83_FR_61802 83 FR 61571 - Post-Trade Name Give-Up on Swap Execution Facilities

83 FR 61571 - Post-Trade Name Give-Up on Swap Execution Facilities


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 231 (November 30, 2018)

Page Range61571-61573
FR Document2018-24643

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (Commission or CFTC) is requesting public comment regarding the practice of ``post-trade name give-up'' on swap execution facilities.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 231 (Friday, November 30, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 231 (Friday, November 30, 2018)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 61571-61573]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-24643]

Proposed Rules
                                                Federal Register

This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER contains notices to the public of 
the proposed issuance of rules and regulations. The purpose of these 
notices is to give interested persons an opportunity to participate in 
the rule making prior to the adoption of the final rules.


Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 231 / Friday, November 30, 2018 / 
Proposed Rules

[[Page 61571]]


17 CFR Chapter I

RIN Number 3038-AE79

Post-Trade Name Give-Up on Swap Execution Facilities

AGENCY: Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

ACTION: Request for comment.


SUMMARY: The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (Commission or CFTC) 
is requesting public comment regarding the practice of ``post-trade 
name give-up'' on swap execution facilities.

DATES: Comments must be received on or before January 29, 2019.

ADDRESSES: You may submit comments, identified by ``Post-Trade Name 
Give-Up on Swap Execution Facilities'' and RIN number 3038-AE79, by any 
of the following methods:
     The agency's website: http://comments.cftc.gov. Follow the 
instructions for submitting comments.
     Mail: Secretary of the Commission, Commodity Futures 
Trading Commission, Three Lafayette Center, 1155 21st Street NW, 
Washington, DC 20581.
     Hand Delivery/Courier: Same as Mail, above.
    All comments must be submitted in English or, if not, accompanied 
by an English translation. Comments will be posted as received to 
http://www.cftc.gov. You should submit only information that you wish 
to make available publicly. If you wish the Commission to consider 
information that you believe is exempt from disclosure under the 
Freedom of Information Act,\1\ a petition for confidential treatment of 
the exempt information may be submitted according to the procedures 
established in Commission Regulation 145.9.\2\

    \1\ 5 U.S.C. 552.
    \2\ 17 CFR 145.9. Commission regulations referred to herein are 
found at 17 CFR chapter I.

    The Commission reserves the right, but shall have no obligation, to 
review, pre-screen, filter, redact, refuse or remove any or all of your 
submission from http://www.cftc.gov that it may deem to be 
inappropriate for publication, such as obscene language. All 
submissions that have been redacted or removed that contain comments on 
the merits of this request for comment will be retained in the public 
comment file and will be considered as required under the 
Administrative Procedure Act and other applicable laws, and may be 
accessible under the Freedom of Information Act.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Aleko Stamoulis, Special Counsel, 
(202) 418-5714, astamoulis@cftc.gov; or Nhan Nguyen, Special Counsel, 
(202) 418-5932, nnguyen@cftc.gov, Division of Market Oversight, 
Commodity Futures Trading Commission, 1155 21st Street NW, Washington, 
DC 20581.


I. Background

    Historically, swaps traded in over-the-counter (``OTC'') markets 
rather than on regulated exchanges. Title VII of the Dodd-Frank Wall 
Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (``Dodd-Frank Act'') \3\ 
amended the Commodity Exchange Act (``CEA'' or ``Act'') \4\ to 
establish a new regulatory framework for swaps. This new framework 
included, among other reforms, the registration and regulation of swap 
execution facilities (``SEFs'') \5\ and the mandatory clearing of 
certain swaps by derivatives clearing organizations (``DCOs'').\6\ SEFs 
and DCOs have since become a significant part of swaps trading 
infrastructure and have helped to transition a large portion of swaps 
trading from unregulated, uncleared OTC markets to regulated trading 
venues and central clearing.

    \3\ Public Law 111-203, 124 Stat. 1376 (2010).
    \4\ 7 U.S.C. 1 et seq.
    \5\ See CEA section 5h, as enacted by section 733 of the Dodd-
Frank Act; 7 U.S.C. 7b-3. See also Core Principles and Other 
Requirements for SEFs, 78 FR 33476 (June 4, 2013).
    \6\ See Section 2(h)(1)(A) of the CEA, as enacted by section 723 
of the Dodd-Frank Act; 7 U.S.C. 2(h)(1)(A). In 2012, the Commission 
issued final rules to implement the clearing requirement 
determination under section 723 of the Dodd-Frank Act. The final 
rules required certain classes of credit default swaps and interest 
rate swaps to be cleared by DCOs registered with the Commission. 
Clearing Requirement Determination Under Section 2(h) of the CEA, 77 
FR 74284 (Dec. 13, 2012).

    Many swaps are traded on SEFs through trading methods and protocols 
that are electronic, voice-based, or a hybrid of both; and that provide 
for anonymous trade execution, trade execution on a name-disclosed 
basis, or a combination thereof. This variety of trading methods and 
protocols has developed because of the broad and diverse range of 
products traded in the swaps market that trade mostly episodically 
rather than on a continuous basis. The decision by a market participant 
to use one execution method or another depends on considerations such 
as the type of swap, transaction size, complexity, the swap's liquidity 
at a given time, the number of potential liquidity providers, and the 
associated desire to minimize potential information leakage and front-
running risks.
    ``Post-trade name give-up'' is a long-standing market practice in 
many swaps markets and originated as a necessary practice in OTC 
markets for uncleared swaps. Post-trade name give-up refers to the 
practice of disclosing the identity of each swap counterparty to the 
other after a trade has been matched anonymously. In the case of 
uncleared swaps, post-trade name give-up enables a market participant 
to perform a credit-check on its counterparty prior to finalizing a 
trade. Due to the bilateral counterparty relationship that exists in an 
uncleared swap agreement, post-trade name give-up is also necessary in 
order to keep track of credit exposure and payment obligations with 
respect to individual counterparties.
    For trades that are cleared, however, the rationale for post-trade 
name give-up is less clear cut. That is because a DCO enables each 
party to substitute the credit of the DCO for the credit of the 
parties, thereby eliminating individual credit risk and counterparty 
exposure. Swaps that are intended to be cleared are subject to pre-
execution credit checks and straight-through processing requirements, 
effectively eliminating counterparty risk and, presumably, the need for 
market participants to know the identities of counterparties to 
anonymously matched trades.
    Post-trade name give-up continues today in some swaps markets, 
including with respect to swaps that are anonymously executed and 

[[Page 61572]]

Such disclosure may be made by a SEF as part of its trading protocols, 
or through middleware used for trade processing and routing trades to 
DCOs. For example, when a swap is matched using a voice-based execution 
method, a SEF employee may verbally disclose to a party the name of the 
other party to the trade. For swaps executed electronically on an 
anonymous order book, disclosure of counterparty names can occur 
through an electronic notification provided by the SEF after the trade 
is matched. Post-trade name give-up can also occur through third-party 
middleware and associated trade processing and affirmation services 
that provide counterparties with various trade details captured from 
SEF trading systems, including the identity of the party on the other 
side of a trade.\7\

    \7\ Trade affirmation refers to a process that occurs after a 
trade is executed whereby counterparties verify and affirm the 
details of the trade before submitting it for settlement. Third-
party trade processing and affirmation services commonly used for 
SEF trades include MarkitWire and ICE Link. The Commission has 
provided that SEFs may use such services to route trades to DCOs if 
the routing complies with Sec.  37.702(b). See Core Principles and 
Other Requirements for SEFs, 78 FR 33476, 33535 (June 4, 2013).

    As the swaps market increasingly becomes a cleared market, the 
Commission believes that it is reasonable to ask whether the post-trade 
name give-up practice continues to serve a valid industry purpose in 
facilitating swaps trading. A variety of views exist on both sides of 
this issue, depending on one's position in the market. Some industry 
participants have criticized the continued practice of post-trade name 
give-up in cleared swaps markets. During a meeting of the Commission's 
Market Risk Advisory Committee held in April 2015, several participants 
in a panel on SEFs identified post-trade name give-up as a concern with 
respect to SEF trading.\8\ Post-trade name give-up is said to deter 
buy-side participation on some SEFs due to the prospect of information 
leakage, whereby disclosing the identity of a market participant could 
potentially expose the participant's trading intentions, strategies, 
positions, or other sensitive information to competitors or dealers.\9\ 
Some industry participants have also alleged that post-trade name give-
up serves as a policing mechanism used by swaps dealers to retaliate 
against non-dealer firms that attempt to trade on interdealer 
markets.\10\ Such interdealer markets provide for competitive execution 
of large-sized trades at wholesale prices. Buy-side participants that 
have interest in trading on interdealer markets and otherwise meet 
participation criteria to join these platforms are said to be deterred 
because of post-trade name give-up.\11\ Based on these concerns, 
critics of post-trade name give-up have argued that the practice is 
anticompetitive, hinders liquidity, and lacks credible justification in 
cleared swaps markets where participants are not exposed to 
counterparty credit risk.\12\

    \8\ See Transcript of CFTC Market Risk Advisory Committee 
Meeting (April 2, 2015) (``MRAC Transcript'') at 133 et seq., 
available at https://www.cftc.gov/About/CFTCCommittees/MarketRiskAdvisoryCommittee/mrac_meetings.html.
    \9\ See MRAC Transcript at 142-144, 164. See also Managed Funds 
Association Position Paper: Why Eliminating Post-Trade Name 
Disclosure Will Improve the Swaps Market (Mar. 31, 2015) (``MFA 
Position Paper''), p. 4-5. The Commission notes that other factors, 
such as the current lack of certain trading features, e.g., the 
ability to calculate volume-weighted average pricing on an order 
book may have also deterred buy-side participation on certain SEFs.
    \10\ See In re: Interest Rate Swaps Antitrust Litigation, 261 
F.Supp.3d 430, 458-59 (S.D.N.Y. 2017) (``The compulsory disclosure 
of swap counterparties, plaintiffs claim, serves as a policing 
mechanism, allowing the Dealers to retaliate against entities that 
attempt to trade on all-to-all platforms.'').
    \11\ The argument is that swap dealers threaten to shun 
platforms in the interdealer markets that attempt to execute trades 
between dealers and non-dealers.
    \12\ See MRAC Transcript at 169-71; MFA Position Paper at 4-5, 

    Other industry participants have claimed that post-trade name give-
up is an important tool used to mitigate liquidity risk or the risk 
that traders will game the market.\13\ Some participants argue that as 
bank market-making capital becomes further constrained by 
regulations,\14\ liquidity providers need to more precisely allocate 
their bank capital among their customer base in coordination with their 
overall bank cross-marketing strategies. Without the information 
provided by post-trade name give-up, the ability to make such 
allocations would become more difficult. As a result, liquidity 
providers would be less willing to provide liquidity to the market, 
especially in times of crisis, and charge higher prices to 
customers.\15\ This outcome arguably would hurt all market 

    \13\ See, e.g., Tom Osborn, How to game a Sef: Banks fear 
arrival of arbitrageurs, Risk.net (Mar. 19, 2014).
    \14\ Such post-financial crisis regulatory reforms include the 
Volcker Rule, Basel III Accords, capital charges and other bank 
capital-based restrictions. See Anthony J. Perrotta, Jr., An E-
Trading UST Market `Flash Crash'? Not So Fast, TABB Group, Nov. 24, 
2014, http://tabbforum.com/opinions/an-e-trading-treasury-market-
`flash-crash'-not-so-fast (discussing regulatory capital constraints 
and declining market liquidity).
    \15\ Peter Madigan, CFTC to Test Role of Anonymity in Sef Order 
Book Flop, Risk.net, Nov. 21, 2014, available at http://www.risk.net/risk-magazine/feature/2382497/cftc-to-test-role-of-anonymity-in-sef-order-book-flop. Short of exiting the market 
entirely, some swaps dealers might become more selective in 
providing liquidity (holding back in times of market stress and 
volatility, for example) out of concern that they may not be able to 
adequately hedge their risk in interdealer markets.

    Another reported concern is that buy-side clients may undercut 
prices from dealers, for example, by posting aggressive bids or offers 
on an interdealer order book and then soliciting dealers through a 
request-for-quote (``RFQ'') on a dealer-to-client platform, hoping to 
motivate dealers to provide more favorable quotes based on prices 
posted in the order book.\16\ Post-trade name give-up is said to 
mitigate these concerns because it can help to identify a client that 
is attempting to game the market.

    \16\ See id.

II. Request for Comment

    The Commission requests comment from the public relating to the 
practice of post-trade name give-up on SEF markets where trades are 
anonymously executed and intended to be cleared. The Commission 
encourages all comments, including relevant background information, 
actual market examples, best practice principles, expectations for 
possible impacts on market structure and market liquidity, and 
estimates of any asserted costs and expenses. The Commission also 
encourages substantiating data, statistics, and any other information 
that supports any such comments. In particular, the Commission requests 
comment on the following questions:
    Question 1: What utility or benefits (e.g., commercial, 
operational, legal, or other) does post-trade name give-up provide in 
SEF markets where trades are anonymously executed and cleared? Is post-
trade name give-up a necessary or appropriate means to achieve such 
    Question 2: Does post-trade name give-up result in any restraint of 
trade, or impose any anticompetitive burden on swaps trading or 
    Question 3: Should the Commission intervene to prohibit or 
otherwise set limitations with respect to post-trade name give-up? If 
so, what regulatory limitations should be set and how should they be 
set in a manner that is consistent with the CEA? What would be the 
potential costs and/or benefits of doing so? What might be the 
potential impacts on liquidity, pricing, and trading behavior? Would a 
prohibition cause dealers to remove liquidity from the market or charge 
higher prices? Would new liquidity makers fully and consistently act in 
the market to make up any shortfall in liquidity?

[[Page 61573]]

    Question 4: Should post-trade name give-up be subject to customer 
choice or SEF choice given the flexible execution methods in the 
Commission's recent SEF notice of proposed rulemaking?

    Issued in Washington, DC, on November 6, 2018, by the 
Christopher Kirkpatrick,
Secretary of the Commission.

    Note: The following appendix will not appear in the Code of 
Federal Regulations.

Appendix to Post-Trade Name Give-Up on Swap Execution Facilities--
Commission Voting Summary

    On this matter, Chairman Giancarlo and Commissioners Quintenz, 
Behnam, Stump, and Berkovitz voted in the affirmative. No 
Commissioner voted in the negative.

[FR Doc. 2018-24643 Filed 11-29-18; 8:45 am]


                                                Proposed Rules                                                                                                 Federal Register
                                                                                                                                                               Vol. 83, No. 231

                                                                                                                                                               Friday, November 30, 2018

                                                This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER                       The Commission reserves the right,                  OTC markets to regulated trading
                                                contains notices to the public of the proposed          but shall have no obligation, to review,               venues and central clearing.
                                                issuance of rules and regulations. The                  pre-screen, filter, redact, refuse or                     Many swaps are traded on SEFs
                                                purpose of these notices is to give interested          remove any or all of your submission                   through trading methods and protocols
                                                persons an opportunity to participate in the                                                                   that are electronic, voice-based, or a
                                                                                                        from http://www.cftc.gov that it may
                                                rule making prior to the adoption of the final
                                                rules.                                                  deem to be inappropriate for                           hybrid of both; and that provide for
                                                                                                        publication, such as obscene language.                 anonymous trade execution, trade
                                                                                                        All submissions that have been redacted                execution on a name-disclosed basis, or
                                                COMMODITY FUTURES TRADING                               or removed that contain comments on                    a combination thereof. This variety of
                                                COMMISSION                                              the merits of this request for comment                 trading methods and protocols has
                                                                                                        will be retained in the public comment                 developed because of the broad and
                                                17 CFR Chapter I                                        file and will be considered as required                diverse range of products traded in the
                                                RIN Number 3038–AE79                                    under the Administrative Procedure Act                 swaps market that trade mostly
                                                                                                        and other applicable laws, and may be                  episodically rather than on a continuous
                                                Post-Trade Name Give-Up on Swap                         accessible under the Freedom of                        basis. The decision by a market
                                                Execution Facilities                                    Information Act.                                       participant to use one execution method
                                                                                                                                                               or another depends on considerations
                                                AGENCY:  Commodity Futures Trading                      FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                       such as the type of swap, transaction
                                                Commission.                                             Aleko Stamoulis, Special Counsel, (202)                size, complexity, the swap’s liquidity at
                                                ACTION: Request for comment.                            418–5714, astamoulis@cftc.gov; or Nhan                 a given time, the number of potential
                                                                                                        Nguyen, Special Counsel, (202) 418–                    liquidity providers, and the associated
                                                SUMMARY:    The Commodity Futures                       5932, nnguyen@cftc.gov, Division of
                                                Trading Commission (Commission or                                                                              desire to minimize potential
                                                                                                        Market Oversight, Commodity Futures                    information leakage and front-running
                                                CFTC) is requesting public comment                      Trading Commission, 1155 21st Street
                                                regarding the practice of ‘‘post-trade                                                                         risks.
                                                                                                        NW, Washington, DC 20581.                                 ‘‘Post-trade name give-up’’ is a long-
                                                name give-up’’ on swap execution
                                                facilities.                                             SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                             standing market practice in many swaps
                                                                                                                                                               markets and originated as a necessary
                                                DATES: Comments must be received on                     I. Background                                          practice in OTC markets for uncleared
                                                or before January 29, 2019.                                                                                    swaps. Post-trade name give-up refers to
                                                ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,                        Historically, swaps traded in over-the-             the practice of disclosing the identity of
                                                identified by ‘‘Post-Trade Name Give-                   counter (‘‘OTC’’) markets rather than on               each swap counterparty to the other
                                                Up on Swap Execution Facilities’’ and                   regulated exchanges. Title VII of the                  after a trade has been matched
                                                RIN number 3038–AE79, by any of the                     Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and                      anonymously. In the case of uncleared
                                                following methods:                                      Consumer Protection Act (‘‘Dodd-Frank                  swaps, post-trade name give-up enables
                                                  • The agency’s website: http://                       Act’’) 3 amended the Commodity                         a market participant to perform a credit-
                                                comments.cftc.gov. Follow the                           Exchange Act (‘‘CEA’’ or ‘‘Act’’) 4 to                 check on its counterparty prior to
                                                instructions for submitting comments.                   establish a new regulatory framework                   finalizing a trade. Due to the bilateral
                                                  • Mail: Secretary of the Commission,                  for swaps. This new framework                          counterparty relationship that exists in
                                                Commodity Futures Trading                               included, among other reforms, the                     an uncleared swap agreement, post-
                                                Commission, Three Lafayette Center,                     registration and regulation of swap                    trade name give-up is also necessary in
                                                1155 21st Street NW, Washington, DC                     execution facilities (‘‘SEFs’’) 5 and the              order to keep track of credit exposure
                                                20581.                                                  mandatory clearing of certain swaps by                 and payment obligations with respect to
                                                  • Hand Delivery/Courier: Same as                      derivatives clearing organizations                     individual counterparties.
                                                Mail, above.                                            (‘‘DCOs’’).6 SEFs and DCOs have since
                                                  All comments must be submitted in                                                                               For trades that are cleared, however,
                                                                                                        become a significant part of swaps                     the rationale for post-trade name give-
                                                English or, if not, accompanied by an                   trading infrastructure and have helped
                                                English translation. Comments will be                                                                          up is less clear cut. That is because a
                                                                                                        to transition a large portion of swaps                 DCO enables each party to substitute the
                                                posted as received to http://                           trading from unregulated, uncleared
                                                www.cftc.gov. You should submit only                                                                           credit of the DCO for the credit of the
                                                information that you wish to make                                                                              parties, thereby eliminating individual
                                                                                                          3 Public Law 111–203, 124 Stat. 1376 (2010).
                                                available publicly. If you wish the                       47
                                                                                                                                                               credit risk and counterparty exposure.
                                                                                                              U.S.C. 1 et seq.
                                                Commission to consider information                        5 See CEA section 5h, as enacted by section 733
                                                                                                                                                               Swaps that are intended to be cleared
                                                that you believe is exempt from                         of the Dodd-Frank Act; 7 U.S.C. 7b–3. See also Core    are subject to pre-execution credit
                                                disclosure under the Freedom of                         Principles and Other Requirements for SEFs, 78 FR      checks and straight-through processing
                                                Information Act,1 a petition for
                                                                                                        33476 (June 4, 2013).                                  requirements, effectively eliminating
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with PROPOSALS1

                                                                                                          6 See Section 2(h)(1)(A) of the CEA, as enacted by
                                                confidential treatment of the exempt                                                                           counterparty risk and, presumably, the
                                                                                                        section 723 of the Dodd-Frank Act; 7 U.S.C.
                                                information may be submitted according                  2(h)(1)(A). In 2012, the Commission issued final
                                                                                                                                                               need for market participants to know
                                                to the procedures established in                        rules to implement the clearing requirement            the identities of counterparties to
                                                Commission Regulation 145.9.2                           determination under section 723 of the Dodd-Frank      anonymously matched trades.
                                                                                                        Act. The final rules required certain classes of          Post-trade name give-up continues
                                                                                                        credit default swaps and interest rate swaps to be
                                                  15 U.S.C. 552.                                        cleared by DCOs registered with the Commission.
                                                                                                                                                               today in some swaps markets, including
                                                  2 17 CFR 145.9. Commission regulations referred       Clearing Requirement Determination Under Section       with respect to swaps that are
                                                to herein are found at 17 CFR chapter I.                2(h) of the CEA, 77 FR 74284 (Dec. 13, 2012).          anonymously executed and cleared.

                                           VerDate Sep<11>2014   16:23 Nov 29, 2018   Jkt 247001   PO 00000    Frm 00001   Fmt 4702   Sfmt 4702   E:\FR\FM\30NOP1.SGM   30NOP1

                                                61572                  Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 231 / Friday, November 30, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                Such disclosure may be made by a SEF                      have also alleged that post-trade name                      Another reported concern is that buy-
                                                as part of its trading protocols, or                      give-up serves as a policing mechanism                   side clients may undercut prices from
                                                through middleware used for trade                         used by swaps dealers to retaliate                       dealers, for example, by posting
                                                processing and routing trades to DCOs.                    against non-dealer firms that attempt to                 aggressive bids or offers on an
                                                For example, when a swap is matched                       trade on interdealer markets.10 Such                     interdealer order book and then
                                                using a voice-based execution method, a                   interdealer markets provide for                          soliciting dealers through a request-for-
                                                SEF employee may verbally disclose to                     competitive execution of large-sized                     quote (‘‘RFQ’’) on a dealer-to-client
                                                a party the name of the other party to                    trades at wholesale prices. Buy-side                     platform, hoping to motivate dealers to
                                                the trade. For swaps executed                             participants that have interest in trading               provide more favorable quotes based on
                                                electronically on an anonymous order                      on interdealer markets and otherwise                     prices posted in the order book.16 Post-
                                                book, disclosure of counterparty names                    meet participation criteria to join these                trade name give-up is said to mitigate
                                                can occur through an electronic                           platforms are said to be deterred                        these concerns because it can help to
                                                notification provided by the SEF after                    because of post-trade name give-up.11                    identify a client that is attempting to
                                                the trade is matched. Post-trade name                     Based on these concerns, critics of post-                game the market.
                                                give-up can also occur through third-                     trade name give-up have argued that the                  II. Request for Comment
                                                party middleware and associated trade                     practice is anticompetitive, hinders
                                                processing and affirmation services that                  liquidity, and lacks credible justification                 The Commission requests comment
                                                provide counterparties with various                       in cleared swaps markets where                           from the public relating to the practice
                                                trade details captured from SEF trading                   participants are not exposed to                          of post-trade name give-up on SEF
                                                systems, including the identity of the                    counterparty credit risk.12                              markets where trades are anonymously
                                                party on the other side of a trade.7                         Other industry participants have                      executed and intended to be cleared.
                                                   As the swaps market increasingly                       claimed that post-trade name give-up is                  The Commission encourages all
                                                becomes a cleared market, the                             an important tool used to mitigate                       comments, including relevant
                                                Commission believes that it is                            liquidity risk or the risk that traders will             background information, actual market
                                                reasonable to ask whether the post-trade                  game the market.13 Some participants                     examples, best practice principles,
                                                name give-up practice continues to                        argue that as bank market-making                         expectations for possible impacts on
                                                serve a valid industry purpose in                         capital becomes further constrained by                   market structure and market liquidity,
                                                facilitating swaps trading. A variety of                  regulations,14 liquidity providers need                  and estimates of any asserted costs and
                                                views exist on both sides of this issue,                  to more precisely allocate their bank                    expenses. The Commission also
                                                depending on one’s position in the                        capital among their customer base in                     encourages substantiating data,
                                                market. Some industry participants have                   coordination with their overall bank                     statistics, and any other information that
                                                criticized the continued practice of post-                cross-marketing strategies. Without the                  supports any such comments. In
                                                trade name give-up in cleared swaps                       information provided by post-trade                       particular, the Commission requests
                                                markets. During a meeting of the                          name give-up, the ability to make such                   comment on the following questions:
                                                Commission’s Market Risk Advisory                         allocations would become more                               Question 1: What utility or benefits
                                                Committee held in April 2015, several                     difficult. As a result, liquidity providers              (e.g., commercial, operational, legal, or
                                                participants in a panel on SEFs                           would be less willing to provide                         other) does post-trade name give-up
                                                identified post-trade name give-up as a                   liquidity to the market, especially in                   provide in SEF markets where trades are
                                                concern with respect to SEF trading.8                     times of crisis, and charge higher prices                anonymously executed and cleared? Is
                                                Post-trade name give-up is said to deter                  to customers.15 This outcome arguably                    post-trade name give-up a necessary or
                                                buy-side participation on some SEFs                       would hurt all market participants.                      appropriate means to achieve such
                                                due to the prospect of information                                                                                 benefits?
                                                leakage, whereby disclosing the identity                  may have also deterred buy-side participation on
                                                                                                                                                                      Question 2: Does post-trade name
                                                of a market participant could potentially                 certain SEFs.                                            give-up result in any restraint of trade,
                                                expose the participant’s trading                             10 See In re: Interest Rate Swaps Antitrust           or impose any anticompetitive burden
                                                intentions, strategies, positions, or other               Litigation, 261 F.Supp.3d 430, 458–59 (S.D.N.Y.          on swaps trading or clearing?
                                                                                                          2017) (‘‘The compulsory disclosure of swap                  Question 3: Should the Commission
                                                sensitive information to competitors or                   counterparties, plaintiffs claim, serves as a policing
                                                dealers.9 Some industry participants                      mechanism, allowing the Dealers to retaliate against     intervene to prohibit or otherwise set
                                                                                                          entities that attempt to trade on all-to-all             limitations with respect to post-trade
                                                   7 Trade affirmation refers to a process that occurs    platforms.’’).                                           name give-up? If so, what regulatory
                                                                                                             11 The argument is that swap dealers threaten to
                                                after a trade is executed whereby counterparties                                                                   limitations should be set and how
                                                verify and affirm the details of the trade before         shun platforms in the interdealer markets that
                                                                                                          attempt to execute trades between dealers and non-
                                                                                                                                                                   should they be set in a manner that is
                                                submitting it for settlement. Third-party trade
                                                processing and affirmation services commonly used         dealers.                                                 consistent with the CEA? What would
                                                for SEF trades include MarkitWire and ICE Link.              12 See MRAC Transcript at 169–71; MFA Position        be the potential costs and/or benefits of
                                                The Commission has provided that SEFs may use             Paper at 4–5, 8.                                         doing so? What might be the potential
                                                such services to route trades to DCOs if the routing         13 See, e.g., Tom Osborn, How to game a Sef:
                                                                                                                                                                   impacts on liquidity, pricing, and
                                                complies with § 37.702(b). See Core Principles and        Banks fear arrival of arbitrageurs, Risk.net (Mar. 19,
                                                Other Requirements for SEFs, 78 FR 33476, 33535           2014).
                                                                                                                                                                   trading behavior? Would a prohibition
                                                (June 4, 2013).                                              14 Such post-financial crisis regulatory reforms      cause dealers to remove liquidity from
                                                   8 See Transcript of CFTC Market Risk Advisory          include the Volcker Rule, Basel III Accords, capital     the market or charge higher prices?
                                                Committee Meeting (April 2, 2015) (‘‘MRAC                 charges and other bank capital-based restrictions.       Would new liquidity makers fully and
                                                Transcript’’) at 133 et seq., available at https://       See Anthony J. Perrotta, Jr., An E-Trading UST           consistently act in the market to make
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with PROPOSALS1

                                                www.cftc.gov/About/CFTCCommittees/Market                  Market ‘Flash Crash’? Not So Fast, TABB Group,
                                                RiskAdvisoryCommittee/mrac_meetings.html.                 Nov. 24, 2014, http://tabbforum.com/opinions/an-e-       up any shortfall in liquidity?
                                                   9 See MRAC Transcript at 142–144, 164. See also        trading-treasury-market-‘flash-crash’-not-so-fast
                                                Managed Funds Association Position Paper: Why             (discussing regulatory capital constraints and           the market entirely, some swaps dealers might
                                                Eliminating Post-Trade Name Disclosure Will               declining market liquidity).                             become more selective in providing liquidity
                                                Improve the Swaps Market (Mar. 31, 2015) (‘‘MFA              15 Peter Madigan, CFTC to Test Role of                (holding back in times of market stress and
                                                Position Paper’’), p. 4–5. The Commission notes           Anonymity in Sef Order Book Flop, Risk.net, Nov.         volatility, for example) out of concern that they may
                                                that other factors, such as the current lack of certain   21, 2014, available at http://www.risk.net/risk-         not be able to adequately hedge their risk in
                                                trading features, e.g., the ability to calculate          magazine/feature/2382497/cftc-to-test-role-of-           interdealer markets.
                                                volume-weighted average pricing on an order book          anonymity-in-sef-order-book-flop. Short of exiting         16 See id.

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                                                                      Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 231 / Friday, November 30, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                          61573

                                                  Question 4: Should post-trade name                    Policy & Valuation, Loan Guaranty                     payment models to estimate the level of
                                                give-up be subject to customer choice or                Service (26), Veterans Benefits                       pre-payments and any resultant
                                                SEF choice given the flexible execution                 Administration, Department of Veterans                potential losses of revenue expected to
                                                methods in the Commission’s recent                      Affairs, 810 Vermont Avenue NW,                       occur in a set period, given possible
                                                SEF notice of proposed rulemaking?                      Washington, DC 20420, (202) 632–8862.                 changes in interest rates. These pre-
                                                  Issued in Washington, DC, on November 6,              (This is not a toll-free number.)                     payment models tend to drive, at least
                                                2018, by the Commission.                                SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On May                     in significant part, the valuation of
                                                Christopher Kirkpatrick,                                24, 2018, the President signed into law               Ginnie Mae MBS. Ginnie Mae, buyers of
                                                Secretary of the Commission.                            the Economic Growth, Regulatory                       VA-guaranteed loans, and other
                                                                                                        Relief, and Consumer Protection Act                   industry stakeholders have expressed
                                                  Note: The following appendix will not                 (the Act), Public Law 115–174, 132 Stat.              serious concerns that early pre-
                                                appear in the Code of Federal Regulations.                                                                    payments of VA-guaranteed loans are
                                                                                                        1296. Section 309 of the Act, codified at
                                                                                                        38 U.S.C. 3709, provides new statutory                devaluing these investments. See
                                                Appendix to Post-Trade Name Give-Up                                                                           ‘‘Slowing Down VA Refi Churn Proving
                                                on Swap Execution Facilities—                           criteria for determining when, in
                                                                                                        general, VA may guarantee a refinance                 More Difficult Than Expected’’,
                                                Commission Voting Summary                                                                                     National Mortgage News (November 12,
                                                                                                        loan. The Act also requires, among other
                                                  On this matter, Chairman Giancarlo and                things, VA to promulgate regulations,                 2018), https://
                                                Commissioners Quintenz, Behnam, Stump,                  within 180 days after the date of the                 www.nationalmortgagenews.com/news/
                                                and Berkovitz voted in the affirmative. No                                                                    slowing-down-va-refi-churn-proving-
                                                Commissioner voted in the negative.
                                                                                                        enactment of the Act, for cash-out
                                                                                                        refinance loans, specifically those where             more-difficult-than-expected. If such
                                                [FR Doc. 2018–24643 Filed 11–29–18; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                        the principal of the new loan to be VA-               stakeholders view MBS investments that
                                                BILLING CODE 6351–01–P                                  guaranteed or insured is larger than the              include VA-guaranteed refinance loans
                                                                                                        payoff amount of the loan being                       as less desirable, even prudent lenders
                                                                                                        refinanced. Public Law 115–174, 132                   could be deprived of the cashflows, i.e.
                                                DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS                                  Stat. 1296.                                           liquidity, necessary to make new VA-
                                                AFFAIRS                                                                                                       guaranteed loans to veterans.
                                                                                                           Section 309(a)(2) of the Act permits
                                                                                                                                                                 In a hearing before the House
                                                                                                        VA to waive the requirements of the
                                                38 CFR Part 36                                                                                                Veterans’ Affairs Committee’s
                                                                                                        Administrative Procedure Act (APA), 5                 Subcommittee on Economic
                                                Loan Guaranty: Revisions to VA-                         U.S.C. 551 through 559, if the Secretary              Opportunity, the Government National
                                                Guaranteed or Insured Cash-Out Home                     determines that urgent or compelling                  Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae)
                                                Loans                                                   circumstances make compliance with                    issued warnings to Congress regarding
                                                                                                        such requirements impracticable or                    the ripple effects that risky refinancing
                                                AGENCY:   Department of Veterans Affairs.               contrary to public interest. Public Law               practices had on the valuing of VA-
                                                ACTION:   Advanced notice of rulemaking.                115–174, 132 Stat. 1348–1349.                         guaranteed loans, as well as Ginnie Mae
                                                                                                           VA believes there are several urgent               pools at-large. See Hearing on Home
                                                SUMMARY:    The Department of Veterans                  and compelling circumstances that
                                                Affairs (VA) is issuing this document in                                                                      Loan Churning Practices and How
                                                                                                        make advance notice and comment on                    Veteran Homebuyers are Being Affected
                                                compliance with the Economic Growth,                    this rule contrary to the public interest.
                                                Regulatory Relief, and Consumer                                                                               Before the Subcomm. on Econ.
                                                                                                        First, VA is concerned about lenders                  Opportunity of the House Comm. on
                                                Protection Act (the Act). The Act                       who seem to continue to exploit
                                                requires VA to amend its regulation on                                                                        Veterans’ Affairs, 115 Cong. (2018).
                                                                                                        legislative and regulatory gaps related to            Thus, VA believes that, unless VA
                                                VA-guaranteed or insured cash-out                       seasoning, recoupment, and net tangible
                                                refinance loans and to publish the                                                                            promulgates rules quickly, a loss of
                                                                                                        benefit standards, despite anti-predatory             investor optimism in the VA product
                                                amended regulation within a shortened                   lending actions that VA and Congress
                                                time frame. If VA determines that urgent                                                                      could further restrict veterans from
                                                                                                        have already taken. VA’s regulatory                   being able to utilize their earned VA
                                                or compelling circumstances make                        impact analysis for this rule indicates
                                                compliance with the advance public                                                                            benefits.
                                                                                                        that perhaps more than 50 percent of                     Exacerbating the issue is the lending
                                                notice and comment requirements of the                  cash-out refinances remain vulnerable                 industry’s varied interpretation of the
                                                Administrative Procedure Act                            to predatory terms and conditions until               Act, which has led to lender uncertainty
                                                impracticable or contrary to public                     this rule goes into effect. VA believes               in how to implement a responsible cash-
                                                interest and publishes notice of that                   that VA must immediately seal these                   out refinance program. VA believes this
                                                determination in the Federal Register,                  gaps to fulfill its obligation to veterans,           uncertainty has caused prudent lenders
                                                the Act permits VA to amend the                         prudent lenders, and those who invest                 to employ a high degree of caution, (e.g.
                                                regulation through an interim final rule                in securities that include VA-guaranteed              refraining from providing veterans with
                                                or final rule. VA has determined that                   loans.                                                crucial refinance loans that are not
                                                urgent and compelling circumstances do                     VA is also gravely concerned about                 predatory or risky). Absent swift
                                                exist and is, therefore, issuing this                   constraints in the availability of                    implementation of clear regulatory
                                                Federal Register document announcing                    program liquidity if VA does not act                  standards, cautious lenders are less
                                                VA’s intent to promulgate an interim                    quickly to address early pre-payment                  likely to make cash-out refinance loans,
                                                final rule implementing the Act.                        speeds for VA-guaranteed cash-out                     which means that veterans do not enjoy
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with PROPOSALS1

                                                DATES: November 30, 2018.                               refinance loans. In large part, cashflows             the widest range of competitive,
                                                ADDRESSES: Loan Policy & Valuation,                     derived from investors in mortgage-                   responsible credit options that can,
                                                Loan Guaranty Service (26), Veterans                    backed securities (MBS) furnished by                  when used properly, result in placing
                                                Benefits Administration, Department of                  the Government National Mortgage                      the veteran in a better financial position
                                                Veterans Affairs, 810 Vermont Avenue                    Association (Ginnie Mae) provide                      than the veteran’s current circumstances
                                                NW, Washington, DC 20420.                               liquidity for lenders that originate VA-              afford. Unfortunately, such caution has
                                                FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Greg                   guaranteed refinance loans. When                      the potential to compound the risk of
                                                Nelms, Assistant Director for Loan                      pricing MBS, investors rely on pre-                   predatory lending, as irresponsible

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Document Created: 2018-11-30 04:36:28
Document Modified: 2018-11-30 04:36:28
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionProposed Rules
ActionRequest for comment.
DatesComments must be received on or before January 29, 2019.
ContactAleko Stamoulis, Special Counsel, (202) 418-5714, [email protected]; or Nhan Nguyen, Special Counsel, (202) 418-5932, [email protected], Division of Market Oversight, Commodity Futures Trading Commission, 1155 21st Street NW, Washington, DC 20581.
FR Citation83 FR 61571 
RIN Number3038-AE79

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