83_FR_6163 83 FR 6133 - Fisheries of the Northeastern United States; Northeast Skate Complex; Framework Adjustment 4

83 FR 6133 - Fisheries of the Northeastern United States; Northeast Skate Complex; Framework Adjustment 4

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 30 (February 13, 2018)

Page Range6133-6135
FR Document2018-02967

The final rule approves regulations to implement the Northeast Skate Complex Fishery Management Plan Framework Adjustment 4 management measures. This rule implements several measures to reduce the risk of the skate bait fishery from effectively closing down as it did in fishing year 2016. This action will reduce the skate bait season 3 possession limit and establish a separate skate bait incidental possession limit. This action is needed to better control the catch of skate bait and provide a more consistent supply of skate bait to the lobster fishery.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 30 (Tuesday, February 13, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 30 (Tuesday, February 13, 2018)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 6133-6135]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-02967]



National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

50 CFR Part 648

[Docket No. 170710645-8098-02]
RIN 0648-BH03

Fisheries of the Northeastern United States; Northeast Skate 
Complex; Framework Adjustment 4

AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and 
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.

ACTION: Final rule.


SUMMARY: The final rule approves regulations to implement the Northeast 
Skate Complex Fishery Management Plan Framework Adjustment 4 management 
measures. This rule implements several measures to reduce the risk of 
the skate bait fishery from effectively closing down as it did in 
fishing year 2016. This action will reduce the skate bait season 3 
possession limit and establish a separate skate bait incidental 
possession limit. This action is needed to better control the catch of 
skate bait and provide a more consistent supply of skate bait to the 
lobster fishery.

DATES: Effective March 15, 2018.

ADDRESSES: New England Fishery Management Council staff prepared an 
environmental assessment (EA) for Northeast Skate Complex Framework 
Adjustment 4 that describes the proposed action and other considered 
alternatives. The EA provides a thorough analysis of the biological, 
economic, and social impacts of the proposed measures and other 
considered alternatives, a Regulatory Impact Review, and economic 
analysis. Copies of the Framework 4 EA are available on request from 
Thomas A. Nies, Executive Director, New England Fishery Management 
Council, 50 Water Street, Newburyport, MA 01950. This document is also 
available from the following internet addresses: http://www.nefmc.org 
or https://www.regulations.gov/docket?D=NOAA-NMFS-2017-0099.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Debra Lambert, Fishery Policy Analyst, 
(301) 427-8560.



    The Northeast Skate Complex Fishery Management Plan (FMP), 
developed by the New England Fishery Management Council and implemented 
in 2003, manages a complex of seven skate species (barndoor, clearnose, 
little, rosette, smooth, thorny, and winter skate) off the New England 
and Mid-Atlantic coasts. Skates are harvested and managed in two 
different fisheries: one for food (the wing fishery) and one for 
lobster bait (the bait fishery). Fishery specific allocations, called 
total allowable landings (TALs), are set through biennial 
specifications. Additional information on the skate fisheries can be 
found online at: https://www.greateratlantic.fisheries.noaa.gov/sustainable/species/skate/index.html.
    The bait and wing fisheries have different seasonal quotas and 
possession limits. Generally, the bait fishery operates under an 
exemption from the wing fishery possession limits; however, the 
inseason adjustments to possession limits have been linked between the 
two fisheries. The bait fishery is managed under a 3-season fishing 
year: Season 1 is May 1-July 31; Season 2 is August 1-October 31; and, 
Season 3 is November 1-April 30. Previously, when the bait fishery 
reached 90 percent of a season's TAL, or 90 percent of the annual bait 
TAL, the bait fishery possession limit reverted to the substantially 
lower wing possession limit. The linked inseason adjustment for these 
fisheries became problematic in fishing year 2016, as the possession 
limit in the skate bait fishery was reduced twice, effectively closing 
the bait fishery. Further background can be found in the proposed rule 
for Framework Adjustment 4 to the FMP, which published on October 20, 
2017 (82 FR 48781). Additional information on previous and current 
skate management measures can be reviewed through the Council's website 
at http://www.nefmc.org/management-plans/skates.
    In response to the closure, the Council developed Framework 4 to 
reduce the likelihood of a lengthy in-season closure while ensuring 
bait landings do not exceed the TAL. As mentioned above, on October 20, 
2017, NMFS published a proposed rule (82 FR 48781) identifying the 
measures in Framework 4. Comments on the proposed rule were accepted 
through November 6, 2017.

Approved Measures

    NMFS is approving the regulatory changes for the skate bait fishery 
as recommended by the Council in Framework 4 and detailed in our 
proposed rule. The approved measures are:

[[Page 6134]]

1. Reduce the Season 3 Bait Skate Possession Limit

    The Season 3 (November 1 through April 30) possession limit is 
reduced from 25,000 lb (11,340 kg) to 12,000 lb (5,443 kg). Because 
Season 3 is the longest season in the bait fishery (6 months), reducing 
the trip limit should slow the catch rate and lessen the chance of 
closing the fishery.

2. Reduce the Season 3 Bait Skate TAL Threshold Trigger

    The trigger for implementing an inseason adjustment to possession 
limits in Season 3 is reduced from 90 to 80 percent of the TAL (i.e., 
when 80 percent of the TAL has been reached). The trigger for 
implementing an inseason adjustment to possession limits in Season 1 
and 2 will remain at 90 percent of the seasonal TAL.

3. Establish a Separate Bait Skate Incidental Possession Limit

    This action de-couples the inseason adjustments for the skate wing 
and bait fisheries. Once the trigger for implementing an inseason 
adjustment to possession limits in the skate bait fishery has been 
reached, the incidental possession limit will be 8,000 lb (3,629 kg) 
for the remainder of the season.

4. Implement a Bait Skate Fishery Closure When the TAL Is Harvested

    The bait fishery will be closed when 100 percent of the bait TAL is 
projected to be harvested. This measure will better ensure that the 
skate bait fishery does not exceed its TAL.

5. Removal of Incidental Possession Limit if Necessary To Achieve TAL

    This action also clarifies that if NMFS determines that an in-
season possession limit reduction (putting in place the incidental 
possession limit) could prohibit the skate bait fishery from achieving 
its annual TAL, NMFS may remove the in-season reduction and reinstate 
the standard seasonal possession limit.

Comments and Responses

    We received four public comments on the proposed rule, two of which 
were not responsive to the action.
    Comment 1: Two commenters, the Atlantic Offshore Lobstermen's 
Association and the Cape Cod Commercial Fishermen's Alliance, support 
de-coupling the skate wing and bait inseason possession limit 
adjustments and support the measures in the proposed rule.
    Response: We are approving Framework 4 and the accompanying 
measures because they allow the fishery to more effectively harvest its 
optimum yield. The Framework 4 measures are expected to better ensure 
that the skate bait fishery remains open throughout Season 3. If it 
becomes necessary to implement an incidental possession limit for the 
skate bait fishery, those measures will function independently of the 
skate wing fishery, and would allow fishing to continue at a lower 

Changes From the Proposed Rule

    Only two minor revisions were made to the regulatory text that was 
specified in the proposed rule. Section 648.322(c)(4) was revised to 
reduce redundancy by deleting the following phrase from the end of the 
sentence: ``or whole skates greater than 23 inches (58.42 cm) total 
length.'' Section 648.322(f) was revised for clarity by adding the 
phrase ``possession limit'' towards the end of the sentence.


    The Administrator, Greater Atlantic Region, NMFS, determined that 
Framework 4 to the FMP is necessary for the conservation and management 
of the northeast skate complex and that it is consistent with the 
Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act and other 
applicable law.
    This final rule has been determined to be not significant for 
purposes of Executive Order 12866.
    Pursuant to section 604 of the Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA), 
NMFS has prepared a Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis (FRFA) in 
support of this action. The FRFA incorporates the Initial Regulatory 
Flexibility Analysis (IRFA), a summary of the significant issues raised 
by the public comments in response to the IRFA, and NMFS' responses to 
those comments, and a summary of the analyses completed to support the 
action. A copy of this analysis and the EA are available from the 
Council (see ADDRESSES). A description of why this action was 
considered, and the objectives of this rule, is contained in the 
preamble to the proposed rule and this final rule and is not repeated 

A Summary of the Significant Issues Raised by the Public in Response to 
the IRFA, a Summary of the Agency's Assessment of Such Issues, and a 
Statement of Any Changes Made in the Final Rule as a Result of Such 

    We received four public comments on the proposed rule, two of which 
were not responsive to the action. For a summary of the comments, and 
NMFS' response, see the Comments and Responses section above. The 
comments did not raise any issues or concerns related to the IRFA or 
the economic impacts of the rule more generally. In addition, no 
comments were filed by the Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the Small 
Business Administration in response to the proposed rule. No changes 
were made to the rule as a result of comments.

Description and Estimate of the Number of Small Entities to Which the 
Rule Would Apply

    This rule will affect vessels that hold Federal open access 
commercial skate permits that participate in the skate fishery or 
affiliated groups that hold multiple open access commercial skate 
permits that participate in the skate fishery. Within the skate bait 
fishery, the majority of affiliated groups consist of a single permit-
holder, or 71 vessels in fishing year 2015, the most recent year for 
which complete information was available during the Council's impact 
analyses. Four vessels belong to affiliated groups that hold two or 
more permits.
    For RFA purposes only, NMFS has established a small business size 
standard for businesses, including their affiliates, whose primary 
industry is commercial fishing (see 50 CFR 200.2). A business primarily 
engaged in commercial fishing (NAICS code 11411) is classified as a 
small business if it is independently owned and operated, is not 
dominant in its field of operation (including its affiliates), and has 
combined annual receipts not in excess of $11 million for all its 
affiliated operations worldwide. The Council's analysis indicates the 
maximum number of small fishing entities that may be affected by this 
action is 69 (71 vessels), based on 2015 data. During fishing year 
2015, only 69 affiliated groups landed any amount of skate for bait. At 
the permit level, every skate landing permit is defined as a small 
business according to size standards (the top five vessels have total 
revenues between 600 thousand and 1.9 million dollars in 2015).

Description of the Projected Reporting, Recordkeeping, and Other 
Compliance Requirements

    This action does not introduce any new reporting, recordkeeping, or 
other compliance requirements.

[[Page 6135]]

Description of the Steps the Agency Has Taken To Minimize the 
Significant Economic Impact on Small Entities Consistent With the 
Stated Objectives of Applicable Statues

    The Council considered revising the skate bait trigger for 
implementing an inseason adjustment, reduced possession limit, and 
closure independently, but elected to include all of the measures into 
a single action. The Council was concerned that, independently, the 
measures would not restrict catch enough and leave the fishery at risk 
of a substantial closure with accompanying economic impacts. 
Incorporating all of the measures accomplishes the goals and objectives 
of the FMP and minimizes the economic impact on small entities. 
Retaining the status quo management measures would not slow catch and 
would result in the fishery having a higher likelihood of closing for 
an extended period, resulting in greater profit losses to industry and 
bait shortages to the lobster fishery--both issues the Council sought 
to avoid by the Framework 4 action.

Small Entity Compliance Guide

    Section 212 of the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness 
Act of 1996 states that, for each rule or group of related rules for 
which an agency is required to prepare a FRFA, the agency shall publish 
one or more guides to assist small entities in complying with the rule, 
and shall designate such publications as ``small entity compliance 
guides.'' The agency shall explain the actions a small entity is 
required to take to comply with a rule or group of rules. As part of 
this rulemaking process, a letter to permit holders that also serves as 
a small entity compliance guide was prepared. Copies of this final rule 
are available from the Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office 
(GARFO), and the compliance guide, i.e., permit holder letter, will be 
sent to all holders of permits for the skate fishery. The guide and 
this final rule will be posted or publically available on the GARFO 

List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 648

    Fisheries, Fishing, Recordkeeping and reporting requirements.

    Dated: February 8, 2018.
Samuel D. Rauch III,
Deputy Assistant Administrator for Regulatory Programs, National Marine 
Fisheries Service.

    For the reasons set out in the preamble, 50 CFR part 648 is amended 
as follows:


1. The authority citation for part 648 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.

2. In Sec.  648.322, revise paragraphs (c) through (e), and add 
paragraphs (f) and (g) to read as follows:

Sec.  648.322   Skate allocation, possession, and landing provisions.

* * * * *
    (c) Bait Letter of Authorization (LOA). A skate vessel owner or 
operator under this part may request and receive from the Regional 
Administrator an exemption from the skate wing possession limit 
restrictions for a minimum of 7 consecutive days, provided that when 
the vessel is fishing pursuant to the terms of authorization at least 
the following requirements and conditions are met:
    (1) The vessel owner or operator obtains and retains onboard the 
vessel a valid LOA. LOAs are available upon request from the Regional 
    (2) The vessel owner or operator fishes for, possesses, or lands 
skates only for use as bait.
    (3) The vessel owner or operator possesses or lands no more than 
25,000 lb (11,340 kg) of whole skates per trip during Seasons 1 or 2 
and no more than 12,000 lb (5,443 kg) of whole skates per trip during 
Season 3.
    (4) The vessel owner or operator possesses or lands only whole 
skates less than 23 inches (58.42 cm) total length, and does not 
possess or land any skate wings.
    (5) Vessels that choose to possess or land skate wings during the 
participation period of this letter of authorization must comply with 
possession limit restrictions under paragraph (b) of this section for 
all skates or skate parts on board. Vessels possessing skate wings in 
compliance with the possession limit restrictions under paragraph (b) 
of this section may fish for, possess, or land skates for uses other 
than bait.
    (6) The vessel owner or operator complies with the transfer at sea 
requirements at Sec.  648.13(h).
    (d) In-season adjustment of skate bait possession limits. When the 
Regional Administrator projects that 90 percent of the skate bait 
fishery seasonal quota has been landed in Seasons 1 or 2, or 80 percent 
of the annual skate bait fishery TAL has been landed, the Regional 
Administrator shall, through a notice in the Federal Register 
consistent with the Administrative Procedure Act, reduce the skate bait 
trip limit to 8,000 lb (3,629 kg) of whole skates for the remainder of 
the quota period, unless such a reduction would be expected to prevent 
attainment of the seasonal quota or annual TAL.
    (e) In-season closure of skate bait fishery. When the Regional 
Administrator projects that 100 percent of the skate bait fishery TAL 
will be landed, the Regional Administrator shall, through a notice in 
the Federal Register consistent with the Administrative Procedure Act, 
close the skate bait fishery, unless such a closure would be expected 
to prevent attainment of the annual TAL. During a skate bait fishery 
closure all skate bait LOAs as described in paragraph (c) of this 
section are void. All skates harvested and landed during a skate bait 
fishery closure will be attributed towards the skate-wing TAL as 
described in this section.
    (f) Removal of in-season possession limit reductions. If it is 
determined that an in-season trip limit reduction as described in 
paragraphs (d) and (e) of this section could prohibit the skate bait 
fishery from achieving its annual TAL, the in-season possession limit 
reduction may be removed.
    (g) Prohibitions on possession of skates. A vessel fishing in the 
EEZ portion of the Skate Management Unit may not:
    (1) Retain, possess, or land barndoor or thorny skates taken in or 
from the EEZ portion of the Skate Management Unit.
    (2) Retain, possess, or land smooth skates taken in or from the GOM 
RMA described at Sec.  648.80(a)(1)(i).

[FR Doc. 2018-02967 Filed 2-12-18; 8:45 am]

                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 30 / Tuesday, February 13, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                                    6133

                                                Issued in Washington, DC, on January 26,                     ODPs, effective at 0901 UTC on the                      ■ 2. Part 97 is amended to read as
                                              2018.                                                          dates specified, as follows:                            follows:
                                              John S. Duncan,                                                                                                          By amending: § 97.23 VOR, VOR/
                                              Director, Flight Standards Service.                            PART 97—STANDARD INSTRUMENT                             DME, VOR or TACAN, and VOR/DME
                                                                                                             APPROACH PROCEDURES                                     or TACAN; § 97.25 LOC, LOC/DME,
                                              Adoption of the Amendment                                                                                              LDA, LDA/DME, SDF, SDF/DME;
                                                Accordingly, pursuant to the                                 ■ 1. The authority citation for part 97                 § 97.27 NDB, NDB/DME; § 97.29 ILS,
                                              authority delegated to me, Title 14,                           continues to read as follows:                           ILS/DME, MLS, MLS/DME, MLS/RNAV;
                                              Code of Federal regulations, Part 97, (14                                                                              § 97.31 RADAR SIAPs; § 97.33 RNAV
                                                                                                               Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(f), 106(g), 40103,
                                              CFR part 97), is amended by amending                                                                                   SIAPs; and § 97.35 COPTER SIAPs,
                                                                                                             40106, 40113, 40114, 40120, 44502, 44514,
                                              Standard Instrument Approach                                                                                           Identified as follows:
                                                                                                             44701, 44719, 44721–44722.
                                              Procedures and Takeoff Minimums and                                                                                    Effective Upon Publication

                                               AIRAC date         State                   City                              Airport                     FDC No.      FDC date                 Subject

                                              1–Mar–18 .....    MA ........     Beverly ..................   Beverly Rgnl ..........................       8/2210        1/16/18   Takeoff Minimums and Obstacle
                                                                                                                                                                                     DP, Amdt 3A.
                                              1–Mar–18 .....    IA ..........   Maquoketa .............      Maquoketa Muni ....................           8/2971        1/11/18   Takeoff Minimums and Obstacle
                                                                                                                                                                                     DP, Amdt 1.
                                              1–Mar–18 .....    SD ........     Rapid City ..............    Rapid City Rgnl .....................         8/3793        1/11/18   RNAV (GPS) Rwy 32, Amdt 2.

                                              [FR Doc. 2018–02682 Filed 2–12–18; 8:45 am]                    alternatives. The EA provides a                         the inseason adjustments to possession
                                              BILLING CODE 4910–13–P                                         thorough analysis of the biological,                    limits have been linked between the two
                                                                                                             economic, and social impacts of the                     fisheries. The bait fishery is managed
                                                                                                             proposed measures and other                             under a 3-season fishing year: Season 1
                                              DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE                                         considered alternatives, a Regulatory                   is May 1–July 31; Season 2 is August 1–
                                                                                                             Impact Review, and economic analysis.                   October 31; and, Season 3 is November
                                              National Oceanic and Atmospheric                               Copies of the Framework 4 EA are                        1–April 30. Previously, when the bait
                                              Administration                                                 available on request from Thomas A.                     fishery reached 90 percent of a season’s
                                                                                                             Nies, Executive Director, New England                   TAL, or 90 percent of the annual bait
                                              50 CFR Part 648                                                Fishery Management Council, 50 Water                    TAL, the bait fishery possession limit
                                              [Docket No. 170710645–8098–02]
                                                                                                             Street, Newburyport, MA 01950. This                     reverted to the substantially lower wing
                                                                                                             document is also available from the                     possession limit. The linked inseason
                                              RIN 0648–BH03                                                  following internet addresses: http://
                                                                                                                                                                     adjustment for these fisheries became
                                                                                                             www.nefmc.org or https://
                                              Fisheries of the Northeastern United                                                                                   problematic in fishing year 2016, as the
                                              States; Northeast Skate Complex;                               NMFS-2017-0099.                                         possession limit in the skate bait fishery
                                              Framework Adjustment 4                                                                                                 was reduced twice, effectively closing
                                                                                                             FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                                                                                                                                     the bait fishery. Further background can
                                              AGENCY:  National Marine Fisheries                             Debra Lambert, Fishery Policy Analyst,
                                                                                                                                                                     be found in the proposed rule for
                                              Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and                           (301) 427–8560.
                                                                                                                                                                     Framework Adjustment 4 to the FMP,
                                              Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),                             SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                              Commerce.                                                                                                              which published on October 20, 2017
                                                                                                             Background                                              (82 FR 48781). Additional information
                                              ACTION: Final rule.
                                                                                                                The Northeast Skate Complex Fishery                  on previous and current skate
                                              SUMMARY:   The final rule approves                             Management Plan (FMP), developed by                     management measures can be reviewed
                                              regulations to implement the Northeast                         the New England Fishery Management                      through the Council’s website at http://
                                              Skate Complex Fishery Management                               Council and implemented in 2003,                        www.nefmc.org/management-plans/
                                              Plan Framework Adjustment 4                                    manages a complex of seven skate                        skates.
                                              management measures. This rule                                 species (barndoor, clearnose, little,                      In response to the closure, the Council
                                              implements several measures to reduce                          rosette, smooth, thorny, and winter                     developed Framework 4 to reduce the
                                              the risk of the skate bait fishery from                        skate) off the New England and Mid-                     likelihood of a lengthy in-season closure
                                              effectively closing down as it did in                          Atlantic coasts. Skates are harvested and               while ensuring bait landings do not
                                              fishing year 2016. This action will                            managed in two different fisheries: one                 exceed the TAL. As mentioned above,
                                              reduce the skate bait season 3                                 for food (the wing fishery) and one for                 on October 20, 2017, NMFS published
                                              possession limit and establish a separate                      lobster bait (the bait fishery). Fishery
                                              skate bait incidental possession limit.                                                                                a proposed rule (82 FR 48781)
                                                                                                             specific allocations, called total                      identifying the measures in Framework
                                              This action is needed to better control                        allowable landings (TALs), are set
                                              the catch of skate bait and provide a                                                                                  4. Comments on the proposed rule were
                                                                                                             through biennial specifications.                        accepted through November 6, 2017.
                                              more consistent supply of skate bait to                        Additional information on the skate
                                              the lobster fishery.                                           fisheries can be found online at: https://              Approved Measures
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES

                                              DATES: Effective March 15, 2018.                               www.greateratlantic.fisheries.noaa.gov/
                                              ADDRESSES: New England Fishery                                 sustainable/species/skate/index.html.                     NMFS is approving the regulatory
                                              Management Council staff prepared an                              The bait and wing fisheries have                     changes for the skate bait fishery as
                                              environmental assessment (EA) for                              different seasonal quotas and possession                recommended by the Council in
                                              Northeast Skate Complex Framework                              limits. Generally, the bait fishery                     Framework 4 and detailed in our
                                              Adjustment 4 that describes the                                operates under an exemption from the                    proposed rule. The approved measures
                                              proposed action and other considered                           wing fishery possession limits; however,                are:

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014   15:52 Feb 12, 2018     Jkt 244001    PO 00000      Frm 00027     Fmt 4700    Sfmt 4700   E:\FR\FM\13FER1.SGM   13FER1

                                              6134             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 30 / Tuesday, February 13, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                              1. Reduce the Season 3 Bait Skate                       to more effectively harvest its optimum               response, see the Comments and
                                              Possession Limit                                        yield. The Framework 4 measures are                   Responses section above. The comments
                                                 The Season 3 (November 1 through                     expected to better ensure that the skate              did not raise any issues or concerns
                                              April 30) possession limit is reduced                   bait fishery remains open throughout                  related to the IRFA or the economic
                                              from 25,000 lb (11,340 kg) to 12,000 lb                 Season 3. If it becomes necessary to                  impacts of the rule more generally. In
                                              (5,443 kg). Because Season 3 is the                     implement an incidental possession                    addition, no comments were filed by the
                                              longest season in the bait fishery (6                   limit for the skate bait fishery, those               Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the Small
                                              months), reducing the trip limit should                 measures will function independently                  Business Administration in response to
                                              slow the catch rate and lessen the                      of the skate wing fishery, and would                  the proposed rule. No changes were
                                              chance of closing the fishery.                          allow fishing to continue at a lower                  made to the rule as a result of
                                                                                                      level.                                                comments.
                                              2. Reduce the Season 3 Bait Skate TAL
                                              Threshold Trigger                                       Changes From the Proposed Rule
                                                                                                                                                            Description and Estimate of the Number
                                                 The trigger for implementing an                        Only two minor revisions were made                  of Small Entities to Which the Rule
                                              inseason adjustment to possession                       to the regulatory text that was specified             Would Apply
                                              limits in Season 3 is reduced from 90 to                in the proposed rule. Section
                                              80 percent of the TAL (i.e., when 80                    648.322(c)(4) was revised to reduce                      This rule will affect vessels that hold
                                              percent of the TAL has been reached).                   redundancy by deleting the following                  Federal open access commercial skate
                                              The trigger for implementing an                         phrase from the end of the sentence: ‘‘or             permits that participate in the skate
                                              inseason adjustment to possession                       whole skates greater than 23 inches                   fishery or affiliated groups that hold
                                              limits in Season 1 and 2 will remain at                 (58.42 cm) total length.’’ Section                    multiple open access commercial skate
                                              90 percent of the seasonal TAL.                         648.322(f) was revised for clarity by                 permits that participate in the skate
                                                                                                      adding the phrase ‘‘possession limit’’                fishery. Within the skate bait fishery,
                                              3. Establish a Separate Bait Skate                      towards the end of the sentence.                      the majority of affiliated groups consist
                                              Incidental Possession Limit
                                                                                                      Classification                                        of a single permit-holder, or 71 vessels
                                                 This action de-couples the inseason                                                                        in fishing year 2015, the most recent
                                              adjustments for the skate wing and bait                    The Administrator, Greater Atlantic
                                                                                                      Region, NMFS, determined that                         year for which complete information
                                              fisheries. Once the trigger for                                                                               was available during the Council’s
                                              implementing an inseason adjustment to                  Framework 4 to the FMP is necessary
                                                                                                      for the conservation and management of                impact analyses. Four vessels belong to
                                              possession limits in the skate bait                                                                           affiliated groups that hold two or more
                                              fishery has been reached, the incidental                the northeast skate complex and that it
                                                                                                      is consistent with the Magnuson-                      permits.
                                              possession limit will be 8,000 lb (3,629
                                              kg) for the remainder of the season.                    Stevens Fishery Conservation and                         For RFA purposes only, NMFS has
                                                                                                      Management Act and other applicable                   established a small business size
                                              4. Implement a Bait Skate Fishery                       law.                                                  standard for businesses, including their
                                              Closure When the TAL Is Harvested                          This final rule has been determined to             affiliates, whose primary industry is
                                                 The bait fishery will be closed when                 be not significant for purposes of                    commercial fishing (see 50 CFR 200.2).
                                              100 percent of the bait TAL is projected                Executive Order 12866.                                A business primarily engaged in
                                              to be harvested. This measure will better                  Pursuant to section 604 of the
                                                                                                                                                            commercial fishing (NAICS code 11411)
                                              ensure that the skate bait fishery does                 Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA), NMFS
                                                                                                      has prepared a Final Regulatory                       is classified as a small business if it is
                                              not exceed its TAL.                                                                                           independently owned and operated, is
                                                                                                      Flexibility Analysis (FRFA) in support
                                              5. Removal of Incidental Possession                     of this action. The FRFA incorporates                 not dominant in its field of operation
                                              Limit if Necessary To Achieve TAL                       the Initial Regulatory Flexibility                    (including its affiliates), and has
                                                 This action also clarifies that if NMFS              Analysis (IRFA), a summary of the                     combined annual receipts not in excess
                                              determines that an in-season possession                 significant issues raised by the public               of $11 million for all its affiliated
                                              limit reduction (putting in place the                   comments in response to the IRFA, and                 operations worldwide. The Council’s
                                              incidental possession limit) could                      NMFS’ responses to those comments,                    analysis indicates the maximum number
                                              prohibit the skate bait fishery from                    and a summary of the analyses                         of small fishing entities that may be
                                              achieving its annual TAL, NMFS may                      completed to support the action. A copy               affected by this action is 69 (71 vessels),
                                              remove the in-season reduction and                      of this analysis and the EA are available             based on 2015 data. During fishing year
                                              reinstate the standard seasonal                         from the Council (see ADDRESSES). A                   2015, only 69 affiliated groups landed
                                              possession limit.                                       description of why this action was                    any amount of skate for bait. At the
                                                                                                      considered, and the objectives of this                permit level, every skate landing permit
                                              Comments and Responses                                  rule, is contained in the preamble to the             is defined as a small business according
                                                We received four public comments on                   proposed rule and this final rule and is              to size standards (the top five vessels
                                              the proposed rule, two of which were                    not repeated here.                                    have total revenues between 600
                                              not responsive to the action.                                                                                 thousand and 1.9 million dollars in
                                                Comment 1: Two commenters, the                        A Summary of the Significant Issues
                                                                                                      Raised by the Public in Response to the               2015).
                                              Atlantic Offshore Lobstermen’s
                                              Association and the Cape Cod                            IRFA, a Summary of the Agency’s                       Description of the Projected Reporting,
                                              Commercial Fishermen’s Alliance,                        Assessment of Such Issues, and a                      Recordkeeping, and Other Compliance
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES

                                              support de-coupling the skate wing and                  Statement of Any Changes Made in the
                                              bait inseason possession limit                          Final Rule as a Result of Such
                                              adjustments and support the measures                    Comments                                                This action does not introduce any
                                              in the proposed rule.                                     We received four public comments on                 new reporting, recordkeeping, or other
                                                Response: We are approving                            the proposed rule, two of which were                  compliance requirements.
                                              Framework 4 and the accompanying                        not responsive to the action. For a
                                              measures because they allow the fishery                 summary of the comments, and NMFS’

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                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 30 / Tuesday, February 13, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                               6135

                                              Description of the Steps the Agency Has                   Dated: February 8, 2018.                            fish for, possess, or land skates for uses
                                              Taken To Minimize the Significant                       Samuel D. Rauch III,                                  other than bait.
                                              Economic Impact on Small Entities                       Deputy Assistant Administrator for                       (6) The vessel owner or operator
                                              Consistent With the Stated Objectives of                Regulatory Programs, National Marine                  complies with the transfer at sea
                                              Applicable Statues                                      Fisheries Service.                                    requirements at § 648.13(h).
                                                                                                        For the reasons set out in the                         (d) In-season adjustment of skate bait
                                                 The Council considered revising the                  preamble, 50 CFR part 648 is amended                  possession limits. When the Regional
                                              skate bait trigger for implementing an                  as follows:                                           Administrator projects that 90 percent
                                              inseason adjustment, reduced                                                                                  of the skate bait fishery seasonal quota
                                              possession limit, and closure                           PART 648—FISHERIES OF THE                             has been landed in Seasons 1 or 2, or
                                              independently, but elected to include                   NORTHEASTERN UNITED STATES                            80 percent of the annual skate bait
                                              all of the measures into a single action.                                                                     fishery TAL has been landed, the
                                                                                                      ■ 1. The authority citation for part 648
                                              The Council was concerned that,                                                                               Regional Administrator shall, through a
                                                                                                      continues to read as follows:
                                              independently, the measures would not                                                                         notice in the Federal Register consistent
                                              restrict catch enough and leave the                         Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
                                                                                                                                                            with the Administrative Procedure Act,
                                              fishery at risk of a substantial closure                ■ 2. In § 648.322, revise paragraphs (c)              reduce the skate bait trip limit to 8,000
                                              with accompanying economic impacts.                     through (e), and add paragraphs (f) and               lb (3,629 kg) of whole skates for the
                                              Incorporating all of the measures                       (g) to read as follows:                               remainder of the quota period, unless
                                              accomplishes the goals and objectives of                                                                      such a reduction would be expected to
                                                                                                      § 648.322 Skate allocation, possession,
                                              the FMP and minimizes the economic                      and landing provisions.                               prevent attainment of the seasonal quota
                                              impact on small entities. Retaining the                                                                       or annual TAL.
                                                                                                      *      *     *     *    *
                                              status quo management measures would                       (c) Bait Letter of Authorization (LOA).               (e) In-season closure of skate bait
                                              not slow catch and would result in the                  A skate vessel owner or operator under                fishery. When the Regional
                                              fishery having a higher likelihood of                   this part may request and receive from                Administrator projects that 100 percent
                                              closing for an extended period, resulting               the Regional Administrator an                         of the skate bait fishery TAL will be
                                              in greater profit losses to industry and                exemption from the skate wing                         landed, the Regional Administrator
                                              bait shortages to the lobster fishery—                  possession limit restrictions for a                   shall, through a notice in the Federal
                                              both issues the Council sought to avoid                 minimum of 7 consecutive days,                        Register consistent with the
                                              by the Framework 4 action.                              provided that when the vessel is fishing              Administrative Procedure Act, close the
                                                                                                      pursuant to the terms of authorization at             skate bait fishery, unless such a closure
                                              Small Entity Compliance Guide                           least the following requirements and                  would be expected to prevent
                                                                                                      conditions are met:                                   attainment of the annual TAL. During a
                                                Section 212 of the Small Business                                                                           skate bait fishery closure all skate bait
                                              Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of                     (1) The vessel owner or operator
                                                                                                      obtains and retains onboard the vessel a              LOAs as described in paragraph (c) of
                                              1996 states that, for each rule or group                                                                      this section are void. All skates
                                                                                                      valid LOA. LOAs are available upon
                                              of related rules for which an agency is                                                                       harvested and landed during a skate bait
                                                                                                      request from the Regional
                                              required to prepare a FRFA, the agency                  Administrator.                                        fishery closure will be attributed
                                              shall publish one or more guides to                        (2) The vessel owner or operator                   towards the skate-wing TAL as
                                              assist small entities in complying with                 fishes for, possesses, or lands skates                described in this section.
                                              the rule, and shall designate such                      only for use as bait.                                    (f) Removal of in-season possession
                                              publications as ‘‘small entity                             (3) The vessel owner or operator                   limit reductions. If it is determined that
                                              compliance guides.’’ The agency shall                   possesses or lands no more than 25,000                an in-season trip limit reduction as
                                              explain the actions a small entity is                   lb (11,340 kg) of whole skates per trip               described in paragraphs (d) and (e) of
                                              required to take to comply with a rule                  during Seasons 1 or 2 and no more than                this section could prohibit the skate bait
                                              or group of rules. As part of this                      12,000 lb (5,443 kg) of whole skates per              fishery from achieving its annual TAL,
                                              rulemaking process, a letter to permit                  trip during Season 3.                                 the in-season possession limit reduction
                                              holders that also serves as a small entity                 (4) The vessel owner or operator                   may be removed.
                                              compliance guide was prepared. Copies                   possesses or lands only whole skates                     (g) Prohibitions on possession of
                                              of this final rule are available from the               less than 23 inches (58.42 cm) total                  skates. A vessel fishing in the EEZ
                                              Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries                     length, and does not possess or land any              portion of the Skate Management Unit
                                              Office (GARFO), and the compliance                      skate wings.                                          may not:
                                                                                                         (5) Vessels that choose to possess or
                                              guide, i.e., permit holder letter, will be                                                                       (1) Retain, possess, or land barndoor
                                                                                                      land skate wings during the
                                              sent to all holders of permits for the                                                                        or thorny skates taken in or from the
                                                                                                      participation period of this letter of
                                              skate fishery. The guide and this final                                                                       EEZ portion of the Skate Management
                                                                                                      authorization must comply with
                                              rule will be posted or publically                                                                             Unit.
                                                                                                      possession limit restrictions under
                                              available on the GARFO website.                         paragraph (b) of this section for all                    (2) Retain, possess, or land smooth
                                                                                                      skates or skate parts on board. Vessels               skates taken in or from the GOM RMA
                                              List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 648
                                                                                                      possessing skate wings in compliance                  described at § 648.80(a)(1)(i).
                                                Fisheries, Fishing, Recordkeeping and                 with the possession limit restrictions                [FR Doc. 2018–02967 Filed 2–12–18; 8:45 am]
                                              reporting requirements.                                 under paragraph (b) of this section may               BILLING CODE 3510–22–P
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Document Created: 2018-02-13 02:32:12
Document Modified: 2018-02-13 02:32:12
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionRules and Regulations
ActionFinal rule.
DatesEffective March 15, 2018.
ContactDebra Lambert, Fishery Policy Analyst, (301) 427-8560.
FR Citation83 FR 6133 
RIN Number0648-BH03
CFR AssociatedFisheries; Fishing and Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements

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