83_FR_61553 83 FR 61323 - Regulated Navigation Area; Upper Mississippi River, Sabula Railroad Bridge, Mile Marker 535, Sabula, IA

83 FR 61323 - Regulated Navigation Area; Upper Mississippi River, Sabula Railroad Bridge, Mile Marker 535, Sabula, IA

Coast Guard

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 230 (November 29, 2018)

Page Range61323-61326
FR Document2018-25981

The Coast Guard established a temporary regulated navigation area for certain navigable waters of the Upper Mississippi River under one of the navigable spans of the Sabula Railroad Drawbridge at mile marker (MM) 535. The RNA is necessary to protect persons, vessels, and the marine environment from potential hazards associated with emergency repair work to the Sabula Railroad Bridge following a vessel's allision with the bridge. The regulation applies only to southbound vessel transits through the RNA, and depending on the water flow as measured from Lock and Dam 12, this regulation either prohibits transit or establishes operating requirements unless a deviation is authorized by the Captain of the Port Sector Upper Mississippi River or a designated representative.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 230 (Thursday, November 29, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 230 (Thursday, November 29, 2018)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 61323-61326]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-25981]



Coast Guard

33 CFR Part 165

[Docket Number USCG-2018-0917]
RIN 1625-AA11

Regulated Navigation Area; Upper Mississippi River, Sabula 
Railroad Bridge, Mile Marker 535, Sabula, IA

AGENCY: Coast Guard, DHS.

ACTION: Temporary final rule.


SUMMARY: The Coast Guard established a temporary regulated navigation 
area for certain navigable waters of the

[[Page 61324]]

Upper Mississippi River under one of the navigable spans of the Sabula 
Railroad Drawbridge at mile marker (MM) 535. The RNA is necessary to 
protect persons, vessels, and the marine environment from potential 
hazards associated with emergency repair work to the Sabula Railroad 
Bridge following a vessel's allision with the bridge. The regulation 
applies only to southbound vessel transits through the RNA, and 
depending on the water flow as measured from Lock and Dam 12, this 
regulation either prohibits transit or establishes operating 
requirements unless a deviation is authorized by the Captain of the 
Port Sector Upper Mississippi River or a designated representative.

DATES: This rule is effective from November 29, 2018 through November 
30, 2018.

ADDRESSES: To view documents mentioned in this preamble as being 
available in the docket, go to https://www.regulations.gov, type USCG-
2018-0917 in the ``SEARCH'' box and click ``SEARCH.'' Click on Open 
Docket Folder on the line associated with this rule.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: If you have questions on this rule, 
call or email Lieutenant Commander Kody Stitz, Sector Upper Mississippi 
River Prevention Department U.S. Coast Guard; telephone 314-269-2568, 
email Kody.J.Stitz@uscg.mil.


I. Table of Abbreviations

CFR Code of Federal Regulations
COTP Captain of the Port Sector Upper Mississippi River
DHS Department of Homeland Security
FR Federal Register
NPRM Notice of proposed rulemaking
Sec.  Section
U.S.C. United States Code

II. Background Information and Regulatory History

    On September 16, 2018, a vessel allided with the Sabula Railroad 
Drawbridge and immediate action was needed to respond to the potential 
hazards associated with emergency bridge repairs. On September 28, 
2018, the Coast Guard published a temporary final rule; request for 
comments titled Regulated Navigation Area; Upper Mississippi River, 
Sabula Railroad Drawbridge, Mile Marker 535, Sabula, IA (83 FR 48954). 
There we stated why we issued the temporary final rule, and invited 
comments on our proposed regulatory action related to the operational 
restrictions in the regulated navigation area (RNA). During the comment 
period that ended on October 15, 2018, we received two comments.
    Under 5 U.S.C. 553(d)(3), the Coast Guard finds that good cause 
exists for making this rule effective less than 30 days after 
publication in the Federal Register. Delaying the effective date of 
this rule would be contrary to public interest because immediate action 
is needed to respond to the potential safety hazards associated with 
emergency bridge repairs.

III. Legal Authority and Need for Rule

    The Coast Guard is issuing this rule under authority in 33 U.S.C. 
1231. The Eighth District Commander has determined that potential 
hazards associated with emergency bridge repairs following an allision 
will be a safety concern for vessels transiting southbound through the 
right descending span, also known as Iowa span, of the Sabula Railroad 
Drawbridge. This rule is necessary to protect persons, vessels, and the 
marine environment on the navigable waters of the Upper Mississippi 
River while the bridge is being repaired. The duration of this rule is 
intended to cover the period of emergency repairs.

IV. Discussion of Comments, Changes, and the Rule

    As noted above, we received two comments on our temporary final 
rule published on September 28, 2018. One comment was unrelated to the 
substance of the rule, and one comment was not in favor of the rule. 
The commenter not in favor of the rule disagreed that any navigation 
should be allowed through the right descending bank span, also known as 
the Iowa span, of the Sabula Railroad Drawbridge at mile marker (MM) 
535 until the rest pier repairs were ``substantial[ly] complet[ed].'' 
The commenter stated that the Coast Guard failed to engage with 
Canadian Pacific Railway engineers to evaluate safety concerns, and 
expressed general dissatisfaction that the Coast Guard's risk analysis 
was not fairly balanced against the elevated risks to the bridge pier 
or potential impact to railroad traffic.
    The Coast Guard respectfully disagrees. As a preliminary matter, 
our rule does provide for a prohibition of southbound navigation under 
the Iowa span under certain conditions. Moreover, because the emergency 
repairs are necessary only for the rest pier, rather than the actual 
bridge support piers, a total closure of waterway traffic may not be 
necessary under all conditions. The Coast Guard inspected the initial 
damage to the rest pier, and has been engaged with the bridge owner, 
the repair contractor, and vessel operators since the initial incident 
on September 16, 2018. Other than requesting a total closure of the 
Iowa span and expressing disagreement with the Coast Guard's rule 
generally, Canadian Pacific Railway did not present any facts, data, or 
engineering analysis to the Coast Guard to support why a total closure 
is necessary, or propose alternate vessel operating requirements. 
Although the repairs have been substantially completed, Canadian 
Pacific Railway engineers may contact the Sector Upper Mississippi 
River at any time with further information. There are no changes in 
regulatory text of this rule from the temporary final rule.
    This rule establishes a temporary regulated navigation area from 
September 21, 2018 through November 30, 2018, or until the emergency 
bridge repairs are completed, whichever occurs first. The regulated 
area covers all navigable waters of the Upper Mississippi River under 
the right descending bank span, also known as the Iowa span, of the 
Sabula Railroad Drawbridge at mile marker (MM) 535. This rule applies 
only to southbound vessel transits through the RNA, and depending on 
the water flow as measured from Lock and Dam 12, this regulation either 
prohibits transit or establishes operating requirements unless a 
deviation is authorized by the Captain of the Port Sector Upper 
Mississippi River or a designated representative.
    When the water flow rate as measured from Lock and Dam 12 is 
100kcfs or greater, vessels are prohibited from transiting southbound 
through the RNA unless authorized by the Captain of the Port Sector 
Upper Mississippi River (COTP) or a designated representative. When the 
water flow rate as measured from Lock and Dam 12 is less than 100kcfs, 
vessels may transit southbound through the RNA only if navigating at 
their slowest safe speed and avoiding contact with any part of the 
Sabula Railroad Drawbridge and the unprotected rest pier located on the 
right descending side of the Sabula Railroad Drawbridge.
    When the water flow rate as measured from Lock and Dam 12 is less 
than 100kcfs, vessels engaged in towing may transit southbound through 
the RNA only if the size of the tow does not exceed 15 barges, the 
towing vessel possesses a minimum of 250 horsepower per loaded barge in 
the tow, and the towing vessel uses an assist vessel of at least 1,000 
horsepower when pushing three or more barges. If an assist vessel is 
required by this rule,

[[Page 61325]]

the assist vessel and the towing vessel must discuss a plan to transit 
through the RNA before doing so and both the assist vessel and the 
towing vessel must be capable of continuous two-way voice communication 
during the transit.
    The COTP or a designated representative may review, on a case-by-
case basis, alternatives to the minimum operating or towing 
requirements set forth in this rule and may approve a deviation from 
these requirements should they provide an equivalent level of safety. 
The COTP or a designated representative may determine, on a case-by-
case basis, that although the conditions triggering the RNA may be met, 
the current potential hazards do not require that each requirement of 
the RNA be enforced and that only certain of the above-prescribed 
restrictions are necessary under the circumstances. The COTP or a 
designated representative may consider environmental factors, the water 
flow rate at Lock and Dam 12, mitigating safety factors, and the 
completion progress of the bridge repairs among other factors. The COTP 
or a designated representative will broadcast notice of such 
determination and any subsequent changes. Notice that these vessel 
operational conditions are anticipated to be put into effect, or are in 
effect, will be given by Broadcast Notice to Mariners, Local Notices to 
Mariners, Marine Safety Information Broadcasts, and/or actual notice, 
as appropriate.

V. Regulatory Analyses

    We developed this rule after considering numerous statutes and 
Executive orders related to rulemaking. Below we summarize our analyses 
based on a number of these statutes and Executive orders, and we 
discuss First Amendment rights of protestors.

A. Regulatory Planning and Review

    Executive Orders 12866 and 13563 direct agencies to assess the 
costs and benefits of available regulatory alternatives and, if 
regulation is necessary, to select regulatory approaches that maximize 
net benefits. Executive Order 13771 directs agencies to control 
regulatory costs through a budgeting process. This rule has not been 
designated a ``significant regulatory action,'' under Executive Order 
12866. Accordingly, this rule has not been reviewed by the Office of 
Management and Budget (OMB), and pursuant to OMB guidance it is exempt 
from the requirements of Executive Order 13771.
    This regulatory action determination is based on the limited 
applicability of the rule, the availability of an alternate route, and 
the ability of the COTP to issue a deviation from the requirements of 
this rule or suspend enforcement of this rule on a case-by-case basis. 
This rule only affects southbound vessel transits through the RNA; 
northbound vessels may transit the RNA at any time without 
restrictions. In addition, the regulated area only covers the navigable 
waters under the span of the Sabula Railroad Drawbridge that was 
damaged in the allision, the right descending span, or Iowa span, of 
the bridge. Vessels may transit north or southbound through the left 
descending span, or Illinois span, at any time without restriction. 
Finally, this rule allows vessels to seek permission to transit through 
the RNA and/or deviate from the operating requirements, and also allows 
the COTP to suspend enforcement of particular provisions of the RNA 
under appropriate circumstances.

B. Impact on Small Entities

    The Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980, 5 U.S.C. 601-612, as 
amended, requires Federal agencies to consider the potential impact of 
regulations on small entities during rulemaking. The term ``small 
entities'' comprises small businesses, not-for-profit organizations 
that are independently owned and operated and are not dominant in their 
fields, and governmental jurisdictions with populations of less than 
50,000. The Coast Guard certifies under 5 U.S.C. 605(b) that this rule 
will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of 
small entities.
    While some owners or operators of vessels intending to transit the 
temporary regulated navigation area may be small entities, for the 
reasons stated in section V.A above, this rule will not have a 
significant economic impact on any vessel owner or operator.
    Under section 213(a) of the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement 
Fairness Act of 1996 (Pub. L. 104-121), we want to assist small 
entities in understanding this rule. If the rule would affect your 
small business, organization, or governmental jurisdiction and you have 
questions concerning its provisions or options for compliance, please 
contact the person listed in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT 
    Small businesses may send comments on the actions of Federal 
employees who enforce, or otherwise determine compliance with, Federal 
regulations to the Small Business and Agriculture Regulatory 
Enforcement Ombudsman and the Regional Small Business Regulatory 
Fairness Boards. The Ombudsman evaluates these actions annually and 
rates each agency's responsiveness to small business. If you wish to 
comment on actions by employees of the Coast Guard, call 1-888-REG-FAIR 
(1-888-734-3247). The Coast Guard will not retaliate against small 
entities that question or complain about this rule or any policy or 
action of the Coast Guard.

C. Collection of Information

    This rule will not call for a new collection of information under 
the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501-3520).

D. Federalism and Indian Tribal Governments

    A rule has implications for federalism under Executive Order 13132, 
Federalism, if it has a substantial direct effect on the States, on the 
relationship between the national government and the States, or on the 
distribution of power and responsibilities among the various levels of 
government. We have analyzed this rule under that Order and have 
determined that it is consistent with the fundamental federalism 
principles and preemption requirements described in Executive Order 
    Also, this rule does not have tribal implications under Executive 
Order 13175, Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribal 
Governments, because it does not have a substantial direct effect on 
one or more Indian tribes, on the relationship between the Federal 
Government and Indian tribes, or on the distribution of power and 
responsibilities between the Federal Government and Indian tribes. If 
you believe this rule has implications for federalism or Indian tribes, 
please contact the person listed in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT 
section above.

E. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act

    The Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (2 U.S.C. 1531-1538) 
requires Federal agencies to assess the effects of their discretionary 
regulatory actions. In particular, the Act addresses actions that may 
result in the expenditure by a State, local, or tribal government, in 
the aggregate, or by the private sector of $100,000,000 (adjusted for 
inflation) or more in any one year. Though this rule will not result in 
such an expenditure, we do discuss the effects of this rule elsewhere 
in this preamble.

F. Environment

    We have analyzed this rule under Department of Homeland Security 
Directive 023-01 and Commandant Instruction M16475.1D, which guide the 
Coast Guard in complying with the

[[Page 61326]]

National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321-4370f), and 
have determined that this action is one of a category of actions that 
do not individually or cumulatively have a significant effect on the 
human environment. This rule involves a regulated navigation area 
lasting approximately two months that prohibits entry or establishes 
vessel operating requirements for southbound transits through the right 
descending span of the Sabula Railroad Drawbridge on the Upper 
Mississippi River while emergency repairs are made to the bridge. It is 
categorically excluded from further review under paragraph L60 (d) of 
Appendix A, Table 1 of DHS Instruction Manual 023-01-001-01, Rev. 01. A 
Record of Environmental Consideration supporting this determination is 
available in the docket where indicated under ADDRESSES.

G. Protest Activities

    The Coast Guard respects the First Amendment rights of protesters. 
Protesters are asked to contact the person listed in the FOR FURTHER 
INFORMATION CONTACT section to coordinate protest activities so that 
your message can be received without jeopardizing the safety or 
security of people, places, or vessels.

List of Subjects in 33 CFR Part 165

    Harbors, Marine safety, Navigation (water), Reporting and 
recordkeeping requirements, Security measures, Waterways.

    For the reasons discussed in the preamble, the Coast Guard amends 
33 CFR part 165 as follows:


1. The authority citation for part 165 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 33 U.S.C. 1231; 50 U.S.C. 191; 33 CFR 1.05-1, 6.04-1, 
6.04-6, and 160.5; Department of Homeland Security Delegation No. 

2. Add Sec.  165.T08-0917 to read as follows:

Sec.  165.T08-0917  Regulated Navigation Area; Upper Mississippi River, 
Sabula Railroad Drawbridge, Mile Marker 535, Sabula, IA.

    (a) Location. The following area is a regulated navigation area 
(RNA): All navigable waters of the Upper Mississippi River under the 
right descending bank span, also known as the Iowa span, of the Sabula 
Railroad Drawbridge at mile marker (MM) 535.
    (b) Effective period. This section is effective from September 21, 
2018 through November 30, 2018, or until the emergency bridge repairs 
are completed, whichever occurs first.
    (c) Applicability. This section only applies to vessels transiting 
southbound through the RNA.
    (d) Regulations. (1) In accordance with the general regulations 
contained in 33 CFR 165.11, and 165.13, when the water flow rate as 
measured from Lock and Dam 12 is 100 KCFS or greater vessels are 
prohibited from transiting southbound through the RNA unless authorized 
by the Captain of the Port Sector Upper Mississippi River (COTP) or a 
designated representative.
    (2) When the water flow rate as measured from Lock and Dam 12 is 
less than 100 kcfs, vessels may transit southbound through the RNA only 
under the following conditions:
    (i) Vessels shall operate at their slowest safe speed.
    (ii) Vessels avoid contacting any part of the Sabula Railroad 
Drawbridge and the unprotected rest pier located on the right 
descending side of the Sabula Railroad Drawbridge.
    (3) When the water flow rate as measured from Lock and Dam 12 is 
less than 100 kcfs, vessels engaged in towing may transit southbound 
through the RNA only under the following conditions:
    (i) The size of the tow does not exceed 15 barges; and
    (ii) The towing vessel possesses a minimum of 250 horsepower per 
loaded barge in tow, and
    (iii) When pushing more than two barges, an assist vessel of at 
least 1,000 horsepower must be utilized.
    (A) Prior to entering the RNA, the assist tow vessel and the 
primary tow vessel shall discuss a plan to transit through the bridge, 
    (B) Both the primary and assist towing vessel shall be capable of 
continuous two way voice communication while transiting through the 
    (4) If an assist vessel is required under this section, before 
entering the RNA:
    (i) The assist vessel and the tow vessel shall discuss a plan to 
transit through the bridge, and
    (ii) Both the assist vessel and the towing vessel shall be capable 
of continuous two-way voice communication while transiting through the 
    (5) The COTP or a designated representative may review, on a case-
by-case basis, alternatives to the minimum operating or towing 
requirements and conditions set forth in paragraphs (d)(2)-(d)(4) of 
this section and may approve a deviation to these requirements and 
conditions should they provide an equivalent level of safety.
    (6) The COTP or a designated representative may determine, on a 
case-by-case basis, that although the conditions triggering the RNA may 
be met, the current potential hazards do not require that each 
requirement of the RNA be enforced and that only certain of the above-
prescribed restrictions are necessary under the circumstances. The COTP 
or a designated representative may consider environmental factors, the 
water flow rate at Lock and Dam 12, mitigating safety factors, and the 
completion progress of bridge the repairs among other factors. The COTP 
or a designated representative shall broadcast such notice of such 
determination and any changes under the provisions of paragraph (e).
    (e) Notice of requirements. Notice that these vessel operational 
conditions are anticipated to be put into effect, or are in effect, 
will be given by Broadcast Notice to Mariners, Local Notices to 
Mariners, and/or actual notice, as appropriate.

    Dated: November 15, 2018.
P.F. Thomas,
Rear Admiral, U.S. Coast Guard, Commander, Eighth Coast Guard District.
[FR Doc. 2018-25981 Filed 11-28-18; 8:45 am]

                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 230 / Thursday, November 29, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                            61323

                                             3(b)(2) of Executive Order 12988 to                      that the United States comply with its                ■ c. Redesignate paragraphs (b)(46)
                                             eliminate drafting errors and ambiguity,                 obligations under the specified                       through (b)(56) as (b)(50) through
                                             minimize litigation, provide a clear legal               international agreements.                             (b)(60);
                                             standard for affected conduct, and                                                                             ■ d. Redesignate paragraphs (b)(32)
                                                                                                      Regulatory Flexibility Act
                                             promote simplification and burden                                                                              through (b)(45) as (b)(35) through
                                             reduction.                                                 The Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)                (b)(48);
                                                                                                      (5 U.S.C. 601–612) applies to rules that              ■ e. Redesignate paragraphs (b)(4)
                                             Executive Order 13132, Federalism                        are subject to notice and comment                     through (31) as (b)(5) through (32);
                                               This action does not have federalism                   under section 553(b) of the APA or any                ■ f. Add new paragraphs (b)(4), (b)(33),
                                             implications warranting the application                  other law. As explained above, the CSA                (b)(34), (b)(49), and (b)(61);
                                             of Executive Order 13132. This action                    exempts this final order from notice and              ■ g. Remove and reserve paragraphs
                                             does not have substantial direct effects                 comment. Consequently, the RFA does                   (h)(5), (h)(13), (h)(14), (h)(20), and
                                             on the States, on the relationship                       not apply to this action.                             (h)(29).
                                             between the national government and                                                                              The revision and additions to read as
                                             the States, or on the distribution of                    Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
                                             power and responsibilities among the                       This action does not impose a new
                                             various levels of government.                            collection of information requirement                 § 1308.11   Schedule I.
                                                                                                      under the Paperwork Reduction Act of                  *      *    *     *     *
                                             Executive Order 13175, Consultation
                                                                                                      1995. 44 U.S.C. 3501–3521. An agency                     (b) * * *
                                             and Coordination With Indian Tribal
                                                                                                      may not conduct or sponsor, and a                        (4) Acryl fentanyl (N-(1-
                                                                                                      person is not required to respond to, a               phenethylpiperidin-4-yl)-N-
                                               This action does not have tribal                       collection of information unless it                   phenylacrylamide; other name:
                                             implications warranting the application                  displays a currently valid OMB control                acryloylfentanyl) . . . 9811
                                             of Executive Order 13175. The action                     number.                                               *      *    *     *     *
                                             does not have substantial direct effects                                                                          (33) 4-Fluoroisobutyryl fentanyl (N-(4-
                                             on one or more Indian tribes, on the                     Congressional Review Act
                                             relationship between the Federal                           This action is not a major rule as                  4-yl)isobutyramide; other name: para-
                                             government and Indian tribes, or on the                  defined by the Congressional Review                   fluoroisobutyryl fentanyl) . . . 9824
                                             distribution of power and                                Act (CRA), 5 U.S.C. 804. This order will                 (34) Furanyl fentanyl (N-(1-
                                             responsibilities between the Federal                     not result in: ‘‘an annual effect on the              phenethylpiperidin-4-yl)-N-
                                             government and Indian tribes.                            economy of $100,000,000 or more; a                    phenylfuran-2-carboxamide) . . . 9834
                                                                                                      major increase in costs or prices for
                                             Administrative Procedure Act                                                                                   *      *    *     *     *
                                                                                                      consumers, individual industries,
                                                The CSA provides for an expedited                     Federal, State, or local government                      (49) Ocfentanil (N-(2-fluorophenyl)-2-
                                             scheduling action where control is                       agencies, or geographic regions; or                   methoxy-N-(1-phenethylpiperidin-4-
                                             required by the United States                            significant adverse effects on                        yl)acetamide) . . . 9838
                                             obligations under international treaties,                competition, employment, investment,                  *      *    *     *     *
                                             conventions, or protocols. 21 U.S.C.                     productivity, innovation, or on the                      (61) Tetrahydrofuranyl fentanyl (N-(1-
                                             811(d)(1). If control is required pursuant               ability of United States-based                        phenethylpiperidin-4-yl)-N-
                                             to such international treaty, convention,                enterprises to compete with foreign                   phenyltetrahydrofuran-2-carboxamide)
                                             or protocol, the Attorney General must                   based enterprises in domestic and                     . . . 9843
                                             issue an order controlling such drug                     export markets.’’ However, pursuant to                *      *    *     *     *
                                             under the schedule he deems most                         the CRA, the DEA has submitted a copy                   Dated: November 26, 2018.
                                             appropriate to carry out such                            of this final order to both Houses of                 Uttam Dhillon,
                                             obligations, without regard to the                       Congress and to the Comptroller
                                             findings or procedures otherwise                                                                               Acting Administrator.
                                             required for scheduling actions. Id.                                                                           [FR Doc. 2018–26045 Filed 11–28–18; 8:45 am]
                                                To the extent that 21 U.S.C. 811(d)(1)                List of Subjects in 21 CFR Part 1308                  BILLING CODE 4410–09–P
                                             directs that if control is required by the                 Administrative practice and
                                             United States obligations under                          procedure, Drug traffic control,
                                             international treaties, conventions, or                  Reporting and recordkeeping                           DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND
                                             protocols in effect on October 27, 1970,                 requirements.                                         SECURITY
                                             scheduling actions shall be issued by                      For the reasons set out above, the DEA
                                             order (as compared to scheduling                         amends 21 CFR part 1308 as follows:                   Coast Guard
                                             pursuant to 21 U.S.C. 811(a) by rule),
                                             the DEA believes that the notice and                     PART 1308—SCHEDULES OF                                33 CFR Part 165
                                             comment requirements of section 553 of                   CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES                                 [Docket Number USCG–2018–0917]
                                             the Administrative Procedure Act
                                             (APA), 5 U.S.C. 553, do not apply to this                ■ 1. The authority citation for part 1308             RIN 1625–AA11
                                             scheduling action. In the alternative,                   continues to read as follows:
                                                                                                                                                            Regulated Navigation Area; Upper
                                             even if this action does constitute ‘‘rule                 Authority: 21 U.S.C. 811, 812, 871(b),
                                                                                                                                                            Mississippi River, Sabula Railroad
                                             making’’ under 5 U.S.C. 551(5), this                     956(b), unless otherwise noted.
                                                                                                                                                            Bridge, Mile Marker 535, Sabula, IA
khammond on DSK30JT082PROD with RULES

                                             action is exempt from the notice and                     ■ 2. In § 1308.11:
                                             comment requirements of 5 U.S.C. 553                     ■ a. Remove from paragraph (b)                        AGENCY:    Coast Guard, DHS.
                                             pursuant to 21 U.S.C. 553(a)(1) as an                    introductory text the term ‘‘(b)(34)’’ and            ACTION:   Temporary final rule.
                                             action involving a foreign affairs                       add in its place the term ‘‘(b)(39)’’;
                                             function of the United States given that                 ■ b. Redesignate paragraphs (b)(57)                   SUMMARY:   The Coast Guard established
                                             this action is being done in accordance                  through (b)(60) as (b)(62) through                    a temporary regulated navigation area
                                             with 21 U.S.C. 811(d)(1)’s requirement                   (b)(65);                                              for certain navigable waters of the

                                        VerDate Sep<11>2014    15:46 Nov 28, 2018   Jkt 247001   PO 00000   Frm 00015   Fmt 4700   Sfmt 4700   E:\FR\FM\29NOR1.SGM   29NOR1

                                             61324            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 230 / Thursday, November 29, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                             Upper Mississippi River under one of                     comment period that ended on October                  bridge owner, the repair contractor, and
                                             the navigable spans of the Sabula                        15, 2018, we received two comments.                   vessel operators since the initial
                                             Railroad Drawbridge at mile marker                         Under 5 U.S.C. 553(d)(3), the Coast                 incident on September 16, 2018. Other
                                             (MM) 535. The RNA is necessary to                        Guard finds that good cause exists for                than requesting a total closure of the
                                             protect persons, vessels, and the marine                 making this rule effective less than 30               Iowa span and expressing disagreement
                                             environment from potential hazards                       days after publication in the Federal                 with the Coast Guard’s rule generally,
                                             associated with emergency repair work                    Register. Delaying the effective date of              Canadian Pacific Railway did not
                                             to the Sabula Railroad Bridge following                  this rule would be contrary to public                 present any facts, data, or engineering
                                             a vessel’s allision with the bridge. The                 interest because immediate action is                  analysis to the Coast Guard to support
                                             regulation applies only to southbound                    needed to respond to the potential                    why a total closure is necessary, or
                                             vessel transits through the RNA, and                     safety hazards associated with                        propose alternate vessel operating
                                             depending on the water flow as                           emergency bridge repairs.                             requirements. Although the repairs have
                                             measured from Lock and Dam 12, this                      III. Legal Authority and Need for Rule                been substantially completed, Canadian
                                             regulation either prohibits transit or                                                                         Pacific Railway engineers may contact
                                             establishes operating requirements                          The Coast Guard is issuing this rule               the Sector Upper Mississippi River at
                                             unless a deviation is authorized by the                  under authority in 33 U.S.C. 1231. The                any time with further information.
                                             Captain of the Port Sector Upper                         Eighth District Commander has                         There are no changes in regulatory text
                                             Mississippi River or a designated                        determined that potential hazards                     of this rule from the temporary final
                                             representative.                                          associated with emergency bridge                      rule.
                                                                                                      repairs following an allision will be a                  This rule establishes a temporary
                                             DATES:  This rule is effective from                      safety concern for vessels transiting                 regulated navigation area from
                                             November 29, 2018 through November                       southbound through the right                          September 21, 2018 through November
                                             30, 2018.                                                descending span, also known as Iowa                   30, 2018, or until the emergency bridge
                                             ADDRESSES: To view documents                             span, of the Sabula Railroad                          repairs are completed, whichever occurs
                                             mentioned in this preamble as being                      Drawbridge. This rule is necessary to                 first. The regulated area covers all
                                             available in the docket, go to https://                  protect persons, vessels, and the marine              navigable waters of the Upper
                                             www.regulations.gov, type USCG–2018–                     environment on the navigable waters of                Mississippi River under the right
                                             0917 in the ‘‘SEARCH’’ box and click                     the Upper Mississippi River while the                 descending bank span, also known as
                                             ‘‘SEARCH.’’ Click on Open Docket                         bridge is being repaired. The duration of             the Iowa span, of the Sabula Railroad
                                             Folder on the line associated with this                  this rule is intended to cover the period             Drawbridge at mile marker (MM) 535.
                                             rule.                                                    of emergency repairs.                                 This rule applies only to southbound
                                             FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: If                      IV. Discussion of Comments, Changes,                  vessel transits through the RNA, and
                                             you have questions on this rule, call or                 and the Rule                                          depending on the water flow as
                                             email Lieutenant Commander Kody                                                                                measured from Lock and Dam 12, this
                                                                                                         As noted above, we received two                    regulation either prohibits transit or
                                             Stitz, Sector Upper Mississippi River                    comments on our temporary final rule
                                             Prevention Department U.S. Coast                                                                               establishes operating requirements
                                                                                                      published on September 28, 2018. One                  unless a deviation is authorized by the
                                             Guard; telephone 314–269–2568, email                     comment was unrelated to the substance
                                             Kody.J.Stitz@uscg.mil.                                                                                         Captain of the Port Sector Upper
                                                                                                      of the rule, and one comment was not                  Mississippi River or a designated
                                             SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                               in favor of the rule. The commenter not               representative.
                                             I. Table of Abbreviations                                in favor of the rule disagreed that any                  When the water flow rate as measured
                                                                                                      navigation should be allowed through                  from Lock and Dam 12 is 100kcfs or
                                             CFR Code of Federal Regulations                          the right descending bank span, also
                                             COTP Captain of the Port Sector Upper
                                                                                                                                                            greater, vessels are prohibited from
                                                                                                      known as the Iowa span, of the Sabula                 transiting southbound through the RNA
                                               Mississippi River
                                             DHS Department of Homeland Security
                                                                                                      Railroad Drawbridge at mile marker                    unless authorized by the Captain of the
                                             FR Federal Register                                      (MM) 535 until the rest pier repairs                  Port Sector Upper Mississippi River
                                             NPRM Notice of proposed rulemaking                       were ‘‘substantial[ly] complet[ed].’’ The             (COTP) or a designated representative.
                                             § Section                                                commenter stated that the Coast Guard                 When the water flow rate as measured
                                             U.S.C. United States Code                                failed to engage with Canadian Pacific                from Lock and Dam 12 is less than
                                                                                                      Railway engineers to evaluate safety                  100kcfs, vessels may transit southbound
                                             II. Background Information and
                                                                                                      concerns, and expressed general                       through the RNA only if navigating at
                                             Regulatory History
                                                                                                      dissatisfaction that the Coast Guard’s                their slowest safe speed and avoiding
                                                On September 16, 2018, a vessel                       risk analysis was not fairly balanced                 contact with any part of the Sabula
                                             allided with the Sabula Railroad                         against the elevated risks to the bridge              Railroad Drawbridge and the
                                             Drawbridge and immediate action was                      pier or potential impact to railroad                  unprotected rest pier located on the
                                             needed to respond to the potential                       traffic.                                              right descending side of the Sabula
                                             hazards associated with emergency                           The Coast Guard respectfully                       Railroad Drawbridge.
                                             bridge repairs. On September 28, 2018,                   disagrees. As a preliminary matter, our                  When the water flow rate as measured
                                             the Coast Guard published a temporary                    rule does provide for a prohibition of                from Lock and Dam 12 is less than
                                             final rule; request for comments titled                  southbound navigation under the Iowa                  100kcfs, vessels engaged in towing may
                                             Regulated Navigation Area; Upper                         span under certain conditions.                        transit southbound through the RNA
                                             Mississippi River, Sabula Railroad                       Moreover, because the emergency                       only if the size of the tow does not
khammond on DSK30JT082PROD with RULES

                                             Drawbridge, Mile Marker 535, Sabula,                     repairs are necessary only for the rest               exceed 15 barges, the towing vessel
                                             IA (83 FR 48954). There we stated why                    pier, rather than the actual bridge                   possesses a minimum of 250
                                             we issued the temporary final rule, and                  support piers, a total closure of                     horsepower per loaded barge in the tow,
                                             invited comments on our proposed                         waterway traffic may not be necessary                 and the towing vessel uses an assist
                                             regulatory action related to the                         under all conditions. The Coast Guard                 vessel of at least 1,000 horsepower
                                             operational restrictions in the regulated                inspected the initial damage to the rest              when pushing three or more barges. If
                                             navigation area (RNA). During the                        pier, and has been engaged with the                   an assist vessel is required by this rule,

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                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 230 / Thursday, November 29, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                       61325

                                             the assist vessel and the towing vessel                  route, and the ability of the COTP to                 annually and rates each agency’s
                                             must discuss a plan to transit through                   issue a deviation from the requirements               responsiveness to small business. If you
                                             the RNA before doing so and both the                     of this rule or suspend enforcement of                wish to comment on actions by
                                             assist vessel and the towing vessel must                 this rule on a case-by-case basis. This               employees of the Coast Guard, call 1–
                                             be capable of continuous two-way voice                   rule only affects southbound vessel                   888–REG–FAIR (1–888–734–3247). The
                                             communication during the transit.                        transits through the RNA; northbound                  Coast Guard will not retaliate against
                                               The COTP or a designated                               vessels may transit the RNA at any time               small entities that question or complain
                                             representative may review, on a case-by-                 without restrictions. In addition, the                about this rule or any policy or action
                                             case basis, alternatives to the minimum                  regulated area only covers the navigable              of the Coast Guard.
                                             operating or towing requirements set                     waters under the span of the Sabula
                                             forth in this rule and may approve a                     Railroad Drawbridge that was damaged                  C. Collection of Information
                                             deviation from these requirements                        in the allision, the right descending                   This rule will not call for a new
                                             should they provide an equivalent level                  span, or Iowa span, of the bridge.                    collection of information under the
                                             of safety. The COTP or a designated                      Vessels may transit north or southbound               Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44
                                             representative may determine, on a                       through the left descending span, or                  U.S.C. 3501–3520).
                                             case-by-case basis, that although the                    Illinois span, at any time without
                                                                                                                                                            D. Federalism and Indian Tribal
                                             conditions triggering the RNA may be                     restriction. Finally, this rule allows
                                             met, the current potential hazards do                                                                          Governments
                                                                                                      vessels to seek permission to transit
                                             not require that each requirement of the                 through the RNA and/or deviate from                      A rule has implications for federalism
                                             RNA be enforced and that only certain                    the operating requirements, and also                  under Executive Order 13132,
                                             of the above-prescribed restrictions are                 allows the COTP to suspend                            Federalism, if it has a substantial direct
                                             necessary under the circumstances. The                   enforcement of particular provisions of               effect on the States, on the relationship
                                             COTP or a designated representative                      the RNA under appropriate                             between the national government and
                                             may consider environmental factors, the                  circumstances.                                        the States, or on the distribution of
                                             water flow rate at Lock and Dam 12,                                                                            power and responsibilities among the
                                             mitigating safety factors, and the                       B. Impact on Small Entities                           various levels of government. We have
                                             completion progress of the bridge                           The Regulatory Flexibility Act of                  analyzed this rule under that Order and
                                             repairs among other factors. The COTP                    1980, 5 U.S.C. 601–612, as amended,                   have determined that it is consistent
                                             or a designated representative will                      requires Federal agencies to consider                 with the fundamental federalism
                                             broadcast notice of such determination                   the potential impact of regulations on                principles and preemption requirements
                                             and any subsequent changes. Notice that                  small entities during rulemaking. The                 described in Executive Order 13132.
                                             these vessel operational conditions are                  term ‘‘small entities’’ comprises small                  Also, this rule does not have tribal
                                             anticipated to be put into effect, or are                businesses, not-for-profit organizations              implications under Executive Order
                                             in effect, will be given by Broadcast                    that are independently owned and                      13175, Consultation and Coordination
                                             Notice to Mariners, Local Notices to                     operated and are not dominant in their                with Indian Tribal Governments,
                                             Mariners, Marine Safety Information                      fields, and governmental jurisdictions                because it does not have a substantial
                                             Broadcasts, and/or actual notice, as                     with populations of less than 50,000.                 direct effect on one or more Indian
                                             appropriate.                                             The Coast Guard certifies under 5 U.S.C.              tribes, on the relationship between the
                                                                                                      605(b) that this rule will not have a                 Federal Government and Indian tribes,
                                             V. Regulatory Analyses                                   significant economic impact on a                      or on the distribution of power and
                                               We developed this rule after                           substantial number of small entities.                 responsibilities between the Federal
                                             considering numerous statutes and                           While some owners or operators of                  Government and Indian tribes. If you
                                             Executive orders related to rulemaking.                  vessels intending to transit the                      believe this rule has implications for
                                             Below we summarize our analyses                          temporary regulated navigation area                   federalism or Indian tribes, please
                                             based on a number of these statutes and                  may be small entities, for the reasons                contact the person listed in the FOR
                                             Executive orders, and we discuss First                   stated in section V.A above, this rule                FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section
                                             Amendment rights of protestors.                          will not have a significant economic                  above.
                                                                                                      impact on any vessel owner or operator.
                                             A. Regulatory Planning and Review                           Under section 213(a) of the Small                  E. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
                                                Executive Orders 12866 and 13563                      Business Regulatory Enforcement                         The Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
                                             direct agencies to assess the costs and                  Fairness Act of 1996 (Pub. L. 104–121),               of 1995 (2 U.S.C. 1531–1538) requires
                                             benefits of available regulatory                         we want to assist small entities in                   Federal agencies to assess the effects of
                                             alternatives and, if regulation is                       understanding this rule. If the rule                  their discretionary regulatory actions. In
                                             necessary, to select regulatory                          would affect your small business,                     particular, the Act addresses actions
                                             approaches that maximize net benefits.                   organization, or governmental                         that may result in the expenditure by a
                                             Executive Order 13771 directs agencies                   jurisdiction and you have questions                   State, local, or tribal government, in the
                                             to control regulatory costs through a                    concerning its provisions or options for              aggregate, or by the private sector of
                                             budgeting process. This rule has not                     compliance, please contact the person                 $100,000,000 (adjusted for inflation) or
                                             been designated a ‘‘significant                          listed in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION                 more in any one year. Though this rule
                                             regulatory action,’’ under Executive                     CONTACT section.                                      will not result in such an expenditure,
                                             Order 12866. Accordingly, this rule has                     Small businesses may send comments                 we do discuss the effects of this rule
                                             not been reviewed by the Office of                       on the actions of Federal employees                   elsewhere in this preamble.
khammond on DSK30JT082PROD with RULES

                                             Management and Budget (OMB), and                         who enforce, or otherwise determine
                                             pursuant to OMB guidance it is exempt                    compliance with, Federal regulations to               F. Environment
                                             from the requirements of Executive                       the Small Business and Agriculture                      We have analyzed this rule under
                                             Order 13771.                                             Regulatory Enforcement Ombudsman                      Department of Homeland Security
                                                This regulatory action determination                  and the Regional Small Business                       Directive 023–01 and Commandant
                                             is based on the limited applicability of                 Regulatory Fairness Boards. The                       Instruction M16475.1D, which guide the
                                             the rule, the availability of an alternate               Ombudsman evaluates these actions                     Coast Guard in complying with the

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                                             61326            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 230 / Thursday, November 29, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                             National Environmental Policy Act of                     through November 30, 2018, or until the               they provide an equivalent level of
                                             1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321–4370f), and have                    emergency bridge repairs are completed,               safety.
                                             determined that this action is one of a                  whichever occurs first.                                 (6) The COTP or a designated
                                             category of actions that do not                             (c) Applicability. This section only               representative may determine, on a
                                             individually or cumulatively have a                      applies to vessels transiting southbound              case-by-case basis, that although the
                                             significant effect on the human                          through the RNA.                                      conditions triggering the RNA may be
                                             environment. This rule involves a                           (d) Regulations. (1) In accordance                 met, the current potential hazards do
                                             regulated navigation area lasting                        with the general regulations contained                not require that each requirement of the
                                             approximately two months that                            in 33 CFR 165.11, and 165.13, when the                RNA be enforced and that only certain
                                             prohibits entry or establishes vessel                    water flow rate as measured from Lock                 of the above-prescribed restrictions are
                                             operating requirements for southbound                    and Dam 12 is 100 KCFS or greater                     necessary under the circumstances. The
                                             transits through the right descending                    vessels are prohibited from transiting                COTP or a designated representative
                                             span of the Sabula Railroad Drawbridge                   southbound through the RNA unless                     may consider environmental factors, the
                                             on the Upper Mississippi River while                     authorized by the Captain of the Port                 water flow rate at Lock and Dam 12,
                                             emergency repairs are made to the                        Sector Upper Mississippi River (COTP)                 mitigating safety factors, and the
                                             bridge. It is categorically excluded from                or a designated representative.                       completion progress of bridge the
                                             further review under paragraph L60 (d)                      (2) When the water flow rate as                    repairs among other factors. The COTP
                                             of Appendix A, Table 1 of DHS                            measured from Lock and Dam 12 is less                 or a designated representative shall
                                             Instruction Manual 023–01–001–01,                        than 100 kcfs, vessels may transit                    broadcast such notice of such
                                             Rev. 01. A Record of Environmental                       southbound through the RNA only                       determination and any changes under
                                             Consideration supporting this                            under the following conditions:                       the provisions of paragraph (e).
                                             determination is available in the docket                    (i) Vessels shall operate at their                   (e) Notice of requirements. Notice that
                                             where indicated under ADDRESSES.                         slowest safe speed.                                   these vessel operational conditions are
                                                                                                         (ii) Vessels avoid contacting any part             anticipated to be put into effect, or are
                                             G. Protest Activities                                                                                          in effect, will be given by Broadcast
                                                                                                      of the Sabula Railroad Drawbridge and
                                               The Coast Guard respects the First                     the unprotected rest pier located on the              Notice to Mariners, Local Notices to
                                             Amendment rights of protesters.                          right descending side of the Sabula                   Mariners, and/or actual notice, as
                                             Protesters are asked to contact the                      Railroad Drawbridge.                                  appropriate.
                                             person listed in the FOR FURTHER                            (3) When the water flow rate as                      Dated: November 15, 2018.
                                             INFORMATION CONTACT section to                           measured from Lock and Dam 12 is less                 P.F. Thomas,
                                             coordinate protest activities so that your               than 100 kcfs, vessels engaged in towing              Rear Admiral, U.S. Coast Guard, Commander,
                                             message can be received without                          may transit southbound through the                    Eighth Coast Guard District.
                                             jeopardizing the safety or security of                   RNA only under the following                          [FR Doc. 2018–25981 Filed 11–28–18; 8:45 am]
                                             people, places, or vessels.                              conditions:                                           BILLING CODE 9110–04–P
                                             List of Subjects in 33 CFR Part 165                         (i) The size of the tow does not exceed
                                                                                                      15 barges; and
                                               Harbors, Marine safety, Navigation                        (ii) The towing vessel possesses a
                                             (water), Reporting and recordkeeping                                                                           ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION
                                                                                                      minimum of 250 horsepower per loaded
                                             requirements, Security measures,                                                                               AGENCY
                                                                                                      barge in tow, and
                                             Waterways.                                                  (iii) When pushing more than two                   40 CFR Part 52
                                               For the reasons discussed in the                       barges, an assist vessel of at least 1,000
                                             preamble, the Coast Guard amends 33                      horsepower must be utilized.                          [EPA–R09–OAR–2016–0711; FRL–9986–61–
                                             CFR part 165 as follows:                                                                                       Region 9]
                                                                                                         (A) Prior to entering the RNA, the
                                                                                                      assist tow vessel and the primary tow                 Air Plan Approval; California; South
                                             PART 165—REGULATED NAVIGATION                            vessel shall discuss a plan to transit
                                             AREAS AND LIMITED ACCESS AREAS                                                                                 Coast Air Quality Management District
                                                                                                      through the bridge, and
                                                                                                         (B) Both the primary and assist towing             AGENCY:  Environmental Protection
                                             ■ 1. The authority citation for part 165
                                                                                                      vessel shall be capable of continuous                 Agency (EPA).
                                             continues to read as follows:
                                                                                                      two way voice communication while                     ACTION: Final rule.
                                               Authority: 33 U.S.C. 1231; 50 U.S.C. 191;              transiting through the bridge.
                                             33 CFR 1.05–1, 6.04–1, 6.04–6, and 160.5;                                                                      SUMMARY:   The Environmental Protection
                                                                                                         (4) If an assist vessel is required under
                                             Department of Homeland Security Delegation                                                                     Agency (EPA) is taking final action to
                                             No. 0170.1.                                              this section, before entering the RNA:
                                                                                                         (i) The assist vessel and the tow vessel           approve a revision to the South Coast
                                             ■ 2. Add § 165.T08–0917 to read as                                                                             Air Quality Management District
                                                                                                      shall discuss a plan to transit through
                                             follows:                                                                                                       (SCAQMD) portion of the California
                                                                                                      the bridge, and
                                             § 165.T08–0917 Regulated Navigation                         (ii) Both the assist vessel and the                State Implementation Plan (SIP). This
                                             Area; Upper Mississippi River, Sabula                    towing vessel shall be capable of                     revision concerns emissions of volatile
                                             Railroad Drawbridge, Mile Marker 535,                    continuous two-way voice                              organic compounds (VOCs) from
                                             Sabula, IA.                                              communication while transiting through                architectural coatings. We are approving
                                               (a) Location. The following area is a                  the bridge.                                           a local rule that regulates these emission
                                             regulated navigation area (RNA): All                        (5) The COTP or a designated                       sources under the Clean Air Act (CAA
khammond on DSK30JT082PROD with RULES

                                             navigable waters of the Upper                            representative may review, on a case-by-              or the Act).
                                             Mississippi River under the right                        case basis, alternatives to the minimum               DATES: This rule will be effective on
                                             descending bank span, also known as                      operating or towing requirements and                  December 31, 2018.
                                             the Iowa span, of the Sabula Railroad                    conditions set forth in paragraphs                    ADDRESSES: The EPA has established a
                                             Drawbridge at mile marker (MM) 535.                      (d)(2)–(d)(4) of this section and may                 docket for this action under Docket ID
                                                (b) Effective period. This section is                 approve a deviation to these                          No. EPA–R09–OAR–2016–0711. All
                                             effective from September 21, 2018                        requirements and conditions should                    documents in the docket are listed on

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Document Created: 2018-11-28 23:44:29
Document Modified: 2018-11-28 23:44:29
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionRules and Regulations
ActionTemporary final rule.
DatesThis rule is effective from November 29, 2018 through November 30, 2018.
ContactIf you have questions on this rule, call or email Lieutenant Commander Kody Stitz, Sector Upper Mississippi River Prevention Department U.S. Coast Guard; telephone 314-269-2568, email [email protected]
FR Citation83 FR 61323 
RIN Number1625-AA11
CFR AssociatedHarbors; Marine Safety; Navigation (Water); Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements; Security Measures and Waterways

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