83_FR_63386 83 FR 63151 - Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request

83 FR 63151 - Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request

Census Bureau

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 235 (December 7, 2018)

Page Range63151-63152
FR Document2018-26537

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 235 (Friday, December 7, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 235 (Friday, December 7, 2018)]
[Pages 63151-63152]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-26537]



 Census Bureau

Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request

    The Department of Commerce will submit to the Office of Management 
and Budget (OMB) for clearance the following proposal for collection of 
information under the provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act.
    Agency: U.S. Census Bureau.
    Title: Annual Survey of Manufactures.
    OMB Control Number: 0607-0449.
    Form Number(s): MA-10000.
    Type of Request: Reinstatement, with change of an expired 
    Number of Respondents: 55,000.
    Average Hours per Response: 3.5 hours.
    Burden Hours: 192,500.
    Needs and Uses: The Census Bureau is requesting a reinstatement 
with changes of the expired collection for the Annual Survey of 
Manufactures (ASM). The Census Bureau has conducted the ASM since 1949 
to provide key measures of manufacturing activity during intercensal 
periods. In census years ending in ``2'' and ``7,'' we mail and collect 
the ASM as part of the Economic Census covering the Manufacturing 
    The Census Bureau allowed the previous clearance to lapse since ASM 
inquiries for survey year 2017 (collected in 2018) are cleared as part 
of the 2017 Economic Census (0607-0998). The Census Bureau is 
requesting reinstatement to continue annual collection of the ASM for 
survey years 2018, 2019, and 2020.
    The ASM collects data on employment, payroll, hours, wages of 
production workers, value added by manufacture, cost of materials, 
value of shipments by North American Product Classification System 
(NAPCS) product code, inventories, cost of employer's fringe benefits, 
operating expenses, and expenditures for new and used plant and 
equipment. The Census Bureau tabulates and publishes data for most of 
these items by two-digit through six-digit North American Industry 
Classification System (NAICS) levels. The Census Bureau also publishes 
ASM data by state at the two-through four-digit NAICS levels.
    Federal agencies use ASM data as benchmarks for their statistical 
programs, including the Federal Reserve Board's Index of Industrial 
Production and the Bureau of Economic Analysis' (BEA) National Income 
and Product Accounts. The Department of Energy relies on ASM estimates 
on the use of energy during production in the manufacturing sector. 
These data also are used as benchmark data for the Manufacturing Energy 
Consumption Survey, which is conducted for the Department of Energy by 
the Census Bureau. Within the Census Bureau, the ASM data are used to 
benchmark and reconcile monthly and quarterly estimates of 
manufacturing production and inventories.
    The survey also provides valuable information to private companies, 
research organizations, and trade associations. Industry makes 
extensive use of the annual figures on NAPCS product shipments for 
market analysis, product planning, and investment planning. State 
development and planning agencies rely on ASM data for policymaking, 
planning, and administration.
    The Census Bureau plans to make the following changes to the ASM 
data collection:

a. Elimination of the MA-10000(S)

    The MA-10000(S) questionnaire will be eliminated. Historically, all 
locations of multiple-establishment firms and large single-
establishment firms in the sample were asked to report on the MA-
10000(L) questionnaire. The remaining

[[Page 63152]]

single-establishment firms in the sample were asked to report on the 
MA-10000(S). In 2014, approximately 3,000 out of 51,000 sampled 
establishments received the MA-10000(S). This change will impact less 
than 6% of respondents. The MA-10000(S) was an abbreviated version of 
the MA-10000(L), and collected significantly less detailed data. Data 
not collected on the MA-10000(S) were imputed. Imputation rates and 
estimates will improve by eliminating the MA-10000(S). The MA-10000(L) 
will be renamed MA-10000 and all ASM establishments will be required to 
complete the MA-10000.
    The 2018 ASM will include two paths. The multiple-establishment 
firms will receive a questionnaire path that includes spreadsheet 
functionality. Firms will be able to enter data for their locations in 
a form view or select the spreadsheet option. Respondents have the 
ability to download, export, and import their spreadsheets. Respondents 
will have the option to ``add locations'' if there are establishments 
not listed for their firm. The path for single-establishment firms does 
not include spreadsheet functionality, or the ability to ``add 
locations''. The multiple-establishment path includes instructions and 
a question related to interplant transfers; single-establishment firms 
do not have interplant transfers.

b. Elimination of Item 5B, Exports and Item 11, Inventories Outside the 

    Item 5B, Exports and Item 11, Inventories Outside the U.S. are no 
longer needed by either the International Trade Administration (ITA) or 
the Bureau of Economic Analysis. The elimination of these items was not 
documented in the ASM pre-submission notice dated July 13, 2018, 
because the decision was made after the notice was published in the 
Federal Register. Eliminating collection of these items has no impact 
on data users since these data items were not published as part of the 
ASM. Historically, exports data was used to publish the Exports from 
Manufacturing report, funded by ITA. This report was published by the 
U.S. Census Bureau and sponsored by ITA. https://www.census.gov/manufacturing/exports/. The Exports from Manufacturing report was 
discontinued by ITA in 2012, due to lack of funding.

c. Addition of Item 17, Principal Business Activity

    Item 17, Principal Business Activity on the MA-10000 will ask the 
respondent to identify their principal kind of business or activity. 
The question will pre-list suggested six-digit NAICS codes and 
descriptions for each establishment. The respondent will have the 
option to select the pre-listed NAICS that describes their principal 
business activity or to ``write-in'' their principal business activity 
if the pre-listed NAICS does not apply. Adding this question will help 
the Census Bureau identify out-of-scope establishments that do not 
conduct manufacturing activities and establishments which are 
classified in an incorrect manufacturing industry.

d. Change in Item 22, Product Classification

    Previously, Item 22, Details of Sales Shipments Receipts or Revenue 
was collected on a NAICS basis. Beginning with the 2018 ASM, the 
collection of Item 22 will be based on the North American Product 
Classification System (NAPCS). NAPCS is a comprehensive demand-based 
hierarchical classification system for products that is not industry-
of-origin based, but can be linked to the NAICS industry structure, and 
is consistent across the three North American countries. The primary 
objective of this product classification change is to identify, define, 
and classify the outputs produced and transacted (sold, transferred, or 
placed in inventory) by the reporting units within each industry 
regardless of their designation (intermediate or final). https://www.census.gov/eos/www/napcs/.

e. Elimination of Item 22, Miscellaneous Receipts

    Due to the implementation of NAPCS, it is unnecessary to collect 
Miscellaneous Receipts. In previous ASM survey years, products were 
collected using only manufacturing sector NAICS codes. Non-
manufacturing sector products, produced by manufacturing establishments 
were classified as Miscellaneous Receipts, which included contract 
work, resales, and other. NAPCS is an economy-wide solution, which 
allows ASM respondents to classify out of sector products in valid 
NAPCS codes.

f. Addition of Item 28, Special Inquiry on Robotic Use

    Add a new Special Inquiry, Item 28 on basic robotic use in 
manufacturing to gauge the prevalence of robotics use in the 
manufacturing sector across different geographies and by firm size. 
Questions will be added to collect the number of industrial robots in 
operation, the number of industrial robots purchased, and the value of 
capital expenditures for robotic equipment.

g. Item 29, Burden Estimate

    Firms will be asked to provide an estimate of how long it took to 
complete the MA-10000 questionnaire. Responses to this question will be 
used to re-evaluate the burden hours we impose on respondents, given 
the various question additions, changes and deletions we are making. 
The Census Bureau will submit a nonsubstantive change request to revise 
the burden of this collection if analysis indicates a change. Efforts 
to analyze paradata to assess burden are currently being evaluated. ASM 
instrument paradata shows time logged-in and patterns of movement 
through the instrument, but not time spent reviewing instructions and 
gathering the necessary data. Nor does it provide an indication of idle 
time while the respondent is logged in. Paradata can help the Census 
Bureau calculate the time spent in the instrument but may not be a true 
reflection of respondent burden.
    Affected Public: Businesses or other for-profit.
    Frequency: Annually.
    Respondent's Obligation: Mandatory.
    Legal Authority: Title 13 U.S.C., Sections 131 and 182.
    This information collection request may be viewed at 
www.reginfo.gov. Follow the instructions to view Department of Commerce 
collections currently under review by OMB.
    Written comments and recommendations for the proposed information 
collection should be sent within 30 days of publication of this notice 
to [email protected] or fax to (202)395-5806.

Sheleen Dumas,
Departmental Lead PRA Officer, Office of the Chief Information Officer, 
Commerce Department.
[FR Doc. 2018-26537 Filed 12-6-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                          Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 235 / Friday, December 7, 2018 / Notices                                           63151

                                             Substation: A new 50- to 70-mile                        project on historic properties. Pursuant              Economic Census covering the
                                             (depending on the final route) 345-kV                   to 36 CFR 800.2(d)(3), RUS is using its               Manufacturing Sector.
                                             transmission line;                                      procedures for public involvement                        The Census Bureau allowed the
                                                h. At the Mississippi River in                       under NEPA to meet its responsibilities               previous clearance to lapse since ASM
                                             Cassville, Wisconsin: A rebuild and                     to solicit and consider the views of the              inquiries for survey year 2017 (collected
                                             possible relocation of the existing                     public during section 106 review. Any                 in 2018) are cleared as part of the 2017
                                             Mississippi River transmission line                     party wishing to participate more                     Economic Census (0607–0998). The
                                             crossing to accommodate the new 345-                    directly with RUS as a ‘‘consulting                   Census Bureau is requesting
                                             kV transmission line and Dairyland’s                    party’’ in section 106 review may                     reinstatement to continue annual
                                             161-kV transmission line, and which                     submit a written request to the RUS                   collection of the ASM for survey years
                                             would be capable of operating at 345-                   contact provided in this notice.                      2018, 2019, and 2020.
                                             kV/345-kV but will initially be operated                   The proposed project involves                         The ASM collects data on
                                             at 345-kV/161-kV;                                       unavoidable impacts to wetlands and                   employment, payroll, hours, wages of
                                                1. depending on the final route and                  floodplains; this Notice of Availability              production workers, value added by
                                             the Mississippi River crossing locations:               also serves as a statement of no                      manufacture, cost of materials, value of
                                                i. A new 161-kV terminal and                         practicable alternatives to impacts on                shipments by North American Product
                                             transmission line protective relaying                   wetlands and floodplains, in accordance               Classification System (NAPCS) product
                                             upgrades within the existing Nelson                     with Executive Orders 11990 and 11988,                code, inventories, cost of employer’s
                                             Dewey Substation in Cassville,                          respectively.                                         fringe benefits, operating expenses, and
                                             Wisconsin;                                                 Any final action by RUS related to the             expenditures for new and used plant
                                                ii. a replaced or reinforced structure               proposed project will be subject to, and              and equipment. The Census Bureau
                                             within the Stoneman Substation in                       contingent upon, compliance with all                  tabulates and publishes data for most of
                                             Cassville, Wisconsin;                                   relevant Federal, State and local                     these items by two-digit through six-
                                                iii. multiple, partial, or complete                  environmental laws and regulations,                   digit North American Industry
                                             rebuilds of existing 69-kV and 138-kV                   and completion of the environmental                   Classification System (NAICS) levels.
                                             transmission lines in Wisconsin that                    review requirements as prescribed in                  The Census Bureau also publishes ASM
                                             would be collocated with the new 345-                   the RUS Environmental Policies and                    data by state at the two-through four-
                                             kV line;                                                Procedures (7 CFR part 1970).                         digit NAICS levels.
                                                i. At the existing Turkey River                                                                               Federal agencies use ASM data as
                                             Substation in Dubuque County, Iowa:                       Dated: November 8, 2018.                            benchmarks for their statistical
                                             Two 161-/69-kV transformers, four 161-                  Christopher A. McLean,                                programs, including the Federal Reserve
                                             kV circuit breakers, and five 69-kV                     Assistant Administrator, Electric Programs,           Board’s Index of Industrial Production
                                             circuit breakers; and                                   Rural Utilities Service.                              and the Bureau of Economic Analysis’
                                                j. At the existing Hickory Creek                     [FR Doc. 2018–26558 Filed 12–6–18; 8:45 am]           (BEA) National Income and Product
                                             Substation in Dubuque County, Iowa: A                   BILLING CODE 3410–15–P                                Accounts. The Department of Energy
                                             new 345-kV terminal within the existing                                                                       relies on ASM estimates on the use of
                                             Hickory Creek Substation.                                                                                     energy during production in the
                                                Among the alternatives addressed in                  DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE                                manufacturing sector. These data also
                                             the Draft EIS is the No Action                                                                                are used as benchmark data for the
                                             alternative, under which the proposed                   Census Bureau                                         Manufacturing Energy Consumption
                                             project would not be undertaken.                                                                              Survey, which is conducted for the
                                             Additional alternatives addressed in the                Submission for OMB Review;                            Department of Energy by the Census
                                             Draft EIS include six action alternatives               Comment Request                                       Bureau. Within the Census Bureau, the
                                             connecting the Cardinal Station in                         The Department of Commerce will                    ASM data are used to benchmark and
                                             Wisconsin with the Hickory Creek                        submit to the Office of Management and                reconcile monthly and quarterly
                                             Station in Iowa. RUS has carefully                      Budget (OMB) for clearance the                        estimates of manufacturing production
                                             studied public health and safety,                       following proposal for collection of                  and inventories.
                                             environmental impacts, and engineering                  information under the provisions of the                  The survey also provides valuable
                                             aspects of the proposed project.                        Paperwork Reduction Act.                              information to private companies,
                                                RUS used input provided by                              Agency: U.S. Census Bureau.                        research organizations, and trade
                                             government agencies, private                               Title: Annual Survey of Manufactures.              associations. Industry makes extensive
                                             organizations, and the public in the                       OMB Control Number: 0607–0449.                     use of the annual figures on NAPCS
                                             preparation of the Draft EIS. RUS will                     Form Number(s): MA–10000.                          product shipments for market analysis,
                                             prepare a Final EIS that considers all                     Type of Request: Reinstatement, with               product planning, and investment
                                             comments received on the Draft EIS.                     change of an expired collection.                      planning. State development and
                                             Following the 30 calendar day comment                      Number of Respondents: 55,000.                     planning agencies rely on ASM data for
                                             period for the Final EIS, RUS will                         Average Hours per Response: 3.5                    policymaking, planning, and
                                             prepare a Record of Decision (ROD).                     hours.                                                administration.
                                             Notices announcing the availability of                     Burden Hours: 192,500.                                The Census Bureau plans to make the
                                             the Final EIS and the ROD will be                          Needs and Uses: The Census Bureau                  following changes to the ASM data
                                             published in the Federal Register and in                is requesting a reinstatement with                    collection:
                                             local newspapers.                                       changes of the expired collection for the
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES

                                                In accordance with section 106 of the                Annual Survey of Manufactures (ASM).                  a. Elimination of the MA–10000(S)
                                             National Historic Preservation Act and                  The Census Bureau has conducted the                      The MA–10000(S) questionnaire will
                                             its implementing regulation, ‘‘Protection               ASM since 1949 to provide key                         be eliminated. Historically, all locations
                                             of Historic Properties’’ (36 CFR part 800)              measures of manufacturing activity                    of multiple-establishment firms and
                                             and as part of its broad environmental                  during intercensal periods. In census                 large single-establishment firms in the
                                             review process, RUS must take into                      years ending in ‘‘2’’ and ‘‘7,’’ we mail              sample were asked to report on the MA–
                                             account the effect of the proposed                      and collect the ASM as part of the                    10000(L) questionnaire. The remaining

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                                             63152                        Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 235 / Friday, December 7, 2018 / Notices

                                             single-establishment firms in the sample                kind of business or activity. The                     capital expenditures for robotic
                                             were asked to report on the MA–                         question will pre-list suggested six-digit            equipment.
                                             10000(S). In 2014, approximately 3,000                  NAICS codes and descriptions for each
                                                                                                                                                           g. Item 29, Burden Estimate
                                             out of 51,000 sampled establishments                    establishment. The respondent will
                                             received the MA–10000(S). This change                   have the option to select the pre-listed                Firms will be asked to provide an
                                             will impact less than 6% of                             NAICS that describes their principal                  estimate of how long it took to complete
                                             respondents. The MA–10000(S) was an                     business activity or to ‘‘write-in’’ their            the MA–10000 questionnaire. Responses
                                             abbreviated version of the MA–                          principal business activity if the pre-               to this question will be used to re-
                                             10000(L), and collected significantly                   listed NAICS does not apply. Adding                   evaluate the burden hours we impose on
                                             less detailed data. Data not collected on               this question will help the Census                    respondents, given the various question
                                             the MA–10000(S) were imputed.                           Bureau identify out-of-scope                          additions, changes and deletions we are
                                             Imputation rates and estimates will                     establishments that do not conduct                    making. The Census Bureau will submit
                                             improve by eliminating the MA–                          manufacturing activities and                          a nonsubstantive change request to
                                             10000(S). The MA–10000(L) will be                       establishments which are classified in                revise the burden of this collection if
                                             renamed MA–10000 and all ASM                            an incorrect manufacturing industry.                  analysis indicates a change. Efforts to
                                             establishments will be required to                                                                            analyze paradata to assess burden are
                                                                                                     d. Change in Item 22, Product
                                             complete the MA–10000.                                                                                        currently being evaluated. ASM
                                                The 2018 ASM will include two                        Classification
                                                                                                                                                           instrument paradata shows time logged-
                                             paths. The multiple-establishment firms                    Previously, Item 22, Details of Sales              in and patterns of movement through
                                             will receive a questionnaire path that                  Shipments Receipts or Revenue was                     the instrument, but not time spent
                                             includes spreadsheet functionality.                     collected on a NAICS basis. Beginning                 reviewing instructions and gathering the
                                             Firms will be able to enter data for their              with the 2018 ASM, the collection of                  necessary data. Nor does it provide an
                                             locations in a form view or select the                  Item 22 will be based on the North                    indication of idle time while the
                                             spreadsheet option. Respondents have                    American Product Classification System                respondent is logged in. Paradata can
                                             the ability to download, export, and                    (NAPCS). NAPCS is a comprehensive                     help the Census Bureau calculate the
                                             import their spreadsheets. Respondents                  demand-based hierarchical                             time spent in the instrument but may
                                             will have the option to ‘‘add locations’’               classification system for products that is            not be a true reflection of respondent
                                             if there are establishments not listed for              not industry-of-origin based, but can be              burden.
                                             their firm. The path for single-                        linked to the NAICS industry structure,                 Affected Public: Businesses or other
                                             establishment firms does not include                    and is consistent across the three North              for-profit.
                                             spreadsheet functionality, or the ability               American countries. The primary                         Frequency: Annually.
                                             to ‘‘add locations’’. The multiple-                     objective of this product classification                Respondent’s Obligation: Mandatory.
                                             establishment path includes                             change is to identify, define, and                      Legal Authority: Title 13 U.S.C.,
                                             instructions and a question related to                  classify the outputs produced and                     Sections 131 and 182.
                                             interplant transfers; single-                           transacted (sold, transferred, or placed                This information collection request
                                             establishment firms do not have                         in inventory) by the reporting units                  may be viewed at www.reginfo.gov.
                                             interplant transfers.                                   within each industry regardless of their              Follow the instructions to view
                                                                                                     designation (intermediate or final).                  Department of Commerce collections
                                             b. Elimination of Item 5B, Exports and
                                                                                                     https://www.census.gov/eos/www/                       currently under review by OMB.
                                             Item 11, Inventories Outside the U.S.
                                                                                                     napcs/.                                                 Written comments and
                                                Item 5B, Exports and Item 11,                                                                              recommendations for the proposed
                                             Inventories Outside the U.S. are no                     e. Elimination of Item 22,
                                                                                                     Miscellaneous Receipts                                information collection should be sent
                                             longer needed by either the                                                                                   within 30 days of publication of this
                                             International Trade Administration                         Due to the implementation of NAPCS,                notice to OIRA_Submission@
                                             (ITA) or the Bureau of Economic                         it is unnecessary to collect                          omb.eop.gov or fax to (202)395–5806.
                                             Analysis. The elimination of these items                Miscellaneous Receipts. In previous
                                             was not documented in the ASM pre-                      ASM survey years, products were                       Sheleen Dumas,
                                             submission notice dated July 13, 2018,                  collected using only manufacturing                    Departmental Lead PRA Officer, Office of the
                                             because the decision was made after the                 sector NAICS codes. Non-manufacturing                 Chief Information Officer, Commerce
                                             notice was published in the Federal                     sector products, produced by                          Department.
                                             Register. Eliminating collection of these               manufacturing establishments were                     [FR Doc. 2018–26537 Filed 12–6–18; 8:45 am]
                                             items has no impact on data users since                 classified as Miscellaneous Receipts,                 BILLING CODE 3510–07–P
                                             these data items were not published as                  which included contract work, resales,
                                             part of the ASM. Historically, exports                  and other. NAPCS is an economy-wide
                                             data was used to publish the Exports                    solution, which allows ASM                            DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
                                             from Manufacturing report, funded by                    respondents to classify out of sector
                                                                                                                                                           Census Bureau
                                             ITA. This report was published by the                   products in valid NAPCS codes.
                                             U.S. Census Bureau and sponsored by                                                                           Submission for OMB Review;
                                                                                                     f. Addition of Item 28, Special Inquiry
                                             ITA. https://www.census.gov/                                                                                  Comment Request
                                                                                                     on Robotic Use
                                             manufacturing/exports/. The Exports
                                             from Manufacturing report was                              Add a new Special Inquiry, Item 28                   The Department of Commerce will
                                             discontinued by ITA in 2012, due to                     on basic robotic use in manufacturing to              submit to the Office of Management and
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES

                                             lack of funding.                                        gauge the prevalence of robotics use in               Budget (OMB) for clearance the
                                                                                                     the manufacturing sector across                       following proposal for collection of
                                             c. Addition of Item 17, Principal                       different geographies and by firm size.               information under the provisions of the
                                             Business Activity                                       Questions will be added to collect the                Paperwork Reduction Act.
                                                Item 17, Principal Business Activity                 number of industrial robots in                          Agency: U.S. Census Bureau.
                                             on the MA–10000 will ask the                            operation, the number of industrial                     Title: Automated Export System.
                                             respondent to identify their principal                  robots purchased, and the value of                      OMB Control Number: 0607–0152.

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Document Created: 2018-12-07 01:52:27
Document Modified: 2018-12-07 01:52:27
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
FR Citation83 FR 63151 

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