83_FR_61913 83 FR 61682 - Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request; Form ETA-9142-B-CAA-2, Attestation for Employers Seeking To Employ H-2B Nonimmigrant Workers Under Section 205 of Division M of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018 Public Law 115-141

83 FR 61682 - Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request; Form ETA-9142-B-CAA-2, Attestation for Employers Seeking To Employ H-2B Nonimmigrant Workers Under Section 205 of Division M of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018 Public Law 115-141

Office of the Secretary

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 231 (November 30, 2018)

Page Range61682-61683
FR Document2018-26078

The Department of Labor (DOL or Department) is submitting the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) sponsored Information Collection Request (ICR), titled, ``Attestation for Employers Seeking to Employ H-2B Nonimmigrant Workers Under Section 205 of Division M of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018 Public Law 115-141 (March 23, 2018),'' to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval for continued use in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995. Public comments on the ICR are invited.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 231 (Friday, November 30, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 231 (Friday, November 30, 2018)]
[Pages 61682-61683]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-26078]



Office of the Secretary

Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission for OMB 
Review; Comment Request; Form ETA-9142-B-CAA-2, Attestation for 
Employers Seeking To Employ H-2B Nonimmigrant Workers Under Section 205 
of Division M of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018 Public Law 

ACTION: Notice of availability; request for comments.


SUMMARY: The Department of Labor (DOL or Department) is submitting the 
Employment and Training Administration (ETA) sponsored Information 
Collection Request (ICR), titled, ``Attestation for Employers Seeking 
to Employ H-2B Nonimmigrant Workers Under Section 205 of Division M of 
the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018 Public Law 115-141 (March 23, 
2018),'' to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and 
approval for continued use in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction 
Act (PRA) of 1995. Public comments on the ICR are invited.

DATES: The OMB will consider all written comments it receives on or 
before December 31, 2018.

ADDRESSES: A copy of this ICR with applicable supporting documentation, 
including a description of the likely respondents, proposed frequency 
of response, and estimated total burden, may be obtained free of charge 
from the RegInfo.gov website at: http://www.reginfo.gov/public/do/PRAViewICR?ref_201811-1205-003 (this link will only become active on 
the day following publication of this notice); by contacting Michel 
Smyth at 202-693-4129/TTY 202-693-8064 (these are not toll-free 
numbers); or by sending an email to: [email protected].
    Submit comments about this request by mail to the Office of 
Information and Regulatory Affairs, Attn: OMB Desk Officer for DOL-ETA, 
Office of Management and Budget, Room 10235, 725 17th Street NW, 
Washington, DC 20503; by Fax: 202-395-6881 (this is not a toll-free 
number); or by email: [email protected]. Commenters are 
encouraged, but not required, to send a courtesy copy of any comments 
by mail or courier to the U.S. Department of Labor--OASAM, Office of 
the Chief Information Officer, Attn: Departmental Information 
Compliance Management Program, Room N1301, 200 Constitution Avenue NW, 
Washington, DC 20210; or by email: [email protected].

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Michel Smyth by telephone at 202-693-
4129/TTY 202-693-8064 (these are not toll-free numbers) or by sending 
an email to: [email protected].

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This ICR seeks approval under the PRA for 
revisions to the Attestation for Employers Seeking to Employ H-2B 
Nonimmigrant Workers Under Section 205 of Division M of the 
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018 Public Law 115-141 (March 23, 
2018) information collection. On March 23, 2018, the President signed 
the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018. Division M, Section 205 of 
the Act authorized the Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation 
with the Secretary of Labor, to increase the number of H-2B visas 
available to U.S. employers, notwithstanding the otherwise established 
statutory numerical limitation. This collection of information was 
required by the regulations that went into effect on May 31, 2018, 
implementing Section 205. The Secretary of Homeland Security increased 
the H-2B cap for Fiscal Year 2018 by up to 15,000 additional visas for 
American businesses that were likely to suffer irreparable harm (that 
is, permanent and severe financial loss) without the ability to employ 
before the end of FY 2018 the H-2B workers requested on their petition.

[[Page 61683]]

    The exigency created by the Consolidated Appropriations Act to meet 
the high demand by American businesses for H-2B workers, and the short 
period of time remaining in the fiscal year for U.S. employers to avoid 
the economic harm this legislation was intended to prevent, required 
initial clearance of this information collection using expedited 
processes. As a result, initial clearance for this information 
collection was sought using Paperwork Reduction Act emergency 
procedures outlined in regulations at 5 CFR 1320.13, and the Department 
received a six-month approval. Subsequently, the Department has sought 
public comment to revise this information collection through the notice 
and comment process. Specifically, the Department proposes: to revise 
this collection to eliminate the now expired provisions for completing 
and submitting Form ETA-9142-B-CAA-2, Attestation for Employers Seeking 
to Employ H-2B Nonimmigrant Workers Under Section 205 of Division M of 
the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018 Public Law 115-141 (March 23, 
2018). In accordance with the applicable regulations, the ICR would 
continue to require employers to retain the required supporting 
documentation for three years from the date the certification was 
    This information collection is subject to the PRA. A Federal agency 
generally cannot conduct or sponsor a collection of information, and 
the public is generally not required to respond to an information 
collection, unless it is approved by the OMB under the PRA and displays 
a currently valid OMB Control Number. In addition, notwithstanding any 
other provisions of law, no person shall generally be subject to 
penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information that 
does not display a valid Control Number. See 5 CFR 1320.5(a) and 
1320.6. The Department obtains OMB approval for this information 
collection under Control Number 1205-0531. The current approval is 
scheduled to expire on November 30, 2018; however, the DOL notes that 
remaining information collection requirements submitted to the OMB 
receive a month-to-month extension while they undergo review. For 
additional substantive information about this ICR, see the related 
notice published in the Federal Register on August 30, 2018, 83 FR 
     Interested parties are encouraged to send comments to the 
OMB, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, at the address shown 
in the ADDRESSES section within thirty (30) days of the publication of 
this notice in the Federal Register. In order to help ensure 
appropriate consideration, comments should mention OMB Control Number 
1205-0531. The OMB is particularly interested in comments that
     Evaluate whether the proposed collection of information is 
necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, 
including whether the information will have practical utility;
     Evaluate the accuracy of the agency's estimate of the 
burden of the proposed collection of information, including the 
validity of the methodology and assumptions used;
     Enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the 
information to be collected; and
     Minimize the burden of the collection of information on 
those who are to respond, including through the use of appropriate 
automated, electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection 
techniques or other forms of information technology, e.g., permitting 
electronic submission of responses.
    Agency: DOL-ETA.
    Title of the Collection: Attestation for Employers Seeking to 
Employ H-2B Nonimmigrant Workers Under Section 205 of Division M of the 
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018 Public Law 115-141 (March 23, 
    OMB Control Number: 1205-0531.
    Affected Public: Private Sector (businesses or other for-profits 
and not-for-profit institutions) and State, Local, and Tribal 
    Total Estimated Annual Respondents: 5,177.
    Total Estimated Annual Responses: 5,177.
    Total Estimated Average Time per Response: 1 hour.
    Total Estimated Annual Time Burden: 5,177 hours.
    Total Estimated Annual Other Cost Burden: $0.

    Authority: 44 U.S.C. 3507(a)(1)(D).

    Dated: November 26, 2018.
Michel Smyth,
Departmental Clearance Officer.
[FR Doc. 2018-26078 Filed 11-29-18; 8:45 am]

                                              61682                       Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 231 / Friday, November 30, 2018 / Notices

                                              (‘‘Council’’), established by statute in                this is also found online at                          respondents, proposed frequency of
                                              the Juvenile and Delinquency                            www.juvenilecouncil.gov.                              response, and estimated total burden,
                                              Prevention Act of 1974 section 206(a)                      Note: Photo identification will be                 may be obtained free of charge from the
                                              (42 U.S.C. 5616(a)), will meet to carry                 required to attend the meeting at the                 RegInfo.gov website at: http://
                                              out its advisory functions. Information                 OJP 810 7th Street Building.                          www.reginfo.gov/public/do/PRAView
                                              regarding this meeting will be available                   Interested parties may submit written              ICR?ref_201811-1205-003 (this link will
                                              on the Council’s web page at                            comments and questions in advance to                  only become active on the day following
                                              www.juvenilecouncil.gov. The meeting                    Jeff Slowikowski (DFO) for the Council,               publication of this notice); by contacting
                                              is open to the public, and available via                at the contact information above. If                  Michel Smyth at 202–693–4129/TTY
                                              online video conference, but prior                      faxing, please follow up with Sarah                   202–693–8064 (these are not toll-free
                                              registration is required (see below). In                Wisniewski, Senior Program Manager/                   numbers); or by sending an email to:
                                              addition, meeting documents will be                     Federal Contractor (contact information               DOL_PRA_PUBLIC@dol.gov.
                                              viewable via this website including                     above) in order to assure receipt of                    Submit comments about this request
                                              meeting announcements, agendas,                         submissions. All comments and                         by mail to the Office of Information and
                                              minutes and reports.                                    questions should be submitted no later                Regulatory Affairs, Attn: OMB Desk
                                                 Although designated agency                           than 5:00 p.m. EST on Friday December                 Officer for DOL–ETA, Office of
                                              representatives may attend in lieu of                   14, 2018. The Council will limit public               Management and Budget, Room 10235,
                                              members, the Council’s formal                           statements if they are found to be                    725 17th Street NW, Washington, DC
                                              membership consists of the following                    duplicative. Written questions                        20503; by Fax: 202–395–6881 (this is
                                              secretaries and/or agency officials;                    submitted by the public while in                      not a toll-free number); or by email:
                                              Attorney General (Chair), Administrator                 attendance will also be considered by                 OIRA_submission@omb.eop.gov.
                                              of the Office of Juvenile Justice and                   the Council.
                                              Delinquency Prevention (Vice Chair),                                                                          Commenters are encouraged, but not
                                              Secretary of Health and Human Services                  Jeffrey Slowikowski,                                  required, to send a courtesy copy of any
                                              (HHS), Secretary of Labor (DOL),                        Senior Advisor, Office of Juvenile Justice and        comments by mail or courier to the U.S.
                                              Secretary of Education (DOE), Secretary                 Delinquency Prevention.                               Department of Labor—OASAM, Office
                                              of Housing and Urban Development                        [FR Doc. 2018–26096 Filed 11–29–18; 8:45 am]          of the Chief Information Officer, Attn:
                                              (HUD), Director of the Office of National               BILLING CODE 4410–18–P
                                                                                                                                                            Departmental Information Compliance
                                              Drug Control Policy, Chief Executive                                                                          Management Program, Room N1301,
                                              Officer of the Corporation for National                                                                       200 Constitution Avenue NW,
                                              and Community Service and the                                                                                 Washington, DC 20210; or by email:
                                                                                                      DEPARTMENT OF LABOR
                                              Assistant Secretary of Homeland                                                                               DOL_PRA_PUBLIC@dol.gov.
                                              Security for the U.S. Immigration and                   Office of the Secretary                               FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                              Customs Enforcement. Nine additional                                                                          Michel Smyth by telephone at 202–693–
                                              members are appointed by the Speaker                    Agency Information Collection                         4129/TTY 202–693–8064 (these are not
                                              of the U.S. House of Representatives, the               Activities; Submission for OMB                        toll-free numbers) or by sending an
                                              U.S. Senate Majority Leader and the                     Review; Comment Request; Form                         email to: DOL_PRA_PUBLIC@dol.gov.
                                              President of the United States. Further                 ETA–9142–B–CAA–2, Attestation for
                                              agencies that take part in Council                      Employers Seeking To Employ H–2B                      SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:     This ICR
                                              activities include, the Departments of                  Nonimmigrant Workers Under Section                    seeks approval under the PRA for
                                              Agriculture, Defense, Interior and the                  205 of Division M of the Consolidated                 revisions to the Attestation for
                                              Substance and Mental Health Services                    Appropriations Act, 2018 Public Law                   Employers Seeking to Employ H–2B
                                              Administration of HHS.                                  115–141                                               Nonimmigrant Workers Under Section
                                                 Council meeting agendas are available                                                                      205 of Division M of the Consolidated
                                              on www.juvenilecouncil.gov. Agendas                     ACTION:Notice of availability; request                Appropriations Act, 2018 Public Law
                                              will generally include: (a) Opening                     for comments.                                         115–141 (March 23, 2018) information
                                              remarks and introductions; (b)                                                                                collection. On March 23, 2018, the
                                                                                                      SUMMARY:    The Department of Labor                   President signed the Consolidated
                                              Presentations and discussion of agency
                                                                                                      (DOL or Department) is submitting the                 Appropriations Act, 2018. Division M,
                                              work; and (c) Council member
                                                                                                      Employment and Training                               Section 205 of the Act authorized the
                                                 For security purposes and because                    Administration (ETA) sponsored                        Secretary of Homeland Security, in
                                              space is limited, members of the public                 Information Collection Request (ICR),                 consultation with the Secretary of
                                              who wish to attend must register in                     titled, ‘‘Attestation for Employers                   Labor, to increase the number of H–2B
                                              advance of the meeting online at                        Seeking to Employ H–2B Nonimmigrant                   visas available to U.S. employers,
                                              www.juvenilecouncil.gov, no later than                  Workers Under Section 205 of Division                 notwithstanding the otherwise
                                              Friday December 14, 2018. Should                        M of the Consolidated Appropriations                  established statutory numerical
                                              issues arise with online registration, or               Act, 2018 Public Law 115–141 (March                   limitation. This collection of
                                              to register by fax or email, the public                 23, 2018),’’ to the Office of Management              information was required by the
                                              should contact Sarah Wisniewski,                        and Budget (OMB) for review and                       regulations that went into effect on May
                                              Senior Program Manager/Federal                          approval for continued use in                         31, 2018, implementing Section 205.
                                              Contractor (see above for contact                       accordance with the Paperwork                         The Secretary of Homeland Security
                                              information). If submitting registrations               Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995. Public                   increased the H–2B cap for Fiscal Year
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1

                                              via fax or email, attendees should                      comments on the ICR are invited.                      2018 by up to 15,000 additional visas
                                              include all of the following: Name,                     DATES: The OMB will consider all                      for American businesses that were likely
                                              Title, Organization/Affiliation, Full                   written comments it receives on or                    to suffer irreparable harm (that is,
                                              Address, Phone Number, Fax and Email.                   before December 31, 2018.                             permanent and severe financial loss)
                                              The meeting will also be available to                   ADDRESSES: A copy of this ICR with                    without the ability to employ before the
                                              join online via Webex, a video                          applicable supporting documentation,                  end of FY 2018 the H–2B workers
                                              conferencing platform. Registration for                 including a description of the likely                 requested on their petition.

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:00 Nov 29, 2018   Jkt 247001   PO 00000   Frm 00084   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\30NON1.SGM   30NON1

                                                                          Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 231 / Friday, November 30, 2018 / Notices                                           61683

                                                 The exigency created by the                          Register. In order to help ensure                     ACTION:Final distribution
                                              Consolidated Appropriations Act to                      appropriate consideration, comments                   determination.
                                              meet the high demand by American                        should mention OMB Control Number
                                              businesses for H–2B workers, and the                    1205–0531. The OMB is particularly                    SUMMARY:    The Copyright Royalty Judges
                                              short period of time remaining in the                   interested in comments that                           (Judges) announce the final distribution
                                              fiscal year for U.S. employers to avoid                   • Evaluate whether the proposed                     of cable and satellite royalty funds for
                                              the economic harm this legislation was                  collection of information is necessary                the years 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013.
                                              intended to prevent, required initial                   for the proper performance of the                     The determination is a result of
                                              clearance of this information collection                functions of the agency, including                    agreement among the participants that
                                              using expedited processes. As a result,                 whether the information will have                     claim shares of the cable and satellite
                                              initial clearance for this information                  practical utility;                                    royalty funds to be allocated to the
                                              collection was sought using Paperwork                     • Evaluate the accuracy of the                      Program Suppliers Claimant category.
                                              Reduction Act emergency procedures                      agency’s estimate of the burden of the                The Judges issued their allocation
                                              outlined in regulations at 5 CFR                        proposed collection of information,                   determination relating to cable royalty
                                              1320.13, and the Department received a                  including the validity of the                         funds for the relevant years to the
                                              six-month approval. Subsequently, the                   methodology and assumptions used;                     participants on October 18, 2018.
                                              Department has sought public comment                      • Enhance the quality, utility, and                 Allocation of satellite royalty funds is
                                              to revise this information collection                   clarity of the information to be                      not yet determined.
                                              through the notice and comment                          collected; and                                        DATES: Applicable date: November 30,
                                              process. Specifically, the Department                     • Minimize the burden of the                        2018.
                                              proposes: to revise this collection to                  collection of information on those who                ADDRESSES: The final distribution order
                                              eliminate the now expired provisions                    are to respond, including through the                 is also published in eCRB at https://
                                              for completing and submitting Form                      use of appropriate automated,                         app.crb.gov/.
                                              ETA–9142–B–CAA–2, Attestation for                       electronic, mechanical, or other                         Docket: For access to the docket to
                                              Employers Seeking to Employ H–2B                        technological collection techniques or                read submitted background documents,
                                              Nonimmigrant Workers Under Section                      other forms of information technology,                go to eCRB, the Copyright Royalty
                                              205 of Division M of the Consolidated                   e.g., permitting electronic submission of             Board’s electronic filing and case
                                              Appropriations Act, 2018 Public Law                     responses.                                            management system, at https://
                                              115–141 (March 23, 2018). In                              Agency: DOL–ETA.                                    app.crb.gov/ and search for docket
                                              accordance with the applicable                            Title of the Collection: Attestation for            number 14–CRB–0010–CD/SD (2010–
                                              regulations, the ICR would continue to                  Employers Seeking to Employ H–2B                      13).
                                              require employers to retain the required                Nonimmigrant Workers Under Section
                                                                                                                                                            FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                              supporting documentation for three                      205 of Division M of the Consolidated
                                              years from the date the certification was                                                                     Anita Blaine, CRB Program Specialist,
                                                                                                      Appropriations Act, 2018 Public Law
                                              issued.                                                                                                       by telephone at (202) 707–7658 or email
                                                                                                      115–141 (March 23, 2018).
                                                 This information collection is subject                                                                     at crb@loc.gov.
                                                                                                        OMB Control Number: 1205–0531.
                                              to the PRA. A Federal agency generally                    Affected Public: Private Sector                     SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The
                                              cannot conduct or sponsor a collection                  (businesses or other for-profits and not-             Copyright Royalty Judges (Judges)
                                              of information, and the public is                       for-profit institutions) and State, Local,            received a joint motion of MPAA-
                                              generally not required to respond to an                 and Tribal Governments.                               represented Program Suppliers (MPAA)
                                              information collection, unless it is                      Total Estimated Annual Respondents:                 and Multigroup Claimants (MGC) for
                                              approved by the OMB under the PRA                       5,177.                                                entry of a consent order adopting the
                                              and displays a currently valid OMB                        Total Estimated Annual Responses:                   distribution shares proposed by the
                                              Control Number. In addition,                            5,177.                                                MPAA and ordering a final distribution
                                              notwithstanding any other provisions of                   Total Estimated Average Time per                    in conformity with those agreed shares
                                              law, no person shall generally be subject               Response: 1 hour.                                     of cable and satellite television royalty
                                              to penalty for failing to comply with a                   Total Estimated Annual Time Burden:                 funds to be allocated to the Program
                                              collection of information that does not                 5,177 hours.                                          Suppliers category for the 2010–13 cable
                                              display a valid Control Number. See 5                     Total Estimated Annual Other Cost                   and satellite royalty years.
                                              CFR 1320.5(a) and 1320.6. The                           Burden: $0.                                              The Judges find that the parties’
                                              Department obtains OMB approval for                                                                           agreement as to the final percentage
                                                                                                        Authority: 44 U.S.C. 3507(a)(1)(D).
                                              this information collection under                                                                             distribution has ended any remaining
                                              Control Number 1205–0531. The current                     Dated: November 26, 2018.                           controversy with regard to the subject
                                              approval is scheduled to expire on                      Michel Smyth,                                         funds over which the Judges have
                                              November 30, 2018; however, the DOL                     Departmental Clearance Officer.                       jurisdiction and that neither party now
                                              notes that remaining information                        [FR Doc. 2018–26078 Filed 11–29–18; 8:45 am]          has a significant interest related to this
                                              collection requirements submitted to the                BILLING CODE 4510–FP–P                                proceeding as to the 2010–13 cable and
                                              OMB receive a month-to-month                                                                                  satellite royalty funds. Accordingly,
                                              extension while they undergo review.                                                                          good cause exists for entry of a final
                                              For additional substantive information                  LIBRARY OF CONGRESS                                   distribution determination relating to
                                              about this ICR, see the related notice                                                                        the subject funds.
                                              published in the Federal Register on                    Copyright Royalty Board                                  Distribution of funds allocated to all
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1

                                              August 30, 2018, 83 FR 44305.                                                                                 other program categories, except the
                                                 • Interested parties are encouraged to               [Docket 14–CRB–0010–CD/SD (2010–13)]                  Devotional Programming category, was
                                              send comments to the OMB, Office of                     Distribution of Cable Royalty Funds;                  without controversy. Parties to the
                                              Information and Regulatory Affairs, at                  Distribution of Satellite Royalty Funds               controversy relating to the Devotional
                                              the address shown in the ADDRESSES                                                                            category resolved that controversy by
                                              section within thirty (30) days of the                  AGENCY:  Copyright Royalty Board,                     agreement and the Judges entered a final
                                              publication of this notice in the Federal               Library of Congress.                                  order with regard to the Devotional

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Document Created: 2018-11-30 04:36:18
Document Modified: 2018-11-30 04:36:18
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice of availability; request for comments.
DatesThe OMB will consider all written comments it receives on or before December 31, 2018.
ContactMichel Smyth by telephone at 202-693- 4129/TTY 202-693-8064 (these are not toll-free numbers) or by sending an email to: [email protected]
FR Citation83 FR 61682 

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