83_FR_61624 83 FR 61394 - Membership of the National Endowment for the Arts Senior Executive Service Performance Review Board

83 FR 61394 - Membership of the National Endowment for the Arts Senior Executive Service Performance Review Board

National Endowment for the Arts

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 230 (November 29, 2018)

Page Range61394-61395
FR Document2018-25967

This notice announces the membership of the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) Senior Executive Service (SES) Performance Review Board (PRB).

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 230 (Thursday, November 29, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 230 (Thursday, November 29, 2018)]
[Pages 61394-61395]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-25967]



National Endowment for the Arts

Membership of the National Endowment for the Arts Senior 
Executive Service Performance Review Board

SUMMARY: This notice announces the membership of the National Endowment 
for the Arts (NEA) Senior Executive Service (SES) Performance Review 
Board (PRB).

DATES: Applicable Date: November 15, 2018.

ADDRESSES: Send comments concerning this notice to: National Endowment 
for the Arts, 400 7th Street SW, Washington, DC 20506.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Craig McCord Sr. by telephone at (202) 
682-5473 or by email at [email protected].

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: 4314 (c)(1) through (5) of Title 5, U.S.C., 
requires each agency to establish, in accordance with regulations 
prescribed by the Office of Personnel Management, one or more SES 
Performance Review Boards. The Board shall review and evaluate the 
initial appraisal of a senior executive's performance by the 
supervisor, along with any response by the senior executive, and make 
recommendations to the appointing authority relative to the performance 
of the senior executive.
    The following persons have been selected to serve on the 
Performance Review Board of the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA):

[[Page 61395]]

Michael Griffin--Chief of Staff, NEA
Ann Eilers--Deputy Chairman for Management & Budget, NEA
Sunil Iyengar--Director, Research & Analysis, NEA
Jeanette Duncan--Chief Information Officer, NEA
Tony Chauveaux--Deputy Chairman for Programs & Partnerships, NEA
Adam Wolfson--Assistant Chairman for Programs, NEH
Nancy Weiss--General Counsel, IMLS

    Dated: November 26, 2018.
Gregory Gendron,
Director of Administrative Services, National Endowment for the Arts.
[FR Doc. 2018-25967 Filed 11-28-18; 8:45 am]

                                               61394                     Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 230 / Thursday, November 29, 2018 / Notices

                                               and financial resources) is minimized,                  and spoil banks. Each plan is reviewed                  Type of Review: Extension, without
                                               collection instruments are clearly                      by MSHA to ensure that highwalls, pits,               change, of a currently approved
                                               understood, and the impact of collection                and spoil banks are maintained in a safe              collection.
                                               requirements on respondents can be                      condition through the use of sound                      Agency: Mine Safety and Health
                                               properly assessed. Currently, the Mine                  engineering design.                                   Administration.
                                               Safety and Health Administration                                                                                OMB Number: 1219–0026.
                                                                                                       II. Desired Focus of Comments                           Affected Public: Business or other for-
                                               (MSHA) is soliciting comments on the
                                               information collection for Ground                          MSHA is soliciting comments                        profit.
                                               Control for Surface Coal Mines and                      concerning the proposed information                     Number of Respondents: 270.
                                               Surface Work Areas of Underground                       collection related to Ground Control for                Frequency: On occasion.
                                               Coal Mines.                                             Surface Coal Mines and Surface Work                     Number of Responses: 270.
                                                                                                       Areas of Underground Coal Mines.                        Annual Burden Hours: 1,848 hours.
                                               DATES: All comments must be received                                                                            Annual Respondent or Recordkeeper
                                               on or before January 28, 2019.                          MSHA is particularly interested in
                                                                                                       comments that:                                        Cost: $513.
                                               ADDRESSES: Comments concerning the                                                                              Comments submitted in response to
                                               information collection requirements of                     • Evaluate whether the collection of
                                                                                                       information is necessary for the proper               this notice will be summarized and
                                               this notice may be sent by any of the                                                                         included in the request for Office of
                                               methods listed below.                                   performance of the functions of the
                                                                                                       Agency, including whether the                         Management and Budget approval of the
                                                  • Federal E-Rulemaking Portal:                                                                             information collection request; they will
                                               http://www.regulations.gov. Follow the                  information has practical utility;
                                                                                                          • Evaluate the accuracy of MSHA’s                  also become a matter of public record.
                                               on-line instructions for submitting
                                               comments for docket number MSHA–                        estimate of the burden of the collection              Roslyn B. Fontaine,
                                               2018–0039.                                              of information, including the validity of             Certifying Officer.
                                                  • Regular Mail: Send comments to                     the methodology and assumptions used;                 [FR Doc. 2018–25963 Filed 11–28–18; 8:45 am]
                                               USDOL—MSHA, Office of Standards,                           • Suggest methods to enhance the
                                                                                                                                                             BILLING CODE 4510–43–P
                                               Regulations, and Variances, 201 12th                    quality, utility, and clarity of the
                                               Street South, Suite 4E401, Arlington,                   information to be collected; and
                                                                                                          • Minimize the burden of the
                                               VA 22202–5452.                                                                                                NATIONAL FOUNDATION OF THE
                                                  • Hand Delivery: USDOL—Mine                          collection of information on those who
                                                                                                       are to respond, including through the                 ARTS AND HUMANITIES
                                               Safety and Health Administration, 201
                                               12th Street South, Suite 4E401,                         use of appropriate automated,
                                                                                                                                                             National Endowment for the Arts
                                               Arlington, VA 22202–5452. Sign in at                    electronic, mechanical, or other
                                               the receptionist’s desk on the 4th floor                technological collection techniques or                Membership of the National
                                               via the East elevator.                                  other forms of information technology,                Endowment for the Arts Senior
                                                                                                       e.g., permitting electronic submission of             Executive Service Performance Review
                                               FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                                                                       responses.                                            Board
                                               Sheila McConnell, Director, Office of                      The information collection request
                                               Standards, Regulations, and Variances,                  will be available on http://                          SUMMARY:   This notice announces the
                                               MSHA, at MSHA.information                               www.regulations.gov. MSHA cautions                    membership of the National Endowment
                                               .collections@dol.gov (email); (202) 693–                the commenter against providing any                   for the Arts (NEA) Senior Executive
                                               9440 (voice); or (202) 693–9441                         information in the submission that                    Service (SES) Performance Review
                                               (facsimile).                                            should not be publicly disclosed. Full                Board (PRB).
                                               SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                              comments, including personal                          DATES: Applicable Date: November 15,
                                               I. Background                                           information provided, will be made                    2018.
                                                                                                       available on www.regulations.gov and                  ADDRESSES: Send comments concerning
                                                  Each operator of a surface coal mine                 www.reginfo.gov.
                                               is required under 30 CFR 77.1000 to                                                                           this notice to: National Endowment for
                                                                                                          The public may also examine publicly               the Arts, 400 7th Street SW,
                                               establish and follow a ground control                   available documents at USDOL—Mine
                                               plan for highwalls, pits, and spoil banks                                                                     Washington, DC 20506.
                                                                                                       Safety and Health Administration, 201
                                               that is consistent with prudent                                                                               FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                                                                       12th Street South, Suite 4E401,
                                               engineering design and which will                                                                             Craig McCord Sr. by telephone at (202)
                                                                                                       Arlington, VA 22202–5452. Sign in at
                                               ensure safe working conditions. The                                                                           682–5473 or by email at mccordc@
                                                                                                       the receptionist’s desk on the 4th floor
                                               mine operator is required by section                                                                          arts.gov.
                                                                                                       via the East elevator.
                                               77.1000–1 to file the ground control                       Questions about the information                    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: 4314 (c)(1)
                                               plan with the appropriate District                      collection requirements may be directed               through (5) of Title 5, U.S.C., requires
                                               Manager. The mining methods                             to the person listed in the FOR FURTHER               each agency to establish, in accordance
                                               employed by the operator are selected to                INFORMATION CONTACT section of this                   with regulations prescribed by the
                                               ensure highwall, pit, and spoil bank                    notice.                                               Office of Personnel Management, one or
                                               stability. In the event of a highwall                                                                         more SES Performance Review Boards.
                                               failure or material dislodgment, there                  III. Current Actions                                  The Board shall review and evaluate the
                                               may be very little time to escape                          This request for collection of                     initial appraisal of a senior executive’s
                                               possible injury; therefore, preventive                  information contains provisions for                   performance by the supervisor, along
                                               measures must be taken. Each plan is                    Ground Control for Surface Coal Mines
khammond on DSK30JT082PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                                                                             with any response by the senior
                                               based on the type of strata expected to                 and Surface Work Areas of                             executive, and make recommendations
                                               be encountered, the height and angle of                 Underground Coal Mines. MSHA has                      to the appointing authority relative to
                                               highwalls and spoil banks, and the                      updated the data with respect to the                  the performance of the senior executive.
                                               equipment to be used at the mine. The                   number of respondents, responses,                       The following persons have been
                                               plan is used to show how the mine                       burden hours, and burden costs                        selected to serve on the Performance
                                               operator will maintain safe working                     supporting this information collection                Review Board of the National
                                               conditions around the highwalls, pits,                  request.                                              Endowment for the Arts (NEA):

                                          VerDate Sep<11>2014   16:42 Nov 28, 2018   Jkt 247001   PO 00000   Frm 00022   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\29NON1.SGM   29NON1

                                                                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 230 / Thursday, November 29, 2018 / Notices                                           61395

                                               Michael Griffin—Chief of Staff, NEA                     government and commercial databases                   of the Director of National Intelligence,
                                               Ann Eilers—Deputy Chairman for                          and, based on automated business rules,               at the addresses provided above.
                                                 Management & Budget, NEA                              transmits alerts and reports to the                   SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The NCSC
                                               Sunil Iyengar—Director, Research &                      enrolling D/A. Datasets queried in the                CE System implements the requirements
                                                 Analysis, NEA                                         CE process are those that contain                     of Executive Orders 12968, as amended
                                               Jeanette Duncan—Chief Information                       security-relevant information, e.g.,                  (Access to Classified Information) and
                                                 Officer, NEA                                          government-owned financial, law                       13467, as amended, (Reforming
                                               Tony Chauveaux—Deputy Chairman for                      enforcement, terrorism, foreign travel,               Processes Related to Suitability for
                                                 Programs & Partnerships, NEA                          and current clearance status
                                               Adam Wolfson—Assistant Chairman for                                                                           Government Employment, Fitness for
                                                                                                       information. Credit data and                          Contractor Employees, and Eligibility
                                                 Programs, NEH                                         commercially-obtained aggregated data
                                               Nancy Weiss—General Counsel, IMLS                                                                             for Access to Classified National
                                                                                                       also is utilized. On receipt of the                   Security Information).
                                                 Dated: November 26, 2018.                             electronic prompt, the personnel                         To protect classified and sensitive
                                               Gregory Gendron,                                        security function at the enrolling agency             personnel or law enforcement
                                               Director of Administrative Services, National           verifies that the alert or report received            information covered by this new system
                                               Endowment for the Arts.                                 pertains to the enrollee (the subject of              of records, the Director of National
                                               [FR Doc. 2018–25967 Filed 11–28–18; 8:45 am]            the electronic queries). Where the                    Intelligence (DNI) is proposing to
                                               BILLING CODE P                                          agency verifies that the alert or report              exempt this system from certain
                                                                                                       pertains to the enrollee, appropriate                 requirements of the Privacy Act where
                                                                                                       personnel security officials review the               necessary, as permitted by law.
                                               OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF                               nature of the alert or report to determine            Accordingly, as required by the Privacy
                                               NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE                                   the need for further investigation, as                Act, a proposed rule is being published
                                                                                                       dictated by Federal Investigative                     concurrently with this notice seeking
                                               Privacy Act of 1974; System of                          Standards requirements. Information                   public comment regarding exemptions
                                               Records                                                 obtained through the follow-on                        claimed for this system. By previously
                                                                                                       investigation is considered in                        established rule, the DNI may exercise
                                               AGENCY:  Office of the Director of                      adjudicating the enrollee’s continued
                                               National Intelligence (ODNI).                                                                                 derivative exemption authority by
                                                                                                       eligibility for access to classified                  preserving the exempt status of records
                                               ACTION: Notice of a new system of                       information or to hold a sensitive                    received from providing agencies when
                                               records.                                                position.                                             the reason for the exemption remains
                                               SUMMARY:   ODNI provides notice that it                    The NCSC CE System retains the                     valid. See 32 CFR part 1701.20 (a)(2) (73
                                               is establishing one new Privacy Act                     enrollment information (personal                      FR 16531, 16537).
                                               system of records at the National                       identifiers as provided by the enrolling
                                                                                                       D/A) in order to facilitate ongoing CE                SYSTEM NAME AND NUMBER:
                                               Counterintelligence and Security Center
                                               (NCSC). This new system of records is                   checks. The system does not retain the                  Continuous Evaluation Records
                                               titled the NCSC Continuous Evaluation                   records returned from the electronic                  (ODNI/NCSC–003).
                                               System, also identified as ODNI/NCSC–                   database queries beyond the time
                                                                                                       needed to ensure proper electronic                    SECURITY CLASSIFICATION:
                                               003. This notice is necessary to inform
                                                                                                       delivery to the enrolling agency. Data                  The classification of records in this
                                               the public of the existence and character
                                                                                                       necessary to implement CE business                    system ranges from UNCLASSIFIED to
                                               of records that the agency maintains.
                                                                                                       rules, to perform program assessments,                TOP SECRET.
                                                  Continuous Evaluation (CE) is a
                                               personnel security investigative process                and to satisfy auditing requirements will
                                                                                                                                                             SYSTEM LOCATION:
                                               used to review the continued eligibility                be retained.
                                                                                                          D/As conducting CE will adhere to                    National Counterintelligence and
                                               of individuals who have been                                                                                  Security Center, Office of the Director of
                                               determined eligible for access to                       the principles articulated in the Security
                                                                                                       Executive Agent Directive (SEAD)                      National Intelligence, Washington, DC
                                               classified information or to hold a                                                                           20511.
                                               sensitive position. Individuals subject to              relating to CE (i.e., SEAD 6). A SEAD
                                               CE include current Executive Branch                     provides high level guidance and                      SYSTEM MANAGER(S):
                                               employees, detailees, contractors, and                  instruction for the conduct of a
                                                                                                       personnel security process. SEAD 6                      Assistant Director, Special Security
                                               other sponsored individuals who are                                                                           Directorate, ODNI/NCSC, Washington,
                                               cleared for access to classified                        establishes policy and requirements
                                                                                                       specifically related to CE.                           DC 20511.
                                               information or to hold a sensitive
                                               position. The Departments and Agencies                  DATES: This System of Records will go                 AUTHORITY FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE SYSTEM:
                                               (D/As) that sponsor these individuals                   into effect on December 31, 2018, unless                 The Intelligence Reform and
                                               for access to classified information or to              comments are received that result in a                Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004,
                                               hold a sensitive position ‘‘enroll’’ the                contrary determination.                               Public Law 108–458, 118 Stat. 3638
                                               individuals (enrollees) for CE by                       ADDRESSES: You may submit comments                    (Dec. 17, 2004); the National Security
                                               electronically entering their identifying               by any of the following methods:                      Act of 1947, as amended, 50 U.S.C. 3023
                                               information into a technical system that                   Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://                et seq.; the Counterintelligence
                                               carries out the CE capability.                          www.regulations.gov.                                  Enhancement Act of 2002, as amended,
                                                  All D/As are required to submit their                   Email: transparency@dni.gov.                       50 U.S.C. 3382; Executive Order 12333,
khammond on DSK30JT082PROD with NOTICES

                                               qualifying populations to CE. D/As may                     Mail: Director, Information                        46 FR 59941 (1981), as amended by
                                               choose to develop a technical CE system                 Management Division, Strategy &                       Executive Order 13284, 68 FR 4075
                                               of their own, or subscribe to CE services               Engagement, ODNI, Washington, DC                      (2003), Executive Order 13355, 69 FR
                                               provided by another agency. The ODNI/                   20511.                                                53593 (2004), and Executive Order
                                               NCSC will provide CE services to                        FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                      13470, 73 FR 45325 (2008); Executive
                                               subscribing agencies. The NCSC CE                       Director, Information Management                      Order 13488, 74 FR 4111 (2009), as
                                               System leverages electronic checks of                   Division, Strategy & Engagement, Office               amended by Executive Order 13764, 82

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Document Created: 2018-11-28 23:44:43
Document Modified: 2018-11-28 23:44:43
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
DatesApplicable Date: November 15, 2018.
ContactCraig McCord Sr. by telephone at (202) 682-5473 or by email at [email protected]
FR Citation83 FR 61394 

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