83_FR_60923 83 FR 60696 - National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants and New Source Performance Standards: Petroleum Refinery Sector Amendments

83 FR 60696 - National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants and New Source Performance Standards: Petroleum Refinery Sector Amendments


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 227 (November 26, 2018)

Page Range60696-60728
FR Document2018-25080

This action finalizes amendments to the petroleum refinery National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) (referred to as Refinery MACT 1 and Refinery MACT 2) and to the New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) for Petroleum Refineries to clarify the requirements of these rules and to make technical corrections and minor revisions to requirements for work practice standards, recordkeeping, and reporting which were proposed in the Federal Register on April 10, 2018. This action also finalizes amendments to the compliance date of the requirements for existing maintenance vents from August 1, 2017, to December 26, 2018, which were proposed in the Federal Register on July 10, 2018.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 227 (Monday, November 26, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 227 (Monday, November 26, 2018)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 60696-60728]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-25080]

[[Page 60695]]

Vol. 83


No. 227

November 26, 2018

Part III

Environmental Protection Agency


40 CFR Parts 60 and 63

National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants and New Source 
Performance Standards: Petroleum Refinery Sector Amendments; Final Rule

Federal Register / Vol. 83 , No. 227 / Monday, November 26, 2018 / 
Rules and Regulations

[[Page 60696]]



40 CFR Parts 60 and 63

[EPA-HQ-OAR-2010-0682; FRL-9986-68-OAR]
RIN 2060-AT50

National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants and New 
Source Performance Standards: Petroleum Refinery Sector Amendments

AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

ACTION: Final rule.


SUMMARY: This action finalizes amendments to the petroleum refinery 
National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) 
(referred to as Refinery MACT 1 and Refinery MACT 2) and to the New 
Source Performance Standards (NSPS) for Petroleum Refineries to clarify 
the requirements of these rules and to make technical corrections and 
minor revisions to requirements for work practice standards, 
recordkeeping, and reporting which were proposed in the Federal 
Register on April 10, 2018. This action also finalizes amendments to 
the compliance date of the requirements for existing maintenance vents 
from August 1, 2017, to December 26, 2018, which were proposed in the 
Federal Register on July 10, 2018.

DATES: This final rule is effective on November 26, 2018. The 
incorporation by reference of certain publications listed in the rule 
was approved by the Director of the Federal Register as of June 24, 

ADDRESSES: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has established a 
docket for this action under Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2010-0682. All 
documents in the docket are listed on the https://www.regulations.gov 
website. Although listed, some information is not publicly available, 
e.g., confidential business information (CBI) or other information 
whose disclosure is restricted by statute. Certain other material, such 
as copyrighted material, is not placed on the internet and will be 
publicly available only in hard copy form. Publicly available docket 
materials are available either electronically through https://www.regulations.gov, or in hard copy at the EPA Docket Center, EPA WJC 
West Building, Room Number 3334, 1301 Constitution Ave. NW, Washington, 
DC. The Public Reading Room hours of operation are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 
p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST), Monday through Friday. The telephone 
number for the Public Reading Room is (202) 566-1744, and the telephone 
number for the Docket Center is (202) 566-1742.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For questions about this final action, 
contact Ms. Brenda Shine, Sector Policies and Programs Division (E143-
01), Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, U.S. Environmental 
Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27711; 
telephone number: (919) 541-3608; fax number: (919) 541-0516; and email 
address: [email protected]. For information about the applicability 
of the NESHAP to a particular entity, contact Ms. Maria Malave, Office 
of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, U.S. Environmental Protection 
Agency, EPA WJC South Building, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, 
DC 20460; telephone number: (202) 564-7027; and email address: 
[email protected].

    Preamble acronyms and abbreviations. We use multiple acronyms and 
terms in this preamble. While this list may not be exhaustive, to ease 
the reading of this preamble and for reference purposes, the EPA 
defines the following terms and acronyms here.

AFPM American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers
API American Petroleum Institute
AWP Alternative Work Practice
CAA Clean Air Act
CBI confidential business information
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CEDRI Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface
CDX Central Data Exchange
CRA Congressional Review Act
CRU catalytic reforming unit
DCU delayed coking unit
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
FCCU fluid catalytic cracking unit
FR Federal Register
HAP hazardous air pollutant(s)
lbs pounds
LEL lower explosive limit
MACT maximum achievable control technology
MPV miscellaneous process vent
NAAQS National Ambient Air Quality Standards
NESHAP National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants
NOCS Notice of Compliance Status
NSPS New Source Performance Standard
NTTAA National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act
OEL open-ended line
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration
PM particulate matter
ppb parts per billion
ppm parts per million
PRA Paperwork Reduction Act
PRD pressure relief device
psi pounds per square inch
psia pounds per square inch absolute
RFA Regulatory Flexibility Act
RIN Regulatory Information Number
RSR Refinery Sector Rule
SMR steam-methane reforming
TTN Technology Transfer Network
UMRA Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
VOC volatile organic compounds

    Background information. On April 10, 2018, and July 10, 2018, the 
EPA proposed revisions to the Petroleum Refineries NESHAP and NSPS, 
(April 2018 Proposal and July 2018 Proposal), respectively (83 FR 
15458, April 10, 2018; 83 FR 31939, July 10, 2018). After consideration 
of the public comments we received on these proposed rules, in this 
action, we are finalizing revisions to the NESHAP and NSPS rules. We 
summarize the significant comments we received regarding the April 2018 
Proposal and the July 2018 Proposal and provide our responses in this 
preamble. In addition, a Response to Comments document, which is in the 
docket for this rulemaking, summarizes and responds to additional 
comments which were received regarding the April 2018 Proposal. A 
``track changes'' version of the regulatory language that incorporates 
the changes in this action is also available in the docket.
    Organization of this document. The information in this preamble is 
organized as follows:

I. General Information
    A. Does this action apply to me?
    B. Where can I get a copy of this document and other related 
    C. Judicial Review and Administrative Reconsideration
II. Background
III. What is included in this final rule?
    A. Clarifications and Technical Corrections to Refinery MACT 1
    B. Clarifications and Technical Corrections to Refinery MACT 2
    C. Clarifications and Technical Corrections to NSPS Ja
IV. Summary of Cost, Environmental, and Economic Impacts and 
Additional Analyses Conducted
V. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews
    A. Executive Orders 12866: Regulatory Planning and Review and 
Executive Order 13563: Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review
    B. Executive Order 13771: Reducing Regulations and Controlling 
Regulatory Costs
    C. Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA)
    D. Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)
    E. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act (UMRA)
    F. Executive Order 13132: Federalism
    G. Executive Order 13175: Consultation and Coordination With 
Indian Tribal Governments
    H. Executive Order 13045: Protection of Children From 
Environmental Health Risks and Safety Risks
    I. Executive Order 13211: Actions Concerning Regulations That

[[Page 60697]]

Significantly Affect Energy Supply, Distribution, or Use
    J. National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act (NTTAA) and 
1 CFR part 51
    K. Executive Order 12898: Federal Actions To Address 
Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income 
    L. Congressional Review Act (CRA)

I. General Information

A. Does this action apply to me?

    Regulated entities. Categories and entities potentially regulated 
by this action are shown in Table 1 of this preamble.

 Table 1--NESHAP and Industrial Source Categories Affected by This Final
                                                               NAICS \1\
                 NESHAP and source category                      code
40 CFR part 63, subpart CC Petroleum Refineries.............     324110
\1\ North American Industry Classification System.

    Table 1 of this preamble is not intended to be exhaustive, but 
rather to provide a guide for readers regarding entities likely to be 
affected by the final action for the source category listed. To 
determine whether your facility is affected, you should examine the 
applicability criteria in the appropriate NESHAP. If you have any 
questions regarding the applicability of any aspect of this NESHAP, 
please contact the appropriate person listed in the preceding FOR 
FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section of this preamble.

B. Where can I get a copy of this document and other related 

    In addition to being available in the docket, an electronic copy of 
this final action will also be available on the internet. Following 
signature by the EPA Administrator, the EPA will post a copy of this 
final action at: https://www.epa.gov/stationary-sources-air-pollution/petroleum-refinery-sector-risk-and-technology-review-and-new-source. 
Following publication in the Federal Register, the EPA will post the 
Federal Register version and key technical documents at this same 

C. Judicial Review and Administrative Reconsideration

    Under Clean Air Act (CAA) section 307(b)(1), judicial review of 
this final action is available only by filing a petition for review in 
the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit 
by January 25, 2019. Under CAA section 307(b)(2), the requirements 
established by this final rule may not be challenged separately in any 
civil or criminal proceedings brought by the EPA to enforce the 
    Section 307(d)(7)(B) of the CAA further provides that only an 
objection to a rule or procedure which was raised with reasonable 
specificity during the period for public comment (including any public 
hearing) may be raised during judicial review. This section also 
provides a mechanism for the EPA to reconsider the rule if the person 
raising an objection can demonstrate to the Administrator that it was 
impracticable to raise such objection within the period for public 
comment or if the grounds for such objection arose after the period for 
public comment (but within the time specified for judicial review) and 
if such objection is of central relevance to the outcome of the rule. 
Any person seeking to make such a demonstration should submit a 
Petition for Reconsideration to the Office of the Administrator, U.S. 
EPA, Room 3000, EPA WJC South Building, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, 
Washington, DC 20460, with a copy to both the person(s) listed in the 
preceding FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section, and the Associate 
General Counsel for the Air and Radiation Law Office, Office of General 
Counsel (Mail Code 2344A), U.S. EPA, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, 
Washington, DC 20460.

II. Background

    On December 1, 2015, the EPA finalized amendments to the Petroleum 
Refinery NESHAP in 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) part 63, 
subparts CC and UUU, referred to as Refinery MACT 1 and 2, 
respectively, and the NSPS for petroleum refineries in 40 CFR part 60, 
subparts J and Ja (80 FR 75178) (December 2015 Rule). The final 
amendments to Refinery MACT 1 include a number of new requirements for 
``maintenance vents,'' pressure relief devices (PRDs), delayed coking 
units (DCUs), and flares, and also establishes a fenceline monitoring 
    The December 2015 Rule included revisions to the continuous 
compliance alternatives for catalytic cracking units and provisions 
specific to startup and shutdown of catalytic cracking units and sulfur 
recovery plants. The December 2015 Rule also finalized technical 
corrections and clarifications to Refinery NSPS subparts J and Ja to 
address issues raised by the American Petroleum Institute (API) in 
their 2008 and 2012 petitions for reconsideration of the final NSPS Ja 
rule that had not been previously addressed. These include corrections 
and clarifications to provisions for sulfur recovery plants, 
performance testing, and control device operating parameters.
    In the process of implementing these new requirements, numerous 
questions and issues have been identified and we proposed 
clarifications and technical amendments to address these questions and 
issues on April 10, 2018 (April 2018 Proposal) (83 FR 15458; April 10, 
2018). These issues were raised in petitions for reconsideration and in 
separately issued letters from industry and in meetings with industry 
    The EPA received three separate petitions for reconsideration. Two 
petitions were jointly filed by API and American Fuel and Petrochemical 
Manufacturers (AFPM). The first of these petitions was filed on January 
19, 2016 and requested an administrative reconsideration under section 
307(d)(7)(B) of the CAA of certain provisions of Refinery MACT 1 and 2, 
as promulgated in the December 2015 Rule. Specifically, API and AFPM 
requested that the EPA reconsider the maintenance vent provisions in 
Refinery MACT 1; the alternate startup, shutdown, or hot standby 
standards for fluid catalytic cracking units (FCCUs) in Refinery MACT 
2; the alternate startup and shutdown for sulfur recovery units in 
Refinery MACT 2; and the new catalytic reforming units (CRUs) purging 
limitations in Refinery MACT 2. The request pertained to providing and/
or clarifying the compliance time for these requirements. Based on this 
request and additional information received, the EPA issued a proposal 
on February 9, 2016 (81 FR 6814), and a final rule on July 13, 2016 (81 
FR 45232), fully responding to the January 19, 2016, petition for 
reconsideration. The second petition from API and AFPM was filed on 
February 1, 2016 and outlined a number of specific issues related to 
the work practice standards for PRDs and flares, and the alternative 
water overflow provisions for DCUs, as well as a number of other 
specific issues on other aspects of the rule. The third petition was 
filed on February 1, 2016, by Earthjustice on behalf of Air Alliance 
Houston, California Communities Against Toxics, the Clean Air Council, 
the Coalition for a Safe Environment, the Community In-Power and 
Development Association, the Del Amo Action Committee, the 
Environmental Integrity Project, the Louisiana Bucket Brigade, the 
Sierra Club, the Texas Environmental Justice Advocacy Services, and 
Utah Physicians for a Healthy Environment. The Earthjustice petition 
claimed that several aspects of the revisions to Refinery MACT 1 were

[[Page 60698]]

not addressed in the proposed rule, and, thus, the public was precluded 
from commenting on them during the public comment period, including: 
(1) Work practice standards for PRDs and flares; (2) alternative water 
overflow provisions for DCUs; (3) reduced monitoring provisions for 
fenceline monitoring; and (4) adjustments to the risk assessment to 
account for these changes from what was proposed. On June 16, 2016, the 
EPA sent letters to petitioners granting reconsideration on issues 
where petitioners claimed they had not been provided an opportunity to 
comment. These petitions and letters granting reconsideration are 
available for review in the rulemaking docket (see Docket ID Nos. EPA-
HQ-OAR-2010-0682-0860, EPA-HQ-OAR-2010-0682-0891 and EPA-HQ-OAR-2010-
    On October 18, 2016 (81 FR 71661), the EPA proposed for public 
comment the issues for which reconsideration was granted in the June 
16, 2016, letters. The EPA identified five issues for which it was 
seeking public comment: (1) The work practice standards for PRDs; (2) 
the work practice standards for emergency flaring events; (3) the 
assessment of risk as modified based on implementation of these PRD and 
emergency flaring work practice standards; (4) the alternative work 
practice (AWP) standards for DCUs employing the water overflow design; 
and (5) the provision allowing refineries to reduce the frequency of 
fenceline monitoring at sampling locations that consistently record 
benzene concentrations below 0.9 micrograms per cubic meter. In that 
notice, the EPA also proposed two minor clarifying amendments to 
correct a cross referencing error and to clarify that facilities 
complying with overlapping equipment leak provisions must still comply 
with the PRD work practice standards in the December 2015 Rule.
    The February 1, 2016, API and AFPM petition for reconsideration 
included a number of recommendations for technical amendments and 
clarifications that were not specifically addressed in the October 18, 
2016, proposal.\1\ In addition, API and AFPM asked for clarification on 
various requirements of the final amendments in a July 12, 2016, 
letter.\2\ The EPA addressed many of the clarification requests from 
the July 2016 letter and the petition for reconsideration in a letter 
issued on April 7, 2017.\3\ API and AFPM also raised additional issues 
associated with the implementation of the final rule amendments in a 
March 28, 2017, letter to the EPA \4\ and provided a list of 
typographical errors in the rule in a January 27, 2017, meeting \5\ 
with the EPA. On January 10, 2018, AFPM submitted a letter containing a 
comparison of the electronic CFR, the Federal Register documents, and 
the redline versions of the December 2015 Rule and October 2016 
amendments to the Refinery Sector Rule noting differences and providing 
suggestions as to how these discrepancies should be resolved.\6\ These 
items are located in Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2016-0682. On April 10, 
2018 (83 FR 15848), the EPA published proposed additional revisions to 
the December 2015 Rule addressing many of the issues and clarifications 
identified by API and AFPM in their February 2016 petition for 
reconsideration and their subsequent communications with the EPA.

    \1\ Supplemental Request for Administrative Reconsideration of 
Targeted Elements of EPA's Final Rule ``Petroleum Refinery Sector 
Risk and Technology Review and New Source Performance Standards; 
Final Rule,'' Howard Feldman, API, and David Friedman, AFPM. 
February 1, 2016. Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2010-0682-0892.
    \2\ Letter from Matt Todd, API, and David Friedman, AFPM, to 
Penny Lassiter, EPA. July 12, 2016. Available in Docket ID No. EPA-
    \3\ Letter from Peter Tsirigotis, EPA, to Matt Todd, API, and 
David Friedman, AFPM. April 7, 2017. Available at: https://www.epa.gov/stationarysources-air-pollution/december-2015-refinerysector-rule-response-letters-qa.
    \4\ Letter from Matt Todd, API, and David Friedman, AFPM, to 
Penny Lassiter, EPA. March 28, 2017. Available in Docket ID No. EPA-
    \5\ Meeting minutes for January 27, 2017, EPA meeting with API. 
Available in Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2010-0682.
    \6\ David Friedman, ``Comparison of Official CFR and e-CFR 
Postings Regarding MACT CC/UUU and NSPS Ja Postings.'' Message to 
Penny Lassiter and Brenda Shine. January 10, 2018. Email.

    On July 10, 2018, the EPA published a proposed rule (July 2018 
Proposal) to revise the compliance date for maintenance vents located 
at sources constructed on or before June 30, 2014, from August 1, 2017, 
to January 30, 2019, (83 FR 31939; July 10, 2018). We proposed to 
change the compliance date to address challenges petroleum refinery 
owners or operators are experiencing in attempting to comply with the 
December 2015 Rule maintenance vent requirements, notwithstanding the 
additional compliance time provided by our revision of the compliance 
date to August 1, 2017, plus an additional 1-year (i.e., August 1, 
2018) compliance extension granted by the relevant permitting 
authorities for each source pursuant to the requirements set forth in 
the General Provisions at 40 CFR 63.6(i). The requirements for 
maintenance vents promulgated in the December 2015 Rule resulted in the 
need for completing the ``management of change process'' for affected 
sources (81 FR 45232, 45237, July 13, 2016). We also recognized that 
the Agency had proposed technical revisions and clarifications to the 
maintenance vent provisions in the April 2018 Proposal and that an 
extension would also allow the EPA to take final action on that 
proposal prior to the extended compliance date. Technical revisions and 
clarifications are being finalized in today's rule.
    The April 2018 Proposal provided a 45-day comment period ending on 
May 25, 2018. The EPA received 16 comments on the proposed amendments 
from refiners, equipment manufacturers, trade associations, 
environmental groups, and private citizens. The July 2018 Proposal 
provided a 30-day comment period ending on August 9, 2018. The EPA 
received comments on the proposed revisions from refiners, trade 
associations, environmental groups, and private citizens. This preamble 
to the final rule provides a discussion of the final revisions, 
including changes in response to comments on the proposal, as well as a 
summary of the significant comments received and responses.

III. What is included in this final rule?

A. Clarifications and Technical Corrections to Refinery MACT 1

1. Definitions
What is the history of the definitions addressed in the April 2018 
    In the April 2018 Proposal, we proposed to amend four definitions: 
Flare purge gas, supplemental natural gas, relief valve, and reference 
control technology for storage vessel and to define an additional term. 
Specific to flare purge gas, we proposed for the term to include gas 
needed for other safety reasons. For flare supplemental gas, we 
proposed to amend the definition to specifically exclude assist air or 
assist steam. For relief valves we narrowed the definition to include 
PRDs that are designed to re-close after the pressure relief. As a 
complementary amendment, we proposed to add a definition for PRD. 
Finally, we proposed to revise the definition of reference control 
technology for storage vessels to be consistent with the storage vessel 
rule requirements in section 63.660.
What key comments were received on definitions?
    We did not receive public comments on the proposed addition and 
revisions of these definitions.

[[Page 60699]]

What is the EPA's final decision on the definitions?
    We are finalizing the addition and revisions of these definitions 
as proposed.
2. Miscellaneous Process Vent Provisions
    In the April 2018 Proposal, we proposed several amendments to 
address petitioners' requests for revisions and clarifications to the 
requirements identifying and managing the subset of miscellaneous 
process vents (MPV) that result from maintenance activities. In the 
July 2018 Proposal, we proposed to change the compliance date of the 
requirements for existing maintenance vents. We describe each of these 
proposals in the following subparagraphs.
a. Notice of Compliance Status (NOCS) Report
What is the history of the NOCS report for MPV addressed in the April 
2018 Proposal?
    In their March 28, 2017, letter (Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2010-
0682-0915), API and AFPM noted that the MPV provisions at section 
63.643(c) do not require an owner or operator to designate a 
maintenance vent as Group 1 or Group 2 MPV. However, they stated that 
the reporting requirements at section 63.655(f)(1)(ii) are unclear as 
to whether a NOCS report is needed for some or all maintenance vents. 
We did not intend for maintenance vents to be included in the NOCS 
report. The rule has separate requirements for characterizing, 
recording, and reporting maintenance vents in section 63.655(g)(13) and 
(h)(12); therefore, it is not necessary to identify each place where 
equipment may be opened for maintenance in a NOCS report. To clarify 
this, we proposed to add language to section 63.643(c) to explicitly 
state that maintenance vents need not be identified in the NOCS report.
What key comments were received on the NOCS report for MPV provisions?
    We did not receive comments on the proposed amendment in section 
63.643(c) to explicitly state that maintenance vents need not be 
identified in the NOCS report.
What is the EPA's final decision on the NOCS report for MPV provisions?
    We are finalizing the amendment in section 63.643(c) as proposed.
b. Maintenance Vents Associated With Equipment Containing Pyrophoric 
What is the history of regulatory text for maintenance vents associated 
with equipment containing pyrophoric catalyst addressed in the April 
2018 Proposal?
    Under 40 CFR 63.643(c) an owner or operator may designate a process 
vent as a maintenance vent if the vent is only used as a result of 
startup, shutdown, maintenance, or inspection of equipment where 
equipment is emptied, depressurized, degassed, or placed into service. 
Facilities generally must comply with one of three conditions prior to 
venting maintenance vents to the atmosphere (section 63.643(c)(1)(i)-
(iii)). However, section 63.643(c)(1)(iv) of the December 2015 Rule 
provides flexibility for maintenance vents associated with equipment 
containing pyrophoric catalyst (or simply ``pyrophoric units''), such 
as hydrotreaters and hydrocrackers, at refineries that do not have pure 
hydrogen supply. At many refineries, pure hydrogen is generated by 
steam-methane reforming (SMR), with hydrogen concentrations of 98 
volume percent or higher. The other source of hydrogen available at 
refineries is from the CRU. This catalytic reformer hydrogen may have 
hydrogen concentrations of 50 percent or more and may contain 
appreciable concentrations of light hydrocarbons which limit the 
ability of vents associated with this source of hydrogen to meet the 
lower explosive limit (LEL) of 10 percent or less. The December 2015 
Rule limits the flexibility to maintenance vents associated with 
pyrophoric units at refineries without a pure hydrogen supply. For 
pyrophoric units at a refinery without a pure hydrogen supply, the 
December 2015 Rule provides that the LEL of the vapor in the equipment 
must be less than 20 percent, except for one event per year not to 
exceed 35 percent.
    API and AFPM took issue with the regulatory language that drew a 
distinction based on whether there is a pure hydrogen supply located at 
the refinery. As described in the preamble to the April 2018 Proposal 
(83 FR 15462), we reviewed comments from API and AFPM as well as 
additional information contained in an August 1, 2017, letter (Docket 
ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2010-0682-0916) which provided evidence that a single 
refinery may have many pyrophoric units, some that have a pure hydrogen 
supply and some that do not have a pure hydrogen supply. Thus, our 
assumption at the time we issued the December 2015 Rule that all 
pyrophoric units at a single refinery either would or would not have a 
pure hydrogen supply was incorrect. Therefore, we proposed to modify 
the portion of the regulatory text that distinguished units based on 
whether there was a pure hydrogen supply ``at the refinery'' and 
instead base the regulation on whether a pure hydrogen supply was 
available for the pyrophoric unit.
What key comments were received on the regulatory text for maintenance 
vents associated with equipment containing pyrophoric catalyst?
    Comment b.1: One commenter (-0953) stated that the proposed 
language is inadequately defined, and allows the refiner to opt in to 
the provision providing flexibility by, for example, shutting down the 
source of the pure hydrogen supply.
    Response b.1: In most cases, the pyrophoric unit will be supplied 
by either pure SMR hydrogen or catalytic reforming hydrogen. As purging 
with hydrogen is one of the steps used to de-inventory this equipment, 
the refiner cannot shutdown the hydrogen supply prior to de-
inventorying the equipment. If a pyrophoric unit can be supplied with 
either SMR and catalytic reformer hydrogen, and the SMR hydrogen is 
being used during normal operations of the pyrophoric unit prior to de-
inventorying the unit, we consider it a violation of the good air 
pollution control practices requirement in section 63.643(n) to switch 
the hydrogen supply only for de-inventorying the equipment. We also 
note that the refiner must keep records of the lack of a pure hydrogen 
supply as required at section 63.655(i)(12)(v).
    Comment b.2: One commenter stated that the EPA has not provided any 
assessment of the potential increase of uncontrolled emissions to the 
atmosphere, or an analysis of the increase in health risks or the 
environmental impact of the proposed exemption, or an assessment of the 
industry-provided cost data.
    Response b.2: The docket for the rulemaking includes the 
information upon which we based our decisions, including costs and 
environmental impact estimates of the provision providing flexibility 
to maintenance vents associated with pyrophoric units without a pure 
hydrogen supply. We had reviewed this information and determined that 
it was a reasonable estimate of the impacts (see Docket ID Nos. EPA-HQ-
OAR-2010-0682-0733 and -0909). This information supports our statement 
in the April 2018

[[Page 60700]]

Proposal that this amendment is not projected to appreciably impact 
emission reductions associated with the standard. In fact, considering 
secondary emissions from the flare or other control system needed to 
comply with the 10 percent LEL limit, this provision providing 
flexibility to maintenance vents associated with pyrophoric units 
without a pure hydrogen supply is expected to result in a net 
environmental benefit.
    Comment b.3: One commenter stated that the exemption does not 
comport with the requirements of CAA section 112(d)(2)-(3), which 
requires the standards to be no less stringent than the maximum 
achievable control technology (MACT) floor. The commenter points to the 
voluntary survey of hydrogen production units as submitted by API and 
notes that 12 of 62 units not connected to a pure hydrogen supply 
reported being able to comply with the 10 percent LEL standard. As 
such, the commenter contends that the MACT floor should be 10 percent 
LEL for equipment containing pyrophoric catalysts regardless of whether 
or not they are connected to a pure hydrogen supply and, thus, there 
should be no alternative based on whether or not a pure hydrogen supply 
is available. Furthermore, the commenter stated that costs cannot be 
used as justification for providing a higher emission limit alternative 
to MACT standards, particularly those based on the MACT floor.
    Response b.3: As an initial matter, the EPA did not intend to re-
open the issue of what is the MACT floor for pyrophoric units through 
the proposal. Rather, the issue raised was whether the flexibility 
provided should only be for pyrophoric units located at a refinery 
without a pure hydrogen supply or should also apply to pyrophoric units 
located at a facility that has a pure hydrogen supply but for which 
pure hydrogen is not available at the unit. Regardless, we disagree 
with the commenter that the survey results submitted by API support a 
conclusion that 10 percent LEL is the MACT floor for all pyrophoric 
units. The survey provided by API was not the type of rigorous survey 
that could provide a basis for establishing the MACT floor. As an 
initial matter, the API survey did not include the universe of 
pyrophoric units and there is no information to suggest whether the 
best performers for the subset of units addressed in the survey 
represents the top performing 12 percent of sources across the 
industry. Also, because the exact questions and definitions of terms 
were not provided, there may be some misinterpretation of the results. 
For example, it is unclear from the summary provided if the question 
was whether the facility owners or operators could meet 10 percent LEL 
for all events (i.e., a never-to-be-exceeded limit) or if this was more 
of an operational average.
    We agree with the commenter that costs cannot be considered in 
establishing a MACT standard. We based this provision on an assessment 
of the overall environmental impacts associated with the emission 
limitations and concluded that the best performing pyrophoric units 
without a pure hydrogen supply, when considering secondary impacts, was 
to meet a 20 percent LEL with one exception not to exceed 35 percent 
LEL per year. The API survey does not provide support to change our 
analysis of the MACT floor in the December 2015 Rule.
    Comment b.4: One commenter (-0958) pointed out that the proposed 
amendment to section 63.643(c)(1)(iv) is inconsistent with the 
description of the amendment included in the preamble to the April 2018 
Proposal. Specifically, the description of the amendment in the 
preamble of the April 2018 Proposal does not contain the additional 
phrase, ``considering all such maintenance vents at the refinery,'' 
which was included in the amendatory text. The commenter suggested that 
the EPA delete this phrase as it could be interpreted to limit the use 
of the 35 percent allowance to once per year per refinery rather than 
to once per year per piece of equipment.
    Response b.4: We agree that the preamble discussion and the rule 
language regarding these revisions are not consistent. We did not 
intend to limit the one time per year 35 percent LEL to the refinery; 
rather, we intended it to apply to each pyrophoric unit without a pure 
hydrogen supply. Consistent with our intent as expressed in the 
preamble discussion of the April 2018 Proposal, 83 FR at 15462, we are 
removing the phrase, ``considering all such maintenance vents at the 
refinery'' from the regulatory text at section 63.643(c)(1)(iv) for the 
final amendments promulgated by this rulemaking.
What is the EPA's final decision on the regulatory text for maintenance 
vents associated with equipment containing pyrophoric catalyst?
    We are finalizing the proposed amendment with one change. In 
response to the public comments received, we are not including the 
phrase ``considering all such maintenance vents at the refinery'' in 
the final regulatory text at section 63.643(c)(1)(iv), as revised by 
this rulemaking.
c. Control Requirements for Maintenance Vents
What is the history of the provisions for the control requirements for 
maintenance vents addressed in the April 2018 Proposal?
    Paragraph 63.643(a) specifies that Group 1 miscellaneous process 
vents must be controlled by 98 percent or to 20 parts per million by 
volume or to a flare meeting the requirements in section 63.670. This 
paragraph also states in the second sentence that requirements for 
maintenance vents are specified in section 63.643(c), ``and the owner 
or operator is only required to comply with the requirements in section 
63.643(c).'' Paragraphs (c)(1) through (3) then specify requirements 
for maintenance vents. Paragraph (c)(1) requires that equipment must be 
depressured to a control device, fuel gas system, or back to the 
process until one of the conditions in paragraph (c)(1)(i) through (iv) 
is met. In reviewing these rule requirements, the EPA noted that we did 
not specify that the control device in (c)(1) must also meet the Group 
1 miscellaneous process vent control device requirements in paragraph 
(a). The second sentence in section 63.643(a) could be misinterpreted 
to mean that a facility complying with the maintenance vent provisions 
in section 63.643(c) must only comply with the requirements in 
paragraph (c) and not the control requirements in paragraph (a) for the 
control device referenced by paragraph (c)(1). In omitting these 
requirements, we did not intend that the control requirement for 
maintenance vents prior to atmospheric release would not be compliant 
with Group 1 controls as specified in section 63.643(a). In order to 
clarify this intent, we proposed to amend paragraph section 
63.643(c)(1) to include control device specifications equivalent to 
those in section 63.643(a).
What key comments were received on the provisions for the control 
requirements for maintenance vents?
    We received one comment in support of this revision.
What is the EPA's final decision on the provisions for the control 
requirements for maintenance vents?
    We are finalizing the amendment to Sec.  63.643(c)(1) to include 
control device specifications equivalent to those in Sec.  63.643(a), 
as proposed.

[[Page 60701]]

d. Additional Maintenance Vent Alternative for Equipment Blinding
What is the history of the maintenance vent alternative for equipment 
blinding addressed in the April 2018 Proposal?
    We proposed a new alternative compliance option for the subset of 
maintenance vents subject to the provisions addressed at Sec.  
63.643(c)(v). The proposed alternative compliance option would apply to 
equipment that must be blinded to seal off hydrocarbon-containing 
streams prior to conducting maintenance activities.
What key comments were received on the maintenance vent alternative for 
equipment blinding?
    We received two comments on the proposed amendment. One commenter 
expressed concern regarding the burden of the recordkeeping associated 
with this alternative compliance option. The second commenter asserted 
that the use of work practice standards for maintenance vents is 
illegal. As detailed in the comment summaries and responses included in 
the response to comment document for this final rule (Docket ID No. 
EPA-HQ-OAR-2010-0682), we were not persuaded to make changes to the 
proposed amendments.
What is the EPA's final decision on the maintenance vent alternative 
for equipment blinding?
    We are finalizing the new alternative compliance option for the 
subset of maintenance vents subject to the requirements of Sec.  
63.643(c)(v) for which equipment blinding is necessary, as proposed.
e. Recordkeeping for Maintenance Vents on Equipment Containing Less 
Than 72 Pounds per Day (lbs/day) of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC)
What is the history of the provisions regarding recordkeeping for 
maintenance vents on equipment containing less than 72 lbs/day of VOC 
provisions addressed in the April 2018 Proposal?
    Under section 63.643(c) an owner or operator may designate a 
process vent as a maintenance vent if the vent is only used as a result 
of startup, shutdown, maintenance, or inspection of equipment where 
equipment is emptied, depressurized, degassed, or placed into service. 
The rule specifies that prior to venting a maintenance vent to the 
atmosphere, process liquids must be removed from the equipment as much 
as practical and the equipment must be depressured to a control device, 
fuel gas system, or back to the process until one of several 
conditions, as applicable, is met. One condition specifies that 
equipment containing less than 72 lbs/day of VOC can be depressured 
directly to the atmosphere provided that the mass of VOC in the 
equipment is determined and provided that refiners keep records of the 
process units or equipment associated with the maintenance vent and the 
date of each maintenance vent opening, and the estimate of the total 
quantity of VOC in the equipment at the time of vent opening. 
Therefore, each maintenance vent opening would be documented on an 
    Industry petitioners noted that there are numerous routine 
maintenance activities, such as replacing sampling line tubing or 
replacing a pressure gauge, that involve potential releases of very 
small amounts of VOC, often less than 1 lb/day, that are well below the 
72 lbs/day of VOC threshold provided in section 63.643(c)(1)(iii). They 
claimed that documenting each individual event is burdensome and 
unnecessary. As stated in the preamble to the April 2018 Proposal (83 
FR 15463), the EPA agrees that documentation of each release from 
maintenance vents which serve equipment containing less than 72 lbs/day 
of VOC is not necessary provided there is a demonstration that the 
event is compliant with the requirement that the equipment contains 
less than 72 lbs/day of VOC. Therefore, we proposed to revise the 
event-specific recordkeeping requirements specific to maintenance vent 
openings in equipment containing less than 72 lbs/day of VOC to only 
require a record demonstrating that the total quantity of VOC in the 
equipment based on the type, size, and contents is less than 72 lbs/day 
of VOC at the time of the maintenance vent opening.
What key comments were received on the recordkeeping for maintenance 
vents on equipment containing less than 72 lbs/day of VOC provisions?
    We received two comments on this proposed amendment. One commenter 
maintained that the event-specific recordkeeping requirements are too 
burdensome, while the other commenter maintained that the recordkeeping 
requirements are not adequate to assure compliance with the rule. As 
detailed in the comment summaries and responses included in the 
response to comment document for this final rule (Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-
OAR-2010-0682), we concluded that the proposed amendment struck the 
right balance between requiring the necessary information needed to 
demonstrate and enforce compliance with the 72 lbs/day of VOC 
maintenance vent provision while reducing the recordkeeping and 
reporting burden with more detailed records.
What is the EPA's final decision on the recordkeeping for maintenance 
vents on equipment containing less than 72 lbs/day of VOC provisions?
    We are finalizing these amendments as proposed.
f. Bypass Monitoring for Open-Ended Lines (OEL)
What is the history of the bypass monitoring provisions for OELs 
addressed in the April 2018 Proposal?
    API and AFPM requested clarification of the bypass monitoring 
provisions in section 63.644(c) for OEL (Docket ID Nos. EPA-HQ-OAR-
2010-0682-0892 and -0915). This provision excludes components subject 
to the Refinery MACT 1 equipment leak provisions in section 63.648 from 
the bypass monitoring requirement. Noting that the provisions in 
section 63.648 only apply to components in organic hazardous air 
pollutants (HAP) service (i.e., greater than 5-weight percent HAP), API 
and AFPM asked whether the EPA also intended to exclude open-ended 
valves or lines that are in VOC service (less than 5-weight percent 
HAP) and are capped and plugged in compliance with the standards in 
NSPS subpart VV or VVa or the Hazardous Organic NESHAP (HON; 40 CFR 
part 63, subpart H) that are substantively equivalent to the Refinery 
MACT 1 equipment leak provisions in section 63.648. Commenters noted 
that OELs in conveyances carrying a Group 1 MPV could be in less than 
5-weight percent HAP service, but could still be capped and plugged in 
accordance with another rule, such as NSPS subpart VV or VVa or the 
HON. As stated in the preamble to the proposed rule (83 FR 15464), the 
EPA agrees that, because the use of a cap, blind flange, plug, or 
second valve for an open-ended valve or line is sufficient to prevent a 
bypass, the Refinery MACT 1 bypass monitoring requirements in section 
63.644(c) are redundant with NSPS subpart VV in these cases. Therefore, 
we proposed to amend section 63.644(c) to make clear that open-ended 
valves or lines that are capped and plugged sufficient to meet the 
standards in NSPS subpart VV at Sec.  60.482-6(a)(2), (b), and (c), are 
not subject to the bypass monitoring in section 63.644(c).
What key comments were received on the bypass monitoring provisions for 
    Comment f.1: One commenter (-0958) expressed support for the 
addition of

[[Page 60702]]

the bypass monitoring option for capped or plugged OELs in section 
63.644(c)(3). The commenter suggested that the EPA similarly amend 
section 63.660(i)(2) to provide this new monitoring alternative for 
vent systems handling Group 1 storage vessel vents. A different 
commenter (-0953) opposed this revision, stating that the EPA did not 
show or provide any evidence to support the statement that the 
monitoring requirements are ``redundant with NSPS subpart VV.'' The 
commenter recommended that the EPA require a compliance demonstration 
or otherwise demonstrate that the provisions are equivalent.
    Response f.1: The December 2015 Rule bypass provisions require 
either a flow indicator or the use of a valve locked in a non-diverting 
position using a car-seal or lock and key. The general equipment leak 
provisions for OELs are installation of a plug, cap or secondary valve. 
Based on the effectiveness of this equipment work practice standard, 
continuous or periodic monitoring of these secondarily-sealed lines are 
not generally required. With the elimination of the exemption for 
discharges associated with maintenance activities and process upsets 
under the definition of ``periodically discharged'' in the December 
2015 Rule, there are a number of process lines that are not traditional 
bypass lines and that were not previously considered an MPV or an MPV 
bypass, but now are. Many of these lines are small and not conducive to 
the installation of a car-seal or lock and key so they cannot comply 
with the current bypass provisions. Most of these small lines have been 
previously regulated via Refinery MACT 1's requirement to comply with 
the NSPS open-ended line provisions, which are an effective means to 
control emissions from these smaller lines. Because the existing 
equipment leak provisions for these types of OELs serve the same 
purpose and are more appropriate for these smaller lines, we determined 
that it is reasonable to provide for this method of compliance for 
these OELs.
What is the EPA's final decision on the bypass monitoring provisions 
for OELs?
    We are finalizing this amendment as proposed. In response to 
comments received on the proposed rule, we are providing this new 
monitoring alternative for vent systems handling Group 1 storage vessel 
vents at section 63.660(i)(2) in the final rule.
g. Compliance Date Extension for Existing Maintenance Vents
What is the history of the compliance date extension for existing 
maintenance vents addressed in the July 2018 Proposal?
    In the July 2018 Proposal, we proposed to amend the compliance date 
for maintenance vent provisions applicable to existing sources (i.e., 
those constructed or reconstructed on or before June 30, 2014) 
promulgated at 40 CFR 63.643(c). The basis for this proposal was that 
sources needed additional time to follow the ``management of change'' 
process. We also noted that we had proposed substantive revisions to 
the maintenance vent requirements as part of the April 2018 Proposal.
What significant comments were received on the compliance date 
extension for existing maintenance vents?
    Comment g.1: One commenter (-0968) stated that the proposed 
compliance extension is arbitrary and capricious because the EPA has 
not provided any evidence as to why refineries could not comply with 
the August 1, 2017, compliance date and why a revised compliance date 
of January 30, 2019, is as expeditious as practicable, as required by 
CAA section 112(i)(3)(A). The commenter noted that the EPA referred to 
the fact that some number of refinery owners and operators have applied 
for and received compliance extensions of up to one year from their 
permitting authorities pursuant to 40 CFR 63.6(i), but does not provide 
any evidence of these applications or subsequent state agency 
determinations in the rulemaking record. The commenter further noted 
that the EPA's failure to provide this information in the record for 
the rulemaking has inhibited the public's ability to provide fully 
informed comments, and as such, the EPA is in violation of the notice-
and-comment and public participation requirements of CAA section 
307(d). The commenter also disagreed with the EPA's statement in the 
preamble of the July 2018 Proposal that the source requests for an 
extension from the permitting authorities is demonstrative of refinery 
owners and operators acting on ``good faith efforts.'' Rather, the 
commenter asserted that the filing of these requests shows an avoidance 
of compliance with the rule.
    The commenter stated that the proposed compliance extension is 
particularly harmful since the EPA has acknowledged that there are 
significant disproportionate impacts of refinery pollution to 
communities of color and low-income people. The commenter noted that 
the EPA has not supported the conclusion in the July 2018 Proposal that 
the extension of compliance would have an insignificant effect on 
emissions reductions. A separate commenter (-0971) concurred with the 
EPA's conclusions that the proposed compliance extension would have an 
insignificant effect on emissions reductions.
    The commenter also stated that the EPA's reliance on regulatory 
uncertainty due to the April 2018 Proposal as part of the justification 
for the need for a compliance extension is at odds with the CAA's 
explicit prohibition on any delay or postponement of a final rule based 
on reconsideration (see CAA section 307(d)(7)(B)). The commenter 
further added that this provision only allows the EPA to stay a rule's 
effective date during reconsideration, not to postpone compliance, and 
only enables the EPA to do so for up to three months. Another commenter 
(-0971) expressed support for the proposed compliance extension for 
maintenance vents because of regulatory uncertainty since the EPA 
proposed amendments in April 2018 Proposal, but has not yet finalized 
those proposed amendments. The commenter stated that these revisions 
are critical to providing certainty as to what is required and to 
assure equipment may be isolated for maintenance under all expected 
maintenance situations. The commenter noted that maintenance vents are 
located across the refinery, and time will be needed to review 
procedures that would implement those revisions under refinery 
management of change processes, incorporate the changes into refinery 
compliance procedures and recordkeeping and reporting systems, and 
provide training to employees.
    Response g.1: The EPA is not finalizing the extension of the 
compliance date as proposed in July 2018. However, in order to provide 
sources with time to understand the amended maintenance requirements, 
to determine which maintenance compliance option best meets their 
needs, and to come into compliance we are modifying the compliance date 
so that it is 30 days following the effective date of the final rule. 
Due to the variety of different types of maintenance vents and their 
ubiquitous nature, there has been some uncertainty as to how the 
maintenance vent requirements apply; whether the provisions, as 
promulgated, are appropriate for all types of vents; and the time 
needed to make the requisite modifications to ensure

[[Page 60703]]

compliance. The maintenance vent provisions in their current form were 
promulgated in the December 2015 Rule in order to replace a start-up, 
shutdown and malfunction (SSM) provision that was included in the 
original MACT standard. The EPA was replacing the SSM provisions 
because in Sierra Club v. EPA, [551 F.3d 1019 (D.C. Cir. 2008)], the 
D.C. Circuit determined that SSM provisions, similar to those included 
in the Refinery MACT were inconsistent with the requirements of the 
CAA. The EPA originally provided a compliance date as of the effective 
date of the December 2015 Rule (January 30, 2016), but subsequently 
extended that date to August 2017 based on information from refineries 
that they needed more time to comply. As previously noted, many 
refineries sought a further extension until August 2018 from state 
permitting authorities. Establishing a compliance date 30 days 
following promulgation of these revisions will allow refineries a 
modest amount of time to ensure any remaining maintenance vents not yet 
in compliance with the MACT, as modified through this final action, are 
in compliance.
    With respect to the comments on the effect of emissions reductions 
relative to the July 2018 Proposal, we reached this conclusion based on 
several factors. First, maintenance events typically occur about once 
per year or less frequently for major equipment. Thus, during the 
proposed period of the compliance extension (approximately 6 months 
from the August 2018 compliance date that applied to most refineries 
due to extensions granted by state permitting authorities), some 
equipment would have no major events and other equipment, at most, 
should experience only one event. Second, facilities would still be 
required to comply with the general requirements to use good air 
pollution control practices during maintenance events. Many facility 
owners or operators already have standard procedures for emptying and 
degassing equipment. While these procedures are not as stringent as the 
MACT requirements for maintenance vents as adopted in the December 2015 
Rule and as we had proposed in April 2018, they would provide some 
limit on emissions to the atmosphere. In a meeting with industry 
representatives, an example of the type of emissions occurring from 
maintenance vents was provided to the Agency (Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-
2010-0682-0909). Based on that example, the Agency estimates that 
approximately 200 lbs of VOC would be released from purging 6 pieces of 
equipment containing pyrophoric catalyst when venting at 35 percent LEL 
rather than 10 percent LEL. Based on our previous analysis of impacts 
for risk and technology review revisions to Refinery MACT 1, we 
estimate approximately 10 percent of VOC emissions are HAP, so that we 
estimate on the order of approximately 3 pounds of HAP emissions (0.1 x 
200/6) would occur per major equipment venting event. The maintenance 
vent provisions as adopted in the December 2015 Rule were projected to 
reduce emissions of HAP by 5,200 tons per year (80 FR 75178, December 
1, 2015). Therefore, based on the low expected emissions from each 
major equipment venting event, the expected limited occurrence of 
maintenance venting events, and the likelihood that many types of 
maintenance venting events are in compliance with the MACT, the 
compliance extension would have an insignificant effect on emissions.
What is the EPA's final decision on the compliance date extension for 
existing maintenance vents?
    The EPA is not finalizing the compliance extension as proposed in 
the July 2018 Proposal. However, in order to provide sources with time 
to understand the amended maintenance requirements, to determine which 
maintenance compliance option best meets their needs, and to come into 
compliance, we are modifying the compliance date so that it is 30 days 
following the effective date of the final rule.\7\

    \7\ Cf. 5 U.S.C. 553(d) providing a 30-day period prior to a 
rule taking effect.

3. Pressure Relief Device Provisions
a. Clarification of Requirements for PRD ``in organic HAP service''
What is the history of the requirements for PRD ``in organic HAP 
service'' addressed in the April 2018 Proposal?
    The introductory text for the equipment leak provisions for PRD in 
section 63.648(j) requires compliance with no detectable emission 
provisions for PRD ``in organic HAP gas or vapor service'' and the 
pressure release management requirements for PRD ``for all pressure 
relief devices.'' However, the pressure release management requirements 
for PRD in section 63.648(j)(3) are applicable only to PRD ``in organic 
HAP service.'' There are five specific provisions within the pressure 
release management requirements for PRD listed in paragraphs 
63.648(j)(3)(i) through (v). In the first four paragraphs, the phrase 
``each [or any] affected pressure relief device'' is used, but this 
phrase is missing in the fifth paragraph. API and AFPM requested that 
we clarify whether releases listed in section 63.648(j)(3)(v) are 
limited to PRDs ``in organic HAP service.'' Consistent with the 
requirements in section 63.648(j)(3)(i) through (iv) and the Agency's 
intent when promulgating the provisions in section 63.648(j)(3), we 
proposed to add the phrase, ``affected pressure relief device'' to 
section 63.648(j)(3)(v). We also proposed to amend the introductory 
text in paragraph (j) to add the phrase, ``in organic HAP service'' at 
the end of the last sentence to further clarify that the pressure 
release management requirements for PRD in section 63.648(j)(3) are 
applicable to ``all pressure relief devices in organic HAP service.''
What key comments were received on the requirements for PRD ``in 
organic HAP service''?
    We did not receive any public comments on these proposed 
What is the EPA's final decision on the requirements for PRD ``in 
organic HAP service''?
    We are finalizing these amendments as proposed.
b. Redundant Release Prevention Measures in 40 CFR 63.648(j)(3)(ii)
What is the history of the requirements for redundant release 
prevention measures addressed in the April 2018 Proposal?
    Section 63.648(j)(3)(ii) lists options for three redundant release 
prevention measures that must be applied to affected PRDs. The 
prevention measures in paragraph (j)(3)(ii) include: (A) Flow, 
temperature, level, and pressure indicators with deadman switches, 
monitors, or automatic actuators; (B) documented routine inspection and 
maintenance programs and/or operator training (maintenance programs and 
operator training may count as only one redundant prevention measure); 
(C) inherently safer designs or safety instrumentation systems; (D) 
deluge systems; and (E) staged relief system where initial pressure 
relief valves (with lower set release pressure) discharges to a flare 
or other closed vent system and control device. In their petition for 
reconsideration (Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2010-0682-0892), API and AFPM 
requested clarification as to whether two prevention measures can be 
selected from the list in Sec.  63.648(j)(3)(ii)(A). API and AFPM noted 
that the rule does not state that the measures in paragraph 

[[Page 60704]]

are to be considered a single prevention measure. The Agency grouped 
the measures listed in subparagraph A together because of similarities 
they have; however, they can be separate measures. Therefore, as the 
EPA explains in the preamble to the April 2018 Proposal (83 FR 15464), 
if these measures operate independently, they are considered two 
separate redundant prevention measures.
What key comments were received on the requirements for redundant 
release prevention measures?
    We did not receive any public comments on this proposed amendment.
What is the EPA's final decision on the requirements for redundant 
release prevention measures?
    We are finalizing the amendment to Sec.  63.648(j)(3)(ii)(A), which 
clarifies that independent, non-duplicative systems count as separate 
redundant prevention measures, as proposed.
c. Pilot-Operated PRD and Balanced Bellows PRD
What is the history of the provisions for pilot-operated PRD and 
balanced bellows PRD addressed in the April 2018 Proposal?
    In a letter dated March 28, 2017, API and AFPM requested 
clarification on whether pilot-operated PRDs are required to comply 
with the pressure release management provisions of section 63.648(j)(1) 
through (3). Based on our understanding of pilot-operated PRD (see 
memorandum, ``Pilot- operated PRD,'' in Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2010-
0682) and balanced bellows PRD, we proposed that pilot-operated and 
balanced bellows PRD are subject to the requirements in section 
63.648(j)(1) and (2), but are not subject to the requirements in 
section 63.648(j)(3) because the primary releases from these PRD are 
vented to a control device. We also proposed to amend the reporting 
requirements in section 63.655(g)(10) and the recordkeeping 
requirements in section 63.655(i)(11) to retain the requirements to 
report and keep records of each release to the atmosphere through the 
pilot vent that exceeds 72 lbs/day of VOC, including the duration of 
the pressure release through the pilot vent and the estimate of the 
mass quantity of each organic HAP release.
What key comments were received on the provisions for pilot-operated 
PRD and balanced bellows PRD?
    We received one public comment on this proposed amendment. The 
commenter was generally opposed to the addition of balanced bellows and 
pilot-operated PRD to the work practice standard requirements for PRD. 
The comment and the EPA's response are available in the response to 
comments document for this rulemaking (Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2010-
What is the EPA's final decision on the provisions for pilot-operated 
PRD and balanced bellows PRD?
    We are finalizing these amendments as proposed.
4. Delayed Coking Unit Decoking Operation Provisions
    What is the history of the delayed coking unit decoking operation 
provisions addressed in the April 2018 Proposal?
    The provisions in 40 CFR 63.657(a) require owners or operators of 
DCU to depressure each coke drum to a closed blowdown system until the 
coke drum vessel pressure or temperature meets the applicable limits 
specified in the rule (2 psig or 220 degrees Fahrenheit for existing 
sources). Special provisions are provided in 40 CFR 63.657(e) and (f) 
for DCU using ``water overflow'' or ``double-quench'' method of 
cooling, respectively. According to 40 CFR 63.657(e), the owner or 
operator of a DCU using the ``water overflow'' method of coke cooling 
must hardpipe the overflow water (i.e., via an overhead line) or 
otherwise prevent exposure of the overflow water to the atmosphere when 
transferring the overflow water to the overflow water storage tank 
whenever the coke drum vessel temperature exceeds 220 degrees 
Fahrenheit. The provision in 40 CFR 63.657(e) also provides that the 
overflow water storage tank may be an open or fixed-roof tank provided 
that a submerged fill pipe (pipe outlet below existing liquid level in 
the tank) is used to transfer overflow water to the tank.
    In the October 18, 2016, reconsideration proposal, we opened the 
provisions in 40 CFR 63.657(e) for public comment, but we did not 
propose to amend the requirements. In response to the October 18, 2016, 
reconsideration proposal, we received several comments regarding the 
provisions in 40 CFR 63.657(e) for DCU using the water overflow method 
of coke cooling. Based on these comments, in the April 2018 Proposal we 
proposed amendments to the water overflow requirements in 40 CFR 
63.657(e) to clarify that an owner or operator of a DCU with a water 
overflow design does not need to comply with the provisions in 40 CFR 
63.657(e) if they comply with the primary pressure or temperature 
limits in 40 CFR 63.657(a) prior to overflowing any water. We also 
proposed to add a requirement to use a separator or disengaging device 
when using the water overflow method of cooling to prevent entrainment 
of gases from the coke drum vessel to the overflow water storage tank 
and we proposed that gases from the separator must be routed to a 
closed vent blowdown system or otherwise controlled following the 
requirements for a Group 1 miscellaneous process vent. As separators 
appear to be an integral part of the water overflow system design, we 
did not project any capital investment or additional operating costs 
associated with this proposed amendment.
What key comments were received on the delayed coking unit decoking 
operation provisions?
    The following is a summary of the key comments received in response 
to our April 2018 Proposal and our responses to these comments. 
Detailed public comments and the EPA responses are included in the 
response to comments document for this final action (Docket ID EPA-HQ-
    Comment 1: Industry commenters (-0955, -0958) stated that the 
proposed amendment to require DCU using the water overflow compliance 
option to have a disengaging device is unsupported by the record for 
the proposed rule and was not included in the Information Collection 
Request (ICR) or MACT floor analysis supporting the December 2015 Rule. 
The commenters noted that the EPA has not determined how many DCU use 
the water overflow method of coke cooling or how many will require the 
installation of a disengaging device, instead basing the provisions on 
a report by one facility using such a device. The same commenters 
stated that the EPA has not quantified the expected emission reductions 
associated with the proposed amendment to require DCU using the water 
overflow compliance option to have a disengaging device. One of the 
commenters (-0955) maintained that the emissions from the overflow 
water are small and sufficiently controlled via the submerged fill 
requirement. This commenter provided various analyses to support their 
contention that the emissions from their overflow water are small, 
including results of facility-specific industrial hygiene monitoring 
programs, which the commenter claims have shown that operators 
exposures to benzene are ``orders of magnitude below the Occupational 
Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) exposure limit of 1.0 parts per 
million (ppm), at 0.003 ppm (300 parts per billion (ppb)) and

[[Page 60705]]

less.'' Both of these commenters also asserted that the EPA should not 
finalize the proposed amendment to require DCU using the water overflow 
compliance option to have a disengaging device.
    Another commenter (-0953) asserted that the EPA did not provide any 
quantitative assessment of emissions from water overflow DCU compared 
to the primary MACT standard in order to demonstrate that the water 
overflow is at least as stringent as the MACT floor requirement (no 
draining or venting until the pressure in the drum is at or below 2 
psig). According to the commenter, without this direct supporting 
analysis, the EPA's inclusion of the water overflow provision is 
arbitrary and capricious. The commenter recommended that the water 
overflow provisions not be finalized or that additional control 
requirements be placed on the storage tank receiving the water 
overflow. Specifically, the commenter recommended that the rule require 
these tanks to be vented to a control device that achieves 98-percent 
destruction efficiency or better. Alternatively, the commenter 
recommended that the EPA develop minimum requirements for the liquid 
height and volume of water in the receiving tank and a maximum limit on 
the temperature of the water in the tank. The commenter also 
recommended that the EPA set restrictions on the re-use of the overflow 
water without prior additional treatment to remove organic 
    Two commenters (-0955, -0958) stated that, if the requirement to 
use a disengaging device is finalized, the EPA should provide a 
compliance date 3 years after the effective date of the rule, as 
provided under CAA section 112(i)(3)(A), due to the expected expense 
and timing needed for equipment installation to comply with this 
requirement. One commenter (-0955) described the specific steps 
required for a DCU system not equipped with a disengaging device to 
comply with the proposed rule including: Design, engineering, permit 
application submission and permit receipt, and installation, estimating 
it will take between 24-36 months to complete.
    Response 1: We agree that we did not include the water overflow 
provisions in the MACT floor analysis supporting the December 2015 
Rule. The MACT floor analysis resulted in a determination that 
emissions from the DCU must be controlled (no atmospheric venting, 
draining or deheading of the coke drum) until the coke drum vessel 
pressure is at or below 2 psig is the MACT floor. In developing an 
alternative compliance method, such as the DCU water overflow 
provisions, we are only required to ensure that the alternative being 
provided is at least as stringent (achieves the same or lower 
emissions) as the established MACT floor.
    We disagree that the record does not support the proposal. In 
comments received on the June 30, 2014, proposed risk and technology 
review ``Sector Rule,'' Phillips 66 requested special provisions for 
water overflow (see Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-0682-0614). Further, we 
understood from background meetings that there are two main suppliers 
of DCU technology, one of which took over the ConocoPhillips technology 
licenses (see Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2010-0682-0216). As Phillips 66 
was an initial developer of the technology, we surmised that the DCU 
designed for water overflow were likely all based on the Phillips 66 
design. They also noted in their comments that they operated two units 
with water overflow design. While the ICR supporting the December 2015 
Rule did not specifically ask about the water overflow method of 
cooling, we did ask the height of the drum and the height of the water 
in the drum prior to first draining. Three DCU were reported to have 
water height when first draining equal to the drum height and two DCU 
were reported to have water height greater than the drum height. From 
these data, we estimated that 2 to 5 DCU used the water overflow method 
of cooling. We understood that Phillips 66 likely operated most of the 
DCU designed to use the water overflow method of cooling. Therefore, 
when Phillips 66 provided a water overflow DCU design that included a 
water-vapor disengaging drum, we expected all water overflow DCU had 
this design. In subsequent meetings with API and AFPM, we discussed our 
findings and our intention to add a requirement for a vapor disengaging 
drum (see Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2010-0682-0910 and -0911). These 
records clearly show we carefully considered this proposed requirement 
and we informed industry representatives from API, AFPM, and some 
individual refinery representatives of our conclusions prior to the 
    We agree that the EPA has not provided a quantitative assessment of 
the emissions from the DCU when using water overflow. Rather, for the 
December 2015 Rule, we relied on a qualitative assessment because the 
precise mechanism of the emissions from the DCU is not well understood. 
This qualitative analysis did not consider the entrainment of gases in 
the overflow water or the need for the use of a disengaging drum. To 
support this final action, we estimated, to the best of our ability, 
the emissions from a typical DCU using water overflow method of cooling 
for units using a vapor disengaging device and one with no vapor 
disengaging device and compared them with the emissions projected for a 
DCU using conventional method of cooling complying with the 2 psig MACT 
standard. We found that the emissions from a DCU using water overflow 
method of cooling and a vapor disengaging device had emissions 
significantly less than a conventional DCU complying with the 2 psig 
standard. We also found that the emissions from a DCU using the water 
overflow method of cooling without a vapor disengaging device could 
have emissions exceeding those for a conventional DCU complying with 
the 2 psig pressure limit (see memorandum entitled ``Estimating 
Emissions from Delayed Coking Units Using the Water Overflow Method of 
Cooling'' in Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2010-0682). Our emission 
estimates are higher than the emissions estimated by the commenter 
because their analyses did not consider entrained gases in the overflow 
water. In a follow-up meeting with this commenter, we learned that the 
concentration monitored near the overflow water tank was 0.3 ppm 
benzene (consistent with the value of 300 ppb). This concentration, 
while below the OSHA exposure limit of 1 ppm, is not ``orders of 
magnitude below'' the OSHA exposure limit and provides strong evidence 
that emissions near the water overflow tank are higher than would be 
projected based on their analysis submitted during the comment period.
    Based on our analysis, we find that the water overflow method of 
cooling alternative achieves greater emission reductions than the 
primary 2 psig pressure limit when a vapor disengaging device is used 
for the overflow water prior to the water storage tank. Because 
emissions without the disengaging device in the case where the 
receiving tank is not vented to a control device can exceed that of a 
conventional DCU complying with the 2 psig pressure limit, we conclude 
that it is necessary for the alternative compliance method to require 
use of a disengaging device unless the receiving tank is vented to a 
control device.
    Although cost consideration is not relevant for determining MACT, 
we disagree that the EPA did not consider the expense of installing a 
disengaging device. As part of the cost estimates for the DCU MACT 
requirements established in the December 2015 Rule,

[[Page 60706]]

80 FR 75226, we considered compliance costs for every DCU that did not 
already meet the 2 psig pressure limit. Because we already considered 
compliance costs in our burden estimates for the December 2015 Rule, 
there was no basis for assuming that compliance with the alternative 
standard proposed here would result in additional or otherwise 
different compliance costs and to do so would result in double-counting 
the compliance costs.
    With respect to the commenter requesting additional controls on the 
tank receiving the water overflow, our analysis supports the conclusion 
that the main source of emissions from the water overflow systems is 
entrained vapors in the overflow water. We agree that venting the 
receiving tank to a control device is a reasonable alternative to using 
a disengaging device and we have added this as an alternative 
compliance option for DCU using the water overflow method of cooling. 
However, venting the receiving tank to a control device when a vapor 
disengaging device is already used is unnecessary and redundant. We 
agree that adding certain limitations on overflow water temperature, 
receiving tank water volume and temperature can help to reduce 
emissions when a vapor disengaging device is not used, but we do not 
believe adding these limitations will make water overflow without a 
vapor disengaging device equivalent to the primary 2 psig emission 
limitation. Based on our analysis, we find that the use of a 
disengaging device with submerged fill requirement is as stringent as 
the MACT floor and that additional restrictions on the receiving 
storage vessel for these DCU are not necessary to comply with MACT.
    Finally, regarding the compliance date, we agree that it will take 
time to design, procure, and install a disengaging drum for those DCU 
using water overflow and that do not currently have a disengaging drum. 
Similarly, venting the receiving tank to a control device as an 
alternative to using a disengaging device will also require time to 
design and retrofit the tank with a fixed roof and closed vent system 
to control. We originally provided a 3-year compliance schedule due to 
the design, engineering, and equipment installation that could be 
required to meet the emission limitations for DCU in the December 2015 
Rule. As the December 2015 Rule did not require a vapor disengaging 
drum or controlled tank and similar enhancements in the enclosed 
blowdown system will be needed for facilities to comply with the April 
2018 Proposal, we are providing a limited compliance extension, of 2 
years from the effective date of this final rule that alters the work 
practice standard by establishing the vapor disengaging drum 
requirement. This extension will only be afforded for DCU that use the 
water overflow method of cooling without adequate systems for a vapor 
disengaging device or controlled tank, which we consider to be as 
expeditious as practicable based on comments received on the April 2018 
Proposal. We are also including operational requirements on the water 
overflow system for these DCU in the interim to minimize emissions to 
the greatest extent possible as requested by one of the commenters. 
These operational limits will not require any additional equipment, so 
implementation can occur immediately. We do not expect that these 
operational limits are sufficient to ensure that emissions from these 
units will be less than conventional DCU complying with the 2 psig 
standard at all times, but they will help to ensure emissions are not 
unrestricted in this interim period. We also note that pursuant to the 
provisions in Sec.  63.6(i), which are generally applicable, refinery 
owners or operators may seek compliance extensions on a case-by-case 
basis if necessary.
What is the EPA's final decision on the delayed coking unit decoking 
operation provisions?
    We are finalizing the requirement for DCU using the water overflow 
provisions in section 63.657(e) to use a separator or disengaging 
device to prevent entrainment of gases in the cooling water. In 
response to comments, we are providing a limited compliance extension, 
of 2 years from the effective date of this final rule, only for DCU 
that use the water overflow method of cooling that document the need to 
design, procure, and install a disengaging device, which we consider to 
be as expeditious as practicable based on comments received on the 
April 2018 Proposal. We are providing operational restrictions on these 
DCU in the interim to minimize emissions to the greatest extent 
possible. Finally, in response to comments, we are including, as an 
alternative to the use of a vapor disengaging drum, requirements to 
discharge the overflow water to a storage vessel vented to a control 
device (i.e., a vessel meeting the requirements for storage vessels in 
40 CFR part 63, subpart SS).
5. Fenceline Monitoring Provisions
What is the history of the fenceline monitoring provisions addressed in 
the April 2018 Proposal?
    We proposed several amendments to the fenceline monitoring 
provisions in Refinery MACT 1. Many of the proposed revisions to the 
fenceline monitoring provisions are related to requirements for 
reporting monitoring data.
    The December 2015 Rule included new EPA Methods 325A and B 
specifying monitor siting and quantitative sample analysis procedures. 
Method 325A requires an additional monitor be placed near known VOC 
emission sources if the VOC emissions source is located within 50 
meters of the monitoring perimeter and the source is between two 
monitors. In the April 2018 Proposal, we proposed an alternative to the 
additional monitor siting requirements if the only known VOC emission 
sources within 50 meters of the monitoring perimeter between two 
monitors are pumps, valves, connectors, sampling connections, and open-
ended line sources. The proposed alternative requires that these 
sources be actively monitored monthly using audio, visual, or olfactory 
means and quarterly using Method 21 or the AWP for equipment leaks.
    In addition, we proposed to revise the quarterly reporting 
requirements in section 63.655(h)(8) to specify that it means calendar 
year quarters (i.e., Quarter 1 is from January 1 to March 31; Quarter 2 
is from April 1 through June 30; Quarter 3 is from July 1 through 
September 30; and Quarter 4 is from October 1 through December 31) 
rather than being tied to the date compliance monitoring began.
    We also proposed to require one field blank per sampling period 
rather than two as currently required. Similarly, we proposed to 
decrease the number of duplicate samples that must be collected each 
sampling period. Instead of requiring a duplicate sample for every 10 
monitoring locations, we proposed that facilities with 19 or fewer 
monitoring locations be required to collect one duplicate sample per 
sampling period and facilities with 20 or more sampling locations be 
required to collect two duplicate samples per sampling period. We also 
proposed to require that duplicate samples be averaged together to 
determine the sampling location's benzene concentration for the 
purposes of calculating the benzene concentration difference 
    Consistent with the requirements in section 63.658(k) for 
requesting an alternative test method for collecting

[[Page 60707]]

and/or analyzing samples, we also proposed to revise the Table 6 entry 
for section 63.7(f) to indicate that section 63.7(f) applies except 
that alternatives directly specified in 40 CFR part 63, subpart CC, do 
not require additional notification to the Administrator or the 
approval of the Administrator.
What key comments were received on the fenceline monitoring provisions?
    We received minor comments on these proposed revisions. The comment 
summaries and the EPA responses are available in the response to 
comments document for this final rule (Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2010-
What is the EPA's final decision on the fenceline monitoring 
    The proposed revisions to the fenceline monitoring requirements, as 
described above, are being finalized as proposed with one minor change. 
In the April 2018 proposal, Sec.  63.655(h)(8)(viii) specified that 
CEDRI would calculate the biweekly concentration difference ([Delta]c) 
for benzene for each sampling period and the annual average [Delta]c 
for benzene for each sampling period. However, in order to accurately 
reflect CEDRI's current configuration, we are finalizing Sec.  
63.655(h)(8)(viii) to require the reporter to calculate and report the 
values of the biweekly and annual average [Delta]c for benzene.
6. Storage Vessel Provisions
What is the history of the storage vessel provisions addressed in the 
April 2018 Proposal?
    We received comments from API and AFPM in their February 1, 2016, 
petition for reconsideration regarding the incorporation of 40 CFR part 
63, subpart WW, storage vessel provisions and 40 CFR part 63, subpart 
SS, closed vent systems and control device provisions into Refinery 
MACT 1 requirements for Group 1 storage vessels at 40 CFR 63.660. The 
pre-amended version of the Refinery MACT 1 rule specified (by cross 
reference at 40 CFR 63.646) that storage vessels containing liquids 
with a vapor pressure of 76.6 kilopascals (approximately 11 pounds per 
square inch (psi)) or greater must be vented to a closed vent system or 
to a control device consistent with the requirements in section 63.119 
of the HON. API and AFPM pointed out that the EPA did not retain this 
provision at 40 CFR 63.660 in the December 2015 Rule. We agree that the 
language was inadvertently omitted. We did not intend to deviate from 
the longstanding requirement limiting the vapor pressure of material 
that can be stored in a floating roof tank. Therefore, we proposed to 
revise the introductory text in 40 CFR 63.660 to clarify that owners or 
operators of affected Group 1 storage vessels storing liquids with a 
maximum true vapor pressure less than 76.6 kilopascals (11.0 psi) can 
comply with either the requirements in 40 CFR part 63, subpart WW or 
SS, and that owners or operators storing liquids with a maximum true 
vapor pressure greater than or equal to 76.6 kilopascals (11.0 psi) 
must comply with the requirements in 40 CFR part 63, subpart SS.
    We also received comments from API and AFPM in their February 1, 
2016, petition for reconsideration regarding provisions in section 
63.660(b). Section 63.660(b)(1) allows Group 1 storage vessels to 
comply with alternatives to those specified in section 63.1063(a)(2) of 
subpart WW. Section 63.660(b)(2) specifies additional controls for 
ladders having at least one slotted leg. The petitioners explained that 
section 63.1063(a)(2)(ix) provides extended compliance time for these 
controls, but that it is unclear whether this additional compliance 
time extends to the use of the alternatives to comply with section 
63.660(b). We proposed language to clarify that the additional 
compliance time specified in the alternative included at section 
63.1063(a)(2) applies to the implementation of controls in section 
    We also proposed language to clarify at section 63.660(e) that the 
initial inspection requirements that apply with initial filling of the 
storage vessels are not required again if a vessel transitions from the 
existing source requirements in section 63.646 to new source 
requirements in section 63.660.
    The following is a summary of the comment received in response to 
our April 2018 Proposal and our response to this comment. We did not 
receive any other comments related to the proposed amendments for 
storage vessels.
What comment was received on the storage vessel provisions?
    Comment 1: One commenter (-0958) claims that the EPA proposed 
revisions to the introductory paragraph of section 63.660 to allow 
certain storage vessels to comply with alternative requirements is not 
an acceptable control measure. The commenter states that the proposed 
revisions included 11.0 psia as parenthetical equivalent to the 76.6 
kPa threshold. The commenter recommended that the EPA revise the 11.0 
psia to 11.1 psia as this represents a more accurate conversion and 
consistency with historical regulations.
    Response 1: Upon reviewing this issue, we agree with the commenter 
that 11.1 psia is the correct value to use when converting 76.6 
kilopascals to psia and we are revising the proposed language to use 
11.1 psia rather than 11.0 psia in this introductory paragraph.
What is the EPA's final decision on the storage vessel provisions?
    After considering public comments on the proposed amendments, the 
EPA is finalizing the amendment to the introductory text in 40 CFR 
63.660 with a change from 11.0 psia to 11.1 psia. We are finalizing the 
amendments to section 63.660(b) and section 63.660(e) as proposed.
7. Flare Control Device Provisions
What is the history of the flare control device provisions addressed in 
the April 2018 Proposal?
    API and AFPM requested clarification in a December 1, 2016, letter 
to the EPA (Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2010-0682-0913) regarding assist 
steam line designs that entrain air into the lower or upper steam at 
the flare tip. The industry representatives noted that many of the 
steam-assisted flare lines have this type of air entrainment and likely 
were part of the dataset analyzed to develop the standards established 
in the December 2015 Rule for steam-assisted flares. API and AFPM, 
therefore, maintain that these flares should not be considered to have 
assist air, and that they are appropriately and adequately regulated 
under the final standards in the December 2015 Rule for steam-assisted 
flares. Because flares with assist air are required to comply with both 
a combustion zone net heating value (NHVcz) and a net 
heating value dilution parameter (NHVdil), there is 
increased burden in having to comply with two operating parameters, and 
API and AFPM contend that this burden is unnecessary.
    In the preamble to the April 2018 Proposal, we stated that air 
intentionally entrained through steam nozzles meets the definition of 
assist air. However, we also noted that if this is the only assist air 
introduced prior to or at the flare tip, it is reasonable in most cases 
for the owner or operator to only need to comply with the 
NHVcz operating limit. We also noted that, for flare tips 
with an effective tip diameter of 9 inches or more, there are no flare 
tip steam induction designs that can entrain enough assist air to cause 
a flare operator to have a deviation of the NHVdil operating 
limit without first deviating from the NHVcz operating 
limit. Therefore, we proposed in section 63.670(f)(1) to allow owners 
or operators of flares whose only assist air is from perimeter assist 
air entrained in lower

[[Page 60708]]

and upper steam at the flare tip and with a flare tip diameter of 9 
inches or greater to comply only with the NHVcz operating 
limit. Steam-assisted flares with perimeter assist air and an effective 
tip diameter of less than 9 inches would remain subject to the 
requirement to account for the amount of assist air intentionally 
entrained within the calculation of NHVdil. We further 
proposed to add provisions to section 63.670(i)(6) specifying that 
owners or operators of these smaller diameter steam-assisted flares use 
the steam flow rate and the maximum design air-to-steam ratio of the 
steam tube's air entrainment system for determining the flow rate of 
this assist air.
    We also proposed several clarifying amendments for flares in 
response to API and AFPM's February 1, 2016, petition for 
reconsideration (Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2010-0682-0892) as outlined 
     For air assisted flares, we proposed to amend section 
63.670(i)(5) to include provisions for continuously monitoring fan 
speed or power and using fan curves for determining assist air flow 
rates to clarify that this is an acceptable method of determining air 
flow rates.
     We proposed two amendments relative to the visible 
emissions monitoring requirements in section 63.670(h) and (h)(1). We 
proposed to clarify that the initial 2-hour visible emission 
demonstration should be conducted the first time regulated materials 
are routed to the flare. We also proposed to amend section 63.670(h)(1) 
to clarify that the daily 5-minute observations must only be conducted 
on days the flare receives regulated materials and that the additional 
visible emissions monitoring is specific to cases when visible 
emissions are observed while regulated material is routed to the flare.
     We proposed to amend section 63.670(o)(1)(iii)(B) to 
clarify that the owner or operator must establish the smokeless 
capacity of the flare in a 15-minute block average and to amend section 
63.670(o)(3)(i) to clarify that the exceedance of the smokeless 
capacity of the flare is based on a 15-minute block average.
What comments were received on the flare control device provisions?
    The following is a summary of one comment received in response to 
our April 2018 Proposal and our response to this comment. All other 
comments related to the proposed amendments for the flare provisions 
are included in the response to comments document for this final action 
(Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-2010-0682).
    Comment 1: One commenter (-0958) explained that assist air may only 
be entrained in upper steam. Thus, they requested that the proposed 
revision to section 63.670(f)(1) and section 63.670(i)(6) be changed 
from ``lower and upper'' to ``lower and/or upper.'' The commenter also 
requested that the EPA clarify that the tip diameter referenced in 
section 63.670(i)(6) is the effective diameter as defined in section 
63.670(n)(1) and section 63.670(k)(1). Finally, the commenter requested 
that the EPA clarify that section 63.670(i)(6) applies to flares with 
an effective diameter less than 9 inches and stated that perimeter air 
monitoring for a steam-assisted flare with an effective diameter equal 
to or greater than 9 inches is not required.
    Response 1: We did not mean to limit the air entrainment provisions 
to only instances where air is entrained in both lower and upper steam 
at the flare tip. We agree that the language ``lower and/or upper 
steam'' is more accurate and consistent with our intent. We also agree 
that we should refer to the ``effective diameter'' of the flare tip as 
defined in the equation for NHVdil in section 63.670(n)(1). 
This clarification was made in section 63.670(f)(1); this term is not 
used in section 63.670(i)(6).
What is the EPA's final decision on the flare control device 
    After considering the comments, we are finalizing the proposed 
amendment in section 63.670(f)(1) and section 63.670(i)(6) with a 
change in language from ``lower and upper'' to ``lower and/or upper.'' 
We are also finalizing the proposed amendment in section 63.670(f)(1) 
with a change in language from ``flare tip diameter'' to ``effective 
diameter,'' a term that is defined in section 63.670(n)(1) and section 
63.670(k)(1). The proposed clarifying amendments related to air 
assisted flares, visible emissions monitoring requirements, and 
smokeless capacity of the flare are being finalized as proposed.
8. Recordkeeping and Reporting Provisions
What is the history of the recordkeeping and reporting provisions 
addressed in the April 2018 Proposal?
    We proposed several clarifying amendments for recordkeeping and 
reporting requirements in response to questions received from API and 
AFPM as well as in response to API and AFPM's March 28, 2017, letter 
(Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2010-0682-0915).
    Refinery owners or operators must submit a NOCS with 150 days of 
the compliance date associated with the provisions in the December 2015 
Rule. We proposed to amend sections 63.655(f) and (f)(6) to provide 
that sources having a compliance date on or after February 1, 2016, may 
submit the NOCS in the periodic report rather than as a separate 
    We proposed several amendments for electronic reporting 
requirements at sections 63.655(f)(1)(i)(B)(3) and (C)(2), (f)(1)(iii), 
(f)(2), and (f)(4) to clarify that when the results of performance 
tests or evaluations are reported in the NOCS, the results are due by 
the date the NOCS is due, whether the results are reported via 
Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI) or in hard 
copy as part of the NOCS report. If the results are reported via CEDRI, 
we also proposed to specify that sources need not resubmit those 
results in the NOCS, but may instead submit specified information 
identifying that a performance test or evaluation was conducted and the 
units and pollutants that were tested. We also proposed to add the 
phrase ``Unless otherwise specified by this subpart'' to sections 
63.655(h)(9)(i) and (ii) to make clear that test results associated 
with a NOCS report are due at the time the NOCS is due and not within 
60 days of completing the performance test or evaluation. We also 
proposed to amend several references in Table 6--General Provisions 
Applicability to Subpart CC that discuss reporting requirements for 
performance tests or performance evaluations.
    We proposed to revise the provision in section 63.655(h)(10) to 
include processes to assert claims of EPA system outage or force 
majeure events as a basis for extending the electronic reporting 
    We also proposed to revise section 63.655(i)(5) to restore the 
subparagraphs which were inadvertently not included in the published 
CFR due to a clerical error.
    The amendments to section 63.655(h)(5)(iii) included in the 
December 2015 Rule (80 FR 75247) were not included in the regulations 
as published by the CFR. As reflected in the instructions to the 
amendments, we intended for the option to use an automated data 
compression recording system to be an approved monitoring alternative. 
In addition, in reviewing this amendment, the EPA noted that 40 CFR 
63.655(h)(5) specifically addresses mechanisms for owners or operators 
to request approval for alternatives to the continuous operating 
parameter monitoring and recordkeeping provisions, while the provisions 
in 40 CFR 63.655(i)(3) specifically include

[[Page 60709]]

options already approved for continuous parameter monitoring system 
(CPMS). Consistent with our intent for the use of an automated data 
compression recording system to be an approved monitoring alternative, 
we proposed to move paragraph 63.655(h)(5)(iii) to 63.655(i)(3)(ii)(C).
    Finally, we proposed a number of editorial and other corrections in 
Table 2 of the April 2018 Proposal (83 FR 15470).
What significant comments were received on the recordkeeping and 
reporting provisions?
    The following is a summary of the significant comments received in 
response to our April 2018 Proposal and our response to these comments. 
All other comments related to the proposed amendments for the 
recordkeeping and reporting provisions are included in the response to 
comments document for this final action (Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-2010-
    Comment 1: One commenter (-0958) objected to the proposed revisions 
to section 63.655(f) and section 63.655(f)(6) which require facilities 
to include their NOCS in the periodic report following the compliance 
activity. The commenter suggested that the EPA revert to the 150-day 
NOCS submission requirements as was included in the December 2015 Rule 
amendments for the sources listed in Table 11 of 40 CFR part 63, 
subpart CC, which have a compliance date on or after February 1, 2016. 
The commenter explained that for petroleum refinery owners and 
operators completing compliance activities requiring an NOCS in the 
latter half of the periodic reporting period, as little as 60 days 
could be provided to perform the test and generate the submission in 
order to include it in the periodic report.
    Response 1: The proposed revisions were specifically included to 
address the commenter's original request to align the new compliance 
notifications with the semiannual periodic reports to reduce burden. As 
the commenter has withdrawn the request for these revisions, we are not 
finalizing these proposed revisions.
    Comment 2: One commenter (-0958) supported the proposed revision 
allowing petroleum refinery owners and operators to request an 
extension for reporting under specified circumstances. One such 
circumstance is if the EPA's electronic reporting systems is out-of-
service in the five business days prior to the report due date. 
Proposed revisions in section 63.655(h)(10)(i) and section 
63.1575(l)(1) require the extension request to include the date, time, 
and length of the electronic reporting system outage. The commenter 
requested that the EPA remove these details from the requirements for 
the extension request as this is information the EPA, rather than the 
reporter, keeps. The commenter suggested that the EPA could require 
reporters to identify the dates on which they attempted to access the 
system in the 5-day period preceding the reporting due date.
    Response 2: We agree with the commenter. While users may know the 
length of time for a planned outage, as this information is provided to 
users, it is unlikely that a user will know the length of time for an 
unplanned outage. However, users will know the dates and times that 
they attempted but were unable to access the system. Therefore, we have 
revised the language in section 63.655(h)(10)(i) and section 
63.1575(l)(1) to state that owner or operators must provide information 
on the date(s) and time(s) the Central Data Exchange (CDX) or the CEDRI 
was unavailable when the user attempted to access it in the 5 business 
days prior to the submission deadline.
What is the EPA's final decision on the recordkeeping and reporting 
    In response to the public comments received, we are not finalizing 
the proposed amendments to section 63.655(f) and section 63.655(f)(6) 
which require facilities to include their NOCS in the periodic report 
following the compliance activity.
    Also in response to the public comments received, we are finalizing 
the proposed amendment to section 63.655(h)(10) with changes. In the 
final rule, a refinery owner or operator's request for an extension 
must include information on the date(s) and time(s) the CDX or the 
CEDRI was unavailable when the user attempted to access it in the 5 
business days prior to the submission deadline, rather than requiring 
information regarding the length of the outage.
    We are finalizing the amendments to the electric reporting 
requirements in sections 63.655(f)(1)(i)(B)(3) and (C)(2), (f)(1)(iii), 
(f)(2), and (f)(4), sections 63.655(h)(9)(i) and (ii), and Table 6--
General Provisions Applicability to 40 CFR part 63, subpart CC, as 
    We are finalizing the restoration of paragraph 63.655(i)(5), as 
proposed. We are also finalizing moving paragraph 63.655(h)(5)(iii) to 
63.655(i)(3)(ii)(C), as proposed. We are also finalizing the editorial 
and other corrections in Table 2 of the April 2018 Proposal (83 FR 
15470), as proposed.

B. Clarifications and Technical Corrections to Refinery MACT 2

1. FCCU Provisions
What is the history of the FCCU provisions addressed in the April 2018 
    In order to demonstrate compliance with the alternative particulate 
matter (PM) standard for FCCU as provided at section 63.1564(a)(5)(ii), 
the outlet (exhaust) gas flow rate of the catalyst regenerator must be 
determined. As provided in section 63.1573(a), owners or operators may 
determine this flow rate using a flow CPMS or an alternative. 
Currently, the language in section 63.1573(a) restricts the use of the 
alternative to occasions when ``the unit does not introduce any other 
gas streams into the catalyst regenerator vent.'' API and AFPM (Docket 
ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2010-0682-0915) claim that while this restriction is 
appropriate for determining the flow rate for applying emissions 
limitations downstream of the regenerator because additional gases 
introduced to the vent would not be measured using this method, it is 
not a necessary constraint for determining compliance with the 
alternative PM limit. This is because the alternative PM standard 
applies at the outlet of the regenerator prior to the primary cyclone 
inlet and this is the flow measured by the alternative in section 
63.1573(a). As described in the preamble of the April 2018 Proposal (83 
FR 15471). We proposed to amend section 63.1573(a) to remove that 
    Additionally, API and AFPM noted in their February 1, 2016, 
petition (EPA-HQ-OAR-2010-0682-0892) for reconsideration that the FCCU 
alternative organic HAP standard for startup, shutdown, and hot standby 
in section 63.1565(a)(5)(ii) requires maintaining the oxygen 
concentration in the regenerator exhaust gas at or above 1 volume 
percent (dry) (i.e., greater than or equal to 1-percent oxygen 
(O2) measured on a dry basis); however, they claim process 
O2 analyzers measure O2 on a wet basis. As 
described in the preamble of the April 2018 Proposal (83 FR 15471), 
meeting the 1-percent O2 standard on a wet basis measurement 
will always mean that there is more O2 than if the 
concentration value is corrected to a dry basis. As such, we proposed 
to amend section 63.1565(a)(5)(ii) and Table 10 to allow for the use of 
a wet O2 measurement for demonstrating compliance with the 
standard so long as it is used directly with no correction for moisture 

[[Page 60710]]

    The following is a summary of the one comment received in response 
to our April 2018 Proposal and our response to this comment on the 
proposed amendments to the FCCU provisions.
What comment was received on the FCCU provisions?
    Comment 1: One commenter (-0958) supported the EPA's proposed 
revisions to section 63.1573(a)(1), which allows the use of the inlet 
velocity requirement during periods of startup, shutdown, and 
malfunction (SSM) for an FCCU as an alternative to the PM standard 
regardless of the configuration of the catalytic regenerator exhaust 
vent stream. The same commenter suggested additional clarifications 
relative to the alternative PM standard. These clarifications include:
    (1) Amending the last sentence in section 63.1573(a)(1) to clarify 
that the requirement to use the same procedure for performance tests 
and subsequent monitoring does not apply to the use of the alternative 
in section 63.1564(c)(5), since the alternative only applies during 
    (2) Revising the first sentence of section 63.1573(a)(2) to 
specifically allow use for demonstrating compliance with section 
    (3) Amending the footnote to Item 12 in Table 3 to make it clear 
that either alternative in (a)(1) or (a)(2) is acceptable for 
demonstrating compliance. The commenter also recommended providing a 
separate footnote as other items reference footnote 1.
    (4) Adding the footnote from Item 12 in Table 3 to Item 10 in Table 
    Response 1: We agree with the commenter that the last sentence in 
section 63.1573(a)(1) is provided to ensure that the operating limits 
are established using the same monitoring techniques as the on-going 
monitoring. As no site-specific operating limit is required for 
compliance with section 63.1564(c)(5), that requirement is not 
applicable to this additional allowance of this alternative. We are 
revising the language in the final rule to clarify.
    We disagree that it is appropriate to revise the first sentence in 
section 63.1573(a)(2), as requested by the commenter, because the flow 
rate must be determined based on actual flow conditions, not standard 
conditions; therefore, Equation 2 in section 63.1573 is not applicable 
to demonstrate compliance with section 63.1564(c)(5).
What is the EPA's final decision on the FCCU provisions?
    In consideration of public comments, we are finalizing the 
amendments to the FCCU provisions, as proposed with one change to 
section 63.1573(a) to clarify that the provision does not apply to the 
use of the alternative in section 63.1564(c)(5).
2. Other Provisions
What is the history of the other Refinery MACT 2 provisions addressed 
in the April 2018 Proposal?
    We proposed several clarifying amendments for other Refinery MACT 2 
requirements in response to API and AFPM's petition for reconsideration 
(Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2010-0682-0892) as well as in response to the 
API and AFPM's March 28, 2017, letter (Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2010-
    We proposed to amend section 63.1572(d)(1) to be consistent with 
the analogous language in section 63.671(a)(4).
    We proposed to amend the recordkeeping requirements in section 
63.1576(a)(2)(i) to apply only when facilities elect to comply with the 
alternative startup and shutdown standards provided in section 
63.1564(a)(5)(ii), section 63.1565(a)(5)(ii), or sections 
63.1568(a)(4)(ii) or (iii).
    We proposed several amendments for electronic reporting including 
at section 63.1574(a)(3) to clarify that the results of performance 
tests conducted to demonstrate initial compliance are to be reported by 
the due date of the NOCS whether the results are reported via CEDRI or 
in hard copy as part of the NOCS report. If the results are reported 
via CEDRI, we also proposed to specify that sources need not resubmit 
those results in the NOCS, but may instead submit information 
identifying that a performance test or evaluation was conducted and the 
units and pollutants that were tested. We also proposed to amend the 
submission of the results of periodic performance tests and the 1-time 
hydrogen cyanide (HCN) test required in sections 63.1571(a)(5) and (6) 
to require inclusion with the semiannual compliance reports as 
specified in section 63.1575(f) instead of within 60 days of completing 
the performance evaluation. Similarly, we proposed to streamline 
reporting of the results of performance evaluations and continuous 
monitoring systems (as provided in item 2 to Table 43) to align with 
the semiannual compliance reports as specified in section 63.1575(f) 
rather than requiring a separate submission. We also proposed to add 
the phrase ``Unless otherwise specified by this subpart'' to sections 
63.1575(k)(1) and (2) to make clear that performance tests or 
performance evaluations required to be reported in a NOCS report or a 
semiannual compliance report are not subject to the 60-day deadline 
specified in the paragraphs. We also proposed to add section 63.1575(l) 
to address extensions to electronic reporting deadlines. We also 
proposed clarifying amendments to several references in Table 44--
Applicability of NESHAP General Provisions to 40 CFR part 63, subpart 
    Finally, we proposed a number of editorial and other corrections in 
Table 3 of the April 2018 Proposal (83 FR 15472).
    The following is a summary of the significant comments received in 
response to our April 2018 Proposal and our response to these comments. 
It should be noted that the comment summary and response for the 
reporting extension in section 63.655(h)(10)(i) and section 
63.1575(l)(1) is addressed in section III.A.8 of this preamble. All 
other comments related to the proposed amendments for the other 
Refinery MACT 2 provisions are included in the response to comments 
document for this final action (Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-2010-0682).
What significant comment was received on the other Refinery MACT 2 
    Comment 1: One commenter (-0958) recommended that the EPA revise 
the proposed requirement in section 63.1571(a), (a)(5), (a)(6), and 
Table 6 Item 1.ii to complete initial PM (or nickel) performance test 
within 60 days of startup for new units to instead allow for completion 
and reporting of the performance test by the 150-day notice of 
compliance status date since a new unit may not be up to full 
production rates within the first 60 days.
    Response 1: In reviewing the existing provisions regarding 
performance tests in Refinery MACT 2 (40 CFR part 63, subpart UUU), we 
agree that the initial performance tests are required to be completed 
and reported no later than 150 days after the compliance date (see 
section 63.1574(a)(3)(ii)). To better align the proposed revisions with 
the existing requirements, we are revising the proposed requirement to 
complete and report these tests no later than 150 days after the 
compliance date (see section 63.1574(a)(3)(ii)).
What is the EPA's final decision on the other Refinery MACT 2 
    After considering public comment, we are finalizing these 
amendments with some revisions to the due dates for initial performance 
tests in sections 63.1571(a), (a)(5), (a)(6), and Table 6

[[Page 60711]]

Item 1.ii as well as edits to the proposed language in the extensions 
to electronic reporting provisions in section 63.1575(l) (as described 
in section III.A.8 of this preamble). We are finalizing the amendments 
at section 63.1572(d)(1), section 63.1576(a)(2)(i), and Table 3 of the 
April 2018 Proposal (83 FR 15472), as proposed.

C. Clarifications and Technical Corrections to NSPS Ja

    We proposed three revisions in NSPS Ja to improve consistency, 
remove redundancy, and correct grammar at section 60.105a(b)(2)(ii), 
section 60.106a(a)(1)(vi), and section 60.106a(a)(1)(iii), 
respectively. We did not receive public comments on these proposed 
amendments. We are finalizing these amendments as proposed.

IV. Summary of Cost, Environmental, and Economic Impacts and Additional 
Analyses Conducted

    As described in the April 2018 Proposal and associated memorandum 
titled, ``Projected Cost and Burden Reduction for the Proposed 
Amendments of the 2015 Risk and Technology Review: Petroleum 
Refineries,'' (Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2010-0682-0925), the technical 
corrections and clarifications included in this final rule are expected 
to result in overall cost and burden reductions. Consistent with the 
April 2018 Proposal, the final amendments expected to reduce burden 
are: Revisions of the maintenance vent provisions related to the 
availability of a pure hydrogen supply for equipment containing 
pyrophoric catalyst, revisions of recordkeeping requirements for 
maintenance vents associated with equipment containing less than 72 
lbs/day VOC, inclusion of specific provisions for pilot-operated and 
balanced bellows PRDs, and inclusion of specific provisions related to 
steam tube air entrainment for flares. The other final amendments 
included in this rulemaking will have an insignificant effect on the 
costs or burdens associated with the standards. Additionally, none of 
the final amendments are projected to appreciably impact the emissions 
reductions associated with these standards.
    We are finalizing the provisions for maintenance vent recordkeeping 
and PRD as proposed, and, thus, the cost and burden reductions 
estimated in the April 2018 Proposal and supporting memorandum are 
still accurate. The final revisions to the recordkeeping requirements 
for maintenance vents associated with equipment containing less than 72 
lbs/day VOC are estimated to yield savings of approximately $677,000 
per year considering the actual estimated annualized burden of the 
December 2015 Rule. The final provisions for pilot-operated and 
balanced bellows PRDs included in this final rulemaking yield a 
reduction in capital investment of $1.1 million and a reduction in 
annualized costs of $330,000 per year considering the actual estimated 
annualized burden of the December 2015 Rule.
    It should be noted that we are finalizing amendments to the 
proposed provisions for maintenance vent provisions related to the 
availability of a pure hydrogen supply for equipment containing 
pyrophoric catalyst and provisions related to steam tube air 
entrainment for flares with revisions as described in sections III.A.2 
and III.A.7 of this preamble. The revisions described in sections 
III.A.2 and III.A.7 are not expected to impact the cost and burden 
reductions estimated in the referenced April 2018 Proposal and 
memorandum for these provisions, as they are clarifying in nature.
    As explained in the April 2018 Proposal, there were no capital 
costs estimated for the maintenance vent provisions in the December 
2015 Rule and only limited recordkeeping and reporting costs. Capital 
investment estimates provided by industry stakeholders for the 
maintenance vent provisions included in the December 2015 Rule was 
approximately $76 million. The inclusion of the capital costs for the 
maintenance vent provisions would have increased the previously 
estimated annualized cost included in the December 2015 Rule by 
$7,174,400 per year. Through the revisions being finalized in this 
rule, these costs will not be incurred by refinery owners and 
operators. Similarly, while significant capital and operating costs 
were projected for flares, we may have underestimated the number of 
steam-assisted flares that would also have to demonstrate compliance 
with the NHVdil operating limit in the December 2015 Rule 
impacts analysis. Considering such flares, the annualized cost of the 
December 2015 Rule for steam-assisted flares would have increased the 
previously estimated annualized cost included in the December 2015 Rule 
by $3,300,000 per year. Through the revisions being finalized in this 
rulemaking which allows owners or operators of certain steam-assisted 
flares with air entrainment at the flare tip to comply only with the 
NHVcz operating limits, these costs will not be incurred by 
refinery owners and operators.

V. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews

    Additional information about these statutes and Executive Orders 
can be found at https://www.epa.gov/laws-regulations/laws-and-executive-orders.

A. Executive Order 12866: Regulatory Planning and Review and Executive 
Order 13563: Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review

    This action is not a significant regulatory action and was, 
therefore, not submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) 
for review.

B. Executive Order 13771: Reducing Regulations and Controlling 
Regulatory Costs

    This action is considered an Executive Order 13771 deregulatory 
action. Details on the estimated cost savings of this final rule can be 
found in the EPA's analysis of the present value and annualized value 
estimates associated with this action located in Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-

C. Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA)

    The information collection activities in this rule have been 
submitted for approval to OMB under the PRA. The ICR document that the 
EPA prepared has been assigned EPA ICR number 1692.12. You can find a 
copy of the ICR in the docket for this rule, and it is briefly 
summarized here. The information collection requirements are not 
enforceable until OMB approves them.
    One of the final technical amendments included in this rule impacts 
the recordkeeping requirements in 40 CFR part 63, subpart CC for 
certain maintenance vents associated with equipment containing less 
than 72 lbs/day VOC as found at 40 CFR 63.655(i)(12)(iv). The new 
recordkeeping requirement specifies records used to estimate the total 
quantity of VOC in the equipment and the type and size limits of 
equipment that contain less than 72 lbs/day of VOC at the time of the 
maintenance vent opening be maintained. As specified in 40 CFR 
63.655(i)(12)(iv), additional records are required if the inventory 
procedures were not followed for each maintenance vent opening or if 
the equipment opened exceeded the type and size limits (i.e., 72 lbs/
day VOC). These additional records include identification of the 
maintenance vent, the process units or equipment associated with the 
maintenance vent, the date of maintenance vent opening, and records 
used to estimate the total quantity of VOC in the equipment at the

[[Page 60712]]

time the maintenance vent was opened to the atmosphere. These records 
will assist the EPA with determining compliance with the standards set 
forth in 40 CFR 63.643(c)(iv).
    Respondents/affected entities: Owners or operators of existing or 
new major source petroleum refineries that are major sources of HAP 
emissions. The NAICS code is 324110 for petroleum refineries.
    Respondent's obligation to respond: All data in the ICR that are 
recorded are required by the amendments to 40 CFR part 63, subpart CC, 
National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Petroleum 
    Estimated number of respondents: 142.
    Frequency of response: Once per year per respondent.
    Total estimated burden: 16 hours (per year). Burden is defined at 5 
CFR 1320.3(b).
    Total estimated cost: $1,640 (per year), includes $0 annualized 
capital or operation and maintenance costs.
    An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required 
to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a 
currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control numbers for the 
EPA's regulations in 40 CFR are listed in 40 CFR part 9. When OMB 
approves this ICR, the Agency will announce that approval in the 
Federal Register and publish a technical amendment to 40 CFR part 9 to 
display the OMB control number for the approved information collection 
activities contained in this final rule.

D. Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)

    I certify that this action will not have a significant economic 
impact on a substantial number of small entities under the RFA. In 
making this determination, the impact of concern is any significant 
adverse economic impact on small entities. An agency may certify that a 
rule will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial 
number of small entities if the rule relieves regulatory burden, has no 
net burden, or otherwise has a positive economic effect on the small 
entities subject to the rule. The action consists of amendments, 
clarifications, and technical corrections which are expected to reduce 
regulatory burden. As described in section IV of this preamble, we 
expect burden reduction for: (1) Revisions of the maintenance vent 
provisions related to the availability of a pure hydrogen supply for 
equipment containing pyrophoric catalyst, (2) revisions of 
recordkeeping requirements for maintenance vents associated with 
equipment containing less than 72 lbs/day VOC, (3) inclusion of 
specific provisions for pilot-operated and balanced bellows PRDs, and 
(4) inclusion of specific provisions related to steam tube air 
entrainment for flares. Furthermore, as noted in section IV of this 
preamble, we do not expect the final amendments to change the expected 
economic impact analysis performed for the existing rule. We have, 
therefore, concluded that this action will relieve regulatory burden 
for all directly regulated small entities.

E. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act (UMRA)

    This action does not contain any unfunded mandate as described in 
UMRA, 2 U.S.C. 1531-1538, and does not significantly or uniquely affect 
small governments. The action imposes no enforceable duty on any state, 
local, or tribal governments or the private sector.

F. Executive Order 13132: Federalism

    This action does not have federalism implications. It will not have 
substantial direct effects on the states, the relationship between the 
national government and the states, or on the distribution of power and 
responsibilities among the various levels of government.

G. Executive Order 13175: Consultation and Coordination With Indian 
Tribal Governments

    This action does not have tribal implications as specified in 
Executive Order 13175. It will not have substantial direct effect on 
tribal governments, on the relationship between the federal government 
and Indian tribes, or on the distribution of power and responsibilities 
between the federal government and Indian tribes, as specified in 
Executive Order 13175. Thus, Executive Order 13175 does not apply to 
this action.

H. Executive Order 13045: Protection of Children From Environmental 
Health Risks and Safety Risks

    This action is not subject to Executive Order 13045 because it is 
not economically significant as defined in Executive Order 12866, and 
because the EPA does not believe the environmental health or safety 
risks addressed by this action present a disproportionate risk to 
children. The final amendments serve to make technical clarifications 
and corrections, as well as revise compliance dates. We expect the 
final revisions will have an insignificant effect on emission 
reductions. Therefore, the final amendments should not appreciably 
increase risk for any populations.

I. Executive Order 13211: Actions Concerning Regulations That 
Significantly Affect Energy Supply, Distribution, or Use

    This action is not subject to Executive Order 13211 because it is 
not a significant regulatory action under Executive Order 12866.

J. National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act (NTTAA) and 1 CFR 
Part 51

    This rulemaking involves technical standards. As described in 
section III.C of this preamble, the EPA has decided to use the 
voluntary consensus standard ANSI/ASME PTC 19.10-1981, ``Flue and 
Exhaust Gas Analyses,'' as an acceptable alternative to EPA Methods 3A 
and 3B for the manual procedures only and not the instrumental 
procedures. This method is available at the American National Standards 
Institute (ANSI), 1899 L Street NW, 11th Floor, Washington, DC 20036 
and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Three Park 
Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990. See https://wwww.ansi.org and https://www.asme.org.

K. Executive Order 12898: Federal Actions To Address Environmental 
Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations

    The EPA believes that this action does not have disproportionately 
high and adverse human health or environmental effects on minority 
populations, low income populations, and/or indigenous peoples, as 
specified in Executive Order 12898 (59 FR 7629, February 16, 1994). The 
final amendments serve to make technical clarifications and 
corrections, as well as revise compliance dates. We expect the final 
technical clarifications and corrections will have an insignificant 
effect on emission reductions. The additional compliance time provided 
for existing maintenance vents is expected to have an insignificant 
effect on emission reductions as many refiners already have measures in 
place due to state and other federal requirements to minimize emissions 
during these periods. Further, the maintenance vent opening periods are 
relatively infrequent and are usually of short duration. Additionally, 
the final compliance date only provides approximately 6 months beyond 
the August 1, 2018, compliance date for most facilities, which are 
operating under 1-year compliance extensions (from the previous 
deadline of August 1, 2017) they received from states based on the 
procedure in 40 CFR 63.6(i). Therefore, the final amendments should

[[Page 60713]]

not appreciably increase risk for any populations.

L. Congressional Review Act (CRA)

    This action is subject to the CRA, and the EPA will submit a rule 
report to each House of Congress and to the Comptroller General of the 
United States. This is not a ``major rule'' as defined by 5 U.S.C. 

List of Subjects

40 CFR Part 60

    Environmental protection, Administrative practice and procedures, 
Air pollution control, Hazardous substances, Incorporation by 
reference, Intergovernmental relations, Reporting and recordkeeping 

40 CFR Part 63

    Environmental protection, Administrative practice and procedures, 
Air pollution control, Hazardous substances, Incorporation by 
reference, Intergovernmental relations, Reporting and recordkeeping 

    Dated: November 8, 2018.
Andrew R. Wheeler,
Acting Administrator.

    For the reasons stated in the preamble, title 40, chapter I, of the 
Code of Federal Regulations is amended as follows:


1. The authority citation for part 60 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401, et seq.

Subpart A--General Provisions

2. Section 60.17 is amended by revising paragraph (g)(14) to read as 

Sec.  60.17  Incorporations by reference.

* * * * *
    (g) * * *
    (14) ASME/ANSI PTC 19.10-1981, Flue and Exhaust Gas Analyses [Part 
10, Instruments and Apparatus], (Issued August 31, 1981), IBR approved 
for Sec. Sec.  60.56c(b), 60.63(f), 60.106(e), 60.104a(d), (h), (i), 
and (j), 60.105a(b), (d), (f), and (g), 60.106a(a), 60.107a(a), (c), 
and (d), tables 1 and 3 to subpart EEEE, tables 2 and 4 to subpart 
FFFF, table 2 to subpart JJJJ, Sec. Sec.  60.285a(f), 60.4415(a), 
60.2145(s) and (t), 60.2710(s), (t), and (w), 60.2730(q), 60.4900(b), 
60.5220(b), tables 1 and 2 to subpart LLLL, tables 2 and 3 to subpart 
MMMM, Sec. Sec.  60.5406(c), 60.5406a(c), 60.5407a(g), 60.5413(b), 
60.5413a(b), and 60.5413a(d).
* * * * *

Subpart Ja--Standards of Performance for Petroleum Refineries for 
Which Construction, Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced After 
May 14, 2007

3. Section 60.105a is amended by revising paragraph (b)(2)(ii) to read 
as follows:

Sec.  60.105a  Monitoring of emissions and operations for fluid 
catalytic cracking units (FCCU) and fluid coking units (FCU).

* * * * *
    (b) * * *
    (2) * * *
    (ii) The owner or operator shall conduct performance evaluations of 
each CO2 and O2 monitor according to the 
requirements in Sec.  60.13(c) and Performance Specification 3 of 
appendix B to this part. The owner or operator shall use Method 3, 3A 
or 3B of appendix A-2 to this part for conducting the relative accuracy 
evaluations. The method ANSI/ASME PTC 19.10-1981, ``Flue and Exhaust 
Gas Analyses,'' (incorporated by reference--see Sec.  60.17) is an 
acceptable alternative to EPA Method 3B of appendix A-2 to part 60.
* * * * *

4. Section 60.106a is amended by revising paragraph (a)(1)(iii) to read 
as follows:

Sec.  60.106a  Monitoring of emissions and operations for sulfur 
recovery plants.

    (a) * * *
    (1) * * *
    (iii) The owner or operator shall conduct performance evaluations 
of each SO2 monitor according to the requirements in Sec.  
60.13(c) and Performance Specification 2 of appendix B to part 60. The 
owner or operator shall use Method 6 or 6C of appendix A-4 to part 60. 
The method ANSI/ASME PTC 19.10-1981, ``Flue and Exhaust Gas Analyses,'' 
(incorporated by reference--see Sec.  60.17) is an acceptable 
alternative to EPA Method 6.
* * * * *


5. The authority citation for part 63 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.

Subpart CC--National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air 
Pollutants From Petroleum Refineries

6. Section 63.641 is amended by:
a. Revising the definitions of ``Flare purge gas'' and ``Flare 
supplemental gas'';
b. Adding a definition of ``Pressure relief device'' in alphabetical 
c. Revising the introductory text and adding paragraphs (1)(i) and (ii) 
to the definition of ``Reference control technology for storage 
vessels''; and
d. Revising the definition of ``Relief valve''.
    The revisions and addition read as follows:

Sec.  63.641  Definitions.

* * * * *
    Flare purge gas means gas introduced between a flare header's water 
seal and the flare tip to prevent oxygen infiltration (backflow) into 
the flare tip or for other safety reasons. For a flare with no water 
seal, the function of flare purge gas is performed by flare sweep gas 
and, therefore, by definition, such a flare has no flare purge gas.
    Flare supplemental gas means all gas introduced to the flare to 
improve the heat content of combustion zone gas. Flare supplemental gas 
does not include assist air or assist steam.
* * * * *
    Pressure relief device means a valve, rupture disk, or similar 
device used only to release an unplanned, nonroutine discharge of gas 
from process equipment in order to avoid safety hazards or equipment 
damage. A pressure relief device discharge can result from an operator 
error, a malfunction such as a power failure or equipment failure, or 
other unexpected cause. Such devices include conventional, spring-
actuated relief valves, balanced bellows relief valves, pilot-operated 
relief valves, rupture disks, and breaking, buckling, or shearing pin 
* * * * *
    Reference control technology for storage vessels means either:
    (1) * * *
    (i) An internal floating roof, including an external floating roof 
converted to an internal floating roof, meeting the specifications of 
Sec.  63.1063(a)(1)(i), (a)(2), and (b) and Sec.  63.660(b)(2);
    (ii) An external floating roof meeting the specifications of Sec.  
63.1063(a)(1)(ii), (a)(2), and (b) and Sec.  63.660(b)(2); or
* * * * *
    Relief valve means a type of pressure relief device that is 
designed to re-close after the pressure relief.
* * * * *

[[Page 60714]]

7. Section 63.643 is amended by:
a. Revising paragraphs (c) introductory text, (c)(1) introductory text, 
and (c)(1)(ii) through (iv); and
b. Adding a new paragraph (c)(1)(v).
    The revisions and addition read as follows:

Sec.  63.643  Miscellaneous process vent provisions.

* * * * *
    (c) An owner or operator may designate a process vent as a 
maintenance vent if the vent is only used as a result of startup, 
shutdown, maintenance, or inspection of equipment where equipment is 
emptied, depressurized, degassed or placed into service. The owner or 
operator does not need to designate a maintenance vent as a Group 1 or 
Group 2 miscellaneous process vent nor identify maintenance vents in a 
Notification of Compliance Status report. The owner or operator must 
comply with the applicable requirements in paragraphs (c)(1) through 
(3) of this section for each maintenance vent according to the 
compliance dates specified in table 11 of this subpart, unless an 
extension is requested in accordance with the provisions in Sec.  
    (1) Prior to venting to the atmosphere, process liquids are removed 
from the equipment as much as practical and the equipment is 
depressured to a control device meeting requirements in paragraphs 
(a)(1) or (2) of this section, a fuel gas system, or back to the 
process until one of the following conditions, as applicable, is met.
* * * * *
    (ii) If there is no ability to measure the LEL of the vapor in the 
equipment based on the design of the equipment, the pressure in the 
equipment served by the maintenance vent is reduced to 5 pounds per 
square inch gauge (psig) or less. Upon opening the maintenance vent, 
active purging of the equipment cannot be used until the LEL of the 
vapors in the maintenance vent (or inside the equipment if the 
maintenance is a hatch or similar type of opening) is less than 10 
    (iii) The equipment served by the maintenance vent contains less 
than 72 pounds of total volatile organic compounds (VOC).
    (iv) If the maintenance vent is associated with equipment 
containing pyrophoric catalyst (e.g., hydrotreaters and hydrocrackers) 
and a pure hydrogen supply is not available at the equipment at the 
time of the startup, shutdown, maintenance, or inspection activity, the 
LEL of the vapor in the equipment must be less than 20 percent, except 
for one event per year not to exceed 35 percent.
    (v) If, after applying best practices to isolate and purge 
equipment served by a maintenance vent, none of the applicable 
criterion in paragraphs (c)(1)(i) through (iv) can be met prior to 
installing or removing a blind flange or similar equipment blind, the 
pressure in the equipment served by the maintenance vent is reduced to 
2 psig or less, Active purging of the equipment may be used provided 
the equipment pressure at the location where purge gas is introduced 
remains at 2 psig or less.
* * * * *

8. Section 63.644 is amended by:
a. Revising paragraph (c) introductory text;
b. Removing the period at the end of paragraph (c)(2) and adding ``; 
or'' in its place; and
c. Adding paragraph (c)(3).
    The revision and addition read as follows:

Sec.  63.644  Monitoring provisions for miscellaneous process vents.

* * * * *
    (c) The owner or operator of a Group 1 miscellaneous process vent 
using a vent system that contains bypass lines that could divert a vent 
stream away from the control device used to comply with paragraph (a) 
of this section either directly to the atmosphere or to a control 
device that does not comply with the requirements in Sec.  63.643(a) 
shall comply with either paragraph (c)(1), (2), or (3) of this section. 
Use of the bypass at any time to divert a Group 1 miscellaneous process 
vent stream to the atmosphere or to a control device that does not 
comply with the requirements in Sec.  63.643(a) is an emissions 
standards violation. Equipment such as low leg drains and equipment 
subject to Sec.  63.648 are not subject to this paragraph (c).
* * * * *
    (3) Use a cap, blind flange, plug, or a second valve for an open-
ended valve or line following the requirements specified in Sec.  
60.482-6(a)(2), (b) and (c).
* * * * *

9. Section 63.648 is amended by:
a. Revising the introductory text of paragraphs (a), (c), and (j); and
b. Revising paragraphs (j)(3)(ii)(A) and (E), (j)(3)(iv), (j)(3)(v) 
introductory text, and (j)(4).
    The revisions read as follows:

Sec.  63.648  Equipment leak standards.

    (a) Each owner or operator of an existing source subject to the 
provisions of this subpart shall comply with the provisions of 40 CFR 
part 60, subpart VV, and paragraph (b) of this section except as 
provided in paragraphs (a)(1) through (3), and (c) through (j) of this 
section. Each owner or operator of a new source subject to the 
provisions of this subpart shall comply with subpart H of this part 
except as provided in paragraphs (c) through (j) of this section.
* * * * *
    (c) In lieu of complying with the existing source provisions of 
paragraph (a) in this section, an owner or operator may elect to comply 
with the requirements of Sec. Sec.  63.161 through 63.169, 63.171, 
63.172, 63.175, 63.176, 63.177, 63.179, and 63.180 except as provided 
in paragraphs (c)(1) through (12) and (e) through (j) of this section.
* * * * *
    (j) Except as specified in paragraph (j)(4) of this section, the 
owner or operator must comply with the requirements specified in 
paragraphs (j)(1) and (2) of this section for pressure relief devices, 
such as relief valves or rupture disks, in organic HAP gas or vapor 
service instead of the pressure relief device requirements of Sec.  
60.482-4 or Sec.  63.165, as applicable. Except as specified in 
paragraphs (j)(4) and (5) of this section, the owner or operator must 
also comply with the requirements specified in paragraph (j)(3) of this 
section for all pressure relief devices in organic HAP service.
* * * * *
    (3) * * *
    (ii) * * *
    (A) Flow, temperature, liquid level and pressure indicators with 
deadman switches, monitors, or automatic actuators. Independent, non-
duplicative systems within this category count as separate redundant 
prevention measures.
* * * * *
    (E) Staged relief system where initial pressure relief device (with 
lower set release pressure) discharges to a flare or other closed vent 
system and control device.
* * * * *
    (iv) The owner or operator shall determine the total number of 
release events occurred during the calendar year for each affected 
pressure relief device separately. The owner or operator shall also 
determine the total number of release events for each pressure relief 
device for which the root cause analysis concluded that the root cause 
was a force majeure event, as defined in this subpart.
    (v) Except for pressure relief devices described in paragraphs 
(j)(4) and (5) of this section, the following release events from an 
affected pressure relief device are a violation of the pressure release 
management work practice standards:
* * * * *

[[Page 60715]]

    (4) Pressure relief devices routed to a control device. (i) If all 
releases and potential leaks from a pressure relief device are routed 
through a closed vent system to a control device, back into the process 
or to the fuel gas system, the owner or operator is not required to 
comply with paragraph (j)(1), (2), or (3) (if applicable) of this 
    (ii) If a pilot-operated pressure relief device is used and the 
primary release valve is routed through a closed vent system to a 
control device, back into the process or to the fuel gas system, the 
owner or operator is required to comply only with paragraphs (j)(1) and 
(2) of this section for the pilot discharge vent and is not required to 
comply with paragraph (j)(3) of this section for the pilot-operated 
pressure relief device.
    (iii) If a balanced bellows pressure relief device is used and the 
primary release valve is routed through a closed vent system to a 
control device, back into the process or to the fuel gas system, the 
owner or operator is required to comply only with paragraphs (j)(1) and 
(2) of this section for the bonnet vent and is not required to comply 
with paragraph (j)(3) of this section for the balanced bellows pressure 
relief device.
    (iv) Both the closed vent system and control device (if applicable) 
referenced in paragraphs (j)(4)(i) through (iii) of this section must 
meet the requirements of Sec.  63.644. When complying with this 
paragraph (j)(4), all references to ``Group 1 miscellaneous process 
vent'' in Sec.  63.644 mean ``pressure relief device.''
    (v) If a pressure relief device complying with this paragraph 
(j)(4) is routed to the fuel gas system, then on and after January 30, 
2019, any flares receiving gas from that fuel gas system must be in 
compliance with Sec.  63.670.
* * * * *

10. Section 63.655 is amended by:
a. Revising paragraphs (f)(1)(i)(A)(1) through (3), (f)(1)(i)(B)(3), 
(f)(1)(i)(C)(2), (f)(1)(iii), (f)(2), (f)(4), (g)(2)(i)(B)(1) and 
(g)(10) introductory text;
b. Redesignating paragraph (g)(10)(iii) as (g)(10)(iv);
c. Adding new paragraph (g)(10)(iii);
d. Revising paragraph (g)(13) introductory text and paragraph 
e. Removing and reserving paragraph (h)(5)(iii);
f. Revising paragraph (h)(8)
g. Revising paragraph (h)(9)(i) introductory text and paragraph 
(h)(9)(ii) introductory text;
h. Adding paragraph (h)(10);
i. Revising paragraph (i)(3)(ii)(B);
j. Adding paragraphs (i)(3)(ii)(C) and (i)(5)(i) through (v);
k. Revising paragraphs (i)(7)(iii)(B) and (i)(11) introductory text;
l. Adding paragraph (i)(11)(iv);
m. Revising paragraph (i)(12) introductory text and paragraph 
(i)(12)(iv); and
n. Adding paragraph (i)(12)(vi).
    The revisions and additions read as follows:

Sec.  63.655  Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.

* * * * *
    (f) * * *
    (1) * * *
    (i) * * *
    (A) * * *
    (1) For each Group 1 storage vessel complying with either Sec.  
63.646 or Sec.  63.660 that is not included in an emissions average, 
the method of compliance (i.e., internal floating roof, external 
floating roof, or closed vent system and control device).
    (2) For storage vessels subject to the compliance schedule 
specified in Sec.  63.640(h)(2) that are not complying with Sec.  
63.646 or Sec.  63.660 as applicable, the anticipated compliance date.
    (3) For storage vessels subject to the compliance schedule 
specified in Sec.  63.640(h)(2) that are complying with Sec.  63.646 or 
Sec.  63.660, as applicable, and the Group 1 storage vessels described 
in Sec.  63.640(l), the actual compliance date.
    (B) * * *
    (3) If the owner or operator elects to submit the results of a 
performance test, identification of the storage vessel and control 
device for which the performance test will be submitted, and 
identification of the emission point(s) that share the control device 
with the storage vessel and for which the performance test will be 
conducted. If the performance test is submitted electronically through 
the EPA's Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI) in 
accordance with Sec.  63.655(h)(9), the process unit(s) tested, the 
pollutant(s) tested, and the date that such performance test was 
conducted may be submitted in the Notification of Compliance Status in 
lieu of the performance test results. The performance test results must 
be submitted to CEDRI by the date the Notification of Compliance Status 
is submitted.
    (C) * * *
    (2) If a performance test is conducted instead of a design 
evaluation, results of the performance test demonstrating that the 
control device achieves greater than or equal to the required control 
efficiency. A performance test conducted prior to the compliance date 
of this subpart can be used to comply with this requirement, provided 
that the test was conducted using EPA methods and that the test 
conditions are representative of current operating practices. If the 
performance test is submitted electronically through the EPA's 
Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface in accordance with 
Sec.  63.655(h)(9), the process unit(s) tested, the pollutant(s) 
tested, and the date that such performance test was conducted may be 
submitted in the Notification of Compliance Status in lieu of the 
performance test results. The performance test results must be 
submitted to CEDRI by the date the Notification of Compliance Status is 
* * * * *
    (iii) For miscellaneous process vents controlled by control devices 
required to be tested under Sec.  63.645 and Sec.  63.116(c), 
performance test results including the information in paragraphs 
(f)(1)(iii)(A) and (B) of this section. Results of a performance test 
conducted prior to the compliance date of this subpart can be used 
provided that the test was conducted using the methods specified in 
Sec.  63.645 and that the test conditions are representative of current 
operating conditions. If the performance test is submitted 
electronically through the EPA's Compliance and Emissions Data 
Reporting Interface in accordance with Sec.  63.655(h)(9), the process 
unit(s) tested, the pollutant(s) tested, and the date that such 
performance test was conducted may be submitted in the Notification of 
Compliance Status in lieu of the performance test results. The 
performance test results must be submitted to CEDRI by the date the 
Notification of Compliance Status is submitted.
* * * * *
    (2) If initial performance tests are required by Sec. Sec.  63.643 
through 63.653, the Notification of Compliance Status report shall 
include one complete test report for each test method used for a 
particular source. On and after February 1, 2016, for data collected 
using test methods supported by the EPA's Electronic Reporting Tool 
(ERT) as listed on the EPA's ERT website (https://www.epa.gov/electronic-reporting-air-emissions/electronic-reporting-tool-ert) at 
the time of the test, you must submit the results in accordance with 
Sec.  63.655(h)(9) by the date that you submit the Notification of 
Compliance Status, and you must include the process unit(s) tested, the 
pollutant(s) tested, and the date that such performance test was 
conducted in the Notification of Compliance Status. All other 
performance test results must

[[Page 60716]]

be reported in the Notification of Compliance Status.
* * * * *
    (4) Results of any continuous monitoring system performance 
evaluations shall be included in the Notification of Compliance Status 
report, unless the results are required to be submitted electronically 
by Sec.  63.655(h)(9). For performance evaluation results required to 
be submitted through CEDRI, submit the results in accordance with Sec.  
63.655(h)(9) by the date that you submit the Notification of Compliance 
Status and include the process unit where the CMS is installed, the 
parameter measured by the CMS, and the date that the performance 
evaluation was conducted in the Notification of Compliance Status.
* * * * *
    (g) * * *
    (2) * * *
    (i) * * *
    (B) * * *
    (1) A failure is defined as any time in which the internal floating 
roof has defects; or the primary seal has holes, tears, or other 
openings in the seal or the seal fabric; or the secondary seal (if one 
has been installed) has holes, tears, or other openings in the seal or 
the seal fabric; or, for a storage vessel that is part of a new source, 
the gaskets no longer close off the liquid surface from the atmosphere; 
or, for a storage vessel that is part of a new source, the slotted 
membrane has more than a 10 percent open area.
* * * * *
    (10) For pressure relief devices subject to the requirements Sec.  
63.648(j), Periodic Reports must include the information specified in 
paragraphs (g)(10)(i) through (iv) of this section.
* * * * *
    (iii) For pilot-operated pressure relief devices in organic HAP 
service, report each pressure release to the atmosphere through the 
pilot vent that equals or exceeds 72 pounds of VOC per day, including 
duration of the pressure release through the pilot vent and estimate of 
the mass quantity of each organic HAP released.
* * * * *
    (13) For maintenance vents subject to the requirements in Sec.  
63.643(c), Periodic Reports must include the information specified in 
paragraphs (g)(13)(i) through (iv) of this section for any release 
exceeding the applicable limits in Sec.  63.643(c)(1). For the purposes 
of this reporting requirement, owners or operators complying with Sec.  
63.643(c)(1)(iv) must report each venting event for which the lower 
explosive limit is 20 percent or greater; owners or operators complying 
with Sec.  63.643(c)(1)(v) must report each venting event conducted 
under those provisions and include an explanation for each event as to 
why utilization of this alternative was required.
* * * * *
    (h) * * *
    (2) * * *
    (ii) In order to afford the Administrator the opportunity to have 
an observer present, the owner or operator of a storage vessel equipped 
with an external floating roof shall notify the Administrator of any 
seal gap measurements. The notification shall be made in writing at 
least 30 calendar days in advance of any gap measurements required by 
Sec.  63.120(b)(1) or (2) or Sec.  63.1063(d)(3). The State or local 
permitting authority can waive this notification requirement for all or 
some storage vessels subject to the rule or can allow less than 30 
calendar days' notice.
* * * * *
    (8) For fenceline monitoring systems subject to Sec.  63.658, each 
owner or operator shall submit the following information to the EPA's 
Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI) on a 
quarterly basis. (CEDRI can be accessed through the EPA's Central Data 
Exchange (CDX) (https://cdx.epa.gov/). The first quarterly report must 
be submitted once the owner or operator has obtained 12 months of data. 
The first quarterly report must cover the period beginning on the 
compliance date that is specified in Table 11 of this subpart and 
ending on March 31, June 30, September 30 or December 31, whichever 
date is the first date that occurs after the owner or operator has 
obtained 12 months of data (i.e., the first quarterly report will 
contain between 12 and 15 months of data). Each subsequent quarterly 
report must cover one of the following reporting periods: Quarter 1 
from January 1 through March 31; Quarter 2 from April 1 through June 
30; Quarter 3 from July 1 through September 30; and Quarter 4 from 
October 1 through December 31. Each quarterly report must be 
electronically submitted no later than 45 calendar days following the 
end of the reporting period.
    (i) Facility name and address.
    (ii) Year and reporting quarter (i.e., Quarter 1, Quarter 2, 
Quarter 3, or Quarter 4).
    (iii) For the first reporting period and for any reporting period 
in which a passive monitor is added or moved, for each passive monitor: 
The latitude and longitude location coordinates; the sampler name; and 
identification of the type of sampler (i.e., regular monitor, extra 
monitor, duplicate, field blank, inactive). The owner or operator shall 
determine the coordinates using an instrument with an accuracy of at 
least 3 meters. Coordinates shall be in decimal degrees with at least 
five decimal places.
    (iv) The beginning and ending dates for each sampling period.
    (v) Individual sample results for benzene reported in units of 
[micro]g/m\3\ for each monitor for each sampling period that ends 
during the reporting period. Results below the method detection limit 
shall be flagged as below the detection limit and reported at the 
method detection limit.
    (vi) Data flags that indicate each monitor that was skipped for the 
sampling period, if the owner or operator uses an alternative sampling 
frequency under Sec.  63.658(e)(3).
    (vii) Data flags for each outlier determined in accordance with 
Section 9.2 of Method 325A of appendix A of this part. For each 
outlier, the owner or operator must submit the individual sample result 
of the outlier, as well as the evidence used to conclude that the 
result is an outlier.
    (viii) The biweekly concentration difference ([Delta]c) for benzene 
for each sampling period and the annual average [Delta]c for benzene 
for each sampling period.
    (9) * * *
    (i) Unless otherwise specified by this subpart, within 60 days 
after the date of completing each performance test as required by this 
subpart, the owner or operator shall submit the results of the 
performance tests following the procedure specified in either paragraph 
(h)(9)(i)(A) or (B) of this section.
* * * * *
    (ii) Unless otherwise specified by this subpart, within 60 days 
after the date of completing each CEMS performance evaluation as 
required by this subpart, the owner or operator must submit the results 
of the performance evaluation following the procedure specified in 
either paragraph (h)(9)(ii)(A) or (B) of this section.
* * * * *
    (10)(i) If you are required to electronically submit a report 
through the Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI) 
in the EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX), and due to a planned or 
actual outage of either the EPA's CEDRI or CDX systems within the 
period of time beginning 5 business days prior to the date that the 
submission is due, you will be or are precluded from accessing CEDRI or 

[[Page 60717]]

and submitting a required report within the time prescribed, you may 
assert a claim of EPA system outage for failure to timely comply with 
the reporting requirement. You must submit notification to the 
Administrator in writing as soon as possible following the date you 
first knew, or through due diligence should have known, that the event 
may cause or caused a delay in reporting. You must provide to the 
Administrator a written description identifying the date(s) and time(s) 
the CDX or CEDRI were unavailable when you attempted to access it in 
the 5 business days prior to the submission deadline; a rationale for 
attributing the delay in reporting beyond the regulatory deadline to 
the EPA system outage; describe the measures taken or to be taken to 
minimize the delay in reporting; and identify a date by which you 
propose to report, or if you have already met the reporting requirement 
at the time of the notification, the date you reported. In any 
circumstance, the report must be submitted electronically as soon as 
possible after the outage is resolved. The decision to accept the claim 
of EPA system outage and allow an extension to the reporting deadline 
is solely within the discretion of the Administrator.
    (ii) If you are required to electronically submit a report through 
CEDRI in the EPA's CDX and a force majeure event is about to occur, 
occurs, or has occurred or there are lingering effects from such an 
event within the period of time beginning 5 business days prior to the 
date the submission is due, the owner or operator may assert a claim of 
force majeure for failure to timely comply with the reporting 
requirement. For the purposes of this paragraph, a force majeure event 
is defined as an event that will be or has been caused by circumstances 
beyond the control of the affected facility, its contractors, or any 
entity controlled by the affected facility that prevents you from 
complying with the requirement to submit a report electronically within 
the time period prescribed. Examples of such events are acts of nature 
(e.g., hurricanes, earthquakes, or floods), acts of war or terrorism, 
or equipment failure or safety hazard beyond the control of the 
affected facility (e.g., large scale power outage). If you intend to 
assert a claim of force majeure, you must submit notification to the 
Administrator in writing as soon as possible following the date you 
first knew, or through due diligence should have known, that the event 
may cause or caused a delay in reporting. You must provide to the 
Administrator a written description of the force majeure event and a 
rationale for attributing the delay in reporting beyond the regulatory 
deadline to the force majeure event; describe the measures taken or to 
be taken to minimize the delay in reporting; and identify a date by 
which you propose to report, or if you have already met the reporting 
requirement at the time of the notification, the date you reported. In 
any circumstance, the reporting must occur as soon as possible after 
the force majeure event occurs. The decision to accept the claim of 
force majeure and allow an extension to the reporting deadline is 
solely within the discretion of the Administrator.
    (i) * * *
    (3) * * *
    (ii) * * *
    (B) Block average values for 1 hour or shorter periods calculated 
from all measured data values during each period. If values are 
measured more frequently than once per minute, a single value for each 
minute may be used to calculate the hourly (or shorter period) block 
average instead of all measured values; or
    (C) All values that meet the set criteria for variation from 
previously recorded values using an automated data compression 
recording system.
    (1) The automated data compression recording system shall be 
designed to:
    (i) Measure the operating parameter value at least once every hour.
    (ii) Record at least 24 values each day during periods of 
    (iii) Record the date and time when monitors are turned off or on.
    (iv) Recognize unchanging data that may indicate the monitor is not 
functioning properly, alert the operator, and record the incident.
    (v) Compute daily average values of the monitored operating 
parameter based on recorded data.
    (2) You must maintain a record of the description of the monitoring 
system and data compression recording system including the criteria 
used to determine which monitored values are recorded and retained, the 
method for calculating daily averages, and a demonstration that the 
system meets all criteria of paragraph (i)(3)(ii)(C)(1) of this 
* * * * *
    (5) * * *
    (i) Identification of all petroleum refinery process unit heat 
exchangers at the facility and the average annual HAP concentration of 
process fluid or intervening cooling fluid estimated when developing 
the Notification of Compliance Status report.
    (ii) Identification of all heat exchange systems subject to the 
monitoring requirements in Sec.  63.654 and identification of all heat 
exchange systems that are exempt from the monitoring requirements 
according to the provisions in Sec.  63.654(b). For each heat exchange 
system that is subject to the monitoring requirements in Sec.  63.654, 
this must include identification of all heat exchangers within each 
heat exchange system, and, for closed-loop recirculation systems, the 
cooling tower included in each heat exchange system.
    (iii) Results of the following monitoring data for each required 
monitoring event:
    (A) Date/time of event.
    (B) Barometric pressure.
    (C) El Paso air stripping apparatus water flow milliliter/minute 
(ml/min) and air flow, ml/min, and air temperature, [deg]Celsius.
    (D) FID reading (ppmv).
    (E) Length of sampling period.
    (F) Sample volume.
    (G) Calibration information identified in Section 5.4.2 of the 
``Air Stripping Method (Modified El Paso Method) for Determination of 
Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Water Sources'' Revision 
Number One, dated January 2003, Sampling Procedures Manual, Appendix P: 
Cooling Tower Monitoring, prepared by Texas Commission on Environmental 
Quality, January 31, 2003 (incorporated by reference--see Sec.  63.14).
    (iv) The date when a leak was identified, the date the source of 
the leak was identified, and the date when the heat exchanger was 
repaired or taken out of service.
    (v) If a repair is delayed, the reason for the delay, the schedule 
for completing the repair, the heat exchange exit line flow or cooling 
tower return line average flow rate at the monitoring location (in 
gallons/minute), and the estimate of potential strippable hydrocarbon 
emissions for each required monitoring interval during the delay of 
* * * * *
    (7) * * *
    (iii) * * *
    (B) The pressure or temperature of the coke drum vessel, as 
applicable, for the 5-minute period prior to the pre-vent draining.
* * * * *
    (11) For each pressure relief device subject to the pressure 
release management work practice standards in Sec.  63.648(j)(3), the 
owner or operator shall keep the records specified in paragraphs 
(i)(11)(i) through (iii) of this section. For each pilot-operated 
pressure relief device subject to the

[[Page 60718]]

requirements at Sec.  63.648(j)(4)(ii) or (iii), the owner or operator 
shall keep the records specified in paragraph (i)(11)(iv) of this 
* * * * *
    (iv) For pilot-operated pressure relief devices, general or 
release-specific records for estimating the quantity of VOC released 
from the pilot vent during a release event, and records of calculations 
used to determine the quantity of specific HAP released for any event 
or series of events in which 72 or more pounds of VOC are released in a 
    (12) For each maintenance vent opening subject to the requirements 
in Sec.  63.643(c), the owner or operator shall keep the applicable 
records specified in paragraphs (i)(12)(i) through (vi) of this 
* * * * *
    (iv) If complying with the requirements of Sec.  63.643(c)(1)(iii), 
records used to estimate the total quantity of VOC in the equipment and 
the type and size limits of equipment that contain less than 72 pounds 
of VOC at the time of maintenance vent opening. For each maintenance 
vent opening for which the deinventory procedures specified in 
paragraph (i)(12)(i) of this section are not followed or for which the 
equipment opened exceeds the type and size limits established in the 
records specified in this paragraph, identification of the maintenance 
vent, the process units or equipment associated with the maintenance 
vent, the date of maintenance vent opening, and records used to 
estimate the total quantity of VOC in the equipment at the time the 
maintenance vent was opened to the atmosphere.
* * * * *
    (vi) If complying with the requirements of Sec.  63.643(c)(1)(v), 
identification of the maintenance vent, the process units or equipment 
associated with the maintenance vent, records documenting actions taken 
to comply with other applicable alternatives and why utilization of 
this alternative was required, the date of maintenance vent opening, 
the equipment pressure and lower explosive limit of the vapors in the 
equipment at the time of discharge, an indication of whether active 
purging was performed and the pressure of the equipment during the 
installation or removal of the blind if active purging was used, the 
duration the maintenance vent was open during the blind installation or 
removal process, and records used to estimate the total quantity of VOC 
in the equipment at the time the maintenance vent was opened to the 
atmosphere for each applicable maintenance vent opening.
* * * * *

11. Section 63.657 is amended by revising paragraphs (a)(1)(i) and 
(ii), (a)(2)(i) and (ii), (b)(5), and (e) to read as follows:

Sec.  63.657  Delayed coking unit decoking operation standards.

    (a) * * *
    (1) * * *
    (i) An average vessel pressure of 2 psig or less determined on a 
rolling 60-event average; or
    (ii) An average vessel temperature of 220 degrees Fahrenheit or 
less determined on a rolling 60-event average.
    (2) * * *
    (i) A vessel pressure of 2.0 psig or less for each decoking event; 
    (ii) A vessel temperature of 218 degrees Fahrenheit or less for 
each decoking event.
* * * * *
    (b) * * *
    (5) The output of the pressure monitoring system must be reviewed 
each day the unit is operated to ensure that the pressure readings 
fluctuate as expected between operating and cooling/decoking cycles to 
verify the pressure taps are not plugged. Plugged pressure taps must be 
unplugged or otherwise repaired prior to the next operating cycle.
* * * * *
    (e) The owner or operator of a delayed coking unit using the 
``water overflow'' method of coke cooling prior to complying with the 
applicable requirements in paragraph (a) of this section must meet the 
requirements in either paragraph (e)(1) or (e)(2) of this section or, 
if applicable, the requirements in paragraph (e)(3) of this section. 
The owner or operator of a delayed coking unit using the ``water 
overflow'' method of coke cooling subject to this paragraph shall 
determine the coke drum vessel temperature as specified in paragraphs 
(c) and (d) of this section and shall not otherwise drain or vent the 
coke drum until the coke drum vessel temperature is at or below the 
applicable limits in paragraph (a)(1)(ii) or (a)(2)(ii) of this 
    (1) The overflow water must be directed to a separator or similar 
disengaging device that is operated in a manner to prevent entrainment 
of gases from the coke drum vessel to the overflow water storage tank. 
Gases from the separator or disengaging device must be routed to a 
closed blowdown system or otherwise controlled following the 
requirements for a Group 1 miscellaneous process vent. The liquid from 
the separator or disengaging device must be hardpiped to the overflow 
water storage tank or similarly transported to prevent exposure of the 
overflow water to the atmosphere. The overflow water storage tank may 
be an open or uncontrolled fixed-roof tank provided that a submerged 
fill pipe (pipe outlet below existing liquid level in the tank) is used 
to transfer overflow water to the tank.
    (2) The overflow water must be directed to a storage vessel meeting 
the requirements for storage vessels in subpart SS of this part.
    (3) Prior to November 26, 2020, if the equipment needed to comply 
with paragraphs (e)(1) or (2) of this section are not installed and 
operational, you must comply with all of the requirements in paragraphs 
(e)(3)(i) through (iv) of this section.
    (i) The temperature of the coke drum, measured according to 
paragraph (c) of this section, must be 250 degrees Fahrenheit or less 
prior to initiation of water overflow and at all times during the water 
    (ii) The overflow water must be hardpiped to the overflow water 
storage tank or similarly transported to prevent exposure of the 
overflow water to the atmosphere.
    (iii) The overflow water storage tank may be an open or 
uncontrolled fixed-roof tank provided that all of the following 
requirements are met.
    (A) A submerged fill pipe (pipe outlet below existing liquid level 
in the tank) is used to transfer overflow water to the tank.
    (B) The liquid level in the storage tank is at least 6 feet above 
the submerged fill pipe outlet at all times during water overflow.
    (C) The temperature of the contents in the storage tank remain 
below 150 degrees Fahrenheit at all times during water overflow.
* * * * *

12. Section 63.658 is amended by revising paragraphs (c)(1), (2) and 
(3), (d)(1) introductory text and (d)(2), (e) introductory text, 
(e)(3)(iv), (f)(1)(i) introductory text, and (f)(1)(i)(B) to read as 

Sec.  63.658  Fenceline monitoring provisions.

* * * * *
    (c) * * *
    (1) As it pertains to this subpart, known sources of VOCs, as used 
in Section in Method 325A of appendix A of this part for siting 
passive monitors, means a wastewater

[[Page 60719]]

treatment unit, process unit, or any emission source requiring control 
according to the requirements of this subpart, including marine vessel 
loading operations. For marine vessel loading operations, one passive 
monitor should be sited on the shoreline adjacent to the dock. For this 
subpart, an additional monitor is not required if the only emission 
sources within 50 meters of the monitoring boundary are equipment leak 
sources satisfying all of the conditions in paragraphs (c)(1)(i) 
through (iv) of this section.
    (i) The equipment leak sources in organic HAP service within 50 
meters of the monitoring boundary are limited to valves, pumps, 
connectors, sampling connections, and open-ended lines. If compressors, 
pressure relief devices, or agitators in organic HAP service are 
present within 50 meters of the monitoring boundary, the additional 
passive monitoring location specified in Section in Method 325A 
of appendix A of this part must be used.
    (ii) All equipment leak sources in gas or light liquid service (and 
in organic HAP service), including valves, pumps, connectors, sampling 
connections and open-ended lines, must be monitored using EPA Method 21 
of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-7 no less frequently than quarterly with 
no provisions for skip period monitoring, or according to the 
provisions of Sec.  63.11(c) Alternative Work practice for monitoring 
equipment for leaks. For the purpose of this provision, a leak is 
detected if the instrument reading equals or exceeds the applicable 
limits in paragraphs (c)(1)(ii)(A) through (E) of this section:
    (A) For valves, pumps or connectors at an existing source, an 
instrument reading of 10,000 ppmv.
    (B) For valves or connectors at a new source, an instrument reading 
of 500 ppmv.
    (C) For pumps at a new source, an instrument reading of 2,000 ppmv.
    (D) For sampling connections or open-ended lines, an instrument 
reading of 500 ppmv above background.
    (E) For equipment monitored according to the Alternative Work 
practice for monitoring equipment for leaks, the leak definitions 
contained in Sec.  63.11 (c)(6)(i) through (iii).
    (iii) All equipment leak sources in organic HAP service, including 
sources in gas, light liquid and heavy liquid service, must be 
inspected using visual, audible, olfactory, or any other detection 
method at least monthly. A leak is detected if the inspection 
identifies a potential leak to the atmosphere or if there are 
indications of liquids dripping.
    (iv) All leaks identified by the monitoring or inspections 
specified in paragraphs (c)(1)(ii) or (iii) of this section must be 
repaired no later than 15 calendar days after it is detected with no 
provisions for delay of repair. If a repair is not completed within 15 
calendar days, the additional passive monitor specified in Section in Method 325A of appendix A of this part must be used.
    (2) The owner or operator may collect one or more background 
samples if the owner or operator believes that an offsite upwind source 
or an onsite source excluded under Sec.  63.640(g) may influence the 
sampler measurements. If the owner or operator elects to collect one or 
more background samples, the owner or operator must develop and submit 
a site-specific monitoring plan for approval according to the 
requirements in paragraph (i) of this section. Upon approval of the 
site-specific monitoring plan, the background sampler(s) should be 
operated co-currently with the routine samplers.
    (3) If there are 19 or fewer monitoring locations, the owner or 
operator shall collect at least one co-located duplicate sample per 
sampling period and at least one field blank per sampling period. If 
there are 20 or more monitoring locations, the owner or operator shall 
collect at least two co-located duplicate samples per sampling period 
and at least one field blank per sampling period. The co-located 
duplicates may be collected at any of the perimeter sampling locations.
* * * * *
    (d) * * *
    (1) If a near-field source correction is used as provided in 
paragraph (i)(2) of this section or if an alternative test method is 
used that provides time-resolved measurements, the owner or operator 
* * * * *
    (2) For cases other than those specified in paragraph (d)(1) of 
this section, the owner or operator shall collect and record sampling 
period average temperature and barometric pressure using either an on-
site meteorological station in accordance with Section 8.3.1 through 
8.3.3 of Method 325A of appendix A of this part or, alternatively, 
using data from a United States Weather Service (USWS) meteorological 
station provided the USWS meteorological station is within 40 
kilometers (25 miles) of the refinery.
* * * * *
    (e) The owner or operator shall use a sampling period and sampling 
frequency as specified in paragraphs (e)(1) through (3) of this 
* * * * *
    (3) * * *
    (iv) If every sample at a monitoring site that is monitored at the 
frequency specified in paragraph (e)(3)(iii) of this section is at or 
below 0.9 [micro]g/m\3\ for 2 years (i.e., 4 consecutive semiannual 
samples), only one sample per year is required for that monitoring 
site. For yearly sampling, samples shall occur at least 10 months but 
no more than 14 months apart.
* * * * *
    (f) * * *
    (1) * * *
    (i) Except when near-field source correction is used as provided in 
paragraph (i) of this section, the owner or operator shall determine 
the highest and lowest sample results for benzene concentrations from 
the sample pool and calculate [Delta]c as the difference in these 
concentrations. Co-located samples must be averaged together for the 
purposes of determining the benzene concentration for that sampling 
location, and, if applicable, for determining [Delta]c. The owner or 
operator shall adhere to the following procedures when one or more 
samples for the sampling period are below the method detection limit 
for benzene:
* * * * *
    (B) If all sample results are below the method detection limit, the 
owner or operator shall use the method detection limit as the highest 
sample result and zero as the lowest sample result when calculating 
* * * * *

13. Section 63.660 is amended by revising the introductory text, 
paragraph (b) introductory text, paragraphs (b)(1) and (e), and 
paragraph (i)(2) introductory text, and adding paragraph (i)(2)(iii) to 
read as follows:

Sec.  63.660  Storage vessel provisions.

    On and after the applicable compliance date for a Group 1 storage 
vessel located at a new or existing source as specified in Sec.  
63.640(h), the owner or operator of a Group 1 storage vessel storing 
liquid with a maximum true vapor pressure less than 76.6 kilopascals 
(11.1 pounds per square inch) that is part of a new or existing source 
shall comply with either the requirements in subpart WW or SS of this 
part according to the requirements in paragraphs (a) through (i) of 
this section and the owner or operator of a Group 1 storage vessel 
storing liquid with a maximum true vapor pressure greater than or equal 
to 76.6 kilopascals (11.1 pounds per square inch) that is

[[Page 60720]]

part of a new or existing source shall comply with the requirements in 
subpart SS of this part according to the requirements in paragraphs (a) 
through (i) of this section.
* * * * *
    (b) A floating roof storage vessel complying with the requirements 
of subpart WW of this part may comply with the control option specified 
in paragraph (b)(1) of this section and, if equipped with a ladder 
having at least one slotted leg, shall comply with one of the control 
options as described in paragraph (b)(2) of this section. If the 
floating roof storage vessel does not meet the requirements of Sec.  
63.1063(a)(2)(i) through (a)(2)(viii) as of June 30, 2014, these 
requirements do not apply until the next time the vessel is completely 
emptied and degassed, or January 30, 2026, whichever occurs first.
    (1) In addition to the options presented in Sec. Sec.  
63.1063(a)(2)(viii)(A) and (B) and 63.1064, a floating roof storage 
vessel may comply with Sec.  63.1063(a)(2)(viii) using a flexible 
enclosure device and either a gasketed or welded cap on the top of the 
* * * * *
    (e) For storage vessels previously subject to requirements in Sec.  
63.646, initial inspection requirements in Sec.  63.1063(c)(1) and 
(c)(2)(i) (i.e., those related to the initial filling of the storage 
vessel) or in Sec.  63.983(b)(1)(i)(A), as applicable, are not 
required. Failure to perform other inspections and monitoring required 
by this section shall constitute a violation of the applicable standard 
of this subpart.
* * * * *
    (i) * * *
    (2) If a closed vent system contains a bypass line, the owner or 
operator shall comply with the provisions of either Sec.  
63.983(a)(3)(i) or (ii) or paragraph (iii) of this section for each 
closed vent system that contains bypass lines that could divert a vent 
stream either directly to the atmosphere or to a control device that 
does not comply with the requirements in subpart SS of this part. 
Except as provided in paragraphs (i)(2)(i) and (ii) of this section, 
use of the bypass at any time to divert a Group 1 storage vessel either 
directly to the atmosphere or to a control device that does not comply 
with the requirements in subpart SS of this part is an emissions 
standards violation. Equipment such as low leg drains and equipment 
subject to Sec.  63.648 are not subject to this paragraph (i)(2).
* * * * *
    (iii) Use a cap, blind flange, plug, or a second valve for an open-
ended valves or line following the requirements specified in Sec.  
60.482-6(a)(2), (b) and (c).
* * * * *

14. Section 63.670 is amended by:
a. Revising paragraph (f);
b. Revising paragraphs (h) introductory text, (h)(1), and (i) 
introductory text;
c. Adding paragraphs (i)(5) and (6);
d. Revising paragraph (j)(6) introductory text;
e. Revising the definition of the Qcum term in the equation 
in paragraph (k)(3);
f. Revising paragraph (m)(2) introductory text;
g. Revising the definitions of the QNG2, QNG1, 
and NHVNG terms in the equation in paragraph (m)(2);
h. Revising paragraph (n)(2) introductory text;
i. Revising the definitions of the QNG2, QNG1, 
and NHVNG terms in the equation in paragraph (n)(2); and
j. Revising paragraphs (o) introductory text, (o)(1)(ii)(B), 
(o)(1)(iii)(B), and (o)(3)(i).
    The revisions and additions read as follows:

Sec.  63.670  Requirements for flare control devices.

* * * * *
    (f) Dilution operating limits for flares with perimeter assist air. 
Except as provided in paragraph (f)(1) of this section, for each flare 
actively receiving perimeter assist air, the owner or operator shall 
operate the flare to maintain the net heating value dilution parameter 
(NHVdil) at or above 22 British thermal units per square foot (Btu/
ft\2\) determined on a 15-minute block period basis when regulated 
material is being routed to the flare for at least 15-minutes. The 
owner or operator shall monitor and calculate NHVdil as 
specified in paragraph (n) of this section.
    (1) If the only assist air provided to a specific flare is 
perimeter assist air intentionally entrained in lower and/or upper 
steam at the flare tip and the effective diameter is 9 inches or 
greater, the owner or operator shall comply only with the 
NHVcz operating limit in paragraph (e) of this section for 
that flare.
    (2) [Reserved]
* * * * *
    (h) Visible emissions monitoring. The owner or operator shall 
conduct an initial visible emissions demonstration using an observation 
period of 2 hours using Method 22 at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-7. The 
initial visible emissions demonstration should be conducted the first 
time regulated materials are routed to the flare. Subsequent visible 
emissions observations must be conducted using either the methods in 
paragraph (h)(1) of this section or, alternatively, the methods in 
paragraph (h)(2) of this section. The owner or operator must record and 
report any instances where visible emissions are observed for more than 
5 minutes during any 2 consecutive hours as specified in Sec.  
    (1) At least once per day for each day regulated material is routed 
to the flare, conduct visible emissions observations using an 
observation period of 5 minutes using Method 22 at 40 CFR part 60, 
appendix A-7. If at any time the owner or operator sees visible 
emissions while regulated material is routed to the flare, even if the 
minimum required daily visible emission monitoring has already been 
performed, the owner or operator shall immediately begin an observation 
period of 5 minutes using Method 22 at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-7. If 
visible emissions are observed for more than one continuous minute 
during any 5-minute observation period, the observation period using 
Method 22 at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-7 must be extended to 2 hours 
or until 5-minutes of visible emissions are observed. Daily 5-minute 
Method 22 observations are not required to be conducted for days the 
flare does not receive any regulated material.
* * * * *
    (i) Flare vent gas, steam assist and air assist flow rate 
monitoring. The owner or operator shall install, operate, calibrate, 
and maintain a monitoring system capable of continuously measuring, 
calculating, and recording the volumetric flow rate in the flare header 
or headers that feed the flare as well as any flare supplemental gas 
used. Different flow monitoring methods may be used to measure 
different gaseous streams that make up the flare vent gas provided that 
the flow rates of all gas streams that contribute to the flare vent gas 
are determined. If assist air or assist steam is used, the owner or 
operator shall install, operate, calibrate, and maintain a monitoring 
system capable of continuously measuring, calculating, and recording 
the volumetric flow rate of assist air and/or assist steam used with 
the flare. If pre-mix assist air and perimeter assist are both used, 
the owner or operator shall install, operate, calibrate, and maintain a 
monitoring system capable of separately measuring, calculating, and 
recording the volumetric flow rate of premix assist air and perimeter 
assist air used with the

[[Page 60721]]

flare. Flow monitoring system requirements and acceptable alternatives 
are provided in paragraphs (i)(1) through (6) of this section.
* * * * *
    (5) Continuously monitoring fan speed or power and using fan curves 
is an acceptable method for continuously monitoring assist air flow 
    (6) For perimeter assist air intentionally entrained in lower and/
or upper steam, the monitored steam flow rate and the maximum design 
air-to-steam volumetric flow ratio of the entrainment system may be 
used to determine the assist air flow rate.
    (j) * * *
    (6) Direct compositional or net heating value monitoring is not 
required for gas streams that have been demonstrated to have consistent 
composition (or a fixed minimum net heating value) according to the 
methods in paragraphs (j)(6)(i) through (iii) of this section.
* * * * *
    (k) * * *
    (3) * * *
* * * * *
Qcum = Cumulative volumetric flow over 15-minute block 
average period, standard cubic feet.

* * * * *
    (m) * * *
    (2) Owners or operators of flares that use the feed-forward 
calculation methodology in paragraph (l)(5)(i) of this section and that 
monitor gas composition or net heating value in a location 
representative of the cumulative vent gas stream and that directly 
monitor flare supplemental gas flow additions to the flare must 
determine the 15-minute block average NHVcz using the 
following equation.
* * * * *
QNG2 = Cumulative volumetric flow of flare supplemental 
gas during the 15-minute block period, scf.
QNG1 = Cumulative volumetric flow of flare supplemental 
gas during the previous 15-minute block period, scf. For the first 
15-minute block period of an event, use the volumetric flow value 
for the current 15-minute block period, i.e., QNG1 = 
NHVNG = Net heating value of flare supplemental gas for 
the 15-minute block period determined according to the requirements 
in paragraph (j)(5) of this section, Btu/scf.

* * * * *
    (n) * * *
    (2) Owners or operators of flares that use the feed-forward 
calculation methodology in paragraph (l)(5)(i) of this section and that 
monitor gas composition or net heating value in a location 
representative of the cumulative vent gas stream and that directly 
monitor flare supplemental gas flow additions to the flare must 
determine the 15-minute block average NHVdil using the 
following equation only during periods when perimeter assist air is 
used. For 15-minute block periods when there is no cumulative 
volumetric flow of perimeter assist air, the 15-minute block average 
NHVdil parameter does not need to be calculated.
* * * * *
QNG2 = Cumulative volumetric flow of flare supplemental 
gas during the 15-minute block period, scf.
QNG1 = Cumulative volumetric flow of flare supplemental 
gas during the previous 15-minute block period, scf. For the first 
15-minute block period of an event, use the volumetric flow value 
for the current 15-minute block period, i.e., QNG1 = 
NHVNG = Net heating value of flare supplemental gas for 
the 15-minute block period determined according to the requirements 
in paragraph (j)(5) of this section, Btu/scf.

* * * * *
    (o) Emergency flaring provisions. The owner or operator of a flare 
that has the potential to operate above its smokeless capacity under 
any circumstance shall comply with the provisions in paragraphs (o)(1) 
through (7) of this section.
    (1) * * *
    (ii) * * *
    (B) Implementation of prevention measures listed for pressure 
relief devices in Sec.  63.648(j)(3)(ii)(A) through (E) for each 
pressure relief device that can discharge to the flare.
* * * * *
    (iii) * * *
    (B) The smokeless capacity of the flare based on a 15-minute block 
average and design conditions. Note: A single value must be provided 
for the smokeless capacity of the flare.
* * * * *
    (3) * * *
    (i) The vent gas flow rate exceeds the smokeless capacity of the 
flare based on a 15-minute block average and visible emissions are 
present from the flare for more than 5 minutes during any 2 consecutive 
hours during the release event.
* * * * *

15. Table 6 to Subpart CC is amended by revising the entries 
``63.6(f)(3)'', ``63.6(h)(8)'', 63.7(a)(2)'', ``63.7(f)'', 
``63.7(h)(3)'', and ``63.8(e)'' to read as follows:

                            Table 6--General Provisions Applicability to Subpart CC a
           Reference                Applies  to subpart CC                          Comment
                                                  * * * * * * *
63.6(f)(3)....................  Yes..........................  Except the cross-references to Sec.   63.6(f)(1)
                                                                and (e)(1)(i) are changed to Sec.   63.642(n)
                                                                and performance test results may be written or
                                                  * * * * * * *
63.6(h)(8)....................  Yes..........................  Except performance test results may be written or
                                                  * * * * * * *
63.7(a)(2)....................  Yes..........................  Except test results must be submitted in the
                                                                Notification of Compliance Status report due 150
                                                                days after compliance date, as specified in Sec.
                                                                  63.655(f), unless they are required to be
                                                                submitted electronically in accordance with Sec.
                                                                  63.655(h)(9). Test results required to be
                                                                submitted electronically must be submitted by
                                                                the date the Notification of Compliance Status
                                                                report is submitted.
                                                  * * * * * * *
63.7(f).......................  Yes..........................  Except that additional notification or approval
                                                                is not required for alternatives directly
                                                                specified in Subpart CC.

[[Page 60722]]

                                                  * * * * * * *
63.7(h)(3)....................  Yes..........................  Yes, except site-specific test plans shall not be
                                                                required, and where Sec.   63.7(h)(3)(i)
                                                                specifies waiver submittal date, the date shall
                                                                be 90 days prior to the Notification of
                                                                Compliance Status report in Sec.   63.655(f).
                                                  * * * * * * *
63.8(e).......................  Yes..........................  Except that results are to be submitted
                                                                electronically if required by Sec.
                                                  * * * * * * *

16. Table 11 to subpart CC is amended by revising items (2)(iv), 
(3)(iv) and (4)(v) to read as follows:

                                   Table 11--Compliance Dates and Requirements
                                         Then the owner or         And the owner or
If the construction/ reconstruction    operator must  comply     operator must achieve   Except as provided in .
           date is . . .                    with . . .             compliance . . .                . .
                                                  * * * * * * *
(2) * * *..........................  (iv) Requirements for     On or before December     Sec.  Sec.   63.640(k),
                                      existing sources in       26, 2018.                 (l) and (m) and
                                      Sec.   63.643(c).                                   63.643(d).
                                                  * * * * * * *
(3) * * *..........................  (iv) Requirements for     On or before December     Sec.  Sec.   63.640(k),
                                      existing sources in       26, 2018.                 (l) and (m) and
                                      Sec.   63.643(c).                                   63.643(d).
                                                  * * * * * * *
(4) * * *..........................  (v) Requirements for      On or before December     Sec.  Sec.   63.640(k),
                                      existing sources in       26, 2018.                 (l) and (m) and
                                      Sec.   63.643(c).                                   63.643(d).
                                                  * * * * * * *

17. Table 13 to Subpart CC is amended by revising the entry ``Hydrogen 
analyzer'' to read as follows:

                         Table 13--Calibration and Quality Control Requirements for CPMS
                                               Minimum accuracy
               Parameter                         requirements                  Calibration requirements
                                                  * * * * * * *
Hydrogen analyzer......................  2 percent over   Specify calibration requirements in your
                                          the concentration measured   site specific CPMS monitoring plan.
                                          or 0.1 volume percent,       Calibration requirements should follow
                                          whichever is greater.        manufacturer's recommendations at a
                                                                      Where feasible, select the sampling
                                                                       location at least two equivalent duct
                                                                       diameters from the nearest control
                                                                       device, point of pollutant generation,
                                                                       air in-leakages, or other point at which
                                                                       a change in the pollutant concentration

Subpart UUU--National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air 
Pollutants for Petroleum Refineries: Catalytic Cracking Units, 
Catalytic Reforming Units, and Sulfur Recovery Units

18. Section 63.1564 is amended by revising the introductory text of 
paragraphs (b)(4)(iii), (c)(3), and (c)(4) and revising paragraph 
(c)(5)(iii) to read as follows:

Sec.  63.1564  What are my requirements for metal HAP emissions from 
catalytic cracking units?

* * * * *
    (b) * * *
    (4) * * *
    (iii) If you elect Option 3 in paragraph (a)(1)(v) of this section, 
the Ni lb/hr emission limit, compute your Ni emission rate using 
Equation 5 of this section and your site-specific Ni operating limit 
(if you use a continuous opacity monitoring system) using Equations 6 
and 7 of this section as follows:
* * * * *
    (c) * * *
    (3) If you use a continuous opacity monitoring system and elect to 
comply with Option 3 in paragraph (a)(1)(v) of this section, determine 
continuous compliance with your site-specific Ni

[[Page 60723]]

operating limit by using Equation 11 of this section as follows:
* * * * *
    (4) If you use a continuous opacity monitoring system and elect to 
comply with Option 4 in paragraph (a)(1)(vi) of this section, determine 
continuous compliance with your site-specific Ni operating limit by 
using Equation 12 of this section as follows:
* * * * *
    (5) * * *
    (iii) Calculating the inlet velocity to the primary internal 
cyclones in feet per second (ft/sec) by dividing the average volumetric 
flow rate (acfm) by the cumulative cross-sectional area of the primary 
internal cyclone inlets (ft\2\) and by 60 seconds/minute (for unit 
* * * * *

19. Section 63.1565 is amended by revising paragraph (a)(5)(ii) to read 
as follows:

Sec.  63.1565  What are my requirements for organic HAP emissions from 
catalytic cracking units?

    (a) * * *
    (5) * * *
    (ii) You can elect to maintain the oxygen (O2) 
concentration in the exhaust gas from your catalyst regenerator at or 
above 1 volume percent (dry basis) or 1 volume percent (wet basis with 
no moisture correction).
* * * * *

20. Section 63.1569 is amended by revising paragraph (c)(2) to read as 

Sec.  63.1569  What are my requirements for HAP emissions from bypass 

* * * * *
    (c) * * *
    (2) Demonstrate continuous compliance with the work practice 
standard in paragraph (a)(3) of this section by complying with the 
procedures in your operation, maintenance, and monitoring plan.

21. Section 63.1571 is amended by revising the introductory text of 
paragraphs (a), (a)(5) and (a)(6), and by revising the introductory 
text of paragraphs (d)(1) and (d)(2) to read as follows:

Sec.  63.1571  How and when do I conduct a performance test or other 
initial compliance demonstration?

    (a) When must I conduct a performance test? You must conduct 
initial performance tests and report the results by no later than 150 
days after the compliance date specified for your source in Sec.  
63.1563 and according to the provisions in Sec.  63.7(a)(2) and Sec.  
63.1574(a)(3). If you are required to do a performance evaluation or 
test for a semi-regenerative catalytic reforming unit catalyst 
regenerator vent, you may do them at the first regeneration cycle after 
your compliance date and report the results in a followup Notification 
of Compliance Status report due no later than 150 days after the test. 
You must conduct additional performance tests as specified in 
paragraphs (a)(5) and (6) of this section and report the results of 
these performance tests according to the provisions in Sec.  
* * * * *
    (5) Periodic performance testing for PM or Ni. Except as provided 
in paragraphs (a)(5)(i) and (ii) of this section, conduct a periodic 
performance test for PM or Ni for each catalytic cracking unit at least 
once every 5 years according to the requirements in Table 4 of this 
subpart. You must conduct the first periodic performance test no later 
than August 1, 2017 or within 150 days of startup of a new unit.
* * * * *
    (6) One-time performance testing for Hydrogen Cyanide (HCN). 
Conduct a performance test for HCN from each catalytic cracking unit no 
later than August 1, 2017 or within 150 days of startup of a new unit 
according to the applicable requirements in paragraphs (a)(6)(i) and 
(ii) of this section.
* * * * *
    (d) * * *
    (1) If you must meet the HAP metal emission limitations in Sec.  
63.1564, you elect the option in paragraph (a)(1)(v) in Sec.  63.1564 
(Ni lb/hr), and you use continuous parameter monitoring systems, you 
must establish an operating limit for the equilibrium catalyst Ni 
concentration based on the laboratory analysis of the equilibrium 
catalyst Ni concentration from the initial performance test. Section 
63.1564(b)(2) allows you to adjust the laboratory measurements of the 
equilibrium catalyst Ni concentration to the maximum level. You must 
make this adjustment using Equation 1 of this section as follows:
* * * * *
    (2) If you must meet the HAP metal emission limitations in Sec.  
63.1564, you elect the option in paragraph (a)(1)(vi) in Sec.  63.1564 
(Ni per coke burn-off), and you use continuous parameter monitoring 
systems, you must establish an operating limit for the equilibrium 
catalyst Ni concentration based on the laboratory analysis of the 
equilibrium catalyst Ni concentration from the initial performance 
test. Section 63.1564(b)(2) allows you to adjust the laboratory 
measurements of the equilibrium catalyst Ni concentration to the 
maximum level. You must make this adjustment using Equation 2 of this 
section as follows:
* * * * *

22. Section 63.1572 is amended by revising paragraphs (c)(1) and (d)(1) 
to read as follows:

Sec.  63.1572  What are my monitoring installation, operation, and 
maintenance requirements?

* * * * *
    (c) * * *
    (1) You must install, operate, and maintain each continuous 
parameter monitoring system according to the requirements in Table 41 
of this subpart. You must also meet the equipment specifications in 
Table 41 of this subpart if pH strips or colormetric tube sampling 
systems are used. You must meet the requirements in Table 41 of this 
subpart for BLD systems. Alternatively, before August 1, 2017, you may 
install, operate, and maintain each continuous parameter monitoring 
system in a manner consistent with the manufacturer's specifications or 
other written procedures that provide adequate assurance that the 
equipment will monitor accurately.
* * * * *
    (d) * * *
    (1) Except for monitoring malfunctions, associated repairs, and 
required quality assurance or control activities (including as 
applicable, calibration checks and required zero and span adjustments), 
you must conduct all monitoring in continuous operation (or collect 
data at all required intervals) at all times the affected source is 
* * * * *

23. Section 63.1573 is amended by revising paragraph (a)(1) 
introductory text to read as follows:

Sec.  63.1573  What are my monitoring alternatives?

    (a) * * * (1) You may use this alternative to a continuous 
parameter monitoring system for the catalytic regenerator exhaust gas 
flow rate for your catalytic cracking unit if the unit does not 
introduce any other gas streams into the catalyst regeneration vent 
(i.e., complete combustion units with no additional combustion 
devices). You may also use this alternative to a continuous parameter 
monitoring system for the catalytic regenerator atmospheric exhaust gas 
flow rate for your catalytic reforming unit during the coke burn and 
rejuvenation cycles if the unit operates as a constant pressure system 
during these cycles. You may

[[Page 60724]]

also use this alternative to a continuous parameter monitoring system 
for the gas flow rate exiting the catalyst regenerator to determine 
inlet velocity to the primary internal cyclones as required in Sec.  
63.1564(c)(5) regardless of the configuration of the catalytic 
regenerator exhaust vent downstream of the regenerator (i.e., 
regardless of whether or not any other gas streams are introduced into 
the catalyst regeneration vent). Except, if you only use this 
alternative to demonstrate compliance with Sec.  63.1564(c)(5), you 
shall use this procedure for the performance test and for monitoring 
after the performance test. You shall:
* * * * *

24. Section 63.1574 is amended by revising paragraph (a)(3)(ii) to read 
as follows:

Sec.  63.1574  What notifications must I submit and when?

    (a) * * *
    (3) * * *
    (ii) For each initial compliance demonstration that includes a 
performance test, you must submit the notification of compliance status 
no later than 150 calendar days after the compliance date specified for 
your affected source in Sec.  63.1563. For data collected using test 
methods supported by the EPA's Electronic Reporting Tool (ERT) as 
listed on the EPA's ERT website (https://www.epa.gov/electronic-reporting-air-emissions/electronic-reporting-tool-ert) at the time of 
the test, you must submit the results in accordance with Sec.  
63.1575(k)(1)(i) by the date that you submit the Notification of 
Compliance Status, and you must include the process unit(s) tested, the 
pollutant(s) tested, and the date that such performance test was 
conducted in the Notification of Compliance Status. For performance 
evaluations of continuous monitoring systems (CMS) measuring relative 
accuracy test audit (RATA) pollutants that are supported by the EPA's 
ERT as listed on the EPA's ERT website at the time of the evaluation, 
you must submit the results in accordance with Sec.  63.1575(k)(2)(i) 
by the date that you submit the Notification of Compliance Status, and 
you must include the process unit where the CMS is installed, the 
parameter measured by the CMS, and the date that the performance 
evaluation was conducted in the Notification of Compliance Status. All 
other performance test and performance evaluation results (i.e., those 
not supported by EPA's ERT) must be reported in the Notification of 
Compliance Status.
* * * * *

25. Section 63.1575 is amended by:
a. Revising paragraphs (f)(1), (k)(1) introductory text and (k)(2) 
introductory text; and
b. Adding paragraph (l).
    The revisions and additions read as follows:

Sec.  63.1575  What reports must I submit and when?

* * * * *
    (f) * * *
    (1) A copy of any performance test or performance evaluation of a 
CMS done during the reporting period on any affected unit, if 
applicable. The report must be included in the next semiannual 
compliance report. The copy must include a complete report for each 
test method used for a particular kind of emission point tested. For 
additional tests performed for a similar emission point using the same 
method, you must submit the results and any other information required, 
but a complete test report is not required. A complete test report 
contains a brief process description; a simplified flow diagram showing 
affected processes, control equipment, and sampling point locations; 
sampling site data; description of sampling and analysis procedures and 
any modifications to standard procedures; quality assurance procedures; 
record of operating conditions during the test; record of preparation 
of standards; record of calibrations; raw data sheets for field 
sampling; raw data sheets for field and laboratory analyses; 
documentation of calculations; and any other information required by 
the test method. For data collected using test methods supported by the 
EPA's Electronic Reporting Tool (ERT) as listed on the EPA's ERT 
website (https://www.epa.gov/electronic-reporting-air-emissions/electronic-reporting-tool-ert) at the time of the test, you must submit 
the results in accordance with paragraph (k)(1)(i) of this section by 
the date that you submit the compliance report, and instead of 
including a copy of the test report in the compliance report, you must 
include the process unit(s) tested, the pollutant(s) tested, and the 
date that such performance test was conducted in the compliance report. 
For performance evaluations of CMS measuring relative accuracy test 
audit (RATA) pollutants that are supported by the EPA's ERT as listed 
on the EPA's ERT website at the time of the evaluation, you must submit 
the results in accordance with paragraph (k)(2)(i) of this section by 
the date that you submit the compliance report, and you must include 
the process unit where the CMS is installed, the parameter measured by 
the CMS, and the date that the performance evaluation was conducted in 
the compliance report. All other performance test and performance 
evaluation results (i.e., those not supported by EPA's ERT) must be 
reported in the compliance report.
* * * * *
    (k) * * *
    (1) Unless otherwise specified by this subpart, within 60 days 
after the date of completing each performance test as required by this 
subpart, you must submit the results of the performance tests following 
the procedure specified in either paragraph (k)(1)(i) or (ii) of this 
* * * * *
    (2) Unless otherwise specified by this subpart, within 60 days 
after the date of completing each CEMS performance evaluation required 
by Sec.  63.1571(a) and (b), you must submit the results of the 
performance evaluation following the procedure specified in either 
paragraph (k)(2)(i) or (ii) of this section.
* * * * *
    (l) Extensions to electronic reporting deadlines. (1) If you are 
required to electronically submit a report through the Compliance and 
Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI) in the EPA's Central Data 
Exchange (CDX), and due to a planned or actual outage of either the 
EPA's CEDRI or CDX systems within the period of time beginning 5 
business days prior to the date that the submission is due, you will be 
or are precluded from accessing CEDRI or CDX and submitting a required 
report within the time prescribed, you may assert a claim of EPA system 
outage for failure to timely comply with the reporting requirement. You 
must submit notification to the Administrator in writing as soon as 
possible following the date you first knew, or through due diligence 
should have known, that the event may cause or caused a delay in 
reporting. You must provide to the Administrator a written description 
identifying the date(s) and time(s) the CDX or CEDRI were unavailable 
when you attempted to access it in the 5 business days prior to the 
submission deadline; a rationale for attributing the delay in reporting 
beyond the regulatory deadline to the EPA system outage; describe the 
measures taken or to be taken to minimize the delay in reporting; and 
identify a date by which you propose to report, or if you have already 
met the reporting requirement at the time of the notification, the date 
you reported. In any circumstance, the report must be submitted 
electronically as soon as possible after the outage is resolved. The 
decision to accept the

[[Page 60725]]

claim of EPA system outage and allow an extension to the reporting 
deadline is solely within the discretion of the Administrator.
    (2) If you are required to electronically submit a report through 
CEDRI in the EPA's CDX and a force majeure event is about to occur, 
occurs, or has occurred or there are lingering effects from such an 
event within the period of time beginning 5 business days prior to the 
date the submission is due, the owner or operator may assert a claim of 
force majeure for failure to timely comply with the reporting 
requirement. For the purposes of this section, a force majeure event is 
defined as an event that will be or has been caused by circumstances 
beyond the control of the affected facility, its contractors, or any 
entity controlled by the affected facility that prevents you from 
complying with the requirement to submit a report electronically within 
the time period prescribed. Examples of such events are acts of nature 
(e.g., hurricanes, earthquakes, or floods), acts of war or terrorism, 
or equipment failure or safety hazard beyond the control of the 
affected facility (e.g., large scale power outage). If you intend to 
assert a claim of force majeure, you must submit notification to the 
Administrator in writing as soon as possible following the date you 
first knew, or through due diligence should have known, that the event 
may cause or caused a delay in reporting. You must provide to the 
Administrator a written description of the force majeure event and a 
rationale for attributing the delay in reporting beyond the regulatory 
deadline to the force majeure event; describe the measures taken or to 
be taken to minimize the delay in reporting; and identify a date by 
which you propose to report, or if you have already met the reporting 
requirement at the time of the notification, the date you reported. In 
any circumstance, the reporting must occur as soon as possible after 
the force majeure event occurs. The decision to accept the claim of 
force majeure and allow an extension to the reporting deadline is 
solely within the discretion of the Administrator.

26. Section 63.1576 is amended by revising paragraph (a)(2)(i) to read 
as follows:

Sec.  63.1576  What records must I keep, in what form, and for how 

    (a) * * *
    (2) * * *
    (i) Record the date, time, and duration of each startup and/or 
shutdown period for which the facility elected to comply with the 
alternative standards in Sec.  63.1564(a)(5)(ii) or Sec.  
63.1565(a)(5)(ii) or Sec.  63.1568(a)(4)(ii) or (iii).
* * * * *

27. Table 3 to Subpart UUU is amended by revising the table heading and 
entries for items 2.c, 6, 7, 8 and 9 to read as follows:

  Table 3 to Subpart UUU of Part 63--Continuous Monitoring Systems for
            Metal HAP Emissions From Catalytic Cracking Units
                              * * * * * * *
                                 If you use this
   For each new or existing      type of  control    You shall install,
 catalytic cracking unit . . .   device for  your  operate, and maintain
                                    vent . . .            a . . .
                              * * * * * * *
2. * * *
                                c. Wet scrubber..  Continuous parameter
                                                    monitoring system to
                                                    measure and record
                                                    the pressure drop
                                                    across the
                                                    scrubber,\2\ the gas
                                                    flow rate entering
                                                    or exiting the
                                                    control device,\1\
                                                    and total liquid (or
                                                    scrubbing liquor)
                                                    flow rate to the
                                                    control device.
                              * * * * * * *
6. Option 1a: Elect NSPS        Any..............  See item 1 of this
 subpart J, PM per coke burn-                       table.
 off limit, not subject to the
 NSPS for PM in 40 CFR 60.102
 or 60.102a(b)(1).
7. Option 1b: Elect NSPS        Any..............  The applicable
 subpart Ja, PM per coke burn-                      continuous
 off limit, not subject to the                      monitoring systems
 NSPS for PM in 40 CFR 60.102                       in item 2 of this
 or 60.102a(b)(1).                                  table.
8. Option 1c: Elect NSPS        Any..............  See item 3 of this
 subpart Ja, PM concentration                       table.
 limit not subject to the NSPS
 for PM in 40 CFR 60.102 or
9. Option 2: PM per coke burn-  Any..............  The applicable
 off limit, not subject to the                      continuous
 NSPS for PM in 40 CFR 60.102                       monitoring systems
 or 60.102a(b)(1).                                  in item 2 of this
                              * * * * * * *
\1\ If applicable, you can use the alternative in Sec.   63.1573(a)(1)
  instead of a continuous parameter monitoring system for gas flow rate.
\2\ If you use a jet ejector type wet scrubber or other type of wet
  scrubber equipped with atomizing spray nozzles, you can use the
  alternative in Sec.   63.1573(b) instead of a continuous parameter
  monitoring system for pressure drop across the scrubber.

28. Table 4 to Subpart UUU of Part 63 is amended by revising the 
entries for items 9.c and 10.c to read as follows:
* * * * *

[[Page 60726]]

  Table 4 to Subpart UUU of Part 63--Requirements for Performance Tests
          for Metal HAP Emissions From Catalytic Cracking Units
                              * * * * * * *
For each  new or
  cracking unit    You must . . .    Using . . .     According to these
    catalyst                                         requirements . . .
   vent . . .
                              * * * * * * *
9. * * *
                  c. Determine     XRF procedure    You must obtain 1
                   the              in appendix A    sample for each of
                   equilibrium      to this          the 3 test runs;
                   catalyst Ni      subpart 1; or    determine and
                   concentration.   EPA Method       record the
                                    6010B or 6020    equilibrium
                                    or EPA Method    catalyst Ni
                                    7520 or 7521     concentration for
                                    in SW-8462; or   each of the 3
                                    an alternative   samples; and you
                                    to the SW-846    may adjust the
                                    method           laboratory results
                                    satisfactory     to the maximum
                                    to the           value using
                                    Administrator.   Equation 1 of Sec.
                                                      63.1571, if
                              * * * * * * *
10. * * *
                  c. Determine     See item 9.c.    You must obtain 1
                   the              of this table.   sample for each of
                   equilibrium                       the 3 test runs;
                   catalyst Ni                       determine and
                   concentration.                    record the
                                                     catalyst Ni
                                                     concentration for
                                                     each of the 3
                                                     samples; and you
                                                     may adjust the
                                                     laboratory results
                                                     to the maximum
                                                     value using
                                                     Equation 2 of Sec.
                                                      63.1571, if
                              * * * * * * *

* * * * *

29. Table 5 to Subpart UUU is amended by revising the entry for item 3 
to read as follows:

  Table 5 to Subpart UUU of Part 63--Initial Compliance With Metal HAP
              Emission Limits for Catalytic Cracking Units
                              * * * * * * *
                                For the following
   For each new and existing     emission limit .  You have demonstrated
 catalytic cracking unit . . .         . .          compliance if . . .
                              * * * * * * *
3. Subject to NSPS for PM in    PM emissions must  You have already
 40 CFR 60.102a(b)(1)(ii),       not exceed 0.5 g/  conducted a
 electing to meet the PM per     kg (0.5 lb PM/     performance test to
 coke burn-off limit.            1,000 lb) of       demonstrate initial
                                 coke burn-off).    compliance with the
                                                    NSPS and the
                                                    measured PM emission
                                                    rate is less than or
                                                    equal to 0.5 g/kg
                                                    (0.5 lb/1,000 lb) of
                                                    coke burn-off in the
                                                    regenerator. As part
                                                    of the Notification
                                                    of Compliance
                                                    Status, you must
                                                    certify that your
                                                    vent meets the PM
                                                    limit. You are not
                                                    required to do
                                                    another performance
                                                    test to demonstrate
                                                    initial compliance.
                                                    As part of your
                                                    Notification of
                                                    Compliance Status,
                                                    you certify that
                                                    your BLD; CO2, O2,
                                                    or CO monitor; or
                                                    continuous opacity
                                                    monitoring system
                                                    meets the
                                                    requirements in Sec.
                              * * * * * * *

30. Table 6 to Subpart UUU is amended by revising the entries for items 
1.a.ii and 7 to read as follows:

[[Page 60727]]

 Table 6 to Subpart UUU of Part 63--Continuous Compliance With Metal HAP
              Emission Limits for Catalytic Cracking Units
                              * * * * * * *
                                 Subject to this
                                  emission limit   You shall demonstrate
   For each new and existing    for your catalyst  continuous compliance
 catalytic cracking unit . . .   regenerator vent         by . . .
                                      . . .
1. * * *......................  a. * * *.........
                                                   ii. Conducting a
                                                    performance test
                                                    before August 1,
                                                    2017 or within 150
                                                    days of startup of a
                                                    new unit and
                                                    thereafter following
                                                    the testing
                                                    frequency in Sec.
                                                    63.1571(a)(5) as
                                                    applicable to your
                              * * * * * * *
7. Option 1b: Elect NSPS        PM emissions must  See item 2 of this
 subpart Ja requirements for     not exceed 1.0 g/  table.
 PM per coke burn-off limit,     kg (1.0 lb PM/
 not subject to the NSPS for     1,000 lb) of
 PM in 40 CFR 60.102 or          coke burn-off.
                              * * * * * * *

31. Table 10 to Subpart UUU is amended by revising the entry for item 3 
to read as follows:

  Table 10 to Subpart UUU of Part 63--Continuous Monitoring Systems for
           Organic HAP Emissions From Catalytic Cracking Units
                              * * * * * * *
                                                     You shall install,
                                 And you use this  operate, and maintain
   For each new or existing      type of control        this type of
 catalytic cracking unit . . .   device for your   continuous monitoring
                                    vent . . .          system . . .
                              * * * * * * *
3. During periods of startup,   Any..............  Continuous parameter
 shutdown or hot standby                            monitoring system to
 electing to comply with the                        measure and record
 operating limit in Sec.                            the concentration by
 63.1565(a)(5)(ii).                                 volume (wet or dry
                                                    basis) of oxygen
                                                    from each catalyst
                                                    regenerator vent. If
                                                    measurement is made
                                                    on a wet basis, you
                                                    must comply with the
                                                    limit as measured
                                                    (no moisture

32. Table 43 to Subpart UUU is amended by revising the entry for item 2 
to read as follows:

      Table 43 to Subpart UUU of Part 63--Requirements for Reports
                              * * * * * * *
                                    The report must    You shall submit
      You must submit . . .          contain . . .     the report . . .
                              * * * * * * *
2. Performance test and CEMS      On and after        Semiannually
 performance evaluation data.      February 1, 2016,   according to the
                                   the information     requirements in
                                   specified in Sec.   Sec.   63.1575(b)
                                     63.1575(k)(1).    and (f).

33. Table 44 to Subpart UUU is amended by revising the entries 
``63.6(f)(3)'', ``63.6(h)(7)(i)'', ``63.6(h)(8)'', ``63.7(a)(2)'', 
``63.7(g)'', ``63.8(e)'', ``63.10(d)(2)'', ``63.10(e)(1)-(2)'', and 
``63.10(e)(4)'' to read as follows:

[[Page 60728]]

          Table 44 to Subpart UUU of Part 63--Applicability of NESHAP General Provisions to Subpart UUU
                                                  * * * * * * *
                                                               Applies to  subpart
              Citation                       Subject                   UUU                   Explanation
                                                  * * * * * * *
Sec.   63.6(f)(3)..................  ......................  Yes...................  Except the cross-references
                                                                                      to Sec.   63.6(f)(1) and
                                                                                      (e)(1)(i) are changed to
                                                                                      Sec.   63.1570(c) and this
                                                                                      subpart specifies how and
                                                                                      when the performance test
                                                                                      results are reported.
                                                  * * * * * * *
Sec.   63.6(h)(7)(i)...............  Report COM Monitoring   Yes...................  Except this subpart
                                      Data from Performance                           specifies how and when the
                                      Test.                                           performance test results
                                                                                      are reported.
                                                  * * * * * * *
Sec.   63.6(h)(8)..................  Determining Compliance  Yes...................  Except this subpart
                                      with Opacity/VE                                 specifies how and when the
                                      Standards.                                      performance test results
                                                                                      are reported.
                                                  * * * * * * *
Sec.   63.7(a)(2)..................  Performance Test Dates  Yes...................  Except this subpart
                                                                                      specifies that the results
                                                                                      of initial performance
                                                                                      tests must be submitted
                                                                                      within 150 days after the
                                                                                      compliance date.
                                                  * * * * * * *
Sec.   63.7(g).....................  Data Analysis,          Yes...................  Except this subpart
                                      Recordkeeping,                                  specifies how and when the
                                      Reporting.                                      performance test or
                                                                                      performance evaluation
                                                                                      results are reported and
                                                                                      Sec.   63.7(g)(2) is
                                                                                      reserved and does not
                                                  * * * * * * *
Sec.   63.8(e).....................  CMS Performance         Yes...................  Except this subpart
                                      Evaluation.                                     specifies how and when the
                                                                                      performance evaluation
                                                                                      results are reported.
                                                  * * * * * * *
Sec.   63.10(d)(2).................  Performance Test        No....................  This subpart specifies how
                                      Results.                                        and when the performance
                                                                                      test results are reported.
                                                  * * * * * * *
Sec.   63.10(e)(1)-(2).............  Additional CMS Reports  Yes...................  Except this subpart
                                                                                      specifies how and when the
                                                                                      performance evaluation
                                                                                      results are reported.
                                                  * * * * * * *
Sec.   63.10(e)(4).................  COMS Data Reports.....  Yes...................  Except this subpart
                                                                                      specifies how and when the
                                                                                      performance test results
                                                                                      are reported.
                                                  * * * * * * *

[FR Doc. 2018-25080 Filed 11-23-18; 8:45 am]

     60696            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 227 / Monday, November 26, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

     ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION                                (EST), Monday through Friday. The                     psia pounds per square inch absolute
     AGENCY                                                  telephone number for the Public                       RFA Regulatory Flexibility Act
                                                             Reading Room is (202) 566–1744, and                   RIN Regulatory Information Number
     40 CFR Parts 60 and 63                                                                                        RSR Refinery Sector Rule
                                                             the telephone number for the Docket                   SMR steam-methane reforming
     [EPA–HQ–OAR–2010–0682; FRL–9986–68–                     Center is (202) 566–1742.                             TTN Technology Transfer Network
     OAR]                                                    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For                  UMRA Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
                                                             questions about this final action, contact            VOC volatile organic compounds
     RIN 2060–AT50
                                                             Ms. Brenda Shine, Sector Policies and                    Background information. On April 10,
     National Emission Standards for                         Programs Division (E143–01), Office of                2018, and July 10, 2018, the EPA
     Hazardous Air Pollutants and New                        Air Quality Planning and Standards,                   proposed revisions to the Petroleum
     Source Performance Standards:                           U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,                 Refineries NESHAP and NSPS, (April
     Petroleum Refinery Sector                               Research Triangle Park, North Carolina                2018 Proposal and July 2018 Proposal),
     Amendments                                              27711; telephone number: (919) 541–                   respectively (83 FR 15458, April 10,
                                                             3608; fax number: (919) 541–0516; and                 2018; 83 FR 31939, July 10, 2018). After
     AGENCY:  Environmental Protection                       email address: shine.brenda@epa.gov.                  consideration of the public comments
     Agency (EPA).                                           For information about the applicability               we received on these proposed rules, in
     ACTION: Final rule.                                     of the NESHAP to a particular entity,                 this action, we are finalizing revisions to
                                                             contact Ms. Maria Malave, Office of                   the NESHAP and NSPS rules. We
     SUMMARY:    This action finalizes                       Enforcement and Compliance                            summarize the significant comments we
     amendments to the petroleum refinery                    Assurance, U.S. Environmental                         received regarding the April 2018
     National Emission Standards for                         Protection Agency, EPA WJC South                      Proposal and the July 2018 Proposal and
     Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP)                       Building, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW,                  provide our responses in this preamble.
     (referred to as Refinery MACT 1 and                     Washington, DC 20460; telephone                       In addition, a Response to Comments
     Refinery MACT 2) and to the New                         number: (202) 564–7027; and email                     document, which is in the docket for
     Source Performance Standards (NSPS)                     address: malave.maria@epa.gov.                        this rulemaking, summarizes and
     for Petroleum Refineries to clarify the                 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                            responds to additional comments which
     requirements of these rules and to make                   Preamble acronyms and                               were received regarding the April 2018
     technical corrections and minor                         abbreviations. We use multiple                        Proposal. A ‘‘track changes’’ version of
     revisions to requirements for work                      acronyms and terms in this preamble.                  the regulatory language that
     practice standards, recordkeeping, and                  While this list may not be exhaustive, to             incorporates the changes in this action
     reporting which were proposed in the                    ease the reading of this preamble and for             is also available in the docket.
     Federal Register on April 10, 2018. This                reference purposes, the EPA defines the                  Organization of this document. The
     action also finalizes amendments to the                 following terms and acronyms here.                    information in this preamble is
     compliance date of the requirements for                                                                       organized as follows:
                                                             AFPM American Fuel and Petrochemical
     existing maintenance vents from August                    Manufacturers
     1, 2017, to December 26, 2018, which                                                                          I. General Information
                                                             API American Petroleum Institute                         A. Does this action apply to me?
     were proposed in the Federal Register                   AWP Alternative Work Practice                            B. Where can I get a copy of this document
     on July 10, 2018.                                       CAA Clean Air Act                                           and other related information?
     DATES: This final rule is effective on                  CBI confidential business information                    C. Judicial Review and Administrative
     November 26, 2018. The incorporation                    CFR Code of Federal Regulations                             Reconsideration
                                                             CEDRI Compliance and Emissions Data                   II. Background
     by reference of certain publications
                                                               Reporting Interface                                 III. What is included in this final rule?
     listed in the rule was approved by the                  CDX Central Data Exchange                                A. Clarifications and Technical Corrections
     Director of the Federal Register as of                  CRA Congressional Review Act                                to Refinery MACT 1
     June 24, 2008.                                          CRU catalytic reforming unit                             B. Clarifications and Technical Corrections
     ADDRESSES: The Environmental                            DCU delayed coking unit                                     to Refinery MACT 2
     Protection Agency (EPA) has established                 EPA Environmental Protection Agency                      C. Clarifications and Technical Corrections
     a docket for this action under Docket ID                FCCU fluid catalytic cracking unit                          to NSPS Ja
                                                             FR Federal Register                                   IV. Summary of Cost, Environmental, and
     No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2010–0682. All                           HAP hazardous air pollutant(s)                              Economic Impacts and Additional
     documents in the docket are listed on                   lbs pounds                                                  Analyses Conducted
     the https://www.regulations.gov                         LEL lower explosive limit                             V. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews
     website. Although listed, some                          MACT maximum achievable control                          A. Executive Orders 12866: Regulatory
     information is not publicly available,                    technology                                                Planning and Review and Executive
     e.g., confidential business information                 MPV miscellaneous process vent                              Order 13563: Improving Regulation and
     (CBI) or other information whose                        NAAQS National Ambient Air Quality                          Regulatory Review
     disclosure is restricted by statute.                      Standards                                              B. Executive Order 13771: Reducing
                                                             NESHAP National Emission Standards for                      Regulations and Controlling Regulatory
     Certain other material, such as                           Hazardous Air Pollutants                                  Costs
     copyrighted material, is not placed on                  NOCS Notice of Compliance Status                         C. Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA)
     the internet and will be publicly                       NSPS New Source Performance Standard                     D. Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)
     available only in hard copy form.                       NTTAA National Technology Transfer and                   E. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
     Publicly available docket materials are                   Advancement Act                                           (UMRA)
     available either electronically through                 OEL open-ended line                                      F. Executive Order 13132: Federalism
     https://www.regulations.gov, or in hard                 OSHA Occupational Safety and Health                      G. Executive Order 13175: Consultation
     copy at the EPA Docket Center, EPA                        Administration                                            and Coordination With Indian Tribal
                                                             PM particulate matter                                       Governments
     WJC West Building, Room Number                          ppb parts per billion                                    H. Executive Order 13045: Protection of
     3334, 1301 Constitution Ave. NW,                        ppm parts per million                                       Children From Environmental Health
     Washington, DC. The Public Reading                      PRA Paperwork Reduction Act                                 Risks and Safety Risks
     Room hours of operation are 8:30 a.m.                   PRD pressure relief device                               I. Executive Order 13211: Actions
     to 4:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time                      psi pounds per square inch                                  Concerning Regulations That

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                      Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 227 / Monday, November 26, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                         60697

           Significantly Affect Energy Supply,                 Under CAA section 307(b)(2), the                      include corrections and clarifications to
           Distribution, or Use                                requirements established by this final                provisions for sulfur recovery plants,
        J. National Technology Transfer and                    rule may not be challenged separately in              performance testing, and control device
           Advancement Act (NTTAA) and 1 CFR                   any civil or criminal proceedings                     operating parameters.
           part 51                                                                                                      In the process of implementing these
        K. Executive Order 12898: Federal Actions
                                                               brought by the EPA to enforce the
           To Address Environmental Justice in                 requirements.                                         new requirements, numerous questions
           Minority Populations and Low-Income                   Section 307(d)(7)(B) of the CAA                     and issues have been identified and we
           Populations                                         further provides that only an objection               proposed clarifications and technical
        L. Congressional Review Act (CRA)                      to a rule or procedure which was raised               amendments to address these questions
                                                               with reasonable specificity during the                and issues on April 10, 2018 (April 2018
     I. General Information                                    period for public comment (including                  Proposal) (83 FR 15458; April 10, 2018).
     A. Does this action apply to me?                          any public hearing) may be raised                     These issues were raised in petitions for
                                                               during judicial review. This section also             reconsideration and in separately issued
       Regulated entities. Categories and
                                                               provides a mechanism for the EPA to                   letters from industry and in meetings
     entities potentially regulated by this                    reconsider the rule if the person raising             with industry groups.
     action are shown in Table 1 of this                       an objection can demonstrate to the                      The EPA received three separate
     preamble.                                                 Administrator that it was impracticable               petitions for reconsideration. Two
                                                               to raise such objection within the period             petitions were jointly filed by API and
       TABLE 1—NESHAP AND INDUSTRIAL                           for public comment or if the grounds for              American Fuel and Petrochemical
        SOURCE CATEGORIES AFFECTED BY                          such objection arose after the period for             Manufacturers (AFPM). The first of
        THIS FINAL ACTION                                      public comment (but within the time                   these petitions was filed on January 19,
                                                               specified for judicial review) and if such            2016 and requested an administrative
                                                  NAICS 1      objection is of central relevance to the              reconsideration under section
       NESHAP and source category                  code
                                                               outcome of the rule. Any person seeking               307(d)(7)(B) of the CAA of certain
     40 CFR part 63, subpart CC Pe-                            to make such a demonstration should                   provisions of Refinery MACT 1 and 2,
       troleum Refineries .....................   324110       submit a Petition for Reconsideration to              as promulgated in the December 2015
                                                               the Office of the Administrator, U.S.                 Rule. Specifically, API and AFPM
       1 North    American       Industry     Classification   EPA, Room 3000, EPA WJC South                         requested that the EPA reconsider the
                                                               Building, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW,                  maintenance vent provisions in Refinery
        Table 1 of this preamble is not                        Washington, DC 20460, with a copy to                  MACT 1; the alternate startup,
     intended to be exhaustive, but rather to                  both the person(s) listed in the                      shutdown, or hot standby standards for
     provide a guide for readers regarding                     preceding FOR FURTHER INFORMATION                     fluid catalytic cracking units (FCCUs) in
     entities likely to be affected by the final               CONTACT section, and the Associate                    Refinery MACT 2; the alternate startup
     action for the source category listed. To                 General Counsel for the Air and                       and shutdown for sulfur recovery units
     determine whether your facility is                        Radiation Law Office, Office of General               in Refinery MACT 2; and the new
     affected, you should examine the                          Counsel (Mail Code 2344A), U.S. EPA,                  catalytic reforming units (CRUs) purging
     applicability criteria in the appropriate                 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW,                            limitations in Refinery MACT 2. The
     NESHAP. If you have any questions                         Washington, DC 20460.                                 request pertained to providing and/or
     regarding the applicability of any aspect                                                                       clarifying the compliance time for these
     of this NESHAP, please contact the                        II. Background                                        requirements. Based on this request and
     appropriate person listed in the                             On December 1, 2015, the EPA                       additional information received, the
     preceding FOR FURTHER INFORMATION                         finalized amendments to the Petroleum                 EPA issued a proposal on February 9,
     CONTACT section of this preamble.                         Refinery NESHAP in 40 Code of Federal                 2016 (81 FR 6814), and a final rule on
                                                               Regulations (CFR) part 63, subparts CC                July 13, 2016 (81 FR 45232), fully
     B. Where can I get a copy of this                         and UUU, referred to as Refinery MACT                 responding to the January 19, 2016,
     document and other related                                1 and 2, respectively, and the NSPS for               petition for reconsideration. The second
     information?                                              petroleum refineries in 40 CFR part 60,               petition from API and AFPM was filed
       In addition to being available in the                   subparts J and Ja (80 FR 75178)                       on February 1, 2016 and outlined a
     docket, an electronic copy of this final                  (December 2015 Rule). The final                       number of specific issues related to the
     action will also be available on the                      amendments to Refinery MACT 1                         work practice standards for PRDs and
     internet. Following signature by the                      include a number of new requirements                  flares, and the alternative water
     EPA Administrator, the EPA will post a                    for ‘‘maintenance vents,’’ pressure relief            overflow provisions for DCUs, as well as
     copy of this final action at: https://                    devices (PRDs), delayed coking units                  a number of other specific issues on
     www.epa.gov/stationary-sources-air-                       (DCUs), and flares, and also establishes              other aspects of the rule. The third
     pollution/petroleum-refinery-sector-risk-                 a fenceline monitoring requirement.                   petition was filed on February 1, 2016,
     and-technology-review-and-new-source.                        The December 2015 Rule included                    by Earthjustice on behalf of Air Alliance
     Following publication in the Federal                      revisions to the continuous compliance                Houston, California Communities
     Register, the EPA will post the Federal                   alternatives for catalytic cracking units             Against Toxics, the Clean Air Council,
     Register version and key technical                        and provisions specific to startup and                the Coalition for a Safe Environment,
     documents at this same website.                           shutdown of catalytic cracking units                  the Community In-Power and
                                                               and sulfur recovery plants. The                       Development Association, the Del Amo
     C. Judicial Review and Administrative                     December 2015 Rule also finalized                     Action Committee, the Environmental
     Reconsideration                                           technical corrections and clarifications              Integrity Project, the Louisiana Bucket
       Under Clean Air Act (CAA) section                       to Refinery NSPS subparts J and Ja to                 Brigade, the Sierra Club, the Texas
     307(b)(1), judicial review of this final                  address issues raised by the American                 Environmental Justice Advocacy
     action is available only by filing a                      Petroleum Institute (API) in their 2008               Services, and Utah Physicians for a
     petition for review in the United States                  and 2012 petitions for reconsideration                Healthy Environment. The Earthjustice
     Court of Appeals for the District of                      of the final NSPS Ja rule that had not                petition claimed that several aspects of
     Columbia Circuit by January 25, 2019.                     been previously addressed. These                      the revisions to Refinery MACT 1 were

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     60698            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 227 / Monday, November 26, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

     not addressed in the proposed rule, and,                clarification requests from the July 2016              affected sources (81 FR 45232, 45237,
     thus, the public was precluded from                     letter and the petition for                            July 13, 2016). We also recognized that
     commenting on them during the public                    reconsideration in a letter issued on                  the Agency had proposed technical
     comment period, including: (1) Work                     April 7, 2017.3 API and AFPM also                      revisions and clarifications to the
     practice standards for PRDs and flares;                 raised additional issues associated with               maintenance vent provisions in the
     (2) alternative water overflow provisions               the implementation of the final rule                   April 2018 Proposal and that an
     for DCUs; (3) reduced monitoring                        amendments in a March 28, 2017, letter                 extension would also allow the EPA to
     provisions for fenceline monitoring; and                to the EPA 4 and provided a list of                    take final action on that proposal prior
     (4) adjustments to the risk assessment to               typographical errors in the rule in a                  to the extended compliance date.
     account for these changes from what                     January 27, 2017, meeting 5 with the                   Technical revisions and clarifications
     was proposed. On June 16, 2016, the                     EPA. On January 10, 2018, AFPM                         are being finalized in today’s rule.
     EPA sent letters to petitioners granting                submitted a letter containing a
     reconsideration on issues where                         comparison of the electronic CFR, the                     The April 2018 Proposal provided a
     petitioners claimed they had not been                   Federal Register documents, and the                    45-day comment period ending on May
     provided an opportunity to comment.                     redline versions of the December 2015                  25, 2018. The EPA received 16
     These petitions and letters granting                    Rule and October 2016 amendments to                    comments on the proposed amendments
     reconsideration are available for review                the Refinery Sector Rule noting                        from refiners, equipment manufacturers,
     in the rulemaking docket (see Docket ID                 differences and providing suggestions as               trade associations, environmental
     Nos. EPA–HQ–OAR–2010–0682–0860,                         to how these discrepancies should be                   groups, and private citizens. The July
     EPA–HQ–OAR–2010–0682–0891 and                           resolved.6 These items are located in                  2018 Proposal provided a 30-day
     EPA–HQ–OAR–2010–0682–0892).                             Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2016–                         comment period ending on August 9,
        On October 18, 2016 (81 FR 71661),                   0682. On April 10, 2018 (83 FR 15848),                 2018. The EPA received comments on
     the EPA proposed for public comment                     the EPA published proposed additional                  the proposed revisions from refiners,
     the issues for which reconsideration                    revisions to the December 2015 Rule                    trade associations, environmental
     was granted in the June 16, 2016, letters.              addressing many of the issues and                      groups, and private citizens. This
     The EPA identified five issues for which                clarifications identified by API and                   preamble to the final rule provides a
     it was seeking public comment: (1) The                  AFPM in their February 2016 petition                   discussion of the final revisions,
     work practice standards for PRDs; (2)                   for reconsideration and their subsequent               including changes in response to
     the work practice standards for                         communications with the EPA.                           comments on the proposal, as well as a
     emergency flaring events; (3) the                          On July 10, 2018, the EPA published                 summary of the significant comments
     assessment of risk as modified based on                 a proposed rule (July 2018 Proposal) to
     implementation of these PRD and                                                                                received and responses.
                                                             revise the compliance date for
     emergency flaring work practice                         maintenance vents located at sources                   III. What is included in this final rule?
     standards; (4) the alternative work                     constructed on or before June 30, 2014,
     practice (AWP) standards for DCUs                                                                              A. Clarifications and Technical
                                                             from August 1, 2017, to January 30,                    Corrections to Refinery MACT 1
     employing the water overflow design;                    2019, (83 FR 31939; July 10, 2018). We
     and (5) the provision allowing refineries               proposed to change the compliance date                 1. Definitions
     to reduce the frequency of fenceline                    to address challenges petroleum refinery
     monitoring at sampling locations that                                                                          What is the history of the definitions
                                                             owners or operators are experiencing in
     consistently record benzene                                                                                    addressed in the April 2018 Proposal?
                                                             attempting to comply with the
     concentrations below 0.9 micrograms
                                                             December 2015 Rule maintenance vent                       In the April 2018 Proposal, we
     per cubic meter. In that notice, the EPA
                                                             requirements, notwithstanding the                      proposed to amend four definitions:
     also proposed two minor clarifying
                                                             additional compliance time provided by                 Flare purge gas, supplemental natural
     amendments to correct a cross
                                                             our revision of the compliance date to                 gas, relief valve, and reference control
     referencing error and to clarify that
                                                             August 1, 2017, plus an additional 1-                  technology for storage vessel and to
     facilities complying with overlapping
                                                             year (i.e., August 1, 2018) compliance                 define an additional term. Specific to
     equipment leak provisions must still
                                                             extension granted by the relevant                      flare purge gas, we proposed for the
     comply with the PRD work practice
                                                             permitting authorities for each source                 term to include gas needed for other
     standards in the December 2015 Rule.
        The February 1, 2016, API and AFPM                   pursuant to the requirements set forth in              safety reasons. For flare supplemental
     petition for reconsideration included a                 the General Provisions at 40 CFR 63.6(i).
                                                                                                                    gas, we proposed to amend the
     number of recommendations for                           The requirements for maintenance vents
                                                                                                                    definition to specifically exclude assist
     technical amendments and clarifications                 promulgated in the December 2015 Rule
                                                                                                                    air or assist steam. For relief valves we
     that were not specifically addressed in                 resulted in the need for completing the
                                                             ‘‘management of change process’’ for                   narrowed the definition to include PRDs
     the October 18, 2016, proposal.1 In                                                                            that are designed to re-close after the
     addition, API and AFPM asked for                          3 Letter from Peter Tsirigotis, EPA, to Matt Todd,   pressure relief. As a complementary
     clarification on various requirements of                API, and David Friedman, AFPM. April 7, 2017.          amendment, we proposed to add a
     the final amendments in a July 12, 2016,                Available at: https://www.epa.gov/                     definition for PRD. Finally, we proposed
     letter.2 The EPA addressed many of the                  stationarysources-air-pollution/december-2015-
                                                                                                                    to revise the definition of reference
       1 Supplemental Request for Administrative
                                                               4 Letter from Matt Todd, API, and David              control technology for storage vessels to
     Reconsideration of Targeted Elements of EPA’s           Friedman, AFPM, to Penny Lassiter, EPA. March          be consistent with the storage vessel
     Final Rule ‘‘Petroleum Refinery Sector Risk and         28, 2017. Available in Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–           rule requirements in section 63.660.
     Technology Review and New Source Performance            OAR–2010–0682.
     Standards; Final Rule,’’ Howard Feldman, API, and         5 Meeting minutes for January 27, 2017, EPA
                                                                                                                    What key comments were received on
     David Friedman, AFPM. February 1, 2016. Docket          meeting with API. Available in Docket ID No. EPA–      definitions?
     ID No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2010–0682–0892.                       HQ–OAR–2010–0682.
       2 Letter from Matt Todd, API, and David                 6 David Friedman, ‘‘Comparison of Official CFR
                                                                                                                      We did not receive public comments
     Friedman, AFPM, to Penny Lassiter, EPA. July 12,        and e-CFR Postings Regarding MACT CC/UUU and
     2016. Available in Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–OAR–            NSPS Ja Postings.’’ Message to Penny Lassiter and      on the proposed addition and revisions
     2010–0682.                                              Brenda Shine. January 10, 2018. Email.                 of these definitions.

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                      Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 227 / Monday, November 26, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                      60699

     What is the EPA’s final decision on the                 b. Maintenance Vents Associated With                  issued the December 2015 Rule that all
     definitions?                                            Equipment Containing Pyrophoric                       pyrophoric units at a single refinery
                                                             Catalysts                                             either would or would not have a pure
       We are finalizing the addition and                                                                          hydrogen supply was incorrect.
     revisions of these definitions as                       What is the history of regulatory text for
                                                             maintenance vents associated with                     Therefore, we proposed to modify the
     proposed.                                                                                                     portion of the regulatory text that
                                                             equipment containing pyrophoric
     2. Miscellaneous Process Vent                           catalyst addressed in the April 2018                  distinguished units based on whether
                                                             Proposal?                                             there was a pure hydrogen supply ‘‘at
                                                                                                                   the refinery’’ and instead base the
                                                                Under 40 CFR 63.643(c) an owner or                 regulation on whether a pure hydrogen
       In the April 2018 Proposal, we
                                                             operator may designate a process vent as              supply was available for the pyrophoric
     proposed several amendments to
                                                             a maintenance vent if the vent is only                unit.
     address petitioners’ requests for
                                                             used as a result of startup, shutdown,
     revisions and clarifications to the                     maintenance, or inspection of                         What key comments were received on
     requirements identifying and managing                   equipment where equipment is emptied,                 the regulatory text for maintenance
     the subset of miscellaneous process                     depressurized, degassed, or placed into               vents associated with equipment
     vents (MPV) that result from                            service. Facilities generally must                    containing pyrophoric catalyst?
     maintenance activities. In the July 2018                comply with one of three conditions                      Comment b.1: One commenter
     Proposal, we proposed to change the                     prior to venting maintenance vents to                 (–0953) stated that the proposed
     compliance date of the requirements for                 the atmosphere (section 63.643(c)(1)(i)–              language is inadequately defined, and
     existing maintenance vents. We describe                 (iii)). However, section 63.643(c)(1)(iv)             allows the refiner to opt in to the
     each of these proposals in the following                of the December 2015 Rule provides                    provision providing flexibility by, for
     subparagraphs.                                          flexibility for maintenance vents                     example, shutting down the source of
     a. Notice of Compliance Status (NOCS)                   associated with equipment containing                  the pure hydrogen supply.
                                                             pyrophoric catalyst (or simply                           Response b.1: In most cases, the
                                                             ‘‘pyrophoric units’’), such as                        pyrophoric unit will be supplied by
     What is the history of the NOCS report                  hydrotreaters and hydrocrackers, at                   either pure SMR hydrogen or catalytic
     for MPV addressed in the April 2018                     refineries that do not have pure                      reforming hydrogen. As purging with
     Proposal?                                               hydrogen supply. At many refineries,                  hydrogen is one of the steps used to de-
                                                             pure hydrogen is generated by steam-                  inventory this equipment, the refiner
       In their March 28, 2017, letter (Docket               methane reforming (SMR), with                         cannot shutdown the hydrogen supply
     ID No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2010–0682–                            hydrogen concentrations of 98 volume                  prior to de-inventorying the equipment.
     0915), API and AFPM noted that the                      percent or higher. The other source of                If a pyrophoric unit can be supplied
     MPV provisions at section 63.643(c) do                  hydrogen available at refineries is from              with either SMR and catalytic reformer
     not require an owner or operator to                     the CRU. This catalytic reformer                      hydrogen, and the SMR hydrogen is
     designate a maintenance vent as Group                   hydrogen may have hydrogen                            being used during normal operations of
     1 or Group 2 MPV. However, they stated                  concentrations of 50 percent or more                  the pyrophoric unit prior to de-
     that the reporting requirements at                      and may contain appreciable                           inventorying the unit, we consider it a
     section 63.655(f)(1)(ii) are unclear as to              concentrations of light hydrocarbons                  violation of the good air pollution
     whether a NOCS report is needed for                     which limit the ability of vents                      control practices requirement in section
     some or all maintenance vents. We did                   associated with this source of hydrogen               63.643(n) to switch the hydrogen supply
     not intend for maintenance vents to be                  to meet the lower explosive limit (LEL)               only for de-inventorying the equipment.
     included in the NOCS report. The rule                   of 10 percent or less. The December                   We also note that the refiner must keep
     has separate requirements for                           2015 Rule limits the flexibility to                   records of the lack of a pure hydrogen
     characterizing, recording, and reporting                maintenance vents associated with                     supply as required at section
     maintenance vents in section                            pyrophoric units at refineries without a              63.655(i)(12)(v).
     63.655(g)(13) and (h)(12); therefore, it is             pure hydrogen supply. For pyrophoric                     Comment b.2: One commenter stated
     not necessary to identify each place                    units at a refinery without a pure                    that the EPA has not provided any
     where equipment may be opened for                       hydrogen supply, the December 2015                    assessment of the potential increase of
     maintenance in a NOCS report. To                        Rule provides that the LEL of the vapor               uncontrolled emissions to the
     clarify this, we proposed to add                        in the equipment must be less than 20                 atmosphere, or an analysis of the
     language to section 63.643(c) to                        percent, except for one event per year                increase in health risks or the
     explicitly state that maintenance vents                 not to exceed 35 percent.                             environmental impact of the proposed
     need not be identified in the NOCS                         API and AFPM took issue with the                   exemption, or an assessment of the
     report.                                                 regulatory language that drew a                       industry-provided cost data.
                                                             distinction based on whether there is a                  Response b.2: The docket for the
     What key comments were received on                      pure hydrogen supply located at the                   rulemaking includes the information
     the NOCS report for MPV provisions?                     refinery. As described in the preamble                upon which we based our decisions,
                                                             to the April 2018 Proposal (83 FR                     including costs and environmental
       We did not receive comments on the                    15462), we reviewed comments from                     impact estimates of the provision
     proposed amendment in section                           API and AFPM as well as additional                    providing flexibility to maintenance
     63.643(c) to explicitly state that                      information contained in an August 1,                 vents associated with pyrophoric units
     maintenance vents need not be                           2017, letter (Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–                   without a pure hydrogen supply. We
     identified in the NOCS report.                          OAR–2010–0682–0916) which provided                    had reviewed this information and
     What is the EPA’s final decision on the                 evidence that a single refinery may have              determined that it was a reasonable
     NOCS report for MPV provisions?                         many pyrophoric units, some that have                 estimate of the impacts (see Docket ID
                                                             a pure hydrogen supply and some that                  Nos. EPA–HQ–OAR–2010–0682–0733
       We are finalizing the amendment in                    do not have a pure hydrogen supply.                   and –0909). This information supports
     section 63.643(c) as proposed.                          Thus, our assumption at the time we                   our statement in the April 2018

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     60700            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 227 / Monday, November 26, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

     Proposal that this amendment is not                     there may be some misinterpretation of                the final regulatory text at section
     projected to appreciably impact                         the results. For example, it is unclear               63.643(c)(1)(iv), as revised by this
     emission reductions associated with the                 from the summary provided if the                      rulemaking.
     standard. In fact, considering secondary                question was whether the facility
     emissions from the flare or other control               owners or operators could meet 10                     c. Control Requirements for
     system needed to comply with the 10                     percent LEL for all events (i.e., a never-            Maintenance Vents
     percent LEL limit, this provision                       to-be-exceeded limit) or if this was more             What is the history of the provisions for
     providing flexibility to maintenance                    of an operational average.                            the control requirements for
     vents associated with pyrophoric units                     We agree with the commenter that                   maintenance vents addressed in the
     without a pure hydrogen supply is                       costs cannot be considered in                         April 2018 Proposal?
     expected to result in a net                             establishing a MACT standard. We
     environmental benefit.                                  based this provision on an assessment of                 Paragraph 63.643(a) specifies that
        Comment b.3: One commenter stated                    the overall environmental impacts                     Group 1 miscellaneous process vents
     that the exemption does not comport                     associated with the emission limitations              must be controlled by 98 percent or to
     with the requirements of CAA section                    and concluded that the best performing                20 parts per million by volume or to a
     112(d)(2)–(3), which requires the                       pyrophoric units without a pure                       flare meeting the requirements in
     standards to be no less stringent than                  hydrogen supply, when considering                     section 63.670. This paragraph also
     the maximum achievable control                          secondary impacts, was to meet a 20                   states in the second sentence that
     technology (MACT) floor. The                            percent LEL with one exception not to                 requirements for maintenance vents are
     commenter points to the voluntary                       exceed 35 percent LEL per year. The                   specified in section 63.643(c), ‘‘and the
     survey of hydrogen production units as                  API survey does not provide support to                owner or operator is only required to
     submitted by API and notes that 12 of                   change our analysis of the MACT floor                 comply with the requirements in section
     62 units not connected to a pure                        in the December 2015 Rule.                            63.643(c).’’ Paragraphs (c)(1) through (3)
     hydrogen supply reported being able to                     Comment b.4: One commenter                         then specify requirements for
     comply with the 10 percent LEL                          (–0958) pointed out that the proposed                 maintenance vents. Paragraph (c)(1)
     standard. As such, the commenter                        amendment to section 63.643(c)(1)(iv) is              requires that equipment must be
     contends that the MACT floor should be                  inconsistent with the description of the              depressured to a control device, fuel gas
     10 percent LEL for equipment                            amendment included in the preamble to                 system, or back to the process until one
     containing pyrophoric catalysts                         the April 2018 Proposal. Specifically,                of the conditions in paragraph (c)(1)(i)
     regardless of whether or not they are                   the description of the amendment in the               through (iv) is met. In reviewing these
     connected to a pure hydrogen supply                     preamble of the April 2018 Proposal                   rule requirements, the EPA noted that
     and, thus, there should be no alternative               does not contain the additional phrase,               we did not specify that the control
     based on whether or not a pure                          ‘‘considering all such maintenance                    device in (c)(1) must also meet the
     hydrogen supply is available.                           vents at the refinery,’’ which was                    Group 1 miscellaneous process vent
     Furthermore, the commenter stated that                  included in the amendatory text. The                  control device requirements in
     costs cannot be used as justification for               commenter suggested that the EPA                      paragraph (a). The second sentence in
     providing a higher emission limit                       delete this phrase as it could be                     section 63.643(a) could be
     alternative to MACT standards,                          interpreted to limit the use of the 35                misinterpreted to mean that a facility
     particularly those based on the MACT                    percent allowance to once per year per                complying with the maintenance vent
     floor.                                                  refinery rather than to once per year per             provisions in section 63.643(c) must
        Response b.3: As an initial matter, the              piece of equipment.                                   only comply with the requirements in
     EPA did not intend to re-open the issue                    Response b.4: We agree that the                    paragraph (c) and not the control
     of what is the MACT floor for                           preamble discussion and the rule                      requirements in paragraph (a) for the
     pyrophoric units through the proposal.                  language regarding these revisions are                control device referenced by paragraph
     Rather, the issue raised was whether the                not consistent. We did not intend to                  (c)(1). In omitting these requirements,
     flexibility provided should only be for                 limit the one time per year 35 percent                we did not intend that the control
     pyrophoric units located at a refinery                  LEL to the refinery; rather, we intended              requirement for maintenance vents prior
     without a pure hydrogen supply or                       it to apply to each pyrophoric unit                   to atmospheric release would not be
     should also apply to pyrophoric units                   without a pure hydrogen supply.                       compliant with Group 1 controls as
     located at a facility that has a pure                   Consistent with our intent as expressed               specified in section 63.643(a). In order
     hydrogen supply but for which pure                      in the preamble discussion of the April               to clarify this intent, we proposed to
     hydrogen is not available at the unit.                  2018 Proposal, 83 FR at 15462, we are                 amend paragraph section 63.643(c)(1) to
     Regardless, we disagree with the                        removing the phrase, ‘‘considering all                include control device specifications
     commenter that the survey results                       such maintenance vents at the refinery’’              equivalent to those in section 63.643(a).
     submitted by API support a conclusion                   from the regulatory text at section
     that 10 percent LEL is the MACT floor                   63.643(c)(1)(iv) for the final                        What key comments were received on
     for all pyrophoric units. The survey                    amendments promulgated by this                        the provisions for the control
     provided by API was not the type of                     rulemaking.                                           requirements for maintenance vents?
     rigorous survey that could provide a
     basis for establishing the MACT floor.                  What is the EPA’s final decision on the                 We received one comment in support
     As an initial matter, the API survey did                regulatory text for maintenance vents                 of this revision.
     not include the universe of pyrophoric                  associated with equipment containing
                                                             pyrophoric catalyst?                                  What is the EPA’s final decision on the
     units and there is no information to                                                                          provisions for the control requirements
     suggest whether the best performers for                   We are finalizing the proposed                      for maintenance vents?
     the subset of units addressed in the                    amendment with one change. In
     survey represents the top performing 12                 response to the public comments                         We are finalizing the amendment to
     percent of sources across the industry.                 received, we are not including the                    § 63.643(c)(1) to include control device
     Also, because the exact questions and                   phrase ‘‘considering all such                         specifications equivalent to those in
     definitions of terms were not provided,                 maintenance vents at the refinery’’ in                § 63.643(a), as proposed.

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                      Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 227 / Monday, November 26, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                       60701

     d. Additional Maintenance Vent                          met. One condition specifies that                     while reducing the recordkeeping and
     Alternative for Equipment Blinding                      equipment containing less than 72 lbs/                reporting burden with more detailed
     What is the history of the maintenance                  day of VOC can be depressured directly                records.
     vent alternative for equipment blinding                 to the atmosphere provided that the
                                                                                                                   What is the EPA’s final decision on the
     addressed in the April 2018 Proposal?                   mass of VOC in the equipment is
                                                                                                                   recordkeeping for maintenance vents on
                                                             determined and provided that refiners
       We proposed a new alternative                                                                               equipment containing less than 72 lbs/
                                                             keep records of the process units or
     compliance option for the subset of                                                                           day of VOC provisions?
                                                             equipment associated with the
     maintenance vents subject to the                        maintenance vent and the date of each                   We are finalizing these amendments
     provisions addressed at § 63.643(c)(v).                 maintenance vent opening, and the                     as proposed.
     The proposed alternative compliance                     estimate of the total quantity of VOC in
     option would apply to equipment that                                                                          f. Bypass Monitoring for Open-Ended
                                                             the equipment at the time of vent                     Lines (OEL)
     must be blinded to seal off hydrocarbon-                opening. Therefore, each maintenance
     containing streams prior to conducting                  vent opening would be documented on                   What is the history of the bypass
     maintenance activities.                                 an event-basis.                                       monitoring provisions for OELs
                                                                Industry petitioners noted that there              addressed in the April 2018 Proposal?
     What key comments were received on
     the maintenance vent alternative for                    are numerous routine maintenance                        API and AFPM requested clarification
     equipment blinding?                                     activities, such as replacing sampling                of the bypass monitoring provisions in
                                                             line tubing or replacing a pressure                   section 63.644(c) for OEL (Docket ID
       We received two comments on the                       gauge, that involve potential releases of             Nos. EPA–HQ–OAR–2010–0682–0892
     proposed amendment. One commenter                       very small amounts of VOC, often less                 and –0915). This provision excludes
     expressed concern regarding the burden                  than 1 lb/day, that are well below the                components subject to the Refinery
     of the recordkeeping associated with                    72 lbs/day of VOC threshold provided                  MACT 1 equipment leak provisions in
     this alternative compliance option. The                 in section 63.643(c)(1)(iii). They                    section 63.648 from the bypass
     second commenter asserted that the use                  claimed that documenting each                         monitoring requirement. Noting that the
     of work practice standards for                          individual event is burdensome and                    provisions in section 63.648 only apply
     maintenance vents is illegal. As detailed               unnecessary. As stated in the preamble                to components in organic hazardous air
     in the comment summaries and                            to the April 2018 Proposal (83 FR                     pollutants (HAP) service (i.e., greater
     responses included in the response to                   15463), the EPA agrees that                           than 5-weight percent HAP), API and
     comment document for this final rule                    documentation of each release from                    AFPM asked whether the EPA also
     (Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2010–                         maintenance vents which serve                         intended to exclude open-ended valves
     0682), we were not persuaded to make                    equipment containing less than 72 lbs/                or lines that are in VOC service (less
     changes to the proposed amendments.                     day of VOC is not necessary provided                  than 5-weight percent HAP) and are
     What is the EPA’s final decision on the                 there is a demonstration that the event               capped and plugged in compliance with
     maintenance vent alternative for                        is compliant with the requirement that                the standards in NSPS subpart VV or
     equipment blinding?                                     the equipment contains less than 72 lbs/              VVa or the Hazardous Organic NESHAP
                                                             day of VOC. Therefore, we proposed to                 (HON; 40 CFR part 63, subpart H) that
       We are finalizing the new alternative
                                                             revise the event-specific recordkeeping               are substantively equivalent to the
     compliance option for the subset of
                                                             requirements specific to maintenance                  Refinery MACT 1 equipment leak
     maintenance vents subject to the
                                                             vent openings in equipment containing                 provisions in section 63.648.
     requirements of § 63.643(c)(v) for which
                                                             less than 72 lbs/day of VOC to only                   Commenters noted that OELs in
     equipment blinding is necessary, as
                                                             require a record demonstrating that the               conveyances carrying a Group 1 MPV
                                                             total quantity of VOC in the equipment                could be in less than 5-weight percent
     e. Recordkeeping for Maintenance Vents                  based on the type, size, and contents is              HAP service, but could still be capped
     on Equipment Containing Less Than 72                    less than 72 lbs/day of VOC at the time               and plugged in accordance with another
     Pounds per Day (lbs/day) of Volatile                    of the maintenance vent opening.                      rule, such as NSPS subpart VV or VVa
     Organic Compounds (VOC)                                                                                       or the HON. As stated in the preamble
                                                             What key comments were received on
     What is the history of the provisions                   the recordkeeping for maintenance                     to the proposed rule (83 FR 15464), the
     regarding recordkeeping for                             vents on equipment containing less than               EPA agrees that, because the use of a
     maintenance vents on equipment                          72 lbs/day of VOC provisions?                         cap, blind flange, plug, or second valve
     containing less than 72 lbs/day of VOC                                                                        for an open-ended valve or line is
                                                               We received two comments on this                    sufficient to prevent a bypass, the
     provisions addressed in the April 2018                  proposed amendment. One commenter
     Proposal?                                                                                                     Refinery MACT 1 bypass monitoring
                                                             maintained that the event-specific                    requirements in section 63.644(c) are
       Under section 63.643(c) an owner or                   recordkeeping requirements are too                    redundant with NSPS subpart VV in
     operator may designate a process vent as                burdensome, while the other commenter                 these cases. Therefore, we proposed to
     a maintenance vent if the vent is only                  maintained that the recordkeeping                     amend section 63.644(c) to make clear
     used as a result of startup, shutdown,                  requirements are not adequate to assure               that open-ended valves or lines that are
     maintenance, or inspection of                           compliance with the rule. As detailed in              capped and plugged sufficient to meet
     equipment where equipment is emptied,                   the comment summaries and responses                   the standards in NSPS subpart VV at
     depressurized, degassed, or placed into                 included in the response to comment                   § 60.482–6(a)(2), (b), and (c), are not
     service. The rule specifies that prior to               document for this final rule (Docket ID               subject to the bypass monitoring in
     venting a maintenance vent to the                       No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2010–0682), we                         section 63.644(c).
     atmosphere, process liquids must be                     concluded that the proposed
     removed from the equipment as much                      amendment struck the right balance                    What key comments were received on
     as practical and the equipment must be                  between requiring the necessary                       the bypass monitoring provisions for
     depressured to a control device, fuel gas               information needed to demonstrate and                 OELs?
     system, or back to the process until one                enforce compliance with the 72 lbs/day                  Comment f.1: One commenter (–0958)
     of several conditions, as applicable, is                of VOC maintenance vent provision                     expressed support for the addition of

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     60702            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 227 / Monday, November 26, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

     the bypass monitoring option for capped                 g. Compliance Date Extension for                      pollution to communities of color and
     or plugged OELs in section 63.644(c)(3).                Existing Maintenance Vents                            low-income people. The commenter
     The commenter suggested that the EPA                    What is the history of the compliance                 noted that the EPA has not supported
     similarly amend section 63.660(i)(2) to                 date extension for existing maintenance               the conclusion in the July 2018 Proposal
     provide this new monitoring alternative                 vents addressed in the July 2018                      that the extension of compliance would
     for vent systems handling Group 1                       Proposal?                                             have an insignificant effect on emissions
     storage vessel vents. A different                                                                             reductions. A separate commenter
                                                               In the July 2018 Proposal, we                       (–0971) concurred with the EPA’s
     commenter (–0953) opposed this                          proposed to amend the compliance date
     revision, stating that the EPA did not                                                                        conclusions that the proposed
                                                             for maintenance vent provisions                       compliance extension would have an
     show or provide any evidence to                         applicable to existing sources (i.e., those           insignificant effect on emissions
     support the statement that the                          constructed or reconstructed on or                    reductions.
     monitoring requirements are                             before June 30, 2014) promulgated at 40                  The commenter also stated that the
     ‘‘redundant with NSPS subpart VV.’’                     CFR 63.643(c). The basis for this                     EPA’s reliance on regulatory uncertainty
     The commenter recommended that the                      proposal was that sources needed                      due to the April 2018 Proposal as part
     EPA require a compliance                                additional time to follow the                         of the justification for the need for a
     demonstration or otherwise demonstrate                  ‘‘management of change’’ process. We                  compliance extension is at odds with
     that the provisions are equivalent.                     also noted that we had proposed                       the CAA’s explicit prohibition on any
        Response f.1: The December 2015                      substantive revisions to the                          delay or postponement of a final rule
     Rule bypass provisions require either a                 maintenance vent requirements as part                 based on reconsideration (see CAA
                                                             of the April 2018 Proposal.                           section 307(d)(7)(B)). The commenter
     flow indicator or the use of a valve
     locked in a non-diverting position using                What significant comments were                        further added that this provision only
     a car-seal or lock and key. The general                 received on the compliance date                       allows the EPA to stay a rule’s effective
     equipment leak provisions for OELs are                  extension for existing maintenance                    date during reconsideration, not to
                                                             vents?                                                postpone compliance, and only enables
     installation of a plug, cap or secondary
                                                                                                                   the EPA to do so for up to three months.
     valve. Based on the effectiveness of this                  Comment g.1: One commenter (–0968)                 Another commenter
     equipment work practice standard,                       stated that the proposed compliance                   (–0971) expressed support for the
     continuous or periodic monitoring of                    extension is arbitrary and capricious                 proposed compliance extension for
     these secondarily-sealed lines are not                  because the EPA has not provided any                  maintenance vents because of regulatory
     generally required. With the elimination                evidence as to why refineries could not               uncertainty since the EPA proposed
     of the exemption for discharges                         comply with the August 1, 2017,                       amendments in April 2018 Proposal, but
     associated with maintenance activities                  compliance date and why a revised                     has not yet finalized those proposed
     and process upsets under the definition                 compliance date of January 30, 2019, is               amendments. The commenter stated
     of ‘‘periodically discharged’’ in the                   as expeditious as practicable, as                     that these revisions are critical to
     December 2015 Rule, there are a number                  required by CAA section 112(i)(3)(A).                 providing certainty as to what is
     of process lines that are not traditional               The commenter noted that the EPA                      required and to assure equipment may
     bypass lines and that were not                          referred to the fact that some number of              be isolated for maintenance under all
     previously considered an MPV or an                      refinery owners and operators have                    expected maintenance situations. The
                                                             applied for and received compliance                   commenter noted that maintenance
     MPV bypass, but now are. Many of these
                                                             extensions of up to one year from their               vents are located across the refinery,
     lines are small and not conducive to the
                                                             permitting authorities pursuant to 40                 and time will be needed to review
     installation of a car-seal or lock and key              CFR 63.6(i), but does not provide any
     so they cannot comply with the current                                                                        procedures that would implement those
                                                             evidence of these applications or                     revisions under refinery management of
     bypass provisions. Most of these small                  subsequent state agency determinations                change processes, incorporate the
     lines have been previously regulated via                in the rulemaking record. The                         changes into refinery compliance
     Refinery MACT 1’s requirement to                        commenter further noted that the EPA’s                procedures and recordkeeping and
     comply with the NSPS open-ended line                    failure to provide this information in the            reporting systems, and provide training
     provisions, which are an effective                      record for the rulemaking has inhibited               to employees.
     means to control emissions from these                   the public’s ability to provide fully                    Response g.1: The EPA is not
     smaller lines. Because the existing                     informed comments, and as such, the                   finalizing the extension of the
     equipment leak provisions for these                     EPA is in violation of the notice-and-                compliance date as proposed in July
     types of OELs serve the same purpose                    comment and public participation                      2018. However, in order to provide
     and are more appropriate for these                      requirements of CAA section 307(d).                   sources with time to understand the
     smaller lines, we determined that it is                 The commenter also disagreed with the                 amended maintenance requirements, to
     reasonable to provide for this method of                EPA’s statement in the preamble of the                determine which maintenance
     compliance for these OELs.                              July 2018 Proposal that the source                    compliance option best meets their
                                                             requests for an extension from the                    needs, and to come into compliance we
     What is the EPA’s final decision on the                 permitting authorities is demonstrative               are modifying the compliance date so
     bypass monitoring provisions for OELs?                  of refinery owners and operators acting               that it is 30 days following the effective
                                                             on ‘‘good faith efforts.’’ Rather, the                date of the final rule. Due to the variety
        We are finalizing this amendment as
                                                             commenter asserted that the filing of                 of different types of maintenance vents
     proposed. In response to comments
                                                             these requests shows an avoidance of                  and their ubiquitous nature, there has
     received on the proposed rule, we are                                                                         been some uncertainty as to how the
                                                             compliance with the rule.
     providing this new monitoring                              The commenter stated that the                      maintenance vent requirements apply;
     alternative for vent systems handling                   proposed compliance extension is                      whether the provisions, as promulgated,
     Group 1 storage vessel vents at section                 particularly harmful since the EPA has                are appropriate for all types of vents;
     63.660(i)(2) in the final rule.                         acknowledged that there are significant               and the time needed to make the
                                                             disproportionate impacts of refinery                  requisite modifications to ensure

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                      Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 227 / Monday, November 26, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                        60703

     compliance. The maintenance vent                        pyrophoric catalyst when venting at 35                phrase is missing in the fifth paragraph.
     provisions in their current form were                   percent LEL rather than 10 percent LEL.               API and AFPM requested that we clarify
     promulgated in the December 2015 Rule                   Based on our previous analysis of                     whether releases listed in section
     in order to replace a start-up, shutdown                impacts for risk and technology review                63.648(j)(3)(v) are limited to PRDs ‘‘in
     and malfunction (SSM) provision that                    revisions to Refinery MACT 1, we                      organic HAP service.’’ Consistent with
     was included in the original MACT                       estimate approximately 10 percent of                  the requirements in section
     standard. The EPA was replacing the                     VOC emissions are HAP, so that we                     63.648(j)(3)(i) through (iv) and the
     SSM provisions because in Sierra Club                   estimate on the order of approximately                Agency’s intent when promulgating the
     v. EPA, [551 F.3d 1019 (D.C. Cir. 2008)],               3 pounds of HAP emissions (0.1 × 200/                 provisions in section 63.648(j)(3), we
     the D.C. Circuit determined that SSM                    6) would occur per major equipment                    proposed to add the phrase, ‘‘affected
     provisions, similar to those included in                venting event. The maintenance vent                   pressure relief device’’ to section
     the Refinery MACT were inconsistent                     provisions as adopted in the December                 63.648(j)(3)(v). We also proposed to
     with the requirements of the CAA. The                   2015 Rule were projected to reduce                    amend the introductory text in
     EPA originally provided a compliance                    emissions of HAP by 5,200 tons per year               paragraph (j) to add the phrase, ‘‘in
     date as of the effective date of the                    (80 FR 75178, December 1, 2015).                      organic HAP service’’ at the end of the
     December 2015 Rule (January 30, 2016),                  Therefore, based on the low expected                  last sentence to further clarify that the
     but subsequently extended that date to                  emissions from each major equipment                   pressure release management
     August 2017 based on information from                   venting event, the expected limited                   requirements for PRD in section
     refineries that they needed more time to                occurrence of maintenance venting                     63.648(j)(3) are applicable to ‘‘all
     comply. As previously noted, many                       events, and the likelihood that many                  pressure relief devices in organic HAP
     refineries sought a further extension                   types of maintenance venting events are               service.’’
     until August 2018 from state permitting                 in compliance with the MACT, the                      What key comments were received on
     authorities. Establishing a compliance                  compliance extension would have an                    the requirements for PRD ‘‘in organic
     date 30 days following promulgation of                  insignificant effect on emissions.                    HAP service’’?
     these revisions will allow refineries a
                                                             What is the EPA’s final decision on the                 We did not receive any public
     modest amount of time to ensure any
                                                             compliance date extension for existing                comments on these proposed
     remaining maintenance vents not yet in
                                                             maintenance vents?                                    amendments.
     compliance with the MACT, as
     modified through this final action, are                   The EPA is not finalizing the                       What is the EPA’s final decision on the
     in compliance.                                          compliance extension as proposed in                   requirements for PRD ‘‘in organic HAP
        With respect to the comments on the                  the July 2018 Proposal. However, in                   service’’?
     effect of emissions reductions relative to              order to provide sources with time to
                                                                                                                     We are finalizing these amendments
     the July 2018 Proposal, we reached this                 understand the amended maintenance
                                                                                                                   as proposed.
     conclusion based on several factors.                    requirements, to determine which
     First, maintenance events typically                     maintenance compliance option best                    b. Redundant Release Prevention
     occur about once per year or less                       meets their needs, and to come into                   Measures in 40 CFR 63.648(j)(3)(ii)
     frequently for major equipment. Thus,                   compliance, we are modifying the                      What is the history of the requirements
     during the proposed period of the                       compliance date so that it is 30 days                 for redundant release prevention
     compliance extension (approximately 6                   following the effective date of the final             measures addressed in the April 2018
     months from the August 2018                             rule.7                                                Proposal?
     compliance date that applied to most                    3. Pressure Relief Device Provisions                     Section 63.648(j)(3)(ii) lists options
     refineries due to extensions granted by                                                                       for three redundant release prevention
                                                             a. Clarification of Requirements for PRD
     state permitting authorities), some                                                                           measures that must be applied to
                                                             ‘‘in organic HAP service’’
     equipment would have no major events                                                                          affected PRDs. The prevention measures
     and other equipment, at most, should                    What is the history of the requirements               in paragraph (j)(3)(ii) include: (A) Flow,
     experience only one event. Second,                      for PRD ‘‘in organic HAP service’’                    temperature, level, and pressure
     facilities would still be required to                   addressed in the April 2018 Proposal?                 indicators with deadman switches,
     comply with the general requirements to                    The introductory text for the                      monitors, or automatic actuators; (B)
     use good air pollution control practices                equipment leak provisions for PRD in                  documented routine inspection and
     during maintenance events. Many                         section 63.648(j) requires compliance                 maintenance programs and/or operator
     facility owners or operators already                    with no detectable emission provisions                training (maintenance programs and
     have standard procedures for emptying                   for PRD ‘‘in organic HAP gas or vapor                 operator training may count as only one
     and degassing equipment. While these                    service’’ and the pressure release                    redundant prevention measure); (C)
     procedures are not as stringent as the                  management requirements for PRD ‘‘for                 inherently safer designs or safety
     MACT requirements for maintenance                       all pressure relief devices.’’ However,               instrumentation systems; (D) deluge
     vents as adopted in the December 2015                   the pressure release management                       systems; and (E) staged relief system
     Rule and as we had proposed in April                    requirements for PRD in section                       where initial pressure relief valves (with
     2018, they would provide some limit on                  63.648(j)(3) are applicable only to PRD               lower set release pressure) discharges to
     emissions to the atmosphere. In a                       ‘‘in organic HAP service.’’ There are five            a flare or other closed vent system and
     meeting with industry representatives,                  specific provisions within the pressure               control device. In their petition for
     an example of the type of emissions                     release management requirements for                   reconsideration (Docket ID No. EPA–
     occurring from maintenance vents was                    PRD listed in paragraphs 63.648(j)(3)(i)              HQ–OAR–2010–0682–0892), API and
     provided to the Agency (Docket ID No.                   through (v). In the first four paragraphs,            AFPM requested clarification as to
     EPA–HQ–OAR–2010–0682–0909).                             the phrase ‘‘each [or any] affected                   whether two prevention measures can
     Based on that example, the Agency                       pressure relief device’’ is used, but this            be selected from the list in
     estimates that approximately 200 lbs of                                                                       § 63.648(j)(3)(ii)(A). API and AFPM
     VOC would be released from purging 6                      7 Cf. 5 U.S.C. 553(d) providing a 30-day period     noted that the rule does not state that
     pieces of equipment containing                          prior to a rule taking effect.                        the measures in paragraph (j)(3)(ii)(A)

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     60704            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 227 / Monday, November 26, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

     are to be considered a single prevention                the addition of balanced bellows and                  overflowing any water. We also
     measure. The Agency grouped the                         pilot-operated PRD to the work practice               proposed to add a requirement to use a
     measures listed in subparagraph A                       standard requirements for PRD. The                    separator or disengaging device when
     together because of similarities they                   comment and the EPA’s response are                    using the water overflow method of
     have; however, they can be separate                     available in the response to comments                 cooling to prevent entrainment of gases
     measures. Therefore, as the EPA                         document for this rulemaking (Docket                  from the coke drum vessel to the
     explains in the preamble to the April                   ID No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2010–0682).                         overflow water storage tank and we
     2018 Proposal (83 FR 15464), if these                                                                         proposed that gases from the separator
                                                             What is the EPA’s final decision on the
     measures operate independently, they                                                                          must be routed to a closed vent
                                                             provisions for pilot-operated PRD and
     are considered two separate redundant                                                                         blowdown system or otherwise
                                                             balanced bellows PRD?
     prevention measures.                                                                                          controlled following the requirements
                                                               We are finalizing these amendments                  for a Group 1 miscellaneous process
     What key comments were received on                      as proposed.                                          vent. As separators appear to be an
     the requirements for redundant release
                                                             4. Delayed Coking Unit Decoking                       integral part of the water overflow
     prevention measures?
                                                             Operation Provisions                                  system design, we did not project any
       We did not receive any public                                                                               capital investment or additional
     comments on this proposed                                  What is the history of the delayed                 operating costs associated with this
     amendment.                                              coking unit decoking operation                        proposed amendment.
                                                             provisions addressed in the April 2018
     What is the EPA’s final decision on the                 Proposal?                                             What key comments were received on
     requirements for redundant release                         The provisions in 40 CFR 63.657(a)                 the delayed coking unit decoking
     prevention measures?                                    require owners or operators of DCU to                 operation provisions?
       We are finalizing the amendment to                    depressure each coke drum to a closed                   The following is a summary of the key
     § 63.648(j)(3)(ii)(A), which clarifies that             blowdown system until the coke drum                   comments received in response to our
     independent, non-duplicative systems                    vessel pressure or temperature meets the              April 2018 Proposal and our responses
     count as separate redundant prevention                  applicable limits specified in the rule (2            to these comments. Detailed public
     measures, as proposed.                                  psig or 220 degrees Fahrenheit for                    comments and the EPA responses are
                                                             existing sources). Special provisions are             included in the response to comments
     c. Pilot-Operated PRD and Balanced                      provided in 40 CFR 63.657(e) and (f) for
     Bellows PRD                                                                                                   document for this final action (Docket
                                                             DCU using ‘‘water overflow’’ or                       ID EPA–HQ–OAR–2010–0682).
     What is the history of the provisions for               ‘‘double-quench’’ method of cooling,                    Comment 1: Industry commenters
     pilot-operated PRD and balanced                         respectively. According to 40 CFR                     (–0955, –0958) stated that the proposed
     bellows PRD addressed in the April                      63.657(e), the owner or operator of a                 amendment to require DCU using the
     2018 Proposal?                                          DCU using the ‘‘water overflow’’                      water overflow compliance option to
       In a letter dated March 28, 2017, API                 method of coke cooling must hardpipe                  have a disengaging device is
     and AFPM requested clarification on                     the overflow water (i.e., via an overhead             unsupported by the record for the
     whether pilot-operated PRDs are                         line) or otherwise prevent exposure of                proposed rule and was not included in
     required to comply with the pressure                    the overflow water to the atmosphere                  the Information Collection Request (ICR)
     release management provisions of                        when transferring the overflow water to               or MACT floor analysis supporting the
     section 63.648(j)(1) through (3). Based                 the overflow water storage tank                       December 2015 Rule. The commenters
     on our understanding of pilot-operated                  whenever the coke drum vessel                         noted that the EPA has not determined
     PRD (see memorandum, ‘‘Pilot- operated                  temperature exceeds 220 degrees                       how many DCU use the water overflow
     PRD,’’ in Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–OAR–                     Fahrenheit. The provision in 40 CFR                   method of coke cooling or how many
     2010–0682) and balanced bellows PRD,                    63.657(e) also provides that the                      will require the installation of a
     we proposed that pilot-operated and                     overflow water storage tank may be an                 disengaging device, instead basing the
     balanced bellows PRD are subject to the                 open or fixed-roof tank provided that a               provisions on a report by one facility
     requirements in section 63.648(j)(1) and                submerged fill pipe (pipe outlet below                using such a device. The same
     (2), but are not subject to the                         existing liquid level in the tank) is used            commenters stated that the EPA has not
     requirements in section 63.648(j)(3)                    to transfer overflow water to the tank.               quantified the expected emission
     because the primary releases from these                    In the October 18, 2016,                           reductions associated with the proposed
     PRD are vented to a control device. We                  reconsideration proposal, we opened                   amendment to require DCU using the
     also proposed to amend the reporting                    the provisions in 40 CFR 63.657(e) for                water overflow compliance option to
     requirements in section 63.655(g)(10)                   public comment, but we did not                        have a disengaging device. One of the
     and the recordkeeping requirements in                   propose to amend the requirements. In                 commenters (–0955) maintained that the
     section 63.655(i)(11) to retain the                     response to the October 18, 2016,                     emissions from the overflow water are
     requirements to report and keep records                 reconsideration proposal, we received                 small and sufficiently controlled via the
     of each release to the atmosphere                       several comments regarding the                        submerged fill requirement. This
     through the pilot vent that exceeds 72                  provisions in 40 CFR 63.657(e) for DCU                commenter provided various analyses to
     lbs/day of VOC, including the duration                  using the water overflow method of                    support their contention that the
     of the pressure release through the pilot               coke cooling. Based on these comments,                emissions from their overflow water are
     vent and the estimate of the mass                       in the April 2018 Proposal we proposed                small, including results of facility-
     quantity of each organic HAP release.                   amendments to the water overflow                      specific industrial hygiene monitoring
                                                             requirements in 40 CFR 63.657(e) to                   programs, which the commenter claims
     What key comments were received on                      clarify that an owner or operator of a                have shown that operators exposures to
     the provisions for pilot-operated PRD                   DCU with a water overflow design does                 benzene are ‘‘orders of magnitude below
     and balanced bellows PRD?                               not need to comply with the provisions                the Occupational Safety and Health
       We received one public comment on                     in 40 CFR 63.657(e) if they comply with               Administration (OSHA) exposure limit
     this proposed amendment. The                            the primary pressure or temperature                   of 1.0 parts per million (ppm), at 0.003
     commenter was generally opposed to                      limits in 40 CFR 63.657(a) prior to                   ppm (300 parts per billion (ppb)) and

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                      Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 227 / Monday, November 26, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                        60705

     less.’’ Both of these commenters also                   an alternative compliance method, such                of a disengaging drum. To support this
     asserted that the EPA should not                        as the DCU water overflow provisions,                 final action, we estimated, to the best of
     finalize the proposed amendment to                      we are only required to ensure that the               our ability, the emissions from a typical
     require DCU using the water overflow                    alternative being provided is at least as             DCU using water overflow method of
     compliance option to have a                             stringent (achieves the same or lower                 cooling for units using a vapor
     disengaging device.                                     emissions) as the established MACT                    disengaging device and one with no
        Another commenter (–0953) asserted                   floor.                                                vapor disengaging device and compared
     that the EPA did not provide any                           We disagree that the record does not               them with the emissions projected for a
     quantitative assessment of emissions                    support the proposal. In comments                     DCU using conventional method of
     from water overflow DCU compared to                     received on the June 30, 2014, proposed               cooling complying with the 2 psig
     the primary MACT standard in order to                   risk and technology review ‘‘Sector                   MACT standard. We found that the
     demonstrate that the water overflow is                  Rule,’’ Phillips 66 requested special                 emissions from a DCU using water
     at least as stringent as the MACT floor                 provisions for water overflow (see                    overflow method of cooling and a vapor
     requirement (no draining or venting                     Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–OAR–0682–                        disengaging device had emissions
     until the pressure in the drum is at or                 0614). Further, we understood from                    significantly less than a conventional
     below 2 psig). According to the                         background meetings that there are two                DCU complying with the 2 psig
     commenter, without this direct                          main suppliers of DCU technology, one                 standard. We also found that the
     supporting analysis, the EPA’s inclusion                of which took over the ConocoPhillips                 emissions from a DCU using the water
     of the water overflow provision is                      technology licenses (see Docket ID No.                overflow method of cooling without a
     arbitrary and capricious. The                           EPA–HQ–OAR–2010–0682–0216). As                        vapor disengaging device could have
     commenter recommended that the water                    Phillips 66 was an initial developer of               emissions exceeding those for a
     overflow provisions not be finalized or                 the technology, we surmised that the                  conventional DCU complying with the 2
     that additional control requirements be                 DCU designed for water overflow were                  psig pressure limit (see memorandum
     placed on the storage tank receiving the                likely all based on the Phillips 66                   entitled ‘‘Estimating Emissions from
     water overflow. Specifically, the                       design. They also noted in their                      Delayed Coking Units Using the Water
     commenter recommended that the rule                     comments that they operated two units                 Overflow Method of Cooling’’ in Docket
     require these tanks to be vented to a                   with water overflow design. While the                 ID No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2010–0682). Our
     control device that achieves 98-percent                 ICR supporting the December 2015 Rule                 emission estimates are higher than the
     destruction efficiency or better.                       did not specifically ask about the water              emissions estimated by the commenter
     Alternatively, the commenter                            overflow method of cooling, we did ask                because their analyses did not consider
     recommended that the EPA develop                        the height of the drum and the height of              entrained gases in the overflow water. In
     minimum requirements for the liquid                     the water in the drum prior to first                  a follow-up meeting with this
     height and volume of water in the                       draining. Three DCU were reported to                  commenter, we learned that the
     receiving tank and a maximum limit on                   have water height when first draining                 concentration monitored near the
     the temperature of the water in the tank.               equal to the drum height and two DCU                  overflow water tank was 0.3 ppm
     The commenter also recommended that                     were reported to have water height                    benzene (consistent with the value of
     the EPA set restrictions on the re-use of               greater than the drum height. From                    300 ppb). This concentration, while
     the overflow water without prior                        these data, we estimated that 2 to 5 DCU              below the OSHA exposure limit of 1
     additional treatment to remove organic                  used the water overflow method of                     ppm, is not ‘‘orders of magnitude
     contaminants.                                           cooling. We understood that Phillips 66               below’’ the OSHA exposure limit and
        Two commenters (–0955, –0958)                        likely operated most of the DCU                       provides strong evidence that emissions
     stated that, if the requirement to use a                designed to use the water overflow                    near the water overflow tank are higher
     disengaging device is finalized, the EPA                method of cooling. Therefore, when                    than would be projected based on their
     should provide a compliance date 3                      Phillips 66 provided a water overflow                 analysis submitted during the comment
     years after the effective date of the rule,             DCU design that included a water-vapor                period.
     as provided under CAA section                           disengaging drum, we expected all                        Based on our analysis, we find that
     112(i)(3)(A), due to the expected                       water overflow DCU had this design. In                the water overflow method of cooling
     expense and timing needed for                           subsequent meetings with API and                      alternative achieves greater emission
     equipment installation to comply with                   AFPM, we discussed our findings and                   reductions than the primary 2 psig
     this requirement. One commenter                         our intention to add a requirement for                pressure limit when a vapor disengaging
     (–0955) described the specific steps                    a vapor disengaging drum (see Docket                  device is used for the overflow water
     required for a DCU system not equipped                  ID No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2010–0682–0910                      prior to the water storage tank. Because
     with a disengaging device to comply                     and –0911). These records clearly show                emissions without the disengaging
     with the proposed rule including:                       we carefully considered this proposed                 device in the case where the receiving
     Design, engineering, permit application                 requirement and we informed industry                  tank is not vented to a control device
     submission and permit receipt, and                      representatives from API, AFPM, and                   can exceed that of a conventional DCU
     installation, estimating it will take                   some individual refinery representatives              complying with the 2 psig pressure
     between 24–36 months to complete.                       of our conclusions prior to the proposal.             limit, we conclude that it is necessary
        Response 1: We agree that we did not                    We agree that the EPA has not                      for the alternative compliance method
     include the water overflow provisions                   provided a quantitative assessment of                 to require use of a disengaging device
     in the MACT floor analysis supporting                   the emissions from the DCU when using                 unless the receiving tank is vented to a
     the December 2015 Rule. The MACT                        water overflow. Rather, for the                       control device.
     floor analysis resulted in a                            December 2015 Rule, we relied on a                       Although cost consideration is not
     determination that emissions from the                   qualitative assessment because the                    relevant for determining MACT, we
     DCU must be controlled (no                              precise mechanism of the emissions                    disagree that the EPA did not consider
     atmospheric venting, draining or                        from the DCU is not well understood.                  the expense of installing a disengaging
     deheading of the coke drum) until the                   This qualitative analysis did not                     device. As part of the cost estimates for
     coke drum vessel pressure is at or below                consider the entrainment of gases in the              the DCU MACT requirements
     2 psig is the MACT floor. In developing                 overflow water or the need for the use                established in the December 2015 Rule,

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     60706            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 227 / Monday, November 26, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

     80 FR 75226, we considered compliance                   from the effective date of this final rule            5. Fenceline Monitoring Provisions
     costs for every DCU that did not already                that alters the work practice standard by             What is the history of the fenceline
     meet the 2 psig pressure limit. Because                 establishing the vapor disengaging drum               monitoring provisions addressed in the
     we already considered compliance costs                  requirement. This extension will only                 April 2018 Proposal?
     in our burden estimates for the                         be afforded for DCU that use the water
     December 2015 Rule, there was no basis                                                                           We proposed several amendments to
                                                             overflow method of cooling without
     for assuming that compliance with the                                                                         the fenceline monitoring provisions in
                                                             adequate systems for a vapor                          Refinery MACT 1. Many of the proposed
     alternative standard proposed here                      disengaging device or controlled tank,
     would result in additional or otherwise                                                                       revisions to the fenceline monitoring
                                                             which we consider to be as expeditious                provisions are related to requirements
     different compliance costs and to do so
                                                             as practicable based on comments                      for reporting monitoring data.
     would result in double-counting the
                                                             received on the April 2018 Proposal. We                  The December 2015 Rule included
     compliance costs.
        With respect to the commenter                        are also including operational                        new EPA Methods 325A and B
     requesting additional controls on the                   requirements on the water overflow                    specifying monitor siting and
     tank receiving the water overflow, our                  system for these DCU in the interim to                quantitative sample analysis
     analysis supports the conclusion that                   minimize emissions to the greatest                    procedures. Method 325A requires an
     the main source of emissions from the                   extent possible as requested by one of                additional monitor be placed near
     water overflow systems is entrained                     the commenters. These operational                     known VOC emission sources if the
     vapors in the overflow water. We agree                  limits will not require any additional                VOC emissions source is located within
     that venting the receiving tank to a                    equipment, so implementation can                      50 meters of the monitoring perimeter
     control device is a reasonable                          occur immediately. We do not expect                   and the source is between two monitors.
     alternative to using a disengaging device               that these operational limits are                     In the April 2018 Proposal, we proposed
     and we have added this as an alternative                sufficient to ensure that emissions from              an alternative to the additional monitor
     compliance option for DCU using the                     these units will be less than                         siting requirements if the only known
     water overflow method of cooling.                                                                             VOC emission sources within 50 meters
                                                             conventional DCU complying with the 2
     However, venting the receiving tank to                                                                        of the monitoring perimeter between
                                                             psig standard at all times, but they will
     a control device when a vapor                                                                                 two monitors are pumps, valves,
                                                             help to ensure emissions are not
     disengaging device is already used is                                                                         connectors, sampling connections, and
                                                             unrestricted in this interim period. We               open-ended line sources. The proposed
     unnecessary and redundant. We agree                     also note that pursuant to the provisions
     that adding certain limitations on                                                                            alternative requires that these sources be
                                                             in § 63.6(i), which are generally                     actively monitored monthly using
     overflow water temperature, receiving
     tank water volume and temperature can                   applicable, refinery owners or operators              audio, visual, or olfactory means and
     help to reduce emissions when a vapor                   may seek compliance extensions on a                   quarterly using Method 21 or the AWP
     disengaging device is not used, but we                  case-by-case basis if necessary.                      for equipment leaks.
     do not believe adding these limitations                 What is the EPA’s final decision on the                  In addition, we proposed to revise the
     will make water overflow without a                                                                            quarterly reporting requirements in
                                                             delayed coking unit decoking operation
     vapor disengaging device equivalent to                                                                        section 63.655(h)(8) to specify that it
     the primary 2 psig emission limitation.                                                                       means calendar year quarters (i.e.,
     Based on our analysis, we find that the                    We are finalizing the requirement for              Quarter 1 is from January 1 to March 31;
     use of a disengaging device with                        DCU using the water overflow                          Quarter 2 is from April 1 through June
     submerged fill requirement is as                        provisions in section 63.657(e) to use a              30; Quarter 3 is from July 1 through
     stringent as the MACT floor and that                    separator or disengaging device to                    September 30; and Quarter 4 is from
     additional restrictions on the receiving                prevent entrainment of gases in the                   October 1 through December 31) rather
     storage vessel for these DCU are not                                                                          than being tied to the date compliance
                                                             cooling water. In response to comments,
     necessary to comply with MACT.                                                                                monitoring began.
                                                             we are providing a limited compliance                    We also proposed to require one field
        Finally, regarding the compliance
                                                             extension, of 2 years from the effective              blank per sampling period rather than
     date, we agree that it will take time to
     design, procure, and install a                          date of this final rule, only for DCU that            two as currently required. Similarly, we
     disengaging drum for those DCU using                    use the water overflow method of                      proposed to decrease the number of
     water overflow and that do not currently                cooling that document the need to                     duplicate samples that must be
     have a disengaging drum. Similarly,                     design, procure, and install a                        collected each sampling period. Instead
     venting the receiving tank to a control                 disengaging device, which we consider                 of requiring a duplicate sample for every
     device as an alternative to using a                     to be as expeditious as practicable based             10 monitoring locations, we proposed
     disengaging device will also require                    on comments received on the April                     that facilities with 19 or fewer
     time to design and retrofit the tank with               2018 Proposal. We are providing                       monitoring locations be required to
     a fixed roof and closed vent system to                  operational restrictions on these DCU in              collect one duplicate sample per
     control. We originally provided a 3-year                the interim to minimize emissions to the              sampling period and facilities with 20
     compliance schedule due to the design,                  greatest extent possible. Finally, in                 or more sampling locations be required
     engineering, and equipment installation                 response to comments, we are                          to collect two duplicate samples per
     that could be required to meet the                      including, as an alternative to the use of            sampling period. We also proposed to
     emission limitations for DCU in the                     a vapor disengaging drum, requirements                require that duplicate samples be
     December 2015 Rule. As the December                     to discharge the overflow water to a                  averaged together to determine the
     2015 Rule did not require a vapor                       storage vessel vented to a control device             sampling location’s benzene
     disengaging drum or controlled tank                     (i.e., a vessel meeting the requirements              concentration for the purposes of
     and similar enhancements in the                         for storage vessels in 40 CFR part 63,                calculating the benzene concentration
     enclosed blowdown system will be                                                                              difference (Dc).
                                                             subpart SS).
     needed for facilities to comply with the                                                                         Consistent with the requirements in
     April 2018 Proposal, we are providing a                                                                       section 63.658(k) for requesting an
     limited compliance extension, of 2 years                                                                      alternative test method for collecting

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                      Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 227 / Monday, November 26, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                          60707

     and/or analyzing samples, we also                       proposed to revise the introductory text              when converting 76.6 kilopascals to psia
     proposed to revise the Table 6 entry for                in 40 CFR 63.660 to clarify that owners               and we are revising the proposed
     section 63.7(f) to indicate that section                or operators of affected Group 1 storage              language to use 11.1 psia rather than
     63.7(f) applies except that alternatives                vessels storing liquids with a maximum                11.0 psia in this introductory paragraph.
     directly specified in 40 CFR part 63,                   true vapor pressure less than 76.6
                                                                                                                   What is the EPA’s final decision on the
     subpart CC, do not require additional                   kilopascals (11.0 psi) can comply with
     notification to the Administrator or the                either the requirements in 40 CFR part                storage vessel provisions?
     approval of the Administrator.                          63, subpart WW or SS, and that owners                    After considering public comments on
                                                             or operators storing liquids with a                   the proposed amendments, the EPA is
     What key comments were received on
                                                             maximum true vapor pressure greater                   finalizing the amendment to the
     the fenceline monitoring provisions?
                                                             than or equal to 76.6 kilopascals (11.0               introductory text in 40 CFR 63.660 with
       We received minor comments on                         psi) must comply with the requirements                a change from 11.0 psia to 11.1 psia. We
     these proposed revisions. The comment                   in 40 CFR part 63, subpart SS.                        are finalizing the amendments to section
     summaries and the EPA responses are                        We also received comments from API                 63.660(b) and section 63.660(e) as
     available in the response to comments                   and AFPM in their February 1, 2016,                   proposed.
     document for this final rule (Docket ID                 petition for reconsideration regarding
     No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2010–0682).                              provisions in section 63.660(b). Section              7. Flare Control Device Provisions
     What is the EPA’s final decision on the                 63.660(b)(1) allows Group 1 storage                   What is the history of the flare control
     fenceline monitoring provisions?                        vessels to comply with alternatives to                device provisions addressed in the April
                                                             those specified in section 63.1063(a)(2)              2018 Proposal?
        The proposed revisions to the                        of subpart WW. Section 63.660(b)(2)
     fenceline monitoring requirements, as                                                                            API and AFPM requested clarification
                                                             specifies additional controls for ladders
     described above, are being finalized as                                                                       in a December 1, 2016, letter to the EPA
                                                             having at least one slotted leg. The
     proposed with one minor change. In the                                                                        (Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2010–
                                                             petitioners explained that section
     April 2018 proposal, § 63.655(h)(8)(viii)                                                                     0682–0913) regarding assist steam line
                                                             63.1063(a)(2)(ix) provides extended
     specified that CEDRI would calculate                                                                          designs that entrain air into the lower or
                                                             compliance time for these controls, but
     the biweekly concentration difference                                                                         upper steam at the flare tip. The
                                                             that it is unclear whether this additional
     (Dc) for benzene for each sampling                                                                            industry representatives noted that
                                                             compliance time extends to the use of
     period and the annual average Dc for                                                                          many of the steam-assisted flare lines
                                                             the alternatives to comply with section
     benzene for each sampling period.                       63.660(b). We proposed language to                    have this type of air entrainment and
     However, in order to accurately reflect                 clarify that the additional compliance                likely were part of the dataset analyzed
     CEDRI’s current configuration, we are                   time specified in the alternative                     to develop the standards established in
     finalizing § 63.655(h)(8)(viii) to require              included at section 63.1063(a)(2) applies             the December 2015 Rule for steam-
     the reporter to calculate and report the                to the implementation of controls in                  assisted flares. API and AFPM,
     values of the biweekly and annual                       section 63.660(b).                                    therefore, maintain that these flares
     average Dc for benzene.                                    We also proposed language to clarify               should not be considered to have assist
                                                             at section 63.660(e) that the initial                 air, and that they are appropriately and
     6. Storage Vessel Provisions                                                                                  adequately regulated under the final
                                                             inspection requirements that apply with
     What is the history of the storage vessel               initial filling of the storage vessels are            standards in the December 2015 Rule for
     provisions addressed in the April 2018                  not required again if a vessel transitions            steam-assisted flares. Because flares
     Proposal?                                               from the existing source requirements in              with assist air are required to comply
        We received comments from API and                    section 63.646 to new source                          with both a combustion zone net
     AFPM in their February 1, 2016,                         requirements in section 63.660.                       heating value (NHVcz) and a net heating
     petition for reconsideration regarding                     The following is a summary of the                  value dilution parameter (NHVdil), there
     the incorporation of 40 CFR part 63,                    comment received in response to our                   is increased burden in having to comply
     subpart WW, storage vessel provisions                   April 2018 Proposal and our response to               with two operating parameters, and API
     and 40 CFR part 63, subpart SS, closed                  this comment. We did not receive any                  and AFPM contend that this burden is
     vent systems and control device                         other comments related to the proposed                unnecessary.
     provisions into Refinery MACT 1                         amendments for storage vessels.                          In the preamble to the April 2018
     requirements for Group 1 storage vessels                                                                      Proposal, we stated that air intentionally
     at 40 CFR 63.660. The pre-amended                       What comment was received on the                      entrained through steam nozzles meets
     version of the Refinery MACT 1 rule                     storage vessel provisions?                            the definition of assist air. However, we
     specified (by cross reference at 40 CFR                    Comment 1: One commenter (–0958)                   also noted that if this is the only assist
     63.646) that storage vessels containing                 claims that the EPA proposed revisions                air introduced prior to or at the flare tip,
     liquids with a vapor pressure of 76.6                   to the introductory paragraph of section              it is reasonable in most cases for the
     kilopascals (approximately 11 pounds                    63.660 to allow certain storage vessels to            owner or operator to only need to
     per square inch (psi)) or greater must be               comply with alternative requirements is               comply with the NHVcz operating limit.
     vented to a closed vent system or to a                  not an acceptable control measure. The                We also noted that, for flare tips with an
     control device consistent with the                      commenter states that the proposed                    effective tip diameter of 9 inches or
     requirements in section 63.119 of the                   revisions included 11.0 psia as                       more, there are no flare tip steam
     HON. API and AFPM pointed out that                      parenthetical equivalent to the 76.6 kPa              induction designs that can entrain
     the EPA did not retain this provision at                threshold. The commenter                              enough assist air to cause a flare
     40 CFR 63.660 in the December 2015                      recommended that the EPA revise the                   operator to have a deviation of the
     Rule. We agree that the language was                    11.0 psia to 11.1 psia as this represents             NHVdil operating limit without first
     inadvertently omitted. We did not                       a more accurate conversion and                        deviating from the NHVcz operating
     intend to deviate from the longstanding                 consistency with historical regulations.              limit. Therefore, we proposed in section
     requirement limiting the vapor pressure                    Response 1: Upon reviewing this                    63.670(f)(1) to allow owners or operators
     of material that can be stored in a                     issue, we agree with the commenter that               of flares whose only assist air is from
     floating roof tank. Therefore, we                       11.1 psia is the correct value to use                 perimeter assist air entrained in lower

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     60708            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 227 / Monday, November 26, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

     and upper steam at the flare tip and                       Comment 1: One commenter (–0958)                   compliance date associated with the
     with a flare tip diameter of 9 inches or                explained that assist air may only be                 provisions in the December 2015 Rule.
     greater to comply only with the NHVcz                   entrained in upper steam. Thus, they                  We proposed to amend sections
     operating limit. Steam-assisted flares                  requested that the proposed revision to               63.655(f) and (f)(6) to provide that
     with perimeter assist air and an effective              section 63.670(f)(1) and section                      sources having a compliance date on or
     tip diameter of less than 9 inches would                63.670(i)(6) be changed from ‘‘lower and              after February 1, 2016, may submit the
     remain subject to the requirement to                    upper’’ to ‘‘lower and/or upper.’’ The                NOCS in the periodic report rather than
     account for the amount of assist air                    commenter also requested that the EPA                 as a separate submission.
     intentionally entrained within the                      clarify that the tip diameter referenced                 We proposed several amendments for
     calculation of NHVdil. We further                       in section 63.670(i)(6) is the effective              electronic reporting requirements at
     proposed to add provisions to section                   diameter as defined in section                        sections 63.655(f)(1)(i)(B)(3) and (C)(2),
     63.670(i)(6) specifying that owners or                  63.670(n)(1) and section 63.670(k)(1).                (f)(1)(iii), (f)(2), and (f)(4) to clarify that
     operators of these smaller diameter                     Finally, the commenter requested that                 when the results of performance tests or
     steam-assisted flares use the steam flow                the EPA clarify that section 63.670(i)(6)             evaluations are reported in the NOCS,
     rate and the maximum design air-to-                     applies to flares with an effective                   the results are due by the date the NOCS
     steam ratio of the steam tube’s air                     diameter less than 9 inches and stated                is due, whether the results are reported
     entrainment system for determining the                  that perimeter air monitoring for a                   via Compliance and Emissions Data
     flow rate of this assist air.                           steam-assisted flare with an effective                Reporting Interface (CEDRI) or in hard
        We also proposed several clarifying                  diameter equal to or greater than 9                   copy as part of the NOCS report. If the
     amendments for flares in response to                    inches is not required.                               results are reported via CEDRI, we also
     API and AFPM’s February 1, 2016,                           Response 1: We did not mean to limit               proposed to specify that sources need
     petition for reconsideration (Docket ID                 the air entrainment provisions to only                not resubmit those results in the NOCS,
     No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2010–0682–0892) as                       instances where air is entrained in both              but may instead submit specified
     outlined below.                                         lower and upper steam at the flare tip.               information identifying that a
        • For air assisted flares, we proposed               We agree that the language ‘‘lower and/               performance test or evaluation was
     to amend section 63.670(i)(5) to include                or upper steam’’ is more accurate and                 conducted and the units and pollutants
     provisions for continuously monitoring                  consistent with our intent. We also                   that were tested. We also proposed to
     fan speed or power and using fan curves                 agree that we should refer to the                     add the phrase ‘‘Unless otherwise
     for determining assist air flow rates to                ‘‘effective diameter’’ of the flare tip as            specified by this subpart’’ to sections
     clarify that this is an acceptable method               defined in the equation for NHVdil in                 63.655(h)(9)(i) and (ii) to make clear that
     of determining air flow rates.                          section 63.670(n)(1). This clarification              test results associated with a NOCS
        • We proposed two amendments                                                                               report are due at the time the NOCS is
                                                             was made in section 63.670(f)(1); this
     relative to the visible emissions                                                                             due and not within 60 days of
                                                             term is not used in section 63.670(i)(6).
     monitoring requirements in section                                                                            completing the performance test or
     63.670(h) and (h)(1). We proposed to                    What is the EPA’s final decision on the               evaluation. We also proposed to amend
     clarify that the initial 2-hour visible                 flare control device provisions?                      several references in Table 6—General
     emission demonstration should be                           After considering the comments, we                 Provisions Applicability to Subpart CC
     conducted the first time regulated                      are finalizing the proposed amendment                 that discuss reporting requirements for
     materials are routed to the flare. We also              in section 63.670(f)(1) and section                   performance tests or performance
     proposed to amend section 63.670(h)(1)                  63.670(i)(6) with a change in language                evaluations.
     to clarify that the daily 5-minute                      from ‘‘lower and upper’’ to ‘‘lower and/                 We proposed to revise the provision
     observations must only be conducted on                                                                        in section 63.655(h)(10) to include
                                                             or upper.’’ We are also finalizing the
     days the flare receives regulated                                                                             processes to assert claims of EPA system
                                                             proposed amendment in section
     materials and that the additional visible                                                                     outage or force majeure events as a basis
                                                             63.670(f)(1) with a change in language
     emissions monitoring is specific to cases                                                                     for extending the electronic reporting
                                                             from ‘‘flare tip diameter’’ to ‘‘effective
     when visible emissions are observed                                                                           deadlines.
                                                             diameter,’’ a term that is defined in                    We also proposed to revise section
     while regulated material is routed to the               section 63.670(n)(1) and section
     flare.                                                                                                        63.655(i)(5) to restore the subparagraphs
                                                             63.670(k)(1). The proposed clarifying
        • We proposed to amend section                                                                             which were inadvertently not included
                                                             amendments related to air assisted                    in the published CFR due to a clerical
     63.670(o)(1)(iii)(B) to clarify that the
                                                             flares, visible emissions monitoring                  error.
     owner or operator must establish the
                                                             requirements, and smokeless capacity of                  The amendments to section
     smokeless capacity of the flare in a 15-
                                                             the flare are being finalized as proposed.            63.655(h)(5)(iii) included in the
     minute block average and to amend
     section 63.670(o)(3)(i) to clarify that the             8. Recordkeeping and Reporting                        December 2015 Rule (80 FR 75247) were
     exceedance of the smokeless capacity of                 Provisions                                            not included in the regulations as
     the flare is based on a 15-minute block                                                                       published by the CFR. As reflected in
                                                             What is the history of the recordkeeping              the instructions to the amendments, we
     average.                                                and reporting provisions addressed in                 intended for the option to use an
     What comments were received on the                      the April 2018 Proposal?                              automated data compression recording
     flare control device provisions?                          We proposed several clarifying                      system to be an approved monitoring
        The following is a summary of one                    amendments for recordkeeping and                      alternative. In addition, in reviewing
     comment received in response to our                     reporting requirements in response to                 this amendment, the EPA noted that 40
     April 2018 Proposal and our response to                 questions received from API and AFPM                  CFR 63.655(h)(5) specifically addresses
     this comment. All other comments                        as well as in response to API and                     mechanisms for owners or operators to
     related to the proposed amendments for                  AFPM’s March 28, 2017, letter (Docket                 request approval for alternatives to the
     the flare provisions are included in the                ID No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2010–0682–                          continuous operating parameter
     response to comments document for this                  0915).                                                monitoring and recordkeeping
     final action (Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–                       Refinery owners or operators must                   provisions, while the provisions in 40
     2010–0682).                                             submit a NOCS with 150 days of the                    CFR 63.655(i)(3) specifically include

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                      Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 227 / Monday, November 26, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                        60709

     options already approved for                            request to include the date, time, and                B. Clarifications and Technical
     continuous parameter monitoring                         length of the electronic reporting system             Corrections to Refinery MACT 2
     system (CPMS). Consistent with our                      outage. The commenter requested that
     intent for the use of an automated data                 the EPA remove these details from the                 1. FCCU Provisions
     compression recording system to be an                   requirements for the extension request                What is the history of the FCCU
     approved monitoring alternative, we                     as this is information the EPA, rather                provisions addressed in the April 2018
     proposed to move paragraph                              than the reporter, keeps. The commenter               Proposal?
     63.655(h)(5)(iii) to 63.655(i)(3)(ii)(C).               suggested that the EPA could require
       Finally, we proposed a number of                      reporters to identify the dates on which                 In order to demonstrate compliance
     editorial and other corrections in Table                they attempted to access the system in                with the alternative particulate matter
     2 of the April 2018 Proposal (83 FR                     the 5-day period preceding the reporting              (PM) standard for FCCU as provided at
     15470).                                                 due date.                                             section 63.1564(a)(5)(ii), the outlet
                                                                Response 2: We agree with the                      (exhaust) gas flow rate of the catalyst
     What significant comments were
     received on the recordkeeping and                       commenter. While users may know the                   regenerator must be determined. As
     reporting provisions?                                   length of time for a planned outage, as               provided in section 63.1573(a), owners
                                                             this information is provided to users, it             or operators may determine this flow
        The following is a summary of the                                                                          rate using a flow CPMS or an
                                                             is unlikely that a user will know the
     significant comments received in                                                                              alternative. Currently, the language in
                                                             length of time for an unplanned outage.
     response to our April 2018 Proposal and                                                                       section 63.1573(a) restricts the use of
                                                             However, users will know the dates and
     our response to these comments. All                                                                           the alternative to occasions when ‘‘the
                                                             times that they attempted but were
     other comments related to the proposed                                                                        unit does not introduce any other gas
                                                             unable to access the system. Therefore,
     amendments for the recordkeeping and                                                                          streams into the catalyst regenerator
                                                             we have revised the language in section
     reporting provisions are included in the                                                                      vent.’’ API and AFPM (Docket ID No.
                                                             63.655(h)(10)(i) and section
     response to comments document for this                                                                        EPA–HQ–OAR–2010–0682–0915) claim
                                                             63.1575(l)(1) to state that owner or
     final action (Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–                                                                           that while this restriction is appropriate
                                                             operators must provide information on
     2010–0682).                                                                                                   for determining the flow rate for
        Comment 1: One commenter (–0958)                     the date(s) and time(s) the Central Data
                                                             Exchange (CDX) or the CEDRI was                       applying emissions limitations
     objected to the proposed revisions to                                                                         downstream of the regenerator because
     section 63.655(f) and section                           unavailable when the user attempted to
                                                             access it in the 5 business days prior to             additional gases introduced to the vent
     63.655(f)(6) which require facilities to
                                                             the submission deadline.                              would not be measured using this
     include their NOCS in the periodic
                                                                                                                   method, it is not a necessary constraint
     report following the compliance                         What is the EPA’s final decision on the               for determining compliance with the
     activity. The commenter suggested that                  recordkeeping and reporting provisions?               alternative PM limit. This is because the
     the EPA revert to the 150-day NOCS
                                                                In response to the public comments                 alternative PM standard applies at the
     submission requirements as was
                                                             received, we are not finalizing the                   outlet of the regenerator prior to the
     included in the December 2015 Rule
                                                             proposed amendments to section                        primary cyclone inlet and this is the
     amendments for the sources listed in
                                                             63.655(f) and section 63.655(f)(6) which              flow measured by the alternative in
     Table 11 of 40 CFR part 63, subpart CC,
                                                             require facilities to include their NOCS              section 63.1573(a). As described in the
     which have a compliance date on or
                                                             in the periodic report following the                  preamble of the April 2018 Proposal (83
     after February 1, 2016. The commenter
                                                             compliance activity.                                  FR 15471). We proposed to amend
     explained that for petroleum refinery
                                                                Also in response to the public                     section 63.1573(a) to remove that
     owners and operators completing
                                                             comments received, we are finalizing                  restriction.
     compliance activities requiring an
     NOCS in the latter half of the periodic                 the proposed amendment to section                        Additionally, API and AFPM noted in
     reporting period, as little as 60 days                  63.655(h)(10) with changes. In the final              their February 1, 2016, petition (EPA–
     could be provided to perform the test                   rule, a refinery owner or operator’s                  HQ–OAR–2010–0682–0892) for
     and generate the submission in order to                 request for an extension must include                 reconsideration that the FCCU
     include it in the periodic report.                      information on the date(s) and time(s)                alternative organic HAP standard for
        Response 1: The proposed revisions                   the CDX or the CEDRI was unavailable                  startup, shutdown, and hot standby in
     were specifically included to address                   when the user attempted to access it in               section 63.1565(a)(5)(ii) requires
     the commenter’s original request to                     the 5 business days prior to the                      maintaining the oxygen concentration in
     align the new compliance notifications                  submission deadline, rather than                      the regenerator exhaust gas at or above
     with the semiannual periodic reports to                 requiring information regarding the                   1 volume percent (dry) (i.e., greater than
     reduce burden. As the commenter has                     length of the outage.                                 or equal to 1-percent oxygen (O2)
     withdrawn the request for these                            We are finalizing the amendments to                measured on a dry basis); however, they
     revisions, we are not finalizing these                  the electric reporting requirements in                claim process O2 analyzers measure O2
     proposed revisions.                                     sections 63.655(f)(1)(i)(B)(3) and (C)(2),            on a wet basis. As described in the
        Comment 2: One commenter (–0958)                     (f)(1)(iii), (f)(2), and (f)(4), sections             preamble of the April 2018 Proposal (83
     supported the proposed revision                         63.655(h)(9)(i) and (ii), and Table 6—                FR 15471), meeting the 1-percent O2
     allowing petroleum refinery owners and                  General Provisions Applicability to 40                standard on a wet basis measurement
     operators to request an extension for                   CFR part 63, subpart CC, as proposed.                 will always mean that there is more O2
     reporting under specified                                  We are finalizing the restoration of               than if the concentration value is
     circumstances. One such circumstance                    paragraph 63.655(i)(5), as proposed. We               corrected to a dry basis. As such, we
     is if the EPA’s electronic reporting                    are also finalizing moving paragraph                  proposed to amend section
     systems is out-of-service in the five                   63.655(h)(5)(iii) to 63.655(i)(3)(ii)(C), as          63.1565(a)(5)(ii) and Table 10 to allow
     business days prior to the report due                   proposed. We are also finalizing the                  for the use of a wet O2 measurement for
     date. Proposed revisions in section                     editorial and other corrections in Table              demonstrating compliance with the
     63.655(h)(10)(i) and section                            2 of the April 2018 Proposal (83 FR                   standard so long as it is used directly
     63.1575(l)(1) require the extension                     15470), as proposed.                                  with no correction for moisture content.

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     60710            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 227 / Monday, November 26, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

       The following is a summary of the one                 FCCU provisions, as proposed with one                 or performance evaluations required to
     comment received in response to our                     change to section 63.1573(a) to clarify               be reported in a NOCS report or a
     April 2018 Proposal and our response to                 that the provision does not apply to the              semiannual compliance report are not
     this comment on the proposed                            use of the alternative in section                     subject to the 60-day deadline specified
     amendments to the FCCU provisions.                      63.1564(c)(5).                                        in the paragraphs. We also proposed to
                                                                                                                   add section 63.1575(l) to address
     What comment was received on the                        2. Other Provisions                                   extensions to electronic reporting
     FCCU provisions?                                        What is the history of the other Refinery             deadlines. We also proposed clarifying
        Comment 1: One commenter (–0958)                     MACT 2 provisions addressed in the                    amendments to several references in
     supported the EPA’s proposed revisions                  April 2018 Proposal?                                  Table 44—Applicability of NESHAP
     to section 63.1573(a)(1), which allows                     We proposed several clarifying                     General Provisions to 40 CFR part 63,
     the use of the inlet velocity requirement               amendments for other Refinery MACT 2                  subpart UUU.
     during periods of startup, shutdown,                                                                             Finally, we proposed a number of
                                                             requirements in response to API and
     and malfunction (SSM) for an FCCU as                                                                          editorial and other corrections in Table
                                                             AFPM’s petition for reconsideration
     an alternative to the PM standard                                                                             3 of the April 2018 Proposal (83 FR
                                                             (Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2010–
     regardless of the configuration of the                                                                        15472).
                                                             0682–0892) as well as in response to the                 The following is a summary of the
     catalytic regenerator exhaust vent                      API and AFPM’s March 28, 2017, letter
     stream. The same commenter suggested                                                                          significant comments received in
                                                             (Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2010–                       response to our April 2018 Proposal and
     additional clarifications relative to the               0682–0915).
     alternative PM standard. These                                                                                our response to these comments. It
                                                                We proposed to amend section                       should be noted that the comment
     clarifications include:                                 63.1572(d)(1) to be consistent with the
        (1) Amending the last sentence in                                                                          summary and response for the reporting
                                                             analogous language in section                         extension in section 63.655(h)(10)(i) and
     section 63.1573(a)(1) to clarify that the
                                                             63.671(a)(4).                                         section 63.1575(l)(1) is addressed in
     requirement to use the same procedure
                                                                We proposed to amend the
     for performance tests and subsequent                                                                          section III.A.8 of this preamble. All
                                                             recordkeeping requirements in section
     monitoring does not apply to the use of                                                                       other comments related to the proposed
                                                             63.1576(a)(2)(i) to apply only when
     the alternative in section 63.1564(c)(5),                                                                     amendments for the other Refinery
                                                             facilities elect to comply with the
     since the alternative only applies during                                                                     MACT 2 provisions are included in the
                                                             alternative startup and shutdown
     SSM.                                                                                                          response to comments document for this
        (2) Revising the first sentence of                   standards provided in section
                                                                                                                   final action (Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–
     section 63.1573(a)(2) to specifically                   63.1564(a)(5)(ii), section
     allow use for demonstrating compliance                  63.1565(a)(5)(ii), or sections
                                                             63.1568(a)(4)(ii) or (iii).                           What significant comment was received
     with section 63.1564(c)(5).
        (3) Amending the footnote to Item 12                    We proposed several amendments for                 on the other Refinery MACT 2
     in Table 3 to make it clear that either                 electronic reporting including at section             provisions?
     alternative in (a)(1) or (a)(2) is                      63.1574(a)(3) to clarify that the results of             Comment 1: One commenter (–0958)
     acceptable for demonstrating                            performance tests conducted to                        recommended that the EPA revise the
     compliance. The commenter also                          demonstrate initial compliance are to be              proposed requirement in section
     recommended providing a separate                        reported by the due date of the NOCS                  63.1571(a), (a)(5), (a)(6), and Table 6
     footnote as other items reference                       whether the results are reported via                  Item 1.ii to complete initial PM (or
     footnote 1.                                             CEDRI or in hard copy as part of the                  nickel) performance test within 60 days
        (4) Adding the footnote from Item 12                 NOCS report. If the results are reported              of startup for new units to instead allow
     in Table 3 to Item 10 in Table 7.                       via CEDRI, we also proposed to specify                for completion and reporting of the
        Response 1: We agree with the                        that sources need not resubmit those                  performance test by the 150-day notice
     commenter that the last sentence in                     results in the NOCS, but may instead                  of compliance status date since a new
     section 63.1573(a)(1) is provided to                    submit information identifying that a                 unit may not be up to full production
     ensure that the operating limits are                    performance test or evaluation was                    rates within the first 60 days.
     established using the same monitoring                   conducted and the units and pollutants                   Response 1: In reviewing the existing
     techniques as the on-going monitoring.                  that were tested. We also proposed to                 provisions regarding performance tests
     As no site-specific operating limit is                  amend the submission of the results of                in Refinery MACT 2 (40 CFR part 63,
     required for compliance with section                    periodic performance tests and the 1-                 subpart UUU), we agree that the initial
     63.1564(c)(5), that requirement is not                  time hydrogen cyanide (HCN) test                      performance tests are required to be
     applicable to this additional allowance                 required in sections 63.1571(a)(5) and                completed and reported no later than
     of this alternative. We are revising the                (6) to require inclusion with the                     150 days after the compliance date (see
     language in the final rule to clarify.                  semiannual compliance reports as                      section 63.1574(a)(3)(ii)). To better align
        We disagree that it is appropriate to                specified in section 63.1575(f) instead of            the proposed revisions with the existing
     revise the first sentence in section                    within 60 days of completing the                      requirements, we are revising the
     63.1573(a)(2), as requested by the                      performance evaluation. Similarly, we                 proposed requirement to complete and
     commenter, because the flow rate must                   proposed to streamline reporting of the               report these tests no later than 150 days
     be determined based on actual flow                      results of performance evaluations and                after the compliance date (see section
     conditions, not standard conditions;                    continuous monitoring systems (as                     63.1574(a)(3)(ii)).
     therefore, Equation 2 in section 63.1573                provided in item 2 to Table 43) to align
                                                             with the semiannual compliance reports                What is the EPA’s final decision on the
     is not applicable to demonstrate
                                                             as specified in section 63.1575(f) rather             other Refinery MACT 2 provisions?
     compliance with section 63.1564(c)(5).
                                                             than requiring a separate submission.                   After considering public comment, we
     What is the EPA’s final decision on the                 We also proposed to add the phrase                    are finalizing these amendments with
     FCCU provisions?                                        ‘‘Unless otherwise specified by this                  some revisions to the due dates for
       In consideration of public comments,                  subpart’’ to sections 63.1575(k)(1) and               initial performance tests in sections
     we are finalizing the amendments to the                 (2) to make clear that performance tests              63.1571(a), (a)(5), (a)(6), and Table 6

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                      Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 227 / Monday, November 26, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                       60711

     Item 1.ii as well as edits to the proposed              less than 72 lbs/day VOC are estimated                V. Statutory and Executive Order
     language in the extensions to electronic                to yield savings of approximately                     Reviews
     reporting provisions in section                         $677,000 per year considering the actual                Additional information about these
     63.1575(l) (as described in section                     estimated annualized burden of the                    statutes and Executive Orders can be
     III.A.8 of this preamble). We are                       December 2015 Rule. The final                         found at https://www.epa.gov/laws-
     finalizing the amendments at section                    provisions for pilot-operated and                     regulations/laws-and-executive-orders.
     63.1572(d)(1), section 63.1576(a)(2)(i),                balanced bellows PRDs included in this
     and Table 3 of the April 2018 Proposal                  final rulemaking yield a reduction in                 A. Executive Order 12866: Regulatory
     (83 FR 15472), as proposed.                             capital investment of $1.1 million and a              Planning and Review and Executive
                                                             reduction in annualized costs of                      Order 13563: Improving Regulation and
     C. Clarifications and Technical                                                                               Regulatory Review
                                                             $330,000 per year considering the actual
     Corrections to NSPS Ja
                                                             estimated annualized burden of the                      This action is not a significant
        We proposed three revisions in NSPS                  December 2015 Rule.                                   regulatory action and was, therefore, not
     Ja to improve consistency, remove                          It should be noted that we are                     submitted to the Office of Management
     redundancy, and correct grammar at                      finalizing amendments to the proposed                 and Budget (OMB) for review.
     section 60.105a(b)(2)(ii), section                      provisions for maintenance vent
     60.106a(a)(1)(vi), and section                          provisions related to the availability of             B. Executive Order 13771: Reducing
     60.106a(a)(1)(iii), respectively. We did                a pure hydrogen supply for equipment                  Regulations and Controlling Regulatory
     not receive public comments on these                    containing pyrophoric catalyst and                    Costs
     proposed amendments. We are                             provisions related to steam tube air                    This action is considered an
     finalizing these amendments as                          entrainment for flares with revisions as              Executive Order 13771 deregulatory
     proposed.                                               described in sections III.A.2 and III.A.7             action. Details on the estimated cost
     IV. Summary of Cost, Environmental,                     of this preamble. The revisions                       savings of this final rule can be found
     and Economic Impacts and Additional                     described in sections III.A.2 and III.A.7             in the EPA’s analysis of the present
     Analyses Conducted                                      are not expected to impact the cost and               value and annualized value estimates
                                                             burden reductions estimated in the                    associated with this action located in
        As described in the April 2018                       referenced April 2018 Proposal and                    Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2010–
     Proposal and associated memorandum                      memorandum for these provisions, as                   0682.
     titled, ‘‘Projected Cost and Burden                     they are clarifying in nature.
     Reduction for the Proposed                                 As explained in the April 2018                     C. Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA)
     Amendments of the 2015 Risk and                         Proposal, there were no capital costs                    The information collection activities
     Technology Review: Petroleum                            estimated for the maintenance vent                    in this rule have been submitted for
     Refineries,’’ (Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–                    provisions in the December 2015 Rule                  approval to OMB under the PRA. The
     OAR–2010–0682–0925), the technical                      and only limited recordkeeping and                    ICR document that the EPA prepared
     corrections and clarifications included                 reporting costs. Capital investment                   has been assigned EPA ICR number
     in this final rule are expected to result               estimates provided by industry                        1692.12. You can find a copy of the ICR
     in overall cost and burden reductions.                  stakeholders for the maintenance vent                 in the docket for this rule, and it is
     Consistent with the April 2018                          provisions included in the December                   briefly summarized here. The
     Proposal, the final amendments                          2015 Rule was approximately $76                       information collection requirements are
     expected to reduce burden are:                          million. The inclusion of the capital                 not enforceable until OMB approves
     Revisions of the maintenance vent                       costs for the maintenance vent                        them.
     provisions related to the availability of               provisions would have increased the                      One of the final technical
     a pure hydrogen supply for equipment                    previously estimated annualized cost                  amendments included in this rule
     containing pyrophoric catalyst,                         included in the December 2015 Rule by                 impacts the recordkeeping requirements
     revisions of recordkeeping requirements                 $7,174,400 per year. Through the                      in 40 CFR part 63, subpart CC for certain
     for maintenance vents associated with                   revisions being finalized in this rule,               maintenance vents associated with
     equipment containing less than 72 lbs/                  these costs will not be incurred by                   equipment containing less than 72 lbs/
     day VOC, inclusion of specific                          refinery owners and operators.                        day VOC as found at 40 CFR
     provisions for pilot-operated and                       Similarly, while significant capital and              63.655(i)(12)(iv). The new
     balanced bellows PRDs, and inclusion                    operating costs were projected for flares,            recordkeeping requirement specifies
     of specific provisions related to steam                 we may have underestimated the                        records used to estimate the total
     tube air entrainment for flares. The                    number of steam-assisted flares that                  quantity of VOC in the equipment and
     other final amendments included in this                 would also have to demonstrate                        the type and size limits of equipment
     rulemaking will have an insignificant                   compliance with the NHVdil operating                  that contain less than 72 lbs/day of VOC
     effect on the costs or burdens associated               limit in the December 2015 Rule                       at the time of the maintenance vent
     with the standards. Additionally, none                  impacts analysis. Considering such                    opening be maintained. As specified in
     of the final amendments are projected to                flares, the annualized cost of the                    40 CFR 63.655(i)(12)(iv), additional
     appreciably impact the emissions                        December 2015 Rule for steam-assisted                 records are required if the inventory
     reductions associated with these                        flares would have increased the                       procedures were not followed for each
     standards.                                              previously estimated annualized cost                  maintenance vent opening or if the
        We are finalizing the provisions for                 included in the December 2015 Rule by                 equipment opened exceeded the type
     maintenance vent recordkeeping and                      $3,300,000 per year. Through the                      and size limits (i.e., 72 lbs/day VOC).
     PRD as proposed, and, thus, the cost                    revisions being finalized in this                     These additional records include
     and burden reductions estimated in the                  rulemaking which allows owners or                     identification of the maintenance vent,
     April 2018 Proposal and supporting                      operators of certain steam-assisted flares            the process units or equipment
     memorandum are still accurate. The                      with air entrainment at the flare tip to              associated with the maintenance vent,
     final revisions to the recordkeeping                    comply only with the NHVcz operating                  the date of maintenance vent opening,
     requirements for maintenance vents                      limits, these costs will not be incurred              and records used to estimate the total
     associated with equipment containing                    by refinery owners and operators.                     quantity of VOC in the equipment at the

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     60712            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 227 / Monday, November 26, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

     time the maintenance vent was opened                    less than 72 lbs/day VOC, (3) inclusion               I. Executive Order 13211: Actions
     to the atmosphere. These records will                   of specific provisions for pilot-operated             Concerning Regulations That
     assist the EPA with determining                         and balanced bellows PRDs, and (4)                    Significantly Affect Energy Supply,
     compliance with the standards set forth                 inclusion of specific provisions related              Distribution, or Use
     in 40 CFR 63.643(c)(iv).                                to steam tube air entrainment for flares.               This action is not subject to Executive
       Respondents/affected entities:                        Furthermore, as noted in section IV of                Order 13211 because it is not a
     Owners or operators of existing or new                  this preamble, we do not expect the                   significant regulatory action under
     major source petroleum refineries that                  final amendments to change the                        Executive Order 12866.
     are major sources of HAP emissions.                     expected economic impact analysis
     The NAICS code is 324110 for                            performed for the existing rule. We                   J. National Technology Transfer and
     petroleum refineries.                                   have, therefore, concluded that this                  Advancement Act (NTTAA) and 1 CFR
       Respondent’s obligation to respond:                   action will relieve regulatory burden for             Part 51
     All data in the ICR that are recorded are               all directly regulated small entities.                  This rulemaking involves technical
     required by the amendments to 40 CFR
                                                             E. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act                       standards. As described in section III.C
     part 63, subpart CC, National Emission
                                                             (UMRA)                                                of this preamble, the EPA has decided
     Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants
                                                                                                                   to use the voluntary consensus standard
     for Petroleum Refineries.                                  This action does not contain any
       Estimated number of respondents:                                                                            ANSI/ASME PTC 19.10–1981, ‘‘Flue
                                                             unfunded mandate as described in
     142.                                                                                                          and Exhaust Gas Analyses,’’ as an
                                                             UMRA, 2 U.S.C. 1531–1538, and does
       Frequency of response: Once per year                                                                        acceptable alternative to EPA Methods
                                                             not significantly or uniquely affect small
     per respondent.                                                                                               3A and 3B for the manual procedures
                                                             governments. The action imposes no
       Total estimated burden: 16 hours (per                                                                       only and not the instrumental
                                                             enforceable duty on any state, local, or
     year). Burden is defined at 5 CFR                                                                             procedures. This method is available at
                                                             tribal governments or the private sector.
     1320.3(b).                                                                                                    the American National Standards
       Total estimated cost: $1,640 (per                     F. Executive Order 13132: Federalism                  Institute (ANSI), 1899 L Street NW, 11th
     year), includes $0 annualized capital or                  This action does not have federalism                Floor, Washington, DC 20036 and the
     operation and maintenance costs.                        implications. It will not have substantial            American Society of Mechanical
       An agency may not conduct or                          direct effects on the states, the                     Engineers (ASME), Three Park Avenue,
     sponsor, and a person is not required to                relationship between the national                     New York, NY 10016–5990. See https://
     respond to, a collection of information                 government and the states, or on the                  wwww.ansi.org and https://
     unless it displays a currently valid OMB                distribution of power and                             www.asme.org.
     control number. The OMB control                         responsibilities among the various                    K. Executive Order 12898: Federal
     numbers for the EPA’s regulations in 40                 levels of government.                                 Actions To Address Environmental
     CFR are listed in 40 CFR part 9. When                                                                         Justice in Minority Populations and
     OMB approves this ICR, the Agency will                  G. Executive Order 13175: Consultation
                                                             and Coordination With Indian Tribal                   Low-Income Populations
     announce that approval in the Federal
     Register and publish a technical                        Governments                                              The EPA believes that this action does
     amendment to 40 CFR part 9 to display                     This action does not have tribal                    not have disproportionately high and
     the OMB control number for the                          implications as specified in Executive                adverse human health or environmental
     approved information collection                         Order 13175. It will not have substantial             effects on minority populations, low
     activities contained in this final rule.                direct effect on tribal governments, on               income populations, and/or indigenous
                                                             the relationship between the federal                  peoples, as specified in Executive Order
     D. Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)                                                                           12898 (59 FR 7629, February 16, 1994).
                                                             government and Indian tribes, or on the
        I certify that this action will not have             distribution of power and                             The final amendments serve to make
     a significant economic impact on a                      responsibilities between the federal                  technical clarifications and corrections,
     substantial number of small entities                    government and Indian tribes, as                      as well as revise compliance dates. We
     under the RFA. In making this                           specified in Executive Order 13175.                   expect the final technical clarifications
     determination, the impact of concern is                 Thus, Executive Order 13175 does not                  and corrections will have an
     any significant adverse economic                        apply to this action.                                 insignificant effect on emission
     impact on small entities. An agency may                                                                       reductions. The additional compliance
     certify that a rule will not have a                     H. Executive Order 13045: Protection of               time provided for existing maintenance
     significant economic impact on a                        Children From Environmental Health                    vents is expected to have an
     substantial number of small entities if                 Risks and Safety Risks                                insignificant effect on emission
     the rule relieves regulatory burden, has                   This action is not subject to Executive            reductions as many refiners already
     no net burden, or otherwise has a                       Order 13045 because it is not                         have measures in place due to state and
     positive economic effect on the small                   economically significant as defined in                other federal requirements to minimize
     entities subject to the rule. The action                Executive Order 12866, and because the                emissions during these periods. Further,
     consists of amendments, clarifications,                 EPA does not believe the environmental                the maintenance vent opening periods
     and technical corrections which are                     health or safety risks addressed by this              are relatively infrequent and are usually
     expected to reduce regulatory burden.                   action present a disproportionate risk to             of short duration. Additionally, the final
     As described in section IV of this                      children. The final amendments serve to               compliance date only provides
     preamble, we expect burden reduction                    make technical clarifications and                     approximately 6 months beyond the
     for: (1) Revisions of the maintenance                   corrections, as well as revise                        August 1, 2018, compliance date for
     vent provisions related to the                          compliance dates. We expect the final                 most facilities, which are operating
     availability of a pure hydrogen supply                  revisions will have an insignificant                  under 1-year compliance extensions
     for equipment containing pyrophoric                     effect on emission reductions.                        (from the previous deadline of August 1,
     catalyst, (2) revisions of recordkeeping                Therefore, the final amendments should                2017) they received from states based on
     requirements for maintenance vents                      not appreciably increase risk for any                 the procedure in 40 CFR 63.6(i).
     associated with equipment containing                    populations.                                          Therefore, the final amendments should

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     not appreciably increase risk for any                   60.5407a(g), 60.5413(b), 60.5413a(b),                 Subpart CC—National Emission
     populations.                                            and 60.5413a(d).                                      Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants
     L. Congressional Review Act (CRA)                       *    *    *      *    *                               From Petroleum Refineries

       This action is subject to the CRA, and                Subpart Ja—Standards of Performance                   ■ 6. Section 63.641 is amended by:
     the EPA will submit a rule report to                    for Petroleum Refineries for Which                    ■ a. Revising the definitions of ‘‘Flare
     each House of Congress and to the                       Construction, Reconstruction, or                      purge gas’’ and ‘‘Flare supplemental
     Comptroller General of the United                       Modification Commenced After May 14,                  gas’’;
                                                                                                                   ■ b. Adding a definition of ‘‘Pressure
     States. This is not a ‘‘major rule’’ as                 2007
     defined by 5 U.S.C. 804(2).                                                                                   relief device’’ in alphabetical order;
                                                                                                                   ■ c. Revising the introductory text and
                                                             ■ 3. Section 60.105a is amended by
     List of Subjects                                                                                              adding paragraphs (1)(i) and (ii) to the
                                                             revising paragraph (b)(2)(ii) to read as
                                                                                                                   definition of ‘‘Reference control
     40 CFR Part 60                                          follows:
                                                                                                                   technology for storage vessels’’; and
       Environmental protection,                             § 60.105a Monitoring of emissions and                 ■ d. Revising the definition of ‘‘Relief
     Administrative practice and procedures,                 operations for fluid catalytic cracking units         valve’’.
     Air pollution control, Hazardous                        (FCCU) and fluid coking units (FCU).                    The revisions and addition read as
     substances, Incorporation by reference,                 *      *    *     *    *                              follows:
     Intergovernmental relations, Reporting                    (b) * * *                                           § 63.641   Definitions.
     and recordkeeping requirements.                           (2) * * *                                           *       *    *     *     *
     40 CFR Part 63                                            (ii) The owner or operator shall                       Flare purge gas means gas introduced
                                                             conduct performance evaluations of                    between a flare header’s water seal and
       Environmental protection,
                                                             each CO2 and O2 monitor according to                  the flare tip to prevent oxygen
     Administrative practice and procedures,
                                                             the requirements in § 60.13(c) and                    infiltration (backflow) into the flare tip
     Air pollution control, Hazardous
                                                             Performance Specification 3 of                        or for other safety reasons. For a flare
     substances, Incorporation by reference,
                                                             appendix B to this part. The owner or                 with no water seal, the function of flare
     Intergovernmental relations, Reporting
                                                             operator shall use Method 3, 3A or 3B                 purge gas is performed by flare sweep
     and recordkeeping requirements.
                                                             of appendix A–2 to this part for                      gas and, therefore, by definition, such a
      Dated: November 8, 2018.                               conducting the relative accuracy                      flare has no flare purge gas.
     Andrew R. Wheeler,                                      evaluations. The method ANSI/ASME                        Flare supplemental gas means all gas
     Acting Administrator.                                   PTC 19.10–1981, ‘‘Flue and Exhaust Gas                introduced to the flare to improve the
                                                             Analyses,’’ (incorporated by reference—               heat content of combustion zone gas.
       For the reasons stated in the
                                                             see § 60.17) is an acceptable alternative             Flare supplemental gas does not include
     preamble, title 40, chapter I, of the Code
                                                             to EPA Method 3B of appendix A–2 to                   assist air or assist steam.
     of Federal Regulations is amended as
     follows:                                                part 60.                                              *       *    *     *     *
                                                             *      *    *     *    *                                 Pressure relief device means a valve,
     PART 60—STANDARDS OF                                                                                          rupture disk, or similar device used
                                                             ■ 4. Section 60.106a is amended by                    only to release an unplanned,
     PERFORMANCE FOR NEW                                     revising paragraph (a)(1)(iii) to read as
     STATIONARY SOURCES                                                                                            nonroutine discharge of gas from
                                                             follows:                                              process equipment in order to avoid
     ■ 1. The authority citation for part 60                 § 60.106a Monitoring of emissions and                 safety hazards or equipment damage. A
     continues to read as follows:                           operations for sulfur recovery plants.                pressure relief device discharge can
         Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401, et seq.
                                                                                                                   result from an operator error, a
                                                                (a) * * *
                                                                                                                   malfunction such as a power failure or
                                                                (1) * * *                                          equipment failure, or other unexpected
     Subpart A—General Provisions
                                                                (iii) The owner or operator shall                  cause. Such devices include
     ■ 2. Section 60.17 is amended by                        conduct performance evaluations of                    conventional, spring-actuated relief
     revising paragraph (g)(14) to read as                   each SO2 monitor according to the                     valves, balanced bellows relief valves,
     follows:                                                requirements in § 60.13(c) and                        pilot-operated relief valves, rupture
                                                             Performance Specification 2 of                        disks, and breaking, buckling, or
     § 60.17    Incorporations by reference.                 appendix B to part 60. The owner or                   shearing pin devices.
     *      *     *      *    *                              operator shall use Method 6 or 6C of                  *       *    *     *     *
        (g) * * *                                            appendix A–4 to part 60. The method                      Reference control technology for
        (14) ASME/ANSI PTC 19.10–1981,                       ANSI/ASME PTC 19.10–1981, ‘‘Flue                      storage vessels means either:
     Flue and Exhaust Gas Analyses [Part 10,                 and Exhaust Gas Analyses,’’                              (1) * * *
     Instruments and Apparatus], (Issued                     (incorporated by reference—see § 60.17)                  (i) An internal floating roof, including
     August 31, 1981), IBR approved for                      is an acceptable alternative to EPA                   an external floating roof converted to an
     §§ 60.56c(b), 60.63(f), 60.106(e),                      Method 6.                                             internal floating roof, meeting the
     60.104a(d), (h), (i), and (j), 60.105a(b),              *       *    *   *     *                              specifications of § 63.1063(a)(1)(i),
     (d), (f), and (g), 60.106a(a), 60.107a(a),                                                                    (a)(2), and (b) and § 63.660(b)(2);
     (c), and (d), tables 1 and 3 to subpart                 PART 63—NATIONAL EMISSION                                (ii) An external floating roof meeting
     EEEE, tables 2 and 4 to subpart FFFF,                   STANDARDS FOR HAZARDOUS AIR                           the specifications of § 63.1063(a)(1)(ii),
     table 2 to subpart JJJJ, §§ 60.285a(f),                 POLLUTANTS FOR SOURCE                                 (a)(2), and (b) and § 63.660(b)(2); or
     60.4415(a), 60.2145(s) and (t),                         CATEGORIES                                            *       *    *     *     *
     60.2710(s), (t), and (w), 60.2730(q),                                                                            Relief valve means a type of pressure
     60.4900(b), 60.5220(b), tables 1 and 2 to               ■ 5. The authority citation for part 63               relief device that is designed to re-close
     subpart LLLL, tables 2 and 3 to subpart                 continues to read as follows:                         after the pressure relief.
     MMMM, §§ 60.5406(c), 60.5406a(c),                           Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.                 *       *    *     *     *

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     ■ 7. Section 63.643 is amended by:                         (v) If, after applying best practices to           through (3), and (c) through (j) of this
     ■ a. Revising paragraphs (c)                            isolate and purge equipment served by                 section. Each owner or operator of a
     introductory text, (c)(1) introductory                  a maintenance vent, none of the                       new source subject to the provisions of
     text, and (c)(1)(ii) through (iv); and                  applicable criterion in paragraphs                    this subpart shall comply with subpart
     ■ b. Adding a new paragraph (c)(1)(v).                  (c)(1)(i) through (iv) can be met prior to            H of this part except as provided in
       The revisions and addition read as                    installing or removing a blind flange or              paragraphs (c) through (j) of this section.
     follows:                                                similar equipment blind, the pressure in              *       *    *      *     *
     § 63.643 Miscellaneous process vent                     the equipment served by the                              (c) In lieu of complying with the
     provisions.                                             maintenance vent is reduced to 2 psig                 existing source provisions of paragraph
     *       *     *      *    *                             or less, Active purging of the equipment              (a) in this section, an owner or operator
        (c) An owner or operator may                         may be used provided the equipment                    may elect to comply with the
     designate a process vent as a                           pressure at the location where purge gas              requirements of §§ 63.161 through
     maintenance vent if the vent is only                    is introduced remains at 2 psig or less.              63.169, 63.171, 63.172, 63.175, 63.176,
     used as a result of startup, shutdown,                  *      *      *     *    *                            63.177, 63.179, and 63.180 except as
     maintenance, or inspection of                           ■ 8. Section 63.644 is amended by:
                                                                                                                   provided in paragraphs (c)(1) through
     equipment where equipment is emptied,                   ■ a. Revising paragraph (c) introductory
                                                                                                                   (12) and (e) through (j) of this section.
     depressurized, degassed or placed into                  text;                                                 *       *    *      *     *
     service. The owner or operator does not                 ■ b. Removing the period at the end of                   (j) Except as specified in paragraph
     need to designate a maintenance vent as                 paragraph (c)(2) and adding ‘‘; or’’ in its           (j)(4) of this section, the owner or
     a Group 1 or Group 2 miscellaneous                      place; and                                            operator must comply with the
     process vent nor identify maintenance                   ■ c. Adding paragraph (c)(3).                         requirements specified in paragraphs
     vents in a Notification of Compliance                      The revision and addition read as                  (j)(1) and (2) of this section for pressure
     Status report. The owner or operator                    follows:                                              relief devices, such as relief valves or
     must comply with the applicable                                                                               rupture disks, in organic HAP gas or
                                                             § 63.644 Monitoring provisions for                    vapor service instead of the pressure
     requirements in paragraphs (c)(1)                       miscellaneous process vents.
     through (3) of this section for each                                                                          relief device requirements of § 60.482–4
     maintenance vent according to the                       *      *      *      *      *                         or § 63.165, as applicable. Except as
     compliance dates specified in table 11                     (c) The owner or operator of a Group               specified in paragraphs (j)(4) and (5) of
     of this subpart, unless an extension is                 1 miscellaneous process vent using a                  this section, the owner or operator must
     requested in accordance with the                        vent system that contains bypass lines                also comply with the requirements
     provisions in § 63.6(i).                                that could divert a vent stream away                  specified in paragraph (j)(3) of this
        (1) Prior to venting to the atmosphere,              from the control device used to comply                section for all pressure relief devices in
     process liquids are removed from the                    with paragraph (a) of this section either             organic HAP service.
     equipment as much as practical and the                  directly to the atmosphere or to a                    *       *    *      *     *
     equipment is depressured to a control                   control device that does not comply                      (3) * * *
     device meeting requirements in                          with the requirements in § 63.643(a)                     (ii) * * *
     paragraphs (a)(1) or (2) of this section,               shall comply with either paragraph                       (A) Flow, temperature, liquid level
     a fuel gas system, or back to the process               (c)(1), (2), or (3) of this section. Use of           and pressure indicators with deadman
     until one of the following conditions, as               the bypass at any time to divert a Group              switches, monitors, or automatic
     applicable, is met.                                     1 miscellaneous process vent stream to                actuators. Independent, non-duplicative
                                                             the atmosphere or to a control device                 systems within this category count as
     *       *     *      *    *
                                                             that does not comply with the                         separate redundant prevention
        (ii) If there is no ability to measure the
                                                             requirements in § 63.643(a) is an                     measures.
     LEL of the vapor in the equipment based
     on the design of the equipment, the                     emissions standards violation.                        *       *    *      *     *
     pressure in the equipment served by the                 Equipment such as low leg drains and                     (E) Staged relief system where initial
     maintenance vent is reduced to 5                        equipment subject to § 63.648 are not                 pressure relief device (with lower set
     pounds per square inch gauge (psig) or                  subject to this paragraph (c).                        release pressure) discharges to a flare or
     less. Upon opening the maintenance                      *      *      *      *      *                         other closed vent system and control
     vent, active purging of the equipment                      (3) Use a cap, blind flange, plug, or a            device.
     cannot be used until the LEL of the                     second valve for an open-ended valve or               *       *    *      *     *
     vapors in the maintenance vent (or                      line following the requirements                          (iv) The owner or operator shall
     inside the equipment if the maintenance                 specified in § 60.482–6(a)(2), (b) and (c).           determine the total number of release
     is a hatch or similar type of opening) is               *      *      *      *      *                         events occurred during the calendar
     less than 10 percent.                                   ■ 9. Section 63.648 is amended by:
                                                                                                                   year for each affected pressure relief
        (iii) The equipment served by the                    ■ a. Revising the introductory text of
                                                                                                                   device separately. The owner or
     maintenance vent contains less than 72                  paragraphs (a), (c), and (j); and                     operator shall also determine the total
     pounds of total volatile organic                        ■ b. Revising paragraphs (j)(3)(ii)(A) and            number of release events for each
     compounds (VOC).                                        (E), (j)(3)(iv), (j)(3)(v) introductory text,         pressure relief device for which the root
        (iv) If the maintenance vent is                      and (j)(4).                                           cause analysis concluded that the root
     associated with equipment containing                       The revisions read as follows:                     cause was a force majeure event, as
     pyrophoric catalyst (e.g., hydrotreaters                                                                      defined in this subpart.
     and hydrocrackers) and a pure hydrogen                  § 63.648    Equipment leak standards.                    (v) Except for pressure relief devices
     supply is not available at the equipment                  (a) Each owner or operator of an                    described in paragraphs (j)(4) and (5) of
     at the time of the startup, shutdown,                   existing source subject to the provisions             this section, the following release events
     maintenance, or inspection activity, the                of this subpart shall comply with the                 from an affected pressure relief device
     LEL of the vapor in the equipment must                  provisions of 40 CFR part 60, subpart                 are a violation of the pressure release
     be less than 20 percent, except for one                 VV, and paragraph (b) of this section                 management work practice standards:
     event per year not to exceed 35 percent.                except as provided in paragraphs (a)(1)               *       *    *      *     *

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        (4) Pressure relief devices routed to a              ■  k. Revising paragraphs (i)(7)(iii)(B)              with this requirement, provided that the
     control device. (i) If all releases and                 and (i)(11) introductory text;                        test was conducted using EPA methods
     potential leaks from a pressure relief                  ■ l. Adding paragraph (i)(11)(iv);                    and that the test conditions are
     device are routed through a closed vent                 ■ m. Revising paragraph (i)(12)                       representative of current operating
     system to a control device, back into the               introductory text and paragraph                       practices. If the performance test is
     process or to the fuel gas system, the                  (i)(12)(iv); and                                      submitted electronically through the
     owner or operator is not required to                    ■ n. Adding paragraph (i)(12)(vi).                    EPA’s Compliance and Emissions Data
     comply with paragraph (j)(1), (2), or (3)                  The revisions and additions read as                Reporting Interface in accordance with
     (if applicable) of this section.                        follows:                                              § 63.655(h)(9), the process unit(s) tested,
        (ii) If a pilot-operated pressure relief                                                                   the pollutant(s) tested, and the date that
                                                             § 63.655 Reporting and recordkeeping
     device is used and the primary release                  requirements.                                         such performance test was conducted
     valve is routed through a closed vent                                                                         may be submitted in the Notification of
     system to a control device, back into the               *      *      *    *    *
                                                                                                                   Compliance Status in lieu of the
                                                                (f) * * *
     process or to the fuel gas system, the                                                                        performance test results. The
                                                                (1) * * *
     owner or operator is required to comply                                                                       performance test results must be
                                                                (i) * * *
     only with paragraphs (j)(1) and (2) of                     (A) * * *                                          submitted to CEDRI by the date the
     this section for the pilot discharge vent                  (1) For each Group 1 storage vessel                Notification of Compliance Status is
     and is not required to comply with                      complying with either § 63.646 or                     submitted.
     paragraph (j)(3) of this section for the                § 63.660 that is not included in an                   *       *     *     *    *
     pilot-operated pressure relief device.                  emissions average, the method of                         (iii) For miscellaneous process vents
        (iii) If a balanced bellows pressure                 compliance (i.e., internal floating roof,             controlled by control devices required
     relief device is used and the primary                   external floating roof, or closed vent                to be tested under § 63.645 and
     release valve is routed through a closed                system and control device).                           § 63.116(c), performance test results
     vent system to a control device, back                      (2) For storage vessels subject to the             including the information in paragraphs
     into the process or to the fuel gas                     compliance schedule specified in                      (f)(1)(iii)(A) and (B) of this section.
     system, the owner or operator is                        § 63.640(h)(2) that are not complying                 Results of a performance test conducted
     required to comply only with                            with § 63.646 or § 63.660 as applicable,              prior to the compliance date of this
     paragraphs (j)(1) and (2) of this section               the anticipated compliance date.                      subpart can be used provided that the
     for the bonnet vent and is not required                    (3) For storage vessels subject to the             test was conducted using the methods
     to comply with paragraph (j)(3) of this                 compliance schedule specified in                      specified in § 63.645 and that the test
     section for the balanced bellows                        § 63.640(h)(2) that are complying with                conditions are representative of current
     pressure relief device.                                 § 63.646 or § 63.660, as applicable, and              operating conditions. If the performance
        (iv) Both the closed vent system and                 the Group 1 storage vessels described in              test is submitted electronically through
     control device (if applicable) referenced               § 63.640(l), the actual compliance date.              the EPA’s Compliance and Emissions
     in paragraphs (j)(4)(i) through (iii) of                   (B) * * *                                          Data Reporting Interface in accordance
     this section must meet the requirements                    (3) If the owner or operator elects to             with § 63.655(h)(9), the process unit(s)
     of § 63.644. When complying with this                   submit the results of a performance test,             tested, the pollutant(s) tested, and the
     paragraph (j)(4), all references to ‘‘Group             identification of the storage vessel and              date that such performance test was
     1 miscellaneous process vent’’ in                       control device for which the                          conducted may be submitted in the
     § 63.644 mean ‘‘pressure relief device.’’               performance test will be submitted, and               Notification of Compliance Status in
        (v) If a pressure relief device                      identification of the emission point(s)               lieu of the performance test results. The
     complying with this paragraph (j)(4) is                 that share the control device with the                performance test results must be
     routed to the fuel gas system, then on                  storage vessel and for which the                      submitted to CEDRI by the date the
     and after January 30, 2019, any flares                  performance test will be conducted. If                Notification of Compliance Status is
     receiving gas from that fuel gas system                 the performance test is submitted                     submitted.
     must be in compliance with § 63.670.                    electronically through the EPA’s                      *       *     *     *    *
     *       *      *      *      *                          Compliance and Emissions Data                            (2) If initial performance tests are
     ■ 10. Section 63.655 is amended by:                     Reporting Interface (CEDRI) in                        required by §§ 63.643 through 63.653,
     ■ a. Revising paragraphs (f)(1)(i)(A)(1)                accordance with § 63.655(h)(9), the                   the Notification of Compliance Status
     through (3), (f)(1)(i)(B)(3), (f)(1)(i)(C)(2),          process unit(s) tested, the pollutant(s)              report shall include one complete test
     (f)(1)(iii), (f)(2), (f)(4), (g)(2)(i)(B)(1) and        tested, and the date that such                        report for each test method used for a
     (g)(10) introductory text;                              performance test was conducted may be                 particular source. On and after February
     ■ b. Redesignating paragraph (g)(10)(iii)               submitted in the Notification of                      1, 2016, for data collected using test
     as (g)(10)(iv);                                         Compliance Status in lieu of the                      methods supported by the EPA’s
     ■ c. Adding new paragraph (g)(10)(iii);                 performance test results. The                         Electronic Reporting Tool (ERT) as
     ■ d. Revising paragraph (g)(13)                         performance test results must be                      listed on the EPA’s ERT website
     introductory text and paragraph                         submitted to CEDRI by the date the                    (https://www.epa.gov/electronic-
     (h)(2)(ii);                                             Notification of Compliance Status is                  reporting-air-emissions/electronic-
     ■ e. Removing and reserving paragraph                   submitted.                                            reporting-tool-ert) at the time of the test,
     (h)(5)(iii);                                               (C) * * *                                          you must submit the results in
     ■ f. Revising paragraph (h)(8)                             (2) If a performance test is conducted             accordance with § 63.655(h)(9) by the
     ■ g. Revising paragraph (h)(9)(i)                       instead of a design evaluation, results of            date that you submit the Notification of
     introductory text and paragraph                         the performance test demonstrating that               Compliance Status, and you must
     (h)(9)(ii) introductory text;                           the control device achieves greater than              include the process unit(s) tested, the
     ■ h. Adding paragraph (h)(10);                          or equal to the required control                      pollutant(s) tested, and the date that
     ■ i. Revising paragraph (i)(3)(ii)(B);                  efficiency. A performance test                        such performance test was conducted in
     ■ j. Adding paragraphs (i)(3)(ii)(C) and                conducted prior to the compliance date                the Notification of Compliance Status.
     (i)(5)(i) through (v);                                  of this subpart can be used to comply                 All other performance test results must

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     be reported in the Notification of                      explosive limit is 20 percent or greater;             sampler name; and identification of the
     Compliance Status.                                      owners or operators complying with                    type of sampler (i.e., regular monitor,
     *       *    *      *    *                              § 63.643(c)(1)(v) must report each                    extra monitor, duplicate, field blank,
        (4) Results of any continuous                        venting event conducted under those                   inactive). The owner or operator shall
     monitoring system performance                           provisions and include an explanation                 determine the coordinates using an
     evaluations shall be included in the                    for each event as to why utilization of               instrument with an accuracy of at least
     Notification of Compliance Status                       this alternative was required.                        3 meters. Coordinates shall be in
     report, unless the results are required to              *       *     *     *     *                           decimal degrees with at least five
     be submitted electronically by                             (h) * * *                                          decimal places.
     § 63.655(h)(9). For performance                            (2) * * *                                             (iv) The beginning and ending dates
     evaluation results required to be                          (ii) In order to afford the                        for each sampling period.
     submitted through CEDRI, submit the                     Administrator the opportunity to have                    (v) Individual sample results for
     results in accordance with § 63.655(h)(9)               an observer present, the owner or                     benzene reported in units of mg/m3 for
     by the date that you submit the                         operator of a storage vessel equipped                 each monitor for each sampling period
     Notification of Compliance Status and                   with an external floating roof shall                  that ends during the reporting period.
     include the process unit where the CMS                  notify the Administrator of any seal gap              Results below the method detection
     is installed, the parameter measured by                 measurements. The notification shall be               limit shall be flagged as below the
     the CMS, and the date that the                          made in writing at least 30 calendar                  detection limit and reported at the
     performance evaluation was conducted                    days in advance of any gap                            method detection limit.
     in the Notification of Compliance                       measurements required by § 63.120(b)(1)                  (vi) Data flags that indicate each
     Status.                                                 or (2) or § 63.1063(d)(3). The State or               monitor that was skipped for the
     *       *    *      *    *                              local permitting authority can waive                  sampling period, if the owner or
        (g) * * *                                            this notification requirement for all or              operator uses an alternative sampling
        (2) * * *                                            some storage vessels subject to the rule              frequency under § 63.658(e)(3).
        (i) * * *                                            or can allow less than 30 calendar days’                 (vii) Data flags for each outlier
        (B) * * *                                            notice.                                               determined in accordance with Section
        (1) A failure is defined as any time in              *       *     *     *     *                           9.2 of Method 325A of appendix A of
     which the internal floating roof has                       (8) For fenceline monitoring systems               this part. For each outlier, the owner or
     defects; or the primary seal has holes,                 subject to § 63.658, each owner or                    operator must submit the individual
     tears, or other openings in the seal or                 operator shall submit the following                   sample result of the outlier, as well as
     the seal fabric; or the secondary seal (if              information to the EPA’s Compliance                   the evidence used to conclude that the
     one has been installed) has holes, tears,               and Emissions Data Reporting Interface                result is an outlier.
     or other openings in the seal or the seal               (CEDRI) on a quarterly basis. (CEDRI can                 (viii) The biweekly concentration
     fabric; or, for a storage vessel that is part           be accessed through the EPA’s Central                 difference (Dc) for benzene for each
     of a new source, the gaskets no longer                  Data Exchange (CDX) (https://                         sampling period and the annual average
     close off the liquid surface from the                   cdx.epa.gov/). The first quarterly report             Dc for benzene for each sampling
     atmosphere; or, for a storage vessel that               must be submitted once the owner or                   period.
     is part of a new source, the slotted                    operator has obtained 12 months of                       (9) * * *
     membrane has more than a 10 percent                     data. The first quarterly report must                    (i) Unless otherwise specified by this
     open area.                                              cover the period beginning on the                     subpart, within 60 days after the date of
     *       *    *      *    *                              compliance date that is specified in                  completing each performance test as
        (10) For pressure relief devices subject             Table 11 of this subpart and ending on                required by this subpart, the owner or
     to the requirements § 63.648(j), Periodic               March 31, June 30, September 30 or                    operator shall submit the results of the
     Reports must include the information                    December 31, whichever date is the first              performance tests following the
     specified in paragraphs (g)(10)(i)                      date that occurs after the owner or                   procedure specified in either paragraph
     through (iv) of this section.                           operator has obtained 12 months of data               (h)(9)(i)(A) or (B) of this section.
     *       *    *      *    *                              (i.e., the first quarterly report will                *       *     *    *     *
        (iii) For pilot-operated pressure relief             contain between 12 and 15 months of                      (ii) Unless otherwise specified by this
     devices in organic HAP service, report                  data). Each subsequent quarterly report               subpart, within 60 days after the date of
     each pressure release to the atmosphere                 must cover one of the following                       completing each CEMS performance
     through the pilot vent that equals or                   reporting periods: Quarter 1 from                     evaluation as required by this subpart,
     exceeds 72 pounds of VOC per day,                       January 1 through March 31; Quarter 2                 the owner or operator must submit the
     including duration of the pressure                      from April 1 through June 30; Quarter                 results of the performance evaluation
     release through the pilot vent and                      3 from July 1 through September 30; and               following the procedure specified in
     estimate of the mass quantity of each                   Quarter 4 from October 1 through                      either paragraph (h)(9)(ii)(A) or (B) of
     organic HAP released.                                   December 31. Each quarterly report                    this section.
     *       *    *      *    *                              must be electronically submitted no                   *       *     *    *     *
        (13) For maintenance vents subject to                later than 45 calendar days following                    (10)(i) If you are required to
     the requirements in § 63.643(c), Periodic               the end of the reporting period.                      electronically submit a report through
     Reports must include the information                       (i) Facility name and address.                     the Compliance and Emissions Data
     specified in paragraphs (g)(13)(i)                         (ii) Year and reporting quarter (i.e.,             Reporting Interface (CEDRI) in the EPA’s
     through (iv) of this section for any                    Quarter 1, Quarter 2, Quarter 3, or                   Central Data Exchange (CDX), and due
     release exceeding the applicable limits                 Quarter 4).                                           to a planned or actual outage of either
     in § 63.643(c)(1). For the purposes of                     (iii) For the first reporting period and           the EPA’s CEDRI or CDX systems within
     this reporting requirement, owners or                   for any reporting period in which a                   the period of time beginning 5 business
     operators complying with                                passive monitor is added or moved, for                days prior to the date that the
     § 63.643(c)(1)(iv) must report each                     each passive monitor: The latitude and                submission is due, you will be or are
     venting event for which the lower                       longitude location coordinates; the                   precluded from accessing CEDRI or CDX

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     and submitting a required report within                 the force majeure event and a rationale               requirements in § 63.654 and
     the time prescribed, you may assert a                   for attributing the delay in reporting                identification of all heat exchange
     claim of EPA system outage for failure                  beyond the regulatory deadline to the                 systems that are exempt from the
     to timely comply with the reporting                     force majeure event; describe the                     monitoring requirements according to
     requirement. You must submit                            measures taken or to be taken to                      the provisions in § 63.654(b). For each
     notification to the Administrator in                    minimize the delay in reporting; and                  heat exchange system that is subject to
     writing as soon as possible following the               identify a date by which you propose to               the monitoring requirements in
     date you first knew, or through due                     report, or if you have already met the                § 63.654, this must include
     diligence should have known, that the                   reporting requirement at the time of the              identification of all heat exchangers
     event may cause or caused a delay in                    notification, the date you reported. In               within each heat exchange system, and,
     reporting. You must provide to the                      any circumstance, the reporting must                  for closed-loop recirculation systems,
     Administrator a written description                     occur as soon as possible after the force             the cooling tower included in each heat
     identifying the date(s) and time(s) the                 majeure event occurs. The decision to                 exchange system.
     CDX or CEDRI were unavailable when                      accept the claim of force majeure and                    (iii) Results of the following
     you attempted to access it in the 5                     allow an extension to the reporting                   monitoring data for each required
     business days prior to the submission                   deadline is solely within the discretion              monitoring event:
     deadline; a rationale for attributing the               of the Administrator.                                    (A) Date/time of event.
     delay in reporting beyond the regulatory                   (i) * * *                                             (B) Barometric pressure.
     deadline to the EPA system outage;                         (3) * * *                                             (C) El Paso air stripping apparatus
     describe the measures taken or to be                       (ii) * * *                                         water flow milliliter/minute (ml/min)
     taken to minimize the delay in                             (B) Block average values for 1 hour or             and air flow, ml/min, and air
     reporting; and identify a date by which                 shorter periods calculated from all                   temperature, °Celsius.
     you propose to report, or if you have                   measured data values during each                         (D) FID reading (ppmv).
     already met the reporting requirement at                period. If values are measured more                      (E) Length of sampling period.
     the time of the notification, the date you              frequently than once per minute, a                       (F) Sample volume.
     reported. In any circumstance, the                      single value for each minute may be                      (G) Calibration information identified
     report must be submitted electronically                 used to calculate the hourly (or shorter              in Section 5.4.2 of the ‘‘Air Stripping
     as soon as possible after the outage is                 period) block average instead of all                  Method (Modified El Paso Method) for
     resolved. The decision to accept the                    measured values; or                                   Determination of Volatile Organic
     claim of EPA system outage and allow                       (C) All values that meet the set criteria          Compound Emissions from Water
     an extension to the reporting deadline is               for variation from previously recorded                Sources’’ Revision Number One, dated
     solely within the discretion of the                     values using an automated data                        January 2003, Sampling Procedures
     Administrator.                                          compression recording system.                         Manual, Appendix P: Cooling Tower
        (ii) If you are required to                             (1) The automated data compression                 Monitoring, prepared by Texas
     electronically submit a report through                  recording system shall be designed to:                Commission on Environmental Quality,
     CEDRI in the EPA’s CDX and a force                         (i) Measure the operating parameter                January 31, 2003 (incorporated by
     majeure event is about to occur, occurs,                value at least once every hour.                       reference—see § 63.14).
     or has occurred or there are lingering                     (ii) Record at least 24 values each day               (iv) The date when a leak was
     effects from such an event within the                   during periods of operation.                          identified, the date the source of the
     period of time beginning 5 business                        (iii) Record the date and time when                leak was identified, and the date when
     days prior to the date the submission is                monitors are turned off or on.                        the heat exchanger was repaired or
     due, the owner or operator may assert a                    (iv) Recognize unchanging data that                taken out of service.
     claim of force majeure for failure to                   may indicate the monitor is not                          (v) If a repair is delayed, the reason
     timely comply with the reporting                        functioning properly, alert the operator,             for the delay, the schedule for
     requirement. For the purposes of this                   and record the incident.                              completing the repair, the heat exchange
     paragraph, a force majeure event is                        (v) Compute daily average values of                exit line flow or cooling tower return
     defined as an event that will be or has                 the monitored operating parameter                     line average flow rate at the monitoring
     been caused by circumstances beyond                     based on recorded data.                               location (in gallons/minute), and the
     the control of the affected facility, its                  (2) You must maintain a record of the              estimate of potential strippable
     contractors, or any entity controlled by                description of the monitoring system                  hydrocarbon emissions for each
     the affected facility that prevents you                 and data compression recording system                 required monitoring interval during the
     from complying with the requirement to                  including the criteria used to determine              delay of repair.
     submit a report electronically within the               which monitored values are recorded                   *       *     *     *     *
     time period prescribed. Examples of                     and retained, the method for calculating                 (7) * * *
     such events are acts of nature (e.g.,                   daily averages, and a demonstration that                 (iii) * * *
     hurricanes, earthquakes, or floods), acts               the system meets all criteria of                         (B) The pressure or temperature of the
     of war or terrorism, or equipment failure               paragraph (i)(3)(ii)(C)(1) of this section.           coke drum vessel, as applicable, for the
     or safety hazard beyond the control of                  *       *    *      *     *                           5-minute period prior to the pre-vent
     the affected facility (e.g., large scale                   (5) * * *                                          draining.
     power outage). If you intend to assert a                   (i) Identification of all petroleum                *       *     *     *     *
     claim of force majeure, you must submit                 refinery process unit heat exchangers at                 (11) For each pressure relief device
     notification to the Administrator in                    the facility and the average annual HAP               subject to the pressure release
     writing as soon as possible following the               concentration of process fluid or                     management work practice standards in
     date you first knew, or through due                     intervening cooling fluid estimated                   § 63.648(j)(3), the owner or operator
     diligence should have known, that the                   when developing the Notification of                   shall keep the records specified in
     event may cause or caused a delay in                    Compliance Status report.                             paragraphs (i)(11)(i) through (iii) of this
     reporting. You must provide to the                         (ii) Identification of all heat exchange           section. For each pilot-operated
     Administrator a written description of                  systems subject to the monitoring                     pressure relief device subject to the

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     requirements at § 63.648(j)(4)(ii) or (iii),            vent was opened to the atmosphere for                 system or otherwise controlled
     the owner or operator shall keep the                    each applicable maintenance vent                      following the requirements for a Group
     records specified in paragraph (i)(11)(iv)              opening.                                              1 miscellaneous process vent. The
     of this section.                                        *     *     *       *      *                          liquid from the separator or disengaging
     *      *     *      *    *                              ■ 11. Section 63.657 is amended by
                                                                                                                   device must be hardpiped to the
        (iv) For pilot-operated pressure relief              revising paragraphs (a)(1)(i) and (ii),               overflow water storage tank or similarly
     devices, general or release-specific                    (a)(2)(i) and (ii), (b)(5), and (e) to read as        transported to prevent exposure of the
     records for estimating the quantity of                  follows:                                              overflow water to the atmosphere. The
     VOC released from the pilot vent during                                                                       overflow water storage tank may be an
     a release event, and records of                         § 63.657 Delayed coking unit decoking                 open or uncontrolled fixed-roof tank
     calculations used to determine the                      operation standards.                                  provided that a submerged fill pipe
     quantity of specific HAP released for                      (a) * * *                                          (pipe outlet below existing liquid level
     any event or series of events in which                     (1) * * *                                          in the tank) is used to transfer overflow
     72 or more pounds of VOC are released                      (i) An average vessel pressure of 2                water to the tank.
     in a day.                                               psig or less determined on a rolling 60-                 (2) The overflow water must be
        (12) For each maintenance vent                       event average; or                                     directed to a storage vessel meeting the
     opening subject to the requirements in                     (ii) An average vessel temperature of              requirements for storage vessels in
     § 63.643(c), the owner or operator shall                220 degrees Fahrenheit or less                        subpart SS of this part.
     keep the applicable records specified in                determined on a rolling 60-event                         (3) Prior to November 26, 2020, if the
     paragraphs (i)(12)(i) through (vi) of this              average.                                              equipment needed to comply with
     section.                                                   (2) * * *                                          paragraphs (e)(1) or (2) of this section
     *      *     *      *    *                                 (i) A vessel pressure of 2.0 psig or less          are not installed and operational, you
        (iv) If complying with the                           for each decoking event; or                           must comply with all of the
     requirements of § 63.643(c)(1)(iii),                       (ii) A vessel temperature of 218                   requirements in paragraphs (e)(3)(i)
     records used to estimate the total                      degrees Fahrenheit or less for each                   through (iv) of this section.
     quantity of VOC in the equipment and                    decoking event.                                          (i) The temperature of the coke drum,
     the type and size limits of equipment                   *       *    *     *     *                            measured according to paragraph (c) of
     that contain less than 72 pounds of VOC                    (b) * * *                                          this section, must be 250 degrees
     at the time of maintenance vent                            (5) The output of the pressure                     Fahrenheit or less prior to initiation of
     opening. For each maintenance vent                      monitoring system must be reviewed                    water overflow and at all times during
     opening for which the deinventory                       each day the unit is operated to ensure               the water overflow.
     procedures specified in paragraph                       that the pressure readings fluctuate as                  (ii) The overflow water must be
     (i)(12)(i) of this section are not followed             expected between operating and                        hardpiped to the overflow water storage
     or for which the equipment opened                       cooling/decoking cycles to verify the                 tank or similarly transported to prevent
     exceeds the type and size limits                        pressure taps are not plugged. Plugged                exposure of the overflow water to the
     established in the records specified in                 pressure taps must be unplugged or                    atmosphere.
     this paragraph, identification of the                   otherwise repaired prior to the next                     (iii) The overflow water storage tank
     maintenance vent, the process units or                  operating cycle.                                      may be an open or uncontrolled fixed-
     equipment associated with the                           *       *    *     *     *                            roof tank provided that all of the
     maintenance vent, the date of                              (e) The owner or operator of a delayed             following requirements are met.
     maintenance vent opening, and records                   coking unit using the ‘‘water overflow’’                 (A) A submerged fill pipe (pipe outlet
     used to estimate the total quantity of                  method of coke cooling prior to                       below existing liquid level in the tank)
     VOC in the equipment at the time the                    complying with the applicable                         is used to transfer overflow water to the
     maintenance vent was opened to the                      requirements in paragraph (a) of this                 tank.
     atmosphere.                                             section must meet the requirements in                    (B) The liquid level in the storage tank
     *      *     *      *    *                              either paragraph (e)(1) or (e)(2) of this             is at least 6 feet above the submerged fill
        (vi) If complying with the                           section or, if applicable, the                        pipe outlet at all times during water
     requirements of § 63.643(c)(1)(v),                      requirements in paragraph (e)(3) of this              overflow.
     identification of the maintenance vent,                 section. The owner or operator of a                      (C) The temperature of the contents in
     the process units or equipment                          delayed coking unit using the ‘‘water                 the storage tank remain below 150
     associated with the maintenance vent,                   overflow’’ method of coke cooling                     degrees Fahrenheit at all times during
     records documenting actions taken to                    subject to this paragraph shall                       water overflow.
     comply with other applicable                            determine the coke drum vessel                        *       *    *      *    *
     alternatives and why utilization of this                temperature as specified in paragraphs                ■ 12. Section 63.658 is amended by
     alternative was required, the date of                   (c) and (d) of this section and shall not             revising paragraphs (c)(1), (2) and (3),
     maintenance vent opening, the                           otherwise drain or vent the coke drum                 (d)(1) introductory text and (d)(2), (e)
     equipment pressure and lower explosive                  until the coke drum vessel temperature                introductory text, (e)(3)(iv), (f)(1)(i)
     limit of the vapors in the equipment at                 is at or below the applicable limits in               introductory text, and (f)(1)(i)(B) to read
     the time of discharge, an indication of                 paragraph (a)(1)(ii) or (a)(2)(ii) of this            as follows:
     whether active purging was performed                    section.
     and the pressure of the equipment                          (1) The overflow water must be                     § 63.658   Fenceline monitoring provisions.
     during the installation or removal of the               directed to a separator or similar                    *     *     *     *     *
     blind if active purging was used, the                   disengaging device that is operated in a                (c) * * *
     duration the maintenance vent was                       manner to prevent entrainment of gases                  (1) As it pertains to this subpart,
     open during the blind installation or                   from the coke drum vessel to the                      known sources of VOCs, as used in
     removal process, and records used to                    overflow water storage tank. Gases from               Section in Method 325A of
     estimate the total quantity of VOC in the               the separator or disengaging device                   appendix A of this part for siting
     equipment at the time the maintenance                   must be routed to a closed blowdown                   passive monitors, means a wastewater

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     treatment unit, process unit, or any                      (iv) All leaks identified by the                    frequency as specified in paragraphs
     emission source requiring control                       monitoring or inspections specified in                (e)(1) through (3) of this section.
     according to the requirements of this                   paragraphs (c)(1)(ii) or (iii) of this                *      *      *     *     *
     subpart, including marine vessel                        section must be repaired no later than                   (3) * * *
     loading operations. For marine vessel                   15 calendar days after it is detected with               (iv) If every sample at a monitoring
     loading operations, one passive monitor                 no provisions for delay of repair. If a               site that is monitored at the frequency
     should be sited on the shoreline                        repair is not completed within 15                     specified in paragraph (e)(3)(iii) of this
     adjacent to the dock. For this subpart,                 calendar days, the additional passive                 section is at or below 0.9 mg/m3 for 2
     an additional monitor is not required if                monitor specified in Section in               years (i.e., 4 consecutive semiannual
     the only emission sources within 50                     Method 325A of appendix A of this part                samples), only one sample per year is
     meters of the monitoring boundary are                   must be used.                                         required for that monitoring site. For
     equipment leak sources satisfying all of                  (2) The owner or operator may collect               yearly sampling, samples shall occur at
     the conditions in paragraphs (c)(1)(i)                  one or more background samples if the                 least 10 months but no more than 14
     through (iv) of this section.                           owner or operator believes that an                    months apart.
        (i) The equipment leak sources in                    offsite upwind source or an onsite                    *      *      *     *     *
     organic HAP service within 50 meters of                 source excluded under § 63.640(g) may                    (f) * * *
     the monitoring boundary are limited to                  influence the sampler measurements. If                   (1) * * *
     valves, pumps, connectors, sampling                     the owner or operator elects to collect                  (i) Except when near-field source
     connections, and open-ended lines. If                   one or more background samples, the                   correction is used as provided in
     compressors, pressure relief devices, or                owner or operator must develop and                    paragraph (i) of this section, the owner
     agitators in organic HAP service are                    submit a site-specific monitoring plan                or operator shall determine the highest
     present within 50 meters of the                         for approval according to the                         and lowest sample results for benzene
     monitoring boundary, the additional                     requirements in paragraph (i) of this                 concentrations from the sample pool
     passive monitoring location specified in                section. Upon approval of the site-                   and calculate Dc as the difference in
     Section in Method 325A of                       specific monitoring plan, the                         these concentrations. Co-located
     appendix A of this part must be used.                   background sampler(s) should be                       samples must be averaged together for
        (ii) All equipment leak sources in gas               operated co-currently with the routine                the purposes of determining the
     or light liquid service (and in organic                 samplers.                                             benzene concentration for that sampling
     HAP service), including valves, pumps,                    (3) If there are 19 or fewer monitoring             location, and, if applicable, for
     connectors, sampling connections and                    locations, the owner or operator shall                determining Dc. The owner or operator
     open-ended lines, must be monitored                     collect at least one co-located duplicate             shall adhere to the following procedures
     using EPA Method 21 of 40 CFR part 60,                  sample per sampling period and at least               when one or more samples for the
     appendix A–7 no less frequently than                    one field blank per sampling period. If               sampling period are below the method
     quarterly with no provisions for skip                   there are 20 or more monitoring                       detection limit for benzene:
     period monitoring, or according to the                  locations, the owner or operator shall                *      *      *     *     *
     provisions of § 63.11(c) Alternative                    collect at least two co-located duplicate                (B) If all sample results are below the
     Work practice for monitoring equipment                  samples per sampling period and at                    method detection limit, the owner or
     for leaks. For the purpose of this                      least one field blank per sampling                    operator shall use the method detection
     provision, a leak is detected if the                    period. The co-located duplicates may                 limit as the highest sample result and
     instrument reading equals or exceeds                    be collected at any of the perimeter                  zero as the lowest sample result when
     the applicable limits in paragraphs                     sampling locations.                                   calculating Dc.
     (c)(1)(ii)(A) through (E) of this section:              *      *     *     *     *                            *      *      *     *     *
        (A) For valves, pumps or connectors                    (d) * * *                                           ■ 13. Section 63.660 is amended by
     at an existing source, an instrument                                                                          revising the introductory text, paragraph
                                                               (1) If a near-field source correction is
     reading of 10,000 ppmv.                                                                                       (b) introductory text, paragraphs (b)(1)
                                                             used as provided in paragraph (i)(2) of
        (B) For valves or connectors at a new                                                                      and (e), and paragraph (i)(2)
                                                             this section or if an alternative test
     source, an instrument reading of 500                                                                          introductory text, and adding paragraph
                                                             method is used that provides time-
     ppmv.                                                                                                         (i)(2)(iii) to read as follows:
                                                             resolved measurements, the owner or
        (C) For pumps at a new source, an
                                                             operator shall:
     instrument reading of 2,000 ppmv.                                                                             § 63.660   Storage vessel provisions.
        (D) For sampling connections or open-                *      *     *     *     *                              On and after the applicable
     ended lines, an instrument reading of                     (2) For cases other than those                      compliance date for a Group 1 storage
     500 ppmv above background.                              specified in paragraph (d)(1) of this                 vessel located at a new or existing
        (E) For equipment monitored                          section, the owner or operator shall                  source as specified in § 63.640(h), the
     according to the Alternative Work                       collect and record sampling period                    owner or operator of a Group 1 storage
     practice for monitoring equipment for                   average temperature and barometric                    vessel storing liquid with a maximum
     leaks, the leak definitions contained in                pressure using either an on-site                      true vapor pressure less than 76.6
     § 63.11 (c)(6)(i) through (iii).                        meteorological station in accordance                  kilopascals (11.1 pounds per square
        (iii) All equipment leak sources in                  with Section 8.3.1 through 8.3.3 of                   inch) that is part of a new or existing
     organic HAP service, including sources                  Method 325A of appendix A of this part                source shall comply with either the
     in gas, light liquid and heavy liquid                   or, alternatively, using data from a                  requirements in subpart WW or SS of
     service, must be inspected using visual,                United States Weather Service (USWS)                  this part according to the requirements
     audible, olfactory, or any other                        meteorological station provided the                   in paragraphs (a) through (i) of this
     detection method at least monthly. A                    USWS meteorological station is within                 section and the owner or operator of a
     leak is detected if the inspection                      40 kilometers (25 miles) of the refinery.             Group 1 storage vessel storing liquid
     identifies a potential leak to the                      *      *     *     *     *                            with a maximum true vapor pressure
     atmosphere or if there are indications of                 (e) The owner or operator shall use a               greater than or equal to 76.6 kilopascals
     liquids dripping.                                       sampling period and sampling                          (11.1 pounds per square inch) that is

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     part of a new or existing source shall                     (iii) Use a cap, blind flange, plug, or            conducted the first time regulated
     comply with the requirements in                         a second valve for an open-ended valves               materials are routed to the flare.
     subpart SS of this part according to the                or line following the requirements                    Subsequent visible emissions
     requirements in paragraphs (a) through                  specified in § 60.482–6(a)(2), (b) and (c).           observations must be conducted using
     (i) of this section.                                    *       *    *      *     *                           either the methods in paragraph (h)(1) of
     *      *      *    *      *                             ■ 14. Section 63.670 is amended by:
                                                                                                                   this section or, alternatively, the
        (b) A floating roof storage vessel                   ■ a. Revising paragraph (f);
                                                                                                                   methods in paragraph (h)(2) of this
     complying with the requirements of                      ■ b. Revising paragraphs (h)
                                                                                                                   section. The owner or operator must
     subpart WW of this part may comply                      introductory text, (h)(1), and (i)                    record and report any instances where
     with the control option specified in                    introductory text;                                    visible emissions are observed for more
     paragraph (b)(1) of this section and, if                ■ c. Adding paragraphs (i)(5) and (6);
                                                                                                                   than 5 minutes during any 2
     equipped with a ladder having at least                  ■ d. Revising paragraph (j)(6)
                                                                                                                   consecutive hours as specified in
     one slotted leg, shall comply with one                  introductory text;                                    § 63.655(g)(11)(ii).
     of the control options as described in                  ■ e. Revising the definition of the Qcum                 (1) At least once per day for each day
     paragraph (b)(2) of this section. If the                term in the equation in paragraph (k)(3);             regulated material is routed to the flare,
     floating roof storage vessel does not                   ■ f. Revising paragraph (m)(2)                        conduct visible emissions observations
     meet the requirements of                                introductory text;                                    using an observation period of 5
     § 63.1063(a)(2)(i) through (a)(2)(viii) as              ■ g. Revising the definitions of the QNG2,            minutes using Method 22 at 40 CFR part
     of June 30, 2014, these requirements do                 QNG1, and NHVNG terms in the equation                 60, appendix A–7. If at any time the
     not apply until the next time the vessel                in paragraph (m)(2);                                  owner or operator sees visible emissions
     is completely emptied and degassed, or                  ■ h. Revising paragraph (n)(2)                        while regulated material is routed to the
     January 30, 2026, whichever occurs                      introductory text;                                    flare, even if the minimum required
     first.                                                  ■ i. Revising the definitions of the QNG2,            daily visible emission monitoring has
        (1) In addition to the options                       QNG1, and NHVNG terms in the equation                 already been performed, the owner or
     presented in §§ 63.1063(a)(2)(viii)(A)                  in paragraph (n)(2); and                              operator shall immediately begin an
     and (B) and 63.1064, a floating roof                    ■ j. Revising paragraphs (o) introductory             observation period of 5 minutes using
     storage vessel may comply with                          text, (o)(1)(ii)(B), (o)(1)(iii)(B), and              Method 22 at 40 CFR part 60, appendix
     § 63.1063(a)(2)(viii) using a flexible                  (o)(3)(i).                                            A–7. If visible emissions are observed
     enclosure device and either a gasketed                     The revisions and additions read as                for more than one continuous minute
     or welded cap on the top of the                         follows:                                              during any 5-minute observation period,
     guidepole.                                                                                                    the observation period using Method 22
     *      *      *    *      *                             § 63.670 Requirements for flare control               at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–7 must
        (e) For storage vessels previously                   devices.                                              be extended to 2 hours or until 5-
     subject to requirements in § 63.646,                    *      *      *    *      *                           minutes of visible emissions are
     initial inspection requirements in                         (f) Dilution operating limits for flares           observed. Daily 5-minute Method 22
     § 63.1063(c)(1) and (c)(2)(i) (i.e., those              with perimeter assist air. Except as                  observations are not required to be
     related to the initial filling of the storage           provided in paragraph (f)(1) of this                  conducted for days the flare does not
     vessel) or in § 63.983(b)(1)(i)(A), as                  section, for each flare actively receiving            receive any regulated material.
     applicable, are not required. Failure to                perimeter assist air, the owner or                    *      *     *     *     *
     perform other inspections and                           operator shall operate the flare to                      (i) Flare vent gas, steam assist and air
     monitoring required by this section                     maintain the net heating value dilution               assist flow rate monitoring. The owner
     shall constitute a violation of the                     parameter (NHVdil) at or above 22                     or operator shall install, operate,
     applicable standard of this subpart.                    British thermal units per square foot                 calibrate, and maintain a monitoring
     *      *      *    *      *                             (Btu/ft2) determined on a 15-minute                   system capable of continuously
        (i) * * *                                            block period basis when regulated                     measuring, calculating, and recording
        (2) If a closed vent system contains a               material is being routed to the flare for             the volumetric flow rate in the flare
     bypass line, the owner or operator shall                at least 15-minutes. The owner or                     header or headers that feed the flare as
     comply with the provisions of either                    operator shall monitor and calculate                  well as any flare supplemental gas used.
     § 63.983(a)(3)(i) or (ii) or paragraph (iii)            NHVdil as specified in paragraph (n) of               Different flow monitoring methods may
     of this section for each closed vent                    this section.                                         be used to measure different gaseous
     system that contains bypass lines that                     (1) If the only assist air provided to a           streams that make up the flare vent gas
     could divert a vent stream either                       specific flare is perimeter assist air                provided that the flow rates of all gas
     directly to the atmosphere or to a                      intentionally entrained in lower and/or               streams that contribute to the flare vent
     control device that does not comply                     upper steam at the flare tip and the                  gas are determined. If assist air or assist
     with the requirements in subpart SS of                  effective diameter is 9 inches or greater,            steam is used, the owner or operator
     this part. Except as provided in                        the owner or operator shall comply only               shall install, operate, calibrate, and
     paragraphs (i)(2)(i) and (ii) of this                   with the NHVcz operating limit in                     maintain a monitoring system capable of
     section, use of the bypass at any time to               paragraph (e) of this section for that                continuously measuring, calculating,
     divert a Group 1 storage vessel either                  flare.                                                and recording the volumetric flow rate
     directly to the atmosphere or to a                         (2) [Reserved]                                     of assist air and/or assist steam used
     control device that does not comply                     *      *      *    *      *                           with the flare. If pre-mix assist air and
     with the requirements in subpart SS of                     (h) Visible emissions monitoring. The              perimeter assist are both used, the
     this part is an emissions standards                     owner or operator shall conduct an                    owner or operator shall install, operate,
     violation. Equipment such as low leg                    initial visible emissions demonstration               calibrate, and maintain a monitoring
     drains and equipment subject to                         using an observation period of 2 hours                system capable of separately measuring,
     § 63.648 are not subject to this                        using Method 22 at 40 CFR part 60,                    calculating, and recording the
     paragraph (i)(2).                                       appendix A–7. The initial visible                     volumetric flow rate of premix assist air
     *      *      *    *      *                             emissions demonstration should be                     and perimeter assist air used with the

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                        Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 227 / Monday, November 26, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                                 60721

     flare. Flow monitoring system                                  determine the 15-minute block average                    15-minute block period, i.e., QNG1 =
     requirements and acceptable                                    NHVcz using the following equation.                      QNG2.
     alternatives are provided in paragraphs                                                                              NHVNG = Net heating value of flare
                                                                    *    *    *     *    *                                   supplemental gas for the 15-minute
     (i)(1) through (6) of this section.                            QNG2 = Cumulative volumetric flow of flare
                                                                                                                             block period determined according to the
     *       *    *    *     *                                         supplemental gas during the 15-minute
                                                                                                                             requirements in paragraph (j)(5) of this
                                                                       block period, scf.
        (5) Continuously monitoring fan                             QNG1 = Cumulative volumetric flow of flare               section, Btu/scf.
     speed or power and using fan curves is                            supplemental gas during the previous
     an acceptable method for continuously                                                                                *       *    *     *     *
                                                                       15-minute block period, scf. For the first
     monitoring assist air flow rates.                                 15-minute block period of an event, use
                                                                                                                             (o) Emergency flaring provisions. The
                                                                       the volumetric flow value for the current          owner or operator of a flare that has the
        (6) For perimeter assist air
                                                                       15-minute block period, i.e., QNG1 =               potential to operate above its smokeless
     intentionally entrained in lower and/or
                                                                       QNG2.                                              capacity under any circumstance shall
     upper steam, the monitored steam flow                          NHVNG = Net heating value of flare                    comply with the provisions in
     rate and the maximum design air-to-                               supplemental gas for the 15-minute                 paragraphs (o)(1) through (7) of this
     steam volumetric flow ratio of the                                block period determined according to the           section.
     entrainment system may be used to                                 requirements in paragraph (j)(5) of this
                                                                       section, Btu/scf.
                                                                                                                             (1) * * *
     determine the assist air flow rate.
                                                                                                                             (ii) * * *
        (j) * * *                                                   *      *     *    *      *                               (B) Implementation of prevention
        (6) Direct compositional or net                                (n) * * *                                          measures listed for pressure relief
     heating value monitoring is not required                          (2) Owners or operators of flares that             devices in § 63.648(j)(3)(ii)(A) through
     for gas streams that have been                                 use the feed-forward calculation                      (E) for each pressure relief device that
     demonstrated to have consistent                                methodology in paragraph (l)(5)(i) of                 can discharge to the flare.
     composition (or a fixed minimum net                            this section and that monitor gas                     *       *    *     *     *
     heating value) according to the methods                        composition or net heating value in a
                                                                                                                             (iii) * * *
     in paragraphs (j)(6)(i) through (iii) of                       location representative of the
                                                                                                                             (B) The smokeless capacity of the flare
     this section.                                                  cumulative vent gas stream and that
                                                                                                                          based on a 15-minute block average and
     *       *    *    *     *                                      directly monitor flare supplemental gas
                                                                                                                          design conditions. Note: A single value
        (k) * * *                                                   flow additions to the flare must
                                                                                                                          must be provided for the smokeless
                                                                    determine the 15-minute block average
        (3) * * *                                                                                                         capacity of the flare.
                                                                    NHVdil using the following equation
     *       *    *    *     *                                      only during periods when perimeter                    *       *    *     *     *
     Qcum = Cumulative volumetric flow over 15-                                                                              (3) * * *
                                                                    assist air is used. For 15-minute block
         minute block average period, standard                                                                               (i) The vent gas flow rate exceeds the
         cubic feet.                                                periods when there is no cumulative
                                                                    volumetric flow of perimeter assist air,              smokeless capacity of the flare based on
     *      *    *    *     *                                       the 15-minute block average NHVdil                    a 15-minute block average and visible
        (m) * * *                                                   parameter does not need to be                         emissions are present from the flare for
        (2) Owners or operators of flares that                      calculated.                                           more than 5 minutes during any 2
     use the feed-forward calculation                               *      *     *    *      *                            consecutive hours during the release
     methodology in paragraph (l)(5)(i) of                          QNG2 = Cumulative volumetric flow of flare            event.
     this section and that monitor gas                                 supplemental gas during the 15-minute              *       *    *     *     *
     composition or net heating value in a                             block period, scf.
                                                                                                                          ■ 15. Table 6 to Subpart CC is amended
                                                                    QNG1 = Cumulative volumetric flow of flare
     location representative of the                                    supplemental gas during the previous               by revising the entries ‘‘63.6(f)(3)’’,
     cumulative vent gas stream and that                               15-minute block period, scf. For the first         ‘‘63.6(h)(8)’’, 63.7(a)(2)’’, ‘‘63.7(f)’’,
     directly monitor flare supplemental gas                           15-minute block period of an event, use            ‘‘63.7(h)(3)’’, and ‘‘63.8(e)’’ to read as
     flow additions to the flare must                                  the volumetric flow value for the current          follows:

                                                  TABLE 6—GENERAL PROVISIONS APPLICABILITY TO SUBPART CC a
         Reference                                                                                             Comment
                                to subpart CC

               *                             *                       *                      *                   *                    *                  *
     63.6(f)(3) ...........    Yes ...................   Except the cross-references to § 63.6(f)(1) and (e)(1)(i) are changed to § 63.642(n) and performance test
                                                           results may be written or electronic.

               *                             *                       *                    *                    *                            *               *
     63.6(h)(8) ..........     Yes ...................   Except performance test results may be written or electronic.

               *                             *                        *                     *                   *                   *                   *
     63.7(a)(2) ..........     Yes ...................   Except test results must be submitted in the Notification of Compliance Status report due 150 days after
                                                           compliance date, as specified in § 63.655(f), unless they are required to be submitted electronically in
                                                           accordance with § 63.655(h)(9). Test results required to be submitted electronically must be submitted
                                                           by the date the Notification of Compliance Status report is submitted.

                *                            *                       *                      *                    *                     *                     *
     63.7(f) ...............   Yes ...................   Except that additional notification or approval is not required for alternatives directly specified in Subpart

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                                       TABLE 6—GENERAL PROVISIONS APPLICABILITY TO SUBPART CC a—Continued
         Reference                                                                                               Comment
                                to subpart CC

               *                             *                         *                    *                    *                     *                     *
     63.7(h)(3) ..........     Yes ...................   Yes, except site-specific test plans shall not be required, and where § 63.7(h)(3)(i) specifies waiver sub-
                                                           mittal date, the date shall be 90 days prior to the Notification of Compliance Status report in § 63.655(f).

               *                             *                        *                    *                       *                   *                           *
     63.8(e) ..............    Yes ...................   Except that results are to be submitted electronically if required by § 63.655(h)(9).

                 *                            *                         *                      *                       *                      *                    *

     ■ 16. Table 11 to subpart CC is amended
     by revising items (2)(iv), (3)(iv) and
     (4)(v) to read as follows:

                                                           TABLE 11—COMPLIANCE DATES AND REQUIREMENTS
     If the construction/              Then the owner or operator must                   And the owner or operator must
     reconstruction date is                                                                                                          Except as provided in . . .
                                       comply with . . .                                 achieve compliance . . .
     . . .

               *                             *                   *                             *                 *                          *                     *
     (2) * * * .....................   (iv) Requirements for existing sources            On or before December 26, 2018 .......      §§ 63.640(k), (l) and (m) and
                                          in § 63.643(c).                                                                              63.643(d).

               *                             *                   *                             *                 *                          *                     *
     (3) * * * .....................   (iv) Requirements for existing sources            On or before December 26, 2018 .......      §§ 63.640(k), (l) and (m) and
                                          in § 63.643(c).                                                                              63.643(d).

               *                             *                   *                             *                 *                          *                     *
     (4) * * * .....................   (v) Requirements for existing sources             On or before December 26, 2018 .......      §§ 63.640(k), (l) and (m) and
                                          in § 63.643(c).                                                                              63.643(d).

                 *                            *                         *                      *                       *                      *                    *

     ■ 17. Table 13 to Subpart CC is
     amended by revising the entry
     ‘‘Hydrogen analyzer’’ to read as follows:

                                                     Minimum accuracy
             Parameter                                                                                                 Calibration requirements

             *                             *                   *                               *                     *                    *                    *
     Hydrogen analyzer .....           ±2 percent over the concentration                  Specify calibration requirements in your site specific CPMS monitoring plan.
                                         measured or 0.1 volume percent,                    Calibration requirements should follow manufacturer’s recommendations at
                                         whichever is greater.                              a minimum.
                                                                                          Where feasible, select the sampling location at least two equivalent duct diam-
                                                                                            eters from the nearest control device, point of pollutant generation, air in-
                                                                                            leakages, or other point at which a change in the pollutant concentration oc-

     Subpart UUU-–National Emission                                 § 63.1564 What are my requirements for                  operating limit (if you use a continuous
     Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants                         metal HAP emissions from catalytic                      opacity monitoring system) using
                                                                    cracking units?                                         Equations 6 and 7 of this section as
     for Petroleum Refineries: Catalytic
     Cracking Units, Catalytic Reforming                            *       *     *     *    *                              follows:
     Units, and Sulfur Recovery Units                                  (b) * * *                                            *     *     *     *    *
                                                                       (4) * * *                                              (c) * * *
     ■ 18. Section 63.1564 is amended by                               (iii) If you elect Option 3 in paragraph               (3) If you use a continuous opacity
     revising the introductory text of                              (a)(1)(v) of this section, the Ni lb/hr                 monitoring system and elect to comply
     paragraphs (b)(4)(iii), (c)(3), and (c)(4)                     emission limit, compute your Ni                         with Option 3 in paragraph (a)(1)(v) of
     and revising paragraph (c)(5)(iii) to read                     emission rate using Equation 5 of this                  this section, determine continuous
     as follows:                                                    section and your site-specific Ni                       compliance with your site-specific Ni

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                      Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 227 / Monday, November 26, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                         60723

     operating limit by using Equation 11 of                 § 63.1574(a)(3). If you are required to do            equilibrium catalyst Ni concentration to
     this section as follows:                                a performance evaluation or test for a                the maximum level. You must make this
     *      *    *     *     *                               semi-regenerative catalytic reforming                 adjustment using Equation 2 of this
       (4) If you use a continuous opacity                   unit catalyst regenerator vent, you may               section as follows:
     monitoring system and elect to comply                   do them at the first regeneration cycle               *     *     *    *    *
     with Option 4 in paragraph (a)(1)(vi) of                after your compliance date and report                 ■ 22. Section 63.1572 is amended by
     this section, determine continuous                      the results in a followup Notification of             revising paragraphs (c)(1) and (d)(1) to
     compliance with your site-specific Ni                   Compliance Status report due no later
                                                                                                                   read as follows:
     operating limit by using Equation 12 of                 than 150 days after the test. You must
     this section as follows:                                conduct additional performance tests as               § 63.1572 What are my monitoring
                                                             specified in paragraphs (a)(5) and (6) of             installation, operation, and maintenance
     *      *    *     *     *                                                                                     requirements?
                                                             this section and report the results of
       (5) * * *
                                                             these performance tests according to the              *      *     *     *     *
       (iii) Calculating the inlet velocity to
                                                             provisions in § 63.1575(f).                              (c) * * *
     the primary internal cyclones in feet per
     second (ft/sec) by dividing the average                 *      *     *      *     *                              (1) You must install, operate, and
     volumetric flow rate (acfm) by the                         (5) Periodic performance testing for               maintain each continuous parameter
     cumulative cross-sectional area of the                  PM or Ni. Except as provided in                       monitoring system according to the
     primary internal cyclone inlets (ft2) and               paragraphs (a)(5)(i) and (ii) of this                 requirements in Table 41 of this subpart.
     by 60 seconds/minute (for unit                          section, conduct a periodic performance               You must also meet the equipment
     conversion).                                            test for PM or Ni for each catalytic                  specifications in Table 41 of this subpart
                                                             cracking unit at least once every 5 years             if pH strips or colormetric tube
     *      *    *     *     *                               according to the requirements in Table                sampling systems are used. You must
     ■ 19. Section 63.1565 is amended by                     4 of this subpart. You must conduct the               meet the requirements in Table 41 of
     revising paragraph (a)(5)(ii) to read as                first periodic performance test no later              this subpart for BLD systems.
     follows:                                                than August 1, 2017 or within 150 days                Alternatively, before August 1, 2017,
     § 63.1565 What are my requirements for                  of startup of a new unit.                             you may install, operate, and maintain
     organic HAP emissions from catalytic                    *      *     *      *     *                           each continuous parameter monitoring
     cracking units?                                            (6) One-time performance testing for               system in a manner consistent with the
       (a) * * *                                             Hydrogen Cyanide (HCN). Conduct a                     manufacturer’s specifications or other
       (5) * * *                                             performance test for HCN from each                    written procedures that provide
       (ii) You can elect to maintain the                    catalytic cracking unit no later than                 adequate assurance that the equipment
     oxygen (O2) concentration in the                        August 1, 2017 or within 150 days of                  will monitor accurately.
     exhaust gas from your catalyst                          startup of a new unit according to the                *      *     *     *     *
     regenerator at or above 1 volume                        applicable requirements in paragraphs                    (d) * * *
     percent (dry basis) or 1 volume percent                 (a)(6)(i) and (ii) of this section.                      (1) Except for monitoring
     (wet basis with no moisture correction).                *      *     *      *     *                           malfunctions, associated repairs, and
     *      *    *    *      *                                  (d) * * *                                          required quality assurance or control
                                                                (1) If you must meet the HAP metal                 activities (including as applicable,
     ■ 20. Section 63.1569 is amended by
                                                             emission limitations in § 63.1564, you                calibration checks and required zero
     revising paragraph (c)(2) to read as                    elect the option in paragraph (a)(1)(v) in            and span adjustments), you must
     follows:                                                § 63.1564 (Ni lb/hr), and you use                     conduct all monitoring in continuous
     § 63.1569 What are my requirements for                  continuous parameter monitoring                       operation (or collect data at all required
     HAP emissions from bypass lines?                        systems, you must establish an                        intervals) at all times the affected source
     *     *    *      *     *                               operating limit for the equilibrium                   is operating.
       (c) * * *                                             catalyst Ni concentration based on the                *      *     *     *     *
       (2) Demonstrate continuous                            laboratory analysis of the equilibrium                ■ 23. Section 63.1573 is amended by
     compliance with the work practice                       catalyst Ni concentration from the                    revising paragraph (a)(1) introductory
     standard in paragraph (a)(3) of this                    initial performance test. Section                     text to read as follows:
     section by complying with the                           63.1564(b)(2) allows you to adjust the
     procedures in your operation,                           laboratory measurements of the                        § 63.1573 What are my monitoring
     maintenance, and monitoring plan.                       equilibrium catalyst Ni concentration to              alternatives?
                                                             the maximum level. You must make this                    (a) * * * (1) You may use this
     ■ 21. Section 63.1571 is amended by
                                                             adjustment using Equation 1 of this                   alternative to a continuous parameter
     revising the introductory text of
                                                             section as follows:                                   monitoring system for the catalytic
     paragraphs (a), (a)(5) and (a)(6), and by
     revising the introductory text of                       *      *     *      *     *                           regenerator exhaust gas flow rate for
     paragraphs (d)(1) and (d)(2) to read as                    (2) If you must meet the HAP metal                 your catalytic cracking unit if the unit
     follows:                                                emission limitations in § 63.1564, you                does not introduce any other gas
                                                             elect the option in paragraph (a)(1)(vi)              streams into the catalyst regeneration
     § 63.1571 How and when do I conduct a                   in § 63.1564 (Ni per coke burn-off), and              vent (i.e., complete combustion units
     performance test or other initial compliance            you use continuous parameter                          with no additional combustion devices).
     demonstration?                                          monitoring systems, you must establish                You may also use this alternative to a
       (a) When must I conduct a                             an operating limit for the equilibrium                continuous parameter monitoring
     performance test? You must conduct                      catalyst Ni concentration based on the                system for the catalytic regenerator
     initial performance tests and report the                laboratory analysis of the equilibrium                atmospheric exhaust gas flow rate for
     results by no later than 150 days after                 catalyst Ni concentration from the                    your catalytic reforming unit during the
     the compliance date specified for your                  initial performance test. Section                     coke burn and rejuvenation cycles if the
     source in § 63.1563 and according to the                63.1564(b)(2) allows you to adjust the                unit operates as a constant pressure
     provisions in § 63.7(a)(2) and                          laboratory measurements of the                        system during these cycles. You may

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     60724            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 227 / Monday, November 26, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

     also use this alternative to a continuous               ■ 25. Section 63.1575 is amended by:                  and the date that the performance
     parameter monitoring system for the gas                 ■ a. Revising paragraphs (f)(1), (k)(1)               evaluation was conducted in the
     flow rate exiting the catalyst regenerator              introductory text and (k)(2) introductory             compliance report. All other
     to determine inlet velocity to the                      text; and                                             performance test and performance
     primary internal cyclones as required in                ■ b. Adding paragraph (l).                            evaluation results (i.e., those not
     § 63.1564(c)(5) regardless of the                         The revisions and additions read as                 supported by EPA’s ERT) must be
     configuration of the catalytic regenerator              follows:                                              reported in the compliance report.
     exhaust vent downstream of the                          § 63.1575    What reports must I submit and           *      *     *       *     *
     regenerator (i.e., regardless of whether                when?                                                   (k) * * *
     or not any other gas streams are                        *      *     *     *    *                               (1) Unless otherwise specified by this
     introduced into the catalyst regeneration                  (f) * * *                                          subpart, within 60 days after the date of
     vent). Except, if you only use this                        (1) A copy of any performance test or              completing each performance test as
     alternative to demonstrate compliance                   performance evaluation of a CMS done                  required by this subpart, you must
     with § 63.1564(c)(5), you shall use this                during the reporting period on any                    submit the results of the performance
     procedure for the performance test and                  affected unit, if applicable. The report              tests following the procedure specified
     for monitoring after the performance                    must be included in the next                          in either paragraph (k)(1)(i) or (ii) of this
     test. You shall:                                        semiannual compliance report. The                     section.
     *      *    *      *    *                               copy must include a complete report for               *      *     *       *     *
     ■ 24. Section 63.1574 is amended by                     each test method used for a particular                  (2) Unless otherwise specified by this
     revising paragraph (a)(3)(ii) to read as                kind of emission point tested. For                    subpart, within 60 days after the date of
     follows:                                                additional tests performed for a similar              completing each CEMS performance
                                                             emission point using the same method,                 evaluation required by § 63.1571(a) and
     § 63.1574 What notifications must I submit              you must submit the results and any                   (b), you must submit the results of the
     and when?                                               other information required, but a                     performance evaluation following the
        (a) * * *                                            complete test report is not required. A               procedure specified in either paragraph
        (3) * * *                                            complete test report contains a brief                 (k)(2)(i) or (ii) of this section.
        (ii) For each initial compliance                     process description; a simplified flow                *      *     *       *     *
     demonstration that includes a                           diagram showing affected processes,                     (l) Extensions to electronic reporting
     performance test, you must submit the                   control equipment, and sampling point                 deadlines. (1) If you are required to
     notification of compliance status no                    locations; sampling site data;                        electronically submit a report through
     later than 150 calendar days after the                  description of sampling and analysis                  the Compliance and Emissions Data
     compliance date specified for your                      procedures and any modifications to                   Reporting Interface (CEDRI) in the EPA’s
     affected source in § 63.1563. For data                  standard procedures; quality assurance                Central Data Exchange (CDX), and due
     collected using test methods supported                  procedures; record of operating                       to a planned or actual outage of either
     by the EPA’s Electronic Reporting Tool                  conditions during the test; record of                 the EPA’s CEDRI or CDX systems within
     (ERT) as listed on the EPA’s ERT                        preparation of standards; record of                   the period of time beginning 5 business
     website (https://www.epa.gov/                           calibrations; raw data sheets for field               days prior to the date that the
     electronic-reporting-air-emissions/                     sampling; raw data sheets for field and               submission is due, you will be or are
     electronic-reporting-tool-ert) at the time              laboratory analyses; documentation of                 precluded from accessing CEDRI or CDX
     of the test, you must submit the results                calculations; and any other information               and submitting a required report within
     in accordance with § 63.1575(k)(1)(i) by                required by the test method. For data                 the time prescribed, you may assert a
     the date that you submit the Notification               collected using test methods supported                claim of EPA system outage for failure
     of Compliance Status, and you must                      by the EPA’s Electronic Reporting Tool                to timely comply with the reporting
     include the process unit(s) tested, the                 (ERT) as listed on the EPA’s ERT                      requirement. You must submit
     pollutant(s) tested, and the date that                  website (https://www.epa.gov/                         notification to the Administrator in
     such performance test was conducted in                  electronic-reporting-air-emissions/                   writing as soon as possible following the
     the Notification of Compliance Status.                  electronic-reporting-tool-ert) at the time            date you first knew, or through due
     For performance evaluations of                          of the test, you must submit the results              diligence should have known, that the
     continuous monitoring systems (CMS)                     in accordance with paragraph (k)(1)(i) of             event may cause or caused a delay in
     measuring relative accuracy test audit                  this section by the date that you submit              reporting. You must provide to the
     (RATA) pollutants that are supported by                 the compliance report, and instead of                 Administrator a written description
     the EPA’s ERT as listed on the EPA’s                    including a copy of the test report in the            identifying the date(s) and time(s) the
     ERT website at the time of the                          compliance report, you must include                   CDX or CEDRI were unavailable when
     evaluation, you must submit the results                 the process unit(s) tested, the                       you attempted to access it in the 5
     in accordance with § 63.1575(k)(2)(i) by                pollutant(s) tested, and the date that                business days prior to the submission
     the date that you submit the Notification               such performance test was conducted in                deadline; a rationale for attributing the
     of Compliance Status, and you must                      the compliance report. For performance                delay in reporting beyond the regulatory
     include the process unit where the CMS                  evaluations of CMS measuring relative                 deadline to the EPA system outage;
     is installed, the parameter measured by                 accuracy test audit (RATA) pollutants                 describe the measures taken or to be
     the CMS, and the date that the                          that are supported by the EPA’s ERT as                taken to minimize the delay in
     performance evaluation was conducted                    listed on the EPA’s ERT website at the                reporting; and identify a date by which
     in the Notification of Compliance                       time of the evaluation, you must submit               you propose to report, or if you have
     Status. All other performance test and                  the results in accordance with                        already met the reporting requirement at
     performance evaluation results (i.e.,                   paragraph (k)(2)(i) of this section by the            the time of the notification, the date you
     those not supported by EPA’s ERT) must                  date that you submit the compliance                   reported. In any circumstance, the
     be reported in the Notification of                      report, and you must include the                      report must be submitted electronically
     Compliance Status.                                      process unit where the CMS is installed,              as soon as possible after the outage is
     *       *    *     *      *                             the parameter measured by the CMS,                    resolved. The decision to accept the

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                      Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 227 / Monday, November 26, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                                          60725

     claim of EPA system outage and allow                    such events are acts of nature (e.g.,                           occur as soon as possible after the force
     an extension to the reporting deadline is               hurricanes, earthquakes, or floods), acts                       majeure event occurs. The decision to
     solely within the discretion of the                     of war or terrorism, or equipment failure                       accept the claim of force majeure and
     Administrator.                                          or safety hazard beyond the control of                          allow an extension to the reporting
        (2) If you are required to                           the affected facility (e.g., large scale                        deadline is solely within the discretion
     electronically submit a report through                  power outage). If you intend to assert a                        of the Administrator.
     CEDRI in the EPA’s CDX and a force                      claim of force majeure, you must submit                         ■ 26. Section 63.1576 is amended by
     majeure event is about to occur, occurs,                notification to the Administrator in                            revising paragraph (a)(2)(i) to read as
     or has occurred or there are lingering                  writing as soon as possible following the                       follows:
     effects from such an event within the                   date you first knew, or through due
                                                             diligence should have known, that the                           § 63.1576 What records must I keep, in
     period of time beginning 5 business                                                                                     what form, and for how long?
     days prior to the date the submission is                event may cause or caused a delay in
     due, the owner or operator may assert a                 reporting. You must provide to the                                (a) * * *
     claim of force majeure for failure to                   Administrator a written description of                            (2) * * *
     timely comply with the reporting                        the force majeure event and a rationale                           (i) Record the date, time, and duration
     requirement. For the purposes of this                   for attributing the delay in reporting                          of each startup and/or shutdown period
     section, a force majeure event is defined               beyond the regulatory deadline to the                           for which the facility elected to comply
     as an event that will be or has been                    force majeure event; describe the                               with the alternative standards in
     caused by circumstances beyond the                      measures taken or to be taken to                                § 63.1564(a)(5)(ii) or § 63.1565(a)(5)(ii)
     control of the affected facility, its                   minimize the delay in reporting; and                            or § 63.1568(a)(4)(ii) or (iii).
     contractors, or any entity controlled by                identify a date by which you propose to                         *     *     *     *     *
     the affected facility that prevents you                 report, or if you have already met the                          ■ 27. Table 3 to Subpart UUU is
     from complying with the requirement to                  reporting requirement at the time of the                        amended by revising the table heading
     submit a report electronically within the               notification, the date you reported. In                         and entries for items 2.c, 6, 7, 8 and 9
     time period prescribed. Examples of                     any circumstance, the reporting must                            to read as follows:

                                              CATALYTIC CRACKING UNITS
                *                      *                       *                          *                            *                        *                  *

                                                                        If you use this type of
     For each new or existing catalytic                                 control device for                          You shall install, operate, and maintain a . . .
     cracking unit . . .                                                your vent . . .

                *                      *                       *                          *                            *                        *                  *
     2. * * *
                                                                        c. Wet scrubber ..................          Continuous parameter monitoring system to measure
                                                                                                                      and record the pressure drop across the scrubber,2
                                                                                                                     the gas flow rate entering or exiting the control de-
                                                                                                                     vice,1 and total liquid (or scrubbing liquor) flow rate
                                                                                                                     to the control device.

               *                     *                *                                  *                             *                      *                    *
     6. Option 1a: Elect NSPS subpart J, PM per coke burn-              Any .....................................   See item 1 of this table.
       off limit, not subject to the NSPS for PM in 40 CFR
       60.102 or 60.102a(b)(1).
     7. Option 1b: Elect NSPS subpart Ja, PM per coke burn-             Any .....................................   The applicable continuous monitoring systems in item 2
       off limit, not subject to the NSPS for PM in 40 CFR                                                            of this table.
       60.102 or 60.102a(b)(1).
     8. Option 1c: Elect NSPS subpart Ja, PM concentration              Any .....................................   See item 3 of this table.
       limit not subject to the NSPS for PM in 40 CFR
       60.102 or 60.102a(b)(1).
     9. Option 2: PM per coke burn-off limit, not subject to            Any .....................................   The applicable continuous monitoring systems in item 2
       the NSPS for PM in 40 CFR 60.102 or 60.102a(b)(1).                                                             of this table.

                *                      *                       *                          *                            *                        *                  *
         1 Ifapplicable, you can use the alternative in § 63.1573(a)(1) instead of a continuous parameter monitoring system for gas flow rate.
        2 If you use a jet ejector type wet scrubber or other type of wet scrubber equipped with atomizing spray nozzles, you can use the alternative in
     § 63.1573(b) instead of a continuous parameter monitoring system for pressure drop across the scrubber.

     ■  28. Table 4 to Subpart UUU of Part 63
     is amended by revising the entries for
     items 9.c and 10.c to read as follows:
     *      *    *      *   *

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     60726               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 227 / Monday, November 26, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                           CATALYTIC CRACKING UNITS
                 *                        *                         *                      *                        *                      *                *

     For each
     new or
     catalytic            You must . . .                         Using . . .                               According to these requirements . . .
     cracking unit
     vent . . .

                 *                        *                         *                      *                        *                      *                *
     9. * * *
                          c. Determine the equilibrium           XRF procedure in appendix A               You must obtain 1 sample for each of the 3 test runs; deter-
                             catalyst Ni concentration.           to this subpart 1; or EPA                  mine and record the equilibrium catalyst Ni concentration
                                                                  Method 6010B or 6020 or                    for each of the 3 samples; and you may adjust the labora-
                                                                  EPA Method 7520 or 7521                    tory results to the maximum value using Equation 1 of
                                                                  in SW–8462; or an alter-                   § 63.1571, if applicable.
                                                                  native to the SW–846 meth-
                                                                  od satisfactory to the Admin-

                 *                        *                         *                      *                        *                      *                *
     10. * * *
                          c. Determine the equilibrium           See item 9.c. of this table .......       You must obtain 1 sample for each of the 3 test runs; deter-
                             catalyst Ni concentration.                                                      mine and record the equilibrium catalyst Ni concentration
                                                                                                             for each of the 3 samples; and you may adjust the labora-
                                                                                                             tory results to the maximum value using Equation 2 of
                                                                                                             § 63.1571, if applicable.

                 *                        *                         *                      *                        *                      *                *

     *      *        *       *      *                           ■ 29. Table 5 to Subpart UUU is
                                                                amended by revising the entry for item
                                                                3 to read as follows:

                                                   CRACKING UNITS
                 *                        *                         *                      *                        *                      *                *

     For each new and existing catalytic           For the following emission limit            You have demonstrated compliance if . . .
     cracking unit . . .                           . . .

              *                     *                           *                    *                  *                   *                    *
     3. Subject to NSPS for PM in 40               PM emissions must not exceed 0.5 You have already conducted a performance test to demonstrate initial
       CFR 60.102a(b)(1)(ii), electing to           g/kg (0.5 lb PM/1,000 lb) of coke  compliance with the NSPS and the measured PM emission rate is
       meet the PM per coke burn-off                burn-off).                         less than or equal to 0.5 g/kg (0.5 lb/1,000 lb) of coke burn-off in
       limit.                                                                          the catalyst regenerator. As part of the Notification of Compliance
                                                                                       Status, you must certify that your vent meets the PM limit. You are
                                                                                       not required to do another performance test to demonstrate initial
                                                                                       compliance. As part of your Notification of Compliance Status, you
                                                                                       certify that your BLD; CO2, O2, or CO monitor; or continuous opac-
                                                                                       ity monitoring system meets the requirements in § 63.1572.

                 *                        *                         *                      *                        *                      *                *

     ■  30. Table 6 to Subpart UUU is
     amended by revising the entries for
     items 1.a.ii and 7 to read as follows:

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                          Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 227 / Monday, November 26, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                                           60727

                                                CRACKING UNITS
                  *                              *                         *                      *                       *                      *                      *

     For each new and existing catalytic                    Subject to this emission limit for        You shall demonstrate continuous compliance by . . .
     cracking unit . . .                                    your catalyst regenerator vent . . .

     1. * * * ...........................................   a. * * *.
                                                                                                      ii. Conducting a performance test before August 1, 2017 or within 150
                                                                                                          days of startup of a new unit and thereafter following the testing fre-
                                                                                                          quency in § 63.1571(a)(5) as applicable to your unit.

              *                     *                                    *                    *                *                                 *                      *
     7. Option 1b: Elect NSPS subpart                       PM emissions must not exceed 1.0 See item 2 of this table.
       Ja requirements for PM per coke                       g/kg (1.0 lb PM/1,000 lb) of coke
       burn-off limit, not subject to the                    burn-off.
       NSPS for PM in 40 CFR 60.102
       or 60.102a(b)(1).

                  *                              *                         *                      *                       *                      *                      *

     ■ 31. Table 10 to Subpart UUU is
     amended by revising the entry for item
     3 to read as follows:

                                             CATALYTIC CRACKING UNITS
                  *                              *                         *                      *                       *                      *                      *

     For each new or existing catalytic                     And you use this type of control          You shall install, operate, and maintain this type of
     cracking unit . . .                                    device for your vent . . .                continuous monitoring system . . .

              *                    *                                          *                                 *                  *                   *                  *
     3. During periods of startup, shut-                    Any ................................................. Continuous parameter monitoring system to measure and record the
       down or hot standby electing to                                                                             concentration by volume (wet or dry basis) of oxygen from each
       comply with the operating limit in                                                                          catalyst regenerator vent. If measurement is made on a wet basis,
       § 63.1565(a)(5)(ii).                                                                                        you must comply with the limit as measured (no moisture correc-

     ■ 32. Table 43 to Subpart UUU is
     amended by revising the entry for item
     2 to read as follows:

                                              TABLE 43 TO SUBPART UUU OF PART 63—REQUIREMENTS FOR REPORTS
                  *                              *                         *                      *                       *                      *                      *

     You must submit . . .                                               The report must contain . . .                         You shall submit the report . . .

              *                *                                          *                    *                    *                         *                   *
     2. Performance test and CEMS performance                            On and after February 1, 2016, the information        Semiannually according to the requirements in
       evaluation data.                                                   specified in § 63.1575(k)(1).                          § 63.1575(b) and (f).

     ■33. Table 44 to Subpart UUU is                                    ‘‘63.6(f)(3)’’, ‘‘63.6(h)(7)(i)’’,                     ‘‘63.8(e)’’, ‘‘63.10(d)(2)’’, ‘‘63.10(e)(1)–
     amended by revising the entries                                    ‘‘63.6(h)(8)’’, ‘‘63.7(a)(2)’’, ‘‘63.7(g)’’,           (2)’’, and ‘‘63.10(e)(4)’’ to read as

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     60728              Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 227 / Monday, November 26, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                  *                            *                                 *                             *                       *                      *                  *

                                                                                                   Applies to
               Citation                                     Subject                                                                                  Explanation
                                                                                                  subpart UUU

                *                               *                                *                             *                      *                    *                  *
     § 63.6(f)(3) ..................    .....................................................   Yes ...................   Except the cross-references to § 63.6(f)(1) and (e)(1)(i) are
                                                                                                                            changed to § 63.1570(c) and this subpart specifies how and
                                                                                                                            when the performance test results are reported.

               *                             *                  *                                              *                        *                   *                  *
     § 63.6(h)(7)(i) ..............     Report COM Monitoring Data                              Yes ...................   Except this subpart specifies how and when the performance test
                                          from Performance Test.                                                            results are reported.

               *                            *                  *                                               *                        *                   *                  *
     § 63.6(h)(8) .................     Determining Compliance                        with      Yes ...................   Except this subpart specifies how and when the performance test
                                         Opacity/VE Standards.                                                              results are reported.

               *                             *                 *                                               *                       *                   *                      *
     § 63.7(a)(2) .................     Performance Test Dates ............                     Yes ...................   Except this subpart specifies that the results of initial perform-
                                                                                                                            ance tests must be submitted within 150 days after the compli-
                                                                                                                            ance date.

               *                            *                 *                                                *                       *                    *                   *
     § 63.7(g) ......................   Data Analysis, Recordkeeping,                           Yes ...................   Except this subpart specifies how and when the performance test
                                          Reporting.                                                                        or performance evaluation results are reported and § 63.7(g)(2)
                                                                                                                            is reserved and does not apply.

               *                           *                  *                                                *                        *                    *             *
     § 63.8(e) ......................   CMS Performance Evaluation ....                         Yes ...................   Except this subpart specifies how and when the performance
                                                                                                                            evaluation results are reported.

              *                              *                  *                                              *                        *                *                  *
     § 63.10(d)(2) ...............      Performance Test Results .........                      No ....................   This subpart specifies how and when the performance test re-
                                                                                                                            sults are reported.

              *                              *                  *                                              *                        *                    *             *
     § 63.10(e)(1)–(2) .........        Additional CMS Reports .............                    Yes ...................   Except this subpart specifies how and when the performance
                                                                                                                            evaluation results are reported.

              *                            *                    *                                              *                        *                   *                  *
     § 63.10(e)(4) ...............      COMS Data Reports ..................                    Yes ...................   Except this subpart specifies how and when the performance test
                                                                                                                            results are reported.

                  *                            *                                 *                             *                       *                      *                  *

     [FR Doc. 2018–25080 Filed 11–23–18; 8:45 am]
     BILLING CODE 6560–50–P

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Document Created: 2018-11-24 00:51:11
Document Modified: 2018-11-24 00:51:11
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionRules and Regulations
ActionFinal rule.
DatesThis final rule is effective on November 26, 2018. The incorporation by reference of certain publications listed in the rule was approved by the Director of the Federal Register as of June 24, 2008.
ContactFor questions about this final action, contact Ms. Brenda Shine, Sector Policies and Programs Division (E143- 01), Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27711; telephone number: (919) 541-3608; fax number: (919) 541-0516; and email
FR Citation83 FR 60696 
RIN Number2060-AT50
CFR Citation40 CFR 60
40 CFR 63
CFR AssociatedEnvironmental Protection; Administrative Practice and Procedures; Air Pollution Control; Hazardous Substances; Incorporation by Reference; Intergovernmental Relations and Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements

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