83_FR_63938 83 FR 63701 - Pipeline Safety: Random Drug Testing Rate; Management Information System Reporting; and Obtaining Drug and Alcohol Management Information System Sign-In Information

83 FR 63701 - Pipeline Safety: Random Drug Testing Rate; Management Information System Reporting; and Obtaining Drug and Alcohol Management Information System Sign-In Information

Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 237 (December 11, 2018)

Page Range63701-63702
FR Document2018-26750

PHMSA has determined that the minimum random drug testing rate for covered employees will remain at 50 percent during calendar year 2019. Operators are reminded that drug and alcohol testing information must be submitted for contractors who are performing or are ready to perform covered functions. For calendar year 2018 reporting, the ``user name'' and ``password'' for the Drug and Alcohol Management Information System (DAMIS) will be available in the PHMSA Portal.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 237 (Tuesday, December 11, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 237 (Tuesday, December 11, 2018)]
[Pages 63701-63702]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-26750]



Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration

[Docket ID PHMSA-2018-0103]

Pipeline Safety: Random Drug Testing Rate; Management Information 
System Reporting; and Obtaining Drug and Alcohol Management Information 
System Sign-In Information

AGENCY: Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), 

ACTION: Notice of Calendar Year 2019 Minimum Annual Percentage Rate for 
Random Drug Testing, Reminder for Operators to Report Contractor MIS 
Data, and Reminder of Method for Operators to Obtain User Name and 
Password for Electronic Reporting.


SUMMARY: PHMSA has determined that the minimum random drug testing rate 
for covered employees will remain at 50 percent during calendar year 
2019. Operators are reminded that drug and alcohol testing information 
must be submitted for contractors who are performing or are ready to 
perform covered functions. For calendar year 2018 reporting, the ``user 
name'' and ``password'' for the Drug and Alcohol Management Information 
System (DAMIS) will be available in the PHMSA Portal.

DATES: Effective January 1, 2019, through December 31, 2019.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Wayne Lemoi, Drug & Alcohol Program 
Manager, telephone at 909-937-7232 or by email at [email protected].


Notice of Calendar Year 2019 Minimum Annual Percentage Rate for Random 
Drug Testing

    Operators of natural gas, hazardous liquid, and carbon dioxide 
pipelines and operators of liquefied natural gas and underground 
natural gas storage facilities must randomly select and test a 
percentage of all covered employees for prohibited drug use in 
accordance with 49 CFR part 199. Pursuant to Sec.  199.105(c)(1), the 
PHMSA minimum annual random drug testing rate for all covered employees 
is 50 percent. The Administrator can adjust this random drug testing 
rate based on the reported positive rate in the pipeline industry's 
random drug tests, which is submitted in operators' annual Management 
Information System (MIS) reports as required by Sec.  199.119(a). In 
accordance with Sec.  199.105(c)(3), if the reported positive drug test 
rate is below 1 percent for 2 consecutive years, the Administrator can 
reduce the random drug testing rate to 25 percent of all covered 
employees. In calendar year 2017, the random drug test positive rate 
for the entire pipeline industry was reported at greater than 1 
percent; therefore, the minimum annual random drug testing rate for 
calendar year 2019 is maintained at 50 percent of all covered 

Reminder for Operators To Report Contractor MIS Data

    On January 19, 2010, (75 FR 2926) PHMSA published an advisory 
bulletin notifying operators of the appropriate methodology for the 
annual collection of contractor MIS drug and alcohol testing data to 
avoid duplicative reporting when a contractor works for multiple 
operators. If an operator is required to submit a MIS report in 
accordance with part 199, that report is not complete until PHMSA 
receives MIS data for each tested contractor that performed covered 
functions as defined in Sec.  199.3. As explained in the 2010 Advisory 
Bulletin, operators must submit operator and contractor employee 
testing data in separate MIS reports to avoid duplicative reporting and 
inaccurate data that could affect the positive rate for the entire 

Reminder of Method for Operators To Obtain User Name and Password for 
Electronic Reporting

    By early January 2019, the user name and password required for an 
operator to access DAMIS and enter calendar year 2018 data will be 
available to all operator staff with access to the PHMSA Portal. 
Pipeline operators have been submitting reports required by 49 CFR 
parts 191 and 195 through the PHMSA Portal (https://portal.phmsa.dot.gov/pipeline) since 2011. PHMSA determined that 
distributing information via the Portal would be more effective than 
the previous mailing process.
    When the DAMIS user name and password are available in the PHMSA 
Portal, all registered users will receive an email to that effect. If 
operator staff responsible for submitting MIS reports do not receive 
the DAMIS information, they should coordinate with other registered 
PHMSA Portal users within their company to obtain the DAMIS user name 
and password. Registered PHMSA Portal users for an operator typically 
include operator staff or consultants who submit annual and incident 
reports through PHMSA F 7000- and 7100-series forms. Operators that 
have not previously registered staff in the PHMSA Portal for the 
reporting purposes of parts 191 and 195 can register users by following 
the instructions at: https://portal.phmsa.dot.gov/PHMSAPortal2/staticContentRedesign/howto/PortalAccountCreation.pdf.
    Pursuant to Sec. Sec.  199.119(a) and 199.229(a), operators with 50 
or more covered employees, including both operator and contractor 
staff, are required to submit annual MIS reports. Operators with fewer 
than 50 total covered employees are required to submit MIS reports only 
upon written request from PHMSA. If an operator with fewer than 50 
total covered employees has submitted an MIS report in or after 
calendar year 2016, the PHMSA Portal message may state that no MIS 
report is required for calendar year 2018. If an operator with fewer 
than 50 covered employees has grown to more than 50 covered employees 
during calendar year 2018, the PHMSA Portal message will include 
instructions for

[[Page 63702]]

how to obtain a DAMIS user name and password for the 2018 calendar year 
reporting period.

    Issued in Washington, DC, on December 3, 2018, under authority 
delegated in 49 CFR 1.97.
Alan K. Mayberry,
Associate Administrator for Pipeline Safety.
[FR Doc. 2018-26750 Filed 12-10-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 237 / Tuesday, December 11, 2018 / Notices                                           63701

                                              Telephone: (202) 366–4839 or email:                     for covered employees will remain at 50               data for each tested contractor that
                                              mailto:Linden.Houston@dot.gov. Copies                   percent during calendar year 2019.                    performed covered functions as defined
                                              of this collection can also be obtained                 Operators are reminded that drug and                  in § 199.3. As explained in the 2010
                                              from that office.                                       alcohol testing information must be                   Advisory Bulletin, operators must
                                              SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                              submitted for contractors who are                     submit operator and contractor
                                                 Title: Application for Conveyance of                 performing or are ready to perform                    employee testing data in separate MIS
                                              Port Facility Property.                                 covered functions. For calendar year                  reports to avoid duplicative reporting
                                                 OMB Control Number: 2133–0524.                       2018 reporting, the ‘‘user name’’ and                 and inaccurate data that could affect the
                                                 Type of Request: Renewal of a                        ‘‘password’’ for the Drug and Alcohol                 positive rate for the entire industry.
                                              Previously Approved Information                         Management Information System                         Reminder of Method for Operators To
                                              Collection.                                             (DAMIS) will be available in the                      Obtain User Name and Password for
                                                 Abstract: Public Law 103–160, which                  PHMSA Portal.                                         Electronic Reporting
                                              is included in 40 U.S.C. 554 authorizes                 DATES: Effective January 1, 2019,
                                              the Department of Transportation to                                                                             By early January 2019, the user name
                                                                                                      through December 31, 2019.
                                              convey to public entities surplus                                                                             and password required for an operator
                                                                                                      FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                      to access DAMIS and enter calendar
                                              Federal property needed for the                         Wayne Lemoi, Drug & Alcohol Program
                                              development or operation of a port                                                                            year 2018 data will be available to all
                                                                                                      Manager, telephone at 909–937–7232 or                 operator staff with access to the PHMSA
                                              facility. The information collection will               by email at wayne.lemoi@dot.gov.
                                              allow MARAD to approve the                                                                                    Portal. Pipeline operators have been
                                                                                                      SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                            submitting reports required by 49 CFR
                                              conveyance of property and administer
                                              the port facility conveyance program.                   Notice of Calendar Year 2019 Minimum                  parts 191 and 195 through the PHMSA
                                                 Respondents: Eligible state and local                Annual Percentage Rate for Random                     Portal (https://portal.phmsa.dot.gov/
                                              public entities.                                        Drug Testing                                          pipeline) since 2011. PHMSA
                                                 Affected Public: Eligible state and                                                                        determined that distributing
                                                                                                         Operators of natural gas, hazardous                information via the Portal would be
                                              local public entities.                                  liquid, and carbon dioxide pipelines
                                                 Estimated Number of Respondents:                                                                           more effective than the previous mailing
                                                                                                      and operators of liquefied natural gas                process.
                                              13.                                                     and underground natural gas storage
                                                 Estimated Number of Responses: 13.                                                                           When the DAMIS user name and
                                                                                                      facilities must randomly select and test              password are available in the PHMSA
                                                 Estimated Hours per Response: 44.
                                                                                                      a percentage of all covered employees                 Portal, all registered users will receive
                                                 Annual Estimated Total Annual
                                                                                                      for prohibited drug use in accordance                 an email to that effect. If operator staff
                                              Burden Hours: 572.
                                                                                                      with 49 CFR part 199. Pursuant to                     responsible for submitting MIS reports
                                                 Frequency of Response: Annually.
                                                                                                      § 199.105(c)(1), the PHMSA minimum                    do not receive the DAMIS information,
                                              (Authority: The Paperwork Reduction Act of              annual random drug testing rate for all               they should coordinate with other
                                              1995; 44 U.S.C. chapter 35, as amended; and             covered employees is 50 percent. The                  registered PHMSA Portal users within
                                              49 CFR 1.93.) * * *
                                                                                                      Administrator can adjust this random                  their company to obtain the DAMIS user
                                                Dated: December 4, 2018.                              drug testing rate based on the reported               name and password. Registered PHMSA
                                                By Order of the Maritime Administrator.               positive rate in the pipeline industry’s              Portal users for an operator typically
                                              T. Mitchell Hudson, Jr.,                                random drug tests, which is submitted                 include operator staff or consultants
                                              Secretary, Maritime Administration.                     in operators’ annual Management                       who submit annual and incident reports
                                                                                                      Information System (MIS) reports as                   through PHMSA F 7000- and 7100-
                                              [FR Doc. 2018–26723 Filed 12–10–18; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                      required by § 199.119(a). In accordance               series forms. Operators that have not
                                              BILLING CODE 4910–81–P
                                                                                                      with § 199.105(c)(3), if the reported                 previously registered staff in the
                                                                                                      positive drug test rate is below 1 percent            PHMSA Portal for the reporting
                                              DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION                            for 2 consecutive years, the                          purposes of parts 191 and 195 can
                                                                                                      Administrator can reduce the random                   register users by following the
                                              Pipeline and Hazardous Materials                        drug testing rate to 25 percent of all                instructions at: https://
                                              Safety Administration                                   covered employees. In calendar year                   portal.phmsa.dot.gov/PHMSAPortal2/
                                                                                                      2017, the random drug test positive rate              staticContentRedesign/howto/Portal
                                              [Docket ID PHMSA–2018–0103]                             for the entire pipeline industry was                  AccountCreation.pdf.
                                                                                                      reported at greater than 1 percent;                     Pursuant to §§ 199.119(a) and
                                              Pipeline Safety: Random Drug Testing                                                                          199.229(a), operators with 50 or more
                                              Rate; Management Information System                     therefore, the minimum annual random
                                                                                                      drug testing rate for calendar year 2019              covered employees, including both
                                              Reporting; and Obtaining Drug and                                                                             operator and contractor staff, are
                                              Alcohol Management Information                          is maintained at 50 percent of all
                                                                                                      covered employees.                                    required to submit annual MIS reports.
                                              System Sign-In Information                                                                                    Operators with fewer than 50 total
                                                                                                      Reminder for Operators To Report                      covered employees are required to
                                              AGENCY:  Pipeline and Hazardous
                                                                                                      Contractor MIS Data                                   submit MIS reports only upon written
                                              Materials Safety Administration
                                              (PHMSA), DOT.                                             On January 19, 2010, (75 FR 2926)                   request from PHMSA. If an operator
                                              ACTION: Notice of Calendar Year 2019                    PHMSA published an advisory bulletin                  with fewer than 50 total covered
                                              Minimum Annual Percentage Rate for                      notifying operators of the appropriate                employees has submitted an MIS report
                                              Random Drug Testing, Reminder for                       methodology for the annual collection                 in or after calendar year 2016, the
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1

                                              Operators to Report Contractor MIS                      of contractor MIS drug and alcohol                    PHMSA Portal message may state that
                                              Data, and Reminder of Method for                        testing data to avoid duplicative                     no MIS report is required for calendar
                                              Operators to Obtain User Name and                       reporting when a contractor works for                 year 2018. If an operator with fewer
                                              Password for Electronic Reporting.                      multiple operators. If an operator is                 than 50 covered employees has grown to
                                                                                                      required to submit a MIS report in                    more than 50 covered employees during
                                              SUMMARY: PHMSA has determined that                      accordance with part 199, that report is              calendar year 2018, the PHMSA Portal
                                              the minimum random drug testing rate                    not complete until PHMSA receives MIS                 message will include instructions for

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:51 Dec 10, 2018   Jkt 247001   PO 00000   Frm 00090   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\11DEN1.SGM   11DEN1

                                              63702                      Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 237 / Tuesday, December 11, 2018 / Notices

                                              how to obtain a DAMIS user name and                     DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS                                Washington, DC 20002, has been
                                              password for the 2018 calendar year                     AFFAIRS                                               cancelled.
                                              reporting period.                                                                                               For more information, please contact
                                                                                                      National Research Advisory Council;                   Ms. Rashelle Robinson, Designated
                                                Issued in Washington, DC, on December 3,
                                                                                                      Notice of Meeting; Cancellation                       Federal Officer at (202) 443–5668, or via
                                              2018, under authority delegated in 49 CFR
                                              1.97.                                                                                                         email at Rashelle.Robinson@va.gov.
                                                                                                        The Department of Veterans Affairs
                                              Alan K. Mayberry,                                       (VA) gives notice under the Federal                     Dated: December 4, 2018.
                                              Associate Administrator for Pipeline Safety.            Advisory Committee Act that the                       LaTonya L. Small,
                                              [FR Doc. 2018–26750 Filed 12–10–18; 8:45 am]            meeting of the National Research                      Federal Advisory Committee Management
                                                                                                      Advisory Council previously scheduled                 Officer.
                                              BILLING CODE 4910–60–P
                                                                                                      to be held on Wednesday, December 5,                  [FR Doc. 2018–26714 Filed 12–10–18; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                      2018, at 1100 First Street NE, Room 104,              BILLING CODE 8320–01–P
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:51 Dec 10, 2018   Jkt 247001   PO 00000   Frm 00091   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 9990   E:\FR\FM\11DEN1.SGM   11DEN1

Document Created: 2018-12-11 01:07:22
Document Modified: 2018-12-11 01:07:22
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice of Calendar Year 2019 Minimum Annual Percentage Rate for Random Drug Testing, Reminder for Operators to Report Contractor MIS Data, and Reminder of Method for Operators to Obtain User Name and Password for Electronic Reporting.
DatesEffective January 1, 2019, through December 31, 2019.
ContactWayne Lemoi, Drug & Alcohol Program Manager, telephone at 909-937-7232 or by email at [email protected]
FR Citation83 FR 63701 

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