83_FR_60589 83 FR 60362 - Determination of Royalty Rates and Terms for Making Ephemeral Copies of Sound Recordings for Transmission to Business Establishments (Business Establishments III)

83 FR 60362 - Determination of Royalty Rates and Terms for Making Ephemeral Copies of Sound Recordings for Transmission to Business Establishments (Business Establishments III)

Copyright Royalty Board

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 227 (November 26, 2018)

Page Range60362-60363
FR Document2018-25458

The Copyright Royalty Judges (Judges) publish final regulations setting rates and terms for the making of an ephemeral recording of a sound recording by a business establishment service for the period January 1, 2019, through December 31, 2023.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 227 (Monday, November 26, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 227 (Monday, November 26, 2018)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 60362-60363]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-25458]



Copyright Royalty Board

37 CFR Part 384

[Docket No. 17-CRB-0001-BER (2019-2023)]

Determination of Royalty Rates and Terms for Making Ephemeral 
Copies of Sound Recordings for Transmission to Business Establishments 
(Business Establishments III)

AGENCY: Copyright Royalty Board, Library of Congress.

ACTION: Final rule.


SUMMARY: The Copyright Royalty Judges (Judges) publish final 
regulations setting rates and terms for the making of an ephemeral 
recording of a sound recording by a business establishment service for 
the period January 1, 2019, through December 31, 2023.

DATES: Effective date: January 1, 2019.

ADDRESSES: For access to the docket to read submitted background 
documents go to eCRB, the Copyright Royalty Board's electronic filing 
and case management system, at https://app.crb.gov/ and search for 
docket number 17-CRB-0001-BER (2019-2023).

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Anita Blaine, CRB Program Specialist, 
by telephone at (202) 707-7658 or email at crb@loc.gov.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In 1995, Congress enacted the Digital 
Performance Right in Sound Recordings Act, Public Law 104-39, which 
created an exclusive right, subject to certain limitations, for 
copyright owners of sound recordings to perform publicly those sound 
recordings by means of certain digital audio transmissions. Among the 
limitations on the performance right was the creation of a statutory 
license for nonexempt, noninteractive digital subscription 
transmissions. 17 U.S.C. 114(d).
    The scope of the section 114 statutory license was expanded in 1998 
upon the passage of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 
(DMCA), Public Law 105-34. The DMCA created, inter alia, a statutory 
license for the making of an ``ephemeral recording'' of a sound 
recording by certain transmitting organizations. 17 U.S.C. 112(e). This 
license, among other things, allows entities that transmit performances 
of sound recordings to business establishments to make an ephemeral 
recording of a sound recording for later transmission, pursuant to the 
limitations set forth in section 114(d)(1)(C)(iv).
    Chapter 8 of the Copyright Act requires the Judges to conduct 
proceedings every five years to determine the royalty rates and terms 
for ``the activities described in section 112(e)(1) relating to the 
limitation on exclusive rights specified by section 114(d)(1)(C)(iv).'' 
17 U.S.C. 801(b)(1), 804(b)(2). Accordingly, the Judges published a 
notice commencing the current proceeding and requesting that interested 
parties submit petitions to participate. 82 FR 143 (Jan. 3, 2017).
    The Judges received Petitions to Participate from Mood Media 
Corporation, Music Choice, David Powell, David Rahn,\1\ Rockbot, 
Inc.,\2\ Sirius XM Radio Inc., and SoundExchange, Inc. The Judges 
initiated the three-month negotiation period and directed the 
participants to submit written direct statements no later than May 14, 

    \1\ In his Petition to Participate, Mr. Rahn identified himself 
as a shareholder in SBR Creative Media, Inc. and its subsidiary 
CustomerChannels.net, LLC.
    \2\ Rockbot withdrew its Petition to Participate on January 11, 

    On May 4, 2018, the Judges received a joint Motion to Adopt 
Settlement from Mr. Rahn, Mood Media Corp., Music Choice, Sirius XM 
Radio Inc., and SoundExchange, Inc., (Moving Parties) stating that they 
had reached a settlement obviating the need for written evidentiary 
statements or a hearing.\3\

    \3\ According to the Motion, David Powell, although having filed 
a Petition to Participate, did not otherwise participate in the 
proceeding. Motion at 2. The Moving Parties represent that counsel 
for Mood Media attempted unsuccessfully to contact Mr. Powell to 
discuss the filing of the Motion. Id. at 2-3. Mr. Powell also did 
not respond to the request for comments on the proposed regulations. 
On May 14, 2018, shortly before the proposed regulations were 
published, however, Mr. Powell filed a ``Verified Motion for 
Enlargement of Time, and Agreed with Settlement Parties to Adopt 
Settlement Ex-Parte,'' which the Judges accept as a notice that Mr. 
Powell does not object to the settlement. The Judges make no finding 
with regard to Mr. Powell's eligibility to participate in this 
proceeding. To the extent Mr. Powell has an interest in the business 
establishment services license, he will be bound by the royalty 
rates and terms the Judges adopt.

    Section 801(b)(7)(A) of the Copyright Act authorizes the Judges to 
adopt royalty rates and terms negotiated by ``some or all of the 
participants in a proceeding at any time during the proceeding'' 
provided they are submitted to the Judges for approval. The Judges must 
provide ``an opportunity to comment on the agreement'' to participants 
and non-participants in the rate proceeding who ``would be bound by the 
terms, rates, or other determination set by any

[[Page 60363]]

agreement. . . .'' 17 U.S.C. 801(b)(7)(A)(i). Participants in the 
proceeding may also ``object to [the agreement's] adoption as a basis 
for statutory terms and rates.'' Id.
    The Judges ``may decline to adopt the agreement as a basis for 
statutory terms and rates for participants that are not parties to the 
agreement,'' only ``if any participant [in the proceeding] objects to 
the agreement and the [Judges] conclude, based on the record before 
them if one exists, that the agreement does not provide a reasonable 
basis for setting statutory terms or rates.'' 17 U.S.C. 
801(b)(7)(A)(ii). Accordingly, on May 17, 2018, the Judges published a 
document requesting comment on the proposed rates and terms. 83 FR 
22907. The Judges received no timely comments or objections in response 
to the May 17 document.
    Having received no opposition to the proposal and finding that the 
agreement among the moving parties provides a reasonable basis for 
setting statutory terms and rates, the Judges, by this notice, adopt as 
final regulations the rates and terms for the making of an ephemeral 
recording by a business establishment service for the period January 1, 
2019, through December 31, 2023.

List of Subjects in 37 CFR Part 384

    Copyright, Digital audio transmissions, Ephemeral recordings, 
Performance right, Sound recordings.

Final Regulations

    For the reasons set forth in the preamble, the Judges amend part 
384 of chapter III of title 37 of the Code of Federal Regulations as 


1. The authority citation for part 384 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 17 U.S.C. 112(e), 801(b)(1).

Sec.  384.1  [Amended]

2. In Sec.  384.1, amend paragraph (a) by removing ``January 1, 2014, 
through December 31, 2018'' and adding ``January 1, 2019, through 
December 31, 2023'' in its place.

3. Amend Sec.  384.3 by:
a. Revising paragraph (a); and
b. In paragraph (b), removing ``$10,000'' and adding ``$20,000'' in its 
    The revision reads as follows:

Sec.  384.3  Royalty fees for ephemeral recordings.

    (a) Basic royalty rate. (1) For the making of any number of 
Ephemeral Recordings in the operation of a Business Establishment 
Service, a Licensee shall pay a royalty equal to the following 
percentages of such Licensee's ``Gross Proceeds'' derived from the use 
in such service of musical programs that are attributable to 
copyrighted recordings:

                             Year                                Rate %
2019.........................................................       12.5
2020.........................................................      12.75
2021.........................................................       13.0
2022.........................................................      13.25
2023.........................................................       13.5

    (2) ``Gross Proceeds'' as used in this section means all fees and 
payments, including those made in kind, received from any source 
before, during or after the License Period that are derived from the 
use of copyrighted sound recordings during the License Period pursuant 
to 17 U.S.C. 112(e) for the sole purpose of facilitating a transmission 
to the public of a performance of a sound recording under the 
limitation on exclusive rights specified in 17 U.S.C. 114(d)(1)(C)(iv). 
The attribution of Gross Proceeds to copyrighted recordings may be made 
on the basis of:
    (i) For classical programs, the proportion that the playing time of 
copyrighted classical recordings bears to the total playing time of all 
classical recordings in the program; and
    (ii) For all other programs, the proportion that the number of 
copyrighted recordings bears to the total number of all recordings in 
the program.
* * * * *

Sec.  384.5  [Amended]

4. In Sec.  384.5, amend paragraph (d)(4) by removing the second comma 
before the word ``subject''.

    Dated: September 17, 2018.

David R. Strickler,
Copyright Royalty Judge.

Jesse M. Feder,
Copyright Royalty Judge.

Suzanne M. Barnett,
Chief Copyright Royalty Judge.

Carla D. Hayden,
Librarian of Congress.
[FR Doc. 2018-25458 Filed 11-23-18; 8:45 am]

     60362            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 227 / Monday, November 26, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

     of the Port Delaware Bay (COTP) in the                  LIBRARY OF CONGRESS                                   limitations set forth in section
     enforcement of the safety zone.                                                                               114(d)(1)(C)(iv).
                                                             Copyright Royalty Board                                  Chapter 8 of the Copyright Act
        (c) Regulations. (1) Entry into or
                                                                                                                   requires the Judges to conduct
     transiting within the safety zone is
                                                             37 CFR Part 384                                       proceedings every five years to
     prohibited unless vessels obtain                                                                              determine the royalty rates and terms
     permission from the Captain of the Port                                                                       for ‘‘the activities described in section
                                                             [Docket No. 17–CRB–0001–BER (2019–
     via VHF–FM channel 16, or make                          2023)]                                                112(e)(1) relating to the limitation on
     satisfactory passing arrangements via                                                                         exclusive rights specified by section
     VHF–FM channel 88, with the dredge                      Determination of Royalty Rates and                    114(d)(1)(C)(iv).’’ 17 U.S.C. 801(b)(1),
     NEW YORK or tug INDIAN DAWN per                         Terms for Making Ephemeral Copies of                  804(b)(2). Accordingly, the Judges
     this section and the Rules of the Road                  Sound Recordings for Transmission to                  published a notice commencing the
     (33 CFR chapter I, subchapter E).                       Business Establishments (Business                     current proceeding and requesting that
     Vessels requesting to transit shall                     Establishments III)                                   interested parties submit petitions to
     contact the dredge NEW YORK or tug                                                                            participate. 82 FR 143 (Jan. 3, 2017).
                                                             AGENCY:  Copyright Royalty Board,                        The Judges received Petitions to
     INDIAN DAWN on channel 88 at least                      Library of Congress.
     1 hour prior to arrival and at 30 minutes                                                                     Participate from Mood Media
                                                             ACTION: Final rule.                                   Corporation, Music Choice, David
     prior to arrival.
                                                                                                                   Powell, David Rahn,1 Rockbot, Inc.,2
        (2) Vessels granted permission to                    SUMMARY:   The Copyright Royalty Judges
                                                                                                                   Sirius XM Radio Inc., and
     enter and transit the safety zone must do               (Judges) publish final regulations setting
                                                                                                                   SoundExchange, Inc. The Judges
     so in accordance with any directions or                 rates and terms for the making of an
                                                                                                                   initiated the three-month negotiation
     orders of the Captain of the Port, his                  ephemeral recording of a sound                        period and directed the participants to
     designated representative, dredge NEW                   recording by a business establishment                 submit written direct statements no later
     YORK, or tug INDIAN DAWN. No                            service for the period January 1, 2019,               than May 14, 2018.
     person or vessel may enter or remain in                 through December 31, 2023.                               On May 4, 2018, the Judges received
     a safety zone without permission from                   DATES: Effective date: January 1, 2019.               a joint Motion to Adopt Settlement from
     the Captain of the Port, dredge NEW                     ADDRESSES: For access to the docket to                Mr. Rahn, Mood Media Corp., Music
     YORK, or tug INDIAN DAWN.                               read submitted background documents                   Choice, Sirius XM Radio Inc., and
        (3) All vessels must operate at the                  go to eCRB, the Copyright Royalty                     SoundExchange, Inc., (Moving Parties)
                                                             Board’s electronic filing and case                    stating that they had reached a
     minimum safe speed necessary to
                                                             management system, at https://                        settlement obviating the need for
     maintain steerage and reduce wake.
                                                             app.crb.gov/ and search for docket                    written evidentiary statements or a
        (4) This section applies to all vessels              number 17–CRB–0001–BER (2019–                         hearing.3
     that intend to transit through the safety               2023).                                                   Section 801(b)(7)(A) of the Copyright
     zone except vessels that are engaged in                                                                       Act authorizes the Judges to adopt
                                                             FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                      royalty rates and terms negotiated by
     the following operations: Enforcement
                                                             Anita Blaine, CRB Program Specialist,                 ‘‘some or all of the participants in a
     of laws, service of aids to navigation,
                                                             by telephone at (202) 707–7658 or email               proceeding at any time during the
     and emergency response.
                                                             at crb@loc.gov.                                       proceeding’’ provided they are
        (d) Enforcement. The U.S. Coast                      SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In 1995,                   submitted to the Judges for approval.
     Guard may be assisted in the patrol and                 Congress enacted the Digital                          The Judges must provide ‘‘an
     enforcement of the safety zone by                       Performance Right in Sound Recordings                 opportunity to comment on the
     federal, state, and local agencies.                     Act, Public Law 104–39, which created                 agreement’’ to participants and non-
        (e) Enforcement periods. This section                an exclusive right, subject to certain                participants in the rate proceeding who
     will be enforced continuously from                      limitations, for copyright owners of                  ‘‘would be bound by the terms, rates, or
     November 19, 2018 through November                      sound recordings to perform publicly                  other determination set by any
     30, 2018, or completion of the                          those sound recordings by means of
     equipment removal, whichever is                         certain digital audio transmissions.                     1 In his Petition to Participate, Mr. Rahn

                                                             Among the limitations on the                          identified himself as a shareholder in SBR Creative
     sooner.                                                                                                       Media, Inc. and its subsidiary
                                                             performance right was the creation of a               CustomerChannels.net, LLC.
       Dated: November 19, 2018.                             statutory license for nonexempt,                         2 Rockbot withdrew its Petition to Participate on
     S.E. Anderson,                                          noninteractive digital subscription                   January 11, 2018.
     Captain, U.S. Coast Guard Captain of the                transmissions. 17 U.S.C. 114(d).                         3 According to the Motion, David Powell,

     Port Delaware Bay.                                         The scope of the section 114 statutory             although having filed a Petition to Participate, did
                                                                                                                   not otherwise participate in the proceeding. Motion
     [FR Doc. 2018–25668 Filed 11–23–18; 8:45 am]            license was expanded in 1998 upon the                 at 2. The Moving Parties represent that counsel for
     BILLING CODE 9110–04–P                                  passage of the Digital Millennium                     Mood Media attempted unsuccessfully to contact
                                                             Copyright Act of 1998 (DMCA), Public                  Mr. Powell to discuss the filing of the Motion. Id.
                                                             Law 105–34. The DMCA created, inter                   at 2–3. Mr. Powell also did not respond to the
                                                                                                                   request for comments on the proposed regulations.
                                                             alia, a statutory license for the making              On May 14, 2018, shortly before the proposed
                                                             of an ‘‘ephemeral recording’’ of a sound              regulations were published, however, Mr. Powell
                                                             recording by certain transmitting                     filed a ‘‘Verified Motion for Enlargement of Time,
                                                                                                                   and Agreed with Settlement Parties to Adopt
                                                             organizations. 17 U.S.C. 112(e). This                 Settlement Ex-Parte,’’ which the Judges accept as a
                                                             license, among other things, allows                   notice that Mr. Powell does not object to the
                                                             entities that transmit performances of                settlement. The Judges make no finding with regard
                                                             sound recordings to business                          to Mr. Powell’s eligibility to participate in this
                                                                                                                   proceeding. To the extent Mr. Powell has an interest
                                                             establishments to make an ephemeral                   in the business establishment services license, he
                                                             recording of a sound recording for later              will be bound by the royalty rates and terms the
                                                             transmission, pursuant to the                         Judges adopt.

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                      Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 227 / Monday, November 26, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                                       60363

     agreement. . . .’’ 17 U.S.C.                            § 384.3 Royalty fees for ephemeral                                   ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION
     801(b)(7)(A)(i). Participants in the                    recordings.                                                          AGENCY
     proceeding may also ‘‘object to [the                       (a) Basic royalty rate. (1) For the
     agreement’s] adoption as a basis for                                                                                         40 CFR Part 52
                                                             making of any number of Ephemeral
     statutory terms and rates.’’ Id.                        Recordings in the operation of a                                     [EPA–R03–OAR–2017–0598; FRL–9986–76–
       The Judges ‘‘may decline to adopt the                 Business Establishment Service, a                                    Region 3]
     agreement as a basis for statutory terms                Licensee shall pay a royalty equal to the
     and rates for participants that are not                                                                                      Approval and Promulgation of Air
                                                             following percentages of such Licensee’s
     parties to the agreement,’’ only ‘‘if any                                                                                    Quality Implementation Plans;
                                                             ‘‘Gross Proceeds’’ derived from the use                              Maryland; Regional Haze Five-Year
     participant [in the proceeding] objects to              in such service of musical programs that
     the agreement and the [Judges]                                                                                               Progress Report
                                                             are attributable to copyrighted
     conclude, based on the record before                                                                                         AGENCY:  Environmental Protection
     them if one exists, that the agreement                                                                                       Agency (EPA).
     does not provide a reasonable basis for
                                                                                                                        Rate      ACTION: Final rule.
     setting statutory terms or rates.’’ 17                                       Year                                   %
     U.S.C. 801(b)(7)(A)(ii). Accordingly, on                                                                                     SUMMARY:    The Environmental Protection
     May 17, 2018, the Judges published a                    2019   ..............................................         12.5   Agency (EPA) is approving Maryland’s
     document requesting comment on the                      2020   ..............................................        12.75   regional haze progress report, submitted
     proposed rates and terms. 83 FR 22907.                  2021   ..............................................         13.0   on August 9, 2017, as a revision to its
     The Judges received no timely                           2022   ..............................................        13.25   State Implementation Plan (SIP).
     comments or objections in response to                   2023   ..............................................         13.5   Maryland’s SIP revision addresses Clean
     the May 17 document.                                                                                                         Air Act (CAA) provisions and EPA
       Having received no opposition to the                     (2) ‘‘Gross Proceeds’’ as used in this                            regulations that require each state to
     proposal and finding that the agreement                 section means all fees and payments,                                 submit periodic reports describing the
     among the moving parties provides a                     including those made in kind, received                               State’s progress towards reasonable
     reasonable basis for setting statutory                  from any source before, during or after                              progress goals (RPGs) established for
     terms and rates, the Judges, by this                    the License Period that are derived from                             regional haze and to make a
     notice, adopt as final regulations the                  the use of copyrighted sound recordings                              determination of the adequacy of the
     rates and terms for the making of an                    during the License Period pursuant to                                State’s existing regional haze SIP. The
     ephemeral recording by a business                       17 U.S.C. 112(e) for the sole purpose of                             EPA is approving Maryland’s
     establishment service for the period                    facilitating a transmission to the public                            determination that the State’s regional
     January 1, 2019, through December 31,                   of a performance of a sound recording                                haze SIP is adequate to meet the RPGs
     2023.                                                   under the limitation on exclusive rights                             for the first implementation period.
     List of Subjects in 37 CFR Part 384                     specified in 17 U.S.C. 114(d)(1)(C)(iv).                             DATES: This final rule is effective on
                                                             The attribution of Gross Proceeds to                                 December 26, 2018.
        Copyright, Digital audio                             copyrighted recordings may be made on                                ADDRESSES: EPA has established a
     transmissions, Ephemeral recordings,                                                                                         docket for this action under Docket ID
                                                             the basis of:
     Performance right, Sound recordings.                                                                                         Number EPA–R03–OAR–2017–0598. All
                                                                (i) For classical programs, the
     Final Regulations                                                                                                            documents in the docket are listed on
                                                             proportion that the playing time of
                                                                                                                                  the https://www.regulations.gov
       For the reasons set forth in the                      copyrighted classical recordings bears to
                                                                                                                                  website. Although listed in the index,
     preamble, the Judges amend part 384 of                  the total playing time of all classical                              some information is not publicly
     chapter III of title 37 of the Code of                  recordings in the program; and                                       available, e.g., confidential business
     Federal Regulations as follows:                            (ii) For all other programs, the                                  information (CBI) or other information
                                                             proportion that the number of                                        whose disclosure is restricted by statute.
     PART 384—RATES AND TERMS FOR                            copyrighted recordings bears to the total                            Certain other material, such as
     THE MAKING OF EPHEMERAL                                                                                                      copyrighted material, is not placed on
                                                             number of all recordings in the program.
     RECORDINGS BY BUSINESS                                                                                                       the internet and will be publicly
     ESTABLISHMENT SERVICES                                  *       *    *     *     *
                                                                                                                                  available only in hard copy form.
                                                             § 384.5     [Amended]                                                Publicly available docket materials are
     ■ 1. The authority citation for part 384                                                                                     available through https://
     continues to read as follows:                           ■ 4. In § 384.5, amend paragraph (d)(4)                              www.regulations.gov, or please contact
         Authority: 17 U.S.C. 112(e), 801(b)(1).             by removing the second comma before                                  the person identified in the FOR FURTHER
                                                             the word ‘‘subject’’.                                                INFORMATION CONTACT section for
     § 384.1    [Amended]
                                                               Dated: September 17, 2018.                                         additional availability information.
     ■  2. In § 384.1, amend paragraph (a) by                David R. Strickler,                                                  FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Erin
     removing ‘‘January 1, 2014, through                     Copyright Royalty Judge.                                             Trouba, (215) 814–2023, or by email at
     December 31, 2018’’ and adding                          Jesse M. Feder,                                                      trouba.erin@epa.gov.
     ‘‘January 1, 2019, through December 31,                 Copyright Royalty Judge.                                             SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
     2023’’ in its place.
                                                             Suzanne M. Barnett,                                                  I. Background
     ■  3. Amend § 384.3 by:                                 Chief Copyright Royalty Judge.
                                                                                                                                    Under the Regional Haze Rule, each
     ■ a. Revising paragraph (a); and
                                                             Carla D. Hayden,                                                     state was required to submit to EPA an
     ■ b. In paragraph (b), removing                                                                                              implementation plan addressing
                                                             Librarian of Congress.
     ‘‘$10,000’’ and adding ‘‘$20,000’’ in its                                                                                    regional haze visibility impairment for
                                                             [FR Doc. 2018–25458 Filed 11–23–18; 8:45 am]
     place.                                                                                                                       the first implementation period through
                                                             BILLING CODE 1410–72–P
        The revision reads as follows:                                                                                            2018, and then was required to submit

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Document Created: 2018-11-24 00:51:29
Document Modified: 2018-11-24 00:51:29
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionRules and Regulations
ActionFinal rule.
DatesEffective date: January 1, 2019.
ContactAnita Blaine, CRB Program Specialist, by telephone at (202) 707-7658 or email at [email protected]
FR Citation83 FR 60362 
CFR AssociatedCopyright; Digital Audio Transmissions; Ephemeral Recordings; Performance Right and Sound Recordings

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