83_FR_61383 83 FR 61154 - Notice of Application: Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company, LLC

83 FR 61154 - Notice of Application: Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company, LLC

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 229 (November 28, 2018)

Page Range61154-61155
FR Document2018-25919

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 229 (Wednesday, November 28, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 229 (Wednesday, November 28, 2018)]
[Pages 61154-61155]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-25919]



Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

[Docket No. CP15-138-005]

Notice of Application: Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company, 

    Take notice that on November 14, 2018, Transcontinental Gas Pipe 
Line Company, LLC (Transco), P.O. Box 1396, Houston, TX 77251-1396, 
filed an application under section 7(c) of the Natural Gas Act (NGA) 
requesting authorization to amend its certificate of public convenience 
and necessity, granted by the Commission on February 3, 2017 in Docket 
No. CP15-138, which authorized the Atlantic Sunrise Project. Herein, 
Transco requests authorization to amend its Atlantic Sunrise Project 
certificate to allow any of the existing compressor units at Compressor 
Station 605 and Compressor Station 610 to be operated above their 
currently certificated horsepower. Transco states that the total 
horsepower utilized at Compressor Station 605 will not exceed the 
station's total certificated horsepower of 30,000 horsepower and that 
the total horsepower utilized at Compressor Station 610 will not exceed 
the station's total certificated horsepower of 40,000 horsepower, all 
as more fully set forth in the application which is on file with the 
Commission and open to public inspection. The filing may also be viewed 
on the web at http://www.ferc.gov using the eLibrary link. Enter the 
docket number excluding the last three digits in the docket number 
field to access the document. For assistance, contact FERC at 
FERCOnlineSupport@ferc.gov or call toll-free, (866) 208-3676 or TTY, 
(202) 502-8659.
    Any questions regarding the application should be directed to Bill 
Hammons at Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company, LLC, Post Office Box 
1396, Houston, TX 77251 or at (713) 215-2130.
    Pursuant to section 157.9 of the Commission's rules (18 CFR 157.9), 
within 90 days of this Notice, the Commission staff will either: 
Complete its environmental assessment (EA) and place it into the 
Commission's public record (eLibrary) for this proceeding; or issue a 
Notice of Schedule for Environmental Review. If a Notice of Schedule 
for Environmental Review is issued, it will indicate, among other 
milestones, the anticipated date for the Commission staff's issuance of 
the final environmental impact statement (FEIS) or EA for this 
proposal. The filing of the EA in the Commission's public record for 
this proceeding or the issuance of a Notice of Schedule for 
Environmental Review will serve to notify federal and state agencies of 
the timing for the completion of all necessary reviews, and the 
subsequent need to complete all federal authorizations within 90 days 
of the date of issuance of the Commission staff's FEIS or EA.
    There are two ways to become involved in the Commission's review of 
this project. First, any person wishing to obtain legal status by 
becoming a party to the proceedings for this project should, on or 
before the comment date stated below file with the Federal Energy 
Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20426, a 
motion to intervene in accordance with the requirements of the 
Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure (18 CFR 385.214 or 
385.211) and the Regulations under the NGA (18 CFR 157.10). A person 
obtaining party status will be placed on the service list maintained by 
the Secretary of the Commission and will receive copies of all 
documents filed by the applicant and by all other parties. A party must 
submit 3 copies of filings made in the proceeding with the Commission 
and must mail a copy to the applicant and to every other party. Only 
parties to the proceeding can ask for court review of Commission orders 
in the proceeding.
    However, a person does not have to intervene in order to have 
comments considered. The second way to participate is by filing with 
the Secretary of the Commission, as soon as possible, an original and 
two copies of comments in support of or in opposition to this project. 
The Commission will consider these comments in determining the 
appropriate action to be taken, but the filing of a comment alone will 
not serve to make the filer a party to the proceeding. The Commission's 
rules require that persons filing comments in opposition to the project 
provide copies of their protests only to the party or parties directly 
involved in the protest.
    Persons who wish to comment only on the environmental review of 
this project should submit an original and two copies of their comments 
to the Secretary of the Commission. Environmental commentors will be 
placed on the Commission's environmental mailing list and will be 
notified of any meetings associated with the Commission's environmental 
review process. Environmental commentors will not be required to serve 
copies of filed documents on all other parties. However, the non-party 
commentors will not receive copies of all documents filed by other 
parties or issued by the Commission and will not have the right to seek 
court review of the Commission's final order.
    As of the February 27, 2018 date of the Commission's order in 
Docket No. CP16-4-001, the Commission will apply its revised practice 
concerning out-of-time motions to intervene in any new Natural Gas Act 
section 3 or section 7 proceeding.\1\ Persons desiring to become a 
party to a certificate proceeding are to intervene in a timely manner. 
If seeking to intervene out-of-time, the movant is required to show 
good cause why the time limitation should be waived, and should provide 
justification by reference to factors set forth in Rule 214(d)(1) of 
the Commission's Rules and Regulations.\2\

    \1\ Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company, L.L.C., 162 FERC 61,167 at 
50 (2018).
    \2\ 18 CFR 385.214(d)(1).

    The Commission strongly encourages electronic filings of comments, 
protests and interventions in lieu of paper using the eFiling link at 
http://www.ferc.gov. Persons unable to file electronically should 
submit an original and 3 copies of the protest or intervention to the 
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,

[[Page 61155]]

888 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20426.

Comment Date: December 12, 2018.

    Dated: November 21, 2018.
Nathaniel J. Davis, Sr.,
Deputy Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2018-25919 Filed 11-27-18; 8:45 am]

     61154                    Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 229 / Wednesday, November 28, 2018 / Notices

        Docket Numbers: QF18–452–000.                        that the total horsepower utilized at                 must mail a copy to the applicant and
        Applicants: North American Natural                   Compressor Station 610 will not exceed                to every other party. Only parties to the
     Resources, Inc.                                         the station’s total certificated                      proceeding can ask for court review of
        Description: Refund Report of North                  horsepower of 40,000 horsepower, all as               Commission orders in the proceeding.
     American Natural Resources, Inc.                        more fully set forth in the application                  However, a person does not have to
        Filed Date: 11/20/18.                                which is on file with the Commission                  intervene in order to have comments
        Accession Number: 20181120–5217.                     and open to public inspection. The                    considered. The second way to
        Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 12/11/18.                    filing may also be viewed on the web at               participate is by filing with the
        The filings are accessible in the                    http://www.ferc.gov using the eLibrary                Secretary of the Commission, as soon as
     Commission’s eLibrary system by                         link. Enter the docket number excluding               possible, an original and two copies of
     clicking on the links or querying the                   the last three digits in the docket                   comments in support of or in opposition
     docket number.                                          number field to access the document.                  to this project. The Commission will
        Any person desiring to intervene or                  For assistance, contact FERC at                       consider these comments in
     protest in any of the above proceedings                 FERCOnlineSupport@ferc.gov or call                    determining the appropriate action to be
     must file in accordance with Rules 211                  toll-free, (866) 208–3676 or TTY, (202)               taken, but the filing of a comment alone
     and 214 of the Commission’s                             502–8659.                                             will not serve to make the filer a party
     Regulations (18 CFR 385.211 and                            Any questions regarding the                        to the proceeding. The Commission’s
     385.214) on or before 5:00 p.m. Eastern                 application should be directed to Bill                rules require that persons filing
     time on the specified comment date.                     Hammons at Transcontinental Gas Pipe                  comments in opposition to the project
     Protests may be considered, but                         Line Company, LLC, Post Office Box                    provide copies of their protests only to
     intervention is necessary to become a                   1396, Houston, TX 77251 or at (713)                   the party or parties directly involved in
     party to the proceeding.                                215–2130.                                             the protest.
        eFiling is encouraged. More detailed                    Pursuant to section 157.9 of the                      Persons who wish to comment only
     information relating to filing                          Commission’s rules (18 CFR 157.9),                    on the environmental review of this
     requirements, interventions, protests,                  within 90 days of this Notice, the                    project should submit an original and
     service, and qualifying facilities filings              Commission staff will either: Complete                two copies of their comments to the
     can be found at: http://www.ferc.gov/                   its environmental assessment (EA) and                 Secretary of the Commission.
                                                             place it into the Commission’s public                 Environmental commentors will be
     docs-filing/efiling/filing-req.pdf. For
                                                             record (eLibrary) for this proceeding; or             placed on the Commission’s
     other information, call (866) 208–3676
                                                             issue a Notice of Schedule for                        environmental mailing list and will be
     (toll free). For TTY, call (202) 502–8659.
                                                             Environmental Review. If a Notice of                  notified of any meetings associated with
       Dated: November 21, 2018.                             Schedule for Environmental Review is                  the Commission’s environmental review
     Nathaniel J. Davis, Sr.,                                issued, it will indicate, among other                 process. Environmental commentors
     Deputy Secretary.                                       milestones, the anticipated date for the              will not be required to serve copies of
     [FR Doc. 2018–25925 Filed 11–27–18; 8:45 am]            Commission staff’s issuance of the final              filed documents on all other parties.
     BILLING CODE 6717–01–P                                  environmental impact statement (FEIS)                 However, the non-party commentors
                                                             or EA for this proposal. The filing of the            will not receive copies of all documents
                                                             EA in the Commission’s public record                  filed by other parties or issued by the
     DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY                                    for this proceeding or the issuance of a              Commission and will not have the right
                                                             Notice of Schedule for Environmental                  to seek court review of the
     Federal Energy Regulatory                               Review will serve to notify federal and               Commission’s final order.
     Commission                                              state agencies of the timing for the                     As of the February 27, 2018 date of
     [Docket No. CP15–138–005]                               completion of all necessary reviews, and              the Commission’s order in Docket No.
                                                             the subsequent need to complete all                   CP16–4–001, the Commission will
     Notice of Application: Transcontinental                 federal authorizations within 90 days of              apply its revised practice concerning
     Gas Pipe Line Company, LLC                              the date of issuance of the Commission                out-of-time motions to intervene in any
                                                             staff’s FEIS or EA.                                   new Natural Gas Act section 3 or section
        Take notice that on November 14,                        There are two ways to become                       7 proceeding.1 Persons desiring to
     2018, Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line                    involved in the Commission’s review of                become a party to a certificate
     Company, LLC (Transco), P.O. Box                        this project. First, any person wishing to            proceeding are to intervene in a timely
     1396, Houston, TX 77251–1396, filed an                  obtain legal status by becoming a party               manner. If seeking to intervene out-of-
     application under section 7(c) of the                   to the proceedings for this project                   time, the movant is required to show
     Natural Gas Act (NGA) requesting                        should, on or before the comment date                 good cause why the time limitation
     authorization to amend its certificate of               stated below file with the Federal                    should be waived, and should provide
     public convenience and necessity,                       Energy Regulatory Commission, 888                     justification by reference to factors set
     granted by the Commission on February                   First Street NE, Washington, DC 20426,                forth in Rule 214(d)(1) of the
     3, 2017 in Docket No. CP15–138, which                   a motion to intervene in accordance                   Commission’s Rules and Regulations.2
     authorized the Atlantic Sunrise Project.                with the requirements of the                             The Commission strongly encourages
     Herein, Transco requests authorization                  Commission’s Rules of Practice and                    electronic filings of comments, protests
     to amend its Atlantic Sunrise Project                   Procedure (18 CFR 385.214 or 385.211)                 and interventions in lieu of paper using
     certificate to allow any of the existing                and the Regulations under the NGA (18                 the eFiling link at http://www.ferc.gov.
     compressor units at Compressor Station                  CFR 157.10). A person obtaining party                 Persons unable to file electronically
     605 and Compressor Station 610 to be                    status will be placed on the service list             should submit an original and 3 copies
     operated above their currently                          maintained by the Secretary of the                    of the protest or intervention to the
     certificated horsepower. Transco states                 Commission and will receive copies of                 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,
     that the total horsepower utilized at                   all documents filed by the applicant and
     Compressor Station 605 will not exceed                  by all other parties. A party must submit               1 Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company, L.L.C., 162
     the station’s total certificated                        3 copies of filings made in the                       FERC 61,167 at 50 (2018).
     horsepower of 30,000 horsepower and                     proceeding with the Commission and                      2 18 CFR 385.214(d)(1).

VerDate Sep<11>2014   16:19 Nov 27, 2018   Jkt 247001   PO 00000   Frm 00011   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\28NON1.SGM   28NON1

                              Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 229 / Wednesday, November 28, 2018 / Notices                                          61155

     888 First Street NE, Washington, DC                       Dated: November 21, 2018.                           Rochester Project
     20426.                                                  Nathaniel J. Davis, Sr.,                                • Approximately 12.6 miles of new
     Comment Date: December 12, 2018.                        Deputy Secretary.                                     16-inch-diameter pipeline in Olmsted
       Dated: November 21, 2018.                             [FR Doc. 2018–25924 Filed 11–27–18; 8:45 am]          County;
     Nathaniel J. Davis, Sr.,                                BILLING CODE 6717–01–P                                  • Increase of MAOP on an existing 8-
     Deputy Secretary.                                                                                             mile-long segment of 16-inch-diameter
     [FR Doc. 2018–25919 Filed 11–27–18; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                                   pipeline in Freeborn and Mower
                                                             DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY                                  Counties;
                                                                                                                     • A new town border station with
     BILLING CODE 6717–01–P

                                                             Federal Energy Regulatory                             receiver in Olmsted County;
     DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY                                    Commission                                              • Relocation of a regulator from
                                                                                                                   Freeborn to Mower County; and
     Federal Energy Regulatory                               [Docket No. CP18–534–000]                               • Appurtenant facilities including
     Commission                                                                                                    two valves and a pig launcher at
                                                             Notice of Availability of the                         milepost 0.0 of the Rochester Greenfield
     Combined Notice of Filings                              Environmental Assessment for the                      Lateral.
       Take notice that the Commission has                   Proposed Northern Natural Gas                         Northern Lights 2019 Project
     received the following Natural Gas                      Company Northern Lights 2019
                                                             Expansion and Rochester Projects                        • Approximately 10.0 miles of new
     Pipeline Rate and Refund Report filings:                                                                      24-inch-diameter pipeline in Hennepin
     Filings Instituting Proceedings                           The staff of the Federal Energy                     and Wright Counties;
                                                             Regulatory Commission (FERC or                          • Approximately 4.3 miles of new 8-
        Docket Numbers: RP19–304–000.                                                                              inch-diameter pipeline loop extension
        Applicants: Alliance Pipeline L.P.                   Commission) has prepared an
                                                             environmental assessment (EA) for the                 in Morrison County;
        Description: § 4(d) Rate Filing: APL                                                                         • Approximately 1.6 miles of new 6-
     Waiver and Future Default Filing to be                  Northern Lights 2019 Expansion Project
                                                             and the Rochester Project, proposed by                inch-diameter pipeline looping in Le
     effective 12/20/2018.                                                                                         Sueur County;
        Filed Date: 11/20/18.                                Northern Natural Gas Company
                                                             (Northern) in the above-referenced                      • Approximately 3.1 miles of new 24-
        Accession Number: 20181120–5083.                                                                           inch-diameter pipeline extension in
        Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 12/3/18.                     docket. Considering both projects,
                                                                                                                   Carver County;
        Docket Numbers: RP19–305–000.                        Northern requests authorization to
                                                                                                                     • Aa new 11,153-horsepower (hp)
        Applicants: Rockies Express Pipeline                 construct, operate, and maintain new
                                                                                                                   compressor station in Carver County;
     LLC.                                                    natural gas facilities in Carver, Freeborn,
                                                                                                                     • Aan additional 15,900 hp of
        Description: § 4(d) Rate Filing: Neg                 Hennepin, Le Sueur, Morrison, Mower,
                                                                                                                   compression at the existing Faribault
     Rate 2018–11–20 BP 553076 to be                         Olmsted, Rice, Steele, and Wright
                                                                                                                   Compressor Station in Rice County;
     effective 11/21/2018.                                   Counties, Minnesota, and to uprate the                  • An additional 15,900 hp of
        Filed Date: 11/20/18.                                maximum allowable operating pressure                  compression at the existing Owatonna
        Accession Number: 20181120–5092.                     (MAOP) of a line segment. The projects                Compressor Station in Steele County;
        Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 12/3/18.                     would allow Northern to provide                       and
        Docket Numbers: RP19–306–000.                        138,504 dekatherms per day of new firm                  • Appurtenant facilities including
        Applicants: Greylock Pipeline, LLC.                  natural gas transportation service to                 valves, pig launchers, and pig receivers.
        Description: eTariff filing per 1430:                serve increased markets for industrial,                 The Commission mailed a copy of the
     501 G filing.                                           commercial, and residential uses.                     Notice of Availability to federal, state,
        Filed Date: 11/20/18.                                  The EA assesses the potential                       and local government representatives
        Accession Number: 20181120–5102.                     environmental effects of the                          and agencies; elected officials;
        Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 11/26/18.                    construction and operation of the                     environmental and public interest
        The filings are accessible in the                    Northern Lights 2019 Expansion Project                groups; Native American tribes;
     Commission’s eLibrary system by                         and the Rochester Project in accordance               potentially affected landowners and
     clicking on the links or querying the                   with the requirements of the National                 other interested individuals and groups;
     docket number.                                          Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The                  and newspapers and libraries in the
        Any person desiring to intervene or                  FERC staff concludes that approval of                 project areas. The EA is only available
     protest in any of the above proceedings                 the proposed projects, with appropriate               in electronic format. It may be viewed
     must file in accordance with Rules 211                  mitigating measures, would not                        and downloaded from the FERC’s
     and 214 of the Commission’s                             constitute a major federal action                     website (www.ferc.gov), on the
     Regulations (18 CFR 385.211 and                         significantly affecting the quality of the            Environmental Documents page (https://
     385.214) on or before 5:00 p.m. Eastern                 human environment.                                    www.ferc.gov/industries/gas/enviro/
     time on the specified comment date.                                                                           eis.asp). In addition, the EA may be
     Protests may be considered, but                           The Minnesota Pollution Control                     accessed by using the eLibrary link on
     intervention is necessary to become a                   Agency participated as a cooperating                  the FERC’s website. Click on the
     party to the proceeding.                                agency in the preparation of the EA. A                eLibrary link (https://www.ferc.gov/
        eFiling is encouraged. More detailed                 cooperating agency has jurisdiction by                docs-filing/elibrary.asp), click on
     information relating to filing                          law or special expertise regarding                    General Search, and enter the docket
     requirements, interventions, protests,                  environmental impacts involved with                   number in the Docket Number field,
     service, and qualifying facilities filings              the proposal, and is involved in the                  excluding the last three digits (i.e.
     can be found at: http://www.ferc.gov/                   NEPA analysis.                                        CP18–534). Be sure you have selected
     docs-filing/efiling/filing-req.pdf. For                   The proposed projects includes the                  an appropriate date range. For
     other information, call (866) 208–3676                  following facilities (all located in                  assistance, please contact FERC Online
     (toll free). For TTY, call (202) 502–8659.              Minnesota):                                           Support at FercOnlineSupport@ferc.gov

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Document Created: 2018-11-27 23:49:05
Document Modified: 2018-11-27 23:49:05
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
DatesDecember 12, 2018.
FR Citation83 FR 61154 

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