83_FR_63864 83 FR 63627 - Certain Pasta From Italy: Final Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review; 2016-2017

83 FR 63627 - Certain Pasta From Italy: Final Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review; 2016-2017

International Trade Administration

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 237 (December 11, 2018)

Page Range63627-63629
FR Document2018-26771

The Department of Commerce (Commerce) determines that Ghigi 1870 S.p.A. and Pasta Zara S.p.A. (collectively, Ghigi/Zara) sold pasta from Italy at less than normal value (NV) during the period of review (POR) July 1, 2016, through June 30, 2017, but Industria Alimentare Colavita S.p.A. (Indalco) did not.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 237 (Tuesday, December 11, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 237 (Tuesday, December 11, 2018)]
[Pages 63627-63629]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-26771]



International Trade Administration


Certain Pasta From Italy: Final Results of Antidumping Duty 
Administrative Review; 2016-2017

AGENCY: Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration, 
Department of Commerce.

SUMMARY: The Department of Commerce (Commerce) determines that Ghigi 
1870 S.p.A. and Pasta Zara S.p.A. (collectively, Ghigi/Zara) sold pasta

[[Page 63628]]

from Italy at less than normal value (NV) during the period of review 
(POR) July 1, 2016, through June 30, 2017, but Industria Alimentare 
Colavita S.p.A. (Indalco) did not.

DATES: Applicable December 11, 2018.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Joy Zhang (Ghigi/Zara) or George 
McMahon (Indalco), AD/CVD Operations, Office III, Enforcement and 
Compliance, International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of 
Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20230; telephone: 
(202) 482-1168 or (202) 482-1167, respectively.



    Commerce published the Preliminary Results on August 10, 2018.\1\ 
For events subsequent to the Preliminary Results, see Commerce's Issues 
and Decision Memorandum.\2\

    \1\ See Certain Pasta from Italy: Preliminary Results of 
Antidumping Duty Administrative Review; 2016-2017, 83 FR 39685 
(August 10, 2018) (Preliminary Results), and accompanying 
Preliminary Decision Memorandum.
    \2\ See Memorandum, ``Certain Pasta from Italy: Issues and 
Decision Memorandum for the Final Results; 2016-2017,'' dated 
concurrently with, and hereby adopted by, this notice (Issues and 
Decision Memorandum).

Scope of the Order

    Imports covered by the order are shipments of certain non-egg dry 
pasta. The merchandise subject to review is currently classifiable 
under items 1901.90.90.95 and 1902.19.20 of the Harmonized Tariff 
Schedule of the United States (HTSUS). Although the HTSUS subheadings 
are provided for convenience and customs purposes, the written 
description of the merchandise subject to the order is dispositive.\3\

    \3\ See Issues and Decision Memorandum for a complete 
description of the scope of the Order.

Analysis of Comments Received

    In the Issues and Decision Memorandum, we addressed all issues 
raised in parties' case and rebuttal briefs. In the Appendix to this 
notice, we provide a list of the issues raised by parties. The Issues 
and Decision Memorandum is a public document and is on-file 
electronically via Enforcement and Compliance's Antidumping and 
Countervailing Duty Centralized Electronic Service System (ACCESS). 
ACCESS is available to registered users at https://access.trade.gov and 
in the Central Records Unit (CRU), Room B8024 of the main Department of 
Commerce building. In addition, a complete version of the Issues and 
Decision Memorandum can be accessed directly on the internet at http://enforcement.trade.gov/frn/index.html. The signed Issues and Decision 
Memorandum and the electronic versions of the Issues and Decision 
Memorandum are identical in content.

Changes Since the Preliminary Results

    Based on our review of the record and comments received from 
interested parties, these final results do not differ from the 
Preliminary Results with respect to Ghigi/Zara, Indalco, and the seven 
firms not subject to individual review.\4\

    \4\ The seven companies not subject to individual review are 
listed in the ``Final Results of Review'' section below.

Final Results of the Review

    As a result of this review, Commerce calculated a weighted-average 
dumping margin that is above de minimis for Ghigi/Zara and a zero 
margin for Indalco for the POR. Therefore, consistent with its practice 
and the methodology set forth in section 735(c)(5)(A) of the Tariff Act 
of 1930, as amended (the Act), Commerce assigned the weighted-average 
dumping margin calculated for Ghigi/Zara to the seven non-selected 
companies in these final results, as referenced below.

                Producer and/or exporter                      dumping
Ghigi 1870 S.p.A. and Pasta Zara S.p.A. (Zara)                      5.97
 (collectively Ghigi/Zara)..............................
Industria Alimentare Colavita S.p.A. (Indalco)..........            0.00
Agritalia S.r.L. (Agritalia)............................            5.97
Alessio, Panarese Soceieta Agricola (Alessio)...........            5.97
Antico Pastificio Morelli 1860 S.r.l. (Antico)..........            5.97
Colussi SpA (Colussi)...................................            5.97
Liguori Pastificio dal 1820 S.p.A. (Liguori)............            5.97
Pastificio Menucci SpA (Menucci)........................            5.97
Tesa SrL (Tesa).........................................            5.97

Duty Assessment

    Pursuant to section 751(a)(2)(C) of the Act and 19 CFR 351.212(b), 
Commerce shall determine and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) shall 
assess antidumping duties on all appropriate entries.\5\ For any 
individually examined respondent whose weighted-average dumping margin 
is above de minimis, we calculated importer-specific ad valorem duty 
assessment rates based on the ratio of the total amount of dumping 
calculated for the importer's examined sales to the total entered value 
of those same sales in accordance with 19 CFR 351.212(b)(1). Upon 
issuance of the final results of this administrative review, if any 
importer-specific assessment rates calculated in the final results are 
above de minimis (i.e., at or above 0.5 percent), Commerce will issue 
instructions directly to CBP to assess antidumping duties on 
appropriate entries. Where either the respondent's weighted-average 
dumping margin is zero or de minimis, or an importer-specific 
assessment rate is zero or de minimis, we will instruct CBP to 
liquidate the appropriate entries without regard to antidumping duties.

    \5\ In these final results, Commerce applied the assessment rate 
calculation method adopted in Antidumping Proceedings: Calculation 
of the Weighted-Average Dumping Margin and Assessment Rate in 
Certain Antidumping Proceedings: Final Modification, 77 FR 8101 
(February 14, 2012).

    In accordance with Commerce's ``automatic assessment'' practice,\6\ 
for entries of subject merchandise during the POR produced by each 
respondent for which it did not know that its merchandise was destined 
for the United States, we will instruct CBP to liquidate unreviewed 
entries at the all-others rate if there is no rate for the intermediate 
company(ies) involved in the transaction.

    \6\ For a full discussion of this clarification, see Antidumping 
and Countervailing Duty Proceedings: Assessment of Antidumping 
Duties, 68 FR 23954 (May 6, 2003).

    We intend to issue assessment instructions directly to CBP 15 days 
after publication of the final results of this review.

Cash Deposit Requirements

    The following cash deposit requirements will be effective upon 
publication of the notice of final results of administrative review for 
all shipments of subject merchandise entered, or withdrawn from 
warehouse, for consumption on or after the publication of the final 
results of this administrative review, as provided by section 751(a)(2) 
of the Act: (1) The cash deposit rate for respondents noted above will 
be the rate established in the final results of this administrative 
review; (2) for merchandise exported by manufacturers or exporters not 
covered in this administrative review but covered in a prior segment of 
the proceeding, the cash deposit rate will continue to be the company 
specific rate published for the most recently completed segment of this 
proceeding; (3) if the exporter is not a firm covered in this review, a 
prior review, or the original investigation, but the manufacturer is, 
the cash deposit rate will be the rate established for the most

[[Page 63629]]

recently completed segment of this proceeding for the manufacturer of 
the subject merchandise; and (4) the cash deposit rate for all other 
manufacturers or exporters will continue to be 15.45 percent, the all-
others rate established in the antidumping investigation as modified by 
the section 129 determination. These cash deposit requirements, when 
imposed, shall remain in effect until further notice.


    We intend to disclose the calculations performed to parties in this 
proceeding within five days of the date of publication of this notice 
in accordance with 19 CFR 351.224(b).

Notification to Importers Regarding the Reimbursement of Duties

    This notice also serves as a final reminder to importers of their 
responsibility under 19 CFR 351.402(f) to file a certificate regarding 
the reimbursement of antidumping and/or countervailing duties prior to 
liquidation of the relevant entries during the POR. Failure to comply 
with this requirement could result in Commerce's presumption that 
reimbursement of antidumping and/or countervailing duties occurred and 
the subsequent assessment of doubled antidumping duties.

Notification Regarding Administrative Protective Order

    This notice also serves as a reminder to parties subject to 
administrative protective orders (APO) of their responsibility 
concerning the return or destruction of proprietary information 
disclosed under APO in accordance with 19 CFR 351.305(a)(3), which 
continues to govern business proprietary information in this segment of 
the proceeding. Timely written notification of the return/destruction 
of APO materials, or conversion to judicial protective order, is hereby 
requested. Failure to comply with the regulations and the terms of an 
APO is a sanctionable violation.
    We are issuing and publishing this notice in accordance with 
sections 751(a)(1) and 777(i)(1) of the Act and 19 CFR 351.221(b)(5).

    Dated: December 4, 2018.
Gary Taverman,
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Antidumping and Countervailing Duty 
Operations, performing the non-exclusive functions and duties of the 
Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and Compliance.


List of Topics Discussed in the Final Issues and Decision Memorandum

I. Summary
II. Background
III. Scope of the Order
IV. Discussion of the Issues
    Comment: Whether to Recalculate Ghigi/Zara's Material Cost as 
One Weighted-Average Cost
V. Recommendation

[FR Doc. 2018-26771 Filed 12-10-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 237 / Tuesday, December 11, 2018 / Notices                                                63627

                                              intermediate company (or companies)                     performed in reaching these preliminary               countervailing duties prior to
                                              involved in the transaction.5 We intend                 results within five days of the date of               liquidation of the relevant entries
                                              to issue appropriate instructions to CBP                publication of this notice in accordance              during this review period. Failure to
                                              15 days after the date of publication of                with 19 CFR 351.224(b). Interested                    comply with this requirement could
                                              the final results of this review.                       parties may submit written comments                   result in the Secretary’s presumption
                                                 For the company for which this                       (case briefs) at a date to be determined              that reimbursement of antidumping
                                              review is rescinded (i.e., Miwon),                      by Commerce and rebuttal comments                     duties and/or countervailing duties
                                              antidumping duties shall be assessed at                 (rebuttal briefs) within five days after              occurred and the subsequent assessment
                                              rates equal to the cash deposit of                      the time limit for filing case briefs.7               of double antidumping duties.
                                              estimated antidumping duties required                   Rebuttal briefs must be limited to issues                We are issuing and publishing these
                                              at the time of entry, or withdrawal from                raised in the case briefs.8 Commerce                  preliminary results in accordance with
                                              warehouse, for consumption, during the                  will notify interested parties when it has            sections 751(a)(1) and 777(i)(1) of the
                                              period in accordance with 19 CFR                        determined a deadline for case briefs.                Act.
                                              351.212(c)(1)(i). Commerce intends to                   Parties who submit case or rebuttal                     Dated: December 3, 2018.
                                              issue appropriate assessment                            briefs are requested to submit with the               Gary Taverman,
                                              instructions with respect to the                        argument: (1) A statement of the issue;
                                                                                                                                                            Deputy Assistant Secretary for Antidumping
                                              company for which this review is being                  (2) a brief summary of the argument;                  and Countervailing Duty Operations,
                                              rescinded to CBP 15 days after the                      and (3) a table of authorities.9                      performing the non-exclusive functions and
                                              publication of this notice.                                Interested parties who wish to request             duties of the Assistant Secretary for
                                                                                                      a hearing must do so within 30 days of                Enforcement and Compliance.
                                              Cash Deposit Requirements                               publication of these preliminary results
                                                 The following cash deposit                           by submitting a written request to the                Appendix
                                              requirements will be effective for all                  Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and               List of Topics Discussed in the Preliminary
                                              shipments of the subject merchandise                    Compliance, U.S. Department of                        Decision Memorandum
                                              entered, or withdrawn from warehouse,                   Commerce, using Enforcement and                       I. Summary
                                              for consumption on or after the                         Compliance’s ACCESS system.10                         II. Background
                                              publication date of the final results of                Hearing requests should contain the                   III. Scope of the Order
                                              this administrative review, as provided                 party’s name, address, and telephone                  IV. Partial Rescission of Administrative
                                              by section 751(a)(2)(C) of the Act: (1)                 number, the number of participants, and                     Review
                                                                                                      a list of the issues to be discussed. If a            V. Discussion of the Methodology
                                              The cash deposit rate for CJ Indonesia
                                                                                                      request for a hearing is made, we will                   A. Comparison to Normal Value
                                              will be the rate established in the final                                                                        1. Determination of Comparison Method
                                              results of this review, except if the rate              inform parties of the scheduled date for
                                                                                                                                                               2. Results of Differential Pricing Analysis
                                              is less than 0.5 percent and, therefore,                the hearing, which will be held at the
                                                                                                                                                               B. Product Comparisons
                                              de minimis within the meaning of 19                     U.S. Department of Commerce, 14th                        C. Date of Sale
                                              CFR 351.106(c)(1), in which case the                    Street and Constitution Avenue NW,                       D. Constructed Export Price
                                              cash deposit rate will be zero; (2) for                 Washington, DC 20230, at a time and                   VI. Normal Value
                                              previously reviewed or investigated                     location to be determined.11 Parties                     A. Home Market Viability as Comparison
                                              companies not participating in this                     should confirm by telephone the date,                       Market
                                              review, the cash deposit rate will                      time, and location of the hearing. Issues                B. Affiliated Party Transactions and Arm’s-
                                                                                                      addressed at the hearing will be limited                    Length Test
                                              continue to be the company-specific rate                                                                         C. Level of Trade
                                              published for the most recent period; (3)               to those raised in the briefs.12 All briefs
                                                                                                      and hearing requests must be filed                       D. Cost of Production Analysis
                                              if the exporter is not a firm covered in                                                                         1. Calculation of Cost of Production
                                              this review, a prior review, or the less-               electronically and received successfully
                                                                                                                                                               2. Test of Comparison Market Sales Prices
                                              than-fair-value (LTFV) investigation, but               in their entirety through ACCESS by                      3. Results of Cost of Production Test
                                              the manufacturer is covered in this                     5:00 p.m. Eastern Time by their                          4. Calculation of Normal Value Based on
                                              review, the cash deposit rate will be the               respective deadlines.                                       Comparison Prices
                                              rate established for the most recent                       Commerce intends to issue the final                VII. Currency Conversion
                                              period for the manufacturer of the                      results of this administrative review,                VIII. Verification
                                              merchandise; and (4) the cash deposit                   including the results of its analysis of              IX. Recommendation
                                              rate for all other manufacturers or                     issues raised in any written briefs, not              [FR Doc. 2018–26772 Filed 12–10–18; 8:45 am]
                                              exporters will continue to be 6.19                      later than 120 days after the date of                 BILLING CODE 3510–DS–P

                                              percent, the all-others rate established                publication of this notice, unless
                                              in the LTFV investigation.6 These                       otherwise extended.13
                                              deposit requirements, when imposed,                     Notification to Importers                             DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
                                              shall remain in effect until further                      This notice serves as a preliminary                 International Trade Administration
                                              notice.                                                 reminder to importers of their
                                              Disclosure and Public Comment                           responsibility under 19 CFR 351.402(f)
                                                                                                      to file a certificate regarding the                   Certain Pasta From Italy: Final Results
                                                Commerce intends to disclose to                       reimbursement of antidumping and/or
                                              interested parties the calculations                                                                           of Antidumping Duty Administrative
                                                                                                        7 See 19 CFR 351.309(c)(l)(ii) and 351.309(d)(l).
                                                                                                                                                            Review; 2016–2017
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1

                                                5 See Antidumping and Countervailing Duty
                                              Proceedings: Assessment of Antidumping Duties, 68
                                                                                                      Interested parties will be notified through ACCESS    AGENCY:   Enforcement and Compliance,
                                                                                                      regarding the deadline for submitting case briefs.    International Trade Administration,
                                              FR 23954 (May 6, 2003).                                   8 See 19 CFR 351.309(d)(2).
                                                6 See Monosodium Glutamate from the People’s
                                                                                                        9 See 19 CFR 351.309(c)(2) and (d)(2).
                                                                                                                                                            Department of Commerce.
                                              Republic of China, and the Republic of Indonesia:         10 See 19 CFR 351.310(c).                           SUMMARY: The Department of Commerce
                                              Antidumping Duty Orders; and Monosodium
                                              Glutamate from the People’s Republic of China:
                                                                                                        11 See 19 CFR 351.310.                              (Commerce) determines that Ghigi 1870
                                              Amended Final Determination of Sales at Less              12 See 19 CFR 351.310(c).                           S.p.A. and Pasta Zara S.p.A.
                                              Than Fair Value, 79 FR 70505 (November 26, 2014).         13 See section 751(a)(3)(A) of the Act.             (collectively, Ghigi/Zara) sold pasta

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                                              63628                       Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 237 / Tuesday, December 11, 2018 / Notices

                                              from Italy at less than normal value                     enforcement.trade.gov/frn/index.html.                      we calculated importer-specific ad
                                              (NV) during the period of review (POR)                   The signed Issues and Decision                             valorem duty assessment rates based on
                                              July 1, 2016, through June 30, 2017, but                 Memorandum and the electronic                              the ratio of the total amount of dumping
                                              Industria Alimentare Colavita S.p.A.                     versions of the Issues and Decision                        calculated for the importer’s examined
                                              (Indalco) did not.                                       Memorandum are identical in content.                       sales to the total entered value of those
                                              DATES: Applicable December 11, 2018.                     Changes Since the Preliminary Results                      same sales in accordance with 19 CFR
                                              FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Joy
                                                                                                                                                                  351.212(b)(1). Upon issuance of the final
                                                                                                          Based on our review of the record and                   results of this administrative review, if
                                              Zhang (Ghigi/Zara) or George McMahon                     comments received from interested
                                              (Indalco), AD/CVD Operations, Office                                                                                any importer-specific assessment rates
                                                                                                       parties, these final results do not differ                 calculated in the final results are above
                                              III, Enforcement and Compliance,                         from the Preliminary Results with
                                              International Trade Administration,                                                                                 de minimis (i.e., at or above 0.5 percent),
                                                                                                       respect to Ghigi/Zara, Indalco, and the                    Commerce will issue instructions
                                              U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401                        seven firms not subject to individual
                                              Constitution Avenue NW, Washington,                                                                                 directly to CBP to assess antidumping
                                                                                                       review.4                                                   duties on appropriate entries. Where
                                              DC 20230; telephone: (202) 482–1168 or
                                              (202) 482–1167, respectively.                            Final Results of the Review                                either the respondent’s weighted-
                                                                                                                                                                  average dumping margin is zero or de
                                              SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                                 As a result of this review, Commerce
                                                                                                                                                                  minimis, or an importer-specific
                                                                                                       calculated a weighted-average dumping
                                              Background                                                                                                          assessment rate is zero or de minimis,
                                                                                                       margin that is above de minimis for
                                                                                                                                                                  we will instruct CBP to liquidate the
                                                Commerce published the Preliminary                     Ghigi/Zara and a zero margin for
                                                                                                                                                                  appropriate entries without regard to
                                              Results on August 10, 2018.1 For events                  Indalco for the POR. Therefore,
                                                                                                                                                                  antidumping duties.
                                              subsequent to the Preliminary Results,                   consistent with its practice and the
                                                                                                       methodology set forth in section                              In accordance with Commerce’s
                                              see Commerce’s Issues and Decision
                                                                                                       735(c)(5)(A) of the Tariff Act of 1930, as                 ‘‘automatic assessment’’ practice,6 for
                                                                                                       amended (the Act), Commerce assigned                       entries of subject merchandise during
                                              Scope of the Order                                       the weighted-average dumping margin                        the POR produced by each respondent
                                                Imports covered by the order are                       calculated for Ghigi/Zara to the seven                     for which it did not know that its
                                              shipments of certain non-egg dry pasta.                  non-selected companies in these final                      merchandise was destined for the
                                              The merchandise subject to review is                     results, as referenced below.                              United States, we will instruct CBP to
                                              currently classifiable under items                                                                                  liquidate unreviewed entries at the all-
                                              1901.90.90.95 and 1902.19.20 of the                                                                   Weighted-     others rate if there is no rate for the
                                              Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the                                                                      average      intermediate company(ies) involved in
                                                                                                         Producer and/or exporter                   dumping       the transaction.
                                              United States (HTSUS). Although the                                                                    margin
                                              HTSUS subheadings are provided for                                                                                     We intend to issue assessment
                                              convenience and customs purposes, the                                                                               instructions directly to CBP 15 days
                                              written description of the merchandise                   Ghigi 1870 S.p.A. and Pasta                                after publication of the final results of
                                              subject to the order is dispositive.3                      Zara S.p.A. (Zara) (collec-                              this review.
                                                                                                         tively Ghigi/Zara) ...............                5.97
                                              Analysis of Comments Received                            Industria Alimentare Colavita                              Cash Deposit Requirements
                                                                                                         S.p.A. (Indalco) .................                0.00The following cash deposit
                                                 In the Issues and Decision                            Agritalia S.r.L. (Agritalia) ......                 5.97
                                              Memorandum, we addressed all issues                                                                            requirements will be effective upon
                                                                                                       Alessio, Panarese Soceieta                            publication of the notice of final results
                                              raised in parties’ case and rebuttal                       Agricola (Alessio) ..............              5.97
                                              briefs. In the Appendix to this notice,                  Antico Pastificio Morelli 1860
                                                                                                                                                             of administrative review for all
                                              we provide a list of the issues raised by                  S.r.l. (Antico) .....................          5.97 shipments of subject merchandise
                                              parties. The Issues and Decision                         Colussi SpA (Colussi) ...........                5.97 entered, or withdrawn from warehouse,
                                              Memorandum is a public document and                      Liguori Pastificio dal 1820                           for consumption on or after the
                                                                                                         S.p.A. (Liguori) ..................            5.97 publication of the final results of this
                                              is on-file electronically via Enforcement
                                                                                                       Pastificio Menucci SpA                                administrative review, as provided by
                                              and Compliance’s Antidumping and                           (Menucci) ..........................           5.97 section 751(a)(2) of the Act: (1) The cash
                                              Countervailing Duty Centralized                          Tesa SrL (Tesa) ...................              5.97 deposit rate for respondents noted above
                                              Electronic Service System (ACCESS).
                                              ACCESS is available to registered users                                                                        will be the rate established in the final
                                                                                                       Duty Assessment                                       results of this administrative review; (2)
                                              at https://access.trade.gov and in the
                                              Central Records Unit (CRU), Room                            Pursuant to section 751(a)(2)(C) of the for merchandise exported by
                                              B8024 of the main Department of                          Act and 19 CFR 351.212(b), Commerce                   manufacturers or exporters not covered
                                              Commerce building. In addition, a                        shall determine and Customs and                       in this administrative review but
                                              complete version of the Issues and                       Border Protection (CBP) shall assess                  covered in a prior segment of the
                                              Decision Memorandum can be accessed                      antidumping duties on all appropriate                 proceeding, the cash deposit rate will
                                              directly on the internet at http://                      entries.5 For any individually examined continue to be the company specific rate
                                                                                                       respondent whose weighted-average                     published for the most recently
                                                 1 See Certain Pasta from Italy: Preliminary Results   dumping margin is above de minimis,                   completed segment of this proceeding;
                                              of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review; 2016–                                                               (3) if the exporter is not a firm covered
                                              2017, 83 FR 39685 (August 10, 2018) (Preliminary           4 The seven companies not subject to individual     in this review, a prior review, or the
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1

                                              Results), and accompanying Preliminary Decision          review are listed in the ‘‘Final Results of Review’’  original investigation, but the
                                              Memorandum.                                              section below.
                                                 2 See Memorandum, ‘‘Certain Pasta from Italy:           5 In these final results, Commerce applied the
                                                                                                                                                             manufacturer is, the cash deposit rate
                                              Issues and Decision Memorandum for the Final             assessment rate calculation method adopted in         will be the rate established for the most
                                              Results; 2016–2017,’’ dated concurrently with, and       Antidumping Proceedings: Calculation of the
                                              hereby adopted by, this notice (Issues and Decision      Weighted-Average Dumping Margin and                          6 For a full discussion of this clarification, see
                                              Memorandum).                                             Assessment Rate in Certain Antidumping                     Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Proceedings:
                                                 3 See Issues and Decision Memorandum for a            Proceedings: Final Modification, 77 FR 8101                Assessment of Antidumping Duties, 68 FR 23954
                                              complete description of the scope of the Order.          (February 14, 2012).                                       (May 6, 2003).

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                                                                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 237 / Tuesday, December 11, 2018 / Notices                                           63629

                                              recently completed segment of this                        Dated: December 4, 2018.                            manages these fisheries in the Exclusive
                                              proceeding for the manufacturer of the                  Gary Taverman,                                        Economic Zone (EEZ) of the
                                              subject merchandise; and (4) the cash                   Deputy Assistant Secretary for Antidumping            Northeastern United States through the
                                              deposit rate for all other manufacturers                and Countervailing Duty Operations,                   Atlantic Surfclam and Ocean Quahog
                                              or exporters will continue to be 15.45                  performing the non-exclusive functions and            Fishery Management Plan (FMP). The
                                                                                                      duties of the Assistant Secretary for                 Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management
                                              percent, the all-others rate established
                                                                                                      Enforcement and Compliance.                           Council prepared the FMP pursuant to
                                              in the antidumping investigation as
                                              modified by the section 129                             Appendix                                              the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery
                                              determination. These cash deposit                                                                             Conservation and Management Act
                                                                                                      List of Topics Discussed in the Final Issues          (Magnuson-Stevens Act). The
                                              requirements, when imposed, shall                       and Decision Memorandum
                                              remain in effect until further notice.                                                                        regulations implementing the FMP are
                                                                                                      I. Summary                                            specified at 50 CFR part 648.
                                              Disclosure                                              II. Background
                                                                                                                                                               The recordkeeping and reporting
                                                                                                      III. Scope of the Order
                                                                                                      IV. Discussion of the Issues                          requirements at §§ 648.74, 648.75, and
                                                We intend to disclose the calculations                                                                      648.76 form the basis for this collection
                                                                                                         Comment: Whether to Recalculate Ghigi/
                                              performed to parties in this proceeding                                                                       of information. We request information
                                                                                                            Zara’s Material Cost as One Weighted-
                                              within five days of the date of                               Average Cost                                    from surfclam and ocean quahog
                                              publication of this notice in accordance                V. Recommendation                                     individual transferable quota (ITQ)
                                              with 19 CFR 351.224(b).                                 [FR Doc. 2018–26771 Filed 12–10–18; 8:45 am]          permit holders to issue ITQ permits and
                                              Notification to Importers Regarding the                 BILLING CODE 3510–DS–P                                to process and track requests from
                                                                                                                                                            permit holders to transfer quota share or
                                              Reimbursement of Duties
                                                                                                                                                            cage tags. We also request information
                                                 This notice also serves as a final                   DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE                                from surfclam and ocean quahog ITQ
                                              reminder to importers of their                                                                                permit holders to track and properly
                                              responsibility under 19 CFR 351.402(f)                  National Oceanic and Atmospheric                      account for surfclam and ocean quahog
                                              to file a certificate regarding the                     Administration                                        harvest shucked at sea. Because there is
                                              reimbursement of antidumping and/or                                                                           not a standard conversion factor for
                                                                                                      Submission for OMB Review;                            estimating unshucked product from
                                              countervailing duties prior to                          Comment Request
                                              liquidation of the relevant entries                                                                           shucked product, NMFS requires
                                                                                                         The Department of Commerce will                    vessels that shuck product at sea to
                                              during the POR. Failure to comply with
                                                                                                      submit to the Office of Management and                carry on board the vessel a NMFS-
                                              this requirement could result in
                                                                                                      Budget (OMB) for clearance the                        approved observer to certify the amount
                                              Commerce’s presumption that
                                                                                                      following proposal for collection of                  of these clams harvested. This
                                              reimbursement of antidumping and/or                                                                           information, upon receipt, results in an
                                              countervailing duties occurred and the                  information under the provisions of the
                                                                                                      Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C.                    efficient and accurate database for
                                              subsequent assessment of doubled                                                                              management and monitoring of fisheries
                                              antidumping duties.                                     chapter 35).
                                                                                                         Agency: National Oceanic and                       of the Northeastern U.S. EEZ.
                                              Notification Regarding Administrative                   Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).                       Georges Bank has been closed to the
                                              Protective Order                                           Title: Greater Atlantic Region                     harvest of surfclams and ocean quahogs
                                                                                                      Surfclam and Ocean Quahog ITQ                         since 1990 due to red tide blooms that
                                                This notice also serves as a reminder                 Administration.                                       cause paralytic shellfish poisoning
                                              to parties subject to administrative                       OMB Control Number: 0648–0240.                     (PSP). We reopened a portion of the
                                              protective orders (APO) of their                           Form Number(s): None.                              Georges Bank Closed Area starting in
                                              responsibility concerning the return or                    Type of Request: Regular (extension of             2012 under certain conditions. We
                                              destruction of proprietary information                  a currently approved information                      request information from surfclam and
                                              disclosed under APO in accordance                       collection).                                          ocean quahog ITQ permit holders who
                                              with 19 CFR 351.305(a)(3), which                           Number of Respondents: 177.                        fish in the reopened area to ensure
                                              continues to govern business                               Average Hours per Response:: ITQ                   compliance with the Protocol for
                                              proprietary information in this segment                 permit application form, review of a                  Onboard Screening and Dockside
                                              of the proceeding. Timely written                       pre-filled form for renewing entities,                Testing in Molluscan Shellfish. The U.S.
                                              notification of the return/destruction of               ITQ transfer form, 5 minutes each; 1                  Food and Drug Administration, the
                                              APO materials, or conversion to judicial                hour to complete the ITQ ownership                    commercial fishing industry, and NMFS
                                                                                                      form for new applicants and 30 minutes                developed the PSP protocol to test and
                                              protective order, is hereby requested.
                                                                                                      for the application to shuck surfclams                verify that clams harvested from
                                              Failure to comply with the regulations
                                                                                                      and ocean quahogs at sea. The                         Georges Bank continue to be safe for
                                              and the terms of an APO is a                                                                                  human consumption. The National
                                                                                                      requirements under the PSP protocol are
                                              sanctionable violation.                                                                                       Shellfish Sanitation Program adopted
                                                                                                      based on the number of vessels that land
                                                We are issuing and publishing this                    surfclams or ocean quahogs and the                    the PSP protocol at the October 2011
                                              notice in accordance with sections                      number of trips taken into the area, with             Interstate Shellfish Sanitation
                                              751(a)(1) and 777(i)(1) of the Act and 19               a total estimated annual burden of 3                  Conference.
                                              CFR 351.221(b)(5).                                      hours per vessel.                                        Affected Public: Business or other for-
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1

                                                                                                         Burden Hours: 2,473.                               profit organizations; individuals or
                                                                                                         Needs and Uses: This request is for an             households.
                                                                                                      extension of a currently approved                        Frequency: Annually and on occasion.
                                                                                                      collection associated with the Atlantic                  Respondent’s Obligation: Mandatory.
                                                                                                      surfclam and ocean quahog fisheries.                     This information collection request
                                                                                                      National Marine Fisheries Service                     may be viewed at reginfo.gov. Follow
                                                                                                      (NMFS) Greater Atlantic Region                        the instructions to view Department of

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Document Created: 2018-12-11 01:06:51
Document Modified: 2018-12-11 01:06:51
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
DatesApplicable December 11, 2018.
ContactJoy Zhang (Ghigi/Zara) or George McMahon (Indalco), AD/CVD Operations, Office III, Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20230; telephone: (202) 482-1168 or (202) 482-1167, respectively.
FR Citation83 FR 63627 

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