83_FR_7398 83 FR 7363 - Amendment of Class E Airspace; Hanford, CA

83 FR 7363 - Amendment of Class E Airspace; Hanford, CA

Federal Aviation Administration

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 35 (February 21, 2018)

Page Range7363-7365
FR Document2018-03409

This action amends Class E airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface at Hanford Municipal Airport, Hanford, CA, by enlarging the airspace to accommodate area navigation (RNAV) procedures at the airport, removing the Visalia VHF omnidirectional range/distance measuring equipment (VOR/DME) from the airspace description, and amending the geographic coordinates of the airport. This action also removes Blair Airport from the airport description as the airport no longer exists. This action is necessary for the safety and management of instrument flight rules (IFR) operations at the airport.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 35 (Wednesday, February 21, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 35 (Wednesday, February 21, 2018)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 7363-7365]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-03409]



Federal Aviation Administration

14 CFR Part 71

[Docket No. FAA-2017-0856; Airspace Docket No. 17-AWP-10]

Amendment of Class E Airspace; Hanford, CA

AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT.

ACTION: Final rule.


[[Page 7364]]

SUMMARY: This action amends Class E airspace extending upward from 700 
feet above the surface at Hanford Municipal Airport, Hanford, CA, by 
enlarging the airspace to accommodate area navigation (RNAV) procedures 
at the airport, removing the Visalia VHF omnidirectional range/distance 
measuring equipment (VOR/DME) from the airspace description, and 
amending the geographic coordinates of the airport. This action also 
removes Blair Airport from the airport description as the airport no 
longer exists. This action is necessary for the safety and management 
of instrument flight rules (IFR) operations at the airport.

DATES: Effective 0901 UTC, May 24, 2018. The Director of the Federal 
Register approves this incorporation by reference action under Title 1, 
Code of Federal Regulations, part 51, subject to the annual revision of 
FAA Order 7400.11 and publication of conforming amendments.

ADDRESSES: FAA Order 7400.11B, Airspace Designations and Reporting 
Points, and subsequent amendments can be viewed online at http://www.faa.gov/air_traffic/publications/. For further information, you can 
contact the Airspace Policy Group, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 
Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20591; telephone: (202) 267-
8783. The Order is also available for inspection at the National 
Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the 
availability of this material at NARA, call (202) 741-6030, or go to 
    FAA Order 7400.11, Airspace Designations and Reporting Points, is 
published yearly and effective on September 15.

Administration, Operations Support Group, Western Service Center, 1601 
Lind Avenue SW, Renton, WA 98057; telephone (425) 203-4511.


Authority for This Rulemaking

    The FAA's authority to issue rules regarding aviation safety is 
found in Title 49 of the United States Code. Subtitle I, Section 106 
describes the authority of the FAA Administrator. Subtitle VII, 
Aviation Programs, describes in more detail the scope of the agency's 
authority. This rulemaking is promulgated under the authority described 
in Subtitle VII, Part A, Subpart I, Section 40103. Under that section, 
the FAA is charged with prescribing regulations to assign the use of 
airspace necessary to ensure the safety of aircraft and the efficient 
use of airspace. This regulation is within the scope of that authority 
as it amends Class E airspace at Hanford Municipal Airport, Hanford, 
CA, to support instrument flight rules (IFR) operations at the airport.


    The FAA published a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) in the 
Federal Register for Docket No. FAA-2017-0856 (82 FR 50594; November 1, 
2017) proposing to amend Class E airspace extending upward from 700 
feet above the surface at Hanford Municipal Airport, Hanford, CA. 
Interested parties were invited to participate in this rulemaking 
effort by submitting written comments on the proposal to the FAA. No 
comments were received.
    The FAA inadvertently omitted in the NPRM that the geographic 
coordinates of the airport are adjusted and makes the notation in the 
rule. Except for this notation, this rule is the same as published in 
the NPRM.
    Class E airspace designations are published in paragraph 6005 of 
FAA Order 7400.11B, dated August 3, 2017, and effective September 15, 
2017, which is incorporated by reference in 14 CFR 71.1. The Class E 
airspace designation listed in this document will be published 
subsequently in the Order.

Availability and Summary of Documents for Incorporation by Reference

    This document amends FAA Order 7400.11B, Airspace Designations and 
Reporting Points, dated August 3, 2017, and effective September 15, 
2017. FAA Order 7400.11B is publicly available as listed in the 
ADDRESSES section of this document. FAA Order 7400.11B lists Class A, 
B, C, D, and E airspace areas, air traffic service routes, and 
reporting points.

The Rule

    The FAA is amending title 14 Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) 
part 71 by amending Class E airspace extending upward from 700 feet 
above the surface at Hanford Municipal Airport, Hanford, CA, to 
accommodate area navigation (RNAV) procedures at the airport. The Class 
E airspace area is modified to within 1.8 miles southwest and 3.2 miles 
northeast of the 332[deg] bearing from the airport extending to 6.2 
miles northwest of the airport (from within a 2.6-mile radius), and 
within 1.8 miles southwest and 3.2 miles northeast (from within 1.5 
miles each side) of the 152[deg] bearing from the airport extending to 
6.2 miles southeast of the airport (from 5 miles southeast), and within 
1.3 miles each side of the 067[deg] bearing from the airport (from 1.8 
miles north and 2.3 miles south of the Visalia VOR/DME) extending to 
7.7 miles northeast of the airport.
    Also, this action amends the geographic coordinates for the 
airport, removes the reference to the Visalia VOR/DME in the legal 
description as the FAA transitions from ground-based to satellite-based 
navigation; and removes Blair Airport from the legal description as the 
airport no longer exists.

Regulatory Notices and Analyses

    The FAA has determined that this regulation only involves an 
established body of technical regulations for which frequent and 
routine amendments are necessary to keep them operationally current, is 
non-controversial and unlikely to result in adverse or negative 
comments. It, therefore: (1) Is not a ``significant regulatory action'' 
under Executive Order 12866; (2) is not a ``significant rule'' under 
DOT Regulatory Policies and Procedures (44 FR 11034; February 26, 
1979); and (3) does not warrant preparation of a Regulatory Evaluation 
as the anticipated impact is so minimal. Since this is a routine matter 
that only affects air traffic procedures and air navigation, it is 
certified that this rule, when promulgated, will not have a significant 
economic impact on a substantial number of small entities under the 
criteria of the Regulatory Flexibility Act.

Environmental Review

    The FAA has determined that this action qualifies for categorical 
exclusion under the National Environmental Policy Act in accordance 
with FAA Order 1050.1F, ``Environmental Impacts: Policies and 
Procedures,'' paragraph 5-6.5a. This airspace action is not expected to 
cause any potentially significant environmental impacts, and no 
extraordinary circumstances exist that warrant preparation of an 
environmental assessment.

Lists of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 71

    Airspace, Incorporation by reference, Navigation (air).

Adoption of the Amendment

    In consideration of the foregoing, the Federal Aviation 
Administration amends 14 CFR part 71 as follows:

[[Page 7365]]


1. The authority citation for part 71 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(f), 106(g); 40103, 40113, 40120; E.O. 
10854, 24 FR 9565, 3 CFR, 1959-1963 Comp., p. 389.

Sec.  71.1   [Amended]

2. The incorporation by reference in 14 CFR 71.1 of FAA Order 7400.11B, 
Airspace Designations and Reporting Points, dated August 3, 2017, and 
effective September 15, 2017, is amended as follows:

Paragraph 6005 Class E Airspace Areas Extending Upward From 700 
Feet or More Above the Surface of the Earth.

* * * * *

AWP CA E5 Hanford, CA [Amended]

Hanford Municipal Airport, CA
    (Lat. 36[deg]19'00'' N, long. 119[deg]37'40'' W)

    That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface 
within 1.8 miles southwest and 3.2 miles northeast of a 332[deg] 
bearing from Hanford Municipal Airport extending to 6.2 miles 
northwest of the airport, and within 1.8 miles southwest and 3.2 
miles northeast of a 152[deg] bearing from the airport extending to 
6.2 miles southeast of the airport, and within 1.3 miles each side 
of a 067[deg] bearing from the airport extending to 7.7 miles 
northeast of the airport.

    Issued in Seattle, Washington, on February 7, 2018.
B.G. Chew,
Acting Manager, Operations Support Group, Western Service Center.
[FR Doc. 2018-03409 Filed 2-20-18; 8:45 am]

                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 35 / Wednesday, February 21, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                              7363

                                             respectively, rounded to the nearest                     Executive Order 13771                                 § 107.665     [Amended]
                                             dollar.                                                                                                        ■ 2. In § 107.665, remove ‘‘$254’’ and
                                                                                                        This rule is not an Executive Order
                                             III. Justification for Final Rule                        13771 regulatory action because this                  add in its place ‘‘$259’’.
                                                The Inflation Adjustment Act                          rule is not significant under Executive
                                                                                                                                                            PART 120—BUSINESS LOANS
                                             provides that agencies shall annually                    Order 12866.
                                             adjust civil monetary penalties for                      Paperwork Reduction Act                               ■ 3. The authority citation for part 120
                                             inflation notwithstanding Section 553 of                                                                       continues to read as follows:
                                             the APA. Additionally, the Inflation                       SBA has determined that this rule                      Authority: 15 U.S.C. 634(b)(6), (b)(7),
                                             Adjustment Act provides a                                does not impose additional reporting or               (b)(14), (h) and note, 636(a), (h) and (m), 650,
                                             nondiscretionary cost-of-living formula                  recordkeeping requirements.                           687(f), 696(3) and 697(a) and (e); Pub. L. 111–
                                             for annual adjustment of the civil                                                                             5, 123 Stat. 115; Pub. L. 111–240, 124 Stat.
                                                                                                      Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)
                                             monetary penalties. For these reasons,                                                                         2504; Pub. L. 114–38, 129 Stat. 437.
                                             the requirements in sections 553(b), (c),                   The RFA requires agencies to consider
                                             and (d) of the APA, relating to notice                                                                         § 120.465     [Amended]
                                                                                                      the effect of their regulatory actions on
                                             and comment and requiring that a rule                    small entities, including small non-                  ■ 4. In § 120.465, amend paragraph (b)
                                             be effective 30 days after publication in                profit businesses, and small local                    by removing ‘‘$6,331’’ and adding in its
                                             the Federal Register, are inapplicable.                  governments. Pursuant to the RFA,                     place ‘‘$6,460’’.
                                             IV. Justification for Immediate Effective                when an agency issues a rule the agency
                                                                                                      must prepare an analysis that describes               PART 142—PROGRAM FRAUD CIVIL
                                             Date                                                                                                           REMEDIES ACT REGULATIONS
                                                                                                      whether the impact of the rule will have
                                                Section 553(d) requires agencies to                   a significant economic impact on a
                                             publish their rules at least 30 days                                                                           ■ 5. The authority citation for part 142
                                                                                                      substantial number of such small                      continues to read as follows:
                                             before their effective dates, except if the              entities. However, the RFA requires
                                             agency finds for good cause that the                     such analysis only where notice and                     Authority: 15 U.S.C. 634(b); 31 U.S.C.
                                             delay is impracticable, unnecessary, or                  comment rulemaking is required. As                    3803(g)(2).
                                             contrary to the public interest. By                      stated above, SBA has express statutory
                                             expressly exempting this rule from                                                                             § 142.1    [Amended]
                                                                                                      authority to issue this rule without
                                             section 553, the 2015 Inflation                          regard to the notice and comment                      ■ 6. In § 142.1, amend paragraph (b) by
                                             Adjustment Improvements Act has                          requirement of the Administrative                     removing ‘‘$10,781’’ and adding in its
                                             provided SBA with the good cause                         Procedure Act. Since notice and                       place ‘‘$11,181’’.
                                             justification for this rule to become                    comment is not required before this rule
                                             effective on the date it is published in                                                                       PART 146—NEW RESTRICTIONS ON
                                                                                                      is issued, SBA is not required to prepare             LOBBYING
                                             the Federal Register.                                    a regulatory analysis.
                                             Compliance With Executive Orders                         List of Subjects                                      ■ 7. The authority citation for part 146
                                             12866, 12988, 13132, 13771, and the                                                                            continues to read as follows:
                                             Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. Ch.                   13 CFR Part 107
                                                                                                                                                              Authority: Section 319, Pub. L. 101–121
                                             35) and the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5                                                                      (31 U.S.C. 1352); 15 U.S.C. 634(b)(6).
                                                                                                        Investment companies, Loan
                                             U.S.C. 601–612)
                                                                                                      programs—business, Reporting and                      § 146.400     [Amended]
                                             Executive Order 12866                                    recordkeeping requirements, Small
                                                The Office of Management and Budget                   businesses.                                           ■  8. In § 146.400, amend paragraphs (a),
                                             has determined that this final rule is not                                                                     (b), and (e) by removing ‘‘$19,246’’
                                                                                                      13 CFR Part 120                                       wherever it appears and adding in its
                                             a significant regulatory action under
                                             Executive Order 12866. This is also not                    Loan programs—business, Reporting                   place ‘‘$19,639’’ and by removing
                                             a major rule under the Congressional                     and recordkeeping requirements, Small                 ‘‘$192,459’’ and adding in its place
                                             Review Act, 5 U.S.C. 800.                                businesses.                                           ‘‘$196,387’’.
                                                                                                                                                              Dated: February 12, 2018.
                                             Executive Order 12988                                    13 CFR Part 142
                                                                                                                                                            Linda E. McMahon,
                                                This action meets applicable                            Administrative practice and                         Administrator.
                                             standards set forth in Sections 3(a) and                 procedure, Claims, Fraud, Penalties.                  [FR Doc. 2018–03490 Filed 2–20–18; 8:45 am]
                                             3(b)(2) of Executive Order 12988, Civil
                                                                                                      13 CFR Part 146                                       BILLING CODE 8025–01–P
                                             Justice Reform, to minimize litigation,
                                             eliminate ambiguity, and reduce                            Government contracts, Grant
                                             burden. The action does not have                         programs, Loan programs, Lobbying,
                                             retroactive or preemptive effect.                                                                              DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION
                                                                                                      Penalties, Reporting and recordkeeping
                                             Executive Order 13132                                    requirements.                                         Federal Aviation Administration
                                               For the purpose of Executive Order                       For the reasons set forth in the
                                             13132, SBA has determined that the rule                  preamble, SBA amends 13 CFR parts                     14 CFR Part 71
                                             will not have substantial direct effects                 107, 120, 142, and 146 as follows:                    [Docket No. FAA–2017–0856; Airspace
                                             on the States, on the relationship                                                                             Docket No. 17–AWP–10]
                                             between the national government and                      PART 107—SMALL BUSINESS
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with RULES

                                             the States, or on the distribution of                    INVESTMENT COMPANIES                                  Amendment of Class E Airspace;
                                             power and responsibilities among the                                                                           Hanford, CA
                                             various levels of government. Therefore,                 ■ 1. The authority citation for part 107
                                                                                                                                                            AGENCY:  Federal Aviation
                                             this final rule has no federalism                        continues to read as follows:
                                                                                                                                                            Administration (FAA), DOT.
                                             implications warranting preparation of a                   Authority: 15 U.S.C. 681, 683, 687(c), 687b,        ACTION: Final rule.
                                             federalism assessment.                                   687d, 687g, 687m.

                                        VerDate Sep<11>2014    16:21 Feb 20, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00007   Fmt 4700   Sfmt 4700   E:\FR\FM\21FER1.SGM    21FER1

                                             7364             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 35 / Wednesday, February 21, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                             SUMMARY:    This action amends Class E                   of airspace necessary to ensure the                   miles southeast of the airport (from 5
                                             airspace extending upward from 700                       safety of aircraft and the efficient use of           miles southeast), and within 1.3 miles
                                             feet above the surface at Hanford                        airspace. This regulation is within the               each side of the 067° bearing from the
                                             Municipal Airport, Hanford, CA, by                       scope of that authority as it amends                  airport (from 1.8 miles north and 2.3
                                             enlarging the airspace to accommodate                    Class E airspace at Hanford Municipal                 miles south of the Visalia VOR/DME)
                                             area navigation (RNAV) procedures at                     Airport, Hanford, CA, to support                      extending to 7.7 miles northeast of the
                                             the airport, removing the Visalia VHF                    instrument flight rules (IFR) operations              airport.
                                             omnidirectional range/distance                           at the airport.
                                             measuring equipment (VOR/DME) from                                                                               Also, this action amends the
                                                                                                      History                                               geographic coordinates for the airport,
                                             the airspace description, and amending
                                             the geographic coordinates of the                           The FAA published a notice of                      removes the reference to the Visalia
                                             airport. This action also removes Blair                  proposed rulemaking (NPRM) in the                     VOR/DME in the legal description as the
                                             Airport from the airport description as                  Federal Register for Docket No. FAA–                  FAA transitions from ground-based to
                                             the airport no longer exists. This action                2017–0856 (82 FR 50594; November 1,                   satellite-based navigation; and removes
                                             is necessary for the safety and                          2017) proposing to amend Class E                      Blair Airport from the legal description
                                             management of instrument flight rules                    airspace extending upward from 700                    as the airport no longer exists.
                                             (IFR) operations at the airport.                         feet above the surface at Hanford
                                                                                                      Municipal Airport, Hanford, CA.                       Regulatory Notices and Analyses
                                             DATES: Effective 0901 UTC, May 24,
                                             2018. The Director of the Federal                        Interested parties were invited to                       The FAA has determined that this
                                             Register approves this incorporation by                  participate in this rulemaking effort by              regulation only involves an established
                                             reference action under Title 1, Code of                  submitting written comments on the
                                                                                                                                                            body of technical regulations for which
                                             Federal Regulations, part 51, subject to                 proposal to the FAA. No comments
                                                                                                                                                            frequent and routine amendments are
                                             the annual revision of FAA Order                         were received.
                                                                                                         The FAA inadvertently omitted in the               necessary to keep them operationally
                                             7400.11 and publication of conforming                                                                          current, is non-controversial and
                                             amendments.                                              NPRM that the geographic coordinates
                                                                                                      of the airport are adjusted and makes                 unlikely to result in adverse or negative
                                             ADDRESSES: FAA Order 7400.11B,                                                                                 comments. It, therefore: (1) Is not a
                                                                                                      the notation in the rule. Except for this
                                             Airspace Designations and Reporting                      notation, this rule is the same as                    ‘‘significant regulatory action’’ under
                                             Points, and subsequent amendments can                    published in the NPRM.                                Executive Order 12866; (2) is not a
                                             be viewed online at http://www.faa.gov/                     Class E airspace designations are                  ‘‘significant rule’’ under DOT
                                             air_traffic/publications/. For further                   published in paragraph 6005 of FAA                    Regulatory Policies and Procedures (44
                                             information, you can contact the                         Order 7400.11B, dated August 3, 2017,                 FR 11034; February 26, 1979); and (3)
                                             Airspace Policy Group, Federal Aviation                  and effective September 15, 2017, which               does not warrant preparation of a
                                             Administration, 800 Independence                         is incorporated by reference in 14 CFR                Regulatory Evaluation as the anticipated
                                             Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20591;                         71.1. The Class E airspace designation                impact is so minimal. Since this is a
                                             telephone: (202) 267–8783. The Order is                  listed in this document will be                       routine matter that only affects air traffic
                                             also available for inspection at the                     published subsequently in the Order.
                                             National Archives and Records                                                                                  procedures and air navigation, it is
                                             Administration (NARA). For                               Availability and Summary of                           certified that this rule, when
                                             information on the availability of this                  Documents for Incorporation by                        promulgated, will not have a significant
                                             material at NARA, call (202) 741–6030,                   Reference                                             economic impact on a substantial
                                             or go to https://www.archives.gov/                          This document amends FAA Order                     number of small entities under the
                                             federal-register/cfr/ibr-locations.html.                 7400.11B, Airspace Designations and                   criteria of the Regulatory Flexibility Act.
                                                FAA Order 7400.11, Airspace                           Reporting Points, dated August 3, 2017,               Environmental Review
                                             Designations and Reporting Points, is                    and effective September 15, 2017. FAA
                                             published yearly and effective on                        Order 7400.11B is publicly available as                  The FAA has determined that this
                                             September 15.                                            listed in the ADDRESSES section of this               action qualifies for categorical exclusion
                                             FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Tom                     document. FAA Order 7400.11B lists                    under the National Environmental
                                             Clark, Federal Aviation Administration,                  Class A, B, C, D, and E airspace areas,               Policy Act in accordance with FAA
                                             Operations Support Group, Western                        air traffic service routes, and reporting             Order 1050.1F, ‘‘Environmental
                                             Service Center, 1601 Lind Avenue SW,                     points.                                               Impacts: Policies and Procedures,’’
                                             Renton, WA 98057; telephone (425)                                                                              paragraph 5–6.5a. This airspace action
                                             203–4511.                                                The Rule
                                                                                                                                                            is not expected to cause any potentially
                                             SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                                  The FAA is amending title 14 Code of
                                                                                                                                                            significant environmental impacts, and
                                                                                                      Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 71 by
                                             Authority for This Rulemaking                                                                                  no extraordinary circumstances exist
                                                                                                      amending Class E airspace extending
                                                                                                                                                            that warrant preparation of an
                                               The FAA’s authority to issue rules                     upward from 700 feet above the surface
                                             regarding aviation safety is found in                    at Hanford Municipal Airport, Hanford,                environmental assessment.
                                             Title 49 of the United States Code.                      CA, to accommodate area navigation                    Lists of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 71
                                             Subtitle I, Section 106 describes the                    (RNAV) procedures at the airport. The
                                             authority of the FAA Administrator.                      Class E airspace area is modified to                   Airspace, Incorporation by reference,
                                             Subtitle VII, Aviation Programs,                         within 1.8 miles southwest and 3.2                    Navigation (air).
                                             describes in more detail the scope of the                miles northeast of the 332° bearing from
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with RULES

                                                                                                                                                            Adoption of the Amendment
                                             agency’s authority. This rulemaking is                   the airport extending to 6.2 miles
                                             promulgated under the authority                          northwest of the airport (from within a                 In consideration of the foregoing, the
                                             described in Subtitle VII, Part A,                       2.6-mile radius), and within 1.8 miles                Federal Aviation Administration
                                             Subpart I, Section 40103. Under that                     southwest and 3.2 miles northeast (from               amends 14 CFR part 71 as follows:
                                             section, the FAA is charged with                         within 1.5 miles each side) of the 152°
                                             prescribing regulations to assign the use                bearing from the airport extending to 6.2

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                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 35 / Wednesday, February 21, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                            7365

                                             PART 71—DESIGNATION OF CLASS A,                            DATES:  Effective 0901 UTC, May 24,                   Interested parties were invited to
                                             B, C, D, AND E AIRSPACE AREAS; AIR                         2018. The Director of the Federal                     participate in this rulemaking effort by
                                             TRAFFIC SERVICE ROUTES; AND                                Register approves this incorporation by               submitting written comments on the
                                             REPORTING POINTS                                           reference action under Title 1, Code of               proposal to the FAA. No comments
                                                                                                        Federal Regulations, part 51, subject to              were received.
                                             ■ 1. The authority citation for part 71                    the annual revision of FAA Order                         Class E airspace designations are
                                             continues to read as follows:                              7400.11 and publication of conforming                 published in paragraph 6005 of FAA
                                               Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(f), 106(g); 40103,              amendments.                                           Order 7400.11B, dated August 3, 2017,
                                             40113, 40120; E.O. 10854, 24 FR 9565, 3 CFR,               ADDRESSES: FAA Order 7400.11B,                        and effective September 15, 2017, which
                                             1959–1963 Comp., p. 389.                                   Airspace Designations and Reporting                   is incorporated by reference in 14 CFR
                                                                                                        Points, and subsequent amendments can                 71.1. The Class E airspace designation
                                             § 71.1       [Amended]
                                                                                                        be viewed online at http://www.faa.gov/               listed in this document will be
                                             ■ 2. The incorporation by reference in                     air_traffic/publications/. For further                published subsequently in the Order.
                                             14 CFR 71.1 of FAA Order 7400.11B,                         information, you can contact the
                                             Airspace Designations and Reporting                                                                              Availability and Summary of
                                                                                                        Airspace Policy Group, Federal Aviation               Documents for Incorporation by
                                             Points, dated August 3, 2017, and                          Administration, 800 Independence
                                             effective September 15, 2017, is                                                                                 Reference
                                                                                                        Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20591;
                                             amended as follows:                                        telephone: (202) 267–8783. The Order is                  This document amends FAA Order
                                                                                                        also available for inspection at the                  7400.11B, Airspace Designations and
                                             Paragraph 6005 Class E Airspace Areas
                                             Extending Upward From 700 Feet or More                     National Archives and Records                         Reporting Points, dated August 3, 2017,
                                             Above the Surface of the Earth.                            Administration (NARA). For                            and effective September 15, 2017. FAA
                                             *        *      *       *      *                           information on the availability of this               Order 7400.11B is publicly available as
                                                                                                        material at NARA, call (202) 741–6030,                listed in the ADDRESSES section of this
                                             AWP CA E5 Hanford, CA [Amended]                                                                                  document. FAA Order 7400.11B lists
                                                                                                        or go to https://www.archives.gov/
                                             Hanford Municipal Airport, CA                              federal-register/cfr/ibr-locations.html.              Class A, B, C, D, and E airspace areas,
                                               (Lat. 36°19′00″ N, long. 119°37′40″ W)                                                                         air traffic service routes, and reporting
                                                                                                           FAA Order 7400.11, Airspace
                                               That airspace extending upward from 700                  Designations and Reporting Points, is                 points.
                                             feet above the surface within 1.8 miles
                                             southwest and 3.2 miles northeast of a 332°                published yearly and effective on                     The Rule
                                             bearing from Hanford Municipal Airport                     September 15.                                           The FAA is amending Title 14 Code
                                             extending to 6.2 miles northwest of the                    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Tom                  of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 71
                                             airport, and within 1.8 miles southwest and                Clark, Federal Aviation Administration,               by establishing Class E airspace
                                             3.2 miles northeast of a 152° bearing from the             Operations Support Group, Western
                                             airport extending to 6.2 miles southeast of
                                                                                                                                                              extending upward from 700 feet above
                                                                                                        Service Center, 2200 S 216th Street, Des              the surface at Rangely Airport, Rangely,
                                             the airport, and within 1.3 miles each side of
                                                                                                        Moines, WA 98198; telephone (206)                     CO, within an area approximately 10
                                             a 067° bearing from the airport extending to
                                             7.7 miles northeast of the airport.                        231–2253.                                             miles wide, from north to south, and
                                                                                                        SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                            extending to approximately 10 miles
                                                Issued in Seattle, Washington, on February
                                             7, 2018.                                                   Authority for This Rulemaking                         east and 12 miles west of the airport.
                                             B.G. Chew,                                                   The FAA’s authority to issue rules                  Regulatory Notices and Analyses
                                             Acting Manager, Operations Support Group,                  regarding aviation safety is found in                    The FAA has determined that this
                                             Western Service Center.                                    Title 49 of the United States Code.                   regulation only involves an established
                                             [FR Doc. 2018–03409 Filed 2–20–18; 8:45 am]                Subtitle I, Section 106 describes the                 body of technical regulations for which
                                             BILLING CODE 4910–13–P                                     authority of the FAA Administrator.                   frequent and routine amendments are
                                                                                                        Subtitle VII, Aviation Programs,                      necessary to keep them operationally
                                                                                                        describes in more detail the scope of the             current, is non-controversial and
                                             DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION                               agency’s authority. This rulemaking is                unlikely to result in adverse or negative
                                             Federal Aviation Administration                            promulgated under the authority                       comments. It, therefore: (1) Is not a
                                                                                                        described in Subtitle VII, Part A,                    ‘‘significant regulatory action’’ under
                                             14 CFR Part 71                                             Subpart I, Section 40103. Under that                  Executive Order 12866; (2) is not a
                                                                                                        section, the FAA is charged with                      ‘‘significant rule’’ under DOT
                                             [Docket No. FAA–2017–0972; Airspace                        prescribing regulations to assign the use             Regulatory Policies and Procedures (44
                                             Docket No. 16–ANM–9]                                       of airspace necessary to ensure the                   FR 11034; February 26, 1979); and (3)
                                                                                                        safety of aircraft and the efficient use of           does not warrant preparation of a
                                             Establishment of Class E Airspace,                         airspace. This regulation is within the               Regulatory Evaluation as the anticipated
                                             Rangely, CO                                                scope of that authority as it establishes             impact is so minimal. Since this is a
                                             AGENCY:  Federal Aviation                                  Class E airspace extending upward from                routine matter that only affects air traffic
                                             Administration (FAA), DOT.                                 700 feet above the earth at Rangely                   procedures and air navigation, it is
                                             ACTION: Final rule.                                        Airport, Rangely, CO, to support IFR                  certified that this rule, when
                                                                                                        operations at the airport.                            promulgated, will not have a significant
                                             SUMMARY:   This action establishes Class                                                                         economic impact on a substantial
                                             E airspace extending upward from 700                       History
                                                                                                                                                              number of small entities under the
                                             feet above the surface, at Rangely                            The FAA published a notice of
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with RULES

                                                                                                                                                              criteria of the Regulatory Flexibility Act.
                                             Airport, Rangely, CO, to accommodate                       proposed rulemaking in the Federal
                                             new area navigation (RNAV) procedures                      Register (82 FR 57554; December 6,                    Environmental Review
                                             at the airport. This action ensures the                    2017) for Docket No. FAA–2017–0972 to                   The FAA has determined that this
                                             safety and management of instrument                        establish Class E airspace extending                  action qualifies for categorical exclusion
                                             flight rules (IFR) operations within the                   upward from 700 feet above the surface                under the National Environmental
                                             National Airspace System.                                  at Rangely Airport, Rangely, CO.                      Policy Act in accordance with FAA

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Document Created: 2018-02-21 01:48:56
Document Modified: 2018-02-21 01:48:56
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionRules and Regulations
ActionFinal rule.
DatesEffective 0901 UTC, May 24, 2018. The Director of the Federal Register approves this incorporation by reference action under Title 1, Code of Federal Regulations, part 51, subject to the annual revision of FAA Order 7400.11 and publication of conforming amendments.
ContactTom Clark, Federal Aviation Administration, Operations Support Group, Western Service Center, 1601 Lind Avenue SW, Renton, WA 98057; telephone (425) 203-4511.
FR Citation83 FR 7363 
CFR AssociatedAirspace; Incorporation by Reference and Navigation (air)

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