83_FR_61379 83 FR 61150 - Proposed Collection; Comment Request

83 FR 61150 - Proposed Collection; Comment Request

Office of the Secretary

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 229 (November 28, 2018)

Page Range61150-61150
FR Document2018-25938

In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness announces a proposed public information collection and seeks public comment on the provisions thereof. Comments are invited on: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the information shall have practical utility; the accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of the proposed information collection; ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and ways to minimize the burden of the information collection on respondents, including through the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 229 (Wednesday, November 28, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 229 (Wednesday, November 28, 2018)]
[Page 61150]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-25938]



Office of the Secretary

[Docket ID: DOD-2018-OS-0097]

Proposed Collection; Comment Request

AGENCY: Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and 
Readiness, DoD.

ACTION: Information collection notice.


SUMMARY: In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the 
Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness 
announces a proposed public information collection and seeks public 
comment on the provisions thereof. Comments are invited on: Whether the 
proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper 
performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the 
information shall have practical utility; the accuracy of the agency's 
estimate of the burden of the proposed information collection; ways to 
enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be 
collected; and ways to minimize the burden of the information 
collection on respondents, including through the use of automated 
collection techniques or other forms of information technology.

DATES: Consideration will be given to all comments received by January 
28, 2019.

ADDRESSES: You may submit comments, identified by docket number and 
title, by any of the following methods:
    Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://www.regulations.gov. Follow the 
instructions for submitting comments.
    Mail: Department of Defense, Office of the Chief Management 
Officer, Directorate for Oversight and Compliance, 4800 Mark Center 
Drive, Mailbox #24 Suite 08D09, Alexandria, VA 22350-1700.
    Instructions: All submissions received must include the agency 
name, docket number and title for this Federal Register document. The 
general policy for comments and other submissions from members of the 
public is to make these submissions available for public viewing on the 
internet at http://www.regulations.gov as they are received without 
change, including any personal identifiers or contact information.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: To request more information on this 
proposed information collection or to obtain a copy of the proposal and 
associated collection instruments, please write to the Military 
Community Support Program, 4800 Mark Center Drive, Alexandria, VA 
22350, ATTN: Spouse Education and Career Opportunities, or call 1-888-

    Title; Associated Form; and OMB Number: My Career Advanced Account 
(MyCAA) Scholarship Program; OMB Control Number 0704-XXXX.
    Needs and Uses: This information collection is necessary to support 
the MyCAA scholarship program, a career development and employment 
assistance program intended to assist military spouses pursue licenses, 
certificates, certifications or associate's degrees necessary for 
gainful employment in high demand, high growth portable career fields 
and occupations.
    Affected Public: Individuals or households.
    Annual Burden Hours: 5,412.25.
    Number of Respondents: 10,148.
    Responses per Respondent: 3.4.
    Annual Responses: 34,503.
    Average Burden per Response: 9.4118 minutes.
    Frequency: On occasion.

    Dated: November 23, 2018.
Shelly E. Finke,
Alternate OSD Federal Register, Liaison Officer, Department of Defense.
[FR Doc. 2018-25938 Filed 11-27-18; 8:45 am]

     61150                   Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 229 / Wednesday, November 28, 2018 / Notices

     SUMMARY:    The Department of Defense is                members of the Committee are                          ADDRESSES:   You may submit comments,
     publishing this notice to announce that                 appointed to provide advice on the basis              identified by docket number and title,
     it is renewing the charter for the                      of their best judgment and without                    by any of the following methods:
     Vietnam War commemoration Advisory                      representing any particular point of                     Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://
     Committee (‘‘the Committee’’).                          view and in a manner that is free from                www.regulations.gov. Follow the
     FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jim                    conflict of interest. Except for                      instructions for submitting comments.
     Freeman, Advisory Committee                             reimbursement of official Committee-                     Mail: Department of Defense, Office of
     Management Officer for the Department                   related travel and per diem, Committee                the Chief Management Officer,
     of Defense, 703–692–5952.                               members serve without compensation.                   Directorate for Oversight and
     SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The                            The public or interested organizations              Compliance, 4800 Mark Center Drive,
     Committee’s charter is being renewed in                 may submit written statements to the                  Mailbox #24 Suite 08D09, Alexandria,
     accordance with the Federal Advisory                    Committee membership about the                        VA 22350–1700.
     Committee Act (FACA) of 1972 (5                         Committee’s mission and functions.                       Instructions: All submissions received
     U.S.C., App) and 41 CFR 102–3.50(d).                    Written statements may be submitted at                must include the agency name, docket
     The Committee’s charter and contact                     any time or in response to the stated                 number and title for this Federal
     information for the Committee’s                         agenda of planned meeting of the                      Register document. The general policy
     Designated Federal Officer (DFO) can be                 Committee. All written statements shall               for comments and other submissions
     found at https://www.facadatabase.gov/                  be submitted to the DFO for the                       from members of the public is to make
     FACA/apex/                                              Committee, and this individual will                   these submissions available for public
     FACAPublicAgencyNavigation.                             ensure that the written statements are                viewing on the internet at http://
        The Committee provides the Secretary                 provided to the membership for their                  www.regulations.gov as they are
     of Defense and the Deputy Secretary of                  consideration.                                        received without change, including any
     Defense, through the Chief Management                     Dated: November 19, 2018.                           personal identifiers or contact
     Officer (CMO) independent advice and                    Shelly Finke,                                         information.
     recommendations on the Department of                    Alternate OSD Federal Register, Liaison
     Defense (DoD) program on how to best                    Officer, Department of Defense.
                                                                                                                   FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:        To
     achieve the following objectives in                                                                           request more information on this
                                                             [FR Doc. 2018–25933 Filed 11–27–18; 8:45 am]
     commemorating the 50th Anniversary of                                                                         proposed information collection or to
                                                             BILLING CODE 5001–06–P
     the Vietnam War, as referenced in                                                                             obtain a copy of the proposal and
     section 598(c) of Public Law 110–181:                                                                         associated collection instruments,
     (a) Thank and honor veterans of the                                                                           please write to the Military Community
                                                             DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE
     Vietnam War, including personnel who                                                                          Support Program, 4800 Mark Center
     were held as prisoners of war or listed                 Office of the Secretary                               Drive, Alexandria, VA 22350, ATTN:
     as missing in action, for their service                                                                       Spouse Education and Career
     and sacrifice on behalf of the United                                                                         Opportunities, or call 1–888–363–6431.
                                                             [Docket ID: DOD–2018–OS–0097]
     States and to thank and honor the                                                                             SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
     families of these veterans; (b) highlight               Proposed Collection; Comment                            Title; Associated Form; and OMB
     the service of the Armed Forces during                  Request                                               Number: My Career Advanced Account
     the Vietnam War and the contributions                                                                         (MyCAA) Scholarship Program; OMB
     of Federal agencies and governmental                    AGENCY:  Office of the Under Secretary of
                                                                                                                   Control Number 0704–XXXX.
     and non-governmental organizations                      Defense for Personnel and Readiness,
                                                             DoD.                                                    Needs and Uses: This information
     that served with, or in support of, the                                                                       collection is necessary to support the
     Armed Forces; (c) Pay tribute to the                    ACTION: Information collection notice.
                                                                                                                   MyCAA scholarship program, a career
     contributions made on the home front                                                                          development and employment
     by the people of the United States                      SUMMARY:    In compliance with the
                                                             Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the                  assistance program intended to assist
     during the Vietnam War; (d) Highlight                                                                         military spouses pursue licenses,
     the advances in technology, science,                    Office of the Under Secretary of Defense
                                                             for Personnel and Readiness announces                 certificates, certifications or associate’s
     and medicine related to military                                                                              degrees necessary for gainful
     research conducted during the Vietnam                   a proposed public information
                                                             collection and seeks public comment on                employment in high demand, high
     War; and (e) Recognize the                                                                                    growth portable career fields and
     contributions and sacrifices made by the                the provisions thereof. Comments are
                                                             invited on: Whether the proposed                      occupations.
     allies of the United States during the
                                                             collection of information is necessary                  Affected Public: Individuals or
     Vietnam War.
        The Committee will be composed of                    for the proper performance of the                     households.
     no more than 20 members that will                       functions of the agency, including                      Annual Burden Hours: 5,412.25.
     represent Vietnam Veterans, their                       whether the information shall have                      Number of Respondents: 10,148.
     families, and the American public.                      practical utility; the accuracy of the                  Responses per Respondent: 3.4.
     Candidates for the Committee will be                    agency’s estimate of the burden of the                  Annual Responses: 34,503.
     selected from the Military Services (both               proposed information collection; ways
                                                                                                                     Average Burden per Response: 9.4118
     retired veterans and active members                     to enhance the quality, utility, and
     who served during the Vietnam era), the                 clarity of the information to be
                                                             collected; and ways to minimize the                     Frequency: On occasion.
     DoD, the Department of State, the
     Department of Veterans Affairs, and the                 burden of the information collection on                 Dated: November 23, 2018.
     Intelligence Community. In addition,                    respondents, including through the use                Shelly E. Finke,
     candidates from nongovernmental                         of automated collection techniques or                 Alternate OSD Federal Register, Liaison
     organizations that support veterans or                  other forms of information technology.                Officer, Department of Defense.
     contribute to the public’s understanding                DATES: Consideration will be given to all             [FR Doc. 2018–25938 Filed 11–27–18; 8:45 am]
     of the Vietnam War will be selected. All                comments received by January 28, 2019.                BILLING CODE 5001–06–P

VerDate Sep<11>2014   16:19 Nov 27, 2018   Jkt 247001   PO 00000   Frm 00007   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 9990   E:\FR\FM\28NON1.SGM   28NON1

Document Created: 2018-11-27 23:48:24
Document Modified: 2018-11-27 23:48:24
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionInformation collection notice.
DatesConsideration will be given to all comments received by January 28, 2019.
ContactTo request more information on this proposed information collection or to obtain a copy of the proposal and associated collection instruments, please write to the Military Community Support Program, 4800 Mark Center Drive, Alexandria, VA 22350, ATTN: Spouse Education and Career Opportunities, or call 1-888- 363-6431.
FR Citation83 FR 61150 

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