83_FR_58339 83 FR 58117 - Semiannual Regulatory Agenda

83 FR 58117 - Semiannual Regulatory Agenda


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 222 (November 16, 2018)

Page Range58117-58121
FR Document2018-24167

The Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection (Bureau) is publishing this agenda as part of the Fall 2018 Unified Agenda of Federal Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions. The Bureau reasonably anticipates having the regulatory matters identified below under consideration during the period from October 1, 2018 to September 30, 2019. The next agenda will be published in spring 2019 and will update this agenda through spring 2020. Publication of this agenda is in accordance with the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.).

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 222 (Friday, November 16, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 222 (Friday, November 16, 2018)]
[Unknown Section]
[Pages 58117-58121]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-24167]

[[Page 58117]]

Vol. 83


No. 222

November 16, 2018


Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection


Semiannual Regulatory Agenda

Federal Register / Vol. 83 , No. 222 / Friday, November 16, 2018 / 
Unified Agenda

[[Page 58118]]



12 CFR CH. X

Semiannual Regulatory Agenda

AGENCY: Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection.

ACTION: Semiannual regulatory agenda.


SUMMARY: The Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection (Bureau) is 
publishing this agenda as part of the Fall 2018 Unified Agenda of 
Federal Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions. The Bureau reasonably 
anticipates having the regulatory matters identified below under 
consideration during the period from October 1, 2018 to September 30, 
2019. The next agenda will be published in spring 2019 and will update 
this agenda through spring 2020. Publication of this agenda is in 
accordance with the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.).

DATES: This information is current as of August 30, 2018.

ADDRESSES: Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection, 1700 G Street NW, 
Washington, DC 20552.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: A staff contact is included for each 
regulatory item listed herein. If you require this document in an 
alternative electronic format, please contact 

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Bureau is publishing its Fall 2018 
Agenda as part of the Fall 2018 Unified Agenda of Federal Regulatory 
and Deregulatory Actions, which is coordinated by the Office of 
Management and Budget under Executive Order 12866. The agenda lists the 
regulatory matters that the Bureau reasonably anticipates having under 
consideration during the period from October 1, 2018 to September 30, 
2019, as described further below.\1\ The Bureau's participation in the 
Unified Agenda is voluntary. The complete Unified Agenda is available 
to the public at the following website: http://www.reginfo.gov.

    \1\ The listing does not include certain routine, frequent, or 
administrative matters. Further, certain of the information fields 
for the listing are not applicable to independent regulatory 
agencies, including the Bureau, and, accordingly, the Bureau has 
indicated responses of ``no'' for such fields.

    Pursuant to the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer 
Protection Act, Public Law 111-203, 124 Stat. 1376 (Dodd-Frank Act), 
the Bureau has rulemaking, supervisory, enforcement, and other 
authorities relating to consumer financial products and services. These 
authorities include the authority to issue regulations under more than 
a dozen Federal consumer financial laws, which transferred to the 
Bureau from seven Federal agencies on July 21, 2011. The Bureau's 
general purpose, as specified in section 1021 of the Dodd-Frank Act, is 
to implement and enforce Federal consumer financial law consistently 
for the purpose of ensuring that all consumers have access to markets 
for consumer financial products and services and that markets for 
consumer financial products and services are fair, transparent, and 
    The Bureau is working on various initiatives to address issues in 
markets for consumer financial products and services that are not 
reflected in this notice because the Unified Agenda is limited to 
rulemaking activities. Section 1021 of the Dodd-Frank Act specifies the 
objectives of the Bureau, including ensuring that, with respect to 
consumer financial products and services, consumers are provided with 
timely and understandable information to make responsible decisions 
about financial transactions; consumers are protected from unfair, 
deceptive, or abusive acts and practices and from discrimination; 
outdated, unnecessary, or unduly burdensome regulations are regularly 
identified and addressed in order to reduce unwarranted regulatory 
burdens; that Federal consumer financial law is enforced consistently, 
without regard to the status of a person as a depository institution, 
in order to promote fair competition; and markets for consumer 
financial products and services operate transparently and efficiently 
to facilitate access and innovation.
    The Bureau is under interim leadership pending the confirmation of 
a permanent director. The Bureau is also in the process of implementing 
various provisions in the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and 
Consumer Protection Act (EGRRCPA), Public Law 115-174, 132 Stat. 1297, 
which was signed into law in May 2018, and of conducting its first 
assessments of the effectiveness of prior ``significant'' Bureau 
rulemakings as required by section 1022(d) of the Dodd-Frank Act. In 
addition, the Bureau is analyzing more than 86,000 comments received in 
response to its ``Call for Evidence'' initiative seeking feedback on 
Bureau operations and regulations. The comment period for the last of 
that initiative's twelve Requests for Information closed in July 2018.
    This Agenda largely focuses on the continuation of projects from 
the Spring 2018 Agenda and the addition of rulemakings to implement 
EGRRCPA requirements. The Bureau is carefully considering the feedback 
received through the Call for Evidence, prior Requests for Information 
released in conjunction with the section 1022(d) assessments, and other 
sources in setting its future priorities. Following this consideration, 
the Bureau expects to refine its priorities no later than the Spring 
2019 Agenda and will publish a statement of priorities at that time.

Implementing Statutory Directives

    Much of the Bureau's rulemaking work is focusing on implementing 
directives mandated in the EGRRCPA, the Dodd-Frank Act, and other 
statutes. As part of these rulemakings, the Bureau is working to 
achieve the consumer protection objectives of the statutes while 
minimizing regulatory burden on financial services providers, including 
facilitating industry compliance with rules.
    For example, the Bureau issued two rules to facilitate the 
implementation of the EGRRCPA. The first was an interim final rule that 
adjusts certain model forms under the Fair Credit Reporting Act in 
light of EGRRCPA amendments to strengthen consumers' ability to protect 
themselves from identity theft. To reduce compliance costs and 
disruption in light of the September 21, 2018 effective date of this 
amendment, the rule provides various options for amending the affected 
disclosures to inform consumers that the EGRRCPA created a right to 
obtain a free ``security freeze'' from nationwide consumer reporting 
agencies and extended the length of ``fraud alerts'' that consumers may 
place on their files with nationwide consumer reporting agencies from 
90 days to one year. The interim final rule takes effect on September 
21, 2018, but the Bureau is seeking comment on the changes and 
underlying disclosures.
    The second issuance in August 2018 was an interpretive and 
procedural rule that provides clarification regarding EGRRCPA 
amendments to the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA), which requires 
financial institutions to report certain mortgage information to 
federal financial regulators and the public. The scope of HMDA 
reporting was expanded by the Dodd-Frank Act and by the Bureau via rule 
in 2015. The EGRRCPA creates a partial exemption to allow certain 
insured depository institutions and insured credit unions not to report 
certain data points for certain transactions. The August 2018 
interpretive and procedural rule provides clarification as to which 
loans and lines of credit count toward the EGRRCPA exemption thresholds 
and which data points are covered by the partial exemptions. As 
indicated in the

[[Page 58119]]

rule and discussed further below, the Bureau anticipates commencing an 
additional notice-and-comment rulemaking in spring 2019 to incorporate 
the August interpretations and procedures into Regulation C, further 
implement the EGRRCPA amendments to HMDA, and conduct the Bureau's own 
reconsideration of the 2015 HMDA rule.
    The Bureau has also added three additional EGRRCPA projects to the 
agenda, in addition to engaging in a range of other non-rulemaking 
activities to reflect the statute's passage and to provide guidance to 
industry on implementation issues. The first two projects reflect 
directives in sections 108 and 307 of EGRRCPA that require the Bureau 
to engage in rulemakings to (1) exempt certain creditors with assets of 
$10 billion or less from certain mortgage escrow requirements under the 
Dodd-Frank Act; and (2) develop standards for assessing consumers' 
ability to repay ``Property Assessed Clean Energy'' financing (PACE), 
which results in a tax assessment on a consumer's home and covers the 
costs of home improvements, often to increase energy efficiency. The 
third project contemplates that notice-and-comment rulemaking may be 
helpful to implement or clarify other provisions of EGRRCPA that do not 
require Bureau rulemaking to take effect,\2\ particularly with regard 
to various provisions that address mortgage requirements under the 
Dodd-Frank Act and its implementing regulations.

    \2\ See, e.g., Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer 
Protection Act, Public Law 115-174, 132 Stat. 1296, Sec. Sec.  101, 
104, 106, 107, 109(a), 301, 601 (2018).''

    The Bureau has also added a new rulemaking to its agenda to 
facilitate further implementation of a statutory directive in the 2010 
Dodd-Frank Act amendments to HMDA that the Bureau modify or require 
modification of the public HMDA data for the purpose of protecting 
consumer privacy interests. In the 2015 final rule to implement the 
Dodd-Frank Act amendments, the Bureau adopted a balancing test to 
determine whether and how HMDA data should be modified prior to its 
disclosure to the public in order to protect applicant and borrower 
privacy while also fulfilling HMDA's public disclosure purpose. The 
Bureau sought comment in 2017 on its proposed application of the 
balancing test to the 2018 data to be collected and reported by 
lenders, and expects to issue final guidance in the next few months to 
govern the disclosure of the 2018 data. After consideration of 
stakeholder comments urging that determinations concerning the 
disclosure of loan-level HMDA data be effectuated through more formal 
processes, the Bureau has decided to add the new notice-and-comment 
rulemaking to govern the disclosure of HMDA data in future years.
    In light of the need to focus additional resources on various HMDA 
initiatives discussed elsewhere in this agenda, the Bureau has adjusted 
its timeline for implementing an additional statutory directive 
contained in section 1071 of the Dodd-Frank Act. Section 1071 amended 
the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA) to require financial 
institutions to collect, report, and make public certain information 
concerning credit applications made by women-owned, minority-owned, and 
small businesses. The Bureau delayed implementation of this provision 
pending implementation of the Dodd-Frank Act amendments to HMDA, which 
creates a similar regime for mortgages, and then accelerated work on 
the project after the HMDA rules were issued in 2015. In light of 
current resource constraints and priority accorded to HMDA 
implementation, the Bureau has now reclassified the section 1071 
project from pre-rule status to longer-term action status. The Bureau 
intends to continue certain market monitoring and research activities 
to facilitate resumption of the rulemaking.

Continuation of Other Rulemakings

    The Bureau is continuing certain other rulemakings described in its 
Spring 2018 Agenda to ensure that markets for consumer financial 
products and services operate transparently and efficiently and to 
address potential unwarranted regulatory burdens.
    For example, the Bureau announced in January 2018 that it intends 
to engage in a rulemaking to reconsider a 2017 rule titled Payday, 
Vehicle Title, and Certain High-Cost Installment Loans. The rule has a 
compliance date in August 2019. The Bureau expects to issue a Notice of 
Proposed Rulemaking by no later than early 2019 that will address 
reconsideration of the rule on the merits as well as address changes to 
its compliance date.
    In addition, prior to the enactment of the EGRRCPA, the Bureau had 
already taken action in August 2017 to temporarily increase the 
threshold for collecting and reporting HMDA data with respect to open-
end lines of credit so that the Bureau could assess whether to make a 
permanent adjustment to that threshold. In December 2017, the Bureau 
announced that it intended to open a rulemaking to reconsider its 2015 
HMDA rule more generally, for instance by potentially revisiting such 
issues as the institutional and transactional coverage tests and the 
rule's discretionary data points. In addition, as noted above, the 
Bureau anticipates engaging in notice-and-comment rulemaking to 
incorporate the EGRRCPA interpretative and procedural rule issued in 
August 2018 into Regulation C and to further implement the Act. The 
Bureau is considering these various HMDA projects in conjunction with 
each other and expects to issue a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in 
spring 2019 to address some or all of the issues related to them.
    Finally, the Bureau has continued to engage in research and pre-
rulemaking activities regarding the debt collection market, which 
remains a top source of complaints to the Bureau. The Bureau has also 
received encouragement from industry and consumer groups to engage in 
rulemaking to address how to apply the 40-year old Fair Debt Collection 
Practices Act (FDCPA) to modern collection practices. The Bureau 
released an outline of proposals under consideration in July 2016 
concerning practices by companies that are debt collectors under the 
FDCPA. This outline was released in advance of convening a panel in 
August 2016 under the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness 
Act in conjunction with the Office of Management and Budget and the 
Small Business Administration's Chief Counsel for Advocacy to consult 
with representatives of small businesses that might be affected by the 
rulemaking. The Bureau expects to issue a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking 
addressing such issues as communication practices and consumer 
disclosures by spring 2019.

Further Planning

    As noted above, the Bureau has a number of workstreams underway 
that could affect planning and prioritization of rulemaking activity, 
as well as the way in which it conducts rulemakings and related 
processes. First, by January 2019, the Bureau will have completed three 
assessments prior ``significant'' Bureau rulemakings. These are the 
first assessments the Bureau has conducted to comply with section 
1022(d) of the Dodd-Frank Act. These assessments focus on rules that 
the Bureau issued to implement Dodd-Frank Act requirements concerning 
international remittance transfers, the assessment of consumers' 
ability to repay mortgage loans, and mortgage servicing. The Bureau 
will consider the results of these assessments and stakeholder feedback 
on the rules in determining whether

[[Page 58120]]

additional rulemaking or other policy initiatives are warranted. The 
Bureau also expects to begin work in 2019 on an assessment of its rules 
implementing a Dodd-Frank Act mandate to consolidate various mortgage 
origination disclosures under the Truth in Lending Act and Real Estate 
Settlement Procedures Act.
    In addition, as noted above, the Bureau issued twelve Requests for 
Information in 2018 seeking feedback on a wide variety of Bureau 
practices and procedures, as well as regulations that it had inherited 
from other agencies and issued under its own authority. The Bureau is 
assessing the suggestions for substantive rulemakings received in 
response to the RFIs along with suggestions from other sources, such as 
ideas gathered by an internal task force on burden reduction and 
projects that have previously been listed on the Bureau's agenda for 
potential rulemaking.\3\

    \3\ In spring 2018, the Bureau reclassified certain projects 
that had previously been listed on the Bureau's active and longer-
term agenda as ``inactive'' pending a decision by the Bureau's next 
permanent director as to whether and when to proceed with the 
projects. The Bureau noted that the reclassification was not 
intended as a decision on the merits. The Bureau has made no further 
adjustments to the projects that were retained on the longer-term 
agenda for the Spring 2018 edition except to note where some 
projects have been reclassified as active rulemakings.

    The Bureau is also considering future activity with regard to 
specific areas of consumer financial law of significant public 
interest. For example, the Bureau announced in May 2018 that it is 
reexamining the requirements of the Equal Credit Opportunity Act 
concerning the disparate impact doctrine in light of recent Supreme 
Court case law and the Congressional disapproval of a prior Bureau 
bulletin concerning indirect auto lender compliance with ECOA and its 
implementing regulations.\4\ The Bureau is also considering whether 
rulemaking or other activities may be helpful to further clarify the 
meaning of ``abusiveness'' under the section 1031 of the Dodd-Frank 
Act. Section 1031 and other provisions of the Dodd-Frank Act authorize 
the Bureau to take enforcement, supervision, and rulemaking action 
concerning unfair, deceptive, or abusive acts and practices. While 
statutory language, regulations, policy statements, and case law have 
provided important clarifications as to the meaning of unfairness and 
deception under federal consumer protection law over several decades, 
the Dodd-Frank Act was the first federal law to define and prohibit 
``abusive'' acts and practices with respect to consumer financial 
products and services generally.

    \4\ https://www.consumerfinance.gov/about-us/newsroom/statement-bureau-consumer-financial-protection-enactment-sj-res-57/.

    The Bureau is also considering refinements to the ways in which it 
conducts processes related to rulemakings, both in response to comments 
received in response to the Call for Evidence and other considerations. 
For example, the Bureau has decided to create an Office of Cost Benefit 
Analysis as part of an ongoing initiative to improve its analysis of 
the impacts of potential and adopted rules on consumers, financial 
services providers, and broader markets.\5\ The Bureau is also refining 
and expanding its processes for conducting retrospective reviews of 
regulations to identify and address potential unwarranted regulatory 
burdens on an ongoing basis.\6\

    \5\ https://www.consumerfinance.gov/about-us/the-bureau/bureau-structure/.
    \6\ See, e.g., the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 610 
(requiring agencies to review certain regulations within ten years 
after publication for purposes of minimizing their impacts on small 

    Finally, as required by the Dodd-Frank Act, the Bureau is 
continuing to monitor markets for consumer financial products and 
services to identify risks to consumers and the proper functioning of 
such markets. The Bureau expects by no later than the Spring 2019 
Agenda to issue a more comprehensive statement of priorities to reflect 
this market monitoring and the Bureau's other activities discussed 

Kelly Thompson Cochran,
Assistant Director for Regulations, Bureau of Consumer Financial 

         Consumer Financial Protection Bureau--Long-Term Actions
       Sequence No.                    Title             Identifier No.
434.......................  Business Lending Data              3170-AA09
                             (Regulation B).


Long-Term Actions

434. Business Lending Data (Regulation B)

    E.O. 13771 Designation: Independent agency.
    Legal Authority: 15 U.S.C. 1691c-2
    Abstract: Section 1071 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and 
Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank Act) amends the Equal Credit 
Opportunity Act (ECOA) to require financial institutions to report 
information concerning credit applications made by women-owned, 
minority-owned, and small businesses. The amendments to ECOA made by 
the Dodd-Frank Act require that certain data be collected, maintained, 
and reported, including the number of the application and date the 
application was received; the type and purpose of the loan or credit 
applied for; the amount of credit applied for and approved; the type of 
action taken with regard to each application and the date of such 
action; the census tract of the principal place of business; the gross 
annual revenue of the business; and the race, sex, and ethnicity of the 
principal owners of the business. The Dodd-Frank Act also provides 
authority for the Bureau to require any additional data that the Bureau 
determines would aid in fulfilling the purposes of this section. The 
Bureau issued a Request for Information in 2017 seeking public comment 
on, among other things, the types of credit products offered and the 
types of data currently collected by lenders in this market, and the 
potential complexity, cost of, and privacy issues related to, small 
business data collection. The information received will help the Bureau 
determine how to implement the rule efficiently while minimizing 
burdens on lenders. In light of other responsibilities, the Bureau has 
moved this rulemaking from pre-rule to long-term action status. The 
Bureau intends to continue certain market monitoring and research 
activities to facilitate resumption of the rulemaking.

               Action                    Date            FR Cite
Request for Information.............   05/15/17  82 FR 22318

[[Page 58121]]

Request for Information Comment        09/14/17  .......................
 Period End.
Next action undetermined............           To Be Determined

    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Yes.
    Agency Contact: Elena Grigera Babinecz, Office of Regulations, 
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Phone: 202 435-7700.
    RIN: 3170-AA09

[FR Doc. 2018-24167 Filed 11-15-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                                                       Vol. 83                           Friday,
                                                                                                       No. 222                           November 16, 2018

                                                                                                       Part XXII

                                                                                                       Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection
                                                                                                       Semiannual Regulatory Agenda
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with PROPOSALS 22

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                                                  58118                 Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 222 / Friday, November 16, 2018 / Unified Agenda

                                                  BUREAU OF CONSUMER FINANCIAL                            authority to issue regulations under                  considering the feedback received
                                                  PROTECTION                                              more than a dozen Federal consumer                    through the Call for Evidence, prior
                                                                                                          financial laws, which transferred to the              Requests for Information released in
                                                  12 CFR CH. X                                            Bureau from seven Federal agencies on                 conjunction with the section 1022(d)
                                                                                                          July 21, 2011. The Bureau’s general                   assessments, and other sources in
                                                  Semiannual Regulatory Agenda                            purpose, as specified in section 1021 of              setting its future priorities. Following
                                                  AGENCY:  Bureau of Consumer Financial                   the Dodd-Frank Act, is to implement                   this consideration, the Bureau expects
                                                  Protection.                                             and enforce Federal consumer financial                to refine its priorities no later than the
                                                  ACTION: Semiannual regulatory agenda.                   law consistently for the purpose of                   Spring 2019 Agenda and will publish a
                                                                                                          ensuring that all consumers have access               statement of priorities at that time.
                                                  SUMMARY:   The Bureau of Consumer                       to markets for consumer financial
                                                                                                                                                                Implementing Statutory Directives
                                                  Financial Protection (Bureau) is                        products and services and that markets
                                                  publishing this agenda as part of the                   for consumer financial products and                      Much of the Bureau’s rulemaking
                                                  Fall 2018 Unified Agenda of Federal                     services are fair, transparent, and                   work is focusing on implementing
                                                  Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions.                    competitive.                                          directives mandated in the EGRRCPA,
                                                  The Bureau reasonably anticipates                          The Bureau is working on various                   the Dodd-Frank Act, and other statutes.
                                                  having the regulatory matters identified                initiatives to address issues in markets              As part of these rulemakings, the Bureau
                                                  below under consideration during the                    for consumer financial products and                   is working to achieve the consumer
                                                  period from October 1, 2018 to                          services that are not reflected in this               protection objectives of the statutes
                                                  September 30, 2019. The next agenda                     notice because the Unified Agenda is                  while minimizing regulatory burden on
                                                  will be published in spring 2019 and                    limited to rulemaking activities. Section             financial services providers, including
                                                  will update this agenda through spring                  1021 of the Dodd-Frank Act specifies                  facilitating industry compliance with
                                                  2020. Publication of this agenda is in                  the objectives of the Bureau, including               rules.
                                                  accordance with the Regulatory                          ensuring that, with respect to consumer                  For example, the Bureau issued two
                                                  Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.).                 financial products and services,                      rules to facilitate the implementation of
                                                                                                          consumers are provided with timely and                the EGRRCPA. The first was an interim
                                                  DATES: This information is current as of
                                                                                                          understandable information to make                    final rule that adjusts certain model
                                                  August 30, 2018.
                                                                                                          responsible decisions about financial                 forms under the Fair Credit Reporting
                                                  ADDRESSES: Bureau of Consumer
                                                                                                          transactions; consumers are protected                 Act in light of EGRRCPA amendments
                                                  Financial Protection, 1700 G Street NW,                                                                       to strengthen consumers’ ability to
                                                                                                          from unfair, deceptive, or abusive acts
                                                  Washington, DC 20552.                                                                                         protect themselves from identity theft.
                                                                                                          and practices and from discrimination;
                                                  FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: A                                                                            To reduce compliance costs and
                                                                                                          outdated, unnecessary, or unduly
                                                  staff contact is included for each                      burdensome regulations are regularly                  disruption in light of the September 21,
                                                  regulatory item listed herein. If you                   identified and addressed in order to                  2018 effective date of this amendment,
                                                  require this document in an alternative                 reduce unwarranted regulatory burdens;                the rule provides various options for
                                                  electronic format, please contact CFPB_                 that Federal consumer financial law is                amending the affected disclosures to
                                                  Accessibility@cfpb.gov.                                 enforced consistently, without regard to              inform consumers that the EGRRCPA
                                                  SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The                          the status of a person as a depository                created a right to obtain a free ‘‘security
                                                  Bureau is publishing its Fall 2018                      institution, in order to promote fair                 freeze’’ from nationwide consumer
                                                  Agenda as part of the Fall 2018 Unified                 competition; and markets for consumer                 reporting agencies and extended the
                                                  Agenda of Federal Regulatory and                        financial products and services operate               length of ‘‘fraud alerts’’ that consumers
                                                  Deregulatory Actions, which is                          transparently and efficiently to facilitate           may place on their files with nationwide
                                                  coordinated by the Office of                            access and innovation.                                consumer reporting agencies from 90
                                                  Management and Budget under                                The Bureau is under interim                        days to one year. The interim final rule
                                                  Executive Order 12866. The agenda lists                 leadership pending the confirmation of                takes effect on September 21, 2018, but
                                                  the regulatory matters that the Bureau                  a permanent director. The Bureau is also              the Bureau is seeking comment on the
                                                  reasonably anticipates having under                     in the process of implementing various                changes and underlying disclosures.
                                                  consideration during the period from                    provisions in the Economic Growth,                       The second issuance in August 2018
                                                  October 1, 2018 to September 30, 2019,                  Regulatory Relief, and Consumer                       was an interpretive and procedural rule
                                                  as described further below.1 The                        Protection Act (EGRRCPA), Public Law                  that provides clarification regarding
                                                  Bureau’s participation in the Unified                   115–174, 132 Stat. 1297, which was                    EGRRCPA amendments to the Home
                                                  Agenda is voluntary. The complete                       signed into law in May 2018, and of                   Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA),
                                                  Unified Agenda is available to the                      conducting its first assessments of the               which requires financial institutions to
                                                  public at the following website: http://                effectiveness of prior ‘‘significant’’                report certain mortgage information to
                                                  www.reginfo.gov.                                        Bureau rulemakings as required by                     federal financial regulators and the
                                                    Pursuant to the Dodd-Frank Wall                       section 1022(d) of the Dodd-Frank Act.                public. The scope of HMDA reporting
                                                  Street Reform and Consumer Protection                   In addition, the Bureau is analyzing                  was expanded by the Dodd-Frank Act
                                                  Act, Public Law 111–203, 124 Stat. 1376                 more than 86,000 comments received in                 and by the Bureau via rule in 2015. The
                                                  (Dodd-Frank Act), the Bureau has                        response to its ‘‘Call for Evidence’’                 EGRRCPA creates a partial exemption to
                                                  rulemaking, supervisory, enforcement,                   initiative seeking feedback on Bureau                 allow certain insured depository
                                                  and other authorities relating to                       operations and regulations. The                       institutions and insured credit unions
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with PROPOSALS 22

                                                  consumer financial products and                         comment period for the last of that                   not to report certain data points for
                                                  services. These authorities include the                 initiative’s twelve Requests for                      certain transactions. The August 2018
                                                                                                          Information closed in July 2018.                      interpretive and procedural rule
                                                     1 The listing does not include certain routine,         This Agenda largely focuses on the                 provides clarification as to which loans
                                                  frequent, or administrative matters. Further, certain   continuation of projects from the Spring              and lines of credit count toward the
                                                  of the information fields for the listing are not
                                                  applicable to independent regulatory agencies,
                                                                                                          2018 Agenda and the addition of                       EGRRCPA exemption thresholds and
                                                  including the Bureau, and, accordingly, the Bureau      rulemakings to implement EGRRCPA                      which data points are covered by the
                                                  has indicated responses of ‘‘no’’ for such fields.      requirements. The Bureau is carefully                 partial exemptions. As indicated in the

                                             VerDate Sep<11>2014   21:13 Nov 15, 2018   Jkt 247001   PO 00000   Frm 00002   Fmt 4701   Sfmt 4702   E:\FR\FM\16NOP22.SGM   16NOP22

                                                                        Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 222 / Friday, November 16, 2018 / Unified Agenda                                         58119

                                                  rule and discussed further below, the                   comments urging that determinations                   2015 HMDA rule more generally, for
                                                  Bureau anticipates commencing an                        concerning the disclosure of loan-level               instance by potentially revisiting such
                                                  additional notice-and-comment                           HMDA data be effectuated through more                 issues as the institutional and
                                                  rulemaking in spring 2019 to                            formal processes, the Bureau has                      transactional coverage tests and the
                                                  incorporate the August interpretations                  decided to add the new notice-and-                    rule’s discretionary data points. In
                                                  and procedures into Regulation C,                       comment rulemaking to govern the                      addition, as noted above, the Bureau
                                                  further implement the EGRRCPA                           disclosure of HMDA data in future                     anticipates engaging in notice-and-
                                                  amendments to HMDA, and conduct the                     years.                                                comment rulemaking to incorporate the
                                                  Bureau’s own reconsideration of the                       In light of the need to focus additional            EGRRCPA interpretative and procedural
                                                  2015 HMDA rule.                                         resources on various HMDA initiatives                 rule issued in August 2018 into
                                                    The Bureau has also added three                       discussed elsewhere in this agenda, the               Regulation C and to further implement
                                                  additional EGRRCPA projects to the                      Bureau has adjusted its timeline for                  the Act. The Bureau is considering these
                                                  agenda, in addition to engaging in a                    implementing an additional statutory                  various HMDA projects in conjunction
                                                  range of other non-rulemaking activities                directive contained in section 1071 of                with each other and expects to issue a
                                                  to reflect the statute’s passage and to                 the Dodd-Frank Act. Section 1071                      Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in
                                                  provide guidance to industry on                         amended the Equal Credit Opportunity                  spring 2019 to address some or all of the
                                                  implementation issues. The first two                    Act (ECOA) to require financial                       issues related to them.
                                                  projects reflect directives in sections                 institutions to collect, report, and make                Finally, the Bureau has continued to
                                                  108 and 307 of EGRRCPA that require                     public certain information concerning                 engage in research and pre-rulemaking
                                                  the Bureau to engage in rulemakings to                  credit applications made by women-                    activities regarding the debt collection
                                                  (1) exempt certain creditors with assets                owned, minority-owned, and small                      market, which remains a top source of
                                                  of $10 billion or less from certain                     businesses. The Bureau delayed                        complaints to the Bureau. The Bureau
                                                  mortgage escrow requirements under                      implementation of this provision                      has also received encouragement from
                                                  the Dodd-Frank Act; and (2) develop                     pending implementation of the Dodd-                   industry and consumer groups to engage
                                                  standards for assessing consumers’                      Frank Act amendments to HMDA,                         in rulemaking to address how to apply
                                                  ability to repay ‘‘Property Assessed                    which creates a similar regime for                    the 40-year old Fair Debt Collection
                                                  Clean Energy’’ financing (PACE), which                  mortgages, and then accelerated work                  Practices Act (FDCPA) to modern
                                                  results in a tax assessment on a                        on the project after the HMDA rules                   collection practices. The Bureau
                                                  consumer’s home and covers the costs                    were issued in 2015. In light of current              released an outline of proposals under
                                                  of home improvements, often to                          resource constraints and priority                     consideration in July 2016 concerning
                                                  increase energy efficiency. The third                   accorded to HMDA implementation, the                  practices by companies that are debt
                                                  project contemplates that notice-and-                   Bureau has now reclassified the section               collectors under the FDCPA. This
                                                  comment rulemaking may be helpful to                    1071 project from pre-rule status to                  outline was released in advance of
                                                  implement or clarify other provisions of                longer-term action status. The Bureau                 convening a panel in August 2016 under
                                                  EGRRCPA that do not require Bureau                      intends to continue certain market                    the Small Business Regulatory
                                                  rulemaking to take effect,2 particularly                monitoring and research activities to                 Enforcement Fairness Act in
                                                  with regard to various provisions that                  facilitate resumption of the rulemaking.              conjunction with the Office of
                                                  address mortgage requirements under                                                                           Management and Budget and the Small
                                                                                                          Continuation of Other Rulemakings
                                                  the Dodd-Frank Act and its                                                                                    Business Administration’s Chief
                                                                                                             The Bureau is continuing certain                   Counsel for Advocacy to consult with
                                                  implementing regulations.                               other rulemakings described in its
                                                    The Bureau has also added a new                                                                             representatives of small businesses that
                                                                                                          Spring 2018 Agenda to ensure that                     might be affected by the rulemaking.
                                                  rulemaking to its agenda to facilitate
                                                                                                          markets for consumer financial products               The Bureau expects to issue a Notice of
                                                  further implementation of a statutory
                                                                                                          and services operate transparently and                Proposed Rulemaking addressing such
                                                  directive in the 2010 Dodd-Frank Act
                                                                                                          efficiently and to address potential                  issues as communication practices and
                                                  amendments to HMDA that the Bureau
                                                                                                          unwarranted regulatory burdens.                       consumer disclosures by spring 2019.
                                                  modify or require modification of the                      For example, the Bureau announced
                                                  public HMDA data for the purpose of                     in January 2018 that it intends to engage             Further Planning
                                                  protecting consumer privacy interests.                  in a rulemaking to reconsider a 2017                    As noted above, the Bureau has a
                                                  In the 2015 final rule to implement the                 rule titled Payday, Vehicle Title, and                number of workstreams underway that
                                                  Dodd-Frank Act amendments, the                          Certain High-Cost Installment Loans.                  could affect planning and prioritization
                                                  Bureau adopted a balancing test to                      The rule has a compliance date in                     of rulemaking activity, as well as the
                                                  determine whether and how HMDA                          August 2019. The Bureau expects to                    way in which it conducts rulemakings
                                                  data should be modified prior to its                    issue a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking                 and related processes. First, by January
                                                  disclosure to the public in order to                    by no later than early 2019 that will                 2019, the Bureau will have completed
                                                  protect applicant and borrower privacy                  address reconsideration of the rule on                three assessments prior ‘‘significant’’
                                                  while also fulfilling HMDA’s public                     the merits as well as address changes to              Bureau rulemakings. These are the first
                                                  disclosure purpose. The Bureau sought                   its compliance date.                                  assessments the Bureau has conducted
                                                  comment in 2017 on its proposed                            In addition, prior to the enactment of             to comply with section 1022(d) of the
                                                  application of the balancing test to the                the EGRRCPA, the Bureau had already                   Dodd-Frank Act. These assessments
                                                  2018 data to be collected and reported                  taken action in August 2017 to                        focus on rules that the Bureau issued to
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with PROPOSALS 22

                                                  by lenders, and expects to issue final                  temporarily increase the threshold for                implement Dodd-Frank Act
                                                  guidance in the next few months to                      collecting and reporting HMDA data                    requirements concerning international
                                                  govern the disclosure of the 2018 data.                 with respect to open-end lines of credit              remittance transfers, the assessment of
                                                  After consideration of stakeholder                      so that the Bureau could assess whether               consumers’ ability to repay mortgage
                                                    2 See, e.g., Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief,
                                                                                                          to make a permanent adjustment to that                loans, and mortgage servicing. The
                                                  and Consumer Protection Act, Public Law 115–174,
                                                                                                          threshold. In December 2017, the                      Bureau will consider the results of these
                                                  132 Stat. 1296, §§ 101, 104, 106, 107, 109(a), 301,     Bureau announced that it intended to                  assessments and stakeholder feedback
                                                  601 (2018).’’                                           open a rulemaking to reconsider its                   on the rules in determining whether

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                                                  58120                      Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 222 / Friday, November 16, 2018 / Unified Agenda

                                                  additional rulemaking or other policy                              concerning the disparate impact                                     rulemakings, both in response to
                                                  initiatives are warranted. The Bureau                              doctrine in light of recent Supreme                                 comments received in response to the
                                                  also expects to begin work in 2019 on                              Court case law and the Congressional                                Call for Evidence and other
                                                  an assessment of its rules implementing                            disapproval of a prior Bureau bulletin                              considerations. For example, the Bureau
                                                  a Dodd-Frank Act mandate to                                        concerning indirect auto lender                                     has decided to create an Office of Cost
                                                  consolidate various mortgage                                       compliance with ECOA and its                                        Benefit Analysis as part of an ongoing
                                                  origination disclosures under the Truth                            implementing regulations.4 The Bureau                               initiative to improve its analysis of the
                                                  in Lending Act and Real Estate                                     is also considering whether rulemaking                              impacts of potential and adopted rules
                                                  Settlement Procedures Act.                                         or other activities may be helpful to                               on consumers, financial services
                                                     In addition, as noted above, the                                further clarify the meaning of                                      providers, and broader markets.5 The
                                                  Bureau issued twelve Requests for                                  ‘‘abusiveness’’ under the section 1031 of                           Bureau is also refining and expanding
                                                  Information in 2018 seeking feedback on                            the Dodd-Frank Act. Section 1031 and                                its processes for conducting
                                                  a wide variety of Bureau practices and                             other provisions of the Dodd-Frank Act                              retrospective reviews of regulations to
                                                  procedures, as well as regulations that it                         authorize the Bureau to take
                                                  had inherited from other agencies and                                                                                                  identify and address potential
                                                                                                                     enforcement, supervision, and                                       unwarranted regulatory burdens on an
                                                  issued under its own authority. The                                rulemaking action concerning unfair,
                                                  Bureau is assessing the suggestions for                                                                                                ongoing basis.6
                                                                                                                     deceptive, or abusive acts and practices.
                                                  substantive rulemakings received in                                While statutory language, regulations,                                 Finally, as required by the Dodd-
                                                  response to the RFIs along with                                    policy statements, and case law have                                Frank Act, the Bureau is continuing to
                                                  suggestions from other sources, such as                            provided important clarifications as to                             monitor markets for consumer financial
                                                  ideas gathered by an internal task force                                                                                               products and services to identify risks to
                                                                                                                     the meaning of unfairness and
                                                  on burden reduction and projects that                                                                                                  consumers and the proper functioning
                                                                                                                     deception under federal consumer
                                                  have previously been listed on the                                                                                                     of such markets. The Bureau expects by
                                                                                                                     protection law over several decades, the
                                                  Bureau’s agenda for potential                                                                                                          no later than the Spring 2019 Agenda to
                                                                                                                     Dodd-Frank Act was the first federal law
                                                  rulemaking.3                                                                                                                           issue a more comprehensive statement
                                                     The Bureau is also considering future                           to define and prohibit ‘‘abusive’’ acts
                                                                                                                     and practices with respect to consumer                              of priorities to reflect this market
                                                  activity with regard to specific areas of                                                                                              monitoring and the Bureau’s other
                                                  consumer financial law of significant                              financial products and services
                                                                                                                     generally.                                                          activities discussed above.
                                                  public interest. For example, the Bureau
                                                  announced in May 2018 that it is                                      The Bureau is also considering                                   Kelly Thompson Cochran,
                                                  reexamining the requirements of the                                refinements to the ways in which it                                 Assistant Director for Regulations, Bureau of
                                                  Equal Credit Opportunity Act                                       conducts processes related to                                       Consumer Financial Protection.

                                                                                              CONSUMER FINANCIAL PROTECTION BUREAU—LONG-TERM ACTIONS
                                                    Sequence No.                                                                                  Title                                                                           Identifier No.

                                                  434 ....................   Business Lending Data (Regulation B) ............................................................................................................       3170–AA09

                                                  CONSUMER FINANCIAL PROTECTION                                      maintained, and reported, including the                             types of data currently collected by
                                                  BUREAU (CFPB)                                                      number of the application and date the                              lenders in this market, and the potential
                                                  Long-Term Actions                                                  application was received; the type and                              complexity, cost of, and privacy issues
                                                                                                                     purpose of the loan or credit applied for;                          related to, small business data
                                                  434. Business Lending Data (Regulation                             the amount of credit applied for and                                collection. The information received
                                                  B)                                                                 approved; the type of action taken with                             will help the Bureau determine how to
                                                    E.O. 13771 Designation: Independent                              regard to each application and the date                             implement the rule efficiently while
                                                  agency.                                                            of such action; the census tract of the                             minimizing burdens on lenders. In light
                                                    Legal Authority: 15 U.S.C. 1691c–2                               principal place of business; the gross                              of other responsibilities, the Bureau has
                                                    Abstract: Section 1071 of the Dodd-                              annual revenue of the business; and the                             moved this rulemaking from pre-rule to
                                                  Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer                              race, sex, and ethnicity of the principal                           long-term action status. The Bureau
                                                  Protection Act (Dodd-Frank Act)                                    owners of the business. The Dodd-Frank                              intends to continue certain market
                                                  amends the Equal Credit Opportunity                                Act also provides authority for the                                 monitoring and research activities to
                                                  Act (ECOA) to require financial                                    Bureau to require any additional data                               facilitate resumption of the rulemaking.
                                                  institutions to report information                                 that the Bureau determines would aid in                               Timetable:
                                                  concerning credit applications made by                             fulfilling the purposes of this section.
                                                  women-owned, minority-owned, and                                   The Bureau issued a Request for                                             Action                  Date         FR Cite
                                                  small businesses. The amendments to                                Information in 2017 seeking public
                                                  ECOA made by the Dodd-Frank Act                                    comment on, among other things, the                                 Request for Infor-            05/15/17    82 FR 22318
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with PROPOSALS 22

                                                  require that certain data be collected,                            types of credit products offered and the                              mation.

                                                     3 In spring 2018, the Bureau reclassified certain               adjustments to the projects that were retained on                     5 https://www.consumerfinance.gov/about-us/the-

                                                  projects that had previously been listed on the                    the longer-term agenda for the Spring 2018 edition                  bureau/bureau-structure/.
                                                  Bureau’s active and longer-term agenda as                          except to note where some projects have been                          6 See, e.g., the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C.
                                                  ‘‘inactive’’ pending a decision by the Bureau’s next               reclassified as active rulemakings.                                 610 (requiring agencies to review certain
                                                  permanent director as to whether and when to                         4 https://www.consumerfinance.gov/about-us/
                                                  proceed with the projects. The Bureau noted that                                                                                       regulations within ten years after publication for
                                                  the reclassification was not intended as a decision                newsroom/statement-bureau-consumer-financial-                       purposes of minimizing their impacts on small
                                                  on the merits. The Bureau has made no further                      protection-enactment-sj-res-57/.                                    businesses).

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                                                                        Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 222 / Friday, November 16, 2018 / Unified Agenda                            58121

                                                         Action             Date           FR Cite          Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
                                                                                                          Required: Yes.
                                                  Request for Infor-      09/14/17
                                                                                                            Agency Contact: Elena Grigera
                                                    mation Com-
                                                    ment Period                                           Babinecz, Office of Regulations,
                                                    End.                                                  Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
                                                                                                          Phone: 202 435–7700.
                                                  Next action unde-          To Be Determined               RIN: 3170–AA09
                                                                                                          [FR Doc. 2018–24167 Filed 11–15–18; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                          BILLING CODE 4810–AM–P
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with PROPOSALS 22

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Document Created: 2018-11-16 07:23:21
Document Modified: 2018-11-16 07:23:21
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionProposed Rules
ActionSemiannual regulatory agenda.
DatesThis information is current as of August 30, 2018.
ContactA staff contact is included for each regulatory item listed herein. If you require this document in an alternative electronic format, please contact [email protected]
FR Citation83 FR 58117 

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