83_FR_6552 83 FR 6521 - Fisheries of the South Atlantic; Southeast Data, Assessment, and Review (SEDAR); Public Meeting

83 FR 6521 - Fisheries of the South Atlantic; Southeast Data, Assessment, and Review (SEDAR); Public Meeting

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 31 (February 14, 2018)

Page Range6521-6522
FR Document2018-03015

The SEDAR 56 assessment of the South Atlantic stock of Black Seabass will consist of a series webinars. See SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 31 (Wednesday, February 14, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 31 (Wednesday, February 14, 2018)]
[Pages 6521-6522]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-03015]



National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

RIN 0648-XF988

Fisheries of the South Atlantic; Southeast Data, Assessment, and 
Review (SEDAR); Public Meeting

AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and 
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.

ACTION: Notice of SEDAR 56 Assessment Webinars III.


SUMMARY: The SEDAR 56 assessment of the South Atlantic stock of Black 
Seabass will consist of a series webinars. See SUPPLEMENTARY 

DATES: SEDAR 56 Assessment webinar III will be held on Friday, March 2, 
2018 from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m.

    Meeting address: The meeting will be held via webinar. The webinar 
is open to members of the public. Those interested in participating 
should contact Julia Byrd at SEDAR (see FOR FURTHER INFORMATION 
CONTACT) to request an invitation providing webinar access information. 
Please request webinar invitations at least 24 hours in advance of each 
    SEDAR address: South Atlantic Fishery Management Council, 4055 
Faber Place Drive, Suite 201, N. Charleston, SC 29405; 

Faber Place Drive, Suite 201, North Charleston, SC 29405; phone: (843) 
571-4366; email: [email protected].

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Gulf of Mexico, South Atlantic, and 
Caribbean Fishery Management Councils, in conjunction with NOAA 
Fisheries and the Atlantic and Gulf States Marine Fisheries 
Commissions, have implemented the Southeast Data, Assessment and Review 
(SEDAR) process, a multi-step method for determining the status of fish 
stocks in the Southeast Region. The product of the SEDAR webinar series 
will be a report which compiles and evaluates potential datasets and 
recommends which datasets are appropriate for assessment analyses, and 
describes the fisheries, evaluates the status of the stock, estimates 
biological benchmarks, projects future population conditions, and 
recommends research and monitoring needs. Participants for SEDAR 
Workshops are appointed by the Gulf of Mexico, South Atlantic, and 
Caribbean Fishery Management Councils and NOAA Fisheries Southeast 
Regional Office, Highly Migratory Species Management Division, and 
Southeast Fisheries Science Center. Participants include: data 
collectors and database managers; stock assessment scientists, 
biologists, and researchers; constituency representatives including 
fishermen, environmentalists, and non-governmental organizations 
(NGOs); international experts; and staff of Councils, Commissions, and 
state and federal agencies.
    The items of discussion in the Assessment webinars are as follows:
    1. Participants will continue discussions to develop population 
models to evaluate stock status, estimate population benchmarks, and 
project future conditions, as specified in the Terms of Reference.
    2. Participants will recommend the most appropriate methods and 
configurations for determining stock status and estimating population 
    3. Participants will prepare a workshop report and determine 
whether the assessment(s) are adequate for submission for review.
    Although non-emergency issues not contained in this agenda may come 
before this group for discussion, those issues may not be the subject 
of formal

[[Page 6522]]

action during this meeting. Action will be restricted to those issues 
specifically identified in this notice and any issues arising after 
publication of this notice that require emergency action under section 
305(c) of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, 
provided the public has been notified of the intent to take final 
action to address the emergency.

Special Accommodations

    This meeting is accessible to people with disabilities. Requests 
for auxiliary aids should be directed to the SAFMC office (see 
ADDRESSES) at least 5 business days prior to the meeting.

    Note:  The times and sequence specified in this agenda are 
subject to change.

    Authority:  16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.

    Dated: February 9, 2018.
Tracey L. Thompson,
Acting Deputy Director, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, National 
Marine Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. 2018-03015 Filed 2-13-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 31 / Wednesday, February 14, 2018 / Notices                                            6521

                                               collections, as required by the                         IV. Request for Comments                                 SEDAR address: South Atlantic
                                               Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.                           Comments are invited on: (a) Whether               Fishery Management Council, 4055
                                               DATES: Written comments must be                         the proposed collection of information                Faber Place Drive, Suite 201, N.
                                               submitted by April 16, 2018.                            is necessary for the proper performance               Charleston, SC 29405;
                                                                                                       of the functions of the agency, including             www.sedarweb.org.
                                               ADDRESSES: Direct all written comments
                                               to Jennifer Jessup, Departmental                        whether the information shall have                    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Julia
                                               Paperwork Clearance Officer,                            practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the            Byrd, SEDAR Coordinator, 4055 Faber
                                               Department of Commerce, Room 6616,                      agency’s estimate of the burden                       Place Drive, Suite 201, North
                                               14th and Constitution Avenue NW,                        (including hours and cost) of the                     Charleston, SC 29405; phone: (843) 571–
                                               Washington, DC 20230 (or via the                        proposed collection of information; (c)               4366; email: julia.byrd@safmc.net.
                                               internet at pracomments@doc.gov).                       ways to enhance the quality, utility, and             SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Gulf
                                                                                                       clarity of the information to be                      of Mexico, South Atlantic, and
                                               FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                                                                       collected; and (d) ways to minimize the               Caribbean Fishery Management
                                               Requests for additional information or                  burden of the collection of information               Councils, in conjunction with NOAA
                                               copies of the information collection                    on respondents, including through the                 Fisheries and the Atlantic and Gulf
                                               instrument and instructions should be                   use of automated collection techniques                States Marine Fisheries Commissions,
                                               directed to Adam Bailey, National                       or other forms of information                         have implemented the Southeast Data,
                                               Marine Fisheries Service, Southeast                     technology.                                           Assessment and Review (SEDAR)
                                               Regional Office, 263 13th Avenue                           Comments submitted in response to                  process, a multi-step method for
                                               South, St. Petersburg, FL 33701, or                     this notice will be summarized and/or                 determining the status of fish stocks in
                                               adam.bailey@noaa.gov.                                   included in the request for OMB                       the Southeast Region. The product of
                                               SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                              approval of this information collection;              the SEDAR webinar series will be a
                                               I. Abstract                                             they also will become a matter of public              report which compiles and evaluates
                                                                                                       record.                                               potential datasets and recommends
                                                  This request is for extension of a                     Dated: February 8, 2018.                            which datasets are appropriate for
                                               currently approved information                                                                                assessment analyses, and describes the
                                                                                                       Sarah Brabson,
                                               collection. The seafood dealers who                                                                           fisheries, evaluates the status of the
                                                                                                       NOAA PRA Clearance Officer.
                                               process red porgy, greater amberjack,                                                                         stock, estimates biological benchmarks,
                                               gag grouper, black grouper, red grouper,                [FR Doc. 2018–02946 Filed 2–13–18; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                                                                             projects future population conditions,
                                               scamp, red hind, rock hind,                             BILLING CODE 3510–22–P
                                                                                                                                                             and recommends research and
                                               yellowmouth grouper, yellowfin                                                                                monitoring needs. Participants for
                                               grouper, graysby or coney during                                                                              SEDAR Workshops are appointed by the
                                               seasonal fishery closures for applicable                DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
                                                                                                                                                             Gulf of Mexico, South Atlantic, and
                                               species must maintain documentation,                    National Oceanic and Atmospheric                      Caribbean Fishery Management
                                               as specified in 50 CFR part 300 subpart                 Administration                                        Councils and NOAA Fisheries Southeast
                                               K and 50 CFR 622.192(i), that such fish                                                                       Regional Office, Highly Migratory
                                               were harvested from areas other than                    RIN 0648–XF988                                        Species Management Division, and
                                               state or Federal waters in the South                                                                          Southeast Fisheries Science Center.
                                               Atlantic. The documentation includes                    Fisheries of the South Atlantic;                      Participants include: data collectors and
                                               information on the vessel that harvested                Southeast Data, Assessment, and                       database managers; stock assessment
                                               the fish, and where and when the fish                   Review (SEDAR); Public Meeting                        scientists, biologists, and researchers;
                                               were offloaded. NMFS requires the                       AGENCY:  National Marine Fisheries                    constituency representatives including
                                               information for the enforcement of                      Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and                  fishermen, environmentalists, and non-
                                               fishery regulations.                                    Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),                    governmental organizations (NGOs);
                                               II. Method of Collection                                Commerce.                                             international experts; and staff of
                                                                                                       ACTION: Notice of SEDAR 56 Assessment
                                                                                                                                                             Councils, Commissions, and state and
                                                 The information is in the form of a                                                                         federal agencies.
                                                                                                       Webinars III.
                                               paper affidavit, which remains with the                                                                          The items of discussion in the
                                               respondent.                                             SUMMARY:  The SEDAR 56 assessment of                  Assessment webinars are as follows:
                                                                                                       the South Atlantic stock of Black                        1. Participants will continue
                                               III. Data
                                                                                                       Seabass will consist of a series                      discussions to develop population
                                                 OMB Control Number: 0648–0365.                        webinars. See SUPPLEMENTARY                           models to evaluate stock status, estimate
                                                 Form Number(s): None.                                 INFORMATION.                                          population benchmarks, and project
                                                 Type of Review: Regular submission—                                                                         future conditions, as specified in the
                                                                                                       DATES:   SEDAR 56 Assessment webinar                  Terms of Reference.
                                               extension of a current information                      III will be held on Friday, March 2, 2018
                                               collection.                                                                                                      2. Participants will recommend the
                                                                                                       from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m.                              most appropriate methods and
                                                 Affected Public: Business or other for-
                                                                                                       ADDRESSES:                                            configurations for determining stock
                                               profit organizations; individuals or
                                                                                                          Meeting address: The meeting will be               status and estimating population
                                                                                                       held via webinar. The webinar is open                 parameters.
                                                 Estimated Number of Respondents:                      to members of the public. Those                          3. Participants will prepare a
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               25.                                                     interested in participating should                    workshop report and determine whether
                                                 Estimated Time per Response: 30                       contact Julia Byrd at SEDAR (see FOR                  the assessment(s) are adequate for
                                               minutes.                                                FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT) to                       submission for review.
                                                 Estimated Total Annual Burden                         request an invitation providing webinar                  Although non-emergency issues not
                                               Hours: 50.                                              access information. Please request                    contained in this agenda may come
                                                 Estimated Total Annual Cost to                        webinar invitations at least 24 hours in              before this group for discussion, those
                                               Public: $0.                                             advance of each webinar.                              issues may not be the subject of formal

                                          VerDate Sep<11>2014   22:07 Feb 13, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00015   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\14FEN1.SGM   14FEN1

                                               6522                      Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 31 / Wednesday, February 14, 2018 / Notices

                                               action during this meeting. Action will                 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:      The                   that NMFS has issued an incidental
                                               be restricted to those issues specifically              purpose of this meeting is to make                    harassment authorization (IHA) to the
                                               identified in this notice and any issues                multi-year ABC recommendations for                    United States Department of the Navy
                                               arising after publication of this notice                the blueline tilefish stock north of the              (Navy) to incidentally harass, by Level
                                               that require emergency action under                     VA/NC border based on updated stock                   B harassment, marine mammals during
                                               section 305(c) of the Magnuson-Stevens                  assessment results and                                Ice Exercise 2018 (ICEX18) activities
                                               Fishery Conservation and Management                     recommendations from the blueline                     within the Beaufort Sea and Arctic
                                               Act, provided the public has been                       tilefish Working Group. A review the                  Ocean north of Prudhoe Bay, Alaska.
                                               notified of the intent to take final action             most recent survey, fishery data, and the             The Navy’s activities are considered a
                                               to address the emergency.                               currently implemented 2019 ABC for                    military readiness activity pursuant to
                                                                                                       golden tilefish will also be conducted.               the Marine Mammal Protection Act
                                               Special Accommodations                                  The SSC will also review and provide                  (MMPA), as amended by the National
                                                 This meeting is accessible to people                  recommendations regarding the                         Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal
                                               with disabilities. Requests for auxiliary               Northeast Fisheries Science Center clam               Year 2004 (NDAA).
                                               aids should be directed to the SAFMC                    dredge survey redesign, approve the                   DATES: This authorization is applicable
                                               office (see ADDRESSES) at least 5                       OFL CV discussion document that                       from February 1, 2018 through May 1,
                                               business days prior to the meeting.                     would establish decision rules for                    2018.
                                                 Note: The times and sequence specified in             specifying the CV of the OFL                          FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Rob
                                               this agenda are subject to change.                      distribution, and review the most recent              Pauline, Office of Protected Resources,
                                                                                                       Mid-Atlantic State of the Ecosystem                   NMFS, (301) 427–8408. Electronic
                                                  Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.                    report. In addition, other topics the SSC             copies of the application and supporting
                                                 Dated: February 9, 2018.                              may discuss include outcomes from the                 documents, as well as a list of the
                                               Tracey L. Thompson,                                     most recent National SSC meeting, SSC                 references cited in this document, may
                                               Acting Deputy Director, Office of Sustainable           species and topic leads and any other                 be obtained online at
                                               Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries Service.           business as necessary.                                www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/permits/
                                                                                                          A detailed agenda and background
                                               [FR Doc. 2018–03015 Filed 2–13–18; 8:45 am]                                                                   incidental/military.htm. In case of
                                                                                                       documents will be made available on
                                               BILLING CODE 3510–22–P                                                                                        problems accessing these documents,
                                                                                                       the Council’s website (www.mafmc.org)
                                                                                                                                                             please call the contact listed above.
                                                                                                       prior to the meeting.
                                                                                                                                                             SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                               DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE                                  Special Accommodations
                                               National Oceanic and Atmospheric                          These meetings are physically
                                                                                                       accessible to people with disabilities.                  Sections 101(a)(5)(A) and (D) of the
                                               Administration                                                                                                MMPA (16 U.S.C. 1361 et seq.) direct
                                                                                                       Requests for sign language
                                               RIN 0648–XG020                                          interpretation or other auxiliary aid                 the Secretary of Commerce (as delegated
                                                                                                       should be directed to M. Jan Saunders,                to NMFS) to allow, upon request, the
                                               Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management                         (302) 526–5251, at least 5 days prior to              incidental, but not intentional, taking of
                                               Council (MAFMC); Public Meeting                         the meeting date.                                     small numbers of marine mammals by
                                                                                                                                                             U.S. citizens who engage in a specified
                                               AGENCY:  National Marine Fisheries                        Dated: February 9, 2018.
                                                                                                                                                             activity (other than commercial fishing)
                                               Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and                    Tracey L. Thompson,                                   within a specified geographical region if
                                               Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),                      Acting Deputy Director, Office of Sustainable         certain findings are made and either
                                               Commerce.                                               Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries Service.         regulations are issued or, if the taking is
                                               ACTION: Notice; public meeting.                         [FR Doc. 2018–03016 Filed 2–13–18; 8:45 am]           limited to harassment, a notice of a
                                               SUMMARY:   The Scientific and Statistical
                                                                                                       BILLING CODE 3510–22–P                                proposed authorization is provided to
                                               Committee (SSC) of the Mid-Atlantic                                                                           the public for review.
                                               Fishery Management Council’s                                                                                     An authorization for incidental
                                                                                                       DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE                                takings shall be granted if NMFS finds
                                               (Council) will hold a meeting.
                                                                                                       National Oceanic and Atmospheric                      that the taking will have a negligible
                                               DATES: The meeting will be held on
                                                                                                       Administration                                        impact on the species or stock(s), will
                                               Tuesday, March 13, 2018, from 1 p.m.
                                                                                                                                                             not have an unmitigable adverse impact
                                               through 5:30 p.m. and on Wednesday,                     RIN 0648–XF470                                        on the availability of the species or
                                               March 14, 2018, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30
                                                                                                                                                             stock(s) for subsistence uses (where
                                               p.m. See SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION                      Takes of Marine Mammals Incidental to                 relevant), and if the permissible
                                               for agenda details.                                     Specified Activities; Taking Marine                   methods of taking and requirements
                                               ADDRESSES: The meeting will take place                  Mammals Incidental to U.S. Navy 2018                  pertaining to the mitigation, monitoring
                                               at the Royal Sonesta Harbor Court                       Ice Exercise Activities in the Beaufort               and reporting of such takings are set
                                               Baltimore, 550 Light Street, Baltimore,                 Sea and Arctic Ocean                                  forth.
                                               MD 21202; telephone: (410) 234–0550.                                                                             NMFS has defined ‘‘negligible
                                                  Council address: Mid-Atlantic Fishery                AGENCY:  National Marine Fisheries
                                                                                                       Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and                  impact’’ in 50 CFR 216.103 as an impact
                                               Management Council, 800 N. State                                                                              resulting from the specified activity that
                                               Street, Suite 201, Dover, DE 19901;                     Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
                                                                                                       Commerce.                                             cannot be reasonably expected to, and is
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               telephone: (302) 674–2331; website:                                                                           not reasonably likely to, adversely affect
                                               www.mafmc.org.                                          ACTION: Notice; issuance of an incidental
                                                                                                       harassment authorization.                             the species or stock through effects on
                                               FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                                                                              annual rates of recruitment or survival.
                                               Christopher M. Moore, Ph.D., Executive                  SUMMARY:  In accordance with the                         The MMPA states that the term ‘‘take’’
                                               Director, Mid-Atlantic Fishery                          regulations implementing the Marine                   means to harass, hunt, capture, kill or
                                               Management Council, telephone: (302)                    Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) as                       attempt to harass, hunt, capture, or kill
                                               526–5255.                                               amended, notification is hereby given                 any marine mammal.

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Document Created: 2018-02-14 03:59:02
Document Modified: 2018-02-14 03:59:02
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice of SEDAR 56 Assessment Webinars III.
DatesSEDAR 56 Assessment webinar III will be held on Friday, March 2, 2018 from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m.
ContactJulia Byrd, SEDAR Coordinator, 4055 Faber Place Drive, Suite 201, North Charleston, SC 29405; phone: (843) 571-4366; email: [email protected]
FR Citation83 FR 6521 
RIN Number0648-XF98

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