencies to deliver mission outcomes,                U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission                       • Federal Rulemaking website: Go to
                                             provide excellent service, and                          (NRC) published a request for public                  http://www.regulations.gov and search
                                             effectively steward taxpayer dollars on                 comment on draft NUREG–0800,                          for Docket ID NRC–2018–0176.
                                             behalf of the American people. The                      ‘‘Standard Review Plan for the Review                    • NRC’s Agencywide Documents
                                             PMA established a Cross-Agency                          of Safety Analysis Reports for Nuclear                Access and Management System
                                             Priority (CAP) goal titled ‘‘Results-                   Power Plants: LWR Edition,’’ Standard                 (ADAMS): You may obtain publicly-
                                             Oriented Accountability for Grants’’                    Review Plans (SPRs) 2.3.3, ‘‘Onsite                   available documents online in the
                                             with the intent to rebalance grants                     Meteorological Measurements                           ADAMS Public Documents collection at
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES

                                             compliance efforts with a focus on                      Program’’; 2.4.6, ‘‘Tsunami Hazards’’;                http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/
                                             results for the American taxpayer;                      and 2.4.9, ‘‘Channel Migration or                     adams.html. To begin the search, select
                                             standardizing grant reporting data, and                 Diversion.’’ The public comment period                ‘‘Begin Web-based ADAMS Search.’’ For
                                             improving data collection in ways that                  was originally scheduled to close on                  problems with ADAMS, please contact
                                             will increase efficiency, promote                       October 29, 2018. The NRC has decided                 the NRC’s Public Document Room (PDR)
                                             evaluation, reduce reporting burden,                    to reopen the public comment period on                reference staff at 1–800–397–4209, 301–
                                             and benefit the American taxpayer.                      these documents for 30 days to allow                  415–4737, or by email to

                                        VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:19 Nov 15, 2018   Jkt 247001   PO 00000   Frm 00038   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\16NON1.SGM   16NON1

                                             57752                          Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 222 / Friday, November 16, 2018 / Notices

                                             pdr.resource@nrc.gov. NRC’s PDR: You                           If you are requesting or aggregating                         Power Plants: LWR Edition,’’ Standard
                                             may examine and purchase copies of                           comments from other persons for                                Review Plans (SRPs) 2.3.3, ‘‘Onsite
                                             public documents at the NRC’s PDR,                           submission to the NRC, then you should                         Meteorological Measurements
                                             Room O1–F21, One White Flint North,                          inform those persons not to include                            Program’’; 2.4.6, ‘‘Tsunami Hazards’’;
                                             11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville,                             identifying or contact information that                        and 2.4.9, ‘‘Channel Migration or
                                             Maryland 20852.                                              they do not want to be publicly                                Diversion’’ (ADAMS Accession No.
                                             B. Submitting Comments                                       disclosed in their comment submission.                         ML18207A487). These sections have
                                                                                                          Your request should state that the NRC                         been developed to assist NRC staff in
                                               Please include Docket ID NRC–2018–                         does not routinely edit comment
                                             0176 in your comment submission.                                                                                            reviewing applications submitted per
                                                                                                          submissions to remove such information                         the requirements under parts 50 and 52
                                               The NRC cautions you not to include
                                                                                                          before making the comment                                      of title 10 of the Code of Federal
                                             identifying or contact information that
                                             you do not want to be publicly                               submissions available to the public or                         Regulations (10 CFR).
                                             disclosed in your comment submission.                        entering the comment into ADAMS.
                                                                                                                                                                         III. Availability of Documents
                                             The NRC will post all comment                                II. Further Information
                                             submissions at http://                                                                                                        The documents identified in the
                                             www.regulations.gov as well as enter the                        On September 28, 2018 (83 FR 49132),                        following table are available to
                                             comment submissions into ADAMS.                              the NRC published a request for public                         interested persons through the ADAMS
                                             The NRC does not routinely edit                              comment on draft NUREG–0800,                                   Public Documents collection, as
                                             comment submissions to remove                                ‘‘Standard Review Plan for the Review                          indicated.
                                             identifying or contact information.                          of Safety Analysis Reports for Nuclear

                                                                                                          Document                                                                         ADAMS Accession Number

                                             Slide Presentation from October 22, 2018 public meeting on SRPs 2.3.3, 2.4.6, 2.4.9, and 2.5.3 .................                          ML18292A592.
                                             Draft NUREG–0800, Section 2.4.6, ‘‘Tsunami Hazards’’ ..................................................................................   ML18190A200.
                                             Current Revision of NUREG–0800, Section 2.4.6, ‘‘Tsunami Hazards’’ ...........................................................            ML070160659.
                                             Draft revision to NUREG–0800, Section 2.4.9, ‘‘Channel Migration or Diversion’’ ...........................................               ML18190A201.
                                             Current revision to NUREG–0800, Section 2.4.9, ‘‘Channel Migration or Diversion’’ .......................................                 ML070730434.
                                             The redline-strikeout version comparing the Revision 4 of Draft NUREG–0800, Section 2.4.6, ‘‘Tsunami                                      ML18267A055.
                                                Hazards’’ and the current version of Revision 3.
                                             The redline-strikeout version comparing the draft Revision 4 of Draft revision to NUREG–0800, Section                                     ML18264A035.
                                                2.4.9, ‘‘Channel Migration or Diversion’’ and the current version of Revision 3.
                                             Draft NUREG–0800, Section 2.3.3, ‘‘Onsite Meteorological Measurements Program’’ ....................................                      ML18183A446.
                                             Current Revision NUREG–0800, Section 2.3.3, ‘‘Onsite Meteorological Measurements Program’’ ................                               ML063600394.
                                             The redline-strikeout version comparing the draft Revision 4 of Draft revision to NUREG–0800, Section                                     ML18267A076.
                                                2.3.3, ‘‘Onsite Meteorological Measurements Program’’ and the current version of Revision 3.

                                               The public comment period for SRPs                         NUCLEAR REGULATORY                                             Week of December 3, 2018—Tentative
                                             2.3.3, 2.4.6, and 2.4.9 originally closed                    COMMISSION                                                     Monday, December 3, 2018
                                             on October 29, 2018. The NRC held a
                                             public meeting on October 22, 2018                           [NRC–2018–0001]
                                                                                                                                                                         10:00 a.m. Briefing on Equal
                                             during which technical issues                                                                                                   Employment Opportunity,
                                             precluded public participation via                           Sunshine Act Meetings                                              Affirmative Employment, and Small
                                             webinar. Accordingly, the NRC has                                                                                               Business (Public); (Contact:
                                             decided to reopen the public comment                         TIME AND DATE: Weeks of November 19,                               Larniece McKoy Moore: 301–415–
                                             period on these documents to allow                           26, December 3, 10, 17, 24, 2018.                                  1942)
                                             more time for members of the public to                       PLACE: Commissioners’ Conference                                 This meeting will be webcast live at
                                             read the meeting transcript and                              Room, 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville,                         the Web address—http://www.nrc.gov/.
                                             assemble and submit their comments.                          Maryland.                                                      Thursday, December 6, 2018
                                             The public meeting was transcribed,                          STATUS: Public and Closed.
                                                                                                                                                                         10:00 a.m. Meeting with Advisory
                                             and the transcription is available on                        MATTERS TO BE CONSIDERED:                                          Committee on Reactor Safeguards
                                             ADAMS at ML18303A102. In addition,
                                                                                                          Week of November 19, 2018                                          (Public); (Contact: Mark Banks:
                                             the slides presented during the meeting                                                                                         301–415–3718)
                                             are available on ADAMS at                                      There are no meetings scheduled for
                                                                                                          the week of November 19, 2018.                                   This meeting will be webcast live at
                                                                                                                                                                         the Web address—http://www.nrc.gov/.
                                              Dated at Rockville, Maryland, on                            Week of November 26, 2018—Tentative
                                             November 13, 2018.                                                                                                          Week of December 10, 2018—Tentative
                                              For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
                                                                                                          Thursday, November 29, 2018
                                                                                                                                                                           There are no meetings scheduled for
                                             Jennivine K. Rankin,                                         9:45 a.m. Affirmation Session (Public                          the week of December 10, 2018.
                                                                                                              Meeting) (Tentative); Motion to
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES

                                             Acting Branch Chief, Licensing Branch 3,
                                                                                                              Quash Office of Investigations                             Week of December 17, 2018—Tentative
                                             Division of Licensing, Siting, and
                                                                                                              Subpoena Filed by Reed College                               There are no meetings scheduled for
                                             Environmental Analysis, Office of New
                                             Reactors.                                                        (Tentative)                                                the week of December 17, 2018.
                                             [FR Doc. 2018–25052 Filed 11–15–18; 8:45 am]                 Thursday, November 29, 2018                                    Week of December 24, 2018—Tentative
                                             BILLING CODE 7590–01–P                                       10:00 a.m. Briefing on Security Issues                           There are no meetings scheduled for
                                                                                                              (Closed Ex. 1)                                             the week of December 24, 2018.

                                        VerDate Sep<11>2014     17:19 Nov 15, 2018    Jkt 247001    PO 00000    Frm 00039     Fmt 4703    Sfmt 4703    E:\FR\FM\16NON1.SGM        16NON1

Document Created: 2018-11-16 07:22:54
Document Modified: 2018-11-16 07:22:54
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionStandard review plan--draft section revision; reopening of comment period.
DatesThe comment period for the document published on September 28, 2018 (83 FR 49132) has been reopened. Comments must be filed no later than December 17, 2018. Comments received after this date will be considered, if it is practical to do so, but the Commission is able to ensure consideration only for comments received on or before this date.
ContactMark D. Notich, Office of New Reactors, telephone: 301-415-3053; email: Mark.Noti[email protected]; U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001.
FR Citation83 FR 57751 

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