83_FR_6699 83 FR 6668 - Environmental Impact Statement for 2019 Update to the Integrated Resource Plan

83 FR 6668 - Environmental Impact Statement for 2019 Update to the Integrated Resource Plan


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 31 (February 14, 2018)

Page Range6668-6669
FR Document2018-03027

The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is conducting a study of its energy resources in order to update and replace the Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) and the associated Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) that it completed in 2015. The IRP is a comprehensive study of how TVA will meet the demand for electricity in its service territory over the next 20 years. The 2015 IRP is being updated in response to major changes in electrical utility industry trends since 2015, including flat to slightly declining load growth, advances in the development of distributed energy resources and the integration of those resources in the electric grid. As part of the study, TVA intends to prepare a programmatic EIS to assess the impacts associated with the implementation of the updated IRP. TVA will use the EIS process to elicit and prioritize the values and concerns of stakeholders; identify issues, trends, events, and tradeoffs affecting TVA's policies; formulate, evaluate and compare alternative portfolios of energy resource options; provide opportunities for public review and comment; and ensure that TVA's evaluation of alternative energy resource strategies reflects a full range of stakeholder input. Public comment is invited concerning both the scope of the EIS and environmental issues that should be addressed as a part of this EIS.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 31 (Wednesday, February 14, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 31 (Wednesday, February 14, 2018)]
[Pages 6668-6669]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-03027]



Environmental Impact Statement for 2019 Update to the Integrated 
Resource Plan

AGENCY: Tennessee Valley Authority.

ACTION: Notice of intent.


SUMMARY: The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is conducting a study of 
its energy resources in order to update and replace the Integrated 
Resource Plan (IRP) and the associated Supplemental Environmental 
Impact Statement (EIS) that it completed in 2015. The IRP is a 
comprehensive study of how TVA will meet the demand for electricity in 
its service territory over the next 20 years. The 2015 IRP is being 
updated in response to major changes in electrical utility industry 
trends since 2015, including flat to slightly declining load growth, 
advances in the development of distributed energy resources and the 
integration of those resources in the electric grid. As part of the 
study, TVA intends to prepare a programmatic EIS to assess the impacts 
associated with the implementation of the updated IRP. TVA will use the 
EIS process to elicit and prioritize the values and concerns of 
stakeholders; identify issues, trends, events, and tradeoffs affecting 
TVA's policies; formulate, evaluate and compare alternative portfolios 
of energy resource options; provide opportunities for public review and 
comment; and ensure that TVA's evaluation of alternative energy 
resource strategies reflects a full range of stakeholder input. Public 
comment is invited concerning both the scope of the EIS and 
environmental issues that should be addressed as a part of this EIS.

DATES: To ensure consideration, comments on the scope and environmental 
issues must be postmarked, emailed or submitted online no later than 
April 16, 2018. To facilitate the scoping process, TVA will hold public 
scoping meetings; see http://www.tva.gov/irp for more information on 
the meetings.

ADDRESSES: Written comments should be sent to Ashley Pilakowski, NEPA 
Compliance Specialist, 400 West Summit Hill Dr., WT 11D, Knoxville, TN 
37902-1499. Comments may also be submitted online at: www.tva.gov/irp, 
or by email at IRP@tva.gov.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For general information about the NEPA 
process, please contact Ashley Pilakowski at the address above, by 
email at aapilakowski@tva.gov. For general information on the IRP 
process, contact Hunter Hydas, Tennessee Valley Authority, 1101 Market 
Street, MR 3M-C, Chattanooga, TN 37402 or by email at jhhydas@tva.gov.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice is provided in accordance with 
the Council on Environmental Quality's Regulations (40 CFR parts 1500 
to 1508) and TVA's procedures for implementing the National 
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). TVA is an agency and instrumentality 
of the United States, established by an act of Congress in 1933, to 
foster the social and economic welfare of the people of the Tennessee 
Valley region and to promote the proper use and conservation of the 
region's natural resources. One component of this mission is the 
generation, transmission, and sale of reliable and affordable electric 

TVA Power System

    TVA operates the nation's largest public power system, providing 
electricity to about 9 million people in an 80,000-square mile area 
comprised of most of Tennessee and parts of Virginia, North Carolina, 
Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Kentucky. It provides wholesale 
power to 154 independent local power companies and 56 directly served 
large industries and federal facilities. The TVA Act requires the TVA 
power system to be self-supporting and operated on a nonprofit basis 
and directs TVA to sell power at rates as low as are feasible.
    Dependable generating capability on the TVA power system is 
approximately 37,000 megawatts. TVA generates most of the power it 
distributes with 3 nuclear plants, 7 coal-fired plants, 9 simple-cycle 
combustion turbine plants, 7 combined-cycle combustion turbine plants, 
29 hydroelectric dams, a pumped-storage facility, a methane-gas 
cofiring facility, a diesel-fired facility, and 16 small solar 
photovoltaic facilities. A portion of delivered power is provided 
through long-term power purchase agreements. In 2017, 25 percent of 
TVA's power supply was from coal; 38 percent from nuclear; 16 percent 
from natural gas; 9 percent from non-renewable purchases; 7 percent 
from hydro; and 5 percent from renewable power purchase agreements. TVA 
transmits electricity from these facilities over 16,000 circuit miles 
of transmission lines. Like other utility systems, TVA has power 
interchange agreements with utilities surrounding its region and 
purchases and sells power on an economic basis almost daily.

Resource Planning

    TVA develops an Integrated Resource Plan to identify the most 
effective energy resource strategies that will meet TVA's mission and 
serve the people of the Valley for the next 20 years. In 2015, TVA 
completed the Integrated Resource Plan and associated Supplemental EIS. 
Since 2015, several industry-wide changes have led TVA to begin 
development of the new IRP and associated EIS ahead of the 5-year cycle 
identified in the 2015 IRP. Natural gas supplies are abundant and are 
projected to remain available at lower cost. The electric system load 
is expected to be flat, or even declining slightly, over the next ten 
years. The price of renewable resources, particularly solar, continues 
to decline. Consumer demand for renewable and distributed energy 
resources (including distributed generation, storage, demand response, 
energy services, and energy efficiency programs) is growing.

Proposed Issues To Be Addressed

    Based on discussions with both internal and external stakeholders, 
TVA anticipates that the scope of the IRP EIS will include the cost and 
reliability of power, the availability and use of renewable and 
distributed energy resources, the effectiveness and implementation of 
demand side management options, the effect of energy efficiency 
programs, and the relationship of the economy to all of these options. 
The IRP EIS will address the effects of power production on the 
environment, including climate change, the effects of climate change on 
the Valley, and the waste and byproducts of TVA's power operations.
    Because of its nature as a planning document, the IRP will not 
identify specific locations for new resource options. Site-specific 
environmental effects of new resource options will be addressed in 
later site-specific assessments tiered off this programmatic EIS. 
Therefore, in this programmatic environmental impact statement, TVA 
anticipates that the environmental effects examined will primarily be 

[[Page 6669]]

at a regional level with some extending to a national or global level. 
Preliminary issues identified by TVA that will be reviewed in this 
analysis include:
     Emissions of greenhouse gases,
     fuel consumption,
     air quality,
     water quality and quantity,
     waste generation and disposal,
     land use,
     cultural resources,
     socioeconomic impacts and environmental justice.
    TVA invites suggestions concerning the list of issues which should 
be addressed. TVA also invites specific comments on the questions that 
will begin to be answered by this IRP:
     How do you think energy usage will change in the next 20 
years in the Tennessee Valley region?
     Should the diversity of the current power generation mix 
(e.g., coal, nuclear power, natural gas, hydro, renewable resources) 
change? If so, how?
     How should distributed energy resources be considered in 
TVA planning?
     How should energy efficiency and demand response be 
considered in planning for future energy needs and how can TVA directly 
affect electricity usage by consumers?
     And how will the resource decisions discussed above affect 
the reliability, dispatchability (ability to turn on or off energy 
resources) and cost of electricity?

Analytical Approach

    TVA employs a scenario planning approach when developing an IRP. 
The major steps in this approach include identifying the future need 
for power, developing scenarios and strategies, determining potential 
supply-side and demand-side energy resource options, developing 
portfolios associated with the strategies and ranking strategies and 
portfolios. The 2015 IRP, developed with extensive public involvement, 
evaluated six alternative energy resource strategies which differed in 
the amount of purchased power, energy efficiency and demand response 
efforts, renewable energy resources, nuclear generating capacity 
additions, and coal-fired generation. The alternative strategies were 
analyzed in the context of five different scenarios that described 
plausible future economic, financial, regulatory and legislated 
conditions, as well as social trends and adoption of technological 
innovations. TVA then developed a preferred alternative, the Target 
Power Supply Mix, based on guideline ranges for key energy resources. 
In developing the Target Power Supply Mix, TVA took into account its 
least-cost planning requirement and customer priorities of power cost 
and reliability, as well as other comments it received during the 
public comment periods. The Target Power Supply Mix established ranges, 
in MW, for coal plant retirements and additions of nuclear, 
hydroelectric, demand response, energy efficiency, solar, wind, and 
natural gas capacity. TVA anticipates using an analytical approach 
similar to that of the 2015 IRP/EIS described above. The number of 
alternative energy resource strategies and scenarios to be evaluated 
may differ from the 2015 IRP/EIS and will be determined after the 
completion of scoping.

Scoping Process

    Scoping, which is integral to the process for implementing NEPA, 
provides an early and open process to ensure that (1) issues are 
identified early and properly studied; (2) issues of little 
significance do not consume substantial time and effort; (3) the draft 
EIS is thorough and balanced; and (4) delays caused by an inadequate 
EIS are avoided.
    With the help of the public, TVA will identify the most effective 
energy resource strategy that will meet TVA's mission and serve the 
people of the Valley for the next 20 years. To ensure that the full 
range of issues and a comprehensive portfolio of energy resources are 
addressed, TVA invites members of the public as well as Federal, state, 
and local agencies and Indian tribes to comment on the scope of the IRP 
EIS. As part of the IRP process and in addition to other public 
engagement opportunities, TVA is assembling representatives from key 
stakeholders to participate in a working group that will discuss 
tradeoffs associated with different resource options and assist TVA in 
developing an optimal energy resource strategy.
    Comments on the scope of this IRP EIS should be submitted no later 
than the date given under the DATES section of this notice. Any 
comments received, including names and addresses, will become part of 
the administrative record and will be available for public inspection.
    After consideration of the comments received during this scoping 
period, TVA will summarize public and agency comments, identify the 
issues and alternatives to be addressed in the EIS, and identify the 
schedule for completing the EIS process. Following analysis of the 
issues, TVA will prepare a draft EIS for public review and comment. 
Notice of availability of the draft EIS will be published by the U.S. 
Environmental Protection Agency in the Federal Register. TVA will 
solicit written comments on the draft IRP and EIS and also hold public 
meetings for this purpose. TVA expects to release the draft IRP and EIS 
in late 2018. TVA anticipates issuing the final IRP and EIS in 2019.

    Dated: February 8, 2018.
M. Susan Smelley,
Director, Environmental Compliance and Operations.
[FR Doc. 2018-03027 Filed 2-13-18; 8:45 am]

                                               6668                      Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 31 / Wednesday, February 14, 2018 / Notices

                                                 • Chapter 17 of the United States-                    hold public scoping meetings; see                     percent of TVA’s power supply was
                                               Morocco Free Trade Agreement; and                       http://www.tva.gov/irp for more                       from coal; 38 percent from nuclear; 16
                                                 • Final Environmental Review of the                   information on the meetings.                          percent from natural gas; 9 percent from
                                               United States–Morocco Free Trade                        ADDRESSES: Written comments should                    non-renewable purchases; 7 percent
                                               Agreement.                                              be sent to Ashley Pilakowski, NEPA                    from hydro; and 5 percent from
                                                 These documents are available at:                     Compliance Specialist, 400 West                       renewable power purchase agreements.
                                               http://www.state.gov/e/oes/eqt/trade/                   Summit Hill Dr., WT 11D, Knoxville,                   TVA transmits electricity from these
                                               morocco/index.htm.                                      TN 37902–1499. Comments may also be                   facilities over 16,000 circuit miles of
                                                                                                       submitted online at: www.tva.gov/irp, or              transmission lines. Like other utility
                                               Robert Wing,
                                                                                                       by email at IRP@tva.gov.                              systems, TVA has power interchange
                                               Acting Director, Office of Environmental                                                                      agreements with utilities surrounding
                                               Quality and Transboundary Issues,                       FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For
                                                                                                       general information about the NEPA                    its region and purchases and sells power
                                               Department of State.
                                                                                                       process, please contact Ashley                        on an economic basis almost daily.
                                               [FR Doc. 2018–03117 Filed 2–13–18; 8:45 am]
                                               BILLING CODE 4710–09–P
                                                                                                       Pilakowski at the address above, by                   Resource Planning
                                                                                                       email at aapilakowski@tva.gov. For                       TVA develops an Integrated Resource
                                                                                                       general information on the IRP process,               Plan to identify the most effective
                                               TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY                              contact Hunter Hydas, Tennessee Valley                energy resource strategies that will meet
                                                                                                       Authority, 1101 Market Street, MR                     TVA’s mission and serve the people of
                                               Environmental Impact Statement for                      3M–C, Chattanooga, TN 37402 or by                     the Valley for the next 20 years. In 2015,
                                               2019 Update to the Integrated                           email at jhhydas@tva.gov.                             TVA completed the Integrated Resource
                                               Resource Plan                                           SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This                       Plan and associated Supplemental EIS.
                                                                                                       notice is provided in accordance with                 Since 2015, several industry-wide
                                               AGENCY:   Tennessee Valley Authority.                   the Council on Environmental Quality’s                changes have led TVA to begin
                                               ACTION:   Notice of intent.                             Regulations (40 CFR parts 1500 to 1508)               development of the new IRP and
                                                                                                       and TVA’s procedures for implementing                 associated EIS ahead of the 5-year cycle
                                               SUMMARY:    The Tennessee Valley                        the National Environmental Policy Act
                                               Authority (TVA) is conducting a study                                                                         identified in the 2015 IRP. Natural gas
                                                                                                       (NEPA). TVA is an agency and                          supplies are abundant and are projected
                                               of its energy resources in order to                     instrumentality of the United States,                 to remain available at lower cost. The
                                               update and replace the Integrated                       established by an act of Congress in                  electric system load is expected to be
                                               Resource Plan (IRP) and the associated                  1933, to foster the social and economic               flat, or even declining slightly, over the
                                               Supplemental Environmental Impact                       welfare of the people of the Tennessee                next ten years. The price of renewable
                                               Statement (EIS) that it completed in                    Valley region and to promote the proper               resources, particularly solar, continues
                                               2015. The IRP is a comprehensive study                  use and conservation of the region’s                  to decline. Consumer demand for
                                               of how TVA will meet the demand for                     natural resources. One component of                   renewable and distributed energy
                                               electricity in its service territory over               this mission is the generation,                       resources (including distributed
                                               the next 20 years. The 2015 IRP is being                transmission, and sale of reliable and                generation, storage, demand response,
                                               updated in response to major changes in                 affordable electric energy.                           energy services, and energy efficiency
                                               electrical utility industry trends since
                                                                                                       TVA Power System                                      programs) is growing.
                                               2015, including flat to slightly declining
                                               load growth, advances in the                               TVA operates the nation’s largest                  Proposed Issues To Be Addressed
                                               development of distributed energy                       public power system, providing                           Based on discussions with both
                                               resources and the integration of those                  electricity to about 9 million people in              internal and external stakeholders, TVA
                                               resources in the electric grid. As part of              an 80,000-square mile area comprised of               anticipates that the scope of the IRP EIS
                                               the study, TVA intends to prepare a                     most of Tennessee and parts of Virginia,              will include the cost and reliability of
                                               programmatic EIS to assess the impacts                  North Carolina, Georgia, Alabama,                     power, the availability and use of
                                               associated with the implementation of                   Mississippi, and Kentucky. It provides                renewable and distributed energy
                                               the updated IRP. TVA will use the EIS                   wholesale power to 154 independent                    resources, the effectiveness and
                                               process to elicit and prioritize the                    local power companies and 56 directly                 implementation of demand side
                                               values and concerns of stakeholders;                    served large industries and federal                   management options, the effect of
                                               identify issues, trends, events, and                    facilities. The TVA Act requires the                  energy efficiency programs, and the
                                               tradeoffs affecting TVA’s policies;                     TVA power system to be self-supporting                relationship of the economy to all of
                                               formulate, evaluate and compare                         and operated on a nonprofit basis and                 these options. The IRP EIS will address
                                               alternative portfolios of energy resource               directs TVA to sell power at rates as low             the effects of power production on the
                                               options; provide opportunities for                      as are feasible.                                      environment, including climate change,
                                               public review and comment; and ensure                      Dependable generating capability on                the effects of climate change on the
                                               that TVA’s evaluation of alternative                    the TVA power system is approximately                 Valley, and the waste and byproducts of
                                               energy resource strategies reflects a full              37,000 megawatts. TVA generates most                  TVA’s power operations.
                                               range of stakeholder input. Public                      of the power it distributes with 3                       Because of its nature as a planning
                                               comment is invited concerning both the                  nuclear plants, 7 coal-fired plants, 9                document, the IRP will not identify
                                               scope of the EIS and environmental                      simple-cycle combustion turbine plants,               specific locations for new resource
                                               issues that should be addressed as a part               7 combined-cycle combustion turbine                   options. Site-specific environmental
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               of this EIS.                                            plants, 29 hydroelectric dams, a                      effects of new resource options will be
                                               DATES: To ensure consideration,                         pumped-storage facility, a methane-gas                addressed in later site-specific
                                               comments on the scope and                               cofiring facility, a diesel-fired facility,           assessments tiered off this programmatic
                                               environmental issues must be                            and 16 small solar photovoltaic                       EIS. Therefore, in this programmatic
                                               postmarked, emailed or submitted                        facilities. A portion of delivered power              environmental impact statement, TVA
                                               online no later than April 16, 2018. To                 is provided through long-term power                   anticipates that the environmental
                                               facilitate the scoping process, TVA will                purchase agreements. In 2017, 25                      effects examined will primarily be those

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                                                                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 31 / Wednesday, February 14, 2018 / Notices                                                  6669

                                               at a regional level with some extending                 Power Supply Mix, TVA took into                       draft EIS will be published by the U.S.
                                               to a national or global level. Preliminary              account its least-cost planning                       Environmental Protection Agency in the
                                               issues identified by TVA that will be                   requirement and customer priorities of                Federal Register. TVA will solicit
                                               reviewed in this analysis include:                      power cost and reliability, as well as                written comments on the draft IRP and
                                                  • Emissions of greenhouse gases,                     other comments it received during the                 EIS and also hold public meetings for
                                                  • fuel consumption,                                  public comment periods. The Target                    this purpose. TVA expects to release the
                                                  • air quality,                                       Power Supply Mix established ranges,                  draft IRP and EIS in late 2018. TVA
                                                  • water quality and quantity,                        in MW, for coal plant retirements and                 anticipates issuing the final IRP and EIS
                                                  • waste generation and disposal,                     additions of nuclear, hydroelectric,                  in 2019.
                                                  • land use,                                          demand response, energy efficiency,
                                                  • ecological,                                                                                                Dated: February 8, 2018.
                                                                                                       solar, wind, and natural gas capacity.
                                                  • cultural resources,                                TVA anticipates using an analytical
                                                                                                                                                             M. Susan Smelley,
                                                  • socioeconomic impacts and                          approach similar to that of the 2015 IRP/             Director, Environmental Compliance and
                                               environmental justice.                                                                                        Operations.
                                                                                                       EIS described above. The number of
                                                  TVA invites suggestions concerning                   alternative energy resource strategies                [FR Doc. 2018–03027 Filed 2–13–18; 8:45 am]
                                               the list of issues which should be                      and scenarios to be evaluated may differ              BILLING CODE 8120–08–P
                                               addressed. TVA also invites specific                    from the 2015 IRP/EIS and will be
                                               comments on the questions that will                     determined after the completion of
                                               begin to be answered by this IRP:                       scoping.                                              TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY
                                                  • How do you think energy usage will
                                               change in the next 20 years in the                      Scoping Process                                       Sunshine Act Meeting Notice
                                               Tennessee Valley region?                                   Scoping, which is integral to the                  Meeting No. 18–01
                                                  • Should the diversity of the current                process for implementing NEPA,
                                               power generation mix (e.g., coal, nuclear               provides an early and open process to                    The TVA Board of Directors will hold
                                               power, natural gas, hydro, renewable                    ensure that (1) issues are identified early           a public meeting on February 16, 2018,
                                               resources) change? If so, how?                          and properly studied; (2) issues of little            in the Missionary Ridge Auditorium of
                                                  • How should distributed energy                      significance do not consume substantial               the Chattanooga Office Complex, 1101
                                               resources be considered in TVA                          time and effort; (3) the draft EIS is                 Market Street, Chattanooga, Tennessee.
                                               planning?                                               thorough and balanced; and (4) delays                 The public may comment on any agenda
                                                  • How should energy efficiency and                   caused by an inadequate EIS are                       item or subject at a public listening
                                               demand response be considered in                        avoided.                                              session which begins at 9:30 a.m. (ET).
                                               planning for future energy needs and                       With the help of the public, TVA will              Following the end of the public
                                               how can TVA directly affect electricity                 identify the most effective energy                    listening session, the meeting will be
                                               usage by consumers?                                     resource strategy that will meet TVA’s                called to order to consider the agenda
                                                  • And how will the resource                          mission and serve the people of the                   items listed below. On-site registration
                                               decisions discussed above affect the                    Valley for the next 20 years. To ensure               will be available until 15 minutes before
                                               reliability, dispatchability (ability to                that the full range of issues and a                   the public listening session begins at
                                               turn on or off energy resources) and cost               comprehensive portfolio of energy                     9:30 a.m. (ET). Preregistered speakers
                                               of electricity?                                         resources are addressed, TVA invites                  will address the Board first. TVA
                                                                                                       members of the public as well as                      management will answer questions from
                                               Analytical Approach                                                                                           the news media following the Board
                                                                                                       Federal, state, and local agencies and
                                                  TVA employs a scenario planning                      Indian tribes to comment on the scope                 meeting.
                                               approach when developing an IRP. The                    of the IRP EIS. As part of the IRP process            STATUS: Open.
                                               major steps in this approach include                    and in addition to other public                       Agenda
                                               identifying the future need for power,                  engagement opportunities, TVA is                         Chair’s Welcome
                                               developing scenarios and strategies,                    assembling representatives from key                      Discussion of committee membership
                                               determining potential supply-side and                   stakeholders to participate in a working              Old Business
                                               demand-side energy resource options,                    group that will discuss tradeoffs                        Approval of minutes of the November
                                               developing portfolios associated with                   associated with different resource                          9, 2017, Board Meeting
                                               the strategies and ranking strategies and               options and assist TVA in developing an               New Business
                                               portfolios. The 2015 IRP, developed                     optimal energy resource strategy.                        1. Report from President and CEO
                                               with extensive public involvement,                         Comments on the scope of this IRP                     2. Report of the Finance, Rates, and
                                               evaluated six alternative energy                        EIS should be submitted no later than                       Portfolio Committee
                                               resource strategies which differed in the               the date given under the DATES section                   3. Report of the Audit, Risk, and
                                               amount of purchased power, energy                       of this notice. Any comments received,                      Regulation Committee
                                               efficiency and demand response efforts,                 including names and addresses, will                      4. Report of the Nuclear Oversight
                                               renewable energy resources, nuclear                     become part of the administrative record                    Committee
                                               generating capacity additions, and coal-                and will be available for public                         5. Report of the External Relations
                                               fired generation. The alternative                       inspection.                                                 Committee
                                               strategies were analyzed in the context                    After consideration of the comments                   A. FACA Charter Renewals
                                               of five different scenarios that described              received during this scoping period,                     6. Report of the People and
                                               plausible future economic, financial,                   TVA will summarize public and agency                        Performance Committee
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               regulatory and legislated conditions, as                comments, identify the issues and                        7. Information Items
                                               well as social trends and adoption of                   alternatives to be addressed in the EIS,                 A. Conveyance of Power System
                                               technological innovations. TVA then                     and identify the schedule for                               Assets to a Customer
                                               developed a preferred alternative, the                  completing the EIS process. Following                    B. Committee Membership
                                               Target Power Supply Mix, based on                       analysis of the issues, TVA will prepare                 For more information: Please call
                                               guideline ranges for key energy                         a draft EIS for public review and                     TVA Media Relations at (865) 632–6000,
                                               resources. In developing the Target                     comment. Notice of availability of the                Knoxville, Tennessee. People who plan

                                          VerDate Sep<11>2014   22:07 Feb 13, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00163   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\14FEN1.SGM   14FEN1

Document Created: 2018-02-14 03:59:30
Document Modified: 2018-02-14 03:59:30
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice of intent.
DatesTo ensure consideration, comments on the scope and environmental issues must be postmarked, emailed or submitted online no later than April 16, 2018. To facilitate the scoping process, TVA will hold public scoping meetings; see http://www.tva.gov/irp for more information on the meetings.
ContactFor general information about the NEPA
FR Citation83 FR 6668 

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