83_FR_63311 83 FR 63076 - Promoting Investment in the 3550-3700 MHz Band

83 FR 63076 - Promoting Investment in the 3550-3700 MHz Band


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 235 (December 7, 2018)

Page Range63076-63097
FR Document2018-25795

In this document, the Federal Communications Commission (Commission) adopts limited changes to the rules governing Priority Access Licenses (PALs) that will be issued in the 3500-3700 MHz Band (3.5 GHz band)--including larger license areas, longer license terms, renewability, and performance requirements--as well as changes to the competitive bidding rules for the issuance of PALs and to the ability to partition and disaggregate areas within PALs. These changes are consistent with the rules that helped foster the development of 4G and LTE services in the United States, and adopting similar rules in this band will help promote additional investment in the next generation of wireless services. The Commission also adopts changes to the technical rules to facilitate transmissions over wider bandwidth channels without significant power reduction and changes to the information security requirements to better safeguard commercially sensitive information and protect critical infrastructure. These targeted changes will spur additional investment and broader deployment in the band, promote robust and efficient spectrum use, and help ensure the rapid deployment of advanced wireless technologies--including 5G--in the United States.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 235 (Friday, December 7, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 235 (Friday, December 7, 2018)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 63076-63097]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-25795]



47 CFR Parts 1 and 96

[GN Docket No. 17-258; FCC 18-149]

Promoting Investment in the 3550-3700 MHz Band

AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission.

ACTION: Final rule.


SUMMARY: In this document, the Federal Communications Commission

[[Page 63077]]

(Commission) adopts limited changes to the rules governing Priority 
Access Licenses (PALs) that will be issued in the 3500-3700 MHz Band 
(3.5 GHz band)--including larger license areas, longer license terms, 
renewability, and performance requirements--as well as changes to the 
competitive bidding rules for the issuance of PALs and to the ability 
to partition and disaggregate areas within PALs. These changes are 
consistent with the rules that helped foster the development of 4G and 
LTE services in the United States, and adopting similar rules in this 
band will help promote additional investment in the next generation of 
wireless services. The Commission also adopts changes to the technical 
rules to facilitate transmissions over wider bandwidth channels without 
significant power reduction and changes to the information security 
requirements to better safeguard commercially sensitive information and 
protect critical infrastructure. These targeted changes will spur 
additional investment and broader deployment in the band, promote 
robust and efficient spectrum use, and help ensure the rapid deployment 
of advanced wireless technologies--including 5G--in the United States.

DATES: Effective Date: January 7, 2019.
    Compliance Date: Compliance will not be required for Sec.  96.23(a) 
or for Sec.  96.25(b) or for Sec.  96.32(b) until after approval by the 
Office of Management and Budget. The Commission will publish a document 
in the Federal Register announcing that compliance date.

[email protected], of the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, 
Mobility Division, (202) 418-2896.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This is a summary of the Commission's Report 
and Order in GN Docket No. 17-258, FCC 18-148 adopted October 23, 2018 
and released October 24, 2018. The full text of the Report and Order, 
including all Appendices, is available for inspection and copying 
during normal business hours in the FCC Reference Center, 445 12th 
Street SW, Room CY-A157, Washington, DC 20554, or by downloading the 
text from the Commission's website at https://docs.fcc.gov/public/attachments/FCC-18-149A1.pdf. Alternative formats are available for 
people with disabilities (Braille, large print, electronic files, audio 
format), by sending an email to [email protected] or calling the Consumer 
and Government Affairs Bureau at (202) 418-0530 (voice), (202) 418-0432 
    The Commission will send a copy of this Report and Order in a 
report to be sent to Congress and the Government Accountability Office 
pursuant to the Congressional Review Act, see 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A).


I. Background

    1. In 2015, the Commission adopted rules for shared commercial use 
of the 3.5 GHz band. It created a three-tiered access and authorization 
framework to coordinate shared federal and non-federal use of the band. 
Incumbents comprise the first tier (Incumbent Access) and receive 
protection from all other users, followed by PALs, the second tier 
(Priority Access), and General Authorized Access (GAA), the third tier. 
Over half of the band--a minimum of 80 megahertz--is reserved for GAA 
use. PALs receive protection from GAA operations but must protect and 
accept interference from Incumbent Access tier users. GAA is licensed-
by-rule and must avoid causing harmful interference to higher tier 
users and accept interference from all other users, including other GAA 
users. GAA users can operate throughout the entire 150 megahertz of the 
3.5 GHz band on any frequencies not in use by PALs. Automated frequency 
coordinators, known as Spectrum Access Systems (SASs), will coordinate 
operations between and among users in different access tiers. The 
Commission adopted service and technical rules governing the 3.5 GHz 
band as the new part 96 of its rules.
    2. In June 2017, CTIA and T-Mobile filed petitions for rulemaking, 
which asked the Commission to reexamine several of the part 96 rules 
related to PALs. CTIA proposed several changes to the PAL licensing 
rules, including much larger license areas, longer license terms, and 
renewability. T-Mobile supported CTIA's proposals and made additional 
proposals, including changes to the amount of spectrum available for 
PALs and to the technical rules governing the 3.5 GHz band. Both 
petitioners argued that these requested changes were necessary to 
promote additional investment to facilitate 5G network deployment in 
the band. On June 22, 2017, the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau and 
Office of Engineering and Technology sought comment on the Petitions 
and on related issues raised in ex parte communications, and they 
received comments and reply comments from more than 120 parties.
    3. On October 24, 2017, the Commission issued a Notice of Proposed 
Rulemaking (82 FR 56193, Nov. 28, 2017) (2017 NPRM) seeking comment on 
potential changes to the PAL rules, including significantly larger 
geographic license areas, longer license terms, PAL renewability, and 
changes to the way in which PALs are assigned and auctioned. The 
Commission also sought comment on relaxing the emissions limits for 
Citizens Broadband Radio Service Devices (CBSDs) and/or End User 
Devices to allow operation over wider bandwidths without power 
reduction. The Commission simultaneously adopted an Order Terminating 
the Petitions, in which it declined to seek comment on discrete 
proposals from T-Mobile's Petition that would have fundamentally 
altered the sharing framework of the band, including its proposal to 
reapportion the amount of spectrum available for GAA versus PAL use and 
designating the entire band for PAL use.
    4. The Commission received nearly 200 comments and 40 reply 
comments in response to the 2017 NPRM, including from mobile wireless 
service providers, Wireless Internet Service Providers (WISPs) and 
other fixed wireless service providers, cable providers, Internet of 
Things (IoT) providers, energy and utility associations, and consumer 

III. Discussion

A. PAL Licensing Rules

1. Geographic Licensing Area
    5. Background. In the 2015 Report and Order (80 FR 36164, June 23, 
2015), the Commission defined the geographic license area for each PAL 
as one census tract. In the 2017 NPRM, the Commission proposed to 
increase the geographic license area to ``stimulate additional 
investment, promote innovation, and encourage efficient use of spectrum 
resources.'' The Commission sought comment on petitioners' specific 
request to increase the license size to Partial Economic Areas (PEAs), 
asking whether the larger size and the ability to combine and partition 
licenses would strike the right balance between supporting targeted 
deployments and incentivizing additional investment in the band. Noting 
concerns in the record about whether PEAs would incent diverse auction 
participants, differing technologies, and rural deployments, the 
Commission also sought comment on alternative or hybrid approaches, 
such as licensing PEAs in urban areas and census tracts in rural areas, 

[[Page 63078]]

offering PALs of different sizes in each market.
    6. Several commenters support increasing the PAL license area 
significantly, from census tracts to PEAs, as a way to simplify the 
auction process, reduce interference risks and coordination 
complications at border areas, and encourage investment by all 
providers. Other commenters argue that the Commission should retain 
census tracts as the geographic licensing unit for PALs, arguing that 
using census tracts would increase the likelihood of localized services 
reaching rural and underserved areas, and open up PAL auctions to a 
wider variety of potential users and uses. Other commenters support 
using county-sized PALs as a compromise between census tracts and PEAs. 
Some commenters suggest that the Commission rely on a hybrid approach 
and to adopt multiple, different-sized PAL license areas. After the 
comment cycle closed, many stakeholders worked to find a hybrid 
solution for the size of the PAL license area.
    7. Discussion. After review of the extensive record on this issue 
and in light of the changed circumstances since adoption of the 2015 
rules, the Commission finds that increasing the size of the PAL license 
area to counties will better serve the public interest.
    8. In 2015, the Commission determined that larger license areas 
were inconsistent with its desire to promote innovative, low power uses 
in the band, such as small cells, which align well with small, targeted 
geographic areas, and that census tracts would permit intensive use of 
the band and support a variety of use cases. The Commission now 
reassesses these determinations in the wake of the changed 
technological landscape, with efforts here and abroad to prioritize 
mid-band spectrum as part of the spectrum portfolio that will support 
next generation wireless networks, including 5G. While the decision to 
use census tracts may well support the deployment of targeted use 
cases--particularly fixed uses--as discussed below, the record shows 
that census tracts could disadvantage flexible mobile use, including 
5G, and other wide-area network deployments, which in turn would 
decrease investment in the band. Increasing the PAL license area 
slightly from 714,000 census tracts to about 3,200 counties strikes a 
more appropriate balance and will more effectively support next 
generation mobile network deployments, while still retaining the 
ability to support small, targeted uses, included fixed uses. In 
contrast, increasing the PAL license area size further (i.e., from 
3,200 counties to 416 PEAs) could disproportionately favor mobile use 
cases and hinder investment in innovative fixed networks and localized 
deployments. The 3.5 GHz band will be the first mid-band spectrum 
suited for 5G uses that will be made available domestically, and the 
band will play a key role as part of the low-, mid-, and high-band 
spectrum toolkit for 5G uses. While census tracts seemed like an 
appropriate ``middle ground'' in 2015, since that time, the balance has 
    9. First, given the increasing importance of mid-band spectrum for 
5G--and the importance of maximizing auction participation to ensure 
this band is put to its highest and best use--it is important for the 
size of PAL license areas not to preclude a mobile 5G use case. The 
record in this proceeding now demonstrates that retaining census tracts 
as the size of the PAL license areas would cause significant 
difficulties in deployment of large-scale networks for mobile 5G use. 
In light of this, it is necessary to reassess the Commission's decision 
in the 2015 Report and Order that census tract-sized PALs were large 
enough to support a variety of use cases. After reviewing the record, 
the Commission finds that increasing the size of PAL license areas to 
counties is more likely to ensure that mobile 5G deployments are 
feasible in the 3.5 GHz band.
    10. The Commission agrees with certain commenters' arguments that 
licensing PALs using census tracts could raise insurmountable technical 
issues in urban areas. These commenters stress that the number of PALs 
under a census tract regime--and the number of license borders in 
particular--will cause unnecessarily challenging border coordination 
issues and create network deployment complexities. In New York City, 
for example, there are 2,168 census tracts, spanning an average of less 
than one-sixth of a square mile. This appears to be far smaller than 
the area necessary for a single CBSD to operate in its coverage area on 
at least 20 megahertz of PAL spectrum. Some commenters argue that there 
are engineering and cost challenges to using census tracts, and stress 
that, in order to cover the border areas of census tracts, Priority 
Access Licensees will need to severely limit their power and deploy 
many more CBSDs than what may be actually needed. They also argue that 
TDD-LTE technology requires coordination among co-channel and adjacent 
channel systems at the border, and that synchronization of uplink and 
downlink operations with neighbors would be almost impossible to 
implement in census tracts in large urban areas.
    11. Further, the smaller the license area, the more the 
interference protection requirements will limit a licensee's ability to 
use its assigned spectrum throughout its service area. This is because 
there is a much higher likelihood that when a licensee seeks to deploy 
a CBSD, there will be a nearby PAL Protection Area that requires 
protection, forcing the licensee to reduce power or take other steps to 
protect the transmitter deployed in the adjacent geographic area. Some 
commenters argue that licensing PALs by census tract will add 
tremendous administrative overhead to the process of acquiring PALs and 
building networks to align with areas where licensees actually want to 
operate, and also express concern over the cost of designing and 
deploying networks under a census tract licensing regime. The 
Commission finds this evidence credible that census-tract based 
licensing risks intractable interference problems at PAL borders, 
potentially precluding the use of this spectrum for mobile 5G services.
    12. Other commenters argue that these border interference concerns 
are overstated, because a licensee can operate within its entire PAL 
Protection Area, which may consist of several aggregated PAL licenses 
areas, and because the signals from CBSDs whose service contours form 
the PAL Protection Area would be treated as GAA outside of the PAL 
area. The Commission is unconvinced that these factors fully mitigate 
the problem. For instance, commenters describe scenarios illustrating 
that there is no guarantee that a licensee will have a common channel 
assignment in adjacent markets. And with respect to potentially 
extending a licensee's service contours outside of its license area on 
a GAA basis, some providers note that they cannot make network 
deployment decisions that are premised on not having to protect 
adjacent operations because they might not be deployed, and will need 
to assume that adjacent markets are robustly utilized by PAL (or GAA) 
licensees to the fullest extent possible.
    13. Nor is the Commission persuaded by the argument that it need 
not worry about these interference concerns because they will not 
affect a licensee with a geographically targeted LTE deployment, such 
as within a hotel, convention center, or business campus. If relying on 
census tracts precludes wide-area use of the 3.5 GHz band (and thus 
prevents its use for 5G or rural broadband deployments), the

[[Page 63079]]

Commission would be improperly tipping the scales towards one use case 
over others rather than allowing a neutral market mechanism--an 
auction--to ensure that this valuable spectrum is put to its highest 
and best use.
    14. The Commission further finds that the requirement that the SAS 
assign geographically contiguous PALs held by the same Priority Access 
Licensee to the same channel block in each geographic area does not 
mitigate these concerns. This requirement applies only ``to the extent 
feasible,'' and doing so may not be feasible when, for example, 
multiple licensees want common channels across overlapping aggregate 
PAL Protection Areas. The smaller the license area, the greater the 
likelihood of such conflicts occurring. For example, a carrier seeking 
to offer 5G mobile broadband throughout the New York area would be 
required to bid on 28,000 licenses and be the auction winner 4,000 
times in a single geographic area; this would increase dramatically the 
likelihood that, instead of taking advantage of the contiguous-area 
rule, an auction winner with a checkerboard of census tract-based 
licenses would be able to use none of them. Further, even if some form 
of package or combinatorial bidding could mitigate such risks, 
licensees would still face potentially discontiguous channel 
    15. Although other commenters, in disputing these claims, stress 
the legal obligation of the SAS to protect a licensee's PAL Protection 
Area, they do not persuasively refute the demonstration that the use of 
census tracts is likely in practice to increase dramatically the number 
of potential border conflicts and related engineering and coordination 
challenges, potentially precluding next generation mobile services, 
including 5G, in the 3.5 GHz band. As the Commission recognized in 
2015, licensees may have a legitimate need to coordinate with holders 
of both geographically and spectrally adjacent licenses in order to 
maximize the utility of the band and facilitate efficient network 
planning. The record presents serious concerns that, for large scale 
deployments, such coordination could involve a prohibitive number of 
co-channel and adjacent channel licensees.
    16. Second, county-based licensing will allow Priority Access 
Licensees to take advantage of economies of scale, which will reduce 
deployment costs. Economic analysis submitted in the record suggests 
that the population of a census tract is likely not sufficiently large 
to take advantage of possible economies of scale for many of the 
potential uses of the band, particularly for the deployment of 5G. 
Counties--in contrast--are large enough for network deployers to 
achieve scale economies for both fixed and mobile services. Indeed, 
counties cover a large enough geographic footprint to incentivize 
investment in wider area geographic deployments that take full 
advantage of the CBSD power limits in the 3.5 GHz band, a particularly 
important issue for 5G networks.
    17. Third, counties will service the needs of rural communities and 
will allow new and innovative services to reach underserved and 
unserved communities, consistent with the Act's objectives. County-
sized PALs will provide small, rural providers with a reasonable 
opportunity to obtain spectrum and promote more effective use of 
spectrum for actual service delivery in rural areas. Senators of 
Montana, Wyoming, and Alaska argue that use of counties for licensing 
PALs in rural areas would serve the needs of their rural communities 
because it will provide small carriers with an opportunity to access 
PALs that best fit their targeted service at a price that fits their 
budget. Several small, rural carriers note that census tract licensing 
would render the spectrum useless for many small carriers in rural 
areas, arguing that county-sized licenses will make logical sense in 
rural communities. And many commenters support using counties to 
license at least some PALs, particularly in rural communities. The 
Commission agrees with this ample record that county-based license 
areas will enable a wide variety of use cases needed to ensure 
deployment of the 3.5 GHz band in rural areas.
    18. Fourth, the Commission finds that counties will serve a variety 
of innovative use cases for urban, suburban, and rural deployments, 
including IoT deployments and those by new entrants. Several parties 
stress the importance of access to PALs for IoT and other innovative 
spectrum uses in suburban and urban areas, and they note that 5G will 
be replete with these type of targeted uses cases regardless of whether 
the community is urban or more rural. These commenters argue that 
counties strike a balance between enabling efficient deployment of 
services and remaining small enough to ensure economic viability for a 
variety of businesses and technical plans. Other commenters also note 
that while they may prefer other license sizes, counties would 
nonetheless be compatible with their business cases. The Commission 
agrees that the Priority Access licensing structure should be flexible 
enough to support and encourage next-generation applications like 5G 
and IoT and believes that county-based licensing will help to 
accomplish this goal. Licensing PALs by county will help foster 
flexible and innovative use of the 3.5 GHz band in all areas by 
providing a consistent, relatively small license size appropriate for a 
wide range of possible network deployments. Indeed, the Commission 
adopted county-size PALs for the 28 GHz band for these same reasons, 
which likewise will be an important part of the next generation 
wireless ecosystem, including 5G and IoT applications. In that 
proceeding, the Commission found that ``a county-based license affords 
a licensee the flexibility to develop localized services, allows for 
targeted deployments based on market forces and customer demand, and 
facilitates access by both smaller and larger carriers.'' As in that 
context, the Commission anticipates that this approach in the 3.5 GHz 
band will support diverse network deployments and business models and 
will fulfill the Act's objectives by fostering the development and 
rapid deployment of new technologies, promoting economic opportunity 
and competition, and disseminating licenses among a wide variety of 
    19. Counties are sufficiently small to support the small cell 
deployments and localized types of service the Commission anticipates 
will be an important part of this band. They are also small enough to 
allow licensees to target their deployments where they need capacity. 
At the same time, as the Commission and commenters have recognized, 
counties are the basic ``building blocks'' of many geographic areas, 
making them suitable for aggregation for licensees that wish to operate 
over larger areas. This flexibility makes counties an appropriate 
middle ground for this band, given that the characteristics of 3.5 GHz 
band spectrum are favorable to support both localized and wide-area 
deployments, and thus to entities wanting to provide a variety of 
innovative services--some more targeted than others--to the public.
    20. Fifth, the Commission finds that licensing PALs on a county 
basis will simplify the licensing regime in a way that minimizes 
burdens imposed on licensees, and that promotes administrative and 
spectral efficiency consistent with its statutory objectives including 
speeding the ``development and rapid deployment of new technologies, 
products, and services'' and ``efficient and intensive use'' of the 
spectrum. With just 3,200 counties nationwide (compared to about 74,000 
census tracts), the Commission can

[[Page 63080]]

reduce the administrative burden more than 20-fold by using counties as 
the PAL license area. It anticipates that this reduction, in turn, will 
reduce network design complexity and minimize border coordination 
    21. The Commission also anticipates that fewer license areas and 
fewer overall biddable items available through the PAL auction will 
reduce auction complexity and will enable it to move forward more 
quickly to offer all available PALs in one multiple round auction 
conferring significant benefits to the public. Historically, the 
Commission has preferred to use a specific simultaneous multiple round 
(SMR) auction format for offering spectrum licenses. In the forward 
auction portion of the broadcast incentive auction (Auction 1002), the 
Commission used a clock auction format which, like the SMR, also offers 
all items simultaneously in multiple bidding rounds. These auction 
formats allow bidders to engage in price discovery and pursue backup 
strategies as prices ascend, which, for many license inventories, are 
important benefits for bidders. The Commission's current bidding 
systems for multiple round spectrum auctions were designed so as to 
offer these bidder advantages given historically typical inventories of 
geographic areas. While a county-based geographic license area gives us 
an inventory with the largest number of areas that the Commission has 
ever auctioned or licensed, it is a far smaller number than an 
inventory based on 74,000 census tracts. Accordingly, licensing PALs on 
the basis of counties will enable the Commission to use an auction 
system that offers bidders important benefits, as well as allow it to 
auction them more quickly with a bidding system that is manageable for 
    22. Relatedly, if providers with larger-area needs have to turn to 
the secondary market to aggregate additional licenses, the smaller the 
license area used, the larger the number of transactions that would be 
required, thus increasing transaction costs. The Commission believes 
that this balance will not only promote Section 309's goal of 
``efficient and intensive use of the electromagnetic spectrum,'' but 
also encourage investment by a wider array of users than under the 
census tract regime by removing unnecessary administrative hurdles and 
associated costs.
    23. Several parties, including those representing small and rural 
interests, also agree that counties will minimize administrative 
burdens imposed on licensees, while still being small enough to support 
rural deployment, reduce barriers of entry, and encourage localized use 
cases. They stress that, as compared to census tracts, counties will 
simplify license management burdens and border coordination issues, 
while still supporting rural deployment preserving low barriers to 
    24. Sixth, international developments confirm the importance of 
creating an environment that encourages domestic investment in next 
generation mobile networks in the 3.5 GHz band to effectively leverage 
the economies of scale created by international investments in the 
band. Numerous other countries have begun to auction spectrum in the 
3.5 GHz range and several others are poised to do so in the near 
future. It is important for the United States to create a robust 
marketplace in the band, particularly as the band is standardized for 
next-generation, 5G technology. By making sure that the PAL license 
area will foster investment in the band, including by those seeking to 
use it for mobile 5G use, the Commission is better aligning itself with 
global developments and preparing to be a leader in the 5G ecosystem, 
as it has been in the LTE space. Service providers often determine 
their investments on a global scale, not just a domestic one, and 
adjustments to the Commission's approach on the geographic licensing 
area will better facilitate service providers including offerings to 
U.S. customers in their plans. Specifically, the Commission finds that 
its revised approach to the geographic licensing area will better align 
the band with global developments, and with other bands in the U.S. 
that the Commission has found will play a role in the 5G ecosystem, 
including the millimeter wave bands and the 3.7-4.2 GHz band. This 
consistent approach will ensure that the 3.5 GHz band in the United 
States is ripe for robust investment.
    25. Finally, while no approach to license sizes will satisfy all 
stakeholders, counties represent a more appropriate middle ground that 
will address many of the concerns raised by stakeholders in this 
proceeding. The Commission finds that adopting counties as the 
geographic unit for PAL licensing balances the concerns that some 
commenters have raised about licensing PALs as small as a census tract 
with the concerns that other commenters have raised about licensing 
PALs as large as a PEA. In fact, across the various compromise 
proposals and hybrid approaches submitted in this proceeding, the main 
commonality is support for the use of counties as part of the PAL 
licensing scheme. As such, the Commission finds that increasing the 
size of the geographic license area from census tracts to counties will 
be more likely to unlock the potential for existing and new 
technologies and services to thrive in the 3.5 GHz band, while 
preserving the incentives and ability of smaller innovators to make use 
of PALs, reserved GAA spectrum, and unreserved GAA use as appropriate.
    26. The Commission disagrees with the argument that census tract 
licensing is necessary for localized use cases, or that these localized 
use cases should be the primary focus of the balance struck by its 
rules. Some commenters argue that counties are too large for localized 
deployments such as those intended by colleges, industrial parks, 
manufacturing plants, sports arenas and other similar users, and that 
census tracts are the least costly way to support targeted use cases. 
The Commission finds that the public interest best served by ensuring 
that all potential use cases are technically and economically feasible, 
and by using competitive bidding to allocate the 3.5 GHz band to its 
highest and best use.
    27. Further, county-sized licenses will still enable the 
construction of localized, private networks using 3.5 GHz spectrum. 
Targeted use cases are already encouraged by the ``use-or-share'' 
nature of the band and the GAA tier. A minimum of 80 out of 150 
megahertz--more than half the band--will be available for GAA use even 
if all of the potential PAL channels are occupied, and the Commission 
previously denied T-Mobile's request to change the apportionment of PAL 
to GAA spectrum. Even census tracts are already significantly larger 
than a single campus, hotel, factory, or other similar enterprise, and 
the demands of such targeted applications can be addressed in ways that 
provide interference protection without using license areas as small as 
census tracts, including entering into transactions tailored to the 
area or amount of spectrum needed through leasing, partitioning, or 
disaggregation, or entering into commercial agreements with PAL 
licensees in which the licensee manages the spectrum. What is more, 
network deployers, manufacturers, and technology companies are well 
positioned to aggregate demand across counties to coordinate the 
deployment of localized use cases. This Report and Order also opens up 
the PAL market to partitioning and disaggregation, which should provide 
additional secondary market avenues for targeted uses and users. And 
the decision to impose end-of-term performance requirements will 
incentivize Priority Access Licensees to enter into the commercial 

[[Page 63081]]

with entities that have targeted-sized uses that fall within their 
license areas.
    28. The Commission also disagrees that increasing the size of PAL 
license areas will ``strand'' investments in the band. Those making 
this argument either are incumbents with grandfathered licenses in one 
portion of the band or they have made those investments in reliance on 
the 2015 rules. For one, the Commission does not find any such reliance 
expectations to be reasonable. It had neither scheduled nor even sought 
comment on how to design a competitive bidding system for PALs before 
seeking comment on the petitions for rulemaking to change the 2015 
rules--and no provider is ever guaranteed to win protected spectrum at 
auction in a given market, regardless of the size of the geographic 
license area. For another, the unique structure and technical rules 
governing the 3.5 GHz band reduce the risk of stranded investment for 
all entrants and largely obviate the need to rely solely on auctioned 
licenses for access to the band. As stated previously, a minimum of 80 
megahertz of the band will be available for use on a GAA basis in any 
area, by any entity that registers with the SAS. Additional spectrum 
will also be made available when it is not in use by Priority Access 
Licensees. The technical rules are the same for GAA and PAL users, 
meaning entities can use the same equipment in either tier, and can 
rely on both PAL and GAA spectrum, one or the other, or switch between 
the two to meet their business needs. And so any entity that deploys in 
the band prior to the PAL auction would need to operate on a GAA basis 
for some period of time and would be able to continue to do so after 
the auction, regardless of the outcome. Moreover, counties are small 
enough that the Commission anticipates rural providers and WISPs will 
actively seek county-sized PALs at auction, or enter arrangements to 
partition or disaggregate county-sized areas into smaller ones. 
Additionally, the opportunities for small entities and rural carriers 
to win will be supported by the bidding credits that have been 
successful in other Commission proceedings.
    29. The Commission rejects arguments that it should adopt PEAs 
nationwide, as petitioners and some commenters support, or Metropolitan 
Statistical Areas (MSAs) in urban areas, as suggested in multiple 
hybrid proposals. The incremental benefit for 5G mobile use of going 
from counties to MSAs or PEAs would be far less than the incremental 
costs incurred by other potential users of the band. In particular, the 
Commission agrees with those commenters that cite the potential 
negative effects of adopting license areas as large as PEAs. Many WISPs 
express concerns that the incongruity between PEAs and WISP service 
footprints will diminish or foreclose their ability to win PALs at 
auction. In response to these concerns, the Commission has decided not 
to increase the size of the PAL license area to PEAs.
    30. Nevertheless, to provide greater flexibility to PAL applicants 
interested in serving larger areas, the Commission will seek comment in 
the pre-auction process on allowing package bids to facilitate bidding 
for the counties that comprise a complete MSA in the top 305 markets. 
Several commenters argue that MSAs in urban areas will promote 
investment in the band in those markets, and--in combination with 
counties--provide an opportunity for parties to acquire PAL spectrum in 
areas that best fit their business models and investment plans and 
minimize burdens for applicants interested in a larger footprint in 
urban areas. The Commission expects that the proposed procedures for 
the auction will include specific procedures for a form of package 
bidding consistent with proposals for other bidding procedures proposed 
in the pre-auction public notice process. Licensing PALs by county, and 
seeking comment on the best flexible auction mechanism that may allow 
bidders to aggregate MSA bids, including possibly using package bidding 
for all of the counties in an MSA, could reduce secondary market 
transaction costs while still promoting an active secondary market.
    31. The Commission rejects hybrid approaches that offer multiple 
size PALs in every market, such as licensing 50 megahertz of PALs by 
county and 20 megahertz by census tract. As discussed above, using 
counties nationwide will support licensee diversity and increased 
investment. Further, there are already significant complexities 
inherent to the 3.5 GHz band authorization and spectrum coordination 
model, which involve the SAS coordinating access between and among the 
three tiers of users, including the protection of multiple discrete 
types of Incumbent users. While SASs may be--and likely are--capable of 
modifying their systems to address multiple sizes of PALs in a given 
geographic area, on balance, it is not in the public interest to add 
yet another layer of complexity to the SAS's spectrum coordination 
responsibilities at this time. Such additional requirements could delay 
SAS certification and, possibly, affect the deployment timeline for the 
band. No party has articulated a compelling argument for the benefits 
of such a hybrid model (vis-[agrave]-vis nationwide use of counties) 
that would outweigh the potential costs inherent in increasing the 
complexity of the licensing and authorization framework at this stage 
of the SAS development cycle. The Commission also agrees with certain 
commenters that, given the specific characteristics of the 3.5 GHz 
band, licensing all PALs available in a market using the same 
geographic area will avoid unnecessarily complicating network 
management burdens for all users. Using the same license area in both 
rural and urban areas, as opposed to a hybrid approach licensing 
different sized PALs in urban and rural areas, will minimize 
complexities in a band that has a unique tiered access structure with 
dynamic spectrum sharing.
2. License Term and Renewal
    32. Background. The rules adopted in the 2015 Report and Order 
established a three-year license term for PALs. Under the current 
rules, during the first application window, an applicant may apply for 
up to two consecutive three-year terms for a given PAL. During 
subsequent regular application windows, however, an applicant will be 
able to apply for only a single three-year license term for any given 
    33. In the 2017 NPRM, the Commission proposed to revise its rules 
by increasing the PAL license term from three years to 10 years and 
eliminating the requirement that PALs automatically terminate at the 
end of the license term. The Commission sought comment on this change 
and on the appropriate performance requirements and renewal standards 
for PALs. The Commission noted that its proposed approach was 
consistent with other wireless services and would afford licensees 
sufficient time to design and acquire the necessary equipment and 
devices and to deploy facilities across the license area.
    34. The Commission traditionally has licensed many wireless 
services on a 10-year renewable basis. For example, the Commission 
issues 10-year renewable licenses in Personal Communications Services, 
Wireless Communications Services, 700 MHz Services, and Advanced 
Wireless Services. Since it adopted the 2016 Report and Order (81 FR 
49024, July 26, 2016), the Commission extended this licensing paradigm 
to the millimeter wave spectrum bands that make up the Upper Microwave 
Flexible Use Service (UMFUS), which, like the 3.5 GHz band, has been 
identified as important spectrum for 5G deployment.

[[Page 63082]]

    35. Discussion. The Commission finds that it is in the public 
interest to extend PAL license terms to 10 years and make such licenses 
renewable. The service rules for the 3.5 GHz band must create 
incentives for investment, encourage efficient spectrum use, support a 
variety of different use cases, and promote network deployments in both 
urban and rural communities. As the Commission determined with regard 
to the license area size, it finds that the rapid changes in the mobile 
marketplace, including the growing importance of mid-band spectrum for 
large-scale 5G mobile service, necessitate that it revises the license 
term for PALs to best advance these goals. Since the Commission adopted 
the 3.5 GHz band licensing rules in 2015, it has become apparent that 
supporting the rapid deployment of next generation mobile networks, 
including 5G, will require a combination of low-, mid-, and high-band 
spectrum, and that the 3.5 GHz band will play a significant role as one 
of the core mid-range bands for 5G network deployments throughout the 
world, as well as the first mid-band spectrum to be commercially 
available in this country for such deployments. Considering the 
critical importance this band will play in the United States' 
competitiveness in the global 5G arena, it is also important to ensure 
that the Commission's rules for the 3.5 GHz band support robust 
investment in large scale mobile deployments like 5G, as well as other 
use cases. For the reasons discussed below, the Commission concludes 
that 10-year renewable license terms will strike the right balance of 
providing the certainty needed to foster robust investment in next 
generation wireless networks--including 5G networks--while still 
maintaining the flexibility needed to support innovative and localized 
opportunities for a wide variety of entrants.
    36. First, review of the record persuades the Commission that 
longer, renewable license terms will provide Priority Access Licensees 
with the level of certainty needed to promote robust investment and 
widespread deployment in the band. Many commenters maintain that 
longer, renewable license terms are necessary to incentivize robust 
investment in the band. They emphasize that successful network buildout 
is a multi-year process that includes standardizing a new frequency 
band, developing and certifying equipment, introducing a new band into 
end-user devices, and deploying infrastructure. They likewise maintain 
that 10-year renewable licenses would provide the long-term certainty 
required to invest in solutions utilizing the CBRS spectrum, and allow 
PAL holders to work with equipment manufacturers to lower equipment 
costs, the savings from which can in turn can be reinvested in networks 
to achieve higher speeds and additional rollout. Other commenters argue 
that the investment that larger entities have already made in 3.5 GHz 
band technology demonstrates that a three-year, non-renewable term will 
not deter their participation in the band. Such preparatory efforts 
certainly reflect an encouraging interest in the band, but do not 
guarantee a robust level of investment and deployment going forward. 
The Commission believes that the certainty provided by a 10-year, 
renewable license is warranted to help ensure the kind of robust 
investment and deployment that will achieve global leadership in next 
generation wireless technologies, including 5G.
    37. The conclusion that a longer, renewable PAL license term is 
necessary to support robust investment in the band is further supported 
by economic analyses in the record. For instance, one such analysis 
argues that infrastructure investment decisions depend on the present 
value of the expected increase in profits on the investment. It 
explains that expected profits are a function of revenues and costs 
over the period a firm expects to use the investment, and thus, with 
shorter non-renewable licenses, expected profits will decrease. As 
such, it contends that three-year license terms, even when coupled with 
the option to obtain two consecutive three-year terms in the first 
license period, would provide insufficient time for investment returns 
in an infrastructure-heavy industry. Another analysis similarly finds 
that short term licenses discourage long-term investments in comparison 
to long-term licenses and the utilization of secondary markets. One 
study finds that shorter, non-renewable license terms are listed as one 
of the factors likely to decrease market value for PALs by as much as 
50 to 95 percent overall relative to similarly licensed spectrum in the 
2.5-2.6 GHz band.
    38. Second, the Commission's experience managing other commercial 
spectrum supports adopting this modification. A 10-year renewable 
license term is consistent with the time-tested licensing frameworks 
that have proven successful in many other bands. Further, the 
Commission recently concluded in the Spectrum Frontiers (81 FR 79909, 
Nov. 14, 2016) proceeding that this framework was particularly 
appropriate for a band important for 5G, finding that ``a 10-year 
license term will give licensees sufficient certainty to invest in 
their systems, particularly as the new technology is still nascent and 
will require time to fully develop.'' The record in this proceeding 
reaffirms that conclusion. Further, the next generation flexible use 
deployments envisioned for this band--including 5G networks--involve 
large numbers of small cells, which add complexity and siting delays to 
roll out, particularly given that these deployments will often require 
new sites (e.g., street lights, billboards, sides of buildings) with 
new power and backhaul requirements. Longer, renewable license terms 
will provide time for licensees to contend with these complexities and 
challenges, and help to position the band for robust network 
    39. Third, the adoption of larger license areas for PALs further 
supports the modification to PAL license terms. The Commission in 2015 
adopted a three-year, non-renewable term partly based on the conclusion 
that the economics and upgrade cycles for the small use case ``in the 
context of census tract license areas'' might resemble those for 
enterprise and Wi-Fi deployments rather than the large mobile 
deployments in other bands. The Commission expects the larger license 
areas now adopted to be more attractive to wide area network operators 
than census tracts and, as such, anticipates more large scale mobile 
deployments, including 5G. Given the nature and scale of such 
investments, the economics and upgrade cycles of such deployments will 
likely be closer to those in other bands used for mobile broadband, 
such as those bands addressed in Spectrum Frontiers, for which the 
Commission also adopted a ten-year renewable license term, and find 
that a longer period is appropriate to ensure a sufficient return-on-
    40. Fourth, as with the adoption of counties as the license area 
size for PALs, the Commission finds that 10-year, renewable terms are 
suited for a wide variety of entrants in both urban and rural areas. 
Ten-year renewable terms were supported by a diverse group of 
commenters, including mobile wireless providers, rural 
telecommunications and electric cooperatives, fixed wireless broadband 
providers, and equipment manufacturers. Further, a large number of 
other parties, as part of a multi-stakeholder consensus, support 
adoption of a renewable license term, albeit with a term of seven years 
rather than 10. The Commission finds their support for renewability and 
a term only somewhat shorter than the one it adopts

[[Page 63083]]

in the Report and Order as further evidence that a 10-year, renewable 
term will serve a wide diversity of entrants. Regarding access by rural 
providers in particular, the Commission's Mobility Fund II, which funds 
wireless broadband buildout, provides support in 10-year terms ``in 
light of the significant capital and effort needed to deploy and 
upgrade broadband networks and [because it] is consistent with the 
timeframe used by rural carriers to plan and schedule network 
upgrades.'' Indeed, some commenters maintain that longer license terms 
and renewability are necessary to incentivize rural service providers 
and utilities to invest in 3.5 GHz band networks.
    41. The Commission is not persuaded by commenters who argue that 
the longer term and renewability will make PALs broadly uneconomical 
for rural and innovative investments or lead to a less efficient use 
and distribution of the band. As discussed in economic analysis in the 
record, a licensee's expected profits from license acquisition should 
generally increase with a longer term and renewability. While some 
commenters challenge this assertion, arguing that extending the term 
will force prospective licensees to acquire spectrum for a longer 
period than they need, they offer no evidence that there is any 
mismatch between the longer term and the use cases discussed in the 
record. Numerous parties with various use cases, including rural WISPs 
and industrial entities, assert that they seek to deploy with the use 
of PALs, and they do not assert that their need for or use of such 
priority access will terminate by some fixed period, or that they plan 
to switch to GAA spectrum after that period. The Commission anticipates 
that the longer, renewable term will provide additional value to small 
and rural entities seeking to use spectrum for commercial broadband 
networks and other uses that involve significant long-term investments, 
and that the greater value to small and rural entities will help such 
entities absorb a higher acquisition cost at auction to the extent it 
may result from such terms.
    42. Other aspects of the revised framework should further help 
ensure that small and rural providers have affordable access to the 3.5 
GHz band. The bidding credits the Commission adopts for small 
businesses and rural providers will directly help them to compete for 
PALs at auction without compromising the certainty needed for 
substantial long-term investment. Expanded access through the secondary 
market will also help facilitate access to PALs. As discussed 
elsewhere, the Commission is not persuaded by commenters' claims that 
small entities will be unable to participate in secondary market 
transactions. Further, GAA spectrum will continue to be available on an 
opportunistic basis, and may be particularly suitable for short-term 
investments. Taking all these factors into account, to the extent a 
change to a longer-term, renewable license might still result in some 
reduction in liquidity in the market for priority spectrum access or 
otherwise raise the cost of access, the benefits of longer, renewable 
terms outweigh these concerns.
    43. Finally, while commenters advocate for a variety of license 
terms shorter than 10 years, with limited or no renewability, these 
other options would not encourage investment as effectively and 
efficiently as a 10-year renewable license. Many commenters maintain 
that less than a 10-year license term is insufficient for investors to 
obtain a return on investment. Several commenters also contend that, 
without reasonable expectancy of license renewal, many potential 
entrants may be dissuaded from investing in the band because of the 
risk of stranded investment. The Commission concludes that its revised 
framework, when taken as a whole, appropriately addresses the needs of 
a wide variety of stakeholders, including those that wish to use the 
band for short-term purposes and those providers that require more 
certainty and stability, and will result in greater overall investment 
and deployment while still providing a wide variety of stakeholders 
with the opportunity to participate in this innovative band.
    44. Regarding license renewal, last year, the Commission adopted a 
unified renewal framework for Wireless Radio Services (WRS) to replace 
the then-existing patchwork of service-specific rules for renewal. 
Consistent with that reform, the Commission finds it appropriate to 
include PALs in the unified WRS renewal framework rather than create a 
service-specific standard. Consequently, PAL licensees must comply with 
Sec.  1.949 of the Commission's rules. Under that section, each PAL 
licensee, in order to qualify for renewal, must demonstrate that over 
the course of its license term, the licensee either: (1) Provided and 
continues to provide service to the public, or (2) operated and 
continues to operate the license to meet the licensee's private, 
internal communications needs. Like other WRS licensees, Priority 
Access Licensees may avail themselves of appropriate safe harbors 
contained in Sec.  1.949(e) or make a Renewal Showing consistent with 
Sec.  1.949(f). Including PALs in the unified WRS renewal framework is 
consistent with the Commission's determination in the WRS Renewals 
Second Report and Order (82 FR 41531, Sept. 1, 2017) that ``uniform 
renewal rules [across different Wireless Radio Services] will promote 
the efficient use of spectrum resources, serve the public interest by 
providing licensees certainty regarding their license renewal 
requirements, encourage licensees to invest in new facilities and 
services, and facilitate their business and network planning.'' In this 
band, such an approach ``will provide incentives for licensees to 
continue to provide service'' over their license terms.
    45. Some commenters have argued that, instead of renewability, the 
licenses should be reauctioned at the end of the license term. For 
example, one economist describes an auction format under which an 
incumbent would be required to bid for a renewal of its license at the 
end of the license term, but it would be given a bidding credit so 
that, if it won, it would have to pay only a fraction of the auction-
determined price. Moreover, if the incumbent loses, it would be 
compensated with a transferable bidding credit to apply to the purchase 
of other licenses. The economist argues that this format would mitigate 
the risk that the incumbent licensee's investments may become stranded. 
This proposal gained little support in the record, however. Moreover, 
several commenters, opposing this proposal, argue that a ``foothold'' 
auction system will lower license valuations and initial investments in 
the band due to its complex approach within the setting of three-year 
terms and unknown subsidy rates. The Commission therefore declines to 
adopt this proposal in place of the time-tested approach of providing 
for renewability.

3. Performance Requirements

    46. Background. In the 2015 Report and Order, the Commission 
determined that, in light of the three-year license term and non-
renewability of PALs, the rules permitting opportunistic GAA use, and 
the relatively inexpensive deployment costs, ``winning bidders for PAL 
licenses at auction will have sufficient incentive to deliver service 
so as to avoid the need for prescribing any further performance 
requirements.'' In the 2017 NPRM, the Commission sought comment on 
whether to adopt performance requirements for PALs, and if so, which 
type, if they are licensed with a longer term and renewability.
    47. Discussion. The Commission finds that, given the changes to 
PALs adopted

[[Page 63084]]

in the Report and Order (i.e., longer license terms, larger license 
areas, and renewability), it is in the public interest to revise its 
rules to adopt new end-of-term performance requirements for PALs. 
Specifically, Priority Access Licensees will be required to provide a 
bona fide communications service that meets a ``substantial service'' 
standard of performance, and the Commission adopts two specific safe 
harbors to meet this standard, one for mobile or point-to-multipoint 
services and a second for point-to-point services. A licensee providing 
a mobile service or point-to-multipoint service may demonstrate 
substantial service by showing that it provides reliable signal 
coverage and offers service over at least 50 percent of the population 
in the license area. A licensee deploying a point-to-point service may 
demonstrate substantial service by showing that it has constructed and 
operates, using Category B CBSDs, at least four links in license areas 
with 134,000 population or less, and at least one link per 33,500 
population (rounded up) in license areas with greater population. 
Licensees may fulfill their performance requirements by showing that 
they meet at least one of these safe harbors, or they may make an 
individualized showing of substantial service by relying, for example, 
on a combination of different services for which there is a safe harbor 
or on services for which there is no defined safe harbor.
    48. New performance requirements are warranted given the other 
changes to the PALs that adopted in this Report and Order. Performance 
requirements promote the productive use of spectrum, encourage 
licensees to provide service in a timely manner, and promote the 
provision of innovative services and technologies in unserved areas, 
particularly rural ones. Further, Section 309(j)(4)(B) of the Act 
requires that the Commission, in establishing rules for auctioned 
licenses, must ``include performance requirements, such as appropriate 
deadlines and penalties for performance failures . . . .'' These 
considerations have led the Commission to require licensees to meet a 
particular standard or metric for performance in numerous other bands. 
The Commission found in 2015 that Priority Access Licensees had 
sufficient incentive to use their licensed spectrum that similar 
requirements were not necessary, in part due to the short license term 
and non-renewability. Given that the revised PALs will have a longer 
license term and renewability, as well as larger license areas, the 
Commission finds that the revised PALs are comparable to licenses in 
the other bands for which it has adopted a standard or metric for 
performance. Consistent with these past Commission actions, the 
Commission adopts such a performance requirement for the revised PALs 
to meet its obligations under Section 309(j)(4)(B), to reduce 
warehousing, and to promote timely and efficient use of spectrum, 
including in rural areas.
    49. The Commission also find that, given the revised PAL parameters 
adopted herein, the potential for opportunistic GAA use of unused PAL 
spectrum does not obviate the need for performance requirements. Under 
the current rules, GAA users can operate in unused 3.5 GHz band 
spectrum on an opportunistic basis. GAA users will be excluded from 
operating only to the extent that the Priority Access Licensee actually 
operates over a given channel within its license area (i.e., only from 
the PAL Protection Area surrounding a deployed CBSD). Given the other 
changes to PALs (e.g., 10-year license terms, renewability, larger 
license areas), the Commission does not believe that opportunistic GAA 
use is, in itself, sufficient to prevent warehousing and encourage 
robust spectrum use. Absent performance requirements, the revisions to 
PALs likely will increase incentives for parties to seek PALs for 
speculative investment or warehousing. Such conduct could prevent 
intensive use of the band and reduce overall investment notwithstanding 
the option of GAA use. Notably, a lack of PAL performance would 
increase the uncertainty for GAA users surrounding long term spectrum 
availability. Potential GAA users would have little idea regarding 
when, where, and with what technology Priority Access Licensees may 
ultimately choose to deploy, which could reduce the incentive for GAA 
users to invest and innovate in the band. Further, the record indicates 
that there is significant demand for 3.5 GHz spectrum that is 
contingent on the ability to obtain interference protection, and while 
an unused PAL will not foreclose GAA use, it can preclude others from 
deploying in that area with the benefit of priority access. Adopting 
performance requirements in the 3.5 GHz band will encourage Priority 
Access Licensees to make timely and productive use of their licenses, 
and to the extent they choose not to do so, will incentivize them to 
make priority access to spectrum available to others through secondary 
market transactions. Accordingly, the Commission finds that adopting 
performance requirements in this band is in the public interest.
    50. After review of the record, and the various alternatives for 
performance requirements discussed therein, the Commission concludes 
that an end-of-term performance requirement of substantial service, 
with certain specific safe harbors, is the appropriate requirement for 
the revised PALs. Many commenters emphasize the importance of ensuring 
that performance requirements do not inhibit the innovation anticipated 
in this band. The substantial service requirement, with appropriate 
safe harbors for different types of network deployments, will provide 
licensees with the flexibility to deploy new and innovative 
technologies while ensuring that the spectrum is used in a productive 
manner by the end of the license term.
    51. In particular, the Commission finds that specific safe harbors 
for different types of network deployments will provide additional 
regulatory certainty that will promote investment and encourage robust 
deployment in the band. Priority Access Licensees will have the option 
of satisfying their end-of-term performance requirement by 
demonstrating that they have provided service that meets or exceeds one 
of the safe harbors or making an individualized showing of substantial 
service in the license area. This approach will incentivize licensees 
to provide service throughout their license areas while retaining the 
flexibility to deploy new and innovative services. In addition, the 
Commission anticipates that the option of opportunistic GAA use, while 
not eliminating the need for new performance requirements, will 
complement such requirements and provide a low-cost entry point in the 
band. This should promote additional use of spectrum assigned to PALs 
and thereby help ensure efficient and productive use of the band. For 
these reasons, the Commission finds that a substantial service 
standard, with appropriate specific safe harbors, adequately safeguards 
effective use of spectrum in the 3.5 GHz band and satisfies its 
obligations under section 309(j)(4)(B).
    52. In selecting an appropriate safe harbor for mobile and point-
to-multipoint services, the Commission notes that a wide range of 
metrics are proposed in the record. In addition, the Commission has 
adopted a range of performance standards for similar services in other 
spectrum bands. Several considerations in this band weigh in favor of a 
safe harbor that provides licensees with relatively greater 
flexibility. First, such flexibility is appropriate given the power 
limits for deployments in the 3.5 GHz band. The Commission adopted 
significantly lower limits in this band than it has typically

[[Page 63085]]

imposed in other bands in order to reduce coexistence challenges and 
with the expectation that deployment in the 3.5 GHz band would often 
focus on innovative low-power technologies. The adopted power limits 
and the technologies that the Commission anticipates will be 
appropriate for them may bring significant localized benefits such as 
increased network capacity, but they may be less suitable for wide-area 
coverage as compared to other bands. A more flexible safe harbor will 
therefore better accommodate these technologies and promote the 
innovation anticipated in the band. In addition, the Commission's rules 
incorporate several other measures to facilitate coexistence that may 
introduce some uncertainty in the timing, cost, interference 
management, or technical specifics of deployment, such as limitations 
on commercial operations to protect incumbent users, the SAS authority 
to require, in specific cases, power reduction below the rule limits 
(and potentially other technical restrictions), and the potential for 
dynamic spectrum re-assignments or even cessation of operations to 
which licensees will be subject to protect incumbent operations. These 
unique aspects of the licensing and authorization regime in the 3.5 GHz 
band generally supports providing licensees with greater flexibility in 
deployment than the Commission has provided in some other bands.
    53. In addition, a flexible performance requirement for mobile and 
point-to-multipoint may provide particular benefits to WISPs and other 
small providers in the 3.5 GHz band. The record supports the conclusion 
that many small providers seek to overlay existing service areas that 
may incompletely cover a PAL license area, such as those who have 
deployed networks targeting unserved or underserved rural populations 
under the Commission's prior 3650-3700 MHz service rules. A flexible 
requirement that allows these providers to implement such overlay or 
incremental strategies will thus benefit small entities and help to 
foster a diversity of users in the band. Further, the Commission 
anticipates that opportunistic GAA use, although not eliminating the 
need for performance requirements, will complement such requirements 
and help to ensure that spectrum is used productively, including in 
rural areas. Accordingly, the Commission does not need to rely as 
heavily on performance requirements to ensure intensive and productive 
use in the 3.5 GHz band as in other bands.
    54. After considering these factors and the arguments and proposals 
in the record, the Commission concludes that a 50 percent population 
coverage safe harbor strikes an appropriate balance between, on the one 
hand, ensuring spectrum is used efficiently and productively in rural 
and non-rural areas, including through secondary market access, and, on 
the other, providing licensees the flexibility to invest in and deploy 
innovative network technologies that may be more suitable for smaller 
coverage areas and the co-existence regime that governs the 3.5 GHz 
band. The Commission finds, consistent with the analysis above, that a 
50 percent requirement, rather than the higher coverage requirements 
adopted in certain other bands, is appropriate in the context of the 
low power limits and other unique aspects of the licensing and 
authorization regime in the 3.5 GHz band. Further, this safe harbor for 
substantial service, together with secondary market mechanisms and the 
potential for opportunistic GAA use, will foster efficient and 
innovative use of the band, including in rural areas.
    55. As the Commission indicated in 2015, it contemplates that the 
band may also be used for fixed point-to-point services. Commenters 
responding to the inquiry in the 2017 NPRM concerning the possible 
performance metrics provide little discussion of a metric or approach 
for fixed point-to-point services. The Commission has adopted a link-
based metric for fixed point-to-point services in many other bands, 
however. In the absence of commenter proposals, the Commission draws on 
the link-based metric adopted for fixed point-to-point services in the 
2.3 GHz Band. Specifically, in the WCS Report and Order (75 FR 45058, 
Aug. 2, 2010), the Commission required 2.3 GHz licensees using the 
spectrum for point-to-point service to construct and operate a minimum 
number of links within each license area equal to the population of the 
license area divided by 33,500 and rounded up to the nearest whole 
number. The Commission found that this metric was ``achievable'' and 
would ``further our goal of ensuring meaningful wireless deployment.'' 
A similar metric is generally a reasonable safe harbor for such 
services in the 3.5 GHz band. However, for license areas with 134,000 
population or less, licensees must construct and operate a minimum of 
four links to meet the safe harbor, which will be an achievable minimum 
given the geographic license areas adopted. Further, the Commission 
limits the safe harbor to links that operate using registered Category 
B CBSDs. Category B CBSDs must be deployed outdoors and have higher 
maximum power limits in comparison with Category A CBSDs. Links using 
Category B CBSDs are therefore likely to be more consistent with the 
traditional point-to-point services the Commission intends for this 
safe harbor, and they will avoid the possibility that a licensee could 
satisfy its performance requirement for an entire license area with a 
single in-building IoT deployment such as a sensor network.
    56. The Commission recognizes that Priority Access Licensees may 
seek to deploy innovative services, including low-power IoT-type 
services, for which the safe harbors discussed above may not be 
suitable. Given the lack of any comment on a metric or safe harbor for 
such services, and the uncertainty regarding what type of services will 
be deployed and what safe harbor would be appropriate in the context of 
the 3.5 GHz band's multi-tiered sharing regime, power limits, and other 
band-specific rules, the Commission declines to adopt a specific safe 
harbor for such services at this time. Priority Access Licensees 
providing such services may file individualized showings to demonstrate 
that they provided a bona fide communications service, either for 
unaffiliated customers or for private, internal use, that meets the 
standard of substantial service.
    57. Priority Access Licensees also may provide a mix of services 
covered by more than one safe harbor. With respect to such mixed 
deployments, the Commission declines to establish a specific formula 
for applying the safe harbors. Instead, licensees whose deployments 
contain a mix of services covered by more than one safe harbor may 
either demonstrate that at least one of these safe harbors is met, or 
they may make an individualized showing that the services in 
combination meet a standard of substantial service. The Commission 
clarifies, however, that in its assessment of individualized 
substantial service showings, the safe harbors established above will 
generally be important factors in cases involving, in whole or in part, 
services that fall within the scope of such safe harbors. Absent 
justifications such as those discussed above, and given the flexibility 
already incorporated into the safe harbors, its expects that, in cases 
of a service addressed by a safe harbor, substantial service will meet 
or exceed the relevant safe harbor standard.
    58. The Commission declines to adopt interim performance 
requirements for PALs. Adopting specific coverage requirements as an 
interim requirement would be inconsistent with the flexible substantial 
service showings allowed at

[[Page 63086]]

the end of the license term, and that requiring licensees to provide 
``substantial service'' by both the end-of-term and some earlier 
interim point would create significant regulatory uncertainty as to the 
difference between the interim and end-of-term requirements, raise the 
risk of arbitrary and inconsistent results between licensees, and be 
unlikely to incentivize more rapid or extensive deployment in the band. 
Indeed, there is little support in the record for either of these 
approaches. In addition, the still-nascent status of 5G and other 
innovative wireless technologies anticipated for this band and the 
unique aspects of the 3.5 GHz sharing regime support providing Priority 
Access Licensees with additional flexibility in the timeframe provided 
to develop and deploy services in the band.
    59. In order to confirm that the spectrum is being utilized 
consistent with the performance requirements, the Commission adopts 
performance verification procedures largely consistent with those for 
other bands. Parties must comply with the procedures under Sec.  1.946 
of the Commission's rules in making their compliance demonstration. 
That section provides, in part, that licensees must notify the 
Commission of compliance with the performance requirement within 15 
days of the relevant deadline by filing FCC Form 601. As part of this 
notification, licensees will be required to submit and certify to a 
description of the service and documentation of the extent of the 
service, including electronic coverage maps accurately depicting the 
boundaries of each license area and where in the license area the 
licensee provides service that meets the performance requirement (e.g., 
for mobile services, where in the license area the licensee offers the 
service at a reliable signal level), supporting technical 
documentation, population-related assumptions if relevant, and any 
other information as the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau may 
prescribe by public notice. The Commission further concludes that 
licensees, in demonstrating service coverage, may rely on the PAL 
Protection Areas of the relevant CBSDs they use to provide the service. 
They must, however, specify the CBSDs and certify that they actually 
are being used to provide service, either to customers or for internal 
use. In any case, licensees may not claim service coverage outside of 
these PAL Protection Areas or deployments that are not reflected in SAS 
records of CBSD registrations. This approach appropriately leverages 
the SASs to help ensure consistency and accuracy in performance 
demonstrations, reduce administrative burdens on licensees and the 
Commission, and speed compliance and renewal review. The Commission 
delegates authority to the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau to 
specify the format of submissions, consistent with these 
    60. Consistent with the approach in many other bands, if a licensee 
fails to meet the substantial service requirement, its authorization 
under the relevant license will terminate automatically without 
Commission action. The Commission declines to adopt a ``use-or-lose'' 
regime, as suggested by some commenters, under which a licensee would 
lose only those areas or census tracts within a license area that are 
not developed. Such an approach, which has been adopted rarely for 
other bands, would complicate coordination with the PAL tier and 
between PAL and GAA users, may reduce incentives for licensees to build 
out to the less populated areas covered by their license, and is 
unnecessary to ensure effective use of the spectrum.
    61. The Commission clarifies that operations pursuant to lease 
arrangements, other than short-term de facto transfer leasing 
arrangements, may be counted toward meeting the performance 
requirement, either under the safe harbors or as part of an 
individualized showing of substantial service. Doing so is consistent 
with the general rules for spectrum leasing, and the Commission finds 
that it will encourage parties to enter into secondary market 
transactions while ensuring that performance requirements will be met 
for the license overall. Consistent with the general short term de 
facto transfer leasing rule (covering de facto transfer leasing 
arrangements of one year or less), a licensee in such an arrangement 
will not be permitted to attribute to itself the activities of its 
spectrum lessee when seeking to establish that performance or build-out 
requirements applicable to the licensee have been met. The Commission 
rejects proposals that it credit licensees for merely making spectrum 
available for leasing on a spectrum exchange or otherwise, which would 
undermine the purposes of the performance requirement discussed above.

B. Competitive Bidding Procedures

1. Applicability of Part 1 Competitive Bidding Rules
    62. PAL Applications Subject to Competitive Bidding. Consistent 
with its proposals to lengthen the term of a PAL, to make a PAL 
renewable, and to increase the size of a PAL's geographic area, the 
Commission proposed in the 2017 NPRM to employ its standard practice 
for finding mutual exclusivity among accepted applications. It also 
proposed to eliminate the rule that made available one less PAL than 
the total number of PALs in a license area for which all applicants had 
applied. The Commission further proposed to assign a PAL even when only 
one applicant has applied for a PAL in a specific license area, subject 
to the applicant's being otherwise qualified, rather than to adhere to 
its decision in the 2015 Report and Order not to assign any PAL for 
such a license area.
    63. Given the other modifications the Commission adopts for PALs in 
this Report and Order, it eliminates the rule that made available one 
less PAL than the total number of PALs for which all applicants had 
applied in a given geographic license area. By making a PAL renewable, 
increasing the size of its geographic area, and lengthening its license 
term to 10 years, the Commission anticipates that the rights conferred 
by a PAL will be more beneficial to a wider range of potential users. 
The previous rule, which was adopted to limit the number of PALs 
available in a given license area, was premised on the view that GAA 
use should be easy to access and sufficient for many applications in 
the 3.5 GHz band, but that PALs should be available for those limited 
applications that required greater certainty as to interference 
protection because they would suffer in a congested use environment. 
The changes adopted in this Report and Order ensure that PALs will 
support all technologies and foster additional investment from a wide 
variety of users in the 3.5 GHz band, thereby expanding the potential 
use cases by Priority Access Licensees, and based on the record, the 
Commission agrees with the argument that GAA use is less likely to 
provide sufficient access for many application in the 3.5 GHz band. 
Therefore, it can no longer conclude that the similar use cases for 
PALs and the GAA that existed under the prior rules provide a reasoned 
basis on which to limit the number of PALs available in a given 
geographic area. The Commission therefore agrees with commenters that 
the public interest will not be served by limiting the availability of 
PALs within a given geographic area in the 3.5 GHz band. Rather, by 
eliminating this rule, the Commission can better achieve a licensing 
process that will promote the ``efficient and

[[Page 63087]]

intensive use'' of this spectrum and the ``development and rapid 
deployment of new technologies, products, and services for the benefit 
of the public, including those residing in rural areas,'' that 
``recover[s] for the public . . . a portion of the value of the public 
spectrum resource made available for commercial use, and achieves the 
other goals of Section 309(j).''
    64. Instead, the Commission will use its standard approach to 
determine whether accepted applications with respect to initial 
geographic area licenses are mutually exclusive applications subject to 
competitive bidding, which takes into consideration the Commission's 
need to ``effectively implement'' the public interest considerations 
underlying the licensing of the spectrum. Here, determining mutual 
exclusivity based on applicant interest in a given geographic area 
serves the public interest objective of assigning these licenses to the 
applicant that values them most highly and therefore is most likely to 
make effective use of them. Making the determination based on interest 
in geographic areas without respect to particular frequencies or 
bandwidth is necessary to provide applicants with maximum flexibility 
to pursue back-up strategies to aggregate blocks to meet their 
licensing needs as the auction progresses and the value of and 
opportunities in the band become better known. Applicants here will 
have an opportunity to identify on their short-form application each 
geographic area(s) in which they are interested in bidding for PALs. An 
applicant will only be permitted to bid for PALs in the particular 
geographic area or areas that it initially selects on its short-form 
application, subject to the 40-megahertz PAL aggregation cap. The 
record supports following this approach for identifying an applicant's 
interest in a particular geographic area. If the Commission accepts 
more than one application to bid on the generic PALs available in any 
particular geographic area, those PALs will be assigned by competitive 
bidding. As in other Commission auctions, the Commission will proceed 
to competitive bidding even if other applicants ultimately do not 
pursue licenses in that area or pursue fewer than all the licenses 
    65. The Commission also adopts the proposal to assign PAL(s) even 
when there is only one application in a given geographic area, assuming 
the applicant is otherwise qualified. In the absence of accepting 
mutually exclusive applications, the Commission cannot assign a license 
through the use of competitive bidding. Accordingly, consistent with 
its long-standing approach, if the Commission does not accept competing 
applications in a particular geographic area, it will cancel the 
auction for the PAL(s) in that area, and if the short form application 
is otherwise acceptable, it will establish a date for the filing of a 
long-form application by the applicant. The Commission also eliminates 
the single applicant exception in rural areas as the exception is no 
longer necessary under this approach. Adopting this licensing approach 
for PALs generally is also consistent with the Commission's earlier 
decision to do so on a limited basis. The fundamental benefit of a PAL 
is the right to prioritized, interference protected use of 10 megahertz 
of spectrum in a given geographic area. Commenters maintain that there 
are certain use cases that require the interference protected use of 
the spectrum that only a PAL can confer, making GAA access, with its 
lack of prioritized access, insufficient. Under the rules adopted in 
this Report and Order, if there is only one applicant seeking a PAL in 
an area, that applicant will be able to acquire a PAL outside of the 
auction process. Given that the decisions in this item make PALs 
similar in many ways to licenses in other services, the Commission 
concludes that it should follow this approach as it does in other 
services. In light of this decision and given the limited record 
received on the issue, the Commission further concludes that it need 
not address the issue of whether an application for a PAL in a given 
geographic area should be considered to be mutually exclusive with an 
application for GAA use in the same area.
    66. The Commission reminds parties that it will conduct any auction 
of PALs in conformity with the general competitive bidding rules set 
forth in part 1, subpart Q of the Commission's rules, including any 
modifications that the Commission may adopt to its part 1 general 
competitive bidding rules in the future. As has been the Commission's 
practice in past spectrum auctions, the rules adopted in this Report 
and Order allow subsequent determination of specific final auction 
procedures. The pre-auction process will be initiated by the release of 
an auction Comment Public Notice, which will solicit public input on 
final auction procedures, and which will include specific proposals for 
auction components, such as minimum opening bids and bidding credit 
caps. Thereafter, an auction Procedures Public Notice will specify 
final procedures, including dates, deadlines, and other final details 
of the application and bidding processes. Accordingly, issues involving 
bidding procedures, like those raised by commenters, will be addressed 
at that time, and the Commission will seek public input on the 
competitive bidding procedures to be used for a particular auction of 
PALs. The Commission's practice of finalizing auction procedures in the 
pre-auction process provides time for interested participants both to 
comment on the final procedures and to develop business plans in 
advance of the auction.
    67. Bidding on Specific PAL License Blocks. Under the current 
rules, Priority Access Licensees do not bid on specific spectrum 
blocks. Rather, the SAS assigns frequencies based on the amount of 
spectrum that a PAL licensee is authorized to use in a given license 
area. Licensees may request a particular channel or frequency range 
from the SAS, but they are not guaranteed a particular assignment. The 
SAS will ``assign geographically contiguous PALs held by the same 
Priority Access Licensee to the same channels in each geographic area'' 
and ``assign multiple channels held by the same Priority Access 
Licensee to contiguous frequencies within the same License Area'' when 
it is feasible to do so.
    68. In the 2017 NPRM, the Commission sought comment on the 
feasibility and desirability of allowing PAL licensees to bid on 
specific channel assignments. Specifically, the Commission sought 
comment on how it could allow bidding on specific license blocks given 
the constraints of the band and the need to protect incumbents. The 
Commission sought comment on whether the Incentive Auction could 
provide a model for a separate, voluntary channel assignment phase of 
the auction, and, if so, what changes to the Incentive Auction 
framework might be necessary to accommodate interference protection of 
federal incumbents by PALs. It also sought comment on possible 
alternative auction methodologies that might be appropriate.
    69. The Commission affirms its decision that PALs will operate over 
10 megahertz unpaired channels, wherein all channels will be assigned 
by the SAS. The exact frequencies of specific assigned channels may be 
changed by the SAS, if necessary, to facilitate sharing between the 
three tiers of authorized users. Accordingly, bidders will not be 
permitted to bid on specific channel assignments through competitive 
bidding. As the Commission previously explained, ``flexible band 
management is essential

[[Page 63088]]

to effective spectrum sharing between the three tiers of authorized 
users in the band.'' Coupled with the requirement that CBSDs be capable 
of operating across the entire 3.5 GHz band, SAS-controlled assignments 
will ensure that individual users are provided with flexible, stable 
access to the band. In assigning frequencies for Priority Access, the 
SAS must assign multiple channels held by the same Priority Access 
Licensee to contiguous channels in the same license area. Likewise, an 
SAS will be required to maintain consistent and contiguous frequency 
assignments for licensees with multiple PALs in the same or adjacent 
license areas whenever feasible. A wide variety of commenters support 
the current framework of SAS-assigned PAL channels.
    70. While there may be some uncertainty for a Priority Access 
Licensee in receiving a channel assignment from an SAS rather than 
bidding on a specific PAL license block, it is precisely this 
flexibility that is needed in a tiered licensing approach to ensure 
that a Priority Access Licensee is not forced to shut down its 
operations indefinitely or even permanently. Under a static channel 
assignment framework proposed by certain commenters, a Priority Access 
Licensee could be required to move off of a frequency to protect an 
incumbent, thus losing access to the exclusive channel until incumbent 
operations were no longer affected. In contrast, under the approach the 
Commission affirms in the Report and Order, the SAS will be able to 
reassign the Priority Access Licensee dynamically, ensuring prioritized 
access to 10 megahertz of spectrum. A flexible channel assignment plan 
where the SAS can reassign a PAL dynamically when an incumbent is using 
a specific channel, will lead to better coordination and co-existence 
between PAL holders and incumbents. For this reason, the Commission 
rejects the argument that a predictable, static spectral environment 
provides the certainty needed for network deployments, and concludes 
that the approach the Commission adopted in 2015 supports a wide 
variety of use cases in the 3.5 GHz band. As the Commission previously 
explained, by having the SAS assign all channels, its rules aim to 
create a flexible, responsive spectral environment while retaining much 
of the stability of traditional static channel assignments. As the 
Commission has previously observed, modern networks typically have 
control features that allow for automated or managed channel selection. 
On balance, the flexibility afforded by the assignment of channels by 
the SAS allows the Commission to ensure protection to the Incumbent 
tier, including federal users, exclusivity to the Priority Access tier, 
and access to GAA users.
2. Bidding Credits for PALs
    71. In the 2017 NPRM, the Commission revisited its decision not to 
offer bidding credits in the 3.5 GHz band and sought comment on whether 
it should consider adopting such provisions for certain bidders or 
areas if it increased the size of a PAL's license area. Specifically, 
the Commission sought comment on whether it should adopt the bidding 
credits it used in the 600 MHz Band auction (Incentive Auction).
    72. Small Business Bidding Credit. Based on the significant changes 
adopted for PALs in the Report and Order, as well as the Commission's 
experience with the use of bidding credits in recent spectrum auctions, 
the Commission concludes that utilizing bidding credits in competitive 
bidding for the 3.5 GHz band will provide it with an effective tool to 
achieve its statutory objective of promoting the participation of 
designated entities in the provision of spectrum-based service. Section 
309(j)(4) of the Communications Act requires that when the Commission 
prescribes regulations to establish a methodology for the grant of 
licenses through the use of competitive bidding, it must ``ensure that 
small businesses, rural telephone companies, and businesses owned by 
members of minority groups and women are given the opportunity to 
participate in the provision of spectrum-based services, and, for such 
purposes, consider the use of . . . bidding preferences.'' In addition, 
Section 309(j)(3)(B) provides that in establishing eligibility criteria 
and bidding methodologies, the Commission shall promote ``economic 
opportunity and competition . . . by avoiding excessive concentration 
of licenses and by disseminating licenses among a wide variety of 
applicants, including small businesses, rural telephone companies, and 
businesses owned by members of minority groups and women.'' 
Historically, one of the principal means by which the Commission 
fulfills this mandate is through ``bidding preferences'' in the form of 
bidding credits to small businesses.
    73. Because the Commission has modified the characteristics of PALs 
to more closely resemble those of other wireless licenses, it concludes 
that designated entities might have less opportunity to obtain spectrum 
in the 3.5 GHz band without small business size standards and bidding 
credits. Thus, by modifying its rules to include bidding credits, the 
Commission can address the concerns that some commenters have raised 
that the decision to adopt counties as the geographic area size for PAL 
licensing and a longer, renewal license term will impede small 
businesses' ability to effectively compete in the auction. Commenters 
generally support implementing a system of bidding credits for the 3.5 
GHz band and recognize the related pro-competitive benefits for smaller 
carriers. Accordingly, the Commission is persuaded by commenters that 
maintain offering bidding credits here should improve the ability of 
small businesses to attract the capital necessary to meaningfully 
participate in a PAL auction.
    74. In the 2017 NPRM, the Commission sought comment on using the 
same small business size standards and bidding credits for the 3.5 GHz 
band as the Commission offered in the 600 MHz Band. In adopting 
competitive bidding rules for the 600 MHz Band, and more recently in 
the UMFUS bands, the Commission offered bidding credits to promote 
opportunities for small businesses, rural telephone companies, and 
businesses owned by members of minority groups and women to participate 
in the provision of spectrum-based services. Specifically, for the 600 
MHz and UMFUS band auctions, the Commission adopted two small business 
definitions, the highest two of the three thresholds included in the 
Commission's part 1 standardized schedule of bidding credits.
    75. As a general matter, the Commission defines eligibility 
requirements for small businesses benefits on a service-specific basis, 
taking into account the capital requirements and other characteristics 
of each particular service in establishing the appropriate threshold. 
While the capital requirements of the services to be deployed in the 
3.5 GHz band are not yet known, based on the record and on the its most 
recent actions in other similar wireless spectrum bands, the Commission 
concludes that using the same small business size standards and bidding 
credits adopted in the 600 MHz and UMFUS bands should enhance the 
ability of small businesses to acquire and retain capital and thereby 
compete more meaningfully at auction in the 3.5 GHz band. Use of these 
small business definitions and associated bidding credits should 
provide consistency and predictability for small businesses

[[Page 63089]]

participating in competitive bidding in the 3.5 GHz band.
    76. Accordingly, for the 3.5 GHz band, an entity with average 
annual gross revenues for the preceding three years not exceeding $55 
million will be eligible to qualify as a ``small business'' for a 
bidding credit of 15 percent, while an entity with average annual gross 
revenues for the preceding three years not exceeding $20 million will 
be eligible to qualify as a ``very small business'' for a bidding 
credit of 25 percent, consistent with the standardized schedule in part 
1 of the Commission's rules.
    77. Rural Service Provider Bidding Credit. In the auction of 600 
MHz Band licenses, the Commission also offered, for the first time, a 
rural service provider (RSP) bidding credit to counter the fact that 
rural service providers have often faced ``challenges in their efforts 
to obtain financing because the rural areas they seek to serve are not 
as profitable as more densely-populated markets.'' The RSP bidding 
credit provides a 15 percent bidding credit to eligible entities that 
predominantly serve rural areas and have fewer than 250,000 combined 
wireless, wireline, broadband and cable subscribers. Here too, the 
record supports the conclusion that an RSP bidding credit should 
provide an adequate tool to enable rural service providers to compete 
for 3.5 GHz band spectrum licenses at auction and in doing so, will 
support the statutory objectives to disseminate licenses among a wide 
variety of applicants, ensure that rural telephone companies have an 
opportunity to participate in the provision of spectrum-based services, 
and promote the availability of innovative services to rural America.
    78. Tribal Lands Bidding Credit. The Commission also made tribal 
lands bidding credits available to winning bidders of licenses in the 
600 MHz auction. In light of the record support for having similar 
bidding credits here as the Commission offered in the 600 MHz Band 
auction, and the modifications adopted for PALs that, as explained 
above, may cause designated entities to have less opportunity to obtain 
spectrum in this band, the Commission concludes that it should revise 
its earlier determination not to offer tribal lands bidding credits in 
competitive bidding for the 3.5 GHz band. The Commission generally has 
determined that such a credit should be available where wireless 
licenses are subject to the Commission's part 1 competitive bidding 
rules, and wireless providers are willing to offer service to 
qualifying tribal lands. Accordingly, a winning bidder for a market 
will be eligible to receive a credit for serving qualifying Tribal 
lands within that market, provided it complies with the applicable 
competitive bidding rules.
    79. Finally, the Commission rejects a proposal from some commenters 
to provide a bidding preference for applicants that indicate their 
intention to use a PAL to meet Connect America Fund (CAF) obligations. 
Insofar as providers participating in CAF would be receiving CAF 
support already, additional bidding preferences should not be 
necessary, and are likely to distort participation in and the results 
of both the CAF-II and 3.5 GHz auctions. It also rejects other 
proposals from commenters asking the Commission to offer bidding 
credits to entities based upon standards other than the ones discussed 
above. The record lacks support to justify a departure from the 
Commission's approach to promoting the participation of designated 
entities in the provision of spectrum-based service, and it believes 
that the small business and rural service bidding credits should help 
sufficiently to address the challenges that such groups face.

C. Partitioning and Disaggregation of PALs on the Secondary Market

    80. Background. In the 2016 Report and Order, the Commission 
prohibited Priority Access Licensees from partitioning or 
disaggregating their licenses because the Commission found that the 
typical reasons for permitting partitioning and disaggregation in more 
traditionally licensed bands were not present in the 3.5 GHz band. The 
Commission noted that the licensing rules that it adopted in the 2015 
Report and Order did not have the same characteristics as other bands 
where partitioning and disaggregation were permitted, such as longer 
license terms, larger license areas, and construction obligations. In 
other bands, partitioning and disaggregation were needed to promote key 
policy goals such as access to spectrum and flexibility of use, which 
in turn could result in greater service to consumers.
    81. In the 2016 Report and Order, the Commission also determined 
that a light-touch leasing process could achieve the goal of making PAL 
spectrum use rights available in secondary markets--on a targeted, 
flexible basis--without the need for the Commission oversight required 
for partitioning and disaggregation. The Commission modified its 
streamlined part 1 spectrum manager lease rules to create a process 
tailored to the 3.5 GHz band. Under this streamlined process, parties 
contemplating spectrum manager lease arrangements with Priority Access 
Licensees may submit the required, non-lease specific certifications, 
including ownership information, to the Commission at any time prior to 
reaching a spectrum manger lease agreement with a Priority Access 
Licensee. The Commission will expeditiously process these 
certifications and provide SASs with confirmation that the putative 
lessee meets the corresponding eligibility criteria for a spectrum 
manager lease. Once the lessee notifies the SAS of a spectrum manager 
leasing agreement with a Priority Access Licensee, the SAS may then 
quickly complete the spectrum manager lease notification process for 
that lease, and provide confirmation to the parties. The lessee may 
then immediately begin operating under the lease.
    82. In the 2017 NPRM, the Commission proposed to allow partitioning 
and disaggregation of PALs in secondary market transactions. It noted 
that such a modification would be consistent with proposals to lengthen 
the license term and enlarge the geographic area of PALs, and that it 
also would be consistent with the licensing paradigm for other 
similarly licensed services. The Commission anticipated that, when 
coupled with a longer license term or larger license area for PALs, the 
ability to partition and disaggregate a PAL would be an effective way 
to improve spectral efficiency and facilitate targeted network 
    83. Discussion. The Commission adopts the proposal in the 2017 NPRM 
to allow partitioning and disaggregation of PALs in the 3.5 GHz band, 
because it will promote investment, encourage robust use of the band by 
a wide variety of stakeholders, and help to ensure that spectrum is 
used efficiently. The Commission consistently has found that the 
flexibility afforded by partitioning and disaggregation facilitates the 
efficient use of spectrum by enabling licensees to make offerings 
directly responsive to market demands for particular types of services, 
increasing competition by allowing new entrants to enter markets, and 
expediting provision of services that might not otherwise be provided 
in the near term. Particularly here, where the Commission has decided 
to license the 3.5 GHz band in larger geographic areas for longer, 
renewable license terms, allowing secondary market transactions will 
allow licensees and the marketplace to determine the correct size of 
licenses on a market-specific and needs-based basis. These licensing 
changes also bring the

[[Page 63090]]

3.5 GHz band in line with other bands where partitioning and 
disaggregation are allowed. Thus, the unique features of PALs that had 
previously militated against allowing partitioning and disaggregation 
in the band--small census tract licenses with three-year, non-renewable 
terms--are no longer present. Partitioning and disaggregation of 
licenses in the 3.5 GHz band must comply with Sec.  1.950 of the 
Commission's rules. Accordingly, each party to a partitioning or 
disaggregation agreement must have a clear construction and operation 
requirement and each party will face license termination, in the event 
of failure to meet these requirements. Allowing partitioning and 
disaggregation will not alter the light-touch leasing rules adopted in 
the 2016 Report and Order.
    84. Many commenters support allowing partitioning and 
disaggregation of PALs, particularly when coupled with the larger 
geographic area license size, longer license term, and license 
renewability that the Commission adopts in this Report and Order. These 
entities maintain that the flexibility afforded by partitioning and 
disaggregation will encourage a thriving secondary market, facilitate 
``right sizing'' PALs for any local market, and increase the likelihood 
that a greater percentage of the whole PEA ultimately will receive 
service.'' These rationales all support the Commission's decision to 
allow PAL partitioning and disaggregation in the 3.5 GHz band.
    85. Some commenters maintain that partitioning and disaggregation 
are not substitutes for initially licensing smaller license areas. 
Their positions, however, relate to disagreements over license size 
rather than opposition to these secondary market transactions per se. 
Some commenters that oppose increased license sizes in the band contend 
that partitioning and disaggregation offer some benefits, particularly 
in rural areas where even census tract-sized licenses can be very 
large. For the reasons discussed above, the Commission determines that 
licensing PALs on a county basis serves the public interest. It agrees, 
however, that partitioning and disaggregation are important tools which 
will help it fulfill its statutory mandate to make spectrum available 
across the United States, in all markets from urban to rural.
    86. Other commenters contend that simply allowing secondary market 
transactions in the band will not necessarily result in such 
transactions. These commenters maintain that large wireless providers 
generally are unwilling to make licensed spectrum available on the 
secondary market. Some assert that secondary market transactions 
operate far more frequently and efficiently in the opposite direction, 
allowing large carriers to aggregate spectrum that initially was 
acquired by smaller operators. Other commenters argue that high 
transaction costs inhibit a robust secondary market.
    87. The Commission is unpersuaded by commenters' claims that small 
entities will be unable to participate in secondary market 
transactions. Commission records reflect that there is an active 
secondary market for partitioned and disaggregated licenses. The 
Commission has received about 1,000 assignment applications involving 
partitioned or disaggregated licenses over the last 10 years. Further, 
the unique characteristics of the 3.5 GHz band are particularly 
conducive to secondary market transactions. First, the SAS can be 
leveraged to facilitate secondary market transactions. In addition, the 
use-or-share rule greatly diminishes the concerns of potential hoarding 
or incomplete deployment over a license area. Priority Access Licensees 
will be incentivized to sell on the secondary market spectrum within 
their license area that may lie outside of their current network build 
or that they otherwise do not need access to for their future 
deployments. The availability of up to seven PALs in each market 
combined with a 40 megahertz spectrum aggregation limit also decrease 
the likelihood of excessive or even prohibitive transaction costs.
    88. The Commission rejects the suggestion of some commenters that, 
if it determines to license PALs in larger geographic areas, it should 
impose an affirmative obligation on larger providers to engage in 
secondary market transactions with smaller providers and new entrants. 
The Commission typically relies upon market forces and economic 
incentives to drive spectrum to its most beneficial use. This remains 
the correct approach in this band.
    89. One commenter questions whether this approach fulfills the 
Commission's statutory and public responsibilities under section 309(j) 
of the Act to promote ``economic opportunity for a wide variety of 
applicants.'' It maintains that the Commission would be relying solely 
on private commercial interests' use of partitioning, disaggregation, 
and secondary market transactions to provide such economic 
opportunities. The Commission disagrees. By developing a new framework 
to license PALs by counties, the Commission creates opportunities for a 
variety of applicants both large and small to participate in this 
innovative band. Further, by making a variety of secondary market 
opportunities available to all licensees, it creates economic 
opportunities for all types of entrants to the band. The decision to 
permit partitioning and disaggregation in the band furthers, rather 
than undermines, efforts to fulfill the Commission's statutory 
responsibilities under section 309(j). This change, along with the 
others adopted in this Report and Order, will best balance the 
statutory objectives to promote competition, the efficient use of 
spectrum, and the deployment of innovative services to consumers--
including those in rural areas. The Commission's decision to adopt 
performance requirements for PALs also advances its efforts to fulfill 
the statutory obligations under section 309(j) by helping to ensure 
that spectrum won't lie fallow.
    90. For these reasons, the Commission finds that it is in the 
public interest to permit partitioning and disaggregation in the 3.5 
GHz band, subject to the requirements in Sec.  1.950 of the rules. The 
Commission's spectrum manager and de facto leasing rules remain in 
effect for PALs, thus affording potential entrants to the band a 
variety of options for accessing this spectrum.

D. PAL Spectrum Aggregation Limit

    91. Background. In the 2015 Report and Order, the Commission 
adopted an in-band spectrum aggregation limit of 40 megahertz (i.e., 
four PALs) of the possible 70 megahertz per license area at any given 
point in time. The Commission concluded that the benefits of 
facilitating competition, innovation, and the efficient use of the 3.5 
GHz band outweighed any harms of imposing such an aggregation limit. In 
the 2017 NPRM, the Commission asked whether it should modify or 
eliminate the PAL aggregation limit, in the event it determined to 
change the geographic license area or make other changes to the PAL 
licensing scheme.
    92. Discussion. The record largely supports retaining the PAL 
aggregation limit. For the reasons articulated in the 2015 Report and 
Order, the Commission finds that the current framework for auction, 
assignment, and operation of the 3.5 GHz band is sufficient to 
incentivize investment and participation by a broader range of 
participants. The other changes made to the PAL licensing regime do not 
alter the Commission's underlying rationale that the 40 megahertz PAL 
aggregation limit will provide a minimum degree of diversity among 
users that likely will be operating in this band, and foster 
competition and innovation in both PAL

[[Page 63091]]

and GAA uses. Accordingly, the Commission maintains the PAL aggregation 
limit for both licensees and lessees.

E. Confidentiality of CBSD Registration Information

    93. Background. In the 2015 Report and Order, the Commission 
required that all CBSDs register with and be authorized by an SAS prior 
to initial service transmission. The SAS ensures spectral efficiency, 
non-discriminatory coexistence, and the minimalization of interference 
among GAA users, by such means as managing the frequencies in a manner 
to avoid assignment of the same frequency to multiple GAA users at the 
same location to the extent possible. CBSD registration must include 
detailed information specifying the location and characteristics of the 
CBSD. In addition, the CBSD must send an update to the SAS within 60 
seconds of any change in the registration information. The Commission 
required SAS Administrators to disclose CBSD registration information 
in three circumstances. First, SAS Administrators must immediately 
respond to requests from Commission personnel for information stored or 
maintained by the SAS. Second, SAS Administrators must make available 
to other SAS Administrators all information necessary to effectively 
coordinate operations between and among CBSDs. Third, SAS 
Administrators must make CBSD registration information available to the 
general public. However, due to concerns raised by commenters about the 
potential for public disclosure of confidential business information 
that could compromise personal privacy or affect competitive interests, 
the Commission required SAS Administrators to ``obfuscate the 
identities of the licensees providing the information for any public 
    94. Noting that some parties had asserted that public disclosure of 
the registration information, even with licensee identities obfuscated, 
would raise both competitive and security concerns, the Commission 
proposed in the 2017 NPRM to amend the rules to prohibit an SAS from 
disclosing publicly any CBSD registration information that may 
compromise the security of critical network deployments or be 
considered competitively sensitive. The Commission noted that it was 
not proposing any change in SAS-to-SAS information sharing 
requirements. The Commission sought comment, inter alia, on the 
potential risks presented by the public disclosure requirement, how to 
balance these potential risks against potential users' need for 
information to plan future GAA and/or PAL deployments, and whether 
there was a mechanism short of public disclosure for potential users to 
plan future GAA and/or PAL deployments, such as by communicating with 
an SAS on a confidential basis. It further sought comment on whether 
there was certain information an SAS could publicly provide while 
balancing data sensitivity and security concerns.
    95. Discussion. After careful consideration of the record, the 
Commission finds that it is in the public interest to protect CBSD 
registration information from public disclosure while still ensuring 
that aggregated data on spectrum use is made available to the public. 
Specifically, the Commission prohibits SAS Administrators from 
disclosing disaggregated CBSD registration data to the public except 
where such disclosure is authorized by the registrant. However, it also 
requires SAS Administrators to make aggregated spectrum usage data for 
any particular area of interest available to the public, including the 
extent of usage and available spectrum in the 3.5 GHz band throughout 
that area and the maximum available contiguous spectrum, using 
graphical ``heat maps'' or other appropriate formats. This approach 
will effectively balance the interests in protecting sensitive network 
information and the legitimate needs that parties--including potential 
GAA operators--may have for information on the local spectrum 
environment. The Commission is not modifying the current requirements 
governing SAS-to-SAS information exchange.
    96. Although the current requirement provides that licensees' 
identities must be obfuscated, numerous commenters argue that public 
disclosure of CBSD registration information would still allow 
competitors or other parties to identify the licensee--using a 
combination of publicly available data--and obtain competitively 
sensitive information about the licensee's network. Some commenters 
also argue that such information could compromise the security of 
network infrastructure. Due to the concerns raised by commenters, the 
Commission finds that, on balance, the current requirement to publicly 
disclose CBSD registration information does not adequately protect 
sensitive information about licensees' network deployments.
    97. The Commission continues to find, however, that the success of 
the shared spectrum model adopted for the 3.5 GHz band requires 
providing potential users of the band with enough information to 
accurately assess the overall spectrum environment in an area in order 
to make investment and deployment decisions. It further finds 
substantial support in the record for the conclusion that revising the 
public disclosure requirement to require the disclosure of aggregated 
spectrum usage data will enable potential users of the 3.5 GHz band to 
make investment and deployment decisions, while significantly reducing 
the concerns from the disclosure of disaggregated device registration 
data. Several commenters support disclosure of a heat map based on 
aggregate data showing the level of spectrum use in a given area and 
the amount of spectrum available, arguing that such an approach would 
permit current and prospective users to better plan for future 
deployments while withholding potentially commercially sensitive or 
security-related, licensee-specific information. Accordingly, the 
Commission finds that it will serve the public interest to require SAS 
Administrators to make publicly available up-to-date aggregated 
spectrum usage data for any desired area of interest, including the 
extent of usage and available spectrum in the 3.5 GHz band throughout 
that area and the maximum available contiguous spectrum, using 
graphical ``heat maps'' or other appropriate formats that provide this 
    98. This approach strikes a better balance between protecting 
sensitive network information and the legitimate needs that parties 
have for information on the local spectrum environment than a 
prohibition on any public disclosures. Some commenters, while not 
disputing that potential users will need information on the spectrum 
environment to plan their deployments, argue that any public disclosure 
is nevertheless unnecessary because, under a Wireless Innovation Forum 
working document, SAS Administrators must publish certain information 
to assist operators in assessing whether there is available spectrum. 
The suggestion that no Commission requirement is needed in the light of 
the working document requirements is unpersuasive, particularly given 
that the working document requirements were only adopted pursuant to 
the existing Commission disclosure requirement. Some commenters argue 
that disclosure is unnecessary because potential users can obtain 
information from SAS Administrators on a confidential basis to make 
such decisions. But these commenters do not provide details regarding 
how such an option would operate, who would be authorized to access 
CBSD registration information,

[[Page 63092]]

and under what circumstances access would or would not be provided. The 
Commission finds that, on the record before it, the revised public 
disclosure requirement it adopts in this Report and Order is the best 
choice because it will ensure that all potential users have certain and 
convenient access to aggregate data on the spectrum environment for the 
area of interest while substantially reducing any legitimate concerns 
regarding the sensitivity of network data. The Commission acknowledges 
that aggregate spectrum usage data might in some circumstances 
implicitly reveal some provider- or CBSD-specific information (such as 
in cases where a 3.5 GHz Priority Access Licensee has deployed CBSDs in 
a particular geographic area with no other deployments in the band). It 
finds, however, that the benefits of the revised public disclosure 
requirement and its importance to the success of the shared model in 
the 3.5 GHz band far outweigh any remaining concerns from the potential 
for such inferred disclosures.
    99. Some proponents of the current requirement assert that the 
harms of disclosure should be discounted because the deployment 
information will in any case become available through other means. The 
Commission disagrees that the possibility that, in the future, there 
may be independent methods to obtain data about some licensees' 
networks is an appropriate justification for us to disregard concerns 
over the commercial sensitivity of that data and to allow today the 
public disclosure of commercially sensitive data about all licensees' 
networks. Further, there is no evident source currently that would 
reproduce the CBSD registration information and find it unlikely that 
any third-party public source will provide 3.5 GHz band network 
infrastructure data of the same character, in terms of information 
covered, specificity, comprehensiveness, timeliness, and accuracy. As 
evidence that CBSD registration data will likely be available from 
providers' own voluntary disclosures, some commenters cite several 
cable provider websites disclosing the location of their commercially 
offered Wi-Fi hotspots. However, the Commission finds these disclosures 
of the locations of Wi-Fi hotspots reflect that such Wi-Fi services are 
typically provided only at discrete locations. Such disclosures do not 
support the conclusion that mobile broadband providers would similarly 
disclose the location of individual antenna sites that are subsumed 
within the broad coverage of a cellular service. The Commission also 
rejects the argument that concerns regarding the disclosure of the 
network data should be discounted because access points will cover very 
limited areas. While the anticipated deployment of 5G services in the 
band will likely often involve small cell technologies, that does not 
reduce the sensitive nature of the deployment information.
    100. Some commenters also argue that the Commission typically has 
disclosed site information in historic site-based licensing regimes and 
that there is no reason to provide any greater protection here. Their 
assessment of Commission practice disregards other Commission or Bureau 
actions, however, that have found that comparable disclosures of 
network infrastructure information encompass sensitive information that 
warranted some degree of protection. These latter precedents, as well 
as the record in this proceeding, support a determination that parties 
have legitimate concerns regarding the sensitivity of CBSD registration 
data that may impact their investment and deployment decisions.
    101. Arguments in the record that a disclosure of aggregate data 
would be insufficient are similarly unpersuasive. Some commenters argue 
that a GAA user will need to know how many contiguous channels are 
available throughout its service area in order to predict the speeds it 
can offer its subscribers; however, the modified requirement directly 
addresses that concern because the Commission requires publicly 
disclosed information to include aggregate information on the maximum 
number of contiguous channels available. While one commenter argues 
that a heat map is inadequate because it does not necessarily provide 
sufficient information for the aiming of directional antennas, 
aggregate data should enable potential users to identify geographic 
areas with sufficient available spectrum to support a range of 
directional orientations for deployments within that area. Some 
commenters argue that licensees need information on specific channel 
availability. However, specific channel availability will be far less 
relevant to 3.5 GHz band network planning than aggregate spectrum 
availability, given that all 3.5 GHz band equipment must be operable 
across the entire band, and that the SASs will be making the frequency 
assignments, which will be subject to change during the operation of 
the equipment.
    102. One commenter proposes that if the Commission determines that 
the current public disclosure requirement raises security or 
competitive concerns, it should require SAS Administrators, in their 
public disclosure of disaggregated data, to obscure or randomize the 
location of individual CBSDs within a triangle of points 50 linear feet 
apart or another defined area. The Commission finds this proposal does 
not differ significantly from the current requirement, which does not 
adequately protect competitively sensitive information. The modified 
requirement is a better approach to address the concern, as it will 
directly provide current and potential users with information on the 
availability of spectrum in a geographic area without requiring public 
disclosure of disaggregated CBSD data.
    103. Other purposes that commenters identify for the public 
disclosure of disaggregated registration data are likely to be able to 
be achieved without the public disclosure of such data. For example, 
while some argue that disclosure will help users identify sources of 
interference, that is a core function of the SAS itself and therefore 
does not require public disclosure of disaggregated SAS registration 
data. The role of the SASs further distinguishes the 3.5 GHz band from 
the prior 3650-3700 MHz Band service rules, where the Commission 
adopted public disclosure of site registrations to enable non-exclusive 
licensees to coordinate to avoid harmful interference. Under that 
regime, there was no license administrator to facilitate coordination.
    104. The Commission does not find that disclosure would enable the 
public to detect and hold operators accountable for erroneous or 
obsolete information, as some commenters argue. The Commission 
acknowledges that, for the white space database, it did adopt public 
disclosure for some registrations in part to ``permit public 
examination of protected entity registration information to allow the 
detection and correction of errors.'' However, it finds the 3.5 GHz 
band is not analogous to the white space service in this regard, as the 
Commission discussed extensively in the 2016 Order on Reconsideration 
(81 FR 49038, July 26, 2016). Among other distinctions in the case of 
3.5 GHz, the Commission noted that ``[t]he licensed nature of the 
service coupled with industry certification requirements for 
professional installers provides a higher degree of accountability for 
Citizens Broadband Radio Service users and SAS Administrators, ensuring 
that CBSD locations are accurately reported and verified.'' It further 
noted that SASs ``will have capabilities and responsibilities that 
exceed those of White Spaces database administrators,''

[[Page 63093]]

including rules that require authentication of CBSDs with an SAS and 
require that SAS Administrators maintain the accuracy of CBSD records, 
which ``places a duty on SAS Administrators to take reasonable steps to 
validate newly entered data and to purge obsolete data.'' Accordingly, 
the Commission finds there is not the same benefit from public 
disclosures in helping to ensure registration accuracy in this context 
as was present in the white space service.
    105. The Commission also disagrees that Category B GAA users will 
need disaggregated registration data, and particularly relevant contact 
data, to fulfill their obligation to coordinate with other Category B 
GAA users under Sec.  96.35(e) of the Commission's rules. Mandatory 
disclosure of disaggregated CBSD registration data, including contact 
data, is not necessary for Category B GAA coordination, and voluntary 
mechanisms and arrangements facilitated by an SAS, supplemented by the 
mandatory disclosure of aggregate spectrum usage data, can reasonably 
be expected to support and achieve the coordination contemplated in 
Sec.  96.35(e), given that Category B GAA users will generally have 
mutual incentives to coordinate with one another and SASs are required 
to facilitate such coordination. For example, one multi-stakeholder 
standards document for Citizens Broadband Radio Service commercial 
operation, noted by several commenters, addresses the need for GAA 
coordination through a voluntary approach to be administered by the 
SASs. The Commission anticipates that the SAS Administrators will play 
an active role in facilitating GAA coordination, and bases its 
expectation that a voluntary mechanism will be successful in part on 
SAS involvement.
    106. The Commission also anticipates that disclosure of aggregate 
information on spectrum availability will be sufficient in many cases 
to help interested parties identify potential secondary market 
opportunities, and that the SASs will help facilitate secondary market 
transactions in other ways that do not require disaggregated 
disclosure. Further, parties can directly contact the Priority Access 
Licensees in a particular license area (which will be a matter of 
public record) for that purpose. Indeed, even if the Commission 
continued to mandate disclosure of anonymized CBSD data, it would still 
generally be necessary to determine from the licensees in an area 
(either directly or through SAS facilitation) whether a particular 
licensee has unused PAL spectrum it is willing to make available 
through a secondary market transaction. To the extent that mandatory 
public disclosures of detailed, disaggregated CBSD registration data 
might in some circumstances provide some additional benefit over 
aggregate data, and the benefits are outweighed by the security and 
competitive concerns that such disclosures would raise. In sum, the 
Commission concludes that the revised requirement provides a reasonable 
balance for the services in the 3.5 GHz band, including emerging 5G and 
other innovative services anticipated in this band, and will thus 
promote its effective and efficient use.

F. Emissions Limits for CBSDs and End User Devices

    107. Background. The Commission's rules include the following 
emissions limits for CBSDs and End User Devices operating in the 3.5 
GHz band:
     -13 dBm/MHz from 0 to 10 megahertz from the assigned 
channel edge;
     -25 dBm/MHz beyond 10 megahertz from the assigned channel 
edge down to 3530 megahertz and up to 3720 megahertz;
     -40 dBm/MHz below 3530 megahertz and above 3720 megahertz.
    108. The Commission adopted these limits to achieve a balance 
between the ability of CBSDs and End User Devices to protect out-of-
band incumbent services, the ability of equipment vendors to meet 
reasonable standards of design performance, and the ability of CBSD and 
End User Devices to minimize the addition of in-band noise affecting 
other users of the band. The Commission denied petitions for 
reconsideration that sought changes to these limits in 2016.
    109. In the 2017 NPRM, the Commission sought comment on two 
alternative emission masks to address concerns about the need to reduce 
transmit power for channels wider than 10 megahertz under the emissions 
mask set forth in Sec.  96.41(e) of the Commission's rules. Both 
alternative emission masks would extend the width of the -13 dBm/MHz 
transition step. Instead of the fixed 10 megahertz wide transition step 
in Sec.  96.41(e)(1), each alternative emission mask would extend the 
total transition bandwidth to be the bandwidth (B) of the fundamental 
transmission in megahertz. The first alternative emission mask (the 
Qualcomm Mask) has a single transition step at a level of -13 dBm/MHz. 
The second alternative emission mask (the Graduated Mask) has two steps 
with a steeper reduction of adjacent emission power, -13 dBm/MHz from 0 
to B/2 megahertz from the channel edge, and -20 dBm/MHz from B/2 to B 
megahertz from the channel edge. The Commission sought comment on these 
two alternative emission masks and specifically requested quantitative 
analysis of the tradeoffs between the use of wider channels and the 
risk of higher interference to users in adjacent channels.
    110. Qualcomm submitted results of a simulation study of the 
additional maximum power reduction (A-MPR) that would be required for 
the Qualcomm Mask and the Graduated Mask. Qualcomm asserts that both 
masks require the same amount of (non-zero) power reduction (e.g., 2.2 
dB) for channels with high resource utilization, but the Graduated Mask 
requires 0.8 dB-2.5 dB additional power reduction than the Qualcomm 
Mask for channels with low resource utilization. Thus, Qualcomm argues 
that its mask will more effectively facilitate wider bandwidth 
operations with less impact on transmit power. In ex parte 
presentations on March 6, 12, and 14, 2018, Qualcomm further asserted 
that with its proposed mask, emission reduction is achieved by power 
reduction resulting from both the spectrum emission mask (SEM) and the 
3GPP Adjacent Channel Leakage Ratio (ACLR) requirement of 30 dB for 
user devices. In some cases, the ACLR requirement (and not the SEM) 
determines the amount of emission reduction, and in other cases the SEM 
requirement (and not the ACLR) determines the amount of emission 
    111. Discussion. After review of the record, the Commission 
concludes, first, that it should make no changes to the OOBE limits 
outside the 3.5 GHz band, specifically at or beyond the 3550 and 3700 
MHz band edges. Second, it is not convinced that any change is needed 
in the emissions mask for Category A and B CBSDs to facilitate next 
generation wireless deployments, including 5G channels up to 40 
megahertz wide. Third, it finds that some relaxation in the emissions 
mask for uplinks from End User Devices is warranted to accommodate 
wider bandwidths. This change will help facilitate wide-network 
deployments, consistent with the other changes adopted herein.
    112. There is little in the record to suggest that changes in the 
OOBE limits outside the 3.5 GHz band are necessary to accommodate 
signals having wide bandwidths. Indeed, many commenters argue that 
there should be no relaxation of the emissions limits outside the 3.5 
GHz band. The existing OOBE limits outside the 3.5 GHz band were 

[[Page 63094]]

to ensure interference protection for fixed satellite services 
operating above the band and federal operations below the band. These 
important adjacent band coexistence issues have not changed since the 
rules were adopted and, as such, there is no need to reconsider the 
Commission's prior findings on this matter.
    113. In addition, the Commission finds that no changes to the 
emission limits for CBSDs are needed. Qualcomm's proposal is focused 
solely on End User Devices and there were no other technical showings 
that would support relaxation of the emissions limits for CBSDs. 
Indeed, equipment vendors argue that no change to the emission limits 
are necessary because current technologies can meet the existing limits 
and the existing rules allow higher power with wider bandwidth, which 
helps counteract the need for a reduction in power. The Commission 
believes their comments were in the context of CBSDs (i.e., base 
    114. The Commission is aware that it is generally easier to employ 
linearization techniques and better filtering in CBSDs to achieve low 
out-of-channel emissions because they operate off external electrical 
power and are less constrained by space limitations in the device as 
compared to End User Devices. Accordingly, the Commission is 
maintaining the existing OOBE limits for CBSDs.
    115. There is justification for relaxing the OOBE limits within the 
3.5 GHz band for End User Devices to accommodate bandwidths wider than 
ten megahertz. The Commission adopts the Qualcomm Mask and an adjacent 
channel leakage requirement of -30 dBc for End User Devices, because 
Qualcomm's analysis showed that -30 dBc, a 3GPP standard, in addition 
to the Qualcomm Mask, would limit the total emission power that affects 
adjacent channels. While most commenters support the Qualcomm Mask 
rather than the Graduated Mask, the Commission is concerned that the 
Qualcomm Mask, by itself, may lead to a higher level of OOBE than 
necessary to accommodate wider bandwidths with little or no power 
reduction. The Commission also believes that much of the equipment that 
will be used in this band will be designed to meet 3GPP standards. The 
3GPP standards are based on an adjacent channel leakage ratio (ACLR) of 
30 dBc for End User Devices, as well as a spectrum emission mask. The 
value of ACLR is a measure of the total power in the adjacent channel, 
as opposed to an emission mask that specifies a (typically) flat (per-
megahertz) limit over some frequency range, with reductions at 
particular points (i.e., 10 megahertz outside the channel). In its 
March 14, 2018 filing, Qualcomm demonstrated that for End User Devices, 
neither the Qualcomm Mask nor the Graduated Mask is sufficient, in some 
cases, to ensure that adjacent channel leakage is at least 30 dB below 
the fundamental channel power (i.e., 3GPP ACLR limit of 30 dB). This 
necessitates maximum power reduction based on an ACLR limit, to ensure 
that adjacent channel emission power is sufficiently minimized. 
Qualcomm performed software simulation of End User Device transmitter 
emission performance for many combinations of uplink sub-carrier 
assignments, for inner channels, for edge channels, and for different 
configurations of contiguous and non-contiguous spectrum assignments. 
Their analysis showed the power back-off required to meet 3GPP 
performance standards for edge channels and inner channels, for the 
current mask, the Qualcomm Mask, and the Graduated Mask. Based on this 
analysis, the Commission believes that adopting the two emission 
requirements assessed by Qualcomm--the Qualcomm emission mask and 
ACLR--would allow for wider transmission bandwidths, and ensure that 
in-band noise is appropriately limited for all End User Devices, not 
just 3GPP user equipment. Therefore, it adopts the Qualcomm Mask and an 
adjacent channel leakage requirement of -30 dBc for End User Devices.
    116. Some commenters expressed concern that changes to the emission 
limits could make some channels in the band (i.e., those furthest from 
the band edges) more desirable than others. While wider bandwidth 
operations using spectrum near the upper and lower edges of the 3.5 GHz 
band may need to make adjustments--including operating at lower power--
to use those parts of the band, the Commission does not believe this 
makes these parts of the band any less usable. The 3.5 GHz band will 
likely be used by a variety of different operators, each with unique 
spectrum needs. These operators should have the flexibility to use the 
band at a variety of different bandwidths and operational power levels 
suited to their particular business. For example, parties seeking to 
use the lower 10 megahertz channel may also seek to use it together 
with adjacent channels for wider aggregated bandwidth. They can also 
choose to employ devices with better filtering, slightly reduce power, 
or aggregate non-contiguous individual channels. The Commission is also 
cognizant that there is apt to be wide variability in the ability of 
multiple contiguous channels at any given location because it will 
depend on factors such as which channels have different licensees and 
the extent of other deployments in the band.
    117. Finally, the Commission corrects a typographic error in a 
paragraph reference in Sec.  96.41(e)(2) of its rules, which should 
reference paragraph (e)(1) instead of (d)(1).

IV. Procedural Matters

    118. Paperwork Reduction Analysis.--This Report and Order contains 
new and modified information collection requirements subject to the 
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA), Public Law 104-13. It will be 
submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review under 
section 3507(d) of the PRA. OMB, the general public, and other Federal 
agencies will be invited to comment on the new and modified information 
collection requirements contained in the proceeding. In addition, the 
Commission notes that pursuant to the Small Business Paperwork Relief 
Act of 2002, it previously sought specific comment on how we might 
``further reduce the information collection burden for small business 
concerns with fewer than 25 employees.'' It has described impacts that 
might affect small businesses, which includes most businesses with 
fewer than 25 employees, in the Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis 
(FRFA), in Appendix B of the Report and Order.
    119. Congressional Review Act.--The Commission will send a copy of 
this Report and Order to Congress and the Government Accountability 
Office pursuant to the Congressional Review Act, see 5 U.S.C. 
    120. Regulatory Flexibility Act.--The Regulatory Flexibility Act of 
1980, as amended (RFA), requires that an agency prepare a regulatory 
flexibility analysis for notice and comment rulemakings, unless the 
agency certifies that ``the rule will not, if promulgated, have a 
significant economic impact on a substantial number of small 
entities.'' Accordingly, the Commission has prepared a FRFA, set forth 
in Appendix B of the Report and Order, concerning the possible impact 
of the rule changes.

V. Ordering Clauses

    121. Accordingly, it is ordered that, pursuant to Sections 1, 2, 
4(i), 4(j), 5(c), 302, 303, 304, 307(e), and 316 of the Communications 
Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 151, 152, 154(i), 154(j), 155(c), 
302, 303, 304, 307(e), and 316, this Report and Order in GN Docket No. 
17-258 is hereby adopted.

[[Page 63095]]

    122. It is further ordered that the amendments of the Commission's 
rules as set forth in the Final Rules section are adopted, effective 
thirty (30) days after publication in the Federal Register. Sections 
96.23(a), 96.25(b)(4), and 96.32(b) contain new or modified information 
collection requirements that require review by the Office of Management 
and Budget (OMB) under the Paperwork Reduction Act. The Commission 
directs the Bureau to announce the effective date of those information 
collections in a document published in the Federal Register after the 
Commission receives OMB approval, and directs the Bureau to cause 
Sec. Sec.  96.23(d), 96.25(b)(5), and 96.32(d) to be revised 
    123. It is further ordered that the Commission's Consumer and 
Governmental Affairs Bureau, Reference Information Center, shall send a 
copy of this Report and Order, including the Final Regulatory 
Flexibility Analysis, to the Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the Small 
Business Administration.
    124. It is further ordered that this Report and Order shall be sent 
to Congress and the Government Accountability Office pursuant to the 
Congressional Review Act, see 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A).

List of Subjects in 47 CFR Parts 1 and 96

    Telecommunications, Radio.

Federal Communications Commission.
Katura Jackson,
Federal Register Liaison Officer, Office of the Secretary.

Final Rules

    For the reasons discussed in the preamble, the Federal 
Communications Commission amends 47 CFR parts 1 and part 96 as follows:


1. The authority citation for part 1 is revised to read as follows:

    Authority:  47 U.S.C. chs. 2, 5, 9, 13; Sec. 102(c), Div. P, 
Public Law 115-141, 132 Stat. 1084; 28 U.S.C. 2461, unless otherwise 

2. Amend Sec.  1.907 by revising the definition of ``Covered Geographic 
Licenses'' to read as follows:

Sec.  1.907  Definitions.

* * * * *
    Covered Geographic Licenses. Covered Geographic Licenses consist of 
the following services: 1.4 GHz Service (part 27, subpart I, of this 
chapter); 1.6 GHz Service (part 27, subpart J); 24 GHz Service and 
Digital Electronic Message Services (part 101, subpart G, of this 
chapter); 218-219 MHz Service (part 95, subpart F, of this chapter); 
220-222 MHz Service, excluding public safety licenses (part 90, subpart 
T, of this chapter); 600 MHz Service (part 27, subpart N); 700 MHz 
Commercial Services (part 27, subparts F and H); 700 MHz Guard Band 
Service (part 27, subpart G); 800 MHz Specialized Mobile Radio Service 
(part 90, subpart S); 900 MHz Specialized Mobile Radio Service (part 
90, subpart S); Advanced Wireless Services (part 27, subparts K and L); 
Air-Ground Radiotelephone Service (Commercial Aviation) (part 22, 
subpart G, of this chapter); Broadband Personal Communications Service 
(part 24, subpart E, of this chapter); Broadband Radio Service (part 
27, subpart M); Cellular Radiotelephone Service (part 22, subpart H); 
Citizens Broadband Radio Service (part 96, subpart C, of this chapter); 
Dedicated Short Range Communications Service, excluding public safety 
licenses (part 90, subpart M); H Block Service (part 27, subpart K); 
Local Multipoint Distribution Service (part 101, subpart L); 
Multichannel Video Distribution and Data Service (part 101, subpart P); 
Multilateration Location and Monitoring Service (part 90, subpart M); 
Multiple Address Systems (EAs) (part 101, subpart O); Narrowband 
Personal Communications Service (part 24, subpart D); Paging and 
Radiotelephone Service (part 22, subpart E; part 90, subpart P); VHF 
Public Coast Stations, including Automated Maritime Telecommunications 
Systems (part 80, subpart J, of this chapter); Upper Microwave Flexible 
Use Service (part 30 of this chapter); and Wireless Communications 
Service (part 27, subpart D).
* * * * *

3. Amend Sec.  1.949 by revising paragraph (c) to read as follows:

Sec.  1.949  Application for renewal of authorization.

* * * * *
    (c) Implementation. Covered Site-based Licenses, except Common 
Carrier Fixed Point-to-Point Microwave Service (part 101, subpart I, of 
this chapter), and Covered Geographic Licenses in the 600 MHz Service 
(part 27, subpart N, of this chapter); 700 MHz Commercial Services 
(part 27, subpart F); Advanced Wireless Services (part 27, subpart L) 
(AWS-3 (1695-1710 MHz, 1755-1780 MHz, and 2155-2180 MHz) and AWS-4 
(2000-2020 MHz and 2180-2200 MHz) only); Citizens Broadband Radio 
Service (part 96, subpart C, of this chapter); and H Block Service 
(part 27, subpart K) must comply with paragraphs (d) through (h) of 
this section. All other Covered Geographic Licenses must comply with 
paragraphs (d) through (h) of this section beginning on January 1, 
2023. Common Carrier Fixed Point-to-Point Microwave Service (part 101, 
subpart I) must comply with paragraphs (d) through (h) of this section 
beginning on October 1, 2018.
* * * * *


4. The authority citation for part 96 continues to read as follows:

    Authority:  47 U.S.C. 154(i), 303, and 307.

5. Amend Sec.  96.3 by:
a. Adding the definitions of ``Adjacent Channel Leakage Ratio'' and 
``Aggregated Channel Bandwidth'' in alphabetical order;
b. Removing the definition of ``Census tract'';
c. Adding the definitions of ``County'' in alphabetical order; and
d. Revising the definition of ``License area.''
    The additions and revision read as follows:

Sec.  96.3  Definitions.

* * * * *
    Adjacent Channel Leakage Ratio. The Adjacent Channel Leakage Ratio 
(ACLR) is the ratio of the filtered mean power over the assigned 
Aggregated Channel Bandwidth to the filtered mean power over the 
equivalent adjacent channel bandwidth. The power in the assigned 
Aggregated Channel Bandwidth and its equivalent adjacent channel 
bandwidth are measured with rectangular filters with measurement 
bandwidths equal to the Aggregated Channel Bandwidth.
    Aggregated Channel Bandwidth. The Aggregated Channel Bandwidth is 
the bandwidth of a single channel, or in the case of multiple 
contiguous channels, the bandwidth between the upper and lower limits 
of the combined contiguous channels.
* * * * *
    County. For purposes of this part, counties shall be defined using 
the United States Census Bureau's data reflecting county legal 
boundaries and names valid through January 1, 2017.
* * * * *
    License area. The geographic component of a PAL. A License Area 
consists of one county.
* * * * *

6. Amend Sec.  96.23 by revising paragraph (a) introductory text and 
adding paragraph (d) to read as follows:

[[Page 63096]]

Sec.  96.23  Authorization.

    (a) An applicant must file an application for an initial PAL. 
Applications for PALs must:
* * * * *
    (d) Paragraph (a) of this section contains information-collection 
and recordkeeping requirements. Compliance will not be required until 
after approval by the Office of Management and Budget. The Commission 
will publish a document in the Federal Register announcing that 
compliance date and revising this paragraph (d) accordingly.

7. Amend Sec.  96.25 by revising paragraph (b)(3) and adding paragraphs 
(b)(4) and (5) to read as follows:

Sec.  96.25   Priority access licenses.

* * * * *
    (b) * * *
    (3) License term. Each PAL has a ten-year license term. Licensees 
must file a renewal application in accordance with the provisions of 
Sec.  1.949 of this chapter.
    (4) Performance requirement. Priority Access Licensees must provide 
substantial service in their license area by the end of the initial 
license term. ``Substantial'' service is defined as service which is 
sound, favorable, and substantially above the level of mediocre service 
which might minimally warrant renewal. Failure by any licensee to meet 
this requirement will result in forfeiture of the license without 
further Commission action, and the licensee will be ineligible to 
regain it. Licensees shall demonstrate compliance with the performance 
requirement by filing a construction notification with the Commission 
in accordance with the provisions set forth in Sec.  1.946(d) of this 
chapter. The licensee must certify whether it has met the performance 
requirement, and file supporting documentation, including description 
and demonstration of the bona fide service provided, electronic maps 
accurately depicting the boundaries of the license area and where in 
the license area the licensee provides service that meets the 
performance requirement, supporting technical documentation, any 
population-related assumptions or data used in determining the 
population covered by a service to the extent any were relied upon, and 
any other information the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau may 
prescribe by public notice. A licensee's showing of substantial service 
may not rely on service coverage outside of the PAL Protection Areas of 
registered CBSDs or on deployments that are not reflected in SAS 
records of CBSD registrations.
    (i) Safe harbor for mobile or point-to-multipoint service. A 
Priority Access Licensee providing a mobile service or point-to-
multipoint service may demonstrate substantial service by showing that 
it provides signal coverage and offers service, either to customers or 
for internal use, over at least 50 percent of the population in the 
license area.
    (ii) Safe harbor for fixed point-to-point service. A Priority 
Access Licensee providing a fixed point-to-point service may 
demonstrate substantial service by showing that it has constructed and 
operates at least four links, either to customers or for internal use, 
in license areas with 134,000 population or less and in license areas 
with greater population, a minimum number of links equal to the 
population of the license area divided by 33,500 and rounded up to the 
nearest whole number. To satisfy this provision, such links must 
operate using registered Category B CBSDs.
    (5) Compliance date. Paragraph (b)(4) of this section contains 
information-collection and recordkeeping requirements. Compliance will 
not be required until after approval by the Office of Management and 
Budget. The Commission will publish a document in the Federal Register 
announcing that compliance date and revising this paragraph (b)(5) 
* * * * *

Sec.  96.27  [Removed and Reserved]

8. Remove and reserve Sec.  96.27.

9. Section 96.29 is revised to read as follows:

Sec.  96.29  Competitive bidding procedures.

    Mutually exclusive initial applications for PALs are subject to 
competitive bidding. The general competitive bidding procedures set 
forth in part 1, subpart Q, of this chapter will apply unless otherwise 
provided in this subpart.

10. Section 96.30 is added to read as follows:

Sec.  96.30   Designated entities in the Citizens Broadband Radio 

    (a) Small business. (1) A small business is an entity that, 
together with its affiliates, its controlling interests, and the 
affiliates of its controlling interests, has average gross revenues not 
exceeding $55 million for the preceding three (3) years.
    (2) A very small business is an entity that, together with its 
affiliates, its controlling interests, and the affiliates of its 
controlling interests, has average gross revenues not exceeding $20 
million for the preceding three (3) years.
    (b) Eligible rural service provider. For purposes of this section, 
an eligible rural service provider is an entity that meets the criteria 
specified in Sec.  1.2110(f)(4) of this chapter.
    (c) Bidding credits. (1) A winning bidder that qualifies as a small 
business as defined in this section or a consortium of small businesses 
may use a bidding credit of 15 percent, as specified in Sec.  
1.2110(f)(2)(i)(C) of this chapter. A winning bidder that qualifies as 
a very small business as defined in this section or a consortium of 
very small businesses may use a bidding credit of 25 percent, as 
specified in Sec.  1.2110(f)(2)(i)(B) of this chapter.
    (2) An entity that qualifies as eligible rural service provider or 
a consortium of rural service providers who has not claimed a small 
business bidding credit may use a bidding credit of 15 percent, as 
specified in Sec.  1.2110(f)(4) of this chapter.

11. Amend Sec.  96.32 by revising paragraph (b) and adding paragraph 
(d) to read as follows:

Sec.  96.32  Priority access assignments of authorization, transfer of 
control, and leasing arrangements.

* * * * *
    (b) Priority Access Licensees may partition or disaggregate their 
licenses and partially assign or transfer their licenses pursuant to 
Sec.  1.950 of this chapter and may enter into de facto transfer 
leasing arrangements for a portion of their licensed spectrum pursuant 
to part 1 of this chapter.
* * * * *
    (d) Paragraph (b) of this section contains information-collection 
and recordkeeping requirements. Compliance will not be required until 
after approval by the Office of Management and Budget. The Commission 
will publish a document in the Federal Register announcing that 
compliance date and revising this paragraph (d) accordingly.

12. Amend Sec.  96.41 by revising paragraphs (e)(1) and (2) and 
(e)(3)(i) to read as follows:

Sec.  96.41  General radio requirements.

* * * * *
    (e) 3.5 GHz Emissions and Interference Limits--(1) General 
protection levels.

[[Page 63097]]


    (i) Except as otherwise specified in paragraph (e)(2) of this 
section, for channel and frequency assignments made by the SAS to 
CBSDs, the conducted power of any CBSD emission outside the fundamental 
emission bandwidth as specified in paragraph (e)(3) of this section 
(whether the emission is inside or outside of the authorized band) 
shall not exceed -13 dBm/MHz within 0-10 megahertz above the upper SAS-
assigned channel edge and within 0-10 megahertz below the lower SAS-
assigned channel edge. At all frequencies greater than 10 megahertz 
above the upper SAS assigned channel edge and less than 10 MHz below 
the lower SAS assigned channel edge, the conducted power of any CBSD 
emission shall not exceed -25 dBm/MHz. The upper and lower SAS assigned 
channel edges are the upper and lower limits of any channel assigned to 
a CBSD by an SAS, or in the case of multiple contiguous channels, the 
upper and lower limits of the combined contiguous channels.
    (ii) Except as otherwise specified in paragraph (e)(2) of this 
section, for channel and frequency assignments made by a CBSD to End 
User Devices, the conducted power of any End User Device emission 
outside the fundamental emission (whether in or outside of the 
authorized band) shall not exceed -13 dBm/MHz within 0 to B megahertz 
(where B is the bandwidth in megahertz of the assigned channel or 
multiple contiguous channels of the End User Device) above the upper 
CBSD-assigned channel edge and within 0 to B megahertz below the lower 
CBSD-assigned channel edge. At all frequencies greater than B megahertz 
above the upper CBSD assigned channel edge and less than B megahertz 
below the lower CBSD-assigned channel edge, the conducted power of any 
End User Device emission shall not exceed -25 dBm/MHz. Notwithstanding 
the emission limits in this paragraph, the Adjacent Channel Leakage 
Ratio for End User Devices shall be at least 30 dB.
    (2) Additional protection levels. Notwithstanding paragraph (e)(1) 
of this section, for CBSDs and End User Devices, the conducted power of 
emissions below 3540 MHz or above 3710 MHz shall not exceed -25 dBm/
MHz, and the conducted power of emissions below 3530 MHz or above 3720 
MHz shall not exceed -40dBm/MHz.
    (3) Measurement procedure. (i) Compliance with this provision is 
based on the use of measurement instrumentation employing a resolution 
bandwidth of 1 megahertz or greater. However, in the 1 megahertz bands 
immediately outside and adjacent to the licensee's authorized frequency 
channel, a resolution bandwidth of no less than one percent of the 
fundamental emission bandwidth may be employed. A narrower resolution 
bandwidth is permitted in all cases to improve measurement accuracy 
provided the measured power is integrated over the full reference 
bandwidth (i.e., 1 MHz or 1 percent of emission bandwidth, as 
specified). The fundamental emission bandwidth is defined as the width 
of the signal between two points, one below the carrier center 
frequency and one above the carrier center frequency, outside of which 
all emissions are attenuated at least 26 dB below the transmitter 
* * * * *

13. Amend Sec.  96.55 by revising paragraph (a)(3) to read as follows:

Sec.  96.55  Information gathering and retention.

    (a) * * *
    (3) Upon request, SAS Administrators must make available to the 
general public aggregated spectrum usage data for any geographic area. 
Such information must include the total available spectrum and the 
maximum available contiguous spectrum in the requested area. SAS 
Administrators shall not disclose specific CBSD registration 
information to the general public except where such disclosure is 
authorized by the registrant.
* * * * *
[FR Doc. 2018-25795 Filed 12-6-18; 8:45 am]

                                           63076             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 235 / Friday, December 7, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                           with respect to rule making matters and                 Economics and Analytics, with regard to                 (c) Insofar as authority is not
                                           proceedings affecting more than one                     the development and implementation of                 delegated to any other Bureau or Office,
                                           Bureau.                                                 spectrum policy through spectrum                      the Chief, Office of Economics and
                                           *     *     *      *    *                               auctions. Develops, recommends and                    Analytics, is authorized to dismiss or
                                           ■ 5. Amend § 0.91 by revising paragraph
                                                                                                   administers policies, programs and rules              deny petitions for rulemaking that are
                                           (p) to read as follows:                                 concerning licensing of spectrum for                  repetitive or moot or that for other
                                                                                                   wireless telecommunications through                   reasons plainly do not warrant
                                           § 0.91    Functions of the Office.                      auctions. Advises the Commission on                   consideration by the Commission.
                                           *     *     *     *    *                                policy, engineering and technical                       (d) The Chief, Office of Economics
                                             (p) In coordination with the Office of                matters relating to auctions of spectrum              and Analytics, is authorized to dismiss
                                           Economics and Analytics and Wireless                    used for other purposes.                              or deny petitions for reconsideration to
                                           Telecommunications Bureau, serves as                    *      *    *     *    *                              the extent permitted by § 1.429(l) of this
                                           the Commission’s principal policy and                     (r) In coordination with the Wireline               chapter and, jointly with the Wireless
                                           administrative staff resource with                      Competition Bureau and the Office of                  Telecommunications Bureau, to the
                                           respect to the use of market-based                      Economics and Analytics, develops and                 extent permitted by § 1.106 of this
                                           mechanisms, including competitive                       recommends policies, programs, rules                  chapter.
                                           bidding, to distribute universal service                and procedures concerning the use of                    (e) The Chief, Office of Economics
                                           support. Develops, recommends and                       market-based mechanisms, including                    and Analytics, is delegated authority to
                                           administers policies, programs, rules                   competitive bidding, to distribute                    make nonsubstantive, editorial revisions
                                           and procedures concerning the use of                    universal service support.                            to the Commission’s rules and
                                           market-based mechanisms, including                                                                            regulations contained in part 1, subparts
                                                                                                   *      *    *     *    *
                                           competitive bidding, to distribute                                                                            Q, V, W, and AA, of this chapter.
                                                                                                   ■ 7. Revise § 0.271 and the
                                           universal service support.                                                                                    ■ 8. Add § 0.272 to read as follows:
                                                                                                   undesignated center heading
                                           ■ 6. Amend § 0.131 by revising
                                                                                                   immediately preceding it to read as                   § 0.272    Record of actions taken.
                                           paragraphs (a), (c), and (r) to read as                 follows:                                                 The application and authorization
                                                                                                   Office of Economics and Analytics                     files and other appropriate files of the
                                           § 0.131    Functions of the Bureau                                                                            Office of Economics and Analytics are
                                           *      *    *      *      *                             § 0.271   Authority delegated.                        designated as the Commission’s official
                                              (a) Advises and makes                                   (a) Insofar as authority is not                    records of action of the Chief, Office of
                                           recommendations to the Commission, or                   delegated to any other Bureau or Office,              Economics and Analytics, pursuant to
                                           acts for the Commission under                           the Chief, Office of Economics and                    authority delegated to the Chief. The
                                           delegated authority, in all matters                     Analytics, is delegated authority to carry            official records of action are maintained
                                           pertaining to the licensing and                         out the performance of functions and                  in the Reference Information Center in
                                           regulation of wireless                                  activities described in § 0.21, provided              the Consumer and Governmental Affairs
                                           telecommunications, including ancillary                 that the following matters shall be                   Bureau.
                                           operations related to the provision or                  referred to the Commission en banc for                ■ 9. Add § 0.273 to read as follows:
                                           use of such services; any matters                       disposition:
                                                                                                                                                         § 0.273 Actions taken under delegated
                                           concerning wireless carriers that also                     (1) Notices of proposed rulemaking                 authority.
                                           affect wireline carriers in cooperation                 and of inquiry, final orders in
                                           with the Wireline Competition Bureau;                   rulemaking proceedings and inquiry                      In discharging the authority conferred
                                           and, in cooperation with the Office of                  proceedings and non-editorial orders                  by § 0.271, the Chief, Office of
                                           Economics and Analytics, all matters                    making changes, and any reports arising               Economics and Analytics, shall
                                           regarding spectrum auctions and, in                     from any of the foregoing;                            establish working relationships with
                                           cooperation with the Wireline                                                                                 other Bureaus and staff Offices to assure
                                                                                                      (2) Any petition, pleading, request, or
                                           Competition Bureau, USF mechanisms                                                                            the effective coordination of actions
                                                                                                   other matter presenting new or novel
                                           affecting wireless carriers. These                                                                            taken in the analysis of regulatory
                                                                                                   questions of fact, law, or policy that
                                           activities include: Policy development                                                                        impacts, including assessments of
                                                                                                   cannot be resolved under existing
                                           and coordination; conducting                                                                                  paperwork burdens and initial and final
                                                                                                   precedents and guidelines; and
                                           rulemaking and adjudicatory                                                                                   regulatory flexibility assessments.
                                                                                                      (3) Applications for review of actions
                                           proceedings, including licensing and                    taken to delegated authority, except that             [FR Doc. 2018–26423 Filed 12–6–18; 8:45 am]
                                           complaint proceedings for matters not                   the Chief may dismiss any such                        BILLING CODE 6712–01–P
                                           within the responsibility of the                        application that does not comply with
                                           Enforcement Bureau; acting on waivers                   the filing requirements of § 1.115(d) and
                                           of rules; acting on applications for                    (f) of this chapter.                                  FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS
                                           service and facility authorizations;                       (4) Any applications that are in                   COMMISSION
                                           compliance and enforcement activities                   hearing status.                                       47 CFR Parts 1 and 96
                                           for matters not within the responsibility                  (b) Insofar as authority is not
                                           of the Enforcement Bureau; determining                  delegated to any other Bureau or Office,              [GN Docket No. 17–258; FCC 18–149]
                                           resource impacts of existing, planned or                and with respect only to matters that are
                                           recommended Commission activities                       not in hearing status, the Chief, Office              Promoting Investment in the 3550–
                                           concerning wireless                                     of Economics and Analytics, is                        3700 MHz Band
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with RULES

                                           telecommunications, and developing                      delegated authority to deny requests for              AGENCY:  Federal Communications
                                           and recommending resource                               extension of time or to extend the time               Commission.
                                           deployment priorities.                                  within which comments may be filed in                 ACTION: Final rule.
                                           *      *    *      *      *                             dockets over which the Office of
                                              (c) Serves as a staff resource, in                   Economics and Analytics has primary                          In this document, the Federal
                                           coordination with the Office of                         authority.                                            Communications Commission

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                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 235 / Friday, December 7, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                       63077

                                           (Commission) adopts limited changes to                  Bureau at (202) 418–0530 (voice), (202)                 3. On October 24, 2017, the
                                           the rules governing Priority Access                     418–0432 (TTY).                                       Commission issued a Notice of
                                           Licenses (PALs) that will be issued in                    The Commission will send a copy of                  Proposed Rulemaking (82 FR 56193,
                                           the 3500–3700 MHz Band (3.5 GHz                         this Report and Order in a report to be               Nov. 28, 2017) (2017 NPRM) seeking
                                           band)—including larger license areas,                   sent to Congress and the Government                   comment on potential changes to the
                                           longer license terms, renewability, and                 Accountability Office pursuant to the                 PAL rules, including significantly larger
                                           performance requirements—as well as                     Congressional Review Act, see 5 U.S.C.                geographic license areas, longer license
                                           changes to the competitive bidding rules                801(a)(1)(A).                                         terms, PAL renewability, and changes to
                                           for the issuance of PALs and to the                                                                           the way in which PALs are assigned and
                                           ability to partition and disaggregate                                                                         auctioned. The Commission also sought
                                           areas within PALs. These changes are                    I. Background                                         comment on relaxing the emissions
                                           consistent with the rules that helped                      1. In 2015, the Commission adopted                 limits for Citizens Broadband Radio
                                           foster the development of 4G and LTE                    rules for shared commercial use of the                Service Devices (CBSDs) and/or End
                                           services in the United States, and                      3.5 GHz band. It created a three-tiered               User Devices to allow operation over
                                           adopting similar rules in this band will                access and authorization framework to                 wider bandwidths without power
                                           help promote additional investment in                   coordinate shared federal and non-                    reduction. The Commission
                                           the next generation of wireless services.               federal use of the band. Incumbents                   simultaneously adopted an Order
                                           The Commission also adopts changes to                   comprise the first tier (Incumbent                    Terminating the Petitions, in which it
                                           the technical rules to facilitate                       Access) and receive protection from all               declined to seek comment on discrete
                                           transmissions over wider bandwidth                      other users, followed by PALs, the                    proposals from T-Mobile’s Petition that
                                           channels without significant power                      second tier (Priority Access), and                    would have fundamentally altered the
                                           reduction and changes to the                            General Authorized Access (GAA), the                  sharing framework of the band,
                                           information security requirements to                    third tier. Over half of the band—a                   including its proposal to reapportion the
                                           better safeguard commercially sensitive                 minimum of 80 megahertz—is reserved                   amount of spectrum available for GAA
                                           information and protect critical                        for GAA use. PALs receive protection                  versus PAL use and designating the
                                           infrastructure. These targeted changes                  from GAA operations but must protect                  entire band for PAL use.
                                           will spur additional investment and                     and accept interference from Incumbent                  4. The Commission received nearly
                                           broader deployment in the band,                         Access tier users. GAA is licensed-by-                200 comments and 40 reply comments
                                           promote robust and efficient spectrum                   rule and must avoid causing harmful                   in response to the 2017 NPRM,
                                           use, and help ensure the rapid                          interference to higher tier users and                 including from mobile wireless service
                                           deployment of advanced wireless                         accept interference from all other users,             providers, Wireless Internet Service
                                           technologies—including 5G—in the                        including other GAA users. GAA users                  Providers (WISPs) and other fixed
                                           United States.                                          can operate throughout the entire 150                 wireless service providers, cable
                                           DATES: Effective Date: January 7, 2019.                 megahertz of the 3.5 GHz band on any                  providers, Internet of Things (IoT)
                                              Compliance Date: Compliance will                     frequencies not in use by PALs.                       providers, energy and utility
                                           not be required for § 96.23(a) or for                   Automated frequency coordinators,                     associations, and consumer groups.
                                           § 96.25(b) or for § 96.32(b) until after                known as Spectrum Access Systems                      III. Discussion
                                           approval by the Office of Management                    (SASs), will coordinate operations
                                           and Budget. The Commission will                         between and among users in different                  A. PAL Licensing Rules
                                           publish a document in the Federal                       access tiers. The Commission adopted                  1. Geographic Licensing Area
                                           Register announcing that compliance                     service and technical rules governing
                                           date.                                                   the 3.5 GHz band as the new part 96 of                   5. Background. In the 2015 Report
                                                                                                   its rules.                                            and Order (80 FR 36164, June 23, 2015),
                                           FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                           2. In June 2017, CTIA and T-Mobile                 the Commission defined the geographic
                                           Jessica Greffenius at jessica.greffenius@               filed petitions for rulemaking, which                 license area for each PAL as one census
                                           fcc.gov, of the Wireless                                asked the Commission to reexamine                     tract. In the 2017 NPRM, the
                                           Telecommunications Bureau, Mobility                     several of the part 96 rules related to               Commission proposed to increase the
                                           Division, (202) 418–2896.                               PALs. CTIA proposed several changes to                geographic license area to ‘‘stimulate
                                           SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This is a                    the PAL licensing rules, including much               additional investment, promote
                                           summary of the Commission’s Report                      larger license areas, longer license                  innovation, and encourage efficient use
                                           and Order in GN Docket No. 17–258,                      terms, and renewability. T-Mobile                     of spectrum resources.’’ The
                                           FCC 18–148 adopted October 23, 2018                     supported CTIA’s proposals and made                   Commission sought comment on
                                           and released October 24, 2018. The full                 additional proposals, including changes               petitioners’ specific request to increase
                                           text of the Report and Order, including                 to the amount of spectrum available for               the license size to Partial Economic
                                           all Appendices, is available for                        PALs and to the technical rules                       Areas (PEAs), asking whether the larger
                                           inspection and copying during normal                    governing the 3.5 GHz band. Both                      size and the ability to combine and
                                           business hours in the FCC Reference                     petitioners argued that these requested               partition licenses would strike the right
                                           Center, 445 12th Street SW, Room CY–                    changes were necessary to promote                     balance between supporting targeted
                                           A157, Washington, DC 20554, or by                       additional investment to facilitate 5G                deployments and incentivizing
                                           downloading the text from the                           network deployment in the band. On                    additional investment in the band.
                                           Commission’s website at https://                        June 22, 2017, the Wireless                           Noting concerns in the record about
                                           docs.fcc.gov/public/attachments/FCC-                    Telecommunications Bureau and Office                  whether PEAs would incent diverse
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                                           18-149A1.pdf. Alternative formats are                   of Engineering and Technology sought                  auction participants, differing
                                           available for people with disabilities                  comment on the Petitions and on related               technologies, and rural deployments,
                                           (Braille, large print, electronic files,                issues raised in ex parte                             the Commission also sought comment
                                           audio format), by sending an email to                   communications, and they received                     on alternative or hybrid approaches,
                                           FCC504@fcc.gov or calling the                           comments and reply comments from                      such as licensing PEAs in urban areas
                                           Consumer and Government Affairs                         more than 120 parties.                                and census tracts in rural areas, or

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                                           63078             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 235 / Friday, December 7, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                           offering PALs of different sizes in each                size further (i.e., from 3,200 counties to            almost impossible to implement in
                                           market.                                                 416 PEAs) could disproportionately                    census tracts in large urban areas.
                                              6. Several commenters support                        favor mobile use cases and hinder                        11. Further, the smaller the license
                                           increasing the PAL license area                         investment in innovative fixed networks               area, the more the interference
                                           significantly, from census tracts to                    and localized deployments. The 3.5 GHz                protection requirements will limit a
                                           PEAs, as a way to simplify the auction                  band will be the first mid-band                       licensee’s ability to use its assigned
                                           process, reduce interference risks and                  spectrum suited for 5G uses that will be              spectrum throughout its service area.
                                           coordination complications at border                    made available domestically, and the                  This is because there is a much higher
                                           areas, and encourage investment by all                  band will play a key role as part of the              likelihood that when a licensee seeks to
                                           providers. Other commenters argue that                  low-, mid-, and high-band spectrum                    deploy a CBSD, there will be a nearby
                                           the Commission should retain census                     toolkit for 5G uses. While census tracts              PAL Protection Area that requires
                                           tracts as the geographic licensing unit                 seemed like an appropriate ‘‘middle                   protection, forcing the licensee to
                                           for PALs, arguing that using census                     ground’’ in 2015, since that time, the                reduce power or take other steps to
                                           tracts would increase the likelihood of                 balance has shifted.                                  protect the transmitter deployed in the
                                           localized services reaching rural and                      9. First, given the increasing                     adjacent geographic area. Some
                                           underserved areas, and open up PAL                      importance of mid-band spectrum for                   commenters argue that licensing PALs
                                           auctions to a wider variety of potential                5G—and the importance of maximizing                   by census tract will add tremendous
                                           users and uses. Other commenters                        auction participation to ensure this                  administrative overhead to the process
                                           support using county-sized PALs as a                    band is put to its highest and best use—              of acquiring PALs and building
                                           compromise between census tracts and                    it is important for the size of PAL                   networks to align with areas where
                                           PEAs. Some commenters suggest that                      license areas not to preclude a mobile                licensees actually want to operate, and
                                           the Commission rely on a hybrid                         5G use case. The record in this                       also express concern over the cost of
                                           approach and to adopt multiple,                         proceeding now demonstrates that                      designing and deploying networks
                                           different-sized PAL license areas. After                retaining census tracts as the size of the            under a census tract licensing regime.
                                           the comment cycle closed, many                          PAL license areas would cause                         The Commission finds this evidence
                                           stakeholders worked to find a hybrid                    significant difficulties in deployment of             credible that census-tract based
                                           solution for the size of the PAL license                large-scale networks for mobile 5G use.               licensing risks intractable interference
                                           area.                                                   In light of this, it is necessary to reassess         problems at PAL borders, potentially
                                              7. Discussion. After review of the                   the Commission’s decision in the 2015                 precluding the use of this spectrum for
                                           extensive record on this issue and in                   Report and Order that census tract-sized              mobile 5G services.
                                           light of the changed circumstances since                PALs were large enough to support a                      12. Other commenters argue that these
                                           adoption of the 2015 rules, the                         variety of use cases. After reviewing the             border interference concerns are
                                           Commission finds that increasing the                    record, the Commission finds that                     overstated, because a licensee can
                                           size of the PAL license area to counties                increasing the size of PAL license areas              operate within its entire PAL Protection
                                           will better serve the public interest.                  to counties is more likely to ensure that             Area, which may consist of several
                                              8. In 2015, the Commission                           mobile 5G deployments are feasible in                 aggregated PAL licenses areas, and
                                           determined that larger license areas                    the 3.5 GHz band.                                     because the signals from CBSDs whose
                                           were inconsistent with its desire to                       10. The Commission agrees with                     service contours form the PAL
                                           promote innovative, low power uses in                   certain commenters’ arguments that                    Protection Area would be treated as
                                           the band, such as small cells, which                    licensing PALs using census tracts                    GAA outside of the PAL area. The
                                           align well with small, targeted                         could raise insurmountable technical                  Commission is unconvinced that these
                                           geographic areas, and that census tracts                issues in urban areas. These                          factors fully mitigate the problem. For
                                           would permit intensive use of the band                  commenters stress that the number of                  instance, commenters describe scenarios
                                           and support a variety of use cases. The                 PALs under a census tract regime—and                  illustrating that there is no guarantee
                                           Commission now reassesses these                         the number of license borders in                      that a licensee will have a common
                                           determinations in the wake of the                       particular—will cause unnecessarily                   channel assignment in adjacent markets.
                                           changed technological landscape, with                   challenging border coordination issues                And with respect to potentially
                                           efforts here and abroad to prioritize                   and create network deployment                         extending a licensee’s service contours
                                           mid-band spectrum as part of the                        complexities. In New York City, for                   outside of its license area on a GAA
                                           spectrum portfolio that will support                    example, there are 2,168 census tracts,               basis, some providers note that they
                                           next generation wireless networks,                      spanning an average of less than one-                 cannot make network deployment
                                           including 5G. While the decision to use                 sixth of a square mile. This appears to               decisions that are premised on not
                                           census tracts may well support the                      be far smaller than the area necessary                having to protect adjacent operations
                                           deployment of targeted use cases—                       for a single CBSD to operate in its                   because they might not be deployed,
                                           particularly fixed uses—as discussed                    coverage area on at least 20 megahertz                and will need to assume that adjacent
                                           below, the record shows that census                     of PAL spectrum. Some commenters                      markets are robustly utilized by PAL (or
                                           tracts could disadvantage flexible                      argue that there are engineering and cost             GAA) licensees to the fullest extent
                                           mobile use, including 5G, and other                     challenges to using census tracts, and                possible.
                                           wide-area network deployments, which                    stress that, in order to cover the border                13. Nor is the Commission persuaded
                                           in turn would decrease investment in                    areas of census tracts, Priority Access               by the argument that it need not worry
                                           the band. Increasing the PAL license                    Licensees will need to severely limit                 about these interference concerns
                                           area slightly from 714,000 census tracts                their power and deploy many more                      because they will not affect a licensee
                                           to about 3,200 counties strikes a more                  CBSDs than what may be actually                       with a geographically targeted LTE
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with RULES

                                           appropriate balance and will more                       needed. They also argue that TDD–LTE                  deployment, such as within a hotel,
                                           effectively support next generation                     technology requires coordination among                convention center, or business campus.
                                           mobile network deployments, while still                 co-channel and adjacent channel                       If relying on census tracts precludes
                                           retaining the ability to support small,                 systems at the border, and that                       wide-area use of the 3.5 GHz band (and
                                           targeted uses, included fixed uses. In                  synchronization of uplink and downlink                thus prevents its use for 5G or rural
                                           contrast, increasing the PAL license area               operations with neighbors would be                    broadband deployments), the

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                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 235 / Friday, December 7, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                         63079

                                           Commission would be improperly                          for the deployment of 5G. Counties—in                 applications like 5G and IoT and
                                           tipping the scales towards one use case                 contrast—are large enough for network                 believes that county-based licensing
                                           over others rather than allowing a                      deployers to achieve scale economies                  will help to accomplish this goal.
                                           neutral market mechanism—an                             for both fixed and mobile services.                   Licensing PALs by county will help
                                           auction—to ensure that this valuable                    Indeed, counties cover a large enough                 foster flexible and innovative use of the
                                           spectrum is put to its highest and best                 geographic footprint to incentivize                   3.5 GHz band in all areas by providing
                                           use.                                                    investment in wider area geographic                   a consistent, relatively small license size
                                              14. The Commission further finds that                deployments that take full advantage of               appropriate for a wide range of possible
                                           the requirement that the SAS assign                     the CBSD power limits in the 3.5 GHz                  network deployments. Indeed, the
                                           geographically contiguous PALs held by                  band, a particularly important issue for              Commission adopted county-size PALs
                                           the same Priority Access Licensee to the                5G networks.                                          for the 28 GHz band for these same
                                           same channel block in each geographic                      17. Third, counties will service the               reasons, which likewise will be an
                                           area does not mitigate these concerns.                  needs of rural communities and will                   important part of the next generation
                                           This requirement applies only ‘‘to the                  allow new and innovative services to                  wireless ecosystem, including 5G and
                                           extent feasible,’’ and doing so may not                 reach underserved and unserved                        IoT applications. In that proceeding, the
                                           be feasible when, for example, multiple                 communities, consistent with the Act’s                Commission found that ‘‘a county-based
                                           licensees want common channels across                   objectives. County-sized PALs will                    license affords a licensee the flexibility
                                           overlapping aggregate PAL Protection                    provide small, rural providers with a                 to develop localized services, allows for
                                           Areas. The smaller the license area, the                reasonable opportunity to obtain                      targeted deployments based on market
                                           greater the likelihood of such conflicts                spectrum and promote more effective                   forces and customer demand, and
                                           occurring. For example, a carrier                       use of spectrum for actual service                    facilitates access by both smaller and
                                           seeking to offer 5G mobile broadband                    delivery in rural areas. Senators of                  larger carriers.’’ As in that context, the
                                           throughout the New York area would be                   Montana, Wyoming, and Alaska argue                    Commission anticipates that this
                                           required to bid on 28,000 licenses and                  that use of counties for licensing PALs               approach in the 3.5 GHz band will
                                           be the auction winner 4,000 times in a                  in rural areas would serve the needs of               support diverse network deployments
                                           single geographic area; this would                      their rural communities because it will               and business models and will fulfill the
                                           increase dramatically the likelihood                    provide small carriers with an                        Act’s objectives by fostering the
                                           that, instead of taking advantage of the                opportunity to access PALs that best fit              development and rapid deployment of
                                           contiguous-area rule, an auction winner                 their targeted service at a price that fits           new technologies, promoting economic
                                           with a checkerboard of census tract-                    their budget. Several small, rural                    opportunity and competition, and
                                           based licenses would be able to use                     carriers note that census tract licensing             disseminating licenses among a wide
                                           none of them. Further, even if some                     would render the spectrum useless for                 variety of applicants.
                                           form of package or combinatorial                        many small carriers in rural areas,                      19. Counties are sufficiently small to
                                           bidding could mitigate such risks,                      arguing that county-sized licenses will               support the small cell deployments and
                                           licensees would still face potentially                  make logical sense in rural                           localized types of service the
                                           discontiguous channel assignments.                      communities. And many commenters                      Commission anticipates will be an
                                              15. Although other commenters, in                    support using counties to license at least            important part of this band. They are
                                           disputing these claims, stress the legal                some PALs, particularly in rural                      also small enough to allow licensees to
                                           obligation of the SAS to protect a                      communities. The Commission agrees                    target their deployments where they
                                           licensee’s PAL Protection Area, they do                 with this ample record that county-                   need capacity. At the same time, as the
                                           not persuasively refute the                             based license areas will enable a wide                Commission and commenters have
                                           demonstration that the use of census                    variety of use cases needed to ensure                 recognized, counties are the basic
                                           tracts is likely in practice to increase                deployment of the 3.5 GHz band in rural               ‘‘building blocks’’ of many geographic
                                           dramatically the number of potential                    areas.                                                areas, making them suitable for
                                           border conflicts and related engineering                   18. Fourth, the Commission finds that              aggregation for licensees that wish to
                                           and coordination challenges, potentially                counties will serve a variety of                      operate over larger areas. This flexibility
                                           precluding next generation mobile                       innovative use cases for urban,                       makes counties an appropriate middle
                                           services, including 5G, in the 3.5 GHz                  suburban, and rural deployments,                      ground for this band, given that the
                                           band. As the Commission recognized in                   including IoT deployments and those by                characteristics of 3.5 GHz band
                                           2015, licensees may have a legitimate                   new entrants. Several parties stress the              spectrum are favorable to support both
                                           need to coordinate with holders of both                 importance of access to PALs for IoT                  localized and wide-area deployments,
                                           geographically and spectrally adjacent                  and other innovative spectrum uses in                 and thus to entities wanting to provide
                                           licenses in order to maximize the utility               suburban and urban areas, and they note               a variety of innovative services—some
                                           of the band and facilitate efficient                    that 5G will be replete with these type               more targeted than others—to the
                                           network planning. The record presents                   of targeted uses cases regardless of                  public.
                                           serious concerns that, for large scale                  whether the community is urban or                        20. Fifth, the Commission finds that
                                           deployments, such coordination could                    more rural. These commenters argue                    licensing PALs on a county basis will
                                           involve a prohibitive number of co-                     that counties strike a balance between                simplify the licensing regime in a way
                                           channel and adjacent channel licensees.                 enabling efficient deployment of                      that minimizes burdens imposed on
                                              16. Second, county-based licensing                   services and remaining small enough to                licensees, and that promotes
                                           will allow Priority Access Licensees to                 ensure economic viability for a variety               administrative and spectral efficiency
                                           take advantage of economies of scale,                   of businesses and technical plans. Other              consistent with its statutory objectives
                                           which will reduce deployment costs.                     commenters also note that while they                  including speeding the ‘‘development
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                                           Economic analysis submitted in the                      may prefer other license sizes, counties              and rapid deployment of new
                                           record suggests that the population of a                would nonetheless be compatible with                  technologies, products, and services’’
                                           census tract is likely not sufficiently                 their business cases. The Commission                  and ‘‘efficient and intensive use’’ of the
                                           large to take advantage of possible                     agrees that the Priority Access licensing             spectrum. With just 3,200 counties
                                           economies of scale for many of the                      structure should be flexible enough to                nationwide (compared to about 74,000
                                           potential uses of the band, particularly                support and encourage next-generation                 census tracts), the Commission can

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                                           63080             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 235 / Friday, December 7, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                           reduce the administrative burden more                   barriers of entry, and encourage                      the size of the geographic license area
                                           than 20-fold by using counties as the                   localized use cases. They stress that, as             from census tracts to counties will be
                                           PAL license area. It anticipates that this              compared to census tracts, counties will              more likely to unlock the potential for
                                           reduction, in turn, will reduce network                 simplify license management burdens                   existing and new technologies and
                                           design complexity and minimize border                   and border coordination issues, while                 services to thrive in the 3.5 GHz band,
                                           coordination issues.                                    still supporting rural deployment                     while preserving the incentives and
                                              21. The Commission also anticipates                  preserving low barriers to entry.                     ability of smaller innovators to make use
                                           that fewer license areas and fewer                         24. Sixth, international developments              of PALs, reserved GAA spectrum, and
                                           overall biddable items available through                confirm the importance of creating an                 unreserved GAA use as appropriate.
                                           the PAL auction will reduce auction                     environment that encourages domestic                     26. The Commission disagrees with
                                           complexity and will enable it to move                   investment in next generation mobile                  the argument that census tract licensing
                                           forward more quickly to offer all                       networks in the 3.5 GHz band to                       is necessary for localized use cases, or
                                           available PALs in one multiple round                    effectively leverage the economies of                 that these localized use cases should be
                                           auction conferring significant benefits to              scale created by international                        the primary focus of the balance struck
                                           the public. Historically, the Commission                investments in the band. Numerous                     by its rules. Some commenters argue
                                           has preferred to use a specific                         other countries have begun to auction                 that counties are too large for localized
                                           simultaneous multiple round (SMR)                       spectrum in the 3.5 GHz range and                     deployments such as those intended by
                                           auction format for offering spectrum                    several others are poised to do so in the             colleges, industrial parks,
                                           licenses. In the forward auction portion                near future. It is important for the                  manufacturing plants, sports arenas and
                                           of the broadcast incentive auction                      United States to create a robust                      other similar users, and that census
                                           (Auction 1002), the Commission used a                   marketplace in the band, particularly as              tracts are the least costly way to support
                                           clock auction format which, like the                    the band is standardized for next-                    targeted use cases. The Commission
                                           SMR, also offers all items                              generation, 5G technology. By making                  finds that the public interest best served
                                           simultaneously in multiple bidding                      sure that the PAL license area will foster            by ensuring that all potential use cases
                                           rounds. These auction formats allow                     investment in the band, including by                  are technically and economically
                                           bidders to engage in price discovery and                those seeking to use it for mobile 5G                 feasible, and by using competitive
                                           pursue backup strategies as prices                      use, the Commission is better aligning                bidding to allocate the 3.5 GHz band to
                                           ascend, which, for many license                         itself with global developments and                   its highest and best use.
                                           inventories, are important benefits for                 preparing to be a leader in the 5G                       27. Further, county-sized licenses will
                                           bidders. The Commission’s current                       ecosystem, as it has been in the LTE                  still enable the construction of
                                           bidding systems for multiple round                      space. Service providers often                        localized, private networks using 3.5
                                           spectrum auctions were designed so as                   determine their investments on a global               GHz spectrum. Targeted use cases are
                                           to offer these bidder advantages given                  scale, not just a domestic one, and                   already encouraged by the ‘‘use-or-
                                           historically typical inventories of                     adjustments to the Commission’s                       share’’ nature of the band and the GAA
                                           geographic areas. While a county-based                  approach on the geographic licensing                  tier. A minimum of 80 out of 150
                                           geographic license area gives us an                     area will better facilitate service                   megahertz—more than half the band—
                                           inventory with the largest number of                    providers including offerings to U.S.                 will be available for GAA use even if all
                                           areas that the Commission has ever                      customers in their plans. Specifically,               of the potential PAL channels are
                                           auctioned or licensed, it is a far smaller              the Commission finds that its revised                 occupied, and the Commission
                                           number than an inventory based on                       approach to the geographic licensing                  previously denied T-Mobile’s request to
                                           74,000 census tracts. Accordingly,                      area will better align the band with                  change the apportionment of PAL to
                                           licensing PALs on the basis of counties                 global developments, and with other                   GAA spectrum. Even census tracts are
                                           will enable the Commission to use an                    bands in the U.S. that the Commission                 already significantly larger than a single
                                           auction system that offers bidders                      has found will play a role in the 5G                  campus, hotel, factory, or other similar
                                           important benefits, as well as allow it to              ecosystem, including the millimeter                   enterprise, and the demands of such
                                           auction them more quickly with a                        wave bands and the 3.7–4.2 GHz band.                  targeted applications can be addressed
                                           bidding system that is manageable for                   This consistent approach will ensure                  in ways that provide interference
                                           bidders.                                                that the 3.5 GHz band in the United                   protection without using license areas
                                              22. Relatedly, if providers with larger-             States is ripe for robust investment.                 as small as census tracts, including
                                           area needs have to turn to the secondary                   25. Finally, while no approach to                  entering into transactions tailored to the
                                           market to aggregate additional licenses,                license sizes will satisfy all                        area or amount of spectrum needed
                                           the smaller the license area used, the                  stakeholders, counties represent a more               through leasing, partitioning, or
                                           larger the number of transactions that                  appropriate middle ground that will                   disaggregation, or entering into
                                           would be required, thus increasing                      address many of the concerns raised by                commercial agreements with PAL
                                           transaction costs. The Commission                       stakeholders in this proceeding. The                  licensees in which the licensee manages
                                           believes that this balance will not only                Commission finds that adopting                        the spectrum. What is more, network
                                           promote Section 309’s goal of ‘‘efficient               counties as the geographic unit for PAL               deployers, manufacturers, and
                                           and intensive use of the electromagnetic                licensing balances the concerns that                  technology companies are well
                                           spectrum,’’ but also encourage                          some commenters have raised about                     positioned to aggregate demand across
                                           investment by a wider array of users                    licensing PALs as small as a census tract             counties to coordinate the deployment
                                           than under the census tract regime by                   with the concerns that other                          of localized use cases. This Report and
                                           removing unnecessary administrative                     commenters have raised about licensing                Order also opens up the PAL market to
                                           hurdles and associated costs.                           PALs as large as a PEA. In fact, across               partitioning and disaggregation, which
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                                              23. Several parties, including those                 the various compromise proposals and                  should provide additional secondary
                                           representing small and rural interests,                 hybrid approaches submitted in this                   market avenues for targeted uses and
                                           also agree that counties will minimize                  proceeding, the main commonality is                   users. And the decision to impose end-
                                           administrative burdens imposed on                       support for the use of counties as part               of-term performance requirements will
                                           licensees, while still being small enough               of the PAL licensing scheme. As such,                 incentivize Priority Access Licensees to
                                           to support rural deployment, reduce                     the Commission finds that increasing                  enter into the commercial transactions

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                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 235 / Friday, December 7, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                        63081

                                           with entities that have targeted-sized                  particular, the Commission agrees with                party has articulated a compelling
                                           uses that fall within their license areas.              those commenters that cite the potential              argument for the benefits of such a
                                              28. The Commission also disagrees                    negative effects of adopting license areas            hybrid model (vis-à-vis nationwide use
                                           that increasing the size of PAL license                 as large as PEAs. Many WISPs express                  of counties) that would outweigh the
                                           areas will ‘‘strand’’ investments in the                concerns that the incongruity between                 potential costs inherent in increasing
                                           band. Those making this argument                        PEAs and WISP service footprints will                 the complexity of the licensing and
                                           either are incumbents with                              diminish or foreclose their ability to win            authorization framework at this stage of
                                           grandfathered licenses in one portion of                PALs at auction. In response to these                 the SAS development cycle. The
                                           the band or they have made those                        concerns, the Commission has decided                  Commission also agrees with certain
                                           investments in reliance on the 2015                     not to increase the size of the PAL                   commenters that, given the specific
                                           rules. For one, the Commission does not                 license area to PEAs.                                 characteristics of the 3.5 GHz band,
                                           find any such reliance expectations to                     30. Nevertheless, to provide greater               licensing all PALs available in a market
                                           be reasonable. It had neither scheduled                 flexibility to PAL applicants interested              using the same geographic area will
                                           nor even sought comment on how to                       in serving larger areas, the Commission               avoid unnecessarily complicating
                                           design a competitive bidding system for                 will seek comment in the pre-auction                  network management burdens for all
                                           PALs before seeking comment on the                      process on allowing package bids to                   users. Using the same license area in
                                           petitions for rulemaking to change the                  facilitate bidding for the counties that              both rural and urban areas, as opposed
                                           2015 rules—and no provider is ever                      comprise a complete MSA in the top                    to a hybrid approach licensing different
                                           guaranteed to win protected spectrum at                 305 markets. Several commenters argue                 sized PALs in urban and rural areas,
                                           auction in a given market, regardless of                that MSAs in urban areas will promote                 will minimize complexities in a band
                                           the size of the geographic license area.                investment in the band in those                       that has a unique tiered access structure
                                           For another, the unique structure and                   markets, and—in combination with                      with dynamic spectrum sharing.
                                           technical rules governing the 3.5 GHz                   counties—provide an opportunity for
                                           band reduce the risk of stranded                        parties to acquire PAL spectrum in areas              2. License Term and Renewal
                                           investment for all entrants and largely                 that best fit their business models and                  32. Background. The rules adopted in
                                           obviate the need to rely solely on                      investment plans and minimize burdens                 the 2015 Report and Order established
                                           auctioned licenses for access to the                    for applicants interested in a larger                 a three-year license term for PALs.
                                           band. As stated previously, a minimum                   footprint in urban areas. The                         Under the current rules, during the first
                                           of 80 megahertz of the band will be                     Commission expects that the proposed                  application window, an applicant may
                                           available for use on a GAA basis in any                 procedures for the auction will include               apply for up to two consecutive three-
                                           area, by any entity that registers with                 specific procedures for a form of                     year terms for a given PAL. During
                                           the SAS. Additional spectrum will also                  package bidding consistent with                       subsequent regular application
                                           be made available when it is not in use                 proposals for other bidding procedures                windows, however, an applicant will be
                                           by Priority Access Licensees. The                       proposed in the pre-auction public                    able to apply for only a single three-year
                                           technical rules are the same for GAA                    notice process. Licensing PALs by                     license term for any given PAL.
                                           and PAL users, meaning entities can use                 county, and seeking comment on the
                                                                                                                                                            33. In the 2017 NPRM, the
                                           the same equipment in either tier, and                  best flexible auction mechanism that
                                                                                                                                                         Commission proposed to revise its rules
                                           can rely on both PAL and GAA                            may allow bidders to aggregate MSA
                                                                                                                                                         by increasing the PAL license term from
                                           spectrum, one or the other, or switch                   bids, including possibly using package
                                           between the two to meet their business                  bidding for all of the counties in an                 three years to 10 years and eliminating
                                           needs. And so any entity that deploys in                MSA, could reduce secondary market                    the requirement that PALs automatically
                                           the band prior to the PAL auction would                 transaction costs while still promoting               terminate at the end of the license term.
                                           need to operate on a GAA basis for some                 an active secondary market.                           The Commission sought comment on
                                           period of time and would be able to                        31. The Commission rejects hybrid                  this change and on the appropriate
                                           continue to do so after the auction,                    approaches that offer multiple size PALs              performance requirements and renewal
                                           regardless of the outcome. Moreover,                    in every market, such as licensing 50                 standards for PALs. The Commission
                                           counties are small enough that the                      megahertz of PALs by county and 20                    noted that its proposed approach was
                                           Commission anticipates rural providers                  megahertz by census tract. As discussed               consistent with other wireless services
                                           and WISPs will actively seek county-                    above, using counties nationwide will                 and would afford licensees sufficient
                                           sized PALs at auction, or enter                         support licensee diversity and increased              time to design and acquire the necessary
                                           arrangements to partition or                            investment. Further, there are already                equipment and devices and to deploy
                                           disaggregate county-sized areas into                    significant complexities inherent to the              facilities across the license area.
                                           smaller ones. Additionally, the                         3.5 GHz band authorization and                           34. The Commission traditionally has
                                           opportunities for small entities and                    spectrum coordination model, which                    licensed many wireless services on a 10-
                                           rural carriers to win will be supported                 involve the SAS coordinating access                   year renewable basis. For example, the
                                           by the bidding credits that have been                   between and among the three tiers of                  Commission issues 10-year renewable
                                           successful in other Commission                          users, including the protection of                    licenses in Personal Communications
                                           proceedings.                                            multiple discrete types of Incumbent                  Services, Wireless Communications
                                              29. The Commission rejects                           users. While SASs may be—and likely                   Services, 700 MHz Services, and
                                           arguments that it should adopt PEAs                     are—capable of modifying their systems                Advanced Wireless Services. Since it
                                           nationwide, as petitioners and some                     to address multiple sizes of PALs in a                adopted the 2016 Report and Order (81
                                           commenters support, or Metropolitan                     given geographic area, on balance, it is              FR 49024, July 26, 2016), the
                                           Statistical Areas (MSAs) in urban areas,                not in the public interest to add yet                 Commission extended this licensing
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                                           as suggested in multiple hybrid                         another layer of complexity to the SAS’s              paradigm to the millimeter wave
                                           proposals. The incremental benefit for                  spectrum coordination responsibilities                spectrum bands that make up the Upper
                                           5G mobile use of going from counties to                 at this time. Such additional                         Microwave Flexible Use Service
                                           MSAs or PEAs would be far less than                     requirements could delay SAS                          (UMFUS), which, like the 3.5 GHz band,
                                           the incremental costs incurred by other                 certification and, possibly, affect the               has been identified as important
                                           potential users of the band. In                         deployment timeline for the band. No                  spectrum for 5G deployment.

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                                           63082             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 235 / Friday, December 7, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                              35. Discussion. The Commission finds                 long-term certainty required to invest in             give licensees sufficient certainty to
                                           that it is in the public interest to extend             solutions utilizing the CBRS spectrum,                invest in their systems, particularly as
                                           PAL license terms to 10 years and make                  and allow PAL holders to work with                    the new technology is still nascent and
                                           such licenses renewable. The service                    equipment manufacturers to lower                      will require time to fully develop.’’ The
                                           rules for the 3.5 GHz band must create                  equipment costs, the savings from                     record in this proceeding reaffirms that
                                           incentives for investment, encourage                    which can in turn can be reinvested in                conclusion. Further, the next generation
                                           efficient spectrum use, support a variety               networks to achieve higher speeds and                 flexible use deployments envisioned for
                                           of different use cases, and promote                     additional rollout. Other commenters                  this band—including 5G networks—
                                           network deployments in both urban and                   argue that the investment that larger                 involve large numbers of small cells,
                                           rural communities. As the Commission                    entities have already made in 3.5 GHz                 which add complexity and siting delays
                                           determined with regard to the license                   band technology demonstrates that a                   to roll out, particularly given that these
                                           area size, it finds that the rapid changes              three-year, non-renewable term will not               deployments will often require new
                                           in the mobile marketplace, including                    deter their participation in the band.                sites (e.g., street lights, billboards, sides
                                           the growing importance of mid-band                      Such preparatory efforts certainly reflect            of buildings) with new power and
                                           spectrum for large-scale 5G mobile                      an encouraging interest in the band, but              backhaul requirements. Longer,
                                           service, necessitate that it revises the                do not guarantee a robust level of                    renewable license terms will provide
                                           license term for PALs to best advance                   investment and deployment going                       time for licensees to contend with these
                                           these goals. Since the Commission                       forward. The Commission believes that                 complexities and challenges, and help
                                           adopted the 3.5 GHz band licensing                      the certainty provided by a 10-year,                  to position the band for robust network
                                           rules in 2015, it has become apparent                   renewable license is warranted to help                development.
                                           that supporting the rapid deployment of                 ensure the kind of robust investment                     39. Third, the adoption of larger
                                           next generation mobile networks,                        and deployment that will achieve global               license areas for PALs further supports
                                           including 5G, will require a                            leadership in next generation wireless                the modification to PAL license terms.
                                           combination of low-, mid-, and high-                    technologies, including 5G.                           The Commission in 2015 adopted a
                                           band spectrum, and that the 3.5 GHz                        37. The conclusion that a longer,                  three-year, non-renewable term partly
                                           band will play a significant role as one                renewable PAL license term is necessary               based on the conclusion that the
                                           of the core mid-range bands for 5G                      to support robust investment in the                   economics and upgrade cycles for the
                                           network deployments throughout the                      band is further supported by economic                 small use case ‘‘in the context of census
                                           world, as well as the first mid-band                    analyses in the record. For instance, one             tract license areas’’ might resemble
                                           spectrum to be commercially available                   such analysis argues that infrastructure              those for enterprise and Wi-Fi
                                           in this country for such deployments.                   investment decisions depend on the                    deployments rather than the large
                                           Considering the critical importance this                present value of the expected increase                mobile deployments in other bands. The
                                           band will play in the United States’                    in profits on the investment. It explains             Commission expects the larger license
                                           competitiveness in the global 5G arena,                 that expected profits are a function of               areas now adopted to be more attractive
                                           it is also important to ensure that the                 revenues and costs over the period a                  to wide area network operators than
                                           Commission’s rules for the 3.5 GHz                      firm expects to use the investment, and               census tracts and, as such, anticipates
                                           band support robust investment in large                 thus, with shorter non-renewable                      more large scale mobile deployments,
                                           scale mobile deployments like 5G, as                    licenses, expected profits will decrease.             including 5G. Given the nature and
                                                                                                   As such, it contends that three-year                  scale of such investments, the
                                           well as other use cases. For the reasons
                                                                                                   license terms, even when coupled with                 economics and upgrade cycles of such
                                           discussed below, the Commission
                                                                                                   the option to obtain two consecutive                  deployments will likely be closer to
                                           concludes that 10-year renewable
                                                                                                   three-year terms in the first license                 those in other bands used for mobile
                                           license terms will strike the right
                                                                                                   period, would provide insufficient time               broadband, such as those bands
                                           balance of providing the certainty
                                                                                                   for investment returns in an                          addressed in Spectrum Frontiers, for
                                           needed to foster robust investment in
                                                                                                   infrastructure-heavy industry. Another                which the Commission also adopted a
                                           next generation wireless networks—
                                                                                                   analysis similarly finds that short term              ten-year renewable license term, and
                                           including 5G networks—while still
                                                                                                   licenses discourage long-term                         find that a longer period is appropriate
                                           maintaining the flexibility needed to
                                                                                                   investments in comparison to long-term                to ensure a sufficient return-on-
                                           support innovative and localized                        licenses and the utilization of secondary             investment.
                                           opportunities for a wide variety of                     markets. One study finds that shorter,                   40. Fourth, as with the adoption of
                                           entrants.                                               non-renewable license terms are listed                counties as the license area size for
                                              36. First, review of the record                      as one of the factors likely to decrease              PALs, the Commission finds that 10-
                                           persuades the Commission that longer,                   market value for PALs by as much as 50                year, renewable terms are suited for a
                                           renewable license terms will provide                    to 95 percent overall relative to                     wide variety of entrants in both urban
                                           Priority Access Licensees with the level                similarly licensed spectrum in the 2.5–               and rural areas. Ten-year renewable
                                           of certainty needed to promote robust                   2.6 GHz band.                                         terms were supported by a diverse
                                           investment and widespread deployment                       38. Second, the Commission’s                       group of commenters, including mobile
                                           in the band. Many commenters maintain                   experience managing other commercial                  wireless providers, rural
                                           that longer, renewable license terms are                spectrum supports adopting this                       telecommunications and electric
                                           necessary to incentivize robust                         modification. A 10-year renewable                     cooperatives, fixed wireless broadband
                                           investment in the band. They emphasize                  license term is consistent with the time-             providers, and equipment
                                           that successful network buildout is a                   tested licensing frameworks that have                 manufacturers. Further, a large number
                                           multi-year process that includes                        proven successful in many other bands.                of other parties, as part of a multi-
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                                           standardizing a new frequency band,                     Further, the Commission recently                      stakeholder consensus, support
                                           developing and certifying equipment,                    concluded in the Spectrum Frontiers (81               adoption of a renewable license term,
                                           introducing a new band into end-user                    FR 79909, Nov. 14, 2016) proceeding                   albeit with a term of seven years rather
                                           devices, and deploying infrastructure.                  that this framework was particularly                  than 10. The Commission finds their
                                           They likewise maintain that 10-year                     appropriate for a band important for 5G,              support for renewability and a term only
                                           renewable licenses would provide the                    finding that ‘‘a 10-year license term will            somewhat shorter than the one it adopts

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                                           in the Report and Order as further                      Commission is not persuaded by                        § 1.949(f). Including PALs in the unified
                                           evidence that a 10-year, renewable term                 commenters’ claims that small entities                WRS renewal framework is consistent
                                           will serve a wide diversity of entrants.                will be unable to participate in                      with the Commission’s determination in
                                           Regarding access by rural providers in                  secondary market transactions. Further,               the WRS Renewals Second Report and
                                           particular, the Commission’s Mobility                   GAA spectrum will continue to be                      Order (82 FR 41531, Sept. 1, 2017) that
                                           Fund II, which funds wireless                           available on an opportunistic basis, and              ‘‘uniform renewal rules [across different
                                           broadband buildout, provides support                    may be particularly suitable for short-               Wireless Radio Services] will promote
                                           in 10-year terms ‘‘in light of the                      term investments. Taking all these                    the efficient use of spectrum resources,
                                           significant capital and effort needed to                factors into account, to the extent a                 serve the public interest by providing
                                           deploy and upgrade broadband                            change to a longer-term, renewable                    licensees certainty regarding their
                                           networks and [because it] is consistent                 license might still result in some                    license renewal requirements,
                                           with the timeframe used by rural                        reduction in liquidity in the market for              encourage licensees to invest in new
                                           carriers to plan and schedule network                   priority spectrum access or otherwise                 facilities and services, and facilitate
                                           upgrades.’’ Indeed, some commenters                     raise the cost of access, the benefits of             their business and network planning.’’
                                           maintain that longer license terms and                  longer, renewable terms outweigh these                In this band, such an approach ‘‘will
                                           renewability are necessary to                           concerns.                                             provide incentives for licensees to
                                           incentivize rural service providers and                    43. Finally, while commenters                      continue to provide service’’ over their
                                           utilities to invest in 3.5 GHz band                     advocate for a variety of license terms               license terms.
                                           networks.                                               shorter than 10 years, with limited or no                45. Some commenters have argued
                                              41. The Commission is not persuaded                  renewability, these other options would               that, instead of renewability, the
                                           by commenters who argue that the                        not encourage investment as effectively               licenses should be reauctioned at the
                                           longer term and renewability will make                  and efficiently as a 10-year renewable                end of the license term. For example,
                                           PALs broadly uneconomical for rural                     license. Many commenters maintain                     one economist describes an auction
                                           and innovative investments or lead to a                 that less than a 10-year license term is              format under which an incumbent
                                           less efficient use and distribution of the              insufficient for investors to obtain a                would be required to bid for a renewal
                                           band. As discussed in economic                          return on investment. Several                         of its license at the end of the license
                                           analysis in the record, a licensee’s                    commenters also contend that, without                 term, but it would be given a bidding
                                           expected profits from license                           reasonable expectancy of license                      credit so that, if it won, it would have
                                           acquisition should generally increase                   renewal, many potential entrants may                  to pay only a fraction of the auction-
                                           with a longer term and renewability.                    be dissuaded from investing in the band               determined price. Moreover, if the
                                           While some commenters challenge this                    because of the risk of stranded                       incumbent loses, it would be
                                           assertion, arguing that extending the                   investment. The Commission concludes                  compensated with a transferable
                                           term will force prospective licensees to                that its revised framework, when taken                bidding credit to apply to the purchase
                                           acquire spectrum for a longer period                    as a whole, appropriately addresses the               of other licenses. The economist argues
                                           than they need, they offer no evidence                  needs of a wide variety of stakeholders,              that this format would mitigate the risk
                                           that there is any mismatch between the                  including those that wish to use the                  that the incumbent licensee’s
                                           longer term and the use cases discussed                 band for short-term purposes and those                investments may become stranded. This
                                           in the record. Numerous parties with                    providers that require more certainty                 proposal gained little support in the
                                           various use cases, including rural WISPs                and stability, and will result in greater             record, however. Moreover, several
                                           and industrial entities, assert that they               overall investment and deployment                     commenters, opposing this proposal,
                                           seek to deploy with the use of PALs,                    while still providing a wide variety of               argue that a ‘‘foothold’’ auction system
                                           and they do not assert that their need for              stakeholders with the opportunity to                  will lower license valuations and initial
                                           or use of such priority access will                     participate in this innovative band.                  investments in the band due to its
                                           terminate by some fixed period, or that                    44. Regarding license renewal, last                complex approach within the setting of
                                           they plan to switch to GAA spectrum                     year, the Commission adopted a unified                three-year terms and unknown subsidy
                                           after that period. The Commission                       renewal framework for Wireless Radio                  rates. The Commission therefore
                                           anticipates that the longer, renewable                  Services (WRS) to replace the then-                   declines to adopt this proposal in place
                                           term will provide additional value to                   existing patchwork of service-specific                of the time-tested approach of providing
                                           small and rural entities seeking to use                 rules for renewal. Consistent with that               for renewability.
                                           spectrum for commercial broadband                       reform, the Commission finds it
                                                                                                   appropriate to include PALs in the                    3. Performance Requirements
                                           networks and other uses that involve
                                           significant long-term investments, and                  unified WRS renewal framework rather                     46. Background. In the 2015 Report
                                           that the greater value to small and rural               than create a service-specific standard.              and Order, the Commission determined
                                           entities will help such entities absorb a               Consequently, PAL licensees must                      that, in light of the three-year license
                                           higher acquisition cost at auction to the               comply with § 1.949 of the                            term and non-renewability of PALs, the
                                           extent it may result from such terms.                   Commission’s rules. Under that section,               rules permitting opportunistic GAA use,
                                              42. Other aspects of the revised                     each PAL licensee, in order to qualify                and the relatively inexpensive
                                           framework should further help ensure                    for renewal, must demonstrate that over               deployment costs, ‘‘winning bidders for
                                           that small and rural providers have                     the course of its license term, the                   PAL licenses at auction will have
                                           affordable access to the 3.5 GHz band.                  licensee either: (1) Provided and                     sufficient incentive to deliver service so
                                           The bidding credits the Commission                      continues to provide service to the                   as to avoid the need for prescribing any
                                           adopts for small businesses and rural                   public, or (2) operated and continues to              further performance requirements.’’ In
                                           providers will directly help them to                    operate the license to meet the                       the 2017 NPRM, the Commission sought
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                                           compete for PALs at auction without                     licensee’s private, internal                          comment on whether to adopt
                                           compromising the certainty needed for                   communications needs. Like other WRS                  performance requirements for PALs, and
                                           substantial long-term investment.                       licensees, Priority Access Licensees may              if so, which type, if they are licensed
                                           Expanded access through the secondary                   avail themselves of appropriate safe                  with a longer term and renewability.
                                           market will also help facilitate access to              harbors contained in § 1.949(e) or make                  47. Discussion. The Commission finds
                                           PALs. As discussed elsewhere, the                       a Renewal Showing consistent with                     that, given the changes to PALs adopted

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                                           in the Report and Order (i.e., longer                   licenses in the other bands for which it              requirements discussed therein, the
                                           license terms, larger license areas, and                has adopted a standard or metric for                  Commission concludes that an end-of-
                                           renewability), it is in the public interest             performance. Consistent with these past               term performance requirement of
                                           to revise its rules to adopt new end-of-                Commission actions, the Commission                    substantial service, with certain specific
                                           term performance requirements for                       adopts such a performance requirement                 safe harbors, is the appropriate
                                           PALs. Specifically, Priority Access                     for the revised PALs to meet its                      requirement for the revised PALs. Many
                                           Licensees will be required to provide a                 obligations under Section 309(j)(4)(B), to            commenters emphasize the importance
                                           bona fide communications service that                   reduce warehousing, and to promote                    of ensuring that performance
                                           meets a ‘‘substantial service’’ standard                timely and efficient use of spectrum,                 requirements do not inhibit the
                                           of performance, and the Commission                      including in rural areas.                             innovation anticipated in this band. The
                                           adopts two specific safe harbors to meet                   49. The Commission also find that,                 substantial service requirement, with
                                           this standard, one for mobile or point-                 given the revised PAL parameters                      appropriate safe harbors for different
                                           to-multipoint services and a second for                 adopted herein, the potential for                     types of network deployments, will
                                           point-to-point services. A licensee                     opportunistic GAA use of unused PAL                   provide licensees with the flexibility to
                                           providing a mobile service or point-to-                 spectrum does not obviate the need for                deploy new and innovative technologies
                                           multipoint service may demonstrate                      performance requirements. Under the                   while ensuring that the spectrum is
                                           substantial service by showing that it                  current rules, GAA users can operate in               used in a productive manner by the end
                                           provides reliable signal coverage and                   unused 3.5 GHz band spectrum on an                    of the license term.
                                           offers service over at least 50 percent of              opportunistic basis. GAA users will be                   51. In particular, the Commission
                                           the population in the license area. A                   excluded from operating only to the                   finds that specific safe harbors for
                                           licensee deploying a point-to-point                     extent that the Priority Access Licensee              different types of network deployments
                                           service may demonstrate substantial                     actually operates over a given channel                will provide additional regulatory
                                           service by showing that it has                          within its license area (i.e., only from              certainty that will promote investment
                                           constructed and operates, using                         the PAL Protection Area surrounding a                 and encourage robust deployment in the
                                           Category B CBSDs, at least four links in                deployed CBSD). Given the other                       band. Priority Access Licensees will
                                           license areas with 134,000 population or                changes to PALs (e.g., 10-year license                have the option of satisfying their end-
                                           less, and at least one link per 33,500                  terms, renewability, larger license                   of-term performance requirement by
                                           population (rounded up) in license                      areas), the Commission does not believe               demonstrating that they have provided
                                           areas with greater population. Licensees                that opportunistic GAA use is, in itself,             service that meets or exceeds one of the
                                           may fulfill their performance                           sufficient to prevent warehousing and                 safe harbors or making an
                                           requirements by showing that they meet                  encourage robust spectrum use. Absent                 individualized showing of substantial
                                           at least one of these safe harbors, or they             performance requirements, the revisions               service in the license area. This
                                           may make an individualized showing of                   to PALs likely will increase incentives               approach will incentivize licensees to
                                           substantial service by relying, for                     for parties to seek PALs for speculative              provide service throughout their license
                                           example, on a combination of different                  investment or warehousing. Such                       areas while retaining the flexibility to
                                           services for which there is a safe harbor               conduct could prevent intensive use of                deploy new and innovative services. In
                                           or on services for which there is no                    the band and reduce overall investment                addition, the Commission anticipates
                                           defined safe harbor.                                    notwithstanding the option of GAA use.                that the option of opportunistic GAA
                                                                                                   Notably, a lack of PAL performance                    use, while not eliminating the need for
                                              48. New performance requirements                     would increase the uncertainty for GAA                new performance requirements, will
                                           are warranted given the other changes to                users surrounding long term spectrum                  complement such requirements and
                                           the PALs that adopted in this Report                    availability. Potential GAA users would               provide a low-cost entry point in the
                                           and Order. Performance requirements                     have little idea regarding when, where,               band. This should promote additional
                                           promote the productive use of spectrum,                 and with what technology Priority                     use of spectrum assigned to PALs and
                                           encourage licensees to provide service                  Access Licensees may ultimately choose                thereby help ensure efficient and
                                           in a timely manner, and promote the                     to deploy, which could reduce the                     productive use of the band. For these
                                           provision of innovative services and                    incentive for GAA users to invest and                 reasons, the Commission finds that a
                                           technologies in unserved areas,                         innovate in the band. Further, the                    substantial service standard, with
                                           particularly rural ones. Further, Section               record indicates that there is significant            appropriate specific safe harbors,
                                           309(j)(4)(B) of the Act requires that the               demand for 3.5 GHz spectrum that is                   adequately safeguards effective use of
                                           Commission, in establishing rules for                   contingent on the ability to obtain                   spectrum in the 3.5 GHz band and
                                           auctioned licenses, must ‘‘include                      interference protection, and while an                 satisfies its obligations under section
                                           performance requirements, such as                       unused PAL will not foreclose GAA use,                309(j)(4)(B).
                                           appropriate deadlines and penalties for                 it can preclude others from deploying in                 52. In selecting an appropriate safe
                                           performance failures . . . .’’ These                    that area with the benefit of priority                harbor for mobile and point-to-
                                           considerations have led the Commission                  access. Adopting performance                          multipoint services, the Commission
                                           to require licensees to meet a particular               requirements in the 3.5 GHz band will                 notes that a wide range of metrics are
                                           standard or metric for performance in                   encourage Priority Access Licensees to                proposed in the record. In addition, the
                                           numerous other bands. The Commission                    make timely and productive use of their               Commission has adopted a range of
                                           found in 2015 that Priority Access                      licenses, and to the extent they choose               performance standards for similar
                                           Licensees had sufficient incentive to use               not to do so, will incentivize them to                services in other spectrum bands.
                                           their licensed spectrum that similar                    make priority access to spectrum                      Several considerations in this band
                                           requirements were not necessary, in part                available to others through secondary                 weigh in favor of a safe harbor that
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                                           due to the short license term and non-                  market transactions. Accordingly, the                 provides licensees with relatively
                                           renewability. Given that the revised                    Commission finds that adopting                        greater flexibility. First, such flexibility
                                           PALs will have a longer license term                    performance requirements in this band                 is appropriate given the power limits for
                                           and renewability, as well as larger                     is in the public interest.                            deployments in the 3.5 GHz band. The
                                           license areas, the Commission finds that                   50. After review of the record, and the            Commission adopted significantly lower
                                           the revised PALs are comparable to                      various alternatives for performance                  limits in this band than it has typically

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                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 235 / Friday, December 7, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                         63085

                                           imposed in other bands in order to                      record, the Commission concludes that                 have higher maximum power limits in
                                           reduce coexistence challenges and with                  a 50 percent population coverage safe                 comparison with Category A CBSDs.
                                           the expectation that deployment in the                  harbor strikes an appropriate balance                 Links using Category B CBSDs are
                                           3.5 GHz band would often focus on                       between, on the one hand, ensuring                    therefore likely to be more consistent
                                           innovative low-power technologies. The                  spectrum is used efficiently and                      with the traditional point-to-point
                                           adopted power limits and the                            productively in rural and non-rural                   services the Commission intends for this
                                           technologies that the Commission                        areas, including through secondary                    safe harbor, and they will avoid the
                                           anticipates will be appropriate for them                market access, and, on the other,                     possibility that a licensee could satisfy
                                           may bring significant localized benefits                providing licensees the flexibility to                its performance requirement for an
                                           such as increased network capacity, but                 invest in and deploy innovative network               entire license area with a single in-
                                           they may be less suitable for wide-area                 technologies that may be more suitable                building IoT deployment such as a
                                           coverage as compared to other bands. A                  for smaller coverage areas and the co-                sensor network.
                                           more flexible safe harbor will therefore                existence regime that governs the 3.5                    56. The Commission recognizes that
                                           better accommodate these technologies                   GHz band. The Commission finds,                       Priority Access Licensees may seek to
                                           and promote the innovation anticipated                  consistent with the analysis above, that              deploy innovative services, including
                                           in the band. In addition, the                           a 50 percent requirement, rather than                 low-power IoT-type services, for which
                                           Commission’s rules incorporate several                  the higher coverage requirements                      the safe harbors discussed above may
                                           other measures to facilitate coexistence                adopted in certain other bands, is                    not be suitable. Given the lack of any
                                           that may introduce some uncertainty in                  appropriate in the context of the low                 comment on a metric or safe harbor for
                                           the timing, cost, interference                          power limits and other unique aspects                 such services, and the uncertainty
                                           management, or technical specifics of                   of the licensing and authorization                    regarding what type of services will be
                                           deployment, such as limitations on                      regime in the 3.5 GHz band. Further,                  deployed and what safe harbor would
                                           commercial operations to protect                        this safe harbor for substantial service,             be appropriate in the context of the 3.5
                                           incumbent users, the SAS authority to                   together with secondary market                        GHz band’s multi-tiered sharing regime,
                                           require, in specific cases, power                       mechanisms and the potential for                      power limits, and other band-specific
                                           reduction below the rule limits (and                    opportunistic GAA use, will foster                    rules, the Commission declines to adopt
                                           potentially other technical restrictions),              efficient and innovative use of the band,             a specific safe harbor for such services
                                           and the potential for dynamic spectrum                  including in rural areas.                             at this time. Priority Access Licensees
                                           re-assignments or even cessation of                                                                           providing such services may file
                                                                                                      55. As the Commission indicated in                 individualized showings to demonstrate
                                           operations to which licensees will be
                                                                                                   2015, it contemplates that the band may               that they provided a bona fide
                                           subject to protect incumbent operations.
                                                                                                   also be used for fixed point-to-point                 communications service, either for
                                           These unique aspects of the licensing
                                                                                                   services. Commenters responding to the                unaffiliated customers or for private,
                                           and authorization regime in the 3.5 GHz
                                                                                                   inquiry in the 2017 NPRM concerning                   internal use, that meets the standard of
                                           band generally supports providing
                                                                                                   the possible performance metrics                      substantial service.
                                           licensees with greater flexibility in
                                                                                                   provide little discussion of a metric or                 57. Priority Access Licensees also may
                                           deployment than the Commission has
                                           provided in some other bands.                           approach for fixed point-to-point                     provide a mix of services covered by
                                              53. In addition, a flexible performance              services. The Commission has adopted                  more than one safe harbor. With respect
                                           requirement for mobile and point-to-                    a link-based metric for fixed point-to-               to such mixed deployments, the
                                           multipoint may provide particular                       point services in many other bands,                   Commission declines to establish a
                                           benefits to WISPs and other small                       however. In the absence of commenter                  specific formula for applying the safe
                                           providers in the 3.5 GHz band. The                      proposals, the Commission draws on the                harbors. Instead, licensees whose
                                           record supports the conclusion that                     link-based metric adopted for fixed                   deployments contain a mix of services
                                           many small providers seek to overlay                    point-to-point services in the 2.3 GHz                covered by more than one safe harbor
                                           existing service areas that may                         Band. Specifically, in the WCS Report                 may either demonstrate that at least one
                                           incompletely cover a PAL license area,                  and Order (75 FR 45058, Aug. 2, 2010),                of these safe harbors is met, or they may
                                           such as those who have deployed                         the Commission required 2.3 GHz                       make an individualized showing that
                                           networks targeting unserved or                          licensees using the spectrum for point-               the services in combination meet a
                                           underserved rural populations under                     to-point service to construct and operate             standard of substantial service. The
                                           the Commission’s prior 3650–3700 MHz                    a minimum number of links within each                 Commission clarifies, however, that in
                                           service rules. A flexible requirement                   license area equal to the population of               its assessment of individualized
                                           that allows these providers to                          the license area divided by 33,500 and                substantial service showings, the safe
                                           implement such overlay or incremental                   rounded up to the nearest whole                       harbors established above will generally
                                           strategies will thus benefit small entities             number. The Commission found that                     be important factors in cases involving,
                                           and help to foster a diversity of users in              this metric was ‘‘achievable’’ and would              in whole or in part, services that fall
                                           the band. Further, the Commission                       ‘‘further our goal of ensuring meaningful             within the scope of such safe harbors.
                                           anticipates that opportunistic GAA use,                 wireless deployment.’’ A similar metric               Absent justifications such as those
                                           although not eliminating the need for                   is generally a reasonable safe harbor for             discussed above, and given the
                                           performance requirements, will                          such services in the 3.5 GHz band.                    flexibility already incorporated into the
                                           complement such requirements and                        However, for license areas with 134,000               safe harbors, its expects that, in cases of
                                           help to ensure that spectrum is used                    population or less, licensees must                    a service addressed by a safe harbor,
                                           productively, including in rural areas.                 construct and operate a minimum of                    substantial service will meet or exceed
                                           Accordingly, the Commission does not                    four links to meet the safe harbor, which             the relevant safe harbor standard.
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                                           need to rely as heavily on performance                  will be an achievable minimum given                      58. The Commission declines to adopt
                                           requirements to ensure intensive and                    the geographic license areas adopted.                 interim performance requirements for
                                           productive use in the 3.5 GHz band as                   Further, the Commission limits the safe               PALs. Adopting specific coverage
                                           in other bands.                                         harbor to links that operate using                    requirements as an interim requirement
                                              54. After considering these factors and              registered Category B CBSDs. Category B               would be inconsistent with the flexible
                                           the arguments and proposals in the                      CBSDs must be deployed outdoors and                   substantial service showings allowed at

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                                           63086             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 235 / Friday, December 7, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                           the end of the license term, and that                   SASs to help ensure consistency and                   proposals to lengthen the term of a PAL,
                                           requiring licensees to provide                          accuracy in performance                               to make a PAL renewable, and to
                                           ‘‘substantial service’’ by both the end-of-             demonstrations, reduce administrative                 increase the size of a PAL’s geographic
                                           term and some earlier interim point                     burdens on licensees and the                          area, the Commission proposed in the
                                           would create significant regulatory                     Commission, and speed compliance and                  2017 NPRM to employ its standard
                                           uncertainty as to the difference between                renewal review. The Commission                        practice for finding mutual exclusivity
                                           the interim and end-of-term                             delegates authority to the Wireless                   among accepted applications. It also
                                           requirements, raise the risk of arbitrary               Telecommunications Bureau to specify                  proposed to eliminate the rule that
                                           and inconsistent results between                        the format of submissions, consistent                 made available one less PAL than the
                                           licensees, and be unlikely to incentivize               with these determinations.                            total number of PALs in a license area
                                           more rapid or extensive deployment in                      60. Consistent with the approach in                for which all applicants had applied.
                                           the band. Indeed, there is little support               many other bands, if a licensee fails to              The Commission further proposed to
                                           in the record for either of these                       meet the substantial service                          assign a PAL even when only one
                                           approaches. In addition, the still-                     requirement, its authorization under the              applicant has applied for a PAL in a
                                           nascent status of 5G and other                          relevant license will terminate                       specific license area, subject to the
                                           innovative wireless technologies                        automatically without Commission                      applicant’s being otherwise qualified,
                                           anticipated for this band and the unique                action. The Commission declines to                    rather than to adhere to its decision in
                                           aspects of the 3.5 GHz sharing regime                   adopt a ‘‘use-or-lose’’ regime, as                    the 2015 Report and Order not to assign
                                           support providing Priority Access                       suggested by some commenters, under                   any PAL for such a license area.
                                           Licensees with additional flexibility in                which a licensee would lose only those                   63. Given the other modifications the
                                           the timeframe provided to develop and                   areas or census tracts within a license               Commission adopts for PALs in this
                                           deploy services in the band.                            area that are not developed. Such an                  Report and Order, it eliminates the rule
                                              59. In order to confirm that the                     approach, which has been adopted                      that made available one less PAL than
                                           spectrum is being utilized consistent                   rarely for other bands, would                         the total number of PALs for which all
                                           with the performance requirements, the                  complicate coordination with the PAL                  applicants had applied in a given
                                           Commission adopts performance                           tier and between PAL and GAA users,                   geographic license area. By making a
                                           verification procedures largely                         may reduce incentives for licensees to                PAL renewable, increasing the size of its
                                           consistent with those for other bands.                  build out to the less populated areas                 geographic area, and lengthening its
                                           Parties must comply with the                            covered by their license, and is                      license term to 10 years, the
                                           procedures under § 1.946 of the                         unnecessary to ensure effective use of                Commission anticipates that the rights
                                           Commission’s rules in making their                      the spectrum.                                         conferred by a PAL will be more
                                           compliance demonstration. That section                     61. The Commission clarifies that                  beneficial to a wider range of potential
                                           provides, in part, that licensees must                  operations pursuant to lease                          users. The previous rule, which was
                                           notify the Commission of compliance                     arrangements, other than short-term de                adopted to limit the number of PALs
                                           with the performance requirement                        facto transfer leasing arrangements, may              available in a given license area, was
                                           within 15 days of the relevant deadline                 be counted toward meeting the                         premised on the view that GAA use
                                           by filing FCC Form 601. As part of this                 performance requirement, either under                 should be easy to access and sufficient
                                           notification, licensees will be required                the safe harbors or as part of an                     for many applications in the 3.5 GHz
                                           to submit and certify to a description of               individualized showing of substantial                 band, but that PALs should be available
                                           the service and documentation of the                    service. Doing so is consistent with the              for those limited applications that
                                           extent of the service, including                        general rules for spectrum leasing, and               required greater certainty as to
                                           electronic coverage maps accurately                     the Commission finds that it will                     interference protection because they
                                           depicting the boundaries of each license                encourage parties to enter into                       would suffer in a congested use
                                           area and where in the license area the                  secondary market transactions while                   environment. The changes adopted in
                                           licensee provides service that meets the                ensuring that performance requirements                this Report and Order ensure that PALs
                                           performance requirement (e.g., for                      will be met for the license overall.                  will support all technologies and foster
                                           mobile services, where in the license                   Consistent with the general short term                additional investment from a wide
                                           area the licensee offers the service at a               de facto transfer leasing rule (covering              variety of users in the 3.5 GHz band,
                                           reliable signal level), supporting                      de facto transfer leasing arrangements of             thereby expanding the potential use
                                           technical documentation, population-                    one year or less), a licensee in such an              cases by Priority Access Licensees, and
                                           related assumptions if relevant, and any                arrangement will not be permitted to                  based on the record, the Commission
                                           other information as the Wireless                       attribute to itself the activities of its             agrees with the argument that GAA use
                                           Telecommunications Bureau may                           spectrum lessee when seeking to                       is less likely to provide sufficient access
                                           prescribe by public notice. The                         establish that performance or build-out               for many application in the 3.5 GHz
                                           Commission further concludes that                       requirements applicable to the licensee               band. Therefore, it can no longer
                                           licensees, in demonstrating service                     have been met. The Commission rejects                 conclude that the similar use cases for
                                           coverage, may rely on the PAL                           proposals that it credit licensees for                PALs and the GAA that existed under
                                           Protection Areas of the relevant CBSDs                  merely making spectrum available for                  the prior rules provide a reasoned basis
                                           they use to provide the service. They                   leasing on a spectrum exchange or                     on which to limit the number of PALs
                                           must, however, specify the CBSDs and                    otherwise, which would undermine the                  available in a given geographic area. The
                                           certify that they actually are being used               purposes of the performance                           Commission therefore agrees with
                                           to provide service, either to customers                 requirement discussed above.                          commenters that the public interest will
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                                           or for internal use. In any case, licensees             B. Competitive Bidding Procedures                     not be served by limiting the availability
                                           may not claim service coverage outside                                                                        of PALs within a given geographic area
                                           of these PAL Protection Areas or                        1. Applicability of Part 1 Competitive                in the 3.5 GHz band. Rather, by
                                           deployments that are not reflected in                   Bidding Rules                                         eliminating this rule, the Commission
                                           SAS records of CBSD registrations. This                    62. PAL Applications Subject to                    can better achieve a licensing process
                                           approach appropriately leverages the                    Competitive Bidding. Consistent with its              that will promote the ‘‘efficient and

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                                           intensive use’’ of this spectrum and the                consistent with its long-standing                     deadlines, and other final details of the
                                           ‘‘development and rapid deployment of                   approach, if the Commission does not                  application and bidding processes.
                                           new technologies, products, and                         accept competing applications in a                    Accordingly, issues involving bidding
                                           services for the benefit of the public,                 particular geographic area, it will cancel            procedures, like those raised by
                                           including those residing in rural areas,’’              the auction for the PAL(s) in that area,              commenters, will be addressed at that
                                           that ‘‘recover[s] for the public . . . a                and if the short form application is                  time, and the Commission will seek
                                           portion of the value of the public                      otherwise acceptable, it will establish a             public input on the competitive bidding
                                           spectrum resource made available for                    date for the filing of a long-form                    procedures to be used for a particular
                                           commercial use, and achieves the other                  application by the applicant. The                     auction of PALs. The Commission’s
                                           goals of Section 309(j).’’                              Commission also eliminates the single                 practice of finalizing auction procedures
                                              64. Instead, the Commission will use                 applicant exception in rural areas as the             in the pre-auction process provides time
                                           its standard approach to determine                      exception is no longer necessary under                for interested participants both to
                                           whether accepted applications with                      this approach. Adopting this licensing                comment on the final procedures and to
                                           respect to initial geographic area                      approach for PALs generally is also                   develop business plans in advance of
                                           licenses are mutually exclusive                         consistent with the Commission’s                      the auction.
                                           applications subject to competitive                     earlier decision to do so on a limited                   67. Bidding on Specific PAL License
                                           bidding, which takes into consideration                 basis. The fundamental benefit of a PAL               Blocks. Under the current rules, Priority
                                           the Commission’s need to ‘‘effectively                  is the right to prioritized, interference             Access Licensees do not bid on specific
                                           implement’’ the public interest                         protected use of 10 megahertz of                      spectrum blocks. Rather, the SAS
                                           considerations underlying the licensing                 spectrum in a given geographic area.                  assigns frequencies based on the amount
                                           of the spectrum. Here, determining                      Commenters maintain that there are                    of spectrum that a PAL licensee is
                                           mutual exclusivity based on applicant                   certain use cases that require the                    authorized to use in a given license area.
                                           interest in a given geographic area                     interference protected use of the                     Licensees may request a particular
                                           serves the public interest objective of                 spectrum that only a PAL can confer,                  channel or frequency range from the
                                           assigning these licenses to the applicant               making GAA access, with its lack of                   SAS, but they are not guaranteed a
                                           that values them most highly and                        prioritized access, insufficient. Under               particular assignment. The SAS will
                                           therefore is most likely to make effective              the rules adopted in this Report and                  ‘‘assign geographically contiguous PALs
                                           use of them. Making the determination                   Order, if there is only one applicant                 held by the same Priority Access
                                           based on interest in geographic areas                   seeking a PAL in an area, that applicant              Licensee to the same channels in each
                                           without respect to particular frequencies               will be able to acquire a PAL outside of              geographic area’’ and ‘‘assign multiple
                                           or bandwidth is necessary to provide                    the auction process. Given that the                   channels held by the same Priority
                                           applicants with maximum flexibility to                  decisions in this item make PALs                      Access Licensee to contiguous
                                           pursue back-up strategies to aggregate                  similar in many ways to licenses in                   frequencies within the same License
                                           blocks to meet their licensing needs as                 other services, the Commission                        Area’’ when it is feasible to do so.
                                           the auction progresses and the value of                                                                          68. In the 2017 NPRM, the
                                                                                                   concludes that it should follow this
                                           and opportunities in the band become                                                                          Commission sought comment on the
                                                                                                   approach as it does in other services. In
                                           better known. Applicants here will have                                                                       feasibility and desirability of allowing
                                                                                                   light of this decision and given the
                                           an opportunity to identify on their                                                                           PAL licensees to bid on specific channel
                                                                                                   limited record received on the issue, the
                                           short-form application each geographic                                                                        assignments. Specifically, the
                                                                                                   Commission further concludes that it
                                           area(s) in which they are interested in                                                                       Commission sought comment on how it
                                                                                                   need not address the issue of whether
                                           bidding for PALs. An applicant will                                                                           could allow bidding on specific license
                                                                                                   an application for a PAL in a given                   blocks given the constraints of the band
                                           only be permitted to bid for PALs in the
                                                                                                   geographic area should be considered to               and the need to protect incumbents. The
                                           particular geographic area or areas that
                                                                                                   be mutually exclusive with an                         Commission sought comment on
                                           it initially selects on its short-form
                                                                                                   application for GAA use in the same                   whether the Incentive Auction could
                                           application, subject to the 40-megahertz
                                                                                                   area.                                                 provide a model for a separate,
                                           PAL aggregation cap. The record
                                           supports following this approach for                       66. The Commission reminds parties                 voluntary channel assignment phase of
                                           identifying an applicant’s interest in a                that it will conduct any auction of PALs              the auction, and, if so, what changes to
                                           particular geographic area. If the                      in conformity with the general                        the Incentive Auction framework might
                                           Commission accepts more than one                        competitive bidding rules set forth in                be necessary to accommodate
                                           application to bid on the generic PALs                  part 1, subpart Q of the Commission’s                 interference protection of federal
                                           available in any particular geographic                  rules, including any modifications that               incumbents by PALs. It also sought
                                           area, those PALs will be assigned by                    the Commission may adopt to its part 1                comment on possible alternative auction
                                           competitive bidding. As in other                        general competitive bidding rules in the              methodologies that might be
                                           Commission auctions, the Commission                     future. As has been the Commission’s                  appropriate.
                                           will proceed to competitive bidding                     practice in past spectrum auctions, the                  69. The Commission affirms its
                                           even if other applicants ultimately do                  rules adopted in this Report and Order                decision that PALs will operate over 10
                                           not pursue licenses in that area or                     allow subsequent determination of                     megahertz unpaired channels, wherein
                                           pursue fewer than all the licenses                      specific final auction procedures. The                all channels will be assigned by the
                                           available.                                              pre-auction process will be initiated by              SAS. The exact frequencies of specific
                                              65. The Commission also adopts the                   the release of an auction Comment                     assigned channels may be changed by
                                           proposal to assign PAL(s) even when                     Public Notice, which will solicit public              the SAS, if necessary, to facilitate
                                           there is only one application in a given                input on final auction procedures, and                sharing between the three tiers of
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                                           geographic area, assuming the applicant                 which will include specific proposals                 authorized users. Accordingly, bidders
                                           is otherwise qualified. In the absence of               for auction components, such as                       will not be permitted to bid on specific
                                           accepting mutually exclusive                            minimum opening bids and bidding                      channel assignments through
                                           applications, the Commission cannot                     credit caps. Thereafter, an auction                   competitive bidding. As the
                                           assign a license through the use of                     Procedures Public Notice will specify                 Commission previously explained,
                                           competitive bidding. Accordingly,                       final procedures, including dates,                    ‘‘flexible band management is essential

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                                           to effective spectrum sharing between                   assignment of channels by the SAS                     3.5 GHz band without small business
                                           the three tiers of authorized users in the              allows the Commission to ensure                       size standards and bidding credits.
                                           band.’’ Coupled with the requirement                    protection to the Incumbent tier,                     Thus, by modifying its rules to include
                                           that CBSDs be capable of operating                      including federal users, exclusivity to               bidding credits, the Commission can
                                           across the entire 3.5 GHz band, SAS-                    the Priority Access tier, and access to               address the concerns that some
                                           controlled assignments will ensure that                 GAA users.                                            commenters have raised that the
                                           individual users are provided with                      2. Bidding Credits for PALs                           decision to adopt counties as the
                                           flexible, stable access to the band. In                                                                       geographic area size for PAL licensing
                                           assigning frequencies for Priority                         71. In the 2017 NPRM, the                          and a longer, renewal license term will
                                           Access, the SAS must assign multiple                    Commission revisited its decision not to              impede small businesses’ ability to
                                           channels held by the same Priority                      offer bidding credits in the 3.5 GHz                  effectively compete in the auction.
                                           Access Licensee to contiguous channels                  band and sought comment on whether                    Commenters generally support
                                           in the same license area. Likewise, an                  it should consider adopting such                      implementing a system of bidding
                                           SAS will be required to maintain                        provisions for certain bidders or areas if            credits for the 3.5 GHz band and
                                           consistent and contiguous frequency                     it increased the size of a PAL’s license              recognize the related pro-competitive
                                           assignments for licensees with multiple                 area. Specifically, the Commission                    benefits for smaller carriers.
                                           PALs in the same or adjacent license                    sought comment on whether it should                   Accordingly, the Commission is
                                           areas whenever feasible. A wide variety                 adopt the bidding credits it used in the              persuaded by commenters that maintain
                                           of commenters support the current                       600 MHz Band auction (Incentive                       offering bidding credits here should
                                           framework of SAS-assigned PAL                           Auction).                                             improve the ability of small businesses
                                           channels.                                                  72. Small Business Bidding Credit.                 to attract the capital necessary to
                                                                                                   Based on the significant changes                      meaningfully participate in a PAL
                                              70. While there may be some                          adopted for PALs in the Report and
                                           uncertainty for a Priority Access                                                                             auction.
                                                                                                   Order, as well as the Commission’s
                                           Licensee in receiving a channel                         experience with the use of bidding                       74. In the 2017 NPRM, the
                                           assignment from an SAS rather than                      credits in recent spectrum auctions, the              Commission sought comment on using
                                           bidding on a specific PAL license block,                Commission concludes that utilizing                   the same small business size standards
                                           it is precisely this flexibility that is                bidding credits in competitive bidding                and bidding credits for the 3.5 GHz
                                           needed in a tiered licensing approach to                for the 3.5 GHz band will provide it                  band as the Commission offered in the
                                           ensure that a Priority Access Licensee is               with an effective tool to achieve its                 600 MHz Band. In adopting competitive
                                           not forced to shut down its operations                  statutory objective of promoting the                  bidding rules for the 600 MHz Band,
                                           indefinitely or even permanently. Under                 participation of designated entities in               and more recently in the UMFUS bands,
                                           a static channel assignment framework                   the provision of spectrum-based service.              the Commission offered bidding credits
                                           proposed by certain commenters, a                       Section 309(j)(4) of the Communications               to promote opportunities for small
                                           Priority Access Licensee could be                       Act requires that when the Commission                 businesses, rural telephone companies,
                                           required to move off of a frequency to                  prescribes regulations to establish a                 and businesses owned by members of
                                           protect an incumbent, thus losing access                methodology for the grant of licenses                 minority groups and women to
                                           to the exclusive channel until                          through the use of competitive bidding,               participate in the provision of spectrum-
                                           incumbent operations were no longer                     it must ‘‘ensure that small businesses,               based services. Specifically, for the 600
                                           affected. In contrast, under the approach               rural telephone companies, and                        MHz and UMFUS band auctions, the
                                           the Commission affirms in the Report                    businesses owned by members of                        Commission adopted two small
                                           and Order, the SAS will be able to                      minority groups and women are given                   business definitions, the highest two of
                                           reassign the Priority Access Licensee                   the opportunity to participate in the                 the three thresholds included in the
                                           dynamically, ensuring prioritized access                provision of spectrum-based services,                 Commission’s part 1 standardized
                                           to 10 megahertz of spectrum. A flexible                 and, for such purposes, consider the use              schedule of bidding credits.
                                           channel assignment plan where the SAS                   of . . . bidding preferences.’’ In                       75. As a general matter, the
                                           can reassign a PAL dynamically when                     addition, Section 309(j)(3)(B) provides               Commission defines eligibility
                                           an incumbent is using a specific                        that in establishing eligibility criteria             requirements for small businesses
                                           channel, will lead to better coordination               and bidding methodologies, the                        benefits on a service-specific basis,
                                           and co-existence between PAL holders                    Commission shall promote ‘‘economic                   taking into account the capital
                                           and incumbents. For this reason, the                    opportunity and competition . . . by                  requirements and other characteristics
                                           Commission rejects the argument that a                  avoiding excessive concentration of                   of each particular service in establishing
                                           predictable, static spectral environment                licenses and by disseminating licenses                the appropriate threshold. While the
                                           provides the certainty needed for                       among a wide variety of applicants,                   capital requirements of the services to
                                           network deployments, and concludes                      including small businesses, rural                     be deployed in the 3.5 GHz band are not
                                           that the approach the Commission                        telephone companies, and businesses                   yet known, based on the record and on
                                           adopted in 2015 supports a wide variety                 owned by members of minority groups                   the its most recent actions in other
                                           of use cases in the 3.5 GHz band. As the                and women.’’ Historically, one of the                 similar wireless spectrum bands, the
                                           Commission previously explained, by                     principal means by which the                          Commission concludes that using the
                                           having the SAS assign all channels, its                 Commission fulfills this mandate is                   same small business size standards and
                                           rules aim to create a flexible, responsive              through ‘‘bidding preferences’’ in the                bidding credits adopted in the 600 MHz
                                           spectral environment while retaining                    form of bidding credits to small                      and UMFUS bands should enhance the
                                           much of the stability of traditional static             businesses.                                           ability of small businesses to acquire
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                                           channel assignments. As the                                73. Because the Commission has                     and retain capital and thereby compete
                                           Commission has previously observed,                     modified the characteristics of PALs to               more meaningfully at auction in the 3.5
                                           modern networks typically have control                  more closely resemble those of other                  GHz band. Use of these small business
                                           features that allow for automated or                    wireless licenses, it concludes that                  definitions and associated bidding
                                           managed channel selection. On balance,                  designated entities might have less                   credits should provide consistency and
                                           the flexibility afforded by the                         opportunity to obtain spectrum in the                 predictability for small businesses

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                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 235 / Friday, December 7, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                       63089

                                           participating in competitive bidding in                 winning bidder for a market will be                   parties contemplating spectrum
                                           the 3.5 GHz band.                                       eligible to receive a credit for serving              manager lease arrangements with
                                              76. Accordingly, for the 3.5 GHz band,               qualifying Tribal lands within that                   Priority Access Licensees may submit
                                           an entity with average annual gross                     market, provided it complies with the                 the required, non-lease specific
                                           revenues for the preceding three years                  applicable competitive bidding rules.                 certifications, including ownership
                                           not exceeding $55 million will be                          79. Finally, the Commission rejects a              information, to the Commission at any
                                           eligible to qualify as a ‘‘small business’’             proposal from some commenters to                      time prior to reaching a spectrum
                                           for a bidding credit of 15 percent, while               provide a bidding preference for                      manger lease agreement with a Priority
                                           an entity with average annual gross                     applicants that indicate their intention              Access Licensee. The Commission will
                                           revenues for the preceding three years                  to use a PAL to meet Connect America                  expeditiously process these
                                           not exceeding $20 million will be                       Fund (CAF) obligations. Insofar as                    certifications and provide SASs with
                                           eligible to qualify as a ‘‘very small                   providers participating in CAF would be               confirmation that the putative lessee
                                           business’’ for a bidding credit of 25                   receiving CAF support already,                        meets the corresponding eligibility
                                           percent, consistent with the                            additional bidding preferences should                 criteria for a spectrum manager lease.
                                           standardized schedule in part 1 of the                  not be necessary, and are likely to                   Once the lessee notifies the SAS of a
                                           Commission’s rules.                                     distort participation in and the results of           spectrum manager leasing agreement
                                              77. Rural Service Provider Bidding                   both the CAF–II and 3.5 GHz auctions.                 with a Priority Access Licensee, the SAS
                                           Credit. In the auction of 600 MHz Band                  It also rejects other proposals from                  may then quickly complete the
                                           licenses, the Commission also offered,                  commenters asking the Commission to                   spectrum manager lease notification
                                           for the first time, a rural service                     offer bidding credits to entities based               process for that lease, and provide
                                           provider (RSP) bidding credit to counter                upon standards other than the ones                    confirmation to the parties. The lessee
                                           the fact that rural service providers have              discussed above. The record lacks                     may then immediately begin operating
                                           often faced ‘‘challenges in their efforts               support to justify a departure from the               under the lease.
                                           to obtain financing because the rural                   Commission’s approach to promoting                       82. In the 2017 NPRM, the
                                           areas they seek to serve are not as                     the participation of designated entities              Commission proposed to allow
                                           profitable as more densely-populated                    in the provision of spectrum-based                    partitioning and disaggregation of PALs
                                           markets.’’ The RSP bidding credit                       service, and it believes that the small               in secondary market transactions. It
                                           provides a 15 percent bidding credit to                 business and rural service bidding                    noted that such a modification would be
                                           eligible entities that predominantly                    credits should help sufficiently to                   consistent with proposals to lengthen
                                           serve rural areas and have fewer than                   address the challenges that such groups               the license term and enlarge the
                                           250,000 combined wireless, wireline,                    face.                                                 geographic area of PALs, and that it also
                                           broadband and cable subscribers. Here                                                                         would be consistent with the licensing
                                           too, the record supports the conclusion                 C. Partitioning and Disaggregation of
                                                                                                                                                         paradigm for other similarly licensed
                                           that an RSP bidding credit should                       PALs on the Secondary Market
                                                                                                                                                         services. The Commission anticipated
                                           provide an adequate tool to enable rural                   80. Background. In the 2016 Report                 that, when coupled with a longer
                                           service providers to compete for 3.5                    and Order, the Commission prohibited                  license term or larger license area for
                                           GHz band spectrum licenses at auction                   Priority Access Licensees from                        PALs, the ability to partition and
                                           and in doing so, will support the                       partitioning or disaggregating their                  disaggregate a PAL would be an
                                           statutory objectives to disseminate                     licenses because the Commission found                 effective way to improve spectral
                                           licenses among a wide variety of                        that the typical reasons for permitting               efficiency and facilitate targeted
                                           applicants, ensure that rural telephone                 partitioning and disaggregation in more               network deployments.
                                           companies have an opportunity to                        traditionally licensed bands were not                    83. Discussion. The Commission
                                           participate in the provision of spectrum-               present in the 3.5 GHz band. The                      adopts the proposal in the 2017 NPRM
                                           based services, and promote the                         Commission noted that the licensing                   to allow partitioning and disaggregation
                                           availability of innovative services to                  rules that it adopted in the 2015 Report              of PALs in the 3.5 GHz band, because
                                           rural America.                                          and Order did not have the same                       it will promote investment, encourage
                                              78. Tribal Lands Bidding Credit. The                 characteristics as other bands where                  robust use of the band by a wide variety
                                           Commission also made tribal lands                       partitioning and disaggregation were                  of stakeholders, and help to ensure that
                                           bidding credits available to winning                    permitted, such as longer license terms,              spectrum is used efficiently. The
                                           bidders of licenses in the 600 MHz                      larger license areas, and construction                Commission consistently has found that
                                           auction. In light of the record support                 obligations. In other bands, partitioning             the flexibility afforded by partitioning
                                           for having similar bidding credits here                 and disaggregation were needed to                     and disaggregation facilitates the
                                           as the Commission offered in the 600                    promote key policy goals such as access               efficient use of spectrum by enabling
                                           MHz Band auction, and the                               to spectrum and flexibility of use, which             licensees to make offerings directly
                                           modifications adopted for PALs that, as                 in turn could result in greater service to            responsive to market demands for
                                           explained above, may cause designated                   consumers.                                            particular types of services, increasing
                                           entities to have less opportunity to                       81. In the 2016 Report and Order, the              competition by allowing new entrants to
                                           obtain spectrum in this band, the                       Commission also determined that a                     enter markets, and expediting provision
                                           Commission concludes that it should                     light-touch leasing process could                     of services that might not otherwise be
                                           revise its earlier determination not to                 achieve the goal of making PAL                        provided in the near term. Particularly
                                           offer tribal lands bidding credits in                   spectrum use rights available in                      here, where the Commission has
                                           competitive bidding for the 3.5 GHz                     secondary markets—on a targeted,                      decided to license the 3.5 GHz band in
                                           band. The Commission generally has                      flexible basis—without the need for the               larger geographic areas for longer,
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                                           determined that such a credit should be                 Commission oversight required for                     renewable license terms, allowing
                                           available where wireless licenses are                   partitioning and disaggregation. The                  secondary market transactions will
                                           subject to the Commission’s part 1                      Commission modified its streamlined                   allow licensees and the marketplace to
                                           competitive bidding rules, and wireless                 part 1 spectrum manager lease rules to                determine the correct size of licenses on
                                           providers are willing to offer service to               create a process tailored to the 3.5 GHz              a market-specific and needs-based basis.
                                           qualifying tribal lands. Accordingly, a                 band. Under this streamlined process,                 These licensing changes also bring the

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                                           63090             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 235 / Friday, December 7, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                           3.5 GHz band in line with other bands                   Some assert that secondary market                     Further, by making a variety of
                                           where partitioning and disaggregation                   transactions operate far more frequently              secondary market opportunities
                                           are allowed. Thus, the unique features                  and efficiently in the opposite direction,            available to all licensees, it creates
                                           of PALs that had previously militated                   allowing large carriers to aggregate                  economic opportunities for all types of
                                           against allowing partitioning and                       spectrum that initially was acquired by               entrants to the band. The decision to
                                           disaggregation in the band—small                        smaller operators. Other commenters                   permit partitioning and disaggregation
                                           census tract licenses with three-year,                  argue that high transaction costs inhibit             in the band furthers, rather than
                                           non-renewable terms—are no longer                       a robust secondary market.                            undermines, efforts to fulfill the
                                           present. Partitioning and disaggregation                   87. The Commission is unpersuaded                  Commission’s statutory responsibilities
                                           of licenses in the 3.5 GHz band must                    by commenters’ claims that small                      under section 309(j). This change, along
                                           comply with § 1.950 of the                              entities will be unable to participate in             with the others adopted in this Report
                                           Commission’s rules. Accordingly, each                   secondary market transactions.                        and Order, will best balance the
                                           party to a partitioning or disaggregation               Commission records reflect that there is              statutory objectives to promote
                                           agreement must have a clear                             an active secondary market for                        competition, the efficient use of
                                           construction and operation requirement                  partitioned and disaggregated licenses.               spectrum, and the deployment of
                                           and each party will face license                        The Commission has received about                     innovative services to consumers—
                                           termination, in the event of failure to                 1,000 assignment applications involving               including those in rural areas. The
                                           meet these requirements. Allowing                       partitioned or disaggregated licenses                 Commission’s decision to adopt
                                           partitioning and disaggregation will not                over the last 10 years. Further, the                  performance requirements for PALs also
                                           alter the light-touch leasing rules                     unique characteristics of the 3.5 GHz                 advances its efforts to fulfill the
                                           adopted in the 2016 Report and Order.                   band are particularly conducive to                    statutory obligations under section
                                              84. Many commenters support                          secondary market transactions. First, the             309(j) by helping to ensure that
                                           allowing partitioning and disaggregation                SAS can be leveraged to facilitate                    spectrum won’t lie fallow.
                                           of PALs, particularly when coupled                      secondary market transactions. In                        90. For these reasons, the Commission
                                           with the larger geographic area license                 addition, the use-or-share rule greatly               finds that it is in the public interest to
                                           size, longer license term, and license                  diminishes the concerns of potential                  permit partitioning and disaggregation
                                           renewability that the Commission                        hoarding or incomplete deployment                     in the 3.5 GHz band, subject to the
                                           adopts in this Report and Order. These                  over a license area. Priority Access                  requirements in § 1.950 of the rules. The
                                           entities maintain that the flexibility                  Licensees will be incentivized to sell on             Commission’s spectrum manager and de
                                           afforded by partitioning and                            the secondary market spectrum within                  facto leasing rules remain in effect for
                                           disaggregation will encourage a thriving                their license area that may lie outside of            PALs, thus affording potential entrants
                                           secondary market, facilitate ‘‘right                    their current network build or that they              to the band a variety of options for
                                           sizing’’ PALs for any local market, and                 otherwise do not need access to for their             accessing this spectrum.
                                           increase the likelihood that a greater                  future deployments. The availability of
                                                                                                                                                         D. PAL Spectrum Aggregation Limit
                                           percentage of the whole PEA ultimately                  up to seven PALs in each market
                                           will receive service.’’ These rationales                combined with a 40 megahertz spectrum                    91. Background. In the 2015 Report
                                           all support the Commission’s decision                   aggregation limit also decrease the                   and Order, the Commission adopted an
                                           to allow PAL partitioning and                           likelihood of excessive or even                       in-band spectrum aggregation limit of 40
                                           disaggregation in the 3.5 GHz band.                     prohibitive transaction costs.                        megahertz (i.e., four PALs) of the
                                              85. Some commenters maintain that                       88. The Commission rejects the                     possible 70 megahertz per license area
                                           partitioning and disaggregation are not                 suggestion of some commenters that, if                at any given point in time. The
                                           substitutes for initially licensing smaller             it determines to license PALs in larger               Commission concluded that the benefits
                                           license areas. Their positions, however,                geographic areas, it should impose an                 of facilitating competition, innovation,
                                           relate to disagreements over license size               affirmative obligation on larger                      and the efficient use of the 3.5 GHz
                                           rather than opposition to these                         providers to engage in secondary market               band outweighed any harms of
                                           secondary market transactions per se.                   transactions with smaller providers and               imposing such an aggregation limit. In
                                           Some commenters that oppose                             new entrants. The Commission typically                the 2017 NPRM, the Commission asked
                                           increased license sizes in the band                     relies upon market forces and economic                whether it should modify or eliminate
                                           contend that partitioning and                           incentives to drive spectrum to its most              the PAL aggregation limit, in the event
                                           disaggregation offer some benefits,                     beneficial use. This remains the correct              it determined to change the geographic
                                           particularly in rural areas where even                  approach in this band.                                license area or make other changes to
                                           census tract-sized licenses can be very                    89. One commenter questions                        the PAL licensing scheme.
                                           large. For the reasons discussed above,                 whether this approach fulfills the                       92. Discussion. The record largely
                                           the Commission determines that                          Commission’s statutory and public                     supports retaining the PAL aggregation
                                           licensing PALs on a county basis serves                 responsibilities under section 309(j) of              limit. For the reasons articulated in the
                                           the public interest. It agrees, however,                the Act to promote ‘‘economic                         2015 Report and Order, the Commission
                                           that partitioning and disaggregation are                opportunity for a wide variety of                     finds that the current framework for
                                           important tools which will help it fulfill              applicants.’’ It maintains that the                   auction, assignment, and operation of
                                           its statutory mandate to make spectrum                  Commission would be relying solely on                 the 3.5 GHz band is sufficient to
                                           available across the United States, in all              private commercial interests’ use of                  incentivize investment and
                                           markets from urban to rural.                            partitioning, disaggregation, and                     participation by a broader range of
                                              86. Other commenters contend that                    secondary market transactions to                      participants. The other changes made to
                                           simply allowing secondary market                        provide such economic opportunities.                  the PAL licensing regime do not alter
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                                           transactions in the band will not                       The Commission disagrees. By                          the Commission’s underlying rationale
                                           necessarily result in such transactions.                developing a new framework to license                 that the 40 megahertz PAL aggregation
                                           These commenters maintain that large                    PALs by counties, the Commission                      limit will provide a minimum degree of
                                           wireless providers generally are                        creates opportunities for a variety of                diversity among users that likely will be
                                           unwilling to make licensed spectrum                     applicants both large and small to                    operating in this band, and foster
                                           available on the secondary market.                      participate in this innovative band.                  competition and innovation in both PAL

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                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 235 / Friday, December 7, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                        63091

                                           and GAA uses. Accordingly, the                          potential risks against potential users’              overall spectrum environment in an area
                                           Commission maintains the PAL                            need for information to plan future GAA               in order to make investment and
                                           aggregation limit for both licensees and                and/or PAL deployments, and whether                   deployment decisions. It further finds
                                           lessees.                                                there was a mechanism short of public                 substantial support in the record for the
                                                                                                   disclosure for potential users to plan                conclusion that revising the public
                                           E. Confidentiality of CBSD Registration
                                                                                                   future GAA and/or PAL deployments,                    disclosure requirement to require the
                                                                                                   such as by communicating with an SAS                  disclosure of aggregated spectrum usage
                                              93. Background. In the 2015 Report                   on a confidential basis. It further sought            data will enable potential users of the
                                           and Order, the Commission required                      comment on whether there was certain                  3.5 GHz band to make investment and
                                           that all CBSDs register with and be                     information an SAS could publicly                     deployment decisions, while
                                           authorized by an SAS prior to initial                   provide while balancing data sensitivity              significantly reducing the concerns from
                                           service transmission. The SAS ensures                   and security concerns.                                the disclosure of disaggregated device
                                           spectral efficiency, non-discriminatory                    95. Discussion. After careful                      registration data. Several commenters
                                           coexistence, and the minimalization of                  consideration of the record, the                      support disclosure of a heat map based
                                           interference among GAA users, by such                   Commission finds that it is in the public             on aggregate data showing the level of
                                           means as managing the frequencies in a                  interest to protect CBSD registration                 spectrum use in a given area and the
                                           manner to avoid assignment of the same                  information from public disclosure                    amount of spectrum available, arguing
                                           frequency to multiple GAA users at the                  while still ensuring that aggregated data             that such an approach would permit
                                           same location to the extent possible.                   on spectrum use is made available to the              current and prospective users to better
                                           CBSD registration must include detailed                 public. Specifically, the Commission                  plan for future deployments while
                                           information specifying the location and                 prohibits SAS Administrators from                     withholding potentially commercially
                                           characteristics of the CBSD. In addition,               disclosing disaggregated CBSD                         sensitive or security-related, licensee-
                                           the CBSD must send an update to the                     registration data to the public except                specific information. Accordingly, the
                                           SAS within 60 seconds of any change in                  where such disclosure is authorized by                Commission finds that it will serve the
                                           the registration information. The                       the registrant. However, it also requires             public interest to require SAS
                                           Commission required SAS                                 SAS Administrators to make aggregated                 Administrators to make publicly
                                           Administrators to disclose CBSD                         spectrum usage data for any particular                available up-to-date aggregated
                                           registration information in three                       area of interest available to the public,             spectrum usage data for any desired area
                                           circumstances. First, SAS                               including the extent of usage and                     of interest, including the extent of usage
                                           Administrators must immediately                         available spectrum in the 3.5 GHz band                and available spectrum in the 3.5 GHz
                                           respond to requests from Commission                     throughout that area and the maximum                  band throughout that area and the
                                           personnel for information stored or                     available contiguous spectrum, using                  maximum available contiguous
                                           maintained by the SAS. Second, SAS                      graphical ‘‘heat maps’’ or other                      spectrum, using graphical ‘‘heat maps’’
                                           Administrators must make available to                   appropriate formats. This approach will               or other appropriate formats that
                                           other SAS Administrators all                            effectively balance the interests in                  provide this information.
                                           information necessary to effectively                    protecting sensitive network
                                           coordinate operations between and                       information and the legitimate needs                     98. This approach strikes a better
                                           among CBSDs. Third, SAS                                 that parties—including potential GAA                  balance between protecting sensitive
                                           Administrators must make CBSD                           operators—may have for information on                 network information and the legitimate
                                           registration information available to the               the local spectrum environment. The                   needs that parties have for information
                                           general public. However, due to                         Commission is not modifying the                       on the local spectrum environment than
                                           concerns raised by commenters about                     current requirements governing SAS-to-                a prohibition on any public disclosures.
                                           the potential for public disclosure of                  SAS information exchange.                             Some commenters, while not disputing
                                           confidential business information that                     96. Although the current requirement               that potential users will need
                                           could compromise personal privacy or                    provides that licensees’ identities must              information on the spectrum
                                           affect competitive interests, the                       be obfuscated, numerous commenters                    environment to plan their deployments,
                                           Commission required SAS                                 argue that public disclosure of CBSD                  argue that any public disclosure is
                                           Administrators to ‘‘obfuscate the                       registration information would still                  nevertheless unnecessary because,
                                           identities of the licensees providing the               allow competitors or other parties to                 under a Wireless Innovation Forum
                                           information for any public disclosures.’’               identify the licensee—using a                         working document, SAS Administrators
                                              94. Noting that some parties had                     combination of publicly available data—               must publish certain information to
                                           asserted that public disclosure of the                  and obtain competitively sensitive                    assist operators in assessing whether
                                           registration information, even with                     information about the licensee’s                      there is available spectrum. The
                                           licensee identities obfuscated, would                   network. Some commenters also argue                   suggestion that no Commission
                                           raise both competitive and security                     that such information could                           requirement is needed in the light of the
                                           concerns, the Commission proposed in                    compromise the security of network                    working document requirements is
                                           the 2017 NPRM to amend the rules to                     infrastructure. Due to the concerns                   unpersuasive, particularly given that the
                                           prohibit an SAS from disclosing                         raised by commenters, the Commission                  working document requirements were
                                           publicly any CBSD registration                          finds that, on balance, the current                   only adopted pursuant to the existing
                                           information that may compromise the                     requirement to publicly disclose CBSD                 Commission disclosure requirement.
                                           security of critical network deployments                registration information does not                     Some commenters argue that disclosure
                                           or be considered competitively                          adequately protect sensitive information              is unnecessary because potential users
                                           sensitive. The Commission noted that it                 about licensees’ network deployments.                 can obtain information from SAS
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                                           was not proposing any change in SAS-                       97. The Commission continues to                    Administrators on a confidential basis
                                           to-SAS information sharing                              find, however, that the success of the                to make such decisions. But these
                                           requirements. The Commission sought                     shared spectrum model adopted for the                 commenters do not provide details
                                           comment, inter alia, on the potential                   3.5 GHz band requires providing                       regarding how such an option would
                                           risks presented by the public disclosure                potential users of the band with enough               operate, who would be authorized to
                                           requirement, how to balance these                       information to accurately assess the                  access CBSD registration information,

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                                           63092             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 235 / Friday, December 7, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                           and under what circumstances access                     the broad coverage of a cellular service.             raises security or competitive concerns,
                                           would or would not be provided. The                     The Commission also rejects the                       it should require SAS Administrators, in
                                           Commission finds that, on the record                    argument that concerns regarding the                  their public disclosure of disaggregated
                                           before it, the revised public disclosure                disclosure of the network data should be              data, to obscure or randomize the
                                           requirement it adopts in this Report and                discounted because access points will                 location of individual CBSDs within a
                                           Order is the best choice because it will                cover very limited areas. While the                   triangle of points 50 linear feet apart or
                                           ensure that all potential users have                    anticipated deployment of 5G services                 another defined area. The Commission
                                           certain and convenient access to                        in the band will likely often involve                 finds this proposal does not differ
                                           aggregate data on the spectrum                          small cell technologies, that does not                significantly from the current
                                           environment for the area of interest                    reduce the sensitive nature of the                    requirement, which does not adequately
                                           while substantially reducing any                        deployment information.                               protect competitively sensitive
                                           legitimate concerns regarding the                          100. Some commenters also argue that               information. The modified requirement
                                           sensitivity of network data. The                        the Commission typically has disclosed                is a better approach to address the
                                           Commission acknowledges that                            site information in historic site-based               concern, as it will directly provide
                                           aggregate spectrum usage data might in                  licensing regimes and that there is no                current and potential users with
                                           some circumstances implicitly reveal                    reason to provide any greater protection              information on the availability of
                                           some provider- or CBSD-specific                         here. Their assessment of Commission                  spectrum in a geographic area without
                                           information (such as in cases where a                   practice disregards other Commission or               requiring public disclosure of
                                           3.5 GHz Priority Access Licensee has                    Bureau actions, however, that have                    disaggregated CBSD data.
                                           deployed CBSDs in a particular                          found that comparable disclosures of                     103. Other purposes that commenters
                                           geographic area with no other                           network infrastructure information                    identify for the public disclosure of
                                           deployments in the band). It finds,                     encompass sensitive information that                  disaggregated registration data are likely
                                           however, that the benefits of the revised               warranted some degree of protection.                  to be able to be achieved without the
                                           public disclosure requirement and its                   These latter precedents, as well as the               public disclosure of such data. For
                                           importance to the success of the shared                 record in this proceeding, support a                  example, while some argue that
                                           model in the 3.5 GHz band far outweigh                  determination that parties have                       disclosure will help users identify
                                           any remaining concerns from the                         legitimate concerns regarding the                     sources of interference, that is a core
                                           potential for such inferred disclosures.                sensitivity of CBSD registration data that            function of the SAS itself and therefore
                                                                                                   may impact their investment and                       does not require public disclosure of
                                              99. Some proponents of the current                   deployment decisions.                                 disaggregated SAS registration data. The
                                           requirement assert that the harms of                       101. Arguments in the record that a                role of the SASs further distinguishes
                                           disclosure should be discounted                         disclosure of aggregate data would be                 the 3.5 GHz band from the prior 3650–
                                           because the deployment information                      insufficient are similarly unpersuasive.              3700 MHz Band service rules, where the
                                           will in any case become available                       Some commenters argue that a GAA                      Commission adopted public disclosure
                                           through other means. The Commission                     user will need to know how many                       of site registrations to enable non-
                                           disagrees that the possibility that, in the             contiguous channels are available                     exclusive licensees to coordinate to
                                           future, there may be independent                        throughout its service area in order to               avoid harmful interference. Under that
                                           methods to obtain data about some                       predict the speeds it can offer its                   regime, there was no license
                                           licensees’ networks is an appropriate                   subscribers; however, the modified                    administrator to facilitate coordination.
                                           justification for us to disregard concerns              requirement directly addresses that                      104. The Commission does not find
                                           over the commercial sensitivity of that                 concern because the Commission                        that disclosure would enable the public
                                           data and to allow today the public                      requires publicly disclosed information               to detect and hold operators accountable
                                           disclosure of commercially sensitive                    to include aggregate information on the               for erroneous or obsolete information, as
                                           data about all licensees’ networks.                     maximum number of contiguous                          some commenters argue. The
                                           Further, there is no evident source                     channels available. While one                         Commission acknowledges that, for the
                                           currently that would reproduce the                      commenter argues that a heat map is                   white space database, it did adopt
                                           CBSD registration information and find                  inadequate because it does not                        public disclosure for some registrations
                                           it unlikely that any third-party public                 necessarily provide sufficient                        in part to ‘‘permit public examination of
                                           source will provide 3.5 GHz band                        information for the aiming of directional             protected entity registration information
                                           network infrastructure data of the same                 antennas, aggregate data should enable                to allow the detection and correction of
                                           character, in terms of information                      potential users to identify geographic                errors.’’ However, it finds the 3.5 GHz
                                           covered, specificity,                                   areas with sufficient available spectrum              band is not analogous to the white space
                                           comprehensiveness, timeliness, and                      to support a range of directional                     service in this regard, as the
                                           accuracy. As evidence that CBSD                         orientations for deployments within that              Commission discussed extensively in
                                           registration data will likely be available              area. Some commenters argue that                      the 2016 Order on Reconsideration (81
                                           from providers’ own voluntary                           licensees need information on specific                FR 49038, July 26, 2016). Among other
                                           disclosures, some commenters cite                       channel availability. However, specific               distinctions in the case of 3.5 GHz, the
                                           several cable provider websites                         channel availability will be far less                 Commission noted that ‘‘[t]he licensed
                                           disclosing the location of their                        relevant to 3.5 GHz band network                      nature of the service coupled with
                                           commercially offered Wi-Fi hotspots.                    planning than aggregate spectrum                      industry certification requirements for
                                           However, the Commission finds these                     availability, given that all 3.5 GHz band             professional installers provides a higher
                                           disclosures of the locations of Wi-Fi                   equipment must be operable across the                 degree of accountability for Citizens
                                           hotspots reflect that such Wi-Fi services               entire band, and that the SASs will be                Broadband Radio Service users and SAS
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                                           are typically provided only at discrete                 making the frequency assignments,                     Administrators, ensuring that CBSD
                                           locations. Such disclosures do not                      which will be subject to change during                locations are accurately reported and
                                           support the conclusion that mobile                      the operation of the equipment.                       verified.’’ It further noted that SASs
                                           broadband providers would similarly                        102. One commenter proposes that if                ‘‘will have capabilities and
                                           disclose the location of individual                     the Commission determines that the                    responsibilities that exceed those of
                                           antenna sites that are subsumed within                  current public disclosure requirement                 White Spaces database administrators,’’

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                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 235 / Friday, December 7, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                       63093

                                           including rules that require                            willing to make available through a                   megahertz from the channel edge, and
                                           authentication of CBSDs with an SAS                     secondary market transaction. To the                  ¥20 dBm/MHz from B/2 to B megahertz
                                           and require that SAS Administrators                     extent that mandatory public                          from the channel edge. The Commission
                                           maintain the accuracy of CBSD records,                  disclosures of detailed, disaggregated                sought comment on these two
                                           which ‘‘places a duty on SAS                            CBSD registration data might in some                  alternative emission masks and
                                           Administrators to take reasonable steps                 circumstances provide some additional                 specifically requested quantitative
                                           to validate newly entered data and to                   benefit over aggregate data, and the                  analysis of the tradeoffs between the use
                                           purge obsolete data.’’ Accordingly, the                 benefits are outweighed by the security               of wider channels and the risk of higher
                                           Commission finds there is not the same                  and competitive concerns that such                    interference to users in adjacent
                                           benefit from public disclosures in                      disclosures would raise. In sum, the                  channels.
                                           helping to ensure registration accuracy                 Commission concludes that the revised                    110. Qualcomm submitted results of a
                                           in this context as was present in the                   requirement provides a reasonable                     simulation study of the additional
                                           white space service.                                    balance for the services in the 3.5 GHz               maximum power reduction (A–MPR)
                                              105. The Commission also disagrees                   band, including emerging 5G and other                 that would be required for the
                                           that Category B GAA users will need                     innovative services anticipated in this               Qualcomm Mask and the Graduated
                                           disaggregated registration data, and                    band, and will thus promote its effective             Mask. Qualcomm asserts that both
                                           particularly relevant contact data, to                  and efficient use.                                    masks require the same amount of (non-
                                           fulfill their obligation to coordinate with                                                                   zero) power reduction (e.g., 2.2 dB) for
                                           other Category B GAA users under                        F. Emissions Limits for CBSDs and End                 channels with high resource utilization,
                                           § 96.35(e) of the Commission’s rules.                   User Devices                                          but the Graduated Mask requires 0.8
                                           Mandatory disclosure of disaggregated                      107. Background. The Commission’s                  dB–2.5 dB additional power reduction
                                           CBSD registration data, including                       rules include the following emissions                 than the Qualcomm Mask for channels
                                           contact data, is not necessary for                      limits for CBSDs and End User Devices                 with low resource utilization. Thus,
                                           Category B GAA coordination, and                        operating in the 3.5 GHz band:                        Qualcomm argues that its mask will
                                           voluntary mechanisms and                                   • ¥13 dBm/MHz from 0 to 10                         more effectively facilitate wider
                                           arrangements facilitated by an SAS,                     megahertz from the assigned channel                   bandwidth operations with less impact
                                           supplemented by the mandatory                           edge;                                                 on transmit power. In ex parte
                                           disclosure of aggregate spectrum usage                     • ¥25 dBm/MHz beyond 10                            presentations on March 6, 12, and 14,
                                           data, can reasonably be expected to                     megahertz from the assigned channel                   2018, Qualcomm further asserted that
                                           support and achieve the coordination                    edge down to 3530 megahertz and up to                 with its proposed mask, emission
                                           contemplated in § 96.35(e), given that                  3720 megahertz;                                       reduction is achieved by power
                                           Category B GAA users will generally                        • ¥40 dBm/MHz below 3530                           reduction resulting from both the
                                           have mutual incentives to coordinate                    megahertz and above 3720 megahertz.                   spectrum emission mask (SEM) and the
                                           with one another and SASs are required                     108. The Commission adopted these                  3GPP Adjacent Channel Leakage Ratio
                                           to facilitate such coordination. For                    limits to achieve a balance between the               (ACLR) requirement of 30 dB for user
                                           example, one multi-stakeholder                          ability of CBSDs and End User Devices                 devices. In some cases, the ACLR
                                           standards document for Citizens                         to protect out-of-band incumbent                      requirement (and not the SEM)
                                           Broadband Radio Service commercial                      services, the ability of equipment                    determines the amount of emission
                                           operation, noted by several commenters,                 vendors to meet reasonable standards of               reduction, and in other cases the SEM
                                           addresses the need for GAA                              design performance, and the ability of                requirement (and not the ACLR)
                                           coordination through a voluntary                        CBSD and End User Devices to                          determines the amount of emission
                                           approach to be administered by the                      minimize the addition of in-band noise                reduction.
                                           SASs. The Commission anticipates that                   affecting other users of the band. The                   111. Discussion. After review of the
                                           the SAS Administrators will play an                     Commission denied petitions for                       record, the Commission concludes, first,
                                           active role in facilitating GAA                         reconsideration that sought changes to                that it should make no changes to the
                                           coordination, and bases its expectation                 these limits in 2016.                                 OOBE limits outside the 3.5 GHz band,
                                           that a voluntary mechanism will be                         109. In the 2017 NPRM, the                         specifically at or beyond the 3550 and
                                           successful in part on SAS involvement.                  Commission sought comment on two                      3700 MHz band edges. Second, it is not
                                              106. The Commission also anticipates                 alternative emission masks to address                 convinced that any change is needed in
                                           that disclosure of aggregate information                concerns about the need to reduce                     the emissions mask for Category A and
                                           on spectrum availability will be                        transmit power for channels wider than                B CBSDs to facilitate next generation
                                           sufficient in many cases to help                        10 megahertz under the emissions mask                 wireless deployments, including 5G
                                           interested parties identify potential                   set forth in § 96.41(e) of the                        channels up to 40 megahertz wide.
                                           secondary market opportunities, and                     Commission’s rules. Both alternative                  Third, it finds that some relaxation in
                                           that the SASs will help facilitate                      emission masks would extend the width                 the emissions mask for uplinks from
                                           secondary market transactions in other                  of the ¥13 dBm/MHz transition step.                   End User Devices is warranted to
                                           ways that do not require disaggregated                  Instead of the fixed 10 megahertz wide                accommodate wider bandwidths. This
                                           disclosure. Further, parties can directly               transition step in § 96.41(e)(1), each                change will help facilitate wide-network
                                           contact the Priority Access Licensees in                alternative emission mask would extend                deployments, consistent with the other
                                           a particular license area (which will be                the total transition bandwidth to be the              changes adopted herein.
                                           a matter of public record) for that                     bandwidth (B) of the fundamental                         112. There is little in the record to
                                           purpose. Indeed, even if the                            transmission in megahertz. The first                  suggest that changes in the OOBE limits
                                           Commission continued to mandate                         alternative emission mask (the                        outside the 3.5 GHz band are necessary
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                                           disclosure of anonymized CBSD data, it                  Qualcomm Mask) has a single transition                to accommodate signals having wide
                                           would still generally be necessary to                   step at a level of ¥13 dBm/MHz. The                   bandwidths. Indeed, many commenters
                                           determine from the licensees in an area                 second alternative emission mask (the                 argue that there should be no relaxation
                                           (either directly or through SAS                         Graduated Mask) has two steps with a                  of the emissions limits outside the 3.5
                                           facilitation) whether a particular                      steeper reduction of adjacent emission                GHz band. The existing OOBE limits
                                           licensee has unused PAL spectrum it is                  power, ¥13 dBm/MHz from 0 to B/2                      outside the 3.5 GHz band were adopted

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                                           63094             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 235 / Friday, December 7, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                           to ensure interference protection for                   over some frequency range, with                       variability in the ability of multiple
                                           fixed satellite services operating above                reductions at particular points (i.e., 10             contiguous channels at any given
                                           the band and federal operations below                   megahertz outside the channel). In its                location because it will depend on
                                           the band. These important adjacent                      March 14, 2018 filing, Qualcomm                       factors such as which channels have
                                           band coexistence issues have not                        demonstrated that for End User Devices,               different licensees and the extent of
                                           changed since the rules were adopted                    neither the Qualcomm Mask nor the                     other deployments in the band.
                                           and, as such, there is no need to                       Graduated Mask is sufficient, in some                    117. Finally, the Commission corrects
                                           reconsider the Commission’s prior                       cases, to ensure that adjacent channel                a typographic error in a paragraph
                                           findings on this matter.                                leakage is at least 30 dB below the                   reference in § 96.41(e)(2) of its rules,
                                              113. In addition, the Commission                     fundamental channel power (i.e., 3GPP                 which should reference paragraph (e)(1)
                                           finds that no changes to the emission                   ACLR limit of 30 dB). This necessitates               instead of (d)(1).
                                           limits for CBSDs are needed.                            maximum power reduction based on an                   IV. Procedural Matters
                                           Qualcomm’s proposal is focused solely                   ACLR limit, to ensure that adjacent
                                           on End User Devices and there were no                   channel emission power is sufficiently                  118. Paperwork Reduction Analysis.—
                                           other technical showings that would                     minimized. Qualcomm performed                         This Report and Order contains new
                                           support relaxation of the emissions                     software simulation of End User Device                and modified information collection
                                           limits for CBSDs. Indeed, equipment                     transmitter emission performance for                  requirements subject to the Paperwork
                                           vendors argue that no change to the                     many combinations of uplink sub-                      Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA), Public
                                           emission limits are necessary because                   carrier assignments, for inner channels,              Law 104–13. It will be submitted to the
                                           current technologies can meet the                       for edge channels, and for different                  Office of Management and Budget
                                           existing limits and the existing rules                  configurations of contiguous and non-                 (OMB) for review under section 3507(d)
                                           allow higher power with wider                           contiguous spectrum assignments. Their                of the PRA. OMB, the general public,
                                           bandwidth, which helps counteract the                   analysis showed the power back-off                    and other Federal agencies will be
                                           need for a reduction in power. The                      required to meet 3GPP performance                     invited to comment on the new and
                                           Commission believes their comments                      standards for edge channels and inner                 modified information collection
                                           were in the context of CBSDs (i.e., base                channels, for the current mask, the                   requirements contained in the
                                           stations).                                              Qualcomm Mask, and the Graduated                      proceeding. In addition, the
                                              114. The Commission is aware that it                 Mask. Based on this analysis, the                     Commission notes that pursuant to the
                                           is generally easier to employ                           Commission believes that adopting the                 Small Business Paperwork Relief Act of
                                           linearization techniques and better                     two emission requirements assessed by                 2002, it previously sought specific
                                           filtering in CBSDs to achieve low out-of-               Qualcomm—the Qualcomm emission                        comment on how we might ‘‘further
                                           channel emissions because they operate                  mask and ACLR—would allow for wider                   reduce the information collection
                                           off external electrical power and are less                                                                    burden for small business concerns with
                                                                                                   transmission bandwidths, and ensure
                                           constrained by space limitations in the                                                                       fewer than 25 employees.’’ It has
                                                                                                   that in-band noise is appropriately
                                           device as compared to End User                                                                                described impacts that might affect
                                                                                                   limited for all End User Devices, not just
                                           Devices. Accordingly, the Commission                                                                          small businesses, which includes most
                                                                                                   3GPP user equipment. Therefore, it
                                           is maintaining the existing OOBE limits                                                                       businesses with fewer than 25
                                                                                                   adopts the Qualcomm Mask and an
                                           for CBSDs.                                                                                                    employees, in the Final Regulatory
                                              115. There is justification for relaxing             adjacent channel leakage requirement of
                                                                                                   ¥30 dBc for End User Devices.                         Flexibility Analysis (FRFA), in
                                           the OOBE limits within the 3.5 GHz                                                                            Appendix B of the Report and Order.
                                           band for End User Devices to                               116. Some commenters expressed                       119. Congressional Review Act.—The
                                           accommodate bandwidths wider than                       concern that changes to the emission                  Commission will send a copy of this
                                           ten megahertz. The Commission adopts                    limits could make some channels in the                Report and Order to Congress and the
                                           the Qualcomm Mask and an adjacent                       band (i.e., those furthest from the band              Government Accountability Office
                                           channel leakage requirement of ¥30                      edges) more desirable than others.                    pursuant to the Congressional Review
                                           dBc for End User Devices, because                       While wider bandwidth operations                      Act, see 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A).
                                           Qualcomm’s analysis showed that ¥30                     using spectrum near the upper and                       120. Regulatory Flexibility Act.—The
                                           dBc, a 3GPP standard, in addition to the                lower edges of the 3.5 GHz band may                   Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980, as
                                           Qualcomm Mask, would limit the total                    need to make adjustments—including                    amended (RFA), requires that an agency
                                           emission power that affects adjacent                    operating at lower power—to use those                 prepare a regulatory flexibility analysis
                                           channels. While most commenters                         parts of the band, the Commission does                for notice and comment rulemakings,
                                           support the Qualcomm Mask rather than                   not believe this makes these parts of the             unless the agency certifies that ‘‘the rule
                                           the Graduated Mask, the Commission is                   band any less usable. The 3.5 GHz band                will not, if promulgated, have a
                                           concerned that the Qualcomm Mask, by                    will likely be used by a variety of                   significant economic impact on a
                                           itself, may lead to a higher level of                   different operators, each with unique                 substantial number of small entities.’’
                                           OOBE than necessary to accommodate                      spectrum needs. These operators should                Accordingly, the Commission has
                                           wider bandwidths with little or no                      have the flexibility to use the band at a             prepared a FRFA, set forth in Appendix
                                           power reduction. The Commission also                    variety of different bandwidths and                   B of the Report and Order, concerning
                                           believes that much of the equipment                     operational power levels suited to their              the possible impact of the rule changes.
                                           that will be used in this band will be                  particular business. For example, parties
                                           designed to meet 3GPP standards. The                    seeking to use the lower 10 megahertz                 V. Ordering Clauses
                                           3GPP standards are based on an                          channel may also seek to use it together                121. Accordingly, it is ordered that,
                                           adjacent channel leakage ratio (ACLR) of                with adjacent channels for wider                      pursuant to Sections 1, 2, 4(i), 4(j), 5(c),
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                                           30 dBc for End User Devices, as well as                 aggregated bandwidth. They can also                   302, 303, 304, 307(e), and 316 of the
                                           a spectrum emission mask. The value of                  choose to employ devices with better                  Communications Act of 1934, as
                                           ACLR is a measure of the total power in                 filtering, slightly reduce power, or                  amended, 47 U.S.C. 151, 152, 154(i),
                                           the adjacent channel, as opposed to an                  aggregate non-contiguous individual                   154(j), 155(c), 302, 303, 304, 307(e), and
                                           emission mask that specifies a                          channels. The Commission is also                      316, this Report and Order in GN
                                           (typically) flat (per-megahertz) limit                  cognizant that there is apt to be wide                Docket No. 17–258 is hereby adopted.

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                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 235 / Friday, December 7, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                             63095

                                              122. It is further ordered that the                  Services (part 101, subpart G, of this                comply with paragraphs (d) through (h)
                                           amendments of the Commission’s rules                    chapter); 218–219 MHz Service (part 95,               of this section. All other Covered
                                           as set forth in the Final Rules section                 subpart F, of this chapter); 220–222                  Geographic Licenses must comply with
                                           are adopted, effective thirty (30) days                 MHz Service, excluding public safety                  paragraphs (d) through (h) of this
                                           after publication in the Federal                        licenses (part 90, subpart T, of this                 section beginning on January 1, 2023.
                                           Register. Sections 96.23(a), 96.25(b)(4),               chapter); 600 MHz Service (part 27,                   Common Carrier Fixed Point-to-Point
                                           and 96.32(b) contain new or modified                    subpart N); 700 MHz Commercial                        Microwave Service (part 101, subpart I)
                                           information collection requirements that                Services (part 27, subparts F and H); 700             must comply with paragraphs (d)
                                           require review by the Office of                         MHz Guard Band Service (part 27,                      through (h) of this section beginning on
                                           Management and Budget (OMB) under                       subpart G); 800 MHz Specialized Mobile                October 1, 2018.
                                           the Paperwork Reduction Act. The                        Radio Service (part 90, subpart S); 900               *     *     *     *     *
                                           Commission directs the Bureau to                        MHz Specialized Mobile Radio Service
                                           announce the effective date of those                    (part 90, subpart S); Advanced Wireless               PART 96—CITIZENS BROADBAND
                                           information collections in a document                   Services (part 27, subparts K and L);                 RADIO SERVICE
                                           published in the Federal Register after                 Air-Ground Radiotelephone Service
                                           the Commission receives OMB                             (Commercial Aviation) (part 22, subpart               ■ 4. The authority citation for part 96
                                           approval, and directs the Bureau to                     G, of this chapter); Broadband Personal               continues to read as follows:
                                           cause §§ 96.23(d), 96.25(b)(5), and                     Communications Service (part 24,                          Authority: 47 U.S.C. 154(i), 303, and 307.
                                           96.32(d) to be revised accordingly.                     subpart E, of this chapter); Broadband                ■ 5. Amend § 96.3 by:
                                              123. It is further ordered that the                  Radio Service (part 27, subpart M);                   ■ a. Adding the definitions of ‘‘Adjacent
                                           Commission’s Consumer and                               Cellular Radiotelephone Service (part                 Channel Leakage Ratio’’ and
                                           Governmental Affairs Bureau, Reference                  22, subpart H); Citizens Broadband                    ‘‘Aggregated Channel Bandwidth’’ in
                                           Information Center, shall send a copy of                Radio Service (part 96, subpart C, of this            alphabetical order;
                                           this Report and Order, including the                    chapter); Dedicated Short Range                       ■ b. Removing the definition of ‘‘Census
                                           Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis, to               Communications Service, excluding                     tract’’;
                                           the Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the                   public safety licenses (part 90, subpart
                                                                                                                                                         ■ c. Adding the definitions of ‘‘County’’
                                           Small Business Administration.                          M); H Block Service (part 27, subpart K);
                                                                                                                                                         in alphabetical order; and
                                              124. It is further ordered that this                 Local Multipoint Distribution Service
                                                                                                                                                         ■ d. Revising the definition of ‘‘License
                                           Report and Order shall be sent to                       (part 101, subpart L); Multichannel
                                           Congress and the Government                             Video Distribution and Data Service
                                                                                                                                                            The additions and revision read as
                                           Accountability Office pursuant to the                   (part 101, subpart P); Multilateration
                                           Congressional Review Act, see 5 U.S.C.                  Location and Monitoring Service (part
                                           801(a)(1)(A).                                           90, subpart M); Multiple Address                      § 96.3   Definitions.
                                                                                                   Systems (EAs) (part 101, subpart O);                  *     *      *     *      *
                                           List of Subjects in 47 CFR Parts 1 and
                                                                                                   Narrowband Personal Communications                       Adjacent Channel Leakage Ratio. The
                                                                                                   Service (part 24, subpart D); Paging and              Adjacent Channel Leakage Ratio (ACLR)
                                               Telecommunications, Radio.                          Radiotelephone Service (part 22,                      is the ratio of the filtered mean power
                                           Federal Communications Commission.                      subpart E; part 90, subpart P); VHF                   over the assigned Aggregated Channel
                                           Katura Jackson,                                         Public Coast Stations, including                      Bandwidth to the filtered mean power
                                           Federal Register Liaison Officer, Office of the         Automated Maritime                                    over the equivalent adjacent channel
                                           Secretary.                                              Telecommunications Systems (part 80,                  bandwidth. The power in the assigned
                                                                                                   subpart J, of this chapter); Upper                    Aggregated Channel Bandwidth and its
                                           Final Rules                                             Microwave Flexible Use Service (part 30               equivalent adjacent channel bandwidth
                                             For the reasons discussed in the                      of this chapter); and Wireless                        are measured with rectangular filters
                                           preamble, the Federal Communications                    Communications Service (part 27,                      with measurement bandwidths equal to
                                           Commission amends 47 CFR parts 1 and                    subpart D).                                           the Aggregated Channel Bandwidth.
                                           part 96 as follows:                                     *     *     *     *     *                                Aggregated Channel Bandwidth. The
                                                                                                   ■ 3. Amend § 1.949 by revising                        Aggregated Channel Bandwidth is the
                                           PART 1—PRACTICE AND                                                                                           bandwidth of a single channel, or in the
                                                                                                   paragraph (c) to read as follows:
                                           PROCEDURE                                                                                                     case of multiple contiguous channels,
                                                                                                   § 1.949 Application for renewal of                    the bandwidth between the upper and
                                           ■ 1. The authority citation for part 1 is               authorization.
                                           revised to read as follows:                                                                                   lower limits of the combined contiguous
                                                                                                   *     *     *    *      *                             channels.
                                             Authority: 47 U.S.C. chs. 2, 5, 9, 13; Sec.             (c) Implementation. Covered Site-
                                           102(c), Div. P, Public Law 115–141, 132 Stat.                                                                 *     *      *     *      *
                                                                                                   based Licenses, except Common Carrier                    County. For purposes of this part,
                                           1084; 28 U.S.C. 2461, unless otherwise noted.           Fixed Point-to-Point Microwave Service                counties shall be defined using the
                                           ■ 2. Amend § 1.907 by revising the                      (part 101, subpart I, of this chapter), and           United States Census Bureau’s data
                                           definition of ‘‘Covered Geographic                      Covered Geographic Licenses in the 600                reflecting county legal boundaries and
                                           Licenses’’ to read as follows:                          MHz Service (part 27, subpart N, of this              names valid through January 1, 2017.
                                                                                                   chapter); 700 MHz Commercial Services
                                           § 1.907   Definitions.                                  (part 27, subpart F); Advanced Wireless               *     *      *     *      *
                                           *     *     *    *       *                              Services (part 27, subpart L) (AWS–3                     License area. The geographic
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                                             Covered Geographic Licenses.                          (1695–1710 MHz, 1755–1780 MHz, and                    component of a PAL. A License Area
                                           Covered Geographic Licenses consist of                  2155–2180 MHz) and AWS–4 (2000–                       consists of one county.
                                           the following services: 1.4 GHz Service                 2020 MHz and 2180–2200 MHz) only);                    *     *      *     *      *
                                           (part 27, subpart I, of this chapter); 1.6              Citizens Broadband Radio Service (part                ■ 6. Amend § 96.23 by revising
                                           GHz Service (part 27, subpart J); 24 GHz                96, subpart C, of this chapter); and H                paragraph (a) introductory text and
                                           Service and Digital Electronic Message                  Block Service (part 27, subpart K) must               adding paragraph (d) to read as follows:

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                                           63096             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 235 / Friday, December 7, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                           § 96.23   Authorization.                                CBSDs or on deployments that are not                  controlling interests, and the affiliates of
                                              (a) An applicant must file an                        reflected in SAS records of CBSD                      its controlling interests, has average
                                           application for an initial PAL.                         registrations.                                        gross revenues not exceeding $20
                                           Applications for PALs must:                                (i) Safe harbor for mobile or point-to-            million for the preceding three (3) years.
                                           *      *    *      *    *                               multipoint service. A Priority Access                    (b) Eligible rural service provider. For
                                              (d) Paragraph (a) of this section                    Licensee providing a mobile service or                purposes of this section, an eligible
                                           contains information-collection and                     point-to-multipoint service may                       rural service provider is an entity that
                                           recordkeeping requirements.                             demonstrate substantial service by                    meets the criteria specified in
                                           Compliance will not be required until                   showing that it provides signal coverage              § 1.2110(f)(4) of this chapter.
                                           after approval by the Office of                         and offers service, either to customers or
                                                                                                   for internal use, over at least 50 percent               (c) Bidding credits. (1) A winning
                                           Management and Budget. The                                                                                    bidder that qualifies as a small business
                                           Commission will publish a document in                   of the population in the license area.
                                                                                                      (ii) Safe harbor for fixed point-to-               as defined in this section or a
                                           the Federal Register announcing that                                                                          consortium of small businesses may use
                                           compliance date and revising this                       point service. A Priority Access
                                                                                                   Licensee providing a fixed point-to-                  a bidding credit of 15 percent, as
                                           paragraph (d) accordingly.                                                                                    specified in § 1.2110(f)(2)(i)(C) of this
                                                                                                   point service may demonstrate
                                           ■ 7. Amend § 96.25 by revising                                                                                chapter. A winning bidder that qualifies
                                                                                                   substantial service by showing that it
                                           paragraph (b)(3) and adding paragraphs                  has constructed and operates at least                 as a very small business as defined in
                                           (b)(4) and (5) to read as follows:                      four links, either to customers or for                this section or a consortium of very
                                           § 96.25   Priority access licenses.                     internal use, in license areas with                   small businesses may use a bidding
                                                                                                   134,000 population or less and in                     credit of 25 percent, as specified in
                                           *      *    *     *     *                                                                                     § 1.2110(f)(2)(i)(B) of this chapter.
                                              (b) * * *                                            license areas with greater population, a
                                              (3) License term. Each PAL has a ten-                minimum number of links equal to the                     (2) An entity that qualifies as eligible
                                           year license term. Licensees must file a                population of the license area divided                rural service provider or a consortium of
                                           renewal application in accordance with                  by 33,500 and rounded up to the nearest               rural service providers who has not
                                           the provisions of § 1.949 of this chapter.              whole number. To satisfy this provision,              claimed a small business bidding credit
                                              (4) Performance requirement. Priority                such links must operate using registered              may use a bidding credit of 15 percent,
                                           Access Licensees must provide                           Category B CBSDs.                                     as specified in § 1.2110(f)(4) of this
                                           substantial service in their license area                  (5) Compliance date. Paragraph (b)(4)              chapter.
                                           by the end of the initial license term.                 of this section contains information-
                                                                                                   collection and recordkeeping                          ■ 11. Amend § 96.32 by revising
                                           ‘‘Substantial’’ service is defined as                                                                         paragraph (b) and adding paragraph (d)
                                           service which is sound, favorable, and                  requirements. Compliance will not be
                                                                                                   required until after approval by the                  to read as follows:
                                           substantially above the level of
                                           mediocre service which might                            Office of Management and Budget. The                  § 96.32 Priority access assignments of
                                           minimally warrant renewal. Failure by                   Commission will publish a document in                 authorization, transfer of control, and
                                           any licensee to meet this requirement                   the Federal Register announcing that                  leasing arrangements.
                                           will result in forfeiture of the license                compliance date and revising this                     *      *     *    *     *
                                           without further Commission action, and                  paragraph (b)(5) accordingly.
                                                                                                                                                            (b) Priority Access Licensees may
                                           the licensee will be ineligible to regain               *       *    *    *      *                            partition or disaggregate their licenses
                                           it. Licensees shall demonstrate                         § 96.27   [Removed and Reserved]                      and partially assign or transfer their
                                           compliance with the performance                                                                               licenses pursuant to § 1.950 of this
                                           requirement by filing a construction                    ■ 8. Remove and reserve § 96.27.                      chapter and may enter into de facto
                                           notification with the Commission in                     ■ 9. Section 96.29 is revised to read as              transfer leasing arrangements for a
                                           accordance with the provisions set forth                follows:                                              portion of their licensed spectrum
                                           in § 1.946(d) of this chapter. The                      § 96.29   Competitive bidding procedures.             pursuant to part 1 of this chapter.
                                           licensee must certify whether it has met                                                                      *      *     *    *     *
                                                                                                     Mutually exclusive initial
                                           the performance requirement, and file
                                                                                                   applications for PALs are subject to                     (d) Paragraph (b) of this section
                                           supporting documentation, including
                                                                                                   competitive bidding. The general                      contains information-collection and
                                           description and demonstration of the
                                                                                                   competitive bidding procedures set                    recordkeeping requirements.
                                           bona fide service provided, electronic
                                                                                                   forth in part 1, subpart Q, of this chapter           Compliance will not be required until
                                           maps accurately depicting the
                                                                                                   will apply unless otherwise provided in               after approval by the Office of
                                           boundaries of the license area and
                                                                                                   this subpart.                                         Management and Budget. The
                                           where in the license area the licensee
                                           provides service that meets the                         ■ 10. Section 96.30 is added to read as               Commission will publish a document in
                                           performance requirement, supporting                     follows:                                              the Federal Register announcing that
                                           technical documentation, any                                                                                  compliance date and revising this
                                                                                                   § 96.30 Designated entities in the Citizens
                                           population-related assumptions or data                                                                        paragraph (d) accordingly.
                                                                                                   Broadband Radio Service.
                                           used in determining the population                         (a) Small business. (1) A small                    ■ 12. Amend § 96.41 by revising
                                           covered by a service to the extent any                  business is an entity that, together with             paragraphs (e)(1) and (2) and (e)(3)(i) to
                                           were relied upon, and any other                         its affiliates, its controlling interests,            read as follows:
                                           information the Wireless                                and the affiliates of its controlling
                                                                                                                                                         § 96.41    General radio requirements.
                                           Telecommunications Bureau may                           interests, has average gross revenues not
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with RULES

                                           prescribe by public notice. A licensee’s                exceeding $55 million for the preceding               *     *    *     *   *
                                           showing of substantial service may not                  three (3) years.                                        (e) 3.5 GHz Emissions and
                                           rely on service coverage outside of the                    (2) A very small business is an entity             Interference Limits—(1) General
                                           PAL Protection Areas of registered                      that, together with its affiliates, its               protection levels.

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                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 235 / Friday, December 7, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                              63097

                                              (i) Except as otherwise specified in                 User Device) above the upper CBSD-                    integrated over the full reference
                                           paragraph (e)(2) of this section, for                   assigned channel edge and within 0 to                 bandwidth (i.e., 1 MHz or 1 percent of
                                           channel and frequency assignments                       B megahertz below the lower CBSD-                     emission bandwidth, as specified). The
                                           made by the SAS to CBSDs, the                           assigned channel edge. At all                         fundamental emission bandwidth is
                                           conducted power of any CBSD emission                    frequencies greater than B megahertz                  defined as the width of the signal
                                           outside the fundamental emission                        above the upper CBSD assigned channel                 between two points, one below the
                                           bandwidth as specified in paragraph                     edge and less than B megahertz below                  carrier center frequency and one above
                                           (e)(3) of this section (whether the                     the lower CBSD-assigned channel edge,                 the carrier center frequency, outside of
                                           emission is inside or outside of the                    the conducted power of any End User                   which all emissions are attenuated at
                                           authorized band) shall not exceed ¥13                   Device emission shall not exceed ¥25                  least 26 dB below the transmitter power.
                                           dBm/MHz within 0–10 megahertz above                     dBm/MHz. Notwithstanding the
                                           the upper SAS-assigned channel edge                     emission limits in this paragraph, the                *     *     *     *    *
                                           and within 0–10 megahertz below the                     Adjacent Channel Leakage Ratio for End                ■ 13. Amend § 96.55 by revising
                                           lower SAS-assigned channel edge. At all                 User Devices shall be at least 30 dB.                 paragraph (a)(3) to read as follows:
                                           frequencies greater than 10 megahertz                      (2) Additional protection levels.
                                           above the upper SAS assigned channel                    Notwithstanding paragraph (e)(1) of this              § 96.55 Information gathering and
                                           edge and less than 10 MHz below the                     section, for CBSDs and End User                       retention.
                                           lower SAS assigned channel edge, the                    Devices, the conducted power of                         (a) * * *
                                           conducted power of any CBSD emission                    emissions below 3540 MHz or above
                                           shall not exceed ¥25 dBm/MHz. The                                                                               (3) Upon request, SAS Administrators
                                                                                                   3710 MHz shall not exceed ¥25 dBm/
                                           upper and lower SAS assigned channel                                                                          must make available to the general
                                                                                                   MHz, and the conducted power of
                                           edges are the upper and lower limits of                                                                       public aggregated spectrum usage data
                                                                                                   emissions below 3530 MHz or above
                                           any channel assigned to a CBSD by an                    3720 MHz shall not exceed ¥40dBm/                     for any geographic area. Such
                                           SAS, or in the case of multiple                         MHz.                                                  information must include the total
                                           contiguous channels, the upper and                                                                            available spectrum and the maximum
                                                                                                      (3) Measurement procedure. (i)
                                           lower limits of the combined contiguous                                                                       available contiguous spectrum in the
                                                                                                   Compliance with this provision is based
                                           channels.                                               on the use of measurement                             requested area. SAS Administrators
                                              (ii) Except as otherwise specified in                instrumentation employing a resolution                shall not disclose specific CBSD
                                           paragraph (e)(2) of this section, for                   bandwidth of 1 megahertz or greater.                  registration information to the general
                                           channel and frequency assignments                       However, in the 1 megahertz bands                     public except where such disclosure is
                                           made by a CBSD to End User Devices,                     immediately outside and adjacent to the               authorized by the registrant.
                                           the conducted power of any End User                     licensee’s authorized frequency                       *     *     *     *    *
                                           Device emission outside the                             channel, a resolution bandwidth of no                 [FR Doc. 2018–25795 Filed 12–6–18; 8:45 am]
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                                           fundamental emission (whether in or                     less than one percent of the                          BILLING CODE 6712–01–P
                                           outside of the authorized band) shall not               fundamental emission bandwidth may
                                           exceed ¥13 dBm/MHz within 0 to B                        be employed. A narrower resolution
                                           megahertz (where B is the bandwidth in                  bandwidth is permitted in all cases to
                                           megahertz of the assigned channel or                    improve measurement accuracy

                                           multiple contiguous channels of the End                 provided the measured power is

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Document Created: 2018-12-07 01:52:29
Document Modified: 2018-12-07 01:52:29
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionRules and Regulations
ActionFinal rule.
DatesEffective Date: January 7, 2019.
ContactJessica Greffenius at [email protected], of the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, Mobility Division, (202) 418-2896.
FR Citation83 FR 63076 
CFR Citation47 CFR 1
47 CFR 96
CFR AssociatedTelecommunications and Radio

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