83_FR_63186 83 FR 62952 - Pipeline Safety: Request for Special Permit; Gulf South Pipeline Company, LP

83 FR 62952 - Pipeline Safety: Request for Special Permit; Gulf South Pipeline Company, LP

Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 234 (December 6, 2018)

Page Range62952-62953
FR Document2018-26380

PHMSA is publishing this notice to seek public comments on a request for a special permit, seeking relief from compliance with certain requirements in the federal pipeline safety regulations. At the conclusion of the 30-day comment period, PHMSA will review the comments received from this notice as part of its evaluation to grant or deny the special permit request.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 234 (Thursday, December 6, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 234 (Thursday, December 6, 2018)]
[Pages 62952-62953]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-26380]



Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration

[Docket No. PHMSA-2018-0099]

Pipeline Safety: Request for Special Permit; Gulf South Pipeline 
Company, LP

AGENCY: Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA); 

ACTION: Notice.


[[Page 62953]]

SUMMARY: PHMSA is publishing this notice to seek public comments on a 
request for a special permit, seeking relief from compliance with 
certain requirements in the federal pipeline safety regulations. At the 
conclusion of the 30-day comment period, PHMSA will review the comments 
received from this notice as part of its evaluation to grant or deny 
the special permit request.

DATES: Submit any comments regarding this special permit request by 
January 4, 2019.

ADDRESSES: Comments should reference the docket number for the specific 
special permit request and may be submitted in the following ways:
     E-Gov website: http://www.Regulations.gov. This site 
allows the public to enter comments on any Federal Register notice 
issued by any agency.
     Fax: 1-202-493-2251.
     Mail: Docket Management System: U.S. Department of 
Transportation, Docket Operations, M-30, West Building Ground Floor, 
Room W12-140, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590.
     Hand Delivery: Docket Management System: U.S. Department 
of Transportation, Docket Operations, M-30, West Building Ground Floor, 
Room W12-140, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590, between 
9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays.
    Instructions: You should identify the docket number for the special 
permit request you are commenting on at the beginning of your comments. 
If you submit your comments by mail, please submit two copies. To 
receive confirmation that PHMSA has received your comments, please 
include a self-addressed stamped postcard. Internet users may submit 
comments at http://www.Regulations.gov.
    Note: Privacy Act Statement: There is a privacy statement published 
at http://www.Regulations.gov. Comments, including any personal 
information provided, are posted without changes or edits to http://www.Regulations.gov.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: General: Ms. Kay McIver by telephone 
at 202-366-0113, or email at [email protected].
    Technical: Mr. Steve Nanney by telephone at 713-628-7479, or email 
at [email protected].

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: PHMSA received a special permit request from 
Gulf South Pipeline Company, LP, (``GSPC'') to deviate from the 
pipeline safety regulations in 49 CFR 192.611, for four segments 
totaling 4.65 miles, of 30-inch diameter Index 130 pipeline, located in 
Ascension and Livingston Parishes, Louisiana, where the class location 
has changed from a Class 1 to Class 3 location. In lieu of pipe 
replacement, GSPC seeks permission to perform alternative risk control 
activities based on integrity management program principles and 
requirements. Due to class location changes from a Class 1 to Class 3 
in the 1990s, GSPC lowered the maximum allowable operating pressure as 
required by Sec.  192.611, from 936 pounds per square inch gauge (psig) 
to 780 psig. However, GSPC now seeks to uprate the line to restore the 
previous MAOP, using Subpart K of Sec.  192.555.
    The special permit request provided by the operator includes a 
draft environmental assessment, (EA), proposed special permit 
conditions, and location map. These documents are filed at http://www.Regulations.gov, in Docket No. PHMSA-2018-0099. We invite 
interested persons to participate by reviewing the special permit 
documents and draft EA at http://www.Regulations.gov, and by submitting 
written comments, data or other views. Please include any comments on 
potential safety and environmental impacts that may result if the 
special permit is granted.
    Before issuing a decision on the special permit request, PHMSA will 
evaluate all comments received on or before the comment closing date. 
Comments received after the comment closing date will be evaluated if 
it is possible to do so without incurring additional expense or delay. 
PHMSA will consider each relevant comment we receive in making our 
decision to grant or deny a request.

    Issued in Washington, DC on November 29, 2018, under authority 
delegated in 49 CFR 1.97.
Linda Daugherty,
Deputy Associate Administrator for Field Operations.
[FR Doc. 2018-26380 Filed 12-4-18; 8:45 am]

                                               62952                      Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 234 / Thursday, December 6, 2018 / Notices

                                               IV. Rule Requirements                                   to 49 CFR 571.119 S6.4 treadwear                      We have no customer complaints or
                                                  Paragraph S6.4 of FMVSS No. 119,                     indicators.                                           warranty claims related to the reduced
                                                                                                          On August 19, 2014, NHTSA issued a                 number of treadwear indicators. The
                                               includes the requirements relevant to
                                                                                                       Grant of Petition to Cooper Tire and                  reduced number of treadwear indicators
                                               this petition:
                                                                                                       Rubber Company with the following                     has no impact on product performance.
                                                  • Except as specified, each tire shall
                                                                                                       comments: ‘‘NHTSA Analysis: The                       Product performance and customer
                                               have at least six treadwear indicators
                                                                                                       purpose for tire treadwear indicators is              satisfaction of the subject tires is
                                               spaced approximately equally around
                                                                                                       to serve as a means for a person to                   equivalent to tires produced with 6
                                               the circumference of the tire that enable
                                                                                                       visually inspect a tire’s tread depth and             treadwear indicators. The tires comply
                                               a person inspecting the tire to determine
                                                                                                       readily determine if a tire has worn to               with all safety standards and tire
                                               visually whether the tire has worn to a
                                                                                                       the extent that tread depth is 1.6 mm                 marking requirements of 49 CFR
                                               tread depth of 1.6 mm (one-sixteenth of
                                                                                                       (one-sixteenth of an inch) or less.                   571.119.
                                               an inch). Tires with a rim diameter code                   Cooper stated that while the subject                  MNA’s complete petition and all
                                               of 12 or smaller shall have at least three              tires were molded with only five                      supporting documents are available by
                                               such treadwear indicators. Motorcycle                   treadwear indicators that it believes that            logging onto the Federal Docket
                                               tires shall have at least three such                    those indicators still provide ample                  Management System (FDMS) website at:
                                               indicators which permit visual                          coverage over the surface of the tire.                https://www.regulations.gov and by
                                               determination that the tire has worn to                 NHTSA agrees with Cooper that in this                 following the online search instructions
                                               a tread depth of 0.8 mm (one-thirty-                    case the subject noncompliance will                   to locate the docket number as listed in
                                               second of an inch).                                     have no significant effect on the safety              the title of this notice.
                                               V. Summary of Petition                                  of the vehicles on which the subject tires               NHTSA notes that the statutory
                                                                                                       are mounted. The subject tires have five              provisions (49 U.S.C. 30118(d) and
                                                  MNA described the subject                            indicators; 4 indicators spaced at 60                 30120(h)) that permit manufacturers to
                                               noncompliance and stated its belief that                degrees and one indicator spaced at 120               file petitions for a determination of
                                               the noncompliance is inconsequential                    degrees. NHTSA believes that in this                  inconsequentiality allow NHTSA to
                                               as it relates to motor vehicle safety.                  case, the absence of a single indicator               exempt manufacturers only from the
                                                  In support of its petition, MNA                      does not significantly affect a person’s              duties found in sections 30118 and
                                               submitted the following arguments:                      ability to visually inspect a tire and                30120, respectively, to notify owners,
                                                  1. Functionality: Truck tires normally               readily recognize when a significant                  purchasers, and dealers of a defect or
                                               have 6 treadwear indicators spaced                      portion of the tire’s tread is worn to the            noncompliance and to remedy the
                                               equally around the circumference of the                 point that a tire should be replaced.’’               defect or noncompliance. Therefore, any
                                               tire. The function of these indicators is                  In the Cooper decision it is relevant              decision on this petition only applies to
                                               to enable a person inspecting the tire to               to note:                                              the subject tires that MNA no longer
                                               determine visually whether the tire has                    (a) While the Cooper Mickey                        controlled at the time it determined that
                                               worn to a tread depth of 1.6 mm (1/16                   Thompson Baja MTZ tires had only one                  the noncompliance existed. However,
                                               in). In the case where tires have 6                     missing treadwear indicator, the                      any decision on this petition does not
                                               treadwear indicators spaced equally                     maximum circumferential space                         relieve equipment distributors and
                                               around the tire, the indicators would                   between the two most distant treadwear                dealers of the prohibitions on the sale,
                                               appear at 60 degree intervals around the                indicators was 120 degrees. NHTSA                     offer for sale, or introduction or delivery
                                               circumference of the tread. In the case                 determined that this confirmation of                  for introduction into interstate
                                               of the subject tires, the 4 treadwear                   treadwear indicators does not                         commerce of the noncompliant tires
                                               indicators are equally spaced; thus,                    significantly affect a person’s ability to            under their control after MNA notified
                                               appearing at 90 degree intervals around                 inspect a tire. In MNA’s case, the                    them that the subject noncompliance
                                               the circumference of the tread area of                  maximum circumferential space                         existed.
                                               the tire. When normally loaded,                         between the two most distant treadwear
                                               approximately 10 percent of the tread                                                                           Authority: 49 U.S.C. 30118, 30120:
                                                                                                       indicators is less, at 90 degrees.                    delegations of authority at 49 CFR 1.95 and
                                               band is in contact with the road surface.                  (b) The Cooper petition cites a Grant              501.8.
                                               In most truck applications, the                         of Petition issued to Motor Bikes
                                               remaining 90 percent of the tread band                  Imports, Inc. in 1987 which included a                Claudia W. Covell,
                                               is accessible for inspection. In the event              49 CFR 571.119 S6.4 noncompliance                     Acting Director, Office of Vehicle Safety
                                               that a vehicle is parked with one of the                related to motor bike tires with only l               Compliance.
                                               treadwear indicators positioned in the                  treadwear indicator. NHTSA’s decision                 [FR Doc. 2018–26511 Filed 12–4–18; 8:45 am]
                                               ground contact patch area, three other                  stated a ‘‘relatively small number of                 BILLING CODE 4910–59–P
                                               treadwear indicators would be                           tires which remain in use nevertheless
                                               accessible around the circumference of                  bear one treadwear indicator’’
                                               the tire.                                               concluding the existence of only a                    DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION
                                                  In addition, MNA tires have a molded                 single treadwear indicator combined
                                               ‘‘Bib’’ symbol on the tread shoulder to                 with the relatively low volume of tires               Pipeline and Hazardous Materials
                                               indicate the location of the treadwear                  in the market were inconsequential as                 Safety Administration
                                               indicator. These molded symbols aid                     they relate to motor vehicle safety.                  [Docket No. PHMSA–2018–0099]
                                               the person inspecting the tire to visually                 3. Product Performance & Monitoring:
                                               locate the treadwear indicator and                      Product Performance & Monitoring                      Pipeline Safety: Request for Special
khammond on DSK30JT082PROD with NOTICES

                                               determine if the tire has worn to the                   MNA has no indication through our                     Permit; Gulf South Pipeline Company,
                                               extent that the tread depth is 1.6 mm (1/               customer care network, fleet contacts or              LP
                                               16 in) or less.                                         field engineers, of any issues related to             AGENCY: Pipeline and Hazardous
                                                  2. NHTSA’s Prior Decisions: NHTSA                    monitoring and measuring of treadwear                 Materials Safety Administration
                                               has previously granted Petitions for                    on the l6.00R20 XZL tires. The lack of                (PHMSA); DOT.
                                               Determination of Inconsequential                        two treadwear indicators on the tire was
                                                                                                                                                             ACTION: Notice.
                                               Noncompliance in similar cases related                  detected in the manufacturing process.

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                                                                          Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 234 / Thursday, December 6, 2018 / Notices                                                    62953

                                               SUMMARY:    PHMSA is publishing this                    located in Ascension and Livingston                   SUMMARY:    The OCC, as part of its
                                               notice to seek public comments on a                     Parishes, Louisiana, where the class                  continuing effort to reduce paperwork
                                               request for a special permit, seeking                   location has changed from a Class 1 to                and respondent burden, invites the
                                               relief from compliance with certain                     Class 3 location. In lieu of pipe                     general public and other federal
                                               requirements in the federal pipeline                    replacement, GSPC seeks permission to                 agencies to take this opportunity to
                                               safety regulations. At the conclusion of                perform alternative risk control                      comment on the renewal of this
                                               the 30-day comment period, PHMSA                        activities based on integrity                         information collection as required by
                                               will review the comments received from                  management program principles and                     the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
                                               this notice as part of its evaluation to                requirements. Due to class location                   (PRA).
                                               grant or deny the special permit request.               changes from a Class 1 to Class 3 in the                 An agency may not conduct or
                                               DATES: Submit any comments regarding                    1990s, GSPC lowered the maximum                       sponsor, and a respondent is not
                                               this special permit request by January 4,               allowable operating pressure as required              required to respond to, an information
                                               2019.                                                   by § 192.611, from 936 pounds per                     collection unless it displays a currently
                                               ADDRESSES: Comments should reference                    square inch gauge (psig) to 780 psig.                 valid Office of Management and Budget
                                               the docket number for the specific                      However, GSPC now seeks to uprate the                 (OMB) control number.
                                               special permit request and may be                       line to restore the previous MAOP,                       Currently, the OCC is soliciting
                                               submitted in the following ways:                        using Subpart K of § 192.555.                         comment concerning the renewal of its
                                                  • E-Gov website: http://                                The special permit request provided                information collection titled ‘‘Annual
                                               www.Regulations.gov. This site allows                   by the operator includes a draft                      Stress Test Rule.’’
                                               the public to enter comments on any                     environmental assessment, (EA),                       DATES: Comments must be received by
                                               Federal Register notice issued by any                   proposed special permit conditions, and               February 4, 2019.
                                               agency.                                                 location map. These documents are filed               ADDRESSES: Commenters are encouraged
                                                  • Fax: 1–202–493–2251.                               at http://www.Regulations.gov, in                     to submit comments by email, if
                                                  • Mail: Docket Management System:                    Docket No. PHMSA–2018–0099. We                        possible. You may submit comments by
                                               U.S. Department of Transportation,                      invite interested persons to participate              any of the following methods:
                                               Docket Operations, M–30, West                           by reviewing the special permit                          • Email: prainfo@occ.treas.gov.
                                               Building Ground Floor, Room W12–140,                    documents and draft EA at http://                        • Mail: Legislative and Regulatory
                                               1200 New Jersey Avenue SE,                              www.Regulations.gov, and by                           Activities Division, Office of the
                                               Washington, DC 20590.                                   submitting written comments, data or                  Comptroller of the Currency, Attention:
                                                  • Hand Delivery: Docket Management                   other views. Please include any                       1557–0311, 400 7th Street SW, Suite
                                               System: U.S. Department of                              comments on potential safety and                      3E–218, Washington, DC 20219.
                                               Transportation, Docket Operations, M–                   environmental impacts that may result                    • Hand Delivery/Courier: 400 7th
                                               30, West Building Ground Floor, Room                    if the special permit is granted.                     Street SW, Suite 3E–218, Washington,
                                               W12–140, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE,                        Before issuing a decision on the                   DC 20219.
                                               Washington, DC 20590, between 9 a.m.                    special permit request, PHMSA will                       • Fax: (571) 465–4326.
                                               and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday,                      evaluate all comments received on or                     Instructions: You must include
                                               except Federal holidays.                                before the comment closing date.                      ‘‘OCC’’ as the agency name and ‘‘1557–
                                                  Instructions: You should identify the                Comments received after the comment                   0311’’ in your comment. In general, the
                                               docket number for the special permit                    closing date will be evaluated if it is               OCC will publish comments on
                                               request you are commenting on at the                    possible to do so without incurring                   www.reginfo.gov without change,
                                               beginning of your comments. If you                      additional expense or delay. PHMSA                    including any business or personal
                                               submit your comments by mail, please                    will consider each relevant comment we                information provided, such as name and
                                               submit two copies. To receive                           receive in making our decision to grant               address information, email addresses, or
                                               confirmation that PHMSA has received                    or deny a request.                                    phone numbers. Comments received,
                                               your comments, please include a self-                                                                         including attachments and other
                                                                                                         Issued in Washington, DC on November 29,            supporting materials, are part of the
                                               addressed stamped postcard. Internet                    2018, under authority delegated in 49 CFR
                                               users may submit comments at http://                                                                          public record and subject to public
                                               www.Regulations.gov.                                                                                          disclosure. Do not include any
                                                                                                       Linda Daugherty,                                      information in your comment or
                                                  Note: Privacy Act Statement: There is
                                                                                                       Deputy Associate Administrator for Field              supporting materials that you consider
                                               a privacy statement published at http://
                                                                                                       Operations.                                           confidential or inappropriate for public
                                               www.Regulations.gov. Comments,
                                                                                                       [FR Doc. 2018–26380 Filed 12–4–18; 8:45 am]           disclosure.
                                               including any personal information
                                               provided, are posted without changes or                 BILLING CODE 4910–60–P                                   You may review comments and other
                                               edits to http://www.Regulations.gov.                                                                          related materials that pertain to this
                                               FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                                                                                                                             information collection beginning on the
                                               General: Ms. Kay McIver by telephone at                                                                       date of publication of the second notice
                                                                                                       DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY                            for this collection 1 by any of the
                                               202–366–0113, or email at kay.mciver@
                                               dot.gov.                                                Office of the Comptroller of the                      following methods:
                                                  Technical: Mr. Steve Nanney by                       Currency                                                 • Viewing Comments Electronically:
                                               telephone at 713–628–7479, or email at                                                                        Go to www.reginfo.gov. Click on the
                                               Steve.Nanney@dot.gov.                                   Agency Information Collection                         ‘‘Information Collection Review’’ tab.
khammond on DSK30JT082PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                       Activities: Information Collection                    Underneath the ‘‘Currently under
                                               SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: PHMSA
                                                                                                       Renewal; Comment Request; Annual                      Review’’ section heading, from the drop-
                                               received a special permit request from                                                                        down menu, select ‘‘Department of
                                               Gulf South Pipeline Company, LP,                        Stress Test Rule
                                                                                                                                                             Treasury’’ and then click ‘‘submit.’’ This
                                               (‘‘GSPC’’) to deviate from the pipeline                 AGENCY: Office of the Comptroller of the
                                               safety regulations in 49 CFR 192.611, for               Currency, Treasury (OCC).                               1 Following the close of the 60-day comment
                                               four segments totaling 4.65 miles, of 30-                                                                     period for this notice, the OCC will publish a notice
                                                                                                       ACTION: Notice and request for comment.
                                               inch diameter Index 130 pipeline,                                                                             for 30 days of comment for this collection.

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Document Created: 2018-12-05 02:35:57
Document Modified: 2018-12-05 02:35:57
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
DatesSubmit any comments regarding this special permit request by January 4, 2019.
ContactGeneral: Ms. Kay McIver by telephone at 202-366-0113, or email at [email protected]
FR Citation83 FR 62952 

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